Is ultraviolet lamp harmful to humans? Ultraviolet radiation: application, benefits and harm. How ultraviolet rays affect the body

Ultraviolet lamps used in decoration

In addition to the usual wall painting, we also carry out work with fluorescent paints. Such colors glow under ultraviolet lamps(black light lamps), which allows you to create a rather unusual atmosphere. Our customers are often interested in the health safety of these lamps.
Let's try to understand this issue.

Ultraviolet radiation(ultraviolet rays, UV radiation) - electromagnetic radiation, occupying the spectral range between visible and x-ray radiation. UV wavelengths range from 10 to 400 nm.
There are several types of UV radiation, differing in their effects on humans:

  • Ultraviolet A, long wave - 400-315 nm
  • Ultraviolet B, mid-wave - 315-280 nm
  • Ultraviolet C, short wave - 280-100 nm

The shorter the wavelength, the more energy the radiation has and the deeper it penetrates through the tissues of the body - so type C radiation is the most dangerous for us, and type A radiation is less dangerous.

The natural source of ultraviolet radiation is our Sun. It emits in all ranges, but thanks to the atmosphere of our planet, and in particular the ozone layer, only type A radiation reaches us and small part type B radiation. It is solar ultraviolet radiation that causes tanning on our body and promotes the production of vitamin D by the skin.

Exist different types ultraviolet lamps:

  • UV lamps (black light lamps) used in decoration, as well as lamps used in currency detectors, produce only type A radiation with a wavelength around 370 nm. This is a fairly safe light and being under such a lamp is less harmful to the skin and eyes than being under the sun in clear weather. And if there is a shortage sunlight, for example in winter time, being under such a lamp is even beneficial, as it promotes the production of vitamin D and some hormones that improve mood. Although you shouldn’t abuse it either. Also, do not look at the lamp itself for a long time at close range.
  • UV lamps used in solariums produce radiation of types A and B, close to solar ultraviolet radiation, and due to their power and quantity, stay in a solarium is limited to a few minutes with mandatory eye protection with special glasses.
  • There are also quartz and bactericidal lamps used in medicine to disinfect premises. Germicidal lamps - radiation type B, quartz lamps - hard radiation type C. Under no circumstances should you be under such lamps, even for a short time.

Looking at a black light lamp we see only a faint purple glow, although for insects such lamps glow very brightly. This is explained by the fact that our eyes, unlike the eyes of insects, have a filter that does not allow UV type A radiation to reach the retina. This serves to protect the eyes, since without this filter our vision would deteriorate by the age of 20.

So let's summarize:
The black light UV lamps used in decoration are quite safe. You can safely spend several hours a day under such a lamp. In winter, with short sunny day turning on a UV lamp for 30-60 minutes a day (depending on the power of the lamp) is even good for health. Lamps come in both fluorescent and LED. The lamp power is selected at the rate of 1-2 watts per square meter.