A day on apples and water. Apple-based fasting days: options and features. Classic unloading on apples

Most women dream of being slim beautiful figure. In order to keep your weight within normal parameters, you need to put some effort into it. Some will need more, some less.

Diets for health reasons are not suitable for everyone. What to do in this case? Unloading on apples will help .

One or two days a week dedicated to this will maintain or bring closer the effect of ideal weight, without putting much strain on the body.


From such fasting days The benefit is double. Nutritionists have already recognized that during a diet the body experiences severe long-term stress. It is difficult to maintain any diet; it happens that someone breaks down in the middle of the stage. As a result, the centimeters and kilograms removed with such difficulty return to their place, sometimes with a “plus” sign. Unloading is much easier, since it is only one day.

When the body is drawn into this mode, there may even be a need for easy days. Improvement and weight loss occur gradually, without sharp jumps. The results achieved are permanent. Cleansing gastrointestinal tract from toxins helps to feel lightness, which will contribute to a positive mood.

Apples deserve special attention. Their consumption improves immunity because they are a source of a storehouse of useful components: vitamins B, PP, C, E, minerals.

With the help of apples it is possible to saturate all organs human body necessary elements, despite the low calorie content of the product - 47 kcal/100 g. Regulating intestinal microflora with the help of a large amount of pectin eliminates problems associated with digestion and has a laxative property.

If on initial stage It will be difficult to withstand apple fasting days, try mixed options, which you will learn about below.

Basic rules for a fasting day

To make your fasting day more effective, follow simple rules:

  1. Set certain days of the week and stick to them constantly.
  2. The fasting day will pass without difficulty if the dinner the day before is light, without drinking alcohol or fats.
  3. In the morning, to disperse bile, you need to eat one tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  4. Divide the daily diet into 5-7 meals.
  5. The amount of liquid consumed can be increased to 2.5 liters.
  6. On the day of unloading, try not to overload the body physically and mentally.
  7. If possible, increase your sleep time.
  8. The next day, eliminate high-calorie foods, baked goods, and alcohol.
  9. You should not spend fasting days while taking medications, if you have a cold, feeling unwell, during menstruation.

How to choose apples

Fruits are suitable for fasting days small size, the flesh of which will quickly begin to darken when cut. This indicates that apples contain a large percentage of iron. Green color peel will tell you that this variety is rich in pectin. Apples shouldn't be sweet.

Options for fasting days on apples

There are alternatives to this unloading option - for the first few weeks, until the body enters a certain rhythm, you can replace one meal instead of apples with cucumber, carrots, one boiled egg or 3-5 tablespoons of buckwheat porridge.

Taking apples as a basis for fasting days, you can diversify your diet by changing it every week. This way I won’t get tired of apples and the processes of cleansing the body of toxins and the process of losing weight will become more effective. Here are a few simple menus for fasting days using apples.

  1. Baked or fresh. The classic version of a fasting day involves only apples and liquid (mineral still water, herbal infusions, green tea). You can bake some of the apples in the oven. The variety should be sweet and sour. Divide the entire amount of 2-2.5 kg into several doses, alternating fresh and baked apples. After each meal of fruit, drink 200-250 ml of liquid.
  2. Fasting day on apples and kefir. On a kefir-apple fasting day, several times you are allowed to eat 1.5-2 kg of ripe, but not sweet apples, drink 1 liter of kefir with zero or 1% fat content and 1 liter mineral water, tea without sugar, rosehip infusion, chamomile. To add variety to your diet, use a blender to make delicious and healthy cocktail. Gynecologists recommend this fasting day option even for pregnant women, especially if they suffer from swelling and toxicosis.
  3. Fasting day on apples and cottage cheese. Cottage cheese and apple fasting day is suitable for those who want to get rid of excess weight and recommended for women in “ interesting position" The daily norm for low-fat cottage cheese is 350-400 grams and one kilogram of unsweetened apples. Dividing the total volume of products by 6 equal parts, you will easily get saturation and required amount calcium. Grind the apple using a grater or blender and mix with a portion of cottage cheese. The day should end with an apple. Don't forget to drink purified water and healthy decoctions herbs
  4. Fasting day on apples and water. To last the day on only apples and water, stock up on 2.5-3 liters mineral water without gas and 2 kilograms of unsweetened apples. To suppress your appetite, drink water more often. As soon as you feel hungry again, eat one apple at a time.
  5. Rice-apple. Cook porridge from 500 ml of milk and 80 grams of rice. You can replace milk with boiled pumpkin. Divide the total volume by three times. Eat apples in between daily norm about one kg). You are allowed to drink green tea without sugar, mineral water, decoction of chamomile, rose hips, lemon balm up to 2.5 liters per day.
  6. On apple juice. The option of unloading with apple juice is considered medicinal, cleansing the liver and gall bladder. A glass of freshly squeezed apple juice should be drunk on an empty stomach. After 2 -2.5 hours, you can increase the amount of fresh juice to 400-450 ml. It is recommended to drink 200 ml of juice every couple of hours, not counting the second dose. The last glass of apple juice should be drunk no later than 8 pm, after which no food should be consumed. At the end of the day, so that the outflow of bile occurs painlessly and quickly, it is recommended to take a warm bath.

How many kilos can you lose?

After the first fasting day, the scale arrow will not always please you with lower indicators. Days of unloading with apples work for the future, but you also shouldn’t get carried away with them beyond the norm. Contraindication applies to those who suffer hyperacid gastritis (increased acidity), stomach or duodenal ulcers.

Then, for greater efficiency, you can increase fasting days to two per week, but no more.

Having rocked up, your body will begin to easily part with extra pounds, bringing the indicators to minus 5-6 kg per month.

Reviews of those losing weight and results

Alla Nikolaevna, 42 years old: On the doctor’s recommendation, my mother has been doing fasting days once a week for a year now. Suffering from a disease such as poor intestinal permeability, apple fasting helps her improve her life due to the large amount of fiber in the fruit.

Oksana, 27 years old: I wanted to lose weight, but I can’t stand long-term diets. An employee recommended apple fasting days, on which she lost 4 kilograms in a month. It is recommended to eat sour apples, and I love them in any quantity.

Slava, 25 years old: A nutritionist advised my pregnant wife to eat more apples, even on fasting days, to reduce toxicosis. But she has a high percentage of acid gastric juice, so the doctor allowed it to be combined with cottage cheese or porridge once a week. It helped against toxicosis and the swelling on the legs went away.

Source: http://wjone.ru/210-razgruzochnyy-den-na-yablokah

Delicious options for fasting days on apples

  • Women's portal
  • Weight loss
  • Nutrition

In order not to harm the body, you should follow simple rules when carrying out an apple fasting day:

  • Depending on the variety, the fasting day may consist only of apples, supplemented with other liquids or products from the permitted list.
  • For one day diet It is preferable to eat fresh ripe apples. The variety does not matter, but nutritionists recommend combining both red and green, since the latter are predominantly acidic, and this has a negative effect on tooth enamel and without additional products may cause increased secretion gastric juice.
  • In those variations where the consumption of water or other liquids is allowed, you can drink them no earlier than 30 minutes after a meal, otherwise you can cause a fermentation process in the intestines.
  • Among the variety of apples, preference should be given to those that grow in the garden, store-bought fruits (especially in winter time) are saturated with pesticides and nitrates.
  • You cannot add sugar to apple dishes during a fasting day.
  • Before unloading the day before, you need to prepare by reducing the consumption of fatty, sweet and starchy foods; it is recommended to drink a glass of low-fat kefir at night.
  • It is better to eat apples with the peel.
  • All portions should be equal, and food should be consumed at regular intervals.
  • The last meal is no later than 19:00.
  • A fasting day based on apples may have contraindications due to the consumption of an increased proportion of the main product; you should familiarize yourself with them before starting the diet.
  • It is important for pregnant women to know about the peculiarities of an apple fasting day.


The composition of apples is as follows useful microelements, like iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus. It also contains a lot of vitamins - high content ascorbic acid, vitamins B, PP and E. This carries many positive qualities that have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • Thanks to increased content fiber removes waste and toxins from the body, cleanses the intestines.
  • A fasting day on apples helps normalize metabolism and, as a result, weight loss occurs.
  • The polyphenols contained in apples slow down the aging process, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Apples reduce arterial pressure and regulate blood cholesterol levels.
  • Vitamin C increases protective functions immunity, making the body more resistant to infectious and colds.

Menu options for weight loss

Apple-based fasting days count various variations. Based on the characteristics of the body and personal preferences, you can choose the appropriate one. Additional products will make it easier to endure a monotonous diet, and those who want to achieve maximum effect can choose more ascetic varieties.

Only on apples

This is the strictest type of fasting day. It must necessarily include preparation the day before. It is recommended to carry it out in the summer to avoid dehydration.

  • The daily diet consists of 1.5 kg of apples.
  • The entire amount of fruit should be consumed evenly, portions should not be large.
  • Drinking water and other liquids is prohibited.
  • Apples should not be sweetened or cooked.

Apples and water

A slightly less strict version of the fasting day than the previous one also requires sufficient willpower. But its shortcomings are easily offset by an amazing result - cleansing occurs much faster, which leads to instant loss extra pounds.

  • The entire diet is divided into 6 equal meals.
  • You also need to drink 2 liters of still water during the day.
  • Other liquids are also allowed - green tea, herbal decoction(chamomile, mint, lemon balm, calendula or sage).
  • You should not add sugar to apples or drinks.

On baked apples

Baked apples can add variety to your diet. You need to eat them in combination with fresh fruit, alternating between eating baked and regular products.

  • The daily diet should consist of 4 fresh and 4 baked apples.
  • There are two ways to prepare a baked dish: bake the fruits whole (the seeds are cut out of them) or cut into slices. In both cases, cooking time in the oven takes no more than 20 minutes. Do not sprinkle sugar or other sweeteners on top.
  • Maintain drinking regime.

Eggs and apples

Missing protein can be replenished with boiled eggs, this will speed up the metabolism process and dilute the monotonous menu.

  • Eggs (1 piece each) in combination with apples are eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snacks between these meals should be made only of apples.
  • It is preferable to eat soft-boiled eggs - they are digested faster.
  • Allowed drinks include still water, green or herbal tea.

Cottage cheese and apple day

It is easier to endure a fasting day if you add cottage cheese to apples. This one is sour milk product improves digestion and significantly increases calcium levels.

  • Total amount of products: 1 kg of apples and 0.6 kg of cottage cheese. Apples can be added to cottage cheese or eaten separately. For variety, you can prepare curd mousse by beating the dairy product and apples in a blender.
  • At one meal, fresh apples can be replaced with dried ones.
  • There should be 6 identical servings in total. Cottage cheese should be taken with reduced fat content.
  • In addition, water drinking regime is observed.

With honey and cinnamon

If during a fasting day it is difficult to give up sweets, then the problem may not be solved. a large number of honey. Combining it with apples and cinnamon allows you to get a tasty and gourmet dish allowing for easy unloading.

  • The total number of apples is 1.5 kg.
  • All fruits need to be baked. This is done as follows: the seeds are removed from the fruit, the top is cut off a little. The cut area is smeared with honey and sprinkled with cinnamon. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.
  • Drink water (2 liters), herbal or green tea all day.

What result should you expect?

The result of a fasting day is manifested not only in weight loss, but also in well-functioning intestinal function, cleansing of the body, and improved skin condition. A large number of vitamins obtained increase immunity and tone up. Regularly carrying out a fasting day based on apples will gradually bring best result, leading to slimness and good health.

How much can you lose?

The final effect directly depends on the chosen fasting day option: the most gentle varieties allow you to lose 200-400 grams, while water-apple or pure apple diet can show a result of 300-500 grams lost.

Photos before and after

Apple fasting days are suitable for many due to the juiciness of the main product. High content Fiber allows you to quickly feel full and not feel hungry for a long time. It is also suitable for those who find it difficult to go without sweets all day.

Source: http://dream-body.ru/razgruzochnyj-den-na-yablokakh

Fasting day on apples: benefits, options, reviews and results

Strict diets are often ineffective and lead to poor health. Therefore, many nutritionists recommend using fasting days instead of diets. One of the most famous and useful is the fasting day on apples.

The benefits of apples and unloading on them

Eating apples daily will enrich your body with beneficial substances that energize and stimulate the central nervous system. Nutritionists advise eating apples with the peel, because it contains pectin fiber.

It is he who has the ability to cleanse the liver of excess cholesterol, and also helps in the fight against frequent constipation. And if you suffer from diarrhea, then the fruit should be peeled and eaten on an empty stomach.

Besides , apples are rich in vitamins A and C. Vitamins of group C strengthen blood vessels in the body and have a beneficial effect on the immune system. An interesting fact is that five apple seeds contain the daily requirement of iodine for the body.

This is almost seven times more than in bananas. But you should not overuse the seeds, as they contain acid. It is enough to eat 5 seeds per day. Regular use These fruits help prevent atherosclerosis (the process of destruction of brain cells).

For diabetes mellitus, inclusion in daily diet baked apples. Eating them will help the body maintain stable blood sugar levels. They are also used as an excellent cosmetic product.

With the help of these fruits you can soften rough skin on your hands. To do this, just wipe your hands with a piece of apple, and to whiten darkened skin, rub the problem areas with the peel.

According to nutritionists, fasting days are the key to feeling better And eternal youth. And carrying them out on apples will help reduce the risk of cancer cell formation.

Soda baths for weight loss - you can read about the benefits and harms in the material on our website.

How to effectively remove fat from your legs and buttocks, read this article.

You can read how to eat flax seeds correctly here.

Which apples to choose for unloading

Having decided to spend a fasting day based on apples, the question arises: “Which varieties of apples are the most useful?” Depending on the ripening period, apples are divided into winter and summer varieties. Summer ones include:

  1. Borovinka;
  2. Melba;
  3. Chinese;
  4. White filling.

The ripening period for these varieties is from July to August. They are very sweet, but spoil quickly and generally do not last long. Therefore, they are used for compotes and jam.

Winter varieties, on the contrary, are perfectly stored and preserve taste qualities and a set of vitamins and microelements. Because of this, they can be used more often on fasting days. Winter varieties include:

  1. Kutuzovets;
  2. Orlik;
  3. Pervinka.

You need to choose apples that are strong and elastic to the touch. Under no circumstances should they have brown spots. Give preference to small or medium-sized fruits. After all, large fruits are often overripe.

How to spend a fasting day correctly

To spend a fasting day on apples, you will need about 2 kg of fresh fruit. Homemade fruits are best because they are not treated with chemicals and do not contain nitrates.

The next step is to divide the menu into 5-6 servings. About 2-3 hours should pass between each meal. You need to eat in small portions.

The main thing is not to forget that you need to drink about 1.5 liters of water per day.

It will help remove toxins from the body faster. In addition, you can drink green tea and coffee (but without sugar). For those who cannot eat only apples all day, there are more gentle fasting days for losing weight.

It is not necessary to do fasting days exclusively with fresh fruits. You can, for example, bake them. For this you need sharp knife cut inner part apple containing the core.

The remaining seeds can be scooped out with a spoon, leaving only the pulp. Honey and cinnamon are added inside. Then place them in the oven at 180 degrees and bake the apples for about half an hour. The fruit should have a delicate, amber color.

There are several options for spending a fasting day on baked apples:

  1. Eat these apples every 2.5 hours during a fasting day. Can only be combined with unsweetened water;
  2. With each baked apple, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or unsweetened yogurt;
  3. You can add a couple of spoons of cottage cheese to a baked apple and a glass of kefir.

A fasting day on baked apples is much easier for people with gastrointestinal problems. After all, baked fruits no longer have that acidity and are easily digested by the stomach.

Also, such a sweet dish has a good effect on the cardiovascular system.

For those people for whom a fasting day solely on apples is a rather difficult undertaking, we suggest adding low-fat cottage cheese to the fruit. This is one of the simplest options for a fasting day.

It is also suitable for pregnant women. For every day you will need about 600 grams of cottage cheese. You can drink plain water fresh juices etc. You just need to stay away from caffeinated drinks.

With kefir

The next option for a fasting day allows you to consume only apples and kefir per day. This option requires no cooking, is easily available and very nutritious. For a day you will need about 2 liters of 1% kefir and about 2 kg of apples.

You should also drink water, at least 1.5-2 liters per day. If you have problems with the intestines or stomach, you should eat baked apples.

With buckwheat

Another popular type of fasting day is on apples and buckwheat.

Brewed buckwheat does not need to be salted or added sugar, butter or other spices. For a day you will need about 800-900 grams of buckwheat and 3-4 apples.

It is better to eat them in the intervals between buckwheat meals. Thus, the body will feel less hunger. Maintain drinking regime.

Apples with juice

The juice itself is less healthy than fresh fruit. But together with apples, this is a great combination for a fasting day. You should drink 250 mg of juice every 2-3 hours and eat one apple. You should drink juice for the last time at 8 pm.

With green tea

The consumption of green tea is added to the fasting day menu, as it improves metabolism, dulls hunger and saturates the body with various microelements. As in the previous options, you should take daily norm apples - 1.5 kg. But besides this, you should not forget about water.

With carrots

The combination of two fruits will provide a large supply of vitamins, energy and strength for the whole day. At the same time, for each meal you need to allocate 1 apple and 150-200 grams of grated fresh carrots. You can also make an excellent salad from them with the addition of honey or lemon juice.

With oatmeal

Oat flakes are rich in various microelements and improve metabolic processes in organism. They help reduce cholesterol and normalize blood glucose levels.

For cooking oatmeal you need about 1 cup of cereal. Divide the fasting day menu into 4-5 meals. Apples can be eaten with porridge, or in between these meals.

How much can you save?

It is quite problematic to say how many kilograms your body will lose from a fasting day on apples. After all, everyone adapts differently to changes in diet.

On average, all the proposed options for a fasting day on apples will help you get rid of about 200 grams of fat, which is minus 1 kilogram on the scale.

The main advantage of a fasting day is the opportunity to cleanse your body of toxins. In addition, reduce centimeters on the waist and stomach.

Is it possible to spend a fasting day on apples during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, in most cases, doctors do not recommend fasting days. But sometimes it is allowed. In cases where pregnancy proceeds without problems and complications. Fasting days are also prescribed when:

  • strong fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • swelling that interferes with walking and causes discomfort;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • shortness of breath when walking.

It is not recommended to make such decisions on your own. It is worth consulting your doctor.

During the fasting day, the calorie content of food should be at least 1500 calories. In order not to cause painful sensations and bloating, you need to chew fruits thoroughly and eat in small portions. The next day, the diet should also be gentle. Don't forget to drink daily norm water.

Are there any contraindications

Fasting days based on apples are quite effective remedy in the fight against extra pounds and ridding the body of toxins. But along with the advantages, there are also minor disadvantages.

According to doctors, fasting days are practically the same as a mono diet. You need to approach the process of changing your diet with all responsibility. You need to carefully and correctly prepare for the fasting day in order to then get out of it without complications, while maintaining the results obtained.

Of course, fasting days have contraindications for some gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, if you have similar problems, then consult your doctor or nutritionist first.

Reviews and results

I tried a one-day fasting for the first time and was quite surprised. Weight decreased by 1.5 kg. During the day I consumed only apples and water. I ate less than I needed, and I didn’t even feel hungry. I now plan to continue in the same spirit. Both the benefits for the body and the figure can be corrected.

Olga, 29 years old, Kazan

I’ve known about apple-based fasting days for a long time and practice them often. It saves you in cases when you need to quickly get in shape. I love baked apples with cinnamon or kefir. I also supplement fasting days with light physical activity. Thus, I lose about 07-1.2 kg per day. And this with a weight of 62 kg. I am very satisfied with these results.

Inna, 31 years old, Moscow

Previously, I only used diets and fasting. There was a result, but not for long. And fasting days on apples with low-fat cheese are easy. Although the weight does not decrease, it does not increase either. In addition, the body feels light. As they say, to each his own. It all depends on the characteristics of the body.

Anna, 42 years old, Kaliningrad

My husband's anniversary is due to be celebrated in a few days, and there is a need for... fast weight loss. I absolutely didn’t want to go on a diet. I talked to my friends and they advised me to try a fasting day with apples. At first I didn’t believe that one day could fix anything, but I tried anyway. And I was pleasantly surprised - 1.6 kg. Now I recommend it to everyone.

Irina, 44 years old, Volgograd

And a bit more additional information about apple fasting day - in the next video.

Source: http://nektarin.su/pohudenie/diety/razgruzochnyj-den-na-yablokax.html

It is known that fasting days often allow you to get a better effect in the difficult task of losing weight than the most fashionable and stunning diets, and there is no secret here.

If for many years you spend a fasting day twice a week, and do this regularly and constantly, your body weight will always tend to normal.

In the case of diets, everything is more complicated: as a rule, most people “go on” some kind of diet 1-3 times a year, but after finishing it they switch to a regular diet, and overweight they often come back, and even with “gains” - many women who have “weight loss experience” know this very well.

There are many known recipes for fasting days, as well as diets, but one of the most useful, effective and safe options nutritionists and other specialists consider apples to be a fasting day.

fasting days on apples

About the benefits and nutritional value There is no need to say a lot about apples, but it is worth recalling why most nutritionists consider them one of the best “unloading” foods.

The substances contained in apples - fructose and pectins, help the liver more actively process fat, and on “apple” days the body can break down and remove it quite calmly, without a painful feeling of hunger. Although apples are not rich in calories, they supply the body with a lot of energy, and they also slow down digestion, allowing you to maintain a feeling of fullness longer.

Because the apples have a good laxative effect, they significantly improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes.

If you spend fasting days on them regularly, kilograms of accumulated toxins will gradually be removed from the body - unfortunately, there really are a lot of them in our intestines and blood vessels.

The fiber contained in apples improves living conditions healthy microflora, and vitamins and minerals promote cell rejuvenation - we prolong youth.

Besides, eating apples helps to get rid of many chronic diseases : relieves hypertension and atherosclerosis, in gallbladder stones dissolve, and even the most persistent constipation goes away without a trace.

So, by spending “apple” days and including apples in your diet every day - at least 1-2 pieces - you can significantly improve not only your figure, but also your health.

Reviews of apple unloading most often note the absence of shortcomings, but some people really want to eat: in this case, it is better to choose combined options - apple-kefir or apple-curd. In the first case: 1 liter of kefir and 1-1.5 kg of apples, in the second - 1 kg of apples and 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese - hunger will be felt less.

It is sometimes said that frequent consumption of apples causes problems with the teeth - the acid thins the enamel - and with the stomach, but these problems are easily solved.

After apples, you just need to brush your teeth, chew gum, or at least rinse your mouth; if your stomach hurts, choose sweet apples or bake them so that the coarse fiber does not irritate the mucous membrane.

The nutritional value of baked apples is the same, and after heat treatment the amount of pectin in them increases: this is useful for constipation, dysbacteriosis, and even after surgery. Remove the core from fresh apples, place them in a mold or on a baking sheet, pour in a little water and place in a not very hot oven for 20 minutes.

The apple diet is so safe that it is recommended even for gastritis, peptic ulcer and other gastrointestinal problems - of course, not during the period of exacerbation; Consultation with a doctor in these cases is required.

fasting days on apples

So, when healthy stomach The simplest option for a fasting day: eat 1.5-2 kg of sweet and sour apples per day and drink 2 liters of still mineral water.

But it’s worth preparing for the fasting day in order to make it as effective and comfortable as possible.

Unfortunately, many consider unloading to be a kind of torture, and tend to “eat up beforehand”: this is unacceptable, since the body will not have to rest and cleanse itself, but will have to get rid of the serious consequences of overeating.

On the day before unloading, the diet should be light. For breakfast - tea and a sandwich of whole grain bread with cheese and apple; 2nd breakfast – salad from any fruits (vegetables); dinner - vegetable salad, chicken soup (vegetable), freshly squeezed juice; afternoon snack – low-fat kefir (yogurt); dinner – stewed (steamed) vegetables, tea or juice.

Apples are divided into 5-6 portions, and eaten in a way that is convenient: for example, you can grate them. If you bake apples, you need to weigh them raw: baked fruits are lighter than raw ones.

What to pay attention to

Apple seeds are useful, but in small quantities: if you eat 2 kg of apples with the seeds, you may experience an upset stomach or nausea.

Bright and beautiful apples without any damage should not be eaten with the peel: most likely, they have been processed chemicals to protect against pests and rot. The peel of the fruit, unlike the pulp, can accumulate these substances, but in any case it is better to try to buy a more environmentally friendly product - even if it contains worms.

You must drink water - at least 1.5 liters, but instead of it you can drink weak herbal or green tea.

It is better not to plan especially important meetings and tasks for this day, but it is also not necessary to postpone the unloading on the weekend. It is quite possible to eat apples (though only raw) at work, every 3 hours: the main thing is that there is no heavy workload, and a normal toilet is available - apples in combination with water have both a diuretic and a mild laxative effect.

fasting days on apples

“Apple” days do not give quick and noticeable results: as a rule, the weight comes off slowly, but does not return. In fact, this is a big plus: the body does not experience shock from sudden changes, metabolic processes change gradually, and the skin does not sag - this cannot be said about “urgent weight loss”.

Results of fasting days on apples

In one fasting day you can permanently get rid of 400-500 grams of excess weight, but here everything is individual: some manage to easily lose a whole kilogram, while others manage to lose only 150-200 grams.

Gradually, the figure becomes slimmer, and at the same time you do not have to “sit” on extreme diets or give up your favorite foods, but provided that on ordinary days the food is normal, healthy and balanced.

Most nutritionists recommend spending fasting days on apples no more than once a week, but others consider 5-6 days a month to be the optimal amount.

If you are not susceptible to stomach upsets, you can unload on apples twice a week, but you should carefully monitor your condition.

Whenever possible, on a fasting day it’s good to go to a sauna or bathhouse, or at least take a hot bath in the evening: this will help the body better “cope” with the removal of toxins.

To maintain the result, the next day after unloading you need to avoid foods rich in carbohydrates, but low-fat proteins will come in handy: dairy products, eggs, vegetable protein - legumes, nuts, seeds; lean meat and fish.

There are very few contraindications: intolerance to apples and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys in the acute stage.

Gataulina Galina
Article protected by copyright and related rights. When using or reprinting material, an active link to the women's website www.inmoment.ru is required!

fasting day on apples

Everyone has long known that fasting days help break down fat deposits and remove them from the body. harmful substances and restore all metabolic processes. In one properly carried out fasting day, our body will “rest” from excess food and get rid of accumulated waste and toxins. But the most important thing is that this is an excellent opportunity for a gradual transition to a balanced diet.

On this moment there are many variations of fasting days, and special place among them takes a fasting day on apples. This food is not only tasty, but also brings hugebenefits for the body.

It’s not without reason that there is an opinion that eating two apples a day will help you save on doctor’s services.

Why are apples so beneficial?

It has been experimentally proven that concentrated in apples great amount various minerals, vitamins, which are very important for the proper functioning of the body. Among them folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, as well as groups B, E, C, PP, carotene, etc. Antioxidants, contained in apples, protect our respiratory organs from harmful impurities that are in the air. Thanks to apples you can reduce the negative impact tobacco smoke on respiratory system person. If you eat this fruit every day, you are less likely to get sick respiratory diseases, because Apples help improve the body's immune response.

In apples there are also substances polyphenols and flavonoids, having antitumorproperties. These substances are still capable of binding free radicals, which are dangerous to health and stimulate early aging processes in the body. Using apples Can organize activities digestive tract and activate the intestinal microflora. For example, pureed data is recommended for use for colitis varying degrees difficulty and diarrhea.

Fasting days on apples indicated for people suffering from hypertension. Apples contain pectins, which promote excretion from the body cholesterol- the main cause of atherosclerosis. An important fact is that apples - low calorie product , which has a slight diuretic effect and retarding process fat absorption. Apples contain a lot of fiber, which makes you feel full quickly.

Eat apples recommended along with the peel, as it is very useful for intestinal function. Experimental developments have recently begun effective medicines, against breast and prostate cancer, based on substances contained in apples.

Today there are many variations of fasting days on apples. You need to choose the most rational type of apple unloading that suits you.

For a “clean” fasting day on apples It is recommended to consume one and a half kilograms of this fruit throughout the day. The number of apples should be divided into six equal parts. On this day you are allowed to drink herbal infusions and decoctions, still mineral water or unsweetened water.

One of the popular ones is recognized apple fasting day with the addition of kefir. During this event it will be eat apples (1.5 kg) and have a drink one litre natural kefir. It is necessary to take into account that kefir is drunk only an hour after the main intake of a portion of apples. It is also recommended to drink non-carbonated water on this day. water (1.5 l).

No less relevant today fasting day on apples and honey, which involves the use apples (1.5 kg) And three tablespoons natural honey . Honey is indicated with apples early in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. These fruits should be divided into 6 identical parts and eat at regular intervals. Be sure to follow the drinking regime on this day - not less than 2 liters ordinary water per day.

A very interesting fasting day with apples, cinnamon and honey.

To do this, prepare:

One and a half kilograms sweet apples, cut them in half and lubricate Not big amount honey every apple slice, as well as sprinkle above cinnamon. Apples follow bake in hot oven until soft. Divide them into 6 equal portions, and consume every three hours. Also recommended throughout the day drink Herb tea or clean water.

It should not be forgotten that fasting days on apples not only cleanse the entire body globally, but also help normalize weight, by approximately half a kilogram per such day.

For a month allowed to carry out up to five fasting days on apples. Very healthy organize such unloadings after holidays which are often accompanied by overeating. If you have high acidity and any diseases digestive system, then before starting a fasting day, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Remember that it is advisable not to use sour varieties of apples for unloading, as they stimulate the appetite.

Can during the unloading period eat baked apples, which contains increased amount pectins. You also need to be careful with the menu the next day after carrying out unloading.

The main rule is don't overeat.

If you adhere to the above recommendations, then a fasting day on apples will be for you an excellent remedy to maintain health, wellness and beauty.

A fasting day on apples is one of the most known methods losing weight. A break from having to digest fatty and junk food, as well as the ability to remove many toxic substances and cleanse the body are the main principles of the “work” of this method. In addition, apples adjust and regulate the functions of the digestive system, which contributes to better and fast digestion, and if you eat fruits with peels, you can achieve even greater results. How to properly unload on apples, how much you can lose in a day and what options are on the menu, you will learn from this article. You can also read reviews here.

Most often, buckwheat, kefir, cottage cheese and fresh fruit are used for one-day weight loss. These are products that contain large amounts useful substances and allow you to lose excess weight without stressing the body.

Apples are chosen thanks to good taste, accessibility and undoubted benefits, and another kilogram of these fruits contains only 600 kcal and less than 5 grams of fat. That is why you can eat apples in unlimited quantities and during the “unloading” you will not feel the feeling of hunger, which so frightens those who want to lose weight.


Today there is not a single fruit whose composition would be as balanced and beneficial for humans as an apple.

Undeniable benefits

Apple fasting days are popular largely not because of getting rid of excess weight, although in just one such day you can lose about 1.5-2.5 kg, but primarily due to the possibility of recovery.

Contents in apples:

  • vitamins C, PP and B;
  • acids necessary for humans (primarily folic);
  • gland;
  • potassium;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus and many others.

The fiber contained in these fruits deserves special attention. Gently combating disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and, like a sponge, absorbing toxins and dissolved fecal stones, this component also creates a feeling of fullness for a long time. It is thanks to fiber that the condition of the skin and hair improves.


Using just one product throughout the day can dramatically reduce the number of calories you consume and the amount of food you eat, and if you combine products that have a similar effect on the body, the result will not only be effective, but also lasting.

Rules for unloading on apples

Having decided to lose weight and get healthier, it is not enough to simply buy apples and start eating them, giving up other foods. Firstly, a lot depends on the variety. The juicier the apples, the more kilograms you will be able to lose, but by eating sweeter varieties, you will be able to create a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Secondly, despite the permission to eat apples in any quantity, it would be unreasonable to exceed 1.5 kg per day. It is also advisable to turn a continuous meal into eating five times a day, or try to eat one fruit every two hours.

Thirdly, regardless of the chosen type of diet (only on apples or using other products), it is very important to drink at least 1.5 liters of water. It is worth paying attention to the process itself. Do not bite off large pieces and swallow them whole. Only chewing thoroughly will help deceive the body and create a feeling of fullness for a long time.

And the most important thing. Regardless of the variety of apples, the presence or absence of additional products on the menu and the purpose of unloading, you need to learn to enjoy the process.

Very often, fasting days are treated as punishment, and then, with a sense of accomplishment, they eat sweet or fatty foods in huge quantities, thus trying to reward the body for suffering, but in fact only making it worse.

Another rule that should be taken into account before unloading on apples is regularity. For healthy people Twice a month is quite enough; if such procedures are carried out for the purpose of healing, then (after the doctor’s recommendation) you can increase the frequency to once a week. If, wanting to lose weight as quickly as possible, you do such days more often, then, of course, you will be able to reduce the volume, but at what cost?


What do the doctor's say

The benefits of fasting days on apples are recognized even by representatives traditional medicine, which, relative to other weight loss options, is quite rare. However, judging by the reviews of doctors, it is recommended not to exceed the cleansing time and not to carry out the process for longer than 1.5 days.

It is also worth taking the advice to eat apples with the peel, since it is in it, unless, of course, the fruit has been chemically treated, that it contains the most benefits.

Apple peeling has no contraindications, but those at risk (children under 12 years of age, elderly people, pregnant and lactating women, as well as sick people) diabetes mellitus) you should be careful and carry out such procedures only after the recommendation of a doctor, as well as when constant monitoring with his hand.

Of course, although a “one-time action” will help you lose a couple of kilos, it will not bring much benefit, and it will not provide a long-term effect. To achieve your goal, you need to follow a diet at least once a week for three months. You can enhance the effect with additional ingredients: kefir, green tea, buckwheat, oatmeal, cottage cheese and citrus fruits.

Popular options for fasting apple days

Kefir-apple unloading

The most popular combination among those losing weight is kefir and apples. The implementation is no different. You need to drink up to 2 liters of fermented milk product and eat up to 2 kg of apples, as well as maintain a water regime (at least 2 liters of liquid per day). The fasting day provides meals on demand. That is, you can eat the specified amount of food at any time (and if cleansing is being done for the first time, you can increase the amount of food allowed), but regardless of the frequency and number of snacks, you should drink 150 ml of liquid strictly once an hour. It is very important.

Unloading on cottage cheese and apples

If you do not take into account the natural cottage cheese sold in villages, this product is considered dietary, because provides the body with a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances. Such a one-day diet allows you not only to reduce the volume of problem areas, but also strengthen bones and restore liver cells. An undoubted advantage is complete absence feelings of hunger.

To carry out the procedure, you will need a kilogram of cottage cheese and apples, as well as about 2 liters of water. This method is especially recommended for those suffering from edema.

Cleansing with buckwheat and apples

The mentioned cereals and fruits form one of the most effective and beneficial nutritional compositions for humans.

In just one day of this diet you can:

  • replenish vitamins and minerals;
  • provide necessary nutrition skin and hair;
  • update the intestinal microflora;
  • enhance protective forces body;
  • increase resistance to stress;
  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels, etc.

300 grams of buckwheat and only 3 apples are allowed per day, but this does not mean that those who opt for such a fasting will feel hungry. Washing down buckwheat with water, and you need to drink at least 3 liters of it, will cause it to swell in the stomach and prolong the feeling of fullness. It is better to cut apples in half and use them for snacking.

Fasting day on baked apples

Despite the processing necessary for cooking, baked apples retain most of the beneficial substances, and they also lose acidity, which often prevents these fruits from being used for weight loss. So we can safely say that baked apples are an ideal remedy for healing the body and losing extra pounds.

In addition to the possibility of using baked apples for diabetics and those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, they can be eaten by those with a sweet tooth. You can even add a little honey or cinnamon to make it tastier. In general, it’s not a diet, but just pleasure.

Apple-orange unloading

Orange and apple are the most popular fruits on the menu of those watching their figure. Complementing each other with their beneficial properties, they help to gently but reliably get rid of excess weight, perfectly strengthen immune system, activate the body’s metabolic processes, etc. And it’s also very, very tasty. You will need a kilogram of fruit and about 2.5-3 liters of water per day.

Text: Olga Kim

Nutritionists have long warned that strict diets are extremely harmful to the body. You may achieve results, but the body will be “shattered” by an unbalanced diet and its restoration will require much more effort than with a diet. The most effective weight loss and at the same time, an excellent means for detox, in their opinion, are fasting days on apples.

Why apples?

Nutritionists advise carrying out a kind of mini detox diet, for example, through a fasting day on apples, at least once a week. Those who know the meaning in weight loss methods, they know firsthand about the benefits and effects of this type of body cleansing. Moreover, there are quite a lot of varieties of such days.

Apples are surprisingly healthy and also one of the most available products. There are many options for an apple diet! Apples contain a whole storehouse of useful substances and vitamins. In particular, apples contain vitamins B, E, PP, E, as well as minerals such as potassium, iron, manganese, carotene, pectins, calcium and others. In addition, apples of any variety contain necessary for the body antioxidants, which not only resist cell aging, but also protect the lungs from harmful ecology and tobacco smoke. Apples help strengthen the immune system, and polyphenols and flavonoids fight tumors. Apples help normalize intestinal function and restore microflora in it.

Apple detox day fasting menu

The classic apple fasting day includes only two ingredients - apples and still mineral water. It is best to choose apples that are not sweet. You should eat 2 kg of apples per day and divide their consumption into 6 equal parts, which should be eaten at regular intervals. You also need to consume at least 2 liters of still mineral water per day; it can be replaced with green tea, but without sugar and if you do not have low blood pressure, since green tea is contraindicated. After each meal consisting of apples, you need to drink 1 glass of water or green tea.

You can also spend a fasting day on apples by eating baked fruits. Making baked apples is quite simple. Cut each fruit into two halves, removing the seeds, add a few drops of natural honey and sprinkle with cinnamon. The result is a complete, tasty and slightly sweet dish that can be used to diversify your fasting day on apples. If you decide to spend a fasting day on baked apples, you should eat them every two hours.

If sitting for a day on apples alone seems too difficult for you, try spending a fasting day on apples and low-fat cottage cheese. This fasting day is considered one of the mildest and is recommended even for pregnant women. You will need a kilogram of apples and 600g of cottage cheese for the whole day. As for drinks, they are practically unlimited; only those that contain caffeine are not recommended. A fasting day on apples and kefir is also considered very common. Stock up on 1 kg of apples and medium-fat kefir, 2.5% is enough.

Some people use laxatives to achieve maximum results. As such, it is best to use herbal mixtures. Nutritionists recommend spending fasting days no more than 6 times a month, since anyway, every change in the usual diet is stressful for the body.

A fasting day on apples is considered not only the most effective way detox and weight loss, but also excellent prevention of hypertension, atherosclerosis and metabolic restoration. Give it a try to test this theory!

If for you a diet in its traditional sense is a heavy burden, and you don’t have time to create the right diet, and after strict restrictions on food, the result returns to normal, then it makes sense to try the practice of unloading. And a fasting day on apples is best option, where you can start.

Unloading on apples is somewhat reminiscent of a mono-diet with the effect of express cleansing of the body. The menu is dominated by one product; during the day you are allowed to eat it, almost as much as you want. At first glance, it seems that this is too tempting to also help you lose weight. But nutritionists consider fasting days to be one of the most effective methods getting rid of excess weight.

Unloading on apples - how is it?

The main secret of the effect of unloading on apples is its regularity. If you devote at least one day to this every week healthy fruit, the result will not be long in coming.

There are many methods, as well as successful recipes. From the toughest, where in addition to fruits only water is allowed, to several gentle ones - with the addition of cereals, dairy products and vegetables.

Why apples?

There is no need to sing praises to this fruit. It is enough to include them in the daily menu - and the apples themselves will speak for themselves. Moreover, the benefits of this fruit lie both inside and outside: the thin peel also conceals a lot good properties. So, what are the advantages of unloading:

  • Fructose and pectin in the fruit take on the function of helping the liver. Due to this, the organ processes fat faster, which means it breaks it down without an acute feeling of hunger.
  • The fruits have a good laxative effect, improve metabolism and remove toxins.
  • The fiber in apples promotes the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines, and vitamins and minerals rejuvenate the body at the cellular level.

The product is practically harmless. You should be careful only if you have diseases of the digestive system.

Significant losses

One day of unloading on apples can cost you up to one and a half kilograms lost. Moreover, these will not be painful hours of hunger and physical exertion.

The final result depends on the initial parameters of the figure, lifestyle and the amount of water drunk.

What, when and how much

The first rule of unloading on apples is choosing the day. The day before you should not overeat, eat fatty heavy foods and drink alcohol. Sharp drop from abundance to scarcity of diet can play a role cruel joke. And it will be much easier to break.

Here are a few more principles of a proper fasting day on apples:

  • Compliance water balance. This is a minimum of 1.5 liters of water per day. It's better if it's mineral. You can drink green tea and herbal infusions.
  • Taking a laxative the day before natural origin. Here you should consult your doctor.
  • A visit to the sauna or spa at the end of the deload will help speed up the elimination of toxins.
  • Limiting physical activity so as not to force the body to work for wear.

And what then

A good appetite in the morning after fasting is common. And there's nothing wrong with that. The body demands to replenish what has been lost. It is important to understand what to feed starving cells with so as not to return to the original level.

Nutritionist advice - limit carbohydrates in the menu, it will come in handy healthy proteins: kefir, nuts, lean fish and meat.

Choosing the right one

Green or red, Fuji or Golden? In the case of unloading, both variety and color matter.

  • Green Semerenko has the lowest calorie content (40 kcal per 100 g).
  • Then comes Granny Smith and 47 kcal. per 100 g.
  • Red Idareds have a little more calories (50 kcal per 100 g).

There is such a pattern - the sweeter the apples, the higher their energy value. This means that unloading on sour varieties will be more effective, but also hungrier. If you have digestive problems, you should prefer sweeter fruits.

Whomever you want - choose

Modern dietetics provides a lot of methods. It’s good if the product that complements the apples in the unloading does not cause allergies or disgust. What you can choose from:

  1. Classic unloading (apples and water only).
  2. Unload on baked apples (in this case they are allowed to be eaten every two hours).
  3. Fruit and cottage cheese (it is better to choose low-fat).
  4. Apples and kefir (it’s good if it’s fermented milk product medium fat content).
  5. Apple juice(brings less benefits than the fruit itself, but can remove up to 2 kg of weight).

Classics of the genre

You should drink mineral water, but without gas. The total volume is up to two liters per day. As for fruits, this is one and a half kilograms (8-10 pieces). It is recommended to consume all this in 5-6 doses, strictly adhering to the prescribed time or focusing on the feeling of hunger: if you want to eat, eat an apple. Be careful, these fruits should not be washed down with water.

If you prefer this method of unloading, it is important to remember: apples provoke appetite.

Baked apples

Fruit, passed the test oven, holds more pectin. And this undoubtedly speeds up the cleaning action. After heat treatment the product loses acidity, and this is a reason to prefer this unloading option for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. The norm per day is up to 7 baked fruits.

remember, that different varieties should be baked for different amounts of time.

Buckwheat with apples

What makes it unique is that it is nutritious and does not burden the diet.

It’s easier to “unload” with buckwheat and apples, many share their experience: most often you want to extend the process to several days.

Rice story

In the case of this unloading, it is important to decide what to take as a basis. Which day will it be: rice-apple day or apple-rice day? Hence the menu.

Some experts promise different result depending on the selected option. The main thing to consider is that it should not be sanded or steamed.

Cucumbers as a bite

If it were, then a bunch of precautions would follow. From liver problems to kidney pathologies. But at the same time, you can lose up to 1 kilogram per day on cucumbers alone. And when paired with apples, weight loss can even be rapid.

But you can't abuse it. Unloading is unloading, and it is better not to adhere to this way of eating for more than one or two days.

The case of cottage cheese

This is the most gentle and gentle, it is used without fear during pregnancy. The daily table is a kilogram of fruit and 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. Everything must be consumed in 6 doses, through equal amount time.

It doesn’t matter exactly how the apples are eaten; the products will be eaten separately, or as constituent elements of dishes. As an option, a dessert made from fruit (can be supplemented with orange or dried fruit) and a curd mixture with honey.

Supplement with kefir

If you love kefir as much as you love apples, you're in luck. This unloading method, except good results, will also bring pleasure from the process itself. At least, difficulties rarely arise when it is suggested to eat 1 kilogram of fruit per day and drink a liter of medium-fat kefir (drinking yogurt, you can alternate with fermented baked milk).

But you can’t “sit” on kefir and apples more than once a week.

You should start your meal with fruit, and only then - liquid. In addition, you are allowed to drink green tea and water.

In English

If I may say so, it is a real balm for the soul for blood vessels, liver and digestive organs. This product lowers cholesterol and normalizes blood sugar.

For complete unloading, 1 cup of whole grain cereal and apples will be enough - as much as you want.

With coal

An unusual combination, isn't it? It turns out that apples enhance each other’s effect. This burns fat and removes toxins from the body. Although there are many difficulties to be overcome.

The menu is quite meager: it consists of 5 monotonous meals containing fruit, coal tablets and a lot of water. Per day - up to two and a half liters.

Juicy unloading

You can also lose excess juice with juice. Some people, however, believe that it is not as effective as with fresh fruit. But at the same time you will have to deal with bouts of hunger.

So, morning is a glass of juice. After 2 hours, another half liter of drink. Then every couple of hours - 250 milliliters. Well, the same drinking dinner - no later than 8 pm. Sometimes you can eat, but again, only apples.

Those who tried say

One day is apples and green tea. My result: minus one kilogram, plus a feeling of lightness and good mood The next morning. In itself fasting period It was quite difficult for me, but bearable.
Despite the fact that I love apples, this unloading seemed too monotonous to me. And the weight loss was not what I expected: I only lost 200 grams of weight.

Yulia, 49 years old

European scientists have proven the fact that frequent consumption of apples promotes reproduction. beneficial bacteria in the intestines. They prevent the process of rotting and help digest food. And this is another argument in favor of apple unloading. Nutritionists recommend approaching this issue wisely and repeating such experiments on the body no more than twice a week. Well, the effectiveness of unloading on apples is quite easy to check - it is an affordable fruit, and it is easy to eat from morning until evening.