Quitting binge drinking at home on your own. How to quit binge drinking without a doctor: quick help at home

Sometimes it happens that due to frequent holidays or other reasons, a long binge sets in, from which it is very difficult to get out of it on your own. Experts can quickly help you with this issue. With the help of medications (drips, injections), they will be able to put you back on your feet in three days (depending on the duration of the binge). But for various reasons, not everyone has the opportunity to turn to narcologists, so today we’ll talk in more detail about how to stop drinking at home on one's own.

Should I stop drinking suddenly or gradually reduce the dose?

Experts have different opinions on this matter. If the binge is less than a week, then you can choose any option that will be easier for you to bear. But if drunkenness lasts more than 2 weeks, then abrupt withdrawal can lead to serious consequences (epileptic seizure, delirium tremens, cardiac complications).

Also, for most people it is simply psychologically easier to tolerate a gradual reduction in the amount of alcohol consumed. But this period cannot be extended, otherwise this is not a way out of the binge, but a normal continuation of the drinking.

Therefore, the period before completely giving up alcohol should not exceed 3-5 days.

Drinking regime when recovering from binge drinking

To quickly get out of binge drinking at home, you need to drink enough water (at least 30 ml per 1 kg of your weight), i.e. an adult man needs an average of 2.5-3 liters. It is advisable to drink high-quality non-carbonated mineral water; if you don’t have one at hand, then it is better to drink regular filtered water.

Also, when quitting binge drinking on your own, drinking the following liquids will help:

  • green tea(better with lemon and honey/sugar) - lemon will cleanse the blood, sweets will saturate the body with missing glucose, green tea will remove toxins;
  • linden decoction- a good diaphoretic that will help quickly remove all toxins and alleviate the condition;
  • coconut water— it contains all the necessary microelements for the restoration of the body.

  • The best remedy that quickly helps you get out of binge drinking at home is Enterosgel. It will draw out all the toxins from your body and cleanse the blood. To do this, you should take it for 3 days at the maximum dosage indicated on the tube.
  • Polysorb It also cleanses the blood quite well and is often taken during long-term drinking bouts.
  • These drugs can be replaced with another cheaper drug, for example, activated carbon. But the effect will be much weaker.

How to normalize sleep

Often in such a serious condition, the nervous system, and the entire body, are at the limit, so sleep is disturbed and the person cannot fall asleep, or the sleep is short and intermittent. And in order to get out of binge drinking at home on your own, you just need to sleep more. Therefore, in such situations the drug is often prescribed Donormil.

You can also lie in a warm bath (not hot!) with the addition of sea salt. Duration of reception is no more than 15-20 minutes.

How to support the nervous system and eliminate cravings for alcohol

Many narcologists, during this difficult period of recovery from long-term binge drinking, prescribe drugs Biotredin And Glycine. In the first 2 days after giving up alcohol, you need to dissolve 4 tablets of Biotredin under the tongue, after 15 minutes 2 tablets of Glycine. And so 3 times a day. Then the dose is reduced according to the instructions. Thanks to these drugs, the nervous system returns to normal, sleep normalizes, tremors go away, the psyche calms down, and the craving for alcohol decreases.


This is what an experienced narcologist, candidate of medical sciences, responded to a letter from Anna Petrovna Volobueva, Voronezh.

"Hello. Three years ago, grief entered our family - my husband began to drink heavily. Nothing helps - neither persuasion, nor tears, nor threats. I tried to treat him. . . "


There are many different treatments for alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Hangovers are treated both in the hospital and at home. This usually takes at least 3 days. But there are emergency situations when a person needs to be taken out of binge drinking literally in one day. In this case, there are several effective ways.

Of course, you won’t be able to remove all the symptoms of a hangover in one day, but you can significantly improve the drinker’s well-being. However, before you begin to treat a hangover yourself, you should assess the person’s condition. If the binge has been prolonged and as a result the patient has developed complications, it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist. If the binge lasted for several days and the person does not have any problems with the functioning of internal organs, then you can begin treatment at home.

Getting rid of the "green snake"

The most effective ways to get out of binge drinking

There are two most effective ways to treat a hangover: call a narcologist at home or be treated with traditional methods. The first method is the fastest. The specialist will put an IV on the patient and within one day the person’s well-being will significantly improve. This method is quite effective, however, this procedure costs a lot of money. Therefore, many choose the second method and are treated with traditional methods.

In order to get out of binge drinking on your own, you need to make a lot of effort. But the decision to stop binge drinking is considered the first and most important step in treating alcoholism. Of course, one decision is not enough, you will have to take your will into a fist, refuse the next portion of intoxicating drinks and endure all the pangs of a hangover. Fortunately, there are remedies that can help overcome withdrawal symptoms and bring the patient out of binge drinking, significantly reducing unpleasant symptoms.

How to get out of binge drinking

To get a person out of binge drinking, his consent is necessary. If a person decides that it is time to bring himself to his senses, the task becomes easier. In this case, it is important not only to know how to quickly get out of binge drinking, but also how to do it without harm to human health. A quick way to stop binge drinking involves abruptly quitting alcohol. Therefore, you should make sure that the addict is not in a serious condition. The patient should not have any problems in the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the body. If the addict is in serious condition, you should refuse to abruptly interrupt the binge and choose another method.

Hundreds of articles have been written about the treatment of Alcoholism, and a lot of advice has been given. MARIA K. shared her personal experience of getting rid of an addiction with us. Her personal experience of treating her husband for alcoholism.

The success of rapid recovery of the body is determined by healthy sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to get a good night's sleep. If a person has trouble falling asleep, you can give him a natural sleeping pill. However, sleeping pills should be treated with caution; it is advisable to opt for herbal-based drugs. You can also drink warm chamomile tea with honey to speed up the process of falling asleep.

The next morning you need to start with a glass of mineral water and a contrast shower. However, experts do not recommend taking hot baths during alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Because this can negatively affect the functioning of the heart. Contrast showers should be taken 2-3 times a day. But you need to make sure that the water temperature is not too cold or too cold.

Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids. But it is better to give up caffeine-containing drinks such as black tea and coffee in favor of still mineral water and natural fruit juices. It is also recommended to consume fermented milk products, fruit juice or compote. If you need to quickly replenish your energy supply, it is recommended to drink warm, weak green tea with lemon and honey. This drink will also help remove toxins from the body. In one day you need to drink at least two liters of liquid.

To combat dehydration, it is recommended to eat something salty, such as some herring or a few pickles. After this, the feeling of thirst will subside. You can also drink a little cucumber or cabbage pickle for this purpose.

Also on this day you need to take at least two meals. It is necessary to restore strength, because after heavy drinking the body is exhausted. But it is important that the food is easily digestible. You shouldn't eat fatty foods. Portions should be small. Be sure to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is advisable to avoid large amounts of fast carbohydrates. The amount of sugar should be limited; it is better to replace it with honey. The best source of protein in such cases is scrambled eggs or fish.

What medications should I use?

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is often accompanied by various unpleasant sensations, such as headache, nausea, and tachycardia. Therefore, it is important to have certain medications on hand.

20 drops of Corvalol or Valocordin will help with an attack of tachycardia. This will also help relieve anxiety and irritability. This method is also effective in inducing natural sleep. However, these drops contain phenobarbital, which is toxic to the body, so doctors do not recommend abusing them.

Drugs such as citramon and analgin will help relieve headaches. You can also take medications containing paracetamol. In some cases, an ice compress or a contrast shower can help relieve headaches.
In order to relieve heaviness in the stomach and eliminate the feeling of nausea, you should take Rennie. Mezim Forte is also suitable for these purposes.

Also, for quick recovery you cannot do without vitamins. You can take any vitamin complexes. If fresh fruits are available, you should eat them in large quantities.

A diuretic, for example, veroshpiron, will help cope with swelling.
As for pharmaceutical hangover medications, everything is individual. They help some, but not others. Therefore, whether to use them or not is up to you.

How not to break down?

The first day after binge drinking is the most difficult. At this time it is easiest to break down. Especially if you are surrounded by friends or drinking buddies. Therefore, it is advisable to spend the first time with your family or, in extreme cases, alone.

At this time, it is undesirable to perform any physical activity; you should not enter into disputes or conflicts. It is best to be in a calm environment. It is important to do something interesting, for example, you can watch a movie, listen to calm music or read a book. Light housework can be done. While a person is on the move, toxins are removed from the blood faster, so experts recommend walking in the fresh air.

How should family members behave?

If a loved one is suffering from alcohol withdrawal syndrome and you want to help, then you should remember a few simple rules:

  • You should not argue with the patient. This will only make the situation worse and increase the chances that the person will relapse.
  • It is strictly not recommended to raise your voice at the patient and reproach him for something. The fact is that most people experience a terrible feeling of guilt during a hangover, but do not always show it with their behavior. Therefore, strong emotional shocks should not be allowed, since the patient’s guilt may intensify and cause another breakdown.
  • You should not drink alcohol near a patient, or watch movies in which people often drink; it is also not advisable to talk about alcohol.
  • During this time, try not to do anything that may irritate the patient.

The support of loved ones in such cases often plays a decisive role. Often breakdowns occur after disputes with relatives, reproaches and scandals. That’s why it’s so important to support your loved one; this is the best help to get him out of binge drinking.

Independent refusal of alcoholic beverages

By following this method, you can significantly ease the course of withdrawal symptoms and almost painlessly bring an alcoholic out of binge drinking. But the final result always depends only on the patient himself and on his desire to live soberly. The support of loved ones is also very important. In the treatment of alcoholism, this factor often plays a decisive role.

And a little about the author’s secrets

Do your family or friends experience these symptoms? And you understand firsthand what it is:

  • The attraction to alcohol becomes a priority desire, and it is almost impossible to fight it.
  • A severe, pronounced hangover syndrome occurs.
  • The maximum dose of alcohol that a patient can drink is determined: contrary to data on doses of alcohol that are lethal for the human body (a little more than a liter), an experienced alcoholic can drink up to one and a half liters of vodka and still survive.
  • Personality deformation progresses, the patient suffers from a whole range of various disorders, including:
  1. increased irritability to the point of aggressiveness;
  2. imbalance, rapid mood swings; general weakness that occurs even with minor exertion;
  3. deformation of strong-willed character traits;
  4. decreased ability of the patient to concentrate during periods of sobriety;
  5. a significant change in priorities in life: monotonous desires are formed, associated exclusively with drinking alcohol.
  • The memory and mental abilities of a drinking person deteriorate significantly.
  • The patient begins to suffer from severe episodic mental disorders, such as:
  1. delirium tremens;
  2. hallucinations;
  3. alcoholic
  4. epilepsy;
  5. paranoia.

Now answer the question: would you like to save your neighbor? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Yuri Nikolaev, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of alcohol addiction.

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Binge drinking - symptoms and consequences How to get out of binge drinking, effective methods How to safely quit binge drinking without the help of specialists Recovery from binge drinking is a responsibility to yourself

“... I go on a binge from time to time. The withdrawal after is such that you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy. Recommend something to alleviate the condition...” (comment)

Alcoholism is a disease that affects everyone: both people who drink and those around them. The consequences affect all areas: sleep deteriorates, health, social status, and quality of life decrease. The reasons, signs, threat to health, how to get out of binge drinking without medical help are in the article.

Reasons for binge drinking

Most often psychological:

rejection of oneself as a person - condemnation, resentment towards oneself, belittling one’s personality, “I’m not worthy”, “I can’t / won’t be able to”, fear of not coping with assigned or assumed obligations, not justifying trust, etc.

How does binge drinking manifest itself?

1. Long-term consumption of alcoholic beverages - more than one day.

2. It takes a lot of effort or outside help to stop.

3. The deterioration of physical condition is increasing.

4. In the morning the patient feels unwell and experiences anxiety. With the next dose of alcohol, the symptoms go away.

5. The amount of alcohol consumed increases due to developing resistance to it.

How does binge drinking happen?

Binge drinking is typical for the second stage of the disease when, when giving up alcohol, the physical and mental balance of the body is disrupted, called withdrawal syndrome.

For a frequent drinker alcohol becomes part of his internal environment and participates in all biochemical processes.

If the next dose is not received, the body begins to experience a shortage of the substance necessary for internal functions and “sounds the alarm”, as if demanding to replenish the supply of alcohol.

This is how withdrawal syndrome appears, which is alleviated by alcohol intake, but is aggravated by its quantity, because the patient is already addicted and cannot stop himself.

The next morning is again accompanied by poor health and a desire to hangover. This is how binge drinking occurs.

Signs of withdrawal:

1. Headache and other parts of the body, aches.

2. Hands, eyelids, tongue tremble.

3. Increased sweating and temperature.

4. Increased heart rate. The heart has difficulty pumping.

5. Sleep does not bring rest, it is superficial or completely absent.

6. Anxiety, fear, irritability, aggressiveness, panic and depression.

Severe cases are accompanied by convulsions, impairment or complete loss of consciousness, delirium tremens (delirium tremens).

Hallucinations may appear on the second day after quitting alcohol. They have frightening images, disorient a person in space and can lead to suicide or an accident.

Hangovers are true and false.

Withdrawal is a true hangover, its symptoms are described above.

A false hangover occurs as a result of severe poisoning with a large amount of alcohol in people who drink rarely or have not yet reached stage II of alcoholism.

Signs of a false hangover:

1. Poor health, weakness.

2. Drinking alcohol the next day does not bring relief, but rather aggravates physical discomfort.

3. The mood is normal, there is little or no anxiety.

4. Binge drinking doesn't happen.


1. Binge accompanies only the second stage of alcoholism.

2. It is not always possible to stop using willpower, because alcohol has become a participant in biochemical processes.

Consequences of binge drinking for the body

The worst consequence of binge drinking is poisoning of the body with free radicals, which are intensely produced when consuming alcohol. Active radicals are the main culprits of all diseases and premature aging.

What are free radicals in the body: evil or good, why do they lead to oxidation, old age, disease; how to protect yourself, where to get antioxidants, whether they work (scientists’ conclusions).

All organs and systems suffer:

1. The liver fights ethanol - the main toxin of alcohol, which leads to fatty degeneration and cirrhosis of the liver.

2. The heart pumps thick blood in emergency mode and becomes a “flabby sac”, characteristic of alcoholic cardiomyopathy.

3. Coordination of movements and sensitivity of the skin are impaired due to polyneuropathy - the death of peripheral nerve endings.

4. The brain is affected by encephalopathy - mental abilities, attention and memory are reduced. Personality is degrading. Hallucinations may begin.

Sleepy hallucinations, how they manifest themselves, how they differ from dreams, what diseases they indicate.

5. Can last months after giving up alcohol.

6. The psyche is destroyed. Death is possible due to the most dangerous condition - alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens).

Each new binge and the next dose taken can become the line separating a healthy person from a hopelessly ill person..

Risk factors:

  • age,
  • presence of diseases.

What not to do when coming out of binge drinking


1. Bath. Alcoholics have weakened hearts that have difficulty pumping blood. In the bath, blood vessels dilate and blood pressure decreases. The heart may fail, which can lead to loss of consciousness and death.

2. Contrast shower. For the same reason.

3. Long walks.

5. Computer games. Their influence is akin to alcohol or drugs - it leads to addiction.

What do you need

Peace, calm and preferably cheerful emotions, plenty of drinking and proper nutrition, sleep. No stress or emotional shocks. The body has entered energy-saving mode and needs to be helped to recover.

A good book or movie that evokes a positive impression distracts from the annoying desire to have a hangover.

Self-exit from binge drinking


You need to find a goal for which you want to quit your addiction.


1. Savings - count how much money is spent on the potion, and imagine how many necessary, healthy or tasty things could be bought for this amount.

2. Fear of losing health is a strong motivator. See the consequences of libations above.

3. Establishing relationships with people dear to you; they inevitably deteriorate if a person drinks.

4. Increasing social status and well-being.

5. Your option.

Without motivation, it is unlikely that you will be able to cope with binge drinking..


If possible, protect yourself for several days from communicating with “bottle friends,” as well as people who can reproach, shame, or blame you. Excessive pressure on the psyche leads to a breakdown.

Method 1. Gradual exit

Abrupt withdrawal from alcohol, a kind of drug, causes “withdrawal.” Especially if the binge lasted a week or more. The body and brain require a new dose of alcohol, which affects the brain and causes feelings of euphoria and joy.

Therefore, a gradual (over 1-2 days) decrease in the amount of alcohol consumed seems to deceive the brain: a person drinks the same amount, but the concentration of poison gradually decreases.

You can dilute alcohol with water or juice.

Method 2. People with a strong will

1. Buy a bottle of high-quality alcohol and place a glass next to it with a capacity of no more than 30 ml.

2. Fats will help overcome binge drinking by lubricating the stomach walls and improving mucus production: strong broth, butter in sandwiches, lard, etc.

3. Turn on an interesting movie, or better yet a comedy. As you know, laughter is the best healer, even for fatal illnesses.

4. Drink 30 ml of alcohol every one and a half to two hours, eat fat. If you have no appetite, eat forcefully. The mucus produced by fatty foods will help neutralize and quickly remove alcohol poisons from the body.

5. The first three glasses can be drunk with an interval of 10 minutes, and the next ones strictly after 1.5-2 hours!

6. The daily dose of alcohol should not exceed 0.5 liters.

You should stop drinking alcohol 4 hours before bedtime, this is the temporary minimum that allows the body to neutralize poisons and enter sleep in a more or less favorable state for good sleep and better health in the morning.

The result of this tactic: the body gets a break from the huge influx of toxins and begins to restore and cleanse itself. This means sleep and general condition improves.

Available alcohol should not exceed 0.5l- This is the key to the success of this tactic. Any alcohol should be removed from the area.

Cleansing and restoration. How to help yourself

Water, kefir, juices, kvass - drinking plenty of fluids is necessary to thin the blood, ease the work of the heart, and normalize water balance. Place them on the bedside table so that the patient can quench their thirst at night or in the morning.

An excellent hangover remedy is ginger. A powerful antioxidant effectively fights poisoning, removes toxins, neutralizes free radicals, and helps the body recover faster.

Ginger: benefits and harm, how to use it for certain conditions, how to choose, store, measure, prepare drinks

You should avoid caffeine (tea, coffee, soda, energy drinks) in the first week or three. They excite the psyche and can provoke binge drinking; they negatively affect the heart muscle, which is already worn out in alcoholics.


Sorbents such as activated carbon, enterosgel, polysorb in combination with water will help the body get rid of poisons and their decay products. When you come out of binge drinking, drink activated charcoal in the morning at the rate of 1 tablet per kg of weight.

This will ease the functions of the liver, relieve pain throughout the body in the form of hand tremors, headaches and other symptoms.

Eat the coal with strong beef, lamb or chicken broth made from offal, paws, ears and everything that is used for jellied meat.

Such, so necessary for restoring health. Eat the broth with rye bread and herbs. The fiber in them is a good broom for all sorts of nasty things.

Frying in broth is not used, it irritates the liver and gastric mucosa, slows down metabolism and the removal of toxins.

Teas (black, green) contain tanning acids (tannins), which effectively neutralize all poisons. When breaking from binge drinking, they are excellent body cleansers. Just don’t drink them with meals, tannins interfere with digestion.

The amount of water (juice, brine) on the day of alcohol consumption should be drunk 4 times the volume of alcohol consumed.

1.5-2 hours after activated charcoal, take “Essentiale” (promotes healthy liver) or “Mezim” (will normalize metabolic processes and support the stomach).

For lunch

Products that increase mucus production will come in handy: porridge from purified rice, oatmeal, etc., an omelette or vegetable salad, bananas (rich in potassium, which is needed by the heart). The mucus and fiber in them removes harmful breakdown products of alcohol.

Aches, trembling of limbs, headaches are eliminated with paracetamol, no-shpa and their analogues. Reception - 2 times a day.

Corvalol, valocordin and other phenobarbital-containing drugs should not be taken! They affect the brain and disable its control functions during sleep in weakened people, which is fraught with heart attacks, strokes, respiratory arrest and death in sleep.

About other medications life-threatening in poor health.

Smoking is taboo! Be patient as much as possible. Nicotine is a psychoactivator that prevents you from consolidating your plans.

Nervous tension (anxiety, nervousness, depression) is relieved with infusions and decoctions of herbs (valerian, lemon balm, mint, motherwort).

Alcohol tinctures are prohibited! Even 5 ml is enough for a breakdown!

Baths with essential oils are good. Adaptation of the body will help:

  • Horsetail,
  • Lavender,
  • Pine, cedar or fir,
  • Chamomile,
  • Peppermint.

Don't give up food. Food helps metabolize and rid the body of toxic substances.

Products will be especially beneficial

with vitamin C:

  • Rose hip.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Grapes and cranberries.
  • Tomatoes and sweet peppers.
  • Apples and citrus fruits.

Spinach, kelp, brown rice.

Warm milk with honey.

Raw chicken eggs with salt. Beat, mix. Vitamins B and C, Omega-3 in the composition will reduce nausea and improve mood.

B vitamins strengthen and revive nerve cells, which is very important for a person recovering from heavy drinking.

Vitamins B6 - in cereal sprouts, tomatoes, carrots, nuts, cabbage, potatoes, citrus fruits, strawberries, cherries, etc.

Vitamins B12 – liver and meat of beef, pork, lamb, eggs, milk, fish and seafood.

Alcoholism affects 3% of the Russian population. If we consider only adults, the figure will be even worse.

In an alcoholic stupor, it is difficult for a person to adequately assess the situation, his condition, and the amount of drink. The more difficult it is to find a way out of this situation.

Even after waking up and realizing that he should stop drinking, a person subject to libations is not able to do this. He promises himself that he will take only one dose on his chest, and the day goes down the drain again. This can continue not for one day, but for several, depending on the person’s health, the quantity and quality of what he drinks.

If the patient is determined, it is possible to get him out of continuous drunkenness. It will only take one day.

Drink a lot

Emergency withdrawal from binge drinking should begin with replenishing household supplies with all kinds of drinks. The liquid removes toxins and harmful substances from the body poisoned by alcohol. The choice of drinks when recovering from binge drinking is varied: fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water.

To get back to normal in one day, doctors recommend using fermented milk products: fermented baked milk or kefir. They contain lactic acid, it is rich in proteins and amino acids, which ensure the removal of toxins accumulated in the liver and intestines.

As a result, metabolic processes are normalized, intoxication is reduced, and well-being improves. Fermented milk products can have a laxative effect, which makes breaking out of binge drinking less painful. For better absorption, it is good to add carbonated mineral water to kefir or fermented baked milk.

If you ask a drinker how to quickly get out of a binge, he will most likely answer: you need to drink pickle juice. And he will be right. This liquid is life-giving moisture for a person suffering from heavy drinking, because it contains potassium and magnesium salts, which are washed out of the body by alcohol.

The absence of these substances has a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system, causing tachycardia, arrhythmia and other unpleasant symptoms.

Use medications and medications

Activated carbon will help bring a patient out of a serious condition in one day. This effective product belongs to the type of sorbents.

Activated carbon ensures the removal of harmful substances that enter the body with alcohol. It does not allow poisons to be absorbed into the intestinal walls, preventing toxins from entering the blood, and provides a softer way out of a serious condition.

The number of tablets must be sufficient, otherwise they will not give the required effect. 8-10 tablets.

But you should not take other medications with activated charcoal; they can be neutralized by it. It's better to wait two hours.

Sometimes a person suffering from a hangover feels sick, vomits all day long, and his stomach turns inside out and spews out only water and bile. In this case, take a metoclopromide tablet with a minimal amount of water. If it helps, repeat the procedure after 15-20 minutes.

After prolonged drinking, a person may feel an increased heart rate and rapid pulse. For such symptoms, take an atenolol tablet.

Take hot broth

A popular remedy that can relieve intoxication in a day is the consumption of hot stews. With prolonged drinking, the body loses many useful substances necessary for normal functioning.

A person’s condition is further aggravated by the fact that while drinking he neglects to eat a snack.

As a result, instead of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, toxins enter the body. In such a situation, hot stew is a real godsend. It will cheer up the patient and make the way out of a difficult condition less painful.

It is better to use chicken broth. The advantages of this dish are obvious: it does not cause disgust even with severe poisoning, it is not greasy and is easily digestible. The broth will saturate the body with essential minerals, stimulate the stomach, force the intestines to work, and help remove harmful substances.

Do not take cold showers, avoid unnecessary exertion

There is an opinion that a contrast shower will soften the emergency. Allegedly, a sharp change in temperature increases the tone of blood vessels, normalizes heart function, and stimulates other organs and systems.

The danger of this approach is that the person suffering from heavy drinking is not in an ideal state. His heart is already working hard.

Additional stress can lead to heart attack and death. The vessels of the brain are also not in good shape. It is unknown how they will react to an unexpected shock. The possibility of a stroke has not been ruled out.

Walking or running is not the solution. Excessive loads for a person who abuses alcohol are very dangerous.

On your own, it will take at least a day. Purchase medications such as Activated Carbon, Essentiale Forte, Valocordin and Mezim in advance if you have stomach problems. In addition, stock up on lemon, jam, honey, mineral water, cabbage or cucumber pickle, kvass, kefir, apple juice, and milk. Prepare beef or lamb broth in advance.

Start the procedure on the eve of a difficult day. In the morning, drink 1.5 liters of liquid (milk, mineral water, brine, juice, kefir) and take 1 capsule of Essentiale Forte, 2 Activated Charcoal and 20 drops of Valocordin. Then eat the broth with bread. You can also take a contrast shower. Now rest. After 5 hours, take 2 more Essentiale Forte and 2 charcoal tablets. If your heart doesn't bother you, you don't have to drink Valocordin. Eat the broth again and drink tea with lemon and honey. Relax or do enjoyable activities (watch TV, read a book).

In the evening, take medications in the same quantities as during the day, and eat. But don’t overeat – take care of your liver. Then stand in the shower longer and then go to bed. The next day, get up early and take 1 tablet of Essentiale and charcoal. On this day, try to move more. Also continue to drink plenty of fluids and take medications as described above.

Use "Ammonia". To use it to get out of binge drinking it will take 2-3 days. Dilute two drops of medicine in one glass of water at room temperature. Then mix thoroughly and drink. It is advisable to do this before meals to avoid upset.

Keep yourself busy. After all, many people are helped not to think about alcohol by being very busy, for example at work. If you are in or not working at all, offer your relatives your help. Thus, plunging into business and worries, you will take your mind off what reminds you of alcohol.

Shake your body, raise your adrenaline, and be distracted by brighter emotions. For example, take up extreme sports. But if your health does not allow it or there are other reasons why you cannot afford it, jump with a parachute or take a ride on an attraction. A surge of adrenaline will cover all negative emotions and difficult feelings.

Use medications such as Valerian Extract. In large doses, this drug can relieve pain. Dissolve the drops in water and eat a large meal after taking the medicine. Aspirin can also help. In addition, pay attention to effervescent tablets, which are sold in pharmacies and dispensed. Don't forget about vitamins and activated carbon.

Try to get out binge drinking using mint and drinking plenty of fluids. Buy mint tincture, mix 20 drops with 1 glass of pure drinking water and take several times a day. In general, drinking plenty of fluids is necessary. Consume juices that have a sour taste.

If it’s difficult to quit drinking on your own, register on thematic forums. There you will find people who want to give up alcohol. They support each other and share advice. These people are experiencing the same emotions and feelings as you. This is why it is easier to stop drinking alcohol in a group than alone. Such contact sometimes helps much better than various medications.

Call a doctor at home. Nowadays, many private clinics serve patients at home. What's good about this method? First of all, the fact that qualified specialists will help you, assessing the general condition of the body using special equipment. Also, medical professionals will prescribe you adequate treatment, the dose of necessary medications and warn you about possible side effects.