Drooping grass - description of the plant with photo; its collection and storage; beneficial properties (benefit and harm); use for treatment and cooking; recipes with dreaminess. Mowing grass: unusually useful properties

It’s amazing how rich the nature of our latitudes is in wild herbs. Medicinal plants live widely in fields and meadows, in steppes and forests, on mountain slopes and in valleys. Many of them are well known to almost everyone, others are not so popular, but are also widely used in folk and official medicine. Below we will consider some wild herbs, their purpose and use by humans.

What herbs are: classification

Wild herbs are divided into several typologies:

  • by life expectancy,
  • as intended,
  • by distribution.

Now let's look at each classification separately.

By life expectancy

According to their lifespan, wild herbs are divided into annual, biennial and perennial.

Here are examples of some of them:

  • annuals - cinquefoil, as well as many others;
  • biennials -, and others;
  • perennials - field mint, burdock, and so on.

Did you know? The most common living creatures on planet Earth are plants. There are more than 370 thousand species.

By purpose

Herbs are also classified according to their human use. They are divided into spicy and medicinal. Already from the names of these categories it is clear what they are intended for and how they are used.

By distribution

The places where wild cereals grow allow us to divide them into those growing in forests, in the steppe and desert, in swamps and mountains, in meadows, orchards and orchards.

Photos, names, benefits of wild herbs

There are a huge variety of wild plants, and almost each of them can be found in the corresponding catalog or encyclopedia, with descriptions and photographs.
We will also tell you about some of the herbs common in our territory, presenting their photos, short description And positive influence on human health.

Did you know? A coffee substitute is made from roasted dandelion roots, and young leaves are fermented or pickled in the cooking of some peoples, like cabbage. In addition, wine from dandelion flowers has long been produced in England.

Dandelion (in Latin - Taraxacum Officinale) has unique healing properties. It is rich in vitamins A and C, it also contains iron and calcium, and is a good detoxifier. The roots and leaves are rich in bitter glycosides, acids, oils, choline, asparagine.
Dandelion is recognized as a plant that can have the following effects:

  • choleretic,
  • antipyretic,
  • laxative,
  • expectorant
  • soothing,
  • antispasmodic,
  • mild sleeping pill.

Experimental chemical and pharmacological studies have proven that dandelion raw materials have antituberculosis, antiviral, fungicidal, anthelmintic, anticarcinogenic and antidiabetic properties.

In cooking, dandelion also has a well-deserved popularity: it is used to cook cabbage soup, prepare cutlets, make jam, and also prepare fortified spring salads. Dandelions are excellent honey plants: the honey collected from them is golden and aromatic, with a sharp aftertaste.

Video: beneficial features dandelion

St. John's wort (in Latin - Hypéricum perforatum) has healthy ingredients that help a person maintain health. This is vitamin C a nicotinic acid, quercetin, rutin, carotene, sugars, saponins, hyperoside, tocopherol, phytoncides, essential oil, as well as bitter, tannin and resinous substances.

In pharmacology, St. John's wort is used to prepare a variety of drugs from it:

  • antibacterial,
  • antiseptic,
  • painkillers,
  • wound healing,
  • antirheumatic,
  • diuretics,
  • choleretic,
  • anthelmintic.

Important! St. John's wort has contraindications: it causes an increase blood pressure, accelerates the removal of antibiotics frombody, incompatible withantidepressants. In women who take oral contraceptives, it can reduce their effect. And men need to remember- at long-term use they may experience temporary impotence.

Recently, medical scientists conducted additional studies, during which it was found that St. John's wort has an antidepressant effect without side effects. This herb is also valuable because it is recommended by cosmetologists as an anti-aging, tonic, and antiseborrheic agent.

For a long time, healers used St. John's wort to heal:

  • gynecological inflammations,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • headache,
  • diseases of the liver and genitourinary system.
Video: beneficial properties of St. John's wort

Chicory (in Latin - Cichórium) has a rich chemical composition, due to which it normalizes the functioning of many body systems.

This plant can:

  • stimulate increased immunity,
  • heal wounds and eczema,
  • have an antitumor effect,
  • tone the body,
  • relieve fatigue
  • cleanse blood vessels.

Chicory also has detoxifying properties: it can normalize metabolic processes and remove toxins. By consuming chicory, you can cleanse the kidneys and improve blood composition, speed up peristalsis, eliminate heartburn, and increase appetite. Drinks made from it can replace coffee.
Chicory is also used as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antibacterial agent for colds. Diabetics using this medicinal herb, can also alleviate their condition.

Stinging nettle (in Latin - Urtica urens) and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) are two species medicinal herbs, which are used in both official and traditional medicine.

Nettle gained its popularity due to the following properties:

  • diuretic,
  • mild laxative,
  • expectorant
  • anticonvulsant,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antiseptic,
  • painkiller,
  • wound healing,
  • blood purifier
  • hemostatic.

Pregnant and lactating women use nettle to improve lactation and normalize iron levels in the blood. Its antidiabetic effect has also been proven.

Traditional medicine uses nettle for:

  • dysentery,
  • cold,
  • constipation,
  • dropsy,
  • diseases of the liver and bronchopulmonary system,
  • hemorrhoids,
  • rheumatism,
  • gout,
  • boils,
  • acne and lichen lesions of the skin.
Video: beneficial properties of nettle

Burdock (Latin: Arctium) is widely used in both medicines; Mostly its root is used. The root system of burdock is most rich in the polysaccharide inulin (about 45%), it contains tannins and essential oils, mucus, fatty substances, bitterness, resins, mineral salts, ascorbic acid, protein.

Burdock root is used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, analgesic and choleretic agent; it helps in the formation of pancreatic enzymes.

This plant also has the following effects:
  • laxative,
  • antimicrobial,
  • antiseptic,
  • antiallergic,
  • wound healing,
  • antidiabetic.

Hogweed (in Latin - Heracléum) has long been known for its healing properties. It contains furocoumarins, which have a bactericidal effect, so it is used to produce anthelmintics for animals.

For humans, hogweed remedies are effective against psoriasis. The juice of the plant treats ulcers and purulent wounds, asthma and epilepsy. An anesthetic medicine for liver inflammation, as well as for jaundice, is prepared from the roots.

Hogweed is used in cooking, and it is also a complete fodder crop, which is combined with others and made from them into silage for livestock.

Hogweed contains trace elements, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, as well as tannins, chlorophyll, carotene, essential oils. The flowers contain a lot of nectar, which the bees convert into excellent honey.

Important! You need to handle hogweed carefully, as its juice gets on open areas body, capable of causing strong allergic reactions and burns that turn into huge blisters.


Oregano, or oregano (in Latin - Origanum vulgáre) contains flavonoids, phytoncides, bitterness, tannins, essential oil, thanks to which preparations based on it serve as anti-inflammatory and choleretic agents. Oregano is used to treat whooping cough and bronchitis, and is taken as a sedative and pain reliever.

Medicines from this herb:

  • increase appetite,
  • improve intestinal motility,
  • produce a diuretic effect,
  • relieve epileptic seizures,
  • relieve cramps,
  • normalize the menstrual cycle.
Video: beneficial properties of oregano

Field or meadow mint (in Latin - Mentha arvensis) contains menthol, which has mild anesthetic properties. It is also an ingredient in medications for blood vessels and the heart: Validol, Valocordin, Zelenin drops and others.

The beneficial properties of mint are very versatile:

  • mint can enhance intestinal motility, promoting timely emptying, limit putrefactive processes and fermentation;
  • Infusions are prepared from dried leaves, which are used for disorders nervous system and insomnia;
  • mint helps relieve nausea, produces a choleretic effect, eliminates diarrhea;
  • alcohol tincture and oil solution are used to reduce swelling and pain due to inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • The antimicrobial and gum-strengthening properties of essential oil are used for the production of toothpastes and powders, as well as infusions for rinsing the mouth.

Important! Mint should not be consumed by children under three years of age. Also, men should not get carried away with it. childbearing age, due to the fact that it can reduce libido, and for women who have problems conceiving, since this herb can aggravate the problem of infertility.


Tansy (in Latin - Tanacetum vulgare) is known for having a powerful anthelmintic effect. It is also used to prepare a powder in the form of an insecticide against pests. Tansy contains alkaloids, essential oils, flavonoids, and tannins.

This plant is used for hepatitis to reduce the production of mucus that accumulates in bile. The herb has a positive effect on the muscle tone of the stomach and intestines, increasing secretion.

An infusion of basket inflorescences can:

  • increase the amplitude of heart contractions,
  • eliminate hypotension,
  • heal stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Traditional medicine uses tansy in the treatment of:

  • enterobiasis,
  • hypoacid gastritis,
  • hepatitis A,
  • colitis,
  • ascariasis,
  • cholecystitis.
Compresses made from this herb are effective for purulent wounds and gout.

Video: beneficial properties of tansy

Plantain (in Latin - Plantago). There are two types of plantain used in medicine: flea plantain and Indian plantain. These medicinal herbs contain a lot of ascorbic acid, phytoncides and carotene.

Alcoholic and aqueous leaf extracts of plantain are used to treat severe forms ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. The juice is used to treat gastritis and enteritis; it is drunk for better digestion of food. Special studies phytochemists have proven that plantain leaves contain elements that affect cholesterol metabolism.

An infusion of leaves is used to remove sputum in the following cases:

  • bronchitis,
  • pulmonary tuberculosis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • pleurisy,
  • catarrh of the upper respiratory tract,
  • whooping cough

Plantain is known as an antiseptic because it can:

  • relieve inflammation
  • heal wounds
  • anesthetize,
  • cleanse the blood.
Medicines prepared from the plant can destroy Pseudomonas aeruginosa and coli, hemolytic staphylococcus, pathogenic microbes in infected wounds.

Wormwood (in Latin - Artemísia absínthium) is used in gastroenterology. Its benefits are due to active ingredients such as absintin, anabsintin, flavonoids, thujone, pinene, cadinene, bisabolone, chamazulenogen, selinene.

Wormwood leaves are rich in phytoncides, alkaloids, capillin, ascorbic acid, provitamin A, malic and succinic acids, carotene and saponins.

  • The presence of galenic substances helps stimulate reflex function pancreas, improves the functioning of the gallbladder.
  • Terpenes relieve inflammation and are pacemakers.
  • The essential oil released from the plant has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.
  • Saturated hydrocarbons found in grass have a bactericidal and fungicidal effect.
  • Bitterness, which is also present, can stimulate appetite and normalize digestion.

Traditional medicine considers wormwood an excellent remedy for:

  • insomnia,
  • ascariasis,
  • flatulence,
  • obesity,
  • migraine,
  • enterocolitis,
  • gastritis,
  • kidney and liver diseases.
Video: beneficial properties of wormwood The plant is also useful for bad breath. Ointments are prepared on the basis of wormwood, which are used to treat fistulas, eye diseases, bruises and burns.

In combination with other herbs, wormwood is successfully used for:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis,
  • hypertension,
  • fever,
  • swelling,
  • hemorrhoids.

Horsetail (in Latin - Equisetum arvense) is rich in flavonoids, derivatives of apigenin, quercetin, luteolin, silicic acid, as well as tannins.

Also present are oxalic acid, aconitic acid, linoleic acid, malic acid and ascorbic acid, fatty oils, alkaloids, calcium, carotene, iron, potassium, magnesium, copper and other substances.
Thanks to the listed components, horsetail has the following properties:

  • cleansing,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antimicrobial,
  • anthelmintics,
  • diuretics,
  • antiseptic,
  • detoxification.

In medicine and cosmetology, horsetail is used in the form of infusion, lotion and decoction. It is used subject to fasting diets in the process of losing weight. Cooks use young horsetail shoots by boiling or frying them and adding them to omelettes and casseroles, as well as as a filling for pancakes and pies.

Video: beneficial properties of horsetail

Quinoa (in Latin - Atriplex) is useful in the treatment of rheumatism, allows you to relieve emotional stress. Because of large quantity rutin and potassium are used in cardiology and for atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels.

Did you know? Quinoa has long been used as food during war or crop failure: rye flour with ground quinoa seeds was used to make bread. Such bread, although not attractive in appearance or taste, still helped people survive in times of famine.

Preparations made from it are used to treat:

  • chronic and acute diseases of the lower respiratory tract,
  • stomach diseases,
  • skin diseases,
  • inflamed wounds.

The plant also serves as:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • wound healing,
  • cleansing
  • diuretic,
  • expectorant
  • choleretic,
  • sedative.

Vegetarians have appreciated quinoa because it contains a lot of protein: cabbage soup made from it, as well as cutlets, soups, purees and bread, allow you to stay full for a long time.

Video: beneficial properties of quinoa

Celandine (in Latin - Chelidonium) has many useful components: it contains up to twenty toxic substances, destroying pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoan microorganisms.

Beneficial effects of celandine:

  • helps with cramps,
  • relieves inflammatory processes,
  • can relieve pain and calm,
  • has antitumor and bactericidal effect,
  • serves as a diuretic
  • heals wounds,
  • increases lactation in lactating women,
  • Medicines from celandine cleanse the lymph from infections.

When using small doses of celandine:
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • cardiac activity slows down;
  • neuroses, convulsions, paralysis, epilepsy disappear;
  • the functioning of the pancreas is improved.

When using celandine in treatment, it is important to remember that you cannot independently exceed the dose of the prescribed amount of the drug, otherwise this will lead to dangerous side effects.

Important! You should start taking this herb with a minimum dose, gradually increasing it to the required dose.

24 times already

Herbal treatment is the most ancient way to combat all kinds of diseases. Over the thousands of years of its existence, humans have discovered and studied the healing properties of hundreds of medicinal plants that can help with this or that disease. Over the long history, many effective recipes, many of which have survived and are used in folk medicine today.

This section of the site presents many types of medicinal herbs, including field species, with high-quality photographs, the name of each plant and detailed description their beneficial properties and methods of use.

Despite the enormous pace of development of traditional medicine and all the new products that the pharmaceutical industry offers, the use of medicinal plants to treat all kinds of diseases still remains relevant and does not lose its popularity. They can be used both for the prevention and treatment of various chronic and acute diseases in any field of medicine.

Medicinal herbs used in folk medicine can be fresh or dried, used both externally and internally. Medicinal herbs are much safer for human health than pharmaceutical drugs. They have fewer contraindications and side effects on the body.

For treatment use:

  • tinctures;
  • decoctions;
  • extracts;
  • infusions;
  • tea fees.

Despite its apparent simplicity and harmlessness, unconventional treatment requires knowledge and caution. After all, for positive result, medicinal raw materials, must be collected correctly. And the tinctures, decoctions or extracts made from them are prepared only according to exact recipes. We should not forget about dosages. This is especially true for those medications that need to be taken orally.

It is advisable, before preparing medicine from herbs, to study our website, which lists medicinal herbs, photos with names, learn about the indications and contraindications of a particular medicinal plant, and methods of their preparation. You must not forget to carefully examine the raw materials for the medicine itself. It should be free of mold, dirt and other defects.

It is a mistake to believe that useful medicinal plants are found only in the wild. Of course, they are mainly collected in forests and meadows. But with the same success it is possible to grow medicinal herbs in personal plots - of course, if conditions are created that are close to natural.

Below you can see photos and descriptions of medicinal plants, as well as find out what medicinal herbs are and how you can grow them in your garden.

Forest and meadow medicinal herbs

St. John's wort (HYPERICUM). St. John's wort family.

When talking about what medicinal herbs there are, St. John's wort is one of the first that comes to mind. It is a rhizomatous herb, but more often a subshrub and shrub. Another name for this medicinal herb is “Ivanovo grass”. It is due to the fact that St. John's wort begins to bloom on Midsummer's Day.

The leaves of this herbaceous medicinal plant are whole, hard, and in some species they overwinter; flowers solitary or in corymbose inflorescence, golden. Flower growers often use herbs or shrubs.


St. John's wort (H. ascyron)– forest medicinal herb of Siberia and the Far East, up to 100 cm high, lanceolate leaves up to 10 cm long.

St. John's wort calyx (H. calycinum)- plant 25 cm high, from the Eastern Mediterranean, leaves are oval, large.

Gebler's St. John's wort (H. gebleri)– a medicinal plant of the wet meadows of the Far East, bright orange flowers, resistant.

St. John's wort (H. olympicum)- dry forests of Southern Europe, height 50 cm, in middle lane Russia is not resistant, the leaves are narrow-lanceolate, glaucous, height 25 cm.

St. John's wort (N. perforatum).

Growing conditions. The genus is very diverse in terms of the ecological needs of the species; it also includes typical plants of Central Russian meadows - h. perforated, and drought-resistant, heat-loving subshrubs of Southern Europe (W. cup-shaped, W. Olympic).

They are grown in sunny, wind-protected locations with well-drained alkaline soils. Drought resistant.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer) and cuttings. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Melissa (MELISSA). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

Melissa officinalis (M. officinalis)- perennial of Southern Europe, forms a dense bush 40-60 cm high from branched dense stems covered with ovate leaves, jagged along the edges. The entire plant is softly pubescent. The flowers are small, white, in whorls. And if the description of this medicinal plant is unremarkable, then the aroma deserves the highest praise. The plant exudes a very pleasant lemon scent, which is why it is sometimes called lemon balm. The variety "Aurea" has leaves with yellow spots.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded places with rich loose soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) or dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Mint (MENTHA). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

(M. piperita)- a perennial from the countries of Southern Europe with a branched, hairy stem 60-80 cm high. The leaves are ovate, dark green; the shoot ends in a spike-shaped inflorescence with whorls of purple flowers. It grows quickly due to above-ground stolons.

Growing conditions. Light and semi-shaded places with loose fertile soils.

Reproduction. Sections of rooted stolons. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.


Lovage officinalis(L. officinaie)- decorative deciduous perennial with thick rhizome. The leaves are shiny, slightly bluish, pinnately dissected, large in the basal rosette and on the stem. The stem is branched, up to 150 cm high, bearing a large umbrella of yellowish flowers. The whole plant has a specific pleasant aroma, therefore it is also used as a flavoring agent.

Growing conditions. Sunny to semi-shaded locations with clayey, rich, moist soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 3 pcs. per 1 m2.

Soapwort (SAPONARIA). Clove family.

Perennials with creeping rhizomes, growing mainly in the Mediterranean. The flowers are fragrant, collected in a shield.


Soapwort officinalis(S. officinalis)- height 100 cm.

Soapwort basilicofolia (S. ocymoides)- height 10 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with well-drained, light, lime-rich soil. Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), summer cuttings.

Briefly about medicinal plants of forests and meadows

Below you can find a description of the medicinal herbs comfrey, yarrow, echinacea and valerian.

Comfrey (SYMPHYTUM). Borage family.

Perennials with thick rhizomes, 30-100 cm high, from the light forests of Europe and the Caucasus. The stems are winged, thick, straight. Leaves are petiolate, lanceolate. Plants are covered with stiff hairs. Flowers in drooping inflorescences - curl.


Caucasian comfrey (S. caucasicum)- 80-100 cm high, forms a thicket, blue flowers.

Comfrey officinalis (S. officinale)- 50-60 cm high, forms bushes.

Comfrey grandiflora (S. grandiflorum)- low (30-40 cm) compact bushes.

Growing conditions. Shady and semi-shady places with moist peaty soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Yarrow (ACHILLEA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

The genus contains about 100 species, found in the meadows of the temperate zone. It attracts attention with its undemanding culture, ability to grow quickly and beautiful gray-green, usually feathery leaves. Small baskets are collected in a corymbose inflorescence (10-20 cm in diameter).

Yarrow(A. millefolium)- with a long branching rhizome, therefore it forms a thicket 70-80 cm high.

Yarrow ptarmika, sneezing herb (A. ptarmica), has a variety with white double flowers - pearl mussel, height - 60 cm.

U "Perry's White" and "The Pearl"- white balls of the baskets are collected in a loose brush.

Yarrow meadowsweet (A. filipendulina)- dense bush, 60-100 cm high, dark green, pinnate leaves; the flowers are bright yellow in dense large corymbs (diameter up to 9 cm).

Yarrow tomentosa (A. tomentosa)- 15-20 cm high, leaves finely dissected, grayish, pressed to the ground, shield of yellow flowers 6-8 cm in diameter.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with any garden soil, grows well in sand.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter or spring), by dividing the bush (in spring and autumn). Planting density -5-9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Echinacea (ECHINACEA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Perennial tall (up to 150 cm) herbs with a tap root and dense leafy stems, at the top in July-August with a large pinkish basket. The leaves are oval, pubescent, with sharp-toothed edges. Three species are native to the grasslands and prairies of the Southeast North America.

Most often grown echinacea purpurea (E. purpurea) with a dark pink basket.

Echinacea angustifolia(E. angustifolia) has a smaller and lighter basket.

And Echinacea pallidum (E. pallida)- reed flowers are narrow, pale pink. The last two species are more dry-loving.

Growing conditions. Sunny locations with rich soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sown in spring), seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. The division of the bush is carried out in the spring. In one place without dividing, Echinacea can grow for up to 15 years. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Echinacea purpurea will decorate any flower garden, mixborder, and can also be grown as individual bushes on the lawn. Often used as a medicinal plant.

Valerian (VALERIANA). Valerian family.

Perennial rhizome herbs of meadows and light forests of the temperate zone of Eurasia. They grow both as individual bushes and thickets (species with underground stolons). The flowers are small, in a beautiful openwork inflorescence-tassel, the leaves are usually pinnate.


Mountain valerian(V. montana)- bush 40 cm high, pink flowers in bunches.

Valerian officinalis(V. officinalis)-height up to 100 cm, white flowers, pinnate leaves.

Valeriana Fori (V. fauriei)- forms thickets 40 cm high.

Valerian lipophylla(V. tiliifolia)- up to 150 cm high, leaves are large, simple, heart-shaped, flowers are white, in a corymbose inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with moderately moist rich soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring and before winter), by dividing the bush (in spring), they are often weeded. Planting density -5 pcs. per 1 m2.

If we talk about this medicinal plant briefly, we can define it medicinal properties like sedatives. And in landscape design it is used to create a dense evergreen ground cover on tree trunks and spots on shady rockeries.

Description of the best medicinal herbs

(SALVIA). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

A large genus (almost 700 species), which includes plants of different life forms, growing all over the world. They all contain essential oils and grow in warm habitats. The leaves are ovate, the stems are branched, the final inflorescence is a raceme of medium-sized helmet-shaped flowers.


Sage sticky(S. glutinosa)- subshrub up to 100 cm high, from the forests of Southern Europe, pale yellow flowers.

Meadow sage(S. pratensis)- height 70-80 cm, blue flowers.

Sage rejected(S. patens)- height 70 cm, blue flowers.

Oak sage (S. nemorosa)- height 60 cm, purple flowers.

Salvia officinalis(S. officinalis)-height 50 cm.

Growing conditions. This is one of the best medicinal plants that prefers sunny areas (except for sticky sage) with fertile, well-drained soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (spring), dividing the bush (spring and late summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Toothwort (DENTARIA). The cabbage (cruciferous) family.

Perennial herbs 15-20 cm high with a long, clear rhizome and dark green leaves, large pink and crimson flowers. Typical early spring forest ephemeroids, ending the growing season already in June. They are attractive because they form a bright pink flowering carpet in spring. They bear fruit. They form self-seeding.


Toothwort tuberiferous(D. bulbifera)- a plant of the Caucasus with fawn-colored flowers.

Glandular teeth (D. glandulosa)- from the Carpathians, with large crimson flowers.

Toothwort five-leaved (D. quinquefolia)- from the forests of Europe, pink flowers.

Growing conditions. Shaded areas under a canopy of trees with forest soils, moderate moisture.

Reproduction. Seeds (sow freshly collected) and sections of rhizomes (after the end of flowering). Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Initial letter (BETONICA). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

About 15 species growing in temperate meadows. Short-rhizomatous herbs that form decorative dense bushes of ovate rosettes, crenate along the edges of leaves.


Capital letter grandiflora - grandiflora chistema (B. macrantha = B. grandiflora = Stachys macranthus) 50-60 cm high, beautiful leaves and dark pink large flowers.

Medicinal initial letter (B. officinalis)- more tall plant(80-90 cm), flowers are smaller.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with fertile soils and moderate moisture.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (spring and late summer) and seeds (sowing before winter). Seedlings bloom in the third year. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Burnet (SANGUISORBA). Rosaceae family.

Short-rhizome perennials from wet meadows of the temperate zone of Eurasia.


Burnet (officinalis) (S. officinais)- 80-100 cm high, dark red flowers.

Gorgeous burnet (S. magnifica)- height 80-90 cm, large pinkish-crimson flowers.

Small burnet (S. minor)- height 40 cm, graceful inflorescences, red flowers, openwork plant.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with fertile, moist soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in autumn), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density – 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Perennial medicinal herbs with photos and descriptions

Below are photos and descriptions of the medicinal herbs elecampane, zopnik and cuff:

Elecampane (INULA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Perennial herbaceous species (about 200), widely distributed in meadows and light forests in the temperate zone of Eurasia. The rhizomes are thick, powerful, and the root system is deep. The basal leaves are large, heart-shaped, oval, the stems are straight, slightly branched (except for elecampane), the flowers are large yellow “daisies”.


Elecampane magnificent(I. magnifica = I. orientalis)- up to 150 cm high, branched stem, basket -15 cm in diameter in sparse corymbs, spreading bush.

Elecampane tall (I. helenium)- stems are slightly branched, 150-200 cm high, elliptical leaves, baskets 6 cm in diameter, cylindrical bush.

Inula elecampane(I. ensifolia)- 30 cm high, narrow leaves, basket 4 cm, Compacta variety - 20 cm high.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with any garden soil and average moisture. Hardy perennials.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (in spring). Elecampane is a perennial medicinal herb that lives without transplantation or division for 8-10 years. Planting density of large plants - 3 pcs. per 1 m2; Elecampane sword-leaved - 12 pcs.

Zopnik (PHLOMIS). Lamiaceae family.

Perennial herbs (about 100 species) with a thick rhizome or tap root, rough leaves, flowers collected in false whorls forming a spike-shaped inflorescence.


Zopnik Roussell(P. russeliana)- 90 cm high, yellowish-pinkish flowers.

Zopnik tuberiferous (P. tuberosa)- 50-70 cm high, purple flowers.

Zopnik meadow (P. pratensis)- 50-70 cm high, pink flowers.

Cuff (ALCHEMILLA). Rosaceae family.

Pay attention to the photo of this medicinal herb - the cuff has a short rhizome and a rosette of round, often fluffy, bright green leaves forming a spherical bush. At the height of summer, loose openwork inflorescences of small yellow flowers rise above them. Flowering is abundant and long lasting.


Alpine cuff(A. aipina)- with trifoliate dense leaves and small inflorescences.

Red petiolate cuff (A. erythropoda)- with gray-green dense leaves, 30 cm high.

Soft cuff(A. moiiis)- the most beautiful, stable, undemanding cuff. Its leaves are round, fluffy, pale green with a wavy edge, up to 6 cm in diameter. Peduncles are numerous, up to 60-70 cm high.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with loose, fertile neutral soils and moderate moisture. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Easily tolerates division and transplantation. Planting density - 5 bushes per 1 m2.

One of the most colorful, consistently decorative and interesting plants in mixed flower beds. The cuff looks good in flower beds of the “natural garden” style and in mixborders together with cornflower, heuchera, cornflowers, coreopsis, etc. It is used to decorate bouquets, giving them lightness and delicacy.

Medicinal herbs and their cultivation

Thyme, thyme, Bogorodskaya herb (THYMUS). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

A large genus (about 400 species) of herbaceous perennials and subshrubs with recumbent or erect woody stems and straight, upward-pointing peduncles. They grow on rocks in the southern regions of Eurasia. The leaves are small, oval, opposite, leathery, usually overwintering. Due to recumbent, rooting shoots, plants quickly grow, forming low, dense “mats” and “pillows” (10-30 cm high), emitting pleasant aroma. In mid-summer, numerous inflorescence heads of small flowers appear.


Lemon-scented thyme (Th. citriodorus).

Common thyme (T. vulgaris)- height 5-15 cm, leaves with bottom side pubescent.

creeping thyme (T. serpyllum)- leaves are larger than those of other species.

Growing conditions. Sunny locations with light, well-drained soil, neutral or alkaline. Grows on sands.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer), by seeds (sowing before winter), by cuttings (in spring). Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Used as a carpet plant in mixed flower beds, rockeries and on paths among tiles. Looks good in containers.

Hellebore (VERATRUM). Melanthiaceae (lily) family.

Tall (100-150 cm) herbaceous perennials growing in meadows and steppes of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Powerful short rhizome and deep roots. The stems are straight, thick, and bear tough, folded along the veins, elliptical, beautiful leaves. The flowers are small, open, in a large paniculate inflorescence. All species are similar in appearance.


White hellebore (V. album)- flowers are whitish-greenish.

California hellebore(V. californicum)- flowers are white with green veins.

Black hellebore (V. nigrum)- flowers are blackish-brown.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with rich soils are moisture-loving, but tolerate drought well.

Reproduction. By seeds (sown in spring), seedlings bloom in the 5th-6th year. By dividing the bush (in spring), the divisions grow slowly and often die. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Chernogolovka (PRUNELLA). Family Lamiaceae (Labiaceae).

Perennials with creeping rhizomes, erect, low (25-40 cm) stems; leaves are entire, with an uneven edge; flowers in false whorls in a capitate inflorescence.


Chernogolovka grandiflora(P. grandiflora)- height 25 cm.

Webb's blackhead (P. x webbiana)- purple flowers.

Chernogolovka vulgare (P. vulgaris)- flowers are reddish.

Growing conditions. Sunny and slightly shaded areas with garden, moderately moist soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2. Capable of forming a thicket and growing weeds.

Euphorbia (EUPHORBIA). Euphorbiaceae family.

A large genus - about 2000 species, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe, but there are also species in the temperate zone. Their height, leaf shape and type of root system are different, but they stand out for their original flowers.

Look at the photo of this medicinal plant: small flowers are collected in an inflorescence surrounded by a common spathe in the form of a glass (which appears to be a flower), and the “cups” are collected in complex umbrella-shaped inflorescences with wrappers. In general, all this gives the impression of a “flying”, openwork yellowish inflorescence.

In sunny dry places - cypress spurge (E. cyparissias)- a low-growing (15-20 cm) plant of the steppes with narrow bluish leaves, densely located on lodging stems.

In sunny places with rich soils - Euphorbia multicolor(E. poiychroma), forming a tall bush (50-60 cm) of densely leafy woody shoots.

In the shadow - long-horned spurge (E. macroceras) with a high stem (up to 100 cm) and scaly euphorbia (E. squamosa) 20-30 cm high with a spherical through bush.

Growing conditions. Euphorbias can grow in a wide variety of conditions depending on the ecological characteristics of the species, but always in well-drained soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) or dividing the bush (in spring and late summer).

They self-sow easily and are capable of weeding. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Eryngium (ERYNGIUM). Celery (umbelliferous) family.

About 230 species are known, growing on almost all continents. But in cultivation, perennial herbs are more often grown with leathery, whole or dissected leaves, prickly along the edges. The flowers are small, blue, located in the axil of the bracts and collected in a capitate inflorescence surrounded by hard, spiny involucre leaves. Magnificent for their originality and exoticism. They bear fruit abundantly.


Alpine eryngium(E. alpinum) - 70 cm high, interesting wrapper of bluish, curved upward leaves.

Amethyst eryngium (E. amethystinum)- amethyst blue wrapper.

Burg's eryngium (E. bourgatii)- 30-40 cm high, leathery leaves with a white pattern.

Eryngium flatifolia (E. planum)- a plant of the steppes of Europe and Asia, the stems are bluish, the capitate inflorescences are small, bluish.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose, poor, sandy or rocky soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (before winter) or by dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Wormwood (ARTEMISIA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Large genus (more than 250 species). Of the numerous species, subshrubs and perennials with fragrant silvery leaves, pubescent or tomentose, are mainly cultivated. The flowers are inexpressive and colorless, so it is better to cut off the peduncles.

Kinds. In central Russia the most decorative and stable are:

Wormwood Pursha (A. purchiana)- forms a cover of straight stems with silvery elongated whole leaves, responds well to constant pruning, can be planted in borders.

Steller's Wormwood (A. steiieriana) - low plant with spatulate leaves, forming a dense spot, sometimes the leaves overwinter.

Wormwood Louis(A. iudoviciana)- with narrow, lanceolate leaves.

Wormwood Schmidt (A. schmidtiana), the “Nana” form is especially interesting, 15-20 cm high with rounded, heavily indented leaves.

Growing conditions. Wormwood is an undemanding plant that grows well in sunny places with any soil, and is especially good on well-drained sandy alkaline substrates.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer), by seeds (sowing in spring). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Description of the best medicinal plants and their photos

In this chapter you can read the description of such medicinal herbs and plants as rhubarb, cat's foot, cyanosis, toadflax and mullein.

Rhubarb (RHEUM). Buckwheat family.

A powerful perennial with a multi-headed rhizome, from which large, round, five to seven-lobed light green leaves emerge on long, fleshy, ribbed reddish petioles.

At the end of spring, a powerful peduncle (up to 150 cm in height) rises above the rosette of leaves, bearing a large panicle of small whitish-fawn flowers. Grows in the meadows of Eurasia.

Kinds. In culture they often use:

Rhubarb palmate (Rh. palmatum) And R. Tangut (Rh. tanguticum) with more deeply dissected leaves.

Black Sea rhubarb (Rh. rhaponticum)-dense shiny leaves.

Growing conditions. Well-lit and semi-shaded areas with deep, fertile garden soils and normal moisture.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter) and dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Planting density is single.

Cat's paw, antennaria (ANTENNARIA). Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae).

Low (5-10 cm) dioecious plants from pine forests of Europe and North America. The leaves are densely pubescent, white-tomentose, overwintering, collected in a rosette. They grow due to creeping shoots. Flower baskets are small, round, in a capitate inflorescence.

Kinds. Cat's paw dioecious (A. dioica) has the forms:

"Tomentosa"- more densely pubescent; "Rubra"- with red pink flowers; "Minima"- height 5 cm.

"Rosea"- with pink flowers; Antennaria sun-loving(A. aprica)- height 10-15 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with poor, slightly acidic, dry sandy soils. On ordinary garden soils it will quickly grow and lose its decorative properties.

Reproduction. By dividing a bush or a section of a creeping shoot (in spring or late summer). Plant densely - 36 pcs. per 1 m2.

On poor sandy soils it creates a low, slowly growing, but consistently decorative silvery ground cover.

Cyanosis (POLEMONIUM). Family of cyanaceae.

Cluster-rooted perennials, grow in light forests of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Bushes from 25 to 50 cm tall, decorative leaves, wintering; the flowers are numerous, collected in a raceme-like inflorescence, blue.


Creeping cyanosis(P. reptans)- height 30 cm.

blue cyanosis (P. caeruleum)- height 60 cm.

Growing conditions. Sunlit or semi-shaded areas with normal garden soils. A very undemanding plant.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (in spring, late summer). Self-seeding possible. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Toadflax (LINARIA). Norichnikov family.

Perennials from the Mediterranean with narrow leaves and two-lipped flowers with a spur in a racemose inflorescence. The plants are graceful, low (40-50 cm).


Dalmatian toadflax (L. daimatica)- yellow flowers.

Common toadflax (L. vuigaris)- yellow flowers.

Macedonian toadflax (L. macedonica)- pubescent plant, yellow flowers.

Purple toadflax (L. purpurea)- red flowers.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose sandy dry soils.

Reproduction. By seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring). Planting density - 20 pcs. per 1 m2.

Mullein (VERBASCUM). Norichnikov family.

Plants of open dry places of Europe and the Mediterranean. Biennials and perennials from 50 to 150 cm in height, basal leaves are large, on petioles; The stem is straight, with sessile, entire, pubescent leaves. The flowers are wheel-shaped, small, in a branched large inflorescence. A magnificent plant that provides flower garden architecture.


Hybrid mullein (V. x hybridum)- often grown as a two-year-old.

Olympic mullein (V. olympicum)- height 180-200 cm, leaves are very pubescent, flowers are yellow.

Purple mullein (V. phoeniceum)- height 100 cm, purple flowers in a sparse cluster.

Black mullein(V. nigrum)- height 120 cm, yellow flowers with a red center.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose sandy soils. Drought resistant.

Reproduction. Seeds (in spring), seedlings bloom in the second year.

Drooping weed is not only a very tenacious weed, which is quite difficult to remove from the garden bed. The grass shares its resilience and love of life with people. She can often be found in medicines, as well as in recipes for tasty and healthy dishes.

Composition and medicinal properties of common dream

The plant is very rich in useful substances. In his chemical composition can be found:

  • glucose and fructose;
  • lectins and coumarins;
  • carotene and ascorbic acid;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • essential oils;
  • steroids and pesticides;
  • potassium and magnesium.

The composition has not been fully studied. All useful elements located in different parts of the grass and their accumulated amount depends on the time of year.

Medicinal properties are very diverse. With the help of common dream, it is possible to cure diseases such as arthritis, cystitis, gastritis, diathesis, ulcers and nephritis. This list can be continued endlessly.

The plant is mainly used in folk medicine. The herb has general strengthening properties and is capable of detoxifying the body. When treating kidneys, it is indispensable, because its action is aimed at improving blood circulation in this organ and the excretory function of the kidneys. It has a diuretic effect and improves the body's metabolism. It is most often used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent., as an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent in the fight against fungus. It is worth emphasizing that it choleretic effect helps treat stomach and intestinal diseases, A sedative effect aimed at treating neuroses.

Dryweed is one of the few herbs that is worth thinking about controlling. Increasingly, she settles in healing beds in the garden.

Medicinal properties of dream (video)

Where does honeydew grow, and how to collect it correctly

Medicinal weed can be found everywhere: in the city, in the village, in the garden, in the field, on the roadsides. Mosquito grows throughout Europe, Asia, and the Caucasus. She prefers fertile soil where there is constant moisture; coniferous and mixed forests are also suitable for her.

Most of useful substances found in the leaves of the plant. They are picked off during flowering before the formation of inflorescences (at the end of spring). It is believed that it is best to do this on the waxing moon, since at this time the juice spreads to all parts of the dream. You need to dry the grass away from sunlight, this is done in ventilated areas, spread out on a newspaper or tree, you can also use an oven or electric dryer, temperature regime should not exceed 40 degrees. It is advisable to store in bags made of natural materials. It is worth noting that the mushroom does not lose its properties even when salted, pickled and fermented.

Important! You can extend the harvesting period artificially; to do this, you need to regularly mow the plant so that flowers do not appear.

The roots of the plant are harvested after flowering. To do this, they are cleaned, washed under cool water and dry thoroughly, also protecting from sunlight. Storage is carried out in wooden boxes, cardboard boxes or described bags.

Use of dream for medicinal purposes:

with their own healing properties It has gained popularity in the field of homeopathy and traditional medicine. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from it, and they are used in fresh or its juice.

Herbal tinctures

To treat pathologies and disorders of the stomach and intestines, an alcoholic tincture of dream is used. For the tincture, use the root of the weed, which goes through a grinding process (this can be done with a knife or meat grinder). They fill a glass container, preferably a liter one, 1/3 full, the rest of the volume is filled with vodka or alcohol diluted to 40%. All this is covered to prevent oxygen from entering and put away in a dark place away from the sun. After half a month, the infusion is ready. Take a quarter of a teaspoon before meals (1/3 hour before) 3 times. The rehabilitation course is 4 weeks.

To treat joints, use a tincture of a mixture of herbs: cinquefoil and cinquefoil. External use. The preparation method is simple: chopped dried herbs in the amount of 5 tbsp. l. filled with a bottle (0.5 l) of vodka. Place under a nylon cover in a dark place for several weeks. After this, strain and use.


A decoction of the roots of the plant is used in the treatment of myositis and polyarthritis. To do this, grind the raw materials, 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water and continue to cook over low heat for about 7-10 minutes, let it brew for 0.5 hours. Strain and use, adding to the bath.

Dream juice

The juice of the plant has a variety of effects. It is used internally for kidney diseases and Bladder, and are also treated by ingestion for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Airways and dizziness can be cured with the help of dream juice. 50 g of it is consumed together with 1 tbsp. l. honey. The remedy is used for rheumatism, diathesis and other inflammatory processes.

Fresh consumption

The leaves of the herb are doused with boiling water and eaten to prevent scurvy, vitamin deficiency and anemia. They can be chewed in pure form or add to various culinary dishes.

Common borer in folk medicine (video)

Snooze in cooking

  1. The most quick dish from the dream is a salad. Various additives can be used to prepare it. Cucumber and egg, as well as greens, are added to the processed leaves. All this is seasoned to taste: olive or vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise.
  2. Another recipe: prepare a dressing consisting of soy sauce (thanks to which you can avoid using salt), vegetable oil, mustard and sour cream. Mix this in a ratio of 1:7:1:4. The salad itself consists of grass leaves, hard cheese, boiled beets and. All this is crushed and seasoned with the prepared mixture of seasonings.
  3. You can ferment the squash for the winter. For this, sour sorrel, salt and caraway seeds (30 g each), and 1 kg of weed shoots and leaves are used in equal parts.
  4. Green borscht (soup) is prepared in the standard way; the only change is replacing the sorrel with a mixture of nettles and sorrel.
  5. Pies and casseroles are also made from the plant; first, its leaves are quickly boiled or doused with boiling water and crushed. They even fry cutlets from the sourdough, which have a pleasant taste.

Beneficial properties of honey from honey

The common gooseberry is considered the most honey-bearing among its genus. The grass secretes nectar into more than other plant species, it attracts bees. From 1 hectare of weed you can collect up to 1/5 quintal of honey. It has the same beneficial qualities as the herb itself, has a fragrant aroma and a pleasant color.

Contraindications for common dream

With all the healing and beneficial properties it has, it has absolutely no contraindications. Scientists assume only a possible individual reaction in the form of an allergy to the composition of the dream.

Drooping like a weed: effective methods of control

Despite the fact that snitch is often used in medicinal purposes, gardeners do not stop fighting it. The grass looks like a tall plant with an umbrella-shaped inflorescence, and spreads by sprinkling of seeds and development of the root system.

  • For the effectiveness of the control to be noticeable, you need to regularly dig up the soil with a pitchfork and carefully select all the roots by hand. Planting garden tape to the depth of a spade will also help to suppress growth.
  • If you regularly mow the grass, it will eventually weaken and partially die from weakening of the root system. During the flowering period, be sure to remove the inflorescences before they ripen. You can immediately throw them in the trash or make humus out of them: place them in a black bag without access to air for a year.
  • One of effective ways control is the use of herbicides; they effectively fight the weed, especially with regular repetition of treatment (two or three times in one season).

The use of dream in cooking (video)

Gooseberry is a controversial herb that has high level useful, but at the same time very annoying when growing cultivated plants.

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for others it is a difficult necessity, and others wonder whether it would be easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Be that as it may, even if you have given up growing vegetables, you will probably still have to sow something. These include flowers, perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

A lover of moist air and one of the most compact and rare orchids, pafinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it can be an unforgettable sight. You want to look at the unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of the modest orchid endlessly. In indoor culture, pafinia is rightly ranked among the difficult-to-grow species. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

Pumpkin ginger marmalade is a warming sweet that can be prepared almost all year round. Pumpkin keeps for a long time - sometimes I manage to save a few vegetables until summer, fresh ginger and lemons are always available these days. Lemon can be replaced with lime or orange to create different flavors - variety in sweets is always nice. The finished marmalade is placed in dry jars; it can be stored at room temperature, but it is always healthier to prepare fresh products.

In 2014, the Japanese company Takii seed introduced petunia with a striking petal color - salmon-orange. Based on associations with the bright colors of the southern sunset sky, the unique hybrid was named African Sunset. Needless to say, this petunia instantly won the hearts of gardeners and was in great demand. But in the last two years, the curiosity has suddenly disappeared from store windows. Where did the orange petunia go?

In our family Bell pepper they love it, that’s why we plant it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow have been tested by me for more than one season; I cultivate them constantly. I also try to try something new every year. Pepper is a heat-loving plant and quite whimsical. About varietal and hybrid varieties of tasty and productive sweet peppers, which grow well for me, and we'll talk Further. I live in central Russia.

Meat cutlets with broccoli in bechamel sauce - a great idea for quick lunch or dinner. Start by preparing the mince and at the same time heat 2 liters of water to a boil to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fried, the cabbage will be ready. All that remains is to collect the ingredients in a frying pan, season with sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli needs to be cooked quickly to preserve its bright green color, which, when cooked for a long time, either fades or the cabbage turns brown.

Home floriculture - not only exciting process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience a grower has, the healthier his plants look. What should those who have no experience but want to have a home do? houseplants- not elongated, stunted specimens, but beautiful and healthy ones, not evoking feelings guilt for your decline? For beginners and flower growers who do not have much experience, I will tell you about the main mistakes that are easy to avoid.

Lush cheesecakes in a frying pan with banana-apple confiture - another recipe for everyone’s favorite dish. To prevent cheesecakes from falling off after cooking, remember a few simple rules. Firstly, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no baking powder or soda, thirdly, the thickness of the dough - you can sculpt from it, it is not tight, but pliable. A good dough with a small amount of flour can only be obtained from good cottage cheese, and here again see the “firstly” point.

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies have migrated to summer cottages. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some summer residents are perceived with hostility. At the same time, potassium permanganate is a long-known antiseptic that is used in both medicine and veterinary medicine. In plant growing, a solution of potassium permanganate is used both as an antiseptic and as a fertilizer. In this article we will tell you how to properly use potassium permanganate in the garden.

Pork meat salad with mushrooms is a rural dish that can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe is with champignons, but if possible, use Forest mushrooms, then be sure to cook it this way, it will be even tastier. You don’t need to spend a lot of time preparing this salad - put the meat in a pan for 5 minutes and another 5 minutes for slicing. Everything else happens practically without the participation of the cook - the meat and mushrooms are boiled, cooled, and marinated.

Cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or conservatory, but also in open ground. Typically, cucumbers are sown from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to the end of summer. Cucumbers cannot tolerate frost. That's why we don't sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring their harvest closer and taste the juicy beauties from your garden at the beginning of summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.

Poliscias – great alternative classic variegated shrubs and trees. The elegant round or feathery leaves of this plant create a strikingly festive curly crown, and its elegant silhouettes and rather modest character make it an excellent candidate for the role of large plant in the house. Larger leaves do not prevent it from successfully replacing Benjamin and Co. ficus. Moreover, polyscias offers much more variety.

Pumpkin cinnamon casserole is juicy and incredibly tasty, a little like pumpkin pie, but unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! This perfect recipe sweet pastries for a family with children. As a rule, kids don’t really like pumpkin, but they never mind eating something sweet. Sweet pumpkin casserole is a delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is very simple and quick to prepare. Try it! You'll like it!

A hedge is not only one of the most important elements landscape design. She also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders a road, or there is a highway nearby, then a hedge is simply necessary. “Green walls” will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will look at the optimal plants for creating a hedge that can reliably protect the area from dust.