I dreamed that I was lost in the city. What does it mean to get lost in a dream with your loved one or husband in a big city and in an unfamiliar area. Why do you dream about getting lost in your dreams?

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Dream Interpretation - Forest

When we hear the word “forest”, various epithets come to mind: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation.

If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be considered as an ordinary - calm and favorable (or vice versa) - scene for unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality.

If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search. If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life.

A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be considered from the perspective of Freud's psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed.

What associations do you primarily associate with the forest in real life - relaxation and tranquility, fear of getting lost, unlimited choice or discovery?

Do you feel that life is pressing on you so much that you are not even able to see individual trees in a single forest?

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

in the forest - gossip, losses; Things are difficult in the city.

Why do you dream about the path?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

new - a turning point in business; two - division of life.

Why do you dream about the road?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

walking along the road means sadness, hard work; crooked, in potholes - losses; railway - successful business; new - change in business, crisis; meeting the train is a business proposal; someone gets off the train - a proposal through a friend; to be on the train is a very important invitation; a narrow road is a temptation; wide, straight - long-term future success; sandy, grassy, ​​beautiful path - personal happiness; road (for a woman) - man; (for a man) - affairs; cross, cross safely - prevail or take possession of a person or state of affairs.

I dreamed about the road

according to Miller's dream book

Traveling along a rocky, unfamiliar road in a dream means new things to do, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time. A road with trees and flowers growing along the sides portends unexpected luck. If you are accompanied by friends while walking along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family home, where the children will be happy and the husband and wife will be devoted to each other. Losing your way in a dream is a sign that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and will suffer financial losses as a result.

Road in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are carefully hiding something. And in vain. Only the intervention of any person in your affairs will help you. Paving a road in a dream means that in the future you will make a great discovery, which will earn the respect of a large number of people. If you dreamed that you had many assistants, then such a dream suggests that in the not too distant future unknown, very rich lands will be discovered. Seeing three parallel roads at the same time in a dream is a sign that you are in danger of a car accident that will happen through your fault. In this dream, the number 3 can be interpreted in different ways: it means the number of people injured in the accident; the accident will involve three cars colliding or the accident will occur at an intersection. Seeing a crooked road in a dream is a sign that your future life will be unstable. Perhaps such a dream means that an incompetent person is in power in the state in which you live. This ruler is gradually destroying the state because he knows absolutely nothing about economics and politics. Walking along a dusty road in a dream is evidence that in the future you will fall under the influence of bad people who will try to convince you to join their sect. If you dreamed that a large number of people were walking along a dusty road, then such a dream means that in the future a large and very influential sect will appear in the world, the goal of which will be to lure as many people as possible into it. Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a good omen. You are walking on the right road, although different from the roads of other people. Such a dream indicates that you are a bright, original person who will achieve great success in your life. Walking along a cobblestone road in a dream is a sign that in the future you will do something bad, for which you will regret your whole life. Most likely, you will even be sure that for this sin you will go to hell after death.

Why do you have a dream about the road?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing a crooked road in a dream is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions make you want the best. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. If you don’t come to your senses, then two paths await you: to the cemetery or to prison. If you dreamed of a straight, wide road, then in real life you are on the right, albeit not entirely easy, path. After some time, you will have a stable job, a stable financial situation and a beloved family. Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands or loves you, but this is far from the case. Find peace by turning to God, and your life will improve. Paving a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights in this life, becoming a truly great person. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remembering your difficult times. If in a dream you are walking along a dusty road, this means that there are many deceitful, evil people around you who are trying to harm you by any means, discrediting your good name in the eyes of your loved ones. Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a prophecy that you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and financial situation. But everything will work out in the end. Walking along a cobblestone road in a dream is a sign that you are walking a slow but sure path towards your goal.

To dream of getting lost

according to Loff's dream book

We often perceive life as a journey, and it is not surprising that the roads of our journey are confusing. This could be a simple reflection of the meaninglessness of a dream or a story that led nowhere. However, there are two ways to get lost, both of which reveal a lot about how we see ourselves in reality. The first way is to get lost in multiple choices. You may dream about driving a car, visiting stores, recreational parks, or other places where you are unable to make a choice. Another option is to get lost alone, feeling that movement is not leading to progress. Which option is right for you? If you feel overwhelmed by the variety of choices, you may be in a stage of uncertainty - you don't know what you want from life. This refers to professional, interpersonal and personal values ​​that need to be sorted out and reflects an inability to see where the choices made will lead. If you are lost and your movement does not lead to progress, then you seriously doubt the meaning of life. Your usefulness in some area of ​​life that requires careful analysis is questioned.

The choice of predictions about why you dream of getting lost in the city is extremely diverse. The plot can symbolize the dreamer’s confusion and be a projection of other circumstances of his real life. The dream book will help you choose the right option that best matches the symbol in the dream.

Miller's Guide

When you happen to get lost in the city, Miller’s dream book warns of difficult times. Your task is to concentrate your attention: every mistake will nullify all your efforts. However, in the end, the dreamer will not regret having to go through the test: the result will be worth it. Sometimes what you dreamed about reflects a search for like-minded people and answers to philosophical questions.

Dangerous Misconceptions

In the interpretation of Yuri Longo there is an interesting explanation of why you dream of getting lost in the city. Difficulties with orientation in a foreign metropolis often indicate that the dreamer does not like city life in principle. Noise and crowds create a feeling of limited space. The interpreter is encouraging that the adaptation process will be completed successfully.

In Medea's dream book, wandering in a foreign settlement means that the risk of failure is quite high. Do not neglect wise advice and offered help. Seeing yourself lost in a strange town means that it is better to refuse an unplanned trip.

Meetings with the “lost”

It's not just the sleeping person who gets lost in the city. The interpreter explains in detail why you dream of meeting lost people.

  • Did you dream of a confused lady in an unfamiliar town? Go out more often;
  • Seeing a lost baby in a dream happens to those who experience fear;
  • Seeing how a woman with a child cannot find her way - to news from relatives;
  • If a male passerby asked for directions in a dream, a difficult choice awaits;
  • If a visitor gets lost in an unfamiliar quarter in a dream, in reality he will receive an offer.

If in a dream a person you know in real life searches for a long time and unsuccessfully for the address he needs, you will soon have to take care of him.

make yourself at home

It’s interesting to know why you dream of getting lost in a city that you actually know quite well. If you had to see yourself wandering around your area, the dream book warns that your goals and priorities will change greatly.

If you dreamed that, having gotten lost in a well-known place, you do not experience bewilderment or panic, the dream interpreter believes that you are a true citizen of the world who feels quite comfortable in any environment.

When you dreamed that you were lost in your neighborhood, perhaps in reality you are relying too much on luck. The fortune teller notes that you are indeed quite lucky.

It will not be boring

If in a dream a girl manages to get lost in another city, the plot speaks of a thirst for wandering and adventure. Be careful with your dreams: they may come true.

Solomon’s dream book states that if you dreamed of an unfamiliar area, there is a long long journey ahead or big changes - you won’t be bored.

If you went in a different direction and still found yourself in the right place, the dream book promises that your health and well-being will not let you down.

He who seeks will find

If, after getting lost in the city, you meekly accept your fate, in reality you are in danger of depression caused by negative events. When in a dream you are full of curiosity and regard the situation as an opportunity to wander around unfamiliar places to your heart’s content, the dream book reports that luck will accompany you.

Explaining. why you dream of ultimately finding a way out, the dream book offers the following interpretation of the dream: your efforts will be generously rewarded, the impending threat will be averted.


    The daughter-in-law suggested participating in the competition. My hair was dyed. In real life I have a short blonde haircut. And in the dream I had long thick hair of an unusual color with a red tint. I also had a bright manicure. I picked out clothes and shoes. I was looking for a dress, took everything out of the closet and folded it. Tried on shoes. I discovered that I was walking in shoes that I had not worn, but now I really liked them. But the main thing in a dream is hair. They were beautiful and unusual and I really liked them. In addition to my daughter-in-law, my daughter helped me.

Looking up at a tall building means great ambition. Such a dream does not foretell the fulfillment of a wish. Climbing the steps to a magnificent tall building is a sign of happy changes in your life.

To see a beautiful tall building in a dream with a well-groomed lawn in front of it means the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Such a dream predicts you a serene life of abundance, pleasant trips to distant lands and respect from others. Seeing new buildings in a dream means new beginnings.

Watching the construction of a building or taking part in it is a sign that you will soon start a new business. Being the owner of a beautiful building in a dream is a sign that you will become the master of your destiny and achieve a high position in society. Seeing an abandoned building in a dream is a sign that you will soon have problems in business.

If in a dream you refurbish an old building, then great success and wealth await you. Seeing an unfinished building in a dream is a sign that you will not be able to complete the job. Seeing a small cramped building in a dream means that you should be more modest. See interpretation: house, premises.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Getting lost

If you are lost in the forest or in the mountains, then you are confused about your sexual encounters and cannot figure them out.

If a woman gets lost in a cave, labyrinth, room, etc. (in the swamp), then she has obvious lesbian inclinations.

If a man gets lost in a cave, labyrinth, room, etc. (in the swamp), then he develops an inferiority complex when communicating with his regular partner; this relationship depresses him, but he does not dare to end it.

Interpretation of dreams from

Are you wondering why you dream of getting lost somewhere? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. According to dream books, such an episode can portend both success for the sleeper and life difficulties. The exact interpretation of a dream depends, first of all, on the details. Try to remember exactly where you got lost - in the city, forest, field or some other place.

What does the dream promise?

If in a dream you just happened to get lost, it means that in reality you will have the opportunity to get big money or some other benefit. In addition, such an episode in a dream can serve as a warning. You are unnecessarily relying on your friends. At the right time, they will not come to your aid and will not lend their shoulder.

In addition, any mistake you make may cause serious problems in the near future; be careful and careful. And according to the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, a sleeper who gets lost in a dream has simply lost confidence in his own abilities, and that’s why he gets lost.

Why might you dream about being lost in the forest and not being able to get out of it? Such a dream indicates that in reality you are in a difficult situation and do not understand how to get out of it. If the forest in which you are lost turns out to be dense, then in reality you cannot avoid family conflicts.

If in a dream you called other people, it means that in reality you will receive long-awaited news. Why dream of getting lost in. The dream book explains that you may have lost your goal in life. If you are lost in a building, then in reality you should listen more to your own intuition. She will tell you a way out of the most difficult situation.

Have you ever gotten lost in someone else's house? In the near future you will plan a meeting with a person whose behavior is ambiguous and causes you great doubts. In addition, his appearance and mannerisms confuse you and prevent you from getting a complete picture of this character as a whole. Ask him directly, he will clarify what exactly he wants from you.

Why dream of getting lost in completely unfamiliar territory? According to the dream book, you subconsciously doubt your choice, your future. And your indecision and confusion are embodied in dreams.

If in a dream you are lost in the city and cannot find the building you need, it means that in reality you are dreaming of adventure. Lost in a small village? You will not avoid difficulties in the near future.

Who's lost

If you are lost in a dream, it means, according to the interpretation of the dream book, your future is very unclear, all circumstances are blurred, and you subconsciously feel this uncertainty. And if previously you acted on a whim, and you were lucky in all your affairs, now in order to achieve the desired result, you will have to try hard, apply all your strength and skills. Also, such a dream can predict prosperity and the absence of health problems.

Can’t understand why you dream of getting lost in? Most often, such a dream predicts success in the business sphere. If you are lost in the city, then in reality you will be tormented by pricks of conscience. The Dream Interpretation believes that you should delve into yourself and find the cause of these emotions.

Did you dream about wandering through a labyrinth? This means that in reality you will find the answer to a question that has been haunting you for a long time. Have you ever gotten lost on the subway? You are tormented by fear of the future.

Did you see someone else getting lost in a dream? This means that in everyday life you are very concerned about this person and worry about him. When asked why you dream about someone else being lost and asking for help, there is the following answer. In reality you will be given a lucrative offer. If in a dream you saw a woman with a child lost, then very soon you will receive news from distant relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time.

Other interpretations of sleep

Lost in a car in the middle of a field? Such a dream is considered a good sign and promises profit in reality. If you are lost in the forest, but do not feel fear, then, according to the interpretation of the dream book, you are in harmony with yourself. If fear has taken possession of you, it means that you are afraid of any changes in life.