Water fasting - preparation, entry and exit from the diet, results. One-day fasting


Realities modern life are such that with unusual high level With the development of technologies in medicine, the morbidity rate of the population is steadily increasing.

Every third resident of our country is obese, every second person dies from cardiovascular diseases.

Medicine is unable to influence such negative factors, as a way of life and human nutrition, polluted air and Low quality water, anthropogenic load and stress.

You are reading this article, which means you have already realized that it is time to take everything into your own hands. Let's figure out together how to restore health with simple things like food and water.

The first thing you should start with in the process of restoring health is CLEANSING THE BODY in the following sequence:


Cleansing the liver, lymph, kidneys, etc.

All this happens against the background of constant, daily rinsing with water. Because 80% of toxins are WATER soluble. Compliance with drinking regime, daily use his physiological norm water is one of the most important factors in restoring health.

Now let’s look at how to carry out therapeutic fasting to cleanse the body so that it is safe for health.


Preparing for therapeutic fasting at home is extremely important. Preparation and recovery from fasting is 50% of success.

You can't just suddenly decide - with tomorrow I haven't eaten anything for a week. Such fasting is fraught not only with headaches, nausea, unbearable weakness, but can also significantly worsen general state health.

So we need to fix drinking regime to ensure regular elimination of toxicants, to accustom the body to absorb sufficient amounts of water.


The norm of water for a person of any age is 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight

If overweight more than 20 kg, then we calculate approximately ideal mass body

In the morning after cleaning oral cavity We wash the body with water - 2-3 glasses on an empty stomach in several doses. Water at room temperature or warm.

We drink water 15-20 minutes before meals, an hour and a half after. We drink most of it in the first half of the day.

This is truly healthy water. It is structured, has a slightly alkaline reaction, negative potential, and low surface tension. Easily absorbed by the body, gives energy, normalizes acid-base balance, protects cells from free radicals(slowing down the aging process)

If you are just starting to get used to drinking water, start with a smaller volume.

Get used to drinking a glass in the morning on an empty stomach, a glass before each meal, a glass before bed. Next, bring the daily volume to the required norm.

This is an extremely important measure in preparation for fasting at home if you really want it to be safe.

Our task is to create unbearable conditions for uninvited guests so that they leave the body naturally. And this is the use of bitters, as well as alkalization of the internal environment.

Don’t hesitate to ask a specialist, we will help you choose supplements specifically for your needs.
Just contact us in any convenient way.


We reduce as much as possible the amount of synthetic food that contains preservatives, dyes, thickeners, etc. This is fast food, semi-finished products, various sweets(baked goods, sweets, cakes, ice cream, sweet soda, Tetra-Pak juices, yoghurts with fillings, etc.)

We reduce the amount of animal proteins and fats, eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grain cereals. You can also eggs, fish, dairy products. In general - the most natural food possible.

We eat small portions 3-4 times a day. Focus on leaving a slight feeling of hunger, as if you were 80% full.


2. Coming out of therapeutic fasting is no less important than preparation. Introduce foods gradually, do not overeat on the first day, fresh fruits and start eating vegetables from the 3rd day of recovery, meat - at least from the 4-5th day. No fried, fatty, spicy food in the first few days of recovery.

3. Don’t set a goal to immediately fast for a week. This is a very serious burden on nervous system, and on health in general. Start with 24 hours, follow the principles of preparing for and exiting a water fast.

4. Don't drink ice water. Cold water narrows pores and blood vessels, complicates hydration, and impairs digestion. Plus, the body spends energy to bring water to body temperature.


During these 3-4 weeks, noticeable improvements in health should already occur. There is more energy, a feeling of vigor even in the evening after have a hard day, ease in abdominal area, sleep improves, headaches go away, swelling decreases, skin condition improves.

Now that the body is sufficiently cleansed, you can proceed directly to therapeutic fasting on water.

Let me say right away that I am not a supporter of dry fasting. Because to ensure the majority chemical reactions The body needs water. Cell cleansing and intercellular fluid happens thanks to clean water. Water dissolves in itself nutrients and oxygen and carries them to every cell of our body.


We significantly reduce portions.

We eat boiled/stewed food, mainly vegetables and whole grain cereals.

We increase the volume of water we drink by about 0.5 liters. Focus on your feelings.


Everyone chooses the duration of this stage for themselves. Start with 24 hours.

Then, each time, try to extend the therapeutic fast for another 24 hours. Choose the frequency according to your feelings - every other week, every other month. There is no need to fast before a week later; let the body recover.

The amount of water during this period can be increased, but do not overdo it. Drink approximately 40 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Wash down the feeling of hunger, it will be quite active.

By the way, coral water helps neutralize the feeling of hunger, because it is slightly alkaline and neutralizes gastric juice.

During fasting days, the body becomes intoxicated, so headaches, weakness, and nausea may appear.

Out of habit, it will be unbearable to crave food. Try to isolate it as much as possible so that the food does not become an eyesore. Spend more time on fresh air, go to the sauna for better cleansing, engage yourself in a workout (Pilates, yoga, breathing exercises) or any other activity that will distract you from dull thoughts.

If the weakness is very strong, drink warm water with half a teaspoon of honey. Or simply suck the honey with warm water.


The worst thing you can do is to pounce on food on the first day.

The exit from fasting should be gradual. We eat in small portions, boiled/stewed food.

On the first day - cooked vegetables and fruits, freshly washed juices. Next, introduce the porridge without adding salt. From the third day you can add cottage cheese, eggs, fish, and broth to your diet.

We do not consume fresh vegetables and fruits in the first 2-3 days, this is coarse fiber.

If the fast lasts more than 7 days, it is better to introduce meat into the diet no less than a week later.


Therapeutic fasting will help cope with overeating, and taste preferences will also gradually change. There will be less and less cravings for junk food.

Fasting on water triggers the process of autophagy, self-cleaning of cells. Defective proteins are utilized, or rather, they are broken down and reused.

The functions of the organs responsible for cleansing the body are restored: kidneys, liver, gallbladder, intestines

The condition of the skin, hair and nails will improve. Upon further travel simple principles Health concept, complete recovery will gradually occur

If you are doing therapeutic fasting to lose weight, then keep in mind that your body weight will decrease by about 1-2 kg per day. But not only due to adipose tissue, proteins are primarily broken down during the process of autophagy. Do not overdo it.

Therapeutic fasting is effective not only for improving the health of the body, it is also for strengthening discipline and strengthening character. An even more comfortable option for fasting on the program Kolo Vada Plus still requires patience and compliance with all recommendations. This is spiritual growth.

Practice one-day fasting cannot be called new; it was known back in the time of Hippocrates. These days it is used quite often, and adherents of this idea are confident in the benefits of fasting. Does this theory have any basis?

Experts say that regular daily fasting helps strengthen the body and lose weight, although not very quickly. One-day fasting helps with fatigue internal organs, renders healing effect and restores body functions.

1 day of fasting promotes cell renewal, has a rejuvenating effect and normalizes metabolism. Some even think that they are simple diseases, like a runny nose, go away faster than if you follow a normal diet. Studies have shown that regular daily fasting leads to a reduced risk of vascular and heart problems. Moreover, you don’t even have to fast for the whole day, but simply skip one meal.

One-day fasting: where to start and how to end?

Before you try one-day fasting for the first time, you need to prepare for difficulties and consult with a doctor who will help determine whether it will help you. fasting days benefit in a particular case.

Particular attention should be paid to preparing for a one-day fast, by reducing portions, eliminating any alcoholic drinks. A non-working day is best for fasting. Firstly, concentration is necessary at work, and the lack of attention caused by food light malaise will affect your ability to work. Secondly, on a weekday it is much easier to break down if some sandwich or chocolate attracts your attention. But if this is not the first experience, and fasting every other day is not implied, you can choose any the right time. The main thing is to soberly assess your capabilities and strengths.

When you feel hungry, you need to drink water. In addition to it, infusion of rosehip and green tea sugarless. You can start breaking out of fasting after six o'clock in the evening, starting with light salad from cabbage or grated carrots. After that you can eat small portion porridge with water and bread.

The next day after a one-day fast, you can drink water with honey and lemon juice, prepare a vegetable salad, and in the evening move on to boiled vegetables. The exit from fasting should be smooth and slow. It is better not to eat meat, fish and acidic foods for two days.

One-day Ekadashi fast

There are several types of daily fasting, but one of the most famous is fasting on Ekadashi days. In the east this is what they call the 11th and 26th lunar days. Therefore, Ekadasi fasting should be done twice a month. According to Ayurveda, in this way you can get rid of many health problems and prevent the development of diseases. Of course, this option is much safer than fasting every other day, but it involves refusing not only food, but also any drinking.

This is explained by the fact that on the days of Ekadashi the attraction of the moon increases, and it has the most powerful effect on the fluid media of the human body, creating excess tension in the head and chest. Ekadashi fasting includes abstinence not only from food, but also from liquid, which allows you to create a vacuum in digestive tract and reduce lunar gravity.

This one-day fast should begin at sunrise and end at sunrise the next day. During this entire time you should not eat or drink. In the evening, weakness or nausea may appear, but these symptoms are usually tolerable. Over time, if you fast regularly, these side effects will disappear.

When you feel thirsty, you need to take baths and wash your face so that water enters the body through the skin. This will help avoid discomfort and overheating in the summer.

One-day fasting: possible contraindications

Usually one-day fasting does not cause side effects, except for slight weakness and drowsiness, so it is not very difficult to tolerate it. But you should take this matter seriously, following all the rules of fasting.

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It is clear that a by-product of fasting on water will be getting rid of extra pounds - this is a pleasant bonus. But the technique should be used under the supervision of a doctor and solely for the purpose of improving your health, helping with certain diseases, and at the same time getting rid of kilograms that the body considers unnecessary.

The main element of this type of healing is water. Don’t think that this is a diet based on apples and water. From food and liquids, you can only drink water for the allotted time and in the quantity you want. Many people say that this is water diet It’s much more convenient than including some product in your diet: it’s much easier to just drink and not think about food at all than to treat yourself to an apple and then spend the whole day thinking about whether you can eat something else.

Advice! To make therapeutic fasting on water easier on this day, it is recommended to listen to music, walk more and take a break from food.

How to prepare

It is important not only to know how to behave during and how to eat after fasting, but also to properly prepare for it difficult period. Preparation begins about a week in advance: you should give up meat and other animal foods, switch to plant nutrition, drink three liters of water every day.

One-day water diet

You should not immediately practice long-term fasting on water; it is recommended to start from one day. According to the results of the procedure, as noted, the stomach goes away, the body becomes more cheerful, and the mood improves. Periodic refusal of food once a month is proper preparation to prolonged fasting on water.

How to go out correctly

Even a one-day fast on distilled quality water requires the right way out. Any diet requires this approach, and dietary option only drinking water, one day or longer requires a mandatory correct exit without options.

The solution lasts for one day, you need to start with fruit and vegetable juices, which you squeeze yourself and be sure to dilute with water. On the third day, you can already introduce fresh fruits into your diet, vegetable salads. Then, regular food gradually appears on the menu, but it is recommended to postpone the consumption of meat, fatty, salty, sweet and smoked foods.

Three days on the water

This is an even more difficult test for the body, but three days without food will allow you to start internal mechanism burning fat. Drink only clean, non-mineral water. You cannot add anything to the water on hunger strike days. The scheme is to drink a glass of water every hour throughout the day. In the evening, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema to remove any remaining waste from the intestines.

On the second day, the acidity of the foods that are still in the stomach will increase. So, it is recommended to rinse the stomach with water. On the third day, drink water no longer every hour, but as needed. With such a diet, you can do everyday activities, but you should not put too much strain on your body.

You need to take it in advance before leaving special drug, restoring intestinal microflora. On the first day of going out, drink 100 ml of fresh fruit or vegetable juices every hour. At the beginning of the day, dilute them with water, and in the evening you can switch to pure juices. On the second day of release, breakfast is a glass fresh juice. Then you can drink juice every hour until lunch. For lunch, oatmeal in water without salt and sugar, banana, grated vegetables or fruits are allowed. For dinner, you can make yourself a light vegetable stew or vegetarian soup by adding a little vegetable oil to the recipe.

On the third day, still abstain from meat, animal food and salt, but you can eat more and more actively. On the sixth day, you can gradually switch to your usual diet, but focus on your state of health.

Weekly fasting on water

This is already a complex event for which the body needs to be properly prepared. That is, a beginner must first go through the one-day stage, then switch to a three-day fast, and then think about the week. Moreover, it is important to understand that the hunger strike itself lasts a week, and then another week will be enough difficult way out from this state.

On the first day, you can drink up to two and a half liters of warm water, and do an enema in the evening. Then, on days 2 and 3, drink as much as possible, brush your teeth more often, and repeat the enema. The fourth day is already the beginning of the exit, but depending on the condition, the process of fasting on water can be extended. The doctor will tell you what to do best, but the most important thing you need to focus on is your own well-being.

The main goal is to regulate the chemical balance naturally. Because the use of people, even the most healthy food, upsets this balance. The longer the hunger strike lasts, the more the body is cleansed, but it is important to approach this matter correctly and competently, be sure to get tested first, consult a doctor and, if necessary, consult a specialist for advice during the hunger strike.

To ensure that additional inorganic minerals enter the body, you can take some vitamins, but everything is done strictly in consultation with your doctor. You should not eat anything with salt for the first few days after fasting; for this period, as is clear from the material, they are suitable fruit juices or fruits, and the salt composition of food can already be restored to its original state somewhere at the end of the week of proper recovery from water therapeutic fasting.

Today we will tell you about what fasting (therapeutic) is, why it is necessary and how to adhere to it. In addition, you will learn how to properly prepare for such a procedure, whether it can be done at home and how to get out of this state.

What is fasting?

Therapeutic fasting is a very powerful spiritual practice that has come to us from time immemorial. There is not a single religion that does not use complete abstinence from food for the purpose of self-purification.

According to experienced fasters, at such a time their body begins to work in an economical mode. And the longer the fast lasts, the stricter he is about energy expenditure.

Thus, having decided to use this technique To improve the health of your body, you must be prepared for such difficulties and sensations.

Problems when breaking fast

What is the difference between home and hospital fasting? A sanatorium or clinic that uses these techniques is good because the patient is under strict control and supervision of specialists. After all, when leaving such a state, there is also a mass unpleasant moments. So, after 5-7 days complete failure From eating, the human body has already completely switched to internal nutrition, and therefore the foods taken may not be immediately absorbed and processed. In this regard, experts recommend that those who are fasting at home begin to eat food in small portions, chew solid foods well and dilute concentrated drinks. If you ignore these tips, you are guaranteed to have indigestion. It should also be noted that when long term fasting, sudden and large consumption of food can be dangerous to human life.

Experienced fasters claim that recovery from cleansing should last the same period as the technique itself.

Recovery period

Having completed the fasting process, human body does not immediately return to its original state. So, within 1-2 months various changes may occur in it. It is precisely this time that you need to be extremely careful and not break the rules of nutrition, slipping into regular gluttony. After all, in otherwise the benefits that fasting gave a person may simply be lost. In this regard, it is recommended to make some efforts for self-control.

Losing weight by fasting

During fasting, the human body completely switches to reserve nutrition, the basis of which is its body fat. For a normal existence during the day, with a complete refusal of food, 300-400 grams of fat is enough for a person. When such a quantity of accumulation is broken down, glucose is formed, which is the basis of the body’s vital functions.

Let's take a look approximate values how a person’s weight will decrease during water fasting:

  • from 1 to 7 days - about 1 kg per day;
  • from 7 to 10 days - approximately 500 grams per day;
  • from the 10th day and the entire subsequent period - about 300-350 grams per day.

Let's sum it up

When starting the process of fasting, a person must clearly understand that this is not a simple entertainment procedure, but a very complex, difficult, and sometimes even unpleasant activity, for which one should prepare in advance (both physically and mentally).

Despite all the difficulties that await the hungry on such a path, this is a very worthwhile endeavor. If you're not afraid complex tasks and you have enormous willpower, then you can safely start fasting. After all, it is this technique that allows you to restore youth, beauty and health. The main thing to remember while fasting is that everything good in life only happens when people put their best effort into it.

Proper fasting

Fasting - effective method bring your weight back to normal and cleanse your body. However, if you start it without being properly prepared, you can get a completely opposite result. And you need to prepare not only physically, but also mentally. Therefore, preparation for fasting is the most important stage therapeutic fasting. The right attitude will help you freely endure a period of complete abstinence from food, so you need to set a goal and firmly decide to achieve it without giving up in the face of difficulties.

Planning your fast

First you need to decide on the amount of weight that you need to lose during the fasting period. To somehow structure the process, even before the procedure begins, draw up a table that would reflect your current weight and figure parameters and those that you are trying to achieve. The main column, naturally, will be weight.

When preparing for fasting, you need to determine the desired result, and you should take into accountashi individual characteristics physique. Maybe the weight you want to be is genetically impossible for you. The goal must be realistic.

When should you fast?

The body tolerates fasting most easily in the summer: due to the heat, appetite decreases. But in winter, the body strives to stock up on energy, which is why a person’s appetite at this time is appropriate.

In addition, it is better to schedule a period of fasting during your vacation, because combining work and fasting is very difficult. It is also better that there are no holidays during this period, otherwise there will be a great temptation to “jump off” and try some interesting dish at the festival. And this will immediately return you to the initial stage.

How should you start fasting?

Starting fasting without preparation is very dangerous for the body: first it needs to be brought to this. Start by gradually reducing your food portions.

About a week before the start of the fasting period, switch to, replacing meat and fatty heavy meals with vegetables and fruits. They contain a large number of fiber, which will prepare your intestines for fasting. You should also avoid spices, seasonings and alcohol, as they increase appetite.

When preparing for fasting, experts recommend. You can use regular enemas for this. This procedure will make it easier for you to endure fasting, reduce intoxication and muffle the feeling of hunger.

And don't forget about a positive attitude! Exactly from psychological readiness depends on the ease of achieving the goal.

Effect of therapeutic fasting: