Amiksin ® tablets: instructions for use. Amiksin - instructions for use for adults, cheap analogues, reviews Amiksin is prohibited in developed countries

Amiksin is an effective synthetic inductor that stimulates the synthesis of interferons belonging to the alpha, beta and gamma types. Effective against various viral infections, including influenza viruses, other acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis viruses and herpes viruses.

According to reviews, Amiksin is significantly superior to its counterparts in terms of safety, duration of action, the effect obtained and the breadth of the scope of use. This drug is well tolerated and non-toxic.

Composition and release form

Amixin is an immunomodulating, antiviral drug. The composition of the drug Amiksin allows you to correct failures in the disruption of these mechanisms and, therefore, overcome the disease. Indeed, often the body, for one reason or another, is not able to produce enough immune cells - pathogenic microbes break through and cause the development of various diseases.

pharmachologic effect

Amiksin acts in the body as an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. A medicine based on tilaxin (tilorone) helps to cope with many viral diseases by strengthening the immune system.

With a normally functioning immunity, the body itself copes with viral infections, quickly producing certain interferons in the right quality and quantity. If immunity is reduced, Amixin tablets or other immunostimulating drugs come to the rescue.

After taking Amiksin tablets inside, the active substance is absorbed from the intestine into the blood. Therapeutic concentration in the body is reached within 30 minutes after ingestion.

The drug is excreted practically unchanged through the intestines (70%) and through the kidneys (9%). The half-life is 48 hours. The drug does not undergo biotransformation and does not accumulate in the body.


Like any other medicine, Amiksin must be prescribed by a doctor who takes full responsibility for all the changes in the body that this drug can cause: both positive and negative.

Indications for use for adults:

  • for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections;
  • for the treatment of viral hepatitis A, B and C;
  • for the treatment of herpes infection and cytomegalovirus infection;
  • as part of complex therapy of allergic and viral encephalomyelitis (including multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalitis, uveoencephalitis);
  • as part of complex therapy of urogenital and respiratory chlamydia;
  • as part of complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Indications for the use of Amiksin for children after 7 years are determined - the treatment of diseases and influenza.

Instructions for use

Detailed, comprehensive information about the cases in which they drink Amiksin - the instructions for use are given after studying it and it becomes obvious that this drug is the best among its analogues.

Amiksin tablets are taken orally whole, without chewing and washed down with water. It is advisable to take tablets not on an empty stomach, but after meals.

How to take Amiksin for adults?

The instructions for Amiksin say that the drug can significantly alleviate the symptoms of many diseases, and sometimes effectively prevent their development.

Indications Instructions for use
Treatment of influenza and others
  • 125 mg daily. in the first 2 days, then - 125 mg every 48 hours. Per course - 750 mg (6 tablets).
Prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections
  • 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks. Per course - 750 mg (6 tablets).
In complex therapy of neuroviral infections
  • 125-250 mg per day in the first two days of treatment, then 125 mg every 48 hours. The dose is set individually, the duration of the course is 3-4 weeks.
During therapy
  • 2 tablets for the first two days, then 1 tablet every 48 hours. The course consists of 20 tablets.
With herpetic
  • the first two days, 125 mg, then after 48 hours, 125 mg. The course dose is 1.25-2.5 g (10-20 tablets).
Therapy of urogenital chlamydia
  • once a dose of 125 milligrams in the first two days, and then once a week. The entire course contains 10 tablets.
For nonspecific prevention of viral hepatitis A
  • 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks.
For the treatment of viral hepatitis A
  • on the first day, 125 mg 2 times, then 125 mg after 48 hours. Per course - 1.25 g (10 tablets).
Acute form of hepatitis B
  • 125 mg once a day for the first two days of treatment, then 125 mg every two days (total 16 tablets);
Chronic form of hepatitis B
  • 250 mg per day for the first two days, then 125 mg of the drug every two days (20 tablets in total). Next - 125 mg per week (20 tablets in total).
Hepatitis C
  • To combat acute and chronic hepatitis C. Treatment regimens are the same as for hepatitis B.

Advice: Amixin tablets cannot be broken. The active substance is enclosed in a shell to protect against gastric juice. When breaking the tablet, tilorone is destroyed by hydrochloric acid, and the treatment is ineffective.

Instructions for children

Children's Amixin is an effective antiviral agent, the active ingredient of which is tilorone. This substance, when taken orally, stimulates the release of special protective proteins - interferons. Their main function is the elimination of pathogenic agents that have entered the body.

Before use you should consult with the attending physician, you should not start treating the child yourself.

The dosage for children over 7 years of age is 60 mg. It differs for various infectious diseases:

  • With uncomplicated forms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections - 60 mg 1 time per day on the 1st, 2nd and 4th days from the start of treatment. Course dose - 180 mg (3 tablets).
  • In severe acute respiratory viral infections and complicated influenza - 1 tablet of 60 mg is taken on days 1, 2, 4 and 6 (4 tablets in total).


Amiksin is a relatively safe drug, however, its use is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy at any stage.
  • The period of lactation and breastfeeding.
  • Children under 7 years of age.
  • Individual intolerance to the active substance and auxiliary components of the drug, development of an allergic reaction to them.

Use of the drug contraindicated during pregnancy. If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Side effects for the body

In the instructions for use of Amiksin you will not find information about the side effects of the medicine on the liver and kidneys (including in case of renal or hepatic failure). And this is quite fair. The thing is that Amiksin IC does not accumulate in the body and does not undergo any transformations.

Possible side effects:

  • Various disorders of the digestive system;
  • Various allergic reactions;
  • Short-term symptoms of chills.

Interaction with other drugs

  1. The drug is well tolerated and does not interact with other medications.
  2. Amiksin is compatible with antibiotics and traditional treatments for viral and bacterial infections.

special instructions

Before taking Amiksin tablets, be sure to read the instructions.

Many patients ask doctors the question of whether Amiksin is an antibiotic or not. You should know that the drug is not an antibiotic, so you need to take this into account when taking the medicine. This is an immunomodulatory drug.

Best before date

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Shelf life: 3 years.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

  • Without a prescription – 125 mg film-coated tablets.
  • Prescription: 60 mg film-coated tablets.


It is known that analogues of this drug are drugs with a similar mechanism of action - interferon inducers, which may have other active ingredients.

Structural analogues of Amiksin are:

  • Lavomax
  • Tyrolon
  • tilaksin
  • Tiloron.

Based on their belonging to the same pharmacological group and the similarity of their mechanisms of action, the following drugs can be considered analogues:

  • Alpizarin,
  • Arbidol,
  • Viracept,
  • Hyporamine,
  • Groprinosin,
  • Kagocel,
  • Nikavir,
  • Panavir,
  • Celzentry.

Prices in pharmacies

Today you can find the drug Amiksin in any pharmacy. The average price for the drug varies from 500 rubles and can reach up to 900 rubles per package. This may be expensive for many, but the effectiveness of the medication is obvious.

Approximate price of Amiksin analogues:

  • Lavomax tablets 125 mg No. 6 pieces in a cardboard package – 500 rubles.
  • Lavomax tablets 125 mg No. 10 pieces – 720 rubles.

Cheap analogues of the drug

Cheap analogues of Amiksin are ergoferon and cycloferon. Their price is a little higher (within reason).

The price may vary depending on the manufacturer. The cheap drug is sold by Nizhpharm, Russia.

  • Arbidol 50 mg tablets No. 10 pieces in a cardboard package – 145 rubles.
  • Anaferon in tablets No. 20 pieces - 105 rubles.

A wide spectrum of action and an affordable price make amixin a popular remedy for the treatment and prevention of influenza, herpes, hepatitis, and other infections, as well as for a general increase in immunity, stimulation of the production of immune bodies.

Amiksin tablets are antiviral immunomodulatory agent, the active ingredient in which is tilorone.

It is this component that prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, stimulates the production of interferons in the human body, and helps in the fight against infection. Sometimes the medicine is mistakenly called Aminoxin, it is the same thing.

Many people are interested in: “Is Amiksin an antibiotic or does it have nothing to do with them?” Despite the antimicrobial and strengthening effect, Amiksin is not an antibiotic but an excellent medicine that supports the body in the fight against the flu.

In contact with

What is the drug, its pharmacology

Considering that in the modern world there are many negative factors that have a detrimental effect on a person’s immunity and general well-being (stress, overwork at work, poor and unbalanced nutrition, etc.), it is very difficult for the immune system to function fully. This is why many people notice a decrease in the body’s protective function, as a result of which viruses very quickly penetrate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, causing colds, flu and other ailments.

Amiksin is a drug that helps:

  1. Fight harmful microorganisms if the protective function is reduced.
  2. Eliminate microbes that have already penetrated into the human body, as well as block their active reproduction, spread and harmful effects.

This is a highly efficient artificial inductor that improves interferon production.

Amiksin is an antiviral drug.

After using this drug, the highest levels of interferon are achieved after 4 hours or within 24 hours. The very first internal organ that reacts to ax is the intestines, then the liver. The blood reaction is the latest.

As reviews about the medicine say, it is several times superior to analogues according to the following basic criteria:

  • harmlessness and absence of toxic components;
  • long period of effectiveness;
  • effectiveness;
  • good tolerance;
  • wide scope of use.

After use, the drug is quickly absorbed by the human body, absorbed by more than 50%. In addition, it is excreted by the intestines and kidneys almost unchanged. This allows the substance not to accumulate in the patient’s body, and makes biotransformation impossible.

The average cost of medication in the most popular online pharmacies is shown in the table below.

Composition of the drug and its properties

One Amiksin pill contains from 60 to 125 mg of active substance, and also contains auxiliary components in different proportions.

Amiksin can be found on pharmacy shelves in tablet form, which are covered with a shell. As a rule, they have a yellow or light yellow color, as well as a round, biconvex shape. In a cross-section of the pill, you can see the orange-colored internal contents.

One Amiksin pill contains from 60 to 125 mg of active substance.

Indications for use

As clinical studies have shown and confirmed by reviews of patients who have experienced the effect of the drug on themselves, indications for appropriate use should be as follows:

  • as treatment and/or prevention of influenza and ARVI;
  • cytomegalovirus infections;
  • herpes;
  • hepatitis (A, B, C).

The instructions for use also state that you can get a positive result if you take the medicine as a complex treatment for such ailments as:

  • encephalomyelitis of viral or infectious-allergic origin;
  • chlamydia;
  • tuberculosis.

Important! If treatment is necessary for a child, it is worth purchasing Amiksin for children.

Features of use and dosage

And so, we figured out what Amiksin is and what ailments it is effective for, it’s time to figure out how to take Amiksin.

As the instructions say, you need to take the medication orally (by mouth) after meal.

The instructions for the medicine indicate that the pills are covered with a special protective coating, which does not allow the active substances to be destroyed in the acidic environment in the stomach cavity.

Attention! The medicine should only be swallowed whole with plenty of water.

As a therapy adult patients The medicine is prescribed according to the following scheme:

  1. For the prevention of ARVI and influenza - for 6 weeks. Use 1 pill once every 7 days.
  2. As a treatment for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, the drug is taken as follows: first and second days - 1 piece per day; the remaining tablets are taken according to the schedule so that the interval between doses is 48 hours.
  3. In the acute form of hepatitis B, the drug is taken according to the same regimen as for influenza, but the course requires not 8, but 16 pieces.
  4. For acute hepatitis C, the scheme is similar, but the quantity will be even greater - 20 pieces.
  5. For chronic hepatitis B, in the first 1-2 days you need to take 1 piece twice a day. Then, every 2 days, the drug is taken 1 piece, so that the total number reaches 20 pieces. Then it is recommended to continue treatment, taking 1 tablet once every 7 days. Thus, 1 therapeutic course takes from 30 to 50 units. The duration of treatment varies from 3 to 6 months.
  6. Treatment for herpes is similar to that for the flu. For 1 therapeutic course, use from 10 to 20 pieces.
  7. Chlamydia is treated in the same way as influenza, but the course consists of 10 pills.
  8. Patients with tuberculosis are prescribed 2 tablets in the first 2 days, then it is recommended to take 1 tablet every 48 hours. The course will require 20 units of medication.

Attention! As a treatment for viral infections and influenza for children 7 years of age and older, Amiksin for children should be used. 1 pill of the children's drug contains 60 mg of tilorone. Treatment of children is carried out as follows: on the first, second and fourth days after the start of the therapeutic course, the child is given 1 piece. If the disease proceeds with complications, then on the 6th day from the day the therapy was started, another pill is given - the fourth.

Amiksin should be taken according to a specific regimen.

Contraindications for use

This medicine, like any other medication, has a number of contraindications, in which it is better to refuse to use the drug. Antiviral Amiksin is not prescribed:

  • patients with hypersensitivity of the body to any component;
  • pregnant girls;
  • nursing mothers during lactation;
  • children under 7 years of age.

Side effects

As the reviews of patients who have experienced the effectiveness of the drug on themselves say, Amiksin rarely gives side reactions, but there are still undesirable consequences.

Possible side effects include can be attributed:

  • allergic reaction;
  • individual intolerance to any component that is part of the drug;
  • short chill.

In more rare cases, some patients noted failures in full functioning digestive system.

Amiksin has a number of side effects.

Combination with alcohol

Unfortunately, the use of this drug in combination with alcoholic beverages not analyzed therefore, it is impossible to say exactly what the reaction of the body may be if the patient decides to take Amiksin and alcohol at the same time.

Despite the lack of specific facts, this drug, like any other drugs, including antibiotics, should not be combined with alcohol. At best, the medication will not have the expected therapeutic effect, and at worst, the consequences can be much more deplorable.

Whether to experiment with your health or not is up to you!

Is it possible to take Amiksin while driving?

As a number of studies have shown, the drug has no negative impact on a person’s ability and reaction when driving. Also, there was no blunting of the reaction during employment with potentially unsafe for life and health activities that require maximum concentration of attention.

Release form and storage conditions

To date, the manufacturers of the drug have presented it for sale in this form:

  • 6 or 10 tablets in a contoured blister with cells;
  • 6, 10 or 20 tablets in a jar made of polymer material.

As indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer, Amiksin tablets can be stored for no more than 3 years. If the expiration date has expired, the drug should not be used.

The medication should be stored away from children, in a dark place. Storage temperature should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius.

One package of Amiksin may contain 6, 10 or 20 tablets.


Unfortunately, the disease does not have age-related characteristics and, very often, when one of the household members falls ill in a family, a chain reaction is started and the disease kills everyone without selection.

Since the cost of Amiksin is not affordable for every family, many patients often go to the pharmacy to look for a budget equivalent. Today pharmacists can offer wide variety of drugs, which are very similar in principle to this product, here are some of them:

  • Arbidol (about 220 rubles);
  • Anaferon (220 rub.);
  • Remantadine (250 rub.);
  • Amizon (350 rub.);
  • (350 rub.);
  • Cycloferon (165 rub.).

There are also structural substitutes, which, as a rule, are similar in composition, but are much cheaper than the original. These drugs include:

  • Lavomax;
  • Tiloron.

Amiksin is an antiviral and immunostimulating drug.

Release form and composition

The medicine is available in the form of tablets, each of which contains:

  • 60 mg or 125 mg tilorone (tilaxin);
  • Excipients such as microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, povidone, potato starch, calcium stearate.

The composition of the film shell includes polysorbate, titanium dioxide, hypromellose, macrogol, quinoline yellow and yellow-orange 85 dyes.

Indications for use of Amiksin

As indicated in the instructions for Amiksin, this antiviral drug is prescribed for adults for the treatment of:

  • ARVI and influenza, as well as for their prevention;
  • Viral hepatitis A, B, C;
  • Herpetic infection;
  • Cytomegalovirus infection;
  • Viral and allergic encephalomyelitis, including uveoencephalitis, leukoencephalitis, multiple sclerosis (as part of complex therapy);
  • Urogenital and respiratory chlamydia (as one of the drugs in combination treatment);
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis (as part of complex therapy).

According to the instructions, Amiksin is recommended for children over 7 years of age to use for the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections.


According to the annotation for the drug, the use of Amiksin is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant women;
  • During lactation;
  • Children under 7 years of age;
  • If you have hypersensitivity to any component of the medication.

Directions for use and dosage of Amiksin

Amiksin tablets should be taken orally after meals.

The dosage for children is 60 mg once a day on the first, second and fourth days of treatment. The total course dose is 3 tablets of 60 mg. With the development of complications, the drug is taken at the same dose, in a similar way, plus an additional tablet on the sixth day of treatment, i.e. a total of 240 mg (4 tablets).

The dose of Amiksin for adults depends on the type of disease and indications.

To prevent influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, the drug is prescribed in 1 tablet. once a week for 6 weeks. The total dose is 6 tablets. (750 mg).

For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, Amiksin is taken according to the following scheme: on the first and second days, 125 mg once, then 125 mg every other day. The total number of tablets is 6 pcs.

For non-specific prophylaxis of viral hepatitis A, take one tablet of 125 mg once a day for 6 weeks. Course dosage – 6 tablets.

For the treatment of viral hepatitis A on the first day, take 125 mg twice a day, then 1 table. – every 48 hours. Course dose – 10 tablets. Amiksin (1.25 g).

For acute hepatitis B, take 1 tablet in the first two days, then every other day. The general course is 6 tablets (2 g), for a prolonged course of the disease - 20 tablets. (2.5 g). Acute hepatitis C is treated similarly to long-term hepatitis B.

In the treatment of chronic hepatitis C on the first and second day, 250 mg per day is prescribed, then 125 mg every other day. In total, the patient must take 20 tablets in this phase of treatment. After that, he is transferred to taking the drug one 125 mg tablet once every seven days for 20 weeks. Thus, in total, the patient should take 20 tablets of Amiksin 125 mg for 6 months. During this period, morphological, immunological and biochemical studies are regularly carried out, which reflect the degree of activity of the process, according to their results, the doctor can adjust the treatment regimen.

In chronic hepatitis B, 250 mg are taken in the first two days, then 125 mg every other day. In the continuation phase of treatment, the dose of Amiksin is 125 mg once a week, the total dose is from 10 (1.25 g) to 20 (2.5 g) tablets. The total duration of treatment is from 3.5 to 6 months, depending on the results of immunological, biochemical and morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process.

As part of the complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, Amixin is prescribed according to the following scheme: on the first and second days, 250 mg per day, then 125 mg with an interval of 48 hours. Course dose – 20 tablets (2.5 g).

In all other cases, the drug is taken at 125 mg in the first two days, then 1 tablet every 48 hours, only the duration of treatment and the total number of tablets differ:

  • For complex therapy of neuroviral infections - 10-15 tablets;
  • For herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections - 10-20 pcs.;
  • For urogenital and respiratory chlamydia – 10 pcs.

Side effects of Amiksin

Numerous reviews of Amiksin indicate that this antiviral drug in the vast majority of cases is well tolerated and does not have side effects if the dosage recommended by the doctor is observed. Rarely do patients complain of short-term chills. Dyspeptic symptoms occur even less frequently. In individual cases, allergic reactions are possible due to hypersensitivity or intolerance to one or another component of the drug.

Cases of Amixin overdose in medical practice have not been registered, however, it is not recommended to exceed the dose prescribed by the doctor, since short-term depletion of immunocompetent cells is possible.

special instructions

The use of Amiksin can be combined with antibiotics and drugs intended for the traditional treatment of bacterial and viral infections.

Amiksin's analogs

Structural analogues of Amiksin are Lavomax, Tirolon, Tilaksin, Tiloron.

Based on their belonging to the same pharmacological group and the similarity of their mechanisms of action, the following drugs can be considered analogues of Amiksin: Alpizarin, Arbidol, Viracept, Giporamin, Groprinosin, Kagocel, Nikavir, Panavir, Celsentri and many others.

Terms and conditions of storage

Amiksin is a drug of list B. The drug for children (in a dose of 60 mg) is dispensed by prescription, tablets in a dosage of 125 mg are available over the counter. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years, provided that the storage rules recommended by the manufacturer are followed - cool (at temperatures up to 30 ºC), dry and protected from direct sunlight.

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Dalkhimfarm (Russia), Pharmstandard-Tomskkhimpharm OJSC (Russia)

pharmachologic effect

A low-molecular-weight synthetic interferon inducer that stimulates the formation of alpha, beta and gamma interferons in the body.

The main producers of interferon in response to the administration of tilorone are intestinal epithelial cells, hepatocytes, T-lymphocytes, neutrophils and granulocytes.

After oral administration, the maximum production of interferon is determined in the sequence intestine - liver - blood after 4-24 hours.

The drug has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

Induces the synthesis of interferon in human leukocytes.

Stimulates bone marrow stem cells, depending on the dose, enhances antibody formation, reduces the degree of immunosuppression, restores the ratio of T-suppressors and T-helpers.

Effective against various viral infections, including influenza viruses, other acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis viruses and herpes viruses.

The mechanism of antiviral action is associated with inhibition of the translation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells, as a result of which viral reproduction is suppressed.

After oral administration, it is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

Bioavailability - 60%.

About 80% of the drug binds to plasma proteins.

The drug is excreted almost unchanged through the intestines (70%) and through the kidneys (9%).

Half-life - 48 hours.

The drug does not undergo biotransformation and does not accumulate in the body.

Side effects of Amiksin

Allergic reactions, dyspepsia, short-term chills are possible.

Indications for use

In adults, treatment and prevention of influenza, other acute respiratory viral infections, treatment of viral hepatitis A, B and C, treatment of herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections; as part of complex therapy of infectious-allergic and viral encephalomyelitis (multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalitis, uveoencephalitis, etc.), as part of complex therapy of urogenital and respiratory chlamydia, in complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.

In children over 7 years of age - for the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

Contraindications Amiksin

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation period.

Children's age up to 7 years.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is taken orally after meals.

For children over 7 years old.

For uncomplicated forms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections - 60 mg 1 time per day on the 1st, 2nd and 4th day from the start of treatment.

The course dose is 180 mg (3 tablets).

If complications of influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections occur, 60 mg 1 time per day on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th day from the start of treatment.

The course dose is 240 mg (4 tablets).

For adults (over 18 years old).

For the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections - 125 mg per day for the first 2 days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours.

For the prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections - 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks.

Per course - 750 mg (6 tablets).

For the treatment of herpes, cytomegalovirus infections - the first two days, 125 mg, then after 48 hours, 125 mg.

The course dose is 1.25-2.5 g (10-20 tablets).

For nonspecific prevention of viral hepatitis A - 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks.

For the treatment of viral hepatitis A - on the first day, 125 mg 2 times, then 125 mg after 48 hours.

Per course - 1.25 g (10 tablets).

For the treatment of acute hepatitis B - 125 mg for the first two days, then 125 mg after 48 hours, per course of treatment - 2 g (16 tablets).

For prolonged hepatitis B, 125 mg 2 times a day on the first day, then 125 mg after 48 hours.

For a course of treatment - 2.5 g (20 tablets).

For chronic hepatitis B - the initial phase of treatment (2.5 g - 20 tablets) - the first two days, 125 mg 2 times a day, then 125 mg after 48 hours.

Continuation phase (from 1.25 g - 10 tablets to 2.5 g - 20 tablets) - 125 mg per week.

The course dose of Amiksin® is from 3.75 g to 5 g, the duration of therapy is 3.5-6 months, depending on the results of biochemical, immunological, and morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process.

For acute hepatitis C - 125 mg per day for the first 2 days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours.

The course of treatment is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

For chronic hepatitis C - the initial phase of treatment (2.5 g - 20 tablets) - the first two days, 125 mg 2 times a day, then 125 mg after 48 hours.

Continuation phase (2.5 g - 20 tablets) - 125 mg per week.

The course dose of the drug is 5 g, the duration of therapy is 6 months, depending on the results of biochemical, immunological, and morphological markers of the activity of the process.

For complex therapy of neuroviral infections - 125-250 mg per day for the first 2 days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours.

The dose is set individually, the course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

For urogenital and respiratory chlamydia - the first two days, 125 mg, then after 48 hours, 125 mg.

The course dose is 1.25 g (10 tablets).

For complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis - 250 mg for the first two days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours.

The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).


There are no known cases of drug overdose.


Compatible with antibiotics and drugs for traditional treatment of viral and bacterial diseases.

No clinically significant effects of the drug with antibiotics and traditional treatments for viral and bacterial diseases have been identified.

special instructions

No data.

Storage conditions

Store out of the reach of children, away from light, at a temperature not exceeding 30 C.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

What kind of drug is amiksin?

Amiksin is an immunostimulating drug with antiviral activity. International name of the drug ( official active ingredient) is tilorone. The drug was first created and is produced to this day in Russia. It is one of the few representatives of its pharmacological group with proven effectiveness against viral infections.

Amiksin ( tiloron) is well tolerated by patients, as it is practically harmless. The drug has very few side effects. Restrictions on its use apply only to pregnant women and children under 7 years of age. At the same time, it can be used in the prevention and treatment of most viral infections. Thus, the range of its use is quite wide.
Despite this, its action is designed to stimulate the body’s own forces, therefore in cases of severe illness, when the body cannot cope with the disease on its own, treatment should be carried out using stronger means.

Pharmacological group of the drug amiksin ( interferon inducers). Mechanism of action of the drug

Amiksin belongs to the group of inducers ( stimulants) interferon. This means that it increases the production of interferons by the human body. Interferon is one of the main substances in the human body, which is aimed at combating various foreign agents, mainly viruses. Without interferon, an immune response to viral infection is impossible ( influenza, chickenpox or other viral pathogens). In addition to controlling the functioning of the immune system, interferon has a direct antiviral effect. In addition, it signals about mutant cells in the body and thus prevents the development of tumors.

One of the modern trends in medicine is based not on the use of potent chemical compounds, but on stimulating the body’s own forces. Thanks to this, medicines become many times safer. For example, instead of administering natural or synthetic interferon ( which threatens allergic reactions and other side effects) today it has become possible to use interferon inducers. One of these drugs is amixin. Naturally, the effectiveness of amixin is lower than that of interferon itself, in addition, it manifests itself only 4 to 5 hours after taking the drug, but despite this, it is clinically proven.

Unfortunately, the capabilities of this drug are still limited by the state of the human immune system. In cases where a viral infection develops too quickly, the immune response is delayed, so this drug is not applicable in such cases. For these diseases, it is necessary to use specific antiviral agents that directly suppress the virus. However, as part of complex therapy or as a prophylactic agent, amixin has established itself as a reliable and safe drug.

Composition of the drug amiksin

The drug contains only one active ingredient, as well as a large number of excipients. The main substance is tilorone, which can be presented in a tablet of the drug in an amount of 60 or 125 mg. Excipients make up the core and film shell of the tablet. They are used to preserve the beneficial properties of the main active ingredient for as long as possible, as well as protect it from harmful external factors. At the same time, the tablet shell dissolves quite well in the gastrointestinal tract.

The tablet core contains the following additional substances:

  • potato starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • calcium stearate;
  • Primellose.
The tablet shell consists of the following substances:
  • hypromellose ( one of the cellulose compounds);
  • titanium dioxide;
  • polysorbate;
  • dyes ( yellow color).
In a higher dosage tablet ( 125 mg) contains 2 times more excipients. The film coating of the drug tablets has a thickness of up to 0.2 mm, improves the taste and appearance and creates conditions for their rapid dissolution under the influence of gastric juice. As a result, the active substance quickly enters the blood.

Dosage form of the drug amiksin ( tablets 60 mg, 125 mg)

The drug is available in the form of tablets containing tilorone 60 or 125 mg. The tablets are yellow or orange in color and biconvex in shape. The tablet is smooth and has no halving marks. The tablet has no smell or taste. At the break, the tablet also has a yellow or orange color. The package most often contains 6 or 10 tablets. Less common is a package with 3 or 20 tablets, but such versions were also produced by the manufacturer. Tablets can be found not only in blisters, but also in plastic jars. All this, together with the annotation, is placed in a cardboard box.

Are there other dosage forms of the drug amiksin ( capsules, injections, eye drops, ointment)?

The drug is available exclusively in tablet form. There are no other dosage forms of the drug ( injections or eye drops). Therefore, if a pharmacy offers to purchase any other forms of amixin, you can be sure that it is a fake.

Amiksin is presented in tablet form, which means that it has a systemic effect. Sometimes topical medications are needed to treat viral infections ( for example, with herpetic rashes or eye damage). In such cases, you can find amixin analogues or other antiviral agents that are intended for topical use in the desired dosage form. Today there is a wide variety of effective medicines that can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

Is amiksin an antibiotic?

Amiksin is not an antibiotic. As you know, antibiotics are drugs aimed at fighting bacterial infections. Their use is associated with a large number of side effects, which is why they are sold in pharmacies only by prescription. Amiksin is one of the drugs used for viral infections. It is practically useless to use for pustules ( bacterial infections), just like antibiotics are useless for influenza, herpes and other viral infections. However, the use of amixin does not harm health and is safe, which cannot be said about antibiotics.

Amiksin analogues

Amiksin has a large number of analogues, since a variety of drugs and pharmacological groups are used in the treatment of viral diseases. A direct analogue of Amixin is the drug Lavomax, which contains the same active ingredient. Amiksin has no other direct analogues in composition. However, there are a large number of interferon inducers ( cycloferon, arbidol, ingavirin and others), which contain a different active ingredient, but, like amixin, increase the production of interferon by the body.

Among analogues of amixin, antiviral agents can also be distinguished. They are divided according to the spectrum of action, that is, for the treatment of each viral disease there are several antiviral drugs ( for herpes - acyclovir, for influenza - oseltamivir). Amiksin is very often combined with these drugs, although it can also be used separately for preventive purposes.

Finally, it is customary to use homeopathic medicines as immunomodulatory agents ( ergoferon, anaferon). Despite the fact that their effect has not been officially proven and is not recognized by medicine, they show themselves quite well in the prevention of various viral diseases. Like interferon inducers, homeopathic medicines have almost no side effects. This is one of the main advantages of homeopathic medicines.

The most common analogues of amixin are the following drugs:

  • Lavomax;
  • ingavirin;
  • arbidol;
  • cycloferon;
  • acyclovir;
  • ergoferon;
  • anaferon.

Lavomax and amiksin

Lavomax is a direct analogue of amixin in composition. Both drugs contain the same substance – tilorone. Lavomax is a tablet containing 125 mg of active ingredient. It is also produced in Russia. Lavomax was released somewhat later than amiksin; its instructions indicate narrower indications than amiksin. The drug is recommended for use only in the treatment or prevention of influenza and herpes infections. For amiksin, the manufacturer indicates a wider range of uses ( it includes almost all the most common viral infections).

Naturally, since both drugs contain the same active substance in the same concentration, their therapeutic effect is practically the same. Therefore, a more “honest” range of indications is indicated in the annotation for Lavomax. The patient can be recommended to purchase any of these drugs. However, it is best to consult a doctor before treatment and clarify the possibility of using these drugs in a specific clinical situation.

Amiksin and interferon inducers ( arbidol, kagocel, cycloferon, ingavirin)

All interferon inducers are characterized by increasing the production of interferons in the body, due to which they have an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. However, amiksin is the first ( and the only one) a drug from this group, whose effect has been clinically tested. Considering that when using this group of drugs many patients complain of a lack of effect, amixin has a significant advantage over its analogues.

Arbidol ( active ingredient - umifenovir) is used for the prevention and treatment of influenza, as well as in the complex therapy of viral intestinal infections. Kagocel is used for the same purposes, as well as for the prevention of herpes. Ingavirin is characterized not only by an increase in the level of its own interferon, but also by some antiviral activity. Cycloferon is active mainly against ARVI pathogens ( acute respiratory viral infections) and influenza.

When using drugs that are interferon inducers, you need to be very careful. These drugs really do not have side effects, however, the therapeutic effect of use is rather weak. Therefore, the use of antiviral agents may be much more effective. It is worth noting that the use of any drugs should be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor. Improper treatment can lead to complications and progression of the disease.

Antiviral agents ( acyclovir, rimantadine, Tamiflu) and amiksin

Antivirals are drugs that affect the life cycle of the virus, interrupting it at certain stages. For their action, it does not matter what state the human immune system is in ( unlike interferon inducers). Antiviral drugs can suppress the reproduction of the virus and destroy it. Most antiviral drugs have undergone clinical trials, that is, they have proven effectiveness. Accordingly, the effect of using antiviral agents is higher than that of using amixin.

However, antiviral agents also have disadvantages. Firstly, they have serious side effects, and secondly, they are characterized by a narrow spectrum of action ( some can only be used for the flu, while others can only be used for herpes). Thus, Tamiflu is used for influenza, acyclovir for herpes, interferons for viral hepatitis. The use of antiviral drugs is permitted only with a doctor's prescription; their distribution in pharmacies is limited. Therefore, in most cases they are used only in cases of extreme necessity ( if indicated).

Homeopathic medicines ( ergoferon and anaferon) and amiksin

Nowadays, homeopathic remedies are becoming more and more common. These are drugs that contain a very small amount of active ingredients ( about 1 molecule per tablet or vial). This is achieved by repeated dilutions of the stock solution. The principle of their action is explained by the preservation of energy memory in the solution, but it is not recognized by official medicine. Also, science does not know the mechanism of interaction between homeopathic remedies and the body. Therefore, today there is debate about the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies in the treatment and prevention of viral infections.

Ergoferon and Anaferon, according to the manufacturer, have indications similar to Amixin. They contain multiply diluted antibodies to interferon. These drugs are also believed to have immunostimulating and antiviral effects by increasing interferon production. However, today it is impossible to prove the effect of homeopathic drugs in any way, so for treatment it is better to prefer other drugs after consulting a doctor.

Indications for use of amixin

Amiksin is a drug that is indicated for use for all types of viral infections. The drug stimulates the immune system, as a result the body is armed with good protection against viruses and fights them more effectively. Most often, people encounter viruses that cause diseases of the respiratory system. That is why the drug is good to take for preventive purposes during seasonal outbreaks of influenza and ARVI. However, it is also effective in fighting herpes, intestinal infections and many other viral diseases.

Amiksin for influenza and acute respiratory viral infection ( ARVI)

Influenza and ARVI are the most common viral infections of the respiratory system. These diseases are observed in the cold season, when immunity decreases due to a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the diet and poor climatic conditions. The causative agents of ARVI can be influenza viruses, rhinoviruses, and adenoviruses. Accurate identification of the pathogen is usually not required for successful diagnosis and treatment of ARVI.

The disease is characterized by fever, headache, fatigue, and muscle pain. At the beginning of the disease, there is dryness in the nose and nasopharynx, after which nasal congestion and clear discharge may appear. In addition, a dry cough and a feeling of irritation may appear ( soreness, pain) in the throat. Usually the disease heals on its own within 5–7 days, but if immunity is insufficient, complications may develop, such as bacterial tonsillitis or pneumonia.

Amiksin can be used both for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI. For treatment you need to take 1 tablet ( 125 mg) in the first two days after the development of symptoms of the disease, and then 1 tablet every other day. In total, you need to take 6 tablets of the drug during the course of treatment. In order to prevent influenza and ARVI, you need to take 1 tablet per week during the seasonal rise in incidence. The course of prophylactic use of the drug is 6 weeks.

Amiksin for sore throat, bronchitis

Sore throat and bronchitis are common diseases of the respiratory system. They are characterized by damage to individual parts of the upper respiratory tract. Most often, sore throat and bronchitis are caused by a bacterial infection ( streptococci and staphylococci), however, there are frequent cases, especially recently, when viruses are the causative agents of these diseases. These diseases are characterized by sore throat, voice disturbance, and difficulty breathing. The patient may be bothered by the presence of sputum and moist rales. Diseases occur against a background of elevated temperature, malaise, and chills.

Amiksin for the treatment of sore throat and bronchitis is used only when the viral nature of the disease is proven. The doctor can judge this based on serological tests ( blood test), as well as the clinical picture. The presence of yellow-green sputum and the characteristic condition of the back of the throat indicate a bacterial infection and the need for antibiotics. However, even in the case of viral tonsillitis, the patient needs to use not only amixin, but also other drugs in treatment ( anti-inflammatory drugs, expectorants, warm rinses and plenty of fluids). Treatment of sore throat and bronchitis is more difficult than treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, so if symptoms of these diseases appear, you should consult a doctor for help.

Amiksin for herpes infection

Herpes is a viral disease that is characterized by the appearance on the skin and mucous membranes of blisters filled with serous fluid. Herpes most often appears on the lips or genital area. Due to the characteristics of the virus, it is able to remain in the body in an inactive state and wait for the right time to become active. The herpes virus makes itself felt during a decline in immunity, due to high stress and various loads.

Herpes can be treated with amixin. This drug helps restore the body's immunity and defenses against the herpes virus. Amiksin for herpes infection should be taken for 10 - 20 days. In the first two days, take 1 tablet ( 125 mg for adults over 18 years of age), and subsequently - 1 tablet every other day.

In order for treatment to be more successful, drugs containing acyclovir are often prescribed, usually for topical application in the form of ointments. Herpetic rashes cause pain, burning and itching, while ointments containing acyclovir can get rid of these sensations.

Amiksin for cytomegalovirus infection

Cytomegalovirus is one of the pathogens from the herpesvirus family. It usually occurs in newborns or in people with weakened immune systems. This virus is practically never found in healthy people ( with the exception of cytomegalovirus mononucleosis). In general, cytomegalovirus infection is relatively rare.

Cytomegalovirus can cause the following diseases:

  • cytomegalovirus infection in newborns;
  • cytomegalovirus hepatitis;
  • cytomegalovirus retinitis ( retinal inflammation);
  • cytomegalovirus colitis ( colon inflammation);
  • cytomegalovirus esophagitis ( inflammation of the esophagus);
  • polyradiculopathy ( inflammation of the spinal nerve roots) and other pathologies.
Cytomegalovirus infection is treated with special antiviral drugs ( ganciclovir, foscarnet). The use of amixin in the treatment of cytomegalovirus is also possible, but this drug should be used as an additional and not the main drug. The method of using it is the same as for herpes ( Duration of treatment - 10 - 20 days, tablets are taken every other day, except for the first two days, when the tablet must be taken every day).

Amiksin for chickenpox

Chickenpox ( chicken pox) is a viral disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. Chickenpox mainly affects children; after the illness, stable immunity remains stable throughout life. Chickenpox is characterized by numerous rashes on the skin accompanied by fever and malaise. The disease goes away within 2 - 3 weeks, but during the first week the patient is very contagious and can transmit the disease to others who are not immune.

Treatment of chickenpox usually does not require the use of special antiviral or immunomodulatory agents. The chickenpox virus itself is a very strong irritant to the immune system; in addition, the more pronounced the body’s reaction, the more reliably it will be protected from re-infection. Guided by these principles, only symptomatic drugs are usually used in the treatment of chickenpox ( anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs, antiseptic solutions for lubricating the skin in the area of ​​rashes). Amiksin and other immunostimulants are useless for chickenpox because their action is delayed. In severe cases of the disease, interferon is used directly in the form of intramuscular or intravenous injections.

Amiksin for HPV ( human papillomavirus)

Papillomavirus is one of the viruses that causes not death, but uncontrolled cell division. It is for this reason that, under the influence of the virus, various formations appear on the skin and mucous membranes ( papillomas, condylomas). This virus is transmitted through direct contact ( through personal belongings, dishes, household items). The papillomavirus has a very large number of variants and is also difficult to remove from the body. Today there are no drugs that effectively cure human papillomavirus infection.

Today, treatment of papillomavirus involves removing skin lesions in various ways ( laser, freezing, conventional surgery). Antiviral agents are used only when the process is extensive, there are a large number of formations and their frequent occurrence. Considering that the virus is activated when the immune system is weakened, some doctors recommend immunostimulating drugs as a preventive measure for papillomas. Amiksin is well suited for these purposes, which can be taken in the amount of 1 tablet per week for up to 6 weeks.

Amiksin for rotavirus infection

Rotavirus infection is a very common cause of intestinal upset in children and adults. Rotavirus infection is so common that it is called “stomach flu.” At the same time, it is easy to prevent by observing personal hygiene rules ( washing hands before eating) and properly handling food before consumption ( suitable heat treatment). The illness lasts from 3 to 7 days and is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Sometimes there is a runny nose, sore throat, general malaise ( like the flu).

Amiksin is not indicated for use in case of rotavirus infection. There are no effective antiviral drugs that help with rotavirus infection. However, the body fights infection quite effectively on its own, so it only needs help in restoring intestinal functions and water-salt balance. That is why, to treat rotavirus infection, the patient is given sorbents ( absorb toxins from the intestines), drinking plenty of fluids ( in frequent small portions), complete dietary nutrition ( no fatty, spicy, fried foods).

Amiksin for viral hepatitis B, C

Viral hepatitis B and C are viral lesions of liver cells ( hepatocytes). They are transmitted through blood and other body fluids ( for example, saliva). The diseases are characterized by a long course and absence of pronounced symptoms. Their danger lies in the fact that within 5–10 years they can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, cancer and death of the patient. Fortunately, today there are quite effective ways to treat viral hepatitis, as well as vaccines that can prevent viral hepatitis B.

Acute hepatitis B or C is treated with antiviral drugs for a fairly short period of time, as the immune system usually copes with the infection. Amixin is also used to treat acute viral hepatitis. It is prescribed 125 mg in the first two days, then 1 tablet every other day. The duration of treatment is 20 – 30 days. The main danger in acute viral hepatitis is its transition to a chronic form.

Chronic viral hepatitis occurs several times more often than acute hepatitis. They are usually treated comprehensively. The main drug for the treatment of viral hepatitis is interferon. Additionally, interferon inducers can be used ( including amiksin). This drug is used for the first month as for acute hepatitis, and then continues to be taken 1 tablet per week. The duration of treatment depends on the results of blood tests ( amount of antibodies, liver enzyme activity). On average it is 6 months.

Amiksin for a tick bite

Many people know that a tick bite is dangerous due to the development of tick-borne encephalitis. This is a dangerous viral infection that affects the human nervous system and can very quickly lead to death. It is believed that about 6% of ticks carry the tick-borne encephalitis virus. In order to avoid complications from a tick bite, it is necessary to adhere to a certain course of action.

If you are bitten by a tick, follow these steps:

  • treat the tick bite site with antiseptics;
  • carefully remove the tick yourself or use the help of medical personnel;
  • if possible, keep the tick intact and submit it for research to determine whether it was a carrier of the tick-borne encephalitis virus;
  • If a tick-borne encephalitis virus is detected, the patient is treated in an infectious diseases hospital.
Immediately after detecting a tick bite, you can use interferon inducers, including amixin. It has been proven that their use for preventive purposes can prevent the possible development of tick-borne encephalitis or help to tolerate it in a milder form. For prevention, you should take 1 tablet of Amixin during the first 3 days after a tick bite.

Amiksin for the prevention of viral infections

Amiksin is successfully used to prevent viral infections. It belongs to the group of interferon inducers. This means that after its use, the amount of substances in the body that can fight a viral infection increases. The action of interferons ( and, accordingly, amiksin) is almost universal, as it affects any viruses that enter the body. However, the most common purpose of using the drug is the prevention of influenza and ARVI.

For preventive purposes, it is enough to use the drug once a week. The duration of treatment is generally not limited, but it is sufficient to use it for about 6 weeks during a seasonal outbreak of viral disease. If desired, the course can be repeated, since the use of the drug is safe and does not harm human health.

Amiksin for multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that damages the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord. Due to a malfunction in the immune system, the body attacks the sheath of nerve fibers. It is replaced by connective tissue, which disrupts the conduction of nerve impulses and causes various functional disorders of the nervous system, as well as pain. The disease significantly reduces a person's quality of life.

Diagnosis and treatment of multiple sclerosis are performed by neurologists. Treatment of multiple sclerosis is difficult because medicine does not have accurate information about the causes of the development of this disease. One of the proven drugs in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is interferon beta. It is used in long courses ( from 6 to 12 months). Amiksin is not indicated for use in multiple sclerosis, however, there are theoretical prerequisites for its beneficial effect on the course of the disease. The fact is that amiksin has an immunomodulatory effect and can normalize the immune system’s response to nervous tissue. However, when treating multiple sclerosis, it is very important to take only those medications prescribed by your doctor.

Does amiksin help with sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an infectious inflammation that develops in the paranasal sinuses. To lighten the weight of the skull, there are air cavities in it, which are lined with mucous membrane. If infectious agents enter the sinuses ( for example, from the roots of teeth), inflammation can develop in them. As a rule, such inflammation is caused by bacteria and is accompanied by nasal congestion, pain in the infraorbital region, and discharge of pus from the nasal passages.

Thus, amixin plays an important role in the complex treatment of chlamydia and other urogenital diseases. The main drugs are antibiotics ( macrolides, doxycycline). Amiksin is prescribed in a course of 10 tablets, in the first two days - 1 tablet, in subsequent days they should be taken every other day. It is very important to undergo treatment under the supervision of a doctor of the appropriate profile, since improper treatment can lead to various complications, including reproductive dysfunction.

Does amixin help with cancer ( cancer)?

Amixin is usually not used for cancer. Amiksin increases the production of all types of interferon in the body. Despite the fact that interferon has an antitumor effect, amixin is not able to cause the production of its own interferon in such quantities that the antitumor effect is reliably manifested. That is why interferon is used directly for some tumors. The interferon drug is injected into the tumor focus and wait until the tumor shrinks, after which it is surgically removed.

Contraindications to the use of amixin

Amiksin is considered a relatively safe drug. It affects the immune system, making it more effective against viral infections. The drug has very few contraindications and side effects. Most people can take this drug without restrictions. However, despite the fact that it is harmless, you should not use the drug unless indicated. It is also advisable to consult with your doctor about the possibility of using this drug in a particular clinical situation.
Amiksin is contraindicated in the following cases:
  • presence of allergies ( hypersensitivity) in relation to the main active substance or auxiliary components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to 7 years.
You can make sure that you are not allergic to a drug only by undergoing certain tests from an allergist. The risk of allergic reactions increases if you have a food allergy or other allergic diseases. One of them is bronchial asthma. In general, allergies to amixin ( its active ingredient is tilorone) is very rare.

Can Amixin be used in the treatment of pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers?

The manufacturer does not recommend using the drug for the treatment of pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. This is mostly due to the lack of reliable clinical data on the use of the drug for this category of patients. Teratogenic effect ( the appearance of deformities and mutations) for the fetus, this drug has not been noted, but there is a possibility of an effect on the immune system of the fetus and unborn child. Doctors do not know how the drug can change the development of a child’s immunity when Amixin is used by his mother. It is assumed that it can inhibit the formation of immunity in children.

Despite this, in certain clinical situations, doctors may prescribe this drug to a pregnant or breastfeeding woman. This occurs if the benefits of the drug outweigh the potential risks. However, in the case of such a prescription, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo treatment under his supervision.

Is it possible to use amiksin in the treatment of children?

The drug, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, cannot be used to treat children under 7 years of age. This is due to the fact that the immune system before this age is not yet perfect and is not able to respond to the use of the drug in the same way as in adults. That is why the effect of using the drug in children is lower, and the risk of damaging developing systems is higher.

After 7 years, the drug can be used for the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI. For this purpose, there is a special form of the drug - tablets containing 60 mg of active substance. They include half the standard dose, but are taken according to the same regimen as the drug for adults. The manufacturer recommends using this dosage form up to 18 years of age. After 18 years, you can use regular tablets containing 125 mg of tilorone.

Is it possible to use amiksin for high blood pressure?

Amiksin can be used for high blood pressure. The drug does not affect blood pressure, so it can be used for hypertensive patients ( people suffering from high blood pressure), and hypotensive patients ( people with low blood pressure). The drug can also be safely used in conjunction with medications that correct blood pressure.

Instructions for using amixin

Correct use of the drug is very important to achieve optimal therapeutic effect. The method of use of the drug can always be found in the annotation accompanying the packaging of the medicine. Also, the doctor should familiarize the patient with the rules for using the drug when writing a prescription. Violation of the recommended regimen may lead to an overdose or lack of therapeutic effect.

Amiksin is available in tablet form. This dosage form is convenient for use. For the treatment of various viral diseases, the doctor may recommend different regimens for the use of the drug, since larger or smaller dosages may be required against different pathogens. The duration of taking the drug also differs. Despite the fact that the drug is usually very well tolerated, during its use various problems may arise in which you need to stop using it and move away from your usual treatment regimen.

How to take the drug? Should the drug be taken before or after meals?

The drug is supplied in tablet form. The tablet should be taken after meals without chewing, with a sufficient amount of water. After eating, the gastrointestinal tract contains the optimal amount of enzymes that release the active ingredient of the drug. It is important not to chew the tablet, as this damages the film coating that protects the active substance from premature destruction in the gastric juice.

It is worth noting that taking the drug before meals is not a critical mistake. Also, if you miss an appointment, it can be completed several hours later than the scheduled time. However, it is advisable not to skip doses of the drug and follow the instructions of the doctor and the manufacturer of the drug.

Regimen for taking the drug for ARVI ( acute respiratory viral infections) and other diseases

When treating with amixin, there are various treatment regimens. However, the essence of most of them is the same. So, for ARVI and influenza, the drug should be taken 1 tablet ( 125 mg) on the first and second days of the disease. Then the tablets should be taken on the fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth day ( only 6 tablets). Thus, in the first two days you need to take a higher dose ( 2 tablets), and then continue treatment every other day.

For the treatment of herpes, acute viral hepatitis, chlamydia, the regimen remains the same ( 1 tablet every other day). The duration of treatment varies slightly ( from 10 days to 30). For chronic hepatitis and for preventive purposes, take 1 tablet for 6 to 12 weeks. In order to avoid overdose of the drug and depletion of the immune system, it is very important to observe the recommended intervals between taking Amixin tablets.

Courses of taking amixin. How long should I take the drug?

Amiksin is taken in courses. The fact is that the effect of stimulating immunity does not appear immediately. And only 5 – 12 hours after taking the drug. Also, to maintain high levels of interferons, you need to continue taking the drugs for a certain time. The more serious the disease, the longer the course and the longer you need to take the drug.

The duration of taking the drug is 10 days for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, herpes, and from 3 weeks to 1 month for acute viral hepatitis. For chronic viral hepatitis, the drug is taken for six months. The course of prophylactic use of amixin is not limited in time, but the manufacturer recommends not using it for more than 6 weeks.

How often can I take the drug?

The frequency of use of the drug is exactly indicated in the instructions for the drug. For acute viral infections, the drug should be used more often than for chronic diseases. The recommended minimum interval for the treatment of acute viral infections is 48 hours. When treating chronic viral infections, it can be up to 7 days. More frequent use of the drug depletes the reserve forces of the immune system and can also lead to an overdose.

Storage conditions and shelf life of the drug

The shelf life of the drug if stored correctly is 3 years from the date of production. The production date and expiration date can always be found on the packaging. It is very important not to use medications that have expired. Otherwise, a person exposes his health to unjustified risk. Drugs that have expired do not retain their full medicinal properties.

The drug should be stored at room temperature ( 18 – 25 degrees) in a dark place away from direct sunlight. It is also necessary to make sure that small children do not have access to the drug, since children under 7 years of age are prohibited from using the drug.

Side effects of amixin

Amiksin has a relatively small number of side effects. In practice they are observed quite rarely. In general, we can say that the drug is safe to use and well tolerated by patients. Overdose phenomena are also very rare. However, if you suspect any adverse reactions, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor. He will indicate suitable drugs from among analogues that can be used in the current clinical situation.
Among the adverse reactions to the drug, the following phenomena are noted:
  • nausea, vomiting, indigestion;
  • short-term chills;
  • allergic reactions.
Nausea and vomiting, changes in stool may occur due to individual intolerance to any components of the drug. They appear due to the fact that the body is not able to break down the components into simpler components and perceives them as foreign agents. Naturally, if there is a disorder of the digestive functions, the use of this drug is impossible and ineffective.

Fever and chills after taking amixin

An increase in temperature is one of the body’s protective reactions in response to the penetration of foreign agents into the body. An increase in body temperature is poorly tolerated by foreign agents, some of them die precisely because of changes in the conditions of the internal environment of the body. Chills are a subjective feeling of cold that occurs when there is a sharp fluctuation in body temperature. Chills themselves occur when there is severe stress, excitement, hypothermia or an increase in body temperature.

Chills and a short-term increase in body temperature can be observed when using Amixin, especially at the beginning of the course of treatment. The fact is that an increase in the amount of interferon triggers numerous protective reactions, which may include an increase in body temperature. When you take the drug again, the body adapts and no such changes occur. Therefore, a slight increase in body temperature ( up to 37 – 37.5 degrees) may well be a normal reaction to the drug. However, if this temperature persists throughout the day, you need to consult a doctor and change your treatment tactics.

Allergic reactions to amiksin

Amiksin usually does not cause allergic reactions, but they cannot be completely ruled out. Allergies can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, ranging from skin rashes, swelling of the face, difficulty breathing, to abdominal pain, a drop in blood pressure, and impaired consciousness. It is almost impossible to predict the development of allergic reactions, since it can develop even upon first contact with the drug. If allergic reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and take antihistamines ( antiallergic) drugs, for example, suprastin, loratadine or others.

Does the drug have a harmful effect on the liver?

No particular harmful effects of the drug on the liver or other human organs and systems have been observed. When used correctly, the drug interacts with the immune system, cells of the liver, intestines and mucous membranes without depleting their reserves or harming enzymatic systems. The drug does not undergo transformation in the liver; it is excreted unchanged through the intestines and kidneys. Thus, the liver does not participate in its elimination. This is why doctors declare the safety of amiksin ( tilorona) and is well tolerated by patients.

Amixin overdose

There have been no cases of amixin overdose. The drug has been used for quite a long time ( about 20 years), and also underwent clinical trials, during which no cases of overdose were reported. Despite this, it is necessary to warn patients against using the drug too often and violating the treatment regimen. This is ineffective and potentially creates health problems.

Is it possible to combine amiksin with alcohol?

There is no data on the interaction of amixin with alcohol, so it is impossible to say with confidence about the possible combined use of alcohol and this drug. It should, however, be taken into account that drinking alcohol during a viral disease worsens its prognosis and prolongs treatment and recovery. That is why doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol when treating with any drugs, including amixin.

Is it possible to use amixin with anti-inflammatory drugs ( paracetamol) or antibiotics ( amoxiclav, amoxicillin)?

The drug can be used together with various anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Moreover, amixin works best as part of complex therapy. Anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate the negative symptoms of viral diseases ( high temperature, headache, malaise), and antibiotics are used in case of bacterial complications. Amiksin is well compatible with these groups of drugs, however, in order to ensure the safety of a particular combination of drugs, you need to consult a doctor or pharmacist.

Prices for the drug amiksin

The drug amiksin has a fairly high price among analogues belonging to the same pharmaceutical group. Considering that the drug is produced in Russia, we can say that its price is too high. Despite this, the drug is widespread and can be found in almost any pharmacy. The cost of the drug also depends on the general price level in the region of the Russian Federation.

Prices for the drug amiksin in various cities of Russia


Dosage forms of the drug amiksin

Tablets 60 mg,

10 pieces

Tablets 125 mg,

6 items

Tablets 125 mg,

10 pieces


540 rubles

566 rubles

899 rubles

Saint Petersburg

539 rubles


549 rubles

529 rubles

847 rubles


515 rubles

835 rubles


528 rubles

509 rubles

808 rubles


545 rubles

538 rubles


539 rubles

849 rubles


526 rubles

795 rubles


529 rubles

538 rubles

820 rubles


536 rubles

579 rubles

876 rubles

Do I need a prescription to buy Amixin?

Amiksin is a safe drug; its independent use, if the instructions are followed, does not harm the patient. Therefore, it can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. However, it is strongly recommended not to self-medicate; it is better to be examined by a doctor and get a prescription from him that will actually be beneficial and effective for the treatment of a specific disease.