What is the best inexpensive wet food? Rating of premium dry cat food. Food for kittens and sick animals

Surely, every owner wants to give their pet only the best. And this applies not only to a sleeping place, toys, tray, filler. First of all, this concerns food. Which food is better to choose: natural or dry (industrial)? Which company should you choose? What to look for when choosing dry food? What is better to choose: super premium cat food or holistic class? Many questions arise, so you need to figure it out.

Common Myths

Let's start studying the questions posed with common myths.

  • Dry cat food can cause urolithiasis. There is no clear answer here. If a pet develops urolithiasis, it is a consequence (80%) of the lack of sufficient water in the animal’s bowl. When consuming industrial pellets, a cat requires a large amount of water. The carelessness of the owners leads to disastrous results. It should not be surprising that after a short period of time the pet will need the help of veterinarians.
  • Dry food for adult cats can cause gastrointestinal diseases. Again, there is no clear answer. Stomach and intestinal diseases can occur due to excessive consumption of granules. If the cat has eaten everything, this does not mean that she needs to add more. Especially if it is economy class food.
  • The composition of dry food contains solid chemicals; there are absolutely no natural ingredients or there is a minimal amount of them. If the choice fell on economy class pellets, then naturally it will be so. But premium, super premium and holistic food contains only natural ingredients (in different mass fractions). All products, starting from the premium class, undergo the strictest control. If in doubt, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Feed classification

The division into classes helps the kitten owner to make the right choice in favor of the pet's health.

  • Economy class products - the composition of these products cannot please cat owners. The ingredients do not contain natural meat, fish or poultry; only bone meal and plant ingredients. The quality of such granules leaves much to be desired. This food seems attractive to cats only because of the presence of flavorings and flavoring additives.
  • Premium products - manufacturers use selected meat and fish to make pellets, containing minerals and vitamins in the required quantities. Corn is supplied here as a vegetable component. All ingredients contained in the composition have a veterinary certificate. A distinctive feature is economical consumption and high digestibility.
  • Super premium class products - only the highest quality ingredients become the basis of the granules. These include: salmon fillet, lamb, turkey, rice, egg, etc. The composition contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates in a balanced form. When consuming this food, the cat will receive everything it needs. Super premium products belong to a specialized and balanced diet.
  • Holistic class products are elite food that contains only environmentally friendly ingredients. The distinctive features of such products are excellent digestibility and high taste. In addition to the main components there are fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Before choosing dry cat food, you need to read numerous reviews from cat owners and experts. They may vary, but you need to draw your own conclusions. The best option is to contact a veterinarian regarding nutrition.

List of manufacturers of economy class dry food

Dry food for kittens and cats contains many chemical components and low-quality raw materials. Chemical additives, flavors, and taste enhancers cause persistent addiction in your pet.

In addition, to keep the animal well-fed, it will require twice as many pellets as in higher-class products. To prevent kidney failure, the cat must consume 2-3 times more water than food. To get enough food, the cat eats a lot (!) of food; she is not able to consume as much water, so her kidneys become clogged, and this is the root cause of diseases of the urinary system.

Having studied the classes and composition of dry food for kittens and cats, experts came to the conclusion which products belong to the economy class.

  1. Kitekat;
  2. Whiskeys;
  3. Friskies;
  4. Purina
  5. Felix;
  6. OSCAR;
  7. Katinka;
  8. Perfect Fit;
  9. Darling;
  10. Kitti;
  11. Dr.Clauders;
  12. Sheba, etc.

List of premium industrial pellet manufacturers

Dry food for adult cats, which belongs to the premium class, is not as harmful as economy, but still not as healthy as superpremium and holistic. It will contain meat and fish as a base, but in addition to them it will contain soy, additives and substitutes. The amount of dry food for premium cats will be lower than that of economy class, and accordingly, there will not be such a load on the kidneys.

It has been noticed that most owners buy premium dry cat food because it is expensive (but not as expensive as super premium or holistic food), but does not cause much harm to the pet’s health. Many cats eat this way and live long and healthy (!) lives.

Rating of premium dry cat food:

  1. Royal Canin is one of the most popular manufacturers, supplying the market with a wide range of products;
  2. PurinaProPlan;
  3. Hills is a renowned manufacturer of industrial pellets with a wide range of products;
  4. Natural Choice;
  5. Belcando;
  6. Brit is also a popular food that has won the trust of many cat owners;
  7. Happy Cat;
  8. Advance;
  9. Matisse.

Royal Canin, Brit and Hills stand out from this list. Experts often classify them as super-premium pellets, since these manufacturers have a large assortment of medicinal foods in their product line. But you need to choose the food that was packaged and produced in Europe. They monitor quality better and control all products. In Russia there is no such control yet.

List of super premium industrial feed manufacturers

Choosing dry cat food is not a problem; Which one is better - every cat owner will decide for himself. In super-premium class granules the amount of protein is balanced, there are practically no dyes or flavors. When feeding such granules, the animal’s risk of getting sick is significantly reduced.

The best manufacturers of super premium cat food:

  • 1st Choice;
  • ProNature Holistic;
  • Profine Adult Cat;
  • Cimiao;
  • Nutram.

Rating of holistic class dry food manufacturers

The best dry food for cats is holistic grade granules. In nurseries, their children are fed exactly these pellets, produced by professionals for professionals. This food has, perhaps, only 2 disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • lack of flavorings and additives, which is why a cat, accustomed to eating premium food, will turn up his nose at expensive food (in the evening he will still go to eat, no one wants to sit hungry).

Rating of holistic dry cat food:

  1. Orijen;
  2. Acana;
  3. Golden Eagle Holistic;
  4. GO and NOW Natural holistic;
  5. GRANDORF Natural & Healthy;
  6. Almo Nature Holistic;
  7. Gina Elite, etc.

Such food does not cause allergies in animals. Each component in the composition is designed to preserve the health of the animal and prolong life. When feeding, the pet receives all the necessary substances, which eliminates the need to purchase an additional vitamin and mineral complex. The ingredients are selected in such a way that they do not interfere with the absorption of each other. The cat owner needs to remember that feeding holistic granules should not be combined with other foods and, especially, with natural food. If you add meat or fish to the bowl in addition to holistic food, your pet will develop kidney problems, which will be caused by an excess of protein.

Alternative rating of feed manufacturers

First place is rightfully taken by:

  • 1st choice;
  • Acana is a Canadian manufacturer that has won the trust of millions of cat and dog owners (products undergo the strictest control at all stages of production);
  • Brit Care Cocco;
  • Grandorf - this line includes 6 hypoallergenic foods, two varieties contain probiotics necessary for digestion;
  • Nutrivet;
  • Orijen is a Canadian manufacturer that produces granules with a high content of protein and a vitamin-mineral complex (the composition contains 75% meat (fish), eggs);
  • Pro nature holistic.

Why were they given the palm? The composition contains only natural ingredients and high-quality meat. Food from these manufacturers is suitable for daily feeding of your pet. Their only drawback is their high cost.

Second place was given to such manufacturers as:

  • Animonda (grain-free);
  • Brit Care;
  • Hills Ideal balance;
  • Nutram Sound;
  • Power of Nature.

In third place are:

  • Brit;
  • Golden Eagle is an American manufacturer that for the first time put on the market a product developed by nutritionists, geneticists, and famous veterinarians;
  • Holistic Blend Perfect;
  • Pronature Original.

These super premium and holistic foods are suitable for the treatment of allergic reactions and certain diseases. Such food for every day is not suitable for healthy animals.

Knowing that feed is divided into classes, the owner should pay attention to the composition. If it mentions by-products or bone meal, you can safely refuse such a product.

  • Super premium cat food, as well as holistic class, contains selected beef, rabbit, chicken, and fish. No chemicals, no by-products.
  • The shorter the ingredient list, the better.
  • In first place in the list of components are those whose mass fraction predominates in the feed. Meat, fish, and poultry should be among the first.
  • You shouldn’t buy industrial granules because of their beautiful packaging or enticing slogan. Dry food for adult cats and kittens must be of the highest quality, tested by time and the technical control department.
  • You should not purchase food from different manufacturers. It turns out that cats are very picky, so they have a hard time getting used to a change in food.
  • If the list of ingredients contains grains, then it is better to avoid such granules. It is desirable that the composition contains legumes, since grains can cause allergies. Reviews from veterinarians indicate that animals will not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract with food that contains rice.
  • If the list of ingredients contains flavors and dyes, it is better to avoid such a product. Responsible manufacturers have long abandoned the addition of chemicals.

Principles of cat nutrition: how to feed and how much to give?

Before switching their pet to industrial granules, many owners wonder: can cats eat dry food? The answer from the professionals: you can. But in moderation and following the recommendations.

The amount of dry cat food is indicated on the packaging from the manufacturer. It is strictly forbidden to overfeed your ward with such food. You can use premium dry cat food, but the diet should be monotonous. Unlike humans, cats do not require constant variety in their diet. Ideally, one food will last a lifetime. Tough, but true. The less variety in an animal's diet, the fewer health problems it will have. If the owner is satisfied with the state of health, fur, and teeth of the cat, then the best dry food for cats has been found, and there is no need to replace it with other granules.

If the owner has purchased dry cat food based on veterinarian reviews, he must remember several rules regarding the cat’s diet.

  • There must always be access to water. Ideally, the water in the bowl should be changed 1-2 times a day.
  • If you use holistic or super premium dry cat food, then you need to remove natural food from your pet’s diet.
  • The amount of food given depends on age, physical health, activity and breed characteristics. It is best to consult your veterinarian about the amount of kibble your cat should consume.
  • The cat should eat 2 or 3 times a day. If a pet wakes up its owner early in the morning, then the last meal can be moved to late evening.

From personal experience

When we got a British Fold kitten, we immediately turned to the veterinarian for advice on many issues. Among them was the question of nutrition. In the first minutes of the conversation, the veterinarian indicated that it was not worth buying Friskas, Whiskas and similar cheap food for our baby (of course, if we don’t want to have a bunch of diseases at the end of the day). We were recommended Royal Canin, Hill's, Pro Plan and Brit. A little expensive, but it won’t cost our pet’s health and life. Subsequently, when the kitten got stronger and gained strength, we chose Brit.

Initially, we bought Royal Canin by weight; our growing baby devoured it at the speed of light. Feedback from the seller at the veterinary clinic regarding Royal Canin is only positive. She advised us to put the daily amount in a bowl so that the kitten would not think that he had run out of food, and he would not later pounce on a new portion. That's what we did. At first he tried to eat everything, but then he realized that he had enough food, no one was taking anything from him and he would not starve. So it happened that in the morning I pour him a cup of food, it lasts him until the night. He eats when he wants. There is always fresh water in the bowl.

As for 2 or 3 meals a day, we do not adhere to this principle. Because the cat just walks around and begs for food. And so, if there are granules in the plate, he comes up, eats about 3-5 pieces, washes it down with water and goes about his business. Everyone wins. It may be wrong, but the cat is used to eating this way. And he has no health problems.

When a small kitten appears in the house, owners immediately have a lot of questions related to its care. First of all, you need to monitor your pet’s nutrition so that it develops properly and delights with its little pranks. When choosing food for kittens, it is better to study reviews about it in advance. The growing body of an animal requires a special approach, so the food offered may not suit it, which will cause an upset stomach.

The importance of feed quality

Kittens often go to a new home at the age of 2-3 months. Usually, responsible breeders have already completed the necessary vaccinations by this time and accustomed the animal to regular food. When choosing food for kittens, owners should study veterinarian reviews especially carefully, especially if the pet is considered a purebred. But it is also important for an ordinary kitten to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals from food for harmonious development.

The pet supply market offers many products from different manufacturers. Sometimes it can be difficult for the average cat lover to understand them. But the food must contain the necessary microelements and vitamins so that the pet’s digestive, muscular and skeletal systems do not suffer. Kitten food (reviews confirm this) also has a great influence on the quality of the coat.

Mandatory composition of good food

A lack of nutrients and vitamins leads to stunted growth in a young individual and can provoke the appearance of various diseases.

Veterinarians in reviews of kitten food indicate that they should contain the following components:

  • Microelements for growth and development: taurine, iron, iodine, zinc, L-carnitine. Without them, the growth of an animal and the full development of all systems of its body are impossible.
  • Vitamin A, which is responsible for the kitten’s vision and bone growth.
  • Vitamin C is indispensable for the development of the digestive system, excellent immunity and promotes the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for blood circulation.
  • Vitamin E is responsible for the future reproductive function of the kitten.
  • B vitamins improve metabolism, help strengthen blood vessels and muscle tissue.

Therefore, to choose a good food for kittens, reviews from veterinarians should be taken into account. Experts have different opinions about the types of animal diet, which we will consider below.

What's better?

Even experts sometimes argue which food is better to choose for a small pet - dry or wet. In this case, it is better to focus on the breed of the animal, its age, the personal preferences of the owner and his financial capabilities.

But you should remember that you should not feed your animal food from economy-class manufacturers. They do not contain natural meat, and the amount of vitamins and nutrients is negligible. In addition, flavorings and preservatives are added to them to ensure shelf life and improve taste.

Dry food

Veterinarians, in reviews of good food for kittens, claim that the product of high-quality brands, as a rule, is completely balanced.

It should be remembered that this type of food is suitable for pets from two months of age. The pieces themselves are quite hard, so it will be difficult for the kitten to handle it if he is still too small. But, according to experts, eating solid food is a good prevention of such a scourge as tartar.

Reviews of kitten food show that it is better to choose premium brands. Only they contain all the useful substances necessary for the development of a pet.

The best brands of dry food

  • Royal Canin. The composition mostly consists of meat, in addition, indigestible substances are excluded from it. The food is balanced and easily digested by the stomach.
  • ProPlan. Premium kitten food (reviews from professional breeders confirm this) do not contain preservatives and have a natural composition.
  • Eagle Pack Holistic Select. The most suitable food for kittens, according to veterinarians. It contains probiotics. Enzymes are easily absorbed. Contains a fully balanced vitamin and mineral complex. Meets the requirements for protein, fat and carbohydrate content.
  • Canidae The food is free of preservatives and has a natural composition.

Professional cat breeders do not recommend purchasing food in supermarkets, because only economy-class brands are supplied there. To purchase, it is better to go to a specialized pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

Advantages of dry food and its disadvantages

Cat breeders have positive reviews of dry kitten food. Many of them found it easy to use. They highlight its following advantages:

  • Balance. Each piece contains a lot of nutrients necessary for the development of the kitten.
  • Eliminates errors in feed. This means that the owner cannot accidentally include inappropriate food in the diet, which will cause digestive tract upset.
  • Dry food does not require any processing and is completely ready for consumption.

The main disadvantage of such feeds is the high cost of a quality product. Veterinarians advise feeding your kitten only premium brands, so the price may be a turn-off for some.

But cheap foods contain too many preservatives, increasing their shelf life. Instead of meat, as a rule, the composition includes sinews, bones and skins.

Wet bait

The main difference between these types of food is their constitution. The composition of wet products is almost the same as that of dry products. As with previous species, there are economy and premium food.

The main advantage of wet food is that it can be offered to the kitten a little earlier. The soft pieces easily yield to the weak jaws of a small animal, so an already month-old pet can handle them.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the “for kittens” labeling. The pieces for them are made even smaller and enriched with an additional complex of nutrients that promote growth and development.

Manufacturers produce a variety of wet food for kittens. Reviews show that mousses and delicate creamy meat purees are very popular with pets and prepare the animal well when transitioning from mother's milk to adult food.

Among manufacturers, there are many companies that produce quality products. However, there are also fakes, so it is imperative to pay attention to the quality of the packaging.

The most popular brands of wet food are:

  • Flatazor. It contains dietary meat and phytoactive components.
  • Doctor Alders. It has a wide range of different flavors. The composition contains only natural ingredients that exclude the development of allergic reactions.
  • Felidae Inexpensive and good food for kittens. Reviews from breeders confirm that the composition is natural, it contains all the necessary microelements and recommended vitamins.
  • Hills. The composition contains only natural meat. Enriched with magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, necessary for a growing body.

Premium kitten food has only positive reviews from breeders. Their composition meets all the requirements of specialists and does not cause problems with the kitten’s digestive system.

Pros and cons of wet food

The benefits of wet food are generally exactly the same as those of dry food. But its main difference is that it can partially satisfy the pet in liquid. In addition, after consumption you do not need as much water as after dry.

The disadvantages of the wet option also relate to its price, especially if you purchase a premium quality brand. It should be taken into account that if you constantly feed wet kibble, you need to take care of anti-tartar agents.

What food is best for kittens? Reviews on the Internet can be found contradictory. The choice primarily depends on the composition of the product and the personal preferences of the pet.

Selection rules

Despite the same advantages of dry and wet food, many pet owners are faced with the problem of choice. Professional breeders advise choosing the following brands of dry food:

  1. Royal Canin.
  2. ProPlan.
  3. Eagle Pack Holistic Select.

These manufacturers offer a wide range of feeds, but their prices are not suitable for everyone. It is worth noting that feeding cheap analogues can negatively affect the kitten’s health. The thing is that the economy version always contains too much salt and preservatives.

Many people prefer canned kitten food. Which is better? Reviews from veterinarians indicate that it is better to prefer a type that completely excludes flavorings. Of course, premium brands cannot be stored for long. Therefore, they are placed on a plate immediately before consumption.

Key points about feeding a kitten

Veterinarians in reviews of kitten food indicate that it is better to prefer premium products. High-quality brands are fully balanced and meet the needs of a young animal’s body.

But often owners want to pamper their pet with homemade food. In this case, you should follow some rules:

  1. Do not salt the finished product.
  2. Raw meat can be given only after freezing. This eliminates possible microorganisms.
  3. If the animal is castrated, then it should not be offered fish.
  4. Fatty foods and butter are contraindicated for kittens.
  5. The fish must be boiled before serving to prevent the appearance of worms.
  6. And it is strictly forbidden to give pork to kittens.


When a fluffy little ball appears in the house, there is a need to purchase kitten food. Which is better? Reviews from veterinarians indicate that it is better to lean towards premium brands. Only they are as close as possible to natural products and at the same time balanced and enriched with everything necessary.

If you have difficulty choosing or the proposed diet does not suit the kitten, you should consult a veterinarian. When purchasing, be sure to study the composition, manufacturer information and feeding recommendations. Packaging is important because, unfortunately, there are now fakes of expensive food.

Whatever food you choose for your kitten, do not forget to always have fresh water in an accessible place. If you choose the wet option, you should purchase an anti-plaque agent at a pet store. When a kitten eats dry food, a little more water is required than with the first option.

Friends, we welcome you to the page of our “educational” project, which unites professionals and animal lovers, experienced cat owners and beginners. We love our graceful, fluffy, funny and at the same time fragile pets very much and we are sure that you will too.

Probably everyone will agree that spending a few minutes on a free analysis of cat food is much faster, easier and, most importantly, more humane than then spending money on expensive tests and treatment of the pets themselves. Yes, don’t be surprised, the correct selection of food for cats lays the foundation for the health of the animal and, to a large extent, is the prevention of many chronic diseases.

Rating Purpose: Cat Food Analyzer

We bring to your attention a rating of cat food - not simple, as they say, and not even golden, but honest, convenient and, we hope, educational. We warn you right away that we are not interested in the marketing classification of food: for cats, such definitions on food packaging as “premium”, “super premium”, “holistic”, etc. mean nothing. What’s more important to animals is what’s inside – the composition of the dry food and, accordingly, their lunch. We think you will too.

Our resource was originally created as a full-fledged cat food analyzer. As the project develops, we will add various filters for users, but currently you can sort the feed database by overall rating, brand or diet name. The last two options are rather convenient for those who have already purchased or are planning to purchase a specific food and want to test it.

How it works?

If your goal is to find cat food that best suits the needs of these adorable predators, we recommend setting the sort in descending order of overall rating. Then, first, those products will appear in front of you that, based on the results of an objective analysis of the main ingredients, have received a greater number of points (max. 50). You can read more about how exactly the components are evaluated in our Criteria section.

The busiest and most devoted readers, of course, can limit themselves to only this information when choosing food; for everyone else, we suggest clicking on the name of the product under the picture and getting an in-depth analysis of cat food. It includes: a list of ingredients (each item can be “expanded” in more detail), a guaranteed analysis and a general expert opinion.

Cat food comparison

Comparing cat food, if necessary, is not difficult. There is no need to memorize, write down or print out information on the products you are interested in (although the print function is also implemented). Just click on the “Add to comparison” service while in the description section of a specific food. The number of items to choose from is not limited - all of them will be stored in the “Delayed feed” tab (always available at the top and bottom of the page).

We are waiting for your response

If our review of cat food was not useful to you: you did not find what you were looking for, or you still have some questions, suggestions, additions - you can always report an error to us (button at the bottom of the page), leave a free request for analysis your food or contact us with other questions (button in the upper right corner of the page).

  1. First of all, this is the quality of the product: the balance of the feed (a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, etc.), the quality of the raw materials - as you know, protein differs from protein. These could be horns and hooves, or maybe valuable meat.
  2. Next, the breadth of the assortment is taken into account - the availability of dietary, medicinal, breed series of cat food.
  3. Of course price matters. Sometimes a product can be really high quality, but the price is prohibitive. To make a balanced decision, we proceed from an understanding of the price for 1 conventional gram of protein in food versus the retail price of the product.
  4. Reviews of food from owners and veterinarians can also contribute to the correction factor.

Rating of premium dry cat food

The rating that will be presented includes only the best cat food. “Premium”, “super-premium” class and “holistic” category - separately. Premium cat food in the ratings of veterinarians and breeders looks like this:

#1 Royal Canin

In general, the food can be classified as a “super-premium” class, since the brand has not only breed and age product lines, but also medicinal ones. However, some veterinarians are confused by the fact that in recent years, branded food from a well-known manufacturer has been produced at Russian enterprises, and this raises serious questions about quality. But in the premium class, of course, Royal Canin “drying” takes the first ranking position.

As for the price range, it is not wide, but may be affordable for many buyers:

Royal Canin branded medicated foods are a little more expensive:

Many people now prefer to have cats and kittens as pets. They do not require special care and do not cause much trouble. But these animals, like people, need a balanced diet. Its health and appearance depend on what your pet eats. That is why it is necessary to carefully approach the preparation of your pets’ diet. But what food is best for cats, how to feed it correctly and what? The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

To correctly create a menu for your pet, it is better to contact a veterinarian. But many owners prefer to decide for themselves what is best to feed their cat, based on the cost and preferences of the animal. But this is wrong. So, let's find out what food for cats exists.

Natural food

Natural food is prepared by the owners themselves. For this purpose, meat, fish products, vitamins and supplements are purchased. This feeding is most useful for cats, since you can be sure of its naturalness, and also adjust its composition to the characteristics of your pet. Some people prefer to give their animals table scraps, but this can be harmful to the animal’s health, since the needs for various substances in humans differ from the needs of cats.

Unfortunately, not everyone finds time to cook food for their pets. In this case, you have to resort to the help of store-bought feed.

Store-bought feed

Today, there are 2 types of commercial food: wet and dry. Dry food is the most useful, as it is more concentrated and the animal gets enough of it faster. The risk of poisoning with it is minimal, because the granules do not fade in the bowl. This food supports the microflora of the stomach and intestines, contains all the elements, cleans and strengthens teeth. The manufacturing process consists of grinding the products, distributing them into granules and completely drying them. Dry food is intended as a complete diet, that is, you do not need to give your cat other products in addition to it.

Wet food contains pieces of meat and fish. They help maintain water balance. They can be combined with other foods. But wet food quickly deteriorates, which can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. To choose the best wet food for cats, you need to study the composition: it must contain a sufficient amount of pure meat.

Cat food classes

All feeds will be divided into several classes based on quality, ingredients and other factors: economy, medium, premium and super-premium. To choose the best cat food, you need to know which class it belongs to.


Answering the question: what is the best cat food, we cannot say that it is economy class food. These feeds can be easily purchased at any store for a small amount. Most of them are very popular due to advertising: Whiskas, Kitekat, Frieskies. They have a pungent odor that makes cats hungry. But these foods consist of harmful substances and practically do not contain natural products.

Constant consumption of it by a cat leads to a failure of the kidneys, stomach, intestines, and decreased immunity. It is also only half digestible, which means that the pet will have to be fed this food very often.


Medium class foods contain a certain amount of natural products. They are somewhat more expensive than economy class feed. You can only buy them in pet stores. These include Sheba, Heinz and others.


If the question arises: what cat food to choose, then you should pay attention to. They are rich in all necessary microelements and vitamins. Regular consumption of them by your cat will improve his health and appearance.

Despite the high price of this product, it is very economical and is almost completely absorbed.

Super premium

If we were to compile the top cat foods, then the top would be occupied by super-premium class foods. These foods have been carefully developed by specialists. They are great for pets of rare breeds and animals with poor health. These feeds cost a lot of money and can only be purchased by order. The super-premium class includes Profine Adult Cat, Cimiao, Nutram.

What should be the composition of cat food?

To keep your pet healthy, you need to know how to choose cat food, but many people don’t think about it. The first step is to study the composition: the first place should be taken by meat and its content in a good food is at least 20%. It should not be replaced by offal.

The required components are protein and taurine, since the cat’s body is not able to produce amino acids on its own, but they are necessary for normal life.

The food is also based on various grains and vegetables. Contains the best cat food in its composition, various vitamins, as well as meat flour. It is necessary to avoid feeds that contain E-additives, flour, salt and sugar. Cereals should not be in first place, as a large amount of fiber is harmful to the health of cats. Foods with colored granules contain various harmful dyes, so it is also better to avoid them. The composition should not contain general concepts, for example “vegetables”. It must be clearly indicated which vegetables are included in the food.

Types of feed

Premium and super-premium food is produced taking into account the characteristics of pets. You can compare specialized cat food with regular cat food.

For kittens

Kitten food contains more calories, various components, and vitamins. After all, in childhood, an animal needs energy to grow. The best food for kittens can be judged by its content of fats, proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates. There are many more of them than usual. It is strictly not recommended to feed an adult animal this food, as it can lead to obesity. Kitten food also has smaller granules for a more comfortable eating experience. Read about Royal Canin kitten food.

For animals with health problems

There are special foods available for sale for pets with poor health. For example, this is food for cats with problems with digestion, kidneys and other organs, and with weakened immunity. They have a composition adapted to maintain health. Thus, food for obese cats has low energy value, and food for cats after castration contains less protein than regular food.

For cats and kittens over 7 years old

Food for aging animals helps prevent signs of aging, improve health and immunity.

For various breeds

Each cat breed has its own anatomy and physiology. Some brands produce food tailored for certain breeds. This is the best food for cats, as it ideally takes into account all the characteristics of the pet.

Famous brands of cat food

How not to get confused in the variety of pet food? Let's compare different brands and find out which food is best to feed your cat without harm to its health.


Savara super-premium cat food is considered one of the best. Savara is an honest and open project that produces products for cats and dogs. The food has an excellent natural composition. All of them are hypoallergenic and made from fresh meat and rice, do not contain dyes and GMOs. Production is carried out in the UK using the latest technology. The price is about 1000 rubles per 2 kg.


Another high-quality premium product is Pronature cat food, which does not contain grains. When creating it, the culinary characteristics of different countries and the secrets of all generations were taken into account. The food contains one source of protein, as some pets do not digest grain. Pronature produces three lines: Mediterranea, Asiato and Nordiko. The average price for a 2.72 kg package is 1,150 rubles.


Gourmet wet cat food comes in a wide range of varieties: pate, meatballs, pieces in gravy, fillets. Natural meat and fish are used for cooking: beef, salmon, trout, chicken and others. A package of food weighing 85 grams costs from 30 to 50 rubles.

Perfect Fit

Wet or liquid food Perfect Fit for kittens ensures the healthy development of your pet. All products of this brand are adapted to different lifestyles of pets: for active people or homebodies and others. For a 650g package you will have to pay a little more than 200 rubles, and for a portion of pouch - about 30.

To have a healthy diet, you need to follow some rules. The country of origin plays an important role. For example, Italian cat food may not be made in Italy at all. This way you can detect a fake. When feeding dry food, it is necessary to give the animal plenty of water. It must be clean, which means it must be changed regularly. If you buy it, it should be reheated before serving.

You need to monitor the freshness of the product and do not store it for more than two days, even in the refrigerator. Dishes also play a big role. It is better to use ceramics for food and water, since plastic can accumulate unpleasant odors, and metal dishes can distract with reflection, which will lead to poor absorption. Now we know which dry and wet food for cats is the best, as well as how to choose the right food.