How to treat a runny nose of various origins in a six-month-old child? Competent treatment of a runny nose in a child. We treat snot in a 6 month old baby.

Every person experiences a runny nose quite regularly, since this symptom can accompany a huge number of different diseases. Six-month-old babies are no exception. Due to the characteristics of their immunity, babies under the age of one year are incredibly susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms, the proliferation of which can cause a runny nose. In addition, acute rhinitis in a small child can occur for other reasons.

Treatment of a runny nose in a 6-month-old child is complicated by the fact that the baby still does not know how to blow his nose on his own, which means that the mucous secretion does not leave his body. In this article, we will tell you how and how to properly treat a runny nose in a 6-month-old child in order to free his respiratory tract from mucus contaminated with microbes and rid him of this unpleasant symptom as quickly as possible.

How to treat a runny nose in a 6 month old baby?

First of all, to effectively treat a runny nose in a six-month-old baby, it is necessary to moisten the mucous membrane of his nose with ordinary saline or drops based on sea water, for example, Aqualor for children or Aquamaris. After approximately 1-2 minutes, the nasal passages must be cleared of mucous secretions using a special aspirator with replaceable nozzles Otrivin Baby.

Although there are quite a few other systems for nasal aspiration for infants, the vast majority of pediatricians agree that this particular aspirator is the best.

To relieve swelling, vasoconstrictor drugs are used, for example, Vibrocil or Xylene. It should be borne in mind that medicines in the form of a spray cannot be used to treat children aged 6 months, so it is necessary to purchase drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. Such drugs can cause many side effects, so you should always consult your doctor before using them.

In addition, if the doctor, as a result of the examination, determines that the cause of rhinitis lies in a viral infection of the child’s body, he may additionally prescribe the use of antiviral drugs, for example, Grippferon or Interferon. If a runny nose is a manifestation of an allergic reaction, antihistamine drops such as Fenistil or Zyrtec can be used.

How can you treat a runny nose in a 6 month old baby?

How to treat a runny nose in a 6 month old baby? This question worries many parents. A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. This disease occurs due to viruses or various microbes, hypothermia, dust and gas pollution in the air. The first symptoms include dryness in the nasopharynx, as well as a burning sensation. Then profuse mucous discharge occurs.

Features of a runny nose in children

From the moment a newborn baby appears in the house, parents have a lot of questions, especially regarding problems with caring for him. But complete panic occurs among all family members when snot appears in a small baby. How to treat a runny nose in a baby? Parents, remember that first of all you should go to your local doctor. Only he is able to prescribe correct and qualified treatment.

As soon as you discover your baby has a stuffy nose, you will have to start taking steps to treat a runny nose immediately. This speed is due to the fact that the nasopharynx of a one-year-old child is not fully developed, and rhinitis can lead to great complications in the future. It is worth noting that a simple runny nose can easily develop into a chronic one, and in the future there will be complications in the ears. And the child will eventually get otitis media.

It happens that a newborn sniffles or has difficulty breathing. This problem may not be due to the fact that he has a runny nose. This rule especially applies to children under one year old, in whom nasal congestion is a physiological phenomenon. To quickly cleanse the nasal passages, it is necessary to carry out daily hygienic care. So don’t rush to the pharmacy to buy drops, but try to clean his nose twice a day.

Young parents should remember that dryness in the nasal mucosa is unacceptable. But a small amount may be present.

Do not suffer from fanaticism and do not go to extremes and be able to distinguish whether treatment is necessary or not.

Treating a runny nose in a six-month-old baby

How to cure a runny nose? Nowadays medicine does not stand still, and manufacturers are constantly making new products to treat the common cold not only for adults, but also for infants. Just remember that it is strictly contraindicated to self-medicate children at this age, so contact your local pediatrician for help.

To make the right decision on the use of medications in the nose for a six-month-old child, it is necessary to take into account all the manifestations of rhinitis in him. If there is an increase in body temperature, then we can safely say that an inflammatory process has begun in the body, and for such a disease it is recommended to adhere to a home regime and not bathe the child.

Drugs for the treatment of rhinitis in children

At such an early age, the best remedy is drops, not sprays. You can apply nasal drops with the following drugs:

  1. Vasoconstrictors.
  2. Moisturizing.
  3. Antiviral.
  4. Antiseptic.

Taking the first group of medicinal drops is not advisable for a baby; generally, pediatricians prescribe them only if nasal congestion lasts more than three days. Mostly vasoconstrictor drugs such as Nazol Baby and Nazivin 0.01% are prescribed.

To remove viscosity and moisturize the nasal mucosa, medications based on sea water and saline are prescribed. Do not forget about such drugs as Interferon and Grippferon, which are prescribed during viral rhinitis.

The most common remedy is Nazol Baby. This is a special product that is intended for babies under one year of age. Available in a convenient bottle, it is recommended for use by children under 6 years of age. Doctors prescribe it to patients when:

  • runny nose due to virus or bacteria;
  • allergy;
  • sinusitis and chronic rhinitis;
  • acute otitis media

"Nazivin 0.01%" is prescribed during swelling of the mucous membrane and infectious inflammation of the respiratory system. It is worth noting that when allergic swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs, it is also often remembered.

Interferon actively fights viruses and bacteria that attack the child’s body during seasonal illnesses.

"Grippferon" is considered an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug, which is prescribed during acute respiratory viral infections and seasonal colds. Doctors also recommend using it as a prophylactic.

Pediatricians prescribe Aquamaris to children during acute and chronic rhinitis.

Aqualor is usually prescribed to patients diagnosed with influenza and acute respiratory diseases. This medicine contains sea water.

Saline solution is used mainly for the manufacture of medicines for the common cold. Thanks to this remedy, you can achieve liquefaction of mucus, and your breath instantly becomes clear.

A saline solution prepared from sea salt. Thanks to it, you can relieve inflammation, kill infection, soften dry crusts from a runny nose. To prepare this solution, you need to take 1 teaspoon of salt and dilute it in a liter of warm water. Many people recommend using 1 teaspoon per glass of water, but the above proportion is suitable for an adult.

Chamomile can kill bacteria inside the nose and relieve inflammation. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction. Pour 1 tablespoon of flowers into a glass of water, boil everything thoroughly and let it brew for half an hour. After this, the decoction can be used to cleanse the nose. Just strain it before using.

Dear caring parents, remember the one and only main rule: drops for instilling a small nose must be at room temperature and can only be used once every three hours.

Pediatricians generally do not recommend using Naphthyzin and Galazolin for such small children, as they first narrow and then expand the nasal mucosa. Such drugs are prescribed when a child experiences severe, profuse nasal discharge. If there is simply congestion in the nose without any discharge, then it is strictly forbidden to use such medications, as in the future this will lead to the formation of necrosis and tissue ulcers.

Parents, remember that using the same drops for more than ten days is strictly prohibited.

It is recommended to change them periodically. Sprays are not an ideal option for children under one year of age because the sinuses are small and wide. And if you use a spray, otitis may result as a result, since the medicine can get into the ear.

How to cure a runny nose in a 6 month old baby???



I found where to ask! To the doctor! \medical\


beet or carrot juice

Ekaterina Tarasova

If you are breastfeeding, then drip fresh molocho, it helps effectively! (recommended)

Laura ******

beetroot, carrot or eloy juice... just dilute it with a little water... drop it all a couple of times and it will go away, and it would also be desirable for you for the sake of prevention. But you can’t use antibiotics, you communicate with the doll..

Someone's joy

There are drops in the pharmacy PROTARGOL or COLLARGOL (something on silver). It is always prescribed to children. It helps a lot. And he coughs because of a runny nose)))

Grigory Spichak

Grate the garlic and put it in cheesecloth. And hang it on a string around your neck. At night by the crib. To breathe...


Treatment regimen for a runny nose (competent): 1. Apply vasoconstrictor drops, wait 10 minutes. 2. Salin (Aquamaris) and clean it with sticks) 3. Instill drops of a medicinal nature (Vitaon Lux Salin oil (without vasoconstrictors) it is advisable to clean it up to 6 times. I use my small enema bulb to draw out the mucus. And the cough, because in the back nasal discharge accumulates on the wall of the pharynx. You can give him Breast Collection No. 1 (1 tablespoon each) and be sure to rub his chest and back with a warming rub (Badger or Teddy Bear). You can drink vitamins, you can drink Anaferon. Call the doctor to listen to the baby. Good luck!

*** just me

derinat. he has been since birth. For prevention, place garlic on a plate in the room.

°*Sunny Ray*°

for alarmists, for every fart go to the doctor, if there is no temperature and it doesn’t get worse, why do you need a doctor? You have to be able to do something yourself. No need for vasoconstrictor drops! They will not solve the problem, but will only remove the symptom for a short time! snot is also needed, it washes germs, etc. out of the nose! You need to smear it with a warming ointment - the throat, chest, ears, wrap it in wool and put it to bed, it will go fine if it’s just a cold or something like that;)
By the way, have you been vaccinated recently? ? maybe from them. -
Read, be careful and healthy:
Drink melt water, tested it yourself, the result is excellent - where melt water is called protium water. The method is as follows: An enamel pan with filtered or regular tap water should be placed in the freezer of the refrigerator. After 4-5 hours you need to get it out. The surface of the water and the walls of the pan are already covered with the first ice. Pour this water into another pan. The ice that remains in an empty pan contains molecules of heavy water, which freezes earlier than ordinary water, at +3.8 0C. This first ice, containing deuterium, is thrown away. And we put the pan with water back in the freezer. When the water in it freezes by two-thirds, we drain the unfrozen water - this is “light” water, it contains all the chemicals and harmful impurities. And the ice that remains in the pan is protium water, which is necessary for the human body. It is 80% purified from impurities and heavy water and contains 15 mg of calcium per liter of liquid. You need to melt this ice at room temperature and drink this water throughout the day.
There are also recipes for external use of melt water. An enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle, people's inventor V. Mamontov, knowing about the special properties of melt water, invented a method of massage with melt water - “talitsa”. He added rock salt, which contains all the vital microelements, and a little vinegar to the melt water, and used this solution for massage rubbing into the skin. And the “miracles” began. Here is how he writes about it: “After several rubbings, the heart, which constantly reminded itself of tingling, shooting, sharp pains, stopped bothering me, the functioning of the stomach improved, and sleep returned to normal. The veins that had previously protruded like ropes and cords on the legs and arms began to disappear. After normalization of metabolism, the vessels located close to the skin began to recover. The skin itself on the face and body became elastic, soft, tender, acquired a vibrant, natural color, and wrinkles were noticeably smoothed out. My feet got warm, old periodontal disease disappeared in a few days, and my gums stopped bleeding.”
The “talitsa” solution is prepared as follows: dilute 1 teaspoon in 300 ml of melt water. a spoonful of rock salt (preferably unrefined sea salt) and 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of table vinegar (preferably apple or other fruit vinegar).
For oral baths (for sore throats, diseases of the teeth, gums, periodontitis), the “talitsa” should be kept in the mouth for 10–15 minutes, carrying out several procedures per day for 7–10 days.
Water and massage procedures using “talitsa” can be diversified by replacing ordinary water with “talitsa” in various water procedures. Procedures with “talitsa” are publicly available, do not require special equipment or preparation, have no contraindications, and give the body a general tone.

Six-year-old children are very sensitive to all kinds of infections. They have a runny nose quite often. Usually, at this age they begin to attend school, and the body experiences adaptation to new conditions. Emotional and physical stress leads to a decrease in immunity, which in turn affects the frequency of colds.

A runny nose, at first glance, seems harmless and not difficult to treat. But this is only at first glance. Often, untreated rhinitis leads to its development into other unpleasant diseases of the ENT organs. Therefore, if a six-year-old child has a severe runny nose, you should treat this carefully.

How to treat a runny nose in a 6-year-old child depends on the reasons for its development. They may be as follows:

  • the presence of viral or bacterial infections in the body;
  • an allergic reaction to something.

A runny nose has 3 stages of development:

  • reflex. The initial stage, during which a sharp narrowing of blood vessels occurs and dryness in the nose appears;
  • catarrhal Swelling of the mucous membrane, dilation of blood vessels and difficulty breathing appear. At this stage the peak of the disease occurs;
  • restorative. Characterized by normalization of nasal functions.

Now let's talk in more detail about the disease itself. Let's pay attention to nasal discharge. Purulent or green snot in a 6-year-old child should be a reason to call a doctor. Most likely, there is a bacterial infection, which, if not treated correctly, can lead to consequences in the form of sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis and pneumonia.

If the discharge is clear and watery, this may indicate a viral infection or allergy. There is no particular cause for concern here. With timely treatment, the disease will go away within 7-10 days.

Treatment of runny nose in children 6 years old

If a six-year-old child has a stuffy nose, the main thing is to teach him how to blow his nose correctly. This procedure is necessary to prevent the spread of bacteria to other respiratory organs. Mucus that is not removed in time can cause the development of other diseases.

For a 6-year-old child, how to quickly cure snot? To prevent them from thickening, it is necessary to humidify the air in the room and give the baby plenty to drink. To help your child sleep normally, place a bolster under his pillow to elevate his head. It is advisable to rinse your nose with a saline solution (a teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water) or purchase a ready-made one at the pharmacy (aquamaris, nosol, salin, etc.).

Don’t know how to cure snot in a six-year-old child? Contact your pediatrician for help. If there is difficulty breathing, he will prescribe a vasoconstrictor for the common cold for children 6 years old. Please note that you need to be careful with the drops, they are addictive. Therefore, using them for more than 7 days is not recommended.

In addition, there are medications for sale for rhinitis, which are taken in the form of drops in the mouth and, transported through the blood, facilitate nasal breathing and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane.

Don’t know how to cure a runny nose in a six-year-old child? Inhalations of Borjomi, dekasan and saline solution when using a nebulizer are good for nasal congestion. They perfectly thin mucus, moisturize the respiratory system and have antibacterial properties.

Typically, treatment of a runny nose takes 5-7 days, sometimes up to 10 days. But this is provided that the disease is not advanced and the baby has normal immunity.

It is better to change nasal drops for a 6-year-old child with frequent runny noses, after consulting with a doctor.

As we have already found out, rhinitis is most often an accompanying symptom of colds, ARVI and other diseases. Therefore, as soon as the main illness passes, the runny nose also disappears. If you have an allergic runny nose, visit an allergist with your baby.

Now let’s list which drops for the common cold for children 6 years old that have a vasoconstrictor effect are most often prescribed by pediatricians. The main ones:

  • galazolin;
  • naphthyzine;
  • xylometazoline;
  • sanorin;
  • nazol;
  • otrivin.

It is also good to use protargol or miramistin antiseptics for the nasal cavity during treatment. In addition, there are drugs that simultaneously constrict blood vessels and strengthen the immune system, for example, Vibrocil.
If after three days of using the drug there is no desired effect, consult your doctor about changing the medication.


Increased secretion of mucus from the nose in children occurs more often than in adults, and occurs in a more severe form. Prolonged rhinitis eventually spreads to the lungs and bronchi, and inflammation of the ear (otitis) develops. For this reason, it is necessary to quickly treat a runny nose in children at home, which is carried out both with medication and with traditional recipes. To avoid complications, the child needs to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and return normal breathing through the nose.

What is a runny nose in children

The main symptom of childhood rhinitis is intense formation of nasal mucus, which in itself is not dangerous to health. It traps dust particles, moisturizes the inhaled air, and has antiseptic and protective properties. However, with an infectious or viral disease, the amount of mucus increases several times, because the body begins to intensively produce muconasal secretions in order to remove pathological microorganisms from the nasopharynx. As a result, the baby suffers from a profuse runny nose.

How to cure

In most cases, treatment of a runny nose in a child occurs at home. If the cold develops complications, hospitalization may be required. A baby or preschooler needs urgent medical care if he/she has:

  • body temperature above 39.5°C;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • respiratory failure;
  • convulsions;
  • purulent discharge in the nose.

There are several treatment methods to eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose. The first thing to do is to clear the nasal passages of mucus with a disinfecting solution. For this, saline solutions based on sea salt, Miramistin, Furacilin are used. Next, the method of treating a runny nose is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis, depending on the cause of the pathology.

Preparations for the treatment of runny nose in children

To quickly treat a runny nose in children, different groups and forms of drugs are used. For children under 6 years of age, medications are used in the form of drops, and for adolescents, a spray is used. After diagnosis, doctors prescribe treatment with one or more of the following drug groups:

  • vasoconstrictors, after which the swelling of the nasal mucosa disappears and breathing is restored;
  • hormonal, with anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, anti-allergic activity;
  • antiseptic, used to destroy viruses and fungi during bacterial rhinitis;
  • antiviral, which are designed to destroy the virus that enters the body;
  • immunomodulators, which should be used at the beginning of the disease to avoid taking antiseptics and antibacterial agents;
  • homeopathic, having an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect in acute rhinitis;
  • antihistamines, which are prescribed for allergic rhinitis.


Among children's medicinal drops for intranasal administration, there are antibacterial drugs, vasoconstrictors, antihistamines, and oil-based drugs for nutrition and softening of mucous membranes. Most Popular:

Furacilin nasal drops for children

If a runny nose develops during a cold, this indicates the active proliferation of bacteria in the nasal cavity. Furacilin-adrenaline drops will help the child’s body get rid of the unpleasant condition. As the name implies, the composition of the drug contains two components. Furacilin is an excellent antiseptic that is used even for purulent sinusitis.

Adrenaline quickly constricts blood vessels, which makes breathing through the nose easier. In pediatric practice, this drug is prescribed in a minimum concentration: 2-3 drops are instilled into each nasal passage no more than 3 times a day. Duration of use: 3 days. If during this period the symptoms of a runny nose have not disappeared, a full course of treatment with drops is prescribed, but not more than 7 days.

Nasal sprays

Prolonged and heavy nasal discharge can be quickly eliminated with nasal sprays. When irrigating the nasopharynx, particles of the medicine even reach the internal sinuses, and the design of the bottle eliminates overdose and the development of adverse reactions. The most popular drugs for children:

  1. Snoop. It has a vasoconstrictor effect, quickly and effectively relieves swelling of the mucous membrane. The spray is intended for the treatment of children over 2 years of age. Prescribe 1 injection 2-3 times/day for no more than 7 days. Do not use Snoop for atherosclerosis, hypertension, or hypersensitivity to components.
  2. Vibrocil. A combined remedy prescribed for bacterial, viral or allergic rhinitis. The vasoconstrictor effect is weakly expressed. It has an antihistamine and decongestant effect. anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed to children over 6 years of age: 1-2 injections 3-4 times/day for 7 days. If used incorrectly, allergic reactions and drug-induced rhinitis may develop.


An effective home method for treating a runny nose is inhalation of steam (inhalation with a nebulizer or decoctions of medicinal herbs). Therapy is indicated for children whose rhinitis has developed due to ARVI or a cold. If the runny nose is of an allergic nature, then inhalation with decoctions or other means will not help. In any case, this method of treatment must be agreed with a doctor. Why is inhalation needed? Using this procedure you can:

  • clear the nasal cavity of secretions;
  • moisturize the nasal mucosa;
  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • deliver antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and other drugs to the site of inflammation.


In case of prolonged mucous discharge from the nose, rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solution is prescribed in any complex treatment. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. The benefit of rinsing is that sodium chloride in composition is close in concentration to blood serum, so the child’s body does not regard it as a foreign element. The saline solution stimulates ciliated epithelial cells to an active immune response. Rinsing is indicated not only for the treatment of a runny nose, but also for preventive cleaning of the nose of infants.

How to warm up your nose at home

If the cause of rhinitis in a child is a virus, then effective treatment will be the use of vasoconstrictors and warm compresses. A boiled chicken egg, heated table salt, or rye flatbread can serve as a nasal warmer. All these products are warmly wrapped in cloth and applied to the sinuses. Compresses should be done at night, as it is possible to retain heat longer by wrapping your son or daughter more tightly and putting him to bed.

How to treat a developing runny nose

Snot at the initial stage of the disease (if rhinitis is not accompanied by fever) can be removed by rinsing the nose with saline solution. Folk remedies for runny noses for children give good results. A mixture of aloe juice with a solution of honey (1:1 with water) has excellent antiseptic properties. The drug is used for incipient rhinitis of various etiologies. To prepare it, you need to place the aloe leaf in the refrigerator overnight, then squeeze out the juice using a grater. An aqueous solution of honey should be mixed with juice 1:1 and instilled into each nasal passage 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Treatment of persistent runny nose in children

Antiseptics and nasal rinsing with saline solutions will help relieve the symptoms of sinusitis or chronic rhinitis. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses will be removed by vasoconstrictor drops and inhalation of mucolytics (mucus thinners). For a purulent runny nose, you must:

  • carry out systemic antibacterial therapy (Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin);
  • use local anti-inflammatory drugs (Pinosol, Hydrocortisone);
  • resort to physiotherapy (UHF, SMV).

How to treat a bacterial runny nose

The treatment regimen is based on the elimination of pathogenic bacteria, and therefore includes cleaning the nasal cavity, increasing immunity, restoring mucosal tissue and preventive measures to prevent relapses. Medicines for external use in the form of ointments, sprays, drops in combination with traditional methods are widely used. Excellent results were recorded when rinsing the nose with a decoction of sage and chamomile. To eliminate a bacterial infection, a complex administration of drops is recommended: Vibrocil, after 5 minutes Miramistin, after 5 minutes Isofra.

Treatment of runny nose in children with folk remedies quickly

When treating rhinitis, eucalyptus essential oil is perfect as an adjuvant. You can use it in several ways: dilute it with water 1:4 and rinse the child’s nose three times a day or instill in the nasal passages 4 times a day. No less effective for prolonged rhinitis is onion juice diluted with water (3 drops per 5 ml). 2 drops of it should be instilled into each nostril 2-3 times a day. Kalanchoe juice diluted with water 1:1 also gives a quick healing effect for removing excess mucus from the nose. It must be instilled for a runny nose at any stage 2-3 times a day.


Treatment of a runny nose in children - the most effective nasal drops, folk remedies, rinsing and warming

A runny nose in a 6-month-old child is a common and unpleasant occurrence. It not only causes discomfort to the baby, but also poses a threat to the body, since vital functions are disrupted. Treatment for a runny nose will depend not only on the age of the baby, but also on the cause that caused it. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor and get his advice. The disease may not be as harmless as it seems at first glance.

A runny nose in six-month-old babies is caused by the anatomical structure of their nose. It has narrowed passages and lacks cartilage tissue. The air that enters the child's nose is poorly purified and warmed up. In addition, the body of infants has insufficient protective functions. It still does not cope well with viruses and microbes floating in the air. The baby does not yet know how to switch nasal breathing to mouth breathing, as an adult does. Because of this, he experiences shortness of breath and has difficulty breastfeeding. Therefore, the problem must be solved immediately. The easiest way to treat a child's runny nose is in the early stages, when the disease is not so pronounced and does not cause severe discomfort.

Stages of development of a runny nose in infants

  1. Swelling of the nasopharynx, swelling of the mucous membranes. This stage lasts 1-2 days.
  2. Increased production of mucous secretion. Mucus flows down the walls of the nasopharynx and leads to inflammation.

Runny nose in a child: how to treat at the first manifestations?

If a runny nose has just appeared, then vasoconstrictors will help alleviate the baby’s condition. They remove swelling of the mucous membranes and allow the child to receive a sufficient amount of air. When choosing a drug to treat a runny nose in an infant, you must remember that it can cause side effects. For example, blood vessels can narrow not only in the nose, but throughout the body. In addition, vasoconstrictor drops can only be used for a few days. With prolonged use, they provoke copious secretions of mucus from the sinuses, that is, they further aggravate the disease.

Before using drops with a vasoconstrictor effect, carefully read the instructions. Buy medications intended for infants. Ask your doctor which drops are right for your baby. Self-treatment of even diseases such as a runny nose can be fraught with unpleasant consequences. Vasoconstrictor drops are used 1-2 times a day, 1-2 drops. In case of an overdose, the baby may become drowsy, lethargic, and pale. Body temperature may decrease.

In the early stages of the disease, nasal sprays can be used. Irrigation and rinsing of the nasal passages cleanses the mucous membrane, reduces swelling and swelling of tissues, and improves air permeability. However, pediatricians say that it is safer to use drops for infants.

Treatment of viral runny nose

If the disease is caused by a viral infection, then the use of antiviral drops “Interferon” and “Grippferon” is allowed. The dosage and course of treatment of a runny nose with this drug are determined by a pediatrician. As a rule, they are prescribed to children with a very weak immune system. If purulent discharge appears from the nose, the child is prescribed antiseptic drops. The most famous and popular is Protargol drops. This drug is made on the basis of silver.

Thick mucus from the nose can be treated with saline or sea water based products. It is necessary to rinse the child's nose every 2 hours, dripping 3 drops into each nostril. A saline solution should also be used before instilling any drops. It perfectly cleanses and prepares the mucous membrane.

Treatment of a runny nose in infants should not be left to chance. It can become a chronic pathology and cause irreparable harm to the child’s body.

Allergic rhinitis: treatment methods

Allergic rhinitis in a 6-month-old child occurs quite rarely. As a rule, it develops in children whose parents suffer from allergies. In some cases, it occurs due to poor nutrition. There are two ways to treat a runny nose of allergic origin. Pediatricians prescribe anti-allergenic drugs for nasal instillation and oral administration. Oral medications are available in tablet form or as oral drops. Taking pills is not very convenient for babies 6 months old. Still, it is better to give preference to the second option.

Runny nose at elevated temperature

If the disease is caused by viruses, then it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, inflammation or enlargement of the tonsils. Another alarming symptom is redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes. The child must see a doctor. The pediatrician must prescribe appropriate drug treatment. It is aimed at maintaining immunity and fighting viruses. Fever may also be a symptom of a bacterial infection. It lasts for 5 days. To treat the disease, local medications or oral medications are prescribed.

How to alleviate the baby's condition?

  • Sinus rinsing

A runny nose at 6 months can be treated not only with medications, but also with regular sinus rinsing. Babies cannot independently clear their noses of accumulated mucus, so parents must learn how to use an aspirator. This device can be purchased at any pharmacy. There are several types of aspirators, but they are all created with one purpose - to free a child’s nose from mucus. You can also prepare a saline solution. To rinse, inject 1 drop of solution into each baby's nostril. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

There is no need to rinse your child's nose too often, as solutions can dry out the mucous membrane.

  • Inhalations for the treatment of children's runny nose

Many doctors prescribe inhalations to treat runny noses and infants. To eliminate the inflammatory process and accumulated mucus, medications such as Interferon and Derinat are used. It is enough to combine a few drops of the product and saline solution. The mixture should be placed in the inhaler container and inhaled. You can repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day. For prevention, one procedure per day will be enough.

  • Breast milk for baby runny nose?

In the old days, a runny nose in a baby was treated very simply - with breast milk. It contains a large number of immune cells, so our grandmothers considered it a real panacea. Modern medicine does not recommend using breast milk to get rid of mucous discharge from the nose. Doctors believe that this seemingly harmless remedy can lead to serious problems. Milk is a food product and tends to spoil. The resulting environment will become excellent soil for the development of fungus. And this is very dangerous! Breast milk should only be on the baby's menu. It cannot be used to treat a runny nose!

A runny nose in a 6-month-old child is an unpleasant occurrence. The child's body is not yet ready to fight this disease, so he needs help. Any treatment should be prescribed by a doctor; there is no need to self-medicate, so as not to achieve the opposite effect and harm the baby.

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  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for runny nose
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
    • Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
By the age of 6, the child knew the world as much as required. At this primary school age, the child spends a lot of time outside, and he doesn’t care what the weather is like. Naturally, at these moments the child’s immunity decreases, thereby manifesting itself in a variety of acute respiratory diseases, including rhinitis.

It should be noted right away that if a child’s runny nose does not interfere with breathing, and at the same time he feels well, you should not give the baby strong medications.

At this moment, the child needs to create a gentle regime. What does it mean? Naturally, leave the child at home and not send him to school or kindergarten. In good weather, you can go outside, but only if the child is dressed for the weather. The walk time should not exceed 30 minutes, a maximum of an hour.

Children with a slight runny nose must be given plenty of fluids.
For example:
⦁ Compote.
⦁ Kissel, prepared at home.
⦁ Tea with fruits.

If your child is not allergic to honey, you can give milk with honey. In addition to these rules, doctors also recommend insulating your legs. Therefore, in the daytime and in the evening it is necessary to wear warm socks. Note that if your feet rub badger fat with a slight runny nose, you can create a good warming effect.

Another important rule: despite the fact that the child has a slight runny nose, he should blow his nose well. You can clear your nose with a saline solution.

What to do if your child has a bad runny nose?

When a child develops green mucus, it must be treated quickly. Otherwise, serious health complications may occur.

Therefore, doctors prescribe drug therapy. Typically, several types of medications are prescribed.
⦁ Solution for rinsing the nasal cavity.
⦁ Vasoconstrictor drugs.
⦁ Nasal drops.

To rinse the nasal cavity, you can purchase a solution with sea salt at the pharmacy. Helps well Aqua Maris or Physiometer. These medications have a moisturizing effect.
The active components of the drugs help to quickly cope with swelling, as well as restore the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity.

Note that as a means of rinsing the nose, you can use a simple physiological solution.

If the drugs do not bring a positive effect, then doctors prescribe vasoconstrictors:
Rhinostop only on doctor's orders.

Each listed drug helps eliminate swelling and restore the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity. Vasoconstrictors differ from each other, because each drug has its own contraindications. Therefore, before using them, you must carefully read the instructions.

Important! Doctors prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs for 5 days. But for a 6-year-old child, they need to be used in treatment only for 3 days. Otherwise, the active components of the drugs can cause swelling of the mucous membrane, and thereby cause addiction.

How to quickly cure a runny nose in a 6-year-old child using drops? The most popular drops that doctors love to prescribe are: Pinosol. This medicine consists of extracts of medicinal plants. Pinosol has not only an antiseptic, but also an anti-inflammatory effect. For a severe runny nose, administer 1-2 drops into each nostril no more than 4 times a day.

Important! The drug has contraindications. Therefore, if a runny nose has entered the chronic stage (sinusitis), then this medicine cannot be used in treatment.

In this case, it is necessary to take a different medicine. The drug has also proven itself well Okomistin. Despite the fact that the instructions say that these are eye drops, doctors prescribe them for instillation into the nose for a runny nose. The active component of the drops is Miramistin, it quickly copes with harmful viruses and improves the child’s nasal breathing.

The drug is prescribed to both adults and children, the main thing is to follow the dosage. In children aged 6 years, doctors prescribe 1 - 2 drops in each nostril 3 times a day. The cost of the medicine is low, which can also be noted as an undeniable plus.

What to do if a runny nose is accompanied by a cough and fever?

You know how to treat a runny nose, but what to do if a child has a cough and a high fever?
Here it is necessary to take serious measures to avoid further complications. Doctors prescribe complex treatment, since cough, high fever and runny nose are characteristic of an acute respiratory infection.

Drops are prescribed for the nasal cavity Grippferon. If you have a sore throat, you can take a pill Tamiflu, and at high temperatures drink Paracetamol.

If the treatment does not bring a positive result, then it is necessary to replace one of the drugs with a stronger one. So you can replace Grippferon with a homeopathic spray, for example Edas.
In addition to drug therapy, if you have a runny nose, you need to inhalation.

Important! If a child has a high body temperature, then inhalation cannot be performed. When the lungs are exposed to hot steam, the child’s temperature will begin to rise, which will be difficult to bring down in the future.

If there is no temperature, then inhalation is carried out for 5 minutes. An infusion can be prepared at home as a solution for inhalation fir And eucalyptus, or perform inhalations over potatoes.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can do without drug therapy, however, before starting treatment with the methods described below, you must consult a doctor.

A quick way to get rid of a runny nose is to steam inhalations. As a medicine, at home you can use a prepared decoction of plantain or eucalyptus.

Some doctors recommend that children aged 6 years undergo steam inhalation with peach or anise oil. Such procedures will help to quickly eliminate swelling in the nasal cavities and in the child, and thereby resume normal breathing.

At 6 years of age, to treat a runny nose, you can use a recipe based on beetroot or carrot juice. To prepare, you need to boil the vegetables and squeeze out the juice, then apply drops to your child’s nose. To get positive results quickly, this recipe can be used together with garlic drops.

Making garlic drops at home is easy. It is enough to squeeze the juice through the garlic and then leave it for 7 hours. Once the garlic drops are infused, they can be used to treat and prevent a runny nose.

How can you cure a runny nose in a 6 year old child?

Paraffin heating– an excellent and quick way to get rid of a runny nose.

At home, you need to heat the paraffin in a water bath. Then moisten sterile gauze and wrap it in a bag. All that remains is to apply the finished product to your nose for 10-15 minutes.

This treatment method will help warm up the maxillary sinuses, and the mucus will begin to come out. After warming up, blow your nose well. The procedure can be performed 2 times a day.

If you don't have paraffin, you can use it instead boiled eggs. The procedure is similar to that described above.

Note that if you use just warming as a treatment, you will not get rid of a runny nose quickly. Therefore, in order to get the fastest possible result, it is necessary to undergo complex therapy, which will be prescribed to the child by the attending doctor.

What not to do?

⦁ During a runny nose, you should not allow your child to blow his nose hard and for a long time. Before the age of 6 years, this can lead to loss of consciousness.
⦁ Treatment of a simple runny nose should not begin with taking strong antibiotics.
⦁ Wipe your nose only with disposable handkerchiefs. After all, if you use the same scarf throughout the day, chafing will occur on the skin.