Let's learn how to make a compress correctly. What is a compress? Vodka compress, alcohol compress

Joint pain is the most common manifestation of acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Used in the treatment of joint diseases different methods. The most commonly used drug treatment is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Nonsteroids quickly relieve symptoms of inflammation and pain, but have a pronounced irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, they should not be taken for gastritis and peptic ulcer. Even in the absence of any changes in the stomach, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause the development drug-induced gastritis, and with prolonged use, the formation of stomach ulcers is possible.

What can replace non-steroids? One of the most effective methods treatments for joint diseases are various compresses, including warming.

How to apply a warm compress?

A properly applied warm compress relieves pain, swelling and other symptoms of inflammation. It is better to apply a warm compress at night, as it acts within 6-8 hours.

The effect of a warming compress is to use the internal heat generated in inflamed tissues. The use of a waterproof layer of material in the compress prevents liquid evaporation and cooling. Under the influence of this procedure, local blood circulation increases, which leads to a decrease in swelling, resolution of inflammation, and a decrease in spasms and convulsive muscle contractions. All this leads to a decrease or complete disappearance of pain and an improvement in general condition.

The compress consists of four layers. Each subsequent layer should be 3-4 cm wider than the previous one. Use as the first layer of compress gauze pad or a piece of any cotton fabric, folded in 2-3 layers. The size of the napkin or cloth should be 2-3 cm larger than the affected area. The fabric is moistened with water at room temperature and lightly wrung out. You can use a semi-alcoholic solution, for the preparation of which you mix equal amount alcohol and water. This solution can be replaced with regular vodka. A compress with a semi-alcohol solution has a more pronounced warming effect. It is also effective to use compresses with various pharmaceuticals: dimexide, bischofite, medical bile and other liquids. A moistened and slightly wrung-out napkin or cloth is applied to the sore joint.

The next layer of compress is applied on top of the napkin - compress paper, which can be replaced with parchment, oilcloth or a plastic bag. The main role of this layer is to prevent the compress from drying out quickly. It should be 3-4 cm larger than the first.

The next layer of warming compress consists of cotton wool. The joint is wrapped with cotton wool on all sides. It can be replaced with a warm scarf, woolen material or flannel. The third layer should be larger than the second and thick enough to retain heat.

The last layer of the compress is a bandage, which is used to secure all the previous layers well, being careful not to squeeze the tissue so as not to disrupt blood circulation. Place the compress against the surface of the body to prevent heat loss.

Soon after the compress is applied, a pleasant warmth appears, which lasts for several hours. Even when the compress is removed after 6-8 hours, the skin underneath remains moist and warm. You can do this procedure 1-2 times a day, once at night, the second time during the day.

Immediately after applying a warming compress, you should not go outside, especially in the cold season. Long-term use Compresses may cause skin irritation in the form of redness or rash. In this case, it is recommended to take a break for 1-2 days and treat the skin with drying powder or powder.

The use of a warm compress is effective for inflammatory diseases joints, bruises, sprains and other consequences of injuries. This simple procedure also used for acute thrombophlebitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and tracheitis, with infiltrates after injections and other inflammatory diseases. The use of a compress is contraindicated when skin diseases, pustular rash, increased tendency to bleeding.

Alcohol compressor dressings are very useful for blood vessels and the circulatory system.

At the site where the product is used, metabolism improves, tissues are restored faster due to a rush of blood.

Alcohol heats up and allows beneficial substances to penetrate deeper into the tissue, which is why herbs and oils are added to compressor dressings.

Variations with vodka are removed painful sensations, inflammation and swelling.

Vodka manipulations are used for the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the throat, for example, cough, sore throat, but without pus;
  • no fever;
  • otitis without pus;
  • joint pain;
  • injuries, bruises;
  • bruises after injections;
  • the appearance of corns;
  • vein diseases, varicose veins.
  • radiculitis and muscle pain.

However, this method cannot be used on irritated skin; it is important not to overexpose it so as not to get burned.

How to make an alcohol compress?

It’s easy to make such a product; everyone can find the ingredients for its preparation in their home.

However, despite the ease of preparation and use, these simple wraps help to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Alcohol warming throat pads are especially effective for colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and viral diseases.

How to do it right alcohol compress:

To do this you will need alcohol or vodka (Moonshine, cognac, whiskey and other strong drinks are not suitable), a bandage or gauze, cotton wool, a plastic bag, a scarf and rich cream.

Before the procedure, you should put on things that you don’t mind, because if alcohol gets on the fabric, the material may deteriorate.

The step-by-step preparation of a warming bandage is as follows:

  1. Dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. There is no need to dilute vodka, unless this is a children's version, then you need to dilute the alcohol with half the water.
  2. Heat the mixture to about 45 degrees so that your hand feels pleasantly warm to the touch.
  3. Wet the gauze well in alcohol solution, and the gauze should be thick enough and folded several times.
  4. Wring the gauze well so that it does not drip, but at the same time it remains wet.
  5. The area where the treatment will be applied must be thoroughly lubricated with a rich cream to prevent burns.
  6. Apply gauze to the treatment site. A plastic bag is placed on top, and on top of it thick layer cotton wool.
  7. Secure the treatment layer with a tight bandage using a scarf or bandage to improve the warming effect and so that it does not fall off.

It is necessary to keep the lotion depending on the disease, sometimes 20 minutes is enough, and sometimes you need to spend the whole night with a compress.

How to make an alcohol compress for children and pregnant women?

For children, such procedures should be done diluted and lubricated very well. skin covering baby cream to avoid burns on delicate baby skin.

To do this, you can use a plaster or wrap your body with cling film.

The first time you use a warming bandage for a child, you should check his well-being every 10-15 minutes, monitor the condition of his skin for pain or other unpleasant sensations.

It is imperative to interrupt the procedure when the first signs of malaise, swelling, burns, and pain appear.

While wearing the heating pad, the child should not feel unwell, and the skin should not react sharply.

During pregnancy, compression treatment can be used if future mom feels normal, there are no contraindications to treatment in this way. You just need to dilute the alcohol with water.

The vodka composition should be applied during pregnancy as follows:

  • grease the area for the compress with cream;
  • heat the mixture to 40 degrees and soak gauze in it, then squeeze it out and spread it over the sore spot;
  • place a plastic bag on top;
  • The last layer should keep you warm; a diaper or scarf is suitable for this; you just need to wrap it around your neck.

Keep the patch on for an hour in the morning and evening; after removing the bandage, the skin should be wiped and the skin should be smeared with cream again.

This way you can get rid of dry skin after use. this method treatment. Apply baby cream to your throat.

Contraindications for use

  • tumor;
  • sore throat and otitis media in purulent form;
  • bronchitis;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • heart disease;
  • diseases of the skin, wounds, ulcers and ulcers;
  • allergy.

Before use therapeutic method You should consult a specialist. You need to be especially careful if you are pregnant and use the compress carefully on your child.

If used correctly, the compress will become an excellent remedy for treating colds, relieving pain and inflammation in the throat with sore throat.

For even more details about what compresses are and how to make them, read this

Indications for pain in muscles and joints, inflammation subcutaneous tissue, subcutaneous hemorrhages are healing warm compresses. They are also applied for post-injection infiltrates, cough, otitis media and many other diseases. The purpose of this procedure is to have a powerful absorbing and distracting effect on the site of inflammation. Warming compresses are the simplest and most effective way for decreasing inflammatory process. They allow you to quickly numb the site of application, relieve inflammation, soothe and speed up recovery.

Using the method, in healing power which our great-grandmothers believed, you can quickly cope with inflammation and get rid of health problems with a minimum of financial costs, effort and time. It is also important that the components of traditional compresses are always available in medicine cabinets and in the kitchens of any home. Alcohol and vinegar, oil and elemental medical supplies allow you to start treatment without having to run to the nearest pharmacy for a portion of expensive drugs.

What are the benefits of a warm compress?

The use of a warm compress is important for many health problems. This causes terrible pain and excruciating bronchitis, pneumonia, and problems with muscles and joints. This procedure has a minimum of contraindications; it allows you to cause a strong blood flow to the desired area, reduce pain, and dilate blood vessels. For example, a warming one helps cope with the most acute pain, and a compress on the throat will relieve the symptoms of a sore throat. When choosing the components of a compress, you need to rely not on the advice of grandmothers talking about how you were treated in early childhood, but on the recommendations of specialists who supervise the treatment.

Necessary equipment for compress

Placing a warming compress requires the following equipment: either a piece of gauze, polyethylene, the size of which is slightly (2 cm) larger than a piece of fabric or gauze, cotton wool, water or a product recommended by a doctor. This can be alcohol, sodium solution, dimexide, oil, vinegar, etc. The size of the fabric is selected taking into account the size of the area where the compress will be applied. It is worth considering that the gauze must be folded in several layers (traditionally eight). The fabric cannot be reused, as toxins released by the warming compress accumulate on it.

"Original" healing compresses

A warming compress for coughs and pneumonia made from hot baked potatoes will allow you to quickly cope with the disease without any side effects. Pain in the liver is perfectly blocked with warm compress made from nitrogen-containing plants. This could be beans, peas or flax seeds. Fractures heal more easily if warm compresses with mumiyo are applied to the affected area. A hot heating pad is placed on top of the bandage. Next comes a dry fixing cloth, which helps to retain the heat from the heating pad for a long time. If you have problems with your kidneys, of cardio-vascular system Traditionally, heated sand is used, which, thanks to the combination of hydrogen and silicon, allows you to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

Technique for placing a warm compress

Gauze or cloth is soaked in the solution and lightly squeezed until the liquid begins to drain. Received wet wipe Apply to the sore spot, cover with oilcloth or compress paper, then with a layer of cotton wool, trying to completely cover the previous layers. Applying a warm compress requires firm fixation with a bandage. The time for which the compress is attached depends on the composition active substance. Water-based warming compresses are applied for up to eight to twelve hours, traditionally at night; alcohol-based compresses are maintained for about two to three hours.

For laryngitis and pharyngitis, the bandage on the throat is not attached tightly. The moistened cloth is placed over the area and the bandage is applied over the head, while covering the cheek area. For a sore throat, it is necessary to apply a compress in such a way as to leave the thyroid gland open. If you neglect the advice on applying a compress, you may not cure, but aggravate the course of the disease. A warm compress for coughs quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease and makes you feel better.

Compress for otitis media

Are you suffering from otitis media? A warm compress on the ear for inflammation also has its own characteristics. The application site is wiped with a composition in which the fabric will be wetted, after which gauze is rolled up in 8 layers according to the size of the ear, a slot is made for auricle, the bandage is tightly fixed behind the ear, pressed and covered with polyethylene. This is followed by a fairly thick layer of cotton wool, a bandage, a warm scarf or hat. Thanks to this treatment, ear pain will subside quickly. However, it is necessary to complete the entire course of procedures to consolidate the result and cope with inflammation. Correct technique a warm compress is a guarantee of a quick recovery.

Contraindications for compress

Despite the obvious advantages and high safety of the procedure, warm compresses are not recommended for everyone. Contraindications are violations of the integrity of the skin at the site of application of the compress, as well as heat the patient's body. In these cases, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the attending physician and resort to other methods of treatment. Eczema, lichen, carbuncles are also contraindications for applying a compress. Do not apply a warm compress when allergic reactions to any component of treatment, for example, alcohol, dimexide, vinegar, etc. In this case, it is worth paying attention to substances to which your body reacts neutrally, but which have the same warming effect.

How to check if the compress is applied correctly

The technique of applying a warm compress is simple. However, it is important to check how correctly the bandage is installed. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on this. For such a check, it is enough to stick your finger under the edge of the compress an hour or an hour and a half after applying it. If you feel noticeable warmth and moisture under the bandage, then you have done everything correctly, the treatment will bring results. If there are no such sensations, it is worth replacing the compress, trying to follow all the recommendations for applying a bandage. After removing the compress, apply a dry gauze bandage. This will allow you to retain heat longer in the area where the compress is applied.

Safety when applying a compress

Warm compresses are enough effective method treatment used for many health problems. However, precautions must be taken. To avoid injury to the skin, apply a compress according to the recommendations of the attending physician. Most often, it is recommended to apply a compress every other day or two. In some cases, compresses are applied almost continuously, leaving the skin to breathe for two hours between applying bandages. Applying a warm compress is one of the most safe procedures. That is why it is often prescribed for the treatment of children, including infants, who tolerate the procedure well and recover quickly. A warm bandage allows you to relax and fall asleep quickly, which is important when treating children who often behave capriciously during illness.

Warming compresses have long and firmly established themselves as one of the most effective methods of treating many diseases, which is why it is worth choosing a compress that can replace many expensive methods. Before applying a warm compress, you should consult a doctor who can draw conclusions about the advisability of using this treatment method. For bruises, on the contrary, it is necessary to cool the area of ​​​​the body with a cooling compress, the purpose of which is also to relieve inflammation, but the effect of the product is completely different.

The healing properties of the compress have been known since ancient times. Even without medical education Almost everyone knows how to make a compress. This method of treatment is considered traditional, but many doctors also use it in their practice.

A compress is a dry or wet bandage.. Dry is used for bruises, cooling and to protect against contamination in wounds. The action of the wet occurs due to the temperature effect.

Among them are:

  1. Cold;
  2. Warming;
  3. Hot.

Warming is the simplest and effective way in the fight against colds, pain in muscles and joints, inflammation. In addition, the warming bandage has virtually no contraindications. They can be used even when treating children and pregnant women, but very carefully, since there are Great chance get burned. Therefore, you need to know how to make an alcohol compress.

To prepare the mixture, it is most often used ethanol or vodka. Alcohol must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. It is better to heat the resulting solution in a water bath to 37.5 C. For patients with sensitive skin and children are advised to pre-lubricate the sore spot with oil or rich cream. Wet a thick piece of gauze or bandage and apply it to the inflamed area.

The bandage with the solution must be covered with film, leaving 2 cm on all sides, and wrapped with a warm scarf or scarf on top to enhance the warming effect.

Alcohol compress dilates blood vessels in the area of ​​the body being used, increases blood flow and saturates with oxygen, which helps relieve pain and inflammation.

A compress made from store-bought vodka is also widely used for various diseases. It should be noted that many people who practice similar treatment, prefer vodka instead of alcohol to prepare the mixture. Vodka has a gentler effect on the skin and does not leave burns. Many people wonder how to make a vodka compress correctly so that there is positive result. The principle of its preparation is practically no different from alcohol.

How to make a compress from vodka?

To retain heat for as long as possible, you need to know how to make a vodka compress correctly. Vodka is not diluted to treat an adult. However, for children it is better to add water in a 1:1 ratio. To prepare the mixture, you need to use a sealed bottle of vodka, since the alcohol evaporates very quickly. A correctly applied bandage slightly warms the skin without burning or cooling. Severe redness of the skin after removing the bandage indicates a burn.

Often colds accompanied by a sore throat, runny nose, and a cough may appear. At untimely treatment Complications such as otitis media or sinusitis often occur. Warming body bandages are very helpful in curing colds and preventing complications.

Alcohol and vodka compress along with positive effect It also has a number of contraindications. It cannot be used:

When body temperature is high, the use of warming bandages is prohibited. But at the same time, rubbing the patient with alcohol and vodka is allowed. Vinegar is great for reducing body temperature. You can use an acetic-alcohol solution. To do this, take a tablespoon of vinegar and the same amount of alcohol and dilute it with 0.5 liters of water. Then the patient’s entire body is rubbed with the mixture and fanned. Thus, the heat leaves the body faster and the temperature begins to drop.

A vodka or alcohol compress is one of the simplest and most effective methods for severe pain in muscles, joints and inflammation. In addition, they have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and help destroy pathogenic bacteria, which leads to a speedy recovery.

Usage vodka compress with a bruise will help eliminate possible Negative consequences and acts on the site of injury as an anesthetic. The warming effect is also widely used to relieve joint pain. A warm bandage begins to be applied to the site of the injury on the second day after the injury. Fabric soaked in vodka helps relieve swelling and pain from a dislocation, bruise or sprain.

People suffering from calluses and corns will benefit from applying a compress to their feet. The technology for applying such a bandage is as simple as possible, but the effect is equivalent to expensive salon procedure. Gauze soaked in vodka is applied to pre-steamed legs. Cover the top with film and put on warm woolen socks. The procedure should be carried out before bedtime, but can be left overnight. The bandage must be applied until the desired effect is achieved. To improve the result, you can add lemon juice to the vodka.


The compress is the most affordable and effective way to treat diseases of the whole body. But despite the absence of serious contraindications, before using a healing bandage, it is better to consult a specialist.

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Coughing is a reflex that is aimed at eliminating dust from the respiratory tract. foreign bodies, sputum.

This is the body’s protective reaction to irritation of the bronchial mucosa.

Cough can be a symptom of many diseases. But more often it occurs due to colds, acute respiratory infections caused by laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis.

Let's look at how and what to make cough compresses at home. What compresses can be used for a child’s cough?

The cough can be wet with sputum, dry (or unproductive). At wet cough sputum is produced profusely. Along with it, pathogenic bacteria are removed from the body.

Its appearance indicates that the patient is recovering, and the likelihood of complications is decreasing.

A nonproductive (dry) cough may be accompanied by severe chest pain. No sputum is produced. He's very annoying Airways, can damage mucosal tissue.

It is necessary to conduct an examination and find out the cause of the cough, otherwise consequences are possible: tearing, severe and constant pain in the chest bloody issues. A dry cough can become so strong that the patient begins to vomit from straining, even with blood.

Acute cough lasts 2 weeks. Occurs due to infection entering the respiratory system. A protracted period can last a month.

Duration acute cough is more than two months. Its causes: smoking, inhalation of toxic chemical fumes, chronic diseases respiratory organs.

Types of sputum:

  • mucous membrane (light or colorless);
  • purulent (greenish);
  • serous (yellow-green or yellow);
  • bloody (orange-brown).

Signs of cough in common diseases differ:

Compresses will be most effective if you combine them with other folk remedies and other treatment methods. This is the most gentle procedure that does not cause harm when correct use.

Benefits of the compress:

  • activates blood circulation in the bronchi and lungs;
  • eliminates spasms of the bronchi and lungs;
  • gets rid of muscle spasm chest;
  • medicinal substances are able to penetrate through the skin into the area of ​​inflammation.

But there are contraindications:

  • increased body temperature;
  • cracks, ulcers on the skin where the product was applied;
  • child's age up to two years;
  • malignant tumor;
  • hypertension;
  • allergy to components.

Types of compresses:

  • wet;
  • dry;
  • hot;
  • cold.

  1. The skin is first lubricated with sunflower or olive oil to avoid injury.
  2. The compress is applied to the back or chest, but the heart area is avoided.
  3. The maximum effect can be achieved if you apply the compress in the evening and remove it in the morning.
  4. After the product, the cover is lubricated with a nourishing cream.
  5. After the manipulations, the patient should lie in a warm bed for an hour.

Vodka compresses

First, let's talk about precautions:

  • the compress should be vodka, but not alcohol, and the effect should be mild;
  • You need to use medical gauze or natural fabric;
  • there should be no damage to the skin;
  • You cannot apply a compress to the heart area;
  • the procedure will be more effective if done at night.

The skin is first lubricated with a thick cream. It is necessary to create a protective film.

The vodka is heated a little, a cloth is soaked in it, placed on the chest or back, covered with cellophane film or a scarf.

A vodka compress will be effective if you follow precautions. Young children should not make compresses with vodka.

Thanks to honey compresses, the cough will stop in a few days. But we also must not forget about drug therapy prescribed by a doctor.


  1. A little honey is smeared on the chest, avoiding the heart area.
  2. A handkerchief is moistened with vodka or alcohol and placed on top of the honey.
  3. Plastic film is placed on the scarf. This way the compress will warm up your chest better.
  4. Tie a woolen scarf on top and leave the compress on overnight.

Vodka warms chest, honey eliminates cough with useful substances.

Honey cake recipe:

  1. Take 20 g of flour, honey, sunflower oil, mix the components.
  2. The dough is kneaded.
  3. The cake is wrapped in a bandage and applied to the chest.
  4. The compress is kept on the chest for at least three hours.

A honey cake will relieve bronchitis, colds, and coughs. The method is approved for children and pregnant women.

One of the most popular cough medicines is a glass warm milk with honey. Drink it all day and always before bed.


  1. Dissolve a couple of spoons of honey in a glass of warm milk and add a pinch of soda. The drink improves sputum production, the patient sweats profusely, and the body is cleansed of toxins.
  2. Per liter raw milk add 5 tablespoons of honey, half a teaspoon each of cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, a couple of allspice peas. The mixture is boiled, infused a little, and drunk in small sips.

With honey and cabbage

On cabbage leaf Apply a spoonful of honey to the chest and back.

Cabbage leaves should be fresh, elastic, whole, without damage. They are dipped in boiling water to make them softer and more manageable.

The leaves are laid on the back, chest, covered with cling film, and tied with a towel. It will fully warm up your chest overnight. If you have a severe cough, you can do it twice a day, but keep to bed.

A compress with cabbage and honey will help the patient recover faster. The method is suitable even for children.

Honey and other ingredients:

  1. Take honey, half a glass of vodka, 40 g of aloe juice. Everything is mixed and used as a compress. The product improves blood circulation and warms.
  2. The mixture of honey and mustard is spread on gauze, placed on the back, chest, wrapped in cling film, and a warm sweater is put on top.

Honey cough compress is suitable even for children and pregnant women.

From potatoes

Potato compress helps with wet cough, facilitates general state, removes phlegm, stimulating the body's production of protection against viral disease. One of the main advantages of the product is that it does not cause allergies, like honey..

Useful recipes:

Salt - valuable product, which contains many useful substances and minerals. For salt compresses Use table or sea salt.

It is heated on the stove or oven to 70-80 degrees. It is poured into woolen socks, applied to the chest and back for an hour, and wrapped in a blanket.

Dissolve 100 g of salt in a liter of water, soak gauze in the solution, and apply it to the chest. The compress will warm, improve blood circulation, and relax the body.

As soon as the cough began to appear, sea ​​salt warm up to 60 degrees, add a teaspoon of dry mustard, pour into a basin, warm up the feet 5 times a day.

Two tablespoons of salt are mixed with 20 drops of iodine, a glass of vodka, and two glasses of water. Apply to the body, rub for 5 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

A teaspoon of honey is mixed with the same amount of salt. Place 30 g of the mixture on gauze and apply it to the chest. Use at night.

With Dimexide

Dimexide is a powerful anti-inflammatory, pain reliever and antiseptic . It acts on the source of inflammation through the skin and mucous membranes.

The drug is used only externally, in diluted form. Dimexide is too concentrated and can cause burns on the skin.

Some people think cough compress with Dimexide dangerous treatment but that's not true. At correct use The drug will not cause any harm to health.

3-4 compresses are enough to see improvements. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor; at your own discretion, you cannot treat a cough with Dimexide, especially for a child.

The medicine is liquid, concentrated, it must be diluted. IN pure form the skin is not rubbed. For children, the drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. The solution should be warm.

Fold the gauze into five layers, moisten it in the prepared liquid, and place it on the chest, but not on the heart area. Put on top plastic bag, tied with a scarf.

The compress is removed after 40 minutes, the skin is wiped with a towel soaked in water.. It is best to perform the procedure at night, when the child or adult lies in a warm bed and falls asleep without being exposed to hypothermia.


  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • renal, liver failure;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children up to 12 years of age.

You must first consult your doctor.

With radish

A radish compress can remove phlegm and relieve a cough in the shortest possible time.. Within three days the patient’s condition improves, after a week in combination with medicines You can get rid of even severe bronchitis.



  • injuries on the cover where the compress is applied;
  • irritated skin;
  • increased body temperature;
  • allergy to radish.

With a mild cough and correct use, radish can replace drug treatment.

Compresses from other components

Cottage cheese compresses are effective. First, the cottage cheese is heated (you can leave it in a preheated but turned off oven). The serum needs to be expressed.

The cottage cheese is evenly distributed over a piece of gauze. Add honey as desired. For 10 g of cottage cheese, add a tablespoon of honey.

The fabric is placed on the chest, covered with polyethylene, then with a towel or scarf. Leave it overnight. If yellow-green spots appear on the cottage cheese in the morning, it may be we're talking about about pneumonia. If the cottage cheese became dry, then the compress was beneficial and had a healing effect.

Oil compresses are made from vegetable oil, which is preheated in a water bath, soaked in a towel, and wrapped around the patient. It is left overnight. But you can remove it after two hours.

Consider a recipe for bronchitis: heat the oil, dip a towel in it, and soak it in black radish juice. The patient should lie with this compress for about an hour.

If the patient sweats a lot or if his skin burns strongly, the product is removed ahead of schedule. Afterwards, the skin is smeared with a nourishing cream. If there is redness, then apply Vaseline. The patient should dress warmly.

Mustard compresses are good for eliminating old cough . Take a spoon mustard powder, natural honey, vegetable oil, flour. Add one and a half tablespoons of water.

Mix everything, heat it in a water bath, place it on a gauze cloth, then on the chest. The compress is applied for several days until improvements occur.

From severe cough cures in an evening next compress: take a tablespoon of honey, dry mustard, vinegar, sunflower oil. Add a little flour to make a flat cake.

It is placed under a diaper on the chest and wrapped in a woolen scarf.

Useful internal remedy: wash 100 g of viburnum berries, add 200 ml of honey, heat over low heat for 5 minutes. After cooling the product, drink a tablespoon 5 times a day. Drink with warm water.

Cough compresses help when therapy is combined with drug treatment. Before using a prescription, you should consult your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications.

Honey compresses - quite mild remedy, which is safe even for children. Vodka ones are stronger. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations and take precautions.

We remind you that compresses should be used when elevated temperature bodies are prohibited!