Dioxidin for a runny nose: properties, dosage and rules of use. In what cases should Dioxidin be used and can it be used without a doctor’s prescription? Dioxidine analogues are cheaper

The truly domestic antiseptic Dioxidin has a lot of positive qualities. Its wide spectrum of action and availability have made it one of the most popular antimicrobial agents in Russia and the CIS countries. And the possibility of intracavitary use allows the drug to be used for acute and chronic sinusitis.

Dioxidin: the beginning of a long journey

Dioxidin is an original Russian drug, developed about 30 years ago by Soviet scientists at the All-Union Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Institute. Then chemists conducted a fairly large study, during which they studied the antimicrobial effect of a group of substances - quinoxaline derivatives. During the experiment, it turned out that among several compounds, one stood out as having the most pronounced antimicrobial effect. This was Dioxidin.

Let us add that at the same time another drug of this group was developed - Quinoxidine. It is very similar in structure to the famous antiseptic and has a similar spectrum of action and activity. Quinoxidine is used orally, but it has not achieved such popularity as its relative.

Composition and release form

The simple and catchy trade name hides a complex organic substance called hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide. It is available in two different dosages, and when purchasing Dioxidin for nasal rinsing for sinusitis, this fact should be taken into account.

So, Russian pharmaceutical enterprises produce:

  • a solution in a concentration of 1%, which is intended for intracavitary and external use and is packaged in glass ampoules containing 10 ml of the drug;
  • solution at a concentration of 0.5%. This form of release is used externally, intravenously and intracavitarily and is available in ampoules of 10 and 20 ml.

For rinsing the nasal cavity, the drug is most often used in a concentration of 0.1%.

How does Dioxidin work?

Dioxidin is a synthetic substance that has a pronounced antibacterial effect against a wide range of microorganisms. The antiseptic has a bactericidal effect: it inhibits DNA synthesis inside the microbial cell, and also provokes structural “breakdowns” of the cell membrane. As a result, the microbe becomes unviable and dies.

Susceptible bacteria include gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including:

  • Proteus;
  • pseudomonas;
  • coli;
  • Klebsiella;
  • streptococci;
  • clostridia.

A positive feature of the drug is that it is effective against strains of bacteria that are resistant to, including those that produce beta-lactamase.

Considering the spectrum of action of Dioxidin, it is used for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis associated with staphylococcal, streptococcal infections, as well as infection with gram-negative flora.

The antiseptic penetrates the tissue very quickly - within 1–2 hours after application, a concentration in the blood close to the maximum is reached. In addition, the effectiveness of the medicine lasts quite a long time - for 4–6 hours. Note that when used locally (including when washing the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses), the Dioxidin solution is slightly absorbed into the blood, but it is not irritating and practically has a systemic effect. Another advantage of the drug is the absence of an accumulated effect.

Dioxidin for sinusitis: instructions for use

The drug is used for a wide variety of inflammatory diseases, including rhinitis and sinusitis. To wash the maxillary sinuses, use a 1% solution of Dioxidin in a volume of 10–50 ml. It should be taken into account that the maximum dose of the drug that can be used per day is no more than 70 ml of a standardized 1% solution.

As a rule, 50 ml of Dioxidin is enough to rinse the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses - 25 ml for each sinus. The procedure is carried out once a day. The course of treatment can be quite long - up to three weeks, and in severe cases, longer treatment is possible. For chronic sinusitis, repeated courses of nasal rinsing are prescribed, which are carried out 1–1.5 months after the initial treatment.

Before rinsing the nasal cavity, do not forget to monitor your nasal breathing: it should be free. If your nose is stuffy, you should take some drops and restore normal breathing. We discussed the details of the procedure in the article

It is usually used in a hospital setting for the treatment of septic conditions, as it is a reserve antibacterial drug. Its effectiveness is combined with high toxicity, so the drug is prescribed only if treatment with other, less toxic antibiotics fails.

On this page you will find all the information about Dioxidin: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Dioxidin in ampoules. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antibacterial drug, quinoxaline derivative.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.

How much does Dioxidin cost? The average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles.

Release form and composition

Dioxidin has several forms of release:

  • ointment 5%;
  • Dioxidine solution (0.5%) for intravenous injection;
  • Dioxidine in ampoules for inhalation (5 mg) and intracavitary use (1%).

Dioxidin 1% solution is available in 10 ml glass ampoules. 1 ml of a clear, colorless solution contains 10 mg of the active ingredient dissolved in water for injection.

Dioxidin 5 mg for inhalation is produced in ampoules of 10 and 20 ml. In each milliliter of the drug in water for injection, 5 mg of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide is dissolved. Ampoules containing solution for injection and inhalation are placed in 10 pieces in cardboard packages.

Pharmacological effect

Dioxidin is a synthetic bactericidal agent that is used in the treatment of purulent and infectious pathologies. Usually the drug is used externally, however, if necessary, intracavitary lavage and intravenous administration are allowed.

Dioxidin has a detrimental effect on pathogenic cells by inhibiting the formation of DNA, but does not affect the production of RNA and protein. Also, the main active ingredient destroys the microbiological structure (shell and nucleotides, which play an important role in the formation of intracellular energy).

The drug is widely used in medicine due to its effective suppression of pathogenic flora in anoxic conditions.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Dioxidin is indicated for use in bacterial infections that are sensitive to the active component of the drug.

External use of Dioxidin is advisable in the following cases:

  1. Infected burns;
  2. Soft tissue phlegmon;
  3. Deep or superficial wounds on the body;
  4. Trophic ulcers and long-term non-healing wounds;
  5. Purulent wounds with osteomyelitis.

Intracavitary administration of Dioxidin is indicated in the following cases:

  1. Peritonitis;
  2. Abscesses;
  3. Purulent pleurisy;
  4. Purulent processes in the abdominal or thoracic cavity;
  5. Wounds of the biliary and urinary tract;
  6. Pleural empyema;
  7. Wounds and phlegmon with the presence of deep purulent cavities (pelvic cellulitis, soft tissue abscesses, purulent mastitis, postoperative wounds of the biliary and urinary tract).


Dioxidin is contraindicated for:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • under 12 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The effect of hydroxymethylquinoxyline dioxide on the body has been studied over many years of research. As a result, its mutagenic and teratogenic effects were reliably established.

Women at any stage of pregnancy should not be prescribed this drug, and not only intravenously or into the body cavity. Even local use in the form of ointments, compresses or nasal drops ensures the penetration of the active substance into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes and skin. For the same reason, treatment with Dioxidin during lactation is excluded (a temporary transition to pumping and artificial feeding is usually recommended).

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Dioxidin is most often used in hospital settings. A 1% solution of the drug is usually not used for intravenous injection (due to the instability of the drug when stored at low temperatures). Use 0.1-1% solutions, for which the drug is diluted with water for injection or sodium chloride solution.

External use of Dioxidin:

  1. To prevent infections after operations, Dioxidin is used in the form of a 0.1-0.5% solution.
  2. When treating superficial infected purulent wounds, wipes soaked in a 0.5-1% solution of Dioxidin are applied to the wound. When treating deep wounds, they are loosely tamponed with tampons pre-moistened in a 1% solution. If there is a drainage tube, a 0.5% solution, from 20 to 100 ml, is injected into the cavity.
  3. For the treatment of deep purulent wounds with osteomyelitis - in the form of baths with a 0.5-1% solution. Less commonly, special treatment of the wound is carried out by injecting the drug for a minute, then apply a bandage with a 1% solution of Dioxidine. If the drug is well tolerated, treatment can be carried out daily for 1.5-2 months.

For intracavitary administration, a catheter, syringe or drainage tube is used. A 1% solution of the drug is injected into the purulent cavity; the dose depends on the size of the cavity, usually ml per day. Usually the drug is administered once a day. The maximum daily dose is 70 ml. Treatment can be continued for three weeks or more if indicated and well tolerated.

Instructions for use of Dioxidin in the nose

Dioxidin solution is used in the presence of complicated inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, in particular for the treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other pathologies. The nasal cavity is washed with Dioxidin solution 2-3 times a day, using a syringe for convenience.

The drug has an excellent therapeutic effect in complicated sinusitis, when other drugs, including antibiotics, are ineffective. The punctured maxillary sinuses are washed with a solution of the drug 2-3 times a day, after which, if necessary, gauze turundas soaked in the solution are inserted into the nasal cavity.

Dioxin in the ear

To treat otitis media, it is usually customary to use antibiotics and vasoconstrictor drugs. However, in cases where they are not effective, Dioxidin becomes the drug of choice, a feature of which is its effectiveness against anaerobic bacteria.

Before instilling the medicine, it is recommended to clean the ear canal from wax using a cotton swab soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or special cotton swabs (for convenience, the auricle is slightly pulled back). If the ear is very dirty, leave the tampon with peroxide in it for about 5 minutes.

  1. In case of purulent otitis media, which is often accompanied by perforation of the eardrum and discharge of pus, all purulent contents are first removed from the ear canal before instillation.
  2. For otitis, Dioxidin should be injected simultaneously into the nose and into the ear canal. The solution effectively sanitizes the nasal cavity and stops the inflammatory process in it, and since the nose is connected to the ear by the Eustachian tube, relieving the inflammatory process in the nose has a beneficial effect on the situation as a whole.

The dose and frequency of instillations are selected individually in each specific case and exclusively by the attending physician.

Dioxidin ointment

Used to treat purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, phlegmon, wounds with osteomyelitis, pustular skin rashes. Apply a thin layer to the surface of the skin, and insert tampons with ointment into the purulent wounds. The daily dose for adults should not be more than 2.5 g. The duration of use of the product is 3 weeks.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

Today, a nebulizer is popular in the treatment of coughs and runny noses. However, not all owners of a useful device know which solutions are suitable for inhalation and which are not. What doctors say about the use of Dioxidin in nebulizers and inhalers.

The solution can be used at home, but under strict control of the dosage of Dioxidin. Inhalations are prescribed for lung abscesses, pleural empyema, severe inflammation of the bronchi. Dioxidin is rarely prescribed for sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis - in case of protracted course of the disease and the appearance of resistance (immunity) to other (weaker) drugs.

The concentrated solution is not poured into the nebulizer; it is diluted with saline solution. How to dilute Dioxidin correctly?

  • ampoules with a 1% solution are diluted in a ratio of 1:4;
  • ampoules with a 0.5% solution are diluted in a ratio of 1:2.

One inhalation will require 3 ml. What is left can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. The only point is that before inhalation, Dioxidin should be removed from the refrigeration chamber so that it warms up naturally. The solution must not be heated!

Side effects

Dioxidin when administered intracavitarily can cause:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • convulsive muscle contractions;
  • allergic reactions;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • rising temperatures;
  • photosensitizing effect (appearance of pigmented spots on the body when exposed to sunlight);
  • periwound dermatitis (for external use).

When used externally, Dioxidin can cause periwound dermatitis.


Symptoms of overdose include both excessive symptoms from the list of side effects and acute insufficiency of adrenal cortex function:

  1. To cope with the difficulty of synthesizing corticosteroids (stress hormones), therapy must be stopped.
  2. For other manifestations of overdose, therapeutic methods are selected - symptomatic treatment.

Hormone replacement therapy is allowed - in the form of doses of glucocorticosteroids determined by the doctor (normally - up to 1 mg per kilogram of the patient’s weight).

special instructions

  1. The drug is prescribed only if other antibacterial drugs are ineffective, including fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins of II-IV generations, carbapenems.
  2. Before starting to use Dioxidin, a drug tolerability study must be carried out. To do this, a small volume (10 ml) of a 1% solution is injected into the cavities and the patient’s condition is monitored for 3-6 hours. If no side effects (chills, fever, dizziness) occur during this time, the drug can be used for a course of treatment.
  3. If pigment spots occur, increase the duration of a single dose to 1.5-2 hours, reduce the dose, discontinue dioxidine or prescribe antihistamines.


We have selected some people's reviews about the drug Dioxidin:

  1. Elena. I usually use dioxidine solution to treat a persistent runny nose in my child. I mix it in equal parts with aloe extract and drip twice a day. The product is cheap and very effective. Does not dry out the mucous membranes and does not cause discomfort.
  2. Anna. One day in early spring I began to feel stuffy in my ears. I tried traditional methods of treatment, but the disease only worsened. The otolaryngologist prescribed dioxidine drops. At the same time, the doctor assured that the drug has absolutely no side effects. Having instilled the maximum dose of the drug into the auricle, I felt a burning sensation. After that, I read the instructions and discovered a large number of side effects. For treatment, I reduced the dose and quickly cured the inflammation of the ear canal. I recommend this drug to everyone, but read the instructions carefully before using it.
  3. Tanya. Dioxidin is a very good medicine. I only use it for mixed drops, for the nose. For a runny nose that I can’t cure for more than a week or two, this is an indispensable remedy! The ENT doctor prescribed it to me and said that even sinusitis can be treated with mixed drops, and patients don’t have to pierce their sinuses. Here is the recipe: Dioxidin 1% - 5 ml, Mezaton - 2 ml, Dexamethasone - 2 ml = mix everything in 10 cc. syringe, and drip 2 drops, 3 times a day. The nose breathes, and the runny nose goes away very quickly. The price is affordable, even very, and you can find this drug in all pharmacies.
  4. Sasha. For furunculosis, I was prescribed Dioxidin in ampoules, which I placed on gauze rolled up in several layers, which I dipped into a printed ampoule of solution to the place where the boil broke out. Surgeons said that this medicine is an antibiotic and sucks out pus well. In principle, he did his own work for his own money and the wounds were cleared of pus quickly, faster than before, when they simply changed the bandages or applied Ichthyol ointment.


What analogues of Dioxidin can be found in pharmacies?

  1. Dioxysept. Identical to Dioxidin in all respects: action, method of application, indications, side effects.
  2. Dioxicol. Available in the form of an ointment. In addition to Dioxidin, it contains Trimecain, Methyluracil, and Polyethylene oxide. It is well tolerated and causes virtually no side effects.
  3. Urotravenol. Consists of Dioxidine, Glycine and water. Supplied in sterile 10 liter containers. Used in hospitals for intracavitary administration.
  4. Quinoxidine. Essentially, this drug is a tablet form of Dioxidin. Prescribed for multidrug-resistant urinary tract infections. It is characterized by a high frequency of side effects from the digestive system.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

On average, the drug has a long shelf life (3 years), less often – 24 months. Any form (ointment, ampoules) is available only with a prescription. Storage conditions:

  • in a safe place, out of reach of children;
  • at a temperature of degrees;
  • in a dry place protected from light.






Normax drops


Dioxidin is the best and most effective antimicrobial drug created in the history of medicine. Quickly inactivates almost all pathogenic microorganisms known to science, including some protozoa, and without side effects. If the recommended dosages are followed, local, intracavitary use does not cause any toxic effects.

Particularly effective for treating bacterial infections of the respiratory tract in immunocompromised individuals by nasal instillation, inhalation of a 1% solution using a pocket inhaler, and rinsing of the maxillary sinuses. The effectiveness has been proven many times personally for me and many others. Dioxidin is a Russian miracle that has almost no analogues abroad. Thanks to the developers and Soviet science.

I suffer from chronic sinusitis, often exacerbations especially against the background of severe colds. At the clinic, the ENT doctor advised, in addition to traditional antibiotic tablets, to use the antibacterial agent Dioxidin by instilling it directly into the nose.

First you need to clear your nose (if it is clogged) using some vasoconstrictor (Xylene, Rinostop, Nazivin, etc.), then take an ampoule of a 1% solution and drop 2 drops into each nostril 3 times a day.

You can use a syringe or pipette for this. Sometimes there may be temporary mild discomfort - a burning sensation in the nose or tingling, but this does not last long. I can say for sure – it helps 100%.

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Dioxidin - instructions for use

general information

The advantages and disadvantages of the drug depend on its structure, physical and biochemical characteristics. Dioxidine is a derivative of quinoxaline di-N-oxide. Derivatives of this substance have an antibacterial effect. They are characterized by increased reaction properties and also easily enter into redox reactions. These characteristics determine the characteristics of antibacterial activity and a number of other biochemical properties of the above substances, incl. toxicity. Derivatives of quinoxaline di-N-oxide have been actively studied since the 20th century. In Western countries, a number of drugs were developed based on these compounds, which had high antibacterial activity and a wide spectrum of bactericidal action (Quindoxin, Temadox, etc.). These drugs are used only in veterinary practice - in the treatment and prevention of salmonella infections and other pathogenic bacteria.

Composition and release form

Dioxidin solution 0.5% for IV, intracavitary and external use, 0.01 and 0.02 l in ampoules of 10 pieces per pack.

Dioxidin ointment for topical use 5%, 0.025, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06 or 0.1 kg in a jar or tube.

Pharmacological properties


Dioxidin is used as a systemic medication (intravenously) when other antimicrobial agents are ineffective. It is used in the treatment of severe forms of bacterial infection caused by microorganisms that are insensitive to other antibacterial drugs. Treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital, under the strict supervision of a doctor. Since the drug is toxic, regular examinations and tests for vital signs are necessary.

  • sepsis (including burns);
  • purulent meningitis, accumulation of pus in the brain;
  • spreading purulent-inflammatory processes;
  • prevention of infection during heart surgery (vascular replacement, coronary bypass surgery).

Dioxidin is used externally and intracavity in the form of a solution or ointment for purulent-infectious processes. Actively used in surgery, urology and dentistry. It is possible to inject the solution into the bronchi.

  • purulent pleurisy;
  • abscess pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the peritoneum;
  • gall bladder suppuration;
  • purulent cystitis;
  • infected deep wounds: suppuration of soft tissues, surgical wounds, purulent chest, etc.;
  • prevention of infection after catheterization of the urethra.

Dioxidin is used externally in the following situations:

  • shallow festering wounds;
  • infected burn surfaces;
  • trophic ulcers in a neglected state;
  • festering wounds due to osteomyelitis;
  • pustular skin pathologies.

Directions for use and dosage

Dioxidin is administered intravenously only under the supervision of a physician. Administration of the drug without a dropper is contraindicated. Tolerance tests should be performed before infusion. For severe sepsis, a 0.5% solution is infused, mixed with a 5% glucose solution or a 0.9% sodium salt solution to a dicosidine concentration of 0.1-0.2%. The maximum dose of the drug is 0.3 g, the maximum daily dose is 0.6 g.

The drug solution is poured into the cavity through drainage, a catheter or a syringe - 0.01-0.05 liters of a one percent solution. The maximum dose of the drug is 0.5 g, the maximum daily dose is 0.7 g.

On the surface of the wound, cleaned of pus and dead tissue, tampons soaked in a one percent solution of the drug are fixed. Tampons are changed daily or every other day, depending on the condition of the damaged surface and the rate of healing. Deep wounds are treated with a 0.5% solution of the drug. For prolonged treatment of wounds, 0.1-0.2% solutions of dioxidine are used. The maximum dose of the drug is 2.5 g. The duration of the course is no more than 20 days.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer directly to the surface of the wound or burn, previously cleaned of pus and dead tissue. Tampons lubricated with ointment are inserted into the purulent cavities. For one dressing you need up to 30 g of ointment. Bandages with ointment are replaced daily or every other day, depending on the condition of the damaged surface and the rate of healing. The maximum amount of ointment used per day is 0.1 kg. The duration of the course is determined by the severity of the disease, the effectiveness of treatment and tolerability of the drug. With normal tolerance, treatment lasts for days. If necessary, you can repeat the course the next day.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the obvious positive effect of the drug in the treatment of purulent-microbial pathologies, the high toxicity of dioxidin has determined it to be a reserve drug, especially for intravenous infusions.

The frequency of manifestation of the above symptoms depended on both the dose and individual tolerability of the drug, and was recorded on average in 8-10% of patients. If the correct dosage was observed and the drug was administered through a dropper, side effects developed much less frequently or did not develop at all. Clinical practice has shown the advisability of using dioxidine in patients with intolerance (including allergies) to antibiotics. Particular attention should be paid to cramps of striated muscles. The factors and pathogenesis of the development of this symptom are still unknown, but there are versions that its development may be due to an increase in the amount of free radicals in the patient’s body, or the effect of the drug on the adrenal glands. An important advantage of dioxide is the absence of toxic effects on the kidneys, liver and hearing organs.

Clinical trials


Storage conditions

Shelf life – 24 months.

The drug is available in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.


Two years ago, at the beginning of winter, my ear got blocked. Feeling like your ear is stuffed with cotton all day long is not a pleasant feeling. This lasted a week, with no signs of recovery. I turned to my otolaryngologist, she suggested dioxidine drops. I asked about the side effects - the doctor said that this is a completely safe medicine, recommended even for children. Mom approved of this prescription, mentioning that previously, otitis media in children was treated only with dioxidine.

Following the recommendations, I bought one ampoule and applied it to my sore ear. Not even five minutes had passed before I regretted it - a severe pain appeared in my ear, I simply closed my eyes, waiting for it to pass. But the pain did not subside. An hour later, I decided to try a folk recipe - to be treated with onion juice. My husband crushed the onion, squeezed the juice out of it - I soaked a cotton swab in it and inserted it into the ear (I wet the inside of the swab with the juice and left the outside dry, because onion juice irritates the mucous membrane). Literally within minutes the pain was completely gone.

Having recovered from the pain, I decided to find out more about dioxidin. It turned out that this medicine is quite dangerous and not at all harmless. And on medical forums, doctors themselves confirm that dioxidin is a toxic medicine, so it can only be used as a last resort, and it is generally contraindicated for children.

I decided to enlighten my otolaryngologist, but she was only surprised and threw up her hands. As a result, she prescribed me another drug – Otipax. I bought a bottle, used it for 7 or 8 days, but my ear never went away. As a result, having become disillusioned with medications, I returned to the traditional method with onion juice.

Literally on the first day of treatment, pus began to drain, and in large quantities. After 3-4 days, the congestion went away, and everything is still fine with the ear.

This is how I learned a lesson for life - now, first of all, I try to be treated with folk methods and natural remedies, and I try to avoid medications unless absolutely necessary.

A year ago, my daughter fell ill with sinusitis; at first they wanted to cure it themselves, but they finally decided to consult a pediatrician. The pediatrician offered a choice of Dioxidin or Protargol nasal drops. Protargol was not sold in our city, so I purchased an ampoule of dioxidine. I diluted it with water (50 to 50) and started dripping it onto my daughter. By that time, I also began to have purulent discharge from my nose, so my daughter and I began to drip with this solution together. However, neither I nor the child experienced any improvement. I decided to give it up and started rinsing my nose and my daughter’s with salt water. After this procedure, Derinat was instilled. It took us only 5 days to fully recover.

Later I read on the Internet that dioxidin is contraindicated for children in any form, even in the form of nasal drops. I don’t understand what our pediatrician was guided by when she prescribed him...

Read more:

moreover, without side effects. If the recommended dosages are followed, local, intracavitary use does not cause any toxic effects. Particularly effective for treating bacterial infections of the respiratory tract in immunocompromised individuals by nasal instillation, inhalation of a 1% solution using a pocket inhaler, and rinsing of the maxillary sinuses. The effectiveness has been proven many times personally for me and many others. Dioxidin is a Russian miracle that has almost no analogues abroad. Thanks to the developers and Soviet science.

Yes, take the instructions for ANY honey. drug (even analgin, aspirin) and you will read a bunch of contraindications and possible reactions of the body to it. This does not mean that you will have all this, just that the manufacturer reports the possibility of such reactions. A person has purulent rhinitis, and on some forum they recommend replacing dioxidin with Nazivin and Pinosol! Rave!

If you know everything yourself, don’t go to doctors.

There are no limits to human stupidity!

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DIOXIDINE analogues

We kindly ask you not to make a decision to replace DIOXIDINE on your own, only as directed and with the permission of your doctor.

(157 offers from 157 to 452 UAH)









· respiratory infections: exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, lung abscess, empyema, infectious pleurisy, infected bronchiectasis, pulmonary infections in patients with fibrocystic changes in the lungs;

· infections of the genitourinary system: prostatitis, chronic and acute pyelonephritis, cystitis, epididymitis;

· infections of the ENT organs: otitis media, sinusitis, mastoiditis;

· gynecological infections: adnexitis, salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis, pelvic abscess, pelvioperitonitis, infected ulcer;

· gonorrhea, including rectal, urethral and pharyngeal localization of gonococcal lesions, including cases caused by resistant gonococci;

· infections of the abdominal organs: cholecystitis, peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscesses, cholangitis, gallbladder empyema;

· infections of joints and bones: purulent arthritis, chronic and acute osteomyelitis;

· infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: typhoid fever, bacterial diarrhea;

general severe infectious diseases: bacteremia, septicemia and infections in patients with suppressed immunity;

· infections of soft tissues and skin: infected wound, cellulitis, burn, abscess.


Infections of ENT organs, incl. recurrent tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media.

Lower respiratory tract infections, incl. exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, lobar and bronchopneumonia.

Infections of the urinary system, incl. cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, infections of the female genital organs and gonorrhea.

Skin and soft tissue infections.

Bone and joint infections, incl. osteomyelitis.

Other infections, incl. intra-abdominal sepsis.

Prevention of infectious complications during surgical interventions, in most cases during surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract, pelvic organs, head and neck, heart, kidneys, joint replacement and bile duct surgery.

Infections caused by amoxicillin-sensitive microorganisms are effectively treated with Amoxil-K, given the amoxicillin content in it. Mixed infections that are caused by amoxicillin-insensitive microorganisms in combination with amoxicillin-sensitive microorganisms - beta-lactamase producers - can be treated with Amoxil-K.


inflammation of the sinuses of the nose of a bacterial nature of an acute course,

acute inflammation of the middle ear,

chronic bronchitis in the acute stage,

community-acquired form of pneumonia,

cystitis of bacterial etiology of varying severity,

infectious and inflammatory disease of the renal pelvis (pyelonephritis),

infectious pathologies of the skin and soft tissues, such as cellulitis, animal bites, severe dentoalveolar abscesses with widespread cellulitis,

infectious lesions of the musculoskeletal system (for example, osteomyelitis).







Chronic non-infectious kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis).

Prevention of the formation of urinary stones, including after their removal.



Infections that are sensitive to ofloxacin:

Diseases of the lower respiratory tract;

Infectious and inflammatory lesions of the ENT organs (except for sore throat);

Infections of bones, joints and soft tissues;

Infectious diseases of the abdominal cavity, pelvis and kidneys;

Prostatitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia;

Respiratory infections due to tuberculosis, pulmonary fibrosis;

Concomitant infections in AIDS;

Shigellosis and salmonellosis.


The drug can also be prescribed to patients with discoid lupus erythematosus and cutaneous lymphoma.



Treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug, such as: – respiratory tract infections (including acute bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, acute sinusitis, community-acquired pneumonia);

– infections of the kidneys and urinary system (including complicated urinary tract infections, acute pyelonephritis, uncomplicated urinary tract infections (cystitis);

– uncomplicated infections of the skin and soft tissues;

– uncomplicated urethral gonorrhea in men;

– endocervical and rectal gonorrhea in women.


Orally Chlorophyllin-03 is used to treat staphylococcal lesions of the digestive tract.

In the form of inhalations, Chlorophyllin-03 is used for bronchitis, pneumonia, and lung abscesses.

Chlorophyllin-03 gives a pronounced effect when used against bacterial flora resistant to antibiotics.



Protozoal infections: trichomoniasis, extraintestinal amebiasis, including amoebic liver abscess, intestinal amebiasis (amoebic dysentery), giardiasis.

Anaerobic bacterial infections (gynecological, including bacterial vaginosis, as well as abdominal infections, central nervous system infections, bacteremia, sepsis, endocarditis, bone, joint, skin and soft tissue infections, periodontal infections, respiratory tract infections) caused by Bacteroides spp. , Clostridium spp., Eubacterium spp., Peptococcus spp., Peptostreptococcus spp. and other anaerobes sensitive to metronidazole (for adults and children).

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infections in duodenal or gastric ulcers in combination with bismuth preparations and an antibiotic, for example, amoxicillin.

Treatment of enterocolitis caused by Clostridium difficile.

Prophylactic use before surgery on the gastrointestinal tract and reproductive organs.


Trichomonas vaginitis and urethritis in women, Trichomonas urethritis in men, giardiasis, amoebic dysentery; anaerobic infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug.

Combination therapy of severe mixed aerobic-anaerobic infections.

Prevention of anaerobic infection during surgical interventions (especially on the abdominal organs, urinary tract).

In combination with amoxicillin: chronic gastritis in the acute phase, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase, associated with Helicobacter pylori.

International name


Group affiliation

Antimicrobial agent, quinoxaline

Dosage form

Solution for intravenous administration and local use, solution for intracavitary and external use, see. Also:
Dioxidine; aerosol for external use, ointment for external use

pharmachologic effect

Broad-spectrum antibacterial bactericidal drug. Active against Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Friedlander's bacillus, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteria, Shigella flexneri, Shigella boydii, Shigella sonnei, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., pathogenic anaerobes (Clostridium perfringens). Acts on strains of bacteria resistant to other antimicrobial drugs, including antibiotics. Does not have a local irritating effect. The development of drug resistance in bacteria is possible.

When administered intravenously, it is characterized by a small therapeutic width, and therefore strict adherence to the recommended doses is necessary. Treatment of burn and purulent-necrotic wounds promotes faster cleansing of the wound surface, stimulates reparative regeneration and marginal epithelization, and has a beneficial effect on the course of the wound process.

Experimental studies have demonstrated the presence of teratogenic, embryotoxic and mutagenic effects.


IV – septic conditions (including in patients with burn disease), purulent meningitis, purulent-inflammatory processes with generalization symptoms.

Intracavitary - purulent processes in the chest and abdominal cavity: purulent pleurisy, pleural empyema, peritonitis, cystitis, gallbladder empyema, prevention of infectious complications after bladder catheterization.

Externally, locally - wound and burn infections (superficial and deep purulent wounds of various locations, long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers, soft tissue phlegmon, infected burns, purulent wounds with osteomyelitis), wounds with the presence of deep purulent cavities (lung abscess, soft tissue abscesses) tissues, phlegmon of the pelvic tissue, postoperative wounds of the urinary and biliary tract, purulent mastitis), pustular skin diseases.


Hypersensitivity, adrenal insufficiency (including a history), pregnancy, lactation, childhood (under 18 years). With caution. Kidney failure.

Side effects

Allergic reactions. After IV and intracavitary administration - headache, chills, hyperthermia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle twitching.

Local reactions: periwound dermatitis.

Application and dosage

IV drip. In severe septic conditions, a 0.5% solution for injection is administered, previously diluted in a 5% dextrose solution or in a 0.9% NaCl solution to a concentration of 0.1-0.2%. The highest single dose is 300 mg, daily dose is 600 mg.

Intracavitary. The solution is injected into the cavity through a drainage tube, catheter or syringe, 10-50 ml of a 1% solution.

Externally, on the wound surface, previously cleaned of purulent-necrotic masses, wipes moistened with a 1% solution are applied daily or every other day, depending on the condition of the burn wound and the course of the wound process. Deep wounds are packed or irrigated with a 0.5% solution. The maximum daily dose is 2.5 g. Duration of treatment is up to 3 weeks.

special instructions

For chronic renal failure, the dose is reduced. Prescribed only when other antimicrobial drugs are ineffective.

Reviews about the drug Dioxidin: 0

Write your review

Do you use Dioxidin as an analogue or, on the contrary, its analogues?

Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Dioxidin in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Dioxidine in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of wounds and ulcers, sinusitis and boils, as well as inhalations in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Dioxidine is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug from the group of quinoxaline derivatives, has chemotherapeutic activity against infections caused by Proteus vulgaris, dysentery bacillus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella, staphylococci, streptococci, pathogenic anaerobes (including causative agents of gas gangrene), acts for strains of bacteria resistant to other chemotherapy drugs, including antibiotics.

The development of drug resistance in bacteria is possible. When administered intravenously, it is characterized by a small therapeutic width, and therefore strict adherence to the recommended doses is necessary. Treatment of burn and purulent-necrotic wounds promotes faster cleansing of the wound surface, stimulates reparative regeneration and marginal epithelization, and has a beneficial effect on the course of the wound process.

When applied topically, it is partially absorbed from the wound or burn surface and excreted by the kidneys.

  • purulent bacterial infections caused by sensitive microflora when other chemotherapeutic agents are ineffective or poorly tolerated.
  • superficial and deep wounds of various locations;
  • long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers;
  • soft tissue phlegmon;
  • infected burns;
  • purulent wounds with osteomyelitis.
  • purulent processes in the chest and abdominal cavity;
  • for purulent pleurisy, pleural empyema, lung abscesses, peritonitis, cystitis, wounds with deep purulent cavities (soft tissue abscesses, pelvic cellulitis, postoperative wounds of the urinary and biliary tract, purulent mastitis).

Solution in ampoules for inhalation and local, as well as intracavitary use (in the nose) 5 mg/ml and 1%.

Ointment for external use 5%.

Solution for intravenous administration 0.5%.

Instructions for use and usage diagrams

Dioxidin is prescribed in a hospital setting. Apply externally, intracavity.

Dioxidin 1% solution cannot be used for intravenous administration due to the instability of the solution when stored at low temperatures.

Apply 0.1-1% solutions of Dioxidin. To obtain 0.1-0.2% solutions, ampoule solutions of the drug are diluted to the required concentration with sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution or water for injection.

To treat superficial infected purulent wounds, wipes moistened with a 0.5-1% solution of dioxidine are applied to the wound. Deep wounds after treatment are loosely tamponed with tampons moistened with a 1% solution of dioxidine, and if there is a drainage tube, 20 to 100 ml of a 0.5% solution of the drug is injected into the cavity.

For the treatment of deep purulent wounds with osteomyelitis (wounds of the hand, foot), 0.5-1% solutions of the drug are used in the form of baths or special treatment of the wound with a solution of the drug is carried out for a period of minutes (injection of the solution into the wound for this period), followed by the application of bandages with a 1% solution of dioxidine .

Dioxidin in the form of 0.1-0.5% solutions can be used to prevent infection after surgery. According to indications (patients with osteomyelitis) and if well tolerated, treatment can be carried out daily for 1.5-2 months.

Depending on its size, 1% dioxidine solution is injected into the purulent cavity per day. Dioxidine solution is injected into the cavity through a catheter, drainage tube or syringe.

The maximum daily dose for administration into the cavities is 70 ml of a 1% solution.

The drug is usually administered into the cavity once a day. According to indications, it is possible to administer a daily dose in two doses. If well tolerated and indicated, the drug can be administered daily for 3 weeks or more. If necessary, repeat courses are carried out after 1-1.5 months.

  • headache;
  • chills;
  • rising temperatures;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • convulsive muscle contractions;
  • allergic reactions;
  • photosensitizing effect (appearance of pigmented spots on the body when exposed to sunlight);
  • periwound dermatitis (for external use).
  • adrenal insufficiency (including history);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • childhood;
  • hypersensitivity to dioxidine.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Dioxidin is prescribed only to adults. Before starting the course of treatment, a drug tolerance test is carried out, for which 10 ml of a 1% solution is injected into the cavities. If there are no side effects within 3-6 hours (dizziness, chills, increased body temperature), a course of treatment is started.

Dioxidin is prescribed only for severe forms of infectious diseases or when other antibacterial drugs are ineffective, incl. cephalosporins 2-4 generations, fluoroquinolones, carbapenems.

In case of chronic renal failure, the dose is reduced.

If pigment spots appear, increase the duration of administration of a single dose to 1.5-2 hours, reduce the dose, prescribe antihistamines or discontinue Dioxidin.

If Dioxidin crystals fall out in ampoules with a solution during storage (at temperatures below 15°C), they are dissolved by heating the ampoules in a boiling water bath while shaking until the crystals are completely dissolved (transparent solution). If, when cooled to 36-38°C, the crystals do not fall out again, the drug is suitable for use.

Analogs of the drug Dioxidin

Structural analogues of the active substance:

Dioxidin: instructions, price and analogues

Dioxidin is a synthetic antibacterial drug with a wide range of applications.

The active ingredient of Dioxidin is hydroxymethylquinoxylin dioxide.

The antibacterial drug in question has proven itself in the fight against the following pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • Klebsiella and dysentery bacilli;
  • pathogenic anaerobes;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • salmonella.

The manufacturer of Dioxidin is the Russian pharmaceutical company OJSC Nizhpharm.

This antibacterial agent is sold in pharmacies with a prescription from your doctor.

Instructions for use of Dioxidin recommend storing it in a dark and dry place, protected from direct sunlight. Children should not have access to the medicine. The recommended storage temperature should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius.

Subject to storage conditions, the shelf life declared by the manufacturer of Dioxidine is 3 years from the release date, which must be indicated on the packaging.

Do not use this antibacterial medicine after its expiration date.

Release form and price

Currently, manufacturers produce it in two dosage forms:

The solution is poured into glass ampoules. Each package of this medicine contains 10 ampoules of medicine.

The solution is also available in bottles equipped with a dropper cap. This packaging did not appear by chance; it is very convenient to instill Dioxidin into the nose.

The ointment is available in special tubes (tubes) of 25, 30, 50 and 100 grams.

The prices of the drug in question may vary significantly depending on the specific place where it is purchased.

Indications for use and pharmacological properties

The abstract of the drug contains an extensive and detailed list of diseases and pathological conditions for which it is used.

An antibacterial drug is used for treatment in cases of:

  • pyoderma (infectious skin lesions);
  • burns, ulcers and wounds;
  • purulent meningitis;
  • purulent pleurisy;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • peritonitis;
  • cystitis;
  • sepsis.

The use of Dioxidin for various wounds and other skin disorders is caused by their infection, as well as the difficulty and duration of healing.

In otolaryngology, it is used in the complex treatment of sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis), otitis and bacterial rhinitis. In particular, Dioxidin for sinusitis is used in especially severe and advanced forms of the disease.

You can get more information by reading the article “Nasal rinsing for sinusitis.”

The pharmacological effect of Dioxidin is due to the fact that its active substance, hydroxymethylquinoxylin dioxide, is capable of extremely effectively destroying the structure of pathogenic bacteria. This quickly causes their death.

Depending on the form of release and the specific indication for use, the antibacterial drug in question is used:

  • for intracavitary therapy;
  • intravenously (injections);
  • intranasally (nasal drops);
  • locally (in the treatment of wounds).

The therapeutic course of intravenous and intracavitary administration of Dioxidin is always determined by the attending physician on an individual basis.

When treating difficult-to-heal wounds with Dioxidine, the most commonly practiced method is the local application of napkins soaked in a medicinal solution to the wound.

Such procedures are usually prescribed by the attending physician to be performed daily. Sometimes they are prescribed once every two days.

The average duration of such treatment is 2-3 weeks.

When treating otitis media, before instilling the required number of drops of the medicine, you should thoroughly clean the ear canals of earwax using hydrogen peroxide (3%). These procedures are carried out using turundas or cotton swabs.

When treating otitis media, the medicine is simultaneously injected into the ears and nasal passages.

The required dosage and frequency of taking the medication is determined by the attending physician.

When treating sinusitis and rhinitis, doctors often dilute the drug with saline or water for injection. It is used as nasal drops.

Dioxidin for sinusitis (rhinitis), according to the instructions, can only be used for the treatment of adult patients. In such cases, 2-10 drops of the solution should be instilled into each nasal passage 3-5 times a day.

However, doctors often prescribe this antibacterial drug to children. The dosage is also individual. On average, it is 1-2 drops in each nasal passage 2-3 times a day. In addition, rinsing the nasal cavity with a solution of this medicine shows high effectiveness.

Dioxidin for a runny nose (sinusitis) is used for no longer than 5-7 days.

When treating with ointment, it should be applied daily in a thin layer directly to the wound. The average duration of the treatment and therapeutic course is 15-20 days.


Inhalations with Dioxidin are prescribed by doctors for diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs.

Such inhalations can be prescribed to both children and adult patients. It is forbidden to self-medicate and carry out such procedures without a doctor’s prescription. Possible side effects.

When preparing a solution for inhalation, the recommended proportions must be strictly observed. When using a 1% solution of the drug, it should be diluted with 4 parts of saline solution. If you have a 0.5% solution, you will need 2 parts of saline solution.

Inhalations are carried out 1-2 times a day. Each procedure requires an average of 3.5 ml of Dioxidine.

Contraindications, overdose and side effects

The use of Dioxidin is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to its components. In addition, it cannot officially be used to treat children.

Taking Dioxidin sometimes causes negative side effects. These include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • muscle cramps;
  • headache;
  • nausea, diarrhea and vomiting;
  • chills.

During pregnancy and lactation

Dioxidin is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.


Currently, many antibacterial drugs are produced, which in their action are analogues of Dioxidin. Here's just a small list:

Remember, only a qualified doctor can choose from a large number of analogues the optimal drug in each specific situation.

Efficiency and reviews

On the Internet you can find a huge number of varied reviews about Dioxidin. Most of them are positive.

However, often in their reviews people complain about the fairly high cost of the medicine.

Many copies have been broken around the question: “Can children be treated with it?” In this matter, the top priority should not be the review, but the recommendation of the attending physician.

Dear reader, if you have already used Dioxidin, please leave a review about it on our website. Your opinion and experience will help other people choose an antibacterial drug.

I successfully use dioxidin in complex therapy with other drugs in the treatment of sinusitis. I haven’t found any side effects, I drop half a pipette into each nostril of a 1% solution 3 times a day. I use it after vasoconstrictors and flushing with Dolphin. I wish you all good health!!

All materials are for informational purposes only.

Before using the information received, consult your doctor.

Questions and suggestions:

Copying of materials is permitted only with an active link to the source.

Dioxidin - instructions for use, composition, indications, analogues and reviews

Dioxidin belongs to the group of antibacterial drugs that are obtained synthetically. The negative effect of the drug Dioxidin is explained by the negative effect of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide on bacterial cells, which ends in their death.

Composition and release form

The manufacturer produces the drug in the form of several dosage forms:

  • 1% solution for intracavitary and external use.
  • 0.5% solution for the same purposes.
  • Ointment Dioxidin 5%.

Composition of the medicine in the form of an ointment

1 gram of ointment contains 50 mg main active ingredient, and also contains as complementary substances:

  • Polyethylene oxide 400.
  • Polyethylene oxide 1500.
  • Nipagin.
  • Propyl ester of parahydroxybenzoic acid.

Composition of Dioxidin in the form of a solution

The solution for use is available in ampoules of 10 ml, 10 ampoules are packed in a box. The ointment is packaged in gram tubes.

The composition of 1 ml of solution for external or internal use includes main active ingredient: hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide in an amount of 10 mg, as well as water for injection - 1 ml. If the medication is 0.5%, then active substance contains half as much, that is, 5 mg.

Dioxidin instructions for use in various dosage forms

Scheme for using Dioxidin in solution

When administered intravenously, the drug Dioxidin should be administered by drip. Before this, Dioxidin must be diluted with 5% dissolved dextrose or 0.9% sodium chloride to obtain a concentration of 0.1%. No more than 0.6 grams are allowed per day, and 0.3 grams per injection. If the drug is used externally, then tampon deep wounds or irrigate the damaged area with a 1% solution.

Cavitary administration of the drug allows the use of 20 to 100 ml of a 0.5% solution of the drug. Treatment of deep purulent wounds, for example, with osteomyelitis, involves the use of a 1% solution of Dioxidin in the form of baths. Therapy of superficial infected purulent wounds allows applying a napkin moistened with a 1% solution of the drug to the affected area. This procedure must be performed every day or every other day, this is determined by the doctor taking into account the condition of the wound and the patient. You can use 2.5 grams of medicine per day. Treatment can last up to 21 days.

Patients suffering from osteomyelitis can continue therapy for up to 1.5-2 months if the drug is well tolerated. For intracavitary therapy, from 10 to 50 ml of a 1% solution of the drug Dioxidin is administered orally daily once; in some cases, the daily dose is allowed to be divided into 2 injections. According to the instructions, the course of therapy lasts 3 weeks, if necessary, then after 1-1.5 it can be repeated.

The use of Dioxidin for the treatment of ear diseases

Most often, when a diagnosis of otitis media is made, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and vasoconstrictor drugs. But they are not always effective, so in this case Dioxidin comes to the rescue, which has proven its effectiveness against anaerobic bacteria.

Scheme for the use of the drug Dioxidin in the treatment of ear pathologies

Before instilling Dioxidin into the ear canal, it is necessary to free it from accumulated wax using 3% hydrogen peroxide. If there is purulent otitis, then before using the product, all accumulated purulent discharge must be removed from the passage. For otitis media, Dioxidin should be administered simultaneously into the ear and nose. The solution sanitizes the nasal cavity well and relieves inflammation, and since the nasal cavity is connected to the inner ear, this procedure has a positive effect on the entire treatment process.

The dosage and regimen of use is selected in each specific case, taking into account individual characteristics, age and severity of the disease.

The use of Dioxidin in the treatment of rhinitis

The need to use Dioxidin solution for instillation into the nose most often appears in some forms of rhinitis or sinusitis. If the patient is an adult, then before instillation Dioxidin must be diluted with a solution of sodium chloride, hydrocortisone or water for injection. The dose for an adult is from 2 drops to a third of a pipette. Carry out the procedure 3-5 times a day. The exact dosage and frequency of administration is determined by the doctor.

Therapy should last no more than a week, if during this time there is no improvement, then you will have to undergo additional examination.

Use of Dioxidin in the form of ointment

Scheme for using Dioxidin in ointment form

The ointment is usually applied to damaged areas of the skin. It is necessary to apply so that the layer of the drug is thin. Once a day is enough. The course of therapy is usually about three weeks.

Indications, contraindications and side effects of Dioxidin

Considering the pharmacokinetics of the drug, Dioxidin has a fairly large list of indications.

Indications for use of the drug Dioxidin

  • Septic conditions.
  • Purulent-inflammatory lesions of the brain.
  • Purulent pleurisy.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Cystitis.
  • Acute purulent inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • To prevent the development of infections after bladder catheterization.
  • For the treatment of burns and trophic ulcers.
  • Soft tissue abscesses.
  • Postoperative wounds.
  • Purulent mastitis.
  • Infectious lesions caused by the activity of streptococci or staphylococci.

The dosage and treatment regimen for any disease is prescribed by the doctor in accordance with the instructions.

Contraindications for the use of the drug Dioxidin

  • If there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • In the presence of adrenal insufficiency, even in history.
  • During pregnancy.
  • Contraindicated for women during breastfeeding.
  • For the treatment of children.
  • Great care must be taken when prescribing the drug to patients with renal failure.

Side effects when used

If the drug is prescribed without taking into account contraindications or the individual characteristics of the patient are not taken into account, then the following side effects are possible.

Side effects when using the product:

  • Headache may occur with intracavitary administration.
  • Chills.
  • Nausea, vomiting and indigestion.
  • Slight increase in body temperature.
  • Convulsive twitching of muscles.
  • The appearance of pigmented spots on the body under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
  • Allergic manifestations.
  • When used topically, dermatitis and itching are possible.

When the first adverse reactions occur, you must inform your doctor in order to adjust the dose or discontinue the drug.

Therapeutic effects of the drug Dioxidin

The use of the product is quite active against the following microorganisms:

  • Friedlander sticks.
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Causative agents of bacterial dysentery.
  • Salmonella.
  • E. coli.
  • Staphylococcus.
  • Streptococci.

The use of the product differs from other similar drugs in that it destroys even those microorganisms that are not susceptible to the effects of strong antibacterial agents. If you treat wounds after burns or purulent-necrotic wounds with the drug, the healing process will go much faster. Numerous experimental studies have established that Dioxidin has:

The drug penetrates well into all cells and organs and does not accumulate in the body with long-term use.

Interaction of Dioxidin with other drugs

This drug has not been found to have a negative combination with other drugs. The only clarification is that for patients who are hypersensitive to hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide, Dioxidin is prescribed in combination with antihistamines or calcium supplements.

Use of Dioxidin for the treatment of children

In pediatric practice, it is not customary to prescribe Dioxidin for treatment to children under 18 years of age. This is due to the toxic effects of the main active ingredient of the drug. But there are cases when the benefits of use outweigh all the risks, in this situation the doctor turns a blind eye to such a limitation. It is only necessary to take into account that in case of urgent need, treatment of children with Dioxidine should be carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

In children, the remedy is most often used to combat ENT diseases, such as purulent rhinitis or sinusitis. It is advisable to use a 0.5% solution of Dioxidin. The solution and ointment can also be used to treat wounds, esp. If the damage is deep enough. Dioxidin therapy should not be carried out for a long time in children. As you improve, you can switch to using a 0.1% solution and then discontinue it.

Use of Dioxidin during pregnancy

If you study the pharmacological properties of the drug, it becomes clear that its use during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. The medicine can provoke embryogenesis disorders and negatively affect the formation of the fetal nervous system.

Dioxidin should not be used during breastfeeding, as it can pass into breast milk and then into the baby’s body.

Special instructions for the use of Dioxidin

Doctors prescribe Dioxidin therapy most often when other antimicrobial drugs do not have the required effect. For patients with chronic renal failure, the dosage must be carefully calculated. To prevent allergic reactions, therapy is combined with antihistamines. If side effects occur during treatment, the dose should be reduced. In serious situations, some side effects are a signal to discontinue the drug.

If age spots appear on the skin, the dosage of the product should be reduced and the duration of administration increased. Also add antiallergic medications. During storage of Dioxidin ampoules with solution at temperatures below 15 degrees, crystals may appear in them. In this case, the ampoules must be heated in a water bath until they are completely dissolved. The Dioxidin solution must be completely transparent for use.

The drug affects a person’s attention and concentration. Therefore, during treatment you should refrain from driving a car or performing dangerous types of work that require high concentration.

Dioxidin analogues include the following drugs:

  • Galenophyllipt.
  • An analogue of the product is Zyvox.
  • Kirin.
  • Kubitsin.
  • Monural.
  • Nitroxoline.
  • Dioxidin analogue - Urophosphabol.
  • Fosfomycin.
  • Zenix.
  • Amizolid.
  • An analogue of the product is Dioxykol.
  • Quinoxidine and others.

If you decide to replace the original with an analogue, then this issue should be discussed with your doctor.

Price of the drug in pharmacies

Check out the price of Dioxidin in 2018 and cheap analogues >>> The cost of Dioxidin in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components in the drug and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain. But the important thing is that the price difference between foreign and Russian analogues remains almost unchanged.

On the MedMoon.ru website, medications are classified both alphabetically and by effect on the body. We publish only the most current and new medications. Instructions for use of Dioxidin are regularly updated at the request of manufacturers.

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DIOXIDINE analogues

We kindly ask you not to make a decision to replace DIOXIDINE on your own, only as directed and with the permission of your doctor.

(6 offers from 190 to 212 UAH)

Price update date: 16 hours 58 minutes ago









· respiratory infections: exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, lung abscess, empyema, infectious pleurisy, infected bronchiectasis, pulmonary infections in patients with fibrocystic changes in the lungs;

· infections of the genitourinary system: prostatitis, chronic and acute pyelonephritis, cystitis, epididymitis;

· infections of the ENT organs: otitis media, sinusitis, mastoiditis;

· gynecological infections: adnexitis, salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis, pelvic abscess, pelvioperitonitis, infected ulcer;

· gonorrhea, including rectal, urethral and pharyngeal localization of gonococcal lesions, including cases caused by resistant gonococci;

· infections of the abdominal organs: cholecystitis, peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscesses, cholangitis, gallbladder empyema;

· infections of joints and bones: purulent arthritis, chronic and acute osteomyelitis;

· infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: typhoid fever, bacterial diarrhea;

general severe infectious diseases: bacteremia, septicemia and infections in patients with suppressed immunity;

· infections of soft tissues and skin: infected wound, cellulitis, burn, abscess.


Infections of ENT organs, incl. recurrent tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media.

Lower respiratory tract infections, incl. exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, lobar and bronchopneumonia.

Infections of the urinary system, incl. cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, infections of the female genital organs and gonorrhea.

Skin and soft tissue infections.

Bone and joint infections, incl. osteomyelitis.

Other infections, incl. intra-abdominal sepsis.

Prevention of infectious complications during surgical interventions, in most cases during surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract, pelvic organs, head and neck, heart, kidneys, joint replacement and bile duct surgery.

Infections caused by amoxicillin-sensitive microorganisms are effectively treated with Amoxil-K, given the amoxicillin content in it. Mixed infections that are caused by amoxicillin-insensitive microorganisms in combination with amoxicillin-sensitive microorganisms - beta-lactamase producers - can be treated with Amoxil-K.


inflammation of the sinuses of the nose of a bacterial nature of an acute course,

acute inflammation of the middle ear,

chronic bronchitis in the acute stage,

community-acquired form of pneumonia,

cystitis of bacterial etiology of varying severity,

infectious and inflammatory disease of the renal pelvis (pyelonephritis),

infectious pathologies of the skin and soft tissues, such as cellulitis, animal bites, severe dentoalveolar abscesses with widespread cellulitis,

infectious lesions of the musculoskeletal system (for example, osteomyelitis).







Chronic non-infectious kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis).

Prevention of the formation of urinary stones, including after their removal.



Infections that are sensitive to ofloxacin:

Diseases of the lower respiratory tract;

Infectious and inflammatory lesions of the ENT organs (except for sore throat);

Infections of bones, joints and soft tissues;

Infectious diseases of the abdominal cavity, pelvis and kidneys;

Prostatitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia;

Respiratory infections due to tuberculosis, pulmonary fibrosis;

Concomitant infections in AIDS;

Shigellosis and salmonellosis.


The drug can also be prescribed to patients with discoid lupus erythematosus and cutaneous lymphoma.



Treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug, such as: – respiratory tract infections (including acute bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, acute sinusitis, community-acquired pneumonia);

– infections of the kidneys and urinary system (including complicated urinary tract infections, acute pyelonephritis, uncomplicated urinary tract infections (cystitis);

– uncomplicated infections of the skin and soft tissues;

– uncomplicated urethral gonorrhea in men;

– endocervical and rectal gonorrhea in women.


Orally Chlorophyllin-03 is used to treat staphylococcal lesions of the digestive tract.

In the form of inhalations, Chlorophyllin-03 is used for bronchitis, pneumonia, and lung abscesses.

Chlorophyllin-03 gives a pronounced effect when used against bacterial flora resistant to antibiotics.



Protozoal infections: trichomoniasis, extraintestinal amebiasis, including amoebic liver abscess, intestinal amebiasis (amoebic dysentery), giardiasis.

Anaerobic bacterial infections (gynecological, including bacterial vaginosis, as well as abdominal infections, central nervous system infections, bacteremia, sepsis, endocarditis, bone, joint, skin and soft tissue infections, periodontal infections, respiratory tract infections) caused by Bacteroides spp. , Clostridium spp., Eubacterium spp., Peptococcus spp., Peptostreptococcus spp. and other anaerobes sensitive to metronidazole (for adults and children).

Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infections in duodenal or gastric ulcers in combination with bismuth preparations and an antibiotic, for example, amoxicillin.

Treatment of enterocolitis caused by Clostridium difficile.

Prophylactic use before surgery on the gastrointestinal tract and reproductive organs.


Trichomonas vaginitis and urethritis in women, Trichomonas urethritis in men, giardiasis, amoebic dysentery; anaerobic infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug.

Combination therapy of severe mixed aerobic-anaerobic infections.

Prevention of anaerobic infection during surgical interventions (especially on the abdominal organs, urinary tract).

In combination with amoxicillin: chronic gastritis in the acute phase, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase, associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Dioxidin is an antibacterial drug. As a chemical compound, it is a derivative of quinoxaline, which determines a wide spectrum of action against pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora.

The most sensitive to the drug are anaerobic microorganisms, blue-green pus bacillus, bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family, as well as enterococci.

In this article we will look at why doctors prescribe the drug Dioxidin, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this drug in pharmacies. Real REVIEWS of people who have already used Dioxidin can be read in the comments.

Composition and release form

The simple and catchy trade name hides a complex organic substance called hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide. It is available in two different dosages, and when purchasing Dioxidin for nasal rinsing for sinusitis, this fact should be taken into account.

So, Russian pharmaceutical companies produce Dioxidin solutions:

  • solution at a concentration of 0.5%. This form of release is used externally, intravenously and intracavitarily and is available in ampoules of 10 and 20 ml.
  • solution in a concentration of 1%, which is intended for intracavitary and external use and is packaged in glass ampoules containing 10 ml of the drug.

For rinsing the nasal cavity, the drug is most often used in a concentration of 0.1%.

What is Dioxidin used for?

The drug is used in surgery (neurosurgery), dentistry, urology, otorhinolaryngology for various types and forms of purulent infection. Diseases for which Dioxidin helps:

  • pustules on the skin;
  • lung abscess, pleural empyema, purulent pleurisy;
  • secondary purulent meningitis, brain abscess;
  • purulent mastitis, cystitis, peritonitis, sepsis;
  • inflamed wounds due to osteomyelitis;
  • phlegmon, skin abscess, trophic ulcers, burns, postoperative, post-traumatic wounds (superficial and deep);

ENT doctors prescribe instillation of the solution for rhinitis, sinusitis, and otitis.

pharmachologic effect

Dioxidin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug.

When treating purulent wounds, damage to the integrity of the skin with severe exudation (wetting surface of the wound, most often found in burns), the Dioxidine solution accelerates wound cleansing, stimulates regeneration, and has a positive effect on the further course of the process.

Effective against infections caused by Proteus vulgaris (a type of microorganism that, under certain conditions, can cause infectious diseases of the small intestine and stomach), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, dysentery bacillus and Klebsiella bacillus (Friedlander - bacteria that cause pneumonia and local purulent processes), salmonella, staphylococci , streptococci, pathogenic anaerobes (bacteria capable of existing in the absence of oxygen and causing human diseases), including causative agents of gas gangrene.

Well absorbed from the surface of the skin and mucous membranes when applied topically. Does not bind to blood proteins and is excreted unchanged through the kidneys in the urine. Reaches maximum concentration 2 hours after administration. When administered intravenously, it does not have a broad therapeutic effect. Does not have the ability to accumulate (accumulate) in organs and tissues.

Instructions for use

Dioxidin solution according to the instructions for use is prescribed in a hospital setting. Apply externally, intracavity. Dioxidin 1% solution cannot be used for intravenous administration, due to the instability of the solution when stored at low temperatures.

Intracavitary administration:

  • The drug is usually administered into the cavity 1 time/day. According to indications, it is possible to administer a daily dose in two doses. If well tolerated and indicated, the drug can be administered daily for 3 weeks or more. If necessary, repeat courses are carried out after 1-1.5 months.
  • Depending on its size, 10-50 ml of 1% dioxidine solution/day is injected into the purulent cavity. Dioxidine solution is injected into the cavity through a catheter, drainage tube or syringe.
  • The maximum daily dose for administration into the cavities is 70 ml of a 1% solution.

How to dilute for the nose:

  • Before you begin treatment, find out how to dilute dioxidin for nasal rinsing. Learn to maintain proper concentration and no complications will arise. For an adult, a medicine with a concentration of 0.5% is practically harmless. One percent dioxidine will have to be mixed with water in equal proportions. If you have to treat a child, dilute the 0.5% antibiotic with water in a 2:1 ratio. To prepare a solution of a medicine with a concentration of 1% for 1 part of the medicine, use 3-4 parts of water.

External use:

  • Apply 0.1-1% solutions of Dioxidin. To obtain 0.1-0.2% solutions, ampoule solutions of the drug are diluted to the required concentration with sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution or water for injection.
  • For the treatment of deep purulent wounds with osteomyelitis (wounds of the hand, foot), use 0.5-1% solutions of the drug in the form of baths or carry out a special treatment of the wound with a solution of the drug for 15-20 minutes (injection of the solution into the wound for this period), followed by application of bandages with 1% dioxidine solution.
  • To treat superficial infected purulent wounds, wipes moistened with a 0.5-1% solution of dioxidine are applied to the wound. Deep wounds after treatment are loosely tamponed with tampons moistened with a 1% solution of dioxidine, and if there is a drainage tube, 20 to 100 ml of a 0.5% solution of the drug is injected into the cavity.
  • Dioxidin in the form of 0.1-0.5% solutions can be used to prevent infection after surgery. According to indications (patients with osteomyelitis) and if well tolerated, treatment can be carried out daily for 1.5-2 months.

How to do inhalations:

  • To properly prepare a solution for inhalation, you need to monitor the proportion of the drug. If you are prescribed dioxidin for sinusitis or sore throat, use a solution of 0.25% concentration. To do this, mix one part of 0.5% medicine with two parts of water. Dioxidin with a concentration of 1% is diluted in double the volume of liquid. For one inhalation, no more than 4 ml of solution is used.

If we are talking about treating a child, when preparing the solution for inhalation, use one and a half times more water (3:1 for a medicine with a concentration of 0.5% and 6:1 for a medicine with a concentration of 1%). The maximum volume of solution for one inhalation procedure is 3 ml. Calculate the concentration with extreme care, otherwise you may damage the mucous membranes.


The drug has contraindications:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Adrenal insufficiency.

It is strictly prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers, because it damages the fetus and causes gene mutations.

Side effects

When dioxidine is administered into a vein or cavity, headaches, chills, increased body temperature, dyspeptic symptoms (digestive disorders), and convulsive twitching of the mouse are possible.

To prevent adverse reactions, it is recommended to prescribe antihistamines and calcium supplements. If adverse reactions occur, reduce the dose, prescribe antihistamines, and, if necessary, stop taking dioxidine.


Drugs that are similar in their action or contain the same active ingredient:

  1. Dioxysept;
  2. Diquinoxide;
  3. 5-NOK;
  4. Galenophyllipt;
  5. Monural;
  6. Utrotravenol;
  7. Hexamethylenetetramine and others.

Attention: the use of analogues must be agreed with the attending physician.


The average price of DIOXIDINE, solution in pharmacies (Moscow) is 185 rubles.

Storage conditions and periods

List B. Store out of the reach of children, protected from light at a temperature of 18° to 25°C. Shelf life – 2 years.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate: instructions, reviews, analogues Derinat nasal drops: instructions, reviews, analogues