Growing a self-garden. How to grow smoking tobacco. Transplanting seedlings into a large container

A plant like tobacco is not difficult to grow, but after harvesting it, fermentation is not a very fast process. But this is also possible at home, and it grows smoking tobacco almost everywhere, even in a Siberian garden. Growing tobacco at home on a windowsill is also not too troublesome for a beginner. The main thing is to provide him with proper care and conditions in the apartment.

Conditions for growing tobacco

Before sowing tobacco on the balcony, you should remember that the plant is very picky about the choice of soil, loves warm temperatures, but despite this is unpretentious.

For fragrant tobacco, the content is very important minerals and salts in the soil, the presence fresh air and warmth. Different conditions for a plant can affect the shades of leaves and their length. And the aroma of smoking tobacco will depend on humidity.


The plant prefers bright areas in the apartment with big amount light and warmth, so growing on a balcony in the warm season will be an ideal condition.


The most ideal temperature for growing seedlings or the plant itself on a window is considered to be between 25 and 28 degrees Celsius. With more low temperatures seedlings and adult fragrant tobacco plants may stop growing or even die.


In order to grow seedlings, the container must be large; this is mainly done in greenhouses or greenhouses. At home, it is recommended to use a seedling box or a large pot; if the plant becomes too thick, the plants are picked.

Soil and fertilizer for tobacco

The plant is planted in sandy loam soil with an abundance of potassium and nitrogen. It quickly pumps everything out of the soil useful material. Therefore, fragrant tobacco must be fertilized often; this is done with mullein or bird droppings. If necessary, lime the soil.

The optimal substrate for growing tobacco is soil with humus, garden soil and sand. They are mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1 to 1. Additionally, before planting the seeds, the soil must be thoroughly watered.

They begin to feed the plant after planting the seedlings using a slurry of manure and superphosphate. It can be processed using sulfur powder.

When the first inflorescences appear, the plant is treated with a solution of onion peels or garlic tincture.
A week after the first treatment, the bushes are again treated with an onion-based tincture. The third feeding occurs after another 7 days.

Plant Formation

Before growing a plant on the balcony, you need to properly prepare the seeds for planting. First of all, they are soaked on a wet cloth soaked in an antiseptic and left on the cloth for 24 hours. In this way, seed germination will increase.

After which the seeds are washed, laid out on a saucer, and put in a warm, bright place. The fabric is moistened and sprouts are expected. There shouldn't be any sprouts larger size the grains themselves, otherwise they will quickly break and the plants will not take root and grow well.

Plants are replanted after the smoking tobacco produces at least 4 leaves. Before transplanting, the seedlings are watered and planted together with a ball of earth in a separate pot so as not to damage the root system.

It is recommended to plant seedlings in prepared holes that are heavily spilled with water; a depression is made in them in the middle. The top of the hole is sprinkled with wet soil, a seedling is placed in the hole and the root system is carefully sprinkled with dry soil. This procedure will allow the roots to take root better and not lose moisture.

When tobacco blooms, it needs to break off the inflorescences and remove excess side shoots from time to time.

Planting instructions and care

Tobacco seeds remain viable for a long time, and therefore old seeds can be used for planting. They will sprout as quickly as fresh.
If seeds are planted as seedlings to be planted later in the garden, then the age of the plants should be 40-45 days.

The principle of planting, regardless of the future location of the plants and the planting site, is identical: the seeds are scattered on top of the soil, and the soil is first watered. The maximum seed depth should not be more than 8mm.
They are slightly pressed into the soil and lightly watered so that the soil is not washed away and the seeds are not buried in the soil.

It is better to pre-germinate tobacco on a damp cloth so that the seeds already have germinated sprouts. So, if you are planning to get seedlings, you can get them faster by 7-8 days. For planting and good seedlings, a temperature above 25 degrees is required. When tobacco grows, the gardener needs to loosen it often, weed, water and fertilize as necessary.

Tobacco is watered infrequently; even on hot days, it is enough to water it 3 times during the summer, but watering should be plentiful. It is better to let the plant suffer from a lack of water than overwatering. Their root system is powerful and the plant can take moisture from the soil for a long time. But before it is picked and fermented, the tobacco is well watered with settled, warm water.

Types of tobacco

There are several types of tobacco that can be successfully grown on a balcony or window.

  • Variety "Kubanets". The average number of leaves suitable for processing is about 27 pieces. The time from seed planting to breaking varies from 103 to 134 days.
  • Trapezond 92. It practically does not get sick, ripens quickly (about 98 days pass from planting to breaking).
  • Samsun 85. These bushes ripen quickly and have a large number of leaves suitable for further processing (about 50 of them per bush).
  • Anniversary new 142. Ripens quickly (the time from planting seeds to breaking is about 78 days). Nicotine in the leaves of this variety ranges from 2% to 2.1%. It is unpretentious and practically does not suffer from diseases inherent in tobacco.
  • Holly 316. The variety has long term growing season. It has a low nicotine content.

Numerous smokers have already appreciated the benefits of growing tobacco at home. Firstly, tobacco pure form brings to the body less harm than store-bought cigarettes containing different tars. Secondly, the cost of smoking tobacco own production not tall. Read about how this is done in our article.

What determines the quality of the finished product?

Growing a plant yourself is not at all difficult. Even a novice gardener can cope with this. It is grown through seedlings, which can either be planted or skipped this stage and immediately planted on the site.

You can grow tobacco or shag seedlings in approximately 40-45 days. Some believe that shag is another name for this culture. This is actually a misconception. Shag is a separate plant, but a close relative of tobacco. It comes from a wild variety that grew in South America. Shag has a more tart-aromatic smell and taste.

The quality of the final product is influenced by three factors:

  1. Soil type. The size, color, and texture of the leaves of the crop depend on the properties of the soil. Soil mixed with sand is more preferable.
  2. Temperature. The plant is thermophilic. Therefore, it is necessary to choose zoned varieties.
  3. Excess air. It is the sufficient amount of air that gives the foliage its aroma. As a rule, plantings grown in open ground are more fragrant than those grown in a greenhouse.

The aroma of a dried plant also depends on the amount of moisture and mineral salts. The product will be fragrant if the soil is not over-moistened or over-dried. The area with plantings is periodically watered, fed with fertilizers or chicken droppings, and also loosened.

What you need to know about seeding material

Tobacco seeds are very small. One gram contains approximately 12.5 thousand. If we take into account that the average smoker smokes 8 kg of tobacco per calendar year, then we can calculate how much planting material will be needed, as well as how much space they will occupy. You can get up to 30 grams from one plant. A simple calculation shows that approximately 270 seedlings need to be grown.

It is enough to buy one quarter of a gram of seeds. Plants are recommended to be planted in rows. The row spacing should be 70 cm. If you choose large-leaf varieties, then they need to be planted after 30 cm, and medium-leaf varieties - after 20 cm. Thus, per 1 sq. m you can grow six or eight plants. It is necessary to allocate 34 or 45 square meters for the garden bed, respectively. m.

What varieties can be grown

With a wide variety of varieties of this crop, you need to choose only those that are zoned across the territory of Russia. You should not try to grow exotic Cuban or Hawaiian varieties - the climate, which is too different from ours, cannot be recreated even in greenhouse conditions.

Varieties released in Russia:




Holly 316

Variety late maturing, low concentration nicotine The growing season is 118-120 days. Features a large amount of green mass

Trebizond Kubanets

Medium ripening. The growing season takes on average from 105 to 135 days, depending on temperature and precipitation. 27 leaves are collected from each bush. Refers to industrial crops

Trapezond 92

Variety early maturation with a large amount of green mass - 45-50 pieces per bush. It grows intensively, taking a maximum of 110 days before harvesting.

Kentucky Burley

An excellent variety with the lowest concentration of sugar in the foliage, thereby eliminating the risk of fermentation. After drying, the collection is steamed with hot steam, after which it is cut for final use.

How to germinate grains correctly

Below we'll talk about ordinary tobacco. You can also grow shag (Nicotina Ructica) in your beds, and it’s even easier, since this crop is unpretentious, and already in the second ten days of May it is simply sown on the beds, having previously mixed it with sand.

The best time for sowing is late February - early March. You can sow dry grains or sprouted (pecked) grains. The second option is more labor-intensive, but gives best result- seeds germinate faster, the period of forcing tobacco seedlings at home is reduced by about 5-7 days. Since seedlings develop better, plant productivity increases significantly.

Seeds should be germinated 4-5 days before sowing. First, they need to be wrapped in a cotton napkin and soaked in warm water for a day. An antiseptic is added to the water - a couple of drops of tartaric acid or a few crystals of potassium nitrate. Then the grains should be washed thoroughly. When excess water has drained, the damp cloth with grains is placed in an enamel or earthenware bowl.

The dishes are moved to a warm place - a window sill above the radiator is good, there will be enough warmth and sunlight. It should not be covered. The cloth must be damp at all times, for which it is periodically moistened with a spray bottle. The grains hatch approximately on the third or fourth day. You will see white "dots". When approximately two-thirds of the seeds have hatched, they can be sown.

If for some reason you are unable to sow sprouted seeds, they must be dried and stored in the refrigerator. At a temperature of 1-2°C they are stored for about two days. If you leave them on wet wipe, then the sprouts will grow rapidly. When the length of the sprouts exceeds the length of the grain, they will begin to break off.

VIDEO: How to achieve good tobacco seedlings

Subtleties of sowing

Not only greenhouses or greenhouses are suitable for growing tobacco seedlings, but also well-lit window sills in the room. If you choose the latter option, you can use both special boxes for seedlings and ordinary flower pots. Special nutrient soil should be poured in a layer of 8-10 cm and compacted.

The depth of sowing tobacco seeds at home is 0.7-0.8 cm. Sowing small seeds has its own subtleties. The seeds are sprinkled with a mixture of humus and sand in a 3:1 ratio. The sand is pre-disinfected. To do this, you can calcine it in the oven or thoroughly pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then dry it.

Before sowing, water the soil. The seeds are mixed with sand or humus and sown. Then they are sprinkled with a mixture of humus and sand. After this, water through a thick strainer. Otherwise, the seeds will go very deep into the soil and will not be able to sprout. Until the seeds germinate, it is advisable that the temperature be 23-25°C.

How to care

Growing seedlings requires daily care. It is very important not to allow the soil to dry out, but waterlogging is no less harmful. Therefore, it is advisable to water daily and little by little. Until two true leaves appear (the “cross” phase - a pair of cotyledons and a pair of true leaves), the boxes are kept at a temperature of 23-25°C.

After this, the temperature is lowered to 20°C, and watering is doubled. This regime is maintained until 3-4 true leaves appear (the “ears” phase - the real leaves usually stick up). It is in this phase that it is optimal to pick the seedlings (transplant them into separate cups). If the sowing is not very dense, then you don’t have to pick the seedlings.

As the plants grow, they need to be covered with fertile soil. As a rule, this is done two or three times. It is also necessary to fertilize the seedlings twice mineral fertilizers. Prepare the following solution:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 30 grams of ammonium nitrate;
  • 20 grams of potassium chloride or sulfate.

If desired, you can use a solution of chicken manure as a plant feed. To do this, you need to pour 1 kg of chicken manure into 10 liters of water. This solution should ferment for 12-14 days. It should be stirred periodically. After the droppings have fermented, they should be strained. The crop can be watered only with a diluted solution: 4-5 parts of water for 1 part of litter.

When and how to plant

Seedlings are planted on the site when it has 5-6 true leaves (not counting cotyledons). At this point, the height of the plants reaches approximately 14-16 cm, the stem is 0.3-0.5 cm thick, and the root system is already well developed. A week before planting, seedlings must begin to be hardened: taken out into the open air.

If the seedlings have not been planted, then two days before planting they must be stopped watering. Three hours before planting, it should be watered generously.

This simple rule will help you easily separate each plant in order to plant it in prepared holes (pre-pour approximately 0.5 liters of water).

It is very important that by the time the seedlings are planted, the soil has warmed up by about 100 C to a depth of at least 10 cm. In addition, you should not rush to plant seedlings as long as there is a threat of spring frosts. The optimal period for planting a smoking variety is from April 20 to May 25.


This is the most important and interesting stage, when you need to show maximum skill. Once all the foliage has turned yellow, you can begin assembly.

  1. Always remove from the bottom row so that the entire mass remains intact.
  2. Carefully transfer the entire collected trophy into the shade, but not indoors, but leave it outdoors. This is necessary so that the mass wilts slightly.
  3. Take twine, fishing line or cords and put each leaf on them separately. This device is called a havanka. They are not hung too tightly, but not too sparsely. Hang in the shade in a windless place for 15-20 days for final drying.

  1. They are transferred indoors without removing them from the shelter, and also hung on supports for another couple of months.

  1. Already in September you can remove them, smooth them with your hands or under a press and put them in piles. This completes the process.

VIDEO: Growing smoking tobacco from A to Z

Regular tobacco, samosad or fragrant - all these concepts refer to one plant that is easy to grow in your own area. It is believed that the principle of growing tobacco itself is not so complicated; it is only necessary to devote more time to post-harvest processing or fermentation. But there is no need to be afraid of this either; there is nothing complicated in this work. Moreover, if you know how to grow garden crops and seal them for the winter, then you can handle tobacco fermentation just fine.

What do you need to know before sowing seeds?

Let's first think a little and think about whether this long process of growing a self-garden is so important for you, or is it better not to waste your personal time and buy a pack or two of cigarettes in the store? No, heavy smokers believe that the efforts are fully justified, the savings on the family budget are obvious, and they don’t spare time and effort for themselves. Moreover, the result will exceed all expectations: the product is pure and tested, there will be no chemicals or additives.

These positive points They prove in the best possible way that it is better for a smoker to smoke a cigarette of his own tobacco than to buy a “tar” cigarette with an admixture of chemicals. Now go ahead, let's learn to grow tobacco together.

Before you begin work, you need to know that the properties of the plant will directly depend on the soil in which it grows. Tobacco adapts to any weather and climatic conditions, only the final result may differ from the original grown in the South of the country. Now it becomes clear that tobacco is a heat-loving plant. Don't worry, there are several varieties of self-gardening that adapt to soil composition and temperature.

Other things to consider before boarding:

  1. The composition of the soil directly affects not only the size, but even the color and shape of the leaves.
  2. The aroma of tobacco depends on the mineral salts contained in the soil, as well as the level of moisture.
  3. If there is not enough air (growing in greenhouses), this affects the taste of the leaves.

A little history

It is difficult to say how many centuries ago humanity discovered the properties of tobacco and the fact that this plant can be smoked. Peru and Bolivia are considered to be the birthplace of the plant. But Europe is indebted to Columbus for bringing this plant and teaching Europeans to smoke.

Currently, this crop is widely cultivated in India, China and North America. In Russia, or rather in former USSR, tobacco was also commonly grown in plantations in countries with warm climates: Moldova, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Currently, in the Transcaucasus, in the outback, people still grow tobacco on their plots, as they say, the old fashioned way.

The main requirement for growing this crop is high air temperature. Tobacco loves it when it is hot outside, so the optimal temperature for preserving the juiciness of the leaves and color is +30 o C. The soil is more suitable when moist and light, as well as “loose” with an admixture of sand.

The method of propagating tobacco is using seeds, from which you must first grow seedlings and then plant them in open ground.

Attention! Each of you should know that the stems and leaves of this plant contain nicotine, and there is more of it in the leaves (up to 3%). Nicotine is a toxic substance that can cause euphoria. This condition passes quickly, but there is no need to abuse tobacco smoking. By the way, they use tobacco not only by smoking, but also by chewing, and also sniffing tobacco powder. Natural nicotine is a potent toxic substance that is unsafe for human health.

So is it still necessary to grow tobacco or not? Theoretically, yes, if health problems do not bother you, then you can try growing smoking tobacco yourself. The first advantage is that there is little space on personal plot, the second is simple mathematics. It is known that there is very little tobacco in 1 cigarette, even less than what is indicated on the pack, about 1 g. It turns out that there is only 20 g in a pack. If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, then this is already a blow to the family budget. Let’s say you have to buy 30 or 31 packs per month, but for a year it turns out to be a large amount. As a result, tobacco will cost practically nothing, and even if you only need 6-8 kg per year, it is not as much as the cost of purchased cigarettes.

If conditions allow, then from just 1 bush you can get up to 30 g of tobacco! And in just 1 acre of land you can grow up to 7 plants! Seedlings are placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other, and large-leaved ones - 30 cm, planting density is 70 by 30 or 70 by 20 cm. If you occupy a plot of 40 m2, you will have to plant a total of 300 seedlings. And yet, if the plant turns out to be concentrated or, as they say, “evil” tobacco, then it will have to be diluted with the stems of the same plant, and this is even more profitable.

Find out which plant varieties are best to plant

If you are one of those who dreams of harvesting your first tobacco harvest from your own plot, then you need to get some seeds. Planting material must be purchased at the store. Consultants will offer a choice of several popular varieties of tobacco, it could be “Rural” or “Virginia”. Let's take a closer look at each type of this plant.

Variety "Virginia" - the taste of the leaves is soft and delicate. This plant variety adapts to any climatic conditions. Elite varieties of tobacco are grown in favorable conditions in Brazil. Process the collected leaves in a simple way: fumigation with smoke.

Variety "Rural" - resistant to changes weather conditions, the leaf is strong and tart. The aroma is subtle.

There are many more different varieties of tobacco that you can also try to grow at home. Each variety is bred taking into account growing in middle lane Russia. It is very important to consider the area where the tobacco will be grown in order to choose the right variety.

So, you should pay attention to the following types of tobacco:

  • “Kubanets Trapezond”, approximately 100 days pass from planting to collecting the last leaf. The content of the main substance – nicotine – is 2.6%;
  • “92 Trebizond” is a resistant tobacco variety that is not afraid of diseases and pests. Short growing season. After planting, 98 days pass and you can start collecting leaves;
  • "New Yubileiny" - a short growing season, only 78 days. Standard nicotine content: from 2.0%;
  • "85 Samsun" is an intensive variety, distinguished high speed maturation. 105 days pass from planting to the moment of leaf collection. Collection of mature leaves from one bush - up to 50 pcs.;
  • “316 Holly” is a late-ripening plant variety, characterized by a low percentage of nicotine content. Average term growing season: 120 days, including the last leaf collection.

Growing fragrant tobacco

To grow tobacco from seeds, you first need to prepare planting material. This is easy to do, this is how we prepare any seeds before planting: we simply soak them in a wet cloth with the addition of an antiseptic (this can be tartaric acid or a little potassium nitrate). Wrap the dry seeds in a cloth soaked in water with the addition of an antiseptic and leave for a day. This method improves the quality of seeds.

After exposure, it is necessary to rinse the planting material and squeeze thoroughly excess liquid, place it on a saucer or enamel bowl, and then place it on the windowsill (the place should be warm). From time to time you will have to moisten the cloth with the seeds. Be careful not to allow sprouts to germinate to a length exceeding the size of the grains, otherwise the sprouts will quickly break off and the germination of tobacco will decrease.

After the seeds germinate, they become dry or crumbly. They must be mixed with a special solution (sold in stores) or sand.

Estimated seed planting date: late February or early March. Sowing tobacco seeds is done at home. Watering very carefully so as not to dry out or waterlog the soil, as this negatively affects the aroma of the leaves. We moisten the soil every day, maintaining an optimal moisture level. Room temperature +23-25 ​​o C.

When growing tobacco seedlings, it is very important to apply fertilizing, this can be chicken droppings or mineral fertilizers.

Seedlings ready for planting in open ground reach a height of 15 cm with 6 developed leaves and a strong root system.

7 days before the expected planting date, it is necessary to gradually accustom the seedlings to changes in temperature conditions in order to harden the young plants.

Planting tobacco seedlings

It is very important when growing tobacco from seeds to choose right place for landing. Choose an area where there is no stagnation of moisture or draft. Fertilize the soil and loosen it thoroughly. The following fertilizers are suitable: manure or compost. Be sure to remove weeds from the site before planting.

Rules for planting tobacco:

  1. The timing of planting seedlings is the end of April and inclusive until the end of May. Just these months are the most favorable time, because the frost is already behind us.
  2. Seedlings need to be planted keeping a distance of 20 cm. We will leave a gap of 70 cm between the rows so that each plant develops fully and the leaves are large.
  3. After planting tobacco seedlings, pour 1 liter of water into each hole.
  4. Side shoots and inflorescences must be broken off during planting.
  5. The first feeding is immediately after planting with a mixture of slurry and superphosphates. You can also use water with the addition of sulfur powder.
  6. When you see the first inflorescences, treat each bush with tincture of onion skins or water infused with garlic.
  7. After 7 days, you need to repeat the treatment of plants onion tincture, and a week later - the last time. Then you can ensure that the tobacco grows fragrant.

About pests and diseases

Tobacco has many “fans”, so it is necessary to take timely protective measures to preserve the harvest.

Common tobacco pests:

  • “Peach”, tobacco or greenhouse aphid is the most terrible pest for this plant. It affects many crops, including wild ones. Aphids suck all the juices out of the plant, reducing the quality of the crop;
  • “Black leg” - affects en masse all seedlings, affecting the base of the stem. A dark or light coating appears on the surface affected by the pest. Pathogens can remain in the soil for a long time;
  • "Mosaic" - distinctive properties of this pest are visible to the naked eye: they appear on the plant light spots. Over time, these affected leaves die;
  • “Powdery mildew” - spots appear on the leaves that resemble cobwebs. The powdery coating gradually becomes continuous, affecting the tops of the plants;
  • “Root black rot” - this pest tends to attack young plants, but also mature plant. The leaves gradually fade, white spots with black dots form on the roots;
  • “Bacterial grouse” - the tips of young leaves on seedlings and young plants become covered with oily or wet spots. If it is humid outside, the plant gradually dies.

Proper harvesting

Growing tobacco at home is an interesting activity. Gradually you have mastered the intricacies of growing seedlings, and now it is time to harvest. First you need to break off the lower leaves from each adult plant. The collected leaves must be spread in 1 layer in the sun and left for 2 days. Then transfer the leaves to dark room with high humidity. Leave the leaves to dry for a whole month. To maintain a certain level of humidity in the room, you can place a container of water in the room where tobacco leaves are dried and monitor the level.

Be careful when picking tobacco. The fact is that each bush consists of 4 tiers and the leaves of each tier ripen gradually. Therefore, each time you collect, you need to sign the harvested crop so as not to get confused. The break between harvesting is 2 weeks. Collecting leaves now is from the top down. Upper leaves will be the most valuable.

How to ferment tobacco

Proper drying of the leaves is already half the success. There will be very little left to achieve the final result and smoke the long-awaited cigarette of tobacco grown with your own hands. Don't rush to improve quality collected material, it is necessary to perform a fermentation procedure. You can do this yourself at home. But you will have to try hard for this.

A special cabinet is needed to process leaves. You can make it yourself from an old refrigerator. Place the thermostat inside and a heating element. Remember that each type of tobacco has a different fermentation technology.

What is fermentation? This difficult process processing of collected raw materials during high temperature(+50 o C) for 2-3 weeks.

Why is complex fermentation necessary? To get rid of excess strength, that is, to reduce the nicotine content, remove tar and improve taste.

If it is not possible to build a special cabinet for drying leaves, accelerated fermentation is allowed. Place the crushed leaves in the oven (temperature no higher than +60 o C).

The finished tobacco can be crushed and stored in linen bags, protected from moisture. They smoke home-grown tobacco in a pipe and wrap the cigarettes using special paper (sold in stores).

Now you know how to grow tobacco at home. Good luck in your endeavors!

There are plants that can decorate any area or home collection.

Fragrant fragrant tobacco is one of these types. Let's look at how to grow it with your own hands.

Fragrant tobacco: a brief description

The plant comes from South America. In nature and warm regions it is, but as in temperate latitudes it blooms only for one season. Belongs to the Solanaceae family.

The branched, erect stem reaches an average height of 80 cm. Depending on the variety and growing conditions, this figure can range from 0.3 to 1.5 m. The leaves of the plant are large (the basal ones have a rounded shape, while the stem ones are narrower and longer).
The average size of flowers is 6-8 cm. They are distinguished by their star shape, and their tube is quite long. Most a common option The color is white, but there are varieties with yellow, pale green and red colors of different shades.

Important! Tall varieties can deplete unprepared soil. Therefore, the area is processed even before they are planted.

They love fragrant tobacco for the smell it emits when it blooms. During the flowering period (June to October) flowers bloom in dark time , filling the air with a delicate scent. During daylight hours the plant “closes up”. This does not apply to red hybrid varieties - during this period they are constantly open, but have no smell. White flowers, on the contrary, give off the strongest aroma.

Popular among domestic flower growers are the varieties "Winged", " Green light", "Mazhu noir", "Aroma green". Of the hybrids, the tall (from 80 cm) lines "Ringing Bell" and "Dolce Vita" are preferred.

Growing fragrant tobacco seedlings

This plant is considered exotic for our latitudes, so its cultivation requires some preparation. Let's see where to start.

Timing and preparation of seeds

Suppose we are ready to take on fragrant tobacco, or more precisely, to grow it from seeds, but when should we plant this plant?

For this culture, the usual time is March, April. Some are already sowing last decade February. This is also acceptable, but only by providing all the conditions for full growth and appropriate care.

Did you know? Seedlings of fragrant tobacco can easily be confused with plants of “smoking” lines - their leaves are almost the same, which cannot be said about the flowers.

The seeds of fragrant tobacco are very small (there are almost 7000 of them per 1 g). Processing of such material is simple: many dry seeds are placed in the soil. You can also pre-place them (a day or two before sowing) in warm water by throwing a couple of crystals there. Such measures.

Soil for growing seedlings

Before sowing fragrant tobacco, take a closer look at the soil. The soil must be nutritious.“Store” substrates are suitable, but you can treat the soil from the site yourself (calcinate it for disinfection). For better results, add a little sand (no more than 1/3 of the total volume), which loosens the layer.

Immediately before planting, the soil is moistened.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

As already mentioned, the seed material is very small, which is why accuracy when working is important. The process of sowing fragrant tobacco looks like this:

  • seeds are scattered evenly over the entire surface;
  • the grains are lightly pressed into the soil ( maximum depth– 5 mm);
  • after this, the crops are not covered with soil;
  • The pot or box is covered with a transparent lid and placed in a place with a constant temperature of +20 °C.

Important! Due to the small size of the seeds, they can be mixed in sand, and then this layer can be evenly distributed over the soil.

Conditions for seed germination

Described heat-loving crop does not tolerate drought easily. Therefore, the first task when growing it is to provide suitable light and watering regimes. During the first two weeks after sowing, the pot is left covered with film. If you place it on the sunny side, the humidity will be regulated without much intervention.
Feeding and capital works are not carried out at this time. Another thing is growing fragrant tobacco from seeds in cold regions. As with early planting, additional lighting and watering may be needed.

A phytolamp will do an excellent job with the first point, although old-style fluorescent lamps will also work. As for watering, it is done only spray(no watering cans), which will not give much pressure and will not wash out fragile seeds.

Seedling care

Shoots appear in the second or third week after planting. To strengthen them you need:

  • remove the covering;
  • lower the temperature slightly (usually the pot is simply moved to another room);
  • carry out moderate watering (at this stage the soil should not be over-moistened);
  • reduce the light intensity, as the sprouts are shade-tolerant.

Did you know? There are cases where seeds remained similar for 7-8 years.

Of course, there should not be any in the area with young shoots. This is true for plants sown in greenhouses.

After this, the sowing of fragrant tobacco into seedlings proceeds to next stage and we are preparing for a dive.

Picking seedlings

Around the 20th day, the first leaves open. When there are already two or three of them on one shoot, they do picking.
This procedure is familiar to all gardeners:

  • Half an hour before picking, water the tobacco to soften the old soil.
  • Holding the plant by the leaves, dig it up with a small spatula. It is not advisable to grab the fragile stem.
  • After the flower is removed, the main rhizome is carefully trimmed by about a third.
  • Make a small hole in the new pot. The depression should not exceed 5 mm from the so-called growing point (this is the compaction that is visible slightly above the rhizomes).
  • The seedlings are sprinkled, slightly pinching the soil layer itself.

After such an operation you should moderate watering of the plant with water at room temperature. No feeding is done in the next week; for now, the seedlings should germinate in a new place without feeding.

Note that immediately after picking, fragrant tobacco experiences a slight shock, and such planting, as well as care, requires some skills.

Moving new containers to heavily shaded areas is not particularly advisable; nevertheless, it can harm heat-loving sprouts. It is important not to miss the moment of growth, that is, not to wait until the seedlings are thoroughly strengthened. Yes, they are fragile, but at the same time they adapt faster (do not delay the pick). Often when replanting a plant disinfect. For hybrid varieties, this is mandatory, because young seedlings cannot fight bacteria on their own. Weak solution Potassium permanganate (1 ml of the product is dripped per liter of water) will prevent the appearance of rot and fungi on the roots.

Plants can be hardened by taking them to the balcony or open veranda.

Planting fragrant tobacco seedlings in open ground

The crucial moment comes: the fragrant tobacco in the form of seedlings has finally matured and is being prepared for planting in the ground. Read on to learn how to do this process quickly and efficiently.

Dates and location selection

Very often, plants are planted in, making sure that there is no further frost. But in fact, this is not enough, because the soil must still warm up. For most of the varieties we offer best time for such a landing there will be end of May–first days of June.

The soil itself must be. Saline and “heavy” soils are excluded. Tobacco's neighbors in the area can be any garden crops. There are also no requirements for “predecessors”.

By this time, the plants should have a fairly powerful (0.5 cm) stem.

Important! The height of the bush can reach 13-15 cm. Such specimens are completely ready for development in open areas.

When thinking about where to plant fragrant tobacco in the garden, take a closer look at the locations. Constant sunshine is undesirable for a flower (it closes faster and generally withers).

Planting scheme and process

Everything is simple here:

  • Stop watering the seedlings 2-3 days before transplanting.
  • A couple of hours before the “relocation”, the plants are moistened abundantly.
  • Having carefully removed the seedlings from the pot, they are placed in a damp hole (about 0.5 liters of water are poured).
  • A depression is made in the center of the hole where the plant is placed. The distance between neighboring seedlings should be within 25-30 cm.
  • The roots are sprinkled with wet soil and a new layer is pressed down, after which dry soil is laid on top. This way you can retain moisture.

It has been noticed that tobacco easily tolerates planting even during the flowering period.

Did you know? The first European tobacco plantations appeared in Spain in late XVI century.

Care and features of growing fragrant tobacco

We figured out when and how to plant fragrant tobacco. Next in line is care and feeding.

Regularity of watering

Normal in open ground the interval between watering is one week. For southern regions with an arid climate, the frequency will be more “dense” - the earth should not dry out.

Already flowering plant does not require frequent watering. In this regard, tobacco is ideal for, because the flower can withstand lack of watering, although this should not be abused.

Weed control and soil loosening

It is no different from the same work with other cultures. It is better to eliminate weeds immediately after watering in order to pull them out by the roots. For drier soil, do weeding. If there was one on the site, you will have to dig up and remove its roots before planting. Of course, it's long, but effective.

Chemicals are harmful to surrounding plants and are used in extreme cases.

It’s a good idea to do loosening after each watering or rain: the soil should breathe, as should the rhizomes.

Did you know? Sandera hybrids do not close the flower at the end of daylight.

Fertilizer application

Feeding is done 3-4 times per season. Pros know that you can’t just get carried away. They're building up green mass and leaves, but not flowers.
Otherwise, the same fertilizers are used as for the others. garden flowers. Suitable ones are potassium magnesium and potassium sulfate. in the form of granules - also nothing. Chloride compounds are contraindicated.

When planting tobacco in open ground, it is best to use evening time and it is desirable that the weather is a little cloudy. Also, it should not be cold at night; this inhibits growth and can have a detrimental effect on the seedlings. For good growth The desired temperature is 20-30 degrees. It is advisable to do the first fertilizing during the first two weeks; I fertilize it with ordinary chicken manure that has been standing in a barrel for 4 weeks and dilute it with 1 ladle per 10 liters. Watering produces moderate tobacco does not like when there is a lot of moisture. Also, do not forget about the distance of 30-50 cm, depending on the variety. I usually do 30-40 cm. After planting, I make sure to water it with Zircon. Don’t forget about the mole cricket, which is just waiting for you to plant your tobacco; usually it destroys 4-8 bushes if you add poison to the soil in time.

It’s also very good to transplant tobacco into separate old buckets. I do this when the seedlings have come out, but most of them have died and we need to get seeds from this variety, then we just plant one or two in a bucket so that everything works out and no mole cricket is scary.

It is no more difficult to grow shag or elite ones than ordinary vegetables such as tomatoes. For a beginner, I recommend that it is better to choose domestic ones such as Trapezond, Yubileiny, Dyubek and many others. They are already zoned, grow easier in our soils and ripen faster than Western ones. On personal experience planting different varieties They take root in the same way: shag ripens quickly, and such Virginia, Burley, and Maryland ripen longer. Smoking one pack a day, the average smoker will need 6-7 kg of high-quality tobacco. Now let’s consider how much land you will need to plant as much as possible on your plot, they write to recommend 50 cm by 50 cm for the other 70-70, I plant 30 by 30, it’s a little difficult to harvest the leaves, but the area increases, the amount of harvest increases.

To grow fragrant tobacco in conditions where a plot of land is not difficult, you do not need to be a professional in the tobacco business. In the modern world there is a lot of information on how to grow and at the same time it is not difficult. As you know, any variety definitely needs post-fermentation. True, you will need a little patience, the desire to bring the dried product to a smoking state, which is not difficult. With modern prices for smoking products, many are switching to home gardening; the budget will not suffer, but will only increase. Comparing store-bought tobacco or home-grown tobacco, these are two big differences There are no chemicals in our homes that manufacturers push into us.


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