Solution for external use TeVa Yox - “I found a super remedy that can cure a sore throat in a couple of days! Yox rinse solution has received a permanent residence in my home medicine cabinet.” Yox Spray: instructions, description PharmPrice Yox solution

Hi all!

It's summer, fruits, heat, sea and sun! And I’m writing about a remedy that treats a sore throat. I really hope that my review will help those who are sick like me, but I hope even more that readers don’t get sick at all.

Whenever I have a cold, the first thing I do is my throat starts to ache. I think it’s stupid to swallow antibiotics for every reason, so I’ve been looking for a good remedy for a sore throat for quite a long time. Yox was purchased by my husband on the advice of a pharmacist quite by accident.

Place of purchase: pharmacy chain "World of Medicines".

Price: 200 rubles.

Indications for use:

  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx, including tonsillitis, tonsillitis, tonsillopharyngitis, glossitis and aphthous stomatitis;
  • treatment of the oral cavity and pharynx during surgery on the airways and oral cavity, as well as in the postoperative period;
  • first symptoms of flu;
  • treatment of various infections of the mouth and throat resulting from chemotherapy;
  • streptococcal tonsillitis (in combination with antibiotics).

Given medicine presented in two forms : throat spray and topical solution (although in my understanding this is a concentrate for preparing a solution, but oh well). I have, as you already understood, a solution. From early childhood, my mother taught me to gargle a sore throat with herbs (sage, chamomile, eucalyptus) and the composition “salt + soda + a drop of iodine.” Therefore, I prefer gargling to all methods of treating a throat. If rinsing is inconvenient for you for some reason, you can use a spray.


Mode of application:

It is recommended to dilute the solution with water: 2.5 ml or 5 ml (measure with the measuring cap provided in the package of the drug), or 0.5–1 teaspoon in 100 ml of water. The resulting solution should be rinsed in the mouth and pharynx 2–4 times a day; if necessary, more frequent use is permissible - up to 6 times a day with a minimum interval between rinses of 4 hours.

I usually measure 2-3 ml using measuring cap . I don’t recommend measuring more than 3 ml , the rinse solution turns out to be a little scalding. I don’t bother with 100 ml of water, I pour half a glass.


100 ml of topical solution contains 8.5 g of povidone-iodine and 0.1 g of allantoin. The following excipients were used: citric acid monohydrate (0.1 g), levomenthol (0.5 g), sodium citrate dihydrate (0.1 g), as well as 10 g of 96% ethanol, 15 g of propylene glycol and 50 g of purified water.

Taste, color, smell.

The rinse solution is obtained light red-brown color. Smells like menthol and quite sharply. Tastes like iodine with menthol.

Rinse solution does not stain teeth. Fans of white teeth like me will understand me.

Effect of application.

It is important to start gargling as soon as you feel that your throat is starting to hurt. This is the key to the effectiveness of treatment, as well as timely treatment of sore throat to protect your mouth and heart from various problems.

I gargle with Yox 2-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the pain. Between these “main” gargles, I gargle with sage (if possible, of course, if not at home, then gargling often fails; sometimes I gargle with yox only in the morning and before bed).

With this approach, a sore throat goes away in 1-2, maximum 3 days. Moreover, day 3 is purely preventive. The pain is no longer felt, but to be sure, it’s worth rinsing again.

When rinsing, the oral cavity is cooled due to levomenthol in the composition, and it is noticeable the feeling of sore throat decreases. Of course, after an hour the pain relief wears off, but with hellish pain in the throat, such a reduction in pain is simply wonderful.

I consider one of the most important advantages of this tool ease of use. Previously, I always prepared a solution of “iodine + salt + soda”. To prepare it, you need to boil water, cool it to a comfortable temperature (cold rinsing with these ingredients is ineffective for me), then add all the ingredients. It is much more convenient to pour filtered water into a glass and add a measured amount of Yox.

The solution is sufficient economically used. I was sick with a sore throat three times, and my husband was sick once. There’s definitely still enough left in the jar for a couple of diseases, ugh ugh ugh.

I would also like to say that Yox successfully treats a sore throat in my goddaughter (8 years old). I think that after 6 years (as indicated in the instructions) you can safely use this product for children, since it is effective and not at all harmful.


Yox in the form of a solution has become indispensable in my home medicine cabinet. It allows you to cure a sore throat in a fairly short time, has an analgesic effect, and also contains “traditional” remedies for me: iodine and menthol. Now you don’t have to worry about preparing a mixture for gargling, which is quite important when time is limited.

I give Yox a honestly deserved 5 points, and I can confidently recommend it for use!

Thank you for stopping by my review! I hope that it was useful to you!

Among drugs for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs, Yox spray deserves special attention. It belongs to iodine-containing drugs. Iodine, as an effective antiseptic, is actively used in the medical field and in everyday life.

Yox is effective in combating various types of colds and infectious diseases accompanied by sore throats, tonsillitis, and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Available in the form of a solution and spray. The drug is often labeled TEVA.

The product has a proven effect thanks to the following main and auxiliary components:

Povidone iodine is known as a substance used as an iodine carrier. It softens the aggressive effects of the latter on the body. Iodine is present in it at a concentration of 1%. Excipients serve to complement the action of the main ones and have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Yox contains no synthetic antiseptic components. It is characterized by an iodine flavor, has the smell of menthol and alcohol, and has a red-brown tint.

The product has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect and is indicated for local use. Effectively suppresses viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Microorganisms do not have resistance (resistance) to its active substances.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is effective in the development of infections of the oral mucosa, if it is necessary to carry out preoperative and postoperative treatment of the oral cavity and pharynx. The use of Yoxa Teva is possible during the treatment of infectious diseases that develop during chemotherapy.

Due to the likelihood of unwanted reactions of the body to the drug, there are restrictions on its use. According to the instructions for use of Yox spray, the contraindications are:

Yox instructions prohibit the use of the drug in parallel with other iodine-containing products. It is contraindicated for pregnant women in the early stages, during breastfeeding, and with individual intolerance to the components. Contrary to this, Yox is often prescribed by specialists during pregnancy. This is due to the small doses of iodine entering the body and the insignificant risk of oversaturation with it.

Instructions for use for children allow the use of a spray, but provide certain restrictions for this category of patients.

Side effects and likelihood of overdose

Possible side effects include the development of allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to the main components. The appearance of local manifestations in the form of itching or hyperemia requires discontinuation of the use of Yoxa Teva.

Long-term use of the drug is fraught with the development of iodism. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • swelling of the eyes and larynx

Topical application rarely leads to overdose. There is a risk if the solution gets ingested. In this case, signs of acute poisoning appear. To alleviate the condition, the patient needs to undergo gastric lavage and take an effective enterosorbent.

Application diagram

Teva spray goes on sale in the form of a glass or plastic bottle with a removable applicator. Before using the drug, you should thoroughly wash your hands, remove the protective cap from the bottle and attach the applicator to the sprayer. During the procedure, the bottle must be held vertically.

The sprayer is carefully inserted into the mouth. While holding your breath, press the spray applicator in the desired direction. One or two clicks are enough. After completing the treatment, the applicator must be rinsed in warm water. Irrigation is carried out during the day from 2 to 5 times.

The throat spray can be equipped with a non-removable sprayer. In this case, the processing principle does not change.

Yox solution is no less effective. It is used to rinse the mouth in the presence of the above diseases. The rinse solution is very easy to prepare: half or a whole teaspoon of the product is diluted in boiled warm water. The volume of water must be at least 100 ml. Rinsing is carried out with a frequency of once every 4 hours. Avoid getting the solution inside.

When carrying out both types of procedures, you should be attentive and careful, since getting the product on clothing leaves traces that are difficult to remove.

Important information! Reviews from patients indicate that significant relief occurs 2-3 days after the start of the treatment course. A particularly good effect is obtained by alternating irrigation with rinsing.

Analogues, cost and storage conditions

There are 2 analogues of Yox, the use of which is advisable for ENT diseases - aerosols Lugol and Iodinol. Both of them have a similar composition to Yox. Lugol contains glycerol, which gently envelops the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Iodinol is produced in the form of an aqueous-alcoholic solution of iodine. Lugol is a good analogue, and its cost is lower.

Pharmacies are allowed to dispense the drug without a doctor's prescription. The spray is sold in 30 ml polyethylene bottles, the solution is sold in 50 or 100 ml glass bottles. The price of the drug ranges from 188 to 270 rubles. Regular promotions in online pharmacies allow you to buy Yox profitably using promotional codes .

Yox: instructions for use and reviews

Yox is a local combination drug with an antiseptic effect, used in ENT practice.

Release form and composition

  • Spray (aerosol) for topical use (in bottles of 30 or 45 ml, 1 bottle in a cardboard box complete with a safety cap and a spray nozzle);
  • Solution for topical use (in dark glass bottles of 50 or 100 ml, 1 bottle in a cardboard box).

The composition of 1 ml of aerosol for irrigation and 1 ml of solution for external use includes active substances:

  • Povidone-iodine – 85 mg;
  • Allantoin – 1 mg.

Pharmacological properties

Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.


Povidone-iodine (complex of iodine and polyvidone) is a disinfectant component with reduced toxic effects of iodine on body tissues. It is characterized by a broad antimicrobial effect, which is provided by proteolytic properties (direct effect on the proteins of microorganisms). Partially has a bactericidal effect against gram-negative and gram-positive cocci and bacilli, as well as against certain anaerobic bacteria, yeast, and protozoan viruses.

Allantoin has an anti-inflammatory effect, which in combination with polyvidone provides a therapeutic effect.

The drug easily penetrates the epithelial tissue of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, providing a quick effect in chronic and acute diseases.


In the body, iodine is converted into iodides, which accumulate mainly in the thyroid gland. Iodides are primarily excreted by the kidneys, and also in small amounts through sweating, salivation and feces.

Indications for use

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity (including inflammation of the larynx, tongue, aphthae);
  • Sore throat (catarrhal, lacunar, follicular, caused by strains that are sensitive to the action of active substances) - simultaneously with antibiotic drugs;
  • Tonsillitis (chronic and acute);
  • The first symptoms of the flu.


  • Decompensated heart failure;
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Therapy or diagnostic manipulations with the use of radioactive iodine (a break of at least 14 days must be observed);
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding (lactation);
  • Age up to 6 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Instructions for use of Yox: method and dosage

Yox solution and spray are used to treat the pharynx and oral cavity.

Frequency of application – 2-4 times a day (maximum – 6 times a day, maintaining intervals between procedures of at least 4 hours).

Before using the aerosol, remove the protective cap and put on the spray nozzle. After test 2-3 presses, the sprayer is inserted 3-4 cm into the oral cavity, close the mouth and make 2-3 irrigations on the left and right sides. It is recommended to rinse the sprayer thoroughly with running water after use.

Before use, Yox in the form of a solution should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20-1:40 (1/2 teaspoon of the drug per 100 ml of water).

Side effects

As a rule, Yox is well tolerated. In some cases, side effects may develop, manifested in the form of allergic reactions (including itching, hyperemia, urticaria), a feeling of dry mucous membranes and a burning sensation at the site of application. If these disorders develop, it is recommended to interrupt therapy.

Long-term treatment can lead to the development of iodism, characterized by increased salivation, swelling of the larynx and eyelids, and the appearance of a metallic taste.


There is no data on an overdose of Yox when applied topically.

special instructions

Yox is not intended for oral use and should not be swallowed or inhaled.

If signs of iodism appear, you should interrupt therapy and consult a doctor.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is forbidden to use Yox during pregnancy or lactation, as its active substances penetrate the placental barrier and are excreted into breast milk.

Use in childhood

According to the instructions, Yox is prohibited from being used to treat patients under the age of 6 years.

For impaired renal function

It is forbidden to use Yox if you have kidney failure.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of Yox with other local antiseptics is not recommended.


Analogues of Yox are: Yox-Teva, Adjisept, Aqua Maris, Angilex-Health.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at temperatures up to 25°C.

Best before date:

  • Spray – 4 years;
  • Solution for external use – 5 years.

Release form, composition and packaging

Topical spray in the form of a transparent or slightly opalescent red-brown liquid, infinitely miscible with water.

Excipients: levomenthol - 0.3 g, citric acid monohydrate - 0.06 g, sodium citrate dihydrate - 0.06 g, ethanol 96% - 6 g, propylene glycol - 9 g, purified water - up to 30 ml.

30 ml - polyethylene bottles (1) with a mechanical sprayer, cap and applicator - cardboard packs.
30 ml - polyethylene bottles (1) with a mechanical sprayer, cap and applicator with a rotary lever - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

A drug with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects for topical use in diseases of the oral cavity and in ENT practice. Releases upon contact with skin. Has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Active regarding bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Yox are not provided.


- infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx, incl. tonsillitis, tonsillitis, tonsillopharyngitis, glossitis, stomatitis, aphthae;

— for treatment of the oral cavity and pharynx during surgical interventions on the respiratory tract and oral cavity and in the postoperative period;

- for the treatment of infections of the mouth and throat that occur during chemotherapy;

— for streptococcal sore throats, it is used as an additional remedy in antibiotic treatment.


— dysfunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);

— insufficiency;

- Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis;

- simultaneous use of radioactive iodine;

- children under 8 years of age;

- pregnancy;

- lactation period (breastfeeding);

- hypersensitivity to iodine and other components of the drug.


The drug is used 2-4 times a day, one injection to the right and left into the oral cavity and pharynx. If necessary, the drug can be used more frequently, every 4 hours.

Before use, remove the protective cap and install the applicator. Press the applicator 2-3 times so that the solution enters the sprayer and sprays after pressing. After this, place the applicator tube 2-3 cm into the oral cavity, hold your breath and press the cap 2 times so that one irrigation is done to the right, and the second to the left. The applicator is washed with hot water before and after use.

Side effects

In some cases: hypersensitivity reactions to the drug, local manifestations of an allergic reaction to iodine (itching, hyperemia), which may require discontinuation of the drug.

With long-term use(more than 7-10 days) symptoms of iodism are possible (including a metallic taste in the mouth, increased salivation, swelling of the eyes and larynx).


Data on overdose of the drug Yox are not provided.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of the drug Yox with other antiseptic agents for topical use in the oral cavity and pharynx, especially those containing, is not advisable due to inactivation of the drug.

Instructions for use

Yox-teva 30ml spray instructions for use

Dosage form

Spray for topical use in the form of a transparent or slightly opalescent red-brown liquid, indefinitely miscible with water.


in 1 fl povidone-iodine 2.55 g, allantoin 30 mg, Excipients: levomenthol - 0.3 g, citric acid monohydrate - 0.06 g, sodium citrate dihydrate - 0.06 g, ethanol 96% - 6 g, propylene glycol - 9 g, purified water - up to 30 ml


A drug with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects for topical use in diseases of the oral cavity and in ENT practice. Releases iodine upon contact with skin. Has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Active against bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Yox® are not provided.

Side effects

In some cases: hypersensitivity reactions to the drug, local manifestations of an allergic reaction to iodine (itching, hyperemia), which may require discontinuation of the drug.

With long-term use (more than 7-10 days), phenomena of iodism are possible (including a metallic taste in the mouth, increased salivation, swelling of the eyes and larynx).

Selling Features

Available without a prescription

Special conditions

The patient should be warned about the need to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor if signs of iodism appear.

This medicine is not for oral use and should not be inhaled or swallowed.


Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx, incl. tonsillitis, tonsillitis, tonsillopharyngitis, glossitis, stomatitis, aphthae;

For treatment of the oral cavity and pharynx during surgical interventions on the respiratory tract and oral cavity and in the postoperative period;

For the treatment of mouth and throat infections caused by chemotherapy;

For streptococcal sore throats, it is used as an additional remedy in antibiotic treatment.


Thyroid dysfunction (hyperthyroidism);

Heart failure;

Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis;

Simultaneous use of radioactive iodine;

Children under 8 years of age;


Lactation period of breastfeeding);

Hypersensitivity to iodine and other components of the drug

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of Yox® with other antiseptics for topical use in the mouth and pharynx, especially those containing hydrogen peroxide, is not advisable due to inactivation of the drug.

Mode of application


The drug is used 2-4 times a day, one injection to the right and left into the oral cavity and pharynx. If necessary, the drug can be used more frequently, every 4 hours.

Before use, remove the protective cap and install the applicator. Press the applicator 2-3 times so that the solution enters the sprayer and sprays after pressing. After this, place the applicator tube 2-3 cm into the oral cavity, hold your breath and press the cap 2 times so that one irrigation is done to the right, and the second to the left. The applicator is washed with hot water before and after use.