Extreme degree of exhaustion. Oncological cachexia: what kind of disease is it? Types and causes of exhaustion

Cachexia is a pathological condition characterized by rapid weight loss to extreme limits, decreased vitality and slowing down physiological processes in the body. According to ICD 10 this pathology belongs to categories R50 – R69 of the XVIII class. IN sick leaves, according to ICD 10, when a diagnosis is made, this pathological condition is coded as R64.


The causes of cachexia are directly related to a decrease in the amount of food consumed due to psychological or physiological disorders in the body.

There are several varieties of this pathology, which depend on the etiological factors that caused it. It can be:

  • exogenous factors, that is, those that affect a person from the outside (malnutrition, fasting for religious reasons or due to a passionate and unfounded desire to lose weight);
  • internal (endogenous) - which are associated with pathological processes in the body itself.

The main reasons that can cause the development of this pathology are the following:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which food does not enter the body () or is not absorbed (, gastrectomy and others);
  • prolonged fasting;
  • presence of cancer;
  • severe form of CHF;
  • or ;
  • malfunctions endocrine system, as a result of which the metabolism in the body is disrupted;
  • long-term use of psychostimulants.

In some cases, small children suffer from cachexia. Most often, this pathological condition develops in dysfunctional families - the reasons for the development of such a pathological condition in children are constant malnutrition. In addition, there is a type of disease called senile cachexia, which is associated with natural physiological processes in the body of an elderly person (“shrinkage”).


If we talk about the symptoms of a pathology such as cachexia, it is necessary to remember that they are directly related to the disease that caused this disorder. Therefore, the main symptoms always complement the symptoms of the disease that underlies the disorder. From etiological factor The course of cachexia and the life expectancy of a person with this condition depend.

The symptoms of cachexia are as follows:

  • rapid loss of body weight (half of normal);
  • loss of fat cells;
  • fatigue and;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements - as a result of this, a person’s nails break, hair and teeth fall out, wrinkles appear, the skin becomes dry and acquires a pale, dirty color;
  • loss of strength and decreased performance;
  • or ;
  • in women and decreased potency in men;
  • and other pathologies of the mucous membranes;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • decline protective functions body.

There are also psychological symptoms with this disease - people with severe form Cachexians often suffer from mental disorders. They are whiny, they have symptoms frequent changes mood, apathetic stupor and confusion may occur.

Forms of pathology

There are several types of this disease:

  • senile;
  • pituitary cachexia;
  • cardiac;
  • cerebral;
  • nutritional;
  • cancer cachexia.

Pituitary cachexia associated with a disruption in the production of hormones by the anterior pituitary gland, which leads to endocrine disorders. The reason for the malfunction of the pituitary gland may be due to its traumatic injury or the development of an inflammatory process.

Cerebral cachexia develops against the background of damage to the hypothalamus. The cause of development may be a shock or severe fear experienced in the past. Until the end this form The pathology has not been studied, so the disease is extremely difficult to treat and the life expectancy of patients with this form of cachexia is not very long.

The most common form, which occurs more often than others, is nutritional cachexia . It develops as a result of the body not receiving what it needs. nutrients due to prolonged (forced or voluntary) fasting.

If a person is diagnosed with nutritional cachexia, this means that metabolic processes in his body are disrupted and dystrophy progresses internal organs and fabrics. As a result, there is a decrease in performance, disruption mental activity And intellectual level. Over time, if the disease is not treated, the hormonal balance changes, and atrophy of muscles and internal organs occurs.

Cancer cachexia , the symptoms of which are determined against the background of general exhaustion, appears in people suffering from one or another type of oncological pathology, due to rapid intoxication by the decomposition products of the tumor conglomerate. Most often, this form of cachexia develops in people suffering from cancer of the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of the disease in this case is impossible without prior treatment of oncopathology.

Cardiac cachexia characterized by rapid weight loss as it progresses. The main reasons why a person with CHF loses body weight have not been studied, but it is noted that this may occur due to the fact that he has a persistent feeling of fullness in the stomach, impaired intestinal motility, etc.

Senile cachexia is a natural aging process in which the body becomes unable to absorb nutrients, resulting in weight loss. This happens due to slowdown metabolic processes, and the predisposing factor is sedentary lifestyle life.


If we talk about the treatment of pathology, then it consists in eliminating those factors that caused the signs of cachexia. If this external factors– they should be eliminated first, and if internal, you should first undergo restorative therapy.

The prognosis for most types of cachexia is favorable, provided that medical recommendations are strictly followed, and only in the case of a cancerous form of pathology is recovery impossible, since signs of cancer cachexia appear already when the tumor(s) in the body are at the last stage.

Drugs that are used to normalize the process of absorption of nutrients and to stimulate appetite are:

  • pancreatin;
  • glucose (parenteral);
  • Andriol;
  • Periactin and others.

In addition, treatment should include proper nutrition. Patients are prescribed high-calorie foods in small portions - taken 5-6 times a day. And so that treatment with rational nutrition gave required result, you need to decorate dishes beautifully, thereby stimulating a person’s desire to eat them.

Mandatory products that should be consumed for this disorder are: baked goods, delicious desserts, fruits and boiled vegetables, rich broths, smoked fish, French fries, etc.

As mentioned above, after treatment for this disorder occurs, full recovery. True, the duration of treatment can vary - from several months to several years. And only such a form as cancer cachexia is a death sentence, since it cannot be cured.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Intoxication of the body - occurs due to prolonged exposure to various toxic substances on the human body. This could be industrial poisoning or chemical elements, prolonged use of medications, for example, in the treatment of oncology or tuberculosis. The influence of toxins can be both external and internal, produced by the body itself.

Mental disorders, characterized primarily by decreased mood, motor retardation and disruption of thinking, are a serious and dangerous disease called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not pose any particular danger, which they are deeply mistaken about. Depression is quite dangerous look diseases caused by human passivity and depression.

Iron-deficiency anemia– a syndrome that is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin content, as well as red blood cells in the blood. It is usually seen as a symptom of another underlying illness. This type of anemia is quite common and occurs more often than other forms of pathology (in 80% of cases). It is a microcytic anemia that exists due to decreased iron concentrations in human body due to blood loss or deficiency of iron entering the human body.

Anemia, whose more common name is anemia, is a condition in which there is a decrease total number red blood cells and/or a decrease in hemoglobin content per unit volume of blood. Anemia, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the form of fatigue, dizziness and other types characteristic states, occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply to the organs.

And illnesses gastrointestinal tract occurring with syndromes of impaired digestion and absorption of food (chronic enterocolitis, - condition after gastrectomy, gastrectomy), psychogenic, long-term with chronic infectious diseases(tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.) and purulent processes (abscesses, suppurating bronchiectasis, osteomyelitis), debilitating (especially nodular), severe, malignant (cancerous K.), metabolic and energy disorders (Metabolism and energy) in endocrine diseases, especially with panhypopituitarism (gopophyseal K. - see Hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency) , adrenal insufficiency, diseases thyroid gland. K. in children is, as a rule, a consequence of malnutrition (see Dystrophy in children).

K.'s pathogenesis is determined by the disease that caused it, but in all cases it includes deep violations metabolism with depletion of fat and carbohydrate reserves, increased protein catabolism and decreased protein synthesis.

Clinically, K. manifests itself sharply severe weakness, loss of ability to work, sudden weight loss. which is often combined with signs of dehydration (Dehydration) , although in some cases hypooncotic (protein-free) edema is observed subcutaneous tissue and accumulation of transudate in various cavities bodies. IN severe cases weight loss can reach 50% or more. patients become pale, or sallow-gray, flabby, wrinkled: subcutaneous tissue sharply decreases or disappears, there are often signs of vitamin deficiency (Vitamin deficiency) . Trophic changes in hair and nails are noted. It develops and often falls out; the intestines are disrupted, and persistent bowel movements are often observed. Sexual response decreases, and in women it occurs. The volume of circulating blood decreases, usually reduced. Hypoalbuminemia is determined, often also iron or B 12 deficiency. Glomerular filtration in the kidneys decreases.

II Cachexia (cachexia; Greek kachexia, from kakos bad + hexis condition; general atrophy)

extreme degree of exhaustion of the body, characterized by sudden emaciation, physical weakness, decreased physiological functions, asthenic, later apathetic syndrome.

Nutritional cachexia(p. alimentaria) - K. caused by insufficient nutrition.

Radiation cachexia(p. radialis) - K., developing in chronic stage radiation sickness.

Cachexia maranthica- K., developing at the end of senile involution of the body; characterized by a significant weakening of mental activity.

Tumor cachexia(p. tumorosa; syn. K. cancerous) - K. caused by the presence of a malignant tumor.

Cachexia pluriglandular(p. pluriglandularis; lat. pluralis relating to many + glandula gland) - K., caused by dysfunction of several endocrine glands.

Cancer cachexia(p. cancerosa) - see Tumor cachexia.

Cardiac cachexia(p. cardiaca) - K., developing in the terminal (dystrophic) stage of chronic heart failure.

Cachexia strumiprivnaya(p. strumipriva) - K. caused by postoperative hypothyroidism.

Cachexia suprarenal(p. suprarenalis) - K., caused by dysfunction of the adrenal glands.

Thyroid cachexia(p. thyreopriva) - K. caused by myxedema.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.


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    - (Greek, from kakos bad, and echo I have, I hold). Skinny, as a result of poor nutrition and long-term chronic illnesses. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. CACHEXIA Greek. kachexia, from kachektesi... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from the Greek kakos bad and hexis condition) general exhaustion of the body due to malignant tumors (cancerous cachexia), lesions of the pituitary gland (pituitary cachexia) and other serious diseases... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    - (from the Greek kakós bad and héxis condition), general exhaustion of the body with malignant tumors (cancerous cachexia), lesions of the pituitary gland (pituitary cachexia) and others serious illnesses. * * * CACHEXIA CACHEXIA (from the Greek kakos bad and ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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Cachexia is a condition of the patient’s body in which there is great loss weight (sometimes extreme exhaustion). In cancer patients, against the background of cachexia, problems in the functioning of vital systems of the body are often observed, which lead to various complications. In some cases, this condition can cause the patient's death, since advanced stage It is almost impossible to rid a patient of cachexia.

In most patients, cachexia is detected when he has lost more than 5% of his total weight within six months. When this condition enters the refractory stage (in oncology), doctors no longer see the point in treatment, since it will not bring the desired result. This is why it is important to carry out timely prevention cachexia (immediately after diagnosis of cancer) to prevent the occurrence of this condition.

Cachexia can be:

    Primary (occurs as a result of the patient’s body not receiving enough food). This stage of cachexia can develop when the patient does not have the financial ability to provide himself balanced diet, including required amount proteins, fats, vitamins and others useful substances.

    Secondary (occurs against the background of other diseases and can be regarded as accompanying symptom). This stage of cachexia in most cases develops against the background of progression of chronic or acute diseases.

Causes of cachexia

Modern medicine knows the main reasons for the appearance of cachexia in patients who have been diagnosed with cancer:

    violation hormonal levels;

    disorders of glucose metabolism;

    loss of appetite (nausea, vomiting);

    dulling of taste and olfactory receptors;

    metabolic disease;

    dehydration of the body;

    disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;

    intoxication of the body caused by a cancerous tumor;

    waste by the body large quantity energy;

    disabling all self-regulation processes of the body;

    constant malnutrition;

    prolonged fasting;

    diseases of the esophagus that make it difficult for food to pass into the stomach;

    surgical conditions (after gastrectomy and other surgical interventions);

    intoxication of the body caused by various infectious diseases;

    purulent abscesses, etc.

Symptoms of cachexia

With cachexia, which develops against the background of cancer, patients often experience the following symptoms:

    Severe weight loss (anorexic thinness, loss of more than 50% of total body weight);


    Change of state and color skin(skin becomes flabby and acquires an earthy-gray tint);

    Wrinkles appear;

    There is a sharp thinning of the subcutaneous tissue;

    Signs of trophic changes in the structure of nails and hair appear;

    Loss of ability to work is observed;

    Protein-free edema appears (in the subcutaneous tissue);

  • The amount of blood circulating in the body decreases;

    Muscular and nervous exhaustion occurs;

    Feverish conditions are observed;

    There is an accumulation of transudate (can be observed in any part of the body);

    Anemia begins;

    Blood pressure decreases;

    Diarrhea or constipation often occurs;

    Stomatitis develops (may be accompanied by tooth loss);

    Libido decreases;

    Amenorrhea develops (in women);

    There is a persistent gag reflex;

    There is fluid retention in the body or severe dehydration etc.

Currently, when determining the type of cachexia, specialists from different countries world use a single international classification:

    Kwashiorkor (very severe form) nutritional dystrophy). With this type of cachexia, patients are depleted of the visceral pool of protein. This form is quite rare in Russia and is diagnosed in patients who have experienced protein starvation for a long time. The main symptoms of this type of cachexia are: protein swelling, hypoproteinemia, liver dysfunction.

    Marasmus. At this stage of cachexia, patients' somatic protein pool is severely depleted. This category of patients has pronounced signs of atrophy of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, as well as all skeletal muscles. Often begin to progress chronic diseases. Despite such external manifestations cachexia, patients retain the functions of all internal organs and systems.

    Marasmus-kwashiorkor ( mixed type cachexia). With the development of this form of cachexia, patients may exhibit all the signs of visceral and somatic protein deficiency. Patients may also experience a shortage of energy, which is consumed in large quantities cancer cells.

Treatment of cachexia

Currently, treatment of cancer patients should be carried out in specialized medical institutions, which have the appropriate equipment to provide emergency care. The attending physician must make every effort to rid the patient of the tumor, threatening his life.

With the development of cachexia, specialists prescribe drug therapy, which can stop this condition:

    cocarboxylase – relieves pain. In parallel this medicine keeps everyone working vitally important organs and systems. When taken regularly this drug is able to stimulate the patient’s body to normalize weight and metabolic processes;

    megais – potent drug prescribed by an oncologist individually for each patient (the severity of the cancer and its stage are taken into account);



    hemoferon, etc.

Reception fish oil may prevent weight loss in patients diagnosed with bronchial carcinoma. At this time, patients tolerate chemotherapy courses better, and a greater effect is observed from it.

Over the years, leading oncologists have been conducting various trials and experiments with medications. In their opinion, it is pharmacological blockade that can stop the development of cachexia in patients diagnosed with cancer. First of all, patients are given a number of measures aimed at restoring their nutrition.

When a patient has an extremely severe stage of cachexia, doctors prescribe them parenterally:

    electrolyte solution;

    glucose solution;

    amino acid mixtures;


    hydrolysates (protein), etc.

If a patient has hormonal imbalances, the attending physician prescribes hormone therapy, which uses anabolic drugs. With severe exhaustion of patients diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus, colon, etc., any therapy does not bring the desired result. The main goal doctors are under blockade pain syndrome patients and relief of their general condition.

Today, scientists from around the world are conducting research on the latest drugs that will be able to prevent the loss of muscle mass in patients diagnosed with cancer. Until their testing is completed, oncologists use traditional medical supplies in the treatment of cachexia.

Nutrition for cachexia

The development of cachexia in cancer patients often indicates a late stage of development malignant neoplasm. During this period, patients should be provided with good care, including quality food. Daily diet should be enriched with proteins and fats. IN mandatory patients need to be given special vitamin complexes, as well as microelements that contribute to the full functioning of the body. At the same time, patients should perform various exercises that will help them increase muscle mass and endurance (strong physical exercise contraindicated for cachexia).

When choosing a nutritional system for cachexia, you need to give preference to easily digestible foods that do not put a strong burden on the digestive system. In the event that a patient has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, doctors prescribe them multienzyme drugs (festal, panzinorm, etc.) and herbal teas, capable of awakening the appetite. Experts categorically warn patients against oncology diets which can aggravate the patient's condition.

IN medical literature Much has been written on the topic of cachexia - what it is, diagnosis and treatment. Pathological condition manifests itself accelerated loss weight even with enhanced nutrition. The patient's physical processes slow down, weakness appears, and the mental condition. It is extremely difficult to make a forecast, so you need to apply for it as soon as possible medical assistance. IN otherwise, changes in the psyche will become irreversible.

Oncological cachexia: what kind of disease is it?

In most cases, cachexia is a condition that is provoked oncological pathology malignant in nature. Only a detailed examination can provide clarity. The sooner it is carried out, the greater the chance of increasing the life expectancy of patients.

They will help you suspect something is wrong severe symptoms. Opens a list of those, as mentioned earlier, quick loss weight. Next comes constant drowsiness and weakness.

Even a full 9-hour sleep is not able to bring vigor. Rest does not help much in eliminating muscle fatigue, which gradually develops into the inability to cope with even minor physical exertion.

In addition to those already listed clinical manifestations deadly disease, there are other signs:

  • Thinness is accompanied by edema;
  • Patients experience frequent acute respiratory viral infections due to a weakened immune system;
  • Decreased sexual desire;
  • Infertility;
  • Reduced amount of vitamins entering the body;
  • Increased dryness of the skin;
  • Nails become brittle;
  • Hair weakens and falls out;
  • Blood pressure drops;
  • Frequent depression;
  • Neuralgic disorders.

Cancer cachexia is fatal dangerous disease, leading to weakening and subsequent complete exhaustion of the body. At oncological diseases already on early stage you can make an initial conclusion about the presence of a problem. People in white coats strongly recommend that you stop trying to diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment.

Why does weight loss occur with cancer?

Depending on the severity of clinical manifestations, there are 2 forms of the disease. Primary – develops when nutrition is initially incorrect. There are so few nutrients in food that the body is not supplied with vital elements. The secondary form of cachexia occurs against the background of various chronic diseases.

Only a detailed examination will help to distinguish the first form from the second. It all starts with studying the factors that could provoke the disease.

The first place on this list is forced or conscious fasting. It doesn’t matter for what purpose a person deprives himself of food. If this is done without first talking to your doctor, then Negative consequences will not keep you waiting.

In addition, there are other reasons leading to the development of cachexia:

  • If a person has no appetite for a long time, then the doctor suspects anorexia;
  • Anorexia of a psychoneurological nature;
  • The desire to eat in a cancer patient decreases against the backdrop of prolonged use of medications that accelerate the fat burning process;
  • Insufficient caloric content of foods will not allow you to gain the necessary body weight;
  • Complications caused by chemotherapy;
  • Oral diseases;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the stomach of a cancer patient;
  • Pathologies associated with improper absorption of nutrients;
  • Connective tissue diseases;
  • Autoimmune pathologies;
  • Severe intoxication is the most common cause among those who work in hazardous industries;
  • Psychiatric disorders;
  • Gland dysfunction internal secretion;
  • Hepatitis or cirrhosis of any degree;
  • Acute forms of pathologies of the cardiovascular or respiratory system;
  • Acute viral pathology;
  • AIDS.

Doctors draw patients’ attention to the mandatory nature of preventive visits to medical institution. It is impossible to predict what exactly will act as a catalyst for a deadly process. Annual only comprehensive examinations will allow you to determine with pinpoint accuracy whether the patient is at risk or not.

Diagnostic stage: how to prevent death from exhaustion

An extensive blood test will help determine the cause of loss of appetite. If suspected inflammatory process or bacterial infection, the patient is given an appropriate blood culture. Glucose is one of the building blocks of the entire body, so a urine test is required to determine its level.

Patients who have severe swelling are given a metabolic rate test.

It is necessary to understand whether cancer occurs congestion. Patients in whom a nutritional form of cachexia is suspected, i.e. caused poor nutrition, it is mandatory to visit a nutritionist’s office. The doctor must understand what kind of diet against the background of oncology led to exhaustion.

In addition to the diagnostic tools already listed, a doctor has a number of others in his arsenal:

  • X-ray;
  • Gastroenterological test;
  • The patient may be referred to doctors of other specializations.

The last point is extremely important, because even a minor error in the diagnosis can lead to death. It is necessary to determine the root cause of the deterioration in health as accurately as possible and begin a therapeutic course. If the doctor hesitates, then with increasing exhaustion the patient will develop concomitant diseases.

How is weight loss treated for cancer?

The patient is subject to mandatory hospitalization. Depending on the diagnosis, a protein-free or, conversely, rich diet is prescribed. Depending on the severity of clinical manifestations, the patient is transferred to enhanced nutrition.

The emphasis is on high-calorie foods that saturate the body essential vitamins and minerals. Patients who have strong form exhaustion, they put in nutritional drips.

Multivitamin preparations are prescribed to normalize metabolic processes.

In addition, the therapeutic course includes the following nuances:

  • Antibacterial and enzyme preparations;
  • Hormonal agents;
  • If a patient is diagnosed with kwashiorkor or acute form dystrophy, intravenous administration of nutrient solutions is prescribed.

Cancer cachexia - what is it (video)

An acute form of dystrophy or cachexia develops against the background of an oncological neoplasm. There are many reasons for this illness, so the patient must be hospitalized. A comprehensive examination is carried out within the hospital walls. The doctor's task is to select adequate therapeutic agents. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

Cachexia - what is it? Cachexia, in other words, exhaustion of the body - difficult process, characterized significant loss body weight and general weakness, as well as mental changes. At the same time, fat and carbohydrate reserves are sharply depleted, protein synthesis decreases with a simultaneous increase in its catabolism (destruction). Cachexia can also occur in cancer.

Primary and secondary depletion

There are two forms of the disease cachexia - primary and secondary. Primary depletion is also called pituitary, and secondary depletion is called symptomatic.

● Primary or exogenous cachexia occurs due to insufficient intake of nutrients into the body, and also as a consequence the following violations: brain injury, tumor or systemic damage to the pituitary gland, autoimmune hypophysitis, prolonged stress, hemorrhages (hemorrhages due to thinning of blood vessels), anorexia, embolism (entry into the bloodstream of foreign particles causing blockage of blood vessels), chronic specific infection.

● Secondary or endogenous cachexia is the result of diseases and is caused by factors such as hypoinsulinism (insulin deficiency), increased synthesis glucagon, malabsorption (malabsorption of nutrients), glucocorticoid deficiency, tumor growth, excess somatostatin.


The disease cachexia occurs as a result of a number of reasons and factors:
1. Prolonged malnutrition and starvation.
2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the esophagus, as well as celiac disease, enterocolitis.
3. Long-term intoxication with brucellosis, tuberculosis and other chronic infectious diseases and suppuration processes.
4. Psychogenic anorexia.
5. Diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal insufficiency.
6. Endocrine diseases, Related
7. Heart failure.
8. Malignant tumors.
9. Hypotrophy in children.

What symptoms are characterized by cachexia? What are these manifestations?


There are a number of symptoms that characterize cachexia. does to our body:
1. Sharp weight loss up to 50% of body weight, and in severe cases more than 50%.
2. Dehydration.
4. Loss of ability to work.
5. Sleep disorders.
6. Increased infection.
7. Decrease in blood pressure (blood pressure).
8. Pale and sagging skin.
9. Possible vitamin deficiency and tooth loss.
10. Trophic changes in hair and nails.
11. Development of stomatitis.
12. The occurrence of constipation due to impaired intestinal motility.
13. Low blood levels of protein, albumin, iron, B12.
14. Women may experience amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation).
15. Mental disorders.

Cachexia and psyche

I would like to stop at mental disorders with cachexia. They can manifest themselves in irritability, depression and tearfulness, which smoothly flow into apathy and complete loss of strength. With an exacerbation of the disease that caused cachexia, amentia/amentive syndrome may be observed, characterized by an inability to navigate, chaotic movements and absent-mindedness, as well as incoherent thinking and speech) or delirium (insanity in which a person is in constant state anxiety and agitation, sees hallucinations), pseudoparalysis.

Cachexia in oncology

Cancer cachexia is a syndrome in which the mass of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue continuously decreases with the development of tumor formations, regardless of food intake. Exhaustion is especially pronounced in those patients who have cancer of the gastrointestinal tract or lungs. Such people can lose as much as 80% of their body weight, leading to immobility.

Cancer as a cause of cachexia

Cachexia in cancer is possible. The cause of cachexia may be the presence of a tumor. Due to the neoplasm, the metabolism becomes atypical, adapting to it. A tumor needs substrates that can ensure its growth and development. It is no secret that cancer cachexia has a toxic effect on healthy organs and tissues, changing their structure and causing malfunctions.

When a large amount of lactic acid forms in the tumor, the liver is damaged. In order to normalize the concentration of lactic acid, the body begins to use blood sugar and often cannot make up for the losses.

With cancer cachexia the following is observed:
- catastrophic weight loss and weakness;
- violation of self-regulation processes;
- lowering plasma cholesterol levels;
- development of infections due to impaired cellular and humoral immunity;
- dysphagia (difficulty swallowing);
- vomiting, diarrhea;
- increased energy demand;
- antidiuresis and, as a result, hyponatremia;
- hypercalcemia;
- swelling;
- increase in blood glucocorticoids;
- V in some cases delirium and even coma.

Consequences of cancer cachexia

Oncological cachexia very dangerous. An increase in glucocorticoids in the blood activates the processes of gluconeogenesis (glucose synthesis) in the liver and muscle tissue, increases the breakdown of proteins and fats. Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) develops as cancer cells absorb glucose. Against this background (to which stress can be added), the endocrine glands actively produce hormones, an excessive amount of which leads to intoxication of the body and hemic hypoxia (the difference in the arterial-venous oxygen gradient decreases). Homeostatic abnormalities occur. All this can lead to death.

Treatment of cachexia

Most patients with cachexia are treated in hospitals or dispensaries. The main treatment includes therapy to get rid of tumors. Nutrition is also restored, which is achieved by enriching the body with vitamins, microelements, fats and proteins. For this they can be used easily digestible foods. The following drugs are used: multivitamins to treat hypovitaminosis, enzymes to improve digestion. Food is administered in two ways: enteral (when it enters the gastrointestinal tract) and parenteral ( food is coming past the gastrointestinal tract). The parenteral method is used to remove a patient from a serious condition (coma) with cancer and treatment after them, severe exhaustion, severe infections, swallowing disorders. In this case, glucose, vitamins, amino acid mixtures, electrolytes, and protein hydrolysates are administered (administered parenterally). Appetite-increasing drugs are also used in practice. If the patient suffers from disorders of food digestion and absorption, multienzyme drugs are used in treatment (Pancreatin drug, Festal drug).
To prevent vomiting, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is prescribed. It is also effective after chemotherapy. The cannabinoids contained in this drug stimulate appetite, and, accordingly, weight gain. can be stopped with the help of fish oil, so it is also included in the treatment program for a disease such as cachexia.

Treatment with drugs.
To eliminate cachexia, the following drugs are used:
1) “Carboxylase” - helps normalize weight, relieves pain and supports the functioning of body systems. Side effects- allergies. Do not use if the body is susceptible to at least one component.
2) "Megace" or "Megestrol acetate" - stimulates an increase in muscle mass and fat. Do not use if you are sensitive to the components of the drug, persons under 18 years of age, during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
In the presence of infectious diseases treatment includes antibacterial therapy. If necessary, anabolic hormones are administered. In cases of psychogenic disorders, treatment is carried out by a psychiatrist.
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