Signs of trigeminal nerve disease. Trigeminal neuralgia - treatment, causes, symptoms, first signs. Adjuvant therapy

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve: symptoms and treatment - this problem is under the close attention of neurologists around the world.

Of course, this pathology is not a deadly disease, but the pain and agony that a sick person has to experience significantly worsens the quality of life. When inflammation of the trigeminal nerve manifests itself, only the doctor determines how to treat it, but the task of the patient himself is not to progress the disease, but to contact a specialist as early as possible. With timely treatment, it is quite possible to manage with conservative methods without resorting to surgery.

What is the problem

The trigeminal nerve is the largest nerve canal in the cranial region and includes both sensory and motor fibers and nuclei. The name of this element is due to the structure of its sensitive part, which is distributed into 3 branches: the orbital nerve at the top, the mandibular nerve at the bottom and the maxillary nerve in the middle zone of the face. The nerve in question is a paired organ, and similar branched channels are located on the right and left sides of the face.

This structure of this department controls the sensitivity of the facial and cranial tissues, skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and nasal cavity, teeth, and most of the lining of the brain. The motor function of this nerve is to coordinate the masticatory and a number of other muscles. Any trigeminal neuralgia manifests symptoms as a violation of these sensory and motor areas.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve or neuralgia is a chronic disease leading to damage to one of the branches of this nerve with impaired sensitivity and muscle innervation. The main manifestation of the pathology is paroxysmal, severe shooting-type pain in areas controlled by the affected branch. Pain syndrome, as a rule, occurs only on one side, most often the right side of the face. The prevalence of the disease is estimated on average as 1 disease per 14-16 thousand people. Most often, the disease is recorded in women after 55 years of age, but is often found in men and young people.

According to the mechanism of development of neuralgia, there is a primary form, caused by compression of the nerve roots without the presence of other pathologies, and a secondary type, provoked by complications of diseases in other organs (infectious diseases, tumor formations, sclerotic processes, etc.).

Etiological features of the pathology

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve on the face is caused by a number of internal and external factors. Most often, the etiological mechanism is associated with compression of the nerve by vessels subjected to pathological changes or tumor formations. Compression of the nerve processes in the pons area of ​​the brain causes their demyelination.

The main external triggers include the following factors:

  • local hypothermia of the facial area in the area of ​​the trigeminal nerve;
  • activation of the herpes zoster virus (herpes virus) with release from the latent state;
  • chronic dental bacterial infection;
  • facial and traumatic brain injuries.

Endogenous factors are associated with a number of pathological phenomena: tumor formations and vascular aneurysm; multiple sclerosis; the appearance of cholesterol plaques that disrupt tissue nutrition; inflammatory diseases in the nasopharynx; endocrine pathologies; psychogenic diseases; vascular disorders; hormonal imbalance in women during menopause.

When inflammation of the trigeminal nerve occurs, the symptoms are primarily associated with the manifestation of severe pain. In general, neuralgia is chronic, and periods of exacerbation are followed by periods of remission. The frequency and duration of exacerbations depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the etiological mechanism of the pathology.

As a rule, an exacerbation begins unexpectedly in the form of sharp pain. Quite often, the pain syndrome is most severe in the area of ​​the lower or upper jaw, which is reminiscent of toothache. When the trigeminal nerve becomes inflamed, the symptoms of pain can be typical or atypical. Typical manifestations include shooting pain, comparable to an electric shock, and usually occur when a specific facial area is touched.

The intensity of the pain increases over 18-22 seconds, after which it gradually subsides and can last 10-15 minutes with less intensity. The next attack can be observed after 1-2 hours, or it can occur only after 2-3 days, which depends on many factors. Atypical pain syndrome is less common, but it is much more difficult to treat. The pain is constant and prolonged, and localization covers almost the entire face.

Exacerbation of pain syndrome in the presence of trigeminal neuralgia can be provoked by the following factors:

  • touching the skin of the face (even lightly);
  • procedures for washing, brushing teeth or shaving;
  • wind on your face;
  • applying makeup and using cosmetics;
  • light blow to the nose;
  • laughter or a wide smile;
  • participating in conversation, singing.

Other typical symptoms of the pathology include the following manifestations: spasms of the facial muscles, loss of sensitivity of the skin, spasm of the masticatory muscle. Spasmodic phenomena cause pain when muscles contract. Advanced disease can lead to muscle paralysis, which causes facial asymmetry. Sometimes an attack of exacerbation leads to the fact that the sick person is unable to open his mouth until the attack is over.

Features of the clinical picture of the pathology

The full clinical picture of nerve inflammation depends on which branch of the nerve is affected. In this case, a violation of tissue sensitivity can be superficial or deep. The following characteristic manifestations can be distinguished with different localization of the inflammatory process:

  1. Inflammation of branch 1 leads to loss of sensitivity of the skin and mucous membrane in the following areas: forehead, anterior scalp, upper eyelid, corner of the eye, eyeball, dorsum of the nose and nasal cavity, membrane of the brain.
  2. The inflammatory reaction of branch 2 causes disturbances in the lower eyelid, side of the face, upper cheek area, upper lip, upper jaw, maxillary sinus, lower area of ​​the nasal cavity, and upper teeth.
  3. Serious dysfunction can be caused by inflammation of branch 3. Violation is noted in the following areas: lower lip, lower cheek, chin, lower jaw and gums with teeth on it, tongue and lower part of the mouth. A paralyzing phenomenon occurs in the masticatory muscles, which leads to facial asymmetry. On the affected side, the bite force of the teeth decreases. Paralysis of the pterygoid muscle is possible, in which there is a deviation of the lower jaw from the midline, and with significant atrophy of the masticatory muscles, the jaw can sag.
  4. Disturbances in the areas of responsibility of all 3 branches immediately appear when the trigeminal node or nerve root at the base of the brain joins the pathology. This phenomenon, in particular, ensures damage to the herpes virus, which very easily migrates along all branches of the trigeminal nerve.
  5. Damage to the nuclei of the nerve structure in question causes a number of specific dysfunctions. With abnormalities in the oral nuclear zone, disease-causing signs are observed in the area of ​​the nose and lips. If the zone of nuclear damage expands, the disorders spread to most of the face - from the nose to the ear and the bottom of the jaw.

How is pathology treated?

When the inflammatory process has affected the trigeminal nerve, symptoms and treatment should be analyzed by a neurologist specializing in such pathologies. Treatment of the trigeminal nerve aims to eliminate the etiological mechanism and relieve the pain syndrome. If attacks are too frequent and prolonged, treatment should be carried out in a hospital setting.

If inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is detected, treatment with medications is carried out according to an individual scheme. As a rule, conservative treatment includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Anticonvulsants, the most common drug is carbamazepine. The course of treatment can be up to 6 months. You can use Clonazepam, Gabapentin, Oscapbazepine.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: used at the initial stage of pathology. Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Nimesil are used.
  3. The following are prescribed as painkillers and drugs to eliminate spasms: Baralgin, Baclofen, Trimecaine.
  4. Antidepressants and drugs with sedative effects: sodium hydroxybutyrate, Amitriptyline.
  5. Vitamin therapy is provided by vitamin complexes with the obligatory consumption of vitamin B. The vitamin complex Rosolakrit is used.
  6. To enhance immune defense, products with general strengthening properties are recommended - preparations based on ginseng, rose hips, echinacea, and royal jelly.

An important condition for effective therapy is the fight against the internal causes of the disease. Among the drugs that are often prescribed for this purpose are the following: Laferon, Gerpevir (against the herpes virus); Rosuvalostatin, Atoris (against the formation of cholesterol plaques).

Physiotherapeutic and surgical effects

Physiotherapy is considered a fairly effective treatment for inflammation of the trigeminal nerve if it is combined with complex drug therapy. The following technologies are used as physiotherapeutic methods:

  • ultraviolet exposure to facial skin;
  • UHF exposure helps well at the initial stage of paralysis of the masticatory muscles and is used for pain relief;
  • electrophoresis with the introduction of Platyfillin, Novocaine, Diphenhydramine is used to reduce muscle tone;
  • laser exposure helps the passage of impulses along nerve fibers;
  • pulsed electrical currents help eliminate pain and reduce the risk of relapses of exacerbation.

The last resort treatment is surgery. Such radical treatment is carried out only in cases where conservative therapy does not lead to an improvement in the situation over a long period of time. The most common types of surgery are:

  • removal of tumors;
  • vascular decompression;
  • impact on the area where the trigeminal nerve exits the cranium;

The trigeminal nerve is responsible for the facial area and when it is damaged, a person suffers from severe pain localized in the forehead, jaw, chin and neck. The reasons for the development of such a pathology can be different, and the disease is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms. Elimination of the disease is aimed at reducing the severity of pain and improving the patient’s condition. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve can be treated using both traditional remedies and traditional medicine recipes.

Characteristics of the pathology

All types of neuralgia are conventionally divided into primary and secondary.

Primary neuralgia is an independent disease that develops as a result of compression of the nerve or problems with blood circulation in this area. Secondary neuralgia occurs as a consequence of other diseases, among which infectious pathologies in advanced form and tumors can be distinguished.

The development of pathology can occur for the following reasons:

  • hypothermia of the facial area;
  • neoplasms of various types localized in the brain;
  • facial and skull injuries of varying complexity;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • stem stroke;
  • chronic pathologies of infectious origin affecting the facial area;
  • aneurysm of blood vessels in the cranial cavity;
  • various dental diseases;
  • compression of one or all branches of the trigeminal nerve;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body.

Mostly the disease is diagnosed in patients over 40 years of age and most often in women. The main symptom of trigeminal neuralgia is pain, which is localized in one part of the face. The patient experiences unbearable, shooting and intense pain, reminiscent of an electric charge. The attack usually lasts 10–15 seconds, but can last up to 2 minutes.

Pain is considered the main symptom of trigeminal neuralgia

An attack of pain can cause uncontrollable lacrimation and increased salivation. In addition, the skin becomes bright red and signs of rhinitis can be diagnosed. For a long time, the source of pain does not change. Typically, patients with neuralgia chew food on one side and gradually muscle lumps form on the affected part of the face. In addition, dystrophy of the masticatory muscles develops and tissue sensitivity decreases.

Pathology can go through several stages of its development, each of which is accompanied by the appearance of certain symptoms. At an advanced stage, the symptoms of the pathology change dramatically and the prognosis for recovery significantly worsens. In each specific case, it is important to identify the causes that provoked neuralgia, so that the most effective treatment can be selected.

Drug therapy for the disease

Treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is carried out using various methods and means, one of which is drug therapy.

Carbamazepine is considered the main drug used to treat neuralgia. Thanks to it, it is possible to inhibit the inflammatory process in nerve cells, that is, the medicine has an anticonvulsant and analgesic effect. The dosage of such a drug is selected only by a specialist, taking into account the complexity of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient. The course of treatment with Carbamazepine is quite long and lasts approximately 8 weeks.

Carbamazepine is a drug used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.

Patients with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve need to be aware that such a drug is considered quite toxic and also affects the condition of the liver, urinary and bronchial systems. When taking Carbamazepine, the patient may develop side effects such as memory problems, increased drowsiness and mental disorders.

This drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy, and this is due to the fact that the drug has a toxic effect on the developing fetus. In addition, taking this medicine is contraindicated for those patients who suffer from glaucoma, pathologies of the circulatory system and heart blocks.

Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia with the use of Carbamazepine is permitted only under the supervision of a physician. Taking this drug can reduce the severity of symptoms already 1–2 days after the start of treatment. It is possible to achieve an analgesic effect that is maintained for several hours.

Various types of medications are used to treat inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

How to treat inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, and how to speed up the patient’s recovery?

The following groups of drugs can be used in complex treatment:

  • anticonvulsants are often prescribed to eliminate neuralgia, and the most effective among them are Phenibut, Baclofen and Pantogam;
  • The effect of Carbamazepine can be enhanced by using the antihistamines Diphenhydramine and Pipolfen;
  • intravenous administration of sodium hydroxybutyrate is used to relieve pain;
  • An inflamed facial nerve can be treated with tranquilizers and neuroplastics;
  • Glycine can be prescribed as an additional therapy over time.

If a patient has pathologies of the vascular system of the brain, the following venotonics are indicated:

  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Trental;
  • Cavinton.

A special place in the treatment of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is occupied by the intake of vitamin C and group B. When the pathology passes into the acute stage, injection administration of B vitamins is indicated.

In combination with drug therapy, the disease can be treated using the following physical procedures:

  • ultraphonoresis with hydrocortisone;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • acupuncture.

Physiotherapy helps speed up the patient’s recovery

Carrying out physiotherapeutic treatment in combination with drug therapy allows you to achieve a faster positive effect, and thereby helps to cure the patient.


In the absence of a positive effect from conservative treatment, surgical treatment is indicated. This method of treating pathology is also used if trigeminal neuralgia is caused by compression of the root by an anatomical formation.

When diagnosing the inflammatory process at an early stage, percutaneous operations are prescribed, which are carried out with the use of painkillers on an outpatient basis. When carrying out this procedure, the trigeminal nerve is destroyed under the influence of radio waves and chemicals that enter it through catheters. It is possible to reduce the pain syndrome or achieve its complete disappearance after such surgical intervention only after several days or even months.

Surgeries are performed in a hospital setting, the main purpose of which is nerve decompression. During this treatment, it is possible to correct the position of the arteries of the cranium, which provoke compression of the trigeminal nerve.

At an advanced stage of the disease, it is necessary to resort to surgery

Today, the following types of radical treatment of pathology are considered the most effective:

  • microvascular decompression involves the removal or relocation of blood vessels that are in close contact with the nerve roots.
  • rhizotomy is a rupture of the trigeminal nerve through a skin incision behind the ear, which makes it possible to achieve a positive treatment effect.
  • Radiofrequency ablation is performed using local anesthesia and involves exposing the nerve node to high temperature
  • glycerin injections are carried out using a thin long needle, thanks to which it is possible to get into the branching zone of the trigeminal nerve.

It is possible to achieve a more pronounced effect during surgical intervention if it is performed early. This means that the earlier the pathology is identified and surgery is performed, the higher the chances of a complete recovery for the patient.

It should be remembered that the pain syndrome does not disappear immediately after the operation, but only after some time. Patients with trigeminal neuralgia should contact a specialist immediately when characteristic symptoms appear.

Herbal teas are often used to treat trigeminal neuralgia

Traditional methods of treatment

At home, you can treat the trigeminal nerve using traditional medicine, but only after consulting a doctor. Medical practice shows that in most cases such therapy does not bring immediate positive results.

Treatment with folk remedies can be carried out using the following means:

  • You can prepare herbal tea by pouring 200 ml of boiling water and 5–10 grams of chamomile flowers. This folk remedy must be taken into the mouth and kept there until the pain syndrome completely disappears.
  • It is recommended to rub a product such as fir oil into painful areas for several days. With this treatment, slight redness of the skin is possible, but the pain will quickly subside. Carrying out this procedure for 3 days allows you to forget about attacks of neuralgia for a long time.
  • You can hard boil an egg, cut it in half and apply it to the painful areas. After the eggs have cooled, the pain usually disappears.
  • It is recommended to grate black radish and squeeze out the juice, which should be rubbed along the path of the nerve in case of pathology.
  • You can wipe with pieces of ice those areas of the skin where the nerve is inflamed, including the cervical area. After this, you should massage your face well with your fingers and thereby warm it up. This procedure should be repeated 3 times at a time.

If a woman has a cold and the nerve becomes inflamed, the pathology can be treated at home using various herbal decoctions and preparations:

  • Pour 10 grams of yarrow into a bowl and pour in 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting mass should be wrapped, left for 1 hour, and then strained. This herbal decoction should be drunk several times a day, 10 ml before meals.
  • You need to pour 20 grams of sleep herb into a container and pour a glass of boiling water over it. The prepared folk remedy should be consumed for neuralgia throughout the day in small portions of 50 ml. It is important to remember that such fresh herb is considered poisonous when fresh, so it can only be used in dry form.
  • You can boil the young bark of a tree such as aspen. It is recommended to add the prepared decoction to water and take a bath for trigeminal neuralgia every day.

Before answering the question of how to treat the trigeminal nerve, it is important to find out the reason that triggered the development of such a pathology. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is an unpleasant disease that can become a kind of endurance test. A timely visit to a specialist helps to diagnose the disease at the very beginning of its development and relieve the patient from pain.

Unfortunately, quite often any extra load can provoke an attack of neuralgia. One of the most common types is trigeminal neuralgia.

Facing this diagnosis causes excruciating pain for people. The causes and symptoms of the disease appear immediately; a course of treatment under the supervision of a doctor is required.

The trigeminal nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves, which provides sensitivity to the facial area, thanks to three branches extending from it:

  1. Ophthalmic;
  2. Maxillary;
  3. Mandibular.

Since small vessels arise from each branch, the trigeminal nerve thus covers almost the entire area of ​​the face.

Female representatives over 45-50 are more likely to develop the disease; however, neuralgia can develop in patients of any gender and age. For many patients, trigeminal neuralgia is a painful disease.

What can lead to inflammation

Trigeminal neuralgia can appear on its own, or it can appear as a consequence of a disease. Various factors contribute to the development of the disease; no specific cause has been identified in medicine.

Factors influencing the development of the inflammatory process are the following:

  • Hypothermia of the face area;
  • Past viral diseases - herpes, herpes zoster and others;
  • Weakened immune system;
  • Any trauma to the face or head;
  • The presence of a tumor or aneurysm of blood vessels that can compress the nerve, impairing its functioning;
  • Various diseases or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • Emotional and psychological stress;
  • Cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

How dangerous is this?

In addition to the appearance of excruciating pain, patients are at risk of developing complete or incomplete facial paralysis, as well as loss of sensitivity.

Since people with this diagnosis try to use the unaffected half of the face and mouth when chewing food, muscle lumps may form on the opposite side.

If the disease is protracted, serious consequences and complications are possible in the form of the development of dystrophic changes in the masticatory muscles and impaired sensitivity in the affected area of ​​the face.

Neuralgia is very difficult to treat. In some cases, inpatient treatment is required.

An advanced form of the disease and delayed treatment can lead to a chronic form of the disease.

Symptoms of the lesion

It is quite difficult not to notice the presence of trigeminal neuralgia. Primary symptoms and signs of inflammation appear as follows:

  1. Sudden muscle spasm. Muscle contraction provokes abnormal facial asymmetry;
  2. Manifestation of pain attacks of various types. Severe pain lasts, as a rule, for two to three minutes, then weakens and becomes aching. The location of the pain attacks depends on which branch of the nerve is affected. Rarely both sides of the face are affected; as a rule, facial neuralgia is unilateral.

At the initial stage of the disease, the pain is usually short-lived and not pronounced. Gradually the pain becomes more intense. As the disease progresses, the duration of attacks of facial pain is longer and more painful.

Further signs of the development of neuralgia:

  • The constant presence of a chronic form of pain;
  • Manifestation of constant facial asymmetry;
  • There is numbness of the skin, loss of sensitivity in the affected area;
  • Repeated short attacks that occur in any situation: while eating, talking, brushing teeth or at rest;
  • State of general weakness;
  • There is muscle pain throughout the body;
  • Skin rashes are possible.

As a rule, constant pain provokes the development of insomnia, fatigue and irritability, and the appearance of headaches.

With trigeminal neuralgia, the following types of pain are distinguished:

  1. Typical pain is characterized by fluctuations of either lull or intensification again. As a rule, pain intensifies when touching the affected area of ​​the face. They have a shooting character, reminiscent of an electric shock;
  2. Atypical pain is constant and affects a large area of ​​the face. There are no periods of pain subsiding.

There are periods of exacerbation of attacks of pain, especially in the cold season.

The pain can be so strong that a person cannot concentrate on anything else. As a rule, at these moments, patients are in constant tension and waiting for a new attack or exacerbation of the disease.

How to treat the trigeminal nerve

It is very difficult to recover from damage to the trigeminal nerve. As a rule, modern therapy methods can only alleviate the patient’s suffering by reducing pain. To treat inflammation, both conservative methods and surgical intervention are used.

First of all, it is necessary to correctly determine the diagnosis. This requires an examination by a neurologist. To clarify the diagnosis and the affected area, the following is prescribed:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Electroneurography.

Very often, patients with such pain turn to the dentist, believing that it is a toothache and requires tooth extraction or treatment.

It is necessary to recognize neuritis and begin a course of treatment as early as possible. Any treatment must be prescribed by the attending physician, since many drugs have contraindications and side effects.

As a rule, the complex of therapeutic measures includes drugs with the following effects on the body:

  • Antiviral;
  • Painkillers;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Reducing muscle spasms;
  • Vitamin complexes;
  • Reducing inflammation and swelling;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

A massage course will help relieve increased muscle tension. Massage will help improve microcirculation and blood supply in the inflamed nerve, as well as in adjacent tissues. Proper massage in the facial area has a positive effect on the reflex zones at the exit points of the branches of the trigeminal nerve.

Massage for this diagnosis must be carried out in a sitting position, the head should be tilted back on the headrest so that the neck muscles are relaxed.

You can avoid constant use of painkillers by eliminating the source that irritates the nerve, causing pain. In cases where the disease progresses, medications are ineffective and do not relieve attacks of pain, and surgical intervention is resorted to.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, and the presence of concomitant diseases. Clear diagnosis and strict medical supervision are also important.

Treatment with traditional methods is very common. In folk medicine, there are many most effective remedies for inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. However, in most cases, treatment with traditional methods is ineffective. They are only auxiliary means to the main treatment.


Trigeminal neuralgia is a real test of endurance for a person. Not everyone is able to withstand pain for a long time and often, which is sometimes unbearable and often repeated.

A timely visit to a doctor and a timely course of treatment will help to significantly reduce the duration of excruciating pain. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely cure the pathology. In most cases, only the pain associated with this disease is reduced.

In situations where drug treatment does not produce results, pain does not decrease, deterioration or complications are observed, surgical intervention is used.

Like any other disease, it is better to avoid than to treat. In order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process, inflammation in the sinuses should be treated in a timely manner and the teeth should be maintained in good condition. In addition, as preventive measures, you should monitor your health and maintain your immunity. Try to avoid various injuries, infections, hypothermia.

You can learn some more information about diseases of the trigeminal nerve from the following video.

Thank you very much to the clinic, I underwent physical therapy. They saved me!!!

Gregory, St. Petersburg

After the reception, Oksana Vladimirovna Utkina had only positive impressions. An excellent, highly qualified specialist, and also very responsive and smiling. She carefully asked and examined everything, prescribed procedures and medications. After completing the course of treatment, I felt relief and was no longer in pain. Oksana Vladimirovna, thank you for your help! Now, if necessary, I know who to contact!

Ksenia K.

I underwent a short-term course of treatment at Petrogradskaya in March 2019. The first appointment was taken by the head doctor himself - Evgeniy Mikhailovich Belyaev. There are no words - I felt all the bones. I'm 62 years old - no one has tested me like this in my entire life. All employees are attentive and cultured. The most important thing is that any procedure is taken very seriously, scrupulously, and competently. If any difficulties or difficulties arise, a general decision is immediately made based on a small council of narrow specialists in this profile, as was the case with me. In general, thank you very much to everyone, good health and well-being. Sincerely, Sirotin Alexander Nikolaevich Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Raduzhny.

Sirotin Alexander Nikolaevich

Thank you very much to the clinic. They got me back on my feet, saved my arm, and now I run to them with various health problems. Low bow to them!

Olga, St. Petersburg

She underwent treatment at the Health Workshop clinic on Nauki from March 1 to March 15, 2019 with neurologist Elena Vladimirovna Khislavskaya and physiotherapist Olga Yuryevna Kiryanova. I came in with acute back pain and weakness in my legs. They prescribed a course of back injections and ozone injections. After the third procedure there was a deterioration, then, while getting into the car, my leg gave out, fell, sprained my already weak leg... But somehow it began to improve, my back straightened, my legs began to walk more confidently. Today was the last procedure and a long necessary conversation with the doctor, new recommendations for treatment. Thanks to the entire team for their sensitivity and teamwork. Now I am on the road to recovery, in three months I will have a new meeting with a wonderful doctor.

Elena Sergeevna

Solodilina A.A.

I would like to thank Felix Sergeevich for his high-quality, professional work. After the session I feel light and good.

Solodilina Alexandra

They helped me. I came to the clinic with pain in my left shoulder. The pain has decreased. I don't regret coming here. Doctor Elena Arkadyevna is attentive, polite, and explains everything clearly. I'm not breaking up!

Salaeva Violetta Kazbekovna, 78 years old

Gratitude and congratulations for the “Health Workshop”! On these holidays, Defender of the Fatherland Day and March 8th, I ask you to congratulate everyone and especially the wonderful doctor V.L. Egorov, the wonderful D.E. Vetrov, Alekhintseva S.E., Stepanov E.A. and all the treatment room staff, Alexandra and her entire team. I wish you all health, always a good mood, fulfillment of desires, success in your career and great personal happiness. With gratitude, V.I. Belyaeva

Belyaeva V.I., 72 years old

I suffered from chronic pain for 8 months, in the clinic and hospital they brushed me off or made vague diagnoses, despite all the information I provided... Viktor Anatolyevich is a doctor who accurately diagnosed my problem in the shortest possible time. The professional skills of such a highly qualified specialist are something that I have been critically lacking for a long time. Many thanks to the doctor and all the clinic staff!

McLashin B.

I express my deep gratitude to the attending physician Elena Vladimirovna Khislavskaya! Long and painful trips to the district clinic and the consultation center of the Kalininsky district led to nothing, none of the doctors could make an accurate diagnosis, they found nothing, they just shrugged it off, and some of them were sent to a psychotherapist. I was getting worse and worse. As this clinic was my last hope, I ended up with Elena Vladimirovna. She was so attentive to my problem, correctly diagnosed (Tittze syndrome), prescribed treatment, and little by little I began to get out. I believe that only her sensitive attitude towards people and her desire to understand gave results. Since the disease was advanced, treatment lasted for 2 months and then recovery after discharge. Yes, it costs money, but taking into account the fact that visiting compulsory medical insurance and even paid specialists from other clinics did not bring results, it is definitely worth it. I was returned to normal life in a way that can be measured! I would like to say a special thank you to orthopedist Rustam Fanilievich, he performed the blockade very carefully and accurately. I also express my deep gratitude to the massage therapist Sergei Nikolaevich Guberniatorov, he has golden hands. And to all the clinic staff for their friendly and sensitive attitude!

Olga, St. Petersburg

I express my gratitude to the clinic team for their respectful and attentive attitude towards patients. I would like to separately thank such doctors as Soboleva Svetlana Nikolaevna, Kustova Marina Anatolyevna, Akhmadullina Tamara Nurievna, Chernov Andrey Aleksandrovich for their professionalism, kindness of heart and great skill. It is a great blessing that such competent, skillful and talented, caring people work exactly where they are needed most. I wish prosperity and well-being to your clinic and the specialists who work in it.

Kudryavtseva Natalya Pavlovna, 65 years old

She underwent a course of treatment at the Health Workshop and in particular with Stanislav Vladimirovich. I want to express my deep gratitude for the help provided to me, for your golden hands. A very attentive and sensitive doctor, taking into account my diagnosis (hernia, protrusion, etc.), used gentle techniques and after each session my health improved and my life got better, I couldn’t wait to see him so that he could ease my suffering. Stanislav Vladimirovich, thank you very much, I will definitely recommend you to those who need the same help.


Was treated by Lisina E.A. I'm very pleased. She saved me from a nervous breakdown and healed me. Problems with the hip joints. She prescribed plasma therapy. I am very grateful to her. All clinic staff are polite and attentive. All the medical staff are excellent workers. I am very grateful to all the employees of the Health Workshop. I also thank Alexander Sergeevich Kryukov, who immediately understood my condition and handed me over to E.A. Lisina.

Kharevich Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Doctor Kryukov Alexander Sergeevich. Thank you for the consultation and prescribed treatment. Very competent, knowledgeable and attentive doctor. Thank you!

Pleskovskaya Elena Vyacheslavovna

I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart the entire team of the “Health Workshop” at 224B Moskovsky Prospekt. Absolutely everything: both doctors and administrators are very attentive and professional. I received the treatment I wanted. I will definitely contact you again to maintain my current - very good condition - of the musculoskeletal system. I would especially like to thank neurologist E.A. Lisina, hirudotherapist G.V. Lapin, chiropractor S.V. Daskovsky. and physiotherapist D.T. Gvirdzhishvili It's just a pleasure to meet and work with them. Thank you!

Alekseeva Yana Vladimirovna

I would like to thank Stanislav Vladimirovich for his professionalism, humanity and sensitive attention to patients. A huge thank you to this doctor! Stanislav Vladimirovich is simply a super doctor, I wish there were more such knowledgeable doctors.

Larisa Ivleva

Here is my lifeline - “Health Workshop”: my legs can’t walk, my back hurts, my head is ringing. I accidentally heard about this clinic on the radio and this is the second time I have visited it. I enter and find myself in the kingdom of silence, peace and hope, if not cured, then at least improve my condition. Nice, charming girls-consultants greet you with kind greetings. They patiently listen to your questions, fill out the necessary documents and escort you to your doctor. During the waiting period, you are offered to watch help videos on TV and drink a cup of coffee or tea. And all fears are behind us! Thank you darlings. Without your well-coordinated work, attentive, friendly attitude towards the patient, there would be no such effect from the visit. And here is the first meeting with the doctor. I was lucky, and I think others were too. I met with a real magician, who with just one word gave me confidence that I needed treatment. This is Egorov Vladimir Leonidovich. Who in our district clinics would talk with a patient for an hour? Nobody! And Vladimir Leonidovich listened to me carefully, explained the essence of the disease - osteoporosis of the spine, and then spent the same amount of time selecting the necessary treatment. I am grateful to you, dear doctor, congratulations on the upcoming New Year and wish you health and creative success. I communicated with the same wonderful doctors, professionals in their field, very kind and attentive, while undergoing procedures. This is Alekhintseva Svetlana Evgenievna, Stepanova Elena Anatolyevna, Akhmadullina Tamara Nurievna, exercise therapy doctor and, of course, chiropractor Rakhmatov Tolmas Turaevich. This is a doctor from God. His warm hands do wonders. Thank you all for your conscientious work and respect for ordinary people. I would like to say a special thank you to the entire treatment room team. The work of nurses cannot be compared with anything in terms of difficulty and responsibility. And how sensitive, attentive and kind they all are... Forgive me for those I didn’t mention in my message. The whole team works just fine. Happy New Year to the entire clinic team! I wish you health, personal happiness, creative success, grateful patients.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve on the face manifests itself in the form of acute pain in various areas of the skull. The disease is quite common, especially in people over 40 years of age. It affects women more often than men. Treatment may vary. It all depends on the severity of the disease.

There are two types of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve on the face. These include:

  • Primary. It is also known as "true". This type is considered a self-occurring pathology due to impaired blood circulation or nerve compression;
  • Secondary. In other words, “symptomatic.” It is the result of another disease process in the body. Most often, the causes are serious infections or the development of a tumor.

Also, the difference may lie in the fact that one nerve branch or several may be affected at the same time.


A person has two trigeminal nerves located on both sides of the face. Each of them has three main branches. These are: maxillary, mandibular and ophthalmic nerves. The main branches are also subdivided into many smaller branches. If at least one of them is irritated or compressed, then the person begins to feel severe pain of an acute nature on the face.

The causes of this condition can be many factors. The main ones are:

  • Congenital pathology in the form of narrowed openings and canals in which the nerves are located;
  • Violation of the structure, development or location of blood vessels localized next to the trigeminal nerve;
  • Diseases associated with metabolic disorders. Such as diabetes or gout;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the teeth and sinuses. The cause may also be an incorrect bite;
  • Infectious diseases, including syphilis and tuberculosis;
  • Tumor processes;
  • Hypothermia of the facial area;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Consequences of surgical interventions on the body. Most often this concerns maxillofacial operations;
  • Mechanical injuries of the skull;
  • Immune dysfunction;
  • Strong physical and psycho-emotional stress.

In some cases, pain is felt only with a certain type of irritation of the facial area.

Examples of such actions include:

  • Physical touching of the face;
  • Facial expressions, smile, conversation;
  • Washing, shaving, brushing teeth.

Since the most ordinary things can provoke severe pain, the patient cannot lead a normal life. Therefore, he needs to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

The symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia can vary significantly between patients. As mentioned above, if some people experience pain for no apparent reason, then for others it is provoked by certain irritants.

The main signs of the disease are:

  • Severe pain, covering one half of the face. The sensations, as a rule, are shooting in nature;
  • Visible twitching of the facial muscles;
  • Distortion of the affected part of the face. This is often indicated by distorted facial expressions that were previously not characteristic of the patient;
  • Weakness, lethargy of the body, accompanied by aching pain in the muscles;
  • Chills due to elevated body temperature;
  • Migraine;
  • Increased irritability, anxiety, and disturbed sleep;
  • Small rash on the face, as well as reddened skin;
  • Increased tearing and salivation.

In the vast majority of cases, pain is felt only on one side of the face, but in very rare cases, neuralgia can affect two trigeminal nerves at once. In 70% of cases, the nerve on the right side is affected. The unpleasant sensations are especially pronounced in the area of ​​the lower jaw, nose and eyes. Often, when the first signs of neuralgia appear, patients confuse it with other diseases, for example, toothache.

The nature of pain in trigeminal neuralgia is usually divided into 2 types:

  • Typical. It occurs more often and feels like a small electric shock. It has a cyclical nature: it appears, then it subsides. The frequency of its occurrence varies; between attacks it can take several minutes, or maybe several hours. The pain is most pronounced in the lower jaw area.
  • Atypical. This type of pain is much less common, but much more difficult to tolerate, since it is permanent. Painful sensations cover most of the face and do not subside.

The second type requires a special approach, as it is difficult to treat.

How to treat the trigeminal nerve on the face

Depending on the degree of manifestation of the disease, as well as on the characteristics of the patient’s body, suitable therapeutic therapy is prescribed.

How to treat inflammation of the trigeminal nerve in each individual case is determined only by a doctor. Therapy may include both traditional drug treatment and more serious procedures.


Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is treated with medications in the form of tablets and injections. They can have different effects on the body, so, as a rule, a whole range of medications is required.

The following drugs can be used to treat neuralgia:

  • Anticonvulsants. They may also be known as anticonvulsants. Carbamazepine is one of the most popular representatives of this class. These drugs eliminate pain, increase muscle tone, and also have a positive effect on nerve patency. The appointment is made exclusively by a doctor, since there is a high risk of side effects in the form of poor condition, drowsiness, nausea;
  • Painkillers. Their main role is pain relief. It is permissible to use even narcotic drugs;
  • Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. Have a calming effect on the sore nerve;
  • Glucocorticoids. Once in the body, they have an anti-inflammatory effect and also eliminate swelling that forms within the affected nerve;
  • Antispasmodics. Aimed at eliminating spasmodic pain;
  • Vitamins of group B. As a rule, they are used immediately as a complex: B1, B6, B12. They affect the cause of the disease, improving nerve conduction, and also enhance the body's immune system.

In addition, in one case or another, antihistamines, tranquilizers, vasotes, sedatives and other drugs may be prescribed.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine can help to quickly cope with the disease if it is used as a supplement to the main traditional treatment.

Popular remedies for eliminating pain in the facial area are:

  • Buckwheat. The cereal is heated in a frying pan, after which it is transferred to a piece of clean cotton cloth, forming a closed bag. An improvised heating pad is applied to the sore part of the face and held in this position until it cools down completely. The procedure can be performed up to 3 times a day;
  • Chamomile. The herb is brewed with boiling water. The resulting herbal tea is cooled to a warm state, after which it is taken into the mouth and held for as long as possible. This method can also be performed several times a day;
  • Althea. 4 teaspoons of the crushed root of this herb are poured into 250 ml of warm boiled water, after which the solution is allowed to brew for 8 hours. Using this product, apply compresses to the sore side of the face. From above it is wrapped in a warm cloth, scarf or handkerchief. After 1.5 hours, the compress is removed, and the cheek is again wrapped in something warm.

Before starting traditional medicine methods, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components used.


The block is a minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting an anesthetic into the affected area of ​​the face using a needle. The pain usually stops immediately, but the effect lasts temporarily, usually for 2 months. If necessary, the blockade is repeated.

Despite the apparent atraumatic nature of the procedure, there is a risk of complications, which mainly depends on the correct technique. These include nerve damage, bleeding and bruising.

The blockade is an intermediate method between drug treatment and surgery.

In addition to it, there are various physiotherapeutic procedures, namely:

  • Acupuncture for trigeminal neuralgia;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Ultrasound treatment;
  • Laser therapy.

Surgical method

If none of these methods is able to eliminate the cause of the inflammatory disease, the patient may be indicated for surgical intervention. Such radical treatment can be carried out in two ways:

  • Microvascular decompression. During surgery, neurosurgeons move or completely remove blood vessels that are affecting the nerve trunk. In 80% of cases the operation has a positive result;
  • Rhizotomy. This procedure involves the complete destruction of the trigeminal nerve or its nodes. To do this, the surgeon makes a small skin incision.

Another way to solve the problem is radiosurgery, namely the effect of high temperature frequencies on the affected nerve node. This is the most atraumatic procedure that does not require incisions, stitches or hospital stay.


It is quite difficult to predict the occurrence of neuralgia. But there are a number of measures that will help reduce the risk of inflammation of the facial nerve:

  • Timely treatment of infectious diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis, pulpitis and others;
  • Avoiding drafts and hypothermia;
  • Minimizing stressful situations;
  • Avoiding facial injuries.

And an equally important criterion is supporting the immune system by leading a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, and frequent walks in the fresh air.