How to make a scar after surgery invisible. Treatment of scars after plastic surgery. Video: What to do

Today I decided to write more or less briefly and (I hope) clearly about vitamins in our lives. In the simple daily routine of an ordinary person.

Firstly, I would like to immediately address the question: is it necessary to take vitamins as food supplements? To put it simply, in capsules, tablets, jars, etc. The ones from the pharmacy.

After all, there is an opinion that it’s all bullshit. Nature does not intend for us to different tablets they crammed into themselves. They say you need to live simply and eat a varied diet. Then everything with vitamins and minerals in our body will be fine.

But! There is a very small, but very significant BUT. Nature did not think and could not even imagine nightmare, when we were created, that we would begin to grow GMO products, transport them on planes from Africa to Murmansk, freeze them, and still manage to store all this for several months!

All these tricks and manipulations of ours have led to the fact that those foods that we have on the table are not nearly as rich in vitamins and minerals as we would like and as our body requires in accordance with nature’s plans. Even if you eat everything exclusively environmentally friendly and non-GMO, then still an eco-orange from Morocco, having flown to Krasnoyarsk and at the same time ripening in flight, cannot provide you the necessary vitamin S. Because as soon as you picked an orange from the tree, the process of reducing the concentration of vitamins in the fruit immediately began. The same goes for all other products. Unfortunately.

Therefore, if you do not live in Brazil or other warm places where everything grows all year round, then I will allow myself to assume that you have a lack of vitamins and minerals in your body. Daily and chronic. Alas! These are the costs of our civilization! Yes, we have access to almost all products year-round.... But these products are not as good as they could be!

That's why the conclusion is this: vitamins and mineral supplements- a great way to support your body. Especially during periods when nothing grows in your (or neighboring) beds (for middle zone Russia - this is November-April).

So, what do I personally have on my vitamin shelf and why exactly this?


This is my favorite vitamin because:

  • It is absolutely safe and almost impossible to overdose on. None of the studies conducted in the world have revealed any side effects. Even at doses of 100 GRAMS, which are already considered toxic. Therefore, you can generally drink it for prevention. The only thing is that you need to be more careful with it if you have increased acidity stomach. In this case, you take not 1 gram 3 times a day (for example), but 500 mg 6 times a day.
  • Is powerful antioxidant. With its help (very large dosages intravenously) they successfully fight cancer cells. More about this in English, for example.
  • Resists many viruses. Chief Assistant immunity. I often manage to prevent colds with the help of vitamin C. As soon as I feel a little unwell, I immediately increase the dosage to 4-6 grams per day, and, as a rule, the illness subsides before it even starts.
  • Vitamin C improves blood flow, which means the full functioning of all our organs.
  • Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen and elastin. Therefore, it is necessary in order to stay young and beautiful longer :-).

Rose hip - best source vitamin C. Low acidity- to irritate the stomach less.

Which vitamins to choose?

2.Multivitamin complex from the series "1 capsule per day". At the same time I in advance I made sure everything was there necessary elements and NO increased content of vitamin A (it is in large quantities may cause harm. And if I notice a deficiency in its symptoms, I’ll buy a separate jar with it.)


I want to make sure that I throw the minimum amount into the “furnace” required amount"firewood" per day. Most in a simple way- 1 capsule in the morning. Since my set is not limited to multivitamins, it is inconvenient for me to take multivitamins that require 2 or more capsules per day.


It's spring now, vitamin deficiency. Plus, I noticed signs of OMEGA-3 deficiency in myself and my husband, namely dry skin, and he has a red rash on back side upper arm. These are signs of a lack of fat. Fish fat We don't always have it in the house. I buy it 2 times a year, and we drink it in courses. And so we eat a lot oily fish and avocado, and I also often add flaxseed oil and walnut oil to my food. Therefore, we mostly do without capsules. I also buy a liter from time to time. linseed oil- specifically for use as a dietary supplement, I put it in the refrigerator and drink 1 tablespoon per day in the morning after breakfast. Great replacement fish oil!

4. Magnesium 300 mg for adults.


Live vitamins

Magnesium is involved in many processes in the body! Without it, there’s simply nowhere, and its consumption in our body is colossal. Therefore, it is easy to assume that there may be a shortage of it.

I noticed signs of a lack of this vitamin, namely leg cramps. This is a direct sign of magnesium deficiency. That's why I take it additionally. In addition, magnesium helps us sleep better at night, because... it relaxes all the muscles. Therefore, it is important: you need to take magnesium supplements BEFORE going to bed, and not in the morning before work!


We travel often, so we change water and food, which means our body and our intestinal microflora must rebuild. Therefore, it is better to help her by taking probiotics.

In addition, probiotics are indispensable if you have a cold or have intestinal problems, constipation or diarrhea. In principle, they can cause harm extremely rarely - to persons with special sensitivity to bifidobacteria. As a rule, these are people with ALREADY existing SERIOUS illnesses digestive system. But you will immediately feel if probiotics are contraindicated for you (until you cure the underlying problem): after taking them, your stool may begin to worsen. This means that it is better for you to stop taking them for a while.

But! I want to repeat myself because this is important: probiotics are indispensable FOR ANY DISEASE because they support the necessary microflora intestines and thereby support the immune system in its difficult work.

6. A preparation based on pineapple and papaya extract for better absorption of fats and proteins.


Because I see all the signs of non-digestion of proteins in myself. Namely: brittle nails, hair falling out, fatigue despite a normal night's sleep... all this is a lack of B vitamins, and they are extracted by our body mainly from protein foods. There are also a lot of signs of the body not absorbing proteins, but we will talk about that separately :-)

7. Dietary supplement with vitamin B complex in MEGA dosage.


Read point 6. Actually, I drank half a jar of these vitamins, but I didn’t notice any improvements. Then I decided to switch to the drug from point 6. After all, I eat enough protein foods! This means that the lack of B vitamins is not due to diet, but due to their inability to be absorbed by the body. If drug 6 does not produce noticeable results after a 6-week course, then I will try a combination of points 6 and 7.

Although I am a supporter of nutritional supplements, I believe that everything is good in moderation!

Live vitamins
I try to diversify my diet as much as possible.And I won’t take “vitamins” just for prevention. I first listen to the body, look at the symptoms. I study the table of signs of a lack of something, and then I take action :-). Or if I get sick, I also look at the encyclopedia of treatment without drugs, study (if there is something new), and then make a decision: what and how much to drink.

Acute vitamin deficiency occurs when a person cannot get out of bed in the morning, gets tired quickly, eats practically nothing and does not want anything. In most cases, it is the lack of vitamins that causes the development of various diseases.

If you are actively involved in sports, you need to take B vitamins and magnesium. Excessive activity may cause overconsumption of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it is important to make up for the shortage in time, otherwise at some point one of the systems will simply fail and you will have to spend significant funds on treatment. Remember to regularly consume dairy and legume products, nuts different types, sesame seeds, whole grain and rye bread, bananas. Many people strive to lose weight, but despite significant efforts, nothing works out. It's important to know a few things here. Before losing weight, you need to cleanse your body. If it is heavily polluted, diet and exercise are unlikely to help you, and vitamins simply will not be absorbed. There are many manufacturers that produce high-quality and natural products for the cleaning. Include calcium intake in your diet. Numerous experiments have proven that its lack is the reason for the very slow loss of extra pounds. Don't forget to consume milk, kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese regularly. Surely many of us are familiar with the situation when a cold occurs and does not go away for a long time. This is definitely due to a lack of vitamins and poor nutrition. On the eve of spring or autumn, it is very important to include vitamin C in your diet. If you already have a cold, then this is extremely necessary. Vitamin C protects against destruction immune cells and helps them fight viruses faster. It also significantly relieves cold and flu symptoms. You can add sweet peppers, black currants, citrus fruits, kiwi and sauerkraut to your diet.

If you are a vegetarian, it is very important to supplement your iron. In food plant origin much less iron, and it also contains substances that interfere with its normal absorption. If you feel tired and unwell, contact your doctor and get a blood test. If you do have an iron deficiency, supplement it. Also take extra B12. Include more legumes, grain breads, leafy vegetables, buckwheat and dried fruits. If you want to protect your skin from premature aging and get rid of other unpleasant things, take vitamin A and B. The latter will be especially useful for dry skin, and vitamin A will help get rid of acne and rashes. For dermatitis, it is important to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins B2, B3 and B6. The most useful vitamin is E. It normalizes hormone levels, which has a beneficial effect on the process of cell regeneration. Include butter, fish, carrots and sour cream in your diet. Vitamins must be taken regularly even healthy people. If you want to look good and stay in shape, regularly take vitamins A, D, E and C. Try to drink more natural juices. Nowadays many complex vitamins are produced. One dosage contains a well-balanced portion that should be taken by every person per day. When choosing a manufacturer, pay attention to naturalness and quality standards.

Try to take a course of vitamins every season. You will have to spend a little money, but in the end you will get much more - good mood and well-being, cheerful appearance, energy, good health and clarity of mind.

Vitamins are a “source of health” - words familiar to everyone from childhood, but more and more we began to perceive vitamins as pills, more and more articles began to appear about the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, which cannot be obtained from food, but only from pharmacy tablets and dietary supplements. I wonder how people survived to this day without this panacea? Surely it's all about the right and balanced diet. The article provides a table of vitamins and microelements, from which you will learn about the vitamin content in foods and which vitamins you should take (what vitamins are needed for and signs of their deficiency).

Every year more and more pharmacies and drugs appear, I wonder why? After all, pharmacies sell medicines that, in theory, treat us. Why then are there more and more patients and more and more pharmacies?

Spring is the time for hypovitaminosis, i.e. lack of vitamins, and everyone ran to the pharmacy together. But, while generously spending money on vitamins and microelements at the pharmacy, you need to remember that constant intake of one vitamin leads to a deficiency of another. Thus, taking vitamin B1 accelerates the loss of other B vitamins. Obviously, this pattern is not limited to B vitamins.

Someone will say: “There is only one way out - multivitamins!” But no. Vitamins must be taken as a complex, but tablets do not contain this complex. Multivitamin tablets do not protect us from diseases and may even increase the risk of developing some malignant tumors. This sensational information appeared in one of the issues of The Lancet, the most influential scientific and medical journal in the world. Scientists have no idea yet what this complex should be like. There is no reliable scientific data regarding this yet. In addition, studies have shown that every third package of multivitamins either lacks them or, on the contrary, has too many. And this is completely unsafe for our body.

In pursuit of health, you can cause great harm to the body, so try to consume more vitamins and microelements in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits. Would you like to know what vitamins to take? See tables of vitamins and microelements:

Table of vitamins, vitamin content in foods

Name vitamin What is it needed for Daily norm Signs of shortage Best sources

(skin health)

. Helps you grow
. Leaves skin soft and supple
. Heals mucous membranes
. Good for vision
1 mg per day, 100-200 g of indicated foods . Deterioration of vision at dusk
. Dry and rough skin on the arms and calves
. Dry and dull nails
. Conjunctivitis
. Children have growth retardation
carrots, parsley, dry apricots (apricots), dates, butter, ice cream, feta cheese.

(gut health)

. Promotes normal function nerves
. Supports muscle growth and function
. Leaves skin smooth and velvety
. Improves bowel function
1-2.0 mg per day, in 300g of the indicated products. . Lack of appetite
. Constipation
. Fatigue and irritability
. Bad dream
soybeans, seeds, peas, beans, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, liver, bran bread.

(health of lips and eyes)

. Protects mucous membranes
. Participates in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
. Good for the eyes
. Protects from ultraviolet radiation
1.5-2.4 mg per day, 300-500g of these products.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes
. Itching and pain in the eyes
. Dry lips
. Cracks in the corners of the mouth
. Hair loss

green peas, wheat bread, eggplants, walnuts, cheese.

(health of hair and nails)

. Participates in the metabolism of amino acids and fat
. Helps the functioning of muscles, joints and ligaments
. Prevents atherosclerosis
. Improves liver function
2.0 mg per day, in 200-400 g of the indicated products. . Dermatitis occurs
. Development of arthritis, myositis, atherosclerosis and liver diseases
. Excitability, irritability, insomnia
cereals, walnuts, buckwheat, pearl barley and barley grits, raisins, pumpkin, potatoes, hazelnuts, cottage cheese

(bone health)

"sun vitamin"

. Exchange of calcium and phosphorus
. Growth and strengthening of bones
. Supports immunity

At joint reception with vitamins A and C helps in prevention colds, helps in the treatment of conjunctivitis

2.5 mcg per day, in 100-200 g of the indicated products. . Fatigue, lethargy
. Children have rickets
. In adults - osteoporosis
egg yolk, porcini mushrooms, butter, sour cream, cream, Cheddar cheese.

(sex health)

. Protects against carcinogens
. Protects against stress
. Supports skin in healthy condition
. Promotes the absorption of proteins and fats
. Has a beneficial effect on the sex glands
. Helps vitamin A work
10 mg per day, in 10-50 g of the indicated products. . Muscle weakness
. Infertility
. Endocrine and nervous disorders
vegetable oil, nuts, grains and bean sprouts, corn, vegetables.

(whole body health)

. Protects against infections
. Strengthens mucous membranes
. Prevents atherosclerosis and strengthens blood vessels
. Normalizes the activity of the endocrine system
. Prevents aging
from 75 to 150 mg . The immune system weakens and ceases to fight off colds and runny nose 1. Sea buckthorn, 2. Black currant, 3. bell pepper(green), 4. Parsley, 5. Dill, 6. Rosehip, 7. Broccoli, 8. Kiwi, 9. Horseradish, 10. Cabbage.
For comparison: oranges are in 12th place, lemons are in 21st, and grapefruits are only in 23rd.

Table of minerals (micro- and macroelements in foods)

Name What is it needed for Daily norm Signs of shortage Best sources
Iron . is integral part hemoglobin
. affects the process of hematopoiesis and tissue respiration
. normalizes the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems
. fights weakness, fatigue, anemia
10 mg for men and 20 mg for women, and 30 mg for pregnant women. Anemia, otherwise “anemia”, when there is little red in the blood blood cells and low hemoglobin. Grain products, legumes, eggs, cottage cheese, blueberries, peaches, beans, peas, oatmeal and buckwheat, apricots
Zinc . helps produce insulin.
. participates in fat, protein and vitamin metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones.
. increases potency in men
. stimulates general immunity
. protection against infections
15 mg, pregnant. and lactating women more - 20 and 25 mg/day . delayed psychomotor development in children
. baldness
. dermatitis
. decreased immunity and sexual function (in men - impaired sperm production)
. irritability, depression
Hard cheeses, grains, legumes, nuts, buckwheat and oat groats, bananas, pumpkin seeds.

Participates in the synthesis of red blood cells, collagen (responsible for skin elasticity), skin cell renewal
. promotes proper absorption of iron

1,5-3 . Anemia
. hair and skin pigmentation disorder
. temperature below normal,
. mental disorders
Nuts, especially walnuts and cashews, seafood.
Cobalt . activates a number of enzymes
. enhances protein production
. participates in the production of vitamin B12 and the formation of insulin
0,04-0,07 . vitamin B12 deficiency, which leads to metabolic disorders. Beets, peas, strawberries and strawberries (fresh or frozen).
Manganese . participates in oxidative processes, metabolism fatty acids
. controls cholesterol levels
2-5 . cholesterol metabolism disorder
. vascular atherosclerosis
Soy proteins
. slows down the aging process
. strengthens the immune system
. is a natural antioxidant. protects cells from cancer
0,04-0,07 . decreased immunity
. frequent cold infections
. deterioration of heart function (arrhythmias, shortness of breath)
Grapes, porcini mushrooms, seafood
Fluorine . participates in the formation of hard dental tissues and tooth enamel
. bone strength
0,5-0,8 . fragility of tooth enamel
. inflammatory diseases gums (eg periodontitis)
. fluorosis
Fluoride comes mainly from drinking water. In some regions, water is specially fluoridated
Iodine . Responsible for work thyroid gland
. Controls endocrine system
. kills germs
. strengthens the nervous system
. nourishes the gray matter of the brain
0,1-0,2 . in adults - enlargement of the thyroid gland
. the child stops growing
. may delay mental development in children
Seaweed, seafood, as well as iodized products - salt, bread, milk (information about this should be on the packaging)
Calcium . gives strength to bones and teeth
. muscle elasticity and internal organs
. necessary for normal excitability nervous system and blood clotting
0.8-1 for pregnant and lactating women up to 1.5-2 . pain in bones and muscles, muscle cramps
. joint deformation, osteoporosis (bone fragility)
. dull faded hair
. brittle nails
. tooth decay and gum inflammation
. irritability and fatigue
Milk, cheeses, cauliflower and white cabbage, broccoli, nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts), asparagus, spinach, wheat germ and bran Vitamin D is important for normal calcium absorption
Phosphorus . participates in the construction of all cells of the body, all metabolic processes
. important for brain function
. participates in the formation of hormones
1.6-2, for pregnant women. and nursing - 3-3.8 . chronic fatigue
. decreased attention, memory
. muscle spasms
. rickets
. osteoporosis (brittle bones)
Fish, seafood, beans, cauliflower, celery, hard cheeses, milk, dates, figs, mushrooms, peanuts, peas
Magnesium . controls protein and carbohydrate metabolism
. relieves spasms
. improves bile secretion
. reduces nervousness
. maintains tone
. removes cholesterol
0,5-0,9 . irritability
. headache
. changes blood pressure
. convulsions calf muscles
. numbness of hands
. heartache
. uneven heartbeat
. neck and back pain
Bread, especially grain and wholemeal bread, rice, and pearl barley, beans in any form, prunes, almonds, nuts, dark green vegetables, bananas
Sodium . provides electrolyte and acid-base balance
. normalizes muscle contractility
. maintains tone vascular walls
. controls the processes of excitability and relaxation
5-10 . acid-base imbalance Table salt, herbs, potatoes, corn, olives
Chlorine . participates in the regulation of water metabolism
. due to it, it is produced in the stomach hydrochloric acid
. the acidity of the stomach and the tendency to gastritis depend on it
4-6 . gastric acidity disorder
. gastritis with low acidity
Table salt, milk, whey, Rye bread, bananas, cabbage, celery, parsley
Sulfur . energy production
. blood clotting
. synthesis of collagen, the basic protein that forms the basis for bones, fibrous tissues, skin, hair and nails
0,5-0,8 . joint pain
. tachycardia
. increase in pressure
. skin dysfunctions
. hair loss
. constipation
gooseberries, grapes, apples, cabbage, onions, rye, peas, barley, buckwheat, wheat, soybeans, asparagus

Make your diet healthy, tasty and varied, and at the same time, get rid of diseases and pharmacies. :-)

Good afternoon, dear readers! What vitamins does a person need? Although a person’s daily need for vitamins is determined in milligrams, they are still of great importance for our mood and health.

A lack of vitamins in the diet leads primarily to stunted growth, visual impairment, diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, the nervous system, etc.

A lack of vitamins in the body, manifested in the form of certain diseases, is called vitamin deficiency.

To avoid the danger of its appearance, you need to eat vegetables and fruits in any form every day, as well as other foods containing vitamins.

Vitamin A (retinol)

It is found only in products of animal origin, and in the form of provitamin (carotene), from which vitamin A is formed in the body, in plant foods.

Vitamin A is called the growth vitamin, because without it neither a person nor an animal grows. It is also considered a beauty vitamin, as it gives shine to eyes and hair, freshness to lips, and makes skin smooth.

This is also an immunity vitamin: without it, it is possible various diseases- from common cold to cancerous tumors.

If there is not enough vitamin A in the body, a person sees poorly in the twilight and at night, the skin becomes dry and flaky. Dryness of the mucous membranes often occurs, which causes coughing and tracheitis.

An adult needs 1.5 mg of pure vitamin A per day. In pharmacies it is sold in the form of pills and an oil solution. In winter and spring it is useful to take 1-2 tablets or 1-2 mg of concentrate ( oil solution) in a day.

Especially high in vitamin A fish oil, animal and fish livers, egg yolk cottage cheese, . Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so you should add some fat to vegetables rich in it.

Grated carrots with sour cream or butter, for example, are better absorbed than without. Products containing vitamin A should not be kept in the sun, light, or air. Sour cream, butter, and milk must be covered with lids.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Plays a major role during processes carbohydrate metabolism in the body, is necessary to strengthen the nervous system. Contained in the liver, yeast, germs and shells of wheat, oats, buckwheat, as well as in bread made from predominantly coarse flour, yolk.

Resistant to heat treatment, but destroyed by alkaline environment(when adding, for example, soda during cooking). Daily requirement for an adult in vitamin B1 - 1.5 - 2 mg. For intense physical and mental work, the required daily dose is 3-4 mg.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, lactoflavin)

Takes part in metabolic processes and plays an important role in maintaining visual function eye, in the functioning of the hematopoietic system. Contained in yeast, dairy products, liver, peas, eggs and some mushrooms.

When storing products containing vitamin B2, especially milk, you should avoid sunlight and when preparing dishes from them, do not use soda. The daily requirement of an adult for vitamin B2 is about 2-3 mg.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Contained in significant quantities in liver and some vegetables. This vitamin plays an important role in the normal maturation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

To extract it from food, the action of a complex protein compound (secreted by the stomach and called gastromucoprotein) is also necessary. If there is no vitamin B12 in food or the secretion of gastromucoprotein from the stomach is impaired, then pernicious anemia develops.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

This is the vitamin you should be looking for Special attention. Its absence or deficiency in food causes a general weakening of the body, fatigue, loss of appetite, and the development of hypo- or vitamin deficiency.

Ascorbic acid has strong reducing properties. They are involved in the regulation of redox processes, carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, tissue regeneration, etc.

The daily requirement for vitamin C for an adult is 70-100 mg. For severe physical work, febrile diseases, when working in very cold weather, the need for vitamin C increases to 150-200 mg per day.

Vitamin D (calciferol)

Vitamin D (calciferol)

Regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body, is prophylactic against rickets. It is found in large quantities in the liver and fat of fish, in small quantities in egg yolk, caviar, butter, milk.

Adults under normal conditions do not lack this vitamin. Excessive intake of vitamin D can lead to poisoning.

IN large quantities this vitamin is found in dry brewer's and baker's yeast, cocoa butter and vegetable oils in the form of provitamin B, which after irradiation ultraviolet rays turns into vitamin D. Under the influence sun rays The body synthesizes this vitamin itself.

Vitamin K

Takes part in the formation of prothrombin and promotes normal blood clotting. In its absence, even a small wound bleeds for a long time.

Contained in large quantities in green leaves, cauliflower, fruits, green tomatoes,... Destroyed by exposure to light high temperature, alkalis. An adult needs 2 mg of vitamin K per day.

Vitamin P (citrine)

Reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries. Promotes better absorption ascorbic acid. Contained in lemon fruits and other unripe black currants, capsicum, cabbage, . For an adult, the daily dose is 35-40 mg.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid)

An integral part of enzymes that carry hydrogen and carry out redox processes. In the absence of this vitamin, fatigue, weakness, irritability, and skin changes are possible.

Vitamin PP is most abundant in yeast and liver; it is found in kidneys, milk, fish, vegetables, fruits, and buckwheat. The daily requirement for vitamin PP is about 20 mg.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

It combines several substances that are similar in structure and effect on the human body. Vitamin E plays an important role in the reproductive function of the body.

It promotes normal flow pregnancy and fetal development. Vitamin E, participating in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, has positive influence on muscle activity, which allows you to maintain vitality at the proper level.

Vitamin E is found in wheat, barley and corn germ, vegetable oils, buckwheat, and dairy products. In a living organism, it is most abundant in the muscles, brain, heart, liver and some glands. internal secretion and, in particular, in the placenta. Daily dose for an adult – 30 mg.

Where to look for vitamins?

In contact with

The human body is not capable of synthesizing and storing vitamins for future use. Therefore, he must receive them daily in a complete set in quantities that ensure the physiological norm.

Vitamins protect humans from harmful factors environment. They are also necessary for normal metabolism, for the growth and development of the body, for the normal functioning of its organs.

Hypovitaminosis reduces physical and mental performance, resistance to neuro-emotional tension and stress, increases occupational injuries, reduces the duration of active working life.

Research by specialists in various regions of the world suggests that what less vitamins in people's food, the more often they experience diseases such as atherosclerosis and oncological diseases, the higher the mortality rate from these diseases.

Hypovitaminosis aggravates the course of the underlying disease, reduces the effect of treatment, and complicates the outcome surgical operations And postoperative period. That is why when treating any patient, you need to ensure that he takes the necessary daily norm vitamins

Many people believe that to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body, it is enough to include in the menu fresh vegetables And

fruits. But not all vegetables and fruits contain essential vitamins. Some vitamins are also included in bread, meat, milk, cereals, butter and vegetable oil.

In addition, food alone cannot provide the human body with the required amount of vitamins. This is due to the fact that our body’s physiological needs for vitamins were formed during the evolution of the human species. The human metabolism gradually adapted to that amount biologically active substances, which he received along with large volumes of food, corresponding to large energy expenditures. But in the last two to three decades, human energy consumption has decreased by 2-2.5 times. Food consumption should have decreased by the same amount, but, unfortunately, the habit of eating a lot has become firmly established in human life.

The result of the habit of eating a lot is overweight bodies. Meanwhile, experts have found that if it exceeds 20%, mortality from cardiovascular diseases increases by 20-25%, and from diabetes by 50-70%. If overweight exceeds 60%, the risk of morbidity and mortality increases several times.

It turns out vicious circle. On the one hand, in order to have enough vitamins in the body, you need to eat more; on the other hand, overeating is extremely harmful to our health. So, in order to saturate the body with vitamin C, you need to eat a kilogram of apples daily or drink three to five liters of apple juice. To get the required amount of B vitamins, you need to eat a kilogram of black bread or half a kilogram of lean meat daily.

Modern man spends about two to three times less energy than a hundred years ago, and no longer needs as much food as our ancestors did. That's why modern man cannot meet the body's needs for the required amount of vitamins only through food. What to do?

As domestic and foreign experience has shown, it is easier and more effective to obtain vitamins by taking multivitamin preparations or vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as by including in the diet foods enriched with vitamins to a physiological level.

Today on pharmacy shelves we see great amount various vitamin preparations. But we still remember the posters and information leaflets in

pharmacies and clinics, which said that vitamins are medicines and should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

In fact, there is no threat of “oversaturation” of vitamins for the citizens of our country, although standards for the use of vitamins exist (see table).

Unfortunately, most people are accustomed to thinking that synthetic vitamins and products enriched with vitamins are less effective than “natural” ones and are poorly absorbed by the body. But that's not true. Vitamins produced by the medical industry are identical to “natural” ones in biological activity. Their ratio is more consistent with human needs than many food products. The technology for the production of vitamin preparations is well established and guarantees high purity and shelf life, and vitamin C in preparations is preserved incomparably longer than in vegetables and fruits. Vitamin preparations and foods enriched with them are absorbed much better, since vitamins in foods are often in bound form.

Some people do not take vitamins for fear of “hypervitaminosis.” And co-

Children (1 year - 6 years)

Teenagers (7-17 years old)

Men and women

Pregnant and nursing

Folic acid, mcg

Pantothenic acid, mg

completely in vain. Thus, taking vitamins A and E can lead to side effects and sometimes to severe intoxication, but only in doses tens of times higher than physiological!

As for water-soluble vitamins, they are easily excreted from the body, but when taken in doses exceeding physiological ones, they can cause nonspecific reactions in the form gastrointestinal disorders, urticaria, etc., which disappear when the drug is discontinued.

If you are taking vitamin supplements prophylactic use and foods enriched with vitamins, observing the average daily norm, then even with constant reception of vitamins throughout the year, no excess of them is created in the body, but only the deficiency of vitamins in food is replenished.

According to health insurance companies in the USA and England, more than 60% of the population of these countries take one or another vitamin preparation. Among children and pregnant women, 90% take vitamins. The number of Russians taking vitamin preparations does not exceed 10%.

World and domestic experience shows that the most effective way replenishment of insufficient amounts of vitamins in the body is regular intake vitamin preparations or vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as the inclusion in the diet of specialized products enriched with them to a level appropriate physiological needs body.

It is advisable for smokers and workers in hazardous industries to constantly take multivitamins and ascorbic acid separately.

Vitamins must be taken not in short courses, but for a long time, throughout the year, for almost all citizens of our country, especially those living in industrial cities.

Which vitamin preparations to choose depends on age, type of activity and health status. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor.

If you decide to buy vitamin preparation, be sure to make sure that it has a certificate from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation registering it as a dietary supplement or medicine, and also carefully read the recipe on the label, since low-quality vitamin preparations often appear on the Russian drug market.

Domestic therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition products enriched with vitamins and minerals, compare favorably with foreign analogues at a lower price, and in terms of composition and quality, they more fully take into account the real needs of the Russian population.

And, of course, taking vitamins should not cancel the use various products nutrition. Only varied diet gives a person the opportunity to grow, develop, lead active image life.