Blue blood. Blue blood in humans: the meaning of the expression Which people have blue blood

This stable phrase - “a man of blue blood” - is perceived today as nothing other than an allegory that distinguishes people of aristocratic origin from ordinary people. But why, out of the entire spectrum, was blue chosen as the most noble color? There is an opinion that the whole point is in the thin light skin of aristocrats, through which bluish veins shine through.

According to another statement, the origins were never related to representatives of the lower classes and were extremely proud of this, protecting the purity of their blood. Although this is far from the only explanation for the amazing concept of blue blood. The expression was born back in or maybe even earlier.

What does the story say?

The medieval historian Aldinar (12th century) in his chronicles mentions noble English knights who fought with the Saracens, fell to the ground wounded, but not a drop of blood flowed from their wounds! The same chronicles also mention the concept of “blue bloods”. Later, in the 18th century, the expression was quite popular in Spain. Noble hidalgos found confirmation of the purity of blood in only one thing: the wrist should have thin, light skin with translucent bluish veins. Otherwise, the person was suspected of mixing blood with Moorish or Arabic.

In more recent history, the concept was actively exploited to promote racism and the superiority of some nations over others. Suffice it to recall German fascism and its dominant idea of ​​blue Aryan blood.

Does blue blood exist in nature?

Yes, there are creatures of blue blood in nature. They live mostly in the ocean - these are horseshoe crabs, squids, octopuses and other branchial mollusks. Their blood does not contain the substance that gives the liquid a reddish tint - iron. This is the key word in matters of blood color, but more on that later.

People of blue blood. Who are they?

No matter how fantastic it may sound, such people live on planet Earth. According to various sources, their number ranges from one to seven thousand. The blueness of the liquid flowing through their veins does not in any way affect their “ordinariness”: blood flows through their veins in the same way and carries oxygen. But her color is really bluish. There is an explanation for this. As mentioned above, iron gives blood cells their red color. In people with “blue blood”, the role of iron in the blood is performed by another element - copper, which, reacting with the small amount of iron (which is present), colors the blood a bluish-purple hue. It would seem that there is no science fiction. But an ordinary person certainly has a question: where are they, these people? Who saw them? Or are they some Or maybe even aliens? By the way, this is one of the versions.

What does science say?

Science says that this phenomenon expresses the great wisdom of nature. The blue color of blood or variations with the main pigmenting element - copper instead of iron - is nothing more than a safety net in case of extinction of one species of living beings. By the way, medieval legends could indicate that copper in the blood promotes the disinfection of wounds and their rapid healing due to the fast flow of blood. That is why rivers of blood did not flow from the knights.

In the meantime, all these are just hypotheses - humanity prefers to use this expression allegorically, endowing people of noble origin with all sorts of flattering epithets: a prince with blue blood, an aristocrat with a white bone...

Each person, to one degree or another, tries to express his individuality, his difference from other members of society, and sometimes even demonstrate some kind of superiority. The expression blue blood in a person has long become a metaphor and perfectly characterizes people who consider themselves head and shoulders above the rest, endowed with special privileges. Scientists suggest that the expression is not unfounded: people with blue blood really exist. In addition, people and carriers of the “blue blood” disease - hemophilia can include themselves as owners of a unique natural combination of genes.

The blue color of blood is not unusual in nature. There are a lot of blue-blooded representatives in the animal world. In humans, the respiratory pigment is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to tissues. The compound is based on iron, which gives blood its red color. Thus, in squids, octopuses, and cuttlefish, hemocyanin, which contains copper, is used as a respiratory blood pigment. Pure copper is dark orange in color, but its compounds have a bluish-greenish tint (you can recall the blue powder of copper sulfate for treating plants against pests). It is the copper-containing compound that gives the blue color to the blood of animals. Such blue blood is also found in representatives of crustaceans, centipedes, snails and spiders.

Prospectors associate the appearance of people with blue blood on the globe with the popularity of copper products in ancient times. Women wore massive copper jewelry and ate food from copper utensils, as a result of which the metal accumulated in the body, which affected the color of the blood of the woman's unborn child. was partially replaced by copper and acquired a bluish-purple color.

Blue blood is credited with extraordinary properties: it clots quickly and is practically not susceptible to disease, since copper is a strong antiseptic. Historical sources contain written evidence of military battles between English knights and Saracens that took place in the middle of the 12th century. Even with numerous wounds, the noble knights did not suffer large blood loss, that is, it was increased.

At the moment, the opinions of scientists are divided. Some consider blue blood to be a special adaptive element of evolution, its separate reserve branch, and claim that there are about 5-7 thousand people with blue blood living on Earth. They are called kyanetics. In the event of unfavorable conditions and cataclysms, it is the kyanetics who will be able to survive and give life to subsequent generations.

Another part of the researchers suggests that “blue-bloodedness” is the result of a rare combination of genes and belongs to a group of orphan (rare and poorly studied) diseases in which deviations in the genetic code occur with a probability of 1 case in 5,000 people and much less frequently.

The term “blue blood” itself is widely used from Spain. Noble people were very proud of the pale, sometimes bluish color of their skin, carefully protecting it from tanning, and themselves from marriage ties with dark-skinned Moors. Rich, pale-skinned aristocrats did not have to work under the scorching rays of the sun, struggling to earn their own food.

Later, the concept of blue blood was further strengthened thanks to. Hereditary incoagulability is a classic example of recessive, sex-linked inheritance of a pathology in a closed population. Medical students study genetics on the pedigree of the descendants of Queen Victoria, a carrier of the hemophilia gene.

Women are carriers of the hemophilia gene, but men are affected.

It was believed that in order to maintain the family, marriages in the royal environment should be concluded among a narrow circle of selected persons. However, this statement did not justify itself: men from the family of Queen Victoria suffered from hemorrhages, any or a lump was life-threatening. In addition, in closely related marriages, a lot of genetic defects appear, leading to the appearance of infertile descendants and degeneration of the family.

Among the rarest (“blue”) is the fourth negative – no more than 5% of the Earth’s population. One might think that having such a rare group, its owners should suffer from large blood losses - it is difficult for them to choose. In fact, the opposite is true: in critical cases, when it is impossible to carry out a group-to-group transfusion, representatives of the fourth group will benefit from the blood of all other groups - for this they are called ideal recipients.

Arterial and venous blood

There are different views on the evolution of blood group differences. The rare fourth blood group is considered the youngest, appearing only 1500-2000 years ago. As a result of crossing the genes of the second (A) and, a fourth group with the genetic code AB arose. However, there are supporters of the opposite opinion: supposedly the fourth blood group was originally inherent in all ancient people and even their ancestors - great apes.

In the process of evolution, the fourth group split and gave rise to branches of different groups. The latest version is supported by the theory of ontogenesis, which states that a person, in the process of intrauterine development, repeats all stages of evolution. Indeed, while in the womb, the fetus has a common fourth blood group for up to three months, and only later does differentiation into the remaining groups occur.

The same theory applies to people with blue blood. The researchers found that in the process of respiration and the supply of oxygen to tissues, copper and vanadium ions initially predominated. Later, the body evolved, iron ions showed better capabilities for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Blue blood remained among mollusks as a necessary adaptive element, since they do not have a branched circulatory system and imperfect thermoregulation. Without precise dosing of oxygen portions by copper ions, these animals would have died out long ago. Now copper plays an irreplaceable role in the process of intrauterine development of the human fetus during the formation of the hematopoietic system, its role is also important in adults, and blue blood among some representatives of humanity has remained as an atavism.

It should be noted that even the most ordinary person’s blood has different shades. When oxygen is enriched in the lungs, arterial blood becomes bright scarlet, saturated with carbon dioxide, and has a dark cherry color.

Every medical professional should know this fact for adequate first aid for injuries and bleeding.

Some nutritionists suggest shaping your diet according to your blood type.

Initially, ancient people obtained food by hunting animals. During that historical period, it prevailed, which is why the owners of the first group are called “hunters.” Their diet should be dominated by meat products - a source of proteins, fatty acids and amino acids. For food purposes, you need to use “ripened” meat, after keeping it at a low positive temperature. At the same time, its fermentation occurs and positive changes in its taste, aroma and structure occur, and digestibility improves.

With the transition to a sedentary lifestyle and the emergence of agriculture, it appeared. Its representatives are recommended to introduce predominantly vegetarian products into their diet. Vegetables are a rich source of carbohydrates, vitamins, and contain a lot of magnesium, potassium and iron. Dietary fiber and organic acids in vegetables play an important role in digestion.

The third blood group is the descendants of livestock breeders. It will be useful to use milk and dairy products in their diet; they are low in calories, stimulate the functioning of the kidneys, intestines, etc. It is the main source of calcium.

Nutritionists advise representatives of the rarest fourth blood group to make up their meals from fermented milk products, seafood and vegetables. Fermented milk products are rich in lactic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora, and also contributes to the production of B vitamins. Seafood (mussels, squid, oysters) contains complete proteins, vitamins and is low in calories.

Regardless of blood type and color, a person’s diet should be rational and balanced. The approximate daily calorie content should not exceed 2800-3000 kcal, and for overweight people - no more than 1700-1800 kcal. You should avoid eating fatty, spicy, fried foods and alcohol too often. You need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

Physical exercise is essential for every person's health. The optimal load is 3-4 classes per week. Walking and jogging are very good. You should choose a jogging route away from roadways, dusty streets and industrial areas. It is best to run and walk in a park where there are many trees. This way the blood will be saturated with oxygen, and not with harmful emissions from the road. The load should be increased gradually, depending on how you feel.

Swimming is also useful - it increases the vital capacity of the lungs. Aerobics gives flexibility to the figure, and rhythmic cardio exercises strengthen the heart muscle (for example, jumping rope, shaping).

Intimate life

It is believed that people with the same blood groups feel their kinship on a subconscious level and emotional contact arises between them, which can lead to close relationships.

Representatives of the first and second blood groups are impatient, prone to competition, leaders by nature, including in intimate life, while the third and fourth are softer, open and flexible, but sometimes they are impulsive. It's all about regulation in the body. People of the first two blood groups have a longer period of removal of stress hormones – adrenaline and noradrenaline – from the blood than others. Differences in emotionality can have an impact on close relationships. Interestingly, same-sex marriages are most often created by people with the rarest fourth blood group.


It has been noticed that people with the first blood group more often choose professions where they can show leadership: managers, bank workers, politicians. The second is characterized by stable, orderly work of a librarian, accountant, and programmer. Holders of the third group are always on the lookout and more often receive education as a journalist, military man, hairdresser, or cook. The best professions for creative representatives of the fourth group are designer, director, and writer.

The success and position of a person often does not depend on what type and color of blood he has, but everything comes from his own desire to live a bright, fulfilling life, develop, learn and achieve his goals.

Video - About the blue blood type in some people:

The expression “a person has blue blood” means that this person belongs to the aristocracy. The history of this expression is very interesting, but even more interesting is the fact that in nature such a phenomenon as blue or even green blood actually occurs. And not only people can have blue blood.

No match for commoners

Aristocrats have always strived to stand out from the common people. Wealthy people emphasized their privileged position in every possible way, providing a certain scientific basis for it. The purpose of the search for justification now seems quite obvious: the aristocrats needed to prove that they were different from ordinary people, so that the common people would not have thoughts about overthrowing the authorities. However, today it is difficult to say whether the aristocrats were really guided by these considerations in search of justification for their unusualness, or whether they had some other reasons.

One way or another, aristocrats in every possible way emphasized their noble origin, arguing that it gave them the right to some privileges. And among the proofs of nobility were such signs as “white bone” and “blue blood”.

The expression is believed to have originated in Spain. The Spaniards are a naturally dark-skinned people. Whiteness of skin has been valued in this country at all times. White skin was an indicator that its owner did not work under the scorching sun all day to feed his family. Accordingly, only noble people who could afford the luxury of avoiding sunlight could have fair skin.

Veins and bluish veins on the arms, temples, and neck are visible through the white, thin skin. Because of the blue tint of the veins under the skin, the expression “blue blood” appeared, which meant not so much the shade of blood as the whiteness of the skin. However, it is possible that someone believed that people of blue blood really differ from others in that a blue-tinged liquid flows in their veins.

Interestingly, at the beginning of the 20th century, ideas about beauty completely changed. Today, tanned skin is considered a sign of wealth and an idle lifestyle. Wealthy people can afford to sunbathe on tropical beaches many times a year, while pale-skinned office dwellers work from morning to evening without seeing the sun. It is possible, however, that fashion will change: doctors have proven the dangers of the sun for the skin, and perhaps tanning will soon become a sign of disregard for one’s own health, and not a sign of wealth.

Copper instead of iron

There is an opinion that blue blood is a very rare phenomenon, but quite real. True, such blood has nothing to do with noble origin. Its color change is associated with an increased copper content in the body. Interestingly, people with blue blood - kyanetics - are resistant to many diseases. In addition, the coagulability of such unusual blood is significantly increased.

Many believe that kyaneticists do not exist in the world at all, that their existence is nothing more than a myth. At the very least, the sources from which such an unusual feature is known are usually not trustworthy. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that such people actually occur occasionally. It’s just that there are not even thousands of them, but only hundreds on the entire planet, that is, this pathology is extremely rare.

It is possible that there were more kyanetics in the past. Some scientists believe that constant exposure to copper may cause the blood - at least in children - to turn blue. It is difficult to say how true this assumption is: no such experiments have been conducted.

Aristocrats among animals

If blue blood in humans is considered by many scientists to be nothing more than a myth, then among animals there really are species whose blood has a non-standard bluish tint. In their blood, oxygen is carried not by iron-containing hemoglobin, but by a substance with a high copper content - hemocyanin. The name of this substance literally means “azure blood”. Hemocyanin perfectly functions as an oxygen carrier, which is especially important for creatures that live in conditions of a lack of this gas. In addition, hemocyanin has other functions.

Such blood occurs in cephalopods, as well as in other ocean inhabitants, such as crustaceans. It is unknown whether squids and octopuses consider themselves aristocrats, but their blood has a distinct bluish tint. In some species of crabs, the body is colored blue and purple due to the high content of hemocyanin in the blood. Hemocyanin is also present in the blood of arachnids, some types of worms and centipedes.

It is possible that the blue blood of cephalopods could benefit humanity. Doctors are conducting various experiments with hemocyanin; for example, attempts have already been made to use this substance as a component of antitumor vaccines .

Green blood

At least one case has been recorded where a person had not red or even blue blood flowing in his veins, but green blood. The unusual shade turned out to be a sign of sulfohemoglobinemia, a condition that arose as a result of a change in the structure of hemoglobin and the addition of sulfur atoms to proteins. As a result of this chemical reaction, the color of the blood changed.

Why blood sometimes changes its composition and, as a result, color, remains unknown. Doctors do not rule out that this could be a side effect of taking sulfonamide drugs, in particular Sumatriptan, a migraine medication. Today, sulfonamides are banned in many countries due to their high toxicity, but they were once very popular. Perhaps then the blood of many people changed color to green, or maybe it’s not just the drugs, and to achieve the effect of green blood, exposure to some other factors is necessary.

Does it exist?

To maintain life, the body must consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide. One of the main functions of blood is the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. For this purpose, special elements of the blood are “adapted” - respiratory pigments, which contain metal ions that can bind oxygen molecules and, if necessary, release them. In most animals, the respiratory pigment in the blood is hemoglobin, which contains ferrous ions. It is thanks to hemoglobin that our blood is red.

Blue blood in some vertebrates was first described by the famous Dutch naturalist Jan Swammerdam back in 1669, but he was unable to explain the nature of this phenomenon. Only two centuries later, in 1878, the French scientist L. Frederico studied the substance that gave the blood of mollusks a blue color, and, by analogy with hemoglobin, called it hemocyanin, from the words “heme” - “blood” and “cyanos” - “blue”.

By this time, it was found that spiders, scorpions and some mollusks are carriers of blue blood. This color was given by the copper ions contained in it. In hemocyanin, one oxygen molecule binds to two copper atoms. Under such conditions, blood turns blue.

From the point of view of supplying the body with oxygen, hemocyanin is significantly inferior to hemoglobin, in which the transfer is carried out by iron. Hemoglobin copes with this most important task for the life of the body five times better.

But, nevertheless, nature did not completely abandon copper, and for some animals and plants it made it completely irreplaceable. And here's what's interesting. It turns out that related groups of living organisms can have different blood, but they seem to have originated from each other. For example, in mollusks the blood is red, blue, brown, with different metals. It turns out that the composition of blood is not so important for living organisms.

Unusual people

In the 20th century, scientists again became interested in the origin of blue blood. They hypothesized that blue blood exists, and people in whose blood copper predominates instead of iron - they were called “kyanetics” - have always lived on our planet. True, in fact, blood with a predominance of copper is not blue, but purple with a bluish tint.

Researchers of the unknown believe that kyanetics are more tenacious and viable than ordinary people. Firstly, they are less susceptible to various blood diseases. Secondly, their blood has better coagulability, and any wounds, even very severe ones, are not accompanied by heavy bleeding.

As an example, the events described in the historical chronicle are cited, when the wounded kianetic knights did not bleed and continued to successfully fight the Moors.

According to some researchers, kyanetics appeared on Earth not by chance. In this way, nature was insured in case of any global catastrophe that could destroy most of humanity. The surviving, more resilient blue-bloods will be able to give rise to another, now new, civilization.

But there is another explanation for the origin of blue-blooded people: they are descendants of aliens from other planets.

Planet of the Gods

The universe in which we live is diverse. Even within the Solar System, it has been established from the spectral radiation of the planets that they differ in the elements predominant in their structure. Therefore, we can assume that somewhere on our planet iron, which is widespread on our planet, playing such an important role in the life of the internal organs of organisms, is very small, and copper, on the contrary, is very much. Naturally, the evolution of the animal world there will follow the path of using copper, rather than iron, for oxygen transport. Both people and animals of this planet will have “aristocratic” blue blood.

And now these blue-blooded aliens fly to Earth and encounter local residents living in the Stone Age. Who might they, having flown in on “birds of fire,” seem to people from planet Earth? Almighty gods! Most of the peoples of our planet did not yet have writing. But you can learn about alien gods from myths, fairy tales, and legends.

In fairy tales and myths, it is very rare to see iron in creatures from the “thirtieth state” or hear about hard white metal.

The Japanese attribute determination and self-confidence to the owners of the first blood group, reliability and isolation to the second, intelligence and ambition to the third, and balance, rationality and demandingness to the fourth.

And gold is found literally at every step there. You can read about this from the famous researcher of folk tales V. Propp: “Everything in any way connected with the thirtieth state takes on a golden color. The palace is golden, the objects that need to be obtained from the thirtieth kingdom are almost always golden... In the fairy tale about the Firebird, the Firebird sits in a golden cage, the horse has a golden bridle, and the garden of Helen the Beautiful is surrounded by a golden fence... To the very inhabitant of this kingdom, the princess always has some kind of golden attribute... The golden color is the seal of another kingdom.”

Copper instead of iron?

But was the metal of the gods gold? As you know, pure gold is not only a heavy metal, but also a soft one. You can’t make a chariot out of it, and you can’t use it as a weapon.

And here’s what’s interesting: in different regions of the Earth, civilizations not in contact with each other began to use not copper, but its alloys: with zinc - brass and with tin - bronze. Moreover, finding these “additives” in copper ore is a very difficult matter, as geologists can confirm. But metallurgists will not believe that the optimal ratio of copper and tin to give the future metal the necessary properties was discovered “by scientific poking.”

It’s another matter if these technologies were brought by gods who flew from another planet, where such technology has been used for tens of thousands of years. And then the “golden kingdom”, which appears in fairy tales and myths of almost all peoples of the Earth, would be more correctly called “copper”.

The production of copper tools began with the first pharaohs (4000-5000 BC), who were considered the descendants of gods who flew from the sky. Moreover, the technology of extracting metal from ore somehow very quickly spread throughout the planet. Iron appeared in people’s everyday life much later - only in the 2nd millennium BC.

Blue blood vs red

The gods who once flew to Earth, in addition to the ability to mine and handle metal, left another “gift” to the aborigines - blue blood in the people who most often communicated with them, and who later became rulers in different countries.

The arrival of the gods and, most importantly, their long stay on Earth can be explained by the need to extract some elements here that are absent on their home planet. Moreover, for this they needed to become part of the earth’s biosphere. In order to survive, the gods needed to continuously replenish their own bodies with copper, necessary for hematopoiesis. But iron in the body is chemically more active than copper. Therefore, getting into the blood of the gods, it will displace copper from its compounds in the blood.

To maintain the properties of blue blood, you need to consume foods high in copper and low in iron. There is a lot of iron in legumes, vegetables, berries and meat products, and copper in cereals, cereals, and bread products.

The gods are making a revolution

The desire to abandon the usual hunting and gathering was not an urgent need for ancient people. There were few people at that time, but there were a lot of forests and game in them. Berries and edible fruits were literally lying under our feet. But man, under the influence of the gods, suddenly begins to grow cereal plants, poor in iron, but rich in copper.

Many centuries have passed since the “revolution” that occurred in nutrition, but even now in industrialized countries, where the majority of residents are cut off from natural nutrition, additional fortification of baked goods with iron is popular to compensate for the imbalance of elements.

The fact that this revolution was carried out precisely by the gods who appeared on Earth is also evidenced by the specificity of sacrifices to them. This, by the way, is reflected in the Christian Bible. One of the parables tells that God rejected the lamb brought by Cain and accepted the grain of Abel.

The desire to become like the gods, to achieve enlightenment, to touch higher knowledge in all the main religions existing on our planet is associated with the vegetarian lifestyle brought to Earth by the blue-blooded gods.

You have to pay for everything...

However, the gods who flew to Earth from the “copper” planet left earthlings with not only basic skills in metallurgy and the desire for vegetarianism as a path to moral self-improvement.

Distant descendants of the gods, who have preserved blue blood to one degree or another, are sometimes characterized by an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood. It was not constant and familiar to their bodies. This is confirmed by the constant need of such people for alcoholic drinks to compensate for the harmful gas. The gods gave the legendary soma, intoxicating kvass and honey, beer, nine varieties of alcoholic drinks made from maize to the American Indians and included them in the list of sacrifices! The gods did not even neglect grape wine, which contains a lot of iron. Apparently, their life on Earth was difficult, since the need for alcohol to compensate for carbon dioxide was so great...

The concept of “blue blood” was born in the Middle Ages. Its emergence with those ideas about female beauty that existed in that era. These ideas were radically different from those that exist now.

"Blue Bloods" of the Middle Ages

Modern fashionistas spend time on the beach and even visit solariums to get the coveted “bronze tan.” Such a desire would have greatly surprised medieval noble ladies, and knights too. In those days, snow-white skin was considered the ideal of beauty, so beauties took care of their skin from tanning.

Of course, only noble ladies had such an opportunity. The peasant women had no time for beauty; they worked all day in the fields, so they were guaranteed a tan. This is especially true for countries with hot climates - Spain, France. However, even in England the climate was quite warm until the 14th century. The presence of a tan among peasant women made representatives of the feudal class even more proud of their white skin, because it emphasized their belonging to the ruling class.

Veins look different on pale and tanned skin. In a tanned person they are dark, but in a person with pale skin they really look as if they have blue blood flowing in them (after all, the people of the Middle Ages knew nothing about the laws of optics). Thus, the aristocrats, with their snow-white skin and “blue” blood vessels shining through it, contrasted themselves with the commoners.

The Spanish nobility had another reason for such a contrast. Dark skin, on which the veins cannot appear blue, was a distinctive feature of the Moors, against whose rule the Spaniards fought for seven centuries. Of course, the Spaniards placed themselves above the Moors, because they were conquerors and infidels. For the Spanish, it was a source of pride that none of his ancestors intermarried with the Moors or mixed their “blue” blood with Moorish blood.

Blue blood exists

And yet, owners of blue and even dark blue blood exist on planet Earth. Of course, these are not descendants of ancient noble families. They do not belong to the human race at all. We are talking about mollusks and some classes of arthropods.

Their blood contains a special substance – hemocyanin. It performs the same function as hemoglobin in other animals, including humans - oxygen transfer. Both substances have the same property: they easily combine with oxygen when there is a lot of it, and easily give it up when there is little oxygen. But the hemoglobin molecule contains iron, which gives the blood a red color, and the hemocyanin molecule contains copper, which makes the blood blue.

And yet, the ability to be saturated with oxygen in hemoglobin is three times higher than that of hemocyanin, so red blood won the “evolutionary race”, not blue.


It is customary to apply an expression to people with an aristocratic appearance and refined manners that is incomprehensible even to modern native speakers - “blue blood”. Young people understand what this idiom means only associatively, but the mature generation is unlikely to be able to clearly explain it.


Everyone has heard or used the expression “blue blood” at least once in their life. Sometimes it determines a very skeptical attitude or isolation from the general mass of certain individuals who have a set of characteristics that explicitly or implicitly, objectively or subjectively force them to be placed separately among many, or about persons of a noble family and related to an old aristocratic family.

The expression does not at all mean the distinct color of the blood cells flowing in the veins of these objects; however, this winged pattern is associated specifically with the structure of the blood. It has long been known that persons of noble blood, as a rule, were distinguished by their boilingly white skin color; even a light tan was the lot of laborers and peasants. It is implied that such subjects have blood of an unnatural bluish tint, which gives them a similar, distinct color.

The expression blue blood has Spanish and French roots.


According to another version, medieval knights of particularly noble origin did not spill a drop of the noble substance at knightly tournaments, precisely because of its special properties and blueness. Even the Inquisition treated people with such an anomaly with deep respect and fear, saying that such colors symbolize certain heavenly forces.

Blue blood in nature

Blue blood is also found, because it is determined by nothing more than its composition. Blue blood is often found in representatives of marine fauna, spiders, and crustaceans; this is caused by a special substance hemocyanin, which, unlike humans, has a copper-containing blue pigment.

Kyanetics is what scientists call people with such a natural anomaly.
Blood cells that have a reddish tint in the veins of these people acquire a blue color due to the increased copper content, which does not in any way affect the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. According to statistics, there are no more than seven thousand such individuals; their blood has a grayish or purple tint, and this fact is more an exception than a rule, which is why the expression blue blood has a figurative meaning rather than a direct meaning.