Which nut is the healthiest for humans? Which nuts are the healthiest for the body? What nuts can children eat and at what age?

Despite belonging to legumes, peanut for many - a true nut. Eat it salted or fried as a snack and use it in Asian dishes. Make sauces, soups, curries, noodles and stir-fries with it.

Pecan similar in texture to walnuts, but softer and sweeter. It’s also greasy, so it quickly spoils and goes rancid. Pecans work well in baking. A variety of brownies, biscuits, open-faced pies, and bread are the best uses for it.

Pine nuts- Siberian pine seeds. They have a high protein content, which is valuable for vegetarians. Use them to make pesto sauce, just like their Italian counterpart, more elongated and larger pine nuts. Lightly fry and add to salads and pasta.

Walnuts in high esteem in European and Caucasian cuisine. Cook satsivi with them, mix with goat cheese and beets, caramelize them for desserts and make jam from young green nuts. In addition, they can be salted and marinated to serve with cold meat dishes, such as boiled pork.

A favorite of raw food cuisine - cashew. When raw nuts are ground in a blender, they can be used as a sauce base or cheesecake filling. Add them to add texture to rice dishes, meat stews, and chicken and shrimp.

Hazelnut is the fruit of shrubs of the birch family. Whole and coarsely chopped nuts are often used in desserts and baked goods. It is added to muffin dough, candy, snacks and muesli, chocolate and chocolate paste are made with it. Chopped hazelnuts are an excellent base for breading. Also add it to flour for cookies or egg whites for meringues for an interesting texture.

Fried and salted pistachios- an invariable snack for beer. Unsalted ones are widely used in the Middle East and Mediterranean countries for the preparation of pates, sausages and sauces. The combination of pistachios and lamb is very popular. Just look at Istanbul kebabs with pistachios! It is also a popular ingredient in cakes and oriental sweets.

Versatile and popular almond- stone fruit. It is sugared, glazed, ground into flour and used as a base for making marzipan, nougat and Spanish turron. Make breading out of it, add to meat and poultry when frying or baking.

Rich and smooth taste brazil nut reveals itself perfectly in baked goods. He is especially good " sound-cheat" next to the chocolate. Try it also in a duet with rice, couscous or with quickly fried vegetables.

Walnut for a special occasion - macadamia. It is expensive, very high in calories, and tastes like hazelnuts, but more refined and oily. This nut is often combined with white chocolate, coconut and coffee, and is used to make sweets and desserts. Although no one forbids adding macadamia nuts when frying seafood, to fresh lettuce leaves, to fruit chutney or to Indonesian-style rice.

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Nuts and seeds have always been popular in many cultures - either as complete snacks or as ingredients in meals. Scientific research confirms that these products are an important part of a healthy diet. The regular presence of at least some of them in the diet provides tangible benefits to the body.

website collected the most popular and healthy nuts and seeds that show their effectiveness in combating diseases and preventing them.

1. Flax seeds

Despite the high calorie content of the seeds, they contain a lot of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body and normalizes blood sugar levels.

The high content of vitamins A and E, which are responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the skin, explains the popularity of using pumpkin seeds and oil for cosmetic purposes.

4. Almonds

Almonds normalize blood lipid levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases in patients with diabetes.

Eating almonds as a snack or before meals reduces fat levels in total body weight. Since the product is an alternative to animal protein, it gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, therefore, overeating during meals is excluded.

5. Walnut

Popular around the world, walnuts have an impressive list of health benefits. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and coronary heart disease.

Effective in reducing symptoms associated with age-related and neurological disorders.

6. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds contain sulfur-rich proteins, which are beneficial for muscle development and bone renewal.

In addition, they are valuable for their antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

When eaten as a snack, pistachios can help control weight due to their satiating effect.

8. Cashew

Cashew nuts contain a lot of iron, which is necessary to prevent anemia. They are useful for diabetics to normalize blood glucose levels.

For mental workers, a product rich in thiamine and phosphorus will help avoid fatigue.

The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of cashews help protect the body from influenza and seasonal colds, as well as improve immunity.

9. Hazelnuts

Rich in B vitamins, it strengthens muscles and bones, improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Organic acids in the composition - stearic, palmitic and oleic - block the increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood, preventing the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases.

10. Peanuts

One of the most popular nuts on our list. The polyphenol in its composition protects the body's cells from the effects of harmful free radicals, helping to maintain youth.

Linoleic acid lowers blood cholesterol levels and serves to prevent sclerosis.

The product is effective in dietary nutrition. It satisfies hunger for a long time and can replace one full meal.

11. Brazil nut

Due to its high fiber content and its cleansing effect on the intestines, eating this nut

Everyone has heard about the ability of nuts to have a beneficial effect on human health. But which nuts are the healthiest? After all, they all have different origins, properties and benefits for the body. We suggest you find out which nut contains more calcium and which has more fiber; where more calories will be stored, and where – vitamins. In this article, you'll learn about the healthiest nuts to add to your diet and find a nutrient content chart (at the end) that you can keep for your notes.

Attention! All the beneficial properties that will be given below are valid only for unroasted and unsalted nuts. The exceptions are cashews, macadamia nuts and pistachios, which can be dry roasted without oil.

Healthy Nuts #1: Almonds

Almonds are a real record holder among nuts in terms of content. calcium, proteins and fiber. The first makes it an excellent choice for those who for some reason cannot consume dairy products, pregnant women, children and anyone who wants to provide their body with a sufficient amount of this bone-building element. Athletes love almonds for their high protein content (with a relatively low calorie content), and nutritionists love almonds for their insoluble fiber, because it helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

But that is not all. Among all nuts, almonds contain the largest amount of vitamins PP (niacin, niacin), B2 (riboflavin, lactoflavin) and alpha tocopherol (powerful antioxidant from vitamins of group E). Niacin reduces the level of total and bad LDL cholesterol in the blood, dilates small vessels and improves microcirculation. Riboflavin is needed for hair growth, improvement of the condition of nails and skin, and general health of the body, incl. thyroid gland. Alpha tocopherol protects our cells from oxidation, normalizes oxygen consumption, and directly affects the synthesis of important proteins, including collagen. Just 30 grams of almonds - 36% Daily Value of Vitamin E.

Advice: To get the most out of almonds, eat them with the skin intact, as this contains most of the beneficial properties.

Beneficial properties of cashew nuts

If you are a vegetarian, then cashews can be a very tasty and healthy addition to your diet. This nut will fill the body with a sufficient amount of protein and will become an important source of minerals (zinc, copper, iron, sodium) and pantothenic acid (vit. B5). More zinc can only be found in pine nuts. In addition, cashews contain a lot of magnesium (only Brazil nuts and almonds have more), which is necessary for protein synthesis, removing cholesterol from the body, maintaining the functioning of the nervous system, heart muscles and gall bladder.

Small but very nutritious: pine nuts

Pine nuts are also one of the healthiest. Compared to their counterparts, you will find the largest number of elements such as:

  • Zinc;
  • Niacin or vitamin PP;
  • Vitamin K - necessary for the synthesis of proteins that ensure sufficient blood clotting, healthy kidney function, metabolism in bones and connective tissue;
  • Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid from the class of Omega-6 unsaturated acids. Along with walnuts, cedar kernels are the main sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which must be in every person’s diet, because our body is not able to synthesize them on its own.

In addition, pine nuts contain a lot of magnesium, phosphorus, iron and choline. The latter is very important for the nervous system (especially improving memory), regulating insulin levels and fat metabolism in the liver. 30 grams of these nuts contain 11% of the daily value of vitamin E.

Why you should eat walnuts

As mentioned above, walnuts have the highest content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic acid. These acids are indispensable for the cardiovascular system and blood circulation: they protect the heart, fight arrhythmia, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

In addition, walnuts are rich in iron, zinc, copper, manganese and folic acid. They have quite many antioxidants- these are gamma and delta tocopherols from the group of vitamins E, which are extremely effective due to their ability to attach inside the cell membrane and give a lasting result. Like alpha tocopherol contained in almonds, they protect the heart well, maintain youthful skin, and are useful in the fight against cancer.

Other amazing beneficial properties of these nuts include the ability to reduce inflammation in the body, the development of Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.

Healthy Pecans

Quite little known in our area (but you can buy them in the supermarket or order online), healthy pecans are high in protein, fiber, zinc, manganese (in 30 grams - 60% of the daily value), thiamine, antioxidants - gamma tocopherols, as well as beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. The latter belong to carotenoids - these are natural immunostimulants, which strengthen all the protective functions of the body as a whole.

Brazil nuts: benefits and harm to the body

People who have problems with thyroid function should take a close look at Brazil nuts. It is a good source of the mineral selenium: you will find 100% of the daily value in just 3.6 grams. these nuts. In addition to the production of thyroid hormones, selenium is also important for:

  1. Metabolism, fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the human body;
  2. Protecting the body from oxidants and radicals;
  3. Metabolism of nucleic acids, lipids, hormones;
  4. Strengthening muscle tissue and myocardium;
  5. Better absorption of vitamin E and iodine.

In addition to selenium, Brazil nuts contain a lot of calcium, magnesium (in 30 grams - 25% of the daily value), phosphorus (20% of the daily value), potassium, zinc, copper, thiamine, vitamin E (8% of the daily value) and a little antioxidants. At the same time, it should be consumed with caution due to increased levels of saturated fat, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

As tasty as it is healthy – hazelnuts

This nut is a good source of folic acid (more than all other nuts), which is essential for children and pregnant women to create and maintain the development of new cells. Hazelnuts also help provide the body with healthy fats (monounsaturated fatty acids), calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, thiamine, vitamin B6, the antioxidant alpha tocopherol, lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids that improve immunity, and are especially good at protecting your eyesight.

Health benefits of macadamia nuts

When they say that macadamia nuts are the fattest, they often forget to add that most of these fats are healthy for the body. Monounsaturated fatty acids Containing macadamia nuts, they improve metabolism, prevent high cholesterol, and protect the heart and blood vessels. You can safely consume them, given their decent levels of fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron.

Among all the healthy nuts, macadamia also stands out for the record amount of thiamine in its composition (in 30 grams - 16% of the daily value). This substance is extremely important for the growth and development of the human body, maintaining the functioning of the heart, nervous and digestive systems.

What benefits will pistachios bring to the body?

Last on our list, but not in terms of health benefits, pistachio nuts contain almost everything you need: healthy fats, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese, thiamine, folic acid, choline and vitamin B6.

What you should pay special attention to is the high level of vitamin A in pistachios, which is practically not found in other nuts or is found in small quantities. Vitamin A very important for antioxidant protection of the body and vision. The benefits of pistachio nuts for these purposes are emphasized by the content of the antioxidant gamma tocopherol, the above-mentioned lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as the natural immunostimulant beta-carotene. It’s worth treating yourself to unsalted pistachios more often!

Healthy nuts: table for comparing properties, vitamins and minerals

Perhaps after reading this article, you are a little confused about which nuts can be more beneficial for your body? Then our table will help you figure it out, which shows all the beneficial properties of the above nuts.

The numbers in the columns are based on 28 grams of nuts. In parentheses (%) is the percentage of the daily intake for the average person. Note the cells highlighted in red: these substances should be used with caution.

Source of numbers - American Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.

Nuts are unique gifts of nature, which must be included in the human diet. This product contains many valuable substances necessary to maintain normal health. Which nuts are the healthiest for the body? It's difficult to choose just one type, as many of them are nutritious and delicious.

Benefits of nuts

Healthy nuts include protein, fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and minerals. This composition makes the fruits very useful. If you use them daily, it restores the nervous system, brain activity, female reproductive properties, men's health, and fertility.

The fruits are needed to combat obesity and anemia. They protect against premature aging, restore the appearance of skin and hair, and fill the body with energy.


If we determine for the human body, then walnuts are considered the best. Scientists gave them the name “tree of life”. The fruit contains a lot of fats and vitamins compared to other similar products.

Walnuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, so they improve memory and have a beneficial effect on brain activity. The fruit is recognized as an immunostimulant with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. An adult should consume no more than 5-7 nuts per day. And for children 3 will be enough.

Brazilian nut

It is also included in the “healthy nuts” category due to its selenium content, which prevents cancer. The fruit is rich in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium. The components are necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire body.

The downside of Brazil nuts is their high calorie content, since 100 g contains 1000 kcal. But this makes it an excellent source of energy for business people who struggle to snack on healthy foods. An adult needs 10 nuts to saturate the body with useful substances and not harm the figure.


This nut is also included in the healthy category. It contains a lot of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for brain function and memory improvement. Its composition restores the muscular system during intense physical activity.

Hazelnuts regulate many metabolic processes, fight excess weight and slow down aging. The fruit is useful for fatigue and drowsiness, it helps with anemia, anemia and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. You need to consume 8-10 nuts per day. This amount will be enough to obtain the necessary substances.


These healthy nuts have a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. They contain amino acids that have immunostimulating and antidepressant effects.

Pistachios are good for people with heart disease and diabetes. Fruits reduce “bad” cholesterol, restore blood pressure, and eliminate inflammation of blood vessels. Pistachios are low in calories, so they can be consumed every day.


These healthy nuts are used in the treatment of many diseases, for which complex medicines are used in classical medicine. The fetus treats stomach ulcers, manifested by heartburn, pain, kidney disease and genitourinary system. The product is useful in eliminating colds and coughs.

Almonds are good for men's and women's health. Nuts support the condition of teeth, hair, and skin. They increase appetite and create favorable microflora in the intestines, which is necessary to maintain immunity.


These nuts are needed to restore the nervous system, the functioning of the heart, liver, and other organs. They are needed for cell regeneration and renewal, and cholesterol reduction. They are used as a choleretic agent. It is advisable to use them if you lack strength or have sleep disorders.

Peanuts are useful for improving memory, attention, and hearing. It is enough to eat 30 g a day of these wonderful fruits to reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases.


Before consuming fruits, you should familiarize yourself with what they contain. It is also important to know. Cashews include Omega-3 fatty acids. If you constantly and in normal quantities consume this product, then cholesterol will be removed from the body in a timely manner, and the cells will be protected.

Pine nuts

These fruits are considered one of the most expensive. Their benefits are associated with their unique composition. The main substance in them is fatty oil - up to 65%. The product contains easily digestible proteins and amino acids. Pine nuts are rich in B vitamins and microelements. Among carbohydrates, they contain natural sugars - fructose, glucose, sucrose. The shell also includes vitamins, amino acids, and fiber.

The main value lies in the amino acids that the body needs for growth, restoration, and strengthening of bones. Pine nuts are useful for children, teenagers, pregnant women, athletes, and people after surgery. The fruits are easily digestible, so they are perfect for daily consumption.

Pine nuts have a beneficial effect on the overall development of children. Their constant use will have a strengthening effect. The fruits treat endocrine diseases, strengthen the heart and blood vessels.


This exotic type of nut, which grows in the USA, is also beneficial for the body. Pecan fruits are similar to walnuts, only their kernels do not have partitions. And they have a soft, delicate taste.

Pecans include up to 70% fat, proteins, protein, and carbohydrates. They contain vitamins and minerals.

Pecans are high in calories, so it is important to monitor the amount. If you are obese or have diabetes, you should not consume more than 50 g per day. Other people should adhere to the norm of 50-100 g. This will be enough to saturate the body with useful substances.

Valuable fatty oil with medicinal effects is obtained from the fruits. For this, the cold pressing method is used, which preserves all the necessary substances. The oil has a pleasant nutty aroma and replaces olive oil in salads and vegetable dishes.


The seeds contain many valuable components. They contain fatty oil in an amount of about 40%. The fruits have tonic and general strengthening properties. Their use restores blood pressure and helps with migraines. In excessive doses, it can cause stimulation of the nervous system.

Nutmeg is perfect for preparing various products - baked goods, vegetable, meat dishes, soups, marinades. It is indispensable in the fishing industry. It is added to jams, compotes, gingerbreads, tea, coffee.


These fruits are very expensive. Hazelnuts are rich in many valuable substances. Its calorie content is 680 kcal per 100 g. This is due to the oil content - more than 60% by weight. They include fatty acids that are needed for normal metabolism. Hazelnuts do not contain cholesterol, which is why they are beneficial for patients with atherosclerosis.

The fruits contain proteins and amino acids, so they serve as a substitute for meat for vegetarians. But the carbohydrate content is low, which is why the nut is useful for diabetes. The benefit of the product lies in its easy digestibility. Hazelnuts normalize blood composition and restore blood vessels.

Hazel oil, which is included in many medicines, is now in demand. They help with varicose veins, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis. Nutrients are necessary to improve the circulatory system. Hazelnuts improve the body's defenses.

For women

Which nuts are good for women? Among the large number of fruits, the most valuable include cashews, walnuts and pine nuts, peanuts, and almonds. These fruits protect against premature aging of the skin, improve and strengthen hair.

They prevent the occurrence of diseases of the reproductive system and maintain the vitamin and mineral balance of the body during pregnancy. The healthiest nuts for women are recommended to be consumed as an assortment. This product brings many benefits to the body.

For men

Which nuts are good for men? Experts believe that the best ones for them will be pistachios, pecans, peanuts, and hazelnuts. The fruits are necessary to increase sexual strength and protect against prostate diseases. Eating such foods improves the production of testosterone, which is important for men's health.

50 g of nuts per day will be enough to improve erection and increase potency. Moreover, this does not require active training to strengthen muscle tone. The healthiest nuts for men cleanse blood vessels and increase stamina. It is recommended to eat assorted fruits, mixing them with dried fruits.

For children

Children under 3 years old should not eat nuts, as their proteins are difficult to digest. At this age, a child’s body does not have the necessary enzymes, so most of the fetus is not digested or is poorly absorbed.

Proteins in nuts are a strong allergen. Products can be introduced into the diet of children from 3 years old, but very carefully.

Nuts for the brain

Almost every type of nut is good for the brain. Fruits such as peanuts, almonds, and pecans have a beneficial effect on it. They are rich in Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids and vitamins. This composition is necessary for clarity of thinking.

Nuts are considered antidepressants, so even the attitude towards life changes with their use. Many fruits are rich in thiamine and magnesium, which are needed to improve memory. Although foods are considered high-calorie, they can be consumed in limited quantities every day.


Although nuts are a tasty and healthy food, they are still considered a heavy food. And many of them in excessive quantities can cause poisoning. Therefore, you should eat the fruits little by little. The norm is about 30 g per day.

You need to be careful when purchasing such products. It is important to check the expiration date and appearance. It is advisable to purchase them in packages from the factory, which contain all the information necessary for the consumer.

An allergy to nuts is considered a contraindication. This happens very often. Only then should you avoid eating these fruits, but in other cases they can be eaten regularly.

To maximize your nutrient intake, it is recommended to eat a variety of protein foods. Nuts are considered a high protein food and have many health benefits. In clinical trials, they have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer. Also, due to their high fiber, fat and protein content, nuts help prevent overeating by creating a feeling of fullness. That is, they can help reduce body weight. Women are more likely to develop heart disease than men, and consuming nuts as part of a healthy diet can help reduce this risk, especially for women with type 2 diabetes. All nuts are famous for their healthy protein, but each type also has its own unique properties. A great way to determine which nuts will be healthiest for you is to learn about these health benefits.


Determine how much to eat

    It's a good idea to eat nuts every day, no matter what type of nuts you choose. Nuts are full of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (healthy fats), protein and fiber. Replacing other protein sources with nuts helps balance your diet and increase your intake of micronutrients, such as vitamin B. Vitamin tablets Not contain sufficient amounts of microelements known as phytonutrients; you get them from unrefined/whole foods. However, given that nuts are quite high in calories and are often sold salted, it is important to have information about the quantity and nutritional value of nuts.

    Determine your optimal serving size. Nuts can contain between 150 and 180 calories per 30 g, and between 10 and 22 g of fat per 30 g. They also contain approximately 4-7 g of protein per 30 g.

    • Subtract the amount of protein consumed from nuts from your daily protein requirement. The average woman needs about 46 grams of protein per day.
    • Subtract calories and fat from your total daily intake. The average woman needs approximately 2,000 calories per day and 20-35% of calories should be fat, with saturated fat limited to less than 10% of total calories.
    • Try to consume about 40g of nuts every day. Scientific evidence suggests that 40g is the optimal amount of nuts for heart health, especially for women with type II diabetes.
  1. Check the sodium content of prepackaged nuts. Many manufacturers roast, salt the nuts and add seasonings to them. These seasonings often contain MSG and salt and can add significant amounts of sodium to your diet. To avoid overconsumption of this substance, choose nuts without salt or seasoning. If you absolutely need seasoning and salt in your nuts, buy only those that contain minimal amounts of sodium. Excess sodium can cause water retention in the body and increase the risk of developing hypertension.

    Eat a few nuts as a snack. Their nuts make great snacks because they don't have to be refrigerated and can be eaten quickly. They're also filling and help cut down on unhealthy snacks between meals. Protein serves as a longer lasting source of energy than regular carbohydrates.

    Add them to your dishes when you cook. If you have trouble eating enough nuts or don't really like the taste, try adding them to your meals. Cashews and groundnuts work well in stews or chili. They are cooked in the same way as whole raw beans; that is, the longer they cook, the softer their structure becomes.

    Choosing the right nuts

    1. Choose different nuts for your needs, depending on their nutritional value. If you want to reduce your risk of breast cancer, you can choose a nut that has a proven track record of breast cancer. You can also purchase mixed nuts or create your own, depending on your dietary preferences and preferences.

      Walnuts have the best overall health benefits. They are considered extremely healthy, and you have many reasons to consume them. They contain almost the same amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids as salmon and are recommended to be consumed daily to provide the required dose of linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid (omega-3 fatty acids). These fatty acids have been shown to enhance brain function, protect against type II diabetes, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts contain significant amounts of ellagic acid, which strengthens the immune system, and vitamin B6. Clinical studies on mice have shown that walnuts reduce the risk of breast cancer.

      If heart health and plenty of protein are important to you, choose peanuts. Peanuts, although technically not a nut but a legume, contain the highest amount of protein - 7 g per 30 g of product. It has also shown excellent results in lowering cholesterol levels and protecting against cardiovascular disease. A unique nutrient found in peanuts is resveratrol, an antioxidant also found in red wine that has anti-aging properties.

      If feeling full is important to you, choose pistachios. Pistachios are rich in protein - 6 g per 30 g and are considered the champion nuts in terms of fiber content. The amount of fiber in pistachios is comparable to the fiber in oatmeal. It also helps protect against cardiovascular disease. They contain significant amounts of phytosterols, which lower LDL cholesterol levels.

      Almonds are the best protection against cancer. Almonds are considered the highest nutrient density nut and contain high levels of vitamin E and vitamin E enhancers. Vitamin E has been shown to help protect against stroke and cancer, including breast and colon cancer.

      For better protection against breast cancer, use Brazil nuts. They are rich in selenium. Selenium reduces the risk of breast cancer.

      Macadamia nuts, pecans and cashews contribute to heart health. They contain many monounsaturated fatty acids. Pecans, compared to other nuts, have the highest amount of unsaturated fatty acids and the least amount of saturated fatty acids. Cashews are also famous for their high iron content.

      If you are pregnant or of fertile age, eat hazelnuts. Hazelnuts, or hazelnuts, protect against birth defects due to their high levels of folate. It is also rich in vitamins E and B and, according to research, may delay mental decline. Hazelnuts also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases due to their blood pressure-lowering properties.

      Mixed nuts are the way to go if you want all the health benefits with the convenience of eating them ready-made. In the supermarket you can find nut mixes prepared for a healthy heart, energy and simply selected for taste.