Vegetable juice recipes. Vegetable juices: recipes for good health and mood! Radish juice for weight loss

They enjoy well-deserved love and popularity among all peoples. This is what he talks about folk art- folklore Let us at least remember the old Russian proverbs: “Garlic cures seven ailments; onions cure seven ailments”, “Every vegetable has its time”, “Cabbage is not empty, it flies into the mouth itself!” and etc.

Vegetable juices

Vegetables have been consumed by mankind since ancient times as food and remedy. On different stages With the development of nutritional science, views on the value of vegetables have changed many times. When food was viewed in terms of its energy value, vegetables that usually have low calorie content, were considered mainly flavoring substances.

Behind last decades our diet has undergone significant changes: we began to eat more meat, fish, and other products, that is, we began to receive more proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. As a result, the amount of calories we consume has increased dramatically. But here the next paradoxical moment has arisen: our nutrition has become more complete, and the consequences of this are sometimes negative. Uncontrolled consumption of high-calorie foods has led to large increase number of people with increased body weight.

One of the reasons for this situation is the fact that our modern diet often lacks minerals.

And here vegetables can help us, in particular vegetable juices, into which everything goes useful material fresh vegetables.

Vegetable juices are an important component of the so-called “raw vegetarianism”, i.e. consumption plant food and drinks that have not undergone heat treatment, in raw form.

The nutritional, healing and taste value of vegetable juices and, in particular, raw vegetable juices is still underestimated by many, although it is extremely high.

Proponents of consuming raw vegetables, often citing the famous American nutritionist N. Walker, argue, for example, that “boiled vegetables are not always beneficial to the body, but raw - fresh or properly dried vegetables or vegetable juices are extremely necessary; a lack of plant juices leads to a lack of enzymes in the body - enzymes participate in metabolism, but are destroyed at temperatures above 54 ° C.”

No less interesting materials are provided in Japanese sources, which, like Walker, have developed a whole scheme for the use of various vegetable juices (even from spinach, celery, parsley, cauliflower, etc.), which should be drunk when various diseases, ailments, etc.

Walker, given the passion of many people for tasty and delicious food, recommended:

“You can eat any food, in any quantity and combination, but at the same time drink vegetable and fruit juices between meals to eliminate the vitamin deficiency that we create in the body by eating boiled, fried, baked food” and advised drinking a day up to 500-600 g of plant juices!

In this article we will try to acquaint the reader with the composition and recipes of various vegetable juices and other vegetable drinks, taking into account the contradictory opinions of the most “extreme” lovers - from “ Sokomanov" And vegetarians and to fans of multiple consumption of meat and carbohydrates.

The main thing should be remembered by everyone and always that the only impeccable position in matters of nutrition, taking into account many theories, regimes and diets, a position that cannot be refuted by anyone, is moderation.

But why do you have to drink freshly prepared vegetable juices? After all, you can buy all kinds of “nectars”, “ambrosia” and others in stores canned juices. There is no doubt - it is better to drink canned vegetable and fruit juices than to eat sweets, confectionery. But still, if you can choose whether to drink canned vegetable juice or freshly prepared, then preference, of course, should be given to freshly prepared.

There are many known cases of beneficial effects regular use vegetable juices with various diseases, however, it is better to consult with a physician or nutritionist in a timely manner, in order to avoid possible errors. For example, Professor Yu. S. Nikolaev, a well-known scientist in the field of nutrition and fasting-dietary therapy, claims that you should not drink raw carrot juice for a long time and eat nothing - this puts a very strong load on the pancreas. But for a short time (up to two days), such a diet can be very useful, especially before and after fasting-dietary therapy. It is recommended mandatory control specialist

Some nutritionists recommend drinking freshly prepared juices daily. - drink a glass of vegetable juice half an hour before meals. This activates the gastrointestinal tract. An adult can drink up to one and a half liters per day carrot juice. Other nutritionists believe that drinking beetroot juice separately is not recommended, since it irritates the mucous membrane and may cause discomfort in the throat. Therefore, they recommend diluting beet juice with carrot juice in a ratio of 1:3.

Insoluble substances contained in vegetables are cellulose, hemicellulose, insoluble nitrogenous substances, starch, and insoluble minerals. The composition of the soluble substances that form the juice includes: organic substances - sugars, polyhydric alcohols, pentosans, organic acids, nitrogenous substances, fat, tannins, dyes, essential oils, enzymes, vitamins; inorganic substances - salts of acids and bases.

The qualitative composition of soluble and insoluble substances in vegetables is approximately the same, but the quantitative ratios of individual components differ significantly.

Water is found in vegetables in a free state and bound to colloids. Free water is contained in cell sap vegetables Water received with vegetables does not linger in the tissues, but quickly leaves the body, thereby facilitating the removal of metabolic products from it, including nitrogenous wastes. Diuretic action vegetables promotes enhanced excretion of metabolic products from the body, is widely used in therapeutic nutrition, especially when cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases.

There is especially a lot of water in various types cabbage (white, red, cauliflower), onions, lettuce, spinach, sorrel, eggplant, zucchini, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, watermelons, melon, etc.

The content of nitrogenous substances and proteins in vegetables is variable. The accumulation and amino acid composition of vegetable proteins depend on the crop, economic and botanical variety, soil and climatic conditions. The vast majority of vegetables contain little nitrogenous substances - from 0.4 to 1.5%. Vegetables suitable for juicing contain little. In therapeutic nutrition, in some cases, a small amount of protein in vegetable juices is beneficial. Thanks to this, vegetable juices are found wide application in diets for kidney disease and in all cases when it is necessary to limit the intake of proteins into the body for some time.

Essential oils are found in some vegetables - onions, parsley, radishes, radishes, dill, celery, garlic. They have disinfectant and antiseptic properties. In addition, essential oils increase the secretion of digestive juices. In this regard, the use of vegetable juices rich in essential oils may in some cases be impractical. For example, in case of peptic ulcer, colitis, nephritis, hepatitis, vegetables rich in essential oils are excluded from the diet. But for neuroses accompanied by exhaustion and loss of appetite, taking essential oils is advisable.

Many vegetables contain organic acids.

With the help of vegetable juices, you can satisfy a small part of our body's daily need for carbohydrates, which are contained in easily digestible sugars; in addition, vegetables contain carbohydrates that, without imagining nutritional value, are nevertheless needed for normal course row physiological processes in the body - fiber, pectin substances.

Vegetable juices are an important source of vitamin C, carotene (provitamin A), most substances of P-vitamin activity, inositol, folic acid, vitamin K. Rich in vitamin C are red sweet peppers, horseradish, parsley, dill, green peppers, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red and white cabbage, green onions, sorrel, spinach, tomatoes, kohlrabi, asparagus, rutabaga, lettuce.

Vitamin P is found in parsley leaves, red pepper, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, and rhubarb.

Good sources of provitamin A or carotene are carrots, red peppers, sorrel, parsley, green onions, spinach, and slightly less in lettuce and red tomatoes.

There is a lot of vitamin K in spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, and nettles; some of it is found in tomatoes. Spinach, watermelons, melon, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, asparagus contain folic acid. Cabbage and melon contain inositol. Vitamin B is found in cauliflower and spinach in approximately the same quantities as in black bread. Most vegetables are poor in vitamin PP ( nicotinic acid). However, certain amounts of this vitamin are found in asparagus, potatoes, turnips, Brussels sprouts, melon, and cauliflower.

So, vegetable juices turn out to be a very important source of vitamins in the body. However, no less important, and perhaps even more important, is the importance of vegetables in providing our body with mineral salts.

Brief information about various vegetable juices.

Tomato juice.

Tomatoes are a favorite vegetable of almost all peoples of the world. Peru is considered the birthplace of tomatoes. Properly prepared tomato juice in its vitamin composition mg% is significantly superior to citrus fruits:

Vitamin Orange juice Tomato juice


A (carotene) 0.25 0.4

Vitamin B1 0.07 0.2

Vitamin PP 0.2 0.6

Vitamin E 0.1 0.64-3

Vitamin C 5.0 Up to 70

Tomato juice- a rich source of iron, manganese and copper, it contains dyes, vitamin P, calcium, etc. Tomato juice is usually drunk before meals.

The quality of tomato juice depends on the variety of tomatoes, the quality of the tomatoes used for juice, the method of extracting the juice, and the experience and skill of the cook. Tomatoes intended for making juice should not be overripe, they should not be damaged, mold, or soil.

Tomato juice is a liquid containing very small fleshy particles, which contain insoluble vitamins that color and form tomato fruits. Tomato juice is never clear. The fruits, collected and sorted by ripeness, are thoroughly washed in running water, crushed and the juice is squeezed out. It is poured into bottles or jars and pasteurized.

Pasteurized tomato juice is stored in a cool place. At a temperature of 10 °C, vitamin C is almost completely preserved. When the temperature rises to 20 °C, about 20% of vitamin C is lost, and at a temperature of about 30 °C, the loss of vitamin C exceeds 30%.

Tomato juice has the aroma and taste of fresh tomatoes, quenches thirst well and, due to its high calcium content and low calorie content, is useful for everyone, including people prone to obesity and children.

Carrot juice.

Prepared from carrots of the Karotel, Nantes, and Paris varieties. Carrot juice contains 4-12% sugar, up to 2% nitrogenous substances, 1% mineral salts, 9-14 mg% carotene, relatively little vitamin C - 10-15 mg%, but it contains vitamin B complex (B, B2, B6, vitamin PP, etc.).

Carrot juice is characterized by the presence of colorless essential oil, which gives it a typical, unique aroma. Its therapeutic effect depends not only on the presence of vitamins, but also on minerals and trace elements. Lots of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. It also contains magnesium, silicon, iodine, etc. Pectin substances make up about 0.8%. Its medicinal and dietary qualities promotes an almost neutral reaction. It is recommended as a medicinal and dietary drink for peptic ulcers, gastritis, enteritis, heart attack, as well as for feeding weakened children.

carrot juice It is recommended to prepare fresh carrots just before use. It's good not to do a large number of juice, since it can be stored in the home refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days. This juice is not recommended to be obtained using a juice separator-pasteurizer.

The dug carrots are cleared of tops, green part The root vegetable is cut off, the entire surface of the carrot is peeled, then washed in running water, crushed and the juice is squeezed out.

An electric juicer is also used.

Beetroot juice.

Prepare as follows. Beetroot varieties Bordeaux, Podzimnyaya, Nesravnaya, Minskaya, Gribovskaya and others are calibrated, thoroughly washed, trimmed and steamed at approximately 105 °C. Steamed beets are peeled, crushed in a crusher and pressed, or an electric juicer is used. Beetroot juice, like carrot juice, cannot be stored for long periods of time.

Table beet varieties contain 13-16% dry matter, 9-13% sugars, 1-1.5% protein, 0.88-1.4% mineral salts, 3.76 mg% carotene, 40-50 mg% vitamin C. In terms of nutritional and biological composition, beets are superior to many vegetables that are more often eaten. Depending on the variety, the juice in most cases is red with a hint of cyclamen.

A significant amount of sugars present in it, citric and malic acid give it pleasant taste. Beetroot juice has characteristic dietary and medicinal properties. The abundance of mineral salts, vitamins and especially betaine, important for metabolism, make beet juice a valuable and dietary drink.

Betaine added to children's food improves their growth and helps absorb vitamin B12. In beet juice, an alkaline or neutral reaction predominates, which is beneficial for the body. Rich and varied composition beet juice made it possible to successfully use this juice for the treatment of hypertension, heart disease, as well as for feeding weakly growing children.

Cabbage juice. White cabbage is one of the most ancient food products. It has been known to man for more than four thousand years.

IN Ancient Greece it was famous not only as food, but also as medicine . About her healing properties wrote Hippocrates and Galen, Pythagoras and Cato the Elder, and other ancient scientists.

Modern medicine, armed with knowledge of the chemical composition of cabbage, also treats it with great interest. Cabbage is superior to many vegetables in vitamin content. Ascorbic acid it contains as much as a lemon. Enough to eat 200 g raw cabbage to satisfy a person’s daily need for this vitamin. Moreover, vitamin C is retained in cabbage during fermentation and when preparing juice, but is destroyed during cooking - after cooking it is several times less.

Cabbage is a good source of vitamins K, A, and group B.

Research on specific preventive and therapeutic effect cabbage juice for stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal intestinal diseases began to be carried out in many countries. It was found that fresh cabbage juice in combination with pureed other vegetables and fruits (carrots, melons, apples, etc.) can be successfully treated peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum; Usually cabbage juice is taken half a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening half an hour before meals. Beneficial action this juice has various forms colitis and inflammatory changes in the large intestines. Cabbage increases the secretion of bile, so it is very useful for liver diseases and biliary tract. In this case, it is better to use fresh cabbage juice twice a day, 250 g, half an hour before meals against the background special diet, rich in proteins and low in fat.

To obtain cabbage juice, it is very important to choose a type and variety of cabbage that contains greatest number necessary components. So, for example, in white cabbage there is 4.9-14% dry matter, in cauliflower - 6.6-15%, in Brussels sprouts - 16-19.9%.

Brussels sprouts richer in proteins (5.4-6.9%). Red cabbage has a richer composition than white cabbage. Other types of cabbage grown in the Far East - Korean, Beijing, Japanese, etc. - have an even richer composition.

Cabbage juice is prepared as follows.

Several heads of cabbage are removed upper leaves and the contaminated part of the leg. You can also scald the crushed leaves hot water, immediately remove from the water, strain and squeeze out the juice. However, cabbage juice made from fresh, unscalded leaves is more pleasant to drink and more refreshing. To obtain juice, use an electric juicer.

To preserve medicinal and dietary properties It is better not to make any correction by adding sugar, salt or blending. It is also not recommended to carry out clarification, filtration or pasteurization. Cabbage juice can be stored in the home refrigerator for one week.

Juice sauerkraut.

Obtained by fermenting white cabbage. The resulting juice is decanted into a glass, enamel, or wooden container, kept for 2-3 hours until clarified, drained from the sediment, and filtered through cheesecloth or flannel. You can add a little sugar syrup.

Sometimes cabbage juice is subsequently pasteurized in cans or bottles for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 80 °C. After this, the jars are sealed. It is better to store juice in a cool, dark place.

Rhubarb juice prepared from uncoarsened (not overgrown) rhubarb petioles. The petioles are broken off from the ground, the leaves are cut off (the leaves should not be processed, since oxalic acid predominates in them, and malic acid in the petioles), cleaned of fibers, washed in ordinary water. Then cut into slices up to 2 cm long, blanch for 2-3 minutes and immerse in cold water. Juice is squeezed out of cooled chopped rhubarb.

Rhubarb juice V pure form has too strong taste. Some people mix it with apple or pear juice. In Belarus, 30% strawberry, or raspberry, or currant, or cherry juice is added to rhubarb juice. The juice is poured into a glass container and pasteurized in boiling water.

In addition to organic acids, rhubarb juice contains a large amount of potassium salts, citrine and vitamin C. Rhubarb root contains glucosides, which in small quantities have an astringent effect, and in large quantities have a laxative effect.

Watermelon juice produced from watermelons of the Melitopol, Astrakhan striped, Belosemyachko and other varieties. The juice contains on average 6-12% sugars (more than half of them are fructose), 0.6% nitrogenous substances, 200 mg% minerals, some carotene, vitamin B! and B2. The juice has diuretic properties and is very useful for people suffering from kidney diseases.

Watermelon juice has a beautiful pink color, the aroma and taste of fresh watermelons, quenches thirst well. However, it is characterized by an insufficient concentration of sugar, acids and extractives, so it is recommended to thicken it. Condensed watermelon juice called watermelon honey or nardek. It is also called bekmes, and others give it the inaccurate name “watermelon syrup.”

Watermelons are chosen only good varieties, sweet, fully ripe. Clean off any adhering soil and wash well using a brush. Then cut into 2-4 parts with a knife. When cutting, some of the juice leaks out of watermelons, so this must be done in a basin and the juice collected.

The pulp is removed from the watermelons with a spoon, crushed, rubbed through a sieve or colander and filtered.

When boiling the juice, as soon as it boils, a reddish foam forms (curdled protein and watermelon coloring matter). The foam should be removed, the juice should be strained, then put on fire and the water evaporated from it. Boil at a low simmer, stirring constantly.

When the volume of juice has decreased by 5-6 times, take a few drops onto a cold saucer and cool. The cooled drop should not spread or may spread very slowly, since ready-made watermelon honey has a viscous consistency.

Bekmes can be stored in non-airtight containers, but it is better to store it in glass cans with lids.

Melon honey is prepared in much the same way as watermelon honey. The melons are washed, cut in half, seeds removed, pulp removed and chopped. The juice is squeezed through cheesecloth and boiled.

If the pulp is dense and the juice is difficult to separate, the technique is slightly different: the melon is peeled and seeds removed, the pulp is cut into pieces and boiled for 50-60 minutes in a saucepan, where a little water is added to prevent the mass from burning. Then the juice is squeezed out, filtered and boiled.

Pumpkin juice.

The prepared, peeled pumpkin is cut into small pieces. After grinding, squeeze out the juice in a juicer or any other way.

For a more enjoyable, refreshing drink, strain pumpkin juice add to taste Apple juice , a little divorced citric acid, sugar syrup, stir well, cool in earthenware or glass containers.

Some varieties of pumpkin contain up to 5% sugars, but extremely little acids. Pumpkin pulp contains little fiber(1.04%). Of the mineral salts, pumpkin contains the most potassium salts (222 mg%). Pumpkin also contains carotene.

Vegetable drinks.

In addition to natural vegetable juices, many different recipes have been developed for preparing drinks in which vegetables are combined with various fruits and berries.

Beetroot drink with black currants. The beets are washed, peeled, and grated on a fine grater. Blackcurrant berries are sorted, washed, peeled, crushed (pounded). A mixture of beetroot mass (75%) and blackcurrant mass (25%) is poured cold boiled water based on 1 kg of mass, add 0.5 liters of water and leave for 1.5 hours. Then the juice is squeezed out, sugar is added, heated to 75 ° C and poured.

Beetroot - 750 g, black currant - 250 g, sugar - 50 g.

Drink made from carrots, lemon and honey.

The carrots are peeled with a brush, grated on a fine grater, the juice is squeezed out, stirred with cold boiled water, seasoned to taste with salt, lemon juice, and honey. You can add finely chopped dill to the prepared drink.

Karotel carrots - 1 kg, water - 1 "/g glass, natural honey- 2 tablespoons, lemon juice, salt - to taste, dill.

Drink made from carrots and celery.

Carrots and celery are washed, peeled and rinsed. Squeeze out the juice.

Mix the juice with water, season to taste with salt, sugar and citric acid. Add finely chopped parsley. Carrots - 500 g, celery - 500 g, water - 1 glass, salt, sugar, citric acid, parsley.

A drink made from carrots and sauerkraut juice.

The carrots are thoroughly washed, peeled, rinsed, and grated on a fine grater. Squeeze out the juice, stir with sauerkraut juice, add finely chopped garlic and green onions. Season to taste with salt and sugar, stir thoroughly. The drink can be prepared without garlic.

Carrots - 750 g, sauerkraut juice - 2 cups, garlic - 1/2 cloves, finely chopped onions - 1 tablespoon, salt, sugar.

Drink made from pumpkin and pickled cucumbers.

The pumpkin is washed, peeled, rinsed, grated, and the juice is squeezed out. Peel the cucumbers and grate them. Pumpkin juice is mixed with cucumber mass and brine. Mix everything well and season to taste with salt, sugar and pepper. This drink for children is prepared without pepper.

Pumpkin - 1 kg, pickles - 3 pcs., cucumber pickle- 1 glass, salt, sugar, pepper.

Drink made from pumpkin and lemon juice.

The pumpkin is washed, peeled, rinsed, and grated on a fine grater. Place in a scalded ceramic or clay pot and pour boiling water over it. Cover and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain through a fine sieve, squeeze out the pumpkin remaining on the sieve. Season the drink to taste with lemon juice, salt, and sugar.

Pumpkin - 500 g, boiled water - 2 cups, lemon juice - 1 tablespoon, sugar, salt.

Drink made from pumpkin and tomato juice.

The pumpkin is washed, peeled, rinsed and the juice is squeezed out. Stir with tomato juice and finely chopped green onions. Season to taste with salt, sugar and pepper.

Pumpkin - 750 g, tomato juice - 500 g, onions, salt, sugar, pepper.

Drink made from pumpkin and rosehip puree.

Rosehip puree is mixed with sugar and diluted with boiled water. Add pumpkin juice and season with salt and sugar. Add chopped dill.

Pumpkin juice - 500 g, boiled water - 300 g, rose hip puree - 2 teaspoons, granulated sugar- 50 g, finely chopped dill - 1 tablespoon, salt.

A drink made from sauerkraut juice and carrot juice.

Peel the garlic, rinse, rub with salt and put in sauerkraut juice. Stir, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Before serving, stir with freshly prepared carrot juice, add finely chopped parsley, season to taste with salt, sugar and pepper.

Sauerkraut juice - 3 cups, carrot juice - 1 cup, dill - 2 tablespoons, garlic - 1 clove, salt, sugar, pepper.

Drink made from pickled cucumbers and tomatoes.

Peel the cucumbers and grate them on a fine grater. Place in brine. Tomato paste is diluted in chilled boiled water and mixed with cucumbers in brine. Season to taste with salt and sugar. Add chopped green onions.

Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs., cucumber pickle - 1 glass, tomato paste-2 tablespoons, water - 2 glasses, salt, sugar, green onions.

Drink made from tomatoes and celery.

Wash tomatoes and celery thoroughly. Celery is cleaned, rinsed, and the juice is squeezed out. Squeeze juice from tomatoes. Add chilled vegetable juice to boiled water and finely chopped onion. Season with salt, sugar, pepper. Add parsley.

Tomatoes - 750 g, celery - 500 g, water - 11/2 cups, onions - 80 g, salt, sugar, pepper, parsley - 2 tablespoons.

Drink made from tomatoes, green onions and eggs.

Tomato juice and cooled boiled water is poured into the mixer, yolks and finely chopped green onions are added. Stir, season with salt and pepper. The drink can also be whipped with a whisk.

Tomato juice - 400 g, water - 300 g, egg yolks- 2 pcs., finely chopped green onions - 2 tablespoons, salt, pepper.

Drink "Mixed 1".

Vegetables thoroughly wash, clean, rinse. Squeeze out the juice. Add water and stir well. Season with salt and sugar. Served in glasses.

Carrots - 1 kg, celery - 250 g, onions - 100 g, sweet and sour apples - 150 g, salt, sugar, water - 1 glass.

Drink "Mixed 2" prepared in the same way as " Mixed 1».

Tomato juice - 400 g, sauerkraut juice - 200 g, carrot juice - 200 g, parsley, salt, sugar, pepper.

Drink "Spring mix".

Carrot and kohlrabi are washed, peeled, rinsed. Squeeze out the juice. Add boiled chilled water, chopped radishes and onion or dill to the vegetable juice. Stir, season to taste, stir again.

Karotel carrots (young) - 1 kg, kohlrabi (young) - 500 g, water - 1 glass, radishes - 1 bunch, green onions (or dill) - 1 bunch, salt, sugar.

Autumn vegetable drink.

Carrots, parsley and celery are thoroughly washed, peeled, rinsed, and the juice is squeezed out one by one. Combine vegetable juice with beet kvass, stir and season to taste with salt and sugar. Add finely chopped parsley.

Carrots - 500 g, parsley - 250 g, celery - 30 g, beet kvass - 2 cups, salt, sugar, parsley.

A drink made from tomato juice and fresh cucumbers.

Cucumbers are washed, peeled, and grated on a fine grater. Beat tomato juice with yolks and chopped green dill, season to taste with salt and pepper. The drink is poured into glasses and cooled. Before serving, stir with grated cucumbers.

Tomato juice - 3 cups, fresh cucumbers - 200 g, egg yolks - 2 pcs., chopped dill - 2 teaspoons, salt, pepper.

Drink from beet kvass and berry juice.

Beet kvass stir with berry juice. Season with sugar to taste. The juice is served chilled or with pieces of ice.

Beet kvass - 400 g, wild berry juice - 400 g, sugar - to taste.

Pumpkin and cranberry drink.

The pumpkin is washed, peeled, and the juice is squeezed out. Add cranberry juice and chilled water. Mix with cranberries, pureed through a fine sieve, season to taste with salt and sugar.

Pumpkin - 1 kg, cranberry juice - 100 g, granulated sugar - 60 g, boiled water - 100 g, salt.

Drink made from celery and apples.

Celery thoroughly wash, peel, cut into slices and squeeze out the juice. The washed apples are cut into quarters, removing the cores, and the juice is squeezed out of them in a juicer. Mix apple juice with tomato juice. Season to taste with salt and sugar, first adding celery juice. Then cool quickly or serve with slices edible ice. You can add chopped parsley.

Celery - 1 kg, sweet and sour apples - 500 g, tomato juice - 200 g, salt and sugar - to taste.

A drink made from radish, tomato juice and apples.

Radish wash, peel, rinse, cut, squeeze out the juice. The apples are washed, peeled, cut into quarters, removing the cores, and the juice is also squeezed out.

Apple juice mixed with tomato and radish juice, then seasoned to taste with salt and sugar. Can be served with sparkling or mineral water.

Tomato juice- 500 g, radish - 500 g, apples - 500 g, salt, sugar.

Vitamin drink “Morning”.

The apples are washed, cut, placed in boiling water and brought to a boil. Remove from heat and leave for 2 hours. Wash the carrots, peel them, grate them on a fine grater, and squeeze out the juice. The cooled apple infusion is filtered, carrot juice and sugar are added and mixed well.

Carrots - 250 g, apples - 400 g, water - 1 l, sugar - 50 g.

Carrot-apricot drink.

Apricot syrup is added to the carrot juice and mixed thoroughly. Serve chilled.

carrot juice- 850 g, apricot syrup - 150 g.

Drink "Little Red Riding Hood".

The carrots are washed well, doused with boiling water, peeled, grated on a fine grater, poured with cold boiled water and left for 2 hours, stirring occasionally with a spoon. Then filter through gauze pad, folded in half, mixed with cranberry and lemon juices, add sugar. Serve chilled with ice.

Carrots - 500 g, cranberry juice - 50 g, lemon juice - 50 g, sugar - 50 g, water - 750 g.

Vitamin drink "Moscow region"

Blackcurrant and cranberry juices, a strong rose hip decoction (50 g of dried rose hips per 200 g of water) are poured into the carrot juice, mixed, and sugar is added. Serve chilled.

Carrot, blackcurrant, cranberry juices, rosehip decoction - 250 g each, granulated sugar - 75 g.

Vitamin drink "Ruby".

Beet and rowan juices are poured into carrot juice, mixed, and sugar is added. Serve chilled.

Carrot juice - 90 g, rowan juice - 20 g, beet juice - 40 g, granulated sugar - 10 g.

Drink "Cipallino".

Onions, celery root, carrots and apples are peeled, washed in running water, and the juice is squeezed out separately from each product. Mix the resulting juices, add sugar and salt to taste. Serve in a glass with a thin slice of onion and sour cream. Recommended to cook in spring.

Onions - 75 g, celery - 75 g, carrots - 250 g, apples - 100 g, sour cream - 30 g, sugar, salt.

Drink "Signor Tomato".

Mix chilled tomato juice, egg yolk, lemon juice, garlic or green onions, pounded with salt in a mortar, in a mixer, add ground black pepper. Serve with ice.

Tomato juice- 120 g, egg yolk - 1 pc., lemon juice - 10 g, garlic or green onions - 2-3 g, salt, pepper, ice.

Tomato drink "Irene".

The yolk of a raw egg is ground with cream. While stirring quickly, pour in tomato juice in a thin stream, add finely chopped onion, dill, parsley, celery, and season with salt, sugar, ground black or red pepper. The drink is served chilled.

Tomato juice - 100 g, egg yolk - 1 pc., cream - 20 g, herbs - 5 g, granulated sugar - 3 g, salt, ground black or red pepper.

Tomato spicy drink.

Tomato juice is mixed with adjika, crushed garlic and finely chopped parsley are added.

Tomato juice - 200 g, adjika - 4 g, parsley - 2 g, garlic - 1 g.

Drink "Daria".

Mix chilled tomato juice, grated horseradish, lemon juice in a mixer, add salt and ground black pepper. Serve with edible ice.

Tomato juice - 140 g, grated horseradish - 10 g, lemon juice - 10 g, salt, ground black pepper, ice.

Drink "Katarina".

Mix chilled tomato juice, sauerkraut juice, lemon juice in a mixer, add salt and ground black pepper. Serve with ice.

Tomato juice - 100 g, sauerkraut juice - 30 g, lemon juice -

20 g, salt, ground black pepper, ice.

Drink "Olympia".

Parsley and celery roots are washed, peeled, rinsed with boiled water and grated on a fine grater. Onions are cut into rings. Pour cold boiled water, lemon juice into tomato juice, add grated celery and parsley roots, chopped onions, Bay leaf, stir, add salt, sugar, ground black pepper. Serve chilled or with ice.

Tomato juice - 500 g, lemon juice - 15 g, water - 50 g, onions - 15 g, parsley - 25 g, celery - 25 g, bay leaf - 1 pc., sugar - 10 g, salt , ground black pepper.

Tomato drink with honey.

Add honey and lemon juice to the tomato juice, mix well and cool. Serve with edible ice.

Tomato juice - 200 g, honey - 20 g, lemon - 1/2 pcs., ice.

Cucumber salad juice.

Fresh cucumbers and young lettuce leaves are thoroughly washed and the water is allowed to drain. Then grate the cucumbers and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Lettuce leaves are finely chopped and the juice is also squeezed out through cheesecloth. The resulting juices are mixed and salt is added.

Fresh cucumbers - 100 g, green salad - 100 g, salt - 1 g.

Drink "Zimovye"

A head of fresh cabbage is peeled, finely chopped, and the juice is squeezed out. Strain it into an enamel or glass container and leave for 10-12 hours. Then strain through cheesecloth. Pour apple and carrot juice into cabbage juice, add sugar and mix well. Serve chilled.

Cabbage juice - 100 g, carrot juice - 50 g, apple juice - 50 g, granulated sugar - 10 g.

Dessert drink “Dawn”».

Pour carrot juice into the juice of white cabbage, add sugar and mix well. Before serving, add whipped cream to the glass with the drink.

White cabbage juice - 100 g, carrot juice - 100 g, sugar - 10 g, cream - 20 ml.

Ding-ding drink.

Add apple juice, finely chopped parsley and dill, salt to the beet juice and mix well. The drink is poured into glasses, sour cream is placed on top, and chopped walnuts are sprinkled on top.

Beetroot juice - 200 g, apple juice - 200 g, parsley and dill - 20 g each, walnuts - 4 pcs., sour cream - 40 g, salt - 4 g.

Beetroot and rowan drink.

Pour rowan juice into beet juice, mix, add sugar. The drink is served chilled.

Beetroot juice - 125 g, rowan juice - 25 g, granulated sugar - 10 g.

Potato-cranberry drink.

Rubbed raw potatoes grated, squeeze out the juice, pour into a jar, close the lid tightly and wait for the starch to settle. Then carefully pour the juice into another jar and close the lid tightly. Approximately 150 g of juice is obtained from 400 g of potatoes. Mash the cranberries and squeeze out the juice; The pomace is boiled and filtered. Mixed potato juice with cranberry juice and cranberry decoction, add sugar and vanillin.

Potato juice - 300 g, cranberry juice - 300 g, cranberry broth - 400 g, granulated sugar - 30 g, vanillin - 1 g.

Pumpkin drink.

The pumpkin is cleaned and rinsed cold water, grate and squeeze out the juice through a gauze cloth. Mix it with cucumber pickle, add sugar, salt, and ground black pepper.

Pumpkin juice - 100 g, cucumber pickle - 50 g, sugar - 3 g, salt, ground black pepper.

Pumpkin-tomato drink.

Mix pumpkin and tomato juices, add salt, sugar, and ground black pepper. Sprinkle finely chopped green onions and parsley on top.

Pumpkin juice - 100 g, tomato juice - 50 g, sugar - 3 g, parsley, green onions, salt, ground black pepper.

Dessert drink "Pumpkin"».

Pour apple juice into pumpkin juice, add sugar and mix thoroughly. Serve the drink chilled or with ice.

Pumpkin juice - 50 g, apple juice - 150 g, granulated sugar - 10 g (sugar can be replaced with honey), ice.

Pumpkin drink "Volzhsky".

Pour rowan and beet juice into pumpkin juice, add sugar and stir thoroughly. Serve chilled.

Pumpkin juice - 50 g, beet juice - 25 g, rowan juice - 25 g, sugar - 10 g.

Watermelon drink. Mix watermelon, tomato and apple juices, add lemon juice and zest. The drink is served chilled.

Watermelon, tomato and apple juices - 50 g each, lemon - 1/2 pcs.

Carrot-cranberry drink.

The carrots are washed, peeled, rinsed, grated, placed in a container with a lid, filled with cold boiled water, tightly closed and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then squeeze out the juice through 2 layers of gauze. Pour cranberry juice into the resulting carrot juice, squeeze out the juice from ½ lemon and add sugar to taste. Serve very chilled.

Carrots - 500 g, cranberry juice - 100 g, water - 20 g, lemon - 1/4 pcs., sugar (4 servings).

Carrot and currant drink.

The carrots are washed, peeled, rinsed, finely grated, poured with cold boiled water and left for 1.5 hours. Then squeeze out the juice, mix it with currant juice, squeeze in lemon juice (or add citric acid), add sugar to taste , mix thoroughly.

Carrots - 1 kg, water - 500 g, currant juice - 150 g, lemon - 1 pc. (or a pinch of citric acid), sugar (5 servings).

Carrot-rowanberry drink.

Pour rowan juice into carrot juice, mix thoroughly, add sugar to taste. Serve chilled.

Carrot juice - 100 g, rowan juice - 30 g, sugar.

Drink "Usad".

Onions and dill are washed and finely chopped. Wash the cucumbers, peel them, and grate them on a coarse grater. Pour tomato juice into beetroot juice, add grated cucumbers, finely chopped onions and dill, and salt to taste. Before serving, add 1 teaspoon of sour cream to each glass of drink. Serve slightly chilled.

Beetroot juice - 150 g, tomato juice - 100 g, fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs. (100 g), green onions - 40 g, dill - 10 g, sour cream - 4 teaspoons, salt.

Beetroot and rowan drink.

Pour rowan juice into beet juice (or kvass) and add granulated sugar to taste. Serve chilled.

Beetroot juice (or kvass) - 100 g, rowan juice - 30 g, sugar.

Drink "Relay Race".

Pour into a tall glass rhubarb juice, lemon syrup and sparkling water. The drink is served immediately with an ice cube.

Rhubarb juice - 75 g, lemon syrup - 25 g, sparkling water - 100 g, ice.

Drink "Joy".

Rhubarb juice and cold pasteurized milk are poured into a glass, stirred, then unsweetened black coffee is poured in and sugar is added. Serve chilled.

Rhubarb juice - 50 g, pasteurized milk - 30 g, strong black coffee - 60 g, sugar.

Rhubarb-currant drink.

Pour freshly prepared rhubarb and currant juices into a glass and mix thoroughly (one of the juices may be pasteurized). Serve chilled.

Rhubarb juice - 125 g, currant juice - 75 g.

The rhubarb-raspberry drink is prepared according to the rhubarb-currant drink recipe.

Rhubarb juice - 125 g, raspberry juice - 75 g.

Rhubarb and honey eggnog.

Rhubarb compote is filtered into a mixer. Add natural honey there, a raw egg, cold pasteurized milk and beat until smooth: Serve the drink very cold.

Rhubarb compote - 100 g, natural honey - 150 g, egg - 1 pc., milk - 400 g (4 servings).

Melon soft drink.

Dissolve sugar in two glasses of water and cook for 3 minutes to obtain a thin syrup. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the cooled syrup. The melon pulp is cut into small pieces, poured with the prepared syrup and left for 1-11/2 hours. Then carbonated (or mineral table) water is added and mixed thoroughly. Liqueur is added to the resulting drink. Serve the drink after cooling it well.

Melon pulp - 500 g, lemon - 1/2 piece, sugar - 1 glass, water - 400 g, sparkling water - 400 g, liqueur - 1 tablespoon (6 servings).

Dessert drink "Assate".

Pour apple juice into the melon juice, add sugar to taste, and mix. The drink is served very chilled.

Melon juice - 75 g, apple juice - 125 g, sugar.

Dessert drink "Palavkadu".

Apple juice is poured into pumpkin juice,

add granulated sugar to taste and mix well. Serve well chilled. Pumpkin juice - 60 g, apple juice - 125 g, sugar.

Drink "Losinoostrovsky".

Pour apple juice and a strong infusion of rose hips into the sauerkraut juice, season with sugar to taste and mix.

Sauerkraut juice - 400 g, apple juice - 200 g, strong rosehip infusion - 200 g, sugar (4 servings).

Dessert drink “Bunny”.

Pour carrot juice into the juice of fresh cabbage, add sugar to taste and mix. Serve in a small glass with whipped cream on top.

Fresh cabbage juice - 50 g, carrot juice - 50 g, sugar, whipped cream - 10 g.

Drink "Alexandrovsky".

Pour apple juice into the juice from fresh red cabbage, add finely chopped green onions, parsley, salt to taste, sugar and ground red pepper, add wine and mix thoroughly. The drink is served chilled.

Red cabbage juice - 200 g (prepared in the same way as white cabbage juice), apple juice - 100 ml, natural dry red wine - -100 g, chopped green onions and parsley - 1 tablespoon each, salt, sugar, ground red pepper ( 4 servings).

Vitamin drink made from radishes.

Fresh radishes are washed, cut into thin slices or finely chopped and mixed with finely chopped parsley and dill. The curdled milk is thoroughly mixed and, stirring continuously, the prepared mixture is added to it, then seasoned with salt to taste. The drink is immediately served to the table.

Many women strive to lose weight by spring and resort to all kinds of diets. Each of them usually includes drinking plenty of fluids.

It's not only green tea, pure water or herbal infusions, but also all kinds of vegetable juices that promote health and speed up metabolic processes. What kind of vegetable juices can push the body to burn body fat more active?

How vegetable juices help in dietary nutrition

Unlike sweet fruit juices, vegetable juices contain much less glucose and even lower insulin concentrations. Juices from healthy vegetables have many benefits:

1. They supply all organs with essential minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, fiber and vitamins, which is important during any diet. With a sharp reduction nutrients and calories are washed out of cells and essential microelements, the level of vitamins is reduced. Freshly squeezed juices, in turn, support normal level these essential components.

2. They have a laxative effect, actively eliminate toxins and toxic compounds, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of excess gases and putrefactive deposits, improve skin color, as well as general well-being.

3. Withdraw excess liquid, reduce swelling under the eyes and on the legs.

4. Suppress appetite, which is important when following a strict diet designed to improve your figure. A glass of thick vegetable juice saturates and fills the stomach for a long time.

What vegetable juices are good for weight loss?

Many vegetables and juice from them are useful for losing weight. The main thing is to choose fresh vegetables and prepare the juice yourself, without choosing packaged options from store shelves that are rich in preservatives.

Celery juice

It has a diuretic effect, eliminates excess fluid accumulated in organs and cells. Thanks accelerates lipid metabolism, strengthens the immune system and reduces bad cholesterol in blood.

Celery is rich in calcium, oxalic acid, carotene, magnesium, important vitamins.

Its juice is useful to mix with other healing vegetable ingredients, combine with honey, watermelon, cucumber, orange, grapefruit and a mixture of greens.

It is often mixed with other healthy root vegetable juices. It is better not to take it in its pure form, but to dilute it with water in half. Beets cleanse and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase hemoglobin, remove toxins, normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract, and improve facial skin tone.

Cabbage juice

Improves digestion, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxic accumulations and radionuclides, accelerates the metabolic process.

It is important to know that cabbage causes bloating, so the use of cabbage juice is sometimes combined with the use of cleansing enemas.

The vegetable is rich essential vitamins and fiber, which cleanses the entire intestines like a sponge and helps normalize the digestion process. This is important for the diet.

Removes excess fluid and cholesterol accumulations. A glass of tomato juice replaces an evening or lunch snack. Its thick consistency gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Juice from fresh tomatoes reduces appetite, serves preventative drink for atherosclerosis, strengthens circulatory system, saturates cells with potassium and vitamin C.

It also contains lycopene, which prevents the development of cancer processes.

Cucumber juice

This vegetable juice accelerates fat burning, improves the digestion process, cleanses the organs of toxic agents, normalizes the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminates heartburn.

Fresh cucumber from the garden is an excellent laxative and diuretic with minimum quantity calories.

Cucumber juice removes small stones and sand from the kidneys, and also softens large deposits, reduces blood pressure, helps you lose weight faster.

Helps deceive hunger during a long diet. Eggplant juice is recommended for high cholesterol, frequent constipation, digestive disorders. This vegetable is rich in antioxidants.

Fresh bright vegetable purple cut into cubes. To eliminate bitterness, fill them with water and let them sit for 15-20 minutes. Then the vegetable pieces are crushed with a mixer or in a blender and the juice is squeezed out. Use it before meals in small portions.

Pumpkin juice

The vegetable does not contain many calories, so it does not harm your figure.

Pumpkin is rich in magnesium, pectin, iron, cellulose, calcium and copper. This composition improves the functioning of the stomach and activates the secretion of bile.

A little humor:

Subject to dietary nutrition Any juice can be drunk separately or mixed with others. Then efficiency useful components only double, and the process of losing excess weight will accelerate.

Healthy lifestyle is in fashion! This means that such healthy and tasty dishes should definitely appear on your table. vegetable juices. Today weight loss website DietaClub will talk about the benefits of vegetable juices and introduce his readers to vegetable juices, recipes which you will find in this article! Losing weight correctly along with vegetable juices!

If you are watching your figure, you should definitely include vegetable juices to their recipes for weight loss! Unlike fruit juices (which are prohibited by diets), vegetable juices do not contain such huge amount fructose, which means they are safe for our figure. In addition, vegetable juices contain a lot useful vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for our body. Vegetable juices perfectly remove toxins from the body and help get rid of harmful toxins. The benefits of vegetable juices are so great that you simply must try them. vegetable juice recipes and get not only benefits, but also great pleasure!

Female weight loss website DietaClub assures you that vegetable juices, recipes which we bring to your attention are absolutely easy to prepare!

- which freshly squeezed juices are the healthiest?

Tomato juice. Recipes

This vegetable juice should definitely be included in recipes for weight loss, because the calorie content of tomato juice is very low, but it has many benefits for the body. Freshly squeezed tomato juice contains acids that perfectly regulate metabolism in the body.

All you need to make tomato juice is fresh tomatoes. Pass the tomatoes through a juicer and you can safely enjoy this delicious and healthy vegetable juice! There are many variations of preparing tomato juice with the addition of various ingredients. Let's look at the most popular and useful ones.

Tomato juice with celery and cucumber


  • 1 cucumber;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 celery sticks.

Wash all vegetables thoroughly. Pass the cucumber through the juicer, then the tomatoes and at the very end two celery sticks. Stir the juice and enjoy the drink!

Tomato juice with dill and cucumber


  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • freshly ground black pepper.

Wash the vegetables thoroughly. We pass cucumber and tomatoes through a juicer. Add finely chopped dill to the resulting vegetable juice and season with freshly ground black pepper. Vegetable juice is ready!

Tomato juice with spinach and parsley


  • 4 tomatoes;
  • spinach leaves (4);
  • parsley to taste.

Wash the spinach leaves, parsley and tomatoes thoroughly. First, we pass the tomatoes through the juicer, then the spinach and parsley.

As you can see, vegetable juices, recipes which tomatoes contain do not require much effort!

Carrot juice. Recipes

Carrot juice is a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins; it contains a high content of carotene, vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, and many others useful microelements. In addition, carrot juice has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and relieves heartburn. You can drink pure freshly squeezed carrot juice, or you can add different ingredients to it, which will only increase the benefits of such juice. Recipes this vegetable juice simple, but at the same time useful.

Carrot juice with celery

To prepare this juice, you should mix equal parts of fresh carrot juice and fresh celery juice.

Carrot juice with spinach, celery and parsley


  • 65 ml freshly drawn carrot juice;
  • 65 ml freshly extracted parsley juice;
  • 30 ml freshly squeezed spinach juice;
  • 16 ml freshly squeezed celery juice.

Mix all the ingredients - and it’s so tasty and healthy vegetable juice ready!

Carrot juice with green peppers and spinach


  • carrots - 6 pcs;
  • green pepper - 3 pcs;
  • spinach and cabbage leaves.

We wash all the ingredients. We pass carrots, green peppers, spinach and cabbage leaves through a juicer.

Carrot juice with cucumber and green pepper


  • carrots - 3 pcs;
  • half a green pepper;
  • one cucumber;
  • cabbage leaves.

We pass all the ingredients through a juicer and serve the juice to the table!

Beetroot juice. Recipes

Recipes for this vegetable juice are extremely useful, since this particular beet juice perfectly removes toxins from the body and contains many trace elements and beneficial substances.

Beetroot and carrot juice


  • 2 beets;
  • 3 carrots;
  • one spoon of lime juice.

Wash and peel the beets and carrots. I pass the vegetables through a juicer and season the finished juice with lime juice.

Beetroot-carrot juice with cucumber

This juice should definitely be included in recipes for weight loss, as it perfectly cleanses the intestines.


  • 100 ml freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • 30 ml of freshly squeezed beet juice;
  • 30 ml freshly squeezed cucumber juice.

Mix all the ingredients and the vegetable juice is ready!

Cabbage juice. Recipes

It is believed that the healthiest thing about cabbage is its juice. Therefore, you can safely prepare cabbage juices, which are also dietary. After all, cabbage juice has a positive effect on metabolism in the body and improves the digestion process. In order to get 1 liter of cabbage juice, you should pass two kilograms of cabbage through a juicer. This juice can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container. You can also try others vegetable juice recipes with cabbage.

Cabbage juice with tomato and celery


  • 100 grams of cabbage;
  • 2 bunches of celery;
  • one small tomato.

To prepare this vegetable juice you must select best leaves cabbage We pass the cabbage and tomato through a juicer. Add chopped celery to the resulting juice.

Cabbage juice with carrots


  • ¼ head of cabbage;
  • 6 carrots.

Thoroughly wash the cabbage leaves and carrots and pass them through a juicer.

Of course, bring everything vegetable juice recipes almost impossible. But draws your attention to the fact that vegetable juices, recipes which contain carrots, beets, cabbage, tomatoes and celery are the healthiest. If you include vegetable juices at least occasionally in your diet, as well as in recipes for weight loss, then you will quickly be able to experience all the benefits of these wonderful drinks!

Victoria Vysotskaya

Many are convinced that fruit juices should be consumed regularly, since they are a real storehouse of vitamins, while fresh vegetable juices are exclusively for athletes and fanatical fans of a healthy lifestyle. This approach is fundamentally wrong, although juices from vegetables and fruits really have different effects on human health and his body as a whole.

So, fresh fruit juices really help cleanse the body, help speed up metabolism, and also help relieve stress. That is why they are very useful for people who constantly experience emotional and psychological overload. Vegetable juices contain more nutrients, vitamins, and...

Therefore, they help relieve fatigue, restore strength after physical activity, and provide energy.

The consumption of fresh vegetable juices can be recommended for people weakened by long-term illnesses, as well as for children and adolescents. Besides, in vegetable drinks an order of magnitude less, and therefore they are allowed even to those who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Fresh vegetable juices: to drink or not to drink

All fresh vegetable juices boast excellent chemical composition. Speech in in this case It’s not only about vitamins, macro- and microelements, but also phytoncides - the so-called “natural antibiotics” that kill bacteria and can help in the treatment of many serious diseases. We should not forget about dietary fiber, which work as a natural scrub for the body, binding and naturally removing waste and toxins.

So, just 150 g of freshly squeezed fruit contains daily norm. Fresh juices that were made from green vegetables (,) can boast high content. Its composition is identical to one of the elements of blood - hemoglobin, and therefore, firstly, it is easily absorbed by the body, and secondly, it is useful for people suffering from anemia. Also, juices from green vegetables help cleanse the liver and help prevent cancer.

You should not drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices during or immediately after meals. Fresh is a product with high concentration active substances. When it reacts with food, it provokes fermentation. This is fraught with bloating, heartburn, flatulence and others. unpleasant symptoms. Doctors recommend that people with low acidity drink fresh juices an hour before meals, and for those with high acidity, an hour after it.

It is strictly not recommended to drink some juices in their “pure” form. This is, first of all, fresh beetroot, which is recommended to be diluted in a ratio of 1:3. Juices from and onions can only be added to other fresh juices in extremely small quantities.

Don't drink the juice in one gulp. You should drink fresh juice slowly, in small sips. Vegetable juices are better absorbed if they have time to mix with saliva.
Do not keep the juice in your mouth - it has destructive impact on tooth enamel. For the same reason, it is better to consume fresh juices through a plastic straw.
The dose with which you should start drinking vegetable juices is 50 ml. It can be gradually increased. But you shouldn’t start consuming liters of fresh vegetable juice right away, without prior preparation, if you don’t want to get an allergic reaction and digestive problems. At the same time, it is advisable to drink juices in the first half of the day, since they are energy drinks that can provoke insomnia when consumed in the evening.

How to properly prepare fresh vegetables at home

As noted above, juices prepared at home have greater health potential than industrially prepared drinks. However, to fresh homemade turned out to be as healthy and tasty as possible, they should be prepared correctly.

  1. Choose only fresh vegetables, without external blemishes or damage.
  2. Before preparing fresh juice, thoroughly rinse the vegetables in running water and cut off the peel if necessary. Please note that peeled vegetables should be rinsed again under cold water and very quickly.
  3. The best option is to squeeze fresh vegetable juices manually or using an electric juicer with a cold press. Juices prepared in this way retain the entire complex of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, traditional centrifugal juicers, when chopping fruits and vegetables, heat them, as a result of which some beneficial substances disintegrate. This applies not only to vitamins, but also to enzymes that strengthen the immune system.

Vegetable juices for weight loss

Every woman dreams of remaining graceful and slim. Today, there are many diet options designed to help you get rid of extra pounds. However, some vegetable juices also help burn “social savings” - however, for this they must be consumed in very significant quantities and strictly following the scheme.

Why do vegetable juices help you lose weight? There are several reasons.

  1. Vegetable juices have a mild laxative effect. They help the body in a natural way get rid of accumulated waste and toxins, remove rotting products from the intestines. As a result, the belly will “fall” and the complexion will improve.
  2. Fresh vegetables have a diuretic effect. They effectively remove excess fluid from the body, as a result of which you will forget about swelling and unaesthetic “bags” under the eyes.
  3. Many fresh vegetable juices work as effective appetite suppressants. After drinking a glass of juice, the feeling of hunger disappears for a while. You also supply your body with all the minerals and vitamins necessary for its normal functioning.

The next aspect to consider is which vegetable juices are best for shedding extra pounds? There are several such fresh juices.

It has a weak diuretic effect, helping the body “reset” excess fluid. In addition, fresh celery normalizes metabolism, effectively reduces the level of “harmful” in the blood and increases the body’s resistance thanks to carotene and an impressive list of vitamins in the composition. At the same time, it can be combined with other fresh juices, for example, carrot juice made from asparagus or parsley. Those who like a more piquant taste can add honey or honey to celery juice. It should be remembered that it is contraindicated for those suffering from high acidity of gastric juice, thrombophlebitis, gastritis and peptic ulcers gastrointestinal organs.

Beetroot juice. The active components in its composition stimulate metabolism, normalize intestinal function, helping to remove toxins from the body. Beneficial influence beet juice for thyroid gland also allows you to normalize weight. At the same time, we should not forget that it can only be consumed in minimal doses, mixed with other juices. For people suffering from urolithiasis, hypotension, patients who have been diagnosed with kidney disease and diabetes, it is better to avoid fresh beetroot altogether.

It effectively improves digestion and helps cleanse the body of toxins. Please note that when drinking cabbage juice, you should do cleansing enemas at least every other day. The whole point is that active ingredients cabbage contributes to the decomposition of rotting products accumulated in the intestines, which causes gas formation. To remove toxins, carry out cleansing procedures. However, if you have problems with the pancreas, it is better to avoid eating fresh cabbage. It should also be used with caution in case of kidney disease.

A product that effectively removes excess fluid from the body. In addition, it promotes digestion, reducing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. It also removes small stones and sand from the kidneys, helps normalize blood pressure and is a natural diuretic and laxative. And yet, if you have gastritis, it is better to refrain from using it.

Tomato juice. It boosts immunity, helps speed up metabolism and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, it reduces appetite and removes excess fluid from the body. However, it is better to refrain from using it if there are stones in the gallbladder, hypertension, increased acidity and gastritis.

Eggplant juice is a drink that will help “deceive” the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite. It is recommended for digestive disorders and to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. It is noteworthy that eggplant juice is prepared from a vegetable that is first filled with water for two hours, then boiled for fifteen minutes and ground in a blender. It should not be used if there is high acidity or enterocolitis.

How to prepare vegetable juices for the winter

Summer is a period when there is an abundance of vegetables and fruits. However, it is in winter, during the period of vitamin deficiency, colds and decreased immunity, that we need vitamin “injections” more than ever to boost the body. Therefore, so as not to have to be content with industrially produced juices purchased in the supermarket, it makes sense to prepare vegetable juices for the winter in advance.

Provided that all the details of the technological process are carefully followed, you can enjoy natural juices without preservatives or other chemicals throughout the year. Vegetable mixes, which are a mixture of different juices, have proven themselves to be the best.

For example, you can prepare Multivegetable juice. Ingredients you will need: tomatoes, bulgarian, carrots, salt and sugar. Please note that there are no clear proportions for each type of vegetable - you can experiment to suit your taste.

Prepare all vegetables: sort, wash, remove overripe or wilted ones. Cut the raw material into pieces that should easily fit into the neck of the juicer. Pass the vegetables through a juicer, pour the juice into a saucepan and place over low heat.

Add a teaspoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt. Bring the juice to a boil over low heat. Boil for five minutes. Pour the juice into pre-washed, dried and sterilized jars and seal with metal lids.

Turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave them for a day. After this, place the jars with the lids up and watch for a week to see if fermentation occurs. If the juice does not ferment, you can put them in the pantry for long-term storage.