Mild hypnotics. The best sleeping pills of the new generation: list, recommendations for use

Anyone who sleeps well looks great, works great, and thinks clearly. Sleep not only provides an opportunity to rest, but, like a healer, it can heal and give a person new strength. But what to do if sleep is disturbed? Sometimes it is worth using light sleeping pills for insomnia, which are sold in pharmacies over the counter.

How to choose sleeping pills for sound sleep?

Medicine offers wide choose medications for sleep, but due to their side effects, they can only be used with the permission of a doctor. But there are medicines that do not have negative consequences, including after an overdose.

Sleeping pills without prescription for good sleep will help those who occasionally have trouble falling asleep.

Those who have more serious sleep problems need to consult a specialist. Since the task is not only to call artificial sleep, but to eliminate the causes of insomnia. If serious reasons If there is no anxiety, then you can safely get by with a light sleeping pill.

The list of sleeping pills without prescriptions in pharmacies is quite wide. For young people, drops containing lemon balm, motherwort, and valerian are quite suitable. Or Zolpidem mild action. This is a good sleeping pill, however, we must remember that all drugs should be taken for no more than 2-3 weeks.

The new generation of z-drugs - Tazepam, Nozepam, Signopam - are considered safe. They are even offered to older people, as well as to those who experience insomnia only occasionally, for example, during a nervous breakdown.

List of sleeping pills available without prescription:

Sleeping pills are sold in pharmacies mainly by prescription. These are powerful medications that some people simply cannot live without. For everyone else, light sleep aids that gently soothe and promote proper rest are suitable.


This remedy will surely send a person to sleep. Due to its advantages, the drug is popular.

Among the advantages:

  • acts 40 minutes after use (20 drops in the evening before meals). The main thing is to be prepared for this, not to resist, but simply to relax;
  • the cost is relatively low.

But there are some features:

  • the product is addictive, so it should be used for no more than 14 days;
  • Despite its effectiveness, the drug is not suitable for everyone. Some may remain drowsy throughout the next day and have difficulty concentrating;
  • It is not recommended to take Barboval for those who suffer from depression;
  • has an unpleasant taste.

The foreign and domestic pharmaceutical market is saturated with many effective drugs for the treatment of insomnia. Their choice is made by a doctor based on the characteristics of the sleep disorder, the patient’s age, the presence concomitant diseases, risk side effects.

Sleeping pills are represented by drugs of different chemical groups

When treating sleep disorders, specialists are guided by the principle of prescribing medications from weaker to stronger. Moreover, the most powerful sleeping pill for each patient may be different, since the effectiveness of the medicine depends on the type of sleep disorder, the chronicity of the process, and individual characteristics person.

General principles of sleep disorder therapy

To eliminate insomnia, use two therapeutic areas. The first is the exclusion of factors that provoke insomnia. For this, the following measures are recommended: normalization of the psycho-emotional state, sleep hygiene, treatment somatic diseases, solving psychological problems.

The second direction is actually pharmacological treatment. For this purpose, various groups of drugs, hypnotics or sedatives are used; their selection is carried out by a somnologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, or, in their absence, a therapist.

Medicines to treat insomnia

Medicines used for sleep disorders

Medicines related to insomnia are used to treat various groups pharmaceuticals: sedatives plant origin, Melatonin, antidepressants, tranquilizers, ethanolamines that improve sleep and support long sleep. The effectiveness of the drug often depends on how the sleeping pill works, on its mechanism of action.

The strongest in modern medicine counts pharmacological agent, the mechanism of action of which is the ability to influence the postsynaptic GABA receptor complex. This is a potent sleeping pill that quickly induces sleep and maintains sleep well. The following main groups of such drugs are distinguished:

  1. Barbiturates.
  2. Benzodiazepines.
  3. Cyclopyrrolones.
  4. Imidazopyridines.

Most sleep-improving medications can be purchased at pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription; they are included in the list of potent drugs. This is quite justified, since they are used only for strict indications, some may become addictive.

Main characteristics of sleeping pills

Sleeping pills help you fall asleep quickly

In order to determine whether a strong sleeping pill is or not, it must meet a number of

  1. quickly induce sleep;
  2. it is good to maintain the duration of night sleep, without frequent awakenings;
  3. there are no post-somnia disorders after taking it (no lethargy, drowsiness or weakness in the morning);
  4. does not have significant side effects;
  5. not addictive.

Most sleep medications meet these requirements to one degree or another.

When prescribing sleeping pills, their half-life is also taken into account; depending on this, the following are distinguished:

  1. having a half-life of up to 5 hours;
  2. staying in the body for 5-10 hours;
  3. having a long period half-life up to 15 hours.

Most experts prefer short-lived drugs that are quickly eliminated from the body.


Currently, they are very rarely used to treat insomnia. This is due to the high frequency of side effects and the rapid onset of addiction. Also, barbiturates often cause post-somnia disorders in the form of drowsiness, deterioration of attention, long-term use provoke depression.

They are included in the list of potent drugs and require a doctor's prescription to purchase them. The pharmacy chain presents the following medications this group: Barbamil, Etaminal-sodium.


They are considered the most powerful sleeping pills, since they not only promote sleep, but also have an anti-anxiety and sedative effect, promote muscle relaxation, and eliminate cramps. The great advantage of this group of drugs is their low toxicity. The second advantage is the presence in the list of drugs of benzodiazepines, both with a short half-life (Triazolam) and with a longer half-life. long-term action(Nitrazepam, Oxazepam). This provides a wide range of therapeutic applications.

Nitrazepam is a strong hypnotic, it is used in the treatment of presomnic and intrasomnic disorders. Take one tablet (2.5 mg) before bedtime. It can be purchased at the pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription.

The disadvantage of this group of drugs is frequent occurrence drowsiness, decreased attention and reaction speed after waking up, which creates inconvenience for some groups of professions.

With long-term use, more than 10-14 days, addiction develops to benzodiazepines, and withdrawal syndrome is possible. Such side effects are especially severe in older people who initially have intellectual and mental decline.

Cyclopyrrolones and imidazopyridines

They are considered the most modern drugs for the treatment of insomnia (3rd generation). With a doctor's prescription you can buy in pharmacies: Zopiclone, Zaleplon, Zolpidem.


Hypnotics from the group of cyclopyrrolone derivatives

The advantage of this medicine is its mechanism of action on central benzodiazepine receptors. Thanks to this, Zopiclone is a fairly strong sleeping pill and, at the same time, does not cause drowsiness or decreased attention during the subsequent working day.

Prescribe the medicine 7.5 mg before bedtime, falling asleep occurs after 25-30 minutes. Zopiclone, for the most part, has no effect on sleep structure, but prolongation of the delta phase is sometimes noted. An important advantage of the drug is that it does not increase apnea in people with OSA.

Found in pharmacies under trade name Imovan, it can be purchased with a doctor's prescription. The duration of taking the medication should be no more than a month. Zopiclone is suitable for the treatment of episodic insomnia.


The main advantage of the drug is that it does not interact with benzodiazepine receptors; it affects another part of the GABA complex. This is due to the fact that there is no addiction to this drug. At the same time, it is a relatively strong sleeping pill that promotes falling asleep quickly, improves the quality of sleep, does not cause lethargy or drowsiness in the morning. Zolpidem does not interfere with daily activity and is safe and non-toxic. The drug is quickly inactivated in the body, it can be taken even at night without fear of post-somnia disorders.

Zolpidem belongs to the group of imidazopyridines

Zolpidem is prescribed 1 tablet (5 mg, 10 mg) half an hour before bedtime. For older patients, the recommended dose is 5 mg; other people can take it at 10 mg. As a rule, the medicine does not have side effects; they rarely appear. unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract or nervous system, allergic reactions.

Trade names of Zolpidem: Ivadal, Hypnogen, Sanval. The pharmacist may require a doctor's prescription before purchasing it.


This medicine has the most selective action, that is, has a strong hypnotic effect, while not having anti-anxiety or anticonvulsant activity. Thanks to this, Zaleplon does not provoke addiction in most patients, promotes rapid falling asleep and does not affect sleep architecture.

The second important advantage is the short half-life - only 1 hour, the shortest of all sleeping pills on the modern market. pharmaceutical market. As a result, the drug does not affect daytime activity and does not cause fatigue or drowsiness. Zaleplon is used to treat both presomnic and intrasomnic disorders.

Sleeping pill, active substance which is zaleplon

Trade analogue - Andante. Prescribe medication 10 mg before bedtime. For elderly people, as well as those with decompensated liver and kidney diseases, half the standard dosage is recommended - 5 mg.

The doctor determines which sleeping pill will be most effective for a particular patient. Typically, herbal and over-the-counter medications are initially prescribed to improve sleep. They are combined with non-drug psychotherapeutic techniques. Only if there is no effect do they move on to stronger prescription drugs.

Constant problems at work and at home can cause a person to stop sleeping normally. And if, in addition to this, he develops some kind of disease, then insomnia will be guaranteed. Sleeping pills can provide a person with healthy and sound sleep. There are countless names of drugs that guarantee deep and long rest. But most of them require a doctor's prescription. However, there are medicines that pharmacists sell freely. Let's find out the names of these remedies, their cost, and also determine how to take them correctly.

Why are sleeping pills needed?

If a person has difficulty falling asleep, wakes up early or in the middle of the night, this may indicate insomnia. And if these symptoms are combined together, it becomes a real nightmare. Then the person becomes irritable, unbalanced, apathetic. In this case, you cannot do without medications.

Sleeping pills will come to the rescue. After all, it is enough to swallow one tablet, and after some time a healthy and sound sleep will return. Sleeping pills provide a person with high-quality and long-lasting rest. Many people believe that such medications can only be purchased as prescribed by a doctor. But that's not true. Exists whole list sleeping pills without prescriptions, which can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. But still, you should not think that if a product is sold without the instructions of a specialist, then it can be taken without measure. Before you start using this product, you need to carefully read the instructions and follow all of its points.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills with chemical composition

Today, medications that help a person fall asleep when needed act on the nervous system and can cause such unwanted effects like drowsiness and apathy. Many are often addictive. For these reasons, most of these drugs are available with a doctor's prescription. But there are still medications that you can buy yourself.

So, a list of sleeping pills without prescriptions with chemical composition is given below:

  • "Andante";
  • "Donormil";
  • "Melaxen";
  • "Valocordin-Doxylamine";
  • "Reslip";
  • "Circadin";
  • "Melarena."

Pills "Donormil"

These tablets are not addictive. Even pregnant women are allowed to use it. Many people will not like the composition of the drug Donormil. So, the elements of this sleeping pill are: doxylamine succinate, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, croscarmellose sodium, macrogol, hypromellose. All these components are not of plant origin, which means that a person will stuff himself with chemicals. However, this remedy causes a minimal number of adverse reactions, and numerous reviews from people about it indicate that this is an excellent drug against insomnia, which can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription.

You need to take Donormil, half or a whole pill once a day. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 2 tablets per day. The duration of use of the medication should be no more than 5 days. If insomnia continues after this, then the question of the advisability of further use of this drug should be discussed with the doctor.

The cost of 30 tablets (15 mg each) of the drug “Donormil” is about 350 rubles.

Andante capsules

This sleeping pill should be taken according to the instructions before bedtime, preferably 2 hours after meals. The recommended dose for men and women is 2 capsules. This can be used in older people in a smaller dosage - one capsule per day. The course of treatment with Andante should be short and not exceed two weeks.

This drug has its own restrictions that must be followed. So, it is forbidden to buy Andante capsules in the following cases:

It is not difficult to buy this sleeping pill at a pharmacy: firstly, it is sold without a prescription, and secondly, it is considered a popular remedy, and therefore widespread. For 7 Andante capsules, a person will have to pay about 430 rubles. This is enough expensive product, so the buyer should be aware of this. If a person wants to save money, then he needs to take a closer look at other over-the-counter medications.

Herbal sleeping pills

If a man (woman), for understandable reasons, is afraid to take one or another medication listed above, then he can turn his attention to more safe medicines. After all, herbal sleeping pills are also sold, which also turn out to be very effective. And maybe some of them will best effect than the famous and effective medications “Melaxen” or “Andante”. So, below are the drugs without prescriptions. This list consists of herbal medicines:

  • "Dormiplant";
  • "Persen";
  • "Novo-Passit";
  • "Corvalol".

The drug "Persen"

This is a non-prescription sleeping pill, non-addictive and excellent suitable for people who do not want to take medications chemical origin. But indeed, the Persen product has an excellent herbal composition. Thus, the main components of this medicine are extracts of plants such as valerian, lemon balm, and peppermint.

A person can purchase the drug "Persen" if he has insomnia, increased irritability, as well as nervous excitability.

Despite the fact that this product is of herbal origin, it should not be taken by pregnant women and women who feed their babies with their milk, as well as by children under 12 years of age.

The medicine "Persen" is prescribed to adults, as well as to adolescents over 12 years of age in the following dosage:

  • for insomnia - 2-3 tablets an hour before bedtime;
  • with irritability and increased excitability- 2 pills three times a day.

The duration of use of these tablets should not exceed two months.

The cost of 40 pills of the drug "Persen" ranges from 340-360 rubles.

Solution "Novo-Passit"

The pharmacological effect of the sleeping pill is due to the extracts of the following plants included in its composition: valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, passionflower incarnate, hops, guaifenesin. The drug "Novo-Passit" has an anti-anxiety, calming effect. It also relaxes smooth muscles.

The medicine is available in the form of syrup Brown. This remedy can only be taken by adults, as well as children over 12 years of age. But women expecting the birth of a baby and nursing mothers should not buy it.

The medicine is sold in bottles of 100 and 200 ml. For a smaller bottle you need to pay about 180 rubles. And for a 200 ml bottle you will have to pay 300 rubles.

Homeopathic Remedies for Great Sleep

To this kind alternative medicine people treat differently. Some people think that homeopathic medicines are just a money grab, others are confident that they really help. Nevertheless, such products are widely produced and are popular. Below is a list of non-prescription sleeping pills that any homeopathic doctor can recommend:

  • Avena Comp;
  • "Neurosed";
  • "Calm down";
  • "Nervohel";
  • Rescue Remedy;
  • "Valerianahel";
  • "Passiflora Edas-111";
  • "Hypnosed";
  • "Passidorm".

The drug "Calm"

This is a mild sleeping pill that contains homeopathic diluted components. When using this remedy, people feel less anxious and irritable, and their sleep improves. This is an effective sleeping pill, when used by a person there is no inhibition of psychomotor reactions.

Using “Calm” tablets is simple: just put 1 pill under your tongue and wait for it to completely dissolve. The course of treatment with this remedy should not be more than 2 months. When under stress or severe irritability, this homeopathic medicine can be taken up to 3 times a day.

Tablets "Nervochel"

These are sublingual homeopathic pills, which have a small number of side effects, and the list of contraindications is limited to only two items. This drug can be used for elevated nervous excitability, sleep problems. The only side effects of Nervohel tablets are allergic reactions: body rash, itching. Contraindications to the use of these pills include:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • allergy to medicine.

Nervohel tablets should be taken half an hour or an hour after meals. You need to put 1 pill under your tongue and wait until it completely dissolves. Only 3 tablets can be used per day. The course of treatment with this homeopathic remedy should be from 2 to 3 weeks. If a person wants to continue taking this drug, then he should discuss this issue with his doctor.

Despite the fact that Nervochel can be used by children with three years old However, it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision.

The cost of 50 tablets of this product is about 430 rubles.

Children's drops "Passiflora Edas-111"

This is a mild sleeping pill that is used to treat children. Parents can purchase this drug for their child if they have the following problems:

  • increased irritability;
  • poor sleep;
  • asthenic condition;
  • neuroses.

The dose of the sleeping pill “Passiflora Edas-111” depends on the age of the child:

  • up to 2 years - 1 drop;
  • from 2 to 5 - two;
  • from 5 to 10 - three;
  • over 10 years old - 4 drops three times a day.

The drug should be dripped onto refined sugar or mixed with water before use.

The composition of the medicine will not frighten parents, but rather, on the contrary, will delight them. So, the main elements of this product are: coffee tree, chilibuha ignatia, red and white passionflower, sugar groats.

"Passiflora Edas-111" is a non-addictive sleeping pill, because it is not for nothing that it is intended for children. Also, this drug does not cause withdrawal symptoms in children.

A bottle of these drops can be purchased for 180 rubles (for 25 ml).

Can they be effective and safe at the same time? In fact, harmless drugs No. Even those drugs that have natural composition, contain in the instructions the chapter “Side effects and contraindications”. However, they can be considered relatively safe and suitable if they meet the following requirements:

People should not forget that even an over-the-counter drug should not be used for more than 6 weeks. And if the instructions for a particular product say that you should not drink the medicine longer than a month, then the person is obliged to comply with this clause. Otherwise, he will not escape the side effects. Of course, people must take into account their physiological characteristics: one dose should be used for grandparents, and another for men and women. Also, children should not be given sleeping pills intended for adults. Conversely, parents should not use the product for babies.


Despite the misconceptions of many people that sleeping pills can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription, there is a whole list of medications that are freely sold in pharmacies. Moreover, it is a person’s choice: homeopathic, herbal, chemical medicines. Which specific drug to choose depends on the buyer’s preferences, as well as his financial condition.

Often due to severe stress, negative impacts weather, as well as poor nutrition crash occurs biological rhythms, as well as a number of other disorders leading to insomnia. When sleep is disturbed, the production of melatonin, which is known to everyone as the sleep hormone, ceases to be produced in the required amount. If there is a lack of it, the body cannot fully renew itself and restore energy, so in the morning people feel lethargic and sleepy.

During such a period, a person’s quality of life decreases significantly, which affects physical and psychological levels. To solve this problem, you can use: synthetic means, and medicines that include herbs. Let's try to analyze and choose which remedy will have strong sedative properties.

When such problems arise, people try to find a good sedative that will help normalize sleep and restore health. Sleep pills will excellent option to solve problems such as insomnia.

When choosing medicine Difficulty arises in a pharmacy because... Some of them are sold by prescription. But there are pills for insomnia without prescriptions that can be bought freely at any pharmacy. However, such serious drugs as barbiturates, tranquilizers, and antipsychotics can not only not help, but also harm the body if taken incorrectly, so consultation with a specialist is mandatory.

Important! These pharmacological groups are prescribed in case of severe sleep disorders in evening time and problems with the nervous system.

Drugs sold without prescriptions do not have such serious contraindications and do not cause strong addiction. They are not sold in injections, because... are created for home use. Typically, you can find the following sedative dosage forms:

  • soluble tablets;
  • powders;
  • medicines;
  • tinctures.

Important! Because These drugs are made in a lighter version, so they do not have serious contraindications.

Sedative medications are prescribed for sleep disorders of various etiologies, and also before bedtime with severe overexcitation of the nervous system. They are also recommended for use by people who often change time zones, which leads to disruption of biorhythms.

Strong sleeping pills may be prescribed to patients suffering from chronic insomnia.

Types of tablets

Sedatives can be divided into several types:

  • medicines for plant based– contain plant extracts;
  • drugs of synthetic origin;
  • combined products - they contain both extracts and chemicals;
  • homeopathic medicines – completely natural preparations, however, not clinically confirmed.

Important! Many doctors are critical of homeopathy, because... do not believe in its effectiveness.

These drugs are serious pharmacological group, and have a limited list of contraindications:

  • for systemic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • children preschool age and adolescents under 15 years of age;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • excessive sensitivity to one of the components of the drug;
  • It is not allowed to take medications if the functioning of the kidneys and liver is impaired.

Important! If there are special indications for the use of sleeping pills in tablets, then better treatment carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Each drug has its own characteristics, so contraindications must be considered depending on the drug purchased.

In case of overdose sedatives The following side effects may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • depression;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • migraine;
  • drowsiness;
  • gastric dysfunction.

May appear side effects from the liver, kidneys and heart, but this depends on the chosen remedy.

List of lungs without prescriptions

Despite the many drugs for normalizing sleep, a list of pills for insomnia without addiction has been identified:

An excellent remedy for insomnia, which contains natural medicinal extracts. The soothing drops are completely herbal and contain no harmful chemicals that may cause intolerance or other complications.

Advantages: Effectiveness occurs after the first dose, and after full course treatment, the following changes can be noted:

  • In the evening, drowsiness will occur faster, the quality of sleep will improve, because... herbs have a cumulative sedative effect. Dreams will become long and colorful.
  • After this sedative there is no addiction and no side effects.

Flaws: frequent incidence of allergies, take with caution for people with bronchial asthma.

Reviews: A mild sedative that is always present in my first aid kit. I like it because it can not only be used as a course, but also once to reduce stress and improve sleep.

Analogues: No.

Price: 1600 rub.

Inexpensive sedative tinctures or tablets, herbal origin. They help calm you down and improve your sleep.



Reviews: A classic remedy that always helps with strong neuroses, especially before exams and interviews. I take courses and find it no worse than other expensive sedatives.

Price: 35 rub.

They got their name due to their active component. Glycine – essential amino acid human body, which has a good ability to calm and improve psychomotor functions.

Advantages: gain intellectual characteristics, calming the nervous system.

Flaws: can be attributed long time reception. To be effective, the course should last about 2 months.

Individual intolerance to one of the components.

Reviews: Harmless pills from which you have to wait a long time for results. However, I drink them to improve my memory.

Price: 40 rub.

A drug belonging to the tranquilizer class. Removes anxiety syndrome nervous overexcitement and nervousness. Improve brain activity due to increased blood circulation. It does not cause lethargy, drowsiness, or depression, and is also allowed to be taken by those who drive vehicles.

Advantages: It is good to take for people suffering from neuroses and irritability.

Flaws: This drug has not been identified.

Individual sensitivity to one of the components, period of pregnancy, glucose-galactose malabsorption, children under 18 years of age.

Reviews: I am taking a course of Afobazole, because... I decided to quit smoking, and I’m constantly on edge; I’ve been feeling good for two weeks now; I don’t feel drowsy, anxious or irritable.

Price: 380 rubles.

Natural herbal remedy, is one of the most famous sedatives. It is recommended to take it for mental stress, severe migraine, nervous system overstrain, anxiety syndrome.

Advantages: It is not addictive, so it can be taken in small courses (21 days).

Flaws: Natural composition that may cause an allergic reaction.

Coronary heart disease, muscular dystrophy, possible intolerance to natural ingredients.

Reviews: Novopassit is one of my favorite medicines. I like its naturalness, because... I don’t like to overload the body with synthetic drugs. We became friends with him for many years.

Price: 485 rub.

Tablets with a sedative effect. Compared to other most popular sleeping pills, it can be called a relatively cheap and effective remedy. His positive aspects is that it contains magnesium B6 components, which play an important role in brain function.

Advantages: Together, the active ingredients strengthen vascular walls, improve cerebral circulation, and also increase intellectual abilities.

Flaws: It may be noted that with an excess of magnesium B6, the drug can cause headaches.

For gastritis, substance intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Reviews: I often get drunk this drug V for preventive purposes, does not cause drowsiness, addiction, memory becomes better.

Price: 290 rub.

Classic depressant, which is recommended for minor stress, anxiety, depression, and systematic insomnia. It contains exclusively natural herbal ingredients.




Price: 350 rub.

Sleep Formula

The composition of this dietary supplement is dominated by traditional “sleepy” herbs, such as hops and passionflower, as well as vitamins B and Magnesium. This composition makes it easier to fall asleep and get a deeper and more quality sleep. There is also a version of the drug enhanced with phytomelatonin.

Pros. Natural herbal composition, available in various forms(tea, tablets, syrup), suitable even for children (from 3 years old), improves sleep quality, relieves stress, passed clinical trials based on the clinics of the State Research Institute Mental Health Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAMS, not addictive.

Minuses. It does not act immediately, but has a cumulative effect.

Price. For a package of 40 pieces - 393 rubles. Enhanced with phytomelatonin - 594 rubles per pack of 30 pcs.

Reviews.“I had the strongest effect from the first pill. I slept much better, my sleep was deeper, and I felt more alert in the morning; during the day I was calmer than usual. I like the drug. I rarely take it, but when I can’t sleep I immediately think of it.”

Tryptophan Calm Formula

A drug based on the amino acid L-tryptophan, which affects the sleep-wake cycle. Also contains vitamin B and pantothenic acid, which are important for maintaining the body's anti-stress functions.

Pros. It lifts your mood during the day, reduces irritability, helps you calm down and fall asleep during insomnia due to stress, good composition.

Minuses. Price.

Intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Price. average price for 15 tablets - 339 rubles, 1166 rubles for 60 tablets.

Reviews.“I immediately ordered a large package because a friend recommended it and there was a lot good reviews in the Internet. The dietary supplement perfectly calms the nerves, I was emotional and worried all the time at work, and I noticed that I felt calmer in my soul. At the same time, there is no drowsy effect, it became easier to fall asleep in the evening.”

List of strong without prescriptions

Must have complex action on the body, namely to help a person fall asleep faster and ensure sound sleep. The best sedatives It is not at all easy to select ones that would meet all the criteria. TO strong drugs non-prescription recipes that will quickly help you fall asleep include:

A potent medicine that contains an active component - synthetic melatonin, which is an analogue of the natural hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Dosage regimen: take a tablet half an hour before going to bed.

Advantages: Allows you to restore circadian rhythms even after its removal from the body, it has a strong hypnotic effect. Treatment can be stopped at any time, because the drug is not addictive. After completing the course, insomnia will go away forever. He is considered a quick fix With best price. It does not cause side effects, inhibition, or damage to the nervous system, which means that it can be used while driving. Does not belong to the group of tranquilizers.

Flaw: Taking the tablets is intended for adults only.

Can cause body pastiness and an allergic reaction. It is not recommended for use by young children, as well as people with liver and kidney problems.

Reviews: It is rightfully considered the best among powerful sleeping pills, so I always take it with me on the plane for a relaxing flight.

Price: 250 rub.

Important! Do not exceed the dose of 3 mg. IN severe cases The doctor has the right to increase the dose to achieve the desired result. Duration of therapy for good night is 20 days.

Calming sleeping pills, owes its name to active component– doxylamine succinate. It is allowed to take a strong sleeping pill once, it allows you to increase the duration and quality of sleep, and also helps to eliminate lethargy and fatigue.

The drug can help you fall asleep faster, is easy to use because it is available effervescent tablets. Take one tablet before bed with a drink big amount water. Only adults can take it, and the duration of treatment is no more than 14 days.

Advantages: The tablets help ensure the production of melatonin, which is a pituitary hormone. Effectively helps cope with severe insomnia.

Flaw: after it it can dry out your throat and make you feel sick.

Should not be taken by people driving vehicles, or at work where attentiveness is required, or with apnea syndrome.

Reviews: I have been using Donormil for a long time, it is the only drug that helps me out at any time.

Price: 350 rub.

A drug intended for the treatment of acute neurosis, anxiety syndrome and overexcitation of the nervous system.

Advantages: Helps eliminate short-term sleep disturbances, acts quickly.

Flaws: At long-term use Anemia may develop.

Allergic reaction to one of the components, chronic diseases kidneys and liver.

Reviews: An effective remedy for all times. Helps quickly, relieves irritation, gives peace of mind.

Price: 110 rub.

List on herbs

Despite the benefits of synthetic drugs, you can use more natural medicines. These medications are non-addictive and have virtually no symptoms. What herbal sedatives can be bought without a prescription:

A classic sedative that is recommended for minor stress, anxiety, depression, and systematic insomnia. It contains exclusively natural plant components. It is easy to take, does not cause drowsiness, lethargy, and does not interfere with concentration.

Advantages: It is easy to take, does not cause drowsiness, lethargy, and does not interfere with concentration.

Flaws: This drug was not detected.

The body's sensitivity to the components of the drug

Reviews: Despite Persen's wild popularity, special effect I don’t feel it, although during the course I became noticeably calmer and my irritability went away.

Price: 350 rub.

Herbal mixture intended for making tea. The recipe is very simple: fill a bag of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave.

Advantages: Natural remedy, nice to receive.

Flaws: Not found.

People suffering from heart problems and problems with alcohol. Caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Reviews: A great way to relax without wasting time. I drink this tea every evening.

Price: 75 rub.

A French sedative intended to eliminate fatigue, neurosis, and overexcitation of the nervous system.

Advantages: The composition contains exclusively plant components. They improve not only intellectual abilities, but also strengthen the heart.

Flaws: Acceptance is permitted after 18 years of age.

Allergy to one of the components, pregnancy, ulcer, gastritis, thrombosis.

Reviews: After severe stress at work, only he can help. However, sometimes tinnitus may occur after taking it.

Price: 1300 rub.


A natural herbal remedy, it is one of the most famous sedatives. It is recommended to take it for mental stress, severe migraines, nervous system overstrain, and anxiety syndrome. It is not addictive, so it can be taken in small courses (21 days).

To the disadvantages This may include its natural composition, which may cause an allergic reaction.

The most popular and cheapest drops. From the name it is clear that active ingredient is medicinal plant motherwort. It can be used for severe stressful situations to calm down, to calm the pulse.

Acts as a sedative and sedative. Adults can take 20-40 drops. They also normalize arterial pressure. The effectiveness of treatment will be noticeable after 14 days. Insomnia will pass, the nervous system will return to normal.

A natural sedative designed to eliminate neuroses, anxiety, depression, irritability, and insomnia.

Advantages: It helps quickly and can be taken by school-age children.

Flaws: Not detected.

Liver problems, allergic reaction to one of the components.

Reviews: An excellent drug that I give to my child. Doesn't affect my baby's activity and he is calmer at school.

Price: 370 rub.

A combination product that combines extracts of hawthorn and valerian.

Advantages: It allows you not only to calm down, but also improves cardiac functions.

Flaws: Not detected.

Allergic reaction to one of the components.

Reviews: Due to severe insomnia, the doctor gave me phytorelax. I've been drinking for 2.5 weeks now, however visible effect I don't feel it.

Price: 260 rub.

An excellent remedy to prevent nervous breakdowns, feeling tired, and also helps to adapt better.

Advantages: Allowed for school age children.

Flaws: Difficult to purchase.

Individual intolerance to one of the components.

Reviews: good effective remedy, which helps you sleep better and also allows you to see colorful and pleasant dreams.

Price: 100 rub.

Valerian extract

Lungs herbal tablets to help cope with nervous overstrain, neuroses, forgetfulness, sleep disturbances.

Advantages: inhibits the activity of the nervous system, accumulates in the body, and effectiveness remains even after elimination.

Flaws: a specific smell, people who have problems with alcohol are not allowed to drink the tincture.

Individual intolerance to one of the components. Tinctures are not recommended for people suffering from alcohol addiction.

Reviews: An indispensable assistant For me, during hard work, we help me relax and be more focused in the evening.

Price: 30 rub.

Important! These tinctures are made with alcohol, so they should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation, or for young children.

The drug is so called because it contains peony extract. The most the best remedy to eliminate excitability of the nervous system, eliminate anxiety syndrome.

Advantages: Gives night peace, increases the time of phases, and is effective for severe sleep disturbances. Night awakenings will go away without causing addiction.

Not allowed for use by children, people with alcohol addiction, or during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Reviews: Good tincture, which I take for tachycardia, high blood pressure, severe anxiety. It helps quickly and does not require long-term use.

Sleep is very important for the proper functioning of the body and good mood. Sometimes exhausting stress or psycho-emotional shocks lead to the fact that a person cannot sleep. To normalize sleep, you can choose an over-the-counter, non-addictive sleeping pill.

If you notice that you cannot fall asleep normally or are often awake at night, and this condition has lasted for several days in a row, it is better for you to contact your doctor and undergo an examination. The reasons behind the development of insomnia can be different. To get rid of the problem, you need to eradicate the factors that provoked the development of this condition.

Violation good sleep directly affects our Everyday life. Due to lack of night rest, a person becomes irritable and apathetic. His mood changes sharply, he experiences excessive fatigue and drowsiness.

Despite the fact that many pharmaceutical sleeping pills are available over-the-counter, you should not start taking any medications on your own, so as not to aggravate the current situation. By identifying the cause of insomnia, you can quickly cope with this illness. Possibly regular sedatives medicines will be quite enough.

As practice shows, taking sleeping pills is prescribed in the following cases:

  • when excessive excitability appears;
  • due to experiencing constant stressful situations;
  • with the manifestation of nervous conditions;
  • with the development of vegetative-vascular type disorders.

Modern pharmacological companies offer a wide variety of sleeping pills, which differ in component composition and operating principle. Some medications act directly on the first phase of sleep, while others (slow) act on the second half of the night's rest. Choose the right one suitable drug Only your treating specialist will help you. Not addictive sedatives. Often these medications are enough to restore proper sleep.

By what principle should sleeping pills act? Experts identify several main indicators:

  • reducing the time interval between going to bed and falling asleep;
  • a significant reduction in the number of awakenings per night;
  • increasing the total duration of night rest.

Groups of drugs that have a hypnotic effect can be divided into several categories:

  • sedative pharmacological agents;
  • pharmaceutical products based on herbal ingredients;
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • barbiturates;
  • blocking substances.

Some of these medications are only available with a doctor's prescription due to their strong effects on the body.

Due to busyness and a catastrophic lack of time, few of us, when identifying sleep problems, rush to visit a treating specialist. Most often, we go to the nearest pharmacy and buy over-the-counter sleeping pills.

I would like to point out that taking any strong sleeping pills without a prescription is not recommended without first consulting a doctor. You must eliminate not the consequence of the problem, that is, sleep disturbance, but the cause that caused the appearance of such a condition.

  • Persen;
  • Phytosed;
  • Lycan;
  • Motherwort;
  • Dormiplant;
  • Novo-Passit;
  • Donormil;
  • Melatonin;
  • Valocordin;
  • Sonmil;
  • Melaxen.

If you do not want to immediately use tablets or sedative drops, then you can prepare infusions from medicinal herbs. Suitable herbal preparations can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. The following are great help in the fight against insomnia:

  • peppermint;
  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • lavender;
  • Melissa;
  • thyme;
  • regular hop cones.

Choosing a sleeping pill on your own can be very difficult because you have not established the cause of the condition. First of all, you should choose pharmacological drugs that do not cause addiction or side effects.

Read also:

  • Sleeping pills for older people: list

Each of the over-the-counter pharmaceutical remedies for insomnia undoubtedly has a number of advantages. Many people suffering from sleep disorders choose homeopathic remedies, in particular:

  • Hypnosed;
  • Calm down;
  • Passidorm.

These medications can be taken for insomnia, nervousness, migraines, and excessive irritability. Under no circumstances should you take medications while drinking alcohol, or during pregnancy.

The pharmaceutical drug Donormil has become very popular among over-the-counter drugs. Taking this medication guarantees improved sleep quality, as well as complete, uninterrupted rest for 8 hours. If you take this drug before bedtime, you will fall asleep faster.

To restore sleep, ½ part or a whole tablet is enough for a single dose. IN exceptional cases One-time use of two tablets is allowed. You cannot take this medication continuously for more than two weeks. In the future, a break of at least one calendar month must be taken.

Melaxen belongs to the group pharmacological drugs and is an analogue of the natural hormone melanin produced by our body. Reception of such pharmaceutical product will help restore any sleep disturbances and improve the quality of your night's rest.

The dosage of the drug is best agreed with the treating specialist, despite the fact that as a result of long-term studies, no consequences from an overdose were identified. As a rule, this medicine is taken after the main meal and 2 hours before going to bed.

Sonmil is another over-the-counter pharmaceutical product. It combines antihistamine and sedative effects. According to the instructions, you should take the drug on average 30 minutes before going to bed. Duration treatment course should not exceed two months. Exact dosage Only the attending physician can calculate it, so before taking Sonmil it is best to consult a doctor.

To date, experts have not developed a strong over-the-counter sleeping pill that is compatible with alcohol. In view of physiological characteristics in a state of intoxication and the effects of sleeping pills, simultaneous administration alcohol and drugs can lead to the development of complicated consequences.

Before you start taking any pharmaceutical sleeping pill, you should carefully study the instructions and read the list of contraindications. Generally speaking, contraindications to the use of medications that normalize sleep may include:

  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • bearing a fetus;
  • childhood;
  • impaired liver or kidney function;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance or oversensitivity to one of the active components.

People should be especially careful when taking these medications. work activity which is associated with complex mechanisms, increased concentration attention, management vehicle, as well as mental stress.