Herbs for infertility. Folk remedies that increase sexual activity. Medicinal properties and composition of izmagen

Treatment of infertility with herbs arose a long time ago, when, along with the existence of such “therapy methods” as worshiping saints or reading spells, our ancestors tried to find effective medicines in nature. Now medicine has stepped far forward, but herbs for infertility, taken in the form various decoctions, infusions and extracts remain popular. Do they work? Can they be used? What does science say about this? Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

How to determine infertility

Infertility (infertility) is the inability of a couple in childbearing age, conceive a child within a year with regular sex life and refusal of contraception.

A couple is diagnosed with infertility if there is no conception within a year, and both spouses are under 35 years of age. If the man is over 40 years old and the woman is 35 or more, the couple should consult a doctor after six months of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant.

To finally make a diagnosis, the doctor carries out a series of diagnostic procedures. For women it is:

  • manual and hardware examination of the genital organs;
  • blood test for hormones (prolactin, LH, FSH and others);
  • tests functional diagnostics;
  • determination of the cervical (cervical) factor;
  • postcoital test, etc.

As for men, first of all they need to do a spermogram. The doctor examines the patient's medical history, conducts a physical examination and may prescribe a blood test for hormones, an ultrasound of the genital organs, genetic tests and etc.

Diagnostics helps to identify the cause of infertility and choose the right treatment.

Treatment of infertility with herbs

Many women and men, even without being diagnosed, are trying to deal with their problems folk ways. The most famous herbs for infertility for men and women:

  • sage;
  • plantain;
  • marin root;
  • nettle;
  • hog uterus;
  • aloe;
  • Vitex sacred or Abraham's tree.

Also among the folk remedies against infertility are Rhodiola quadruple, golden mustache, izmagen, knotweed, etc.


In ancient times, this lush purple flower was considered a sacred plant. Sage is rich in phytoestrogens - substances similar to female hormones. Therefore, it affects the work of women reproductive system. You can buy a lot in pharmacies medicines with sage extract, but they are usually intended to treat coughs and sore throats.


Plantain is one of the most famous medicinal plants. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is used to treat many diseases, but no scientific research influence on the likelihood of conception in women. Men also use plantain for infertility. Plantain affects the composition of sperm and slightly improves testosterone synthesis. For infertility, use an infusion of plant seeds or its extract.

Maryin root

Maryin root (also known as evasive peony) is used in complex therapy uterine erosion in women. For this purpose, the roots of the plant are used, on the basis of which an alcohol tincture is prepared.


This plant helps stop bleeding when heavy menstruation. It is also believed that nettle improves the passage of the egg, however official medicine has not yet confirmed this effect.

Hog queen

The hog uterus (officially - ortilia lopsided) improves reproductive function female body, increasing the functional activity of the uterus. In folk medicine, the plant is recommended for infertility associated with inflammatory diseases of the uterus/ovaries. Ortilia is usually used in the form of an infusion of water or alcohol tincture.


The well-known aloe contains phytocomponents that are effective in treating ovarian diseases that can cause fertility problems. In addition, the succulent increases the synthesis of estradiol. In men, aloe increases sperm motility. The crushed leaves of the plant are mixed with fat or honey and taken orally. Aloe extract is sold in injection form as a general tonic.


Chasteberry (also known as Tree of Abraham) has a special place in herbal infertility treatment. Its effectiveness has been proven in a number of foreign research. It has been shown that preparations with Vitex increase the chances of conception, reduce prolactin levels during pregnancy increased production and help eliminate insufficiency of the luteal phase of the cycle.

Should you use herbs for treatment?

You cannot choose (let alone collect) herbs for infertility yourself and self-medicate. The causes of infertility can be different, even opposite. And what benefits one woman can harm another. It's the same with men. Folk remedies Infertility treatment with herbs is a hit-and-miss treatment. Therefore, the cause of infertility should be diagnosed by a qualified doctor. That said, some plants have actually been shown to be effective for some fertility problems. They are still used in traditional medicine for the treatment of infertility caused by certain reasons.

Among such plants is vitex, which gently normalizes hormonal balance, regulating the production of prolactin. Therefore, if pregnancy does not occur due to hyperprolactinemia, then a doctor can recommend Vitex extract.

Infertility problem in last years a lot more pops up than before. Moreover, this applies to absolutely everyone. Despite the fact that this is a very terrible disease, there are not many methods to overcome it. It happens that for some couples the usual help from doctors cannot help. Then herbs for infertility for women come to the rescue, that is, traditional therapy, which in this particular case turns out to be more effective and efficient.

The percentage of women and men suffering from this diagnosis shows that the figure is clearly not in favor of women (women - 60%). And this is a cruel consequence of complex illnesses suffered by women and incorrect treatment, a consequence of abortions, miscarriages... But, whatever the reason, the main thing is to first figure out what caused this disease in order to understand how and how to treat it.

Treatment of infertility with herbs can contribute to a speedy conception, provided that the correct and constant admission. Traditional medicine supports the opinion that Mother Nature can provide everything necessary for human health. And indeed, in many cases, when women almost despaired of giving birth to a long-awaited baby, it was herbs for infertility that helped them. You just need to learn two simple truths: before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor; Use herbs as agreed with your doctor, observing all dosages indicated in each specific recipe. In most cases for proper preparation The decoction will require only 10 grams of herb per glass of boiling water.

Causes of infertility

If the spouses live together for a year without taking contraceptives, and the stork's expectations do not bring any results, they should undergo a full diagnostic examination to determine the causes of their problem.

There are several types of situations in which it is not possible to give birth to a baby:

  • primary - if conception has never occurred yet or miscarriages occur all the time;
  • secondary - the potential mother already has one child, but cannot become a mother again;
  • absolute - a woman does not have a reproductive organ or doctors diagnose her with a pathological anomaly;
  • relative - there is no deviation with pathology, but “inviting the stork” still fails.

So, we can identify several reasons why two loving people They just can’t give birth to their own blood. In many cases, this can happen due to adhesions that have formed in fallopian tubes, after abortions, due to very poorly done diagnostic curettage or permanent use intrauterine device.

In addition, the inability to get pregnant and give birth to a child is also affected by inflammation that occurs in the pelvic organs and various infections. Similar problems occur as a result of hormonal disorders and gynecological diseases that the woman has not cured or simply has not completed treatment.

When it becomes clear why everything is not working out as planned, the necessary treatment must immediately begin. In addition to the usual drug therapy It is quite acceptable to use medicine that came to us from the people.

Effects of herbs

Medicinal herbal remedies, as a rule, have a fairly beneficial effect on a woman’s body without causing any harm to it. Nature has given people a lot of plants that will help restore the functioning of organs and systems in both the female and male bodies (it’s no secret that male infertility is also present). Based on the reason that prevents it from happening long-awaited pregnancy, you can choose a prescription for this disease. It is important that you use it correctly. For this to happen, you should not choose yourself, on the advice of girlfriends or by rumors. It is imperative to undergo an examination and consult a doctor. In this case, unnecessary consequences will be minimized. After all, each female body is strictly individual, and if you make the wrong choice, an allergic reaction can occur.

We have already become familiar with the reasons for the difficulty of getting pregnant. Let us dwell on the fact that the collection of herbs for infertility should be used solely depending on what pathology exists.

A woman must pass full diagnostics, after which specialists will be able to determine what the cause of the violation is reproductive function and recommend traditional medicine as a mainstay or as a useful addition to standard treatment.

If inflammation is detected in the pelvic organs, anti-inflammatory herbal teas prepared from coltsfoot and calendula plants will help.

If there hormonal disorders, chamomile, lemon balm and calendula are suitable. Collecting herbs for infertility in women will help restore metabolism and strengthen the immune system throughout the body. You should drink the prepared decoction on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle, for two weeks, three times a day, just one hundred grams.

If during the diagnostic process it was shown that the fallopian tubes are obstructed, you can take upland uterus. It is suitable for making medicinal decoctions and even alcohol infusions. There is another way - balls made from simple ingredients: raspberries, rose hips and plantain seeds. Mix all this with honey, make small balls weighing twenty grams and eat them three times a day.

Peony root tincture will have positive impact on the genitals. You should drink it before meals, one teaspoon.

So, collecting herbs for infertility for women can provide truly invaluable help, but only if used in a timely and correct manner.

Even a person inexperienced in medicine understands that ethnoscience will not help if a woman has complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This will require surgical intervention.

If the obstruction is partial, then a different problem arises: a woman may experience ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, if you have such a pathology, you need to be seriously examined by doctors. Yes and herbal infusions drink only after a thorough conversation with a specialist.

List of herbs for treating infertility

Let's take a look at some of the herbs that are most often used to get rid of the problem in question. What herb for infertility fits better, it is impossible to say in advance. After all, every woman is individual. And what can help one will be completely useless for another.

  • Sage. This herb contains a completely unique set of substances that are very similar to estrogens - female hormones - in their own way. chemical composition. What are the properties of sage? Thanks to a decoction of this wonderful herb, a woman can stimulate the ovaries to work and calm her nervous system. Because sage can complement a deficiency female hormones, then, gradually toning the ovaries, it “invigorates” the entire reproductive system of a woman. Typically the duration of treatment is a quarter. The herb should be brewed with boiling water and this infusion should be drunk three times a day. Begin with last day menses. After the three months are over, you need to take a two-month break and then resume treatment.
  • The herb is used to accelerate the growth of the endometrial follicle in order to normalize the functioning of the ovaries. Quite often, it is herbalists who recommend taking a decoction of this herb in cases where it is impossible to overcome infertility in the classical way.
  • Plantain. Its seeds can restore menstrual cycle help cope with inflammation in the tubes and even help a woman recover from infertility. But this is only possible if the prepared decoction is used as part of a complex treatment.
  • Knotweed. This herb is useful if there is some kind of inflammatory process, which is quite long time flows into urinary tract and genitals. Greatest effect achieved when a decoction of knotweed is taken in the first phase of the cycle.
  • Borovaya uterus. Plants are suitable for different women's diseases, which relate to the female reproductive system. These infertility herbs for women can stop the development of endometriosis, can relieve inflammation and even stop swelling. Borovaya uterus is used both independently and in tandem with other anti-inflammatory herbs - calendula, chamomile, knotweed, plantain, fireweed and others. If a woman has a problem with ovarian dysfunction or hormonal imbalance, then with boron uterus you can brew sage, wintergreen and wintergreen. They make both alcohol infusions and decoctions. It should be used starting only after menstruation has ended, approximately on the 4-5th day of the cycle. Treatment should be carried out in courses - six months, breaks - only during menstruation. And a decoction of boron uterus helps to cope with inflammation and erosion of the cervix through douching.
  • Wintergreen. It can stop bleeding and relieve inflammation. It has disinfecting and diuretic effects. Wintergreen is applicable as a therapy for infertility, which happened due to various infections, inflammation, decreased uterine tone, decreased ovarian performance. It will provide invaluable assistance if a woman is diagnosed with fallopian tube obstruction, there is purulent discharge or adhesions have formed. The use of herbal infusions or decoctions will definitely help if you drink them correctly - one glass four times a day for three months.

Quite strong and really exerting good help is the following collection of herbs for infertility, which will also help if a serious inflammatory process has begun in the ovaries. Only this method of treatment must be completed by completely abstaining from sexual activity. To prepare such a decoction, you need to mix 50 g of sweet clover herb, chamomile flowers, calendula, coltsfoot leaves and centaury herb. For a half-liter mug of boiling water, two tablespoons of this mixture will be enough. You need to drink a third of a glass six times a day. Time - about thirty minutes before meals and between meals. The duration of such treatment is one to two months.

Phyto-candles - another helper for women

The composition of such miracle candles includes healing herbs, essential oils, cocoa butter, propolis infusion.

Before using the candle, you need to wash your genitals with chamomile decoction. Use these candles at night. During the time when you plan to be treated with candles, you should wear underwear only made from natural materials, and for the whole night you can put on a pad so that part of the candle does not stain your clothes.

A significant part of gynecological diseases that prevent the desired pregnancy from occurring are usually treated with ordinary aloe. Injections with this extract can be prescribed to women to treat tubes, any inflammation, or ovarian cysts. When a menstrual cycle disorder occurs, aloe should be dripped onto sugar - refined sugar or regular sand.

And do not forget to consult with the doctor who is caring for the patient before using the chosen recipe!

What conclusion can be drawn from all this? Firstly, if the problem already exists, then first of all - go through medical examination. Self-medication, especially with herbal medicines, is highly discouraged, because only a qualified doctor can advise and select correct option treatment that will lead to the long-awaited result.

Ecology of health. Traditional medicine: Infertility can be absolute, and this condition is associated with congenital underdevelopment or bad work genitals. However, much more common is infertility resulting from a disease - inflammation, adhesive process, impaired sperm motility in men, endocrine disorders.

Infertility can be absolute, and this condition is associated with congenital underdevelopment or poor functioning of the genital organs. However, much more common is infertility resulting from a disease - inflammation, adhesions, impaired sperm motility in men, endocrine disorders. Traditional recipes will help you cope with this problem.

Ismagen (woolly panzeria)

Ismagen (Panzeria woolly) is a herbaceous perennial growing mainly in Eastern Siberia. The wealth of medicinal properties of this plant has made it popular not only among herbalists. Ismagen is popularly called vagrant weed. His unique composition is actively used for the treatment of female and men's problems associated with reproductive dysfunction. The herb is useful for infertility and this is not its only advantage.

Medicinal properties and composition of izmagen

The composition of the plant has not yet been fully studied; the likelihood of discoveries is very high. But even those medicinal properties that have already been proven and are actively used deserve attention. Ismagen is an excellent anti-toxic, tonic, sedative and restorative.

The herb contains alkaloids, malic acid, tannins, water soluble essential oil, flavonoids and a large number of biologically active substances. Cardiovascular nerves are treated with drugs that include Panzeria woolly. They are used for atherosclerosis, Graves' disease, blood pressure and rheumatism. And yet, this plant has gained the greatest popularity as a remedy for infertility.

Ismagen and infertility

To fulfill their dream of becoming parents, many married couples are ready to use any means and methods. Most often, infertility occurs due to various diseases. These may be endocrine disorders, inflammation of the genital organs, impaired sperm motility in men. Modern methods treatments solve these problems very effectively, but the importance and popularity of traditional medicine recipes is not lost. Medicinal plants are still actively used and help get rid of gynecological diseases. Ismagen with his unique properties one of the leaders among herbs that are involved in the treatment of infertility. It quite actively influences the restoration of reproductive function, since its action is aimed at restoring hormonal levels and eliminating inflammatory processes.

The only component of the herbal medicine “izmagen” is the herb Panaceria woolly. This plant has sedative effect. Its medicinal properties help normalize the menstrual cycle, prevent uterine bleeding, getting rid of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.

How to use?

Most often in medicinal purposes a decoction of ismagen or herbal tincture on vodka.

Decoction. Pour a glass of boiling water over the chopped herb (1 teaspoon) and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool, strain and take before meals, 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Tincture. Grass (20 g) is poured with vodka 200 g. (proportion 1 to 10). Leave for 10 days and take 1/2 teaspoon 3 times daily. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Sage for infertility

An infusion of sage seeds helps both men and women. But in women, in addition, the “suction” reflex of the cervix increases, and frigidity significantly decreases or completely disappears. All these problems go away completely if you add linden to the sage infusion. This is why sage is effective treatment infertility.

Due to the fact that sage contains many hormones, some of which are analogues of female sex hormones, it is recommended that women over 35 years of age drink sage - drink one glass of infusion every morning.

To prepare it, take one teaspoon of sage and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave until cool, about 40 minutes. Drink half an hour before meals. You can add lemon or honey for taste. This rejuvenating course for women lasts a month. There is a break of 3 months between courses.

For infertility treatment, just take one dessert spoon sage seeds per glass of boiling water. To enhance the effect, you can add linden. Wait until it brews and you can drink. Start taking it immediately after menstruation ends, for 11 days in a row, 2 times a day, morning and evening. And so on for three months. If pregnancy does not occur, the course is repeated after a two-month break.

Attention! Do not take too much sage, as it can cause allergies and poison the body..

Plantain seeds for infertility

Seed decoction for women plantain helps well with heavy menstrual bleeding which are accompanied severe pain, bad mood and depression. This decoction also treats infertility - provided that it is caused by an inflammatory process in the tubes.

For men, a decoction of plantain seeds will help well in treating sperm immobility. Treatment with a decoction of plantain seeds is recommended not only traditional healers, but also Tibetan medicine.

To prepare this decoction, take one tablespoon of plantain seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil for two to five minutes. Give it time to brew, then strain. The decoction should be taken warm, 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. The shelf life of the decoction in the refrigerator is 2-3 days. The course of treatment is 3 months. It is recommended to take medicinal baths.

Baths. It is also useful to take medicinal plantain baths. To prepare it, take 50 g of plantain roots and leaves and pour a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 45 minutes, then strain. One liter of this infusion - for one water procedure. The course of treatment is 15 days every 3 months.

Shilajit for infertility

Shilajit works well for the treatment of infertility in men and women. Take 2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, 0.2 grams of mumiyo, washed down with either carrot or blueberry juice, or sea buckthorn juice.

The course of treatment lasts 28 days. For a more powerful effect, you can mix mumiyo with egg yolks and the juices of some medicinal plants - for example, sage or quince. Increased sexual function is noticeably felt within a week.

Sparrow from infertility

Knotweed treats infertility, promotes conception and has a healing effect on the functioning of the ovaries and uterus. Therefore, it is very useful for women, and knotweed also has a beneficial effect on men. Moreover, knotweed has another pattern: when consumed, the chance of having a son rather than a daughter increases.

To prepare the infusion, take 3 tablespoons of dry or fresh knotweed herb and pour into a thermos. Add half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 4 hours. Take half a glass 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Collection of herbs for infertility

This herbal collection helps with infertility and inflammation of the ovaries. The course of treatment takes place with complete abstinence from sexual activity. To prepare a decoction, mix 50 g of coltsfoot leaves, sweet clover herb, flowers pharmaceutical chamomile, calendula flowers and centaury herb. Take 2 tablespoons of this mixture per half liter of boiling water. Drink 1/3 glass 6 times a day half an hour before meals and between meals. The course of infertility treatment is 1–2 months.

Good to know. Many people are very surprised when they hear that when bathing they need to use laundry soap. Moreover, the higher the percentage, the more alkali it contains and the better it is for the body. Women's diseases having inflammatory nature, respond well to tincture of boron uterus; it is also called one-sided ortilia. The same tincture restores irregularities in the menstrual cycle, cures fibroids, uterine fibroids, and infertility.

To prepare it, take 50 grams of this herb, finely chop it and pour half a liter of vodka. After 2 weeks, the infusion will be ready. Take 35–40 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals with warm water. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. It should be noted that one-sided ortilia is often confused with wintergreen, since they are both families of pear-shaped plants and are similar to each other. But wintergreen will not help you; it is used to treat inflammation of the prostate.

Soda for infertility

Some women may have heard that douching with soda helps you get pregnant. Only not everyone believes in the old grandmother’s method, but the effectiveness of such procedures can be explained with scientific point vision.

As you know, in the vagina acidic environment, which has a detrimental effect on sperm. To penetrate the uterus and fertilize an egg, male reproductive cells have to travel a rather long way, during which half of them die.

When douching with soda, the pH of the vagina changes to the alkaline side, therefore creating optimal conditions for the life of ejaculate cells.

Douching is carried out at the rate of: half a teaspoon of bicarbonate per 0.5 liter of water. It is better to do the procedure before the start of sexual intercourse, about half an hour. In a slightly alkaline environment, sperm will retain their mobility and their lifespan will be extended. However, in order not to destroy the microbiological environment of the vagina, douching should be done no more than 2-3 times a month.

Black cumin oil for infertility

Black cumin oil is the most useful product, which treats many diseases. The Prophet Muhammad called it “the cure for all ailments except death.” The oil has been found to have a positive effect on thymus gland responsible for immune protection. It contains phytosterols necessary for the production of hormones in the body. The oil is used for disorders of the reproductive system in both men and women.

IN oriental medicine The remedy has long been used to restore erection and maintain male abilities. The oil improves the number and motility of sperm and increases their ability to conceive. In the female half, it restores the damaged hormonal background, normalizes monthly cycle, helps in the treatment of inflammation and prevents the appearance of tumors.

Take a teaspoon of black cumin oil along with honey 2 times a day. It is good to drink this potion with tea with chamomile and thyme. It is recommended to carry out treatment for 3-4 months, then interrupt for 2 months

Wintergreen for infertility

Wintergreen - medicinal plant, which helps get rid of chronic inflammatory processes in the female genital area. Adnexitis, colpitis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, uterine atony can cause infertility. Men should also take a tincture or decoction of wintergreen if they suffer from urethritis or inflammation of the prostate gland.

The plant is used for infertility in the form of infusion and alcohol tincture. The infusion is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of dried herbs are poured with boiling water in an amount of 300-400 ml. Infuse and apply 100 ml along with honey three times a day, about an hour before meals. Treatment is continued for six months.

Wintergreen tincture is prepared in the ratio: 1 part herb to 5 parts vodka. Leave in a dark place for 20 days. Take 40 drops before meals three times a day. You can also use fresh grass, but this will require half a glass of chopped raw material per 200 ml of vodka. Infuse and take 35 drops.

Geranium oil for infertility

The essential oil of the plant improves mood, fights depression, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps get rid of painful periods and sexual disorders. Every woman who dreams of motherhood should have geranium in her home and periodically inhale the aroma of the plant.

You can use geranium essential oil to scent a room: this puts a woman in a loving mood. If you add a few drops of aroma oil to any base oil(avocado, olive), then this product can be used for massage. This increases sexual desire, relaxes, and increases vitality.

For infertility, a few drops aromatic oil, about 3-4 drops, add to 100 ml of heated water. Add a teaspoon of honey here. Apply the product 3 times during the day, before meals.

At bacterial vaginitis 3-4 drops of aromatic oil are added to a glass of water, and 1 tsp is also added here. baking soda. The solution is used for douching. published

This might interest you:

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, seek advice regarding the use of any medicines and treatment options, consult your doctor.

Dear readers! What can you advise a woman who has been diagnosed with infertility? Modern methods of treating infertility are varied and very effective. In addition to the medications prescribed by your doctor, you should definitely take herbs for infertility.

Many people perceive infertility as a life sentence. Actually this is not true. There is always a place in our soul in which hope glimmers. The main thing is to determine the most appropriate method of treatment individually for yourself. Many generations of women have successfully used them. Let us also look at what can help our women solve this problem.

Infertility - in biology - loss of the ability of plants and animals to reproduce sexually.Infertility - in medicine- the inability of a couple of childbearing age to conceive a child with regular sexual activity.

Infertility is considered to be a condition of the animal and human body in which its reproductive function is impaired, and pregnancy due to physiological abnormalities doesn't come. The causes of infertility sometimes lie in the most unexpected conditions of the body.

Many women have to overcome frequent gynecological problems: thrush, colpitis, adnexitis, cervical erosion and many other ailments. This vulnerability can also be caused by hormonal disorders in a woman’s body, weakened immunity, qualitative changes microflora of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, neglect of contraception.

It also happens genetic predisposition to infertility in women and men. Surely many of you have heard about married couples who cannot conceive a child for a long time, and then, after breaking up, conceive a child with a new partner without much effort. Many people unknowingly mistake this incompatibility for infertility.

Infertility can be primary, when a woman has never become pregnant, and secondary, as a consequence of various inflammatory pathologies.

Is it possible to cure infertility?

If the reason is inflammatory diseases female reproductive sphere, then when certain treatment, a woman can become matter again. To do this you need to go through:

  1. anti-inflammatory therapy;
  2. resorption therapy;
  3. promotion protective forces body.

The treatment process is long. I join positive feedback and I will say that this is exactly the path my eldest daughter went through when, after a miscarriage, she could not give birth for several years. It only took one and a half to two years and the result of her treatment is now 12 years old. So you shouldn’t despair, but you just need to focus on your treatment purposefully.

It is no secret to anyone how advanced herbal medicine has been in solving problems with female infertility. Nature has everything necessary to maintain human health, we just can’t always manage it meaningfully, and this happens due to a lack of information. Herbs for infertility are currently available raw materials. Every woman should know that in most cases it can be avoided surgical intervention or long drug treatment, trusting the forces of nature.

And yet, how to help a woman overcome infertility? No matter what advice and guarantees doctors give, you should rely only on yourself, on the resources of your body. Healing will not happen instantly; infertility treatment is a long process.

Treatment of female infertility

Over the centuries, people have accumulated and passed on information about the most effective recipes for treatment various ailments through his descendants. At the beginning of the twentieth century, herbs were not trusted too much, but rare cases there were appeals to herbalists. And when the recipe brought long-awaited relief and complete liberation from the disease, people’s faith grew stronger, the healer became surrounded by people.

Today, official medicine has appreciated some herbal medicines, which has become a real breakthrough of our time. Herbal preparations have many advantages, including multifunctionality, aftereffect, lack of side effects when using and discontinuing the drug

Hog queen

Surely many of you have heard about such a plant as the hog queen or ortilia lopsided... This is a natural healer that grows in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet in forest belts and rough terrain. The plant is so unpretentious that it

you can even transplant it to your own country cottage area, where it will quickly begin and begin to thank the person with its beneficial healing power.

Some pharmaceutical companies have begun to produce drugs to treat female infertility from raw materials of boron uterus. This alcohol tinctures and teas.

Alcohol tincture. All above-ground parts of the plant are used to prepare the tincture. Take 50 grams of dry crushed plant and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave to infuse in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain and take 25 drops three times within an hour. If you bought pharmacy tincture. then it should be taken in the same way, but 30 drops.

Important: It is necessary to observe the periods when boron uterus preparations will be taken. Before starting use, it is necessary to undergo an estrogen level test because taking the drug lowers its level. When estrogen levels in the blood are normal, Ortilia unilateral is taken starting the day after the end of the cycle and no later than the seventh day, regularly. If the level of the hormone is reduced, taking it is permissible only in the second half of the menstrual cycle. This needs to be monitored closely.

The course of taking boron uterus tincture is long, at least 3 months. When taking it, it is necessary to take into account the woman’s age and hormonal levels and be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Infusion of boron uterus herb. To prepare a decoction, take 10 grams of crushed dry raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, strain and take a tablespoon an hour before meals. An infusion of boron uterus can also be used for douching for inflammatory gynecological diseases.


Some of you have paid attention to gardening ornamental plant cuff Cuff is rightfully considered a “female” herb. The ancient Latins called the mantle the herb of alchemists, believing that the plant was made magical powers. It is capable of accumulating in the center of its leaves healing dew, which ancient people used to treat infertility, obesity, and tuberculosis.

Nowadays, herbalists use the entire above-ground part of the plant to prepare medicinal drugs. Collection of raw materials can be carried out only after sunrise and the dew on the leaves has completely dried. You can store raw materials in glass jars, paper bags, and cloth bags for no more than a year. After a year of storage, the raw material ages and acquires a bitter taste. Treatment with such raw materials is not recommended.

ABOUT therapeutic effect and the use of cuff grass. This plant has progestogenic activity: with the help of the cuff, the production of the hormone progesterone is stimulated, which ensures the onset of pregnancy (gestation) and its further maintenance.

The infertility cuff is best used in combination with herbs similar action. Here is one of the recipes:

  • common mantle grass – 1 tbsp.
  • pepper mountaineer – 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon bark – 1 tsp.
  • black pepper – 3 peas.

Mix everything and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes. The decoction is drunk instead of tea or water throughout the day. Prepared the next day fresh decoction. The course of treatment is several months.

Prevention of female diseases

Anti-inflammatory drugs made from medicinal herbs, should not be used spontaneously or immediately after diagnosing the disease. Prevention of gynecological diseases should be established in the life of every woman. Thus, the herbs that we talked about here must be taken cyclically for at least three courses a year, 21 days from the waxing moon (according to herbalists, this is due to lunar phases) with a break of 7 days before the start of a new course. At some point, carry out a course of treatment with a boron uterus, and after six months - with a cuff.

I really hope that our article will help women overcome infertility and will receive positive feedback.

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Best wishes! I was with you Taisiya Filippova.

Herbs for infertility can help conception if taken correctly and regularly. Of course, it is important to use herbal infertility treatment after consultation with a doctor.

If drug therapy does not produce results, many couples turn to traditional medicine. The herb is especially often used for infertility. There are many recipes for preparing decoctions and infusions that will help normalize the reproductive function of the body.

If after a year life together, without the use of contraception, pregnancy does not occur, the spouses need to undergo a diagnostic examination to determine the cause of childlessness.

There are several types of infertility:

  1. Primary is if there has never been a conception or there have been constant miscarriages.
  2. Secondary – a woman has a child, but cannot get pregnant a second time.
  3. Absolute, when a reproductive organ is absent or a pathological anomaly is diagnosed.
  4. Relative is if there are no pathological abnormalities, but conception does not occur.

There may be several reasons why spouses cannot give birth to a baby. Often the problem arises due to adhesions in the fallopian tubes, after abortions, poor-quality diagnostic curettage, or wearing an intrauterine device.

Infertility can also be caused by inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, infectious diseases. The problem is caused by hormonal disorders and untreated gynecological diseases.

Having determined the cause of the deviation, it is necessary to address timely treatment. In addition to drug therapy, traditional medicine can be used.

The medicinal properties of herbs have a beneficial effect on the body without causing harm to it. Nature provides many plants that help restore the functionality of organs and systems in women and men. Depending on the reason that prevents pregnancy, there are many recipes for infertility. The main thing is to use them skillfully; for this it is better to consult a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. After all, each body is individual, and an allergic reaction may occur.

The cause of childlessness in women can be severe gynecological diseases, consequences of abortion, premature termination of pregnancy, infectious diseases, abnormalities in the development of reproductive organs. A collection of herbs for infertility should be consumed depending on the pathology.

After diagnostic examination, doctors determine the cause of reproductive dysfunction, recommend traditional medicine as the main therapy or as an addition to drug treatment:

  • at inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, anti-inflammatory herbal teas are recommended. Decoctions can be prepared from calendula and coltsfoot plants;
  • Hormonal disorders are best treated with lemon balm, chamomile, and calendula. Collecting these herbs will help restore metabolism, strengthen immune system the whole body. You need to drink the decoction on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle, about two weeks, one hundred grams three times a day;
  • tincture of peony root also has a beneficial effect on the genitals; you need to drink a teaspoon before eating;
  • if tubal obstruction is diagnosed, a hog uterus is often used. From this plant you can prepare alcoholic infusions and medicinal decoctions.

Complete obstruction of the tubes can hardly be cured using traditional medicine; such a diagnosis requires surgical intervention.

At partial obstruction problems also arise in the fallopian tubes - a woman may experience an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, this pathology requires examination by doctors. Only after consultation with a specialist can you use herbs for infertility.

Small adhesions and scarring in a woman’s tubes can be cured with a composition of the following components: honey, aloe, oil. It is better to use three-year-old aloe and keep the cut plant in the refrigerator for three days. Grind the aloe and mix with honey and oil in a ratio of 1:6:6. Treatment lasts two months, one tablespoon in the morning and evening.

This therapy will help get rid of adhesions and tubal obstruction.

To treat infertility, soda is used for douching. The prepared solution, a spoonful of soda per liter of water, is used before sexual intercourse, thirty minutes. But the procedure should not be overused to avoid imbalance in the vaginal environment. Soda when douching will help the natural conception of a child.

In addition to soda, women use chamomile for the procedure, it medicinal effectiveness proven by many patients.

Women also use honey for treatment; it has many useful properties on the female body. Cannot be used when allergic reactions for honey Mix honey and propolis in equal proportions, prepare candles and apply every evening, at night for a week.

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes is treated with balls made from other components - plantain seeds, raspberries and rose hips. Mix everything with honey, make small balls of twenty grams and eat three times a day.

Ginseng began to be used in eastern countries. “Root of Life,” as ginseng plants are also called, has a beneficial effect on reproductive organs, promotes pregnancy in women.

Ginseng normalizes hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle of the female body.

Men often experience poor sperm quality, so taking ginseng helps promote sperm motility.

All recipes alternative medicine should be discussed with your doctor, this will protect women from unpleasant complications.

  1. Borovaya uterus has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable effect. The plant helps in the treatment of fibroids, ovarian cysts, and obstruction of the fallopian tubes. The course lasts thirty days, the tincture can be used for douching.
  2. Sage has a positive effect on the female body. It contains natural hormones estrogens, which are necessary to stimulate the ovaries. Prepare sage according to this recipe: a spoonful of herbs in a glass of boiling water, leave and drink the infusion throughout the day before meals. Treatment lasts three months, then a break of two months and continue therapy again.
  3. Black cumin oil is a natural substance that has a beneficial effect on women's organs. This natural source It contains fats and vitamins, which improves immunity and normalizes hormonal balance. The oil is consumed in combination with honey in the morning and evening, washed down better than chamomile for greater efficiency. The continuous course of treatment is three months, then take a break for a couple of months. If the woman does not conceive, repeat the therapy according to the same scheme.
  4. At increased acidity vagina, soda was used by our ancestors. It is soda that neutralizes the microflora of organs, which helps the passage of sperm to the egg. You need to dilute baking soda in exact proportions - a teaspoon per liter of water to avoid serious consequences. Soda can cause burns to the mucous membrane. But when serious illnesses: inflammation, pathology in the fallopian tubes, this method will not bring results. But baking soda is very often used to treat thrush to eliminate fungal infection. Recovery acid balance in the body, experts recommend the following recipes: dissolve ¼ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of hot milk and water, drink all the medicine three times before meals.

Phyto-suppositories are recommended in the fight against infertility. The suppositories have an anti-inflammatory effect and have no side effects.