Arginine indications for use. Arginine - the benefits and harms of an important amino acid for the body. Features of reception for various conditions

Is there a way to gain muscle definition or a firm, lean body without taking risky drugs? Science says these are not empty dreams. Preparations with the amino acid L - Arginine in bodybuilding and fitness serve precisely this purpose.

Our complete instructions using bioadditives will allow you to soon achieve excellent results. The effectiveness of this product is confirmed not only by reviews from athletes, but also by clinical studies.

Persistent strength training does not always bring the expected results. Why does this happen? It turns out that everything is quite natural. Protein, necessary for the construction of muscle fibers, is spent for completely different purposes during intense strength training.

It ensures the removal of breakdown products and takes care of the synthesis of nitric oxide. At the same time, arginine is intended for these purposes by nature itself and copes with the tasks without any significant losses. That is why when taking it, “pumping” occurs even under moderate loads.

L - Arginine in the human body

L-Arginine is extremely popular among athletes. Bodybuilders take the drug to stimulate muscle growth and improve their definition. The amino acid is also used in other sports, as it tends to increase the body’s resistance to physical activity of an aerobic and anaerobic nature. Thanks to this, the quality and effectiveness of training increases. Also L - Arginine is known for its fat burning properties.

L - Arginine refers to partially nonessential amino acids, which are synthesized by our body. Since the substance is the main source of nitric oxide, its importance cannot be overestimated. L - Arginine takes part in all metabolic processes and is responsible for the production of hormones and enzymes. Its presence in the body ensures the normal functioning of all systems: nervous, immune, cardiovascular, genitourinary.

Under normal conditions, our body synthesizes amino acids from food. The table below shows the L-Arginine content in commonly consumed foods:

As you can see, daily norm can be easily obtained from just 100 g of meat, a glass of milk and a handful of pumpkin seeds. But if you dream of sculpted muscles, this amount will not be enough. In addition, eating food during training in order to provide the muscles with oxygen in time is not very convenient. Therefore, bodybuilders drink L - Arginine in the form of dietary supplements.

Arginine for muscle growth

As you know, effective pumping in bodybuilding depends entirely on nitric oxide, which dilates capillaries, increasing blood flow to muscle fibers. This ensures enhanced nutrition athlete's muscles with oxygen, creatine and glucose.

Since the main donor of nitric oxide in the human body is the amino acid arginine, the benefits of this substance for muscle growth are obvious.

Not so long ago, scientists discovered its new property. As it turns out, the substance can stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. Moreover, arginine “grows” capillaries directly in muscle fibers. This increased blood supply naturally leads to accelerated growth muscles. In addition, the dietary supplement provides “detailing” of the veins, which favorably emphasizes the relief.

Arginine is known to stimulate the production of growth hormone. But after a series of studies, it was found that the effect of taking arginine was more noticeable in beginners, while in the cases of experienced bodybuilders the effect on hormone levels was insignificant.

The greatest effect can be achieved by taking 2 amino acids arginine and lysine in a complex. You will need 1500 mg of both.

Clinical studies have shown that regular intake dietary supplements containing carnitine and arginine show excellent results in reducing body weight. The fact is that these amino acids successfully convert the body’s “strategic reserve” into energy during aerobic and anaerobic training.

In this case, weight loss occurs solely due to the reduction of fat deposits, and not, as with a diet, due to dehydration of the body. Within a month, weight decreases by 8-10%, while maintaining or increasing muscle mass.

Advice: Buy bioactive supplements more convenient and easier via the Internet. On the Internet you can find goods of proper quality and not overpay for them. Specialized stores also value their reputation and customers, so trade poor quality goods they won't.

Benefits and contraindications for use

L - Arginine is an amino acid that is synthesized by the human body and is found in common foods that we eat every day. Therefore, it is harmful for a healthy person to take drugs good quality won't bring it. Excess is eliminated from the body through the genitourinary system.

Studies conducted with professional athletes have found that taking L arginine over a long period of time does not produce side effects.

Dietary supplements containing this amino acid have beneficial influence on the state of the human body. Clinical studies L is confirmed to be Arginine:

  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Prevents thrombosis;
  • Maintains the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Slows down the growth of tumors;
  • Helps provide cells with oxygen;
  • Removes protein breakdown products from the body;
  • Improves erectile function in men;
  • Lowers blood sugar levels.

In addition, the drug serves as an excellent prevention of most age-related diseases, from arthrosis and arthritis to Alzheimer's disease.

It is also known that arginine stimulates the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy), provides mental and physical activity, improves the ability to concentrate. Being an excellent antioxidant, it fights free radicals, which cause aging and also provoke cancer. In oncology, L - Arginine is used to reduce the growth rate of tumors.

Despite the harmlessness of the drug, it is still not worth using it thoughtlessly. Contraindications for use include: pregnancy and breastfeeding, mental illness, viral herpes, impaired renal and liver function.

Tip: Smart Supplement is suitable for men and women equally. For the first, it allows them to acquire sculpted muscles, for the second, it allows them to lose weight and become more feminine. However, the result depends not only on the quality of the drug, but also on the training program.

Dosage regimen for muscle growth

As mentioned earlier, L - Arginine enhances the supply of oxygen to all tissues, promotes the transport of creatine to muscle fibers, triggers regeneration processes, and stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone. Due to these properties, this amino acid is currently one of the most popular supplements in bodybuilding. As a rule, L - Arginine is taken in combination, along with other amino acids. For example, L-carnitine helps increase definition.

Recommended intake doses for bodybuilding athletes are 3 - 9 g per day. It is better not to exceed the dosage, and the point here is not even that the drug is harmful. The body simply cannot absorb large doses. For beginners, it is better to start with a minimum, gradually increasing the amount. Exact dosage The drug can be determined based on the athlete’s body weight. It is believed that optimal dose 115 mg per kilogram of weight.

It is equally important to observe the timing of taking the dietary supplement. So, on training days, the drug must be taken 30 minutes before strength training, in the middle of training and 30 minutes after the end. This scheme allows you to maintain the required level of nitric oxide, which contributes to a more efficient supply of oxygen to the muscles. Increasing blood flow contributes to the pumping effect.

On rest days, arginine is taken according to the usual regimen 40 - 60 minutes before or after meals, three times a day. It should not be forgotten that the substance is not compatible with fatty foods. If such dishes are included in the lunch or dinner menu, you must maintain an interval of at least 5 hours. Since arginine has a bitter taste, it is better not to chew the tablets. You can fight off the unpleasant taste with some kind of drink. It is believed that L-Arginine is most effective in liquid and powder form.

The best price-quality ratio distinguishes following products: “Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate” (Myprotein), “L-Arginine Alpha” (Pure Protein), “Arginine AAKG” (CULT), “Arginine AAKG” (Maxler);
You can buy arginine in some pharmacies. The product produced by the American company Solgar enjoys a good reputation;

Fatty foods reduce amino acid intake to zero. Therefore, you should not take supplements before the feast. Do this 5 hours before or after;

Immediately after training, taking an amino acid will allow muscles to recover faster, and drinking it before bed will stimulate the synthesis of growth hormone;

At aerobic exercise In order to burn fat, it is better to use energy complexes that contain caffeine and carnitine.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug L arginine. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Arginine in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications were observed and side effects, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Arginine analogues, if available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of overwork and fatigue in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Arginine- amino acid, dietary supplement. Increases endurance. Activates cellular metabolism, urea metabolism, promotes the neutralization and removal of ammonia, stimulates the release of growth hormone from the pituitary gland. Regulates blood sugar levels and reduces lactic acidosis, caused by muscle load, switches metabolism to the aerobic pathway. Shows nootropic and anti-amnesic activity, prevents stress changes in the metabolism of mediator amino acids, increases phosphorylation of a number of proteins in the central nervous system.


Arginine is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, passes histohematic barriers and is distributed to all organs and tissues. Partially utilized in metabolic processes, the remaining part is excreted by the kidneys (mainly).


  • overwork;
  • general physical and mental fatigue associated with protein deficiency;
  • asthenic conditions during the recovery process, incl. after infectious diseases and operations;
  • metabolic alkalosis;
  • hyperammonemia types 1 and 2;
  • argininosuccinic aciduria and N-acetylglutamate synthetase deficiency.

Release forms

Tablets 300, 600, 900 mg.

Capsules 630 mg.

Instructions for use

Orally, simultaneously with meals, in the form of aqueous solution 5 ml (1 g) 3 times or 2-3 g (2-3 tablets) per day; maximum daily dose 3 g. Children over 3 years old - 2.5-10 ml (0.5-2 g per day) in 2 doses or before bedtime, over 12 years old - 0.5-2 g per day. The duration of the course is 8-15 days, repeated if necessary.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • severe liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • children up to 3 years of age (for solution), up to 12 years (for tablets).

Side effects

  • allergic reactions.

special instructions

Should be used with caution in case of electrolyte imbalance, kidney disease or anuria. If symptoms of asthenia increase while taking the drug, treatment is discontinued. During therapy, it is necessary to maintain a balanced sleep and rest schedule, avoid alcohol, nicotine, and psychostimulants.

Analogues of the drug L Arginine

Structural analogues according to active substance:

  • Sargenor;
  • Arginine-Zinc;
  • Arginine aspartate;
  • Arginine glutamate.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

We are with early years We hear that protein should be consumed as much as possible, because it is the key to growth, strength and intelligence. However, as we discover as we age, not every protein is created equal. Most healthy protein one, when consumed, the body receives a full set of amino acids, which, among other things, are also absorbed as successfully as possible. That's it, everything is serious.

Amino acids are essential (they must be looked for in food), replaceable (we can synthesize them ourselves) and conditionally replaceable (their synthesis in the body occurs only when favorable conditions). Now we will look at a prominent representative of the latter category - arginine.

The amino acid can be synthesized in the human body from other amino acids. True, some physiological processes can interfere with this. For example, if your diet is missing at least one essential amino acid– protein synthesis stops altogether. In addition, after 30 years, arginine synthesis is practically absent. Also, this process is not facilitated by illness, antibiotic treatment and, of course, chemotherapy.


People started talking actively about the benefits and harms of arginine in the 80-90s of the last century. Actually, what prompted scientists to talk was nitric oxide, a metabolite (produced during the processing of arginine) of our amino acid.

Nitric oxide is known for causing acid rain and the buildup of carcinogens in the body. However, in the 90s, a group of scientists received Nobel Prize for the discovery of the positive role of nitric oxide.

We immediately note that the benefits of arginine are inextricably linked with the benefits of nitric oxide, because one cannot be formed in the body without the other. So, thanks to the supply of arginine to the body, nitric oxide is formed, which leads to:

  • relaxation of blood vessels - this property is used as “first aid” for angina pectoris;
  • increased blood flow to the heart muscle and brain;
  • increasing blood flow to the external genitalia;
  • reduction intraocular pressure;
  • lowering cholesterol levels and the risk of progression of atherosclerosis;
  • nitric oxide is a mediator - transmits impulses between nerve cells;
  • relaxes cells digestive tract, bronchi;
  • promotes the removal of ammonia from the body;
  • arginine is part of collagen, strengthening the framework of muscles and cartilage;
  • With arginine deficiency, the composition of sperm changes (for the worse).

But for women, arginine is interesting, first of all, from the point of view excess weight– amino acid helps increase muscle mass and reduce fat tissue. At the same time, for people actively involved in sports, arginine is also useful because it promotes fast healing wounds, sprains, muscle recovery after training and competitions.

Harm of arginine

In principle, it would be more correct to say not the harm of arginine, but contraindications. After all, what is harmful is what is in excess, in fact, this is exactly what was proven by scientists who received the Nobel Prize for nitric oxide, which in small doses can even be a cure for cancer.

Arginine should not be consumed if you have herpes, as well as schizophrenia. It is contraindicated in children during active growth, as it can provoke gigantism (arginine helps thyroid gland and the pituitary gland to activate the production of growth hormones).

This will also be harmful to women during pregnancy and lactation. And regular excess consumption of arginine leads to thickening of the skin and joints (this process is reversible, everything returns to normal as soon as the dosage of arginine decreases).

The daily requirement of arginine is 6.1 g. There is no need to be afraid of an excess of this amino acid if you simply consume foods containing arginine, but playing with dietary supplements can be dangerous.

L-arginine belongs to the category of biological food additive, which actively affects metabolic processes in the body, supports normal level cholesterol in the blood, stimulates the release of growth hormone. L-Arginine is a partially replaceable synthesized amino acid required by people of any age for the full functioning of the body. In an adult and healthy person is produced in sufficient quantities, its deficiency is observed in children and the elderly.

Indications for use

  • When playing sports (athletes like food supplement to increase creatinine concentration in muscle tissue)
  • In order to prevent a number of diseases of internal organs
  • Weakened immunity
  • Recovery physical condition after abuse of substances that alter a person’s mental balance (PAS) or following a prescribed therapeutic diet for a long time.

Composition of the drug

1 capsule contains dietary supplements active ingredients l-arginine (500 or 1000 mg) and additional: MCC, magnesium stearate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (food additive E464), glycerin. The Solgar l arginine company produces without the use of artificial flavors, dyes and flavoring additives.

Medicinal properties

L-Arginine is an amino acid that influences the formation of protein and is the “material” for the synthesis of nitric oxide.

Its action is aimed at maintaining a sufficient concentration of cholesterol in the blood, which, in turn, has a positive effect on physiological properties of cardio-vascular system.

In males, the use of I arginine provokes an increase in blood flow to the genitals, which helps to increase the amount of seminal plasma. Against this background, conditions are created for treatment erectile dysfunction, and normalization general condition prostate.

In addition, the instructions for use indicate the following beneficial features l arginine:

  • Stimulates the production of peptide hormone (insulin)
  • Affects the formation or increase in the level of somatotropin in the blood (growth hormone)
  • Helps reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat
  • Accelerates the process of wound healing and skin regeneration after injury
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Has a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthening the body's resistance to allergies, acute respiratory and cardiovascular diseases
  • Supports metrics blood pressure within the physiological norm
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis
  • Plays an important role in blood microcirculation and its viscosity and fluidity properties
  • Activates the detoxification process naturally and promotes the removal of ammonia (urea) from the body
  • Ensures normal blood circulation in the extremities
  • Increases the body's resistance to mental and physical overload.

Release form

Average price: 900 rub.

I arginine is available in capsule form. Packaged in dark glass bottles of 50 capsules of 500 mg of substance, weighing 1000 mg - 90 pieces. The cylindrical form of arginine facilitates easy absorption and does not cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

Mode of application

Before use, consult a medical professional.

The instructions recommend that adults take the dietary supplement 3 times a day, 1 capsule during meals, with a sufficient amount of liquid. The duration of the course is from 2 weeks to a month. After a four-week break, a second dose is possible.


The contraindications are as follows:

  1. Children in the active growth stage
  2. Individual intolerance to components
  3. At viral disease- herpes
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  5. Persons diagnosed with schizophrenia or other mental illnesses
  6. Patients diagnosed with cancer.

Precautionary measures

The sick, the suffering diabetes mellitus, or with impaired glucose tolerance, dietary supplements are prescribed with caution, since the amino acid contained can provoke a hormonal shift and, accordingly, lead to hyperglycemia.

People with kidney pathologies and electrolyte imbalance should also use the drug with caution.

Interaction with other vitamins and medications

It is not recommended to use simultaneously with other substances that increase the concentration of nitrogen in the blood (donators). Consumption in combination of Carnitine, Arginine and Ornithine enhances the effect of burning fat deposits, which stimulates weight loss.

Side effects and overdose

U individual patients consequences caused by side effect Dietary supplement:

  • Hypersensitivity reactions (allergy)
  • Exacerbation of the herpes virus
  • Insomnia
  • Hyperactivity and excitability.

Consumption of l-arginine in doses exceeding the norm (more than 15 g per day) can cause thickening of the skin, disorders gastrointestinal tract(nausea, burning sensation in the chest, rapid stool, loss of appetite). It has been proven that taking this amino acid can lead to inflammation of the pancreas and the development of pancreatitis.

Conditions and shelf life

Should be stored out of the reach of children, protected from light and humidity, at room temperature no higher than 25 °C. The drug is valid for 24 months from the date of production.

L-arginine analogues


"Yuria-Pharm", Ukraine

Price: 250 rubles

It is an antioxidant, antihypoxic, detoxifying, membrane stabilizing agent, protects cells from harmful effects, helps reduce lethargy, weakness, physical and mental asthenia. Available in the form of a solution for droppers.



  • Side effects.


"Altaivitamins", Russia

Price: 240 rubles

The active ingredient is l arginine. Available in the form of hard gelatin capsules of 180 mg or 500 mg. Has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, prevents development coronary disease hearts. Has antioxidant properties.


  • Restoring functionality
  • Normalization of memory and mental activity.
  • Efficiency


  • Side effects.

Arginine - the benefits and harms of an important amino acid for the body

Arginine is an amino acid that can be synthesized under the influence of certain favorable factors. It is also important to note that, under the influence of some negative factors this positive synthesis may be suspended. As a rule, such factors are a person’s illness or chemotherapy. After 30 years of age, the synthesis of arginine also slows down; in order to form it back to normal, you must adhere to proper nutrition, and healthy image life. If we take specifically the amino acid arginine, the benefits and harms of which were heatedly discussed in the 90s, then it is an indispensable substance for the normal functioning of the human body.

When arginine is synthesized in the human body, nitric oxide is converted. As you know, nitric oxide is not a very beneficial substance, which in nature causes acid rain, and in the body it contributes to the accumulation of carcinogens. But after massive discussions and corresponding discoveries, it turned out that nitric oxide has positive factors. The interaction of arginine and nitric oxide is one; without each other, these substances cannot exist and remain in the body. It is from arginine that nitric oxide is converted, which has the following effects on the human body:

- promotes relaxation and elasticity of blood vessels. Given positive influence especially relevant for patients suffering from angina pectoris;
- significantly increases blood flow to all muscles of the heart and brain;
- has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, helping to increase blood flow to the external genital organs;
- helps reduce intraocular pressure;
- is prophylactic against the development of atherosclerosis by normalizing the level bad cholesterol in blood;
- contributes to the imparting of impulses progressing between nerve cells, accordingly directs the work nervous system in a positive way;
- relaxes cells digestive organs, as well as bronchi;
- helps cleanse the body of ammonia compounds;
- helps with recovery injured ligaments and cartilage, due to the collagen content.

Arginine, the benefits and harms of which have been proven over the years, has a certain significance for women, as well as men. For example, for women, this amino acid is useful for losing weight and keeping the body in shape, while men will be interested in arginine as a means of promoting muscle growth.

As such, the harm that arginine can cause to the body is quite difficult. Today, dietary supplements based on this substance are produced; their use has a number of contraindications. Products that contain the organism, as a rule, do not cause any harm to the human body, with the exception of individual intolerance.

When arginine is taken as a dietary supplement, harm can be caused to the body in the following cases:

When using a substance in large dosages, signs of intoxication of the body may appear;
- Arginine should not be taken if you have schizophrenia;
- a contraindication to taking the substance is the presence of herpes;
- during the period of active growth in children, arginine is not recommended for use, since its excess level contributes to a sharp increase in growth, which often contributes to the formation of gigantism;
- during pregnancy, as well as at the time breastfeeding Women are not recommended to use arginine;
- frequent and excessive use of arginine leads to thickening skin and joints. It is important to note that if the dosage of the substance is reduced, the thickening will normalize naturally.

The presence of arginine helps to normalize the functioning of many internal systems. It has been proven that the component contained in the products helps normalize the condition of the heart muscle. If you regularly consume foods that contain arginine, this will serve as an excellent preventive method against the development of cancer.

The main product that contains large quantities arginine, are pumpkin seeds. Nutrition content in other products useful substance can vary dramatically. For example, dairy products contain practically no useful substance, but legumes contain plenty of arginine.

What products are the leaders in arginine content?

Pumpkin and sesame seeds;
- nuts - peanuts, cashews, almonds, pine nuts;
- cottage cheese;
- whole milk;
- chicken eggs;
- beef meat and beef liver;
- chicken meat;
- pork meat;
- all types of seafood - snails, crabs, shrimp, anchovies;
- fish - salmon and tuna.

In addition, a certain ratio of arginine is found in wholemeal wheat flour and corn flour. Arginine is found in sufficient quantities in peas and unpolished rice.

Popular biological additive L-arginine, the benefits and harms of which differ significantly from natural component, belongs to the group medications purposeful action.

Before using arginine, the instructions for use should be studied first. In addition, before self-prescribing a biological supplement, you should consult a doctor.

Arginine capsules are indicated for use to normalize blood cholesterol levels and improve performance immune system, formation proper operation reproductive system, improving the condition of the pancreas and as an antitumor substance.

Doctors prescribe arginine as a complex treatment at:

- arthrosis;
- radiculitis;
- mastopathy;
- infertility;
- immunodeficiency;
- chronic fatigue.

The course of treatment with the drug is 3-4 weeks, the dosage for an adult consists of 4 capsules taken over 1 day.

Contraindications to taking biological supplements are: allergic reaction, pregnancy and some diseases. Before taking the product, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

The substance arginine for women is a real find. Regular intake of this substance into the body helps eliminate depression and nervous breakdowns, significantly increase the performance and mood of a beautiful lady. The main advantage of arginine is that... that this component promotes the breakdown of fats in the body, which has a beneficial effect on the figure and is used by women to control their weight. And the unique ability of the substance to cure infertility is used by modern gynecologists in various countries.

Arginine can rightfully be called a component of youth, since its regular intake into the body contributes to the rejuvenation of all internal organs.

The main importance of arginine for men is to enhance sexual function. But besides this, the component helps normalize blood pressure and is an excellent pacemaker. male body. Preparations based on arginine are recommended for use in cases of increased physical activity, as well as in the post-traumatic period to restore damaged ligaments, joints and cartilage.

Today, arginine is necessarily included in the composition medicines against cancer and AIDS.

Arginine for a child

As prescribed by the doctor, arginine is indicated for the child in cases of growth hormone deficiency. Preparations with the specified substance prescribed to children whose height is much less than the required standards.

It is important to remember that arginine as a biological supplement can only be prescribed by a doctor. But products that contain arginine, the benefits of which are justified, can be consumed by children in appropriate proportions (in the absence of an allergic reaction).

Arginine for hair

People who experience slow hair growth are recommended to use arginine-based hair products. Arginine for hair has a positive effect: it expands blood vessels, which helps improve blood circulation and nourishes useful components hair roots and scalp.

Nowadays, the cosmetic industry produces arginine oil, medicated shampoos, masks, arginine-based balms, the use of which not only enhances the growth of curls, but also improves the health of the scalp.

Arginine in bodybuilding

People who are actively involved in sports know about such a drug as arginine. In bodybuilding, it is used as a means of promoting muscle growth. In addition, the component is unique remedy For quick recovery the body after various physical injuries.

Everyone knows that without protein human body cannot exist. Composed of amino acids, it is the main building material for all fabrics. Contains protein and arginine. What it is? This is an amino acid whose synthesis occurs under favorable circumstances. Many experts note that in Lately its synthesis decreased significantly. This is due to age characteristics, various diseases, poor nutrition and others unfavorable factors. A lack of arginine leads to a significant deterioration in health, so the body needs it throughout life.

Arginine - what it is? This is an amino acid that is produced in the body of a healthy person in required quantity. It is capable of turning into nitric oxide, which relatively recently was considered a very harmful compound that destroys all living things. But thanks to chance, when studying drugs that affect cardiac activity, it was found that nitric oxide can sharply relax blood vessels. As a result of the experiments, it was proven that it is extremely important for humans. It is involved in many biochemical processes, without which the body cannot exist at all.

How does arginine affect the human body?

Many have not even heard of arginine. What is it for? This amino acid is produced only under certain conditions. If there is even a slight pathology in the body, then the production of this compound is significantly reduced. In this case, a person has to take it in the form medicine or biologically active additives. The body in children cannot produce arginine on its own.

The benefits are very great. It relaxes the walls of blood vessels, relieving their spasm. This is widely used in cardiology to relieve angina attacks. It also helps improve blood circulation in the brain, reduces intraocular pressure, increases blood flow to the genitals, and improves microcirculation of the retina.

Arginine is an important component of protein, from which almost all organs are built. It is especially indispensable for muscles. That is why athletes who want to build muscle mass use supplements based on this amino acid.

Arginine deficiency in the body leads to the progression of atherosclerosis, in addition, the kidneys and liver, which are responsible for detoxification and removal of ammonia from the organs, begin to suffer. In the human body it occurs biochemical reaction from the amino acid ornithine, which forms urea. With a lack of arginine, this process is disrupted, which increases the amount of urea.

This amino acid is a component of collagen, which strengthens cartilage and muscles. In addition, it improves erectile function and spermatogenesis. As you know, sperm consists of protein, so its quality improves.

Arginine also takes part in the process of apoptosis. What it is? Apoptosis is a programmed mechanism of death of malignant cells. It is controlled directly by the body itself. It was noted that with a small concentration of nitric oxide the process of apoptosis is suppressed, and with a large amount it is enhanced. This gives hope that cancer patients can be cured without help surgical intervention.

With the help of arginine, insulin is produced, which helps normalize blood sugar. It also takes an active part in the synthesis of somatotropic growth hormone.

Where is arginine found?

This amino acid is most often found in plant foods, meat. Its high concentration in pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, walnuts. If we take meat, there is a lot of arginine in raw chicken fillet, pork, and salmon fillet. A little less of it is found in chocolate, peas, eggs, buckwheat bread and other products. But in order for the amino acid in the body to reach the required level, these products must be consumed in large quantities.

This amino acid is produced in the form of dietary supplements, and is also included in various medications: cardiological, anti-burn, stimulating erectile function, intended to combat AIDS, which is the main element of nutrition for patients after surgery.

If a person suffers from a lack of muscle mass, then arginine will come to the rescue, the action of which is aimed at building it. The drug is taken an hour before training or immediately after it.

Arginine is best taken together with zinc, which enhances its effect. If there are no special instructions from the doctor, then arginine capsules are taken 1-2 times a day. More than 30 g of the drug should not be taken. The duration of treatment should not exceed three weeks, in otherwise thickening of the skin occurs, which goes away after stopping the drug.

Can arginine harm the body?

What are the harms of arginine? And does he exist at all? Yes, if you abuse it. The following side effects may occur: thickening of tissues, indigestion, decreased blood pressure, nausea, deformation of cartilage and joints, abdominal pain, weakness, diarrhea. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug consumed until the side effects disappear. An amino acid taken in large quantities can cause inflammation of the pancreas, or pancreatitis.

Since arginine is involved in the synthesis of growth hormone, it is contraindicated for children, otherwise a disease such as gigantism may occur. It is also undesirable for pregnant and lactating women, patients with mental illness. It is better not to use it if you have herpes, in combination with drugs containing nitroglycerin and nitric oxide.


Many people are interested in the question: arginine – what is it? This is a common amino acid that can change the body. It can accelerate the aging process or slow it down. Human beauty and health depend on it. When there is a lack of it, they develop various diseases, therefore, to compensate for the deficiency, drugs based on arginine are taken.