Prof. Neumyvakin. Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich. Reviews negative and positive

You can treat it differently alternative medicine, but we cannot ignore the fact that in Lately it occupies an increasingly larger place in our lives, and that’s all more people show interest in her.

Professor I.P. Neumyvakin, based on own experience, developed a simple, and at the same time effective, health system.

It is based on the assertion that illness is a state of malfunction in health that occurs under certain circumstances and can be gotten rid of with the help of a wide range of methods. available funds.

Who is Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin?

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is a professor of medicine who devoted almost his entire life to the search for simple and available methods treatment of diseases. The future professor of medicine was born in 1928 into a working-class family. After graduating from school, he entered medical school.

But the successful medical career of the future professor began in the army, where he, as a promising doctor, was sent to aviation medicine courses.

Having completed the course with honors, he went to serve in the Far East as an aviation doctor.

But the most interesting job was waiting for him ahead at the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine, where for a long time the professor was engaged in the study of the human body and the development of drugs and medical equipment for astronauts.

Now he is developing and popularizing health programs based on the principle of restoring the body’s full functioning using internal reserves and widely available means.

Features of Dr. Neumyvakin’s technique

People are used to being treated. For any disease, first of all, consult a doctor, take a bunch of different medications that do not always help, but often have side effects, spend a lot of money on them, while enriching the manufacturers of these same drugs. Although, no doctors or medicines can help cure diseases better than ourselves.

According to the doctor, the human body is a single bioenergetic and bioinformational, self-regulating system, and disease is just a violation acid-base balance body, as a result of slagging.

By cleansing the body of toxins, you can completely recover from diseases without the use of medications.

The doctor teaches people to use the internal reserves of the human body for treatment, natural medicines and improvised means.

The principles of recovery are very simple - you need to maintain the acid-base balance, eat well-chewed, almost liquid food, drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day.

Treatment with soda and peroxide according to Neumyvakin

Among the most effective techniques In order to improve the health of the doctor, the main place is occupied by the use of solutions of soda and hydrogen peroxide - natural and publicly available remedies with strong antiseptic and bactericidal properties.

The root cause of many diseases, according to Neumyvakin, is a violation of the acid-base balance, and ordinary baking soda helps restore it.

According to many years of research, soda can thin the blood and restore its natural properties.

Regular consumption of baking soda helps cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol, remove salts from the body and even dissolve kidney stones, and also helps eliminate toxins from the body that are produced during and.

Soda solutions also help cleanse the body of toxic substances when, drug addiction, smoking abuse, as well as radiation exposure.

The effect of soda on the human body

Treatment with soda: how to take it? To avoid negative experiences, treatment with soda should begin with small doses, gradually increasing the dosage to half a teaspoon. Using treatment baking soda, you need to know that for oral administration it must be dissolved in clean water or warm milk.

The solution should be taken three times a day, approximately thirty minutes before or two hours after eating. The duration of treatment with soda may vary. As the doctor wrote, treatment with soda is not a universal recipe for everyone.

Some people need two weeks of use, others need at least six months, and others can take the solution constantly. Everyone must make the decision themselves, based on their own well-being.

Violation of cellular nutrition and redox conditions is another cause of disease.

Modern lifestyle, environmental degradation, large amounts of preservatives in food and other factors lead to the fact that the body receives much less oxygen than it needs.

By experimental research, the doctor came to the conclusion that the lack of oxygen in the body can be compensated for by taking hydrogen peroxide. In the human body, the drug breaks down into water and atomic oxygen, with the help of which the healing process actually occurs.

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antiseptic and is used to treat various infectious, viral, and fungal diseases, promotes cell regeneration and rejuvenation of the body.

Taking the drug has a good effect on cardiovascular system, prevents the development, is used to treat bronchitis and other pulmonary diseases, hinders development.

Basic rules for taking soda

When taking the drug orally in medicinal purposes Several general rules must be followed:

  1. You should start taking it with one or two drops of the product diluted in clean water, increasing by one drop daily;
  2. the maximum dose at one time is ten drops, it cannot be exceeded;
  3. You can take the medicine no more than three times a day;
  4. should not be consumed with meals, only on an empty stomach.

Be sure to take breaks from taking the drug, for example, after ten days of taking it, a five-day break. Resumption of use begins with ten drops; the dose cannot be increased, since high concentration products in the body can cause burns. Combining the drug with chemical medications is also contraindicated.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is possible intravenous administration. This procedure must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Hydrogen peroxide, in the form of instillations and rinses, helps well with sinusitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, toothache, and in the form of compresses - with skin diseases, osteochondrosis and various pain sensations.


Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide have been used as medicines for quite some time and have long proven their effectiveness.

However, they also have some contraindications for use, which must definitely be known and taken into account during the treatment process, if only in order not to get a result opposite to the desired one. Soda and hydrogen peroxide cannot be used as medicine for:

  • individual intolerance or the presence of allergic reactions;
  • ulcers and other stomach diseases, as they can cause bleeding;
  • at increased acidity, because it can lead to the opposite result;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • at ;
  • cancer diseases third stage;
  • admission to children under 5 years of age.


According to the doctor, all the reserves necessary for the health of the body are inherent in the body itself.

Therefore, a person is quite capable of doing without chemical drugs, and eliminating malfunctions in the body with the help of medicinal plants and such readily available products as baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. The main thing is to listen to your body and help it a little.

Video: Doctor Neumyvakin treatment with soda

Treatment regimens with soda and hydrogen peroxide according to the Neumyvakin method.

Professor Neumyvanin is an academician who developed methods for treating astronauts in conditions spaceship. He had to find out what medications could be taken in space if health problems occurred. It turned out that there were none.

Hydrogen peroxide: medicinal properties according to the Neumyvakin method

According to the professor, hydrogen peroxide is found in every body. It is she who helps fight many ailments. Accordingly, taking peroxide, you will be able to avoid and cure many ailments.

Medicinal properties:

  • Fights free radicals
  • Improves metabolism
  • Improves blood composition
  • Helps neutralize excess cholesterol
  • Helps regulate the amount of certain hormones
  • Does not accumulate in tissues during long-term use
  • Saturates cells with oxygen
  • Removes waste from the intestines
medicinal properties according to the Neumyvakin method

Scheme for taking hydrogen peroxide and soda orally at the same time according to Neumyvakin

You cannot drink soda and peroxide at the same time. This is due to the neutralization reaction of soda with peroxide. Take substances separately from each other. Ideally, the interval between doses should be 30-60 minutes.

Instructions for taking soda and peroxide:

  • Early in the morning on an empty stomach, add a drop of perhydrol to a tablespoon of water. After taking the solution, do not eat for 30 minutes. Then drink a glass of warm water with baking soda dissolved in it on the tip of a spoon.
  • Gradually increase the amount of baking soda and peroxide daily. The amount of perhydrol is increased daily by 1 drop in each dose. In total, you need to drink the solution three times a day.
  • As a result, you need to take solutions of soda and peroxide for 10 days. The amount of substance per day can reach 30 drops. Maximum amount soda - 1 teaspoon at a time.

Oral administration according to Neumyvakin

Treatment and prevention of influenza and colds with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin: recipe

Colds and flu should be treated with this medication by instillation into the sinuses. Peroxide kills everything pathogenic microorganisms in the nose, and the disease is cured faster.


  • Take a glass of boiled water and cool it. It should be slightly warm.
  • Take a spoonful of water into a separate container and add 6 drops of peroxide.
  • Fill the liquid into a syringe without a needle and inject half a portion of the solution into each nostril.
  • Apply instillations 3-4 times a day. Add a spoonful of bee nectar to the rest of the water and take on an empty stomach.

Rinsing the nose with hydrogen peroxide to treat a runny nose, sinusitis according to Neumyvakin: recipe

For sinusitis and sinusitis, perhydrol - effective remedy. It is necessary to rinse the nasal passages.


  • Boil water and cool it to 35 °C. Add 30 drops of peroxide.
  • Pour the solution into a teapot or syringe. Tilt your head a little.
  • Insert the tip of the teapot or syringe into the nostril. The solution should be poured out through the other nasal passage.
  • Carry out rinsing 3-5 times a day.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide, throat, laryngitis, cough: recipe for rinses, inhalations according to Neumyvakin

Peroxide is an effective remedy for treating a throat. It will help get rid of laryngitis, cough and adenoiditis.


  • Dissolve 20 ml of perhydrol in 240 ml of warm boiled water
  • Take chamomile decoction into another glass
  • Put a little peroxide solution in your mouth and tilt your head back
  • Rinse your mouth and spit out the used solution.
  • When you have used up the entire glass of solution, rinse your mouth with chamomile infusion

Treatment of throat, laryngitis, cough: recipe for rinses, inhalations according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

Peroxide perfectly kills foot and nail fungus. For treatment, baths with the substance are used.


  • Dissolve 100 ml of solution in 2000 ml of warm water
  • Submerge lower limbs in a bowl and leave for a third of an hour
  • Use scissors to remove the softened nail
  • Carry out the procedure daily, filing off the softened nail

Treatment of nail fungus according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of papilloma with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

With the help of peroxide it is quite easy to get rid of nevi and papillomas.


  • Moisten cotton swab in perhydrol solution and lubricate the neoplasm
  • Repeat the procedure 5-7 times a day. After about 7 days, a crust will appear on top of the papilloma
  • After a month of regular use of peroxide, the papilloma will disappear

Treatment of papilloma according to Neumyvakin

The use of hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin for douching for female diseases

Peroxide - excellent remedy for the treatment of female diseases. The substance is used to treat candidiasis, erosion and inflammation of the cervix.


  • Fill a glass with 220 ml of warm boiled water and add 20 ml of peroxide with a concentration of 3%
  • Stir the solution and draw it into a syringe
  • Place the nozzle of the douche into the vagina and inject the entire solution
  • Douche morning and evening

Use according to Neumyvakin for douching for female diseases

Treatment of hearing loss with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

An undiluted solution is used to treat hearing loss.


  • Lie on a pillow with your affected ear facing up
  • Take a little peroxide into a pipette and add 2-3 drops
  • Don't worry, some foam may appear, this is completely normal.
  • Carry out the procedure daily. It can be used to dissolve sulfur plugs

Treatment of hearing loss according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of prostatitis with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

To treat prostatitis, perhydrol is injected into the rectum. This helps kill pathogens and reduce the size of the prostate gland.


  • Fill a container with 220 ml of warm boiled water. Add 20 ml of peroxide into it and average
  • Take the enema solution and insert it into the anus
  • Before the procedure you need to do a cleansing enema
  • Carry out the procedure before going to bed. It will relieve pain and reduce the number of urges to go to the toilet.
Treatment of prostatitis according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of hemorrhoids with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

For hemorrhoids, perhydrol can be used internally or externally. Used inside weak solution. It is necessary to dissolve a drop of peroxide in 50 ml of water and drink this portion three times a day. Increase the amount of peroxide by one drop daily.


  • The remedy for hemorrhoids can be used externally
  • Needs to be soaked sterile bandage solution and apply to the node
  • The compress should be left for 20 minutes.

Treatment of hemorrhoids according to Neumyvakin

Eye rinsing and treatment with hydrogen peroxide for glaucoma, retina according to Neumyvakin

Peroxide is widely used to treat eye diseases. Perhydrol copes most effectively with conjunctivitis and infectious diseases. But the solution can be used to treat glaucoma.


  • To wash the eyes, use a 0.5-1% solution
  • It is necessary to dissolve one spoon of the product in 6 spoons of boiled water
  • Pipette some liquid and drop it into your eyes three times a day.

treatment of glaucoma, retina according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of stroke with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

A stroke is a disruption of blood flow to the brain (cerebral stroke) or spinal cord (spinal stroke). Clinical studies have shown that intravenous administration of H2O2 at the initial stage of the disease leads to rapid recovery.


  • When using the drug intravenously, use a fairly weak solution

Treatment of stroke according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

For joint pain, perhydrol is used orally.


  • Dissolve a drop of the substance in 200 ml of warm water and drink on an empty stomach
  • Every day, increase the amount of perhydrol by 1 drop until the number of drops reaches 50
  • After this, reduce the dose by one drop until you reach one

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of hypertension with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

Peroxide increases blood fluidity, so the symptoms of hypertension disappear.


  • In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of solution. To prepare it, dissolve a drop of the substance in 220 ml of water.
  • Increase the amount of peroxide to 10 per day, one at a time
  • After this, take a week break
  • After a break on the first day, dissolve 10 drops in 200 ml of water
  • Take exactly the same for 2 more days
  • Break for three days and again drink a solution with 10 drops of peroxide for three days
  • Treatment is carried out until symptoms disappear

Treatment of hypertension according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of cancer with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

The metabolism in abnormal cells is indeed different from the metabolism of normal tissue cells. This is why oxygen deficiency is observed in the layers of some tumors that do not have capillaries. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs on tumors and radiation therapy. Saturation of tumor tissues with oxygen atoms allows the situation to be corrected. However, to deliver oxygen ions to cancerous tissues, specialists do not use perhydrol injections, but completely different methods. Experts consider experiments with perhydrol on cancer tumors dangerous. This can lead to accelerated progression of the disease.

Treatment of cancer according to Neumyvakin

The use of peroxide for constipation, bowel cleansing with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

More information about cleansing the intestines with peroxide using the Neumyvakin method can be seen in the video.

VIDEO: Colon cleansing according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of hepatitis with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

To treat hepatitis, an intravenous method is used or classic way oral administration according to the standard regimen.

Instructions for treating hepatitis with intravenous H2O2:

  • Fill the syringe with 20 ml of saline solution and 0.3-0.4 ml of peroxide
  • Divide the entire dose into three parts. Enter 1/3 serving
  • That is, there will be three injections per day

Treatment of hepatitis according to Neumyvakin

IN in this case The product is used orally, that is, you need to drink the solution.


  • Dissolve 5 drops of the substance in 210 ml of warm water and take on an empty stomach
  • Next dose in the evening, you need to pour 5 drops of the solution into 210 ml of warm water
  • Take for several months

Treatment of arrhythmia, heart according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of the thyroid gland with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

To treat the thyroid gland, it is necessary to adjust your diet. Neumyvakin’s method can help.

Instructions by day:

  1. 3 drops
  2. 4 drops
  3. 5 drops

Increase the number of drops per day to 25. The solution is taken once, early in the morning on an empty stomach. Peroxide is diluted warm water(220 ml).

Treatment of the thyroid gland according to Neumyvakin

The use of hydrogen peroxide for Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is a progressive disease of the brain. To treat the disease, you can safely use a perhydrol solution.


  • Dilute 30 ml of perhydrol 3% in 80 ml of warm water
  • Carefully average and soak a piece of fabric in the solution
  • Apply the compress to the sore spot for 30-40 minutes

The use of perhydrol in Parkinson's disease

Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

Psoriasis is a systemic disease that affects internal organs. Therefore Neumyvakin recommends oral administration drug.


  • Add 1 drop of product to a glass and pour in warm water. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach
  • Also take this solution at lunchtime and in the evening.
  • Increase daily serving by 1 drop daily
  • When the number of drops reaches 30 per day, take a break for 7 days

Treatment of psoriasis according to Neumyvakin

Treatment of otitis media with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

A diluted solution is used to treat otitis media. It helps remove pathogenic microflora inside the auricle.


  • Dilute 15 drops of peroxide in 25 ml of warm water
  • Carefully average everything and soak the cotton wool
  • Place one swab in each ear
  • Keep the tampons in your ears for 1 hour

Treatment of otitis according to Neumyvakin

Baths with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

Baths with this substance will help you relax, relieve stress and cure skin ailments.


  • Take a full bath of water and pour 10-15 100 ml bottles of regular 3% perhydrol into it
  • Stir and take a bath for 15-25 minutes
  • The solution temperature should be 37-42 °C
  • Carry out procedures before bedtime

Baths according to Neumyvakin

Advice from Professor Neumyvakin about hydrogen peroxide

Try not to exceed the dose of the substance. In large doses, the drug can have a toxic effect on the body.

Neumyvakin's advice:

  • When taking the solution orally, mild discomfort may occur
  • If you have diarrhea or constipation while taking medicinal solution, stop taking it for 1-2 days
  • At constant weakness, do not rush to increase the concentration of the solution
  • Combine peroxide with vitamin C
  • A lot of vitamin C is contained in rosehip decoction. No need to add sugar

Advice from Professor Neumyvakin

As you can see, peroxide is not only a remedy for external use, but also for internal use. Before using the method, consult your doctor.

VIDEO: Neumyvakin and peroxide

Doctor of Medical Sciences, world-famous professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is famous to a wide circle professional doctors and physicians involved in alternative medicine. For more than forty years, the professor has been devoting his life to the treatment and improvement of human health, placing the main emphasis on the means that Nature has given. Scientific works published by him have been helping to master the secrets of longevity and health for many years. Dr. Neumyvakin considers treatment with soda a panacea and gives it an important role in his methods of getting rid of many ailments.

Soda treatment system according to Neumyvakin

For many years, Neumyvakin calls treatment with baking soda in a universal way control and prevention various diseases. The doctor devoted many years to developing the soda treatment method. A large number of his scientific publications and videos are based on the assertion that soda in connection with water can work real miracles with human body. The book “Soda - Myths and Reality” by Ivan Neumyvakin has become a real bestseller.

By thinning and renewing the structure of the blood, this chemical element helps get rid of diseases such as:

  • salt deposits;
  • kidney stones;
  • cholesterol plaques.

This is an incomplete list of ailments that soda can help cope with. The effectiveness of treatment is noticeable after taking sodium bicarbonate after 15 minutes. During this period, a reaction occurs, as a result of which the acid-base balance is normalized, blood cells are cleansed and renewed, and blood pressure is normalized.

According to Dr. Neumyvakin, one of the main problems that a person faces is acid-base imbalance, the indicator of which should ideally be unchanged throughout life and on a scale chosen from 0 to 14 have an indicator of seven. Everything below level 0 is acid, everything above 7 is alkali. Index 14 indicates that a person has a serious illness, which may include cancer, stroke, and others that lead to death.

You need to know that the acid in the stomach is concentrated and has a value of 0.2 - 0.3, in oral cavity- 7.4 - 7.8, in the colon - 9, in 12 duodenum— 6 — 9, in small intestine — 6.

Professor Neumyvakin recommends starting treatment with soda with very small doses, observing exact schedule reception healing composition. The solution should not be cold, since the body will expend a lot of energy to heat it. In some cases, honey and baking soda can be combined in a solution. Neumyvakin calls treatment with soda effective only if the solutions use a non-expired product and good quality, “correct” water.

Treatment regimen

There is a certain scheme for how to drink soda according to Neumyvakin so that this index is always normal:

  1. You need to drink soda dissolved in water or warm milk at least three times a day.
  2. The basic dosage for one dose is to add 0.25 tsp to 1 glass of liquid. soda It is enough for young people to drink 2 glasses, for older people - 3 glasses per day.
  3. Taking soda according to Neumyvakin involves gradual increase her dose. So after a three-day course of a quarter spoon, the dose should be increased to 1 tbsp. l. They do it according to this scheme: 0.25 tsp. up to 1 tsp. - twice a day, 2 hours after meals and 1 hour before. Follow these instructions for 3 days, then take a break for 3 days and continue with an increased dose of soda.
  4. In the future, the composition should be taken 15 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals.
  5. After pouring soda into a glass, pour it with prepared boiling water (half a glass). The characteristic reaction of dissolving the soda powder will begin.
  6. The resulting composition is diluted with chilled (the second half of the glass) liquid and drunk. The solution should not be hot or cold (500C).
  7. The solution is drunk for the first time in the morning on an empty stomach, since the effectiveness of treatment is much higher on an empty stomach.
  8. There is no significant difference in how to mix liquid and soda.

Who is contraindicated from taking soda solutions?

Before starting treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin, how to take it, the doctor advises patients to undergo medical examination your health condition in order to identify existing contraindications. The most dangerous diseases which may worsen as a result of treatment and lead to negative results, are:

  • stage three cancer;
  • allergic reactions of the body with increased sensitivity to sodium bicarbonate;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • elevated and reduced rate acidity;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy.

A contraindication in the question of how to take soda according to Neumyvakin is overeating, in which accumulated gases after taking soda can cause stomach upset.

According to Neumyvakin, it is better to start treating cancer with soda and other serious illnesses at initial stages development. In addition, it is worth considering that soda neutralizes the effect acetylsalicylic acid and it should not be taken together with this drug.

According to the opinion voiced by Neumyvakin, baking soda can be used as a medicine not only for internal reception, but also as a composition for enema, rinsing the mouth, as a solution for bathing and cleansing the skin of the face.

For colon cleansing with enema from a soda solution, you need to take one and a half liters of warm boiled water, add 1 tbsp. l. soda and use Esmarch's mug to carry out the douching procedure. The doctor advises doing this cleansing of the body with soda every day. But later, you can switch to procedures every other day.

In case of sudden onset attack of increased heart rate needs to be dissolved in a glass hot water 0.5 tsp. soda and drink.

At thermal burns Use topically baking soda diluted in a glass of water.

At poisoning with toxic substances wash the stomach with 1 liter of soda solution - 2 tsp.

Use a soda solution for hangover syndrome.

When dehydrated use soda-salt solution: for 1 liter of water - 0.5 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. salt.

Soda solutions are also used for swelling, women's ailments, skin diseases, migraines and many other diseases. You can also use baking soda when quitting smoking by rinsing your mouth with a soda solution.

According to the professor, baking soda is an excellent remedy to restore the acid-base balance in the mouth, so he suggests carrying out prevention of stomatitis and throat diseases soda rinses. Professor Neumyvakin's book gives a number of tips and recipes on how to use this wonderful remedy.

Treatment with soda and peroxide according to Neumyvakin

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical element necessary for the human body. Neumyvakin talks about soda and hydrogen peroxide as one of the most effective complex therapeutic techniques. Like soda, peroxide has strong bactericidal and antiseptic properties.

Why is it worth using soda and peroxide in combination? Before the onset of old age, the human body produces an acid necessary for internal processes, which is similar to hydrogen peroxide. But after a shortage of its production, the question of its replenishment by artificial means becomes relevant.

Neumyvakin offers for the purpose of delivery to the body required quantity acids, use a method proven over the years - treatment with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. This technique involves separate treatment with these components.

It is strictly forbidden to take such strong substances at the same time, as this may cause active reaction, which will cause an increase in body temperature. The interval between taking solutions should be at least 30 minutes.

An excellent solution simultaneous use Soda and peroxide can only be a local treatment - washing, douching, rinsing. For purulent processes in the ears and nasopharynx, rinsing helps soda solution throat and rinsing the nasal canals with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. To do this, fill a syringe without a needle with peroxide solution and rinse the nasal sinuses - 20 drops of the drug per 1/4 glass of water. Treatment can be carried out simultaneously by ingesting soda and local treatment peroxide, which will significantly accelerate and enhance the healing effect.

Neumyvakin’s method of healing with soda, which was used by many patients, as well as their positive reviews talk about its effectiveness. This once again proves the idea voiced by the professor that a person should live in harmony with nature and skillfully use what it gives him.

Ecology of health: 20 years ago, the medical circles of America were shocked by a quiet sensation; studies confirmed the successful use of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 internally. For the treatment of brain diseases.

20 years ago, the medical circles of America were shocked by a quiet sensation; studies confirmed the successful use of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 internally. For the treatment of brain diseases.

Yes, yes, exactly that cheap and widely available peroxide that is used to treat wounds in our poor hospitals and clinics. Which once cleaned teeth until dazzling white, blonde fashionistas bleached their hair, the cost of a bottle (50 ml) in a pharmacy is now equal to the price of a tram ticket.

But gradually passions subsided, and in the future the rapid development of antibiotics almost completely undermined interest medical business to the “three-kopeck” drug H2O2, which does not ring a coin.

The idea of ​​"oxygenation"
In the 90s, it was found that cancer tumors develop rapidly only in an anaerobic (oxygen-free) environment, when body tissues experience oxygen starvation(hypoxia). The famous German biochemist Otto Warburg received Nobel Prize for his research into the connection between oxygen and cancer. He concluded that tumors appear more often in those parts of the body that are poorly supplied with oxygen, and that in reality normal cells transform into malignant due to lack of oxygen. The expensive idea of ​​“oxygenation”, the saturation of body tissues with oxygen, arose. And suddenly!

American doctor Farr makes the following discovery in 1998: better oxygen saturation of tissues occurs by introducing into the blood... hydrogen peroxide! When administered intravenously, H2O2 causes an increase in speed metabolic processes 2 - 3 times!

Hydrogen peroxide is clear liquid tasteless and odorless. Hydrogen peroxide is also called perhydrol, hydroperite, hyperon, laperol... H2O2 - oxygen-containing medicine, discovered by the French chemist Tenard L.Zh. in 1818, he called it “oxidized water.” Hydrogen peroxide is a strong antiseptic and is widely used throughout the world as an external disinfectant and hemostatic agent.

The father of the internal use of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 in Russia was Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, who is called the man of the year 2002. He began research on H2O2 back in 1966, working at the closed research institute for medical and biological problems in medical support for space flights. His article in the “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” ( Healthy Image Life No. 5,209 2002) was like a bomb exploding. The newspaper's editorial office received a flurry of letters and calls from grateful readers of healthy lifestyle, who had already been cured, being in an almost hopeless condition.

More than 6,000 articles have now been written about internal use H2O2, which is revolutionizing medicine. What diseases can be treated with hydrogen peroxide H2O2? Cerebrovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases, angina pectoris, asthma, emphysema, leukemia, lichen, diabetes, sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's disease, migraine, cancer and even AIDS... This list alone makes you shudder:

Is it really a “panacea for all diseases”?!

The essence of Neumyvakin's discovery.
Our body is constantly attacked by viruses and microbes. Antibodies, leukocytes and granulocytes, take on the role of killers: surrounding “uninvited guests,” they produce the aggressive oxidizing agent H2O2 from water and atmospheric oxygen. H2O2 interacts with the human blood enzyme - catalase and then turns into atomic oxygen, which destroys, ages surrounding tissues and destroys everything pathological, foreign in the body, normalizes redox processes, stimulates immune system. Atomic oxygen also oxidizes fats found on the walls of arteries, preventing atherosclerosis.

Restoring and strengthening the transport conveyor (blood and lymph), the protective and support functions of the body, that is, clearing the body of slagging, helps to cure almost any disease.

Inflated bubble:

Let's start from the stove. Let's consider the state of a dozing curl up domestic dog or cats. They suddenly stretch, comically open their mouths “wider than a mitten,” stick out their tongues and yawn sweetly. A person can yawn dozens of times a day, especially when drowsy, tired, or stressed. Climbers in the mountains and pilots often yawn before taking off. For what? Deep breathing is a workout the most important body- lungs. In a sleepy and relaxed state, the lungs are filled incompletely, by about one third, and carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood. A spasm of the unopened, stuck together areas of the lungs occurs, a signal is sent to the brain, the person does deepest breath and holds his breath, inflating himself with a bubble for several seconds. Yawning is an ancient form of breathing, close to the swallowing movement of reptiles.

Breath-holding and swallowing breathing also occur during sudden physical activity: lifting weights, walking up stairs, running, swimming, bending, uncomfortable positions, working with tools - an axe, a hammer, a saw, a screwdriver, etc. Physical labor was natural state humans for millions of years. Replacing physical work machine, a person increasingly moves away from holding his breath, deep breathing, and comes to physical inactivity. Very important and useful biological rhythm powerful pumping of the lungs (heavy - easy breath) gradually disappears. Now the exercises are on deep breathing, respiratory muscle training is included in any modern exercise, aerobics, fitness, bodybuilding, occupy important place and among yogis. Here we could insert examples of evidence of a paradoxical insidious chain: (Means of comfort and coziness --> relaxed state --> shallow breathing --> pulmonary atrophy --> hypoxia --> cancer!)

Show more oxygen paradoxes?
The paradox of the last floor: In an industrial city, smog accumulates in low-lying areas. It would seem that the higher the floor, the cleaner the air! Not at all. From observations of firefighters: The higher the floor, the lower the smoke spreads throughout the apartment. From ambulance and local therapists' magazines: For 1 patient call from the first floor, there are up to 10 calls from the last floor. Like in a giant pipe in multi-storey building, stuffed with hundreds of heating devices, a powerful draft is created, a warm, stale column of exhaust air comes out into the vents of the top floors. Together with kitchen and toilet gases, tobacco smoke and the breathing of the sick throughout the entrance. And smog - harmful suspensions. Neither ventilation, nor elevator wells, nor super-tight doors can save you from fumes and aromas from below. Having slightly opened the door of the apartment on the first floor, we will make sure with the help of a thin strip of paper that the air is leaving the apartment. And at the last moment he enters the apartment. In any frost, the windows of the top floors are wide open, but fresh oxygen from the street will not flow into the rooms, this is the law of the vertical pipe - the law of nature. So, the first floors are an oxygen vent, the last floors are an exhaust pipe.

Exactly the same effect is observed even in one room, stale air and smoke accumulate under the ceiling. Both in Khrushchev-era buildings and in luxury apartments. Let's remember sleeping in old village huts: Sleeping on the floor is cold, the ceiling is stuffy. Since ancient times, churches, royal chambers, and royal castles were built with high vaults. All public premises - train stations, theaters, clubs, restaurants, schools, clinics should strive for the ideal of health - lower floor and higher ceiling. Architects of the future: do not connect apartments to a common air column, elevators and flights of stairs only outside the skyscraper, each apartment has its own ventilation. “The connection between lack of oxygen and disease is now firmly established” - W. Spencer Way.

What is the paradox of the long-lived mountaineers living at an altitude of up to 3000m above sea level? High in the mountains the air is thin, making it harder to breathe. Why does the body most often experience oxygen starvation, which leads to cancer and shortened life, not in the mountains, but in large industrial centers and megacities located below? Boiled, canned food! There is no oxygen in it, and in order to process/burn it, the body must deliver more oxygen than usual through the lungs and skin, thereby depleting the blood and tissues. Highlanders eat more often raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, drink raw spring water, and canned food from civilization reaches them less often. And it’s hard to get firewood in the mountains, so you have to save money.

“Normal life is unthinkable without rhythmic combustion and oxidation,” said Grand Master of Medicine Zalmanov. The body is a continuous process of combustion, burning food and waste cells, which is impossible without oxygen. But it turns out that the lion's share of oxygen goes to digesting food, and it is much more important for the body to receive oxygen through food and water than through the lungs. Is it harder to breathe? But the highlander shepherd has powerful lungs and strong muscles that are not accustomed to comfort.
. . . . And food enriched with oxygen!


So, hydrogen peroxide H2O2 is needed for additional pumping to atomic oxygen, which the body always lacks. And especially with physical inactivity, multi-storey buildings, boiled food and boiled water. Being carried away by boiled food, we often forget a simple truth: To adapt our body to coarse raw food, nature spent millions of years, and it takes millions more years to rebuild the body on canned food, pills and enemas. Instead of enriching food with oxygen in every possible way, we invent and improve heating devices that remove oxygen from food. And the body requires: either raw food wild nature, or boiled, but! With oxygen additives.

Professor Neumyvakin advises taking the usual 3 percent H2O2 orally, starting with 2-3 drops per spoon of water on an empty stomach 3 times a day. Add 1 drop to a spoon daily (for habituation). On day 7 there will be 10 drops per spoon of water. So, full course 10 days of taking on an empty stomach, 10 drops 3 times a day, 2-3 days break.

You can take these courses for the rest of your life. Like carbonated mineral water or kvass, like iodized salt, like bleach, which is always in tap water. In essence, this is a proposal to transfer H2O2 from drugs for painful conditions body into the daily oxygen group food additives, use as oxygen cocktails. There are no contraindications to taking hydrogen peroxide H2O2.

Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 is odorless and tasteless, can be taken “by eye”, without equipment, tools and technologies, directions and recipes. Without long lines and special rooms, without strict regimes and inconvenient procedures. A harmless bottle and a spoonful of water - it couldn’t be cheaper or simpler!

Everything is poison...

Answer to skeptics:
In ancient Sparta, the sick were thrown off a cliff. And our medicine works according to the principle: “The patient is always right, and the doctor is always obliged.” (Add in a whisper: If the patient is rich and the doctor is poor...). As a result, getting sick has become not a shame and even fashionable; there are more and more patients, and fewer and fewer doctors. The doctor is forced to balance on the edge of a scalpel, on the brink of life and death, between under/overdosing of anesthesia, between the patient and the pharmaceutical industry, between the prosecutor’s office and the insurance company. Experimenting on people is dangerous. At side effects and deaths from H2O2, all doctors would have been jailed long ago for such experiments. (Now doctors are being thrown off a cliff. For mistakes). What does a doctor need? So that he remains a doctor (and so that the sick remain!) The most convenient thing is to monitor the use of peroxide by alternative specialists at home. And in case of the first fatal outcome- prohibit. But to defame Neumyvakin and extinguish him... It won’t work, gentlemen, sharks of the oxygen-medical business and their ilk! The people won't give it.

“Everything is poison and everything is medicine”, “Only the dose makes a substance a poison or a medicine”, “No harmful substances, there are harmful concentrations" - this winged words Paracelsus, the father of pharmacology, the great physician of the Renaissance. This is the basis of medicine of all times and peoples. Why weren’t there any contraindications to taking peroxide? The secret is simple: Oxygen is one of the few chemical elements, consumed by the body in huge quantities. Always necessary for any organ, it participates in the most important metabolic and bioorganic processes. Man is a child flora and must bathe in oxygen. A “cheap bottle” entered into an unequal battle with a powerful medical machine. He suddenly stood across the throats of all the bigwigs making money from human suffering. But expensive antibiotics once began with mold. And let’s try to judge the effectiveness of H2O2 by letters.

Letters to “Vestnik ZOZH”:

- I was deleted cancerous tumor in the stomach, the family was told, it would not live long. After 3 weeks of taking H2O2 peroxide, I came back to life, my stomach was completely clear.
- I had esophageal cancer, I was fed through a catheter. After taking H2O2, the stomach and intestines began to work, and no metastases were found during the examination.
- My husband is a disabled person of the 1st group, brain contusion, loss of memory and speech. After taking H2O2 peroxide, I began to speak, remember stops, and food stopped falling out of my mouth.
- My son, a student, fell ill with leukemia, turned into a skeleton, and did not get up. They began to take H2O2 along with infusions of nettle and celandine. My son started walking and is taking tests.
- My wife suffered from Parkinson’s disease, could not walk, and fell. After 7 months of rubbing and ingesting H2O2 peroxide, she began to walk, her speech was restored, as if she was 10 years younger.
- I am a disabled person of the 2nd group, I suffered a heart attack and suffered from angina pectoris. After a few weeks of taking H2O2, it’s as if my heart has been replaced, I drive a car, and easily walk 5 km.
- My husband was paralyzed as a result of a stroke. I conducted 2 courses of H2O2, the results exceeded all expectations. Now he walks and his right arm works.
- I suffered from ischemic heart disease and polyarthritis: living on the 2nd floor, I could not leave the house. After 3 months of taking H2O2 peroxide, the pain in my heart stopped, the swelling went away, I started swimming, I swam 400 m across the river myself.
- I have a disorder cerebral circulation, atherosclerosis, my wife brought me on my arm. We administered 1 course of H2O2, he began to walk independently, and his condition improved noticeably.
- I have Lyme disease - I didn’t get up for 9 months, my joints were swollen, my muscles atrophied. After six months of taking H2O2, she began to move like a young woman, all the joint tumors disappeared.
- My 90-year-old mother has stomach cancer, she constantly felt sick and vomited. She began to give her hydrogen peroxide H2O2, she gained an appetite, began to eat normally, the arrhythmia disappeared, and her hair darkened.
- I had rheumatism, polyarthritis and arthrosis knee joints, terrible pain As I walked, I felt like I was condemned to death. After 9 months of taking H2O2, I walk normally and started working.
- I had chronic cholecystitis, polyps in the intestines, pressure 180/100, high cholesterol. After 5 months After taking peroxide, cholecystitis disappeared, blood pressure remained 130/90, cholesterol was normal.
- What a pity that we didn’t know about hydrogen peroxide H2O2 before, how many people could have been saved!


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, state prize laureate, having the title “Best traditional healer Russia." Author of more than 200 scientific works and 85 inventions. published

In the video, Prof. Neumyvakin gives advice on how to be healthy:

  1. At the age of 52, official medicine sentenced the professor to death. He was given a ticket to the Black Sea. Prof. Neumyvakin suffered from atherosclerosis and gangrene. He was cured by swimming in ice water. The professor wondered where diseases come from.
  2. Professor Neumyvakin did everything to ensure that the cosmonauts did not get sick during flights. Korolev demanded the development of an effective and multi-purpose system that would preserve the health of astronauts. Ivan Pavlovich is the founder of space medicine.
  3. How can you prevent the flu using hydrogen peroxide? Peroxide should be dripped into the nose (15 drops of hydrogen peroxide per glass of water).
  4. The body has a backup system, but it has reserves. If you work on one breath for 12 hours, you can end up in the hospital with a heart attack at the age of 40. It is important to take preventive measures against this intensive mode work.
  5. Breathing can also be used to heal. Previously, oxygen treatment was used, which was fundamentally wrong. You need to inhale and hold your breath for 1 minute and exhale slowly.
  6. Children should not be allowed to use mobile phones, which change the magnetic field around the body. This provokes cancer. We are entangled in electricity. If the electric field is normalized, cells will flourish and microorganisms will die.
  7. You should definitely drink water pure form. In winter you need to drink one and a half liters of water, in summer – 2 liters. Water should be drunk before meals, never during or after meals. Water is the number one food.