A person who drinks smells of acetone. Causes of the smell of acetone from the mouth of an adult

Depositphotos/Alena Ozerova

It is an absolutely atypical situation if a child’s breath smells of acetone. This smell is alarming and greatly frightens parents. The source of this phenomenon is the air leaving the lungs. That is why, even after performing oral hygiene procedures, the acetone smell from the child’s mouth does not disappear. This condition is typical for some diseases. Some of them are harmless and belong to normal physiological conditions, while others, on the contrary, are an urgent reason to visit a doctor.

What causes acetone to form in the body?

Any organism receives the largest share of energy from the breakdown of glucose. Together with the bloodstream, it spreads throughout the body and reaches every cell. In the event that the rate of glucose supply is insufficient, or there are problems with its supply to the cells, a signal is sent to an alternative search for an energy source. Most often, this source is fat deposits.

The result of this splitting is the filling of the bloodstream with various substances, including acetone. Once in the blood, it enters various organs, including the kidneys and lungs. If you test your urine for acetone, the result will be positive, and the air you exhale will smell of acetone.

The most common causes of acetone smell in a child:

  • prolonged abstinence from eating (fasting);
  • dehydration due to poisoning;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • genetic predisposition of children under 10 years of age.

The smell of acetone due to an incorrect diet

There are some diseases in the treatment of which children are required to adhere to dietary nutrition, for example, these may be allergic reactions or the postoperative period. In both cases, an improperly balanced diet due to the presence of an extensive list of prohibited foods can lead to a serious deterioration in well-being.

If you refuse food containing carbohydrates for some period, this provokes a lack of energy, and, accordingly, the destruction of fatty tissue. The result is the filling of the bloodstream with harmful elements, which results in intoxication of the body and an imbalance in the functioning of various vital systems.

The child begins to smell of acetone, the skin becomes unnaturally pale, the nail plate peels off, frequent dizziness and irritation appear - and this is not a complete list of symptoms of an incorrectly formulated diet for the growing body.

Parents should be aware that the consulting doctor should refer them to a nutritionist who will prepare a balanced diet for the child, taking into account concomitant diseases. Refusal of this type of service can result in irreparable consequences.


The most commonly diagnosed cause of acetone odor in a child’s mouth is the presence of diabetes mellitus. Due to the excessive concentration of sugar in the bloodstream, it becomes impossible for it to penetrate into cells due to insulin deficiency. This begins a potentially life-threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. The most likely cause of this complication is a blood glucose ratio of more than 16 mmol/l.

Symptomatic indicators of ketoacidosis:

  • acetone test positive;
  • the smell of acetone from the child’s mouth;
  • not saturated with water;
  • xerostomia (dry mouth);
  • localized abdominal pain;
  • vomit;
  • severe depression of consciousness;
  • coma state.

When the listed indicators are detected, you should immediately call emergency help, because the consequences of such a condition can become a threat to further life activity.

The acetone odor is most dangerous in children with the following risk factors:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus diagnosed for the first time;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus with incorrect or incorrectly administered insulin;
  • diseases of the infectious group, operations performed for diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Treatment methods for ketoacidosis:

  1. Insulin is administered first. When the patient is admitted to the hospital, insulin is administered intramuscularly by drip.
  2. Measures to restore the water-salt balance.
  3. Supports the correct functioning of the organs most affected - the liver and kidneys.

Preventive measures include strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician, namely, the correct and timely administration of insulin, as well as parental vigilance and, in case of any alarming indicators, contacting a specialist.

The most common causes of acetone odor in children

In the table, you can clearly see the main reasons why a child’s breath smells like acetone, what symptoms are accompanied and which doctor should be consulted.

Root causes of acetone odor in a child’s mouth

Causes and accompanying symptoms

Who should I turn to for help?

Acetonemic syndrome (non-diabetic ketoacidosis, cyclic acetonemic vomiting syndrome, acetonemic vomiting)

There are two types of acetonomy syndrome: primary and secondary. In the first case, the cause of this condition of the child is an unbalanced diet or starvation. The second is characterized by development after previous infections, infectious or non-infectious. Most often it manifests itself as frequent vomiting, refusal of the baby to eat, lethargy, drowsiness and the smell of acetone from the mouth.

Acetonomy syndrome often occurs in infants whose young parents do not monitor the child’s diet. First aid is provided by a pediatrician (for incessant vomiting, an ambulance). Depending on the condition and age of the child, the doctor refers to a specialist, most often an infectious disease specialist, because It is quite difficult to identify the cause of bad breath at the initial stage.

Diseases of the food tract (allergies, helminthiasis, dysbiosis)

A common cause of problems with the gastrointestinal tract in children occurs due to improper introduction of complementary foods at one year of age. Parents begin to feed fatty foods, which becomes the main factor in dysbiosis or an allergic reaction. The child may feel cutting pain in the abdominal area and fatigue. Against the background of this condition, the body stops eating, profuse loose stools and vomiting begin. Often in young children, helminthic infestation is also found in this condition. The child becomes irritable, sleeps poorly and is capricious.

The first step is to visit a pediatrician, who will refer you for further examination. With obvious symptoms, hospitalization is possible for more detailed diagnostics.

ARVI, ENT diseases

The first stage of the disease may be accompanied by an acetone odor from the mouth. The illness may manifest itself as fever, obstruction, runny nose, sore throat or other signs of a cold.

Consultation with a pediatrician and an ENT doctor will help identify the causes of such symptoms.

Thyroid diseases

An increase in the production of thyroid hormones during hyperthyroidism provokes a strong acceleration of metabolic processes in the child’s body. In addition to the smell of acetone on the breath, children may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • localization of abdominal pain;
  • development of jaundice;
  • excited or inhibited state.

This disease falls under the specific treatment of an endocrinologist. Thyrotoxic crisis is a dangerous syndrome requiring hospitalization. Treatment is carried out by intramuscular injection of droppers to stop hormonal release, eliminate dehydration and stabilize the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Food or carbon poisoning

Poisoning occurs as a result of uncontrolled intake of medications, consumption of poor-quality or insufficiently heat-treated food, as well as saturation of the lungs with vapors of toxic substances. The disease can be determined by the following signs:

  • the smell of acetone from the child’s mouth;
  • loose stools;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • elevated temperature (not always);
  • chills.

If such symptoms appear, you need to call an ambulance. The child will be hospitalized in an infectious diseases hospital, where all necessary measures will be taken to stabilize the condition and remove toxins from the body.

Methods for self-determination of acetone in urine

You can independently determine the presence of ketone bodies (acetone) in urine using special test strips (Acetontest, Norma, Uriket, etc.). To do this, it is necessary to collect a sample of the urine being tested in a sterile container and lower the tester to the level indicated on the strip. After this, after waiting the required time (as indicated in the instructions), it is necessary to compare the color of the strip with the scale on the indicator test package. Depending on the amount of ketones in the test material, the color of the test strip will change.

The deeper the color on the test strip, the more ketone bodies there are in the urine sample.

Genetic predisposition to acetonomy

Some parents periodically detect an unnatural smell of acetone from their child's mouth. Such symptoms are typical for children with genetically determined acetonomia. As a result of exposure to any aggressors, the child’s body immediately begins to react with an increase in acetone. For some, such cases occur up to three times a year, for others - with every acute respiratory viral infection.

Due to a viral infection or poisoning, which is accompanied by an elevated body temperature, the child’s body may not have enough glucose to activate its defenses. Most often, the blood sugar level in children with a predisposition to acetonomy is at the lower level of normal and, when exposed to any kind of virus, begins to decline rapidly. The process of fat breakdown is activated to produce more energy.

The release of harmful substances, including acetone, provokes signs of intoxication. This condition does not pose a danger to the child and goes away on its own after complete recovery. However, parents of such children always need to be on alert and check the level of ketones in the urine.

The smell of acetone is a signal that the body gives as a result of violations of the proper functioning of its systems. You should pay close attention to the accompanying symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

The appearance of the smell of acetone from an adult is an alarming sign that may indicate the presence of a serious illness or a failure of metabolic processes in the body.

Where does acetone come from in the body?

Acetone belongs to the group of ketones, or, as it is correctly said, ketone bodies. This group of substances is formed in the liver as a result of the conversion of fats.

After this, ketones travel with the blood to the cells of all tissues of the body, where some of them serve as material for the construction of new substances (cholesterol, amino acids, phospholipids). Another part of them breaks down into carbon dioxide and water, and is then excreted through the kidneys, skin and lungs.

If there are disturbances in this complex metabolic chain, the amount of ketone bodies can exceed the permissible limits, and then a person’s skin, urine and breath smell of acetone.

What is the smell of acetone from the mouth is well known to most young mothers. When a small child is sick, for example, with a viral infection, the necessary reserves of glucose quickly deplete themselves and then fats and proteins become a source of energy. Fats are broken down, ketone bodies are formed, and an acetone smell appears. That is why sweet drinks are recommended for sick children.

In the muscles and liver of an adult there is always a supply of sugars, which can easily replenish the body’s losses during a minor viral infection. And, if there is a smell of acetone from the mouth, the reasons can be varied, so there is a need to conduct an examination with a doctor.

Main causes of acetone odor

The smell of acetone from the mouth can appear due to several reasons:

  • errors in nutrition and lifestyle;
  • lack of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • excess fat and protein in the diet;
  • exhaustion;
  • obesity;
  • intense physical activity;
  • starvation;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • intoxication.

Errors in nutrition and lifestyle

This group includes all the causes of the smell of acetone from the mouth that are not associated with the presence of any disease.

When a person is obese, or the diet is dominated by fatty and protein foods, the mechanism of increased formation of ketone bodies is quite logical. Excess fat will always, one way or another, provoke an excess amount of ketones. This is why a person may smell like acetone. In this case, reasonable correction of weight and nutrition will easily help to quickly solve the problem.

But, at present, in addition to excess weight, there is another, no less serious problem. This is a craze for diets, fasting, the desire to reduce your weight as much as possible, even to the point of exhaustion and anorexia. The most popular among all currently existing diets are:

  • low carb;
  • no carbohydrates;
  • so-called “drying”;
  • protein-carbohydrate alternation;
  • ketogenic diet.

All of these nutritional systems imply an almost complete or significant restriction in the diet of any carbohydrates, be it vegetables, fruits, cereals, not to mention the so-called fast sugars such as sweets and starchy foods. The ketogenic diet also suggests adding increased amounts of animal fats to the diet.

People who lose weight in this way purposefully put themselves into a state of ketosis. Within a maximum of three days, all glycogen reserves are fully used, and the body’s energy needs begin to be met with fats.

In addition to this style of eating, those losing weight on low-carbohydrate diets promote strength training in the gym for several hours every day. As a result of this lifestyle, in addition to truly significant fat loss, a person gets intoxication of the brain with ketone bodies, a number of problems with the kidneys, liver, gall bladder and, in fact, the smell of acetone from the mouth and body.

Endocrine diseases

The smell of acetone from the mouth may appear due to diabetes mellitus or thyrotoxicosis.

In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and blood sugar is not utilized properly. In type 2 diabetes (diabetes of adults and older people), there is enough insulin, but the tissues simply do not absorb glucose. As a result, the body's cells do not receive the necessary carbohydrate nutrition, all sugar remains in the blood, and The body uses fat and proteins to replenish energy losses.. All this explains why they appear:

  • the smell of acetone in the exhaled air;
  • copious urination, which helps remove excess sugar;
  • extreme thirst to replenish lost water.

Patients with diabetes, as a rule, are aware of their disease and take a number of measures to prevent the occurrence of carbohydrate starvation of cells. The appearance of the smell of acetone in this disease may indicate the approach of a hyperglycemic coma, which, if timely assistance is not provided, can threaten the death of the patient.


When the functions of the thyroid gland are impaired, increased amounts of thyroid-stimulating and other hormones are produced. All of them, one way or another, affect the acceleration of metabolism and increased destruction of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are consumed first. As a result of this, a person loses a lot of weight, becomes irritable, excessive sweating appears, and due to the destruction of fat, the amount of ketone bodies increases, which is responsible for the presence of the smell of acetone. Additionally, dry hair and skin and periodic trembling of the limbs may be present. If these signs appear, you must visit a medical facility.

Kidney diseases

In some pathologies in the kidneys and renal tubules, when not only filtration abilities are disrupted, but also general metabolic processes in the body, the breakdown of fats to ketones increases. They begin to accumulate in the blood and urine, which gives the latter such an unpleasant and pungent odor. This phenomenon is characteristic of nephrosis and impaired renal function. If symptoms such as swelling, pain in the back, or problems with urination occur at the same time, you should immediately visit a specialist.

If treatment is started in time, the kidneys are completely restored, otherwise the process may lead to complete cessation of kidney function.

Chronic diseases of the digestive system

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract always, one way or another, provoke disturbances in the processes of absorption and processing of nutrients. Therefore, with chronic gastritis, or a violation of the filtration function of the liver, an increase in ketone bodies in the blood and the appearance of the smell of acetone in the exhaled air are possible.


An infectious disease or poisoning with various substances (for example, alcohol) is always accompanied by general intoxication of the body. In this case, the body includes all protective mechanisms to eliminate toxins. This includes the acceleration of metabolic processes, which leads to rapid consumption of carbohydrate reserves, and further to the breakdown of proteins, fats and the formation of acetones.

That is why, to relieve intoxication, the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, and large volumes of fluid and glucose are given intravenously.

The appearance of acetone odor from the mouth of an adult is always a reason to undergo diagnostics in order to promptly identify possible diseases and begin treatment. As you can see, the main cause of the pathology is metabolic disorders.

The unpleasant odor of acetone in children can occur due to problems with the digestive system, malfunction of the pancreas, and poor nutrition. The cause of this phenomenon can be constant nervous shock and chronic stress. The accumulation of ketones in the baby’s body may be associated with intestinal diseases, the presence of worms, and acute respiratory diseases. Particular attention should be paid to infants. The appearance of an acetone smell in them may be associated with intestinal problems or poor diet.

The smell of acetone from the mouth is a sign of some kind of malfunction in the body. If this symptom appears, it is better to contact a medical professional to identify the exact cause and select the necessary treatment.

Bad breath is an undesirable phenomenon that can ruin the entire impression of a person during communication. Each type of odor has its own source and explanation, so it is important to know the reasons for its appearance.

It is especially worth thinking about this topic if your breath smells like acetone. This phenomenon indicates the presence of serious problems that need to be addressed immediately.

How does excess acetone appear in the body?

During the breakdown of fats, among other residues, acetone is formed, which enters the human blood.

As soon as this happens, the body begins intensive work to eliminate it. But there are situations when a person’s internal mechanism fails.

The reason for this may be a lack of a useful substance or a pathological process, but the fact remains: the body accumulates ketone bodies that poison it.

Acetone is excreted through the kidneys and lungs, which means that there is an increased content of it in the urine, and during breathing a person smells it in the mouth.

Causes of acetone odor

What diseases and factors can cause such an unpleasant odor? The reasons that cause the smell of acetone from the mouth in adults include:

At the early stage of type I diabetes, the increased concentration of acetone in the blood is caused by a lack of insulin, which is responsible for blood sugar levels. This is due to the fact that the disease affects the functioning of the pancreas, which is why the necessary hormone is not produced in the required amount.

In type II diabetes, insulin may be present in sufficient quantities, but the cells responsible for glucose utilization are not able to recognize it.

For this reason, sugar accumulates in the blood, which does not produce energy.

The body, without receiving glucose, looks for alternative sources for energy and often uses fats for these purposes. As a result of their breakdown, ketone elements are formed, causing an acetone odor.

Prolonged fasting and some types of strict diets negatively affect the functioning of the body and, as a result, can become a source of acetone odor from the mouth.

Undesirable diets include:

All of these diets are low-carbohydrate, and a lack of carbohydrates leads to a malfunction of all systems.

As a rule, during the first day the body actively uses up the remaining macronutrients contained in the reserve, and then begins to use fats. When fats are broken down, harmful substances enter the bloodstream and the body becomes intoxicated.

A person who is losing weight suffers from severe bad breath, brittle hair and nails, weakness and irritability, but are these really problems if you really want to lose weight?!

Also at risk are those who have the following problems:

How to deal with such an unpleasant problem?

The acetone odor in the mouth appears due to internal failures, so it cannot be eliminated using conventional methods.

Of course, it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene, but in order to eliminate the unpleasant side effect, you will need to identify the cause of the imbalance in the body.

It is best to make sure that it is acetone that smells, for this you will need to take a blood test for sugar and a urine test for ketone bodies. The latter can be done at home using test strips (photo on the right).

If elevated levels of substances are detected, the specialist will refer you for a full examination to find out what is going wrong. Only after a complete check and normalization of the processes occurring in the body will the smell of acetone disappear.

For a while, you can resort to frequent rinsing, chewing gum and refreshing sprays.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what to do if a child is in an acetonemic state:

There are also folk remedies to combat bad breath, for example, using mint tincture or hydrogen peroxide solution. But only after identifying the cause and completing the course of treatment can you get rid of an unwanted companion in any negotiations.

If an adult or child has an acetone smell from their breath, this is not just a nuisance that you want to get rid of. This may be a sign of dangerous complications of diseases that affect the kidneys, liver, endocrine system organs or thyroid gland.

Why might this symptom appear?

What does the smell of acetone on your breath indicate? The causes of the smell of acetone from the mouth in adults may lie in serious diseases in the body. If your breath smells like acetone, most often the cause is a lack of proper oral hygiene; these signs also include improper functioning of the salivary gland and diseases of the internal organs. The first thing to do if this symptom often appears is to consult a dentist, since diseases of the teeth and gums can also cause it. In such a situation, visiting a specialist can help solve the problem.

The appearance of an acetone aroma signals that ketone bodies are beginning to accumulate in the blood. The following reasons contribute to an increase in the concentration of acetone in the blood:

  1. This unpleasant aroma appears in diabetes mellitus, especially when the disease is in the acute stage. An increase in the amount of ketones in the blood in this case indicates an increase in the level of glucose in the blood, which is associated with insufficient production of the hormone insulin. It is important to understand that in this case, thorough treatment and constant monitoring of blood sugar levels are required.
  2. An increase in the amount of ketones may be associated with dysfunction of the digestive system.
  3. When there are problems in the thyroid gland, ketone compounds in the body also increase. This condition develops especially often against the background of thyrotoxicosis.
  4. In case of kidney and liver diseases, ketone compounds are formed in the blood and urine. If the liver and kidneys function poorly, this is always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.
  5. An infectious disease or poisoning is also accompanied by an increase in this substance in the body.

It is important to consult a doctor on time, undergo prescribed examinations and, if necessary, a course of treatment.


Bad breath in diabetes is one of the symptoms. Diabetes mellitus is a serious chronic disease, which, in the absence of proper treatment, is fraught with the development of coma, loss of lower limbs and other equally unpleasant consequences. This aroma is characteristic of the development of a decompensated form of the disease. Therefore, it is very important if you have bad breath in diabetes to visit a specialist as soon as possible. Most often, the disease develops due to obesity. As cell walls thicken, the body loses the ability to absorb insulin and glucose along with it.

As a result, carbohydrates that enter the body with food are unable to be fully absorbed by the cells of the body, due to which the concentration of sugar in the blood fluid increases. The required amount of nutrients is missing, so the body begins to consume its own resources, against the background of which the amount of acetone and other ketone bodies increases. This is why bad breath always accompanies diabetes.

The development of the disease in the body can also be detected by other characteristic clinical manifestations:

  • frequent urination, including at night;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • deterioration in the quality of vision;
  • wounds on the extremities take a long time to heal poorly;
  • a person constantly wants to drink, not only during the day, but also at night, sometimes he drinks more than 4 liters of water per day, but his thirst is not quenched.

If you have such signs, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Thyroid diseases

Another reason for the smell of acetone on the breath is thyroid disease. With increased production of hormonal substances by the thyroid gland, a characteristic odor occurs. In such a situation, an increase in the level of ketone bodies is due to a disturbance in metabolic processes. With a sharp increase in thyroid hormone, proteins and fats begin to break down faster, this is accompanied by the release of ketones.

Additionally, body weight decreases, heart rate increases, a sudden jump in blood pressure is observed, and thyrotoxicosis often causes unnatural protrusion of the eyes. For a long time, this pathology can occur without severe symptoms. But the smell of acetone is a reason to contact a specialist. Other clinical manifestations of thyrotoxicosis are:

  • sudden onset of irritability and fatigue;
  • increased sweating;
  • trembling in the limbs for no apparent reason;
  • disturbances in the functions of the digestive system.

Also, such a disease cannot but affect a person’s appearance, which manifests itself:

  • unhealthy complexion;
  • the appearance of bruises under the eyes;
  • brittle hair, increased hair loss;
  • a person loses weight sharply due to changes in metabolism.

If treatment is started on time, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments are made, the prognosis is favorable.

Liver and kidney diseases

If the smell of acetone appears on the breath of an adult, the reasons for this odor are often associated with the development of liver and kidney disease. Most often this means the development of nephrosis and renal dystrophy, which is caused by pathological changes in the renal tubules. This disease is characterized by disturbances in metabolic processes. Due to this, the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood and urine increases. The most common signs of kidney disease include:

  • disturbances in the process of miction;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • intense pain in the lumbar region;
  • severe swelling of the limbs.

A pronounced aroma of acetone from the mouth and swelling, especially in the morning after waking up, are the very first signs that there are serious abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys. In this case, you should visit a urologist as soon as possible. With timely treatment of nephrosis, the development of complications can be excluded. Otherwise, serious complications develop in the form of cessation of kidney function.

The liver is a very important link in the functioning of the body and in metabolic processes. Hepatocytes produce special enzymatic substances that are directly involved in metabolic processes. With the development of pathological processes, hepatocytes are damaged and metabolic processes are disrupted. Against this background, the level of acetone bodies in the blood fluid increases, resulting in a characteristic odor from the mouth. It most often appears in serious diseases such as liver failure, cirrhosis or cancer. Since such pathologies are very dangerous, they are accompanied not only by a characteristic odor, but also by other manifestations:

  • weight loss;
  • the person’s well-being deteriorates;
  • loss of appetite;
  • constant weakness;
  • yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • painful sensations in the right hypochondrium.

If these symptoms appear, it is very important to visit a specialist as soon as possible; under no circumstances should you engage in self-treatment.

Infectious diseases

Very often, the taste of acetone in the mouth occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral diseases, as well as during poisoning. In case of infectious diseases of the throat, bronchi, trachea or lungs, the body must produce the required amount of immunoglobulins to combat pathological agents. Thanks to these substances, there is active resistance to pathogenic microorganisms. But in order for immunoglobulins to be produced, they require a lot of proteins and fats. The body uses its own resources. Against this background, ketone bodies are released into the blood fluid.

In such situations, the aroma of acetone is not a symptom of a disease, but a natural reaction of the body to fight pathogenic microorganisms. In case of poisoning, the production of ketone bodies also increases; this is a waste product of pathogenic microorganisms.

The breath of women often smells like acetone during pregnancy. At this time, radical changes occur in the body. The load on internal organs and systems occurs from the moment the egg is fertilized. With increased load on all organs, active production of metabolites occurs. The occurrence of such a symptom is possible at any stage of pregnancy.

If this happens, it is due to a lack of glucose. But often during pregnancy such a symptom is not a pathology.

To fully bear the unborn child, the body will use up its own energy resources. In this case, protein, lipid and carbohydrate structures are consumed. With the active breakdown of lipids and carbohydrates, ketone compounds are released. Normally, they are broken down by additional ATP molecules. When the level of ketones is critical, the level of acetone in the body increases, this is a signal of disturbances in the metabolic process. Most often, during pregnancy, acetone is shown by urine tests. Predisposing factors for a critical level of a substance can be:

  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, including chronic alcoholism (after alcohol, such a symptom is also common, it indicates intoxication with alcoholic beverages);
  • chronic diseases of infectious origin;
  • constant psycho-emotional stress;
  • hyperthermia due to various reasons.

Fasting and strict diets

Why does my breath still smell? Sometimes the breath smells like acetone during prolonged fasting or an unbalanced diet. Bad breath during fasting is caused by the active breakdown of the body's own energy resources, which is manifested not only by the aroma of acetone, but also by weakness and a sweet taste in the mouth.

If a person sets a goal to reduce body weight, you should not strictly limit yourself in nutrition. The best option is proper nutrition, including healthy foods in the diet (instead of junk food - smoked meats, sausages, fried, fatty foods, baked goods, baked goods, sweets).

How is acetone formed?

Acetone odor from the mouth develops against the background of the active breakdown of protein and lipid structures. Acetonemic syndrome appears in a situation where the body is particularly actively breaking down its energy resources. The insulin produced by the pancreas is unable to cope with the large amount of carbohydrates that enter the body.

In particularly advanced situations, the acetone smell occurs not only in the mouth, but also comes from sweat and other human biological fluids. Doctors recommend not to let the situation take its course, contact specialists, and undergo timely treatment.

When and which doctor to contact

If you have a taste of acetone in your mouth, first you need to visit a gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist, infectious disease specialist, or therapist.

Diagnosis of possible causes

If a person smells of acetone, the digestive system, liver, and ENT organs are diagnosed, and a dentist also conducts an examination.

Drug therapy

Treatment for diabetics is carried out depending on the diagnosed form of the disease. If such symptoms occur, it is impossible to cure diabetes mellitus, since this pathology is chronic. Treatment is directly determined by what disease is detected.

21.12.2017 Doctor Evgenia Aleksandrovna Miroshnikova 0

Smell of acetone from the mouth

The smell of acetone coming from the mouth is a clear sign of serious illness. With insufficient therapeutic treatment, the condition can develop into irreversible pathologies - oncology or failure of the affected organ. In most cases, exacerbation is provoked by the use of alcoholic beverages.

The noticeable odor of acetone in medical practice is called halidosis. The condition is so serious that it was assigned its own special ICD code - 19.6.

The main reason for the appearance is a large amount of intermediate breakdown products in the patient’s blood - ketone bodies. With normal metabolism, these compounds become one of the energy sources of cells. When there is an imbalance of forces, they do not have enough oxygen to further break down. Since they consist, among other things, of acetone and acetoacetic acid, an increased concentration leads to evaporation of the ether and the appearance of an odor.

Just the smell of acetone

Typically, this manifestation is not associated with food intake, but depends on the use of water. Due to the nature of the reaction between acetone and H2O, acetone polyester is released first. The condition is especially noticeable when drinking liquid on an empty stomach.

This also appears:

  • general weakness;
  • feeling of restlessness;
  • nausea.

Exhalation and urine smell

This condition indicates the onset of kidney damage. The smell can come from both liquid discharge and stool. Doctors consider this condition to be of moderate severity. It is not associated with loss of consciousness, but it is an indication for urgent hospitalization.

Accompanying manifestations of halidosis:

  • dry mouth;
  • coated yellow tongue;
  • insatiable thirst;
  • shallow breathing;
  • wandering pain in the abdomen and iliac region;
  • brown urine;
  • chills;
  • nausea.

In case of loss of consciousness

An extremely severe manifestation of the toxicology of halidosis. Since ketone bodies instantly react with all tissues and fluids of the body, an acetone coma can occur quickly, even when the smell appears for the first time.

The condition also accompanies:

  • low body temperature;
  • convulsions;
  • sunken eyes;
  • vomit.

Smell of acetone after alcohol

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of the condition is alcohol consumption. It not only provokes attacks of chronic diseases, alcohol causes the development of pathology of internal organs.

One-time consumption of alcohol

Most often, the smell of acetone appears when drinking strong drinks; due to the increased ethanol content, they cause exacerbation of chronic damage to internal organs. And irrepressible consumption causes the functioning and destruction of metabolism.

If such a sign appears after drinking a low-alcohol or non-alcoholic drink, it is most likely a case of poisoning from a poor-quality composition. In this case, diarrhea or severe vomiting may also occur.

Systematic drunkenness

When consumed more than once a week, the smell of acetone that appears indicates the onset of acidosis - the liver cannot cope with the general degree of intoxication of the body.

Hepatic coma may occur. This severe lesion progresses rapidly and is accompanied by complete or partial inhibition of central nervous system functions. It is especially dangerous for viral hepatitis.

You should urgently seek medical help if you experience:

  • increasing lethargy;
  • loss of orientation in time or space;
  • confusion;
  • yellowness of the skin or whites of the eyes.

This indicates irreversible damage to liver cells and threatens death as a result of organ failure.


Chronic drinking causes a state of extreme intoxication of liver and intestinal cells. The toxin acetaldehyde, which is excreted through the lungs, appears during the synthesis of liver enzymes necessary for the breakdown of alcohol. Under normal conditions, the process goes quickly, but if hepatocytes are no longer able to cope with the load, this becomes the cause of acetone damage to all excretory systems of the body.

Each dose of alcohol may be your last. In this case, the hepatic coma will occur with the patient fully conscious and will be accompanied by severe psychosis, delirium and even aggressive behavior. The person is very dangerous to himself and others.

Causes and risk factors

The appearance of such an odor is associated with some acute or chronic diseases. In any case, acetone breath is a good reason for urgent hospitalization. The condition can rapidly worsen, and death can occur as a result of damage from one’s own ketones.

Even the short-term smell of acetone that appears when exhaling is a sign of a rather serious condition - damage to the cells of the cerebral cortex.

Diabetes and congenital deficiency of certain enzymes

Lack of the hormone insulin, with improper therapy or refusal of treatment, affects the kidney body. As a result, the resulting acetone algedride cannot be processed and is actively excreted through the lungs or feces.

An upcoming hyperglycemic attack manifests itself:

  • an attack of tachycardia;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • loss of part of the vision spectrum;
  • dry pale skin and thirst.

Such consequences can occur both with diabetes of the first or second type, and with insufficient production of the enzyme for digesting food or alcohol. The conditions are very similar in symptoms. But in the second case, the following will provoke an aggravation:

  • unusual food;
  • first use of alcohol in my life.

And if diabetes in this case is easy to suppress with a sufficient dose of insulin, then the lack of substances necessary for normal metabolism can cause the death of the patient.

In any case, the condition is most often accompanied by loss of consciousness, coma. As a consequence, disruption of the functioning of internal organs, often with damage to part of the brain, due to the so-called glucose starvation.

Infectious diseases

The most common culprit of bad breath is rotavirus or intestinal flu. Less commonly, such consequences result from a sore throat, a mycotic infection, or bacterial damage due to dental disease.

In any case, ketone poisoning is provoked by:

  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • elevated body temperature (more than 39 C) for more than 12 hours.

All these factors determine the development of dehydration, and therefore a change in the balance of internal forces in favor of oxidation and a lack of ketone processing.

Each such disease requires a complete abstinence from alcohol. Even in the form of rubdowns or compresses, ethanol aggravates the loss of internal fluid until the complete absence of sodium ions. Such procedures can cause loss of consciousness from lack of fluid, and drinking an alcohol-containing composition leads to necrosis of the liver, kidneys, and intestines.


A condition not associated with infectious diseases, but caused by a lack of fluid. As a rule, lovers of so-called body drying for weight loss resort to such experiments.

The daily water requirement for each person is at least 1.5 liters. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of collagen metabolism, a woman should drink more than a man. In her body, the processing of ketone bodies is much more active, this is necessary for the proper functioning of the reproductive system.

In case of violations of the drinking regime, the desiccation of cells requires the appearance of more energy, and therefore its additional sources - ketones. The cycle becomes closed, and only drug treatment can break it.

Diet or eating disorders

A lack of carbohydrates due to poor nutrition or individual restrictions on their consumption leads to a distortion in the consumption of the body's main source of energy - glycogen.

As a result, the brain signals to withdraw energy from additional reserves, but the lack of sufficient carbohydrates makes ketone synthesis impossible. Active consumption of fats and fatty acids begins, and acetone-like substances are released for their production. They are extremely toxic to liver, pancreas and kidney cells. Almost any diet leads to pathologies of these organs.

If such a diet or complete fasting is accompanied by drinking alcohol, this increases the toxicity of one’s own blood to a critical level. The consequences of such experiments are coma and death from kidney failure.


Food, organic, alcohol or drug intoxication triggers a natural defense mechanism. The production of stress hormones is activated, and the synthesis of other enzymes completely stops.

Long-term such a condition leads to failure of higher mental activity, central nervous system disorders and death as a result of organic damage to the respiratory center.

Kidney diseases

Kidney failure is especially dangerous. The disease is accompanied by incorrect or incomplete removal of toxic compounds from the body.

The following signs are signals of an approaching fatal condition - uremic coma:

  • lethargy or weakness;
  • insatiable thirst;
  • persistent pungent odor of ammonia or acetone from secretions or exhalation;
  • low hoarse voice;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • inhibition of reaction, distortion of the visual picture;
  • not rhythmic breathing with frequent sighs.

For any kidney pathologies, acetone poisoning will be provoked by drinking alcohol. In this case, it is completely unimportant: the dose, duration or type of drink.

Beer is especially dangerous for such people - its elimination is accompanied by activation of the renal tubules, and if the organ itself is not functioning sufficiently, it can lead to their calcification and blockage.

Self-help and treatment

At the first manifestation of a symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the condition is aggravated by an increase in body temperature of more than 39 0C, fainting, abdominal pain or migraine, urgent hospitalization is required.

In case of vomiting and/or diarrhea, it is necessary to increase fluid intake. It is better to drink boiled warm water or special rehydration compounds.

The faint smell of acetone in the morning immediately after sleep indicates severe damage to the pancreas or liver. If a symptom appears after consuming alcohol in any quantity, even if the temperature rises slightly, this means that intoxication of the mucous membranes has begun.
In both cases, the condition threatens to deteriorate sharply; a doctor is needed to assess the situation and make a diagnosis.

Even with a hangover, do not take drinks that contain vitamin C - this will not only aggravate the condition, but will also add energy to ketones, their synthesis will become more active.

If the cause is poisoning, taking any sorbenes is prohibited. A lack of fluid in the body will lead to their settling on the mucous membranes, which is why the esophagus or small intestine can swell until it completely sticks together.

Activated carbon - sorbent

The only help you can provide to an unconscious person when the smell of acetone comes from their mouth is to call an ambulance. Until paramedics arrive, turn the victim on his side and monitor his symptoms.


Preventing the smell of acetone from the mouth of an adult consists of three basic rules:

  • Balanced nutrition appropriate to age, gender, health status;
  • Sufficient drinking regime;
  • Competent and timely treatment of any disease.

In case of sufficient therapy, but some pathologies are incurable, mineral water with sodium base will help get rid of the unpleasant odor of acetone.

You need to try to avoid stressful conditions, disturbances in sleep and rest patterns. Devote more time to physical activity and walks. Any such manifestations require a special diet. It is better to avoid:

  • alcohol in any dose (even in confectionery);
  • fatty meats;
  • yeast baking;
  • rye bread;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • whole fresh milk.

Food should be light with a high carbohydrate composition. Be sure to follow the increased drinking regime, but give preference to berry or fruit compotes and fruit drinks.

If you even think that your breath smells of acetone, be sure to undergo laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. This condition cannot be treated with simple enveloping or neutralizing compounds. Each disease accompanied by halidosis is a serious, moderately severe condition with possible rapid death.