Breathing exercises for pneumonia. Breathing exercises after pneumonia. Treatment of pneumonia with breathing exercises Physical therapy after pneumonia

Physiotherapy exercises are of great therapeutic importance in the fight against pneumonia. Today, doctors recommend not to consign exercise therapy to oblivion. A special set of exercises makes it possible to shorten recovery time and rehabilitate faster. As practice shows, exercise therapy for pneumonia is an integral measure of treatment. Medical practitioners must definitely recommend the developed methods of exercise therapy to their patients.

If we take into account the standard version of exercise therapy for pneumonia, the set of exercises should be aimed at eliminating clinical complications. Exercises must:

  • improve the functions of the respiratory system;
  • prevent the development of pulmonary failure;
  • increase blood microcirculation in the lung tissues;
  • help restore the surface of the lungs.

Therapeutic exercise performed by the patient should help quickly eliminate the source of inflammation during the treatment process. With pneumonia, compaction of the lung tissue develops. As a result, the process of microcirculation of venous blood masses is disrupted. Respiratory failure develops due to impaired air exchange in the alveoli of the organ.

The disease contributes to the development of weak chest excursion and congestion. The functions of the affected lung tissue are limited, local circulation and blood supply to the lungs are disrupted. With an illness, the drainage functions of the lungs also worsen. A complex of exercise therapy developed by specialists for pneumonia provides the necessary respiratory volume. Exercises:

  • stabilize impaired ventilation of the lung tissue;
  • improve diaphragm function;
  • improve organ drainage.

It is necessary to perform exercises with a gradual increase in loads. The main one in the complex is respiratory gymnastics. It provides improved sputum discharge when coughing, increases the tone of the lung tissue, and reduces body temperature. The duration of the breathing exercise should not exceed 10 minutes. You need to start with five minutes.

Respiratory gymnastics includes:

  • extended inhalation;
  • pressing on the chest;
  • light vibration massage.

Exercise therapy is especially indicated for acute pneumonia, when a painful cough is suffocating. Gymnastics helps to reduce tachycardia and manifestations of intoxication, improves blood supply to the lungs.

Initially, it is better to exercise exercise therapy for pneumonia in the supine position. If pain is felt, then gymnastics is done, lying on one side. In the affected area, physical activity should be limited as much as possible. The complex helps to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, which helps to straighten the lung tissues. As a result, local blood flow is increased.

Initial breathing complex exercises:

  • lie down and stretch your arms along. Breathe at an average calm pace;
  • raise your arms at the top and easily reach towards the back of the bed;
  • bend and straighten your feet while remaining in a lying position;
  • lower your arms along your body, then spread them to the side, inhaling. As you exhale, return your arms to the starting position;
  • lying down, place your hands on your sides. Bend your left and right legs alternately. The heel should not be lifted off the bed; it should slide during flexion. Perform at a slow pace 3-4 times;
  • fold your hands and raise them above your head. Turn your palms away from you and take a slow breath. Exhaling air, you should return to the starting position;
  • alternately move your leg to the side. Breathing is calm. Repeat leg abduction up to 40 times;
  • Place your hands on your shoulders. As you inhale, spread your shoulders, while exhaling, return to the starting position;
  • alternately raise and lower your leg. Perform the exercise with voluntary breathing at a slow pace.

You should try to carry out physical therapy exercises for pneumonia in a calm environment. Pneumonia is characterized by damage to the bronchioles, and the daily exercise of the gymnastic complex helps to restore the pleura and blood vessels. Gradually, the load should be increased and moving on to more complex exercises.

Dynamic exercises

Gradually, exercises that increase blood supply to the organ should be included in the treatment complex. It is required to perform movements aimed at the activity of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, legs, and torso. When starting general strengthening exercise therapy for pneumonia in children, you should be especially careful. The child's body is less stable and susceptible to serious complications during the inflammatory process. The time spent doing exercises should be increased to a minimum.

If only the left lung is affected, a complex of exercise therapy is performed for left-sided upper lobe pneumonia - exercises are aimed at eliminating the source of inflammation and improving breathing. The complex includes the following movements:

  • Lie on your healthy side and extend your arms along your body. As you inhale, raise your hand; as you exhale, the instructor presses on the chest. Gradually the pace of movements should be increased;
  • lie down with your healthy side on a special cushion. Inhale and pull the thigh of the leg towards the stomach. The instructor squeezes the chest.

Each exercise needs to be repeated about five times. This type of gymnastics should be performed 8 times. The complex must be completed for at least 4 days.

Drainage actions

The most effective method of exercise therapy for pneumonia certainly includes postural drainage. The patient is placed in bed on his back at an angle with the pelvis elevated above the skull. This position of the body ensures the rapid movement of sputum from one part of the bronchi to another. Drainage should not be performed if there is pneumonia, if a rib or spine is broken, or if there is a traumatic brain injury.

In combination with physical therapy, massage is mandatory. It includes tapping on the chest and vibrating movements of the hands. All these actions improve the discharge and removal of sputum.

Advice! It is better if the massage is performed by an experienced specialist. It can produce more than 200 drainage movements in one minute.

Vibration massage manipulations play an important role in recovery. You should not stop performing the complex after recovery. Gymnastics allows you to quickly restore the structures of the paired organ.

The following exercises will facilitate the discharge of sputum:

  • while inhaling, perform vibration movements with your hands along the chest;
  • on exhalation, sharply compress the lower sternum.

Performing exercises prevents the accumulation of fluid in the pleural zone and avoids respiratory failure. To restore breathing, after inhaling, hold your breath for a minute, then slowly exhale.

Therapeutic exercise during recovery

You should not refuse exercise therapy after pneumonia in adults, so as not to cause a dangerous relapse. Rehabilitation is an important process, the rules of which are best not ignored. It is important to constantly pronate the hands. The exercise is repeated about 8 times at a slow pace.

Effective exercise therapy after pneumonia helps to recover faster and strengthen the body. The complex includes the following actions:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Perform alternate bends in one direction and the other. Slowly raise your arms above your head as you inhale and lower them as you exhale.
  2. The second exercise can be performed on a chair. To do this, you need to sit down, relax your arms, raise them and clench your hands into fists. At the same time, squeeze your toes. Breathing should be slowed down. After a pause, you need to return to the starting position.
  3. Perform while standing. Place your arms along your body and then bend over. It is necessary to try to reach the fingers of the right palm of the left foot. You need to breathe freely and calmly.

In breathing exercises, you can alternate the pace, spread your arms to the sides as you exhale and inhale. It is useful to perform a complex of exercise therapy for pneumonia, the table of which indicates the frequency of exercises and timing.

On the path to recovery, training is required to regenerate the pulmonary structures. Regular exercise on the gymnastic ladder will improve your respiratory function. You can do this exercise:

  1. Stand sideways to the stairs.
  2. Grasp the ladder with your hand.
  3. Bend your torso and raise your free arm.

This kind of exercise should be done early in the morning. It helps improve lung ventilation and eliminates broncho-obstructive syndrome. Exercises are done on an empty stomach.

You should know how to choose an option for exercise therapy after pneumonia - a set of exercises should include slow running, race walking, and cycling. Such training strengthens the respiratory system and blood vessels.

As for performing exercise therapy after pneumonia in children, the loads for a small body should be moderate and gentle. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician before starting gymnastics. It is necessary to properly restore the child’s immunity after pneumonia. An excellent option would be active walks and games on the playground, swimming in the pool or relaxing at sea.

Breathing exercises are a set of exercises based on proper breathing in combination with or without physical therapy. This gymnastics is aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and even nervous systems.

There are many different techniques and sets of exercises, the most famous among them is breathing exercises according to Strelnikova.

Breathing exercises for pneumonia are an excellent addition to conservative therapy and can significantly speed up the patient’s recovery process.

What effect does breathing exercises have?

Pneumonia is a disease in which inflammatory processes occur in the lungs. It is accompanied by respiratory failure and a decrease in the volume of functional tissue, which disrupts the process of gas exchange in the lungs and reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain and other organs.


This causes the development of stagnant processes in the body, exacerbations of chronic diseases occur, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. In order to solve these problems as quickly as possible, breathing exercises are connected to drug therapy, which:

  • helps improve gas exchange and better saturate the blood with oxygen;
  • stimulates lymphatic blood flow;
  • trains the respiratory muscles and teaches diaphragmatic breathing;
  • contributes to the drainage function in the lesions, i.e., cleansing the respiratory tract from sputum;
  • increases the depth of inspiration;
  • relieves symptoms of intoxication;
  • improves the general condition and mood of the patient.

In addition, exercise helps to protect yourself from possible and very frequent complications after pneumonia.

Such as:

  • adhesions in the lung tissue;
  • emphysema;
  • atelectasis;
  • violation of the shape of the chest.

The basis of the healing effect of respiratory gymnastics is the possibility of arbitrary regulation of the duration and strength of inhalation and exhalation, the ability to hold or force the breath. This is what contributes to the speedy recovery of the patient, the resorption of inflammatory foci and the restoration of his working capacity.

Basics of breathing exercises

You can start breathing exercises if there is no fever, acute symptoms of intoxication, and if laboratory and radiological studies indicate a reverse development of the pathological process.

Also, respiratory gymnastics is contraindicated in case of exhaustion, heart failure, lung oncology, purulent inflammation and at the risk of bleeding. You can start while still on bed rest, gradually moving to classes while sitting, standing in combination with general strengthening exercises.

The first sessions of breathing exercises should not exceed 5-10 minutes. Patients on bed rest should perform exercises lying down, without deepening the breath. After improving the dynamics of recovery, you can lengthen the sessions and connect new exercises.

For effective therapy, it is necessary to increase the duration of classes to 30 minutes, combining breathing exercises with elements of physical therapy, as well as adding additional loads and auxiliary objects (dumbbells, ball, gymnastic stick, etc.). Regularly performing breathing exercises after pneumonia will help speed up the rehabilitation process and quickly return the patient to work.

Basic breathing exercises

For the treatment and prevention of pneumonia, a number of special breathing exercises are proposed, in which it is important to follow the execution technique.

  1. Cleansing breath. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and slowly release the air in pushes through your pursed lips, without puffing out your cheeks.
  2. Breathing with obstruction and counting. Inhale air through your nose for 3 seconds, then release it through tightly compressed lips. Exhale for 6 seconds.
  3. Sound breathing. Trains lengthening of exhalation, it is necessary to use only the respiratory muscles. Inhale as much as possible and, as you exhale, make vibrating and whistling sounds (Z, S, F, CH, F, R, M, N). This exercise relieves bronchospasm.
  4. Tongue Twisters. As you exhale after taking a deep breath, you need to pronounce short tongue twisters.

These exercises can be performed lying down. For semi-bed rest, there are more complex schemes, which are also based on proper breathing with deep exhalation, but in combination with physical activity.

To date, in the majority of registered clinical cases of pneumonia, physical therapy has not been prescribed, which, by the way, is, if not of paramount importance in the management of such patients, then definitely capable of significantly reducing the time of recovery and rehabilitation. This is most likely due to the fact that in modern clinical recommendations very little importance is given to physiotherapy in principle, not only for diseases of the respiratory tract.

This is not good, since due to this phenomenon the period of disability of the population increases, the frequency of complications and chronicity of the process increases. It is for these reasons that the attending physician needs to pay much more attention to the issue of physiotherapeutic treatment of patients. It has been reliably proven that if competent breathing exercises for pneumonia were included in the patient’s treatment regimen, the period of his disability was reduced by five to seven days (official statistics).

However, it should be borne in mind that incorrectly performed breathing exercises for pneumonia can significantly worsen the patient’s condition (especially when a complex of physical therapy in adults was started during an exacerbation of the disease).

The need for a complex of exercise therapy for pneumonia is initially predetermined by the pathophysiological mechanism of the inflammatory process. The thing is that pneumonia is a quickly manifesting disease associated with massive exudation, most often of an infectious nature. Accompanied by damage to the lower respiratory tract and lung parenchyma. Due to the fact that the inflammatory process progresses, the so-called respiratory area decreases, which, naturally, in turn leads to respiratory failure.

At the molecular level, the pathological process is as follows - due to the resulting tissue compaction, there is no contact of venous blood with oxygen, which is why it remains unsaturated with oxygen. In addition, a certain vicious circle is formed - oxygen-poor blood supplied from the source of inflammation is mixed with arterial blood, which comes from areas of the lung not affected by the inflammatory process. This leads to respiratory failure (the most dangerous syndrome in pneumonia), since the total concentration of oxygen in the blood will be reduced.

At the reflex level, there is an increase in the number of respiratory movements per minute - a compensatory mechanism aimed at equalizing the gas constancy of the internal environment of the body. However, there is also a negative point that forms a vicious circle - due to the fact that the amplitude of chest excursion decreases (due to rapid breathing), and in addition - the strength of cough movements, the phenomenon of secretory stagnation in the lower respiratory tract develops, with further their obstruction (blockage) and the appearance of hypostatic foci of pneumonia. Prolonged hypoventilation of the lung favors the formation of atelectasis in certain areas of the lungs.

Benefits of exercise

Proper use of a set of physical therapy techniques can significantly reduce this kind of phenomenon, since due to this method of treatment, lymph and blood circulation is significantly stimulated (and locally, which is not unimportant - the inflammatory process in pneumonia has its own boundaries - this is not diffuse inflammation, like phlegmon) , the removal of exudate is accelerated many times over, and in addition, sputum drainage is improved. Since inflammation of the lungs inevitably creates conditions for limiting the function of the affected areas of the lung tissue, disruption of local blood circulation with symptoms of stagnation, excessive production of sputum with deterioration of the drainage functions of the lungs. Congestion will disappear - the breathing rate will also normalize.

Exercise therapy program for patients with pneumonia

The most important rule when conducting a complex of physical therapy for a patient with pneumonia is its gradualness. If you immediately give the patient too much stress, then it can lead not only to improvement, but to a significant deterioration of his condition. The optimal start to physical therapy for pneumonia is to perform respiratory exercises for five to ten minutes, nothing more. Again, its implementation is, in principle, allowed only after the patient’s condition has stabilized (the temperature will not rise, the respiratory rate will be no more than eighteen per minute).

The breathing exercises complex (starting) is carried out in a lying position. During these exercises, the physical therapy instructor performs a vibration massage of the chest. The best way to combine it with breathing exercises is to pronounce the sounds P, Zh, Z, Sh, Shch, S, F, Ch while exhaling (as long as possible). In this way, you can significantly potentiate the effect of breathing exercises.

If the patient shows positive dynamics in his general condition, then it is worth increasing the load of physical therapy. Mainly, it lies in the fact that the entire complex of breathing exercises is performed not while lying down, but while sitting. With further positive dynamics - standing. In addition, the duration of breathing exercises increases, and brisk walking (on a flat surface) is recommended between cycles.

It is very important to combine a complex of physical therapy with other physiotherapeutic techniques - mainly with inhalations and FUF of the pharynx and nose.

For inhalation, solutions of mucolytics (ambrobene, lazolvan), antiseptics (dioxidin, dekasan) and alkaline mineral water are used. It is recommended to perform one inhalation of each type three times a day after breathing exercises.


Exercise therapy for pneumonia (pneumonia) is mandatory, however, a set of exercises should be carried out only after the patient’s general condition has stabilized. Of course, there are patients who rush to work and categorically refuse to stay in the hospital for the entire period required for the rehabilitation course. In this case, the set of exercises can be performed as a day hospital; this will not reduce its effectiveness.

Video: Strelnikova’s breathing exercises (without further ado and video)

Pneumonia is a serious disease that is fraught with complications. Therefore, the approach to treatment must be comprehensive. One of the stages of therapy is breathing exercises for pneumonia. Simple exercises will help quickly normalize the functioning of the respiratory system. You can practice at home. To do this, you need to remember a few basic rules. Detailed information about pneumonia is

Useful qualities of breathing exercises

Exercise therapy for pneumonia solves one of the most important tasks - restoring normal breathing. When muscles contract, chemical processes are launched in them that activate the respiratory function. Breathing exercises help saturate the blood with oxygen. Other positive qualities of such training include:

  • The correct rhythm of lung function is restored. Breathing becomes smooth and deep.
  • All muscles of the body relax. This facilitates the breathing process and has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.
  • Regular training allows you to strengthen the muscles related to the respiratory system.
  • Defects of the spine and chest are eliminated.
  • The abdominal muscles become stronger.

Physical therapy, which includes breathing exercises, will help restore damaged health, strengthen muscles, and get rid of overexertion.


A set of breathing exercises can in some cases cause harm to health. It should be abandoned if the following symptoms are detected:

  • A sharp deterioration in health, the appearance of fever.
  • Exacerbation of respiratory failure.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, a previous heart attack or a serious form of arrhythmia.
  • Mental illnesses.

After suffering from pneumonia, you need to carefully monitor your health. At first, the load should be minimal. Only after the body gets stronger can you move on to intense training.

A set of physical therapy exercises for adults and children should begin with mandatory breathing exercises. They will help clear the upper bronchi and restore breathing.

If you feel a deterioration in your health, you should stop training and consult your doctor.

Exercises for beginners

After suffering from pneumonia and bronchitis, it is worth training in a gentle manner. The body is still too weak and should not be overloaded. The starting set of exercises for adults and children is as follows:

  • Inhale through your nose. In this case, the lips should be compressed. Hold the air in your lungs for three seconds. Exhale through your mouth slightly open. The exhalation time should be at least 6 seconds.
  • Draw as much air into your lungs as possible. Exhale sharply. At the same time, try not to puff out your cheeks.
  • For bronchitis, exercises are useful in which it is necessary to pronounce the sounds F, Sh, M, R, Zh and S with slight vibration. At the same time, the mouth should remain closed.
  • As you inhale, raise both arms up, and as you exhale, return to the original position. Repeat this operation at least 10 times.
  • Bring your hands together. As you inhale, raise your arms up. Without opening your hands, turn your palms outward. Slowly return to the starting position. Do at least five such exercises.
  • Taking a deep breath, raise your arms and place them behind your back. As you exhale, lower it back down.

The complex can be completed by repeating the first exercise. This training is effective not only for pneumonia, but also for bronchitis. Do it regularly at home. After a week of such classes, you can move on to the course of basic classes.

Effective Exercises

Among the most effective exercises for bronchitis and after pneumonia in children and adults are the following:

  • Lie down on the floor or bed. Place your hands on your stomach to control your breathing. Breathe, trying to exhale as long as possible.
  • While lying down, place your hands behind your back. After this, pushing yourself with your hands, lift your upper body. Perform springy bends.
  • Put your hands on your belt. Make springy bends to the left and right sides. Take a deep breath during each bend.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms up. Bend over with your knees slightly bent. After this, move your arms back. Exhale sharply. Repeat the exercise six times.

Such exercises can also be used when treating children. Classes can also be carried out for prevention.

Strelnikova's method

An effective set of exercises was developed by Professor A.N. Strelnikova. It solves many problems of successful recovery and combines moderate physical activity and breathing exercises. Experts recommend using this complex for severe forms of the disease in adults and children.

The most effective exercises from Strelnikova are:

  • Take a horizontal position. Try to relax all your muscles. Breathe at a rate of 40 breaths per minute.
  • Rotate your hands in both directions.
  • Bend and straighten your feet. At the same time, try to breathe as slowly as possible.
  • Extend your arms along your body. Slowly lift them up. Take a deep breath. Lower your arms and lean forward.

Strelnikova’s technique is suitable for treating children. Regular exercise can speed up the healing process. Blood circulation improves, congestion is eliminated, and lung ventilation is improved. To enhance the effect, Strelnikova’s technique must be combined with therapeutic massage.

Breathing exercises after pneumonia are one of the important stages of treatment and full recovery of the lungs.

This method of therapy is widely used in the general composition of a useful physical therapy complex or exercise therapy. This can be an effective addition to drug therapy, to a regimen that is aimed at strengthening the immune system and to massage.

Pneumonia is a fairly serious disease.. In order to fully and effectively recover, you will need to apply a number of specific therapeutic procedures. Among them, breathing exercises after pneumonia at home occupy a special place.

It is important to carry out the first few activities under the guidance of a specialist. Neglecting this rule can lead to the fact that there will be no benefit from gymnastics, and serious harm can be caused to an already weakened body.

Classes are not held for such serious health problems as heart or vascular failure, fever, and general exhaustion of the body.

Pneumonia, as a disease, refers to acute inflammation of the respiratory tract. The process of severe inflammation is accompanied by a rapid accumulation of fluid in the lungs, as there is a significantly increased vascular permeability.

The cause of pneumonia is, as a rule, a certain infectious background.

The pathologies affected during development become greatly thickened, the ability for gas exchange is lost, and the overall surface of the respiratory tract is reduced. All this interferes with proper breathing.

Part of the blood that passes through the significantly densified alveoli remains specially venous and dilutes the arterial blood with its composition. All this further exacerbates the lack of oxygen supply to the body.

After suffering from pneumonia, a person experiences a general weakening. The amplitude of the chest decreases during breathing, sometimes there is not even enough strength to clear the throat. All this automatically leads to clogging of the lungs with mucus, and areas of inflammation only increase.

If you start this process, that is, limit yourself to taking medications only and not doing gymnastics, the patient may collapse. This loss of airiness can be quite dangerous.

Such unpleasant phenomena can be prevented with the help of effective breathing exercises..

Breathing exercises for pneumonia reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of serious complications.

Breathing exercises for pneumonia in children and adults are based on methodically performing certain exercises.

After a course of such gymnastics, a significant improvement in general condition is observed. This is achieved through the following processes occurring in the body:

  1. Strengthening the blood supply process.
  2. Drainage of accumulated lymph.
  3. The exudate dissolves very quickly.
  4. There is rapid discharge of sputum.
  5. A fairly good breathing rhythm is established, the amplitude of chest movements increases.
  6. The volume of the lungs increases, and the process of gas exchange in the alveoli is accordingly normalized.

There are many benefits of breathing exercises. If you accompany this procedure with a therapeutic massage, you can significantly speed up the process of recovery and recovery from pneumonia.

According to research, even a relatively healthy person is more prone to shallow, shallow breathing. This is based on a constant state of stress and hypotension. Such breathing often leads to congestion in the lower parts of the lungs.

It is for this reason that a set of breathing exercises is optimal not only during rehabilitation after pneumonia, but also for completely healthy people as an effective prevention of colds and runny nose.

As soon as a person’s general condition improves significantly and the feverish state disappears, special exercises can begin. You need to start with the easiest version of the respiratory complex, which is carried out in a lying position.

The very first exercises may be as follows. The patient takes a relaxed body position and in this state inhales air through the nose.

This process is carried out for three seconds, and then exhales through pursed lips. The lips are pursed to provide a barrier to the effective passage of oxygen.

Special cleansing exercises are very useful in the recovery process after pneumonia.. The bulk of exercises with it are carried out as follows.

After a complete exhalation, the patient stops the breathing process for about three seconds. After this, the air is released through the mouth through small pushes.

In order for a set of recovery exercises after pneumonia to bring a positive result, you should follow certain rules for their implementation.

Here are the most basic of them, which must be taken into account in the process of rehabilitation exercises:

Gymnastics at any stage should be completely stopped if a sharp deterioration in health has been noted, as well as an increase in body temperature.

In many modern medical institutions, a special complex is often used, which makes it possible to optimally combine exercise therapy, as well as exercises related to breathing.

This complex was developed by Professor Strelnikova specifically in order to maximize the overall time of rehabilitation and recovery.

The use of its complex makes it possible to activate the general lymph supply to the lungs in a relatively short time, as well as significantly improve blood flow.

At the same time, the development of inflammatory processes improves drainage processes in the body and in the lungs, which in turn effectively prevents various stagnation and complications that are dangerous to health.

Correctly performed gymnastics according to Strelnikova after suffering from pneumonia makes it possible to quickly restore the functioning of the diaphragm. If you combine gymnastics with a light chest massage.

Restorative breathing exercises after suffering from pneumonia are carried out in a supine position, while the arms should be extended along the body.

Here is the sequence of actions that must be strictly followed:

During the process of recovery and restoration of the body, the load should be gradually increased.. This is done through repetitions performed. Gradually, the course is supplemented with exercises in a sitting position, then standing.

Breathing exercises must be alternated with physical activity so that the body gradually adapts to movements and activity.

Regardless of the complexity of the complex performed, breathing exercises should be approximately twice as large. In this case, the total exercise time should be increased to 10-15 minutes.

At the final stage of recovery, the average number of repetitions should be 5-6 times. To achieve a positive result, you need to perform at least 9 approaches per day. On average, the course lasts from 3 days to one week.

Parents of frequently ill children often encounter a disease such as pneumonia. It is for this reason that proper breathing exercises are more than useful for children.

There is little that can be demanded from children, but it is still possible to carry out some movements. Here are a few of them:

  1. In a standing position, you can ask your baby to bend back and forth and to the sides.
  2. When coughing attacks occur, you can massage the chest. This will facilitate the process of sputum discharge.

For kids who are a little older, it’s easier to explain how breathing exercises are performed.. It will not be difficult for them to carry out the above exercises, breathe correctly and move correctly.

If your child does not have the strength to carry out certain movements and exercises, you can try pronouncing tongue twisters. The longer they are, the greater the effect you can achieve.

The process of recovery and restoration of the body after pneumonia in a person is almost always accompanied by a cough. This is a mechanism necessary for the body that promotes effective cleansing of the bronchi.

Inflammation of the lungs is accompanied by the accumulation of a large amount of mucus, and coughing is caused very rarely, and the process of cleansing the respiratory system is accordingly inhibited.

If even the weakest urge to cough is present, they must be strengthened with the help of special exercises.

Here is one of the most effective. You need to try to cough as much as possible and take a very deep breath.. It is necessary to hold your breath for a few seconds and at this time perform a light vibration massage of the chest.

When exhaling, you need to press on the lower chest.


Breathing exercises can have a unique beneficial effect on the human body.

Despite this, it is important to first consult a specialist, since there are many contraindications for its implementation.

Among them are:

  • severely depleted general condition of the body;
  • acute and chronic cardiovascular failure;
  • development of a febrile state;
  • the presence of shortness of breath, characteristic of a state of rest, as well as the rapid progression of general respiratory failure;
  • mental illnesses that prevent patients from performing prescribed exercises correctly.

Summing up

Properly structured physical therapy and breathing exercises should be an important part of the entire treatment. If you do everything correctly and regularly, you can avoid quite serious complications and significantly reduce the overall rehabilitation time.

Breathing exercises effectively improve immunity in adults and children. Basic metabolic processes are significantly improved, the heart and blood vessels work much better, fatigue is effectively relieved and depressive states completely go away.

Despite the large number of advantages, you should definitely consult a specialist before performing gymnastics, as there are certain contraindications.

Special breathing exercises for pneumonia are very useful for people who become ill in old age. At this time, they are no longer as active, move less than in youth, metabolic processes in the body do not occur as dynamically as we would like. Breathing exercises prescribed by a specialist doctor allow an elderly person to feel much better and cope with the disease faster.

Even if the patient suffers from severe pneumonia and does not get out of bed, breathing exercises will not harm him. On the contrary, they will increase the patient’s tone, enrich the blood with oxygen, and give strength and vigor. There is no need to be afraid to resort to such training; you can start it at any stage of pneumonia.

The benefits of breathing exercises for pneumonia

As you know, pneumonia is the formation of a focus of inflammation in the lungs, as a result of which it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe, his metabolism slows down, and there is a deficiency of oxygen in the blood. Breathing exercises are designed to normalize breathing.

Its various techniques provide maximum support to the lungs, have a beneficial effect on lymph circulation, and help blood flow more actively through the vessels. In addition, the chest muscles begin to work intensively. Such improvements in the body lead the elderly patient to recovery and prevent the development of concomitant diseases and complications.

Most men are addicted to tobacco and alcohol. This, of course, negatively affects the functioning of the lungs and negatively affects breathing. If a man is also over 60 years old and has pneumonia, he cannot count on a quick recovery with the help of medications alone. Regular breathing exercises will improve diaphragmatic breathing because the diaphragm is 100% engaged during exercise. Thanks to this, venous blood flows into the heart, coming from the legs and from the abdominal cavity. The heart begins to function with renewed vigor, digestion improves.

Use with caution: contraindications

It is important to remember: breathing training after pneumonia is not indicated in all cases; only a medical specialist can prescribe it after examining and diagnosing the patient.

Often, breathing exercises are prescribed in parallel with exercise therapy and special massage. You can do exercises with pneumonia only after the patient’s body temperature returns to normal. If there is a fever or the body is poisoned, breathing training should be abandoned.

Exercises for pneumonia are prescribed after receiving test results from the laboratory, from which it becomes clear that the process of pneumonia has gone in the opposite direction. This should also be confirmed by an x-ray. The patient should not suffer from heart failure, his blood vessels should be in order. If a person is very weak during illness, has lost weight, if he has confirmed cancer, or has immunodeficiency, breathing exercises are strictly prohibited for such a patient.

First steps of training

Often patients resort to breathing exercises while they are still lying down, unable to get up. However, in this case you need to be careful. The depth of breathing should not be too deep so that the chest does not become too tense, especially on the side where the infected lung is located. The doctor instructs the patient to breathe infrequently, calmly, and in no case straining the chest. At first, classes should take no more than 10 minutes.

In the future, as the patient’s condition improves, exercises are allowed in a sitting position, then standing. Preference is given to training aimed at ventilating inflamed areas of the lungs. Along with these exercises, the specialist prescribes the patient some techniques from physical therapy. One approach should not exceed 20 minutes. Gradually, the time increases to 30 minutes, and when the patient can already get up and walk, he is allowed to walk outside, where he must actively breathe using the diaphragm.

Breathing exercises

During breathing exercises, you should breathe rhythmically, the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation. There is no need to strain your torso muscles. Only the muscles responsible for breathing should be fully used. During the exhalation process, it is recommended to pronounce the sounds: “Sh-sh-sh-sh”, “Zh-zh-zh”, “R-r-r”, “Ch-ch-ch”. The intake helps eliminate bronchospasm. In addition to these sounds, “Mmmm” and “Nnnn” help a lot if you pronounce them while exhaling with your mouth closed. You can exhale by pursing your lips into a tube, or you can exhale through the nostril of your nose.

Reading tongue twisters also leads to recovery. They must also be said while exhaling, but you cannot stop breathing. It’s good if the tongue twister is long and complex. When it becomes clear that the pneumonia is receding, the patient is allowed to move on to breathing exercises such as inflating a balloon or blowing out candles. At the same time, the lungs function with greater strength, which has a positive effect on their condition.

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is a serious infectious disease that cannot always be dealt with even in our time, when the pharmacological market offers a wide range of antibacterial drugs. An important role in improving the outcome of the disease is played by the timely administration of a set of physical therapy exercises recommended for pneumonia. This helps speed up recovery and avoid unwanted consequences.

Features of the course of the disease

Pneumonia is an inflammatory process in a certain area of ​​the lung, most often of an infectious nature. Its main difference from other diseases of the respiratory system is the damage to the smallest, deepest structures of the lungs: bronchioles and alveoli (directly in which gas exchange occurs). and the wider bronchi are affected; in pulmonary sarcoidosis, the space between the alveoli is affected. The volume of alveolar tissue involved in the inflammatory process determines the severity of pneumonia.

The characteristics of the course of the disease depend on the causative agent of the disease, however, there are some characteristic symptoms that appear in most patients with pneumonia:

  • Cough with the release of purulent sputum, sometimes it may contain an admixture of blood;
  • Chest pain associated with deep breathing and coughing;
  • Fever;
  • Shortness of breath, feeling of incompleteness of breath;
  • General weakness and malaise.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture of the disease, the identification of characteristic moist rales during auscultation and the detection of focal darkening on radiographs.

Objectives and contraindications of physical therapy for pneumonia

Therapeutic exercises for pneumonia are designed to solve several problems at once:

  • Improved sputum removal;
  • Ensuring more complete breathing due to the inclusion of alveoli, which were previously in an inactive state, into the process;
  • Stimulation of blood and lymph circulation in the tissue of the lungs and bronchi;
  • Strengthening muscle groups that provide respiratory movements;
  • Prevention of complications (inflammation of the pleura, formation of adhesions in the pleural cavity, expansion and deformation of the bronchi);
  • Normalization of the general condition of the body by improving gas exchange.

Despite the undeniable benefits, there are situations in which it is better to wait with therapeutic exercises:

  • High body temperature, accompanied by chills, general weakness, headaches;
  • Severe respiratory or heart failure;
  • Threat of pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • Formation of a delimited purulent cavity in the lung (abscess) until it breaks through into the bronchial tree;
  • Concomitant oncological diseases;
  • Marked decrease in immunity;
  • Extensive areas of darkening according to radiography.


Any active interventions in the treatment process, be it massage, exercise therapy, breathing exercises, are possible only after stabilization of the condition and only with the permission of the doctor.

General nuances of the treatment complex

Before starting classes if you have pneumonia, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for conducting them:

  • In the early stages, when the patient must remain in bed, one should limit oneself to breathing exercises and massage;
  • It is advisable to exercise three times a day;
  • Each exercise should be repeated at least 8 times;
  • During training, you should periodically evaluate your heart rate. It should increase by no more than 10 beats per minute;
  • If dizziness, weakness, or increased shortness of breath occur, the activity should be stopped.

Approximate complex of exercise therapy at the initial stage

At the earliest stage, minor physical activity is allowed; physical therapy for pneumonia in adults includes gymnastic elements performed in a horizontal position:

  1. The arms lie relaxed parallel to the body. As you inhale, lift them to your head and stretch lightly.
  2. From the same position, inhaling, we spread our arms to the sides and return them back, exhaling.
  3. We bend and unbend our feet - towards ourselves and away from ourselves.
  4. We lower our hands to the waist. We alternately pull one or the other leg towards us, while the heel area slides along the bed.
  5. fold them into a lock and, as you inhale, lift them above your head, turning your palms away from you. Exhaling, we return back.
  6. Place your palms on your shoulder joints. We take a full chest of air and spread our shoulders to the sides as much as possible, connecting the shoulder blades. Exhale and relax.
  7. Alternately move your legs to the right and left.
  8. We alternately raise our legs up to the ceiling.

Principles of increasing load

In addition to breathing exercises and massage, bed rest for patients with acute pneumonia involves light physical exercise within the bed. They begin to perform them slowly, measuredly, gradually increasing the pace. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 10 minutes.

When the patient is transferred to semi-bed rest, his capabilities expand and the load increases: exercises can be done in a sitting position with legs down, and measured walking is allowed. The duration of the workout increases by another 10 minutes.

At the recovery stage, it is permissible to include sports and game training in the complex. Exercise therapy classes are carried out for 40 minutes 3 times a day. Gymnastics after pneumonia is very diverse and is necessary to restore satisfactory tolerance of the body to normal physical activity.

Useful video - Simple exercises for pneumonia and other respiratory diseases

Physical therapy for pneumonia: drainage methods

Drainage restoration techniques involve facilitating expectoration of sputum and improving ventilation processes in the lungs. They prevent stagnation and the transition of inflammation to a chronic form. These methods must be combined with exercise therapy.

Postural drainage

Postural drainage involves the patient taking certain positions in which the removal of discharge from the bronchi to the outside significantly improves. Here are position options for postural drainage:

  1. Lying on your side on the side of the healthy lung.
  2. Lying on your back with your legs elevated and your lower torso at an angle of 20-45 degrees. To do this, place pillows, bolsters, and rolled blankets under your feet and back.
  3. Lying on your stomach with a cushion placed under the anterior abdominal wall.
  4. In a sitting position, the legs are pulled towards the chest, the body tilts slightly and the arms are extended forward.

Treatment by position is accompanied by stroking, light massage movements. Before starting postural drainage, it is better to take expectorants to thin the mucus.

Most drainage techniques are contraindicated in cases of ribs, as well as increased intracranial pressure.

Percussion massage

Percussion massage consists of methodical tapping on the chest, folded in the form of a “bucket”. With this tapping, shocks are transmitted to the bronchial tree, which contribute to the release of mucus from the walls of large and small bronchi and its coughing. Percussion is carried out from the back and along the front surface of the chest.

The effect of percussion is enhanced by taking expectorants and when combined with a drainage position of the body. There should not be any pain during the procedure.

Percussion massage should not be performed in case of pulmonary bleeding, inflammation of the pleura, rib injuries and oncological processes.

Vibration massage

Vibromassage consists of specific vibration movements of the massage therapist’s palm or the use of electric vibrating massagers. Vibrating movements can be performed with the back or edge of the palm, fingers, or fist. First, massage the back wall of the chest, the interscapular area, then the lateral surfaces of the ribs, and the front of the chest.

In combination with positional treatment and percussion massage, vibration effects help to release mucus deposits on the walls of the bronchi and strengthen the respiratory muscles. The effectiveness of the procedure increases if it is performed by an experienced massage therapist: the frequency of vibration movements of the hand of such specialists can reach 200 per minute. It is also possible to use special devices with attachments of different shapes to massage different parts of the body.

Cough help: an exercise to make coughing easier with pneumonia

When the cough reflex is weakened, it can be difficult for the patient to cough up the discharge from the bronchial system, especially if it has a thick consistency. Prolonged stagnation of blood and sputum in the lungs contributes to the development of complications and a protracted course of the inflammatory process. Therefore, for patients who are weakened or with impaired consciousness, there is a special exercise that allows you to rid the airways of pathological contents.

  1. First, the patient is asked to cough, this is possible even with minimal preservation of the cough reflex.
  2. The patient then inhales deeply and the assistant vibrates the patient's chest for a few seconds.
  3. Then he sharply compresses the lower thoracic region, without stopping the vibration massage.

Breathing exercises

Respiratory exercises for inflammation of the deep alveolar structures are of paramount importance for the lungs and general condition of the body. It normalizes the respiratory function of the lungs and pectoral muscles, increases blood oxygen saturation and reflexively stimulates the respiratory center in the brain. Typically, breathing exercises are performed before and after the main exercise therapy complex.

For children

In childhood, breathing exercises are especially necessary - children have poorly developed pectoral muscles and it can be difficult for them to cough up viscous sputum. Exercises are performed in a playful way to keep the child’s attention in class:

  1. "Palms". Place the palms of your bent arms in front of you, squeeze your fingers as you inhale, and relax your arms and pectoral muscles as you exhale.
  2. "Pump". The kid imagines that he is inflating the mattress using a pump. With each inhalation, you bend forward, move your arms down, and when you exhale, you need to straighten up.
  3. "Kitty". Bring your feet together, while inhaling, squat down slightly, turning your body to the side, while your hands make grasping movements.
  4. "Hugs." For each breath, you need to quickly wrap your arms around yourself, and as you exhale, unclench them, but do not move them far from your body.
  5. "Pendulum". The child hugs himself by the shoulders and swings rhythmically: while inhaling - forward, while exhaling - back.
  6. "Ears on top of the head." Exhaling, tilt your head alternately forward, backward, to the right, to the left shoulder girdle.
  7. "Crane". As you inhale, the leg is pulled higher, towards the tummy and chest, the second leg is slightly bent. Exhaling, the baby stands up straight.

Video - Breathing exercises to relieve cough with pneumonia. Just repeat

For adults

  1. We take a deep breath, pause for a couple of seconds, then exhale intermittently - release the air in small portions.
  2. We perform a task similar to the first one, but on exhalation we pronounce pulsating sounds.
  3. We draw in air through the nose, and let it out through pursed lips so that the air meets resistance in its path.
  4. Put one palm on the chest, the other on the abdominal muscles to control the respiratory movements. We take a breath with the stomach and a long passive exhalation, completely relaxing.
  5. In a horizontal position, place your bent arms behind your back. On inspiration, we sit down, pushing off the bed with our hands, on exhalation we lie down again.
  6. We sit on the edge of the bed, spread our legs, put our arms on different sides. Exhaling, we bend over to the left, but to the right leg, reaching with our hands to the foot.
  7. We stand up straight, place our palms on our waists. As you exhale, alternately tilt your torso to the right and then to the left.

For patients with pneumonia, exercise therapy is of paramount importance: exercise therapy contributes to the rapid resorption of the focus of inflammation, the restoration of respiratory volume and the increase in the resistance of a weakened organism to physical activity. It is important not to stop exercising at home after discharge from the hospital.

The use of exercise therapy as part of the treatment of pneumonia is no less important than the use of drugs and being under the supervision of a medical specialist. The result of using exercise therapy techniques for pneumonia is to accelerate recovery and reduce the time for full recovery. Therefore, an exercise program prescribed by your doctor is mandatory.

The prescription of exercise therapy for inflammatory lung disease as a necessity is determined by symptomatic indicators and physiological nuances of the disease. Pneumonia is an inflammatory disease of the respiratory system, the main localization of which is the alveolar part of the lungs.

Due to the resulting inflammatory focus, oxygen exchange with venous blood is disrupted, which leads to insufficient functioning of the respiratory system. As a result of impaired oxygen exchange, arterial blood from healthy parts of the pulmonary system is also mixed with venous blood, which in turn aggravates the body's condition by hypoxia.

Important! Exercise therapy for bronchitis and acute pneumonia is one of the foundations of recovery. Therapeutic exercise allows you to speed up the time for complete recovery and, in a sense, increases the effectiveness of drug treatment.

As a result of all these processes, a person unconsciously switches to frequent shallow breathing and reduces the strength of the cough reflex, which can cause the following disorders:

  • stagnation of exudate in the lungs;
  • blockage of individual sections of the bronchi;
  • formation of additional foci of inflammation;
  • atelectasis of individual areas (adhesion of pulmonary vesicles with reduction of internal volume).

All this leads to a greater spread of the inflammatory process and worsening respiratory failure. Exercise therapy largely reduces the risk of such development of pneumonia. A set of exercises for pneumonia is selected individually by a specialist, depending on the patient’s indications.

Direction of exercises in exercise therapy

Exercise therapy after pneumonia has some peculiarities of implementation and, with adequate prescription of exercises, contributes to the patient’s recovery.

The result of using this type of physiotherapy is the following positive effects on the state of the respiratory system:

  • restoration of a full breathing rhythm;
  • normalization of the cough reflex and ensuring natural cleansing of the lungs;
  • increased pulmonary ventilation, which increases the flow of oxygen;
  • improvement of excursion (amplitude of movement) of the diaphragm;
  • increase in internal lung volume.

In addition to the main course of exercise therapy (pictured), general and vibration massages of the chest are often prescribed, which in combination gives a high result in resuming full breathing and providing the body with oxygen. As a result, prevention of the development of complications after pneumonia and reduction of treatment time.

The video in this article (presentation) will help the reader understand and understand the need to perform exercise therapy for pneumonia.

General nuances of the treatment complex

In general, physical therapy for inflammatory processes in the patient’s respiratory system is prescribed according to the principles of gradually increasing loads. This is due to the fact that overload of the respiratory system can aggravate pathological inflammatory processes.

The main nuances of the initial stage of exercise therapy are discussed below:

  1. Breathing exercises are the best starting exercise for treating pneumonia. In this case, the need for a time limit at the initial stage of therapy should be taken into account.
  2. In addition to the main course, the specialist supervising the patient gives instructions on how to perform exercises throughout the day, limiting each approach to 2-3 minutes per hour.
  3. You should start taking the course immediately after the main symptoms of the disease have subsided - general intoxication of the body and tachycardia.
  4. Performing exercises in the functional therapy room is carried out with the additional help of an instructor who, during the patient’s inhalation period, will perform vibration massage manipulations with pressure on the sternum.
  5. Deterioration of the patient's general condition with an increase in body temperature indicates the need to temporarily suspend the treatment course.
  6. Unilateral limitation of diaphragm excursion requires performing exercises in a supine position on the side of the inflamed lung. This will reduce inflammatory activity and maximize the functioning of a healthy lung.

The result of observing all the nuances is a maximum increase in the performance of the systems that provide the body with oxygen.

An additional increase in the amplitude of movement of the sternum allows you to straighten the areas of the lungs affected by atelectasis, and the combination of respiratory load with massage techniques helps cleanse the small bronchi from exudate. Improved blood circulation and lymphatic drainage lead to accelerated processes of immune destruction of infection and reduction.

Approximate complex of exercise therapy at the initial stage

To understand the principle of the effect of a complex of physical therapy on the body of a patient with pneumonia, it is possible to give an example of the fundamental entry-level exercises discussed in the table.

A set of exercise therapy exercises for pneumonia: initial level
Exercise no.
1 Calm rhythmic breathing at an average pace from 40 to 60 repetitions - performed with the patient in a supine position.
2 In a lying position on your back, you need to perform rotational movements of your hands at an average pace - 6-8 repetitions.
3 Raising your hands behind your head while lying on your back while inhaling, followed by lowering them to the starting position while exhaling – 3-4 repetitions.
4 Flexion and extension of the feet in a lying position. Breathing is arbitrary. Perform 8-10 repetitions.
5 Lying down, you need to spread your arms in different directions parallel to the body in a slow rhythm - 3-4 repetitions.
6 Alternately pulling the knees towards the body while lying on your back, the heel should slide along the surface - 3-4 repetitions.
7 Bend your back, lying face up, elbows bent and resting on the surface, the pace is slow - 2-3 repetitions.
8 Repeat the starting exercise of the program to restore the breathing rhythm.
9 In a lying position, you should gather your hands into a lock and turn your palms outward, raising your arms away from you - 3-4 times.
10 Alternately abducting the legs to the side, the rhythm of slow breathing is arbitrary, repeat 2-3 times for each leg.
11 Repetition of the starting exercise with a reduction in respiratory movements up to 20-40 times, depending on the initial ones.
12 Alternate stretching of the arm to the opposite side at a slow pace - 2-3 repetitions.
13 Spreading the shoulders on inspiration and relaxation on exhalation in a lying position, the rhythm is slow - 3-4 repetitions.
14 Repeat the starting exercise in a slow rhythm, keep breathing calm, the number of repetitions is 30-40 times.
15 Slowly raise your legs one by one in a lying position, you cannot bend the knee - 2-3 times on each leg.
16 Raising closed hands behind the head while lying down while inhaling, followed by lowering to the starting position while exhaling – 3-4 times.
17 Repeat the starting exercise in a slow rhythm to completely restore breathing and complete the complex.

The further exercise program is calculated based on the progress in treatment and the individual characteristics of each patient. In general, it is worth noting that the load increases by increasing the number of repetitions.

Principles of increasing load

With positive dynamics in the treatment of the inflammatory process in the lungs, the patient’s main position when performing physical therapy exercises is transferred to a sitting position, and later to a standing position. To improve blood circulation and prepare the cardiovascular system for increased loads, additional physical exercises are introduced aimed at strengthening the muscular frame of the shoulder girdle, torso and legs.

The ratio of breathing exercises and physical restorative loads should correspond to the principle: for 2 exercises of the respiratory system, you must perform 1 total load. If the complex is carried out in the physiotherapy department, then it is additionally possible to introduce weights during exercises and regular walks in the fresh air.

Features of exercise therapy for atelectasis

The presence of lung atelectasis in pneumonia requires a special approach in the process of performing physical therapy exercises. To reduce the internal load, all exercises are performed in a supine position on the side of the healthy lung, and in some cases additional elevation is required, for which a special cushion is placed.

First exercise:

  • arms must be placed along the body;
  • while inhaling, the patient raises his upper arm;
  • During exhalation, pressure is required on the chest.

The degree of forced breathing is calculated by the instructor based on the general condition of the patient.

Second exercise:

  • first take a deep breath;
  • when exhaling, you need to pull the knee on the side of the diseased lung towards the stomach;
  • Additionally, pressure is applied to the chest together with the instructor.

Each of the exercises is supposed to be performed 8-9 times a day with the number of repetitions from 5 to 6 times. The duration of this course takes about 3-4 days.

Drainage exercises for pneumonia

Establishing lung drainage in the treatment of pneumonia using physiotherapy techniques makes it possible to achieve effective cleansing of the internal volumes of the bronchial tree from accumulated exudate. The main objective of such exercises is to gradually cleanse the bronchi and alveoli of mucus and prevent its accumulation.

Postural drainage

Postural drainage or Trendelenburg position is the most commonly used positional physical therapy treatment technique. The essence of the process itself is that the patient is brought into a position in which gravity will act most effectively on the removal of sputum. The angle of inclination of the surface is about 45° with the head located at the lower end.

The main limitations in the use of this technique are:

  1. There is an increased load on the organs of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Brain diseases and traumatic brain injury are a direct contraindication to the technique.
  3. Damage to the spine or ribs indicates limited use.

If there are contraindications, the attending physician must fully assess the risks and benefits of the procedure before prescribing.

Percussion massage

Direct percussion massage involves creating internal vibrations of the pulmonary parenchyma by tapping the chest with a cupped palm.

Attention! Correct execution of the exercise according to the method allows you to influence the accumulated phlegm in the lung and promote its removal.

Contraindications are as follows:

  • bleeding of the pleural cavity;
  • metastatic processes in the body;
  • empyema;
  • presence of effusion.

Rib fractures also impose restrictions - the exercise should be performed with extreme caution.

Vibration massage

Vibration massage is the main part of exercise therapy for pneumonia and can greatly facilitate the removal of exudate from the pulmonary cavity.

Important! The technique consists of specific pressure when placing hands on the patient’s sternum - an experienced massage therapist is able to perform the procedure with a vibration frequency of about 200 movements per minute.

Negative aspects of the technique:

  • instructor participation required;
  • slight pain of the procedure;
  • strengthening of the cough reflex.

The last point is a relatively controversial point, since coughing is a necessity in the treatment of pneumonia. When this technique is combined with postural drainage, the effectiveness increases significantly.

Cough relief (exercise)

Coughing is a necessary part of the treatment process, for which this exercise is included in the exercise therapy course. Basically, “cough aid” is used only when the patient’s cough reflex is weakened or completely absent.

The execution is as follows:

  • asking the patient to cough (if the reflex is simply limited);
  • a brief vibration massage;
  • sharp compression of the lower chest.

As a result of these manipulations, the removal of sputum from the pulmonary system is accelerated, thereby shortening the treatment period for pneumonia. The patient must certainly follow all the doctor’s recommendations during the treatment of pneumonia.

A certain instruction does not exist by chance, and it requires the implementation of a certain set of measures. The price of non-compliance with simple instructions is the chronicization of the pathological process and, as a consequence, long-term treatment.



Pneumonia is a serious disease of the respiratory system that does not go away without leaving a trace for a person. Drug therapy (in particular antibiotics) is an excellent way to cope with and stop the disease, but does not prevent all its consequences.

Restoring vital lost functions is possible only with complex therapy. The main rehabilitation measures include physical therapy and breathing exercises. It is recommended to start them as early as possible to minimize the risks of complications.

Exercise therapy after pneumonia in adults

Therapeutic exercise is an integral part of treatment for many diseases, pneumonia is no exception. However, it should be remembered that incorrect and untimely implementation of exercises and loads can only aggravate the situation.

Before engaging in exercise therapy, you should consult your doctor.

Exercise therapy, as a method of treatment, sets the following objectives:

  • avoid patient stagnation (the most important goal);
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • prevention of progression of the process and;
  • raising the emotional status of patients;
  • speed up processes;
  • instilling a healthy lifestyle.

The individual characteristics (age, gender, presence of concomitant diseases) of each patient should be taken into account before prescribing a course of exercise therapy. The doctor carefully studies the medical history and, based on the available data, individually selects exercises and draws up a program for each patient.

Attention! Physical therapy can only be done after the patient’s condition has stabilized.

Contraindications to exercise therapy:

  • acute phase of the disease;
  • complicated course;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • concomitant diseases (acute and chronic in the relapse stage);

In these conditions, exercise therapy is contraindicated due to the inability to control the patient’s condition and the risk of complications.

When used correctly, this therapy shows very good results:

  • the rhythm and frequency of breathing is restored;
  • sputum discharge improves;
  • chest excursion and breathing depth increase;
  • The tidal volume of the lungs increases (blood oxygenation improves);
  • mood improves (due to the production of endorphins);
  • microcirculation improves;
  • regeneration processes are stimulated.

You can perform the exercises on the 3-4th day of the disease, in the absence of contraindications, fever and other signs of an acute condition.

A set of exercises at home

There are several principles for performing exercise therapy:

  • gradual onset;
  • work with an instructor;
  • stopping and refusing exercise if the condition worsens.

Physical therapy sessions are divided into two stages:

  • medicinal;
  • rehabilitation.

Each of them has specific exercises that are most effective in certain conditions.

At the therapeutic (initial) stage, light repetitive movements of various parts of the body are practiced. The main thing at this stage is not to harm the patient’s health and prepare his body for further stress. To do this, use the following exercises:

All exercises at this stage are performed while lying in bed (in some cases you can sit). Before you begin, you need to do breathing exercises (more on this below) to prepare your lungs for the load.

Rehabilitation stage - they move on to it if there is positive dynamics from the initial exercises. This mainly occurs during or during the recovery period. This stage is characterized by a transition from a lying position to a sitting or standing position.

Important! The increase in load at each stage should be gradual.

Neglect of the above rules and excessive fanaticism can lead to decompensation of the respiratory system weakened after illness. This will slow down the recovery of lost functions.

At the rehabilitation stage, several groups of exercises are distinguished, depending on the goals:

Exercises should be performed when you feel relatively well, and gradually increase the time and load. Before this complex, be sure to spend 5 minutes doing respiratory exercises: deep breaths, light pressure on the chest and small taps - repeat several times.

A set of exercises in the picture below

2) Fighting atelectasis:

  • The patient is in a standing position; when inhaling, he raises his arm on the affected side. During exhalation, the assistant compresses the chest;
  • The situation is the same. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, pull the knee toward the stomach on the affected side. The assistant compresses the chest.

3) Drainage:

  • Trendelenburger position - the body is located in a horizontal position at an angle of 45 o, the head is at the lower end;

A detailed set of exercises is in the picture below.

4) General strengthening

  • slow walking for 2-3 minutes;
  • turns the torso to the sides with arms outstretched, 4-6 repetitions;
  • bending the torso while touching the opposite leg, 7-9 repetitions;
  • imitation of cycling while sitting on a chair, 8-10 repetitions;
  • walking with raising your arms forward, up, spreading them to the sides (5 minutes each).

It is preferable to do exercises in the morning and in the fresh air, if possible.

5) During the recovery phase

After the temperature subsides and recovery, the doctor may recommend increasing the initial load exercises or adding additional ones.

Therapeutic breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are inseparable from exercise therapy and, as a rule, precede all types of exercises. Proper breathing is very important in the effectiveness of the therapy and restoration of impaired lung function.

Breathing exercises set itself the following tasks:

  • cleansing the bronchial tree from sputum;
  • increased tidal volume of the lungs;
  • increasing blood oxygen saturation;
  • prevention of atelectasis and development of pneumosclerosis;
  • restoration of lost respiratory functions.

During physical activity, it is necessary to control your breathing. It should be deep, the exhalation corresponds to the maximum load.

A set of breathing exercises that will help strengthen your lungs:

  • Tachypnea is controlled breathing with a frequency of 40-60 times per minute. Used to prepare for exercise therapy.
  • Hold your breath while inhaling. Performed daily, up to 10 repetitions during the day, with increasing time.
  • Hold your breath while inhaling for a few seconds, after which we take an additional breath and continue not to breathe. Performed according to the same scheme as the previous exercise.
  • Sitting, we breathe with a gradual decrease in the depth of breathing.
  • Restoration of breathing after exercise therapy. Taking a deep, slow breath in with a quick exhalation, gradually speeding up the inhalation and slowing the exhalation until they become equal.

Useful video

The video below talks about breathing exercises according to Strelnikova, which helps with many diseases of the respiratory system:

Reference materials (download)

To download, click on the desired document:


Exercise therapy and breathing exercises are the main methods of rehabilitation after pneumonia. It is very important to explain to the patient the importance of performing them to restore ventilation and other vital functions of the lungs. They are indicated for any, even the mildest course of the disease. This therapy also prevents the development of pulmonary atelectasis.