Roasted chestnuts. Boiled chestnuts

Surely everyone has heard about such an interesting plant as the chestnut, which grows on the streets of almost any city with a more or less warm climate. They are especially famous for their wonderful soft pink blooms in early May and their cute chestnut nut fruits, which are enclosed in spiny balls. But few know that these fruits are also edible and a delicacy, not to mention their magical value. In many European countries, roasted chestnuts are a street delicacy that is tried by many tourists from all over the world, so today we will talk about the art of cooking roasted chestnuts.

Few people know how to roast chestnuts to make them really tasty. The fruits of the common or European chestnut, which grows in Asia Minor and some European countries, are eaten. Chestnuts begin to bloom in May-June, and the fruits themselves ripen by the beginning of autumn. They look like round balls with a sharp tip and a beige bottom. This is a very healthy type of nut, rich in all sorts of microelements, including zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc. This nut is a natural source of carbohydrates and proteins, as well as simply a healthy and exotic dish.

Chestnut belongs to the beech family and usually grows on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula, which is considered its ancestor. Those chestnuts that grow on our streets are horse chestnuts, which are poisonous and are used in medicine. Outwardly, they are similar to edible chestnuts, but they are quite easy to distinguish. Edible chestnuts have a beige skin (meaning ripe fruits), and the spines are longer and softer than those of horse chestnuts. The only places in the CIS where sown chestnuts can grow are Crimea and Transcaucasia - places with a warm maritime climate, ideal for growing edible chestnuts.

In this article you will learn about which chestnuts are best to choose for cooking, why they are useful, recipes for their preparation and many secrets for achieving the ideal taste of these capricious nuts. So, first you need to understand which chestnuts you can eat at all, and which ones you should not mess with.

Which chestnuts are edible?

It is very rare to find chestnuts in Russian stores, but for true connoisseurs this is not a problem at all. But which chestnuts are best to eat and which ones should you studiously avoid? There are two main types of chestnuts:

  • Horse chestnut. This type of chestnut is poisonous, is not used for food and is used in the cosmetology and medicine industries.
  • Noble. It is also called "real".

The fruits of this type of chestnut are edible and look like hazelnuts - brown in color, round in shape with a hard shell. The contents look like a light puree that tastes like sweet potatoes.

Composition of edible chestnut:

  • Saturated carbohydrates: starch
  • High amount of fiber
  • Pectin
  • Proteins
  • Beta carotene
  • Vitamins of groups A, B, C
  • Minerals: calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium.

What are the benefits of edible chestnut

Chestnut is a very versatile product that is suitable for everyone who wants to try this delicacy, and it will be especially good for vegetarians, since it contains a huge amount of vegetable protein, which they exclude in the form of meat. So, the beneficial properties of chestnut:

  1. A huge dose of energy. Just 2-3 chestnuts can completely satiate a person so that he doesn’t want to eat for at least half a day. It's also an ideal late-night snack when you want to eat without gaining weight. And by the way, chestnuts are excellent helpers against fatigue and weakness.
  2. An excellent option for a side dish. Chestnuts are a versatile product to prepare; they can be boiled, fried, or baked. They are good in vegetable salads, porridges and even as an independent dish. Chestnuts give meat a spicy and delicate taste, making it unusual and juicy, so take note of this!
  3. Helper for weight loss. As mentioned earlier, chestnuts are high in protein and low in fat, making them ideal for losing a few pounds. It is especially important to add it to a vegetarian diet; it saturates the body very well. It is also recommended for athletes to eat after training as a natural source of protein.
  4. Useful medicine. Chestnut perfectly treats patients with disorders of the respiratory tract and lungs, and not only the fruits themselves are useful, but also the bark, leaves and buds. A useful chestnut decoction helps with hemorrhoids, dilation of nasopharyngeal veins, and thrombophlebitis. It also tones vascular tone, strengthens capillaries and accelerates blood circulation.

Chestnut can also cure female diseases such as mastitis and mastopathy. Chestnut fruits are also used for breast massage. However, such procedures should be carried out according to the recommendations of a doctor; self-medication should never be attempted.

Chestnut will also be useful for people suffering from spinal diseases. If you have radiculitis, you can try sleeping on chestnuts. During sleep, the body will receive a massage that will strengthen the vertebrae and relax them. For arthritis, you can make a bracelet from dried chestnuts (about 6-7 pieces) and wear it on your hand. For rheumatism, it will be useful to constantly sort chestnuts in your hand, strengthening your finger motor skills.

Chestnut decoction is also good for the skin. You need to pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of chopped chestnut and wipe your face daily. The skin becomes elastic, wrinkles and redness disappear.

How many calories are chestnuts?

Chestnut is not a particularly high-calorie product: 165 kcal per 100 g of product. Roasted chestnuts are of course somewhat higher in calories; the energy value of such a product can be above 200 kcal. In any case, this is a much better snack option than chocolate, peanuts or seeds.

Chestnuts are harvested in the fall, when they are fully ripe. They are rich in vitamins A and C, folic acid and zinc. The French like to eat them raw, straight from the trees. They taste like Jerusalem artichoke or sweet ground walnuts.

How to peel chestnuts

Before eating chestnuts, it is important to know how to properly peel them. We will tell you how to do this now. So:

  1. Take a chestnut and cut its top, then put it in boiling water and cook for about 3 minutes.
  2. Remove from boiling water and place in the freezer for 4-6 hours.
  3. Then dip it in boiling water again and place it in a stream of cold water.

The effect after such actions is impressive - the shell will be removed completely easily and effortlessly, and you will save time on preparing new delicious dishes with chestnuts!

Perhaps this is a classic recipe for cooking chestnuts, which involves heat treating the product in the shell, which was used by the cooks of medieval France, so let's get started!

  1. First you need to buy the right chestnuts, not to confuse them with inedible ones. Edible chestnuts are flat-shaped and small in size.
  2. Having selected the desired fruits, select the good ones - throw away spoiled, dented, cracked nuts, and rinse the normal ones with a damp sponge and dry.
  3. Pour water into a large basin and add chestnuts there. Those that float are not suitable for cooking; give preference to “sunken” fruits.
  4. Leave those that have passed the test in the basin for 20-25 minutes. Then dry with napkins and pierce several holes in the shell with a knife or fork to avoid breaking the shell when frying.
  5. Prepare a wide frying pan with a thick bottom and high walls. Pour oil into it and set it to heat up; there should be enough oil to cover the beans completely. Place a couple of wet wipes on the chestnuts. this will prevent the nuts from drying out.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid to prevent the chestnuts from “jumping out” during frying when they explode. After this, set the heat to medium and fry for 25-30 minutes.
  7. Stir the chestnuts occasionally or shake the pan. After roasting, place paper towels on a plate and set aside the roasted chestnuts to cool.
  8. Pressing on the nuts will help remove the shells, after which the peel will begin to fall off on its own and you only need to remove it. Chestnuts are ready to eat.

How to cook chestnuts in the oven

An equally popular method of roasting chestnuts is baking them in the oven, which retains a lot of useful substances and is cooked without a lot of oil.

  1. Turn the oven to 200-210 degrees and leave to preheat for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Prepare the chestnuts - discard the spoiled and cracked ones, rinse the good ones with water and soak for 10 minutes in cool water. Then remove and dry.
  3. Make a cross-shaped cut on the flat surface of the nut or pierce it 2-3 times with a fork. This will help release the accumulated steam during baking and prevent the shell from splitting.
  4. Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil and place the chestnuts, cut side up. Sprinkle everything with cool water.
  5. Roast the beans for 15-20 minutes until soft. Move them occasionally while baking to prevent them from burning. When the shell cracks easily when pressed, turn off the oven.
  6. Cool the chestnuts and peel them. To make it easy to separate, wrap the fruit in a napkin and press on it. When completely cool, remove any remaining peel.
  7. Remove the inner shell of the product along with the shell. It is important to peel chestnuts within the first 10 minutes after roasting, while they are still warm. After cooling, the shell hardens and will be more difficult to remove.

If you still can’t peel the chestnuts, put them back in the oven for 5 minutes, then try peeling them again. Do not prick the fruit with a knife; the shell should peel off on its own.

The simplest and fastest recipe for preparing these delicate fruits at home.

  1. Remove spoiled and rotten specimens, and wash whole ones and soak for 15 minutes. Then dry and leave until completely dry.
  2. Pierce the chestnuts in several places with a knife or needle and place in a deep microwave-safe dish. Cover with damp wipes or cloth.
  3. Set the timer to maximum power and cooking time for 3-5 minutes. Every 1.5 minutes, remove the dish and stir.
  4. After the signal about the end of cooking, pour vegetable oil into the container with chestnuts and bake for another 10-15 minutes. Continue stirring every 1.5 to 2 minutes until the beans are completely cooked.

How to cook chestnuts on coals

A very unusual way of preparing chestnuts that can surprise your friends and acquaintances at a picnic or get-together.

  1. Examine the purchased fruits for cracked or damaged ones, then wash the selected chestnuts, soak for 10 minutes and leave to dry.
  2. Take a huge frying pan with a thick bottom and a cauldron. On each chestnut, make a cross-shaped cut in the flat part of the nut.
  3. Light the fireplace or barbecue so that you get a high layer of coals. Place a frying pan on it and place the chestnuts cut side down, cover with a lid and fry for 6-7 minutes. Shake the chestnuts occasionally every 2 minutes to ensure they roast evenly.
  4. Once fully cooked, remove the pan from the coals, turn all the chestnuts over and cook for another 5 minutes. After removing the chestnuts from the frying pan, leave them to cool, then remove the shell and shell and serve to the guests.

Is it possible to give chestnuts to children?

There are no completely reliable sources on permission or prohibition of adding chestnuts to the diet of children, but doctors are inclined to believe that it is better to give chestnuts to children at least 5-7 years of age. At an earlier age, the child’s stomach is simply not able to digest such high-calorie food. Since chestnuts are a very poorly digestible product, it can harm primarily the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, as well as create problems with the liver, kidneys and other internal organs. Due to improper use of chestnuts, bloating or constipation may occur, so if you still want to treat your child to such an unusual product, grind the chestnuts into a homogeneous puree and add to vegetable mixtures or broths.

Popular recipes with chestnuts

Vegetarian roast with chestnuts

This dish will be useful for those who do not eat meat, or rather vegetarians who eat very little protein and are deficient in it. The protein contained in chestnuts can replace meat in composition. This completely easy and satisfying recipe will be useful to all housewives who want something tasty and unusual.


  • 500 g champignons
  • 300 g chestnuts
  • 50 ml cognac
  • 70 g hazelnuts
  • Half an onion bulb
  • A couple of garlic cloves
  • Spices


Fry the mushrooms with cognac until the liquid has completely evaporated. Peel and chop the chestnuts along with the hazelnuts. Chop and fry the onion and garlic, add spices. Mix everything and place on a baking sheet, adding a little water. Place the pan in the oven and bake for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

Chestnuts with milk

A very delicate and simple dessert with the addition of piquant chestnuts in sweet milk with cinnamon will delight any gourmet with a sweet tooth!


  • 500 g chestnuts
  • 500 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey or sugar
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon


Peel the chestnuts and boil for a couple of minutes in water, then peel off the film. Place chestnuts in milk, add honey, cinnamon and place in a water bath. Simmer for about 30 minutes until the chestnut kernels soften.

Never pour boiling water over chestnuts to get rid of the film. When you start cooking them, be sure to place them in cold water; with a sharp change in temperature, the chestnut will deteriorate and become limp.

⦁ Royal chestnuts

Royal is a dish of monarchs, which was served for the first time at the court of the French monarch. This dish is steamed and is a classic of French cuisine.


  • 300 g chestnuts
  • 100 ml cream
  • 100 g meat broth
  • 5 pieces. eggs
  • Salt and pepper


Beat the eggs with a mixer with salt until smooth, then add the cream and broth in a thin stream. Peel the chestnuts, fry in a frying pan, and cool.

Beat until pureed without lumps. Add the puree to the egg-cream mixture and mix thoroughly. Grease a baking dish with butter and pour the chestnut mixture into it.

Place the mold in the oven at 200 degrees. The finished royal is served in portions with broth or puree soup.

Chestnut as an additive to ice cream

Hearty and sweet chestnut will decorate any ice cream with its taste, especially vanilla or cream.


  • 500 g chestnuts
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter
  • 80 ml wine or cognac
  • 2 tsp. Sahara


Boil the chestnuts for 5 minutes in boiling water, peel, mix with the butter-sugar mixture and place on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 10-15 minutes.

Cool, cut into pieces and add to ice cream. Drizzle with liqueur to taste.

Well, we got acquainted with such a wonderful delicacy as chestnut, learned its benefits and nutritional value. And most importantly, we learned how to cook this delicate and capricious nut. However, despite its whimsical nature in cooking, chestnut can be added anywhere: in soups, side dishes, desserts and, of course, as an independent dish. Be sure to try to cook this exotic fruit and treat it to your family and friends. We are sure they will definitely like it!

Chestnut is a tall, very beautiful park tree. In addition to its aesthetic charm, especially during spring flowering, the plant brings great benefits to humans, healing the body. All parts of the tree have healing properties. The bark, flowers, and leaves of the plant are used for treatment.

The chestnut fruits deserve special thanks. From them, in particular, medicines and medicinal tinctures are prepared. Delicious, healthy dishes are prepared from edible fruits.

We have talked to you more than once about the benefits of chestnut. But the plant has a lot of beneficial properties and it is impossible to tell about everything at once. Therefore, today we will return again to the medicinal properties of the fruits of this wonderful tree. We will find out how chestnut tincture and healthy dishes from chestnuts are prepared, we will learn recipes for this, and discuss:

How is chestnut tincture prepared? Recipes

First, let's remember the use of tincture. This remedy is very effective in treating blood vessels. The tincture tones them and helps strengthen the walls of the veins.

In particular, chestnut-based preparations are used for varicose veins and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Chestnut tincture improves and activates the process of hematopoiesis, helping to reduce blood density. This remedy is very effective for joint pain.

Recipes for making tincture:

Recipe No. 1:

The hard brown skin covering the ripe fruit has the most pronounced medicinal properties. To prepare a very effective medicine for the treatment of varicose veins, collect 50 g of skins from the fruits.

Dry the skins and then chop them. Pour into a liter jar. Pour half a liter of vodka over the shurki. Place in a dark place. Let it sit there for at least two weeks. It is recommended to take the strained product orally, 30 drops. for a quarter glass of water. It is also rubbed onto diseased veins when they are inflamed.

Recipe No. 2:

You can prepare a remedy from whole fruits. Crush them with a hammer. Fill a quart jar three-quarters full. Now pour vodka up to the shoulders. Leave in a dark cabinet for two weeks. Then use it to rub sore joints when they are inflamed.

Recipes for healthy chestnut dishes

Chestnut fruits are very useful. They are not only used to prepare medicines, but are also simply eaten like any other nuts. You just need to immediately note that only certain varieties of edible chestnuts can be eaten. Those that grow on the streets of our cities are usually not suitable for food.

To enjoy healthy fruits, buy them at the store. There you can buy Caucasian or French chestnuts. The easiest way is to fry them, and then enjoy the original nutty taste.

Roasted chestnut fruits

Wash them first. Then dry on a towel. Be sure to make cross cuts in the center (1x1 cm). Make the cuts deeper so that the fruits do not explode during frying like little bombs. Place the prepared chestnuts on a baking sheet, cut side up.

Place in the already preheated oven. The fruits will give juice, which should evaporate completely. Then keep them in the oven for another 10 minutes and remove the baking sheet. Wait until the chestnuts have cooled before eating.

Chestnuts with Brussels sprouts and bacon

For cooking we will need products: 200 g of fruits, 800 g of Brussels sprouts. You will also need: 1 tbsp. l. butter, 40 g smoked bacon. To taste, take dried herbs thyme, thyme, a little lemon juice, salt, ground white pepper.

How to cook:

First, cook the Brussels sprouts in salted water until half cooked. Cook it for about 10 minutes. Then drain the water, transferring the cabbage to a colander. The water should drain completely.

While the cabbage is cooking, heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan. Cut the bacon into pieces and fry over low heat to remove as much fat as possible. When the fat has melted, place the peeled chestnuts in the pan and fry on all sides. At the end of cooking, add salt and a little thyme. Now add the cabbage, mix everything carefully, fry for another 8-10 minutes.

Place the finished dish on plates, sprinkle with pepper, and sprinkle with lemon juice. Serve to the table.

Chestnuts with pumpkin

For this recipe you will need: 20 pcs. fruits, half a kilo of ripe pumpkin pulp. You also need bacon strips - 10 strips in total, cut from ready-made bacon slices. Also prepare 2-3 cloves of garlic, a little olive oil, dried or fresh thyme, pepper, and salt to taste.

Prepare roasted chestnuts as described in the first recipe. Cool, remove skins. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes (2 cm). Chop the garlic.

Heat olive oil in a deep frying pan. Fry the bacon strips in it until browned. Now add the pumpkin pieces and reduce the heat a little. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes, stirring regularly. After time, add peeled chestnuts, garlic, stir. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste, add thyme and 2-3 tbsp. l. water. Simmer covered for another 5 minutes. Serve the finished dish hot. Bon appetit and be healthy!

There is no need to confuse different types of chestnuts - these are the horse chestnut grown in Russian parks and the real chestnut, also called edible or noble.

In Russia, with the exception of the Black Sea coast, edible chestnuts are not grown. These chestnuts grow in Europe, Asia and North America. Of course, anyone can buy these unusual fruits in our country, but here their price often causes outrage.

Healing properties of chestnuts

There are many varieties known. “Sweet chestnuts” are popular. These fruits, like nuts, are high in calories. But, compared to hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts and almonds, chestnuts contain very little fat. These fruits are great for a vegetarian diet. They contain 3% useful minerals, about 2.5-3.5% fiber, as well as vitamins A, B and C.

It can contain up to 62% starch, up to 17% sugar and up to 6% proteins. Unripe fruits contain especially many vitamins. Here scientists discovered up to 1500 mg% vitamin C and up to 0.18 mg% vitamin B.

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of both edible and horse chestnut are often used. Many diseases can be cured by taking a specially prepared decoction from different parts of the chestnut. Not only the fruits are considered healing, but also the flowers, bark and leaves of the tree.

Edible chestnuts: how to prepare healthy fruits at home

The most popular way to prepare these fruits is roasting over coals. This is the simplest and most effective method, suitable for everyone who, while relaxing at the dacha, decided to offer chestnuts to their many guests.

How to prepare excellent fruits at home? Firstly, chestnuts can be baked in the oven. Once you've removed any remaining dirt, simply cut off the tip of each fruit and place the chestnuts in the oven for about 15 minutes. Cutting off the ends of hard fruits is not easy, but if you don't, your chestnuts may explode.

Secondly, you can simply fry the chestnuts in a frying pan. As in the previous method, make a small cut, place the fruits on a hot frying pan and cook under a closed lid for about 20 minutes. Some chestnut lovers remove the frying pan from the stove after the first shot of these fruits. It is believed that the most delicious roasted chestnuts are those that are ready to explode.

Thirdly, you can boil the chestnuts. How to cook boiled chestnuts? First you need to peel the fruit. To do this, throw the chestnuts into boiling water for a few minutes, and then remove all the peel, all the membranes and films. The peeled fruits are immersed in cold water and boiled until soft. Typically, cooking chestnuts ends 20 minutes after the water boils. Then it is recommended to drain the water and keep the cooked fruits in an empty pan under the lid for 5 minutes.

Chestnuts are often added to other dishes. Sauces are made from these fruits in many countries. The simplest chestnut sauce is served with meat. Boiled chestnuts are mashed with a fork, turning into puree. Add butter, nutmeg, cream and salt. This sauce is perfect for duck, chicken and rabbit.

You can make a delicious dessert sauce using boiled chestnuts. How to prepare such an unusual seasoning for the main dish? Simply boil the peeled fruits in sweetened milk, puree the chestnuts and serve.

Chestnuts provide every housewife with enormous scope for culinary creativity. Chestnut dessert is popular in some countries. Boiled fruits are mixed with sherry and brandy, whipped cream and bizet are added, and chocolate is poured on top.

You can use chestnuts as a seasoning for your favorite dish. Let this small, exquisite detail become the highlight of your entire kitchen, because chestnuts are rarely cooked in Russia.

But there is one serious obstacle: chestnuts dry quickly and cannot be stored. These fruits are only sold on the market in the fall, so there is only one small “chestnut” time during which you can enjoy the peculiarity of this unusual product.

Roasted chestnut prepared on the basis of a noble plant variety. You can meet it in areas with a warm climate. Its noble brother is distinguished from the familiar horse chestnut, which cannot be eaten, by the shape of the fruit and leaves of the tree. Chestnuts are covered with a shiny brown skin, underneath which is a wrinkled kernel (see photo). Following an old recipe, chestnuts are roasted over an open fire. You can add both salt and sugar to them, the final product is tasty in both cases.

Beneficial features

The benefit of roasted chestnuts lies in their low fat content compared to other nuts. The calorie content of the product is low, so consuming it in small quantities will not harm your figure. Roasted chestnuts are nutritious due to their carbohydrate content. For people who do not eat meat, the vegetable protein contained in chestnuts is a real salvation.

Roasted chestnuts contain choline, which Helps normalize blood cholesterol levels. They also contain B vitamins, which restore muscle tissue and have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Contains roasted chestnut ascorbic acid, which increases protective functions in the body. Phosphorus is also present in this product; it is necessary for the restoration of bone tissue, and calcium, which is also present in edible chestnuts, is necessary for strengthening it. Roasted chestnuts contain large quantities of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Use in cooking

This unusual product has found application in cooking. Thus, in Europe, roasted chestnuts are one of the popular snacks. They are served with chocolate and numerous sweet sauces. In this case, chestnuts are an excellent dessert. In addition, they are used as a side dish served with meat. When crushed, chestnuts are suitable for preparing first courses, casseroles and salads.

How to fry chestnuts in a frying pan?

Remember that not all chestnuts are suitable for eating, but if you managed to buy the necessary product, you just need to learn how to cook it correctly. In this case, we will fry chestnuts in a frying pan at home.

Wash the purchased chestnuts and lightly pierce each of them so that they do not explode during frying. Take a frying pan, place the chestnuts in it, and cover them with napkins on top, which need to be slightly moistened with water. Close the pan and fry the fruits over low heat for about 20 minutes. Stir the chestnuts from time to time and make sure the napkins are wet. They will be considered ready when, when pressed, the shell begins to crack and simply come off.

Secrets in chestnut recipes

Like any product, chestnut has its own subtleties and secrets in cooking recipes:

  1. When frying chestnuts, it is important not to overdo it, as they will become very hard and impossible to eat.
  2. Remove the skins from the chestnuts immediately after cooking, as this will be difficult to do after a while.
  3. All films and membranes must be removed from peeled chestnuts.
  4. It is not recommended to fry and peel large quantities of chestnuts, as if they are not eaten immediately they will become dry and tasteless.

Harm of chestnuts and contraindications

Roasted chestnuts can be harmful to people who have an individual intolerance to the product (the delicacy is contraindicated for such people). The product can also have a negative impact on those who are prone to obesity. Considering the large amount of carbohydrates, it is not recommended to overuse roasted chestnuts.

How to roast chestnuts

These reddish-cinnamon fruits are good not only as an independent dish. They are also included in the recipe for many other dishes. But, before we tell you how to cook chestnuts, let's talk about which ones you can eat.

After all, this name hides several different varieties of nuts that look similar to each other.

All of them are covered with a spiky green shell, under which shiny fruits of a characteristic shade are hidden. But the ones that are edible are more elongated, shaped like an onion, and have a tiny tail at the sharp end. The tree they grow on has long, toothed leaves attached to the branch by a stem. You can cook chestnuts of this variety without any fear.

But you shouldn’t eat the fruits of trees with large, spreading leaves, somewhat reminiscent of maple leaves - you can get poisoned. Their nuts are round, sometimes lumpy. And, unfortunately, they are the ones that grow in abundance in central Russia. So residents of this region can buy chestnuts in the store.

Method 1

First of all, regardless of the chosen cooking method, they need to be cut. This can be done with special scissors, or with a regular sharp knife. Carefully make a longitudinal cut on the side, so as to slightly capture the flesh of the nut. You can pierce it with a fork or cut the brown peel crosswise from the sharp edge. Almost any chestnut recipe begins with this step.

Now the nuts have holes for steam to escape and they can be fried in a frying pan. It's a good idea to use a regular thick-walled container with a heavy lid, like the one you use to pop popcorn. A grill pan is an excellent choice. It needs to be heated over moderate heat without oil and put the chestnuts on it.

If they are old and dark, wrinkled flesh is visible through the cut, you can splash a tablespoon of water on them or lay a damp towel on top. This way they will be steamed at the first stage of cooking and will not be dry. But even without these manipulations the result will be successful. The main thing is to remember that it is correct to fry chestnuts in a frying pan, covered, over moderate heat, stirring from time to time. When they start jumping and bursting with loud pops, you can simply shake the container.

Check the nuts. If they have darkened, the brown shell has charred in places, and the cut has opened to reveal the light flesh, the chestnuts are ready. Now you can cool them slightly, remove the peel (this is easy while they are hot) and eat. You shouldn’t wait until they have completely cooled down – this will greatly reduce the taste.

Method 2

If desired, you can cook chestnuts in the oven. For this, it is better to make a cross-shaped cut on the fruit from one of the edges.

Place the prepared nuts on a dry baking sheet and place in the oven, heated to 220 degrees.

After 15-20 minutes, check their condition. If the cut opens like a flower, you can turn off the heat - everything is ready.

Using oven mitts, being careful not to burn yourself, remove the skins from the nuts.

Method 3

You can also cook chestnuts in the microwave. It is fast, modern and, if you are not lazy and make the necessary cuts on each of them, it is safe.

Having prepared the fruits in this way, place them in a wide but shallow container for microwave ovens.

Lightly salt them and pour a few tablespoons of hot water into them. Since it is almost impossible to roast chestnuts in the microwave, it is better to steam and peel them. Then, if you really want to, lightly fry the kernels in oil or without it.

In the meantime, cover the container with cling film or a lid (preferably not glass) and microwave for 6-8 minutes at full power. Try one thing at a time, cook for a few more minutes if necessary.

Serve the peeled chestnuts hot in a beautiful plate. Eat them with soft music or a good old French comedy, and enjoy the Parisian romance at home.