Chamomile essential oil. Chamomile oil: general information, properties and effect of the plant on the skin. Good use of chamomile oil for acne

Essential oil chamomile (also known as chamomile oil) - a component of the inflorescences of chamomile, or Roman chamomile, which, after distillation of the raw materials, is obtained in large quantities and is used for medical and cosmetic purposes.

A bottle of undiluted chamomile oil

In medicine and cosmetology, chamomile essential oil is understood as a ready-to-use preparation that can be purchased ready-made in pharmacies.

It is important to distinguish pure chamomile oil from some other drugs:

  1. Chamomile oil extract, obtained by infusing flowers in various vegetable oils;
  2. Various oils to which either chamomile oil is added as one of the components or chamomile extract. Such products are produced by various cosmetic brands - Spivak, Nasha Mama, Nivea, Darphin (a mixture of oils with the addition of chamomile) and others.

An example of an oil blend that has either chamomile oil or chamomile extract added to it.

These preparations are not pure chamomile essential oil and differ significantly from it in their properties.

INCI name for chamomile essential oil: Matricaria Recutita Flower Oil.

General physical properties of chamomile oil

Chamomile oil itself is very noticeable because of its color: it is blue. The photo shows a bottle of it:

This is precisely the essential oil of chamomile, the flowers of which themselves are not blue. Therefore, there is an opinion that the essential oil is made from a certain “blue” chamomile, different from the pharmacy one. This is a misconception: blue chamomile is not used in medicine or for the production of medicinal raw materials, and this blue oil is obtained precisely from chamomile flowers.

Chamomile oil is often diluted with alcohol to obtain a less concentrated preparation. In this case, it acquires a soft blue color.

On a note

It is interesting that undiluted chamomile oil is very greasy and sticks tightly to the glass, and therefore practically does not completely pour out of the glass vessel - some of it remains on the glass. For this reason, it is usually bottled in metal flasks. When diluted with alcohol, the “stickiness” of the oil decreases.

There is a second type of chamomile essential oil, prepared from Roman chamomile flowers. It has green color, turning yellow as it is stored. The photo shows a bottle of it:

The cosmetic and pharmaceutical properties of these types of oils are similar, but chamomile oil is used more often due to both its traditional nature and the greater availability of raw materials.

During long-term storage, the color of the oil changes. Initially blue, it turns green over time, then turns brown, until finally it is just a dirty yellow color. Due to this ability, it is possible to determine the age of the drug: if chamomile oil on sale has a brown color or the typical color of vegetable oil, it is no longer fresh. Which, by the way, has virtually no effect on its medicinal and cosmetic properties.

The color change of oil is accelerated if it is stored in an open container, exposed to light and in a warm place. Therefore for long-term storage it is poured into containers, filled so that there is no air left inside, and placed in a dark, cold place.

The oil extract of chamomile does not have such a pronounced blue color, but looks usually, just like the base in which the flowers were extracted. Therefore, pure essential oil is easy to distinguish from extracted one, but infused and lost color is much more difficult.

The smell of chamomile oil is quite rich, pronounced, and the aroma of herbs is felt in it. At the same time, the oil smells like other chamomile preparations - its aroma has a pronounced bitterness with a note of hay, but at the same time it is warm, thick and rich, it can even be called somewhat heavy. However, it is precisely due to this density that it is considered a soothing scent: people familiar with it describe the sensation of inhaling it as being wrapped in a heavy, warm blanket - it is the massiveness that provides calm.

Interestingly, different fractions of chamomile essential oil smell differently. The fraction distilled first, which does not have a pronounced color, smells tart and bitter. The fraction, distilled at 300°C and having a blue color, smells gentle and pleasant.

Composition of chamomile essential oil

Chamomile oil contains: a large number of biologically active substances, including those that are very beneficial for the human body.

On the left is old, on the right is fresh Roman chamomile oil.

The most famous of the components of this oil is chamazulene, which determines the main properties of the oil. It exhibits pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity, has anti-asthmatic and antibacterial effect. This is what determines the main properties of chamomile oil.

The oil also contains:

  1. Flavonoids known as powerful antioxidants, and their content in chamomile oil is higher than in essential oils of many popular in folk medicine herbs, including in preparations of medicinal marigold and yarrow;
  2. Apigenin;
  3. Bisabolol (also known as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent);
  4. Tannins that cause an astringent effect;
  5. Provitamin A and vitamin C;
  6. Plant sterols;
  7. Coumarins, which provide an anticoagulant effect, that is, preventing the thickening and clotting of blood;
  8. Natural organic acids;
  9. Quercetin.

All of them provide some additional properties or enhance the effects of chamazulene.

It is noteworthy that the shelf life of the oil and its color change chemical composition it doesn't change. Even if the oil has already “faded” and is no longer blue, it retains its properties and can be used in medicine. Only the price of the product and the income of the manufacturer and seller suffer from the intensity of the blue color.

Heavily diluted old chamomile oil may be completely colorless.

On a note

It is noteworthy that the oil of some other flowers, also called chamomile, has significantly different chemical composition and properties. For example, the essential oil of Dalmatian and Persian chamomile (flowers of the genus Pyrethrum) contains powerful natural insecticides - pyrethrins, due to which it has been used since ancient times to combat insects, and on their basis the modern chemical industry produces even more effective pesticides of the pyrethroid group.

Medicinal properties

  • Anti-inflammatory, most clearly manifested when directly treating inflamed tissues with oil, for example, when applying oil to areas of redness with dermatitis, to stye on the eye, to areas of inflammation with rosacea or rosacea;
  • An anesthetic, similarly, manifests itself when treating painful areas of tissue, or those places where itching is severe;
  • Antibacterial, which is used primarily for disinfecting the skin or mucous membranes, or for preparing disinfectant solutions (for this, oil is added to water);
  • Photoprotective, allowing to reduce the effect of sunlight on oil-treated fabrics. In particular, due to this, the oil is added to many sunscreens.

It is also shown that when processing open wounds or ulcers diluted with chamomile oil accelerates their healing and the formation of fresh epithelium. Due to this, the oil can be used not only in cosmetology or in medicine in the treatment of the external integument of the body, but also in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases digestive tract.

The calming effect of chamomile essential oil is also known; when used, a mild sedative effect is manifested. When taken internally, antispasmodic and carminative effects are observed.

A rare example of a commercial product containing natural blue chamomile essential oil.

These properties are almost identical for chamomile and Roman chamomile oils, although traditionally chamomile oil, known specifically as a medicinal oil, is considered more “strong.”

Why is this remedy used in medicine?

In folk medicine, chamomile essential oil is used for diseases, symptomatic treatment which requires anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, less often - in cases where an antibacterial or regenerating effect is necessary.

The bactericidal effect of chamomile oil has been tested by laboratory experiments.

  • Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx - stomatitis, glossitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. They rinse with water with added oil. Cotton swabs soaked in oil are sometimes recommended to be applied to a sore tooth to relieve pain;
  • Rhinitis and sinusitis, for which they usually either do steam inhalations with oil or instill it into the nose. Breathing chamomile oil through a compressor inhaler or nebulizer is strictly prohibited, including the instructions for these devices;
  • Gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis, in which the oil helps relieve abdominal pain and accelerate the regeneration of the epithelium in areas of inflammation;
  • Intestinal spasms, during which peristalsis is normalized and pain caused by spasms goes away;
  • Depression, insomnia, migraines, anxiety, stress, some nervous pathologies- with them, the oil allows you to relax, deconcentrate, and distract from restless thoughts;
  • In high concentrations, on the contrary, the oil promotes arousal nervous system, increased heart rate and increased breathing;
  • For various injuries, open wounds, ulcers, burns - here chamomile oil-based products are applied directly to the injured tissue;
  • Dermatitis, trophic ulcers, rosacea, pustular rashes, eczema, cracked nipples in nursing mothers, breast irritation in them;
  • Stye on the eye, conjunctivitis, blepharitis.

Theoretically, chamomile oil can be used internally in the same way as its other preparations are used - decoction, infusion, alcohol tincture- for various inflammations internal organs: for cystitis, vaginitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis. However, there is no confirmation of the effectiveness of such a technique, namely, they are more familiar and traditional means for such treatment.

Chamomile infusion is quicker to prepare and easier to use than oil.

There are also known instructions for the treatment of varicose veins, other vein diseases, fungal infections and even oncological diseases chamomile oil, however, the feasibility, effectiveness and safety of such prescriptions is questionable.

In particular, special studies showed that no chamomile preparations can effectively suppress fungal infections caused by Candida albicans(simple candidiasis).

In general, chamomile oil is used as a medicine much less often than a decoction, infusion or tea from its flowers. This is due to the fact that the oil is much more expensive than chamomile flowers, and it is much more difficult to buy.

Interestingly, chamomile oil from the pyrethrum genus can also be used in medicine. In particular, Dalmatian chamomile oil is used to treat pediculosis (lice) and scabies and demodicosis.

For what purposes is chamomile essential oil used in cosmetology?

In cosmetology, chamomile oil is used primarily as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

In particular, it is used to reduce the symptoms of such diseases and syndromes:

There are also numerous reviews that chamomile oil helps fight wrinkles on the face and stretch marks on the different areas body, including the buttocks. However, in reality, there are neither theoretical justifications nor practical evidence of such activity of chamomile oil.

Similarly, in many cases, chamomile is used both in medicine and in cosmetology not entirely justified, and reviews about it positive action explained either by the activity of other agents or by the placebo effect.

How else is chamomile oil used without proven effectiveness?

The most famous example of the use of chamomile oil, which is not justified either theoretically or practically, is its use internally for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of those tissues with which the chamomile preparation does not directly contact - the same cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis.

Presumably, chamazulene and some other components of the oil that can have an anti-inflammatory effect can enter the bloodstream and penetrate into inflamed tissues distant from the digestive tract - in this case, the effect of the oil on bladder, kidneys, ovaries, prostate will appear. However, there is no actual evidence of the effectiveness of the oil when used in this way for these diseases.

There are also known attempts and instructions to use chamomile oil to solve the following problems:

  1. Sweaty feet - this use contradicts the very properties of chamomile, which is partly known as a diaphoretic;
  2. Combating split nails - it is not known how oil can affect the manifestations of such a cosmetic defect, or the causes of it;
  3. Excess weight - chamomile oil is practically useless for weight loss;
  4. Heat stroke (in this case, it is recommended to put chamomile lotions on the head). It is possible that the aroma of chamomile oil will stimulate brain activity, but this effect, again, has not been confirmed;
  5. Sprain - similarly, there is no evidence that oil lotions can be effective in this case;
  6. Cellulite - with it, oil is not able to affect the appearance of the skin.

Problems caused by overweight or metabolic disorders, chamomile oil will definitely not solve.

It cannot be said with complete confidence that in all these cases chamomile essential oil is completely useless, but its use can hardly be called advisable, since there are neither theoretical justifications nor practical evidence of the effectiveness of the oil in all these cases.

Traditional medicine recipes

There are many recipes for preparing medicines based on chamomile oil, although in general they are used much less frequently than various preparations based on aqueous solutions of flowers.

The high cost of natural chamomile oil greatly limits its use.

For example, the following recipes are known:

  • To gargle, add 10-12 drops of oil to a glass of boiled water, mix, and then gargle or gargle with the resulting solution;
  • A cotton swab is moistened in undiluted chamomile oil, lightly squeezed and applied to the sore tooth;
  • For oral administration to relieve abdominal pain with gastritis, add 10-15 drops of chamomile oil to half a glass of water, mix and drink;
  • 30 drops of chamomile oil are poured into half a glass of water, stirred, and a large thick cloth swab is soaked in the solution. Then this tampon is placed on the stomach in the area where pain is felt, and the abdominal muscles are gently massaged here;
  • 30 drops of oil are dripped into a liter of water at a temperature of 70-85°C, mixed and inhaled over the mixture for rhinitis, sinusitis, nasopharyngitis;
  • Use undiluted oil to lubricate the edges of open wounds, ulcers, scratches and other skin lesions, as well as places of external inflammation - boils, barley, suppuration.

In aromatherapy, 4-5 drops of chamomile oil are added to the solution in an aroma lamp and turned on (or lit) in the room where the patient will be. This is usually done to treat insomnia, depression, anxiety and similar syndromes.

Likewise, chamomile oil can be added to aromatic oils and their mixtures.

Roman chamomile essential oil for aromatherapy.

Due to the variety of cases in which the benefits of chamomile oil can be manifested, and the breadth of its use, there is no single instruction for its use. In each specific case, the doctor prescribes an individual procedure for taking the drug, its dose and duration of treatment.

However, besides aromatherapy, chamomile oil is rarely used in other cases. Still, buying dried flowers and making a decoction, tea or infusion from them is much cheaper than buying oil; preparing the drug with your own hands at home is not so difficult, and the result will be identical to using oil.

Cosmetology recipes with chamomile oil

In cosmetology, oil is used much more often. At a minimum, adding oil to the composition of various preparations is considered more “prestigious” than doing the same, for example, with a chamomile decoction; secondly, many are confident that the oil is much more effective than aqueous chamomile preparations.

Most often, oil is simply added to ready-made cosmetic products. For this:

  • In various creams for application to the skin, add 1 drop of chamomile oil per single dose;
  • Add 2-3 drops of chamomile oil to the shampoo for a single dose;
  • In various massage oils add 7 drops of chamomile per 10 ml of base oil. This recipe is also relevant for oil used to combat cellulite.

Chamomile oil colors the base preparation in a bluish color, which must be taken into account when carrying out cosmetic procedures.

Separately, preparations are prepared with chamomile oil for facial skin care. There are several recipe options for such remedies:

  • Mix chamomile oil and jojoba oil in equal proportions, and then lubricate your face with it to tighten and smooth it. If rose oil is also added to this mixture, it can be used to moisturize the skin;
  • Prepare a scrub for peeling dry skin - for 50-100 g of candied honey, take 20-25 drops of wheat germ oil and 10-15 drops of chamomile and lavender oils;
    2-3 drops of oil are applied to the site of a squeezed pimple or to the area where herpes blisters are concentrated;
  • For irritation and redness of the facial skin, take 2 drops of chamomile oil and 1 drop each of eucalyptus, juniper and geranium oils per 10 ml of wheat germ oil, mix everything and lubricate the skin with the resulting mixture;
  • Add 1-2 drops of chamomile oil per serving to the liquid soap used for washing, and rinse your face with the resulting product.

Typical vegetable oil(olive or Vaseline) with the addition of chamomile extract.

The following recipes with chamomile oil are used for hair care:

  • Burdock or sea ​​buckthorn oil, or shea butter, add 5-6 drops of chamomile oil per single serving and use it as a hair mask. This recipe is recommended for blondes to make their hair more shiny;
  • Cooking standard decoction dry chamomile flowers and add 5-10 drops of essential chamomile oil per glass of decoction, then rinse light, dry hair with the resulting product to moisturize and strengthen it;
  • One tablespoon of olive oil is mixed with one egg yolk and 4-5 drops of chamomile oil, and then the resulting mixture is applied to the scalp for half an hour to eliminate dandruff and itching. After half an hour, wash off the mask.

Such cosmetic procedures designed specifically for use clean oil chamomile, and not on the use of mixtures of other vegetable oils with the addition liquid extract daisies. This should be remembered, since “extract oil”, in which the main part is a neutral ingredient, has significantly less pronounced medicinal and cosmetic properties than chamomile oil in its pure form.

Side effects and possible harm from using chamomile oil

Due to its high biological activity chamomile oil can cause various side effects and in some cases contraindicated for use.

In particular, both when used externally and when consumed internally, it can cause allergies. . This happens rarely, but if it develops, a hypersensitivity reaction can proceed very violently, up to the development of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. Therefore, the known one is a contraindication to the use of its oil, and if chamomile has not been used in any form before, it is useful to check for an allergy to it quickly and easily...

If you are allergic to chamomile, its oil should not be taken either internally or externally.

Contraindications to taking chamomile oil internally are:

  1. Pregnancy - the active components of chamomile can provoke uterine tone and create a risk of miscarriage or premature birth;
  2. Tendency to diarrhea, since chamomile often “weakens”;
  3. Children under 3 years of age. This is partly due to the fact that oil can cause diarrhea in young children, and partly due to the fact that it often causes allergies in them.

In these cases, chamomile oil can be used externally, including for gargling or gargling, but make sure that the product is not swallowed.

For mouth rinses, oil is added to saline solution.

In large doses, the oil can cause headache attacks, general agitation of the body, and increased breathing. The person may feel anxious and tense. With prolonged exposure to oil on the body, weakness and decreased muscle tone are felt.

Also clear harm chamomile oil causes harm if it is added to solutions for inhalation through compressor or ultrasonic inhalers, or nebulizers. The instructions for use of these devices strictly prohibit the use of oil solutions in them, since the entry of oils into the lungs can lead to the development of fatty pneumonia with very serious consequences. Inhalations with chamomile oil can only be done with steam inhalers or a pan of hot solution - a typical method for home use.

Where can you buy chamomile oil and how much does it cost?

The price of pure chamomile essential oil largely depends on the reputation of the manufacturer. So:

  • The cost of 1 ml of oil from the Aspera company (Russia) is approximately 400 rubles;
  • The price of 1 ml of oil produced by Styx (Austria) is approximately $40;
  • Oil produced by Argital (Italy) costs approximately $75 per 10 ml;
  • 1 ml of oil produced by Mammutbaum (Germany) costs $30 per 1 ml.

Oil extracts or products based on other oils, but with the addition of essential oil or chamomile extract, are sold much cheaper. Their prices can start from $1 per 100 ml bottle. For example, this is how much a bottle of Mirrolla oil (chamomile extract in simple vegetable oil) costs, a little more expensive is Aromatika, Moroccan chamomile oil from the company Botanika (Russia) for 320 rubles per 10 ml, Darfen, a mixture of oils with the addition of chamomile oil from Yves Florent (175 rubles per 100 ml).

If you order oil in bulk, its cost will be less, but for practical application this is impractical. Considering the doses used, even one small bottle of oil is enough for several months.

Is it possible to make this oil yourself?

Pure chamomile essential oil is extremely difficult to make at home. This requires complex distillation equipment and adherence to oil production techniques.

So, the preparation of chamomile oil in production goes like this:

  • Freshly picked chamomile flowers are poured into a special container and filled with water so that the water completely covers the flowers;
  • The container is closed and heated;
  • At a temperature of 105°C, water vapor is distilled; when the pressure increases and the raw material is heated to 150-165°C, the colorless fraction of the oil begins to distill; at 255-300°C, the “blue” fraction, the most important, is distilled;
  • The condensed liquid is cleared of water - this is chamomile oil.

It is important that chamomile is distilled with water, since only in this case it is possible to preserve chamazulene in the oil - the main active ingredient daisies.

Theoretically, this process can be carried out at home. Sometimes people even distill oils using slightly modified moonshine stills. However, this is very difficult and does not allow obtaining oil with sufficient purity and the necessary properties- when distilled at standard 105-120°C, the amount of azulenes in the resulting oil will be greatly reduced.

In addition, to obtain 1 ml of oil, you need to distill approximately 100-400 g of chamomile flowers. This takes about a day of difficult work.

Obviously it is much easier to buy ready oil the right freshness and in the right quantity. In this case, you can be sure that its properties will correspond to standard medicinal or cosmetic raw materials.

As a rule, homemade cosmetics are made with your own hands at home, or hygiene products with the addition of chamomile oil. For example, it is added to a simple baby cream to give it additional properties, or used as an ingredient for soap making. But for this, ready-made oil is purchased.

One of the most popular plants used for beauty and health is chamomile. For many centuries it has been given a significant place in eliminating lung problems skin irritations to inflammatory internal processes.

Chamomile oil is valued no less than the plant itself. There are different types of ether depending on the type of flower: English, Moroccan, pharmaceutical, German (blue). All types have important healing properties, but differ in the concentration of one or another substance in the composition. The difference also lies in the region of growth.

In Russia and Europe, German chamomile oil remains the most popular. It can be found most often on the shelves of natural goods stores. The use of such a product is possible in any area of ​​life: cosmetology, trichology, therapy, everyday life.

Characteristics and useful properties

Color, viscosity, aroma

Chamomile essential oil has a dense, thick consistency. The liquid has a brown, greenish or blue tint. The color depends on the duration of storage and the quality of the primary raw material (assembly time, stage of development at the time of picking the flower, its condition). The aroma is sweet and spicy, with notes of hay, fruit, tobacco, and tart grass.

Composition, main components

Oil from this flower of any variety has chamazulene and bisabolol as the main active ingredients. They are the ones responsible for the main beneficial features. In addition to them, the composition contains high concentrations of the following elements:

  • flavonoids,
  • glycosides,
  • bitterness,
  • blue oil (up to 1%),
  • fatty and organic acids,
  • phytosterol,
  • triterpene alcohols,
  • coumarins,
  • vitamins B (1, 4, 2), C, D.

Receipt method

The oil is produced by distilling fresh flowers. Steam treatment allows you to preserve the beneficial properties to the maximum. For 1 liter of the final product it takes about 2 quintals of raw materials.

Beneficial features

Chamomile oil has complex application thanks to his abilities. The properties of the composition allow the product to play different roles:

  1. antiseptic, antibiotic, bactericidal and disinfectant;
  2. diaphoretic drug that reduces fever;
  3. antidepressant, gentle stimulant of brain activity;
  4. tonic of general and choleretic action;
  5. tissue regenerator;
  6. carminative, antispasmodic;
  7. relaxant, sedative;
  8. antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory agent.

Aromatherapy properties

Chamomile essential oil has a beneficial effect on the human brain. Inhaling its vapors helps normalize emotional background, has a beneficial effect on well-being. An aromatherapy session with chamomile works in the following areas:

  • relieves tension, anxiety, restlessness;
  • weakens attacks of anger, fear, relieves stress reactions;
  • eliminates neuroticism and depression at a deep level;
  • activates long memory;
  • relieves attacks of acute headaches;
  • promotes fast, sound sleep.
It is believed that the aroma of the plant is able to discharge the biofield from destructive emotions, eliminates the need to look for flaws in others, helps to tune in to successful resolution of difficulties, and stimulates responsibility for actions. In addition, chamomile is often called the guardian of dreams for its ability to get rid of heavy aggressive images.

There are several ways to conduct an aroma session:

  1. Aroma lamp or aroma burner - oil is poured into a container with warm water (5 drops for every 15 sq.m. of room area). A burning candle is placed under the vessel for a quarter of an hour or until the water evaporates. Suitable for a measured rest in the room or a break at a stationary workplace.
  2. Aroma pendant is a long-lasting method of maintaining mental calm in any conditions of stay. 3 drops of the product are enough to emit the smell long time, quietly maintaining harmony within the wearer.
  3. Aroma bath - add 3-5 drops of ether mixed with a tablespoon of sea salt or milk to the entire volume of the bath with water at 37-39C. Duration – 15 minutes.

Medicinal properties

The properties of chamomile ether have found application in the treatment of inflammatory processes different organs. The oil often helps in getting rid of gynecological, ENT, and digestive diseases. It is often used against pain and disorders nervous type. Among the diagnoses when chamomile oil is prescribed are:

  • menopause, menstrual pain;
  • jaundice, chronic pathologies liver;
  • vomiting spasms;
  • eczema, burns, psoriasis, other skin lesions;
  • flatulence, indigestion;
  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • infections genitourinary system and kidneys;
  • anemia;
  • otitis media, other ear inflammations;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease;
  • neuralgia, migraines.

Inhalations respiratory tract

The use of inhalations is advisable for laryngitis, bronchitis, runny nose and other body problems accompanied by spasms of the respiratory tract. Add 1-2 drops of the product to 0.5 liters of boiling water. Inhalation of steam is carried out under a towel for 5-7 minutes. You should not make the procedure longer or use a nebulizer.

Gargling and mouthwash

For sore throats, toothaches, inflammation of the oral mucosa, take a glass of warm boiled water add 1-3 drops of ether. Manipulations are carried out in a standard way.


The use of chamomile oil allows you to restore the skin when various irritations, injuries, burns, insect bites. The procedure also helps to remove muscle pain. The best result is demonstrated by combining 15 drops of chamomile ether with 30 drops of St. John's wort oil. A clean cloth should be slightly heated with an iron, moistened with the mixture, and applied to the affected area for 15-30 minutes. Remove the compress, wipe the skin with a napkin or cotton pad to remove excess oils.

Nasal drops

Nasal chamomile drops soften the mucous membrane well, eliminate crusts and swelling, and inhibit inflammatory processes. For these purposes, a mixture is made of 10 ml of avocado or apricot oil and 3 drops of chamomile essential oil. 1-2 drops twice a day in each nostril will quickly bring tangible relief.


For gastrointestinal pathologies, it is important to take high-quality chamomile oil with honey, jam, lemon juice orally before meals (1 drop of ether per 1 tsp of the accompanying product). The drug should be washed down with tea, fruit juice or compote. Repeat twice a day.

Application in cosmetology

Chamomile essential oil is very widely known in cosmetology. It is suitable for face, body, hair, scalp with different problems and needs.


Chamomile oil for hair strengthens, stimulates growth, treats and prevents dandruff, dryness, and split ends. The use of ether returns shine to the hair, elastic, elastic appearance, and restores damaged length.

Chamomile oil can slightly lighten hair, which brunettes and brown-haired women may not always like. Blondes, on the other hand, can rejoice in getting rid of the yellow undertone.

Mask to accelerate growth

To 1 tbsp. burdock oil add 2 drops of chamomile. Cover the roots with the mixture for 40 minutes, cover with a towel. Wash your hair as usual (2 or 3 rinses may be required).

Moisturizing rinse

Dry hair will enjoy the irrigation after washing with 1 liter of warm water with 2 drops of chamomile essential oil. Do not rinse off. Dry with a towel and allow to dry naturally.

Balm-mask for restoration and against dandruff

Beat 1 fresh egg yolk with 1 tbsp. fatty oil (olive or melted shea butter). Add chamomile oil in an amount of 2 drops. Distribute over scalp and hair. After 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly with shampoo. It is necessary to rinse the skin well so that the bulbs and pores do not become clogged.

Conditioner for oily hair

Pour 5 drops of sage, chamomile, lavender esters into a glass of warm water, add 50 ml apple cider vinegar. After washing, irrigate your hair and massage the length and roots. Dry with a towel.

Massage for normal hair

Pour 5 drops of chamomile with 2 drops of rosemary into 20 ml of almond oil. Massage the head and hair for 10 minutes, rinse well.

Aroma combing

Distribute 2 drops of oil over a natural wood comb. Comb clean hair in all directions for at least 50 strokes. Repeat 2-3 times a week to treat dry hair or once every two weeks for prevention.


Chamomile oil for the face is used for different skin types from atopic to age-related.

Anti-wrinkle compress

Mix 2 drops of chamomile ether in a teaspoon of jojoba oil. Apply to face, including the area around the eyes. Place a clean cloth or a special fabric mask on top. After 15-20 minutes, remove the remaining composition with a cotton pad, wash with a decoction of chamomile flowers.

Scrub for sensitive and dry skin

Mix 2 drops of chamomile, wheat germ, lavender or rose oils into a tablespoon of candied honey. Massage a barely damp face for 3-5 minutes with light movements, then wash.

Nourishing, soothing, brightening mask

1 tbsp. Combine shea butter with 2 drops of chamomile. Apply to face for 30 minutes, rinse.

Anti-aging cream

Melt 30 g of beeswax in a water bath, combine with 50 ml clean water or herbal decoction taste. Add 3 drops of chamomile, bergamot and cypress esters to the mixture that has cooled to body temperature. Beat the mixture until it resembles thick sour cream. Store in a cool, dark place in a dark glass jar. Use 30-90 minutes before bedtime, tapping in. Remove excess cream immediately before bed.

Body massage

In 50 ml of base oil (olive, jojoba, almond, wheat germ, grape seed, etc.) or a mixture thereof, add 4 drops of rose oil and as many drops of chamomile. Massage the body onto dry skin after a shower. Leave until absorbed or rinse off residue when finished.

Treatment of skin problems

Chamomile oil for the face is used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment of warts, acne, pustules, post-acne, herpes, dermatitis and blisters.

  1. It is permissible to apply chamomile cosmetic oil to all of the listed problems. spot in its pure form.
  2. You can also select application 15-minute compress: moisten a cotton pad with water, and then 2-3 drops of ether and secure with a bandage or hold it with your hand problem area. For the prevention and treatment of acne and psoriasis, washing is also used:
  3. Grind oatmeal with a coffee grinder or mortar. Pour 1 tbsp. boil the resulting powder to make a paste. Leave to swell for 10 minutes, then add 2 drops of chamomile essential oil. Wash with massaging movements and rinse. Can be used as a mask for 10 minutes.


Bath for strengthening

Mix a glass of water with 1 tbsp. salt, esters of lavender, chamomile, bergamot (1-2 drops each). Lower your fingers for 15-20 minutes.

Wax against brittleness and flaking

Pour 2 drops of chamomile and lemon oils into 10 ml of shea butter. Mix. Allow the mixture to cool and harden. Warm the wax with the pad of your finger before use and massage the nails surrounding the skin ridges until absorbed twice a day.

  • Adding 5-10 drops per bottle to household detergents will protect your hands from drying out and will additionally act as an antiseptic for the surfaces being treated.
  • Dosages

    When poured into water, chamomile essential oil must be emulsified with sea salt, milk or other dairy product at the rate of 3 drops per 1 tbsp. emulsifier.

    When mixed with essential oils, the proportions are 2 drops per 10-15 ml of base.

    Can be added to finished cosmetics - 3 drops per 5 g of product.

    How to cook it yourself

    You can prepare low concentration oil from the flower at home. To do this, you will need to take 2 parts extra virgin olive oil and 1 part dried chamomile.

    Hot method. The inflorescences must be filled with oil and kept in a steam bath in a glass container with a closed lid. Cool the jar and put it in a dark place for 14 days. Strain the infused oil into a clean container.

    Cold way. Pour warm oil over the flowers. Wrap it up and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain into a clean container.


    The purchased product can be stored in a dark, dry place for up to 5 years. Homemade butter will need to be kept in the refrigerator at glass bottle. The shelf life of home-prepared product is no more than 1 year.

    How to choose

    • Blue chamomile oil is suitable for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. For aromatherapy, you can use a cheaper variety - Roman.
    • It is better to purchase the product in specialized places. Pharmacies often sell cheap synthetic versions of essential oils. It is important to pay attention to a trusted manufacturer and study reviews of brands.
    • The packaging must bear the words “100%” and “natural”.
    • At home, you can conduct a quality test to determine whether the oil is diluted. A few drops of ether are dripped onto the paper and left until it evaporates completely. The natural product has medium volatility and dries in 3-6 hours without a greasy stain.

    In this article we talk about chamomile oil. You will learn about how to use the product, its beneficial effects and benefits for the face, body, nails and hair. You will also learn how to make chamomile oil at home.

    Chamomile is a perennial plant with a branched stem. It has green leaves, yellow or white flowers collected in inflorescences-baskets. Chamomile grows in Russia, North America, Eurasia, Australia, South Africa. There are decorative and medicinal types.

    The plant is collected from May to September - this is the flowering period. Then the chamomile is dried and decoctions, infusions and lotions are prepared from it.

    The plant is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, as it has antiseptic properties. In cooking, chamomile is used to make herbal teas.

    Chemical composition of chamomile oil

    Chamomile oil is obtained by steam distillation of young inflorescences. The product is blue or brown in color. It depends on the shelf life and raw materials. The oil has a thick consistency and a herbaceous aroma with notes of fruit and tobacco.

    Oil composition: sesquiterpene lactone, bisabolol oxide, chamazulene, cadinenes, caprylic and nonylic acids.

    Chamomile essential oil is valuable product, since to obtain 1 kg of oil, 200 kg of chamomile raw materials are required.

    The most common is chamomile oil.

    The product is combined with esters of jasmine, patchouli, marjoram, neroli, geranium, ylang-ylang, rose, and lemon.

    Chamomile oil properties and uses

    The product is used in medicine and cosmetology. Chamomile oil owes its popularity to its rich composition; the active components have an antiseptic, diaphoretic, antihistamine, analgesic and sedative effect.

    In medicine, the drug is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, kidney diseases, gall bladder, gastritis, ulcers, and tonsillitis. The oil is a pain reliever, relieves toothache and headache. Helps fight viral infections, increases immunity.

    In cosmetology, oil is used to treat pimples, acne, pustules and various inflammations.

    Beneficial properties of chamomile oil:

    • antispasmodic;
    • painkiller;
    • regenerating;
    • cleansing;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • soothing;
    • wound healing;
    • expectorant;
    • immunomodulatory.

    Use a remedy for treatment gynecological diseases, it relieves pain and spasms. The product can be used internally. To do this, add 2 drops of oil to 1 tsp. honey or jam, drink juice or tea.

    Chamomile oil in cosmetology

    In cosmetology, a product is used to care for dry and sensitive skin. The oil moisturizes and whitens the dermis, relieves irritation, smoothes out fine wrinkles. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, the product actively fights pimples and acne, preventing their further occurrence.

    Nail baths are made with the addition of oil - this prevents their fragility and delamination. An essential product is used to soften and remove cuticles.

    The oil helps solve hair and scalp problems, eliminates dandruff, fragility, split ends, and adds volume.

    Chamomile oil for face

    The product retains moisture in upper layers epidermis.

    The product helps fight age-related changes, smoothes wrinkles and prevents them early appearance. Masks and creams can be prepared at home; the recipes are presented below.

    Anti-aging cream


    1. Filtered water - 100 ml.
    2. Chamomile essential oil - 6 drops.
    3. Borax - 5 gr.
    4. Beeswax - 60 gr.

    How to cook: Melt the wax in a water bath and add the remaining ingredients to it. Heat the mixture for 2 minutes. Whisk. Leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Then use the product.

    How to use: You can use the cream daily. Apply it before going to bed massage lines. Can be used on the neck and décolleté area.

    Result: The product actively fights age-related changes. After a month of regular use, you will notice that your skin condition has improved.

    Acne mask


    1. Chamomile oil - 2 drops.
    2. Geranium essential oil - 1 drop.
    3. Almond oil - 1 tsp.
    4. Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
    5. Sour cream (20%) - 1 tsp.

    How to cook: Mix the ingredients and beat with a whisk.

    How to use: Apply the mask to a cleansed face. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply moisturizer to the skin or wipe your face with toner.

    Result: The mask dries out inflammation and kills bacteria that cause acne. Regular use of the mask will help get rid of acne and post-acne. The effect will be noticeable after several weeks of using the product.

    Nourishing mask


    1. Chamomile oil - 2 drops.
    2. Coconut oil - 1 tbsp.
    3. Pomegranate juice - 1 tbsp.
    4. Soft cottage cheese - 1 tbsp.
    5. Finely ground oatmeal - 1 tbsp.
    6. Rose essential oil - 1 drop.

    How to cook: Mix the ingredients and beat lightly.

    How to use: Apply a generous layer of the mask to your steamed face. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply moisturizing cream to the skin or wipe your face with cosmetic ice.

    Result: The result will be noticeable after just a few weeks of using the mask. Your skin will become smooth, elastic and soft.

    Chamomile body oil

    Chamomile oil nourishes the skin and saturates it with beneficial microelements.

    Helps fight sagging skin, eliminate stretch marks and scars, and fight cellulite.

    To increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, it is recommended to massage with the product.

    Moisturizing mask


    1. Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
    2. Chamomile oil - 6 drops.
    3. Bergamot essential oil - 1 drop.
    4. Cream - 2 tbsp.
    5. Blueberries - 6 pcs.

    How to cook: Mash the berries and add the rest of the ingredients, stir.

    How to use: Apply the mask to cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

    Result: After several weeks of using the mask, you will notice that your skin has become smooth and elastic.

    Anti-cellulite scrub


    1. Walnut – 5 pcs.
    2. Ground coffee - 1 tsp.
    3. Coconut oil (almond oil is possible) - 2 tbsp.
    4. Cinnamon essential oil - 2 drops.
    5. Chamomile oil - 5 drops.
    6. Cedar essential oil - 1 drop.

    How to cook: Grind the nuts in a mortar and add the remaining ingredients, then mix well.

    How to use: Apply the product to problem areas and scrub for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

    Result: After several months of use, you will notice that cellulite begins to disappear and your skin becomes smoother.

    Chamomile oil for hair

    The product strengthens hair follicles, accelerates hair growth and eliminates dandruff.

    Firming mask


    1. Rosewood oil - 2 drops.
    2. Chamomile oil - 2 drops.
    3. Almond oil - 2 tbsp.
    4. Sour cream - 1 tsp.
    5. Lavender essential oil - 1 drop.

    How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

    How to use: Apply the product to the scalp and roots. If necessary, distribute over the entire length of the hair. Gather hair under a cap and leave for 1 hour. Shampoo your hair twice and blow dry.

    Result: You will see the effect of the mask after just a few weeks. Your hair will become silky and smooth. The product helps revive the color of dyed hair.

    Chamomile oil for nails

    The product helps strengthen the nail plate and prevents nails from splitting.

    Bath for strengthening nails


    1. Chamomile oil - 5 drops.
    2. Warm water - 200 ml.
    3. Lavender essential oil - 1 drop.
    4. Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

    How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

    How to use: Place your hands in the bath. After 15 minutes, remove, blot with a napkin and apply moisturizer.

    Result: After a month of using the product, you will notice the first result. Your nails will stop peeling.

    Allergy to chamomile oil

    Like any remedy, chamomile oil can cause allergies.

    Chamomile oil during pregnancy

    Pregnant women should not take chamomile oil internally. This can cause uterine tone.

    The natural product can be used externally, but strictly following the instructions for use.

    The oil helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks; you can enrich ready-made creams or prepare products at home.

    Aromatherapy with chamomile oil helps relieve depression, lifts the mood and calms the expectant mother.

    You can use masks and balms to strengthen hair and nails.

    Aromatherapy with chamomile oil

    Aromatherapy sessions help strengthen the immune system, get rid of colds, migraines and insomnia. Chamomile oil is used to disinfect the air, as it can kill viruses and bacteria.

    The drug has a positive effect on the psyche. Helps get rid of obsessive fears, irritability, fatigue, causeless sadness and aggression. Helps relieve fatigue, anxiety and irritability.

    How to make chamomile oil

    You can prepare chamomile oil at home. Use fresh raw materials collected in sunny and dry weather.

    You will need:

    • chamomile flowers - 500 gr.;
    • olive or vegetable oil - 200 ml.

    How to cook:

    1. Place the raw materials in a transparent jar, fill to the top with oil and close tightly.
    2. Place the container in a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake the mixture periodically.
    3. After the expiration date, squeeze out the oil using several layers of gauze. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 1 year.

    Contraindications and restrictions

    Chamomile oil should not be taken orally by pregnant women.

    if you accept homeopathic medicines, then consult your doctor before using the oil.

    Chamomile delights the eye with its unsurpassed tenderness and light, slightly perceptible aroma. The inflorescence extract is considered to be a potion of youth and excellent well-being. Essential oils are made from dried flowers. Chamomile oil properties and uses is an interesting topic covering various areas applications.

    Chamomile plant description

    The culture is annual herbaceous plant, belongs to the aster family, can reach 40 cm in height. The foliage is excised, the stems branch. Flowering lasts from late spring to late summer. The grass has solitary flowers, appearing on the tops of the stems.

    The plant has a light but well-defined aroma. In addition to the usual pharmacy variety, there are other varieties that are not used in medicine. It is the bright aroma that distinguishes the medicinal variety from other types of crops. The plant contains quite a lot of active components, thanks to which it received wide application in perfumery, cosmetology. Shampoos, lotions, creams, and balms are made from chamomile. Culture occupies a special place in the manufacture of children's cosmetic products. The plant is also used in hair coloring, which gives light shades of hair a beautiful golden tint.

    Informative! To all the listed areas of application we can add the food and agricultural industries. In the first case, it is possible to use the herb in the production of certain types of alcohol. In the second, the crop is added to livestock feed and used in the fight against certain insects and pests.

    Chamomile oil beneficial properties

    Thanks to its constituent components, the oil extract has incredible benefits:

    1. It has calming characteristics: it relieves feelings of fear, anxiety, emotional stress, and gives a feeling of peace. Having a relaxing property, it helps combat lack of sleep and gives the brain rest.
    2. Has a beneficial effect on the skin. Etherol can accelerate the healing of skin lesions such as ulcers, abscesses, purulent wounds, burns. It also helps in the treatment of dermatitis, herpes, rosacea, psoriasis, acne, and allergies. Cleanses and nourishes dry, flaking-prone skin, relieves puffiness, and increases elasticity.
    3. Renders therapeutic effect on the human body. Saves from muscle problems lumbar pain, conditioned nervous tension. Eliminates menstrual, neurological, headaches, as well as toothache. It has the ability to restore the menstrual cycle, relieve the negative effects of menopause and PMS.
    4. Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The substance has therapeutic effect for exacerbations of gastritis, peptic ulcers, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, vomiting and other diseases.
    5. Renders positive influence for the treatment of the genitourinary system, liver diseases, even such as jaundice.
    6. It has the ability to resist pathogenic microbes by stimulating the production of immune cells.

    Advice! For healthy good sleep carry out aromatherapy using oil solution. A special lamp is heated, a solution with water is added in a 1:1 ratio. When heated, particles of the solution will evaporate, filling the room with an intoxicating aroma.

    Composition of chamomile essential oil

    Etherol is produced by industrial evaporation of dried inflorescences. To obtain one liter of extract you will need to process about 200 kg of dried flowers. The finished preparation has a bluish tint, but the color can change depending on storage conditions, ranging from marsh to chestnut. The structure of the substance is thick with a tart herbaceous aroma, light notes of hay, tobacco, and spices.

    The time of collection of raw materials and the phase of plant formation directly affect the composition of the final product. The oil contains a sufficient amount of bisabolol and chamazulene. These components have moderating, anti-inflammatory, relaxing properties. It is thanks to them that the product is often used in the production of hypoallergenic cosmetics for children. In addition, the extract acts as an antiseptic, tonic, and promotes speedy healing wounds, exhibits analgesic characteristics.

    Types of Chamomile Essential Oil

    Oil concentrate can be different, because it can be obtained from several types of crops. Particularly precious is the etherol made from Roman chamomile flowers. In appearance, the plant is similar to wild chrysanthemum; its habitat is considered to be France, Hungary, Belgium, Germany, and Great Britain. Quite often the plant is called “English chamomile”. This is due to the fact that England was previously a major manufacturer of hoods.

    The next most valuable is the Moroccan chamomile extract. The birthplace of the culture is the northwestern part of Africa, bred this type in Israel, Spain. The Moroccan species began to be used not so long ago for the purpose of obtaining essential oils, so the product is not yet widespread enough.

    The most common extract based on medicinal chamomile. Sometimes the name “German” or “blue” is found. This species is common in Western Asia, Russia, and Europe. Breeders also grow crops on the territory North America, Australia. This particular type is on the shelves of domestic pharmacies and stores.

    For your information! Despite the abundance of recipes for making essential oils yourself, the number useful components home remedies are much lower.

    Using chamomile oil at home

    The extract can be used for a variety of diseases. For example: bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, tracheitis, ARVI, lack of sleep, stress, melancholy, various dermatological rashes (dermatitis, ulcers, burns, herpes, allergic urticaria etc.), PMS, intestinal colic, toxicosis during pregnancy.

    Due to its rapid anti-inflammatory effect, the product is especially popular in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, as well as in products for intimate hygiene.

    In everyday life, the hood can be used in the following ways:

    1. Hot inhalations. Pour 2 liters of liquid into a heat-resistant container (temperature 85 degrees), add 3 drops of concentrate. They bow their heads over the vessel, cover themselves with a towel, and deeply inhale the vapors of the liquid. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.
    2. Cold inhalations. To carry out cold inhalations, apply a little oil solution to a napkin and deeply inhale the healing fumes. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. You can also inhale the vapor directly from the container with the concentrate. To do this, place the bottle at a distance of 5 cm from the nose.
    3. Aroma makers. For manipulation you will need an aroma lamp. A flat candle is placed in a special hole in the device, and the recess is filled with water. For achievement therapeutic effect, add etherol to the water at the rate of 10 drops per 15 square meters of room. When the lamp body is heated, the mixture will begin to evaporate, filling the room with the fragrance of medicinal compounds.
    4. Aroma pendants. Jewelry is a type of cold inhalation. Clay (or ceramic) medallions have a special recess into which a little extract is added. Regularly wearing such jewelry protects the body from viruses and bacteria. Know! In order to increase the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to add a little tea tree extract to the aroma pendant.
    5. Therapeutic baths. Before taking a bath, a glass of sea salt is flavored with 10 drops of concentrate and dissolved in water.
    6. Preparation of mixtures for clarification age spots. For the procedure, prepare a mixture: 5 g of “Extra” salt is mixed with 5 drops of chamomile oil, 3 drops of lime, 8 drops of wheat germ oil. The resulting composition is applied to areas of pigmentation using cotton swab. It is important to follow a targeted application, avoiding contact of the product on light areas of the skin.
    7. Enrichment of cosmetics. The extract can be added to shampoos, shower gels, conditioners, balms, creams, lotions and hair tonics, and intimate hygiene products. When adding the product, calculate the amount based on the formula: 5 drops of oil per 5 ml of product.
    8. Treatment of panaritium. Panaritium is called acute suppuration of the nail bed. To obtain the medicine, mix 5 drops of St. John's wort oil with 5 drops of chamomile etherol. The resulting composition is impregnated cotton swab, applied to the affected nail. The applications last for several hours.

    Chamomile oil in folk medicine

    The culture is considered the most famous plant in folk medicine. Its popularity is due to the many positive functions of culture on the human body. The main medicinal properties are based on the essential concentrate contained in the inflorescences.

    In cosmetology

    The product gained maximum popularity in cosmetology. Based on experience, cosmetologists assure that procedures with the addition of extracts have a soothing, cleansing, whitening, healing, renewing, smoothing effect on the skin. Products based on chamomile ether are considered extremely useful for thin, tired, dry skin that has lost its elasticity.

    It is also necessary to use the extract for those with problematic, rash-prone skin. Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, the use of such products helps to cope with inflammatory processes, combat the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

    Know! Chamomile extract helps tighten pores, clears blackheads, eliminates redness, evens out and improves the natural tone of the face.

    In gynecology

    Chamomile essential oil helps relieve inflammation and helps resist the development of pathogenic flora mucous membranes of the female genital organs. The extract is used during menopause and for menstrual irregularities. Etherol can be used for douching, bathing, and massage.

    For infections and inflammations

    It is recommended to douche: prepare a solution: 5 drops of extract, half a teaspoon of soda diluted in a glass of water. The manipulation is carried out at night, 3 times a week. Used for the treatment of erosion, wound healing and scars. medicinal tampons. A teaspoon of sea buckthorn extract is combined with a small amount of ether. A hygienic tampon is impregnated with the resulting composition, inserted into the vagina, and left overnight.

    For oncology

    Not long ago, scientists came to the conclusion that culture has truly valuable substance– apigenin. This component provokes weakening cancer cells, thereby making them more susceptible to chemotherapy treatment. The anti-inflammatory properties of the component have a positive effect on the treatment of prostatitis. Prevents the degeneration of benign disease cells and the development of prostate cancer.

    For a cold

    Acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are the most common ailments that affect adults and children. Diseases are caused by hundreds of bacteria and viruses. Initially, a cold may seem like a very harmless disease, but in fact it can cause many serious complications. It is for this reason that it is important to get rid of the disease on early stage development of the disease, do not neglect preventive methods.

    The most accessible effective way Combating colds is aromatherapy. Medical research show that the use of oils reduces the likelihood of disease manifestation by almost 80%.

    Remember! For treatment and prevention, one or multicomponent compositions of extracts can be used. The main thing is that the additional components also have restorative, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory characteristics.

    Inhalation with chamomile against colds

    Inhalation is recognized as the most effective home remedy for getting rid of colds. When making a solution, 10 drops of ether are diluted in 500 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture can be poured into a special inhaler or a small container. You need to breathe the healing steam for 15-20 minutes, taking as deep breaths as possible.

    Gargling Solution

    To obtain a solution, add 5 drops of ethereal extract to a glass of warm water. Mix thoroughly. Rinsing can be done up to 5 times a day.

    Self-medication is allowed for 3 days. If after the specified period the cold does not subside or relief does not come, you must seek qualified help from doctors. And leave chamomile recipes as an additional component of treatment.

    Chamomile oil for face, hair, feet

    For facial skin care

    The extract helps soothe sensitive skin prone to inflammation, copes well with complete care for dry, mature skin. It also quickly eliminates inflammation, scabies, allergic manifestations. Having healing properties, etherol helps improve the condition of the skin, rejuvenates, restores smoothness and elasticity.

    Compresses for the skin around the eyes

    To obtain the drug, the extract of the culture and jojoba are mixed in the same ratio. Mixes well and heats up. The warm mixture is applied to the area around the eyes. Such compresses help moisturize and tighten the eyelid.

    Getting rid of acne

    To get rid of acne and herpes, the extract is used in concentrated form. They directly cover the site of inflammation.

    Scrub for sensitive skin

    To prepare the scrub, mix a tablespoon of candied honey, a small amount of wheat germ oil, lavender extract, and chamomile etherol. The mixture is applied to previously cleansed skin, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

    Important! You can make your work easier by purchasing factory-made facial care products based on chamomile extract. But the problem is that most manufacturers, in order to save money, use a synthetic analogue instead natural oil. Such products will not bring the expected effect from use.

    For hair care

    Oil extract is perfect for daily hair care. The component gives them a healthy natural shine. Dried, damaged ends will be restored, become moisturized, and the issue of hair cutting will disappear. Systematic application extract will make the hair lightening process easier and more effective.

    Nourishing hair mask

    2 drops of ether are mixed with a tablespoon of burdock oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length, avoiding excessive application to the roots. Leave the product for one hour, then rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo.

    Mask for hair growth and strengthening

    Beat egg yolk (1 pc), add a tablespoon of heated olive oil, 2 drops of extract. The prepared composition is applied to wet hair, left for half an hour, and washed off with warm water and shampoo.

    Mask for oily hair

    10 drops of sage are mixed with 10 drops of lavender and chamomile extract, 50g apple cider vinegar, 250g water. The product is applied to the entire length of the hair. When used systematically, it eliminates oily hair problems and eliminates hair loss.

    For your information! If you don’t have time to prepare and apply masks, you can add a small amount of extract to a portion of shampoo before washing your hair.

    For foot skin care

    Etherol is used for foot massage to get rid of pain, heaviness, and fatigue in the legs. The oil also helps in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases, relieves dryness and cracks. Usually the extract is mixed with a neutral oil that does not have a strong aroma.

    The culture extract is used to massage aching, tired legs. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves muscle spasms.

    Hot bath for tired legs

    Combine a little chamomile, mint, lavender ether, 50 grams of sea salt. The mixture is poured into two liters hot water. Such a bath relieves tension, relieves the feeling of heaviness and fatigue at the end of a hard day at work.

    Blend against cracks and rough skin

    The composition is prepared from a tablespoon of base oil (olive, almond, jojoba) and a small amount of one or more essential concentrates (chamomile, lemon, eucalyptus, sage). Using the prepared mixture, perform a foot massage, after which cotton socks are put on for 2 hours.

    Informative! You can also add a little chamomile and lavender elixir to the nourishing cream. Systematic use of this cream will make the cracks disappear forever.

    Using chamomile oil internally

    In case of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take the oil extract internally, combining the product with jam, lemon juice, and honey. For one teaspoon additional product add a drop of ether and consume before meals with compote, tea or fruit juice. The reception is repeated twice a day.

    Contraindications for chamomile oil

    Experts in the field of homeopathy do not recommend combining the use of the concentrate with taking homeopathic remedies, because etherol can suppress the properties of most substances. The product cannot be used on early stages pregnancy (first trimester). The prohibition is associated with the drug’s ability to cause contraction of the uterine muscles, which can provoke a miscarriage.

    Remember! Before using the hood, carry out a test for allergic reaction, because the drug can cause individual intolerance.

    Where to buy, price

    The cost of the product directly depends on the place of manufacture, the quality of raw materials, and the region of sale. The most affordable is etherol, diluted base oil. For example, in Krasnoyarsk, 50 ml of the product costs 46 rubles, in Moscow – from 48 rubles, in Yekaterinburg – from 46 rubles.

    Pure concentrate costs an order of magnitude more. The cost of a 10 ml bottle can vary from 400 to 700 rubles. Online stores offer medicinal composition at exorbitant prices. So, for a pure extract the price tag ranges from 1,400 to 4,500 rubles, and for a diluted extract - from 50 to 400 rubles.

    It is known that chamomile flowers are endowed with a whole spectrum medicinal properties. Preparations based on chamomile have a positive effect on the functioning of the body and can preserve feminine beauty. Chamomile has many uses in traditional medicine, folk recipes and in the field of cosmetology. Essential oil is produced from this plant, with which you can organize facial care at home.

    Benefits of chamomile oil for facial skin

    It is worth paying attention to a potent natural preparation - chamomile essential oil. For the face, use it little by little, separating just a few drops of the concentrated aromatic product. This wonderful essential preparation is made by steam distilling plants. The raw materials are blue and pharmaceutical chamomile. It is known that pharmacy aroma oil from chamomile has antibacterial potential and provides an anti-inflammatory effect. The oil can be used as a tonic and well-healing external remedy. We will also indicate a pronounced calming and softening effect.

    Due to the presence of healing properties, we can use essential oil to powerfully attack facial skin imperfections. Dry and hypersensitive skin, which is in a problematic state, gets the opportunity to recover. Home remedies with the addition of chamomile essential oil help to cope with rosacea, visibly even out skin tone and correct the situation with dilated blood vessels. Definitely worth using this pharmaceutical product for the care of mature skin. By regularly treating the facial skin with masks, age-related changes are smoothed out and cell renewal occurs in the best possible way.

    Chamomile oil: used at home for facial care, changes skin condition for the better

    Recipes for face with chamomile oil

    It is important to know

    If you have favorite masks, then you can safely enrich them with chamomile essential oil. For one application, 4 drops are enough. This dosage is relevant for ready-made or homemade cosmetics. All the following recipes also include chamomile essential oil; they should be used with caution on the face, that is, it is necessary to test the masks on a small area of ​​the skin of the hands in advance. If after some time no negative changes appear on the skin, then a new mask can be applied to the face. Before using homemade masks, it is good to cleanse your facial skin; a light scrub made from natural products. The exposure time of each mask with essential oil is 20 minutes.

    Fragrant cucumber

    Mask components:

    • fresh cucumber - 1 piece;
    • chamomile oil - 4 drops.

    Grind the cucumber by rubbing it through a grater and add essential oil. This natural remedy can be used when you need intensive skin hydration. Proper use of this mask will help restore your face to a pleasant, healthy color.

    Cottage cheese, honey and butter

    Mask components:

    • natural cottage cheese - 1 spoon;
    • high-quality honey - 1 spoon;
    • chamomile oil - 4 drops.

    Thanks to regular use of this healthy mixture The skin is significantly softened and smoothed out quickly. Woman's face becomes younger due to saturation with essential vitamins.

    Jojoba and chamomile

    Mask components:

    • jojoba oil;
    • chamomile oil

    Add a small amount of chamomile oil to jojoba oil and use it on the area around the eyes. It is advisable to dilute jojoba oil by adding a double portion of the selected light oil. For example, kernel oils or rosehip oil are suitable.

    Jojoba, chamomile and rose

    Mask components:

    • jojoba oil;
    • chamomile oil;
    • rose oil

    To moisturize and nourish the skin, you need to regularly apply a thin layer of this oil mixture to your face.

    Peeling with chamomile oil

    Peeling components:

    • wheat germ oil;
    • candied honey or other suitable abrasive;
    • chamomile oil;
    • lavender oil

    When these ingredients are combined, a mixture is obtained that helps cleanse the skin of the face. The product is used as a traditional scrub and is suitable for problem skin prone to increased dryness.

    Chamomile oil dots


    • Chamomile oil is a concentrated preparation in undiluted form.

    With extreme caution, problematic areas on the skin of the face - acne or herpes - are treated with the essential remedy. When applying oil to a spot, it is important not to involve healthy adjacent areas of the skin.

    Cabbage with butter


    • fresh cabbage;
    • chamomile oil - 4 drops;
    • olive oil.

    Chop fresh cabbage thoroughly and season with chamomile oil. For noticeable hydration and intensive softening of the skin, lubricate your face olive oil and apply a layer of cabbage with the essential preparation.

    No matter how beneficial chamomile oil is for the face, we recommend using masks sparingly and not too often. 2 procedures per week are enough. Don't limit yourself to just chamomile oil. At the pharmacy you can purchase a number of other useful essential preparations that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.