Yellow eyes. Why the whites of the eyes turn yellow: causes and treatment Why the whites of the eyes are yellow

It's no secret that the appearance and color of the skin are a reflection of a person's health and the general condition of his body. Sometimes all you have to do is look at a person and it becomes clear that something is wrong with him. In most cases, the presence of various diseases is indicated by a sallow or yellow complexion, indicating that the person has problems with the cardiovascular system or a diseased liver.

An unnatural complexion is often a harbinger of a serious illness, therefore, if you pay attention to the signals that the body gives in time, you can avoid serious problems and eliminate the disease at the initial stage. To take the necessary measures, you need to have an idea of ​​when to respond to existing changes in skin color immediately.

Causes of yellow skin

Most often, people realize that something is wrong with them only after they themselves discover changes that are occurring in the body, or someone else draws their attention to it. One of the most common causes of yellow skin, which cannot be hidden or masked by any means, is excess bilirubin in the blood. This substance occurs as a result of the breakdown of the hemoglobin protein, which contains iron. The accumulation of this pigment in the blood occurs during liver diseases, as well as when the bile ducts are blocked in the body. If there is excess bilirubin in the blood, yellowing of the eye sclera, palms and lower part of the tongue occurs first.

In second place after excess bilirubin are disorders of the thyroid gland. Yellowness is caused by a lack of substances responsible for the breakdown of beta-carotene. The development of oncology is indicated by the bloodless yellow color of the skin, and the yellowness of the eyelids and iris of the eyes will indicate excess cholesterol or disorders in lipid metabolism.

Yellowness of the eye sclera is the first sign of excess bilirubin in the blood

Sometimes the cause of yellowing of the skin can be excessive consumption of foods that contain beta-carotene: carrots, pumpkin, oranges, and some spices (turmeric and cumin). The cause of yellowness can be smoking, the use of certain medications or drugs. Often, a yellowish complexion is a consequence of heavy physical exertion, frequent depression, sudden mood swings and basic lack of sleep. Violations of diet and rest leave an imprint on the face.

If the face or other areas of the skin turn yellow, a person has problems with digestion. If he experiences malaise, chronic fatigue, weakness, or exhibits any other symptoms of illness, he cannot postpone a visit to the clinic. In addition to consulting a therapist, he may be referred to an infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist or hematologist.

Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, establish the reasons why the skin has turned yellow, and prescribe appropriate treatment. Therefore, self-medication if yellowness occurs on the skin is strictly prohibited.

How to get rid of yellowness?

If a doctor’s examination and test results do not reveal any serious malfunctions in the body’s functioning and the doctor dispels the worst assumptions, leaving everything as is is far from the best option. After all, yellowed facial skin not only does not decorate a person, but also causes unnecessary curiosity on the part of others. You can get rid of yellowness and return a healthy glow by completely reviewing your diet and adjusting your usual lifestyle.

Homemade skin care products will help you quickly and effectively restore your natural complexion

Having gotten rid of bad habits, you should breathe more fresh air, do not ignore doctors’ recommendations regarding the correct balance between rest and physical activity, and put your nervous system in order. To normalize your complexion, you should pay special attention to skin care products. In addition to expensive whitening cosmetics, you can use homemade masks and tonics. They are cheaper than store-bought products, but they are very effective in helping to solve the problem of yellowing of the skin.

The most popular and affordable products with a whitening effect are:

  • cottage cheese,
  • lemon,
  • melon,
  • sour cream,
  • cucumber,
  • cabbage,
  • chamomile oil

To prepare a mask based on any of the above products, you will need a minimum of time and financial costs, and the result will not go unnoticed. With regular use of home remedies, restoring a healthy complexion will not take much time. If you prefer to use the services of a cosmetologist, visit a cosmetology office and undergo a course of procedures that will not only restore your attractiveness to your face, but also improve the condition of your skin and eliminate the signs of aging.

The main thing is that in your desire to look good, you should not forget that positive emotions and a healthy lifestyle are the best helpers in achieving your goal, and regular skin care and adequate drug treatment will once and for all help remove yellowness and prevent its further development.

Yellow whites of the eyes are associated with the causes of the development of systemic diseases in the human body. The most common pathology is biliary tract disease.

There are 4 main reasons for the appearance of yellowness on the connective tissue membrane of proteins:

  • internal pathologies;
  • disruption of the organ system;
  • eye diseases;
  • wrong lifestyle.

Particular attention is paid to infants: the presence of yellow whites of the eyes in newborns indicates jaundice. This disease should not be confused with hepatitis. Jaundice in newborns is diagnosed with an increase in bilirubin in the blood and individual predisposition.

Often the presence of yellow proteins signals an increase in bilirubin in the blood, which is part of bile. This pigment appears due to the breakdown of hemoglobin or other proteins that are released during the breakdown of red blood cells.

In a normal state, the human body processes protein breakdown products and removes what is unnecessary. When malfunctioning, the yellow pigment bilirubin provokes the appearance of yellowish spots on a person’s face or yellow whites of the eyes. Sometimes yellow skin is observed on the body.

The most pronounced symptom of yellow whites of the eyeball is present in hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Such diseases are very difficult and take a long time to treat. Fisher-Evans syndrome is often a harbinger of chronic hepatitis.

What other diseases cause the whites of the eyes to turn yellow and how dangerous are these diseases for the human body?

Internal illnesses

Often, the sign of yellow eyes manifests itself during the development of pathological processes within the body. Consider the list of possible diseases:

Liver pathologies

The level of bilirubin in the blood increases when the functioning of this organ is disrupted. The liver plays the role of a converter of bile pigment: the indirect component from the bloodstream is converted into a direct and neutralized one.

Infectious and non-infectious diseases cause yellowing of the mucous membranes of the visual organ. Such pathologies include viral, toxic and bacterial hepatitis, cirrhosis, Zieve syndrome and others.

Blood diseases

Red blood cells in human blood act as carriers of hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen to internal tissues. The blood disease causes hemolysis, the process of destruction of red blood cells.

Therefore, the level of bilirubin in the blood increases sharply. Because of this, the liver cannot cope with its work. Bile pigment penetrates the tissue and colors the whites of the eyes yellowish.

Metabolic disorders

In medicine, there are diseases in which the metabolism is completely or partially disrupted. Typically, the human body does not process components such as bilirubin, metals and various types of proteins.

Biliary tract pathologies

Bile is a yellow liquid produced by the liver. Biological material is secreted into the duodenum. The body needs bile because it helps vital processes take place in the body.

In the presence of diseases associated with the biliary tract, the pressure in the corresponding ducts increases. Therefore, the mucous walls of the bile ducts rupture and bile enters the blood. Direct bilirubin increases in the blood and jaundice develops.

Pancreatitis acute or chronic stage

This disease is associated with the pancreas. The organ tissue becomes inflamed and its enzymes are activated. The pancreas swells, and an inflammatory process develops in the destroyed tissues.

The enlarged organ puts pressure on the liver, causing the flow of bile to be impaired. The capillaries in this place rupture. Bile enters the bloodstream.

Eye diseases

The yellow color of the mucous membrane of the whites of the eyes is also considered a manifestation of eye diseases. For example, the phenomenon occurs with the development of malignant conjunctivitis. In medicine, such pathologies are rare, but their presence cannot be ruled out.

People who work at a computer for a long time are at risk. Sometimes yellow whites of the eyes around the edges signal pinguecula and pterygium.


The wrong lifestyle of people leads to the appearance of yellowness in the whites of the eyes. The symptom appears due to alcohol. The liver perceives ethyl alcohol as a toxic product. Yellow whites of the eyes in adults occur with prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Some liver cells are destroyed and die. Therefore, indirect bilirubin does not have time to be processed and accumulates in the liver tissue. Bilirubin then penetrates the eye sclera and causes the whites of the eyes to become stained.


There are 3 types of accurate diagnostic tests for the presence of yellow whites of the eyes:

  • clinical;
  • carried out in the laboratory;
  • radial.

Radiation studies mean the use of computed tomography on internal organs and ultrasound. Laboratory methods are also used in diagnosis:

  • analysis of feces and urine;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • immunological and genetic tests;
  • blood test for the presence of toxins.

The attending physician also prescribes a check of the condition of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas.

We offer for viewing a fragment from a popular medical program about the symptoms of jaundice.


Therapeutic therapy does not imply getting rid of the symptom of yellow whites of the eyes, but complex treatment after an accurate diagnosis of the disease. The attending physician will prescribe medication or surgery depending on the identified pathology.

  • Medicines are prescribed when hepatitis of various types and stages is detected. Among such drugs, Daclatasvir and Ledipasvir are known. Surgery is prescribed in the presence of oncological formations.
  • Blood diseases require lifelong use of medications that suppress certain symptoms. Medicines are divided into antianemic and hemostatic. In the first case, they take Ferrum Lek tablets, in the other, Tranexam tablets.
  • A gastroenterologist treats pathologies of the biliary tract. He will prescribe medications for the patient to gradually accelerate the flow of bile. Among these are “Vigeratin” and “Allohol”.
  • Treatment of eye diseases is the task of an ophthalmologist. After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and antiviral drops. In pharmacies you can find such drugs as Allergodil, Dexamethasone and Diclofenac.


Yellowness of the whites of the eyes often occurs with liver pathologies. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of this organ. The main measure to prevent yellowing of proteins is to drink 2 liters of water per day. This fluid removes bilirubin from the body.

Other preventive measures include eating foods that contain iron and resting. In the first case, the body replenishes the amount of iron in the body, which is useful for anemia and anemia. And rest stabilizes liver function.

Eyes are a mirror of a person’s soul and at the same time his health. Yellowed whites usually do not cause discomfort, so they are often ignored. However, this condition indicates problems in the body, and sometimes serious diseases.

Only a doctor can determine exactly why the whites of the eyes turn yellow.

Why do the whites of the eyes turn yellow?

This phenomenon may be associated with a disease of the eyes themselves or internal organs.

2. Eye diseases and malignant formations are accompanied not only by changes in the color of the proteins, but also by redness and discomfort.

3. Excessive eye strain caused by lack of sleep, working at a computer, prolonged exposure to rooms with poor lighting and other factors is often accompanied by yellowing of the whites.

To find out the causes of the phenomenon, one examination by an ophthalmologist is not always enough - tests and additional examinations are required. It is almost impossible to independently determine what is causing this phenomenon.

What to do if the whites of your eyes turn yellow?

If a symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. It will help determine whether the yellowing of the eyes is due to increased bilirubin (therefore, health problems) or due to fatigue. Sometimes a change in the color of the whites of the eyes is caused by excessive consumption of foods that have a coloring effect (carrots, for example).

Until the true cause of yellowing eyes is determined, it is worth taking care of your body. First of all, you need to reduce the load to which the liver is exposed. To do this you will have to:

· stop drinking alcohol;

· limit flour products in the diet;

· exclude salty and spicy dishes from the menu.

It is important to provide your eyes with proper rest:

· take walks in the fresh air more often;

· Take constant breaks when working with a computer;

· get enough sleep.

The human eye is an organ whose proper functioning is important for health and a happy life. Ignored alarming symptoms and neglected diseases lead to vision deterioration or loss, which is why it is so important to begin eliminating them in a timely manner.

Diagnosis is required even when yellowing of the eyes does not cause discomfort: the causes may be dangerous or not, but in any case they signal a problem and require attention.

A healthy person has clear eyes, the pupils are pure black, and the whites are light. When we strain our eyes too much, the capillaries on the eyeball may burst and the sclera may turn red. But why do some people experience yellowing of the whites? What disease is yellow eyes a symptom of?

Are your pupils or whites yellow? Let's run to the doctor!

Remember that a change in the color of the whites of the eyes indicates serious problems with the internal organs. If you notice yellowing of the sclera in yourself or your loved ones, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. First, visit a general practitioner. He will prescribe tests, the results of which will reveal the cause of the yellowness and it will be clear which specialist to treat further. We can only give a general picture of why a person might have yellow whites of their eyes.

Possible causes of yellowing of the sclera

First of all, it must be said that not everyone has snow-white sclera. There are people with yellowish whites. Among them are many elderly people who have eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma) or hereditary coloration of the sclera. But if recently the whites of the eyes were, as they should be, white, but have become yellow, then the following may be to blame:

If the whites of the eyes turn yellow, most likely the liver cannot cope with the load. Without treatment, the affected liver can develop cirrhosis.

As you can see, yellow eyes, especially if they have become so recently, are a reason to visit a doctor, therapist or ophthalmologist. Carefully examine your eyes in the mirror, turn your head and try to see your sclera from all sides.

Even if you are not physically bothered by the yellowness that has appeared and you feel fine, do not let it go to chance. It’s better to get examined and make sure that everything can be fixed than to catch on when the process is too advanced. Good health to you and write.

The human body is an amazing mechanism. When the functioning of one of its systems is disrupted, this is reflected not only in the state of health, but also in the eyes: the pupils dim, the whites become cloudy or red. However, a yellow tint to the sclera of the eyes may also indicate serious health problems.

The whites of the eyes have turned yellow: what is the reason?

Changing the shade of the whites of the eyes occurs for many reasons.

The most common cause of eye color change is jaundice.

Depending on the level of excretion of bilirubin (the main component of bile) and the factor that provokes yellowing of the sclera, several forms of this disease are distinguished:

  1. Mechanical - occurs when the bile ducts are blocked by stones or a tumor, when the outflow of bile into the cavity of the duodenum is disrupted: bilirubin is not processed, but enters the blood (first the skin turns yellow, and then the whites of the eyes).
  2. False - may appear after eating a large amount of carrots, beets, or taking medications (the disease does not need to be treated: it goes away on its own).
  3. Hemolytic – a consequence of the accelerated breakdown of hemoglobin. The liver does not have time to process the bilirubin contained in it: it is absorbed into the blood and carried through the blood vessels to the tissues of the body.
  4. True – occurs when liver tissue is damaged. The organ does not process bilirubin well: it is not excreted along with bile, but circulates freely in the blood. Through the capillaries, the enzyme enters the eye tissue and it turns yellow. Factors that provoke liver destruction include: viruses, toxins, tuberculosis, alcohol.

Yellow color of the whites of the eyes is a clear sign of deteriorating liver function. However, when yellow spots appear on them, this is already a reason to suspect the presence of an eye allergy or one of the pathologies of the visual organ:

If a person has yellow whites of the eyes, the reasons for the change in their color may be not only diseases of the liver and visual system, but also other factors:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • improper diet;
  • eye strain while reading in poor lighting or working at the computer;
  • lack of proper sleep.

There are many reasons why the whites of the eyes turn yellow. But sometimes this color of the organs of the visual system is not a sign of pathology and does not require therapeutic measures (congenital yellowness of the whites of the eyes, infant jaundice).

Yellow whites of the eyes: associated symptoms, treatment methods

It is not easy to understand on your own why your eyes turned yellow. But if you pay attention to your overall health, you can help your doctor make a diagnosis faster.

The clinical manifestation of eye diseases, like liver diseases, has similar symptoms. To understand why the whites of the eyes have turned yellow, the doctor may prescribe these types of examinations to the patient.

After making a diagnosis, the specialist issues recommendations for treatment. If the cause of the yellowness of the whites of the eyes is a dermoid cyst, surgical intervention is necessary. The extent of the operation depends on the location of the pathology. Superficial cysts are removed by excision. Deeply located dermoids on the orbit are an indication for orbitotomy followed by excision of the cyst.

Pinguecula, as a rule, does not require urgent treatment measures. The exception is cases of complicated course of the disease. Prescribed drugs that have a moisturizing, softening and anti-inflammatory effect.

It is possible to use folk remedies (compresses, baths based on medicinal herbs). Surgical treatment is resorted to if a wen on the white of the eye is an aesthetic problem for a person.

If a diagnosis of “stationary nevus” is made, no treatment is carried out: it is enough to just observe it. For progressive forms of pathology, photo- and laser coagulation are used. If a yellow tint to the whites of the eyes is a clinical manifestation of pterygium, medications that moisturize the sclera of the eyes, corticosteroids, and wearing sunglasses are prescribed. The operation is performed when there is severe growth of the conjunctiva of the eye, for cosmetic purposes. After it, the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents (drops, ointments) is attributed.

Once the cause of yellowing of the whites of the eyes is determined, it is important to begin treatment on time. Otherwise, the following complications may develop: liver failure, dysfunction of the lungs and biliary tract, pancreatitis, rupture of the bile ducts, partial or complete loss of vision.

Is it possible to prevent yellowing of the whites of the eyes?

Eye or liver disease can occur in anyone. But if you follow the rules to prevent their occurrence, the likelihood of maintaining health and natural eye color increases several times. What do we have to do:

When the whites of your eyes turn yellow, the first thing to do is consult a doctor. The sooner the cause of this phenomenon is identified and treatment is started, the lower the risk of complications.