Bad and harmful habits. List of good and bad habits. Habit: general description

Rare habits are something that almost every average person can find in themselves! And many people prefer not to see this as a problem and simply do not notice their own harmful addictions. You can often hear the excuse: “I have everything under control, this is not a bad habit at all, but a momentary weakness.” In fact, a person often doesn’t even realize how much negativity bad habits bring into his life and how good it will be if he gets rid of them. In this article, let's look at the most common types of bad habits and try to figure out what can be done to get rid of them.

Bad habits: list

Before you start listing popular bad habits, it’s worth defining what they are. So, what is considered a bad habit? A pattern of actions that are clearly repeated over a long period of time, characteristic of a particular person, is a habit. It can be called harmful if it poses a potential threat to health, mood, psychological, physical comfort, cleanliness of the environment, etc.

Here is a list of the most common bad habits:

  • smoking;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • addiction to junk food (fast food, flour, sweets);
  • gambling addiction;
  • foul language;

But this is far from a complete list of harmful addictions that modern people suffer from. There are less global habits, such as idle pastime. Many people do not see this as a bad addiction, but consider it a special character trait. Like, he is used to taking everything from life, he knows how to enjoy life and have fun. But in reality he is an ordinary lazy person, a waster of life and simply an infantile person. The habit of biting your nails, pen, biting your lip, etc. is small and not always noticeable to others. However, such a trifle can greatly irritate even the owner of the problem. And such actions, performed regularly, are harmful to health.

Habits are different, and among them there are especially interesting ones that you want to pay attention to first.

What are some bad habits of modern people?

Let's look at a few common and not so popular bad habits.

Tobacco addiction

Despite the fact that today a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular, many people are susceptible to the addiction of smoking. It is worth noting that the modern world has expanded the boundaries of this addiction. Today people are addicted not only to cigarettes, but also to aromatic tobacco, which is smoked through hookahs. A new trend - vaping is rapidly gaining momentum these days. Absolutely any form of addiction to tobacco products is harmful. And even the use of high-tech devices, vapes, does not solve, but aggravates the problem. People suffering from these habits endanger their own health and harm the bodies of their own children, family members, and those around them.

Alcohol addiction

Drinking beer, wine, cocktails and strong alcoholic drinks is unsafe for psychological comfort and physical health. Everyone knows about this. However, many people are susceptible to this addiction. It all starts with “harmless” beer, wine or other light alcoholic drinks and over time often turns into a habit, which lays the ground for the formation of pathological addiction.

Tendency to overeat

It would seem that a person’s need for food is quite understandable and is considered normal. However, gastronomy can also be a breeding ground for the formation of bad habits:

  • binge eating;
  • habit of eating junk food;
  • passion for dangerous mono-diets, etc.

You also need to eat right and you need to be able to control your gastronomic moods. Otherwise, you can form very dangerous habits that lead to obesity, the development of type 2 diabetes, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


It turns out that the habit of constantly buying something is also harmful. Pay attention to how often you make unnecessary purchases. Is there a craving for shopping related to the desire to suppress a bad mood? The answers to these questions will help determine whether shopaholism is occurring in your case. But this can also become a problem. Unreasonable spending of money damages the family budget, creates debts, and interferes with the stabilization of well-being.

The habit of being lazy

There is also a habit of being lazy. A person who tries to put things off until later, shirks some responsibilities, works, studies carelessly, should think about it. After all, this can become a stable manifestation of his character. Lazy people are rarely successful. No one will bring achievements and accomplishments in life on a platter with a golden border.

Habit of lying

Almost every person resorts to lying to one degree or another in his life. There is a so-called white lie. Sometimes an innocent lie is used to smooth out the consequences of some events for a person. However, there are also individuals who lie simply because they like to tell lies. Pathological liars often lose their boundaries themselves and no longer know where the truth is and where there is a lie. Having such a habit makes a person repulsive to others. Often deceitfulness forms the basis for the formation of more serious problems.

Foul language

“Russian swearing” is known to all people living and born in our country. Almost from childhood we have to hear bad words somewhere on the street, from TV, from peers, etc. There are people for whom swearing becomes a habit. But a “strong” word spoken out of emotion in rare cases is not as scary as the habit of “expressing” out of necessity and for no particular reason. Young girls who hear dirty curses from their lips immediately lose their charm. Guys and men who cannot talk without swearing are also not attractive to the opposite sex. Foul language is repulsive and creates an unsightly reputation for a person, which cannot but negatively affect the life of the individual who has such a habit.

Habit of chewing the tip of the hair

There are also habits that are not associated with any harmful behaviors and actions. Nevertheless, they carry negativity. For example, people with long hair sometimes get used to biting, twirling, or chewing the end of a curl. On the one hand, there is nothing extra dangerous about this. However, from the outside, such addiction looks very unpleasant. And this can be terribly annoying for the owner of the habit.

The habit of collecting/storing unnecessary things

Have you met people who drag all sorts of unnecessary junk into their home and cannot part with things, storing a lot of outdated, outdated items in their home? And this, by the way, is another very bad habit! A person litters the territory, which creates significant discomfort for him and his loved ones and neighbors. Sometimes this addiction to collecting unnecessary trash takes pathological forms. A house in such a situation can turn into a natural dump. A person whose addiction has developed into a pathology needs professional help.

Types of bad habits

Reading the above bad habits, you can track certain signs by which addictions can be divided into types.

In modern psychology there are:

  • physical addictions;
  • psychological habits;
  • psychophysiological habits;
  • psycho-emotional addictions.

For example, the habit of chewing a pencil or pen can be attributed to the physical manifestations of habituation to a pattern of actions. But the craving for smoking cigarettes, hookah, and vaping refers to psychophysiological pathological needs.

There are age-related habits, for example, children's ones: the sucking reflex, attachment to parents, the habit of falling asleep while hugging a toy. Senile addictions: a craving for discussing other people's lives, a habit of grumbling, an addiction to going to the market, to the clinic, to the store without any apparent need. There are variations of preferences that are specific to a particular gender. For example, the habit of dieting and lamenting extra pounds is more typical for women. But addiction to card or other gambling, the habit of not following the speed limit while driving a car, is more common among men.

What to do? Prevention of bad addictions

It is known that all negativity must be fought! What to do with bad habits? After all, it is clear that even the most harmless variation of addiction can take very frightening and repulsive forms. The main thing is to understand and admit the presence of addiction. Only then will it be possible to deal with it. In some cases, getting rid of such a problem (smoking, alcoholism, gambling addiction) can only be done with the help of a specialist. People who have a strong will and are seriously focused on results often find the strength to overcome unnecessary, negative character traits. Before you can eradicate negative attachments in yourself, you need to know yourself, recognize your shortcomings and find the right path to eliminate them. It is important to understand that the path to cleansing yourself from bad habits may not be easy. However, with due persistence, after some time the desired results will be achieved.

How to overcome addictions with yoga

By choosing yoga and embarking on the path of self-improvement, self-development, self-healing, a person automatically takes a course towards getting rid of harmful addictions. Naturally, first you have to realize what exactly is superfluous and why it is so attractive. You should understand the nature of the emergence of certain attachments and habits.

Yogis believe that most habits are based on a desire to receive a kind of “doping” in the form of a special surge of positive energy. However, it is important to understand that when smoking a cigarette, drinking a can of beer, or eating another donut, a person only receives a “deception” in the form of momentary pleasure. This pleasure does not give strength, does not improve mood, and does not have a positive impact on a person’s life. On the contrary, over time, retribution comes for an immoderate harmful hobby: health goes away, psychological comfort is undermined, the bearer of harmful addictions increasingly faces failures in life.

With the help of hatha yoga practices you can get a real charge of positive energy. Exercise will help you cleanse yourself spiritually and heal your body. Over time, a person will find complete liberation from harmful cravings. At a certain stage of yoga practice, you can learn to receive the necessary charge in the right quantity and when it is needed. Vedic practices are aimed at self-regulation of energy flows and conscious rejection of everything unnecessary that pollutes the spirit and forms karma.

Each person has his own preferences and habits. They can be harmful or beneficial, bad or good. This article will talk about the consequences of bad habits. You will also learn what exactly are bad hobbies.

Habit: general description

To begin with, it is worth talking about the concept of this expression. A habit is an activity that a person uses constantly. Some preferences haunt a person every minute of life.

Of course, all people have habits. Whether they are good or bad is decided solely by the owner. No one has the right to judge a person, but some individuals can be given good advice.

Bad human habits - what are they?

There are many preferences that can be called useless or bad. Let's try to look at the main ones. You will learn about the consequences of bad habits a little later.

Drug use

Perhaps one of the most dangerous habits that are considered bad is drug addiction. The use of certain substances that affect the brain and nervous system has an irreparable effect on the general condition of the body.

It is worth noting that such people are very dangerous. They are hard to get rid of, and getting used to them is almost instantaneous. A person can take simple pills or inject the drug into the blood using a syringe.

Drinking alcoholic beverages

Another bad habit is drinking alcohol. It is worth noting that a person suffering from such an illness almost always denies it. Addiction appears very quickly and accompanies a person throughout his life.

Alcoholism can be different. Such a habit always has one stage or another. Some people prefer to drink soft drinks in large quantities, while others drink moderately but often. It is difficult to get rid of such a bad habit, but it can be done faster and easier than curing drug addiction.

Smoking tobacco

Another bad addiction is smoking. It is worth noting that recently there are much more women who are addicted than men. Cigarettes are a more harmless habit than drug addiction or alcoholism. However, it is quite difficult to give up such an addiction. It takes amazingness and desire.

The Ministry of Health is against bad habits such as smoking. Each pack of cigarettes contains pictures that show the possible consequences of such an addiction.

Poor nutrition

There is another bad habit that can be called harmful. This is the wrong food for a person to consume. Many people are used to snacking on the run. Some people also eat fast food and drink carbonated sweet water.

This habit is even more harmless than the previous ones. You can get rid of it easily, but only if you have a strong desire to change something in your life.

Useful habits

An alternative to the bad habits listed above will not only help you get rid of the latter, but will also significantly improve your health. There are also many good passions that can be identified. Let's look at a few of them.

Sports activities

Any proper physical activity has a positive effect on human health. Muscles begin to work, excess fat is burned and blood vessels are cleansed. The correct load will only be if the right muscles are involved. To do this, you can contact a specialized room or study this issue on your own.

Drinking clean water

Surely every doctor will tell you that drinking clean water is very beneficial. A person should drink more than one liter of plain liquid per day. You cannot replace water with juices, tea or coffee.

Start your day with one glass of plain water, this will become a good habit for your well-being. Water will help recharge your batteries and awaken all your internal organs.

Proper nutrition

If you eat the right foods, the results will not take long to arrive. The improvement in well-being will be almost immediate. At the same time, you should give up all the junk food that was described above. Give preference to vegetables, fruits and greens. Avoid baking and sweets.

By following this diet, you will feel much better. This will indicate that health is returning to normal.

What are the consequences of bad habits?

If you have certain bad addictions, then you need to know what consequences they can have. Perhaps, after a general introduction, you will begin to oppose bad habits.

Social degradation

Alcoholism and drug addiction are such harmful addictions that can greatly affect your health. Perhaps at first it will seem to you that no one notices this condition. However, this is not at all true.

An alcoholic or drug addict can be kicked out of work quite quickly. As a result, a person may be left without a livelihood. Also, such individuals quickly lose good friends and miss out on useful contacts.

External changes

Bad habits can greatly affect a person's image. Drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking always have a negative impact on a person who ages faster, he develops wrinkles on his face and swelling.

If a person prefers unhealthy eating and this is an inveterate bad habit, then the consequence of such addiction may be obesity. A person quickly gains weight and stores fat. In the absence of sports activity, external changes occur quickly and irreversibly.

Health problems

Bad habits and health are practically incompatible. If a person has bad addictions, then after a while he begins to feel much worse. When smoking tobacco, lung problems begin. Pneumonia or even cancer may develop. Alcoholism severely damages the liver and kidneys. If a person is a drug addict, then mostly the brain suffers, but all organs of the body are affected.

What can we say about pregnant women who have bad cravings. In this case, there is an irreparable effect on the fetus.

How to get rid of bad habits?

The negative impact of bad habits on health has long been proven. If you decide to give up a bad addiction, then you need to start immediately. Don’t make promises to yourself to quit a harmful activity tomorrow or next week. Do it right now.

Enlist the support of loved ones and relatives. They will likely appreciate your efforts to become healthier. Give yourself the right attitude and stick to it. Nothing should stop you from achieving your goal.

Summary and conclusion

Now you know what consequences bad habits have. Try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Of course, you cannot be in everything, but you need to strive for this. Prefer good habits over bad ones. Only in this case will you always be able to

Every modern person has bad habits. These addictions refer to unhealthy hobbies that have a detrimental effect on a person’s well-being, psyche, relationships with others and family life. Often, a person does not attach serious importance to many such addictions, considering them a manifestation of his own nature.

But some, considering the list of a person’s bad habits, come to the conclusion that many of them are serious and dangerous deviations from the norm. Let's figure out what hobbies are considered harmful, why they arise and what should be done in this or that case.

Many bad human habits develop into deadly diseases.

Most often, bad habits develop due to an unstable psyche or long-term nervous disorders. But other factors are also involved in the formation of these preferences:

  • own laziness;
  • unfulfilled hopes;
  • disappointment received;
  • too fast pace of life;
  • long-term financial problems;
  • troubles occurring at home or at work;
  • difficult psychological situations: divorce, illness, death of a close relative.

Bad habits are actively formed due to some global changes in everyday life. For example, a decline in the country's economic development, leading to widespread unemployment. Features of mentality and even climatic factors influence the formation of addictions.

The essence of the definition of “bad habit”

Any reason for a person to develop a bad habit is not an excuse for addiction. It is the individual himself who is to blame for the development of this problem.

No matter how a person makes excuses, the presence of a destructive hobby clearly speaks of his innate laziness, weakness, and lack of initiative. To cope with the existing addiction and adjust your life, it is necessary to identify the prerequisites for the addiction and, first of all, get rid of it.

What bad habits does a person have?

What immediately comes to mind when talking about human addictions? Of course, craving for alcohol, addiction to drugs and smoking. Indeed, these are the most dangerous bad habits for a person. But there are also other types of addictions that destroy the human psyche and the personality itself.

List of main bad habits

Alcoholism is the oldest human evil

Uncontrollable craving for drink is one of the most dangerous and terrible human attachments. Over time, this bad habit turns into a deadly disease.

Craving for drinking is one of the worst bad habits of a person.

Alcohol addiction is formed at the level of physical and psychological cravings. The last stage of alcoholism is an irreversible and incurable pathology leading to the death of a person.

The development of this addiction develops gradually and depends on the frequency and quantity of alcohol-containing drinks consumed. Genetic (hereditary) predisposition is also related to the formation of this dependence. The causes of alcoholism can equally include all factors caused by any other addiction:

  • tendency to laziness;
  • money problems;
  • disappointment in life;
  • long-term unemployment;
  • lack of desire to develop and learn.

It doesn’t matter which factor became the trigger for this addiction - the causes of alcoholism are terrible and merciless. First of all, the physical and mental health of the individual suffers. An alcoholic often plunges into binge drinking. By becoming inadequate and irresponsible, the patient already poses a threat to society.

The transformation of a habit into a disease requires long-term treatment in specialized clinics. And sometimes it is no longer possible to completely get rid of alcoholism. Therefore, therapy should be included in the early stages of addiction formation.

Drug addiction is a deadly hobby

Addiction to drug use in 80% of cases leads to death or complete personality degradation. If we talk about the influence of bad habits on the human body, then in the case of drug addiction, such a hobby takes on enormous proportions.

Drug addiction leads to complete personality degradation

With the penetration of narcotic substances into the body, there is a global destruction of the work of all internal organs and systems of the body. What ultimately awaits the drug addict?

  1. Complete degradation of personality at the psychological level.
  2. The development of severe, often fatal physical diseases.
  3. Increasing mental problems form psychosis, schizophrenia, and depressive states. A common result of this bad habit is suicide attempts.

It has been established that the life of a drug addict is shortened by 25-30 years compared to a healthy person. This bad habit must be eradicated immediately, without giving it the right to exist.

Great attention is paid to the prevention of drug addiction among the younger generation. Indeed, according to statistics, most people suffering from drug addiction begin their “career” at a young age.

Tobacco smoking is a global problem

Another bad habit that is among the ubiquitous. People have been exposed to smoking since the dawn of humanity, and to this day this deadly addiction has not diminished its influence.

Tobacco smoking is one of the dangerous addictions, this bad habit has a global scale

The fight against tobacco addiction has long gone beyond the boundaries of one state. All developed countries have various types of anti-tobacco laws that prohibit smoking in public places. Strict restrictions on the sale of cigarettes have also been introduced.

The consequences of tobacco addiction are especially fraught for the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. With constant smoking occurs:

  • stopping metabolic processes;
  • significant narrowing of blood vessels;
  • a persistent decrease in the level of oxygen in a person’s blood.

These symptoms form a global bleeding disorder, which leads to the formation of blood clots. The result is infarction, ischemia and heart failure.

The lungs also suffer - according to statistics, in 60% of cases of respiratory oncology diagnosed, it is due to long-term smoking.

You should break up with this deadly habit immediately, without putting the process on hold.. You can try replacing tobacco cigarettes with electronic ones or gradually reducing the amount of tobacco products you smoke.

Or, with the help of medications, patches, coding and medications, forget about your dangerous hobby forever. Remember, to get the feeling of euphoria and pleasant relaxation, there are healthier ways.

Gambling addiction - as a mental need

Addiction to various types of computer games is a special form of bad habit. Its formation occurs at the mental level. At its core, gambling addiction is a pathologically persistent hobby that develops in a person due to:

  1. Insolvency.
  2. Pathological timidity.
  3. Fatal loneliness.
  4. Life dissatisfaction.

Feeling afraid of normal human communication, the gamer is completely immersed in virtual worlds. After all, only there can he feel like a strong and successful person. This method of self-realization deeply draws a person in and develops from a bad habit into a persistent addiction.

Gambling addiction and gambling addiction are included in the list of diseases according to the international classification

Gambling addiction has its own version - gambling addiction. This is a psychological dependence on various gambling games (not computer games).

Ludomania was widespread in Russia quite recently, before the widespread closure of gaming clubs and casinos. People with this habit put all their savings there. Fortunately, at the moment they were able to eradicate this hobby by banning slot machines and casinos.

Shopaholism is a female addiction

Symptoms of shopaholism

This bad habit has another name - “oniomania”. Shopaholism is a passionate desire to buy yourself at least something, even unnecessary things. This is a purely female addiction, sucking almost the entire budget from the family. The development and formation of such a bad habit is associated with psychological factors:

  • loneliness;
  • self-doubt;
  • lack of attention to one's own person.

Women find peace in buying a variety of goods, sometimes meaningless and unnecessary. Such persons have to lie to their relatives and husbands about the money spent. Shopaholics often take out large loans and are unable to pay off serious debts.

Overeating is a habit on the verge of illness

The tendency to gluttony is most widespread in the modern world. Constant stress, life on the verge of a nervous breakdown, a frenzied rhythm - all this takes a heavy toll on the psyche and can provoke uncontrolled eating. People who are already overweight face this problem more often.. The impetus for the development of this bad habit is:

  • experienced shock;
  • nervous shocks;
  • stressful situations.

Seeing no way out of a difficult situation, people find comfort in eating food. This habit quickly develops into a real addiction. What awaits a person? Obesity and global disorders in the functioning of all internal organs, leading to premature death.

People who are overweight are more likely to overeat

This problem is relevant only for countries with developed infrastructure, where there is an abundance and variety of food products. This phenomenon requires mandatory and long-term treatment using psychocorrection methods, and sometimes surgical intervention.

Other common harmful hobbies

In addition to addictions, which have a detrimental effect on a person’s physical and mental health, there are other habits. They are not so dangerous, but sometimes they cause hostility from others. What else is a person prone to?

Nail biting. A habit from childhood. It develops due to increased emotionality, stress and anxiety. Often a child begins to bite his nails, imitating adults who suffer from this addiction. Such a hobby, in addition to being unaesthetic, can lead to the development of nervous diseases and health problems. After all, pathogenic viruses and bacteria can be found under the nails.

Skin picking. This habit is most common among women. Even at a young age, striving for an ideal appearance, young ladies constantly try to squeeze out pimples (even non-existent ones). This addiction can provoke severe skin diseases and various neuroses.

Rhinotillexomania. This sonorous word means nothing more than picking your nose. In addition to the repulsive process (especially when the person enthusiastically eats the contents of the nose), rhinotillexomania is fraught with constant nosebleeds. Severe forms of addiction are especially dangerous when the mucous membrane is seriously injured.

Consequences of bad habits

The impact of such addictions on the human body and psyche is so great that even developed, modern medicine sometimes does not find effective methods of getting rid of addictions. After all, addiction formed at the psychological level cannot be treated with medication.

In this case, only an experienced and qualified psychologist can provide assistance. And this therapeutic course is long and quite complex. Even in this case, it is not always possible to free the individual from the hobbies that overwhelm him. Without timely and comprehensive help, the consequences of these bad habits are quite unpleasant and lead to:

  • loss of appetite;
  • loss of oneself as an individual;
  • global sleep disorder;
  • suicidal thoughts and attempts;
  • problems with communication, in the family and at work;
  • irreversible changes in the functioning of internal organs;
  • deterioration of mental and intellectual activity.

Methods for dealing with addictions

Ways to get rid of bad habits are sometimes tough and drastic. First of all, they require a person’s complete renunciation of his destructive hobby. And for this you need to have willpower and the desire to become a full-fledged person. An important role is played by the support of family and relatives, as well as the skill and qualifications of doctors.

Methods for eradicating bad habits depend on the presence of the problem itself, its characteristics and the degree of manifestation.

Some control methods should be applied immediately, while others, additional ones, should be introduced into therapy gradually. The most effective methods of getting rid of bad habits include various psychocorrectional measures. Sometimes a change of environment or place of residence helps. Sometimes doctors also use medications.

Bad habits

A habit is an established way of behavior, the implementation of which in a certain situation acquires the character of a need for an individual.

Many bad habits have the nature of addiction, that is, a person knows about the dangers of the habit, but cannot get rid of it because it brings short-term pleasure or relief. But there are bad habits caused by other reasons, for example, the habit of not fulfilling what was promised is caused by the inability to refuse an impossible request, the habit of being late is caused by the lack of some useful habits. Some bad habits persist because the person is unaware of his habit or does not consider it harmful (at least for himself).


Smoking- a type of household drug addiction that involves inhaling the smoke of drugs, usually of plant origin, smoldering in the flow of inhaled air, with the aim of saturating the body with the active substances they contain through their sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract. As a rule, it is used for the use of narcotic drugs (tobacco, hashish, marijuana, opium, crack, cocaine, etc.) due to the rapid flow of blood saturated with psychoactive substances into the brain.



Addiction- a chronic progressive disease caused by the use of drug substances, characterized by a phase course and the presence in its structure of several stage-by-stage developing syndromes. In everyday life and in legal practice, however, the concept of drug addiction includes any use of illegal psychoactive substances, including non-addictive substances (for example, marijuana or LSD).

Gaming addictions

  • Ludomania is a pathological addiction to gambling. It consists of frequent repeated episodes of participation in gambling, which leads to their dominance in the subject’s life and leads to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values. Some researchers also equate trading in the stock and foreign exchange markets to gambling.
  • Gaming addiction is a penchant for computer games (including online games).


Procrastination is the habit of putting off important things “for later.”

Skin picking

This could be picking the skin of the face and/or body, scalp, finger skin, etc.

Sometimes it is in the nature of a habit of independently getting rid of imperfections on the face - independent mechanical cleansing of the face, in the worst case - the habit of constantly touching the skin and squeezing out inflamed areas with nails or picking off drying sores. At the same time, there is a high probability of even greater inflammation, as well as deterioration of the skin condition, the formation of scars, large open pores, including the danger of blood poisoning. In rare cases, the owner of this habit picks the skin and puts the contents in his mouth.


  • This habit may hide neurosis caused by stress and expressed in the need to inflict physical pain on oneself after receiving emotional pain - pantonomy. Inflicting physical pain on yourself brings temporary peace; if you forbid yourself from doing so, withdrawal may occur, anxiety may appear, and the habit will transform into new, different forms - picking your nose, biting your nails, etc.
  • The same neurosis can be expressed in the need to constantly use the hands - in the constant activation of fine motor skills. Transforms into a kind of ritual to calm the nerves.
  • Mania for the perfect face: the slightest unevenness or pimple causes displeasure and a desire to remove it by picking it off.
  • The problem of psychosomatics is obsessive actions, obsessive hand movements, rituals.


  • volitional attitude
  • distracting items for hands: rosary beads, balls, expander, knitting and embroidery, etc.
  • sedatives (herbs)
  • consultation with a psychologist (elimination of the cause - stress)

Other bad habits

  • Technomania
  • Oniomania (shopaholism)
  • TV addiction (risk group - teenagers and pensioners)
  • Internet surfing (dependence on the Internet and computer)
  • Nail biting
  • Chew a pencil or pen
  • Kicking your teeth
  • Ear picking
  • Click your joints (fingers, neck, etc.)
  • gambling addiction

see also

  • Bad habits (cartoon)



  • VTsIOM statistics on bad habits of Russians (Retrieved October 26, 2009)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    bad habit- noun an action that is automatically repeated many times, and this action is harmful from the point of view of the public good, others or the health of the person himself who has fallen under the bondage of a bad habit. Bad habits are not... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

A person acquires bad habits faster than good ones, and it is very difficult to get rid of them; it requires a lot of effort. Scientists have proven that it takes several months or years for a person to get used to good habits, but even a week is enough for harmful ones. For this purpose, a special study was carried out. I had to drink a glass of fresh juice every morning and run. Some did only part of the task, others did it not constantly, but after a few days. Everyone got used to it only after 4 months.

Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, delicious food produce the hormone of happiness, it is almost impossible to get rid of them.

What is a habit?

We can talk about a habit when a person constantly, without thinking about it, performs the same actions, without making much effort.

A habit can easily appear. For example, when a person is just learning to drive a car, it is difficult for him to get used to everything; later, he does everything automatically.

Habits, especially bad ones, are very difficult to break; to do this you need to constantly control yourself.

Bad human habits

This type has a negative impact on a person’s life; bad habits prevent one from being fully realized in life and bring many problems both to oneself and to the people around him.

List of good and bad habits. Harmful:

  1. Smoking
  2. Alcohol
  3. Substance abuse
  4. Drug and gaming addiction
  5. Drug abuse
  6. Binge eating

Such habits are not so dangerous, but still unpleasant - loud laughter, rudeness, bad manners. Psychologists consider bad habits as a disease; they are confident that they need to be treated. It is believed that if a person is exposed to them, it means that he is not all right with his psyche, he has an unstable nervous system. For example, we can talk about a nervous disorder if a person constantly bites his nails, picks his nose, behaves aggressively, overeats, is jealous of everything, sleeps a lot and works little.

Useful human habits

It is very important to develop this type of habit, and you will immediately notice how your life has changed for the better, since with the help of healthy habits you can improve your health, gain beauty and feel like a full-fledged person.

List of good and bad habits. Useful:

  1. The successful person who gets up early is the one who sleeps 7:00 a night, because he manages to do everything and feels good. Anyone who sleeps until one o'clock in the afternoon and goes to bed late cannot achieve the necessary goal in life, because of this he has various problems and difficulties.
  2. You need to eat healthy, balanced and rational. Avoid fried, spicy, smoked foods and replace these foods with fruits and vegetables. There is no need to constantly abuse fast food, Pepsi and other products that not only spoil your appearance, but also affect your health. It is best to consume various cereals, they are very healthy, as well as fresh juices, a complex of vitamins and minerals. And most importantly, know when to eat in moderation, don’t overeat - this is a very bad and dangerous habit. Don't forget to have breakfast, it is in the morning that you saturate your body with energy.
  3. Be happy with what you have, be grateful to everyone and everything. This habit is very difficult to develop in yourself. But know that in nature there is a law of energy exchange, which says that as much as you give, you will receive as much. If you are constantly positive, share your joy with others, give your energy to people, it will immediately return to you, you will get sick less. People who constantly accumulate negativity, jealousy, envy, hatred in themselves are not happy, they have many different diseases, it has already been proven that they are the ones most often prone to cancer. Therefore, you need to rejoice in everything.
  4. Never envy someone else's life, pay attention to your life.
  5. Try to do more than you planned, then you won’t be late, worry or experience stress.
  6. You need to live for today, you don’t need to wait for what will happen, you need to enjoy what is here and now. Because if a person hopes that the future will be the way he wants, but this does not work out, he begins to worry a lot and may fall into a depressed state.
  7. You cannot live in the past, this is a very bad habit, it is even worse when a person lives in the future, because new opportunities do not open up for a person, he begins to withdraw into himself, does not move forward, and this is very dangerous for the psyche.
  8. Always remain optimistic, you don’t need to pump yourself up with negative thoughts, try to look at the problem in a completely different way, then you will be happy and healthy. Scientists have already proven that pessimists have much more diseases than optimists.
  9. Play your favorite sport.
  10. Walk in the fresh air as much as possible, it fills your body with the necessary amount of oxygen.

How to develop a good habit and get rid of a bad one

Remember, everything depends on you, you will need enough time and willpower. To get rid of a bad habit, you need to create special conditions for this. If you want to quit smoking, do not pay attention to cigarettes in the store, buy something else. When you want to eat less, shop for the week and put only healthy foods in the refrigerator.

Constantly monitor your subconscious; if you cannot do this on your own, ask for help from a person close to you.

The NLP method helps well, for this you need to sit down, completely relax and begin to clear your head of all extraneous thoughts, turn off everything that torments you, sit like this for up to 10 minutes. Remember, nothing should disturb you, so the place should be calm and quiet. Then imagine yourself without bad habits, convince yourself that your life will improve for the better, how good you feel without alcohol, smoking, etc. Imagine yourself as a successful and happy person, you did it, which means your self-hypnosis is effective.

Make sure you have more good habits in your life than bad ones!