Effective treatment of diseases with sea and table salt. Official medicine: Salt: benefits, harm, types, what salt treats

IN modern world pharmaceutical companies are doing everything to make people forget that there are other means of recovery besides pills.

Table and sea salt can be successfully used for treatment and prevention. It is used for bruises in compresses, salt baths. Yogis use it daily saline nasal rinse. In cosmetology, they wipe the face with saline solution - this prevents the appearance of wrinkles. These are real time-tested methods.

During World War II, some field hospitals used boiled salt. A large napkin, generously moistened with saline solution, was placed on the dirty wound. After 3-4 days the wound became clean and began to heal. The temperature also returned to normal.

Oral health and strong teeth are the result of regular use of saline solutions. Often for treatment different tumors Surgery may not be required. The right lotions and salt treatment can get rid of malignant moles, adenomas mammary gland, there were cases of recovery from leukemia.

How to use salt garters

The content of table salt in water should not exceed ten percent, even eight is better. Should not be used under any circumstances as a compress. With a large amount of salt, the capillaries at the site of application can be damaged. After applying a breathable bandage to the sore spot, the salt will draw out all the excess. A pharmacist can help you prepare the solution.

Because salt garter absorbs liquid from the subcutaneous layer, liquid from deeper layers begins to rise into it along with viruses and pathogenic microbes. Thanks to this, fluid is renewed in sick or damaged tissues and pathogenic processes are eliminated.

Don't expect results instantly, everything has its time. The body is recovering gradually. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease; on average, recovery takes five days.

Not a single doctor in the clinic will advise you on hypertonic saline solution. Medicine is the most profitable business. Pharmaceutical companies create new drugs every day, and doctors are required to prescribe them to patients. Cheap and effective methods not profitable.

The most basic runny nose does not require any treatment at all. expensive medicines, it is enough to rinse your nose regularly saline solution for prevention. Headache You can also win by applying a circular bandage at night. At the first signs of colds, the use of garters perfectly saves from further complications. For bronchopulmonary diseases, apply a towel with the solution to your back every day and leave it overnight. Can be bandaged chest, but do not squeeze your breath. But when applying garters to the stomach, you need to bandage it quite tightly.

This method relieves bronchitis in 3-4 days.

For cholecystitis, a garter is also placed in the liver area and left overnight. Then they put a hot heating pad on.

There are real cases of women being cured with the help of salted garters and soaked tampons from breast cancer and cervical cancer. Average rate treatment for two weeks.

The fabric for the garter must be hydroscopic, easily breathable and absorb water. Residues of iodine, alcohol and fats on the fabric are not allowed. Cotton or linen weave is best. If you use a towel, it must be new; fabric from old clothes or washed bed linen cannot be used. When using gauze, it must be folded in eight layers. Another material in four layers.

It is necessary to use enough hot solution, do not wring out the soaked fabric too much. You cannot put anything on top of the garter. To attach it you need to use a bandage or plaster.

How to properly prepare saline solution for garter

  1. Take 1 liter of boiled (distilled, rain or snow) water.
  2. Salt - 3 level tablespoons (90g). To prepare a 9% solution.
  3. Stir thoroughly.
  4. Gauze - 8 layers, put it in part of the solution and leave for a few minutes. Then squeeze lightly.
  5. Before going to bed, put gauze on the sore spot. Put it on top warm material(lamb wool).
  6. Cover with a bandage and remove in the morning. Repeat every night until recovery.

This simple recipe will help cure most of all kinds of diseases. Toxins are drawn from the spine to the skin, infections die.

Using saline solutions you can help yourself with:

  • Internal hemorrhages
  • Bruises on the lungs
  • Bruises on the lungs
  • Inflammatory processes in the knee joint capsule
  • Blood poisoning
  • Bleeding in the leg due to a deep knife wound
  • Cold inflammation neck muscles
  • Bronchopulmonary diseases
  • Liver diseases
  • Joints
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx
  • Oral cavity
  • Kidneys
  • Colds
  • Abscess
  • Rheumatism

And many other ailments

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  • Introduction
  • 1. The concept of salts and their types
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Relevance of the research topic. Salt, once valued at its weight in gold, in our century, not without the participation modern medicine, began to be considered “white poison”. However, any, even the most useful substance, if consumed in large quantities- is harmful to health, and small doses or consumption within reasonable limits of these same substances can be beneficial to the body. Thus, it is difficult to imagine a house in which there would be no salt. Practically not a single dish can be prepared without it. And in the human body it plays an important role. Salt can also be used in the treatment of certain diseases. If you mix it with olive oil, vinegar and honey, then it is good to use this remedy for diphtheria and all types of sore throats. In this regard, it is necessary to consider beneficial features salts and determine treatment methods various diseases with their use.

The purpose of the research in this work is to study the use of salts in medicine.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following main tasks:

consider the concept of salts and their types;

explore the use of salt in medicine and the use of saline solutions in medicinal purposes;

determine methods of treatment using salts.

The object of research is salts in medicine.

The subject of the study is the use of salts in medicine.

1. The concept of salts and their types

Salts are crystalline substances with an ionic structure. Salt ions are cations of metals or groups of atoms that behave like metals, and anions are acidic residues.

Since ancient times different nations Myra salts were used as a seasoning for food and for medicinal purposes. There are the following types of salts: medium (or neutral), acidic, basic, double, mixed and complex.

In nature, salts are often found in the form of clusters. The process of their concentration is usually associated with the work of rivers. River waters carry not only highly soluble but also sparingly soluble salts from the lake and sea. For example, calcium carbonate under the influence carbon dioxide and water goes into solution, imparting hardness to the water. When lakes and seas dry out, large deposits of salts form. The world's largest deposits potassium salts are located in the CIS (Solikamsk) and in the GDR (Strasfurt field). The most powerful reserves of phosphate ores are located in North Africa and the CIS (Khibiny, southern Kazakhstan). Huge accumulations of sodium nitrate are found in America (Chile).

Natural salts are a group of minerals belonging to sulfates, halides, carbonates and boric acid compounds, often easily soluble, forming sedimentary salt deposits. The term “natural salts” is not sufficiently defined, since it unites a very heterogeneous group chemical compounds, such as natural borites, potassium salts, rock salts, gypsum, soda, etc.

Rock salt - mineral halite ( table salt), according to its chemical composition, sodium chloride is a rock consisting mainly of this mineral.

Halite occurs in crystals of the cubic system and often forms dense granular masses. Used in folk medicine to rinse the nose for a runny nose.

Natural borates are a group of minerals representing boric acid compounds. Total there are about 40 of them. There are anhydrous and aqueous borates, the latter are more common. Some of them are acidic salts. Chemically, natural borates are salts of metaboric and polyboric acids. Most of the known borates are white or colorless and are borates containing significant amounts of manganese, potassium, lithium, iron, aluminum, etc.

Potassium salts (potassium salts) are sedimentary rocks, accumulations of various easily water-soluble minerals containing potassium, often together with magnesium, sodium and other elements. The most important minerals are: sylvite, carnallite, kainite, langbeinite, polyhalite, etc.

Sodium bicarbonate is used in medicine as baking soda. When taken orally, it neutralizes hydrochloric acid gastric juice and speeds up the transition of food from the stomach to the intestines. In addition, the secretion of the gastric glands and pancreas is reflexively suppressed.

Baking soda is prescribed for the treatment of gastritis accompanied by increased acidity gastric juice, as well as to combat acidosis - it is administered both orally and intravenously. Solutions baking soda dissolve mucus, so they are used to gargle and rinse the nose.

Mineral salts are classified as food products, but unlike proteins, fats and carbohydrates, they do not have nutritional value. The body needs them as substances involved in the regulation of metabolism. On value minerals At the end of the last century, N.I. drew attention. Lunin. In mice fed salt-free food, he observed sudden violations in the body and finally they died.

The role of minerals in the body is very large. It should be pointed out that some mineral compounds are needed to maintain osmotic pressure, others - as a plastic material ( bone), others - how component enzyme systems, etc. The composition of the tissues of the human body includes almost all elements found in nature.

From compounds of halogens with alkali metals (halogenides) pharmaceuticals are: sodium and potassium chlorides, bromides, iodides. All these drugs have much in common in their production methods and properties, but their effects on the body are different.

2. The use of salt in medicine and the use of saline solutions for medicinal purposes

Salt is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. Healing properties salts are due to its main component - sodium chloride, which restores acid-base and water balances in organism. Quite well-known and widely used methods for treating colds are salt rinsing and heating with dry hot salt. Without dwelling on them, we want to introduce you to another, not so common, but very effective method salt treatments, such as saline solutions and saline dressings.

It is known that in military field conditions, dressings with saline solution were used in hospitals to treat extensive lacerations. By placing cotton cloth soaked in a salt solution on the wounds, doctors saved the wounded from gangrene. Within a few days, the wounds healed, and the patients were sent to rear hospitals.

With the help of salt dressings, you can alleviate the condition, and sometimes completely cure such ailments as abscesses and abscesses after injections, hematomas, headaches, toothaches, colds, joint diseases, cholecystitis, nephritis, chronic appendicitis, tumors of different origins and so on. Often, a saline dressing will significantly more effective than drugs. Salt treatment has long been used in many medical solutions, used for the rehabilitation of patients after operations and serious illnesses.

Of course, it is better if you use natural sea or rock salt during treatment, since they have a rich mineral composition. But for the techniques about which we'll talk, any salt will do.

3. Treatment methods using salts

One of the methods of treatment with salts is treatment with a salt dressing.

To prepare saline dressings, a hypertonic salt solution is used, the concentration of which should not be less than 8% and more than 10%. A hypertonic solution can be purchased at a pharmacy, but it is easy to prepare a 10% solution yourself: pour 100 g of salt into 900 g of water and boil for 3 minutes. In this solution, you need to wet and wring out the fabric bandage. You should not squeeze very hard, but so that liquid does not drip.

The saline solution has active sorbing properties, attracting and absorbing liquid from the subcutaneous layers, and with it viruses, microbes and their decay products, inorganic substances, poisons, etc. As it is absorbed, tissue fluid rises from the deeper layers, and thus the fluids in the diseased organ are renewed and cleansed. At the same time, the saline solution, absorbing fluid from the tissues, normalizes the main blood parameters.

The effectiveness of treatment will significantly increase if, instead of ordinary water apply melt water. In this case, the solution does not need to be boiled.

The duration of treatment can range from 2-3 days to several months, depending on the severity of the disease.

The concentration of the saline solution should not exceed 10%, otherwise it may cause pain and destruction of capillaries in the superficial layers of tissue. When treating children, an 8% saline solution is used.

The fabric from which the saline solution is made must be hygroscopic and breathable. This can be cotton or linen fabric folded in 4 layers, gauze folded in 8 layers, a towel or in some cases wool fabric. It is better to take old fabric, already used, washed several times.

When applying a saline dressing, it is strictly forbidden to make a compress using cellophane, compress paper, etc. In some cases, the bandage can be insulated using natural hygroscopic materials.

A saline dressing is applied while hot (60-70 degrees); for convenience, it can be bandaged with a bandage or secured with an adhesive plaster.

The salt dressing only works if it is pressed tightly against clean skin.

After using the salt dressing, the fabric should be rinsed thoroughly in warm water.

The technology for applying a bandage with saline solution is approximately the same for various diseases. A very warm saline bandage is applied to the affected area, secured and not removed for several hours. The exposure time of the saline solution is individual for the treatment of various diseases, but does not exceed 15 hours. It is neither possible nor meaningful to describe all the numerous cases of using dressings with hypertonic solution. Therefore, this article shows only some of the most common cases of their use.


For influenza, viral and colds.

Good results in the treatment of colds are obtained by gargling, inhalation with a solution of sea salt, irrigation of the nasopharynx with saline solution and instillation of the solution into the nose. In this case, it is better to reduce the salt concentration (0.5 tsp per glass of water) and it is useful to add eucalyptus extract or decoctions of antiseptic herbs to the salt solution.

At the first signs of illness, you need to apply a circular salt bandage to the head across the forehead and back of the head, simultaneously or alternating with it, apply a salt bandage to the throat area. For a circular dressing, it is better to use an 8% saline solution. If the disease has affected the bronchi, additional bandages should be applied to the back in the bronchi area. Two layers wet towel and wrap it with bandages on top of the 2nd dry layer so that it doesn’t slip, and leave it overnight. If possible, change and keep it around the clock.

A salt bandage applied to the back may not adhere tightly, therefore, for a better fit, some sources advise placing a small pad on the spine between the shoulder blades between the wet and dry layers of the towel. This will ensure a tighter fit of the bandage. Cases have been described of children being cured of whooping cough using salt bandages on their backs.

If you have a runny nose, you can put woolen socks soaked in a hot saline solution on your feet and go to bed in them. The saline solution on wool fabric continues to act after drying.

For frequent, recurring runny noses, it is useful to rinse the nasal cavity with salt water. The procedure is not pleasant, but quite effective. You need to prepare a cotton swab and insert it into the right nostril. Then pour salt water V left palm and draw it in through your left nostril with a long breath. Wait a little, tilt your head to the right, remove the tampon and release the water from the nostril. Then do all this for the other nostril. Carry out the procedure 3 times a day until full recovery.

For headaches and migraine attacks. Dissolve in a liter hot water a handful of salt and wet your head with this solution until the water has cooled. Then wrap your head in a towel and try to sleep. As a rule, the pain goes away.

At purulent wounds and burns. A bandage with hypertonic saline solution is applied to the wound and changed as it dries. The duration of use depends on the severity of the disease. When treating burns, a salt dressing can cause short-term pain, be patient, the pain will go away and the wound will heal faster.

For diseases of teeth and gums. Of course, salt treatment does not replace fillings and professional dental care. However, it helps relieve inflammation and draw out pus; there have been cases of getting rid of granuloma with the help of saline tampons.

A cotton swab is moistened with a hypertonic (10%) salt solution, wrung out and applied to the gum of the diseased tooth, changed after an hour. When gums are inflamed, it is useful to rinse oral cavity salt solution, you can add a decoction of chamomile or sage to it.

Previously, salt and soda were used to whiten teeth; this also served to cleanse and heal gums.

For cholecystitis and other liver diseases. Apply a wide bandage soaked in hypertonic solution, covering the liver area in front of the stomach and behind the back and is tightly bandaged, and tighter on the stomach than on the back. After 10 hours, the bandage is removed and a hot heating pad is applied to the liver area. It is necessary to apply a heating pad in order to expand the bile ducts, and the thickened and dehydrated bile masses could freely pass into the intestines.

For tumors of various origins. Cases of cure have been described in the literature saline dressings breast adenomas, prostate adenomas, malignant moles and other neoplasms. However, this is not a reason to refuse to consult a doctor, but only information about auxiliary aids.

Saline dressings with hypertonic salt solution are applied and secured at the site of the tumor. They last up to 10 hours, then change to fresh ones.

For tumors in the mammary gland and mastopathy, a dense, but not pressure bandage on both glands. As a rule, improvement occurs within 2-3 weeks.

For intoxication in case of poisoning. In case of poisoning and severe intoxication as aid Saline dressings may be applied to the abdominal area. Keep until the condition improves, but not longer than 15 hours. Then the bandage should be changed.

For abscesses, boils and abscesses. Boil 2 tsp. salt in a glass of water, wait a little until it cools down to a temperature that can be tolerated. If there is an abscess on your finger, steam your finger in a hot saline solution and then lubricate it with iodine. For abscesses from injections, apply a warm saline bandage to the abscess and secure with a band-aid. Keep for up to 5 hours. Then make an iodine grid.

When your feet are affected by a fungus. Every evening, keep your feet for 10 minutes in a saline solution (2 tablespoons of salt per half liter of water) until complete recovery. The same baths will help cope with excessive sweating legs

salt medicine saline solution

It is useful to apply salt lotions to affected nails. A swab soaked in saline solution is placed on the nail affected by the fungus and left there until it dries completely.

For joint diseases. For arthritis, radiculitis and other problems with bones and joints, dry heating with hot salt is effective. However, cases of significant improvement in the patient's condition after using salt dressings applied to the affected joints have been described.

Often, along with salt dressings, so-called “fermented” mittens, socks, scarves, or just a piece of woolen fabric are used. The fabric is soaked in a hot saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water) and put on or applied to sore spots. Such woolen headbands are useful not only when wet, but also when dry.

In addition, for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is useful to take baths with salt (0.5 tablespoons per liter of water), adding decoctions of burdock, St. John's wort, wild rosemary, medicinal oils walnut, sea buckthorn, garlic extract.

For insect bites. Lubricate the bite site with a 50% salt solution, it will stop hurting and itching faster. The effect will be stronger if you use a vinegar solution of salt.

Saline swabs. Used for diseases of the teeth and cervix. To treat the cervix, a cotton swab is moistened with a hypertonic (10%) salt solution, wrung out and slightly loosened before insertion. It is injected as deeply as possible and left for 15 hours.

The most valuable natural food product with a salty taste can be considered an ordinary herring. The content of microelements in it is an order of magnitude greater than in any food product.

Application of various mineral waters with a rich mineral-salt composition, both for internal and external use, has long been included in the therapeutic arsenal of modern medicine.

When going on vacation to the sea, melancholic and choleric people should choose the least possible salinity of sea water or near the place where the river flows into the sea (the salinity is lower there). For melancholic people, for example, the Azov Sea is suitable, and for choleric people - the Baltic Sea. For sanguine people and especially phlegmatic people, on the contrary water will do with maximum salinity (for example, water Dead Sea in Israel).

Correcting harmful effect salts and fats (remember the Ukrainian salted lard, and if also with pepper - an ideal combination) and products of a cold and damp nature (for example, butter). Well harmonized in this regard is salted butter.


Thus, during the research process, the following main conclusions were made and the results were summed up.

The role of salt in human life and health is very contradictory; salt is either put on a pedestal and equated to gold, or famously thrown off it, declaring it a cruel killer.

No matter what they say, the body needs salt in reasonable quantities. Chlorine and sodium ions are necessary to recreate the optimal PH balance in the cells of a living organism. Salt is included tissue fluids and the blood itself, its aqueous solutions used in medicine for dehydration and detoxification, used as a blood replacement fluid after serious blood loss. The human body cannot help but react to a violation salt balance and arises muscle spasm, fatigue, loss of appetite, inhibition natural renewal cells.

The role of sodium chloride for the gastrointestinal tract is invaluable. Salt enhances the production of saliva and gastric juice, which in turn promotes better digestion and absorption of food; salt also prevents heart attacks, as it prevents blood thickening and thrombus formation.

No one is stopping us, and now in the era of antibiotics, in some cases we should not immediately resort to strong drugs, but try a regular salt dressing first. Salt dressings are also used to treat abscesses, boils, pustular disease. Salt will also help with headaches. Heated salt in bags works well for sore throat, bronchitis, along with pepper. Heated salt has an excellent effect for arthrosis of small joints; it is mixed with dry river sand and held on the hands or feet until they cool. Also salt excellent remedy for the treatment of cellulite and improvement of skin condition.

Thus, all goals were achieved during the research process.


1. Barabbas N.E. Chemistry. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 224 p.

2. Gabrielyan O.S., Ostroumov I.G. Chemistry. - M.: Academy, 2013. - 336 p.

3. Zlotnikov E.G. Chemistry. Quick reference. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2015. - 192 p.

4. Erokhin Yu.M. Chemistry. - M.: Academy. - 400 s.

5. Meshkova O.V. Chemistry. - M.: Eksmo, 2014. - 176 p.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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Salt and its use in folk medicine: recipes and techniques

Specialists from different areas It is increasingly argued that salt is harmful to health and there are many ways and techniques.
However, the opposite is also undeniable - salt has a lot of beneficial properties. Salt also finds its use in folk medicine for the treatment of a long series of diseases.

Treatment of skin diseases with salt

For acne on the face

The method of treating acne and inflammation on the face is also based on the same property of salt. Often inflammatory processes are associated with the fact that the skin is infected with a special type of mite.
None cosmetical tools can’t cope with this scourge, and not everyone medical drugs this is possible.
But regular salt quickly solves the problem. The patient's facial skin is steamed with hot lotions or steam, and then rubbed generously with salt.
The salt should be rubbed in with gentle movements so as not to irritate damaged skin. Salt may dry out the skin slightly, but the tick will be defeated.
Your skin will soon become clean and healthy.

Helps with a runny nose

Another irreplaceable quality of salt is that it retains heat excellently. Salt is a great alternative heating pad for various diseases. With a runny nose traditional healers It is recommended to warm your nose with bags of hot salt.

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2.2. The use of sea salt in folk medicine

In folk medicine, there are many treatment recipes where it is used sea ​​salt. Its beneficial properties are used both for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. For this purpose, salt solutions and baths are used, salt rubbing and rinsing, compresses, inhalations and lotions are made. Sea salt is quite affordable and economical.

To use sea salt as medicine no special skills or any complex devices are required. It is only important that before starting treatment with sea salt, be sure to consult with your doctor so as not to harm your own health.

We need edible sea salt not only to improve taste, but also for the following conditions:

Chronic fatigue syndrome;


Stress and nervous disorders;

High blood pressure;

Dehydration of the body;

Metabolic disorders;

Colds of the ear, throat, nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, etc.);


Pain when spraining ligaments.

In addition, sea salt has proven to be an excellent prophylactic diseases such as brain diseases (sodium ensures the normal functioning of cells), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, capillary spasms and blood clots.

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