What does a vertebrologist neurologist treat? What kind of doctor is a pediatric vertebrologist? Close connection between neurology and vertebrology

What does a vertebroneurologist treat and what does a vertebroneurologist do?

What a vertebroneurologist treats pathologies of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, uses painless manual therapy techniques, not everyone knows. It is known that a vertebroneurologist uses ultrasound, electromyography, Dopplerography, radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging when diagnosing a patient.

It is important that a vertebroneurologist treats joint pain, back and head, collects anamnesis, studies clinical picture And accompanying illnesses and also conducts:

  • thorough examination spinal column with palpation of the vertebrae;
  • assessment of neurological status;
  • determining the cause of the relationship between neurological symptoms and pathological conditions spine;
  • determination of the causes of deviations in the functioning of peripheral nervous system;
  • drawing up an individual treatment plan and its correction.

What does a vertebroneurologist do?

The list of diseases treated by a vertebroneurologist, includes juvenile flatfoot, scoliosis, kyphosis, intervertebral hernias, protrusions, osteochondrosis, stenosis spinal canal.

It is important to emphasize that a vertebroneurologist treats patients using orthopedic methods, rehabilitation medicine, neurology, somatoneurology, biomechanics of movements, prevention, manual therapy, psychosomatoneurology, traumatology, physiotherapy, neurosurgery in practice. Vertebroneurologist uses acupuncture, reflexology, pharmacopuncture, hydrotherapy, laser therapy, vacuum therapy and mud therapy.

A set of manipulations that a vertebroneurologist uses when treating patients, includes application:

  • massage;
  • Exercise therapy, gymnastics and physiotherapy;
  • periarticular and intra-articular injections for rehabilitation of the articular-bone matrix;
  • paravertebral infusion of vitamins, homeopathic medicines, biostimulants to activate the trophism of damaged discs.

A vertebroneurologist not only treats, but also consults patients, gives recommendations and useful tips on disease prevention, lifestyle correction.


Lunyushkin Igor Nikolaevich

Is qualified specialist in the field of manual therapy and vertebroneurology. In his practice he uses modern approaches and manual therapy techniques. Provides the following services: injection therapeutic blockades (including homeopathic drugs), pain relief, uses non-surgical methods for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Conducts restoration intervertebral discs. Taught higher education medical education majoring in General Medicine. Postgraduate education majored in manual therapy and reflexology. In addition, he completed advanced training courses in the specialized area - “Reflexology, manual therapy».

Trunev Evgeniy Valerievich

Specializes in diagnosis and treatment various kinds neuralgia, neuroses, dizziness and headaches, osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs. Doing therapy vascular diseases(sclerosis, atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia), migraines, epilepsy and a number of other diseases of the nervous system. Performs paravertebral and epidural blockade, vacuum massage, carries out research using the evoked potential method. Doctor of higher education qualification category, graduated from clinical residency, constantly improves his qualifications.

Pisarev Oleg Vladislavovich

Specializes in the treatment of acute and chronic pain in the spine and limbs, headaches, dizziness, postural disorders in children and adults, rehabilitation after fractures and injuries, osteopathic treatment chronic diseases internal organs

Mezin Andrey Nikolaevich

Specializes in neurosurgical, vertebrological procedures, as well as operations in the field of spinal surgery. Provides patients with the following services: specialist consultation, diagnosis and treatment various ailments vertebrological nature (kyphoscoliosis, cervical osteochondrosis), as well as percutaneous vertebroplasty. Andrey Nikolaevich is a doctor of the first qualification category.

Buali Nidal Mohamed

He specializes in orthopedics and traumatology, vertebrology and podiatry, performs classical minimally invasive operations to correct foot deformities, infiltration therapy in the treatment of chronic pain syndromes, including the use of homeopathic medications, and administers chondroprotectors intra-articularly. It has scientific degree candidate of medical sciences. Nidal Bouali – Founder Russian Association foot surgeons and ankle joint, member of national associations for traumatology and orthopedics.

Sychenikov Boris Anatolievich

Specializes in manual therapy, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. For hernias and protrusions, she performs minimally traumatic interventions through a puncture approach, percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty with bone cement, transpedicular spinal fixation systems, for cervical injuries, decompression and stabilization of vertebral segments, surgical interventions, intervertebral disc prosthetics, surgery after injuries, degenerative lesions of the spine, multi-level severe degenerative spinal stenoses.

Panfilova Nadezhda Iovovna

Specializes in treatment neurological diseases. Engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the nervous system. On initial appointment combines traditional diagnostics with osteopathic techniques of craniosacral therapy.

During her time at the clinic, Nadezhda Iovovna helped more than 800 patients.

Lisina Elena Arkadyevna

Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Conducts consultations. Performs examination and treatment using medication and physiotherapeutic methods of acute and chronic disorders cerebral circulation, cognitive disorders, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, accepts patients with spinal injuries, intervertebral hernias and post-stroke patients with motor disorders. Treats vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis, consequences and complications of strokes, traumatic brain injuries. He is proficient in the methods of hirudotherapy and restorative medicine, performs dry spinal traction, electromyography, and electroneurography. Has a Ph.D. degree. He is a member of the Association of Training and Psychotherapy of St. Petersburg and the Union of Scientists of the St. Petersburg Branch Russian Academy Sci. She has prepared more than 56 scientific publications, participates in domestic and international conferences, completed internships in Sweden and Great Britain on working with people with disabilities and methods of rehabilitation and socialization. Diplomat of the competition “St. Petersburg Doctor of the Year” 2018.

Family Osteopathic Clinic - "SOKLINIKA"

Family Osteopathic Clinic - "SO-CLINIC" - is a specialized medical institution in the city of Moscow. Patients of the Clinic have access to such services as: consultations and treatment by an osteopath, chiropractor, neurologist (including children's) and psychologist, as well as different kinds massages. The consultation is conducted by qualified medical specialists with extensive experience in both osteopathy and classical medicine. The Family Osteopathic Clinic is located at Kashenkin Lug Street, building 6, building 2, which is a 10-minute drive from the VDNH, Alekseevskaya and Maryina Roshcha metro stations.

Med4you Clinic

Multifunctional, modern clinic has been operating and successfully developing in the Moscow medical market since 2000. Specializes in: treatment, diagnosis of diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, namely the spine and large joints. The Med4you clinic employs leading, first-class, experienced highly specialized specialists. In their practice they use non-surgical conservative methods treatment. It is worth noting that “Med4you” is equipped with advanced technologies from world-famous manufacturers of medical equipment. The clinic's doctors will provide you with completely free consultations.

Open clinic: Multidisciplinary rehabilitation center Kuntsevsky

Open clinic: Multidisciplinary rehabilitation center Kuntsevsky, which is known to many in Moscow and not only to the capital’s residents. Center on the street Partizanskaya has been successfully working in the medical field for more than ten years. The main direction of the staff's work is the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The highest priority is given to the treatment of joints and back. The following diseases can be treated here: various defects of the spinal column, intervertebral hernias, as well as their accompanying pain syndrome. Skilled medical staff, innovative methodology and procedures ensure high treatment effectiveness

Open clinic: Treatment and Diagnostic Center Kutuzovsky

Open clinic: The Kutuzovsky Treatment and Diagnostic Center is a modern multidisciplinary clinic that has existed since August 2010. She offers her patients diagnostics of diseases (MRI, X-ray, mammography, heart examination, CTG, biopsy, various tests, colposcopy, ultrasound diagnostics), as well as the opportunity to undergo treatment from doctors of various specializations, many of whom are candidates of medical sciences.

A vertebrologist is a specialist in a separate section of orthopedics, which specializes in identifying, diagnosing and treating various diseases spine. First of all, they treat such common diseases as, etc.

The specific thing is that such a doctor always tries to find non-surgical methods treatment of diseases. As you know, most back diseases can be successfully treated conservative methods, and only the qualifications of the specialist determine how successful the treatment will be. This question will be especially relevant if you do not want to undergo surgery.

All in one - consultation

As we have already said, such a doctor specializes in various diseases spine. But there is some complexity in this specialization. As you know, when diagnosing and treating back diseases, consultations are needed from several different doctors. Therefore, a good vertebrologist is a neurologist, an orthopedist, a surgeon and a number of other specialists rolled into one.

Therefore, you should not be surprised that he himself makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment without additional consultations. In addition, such a doctor usually uses a nearby the latest developments and treatment methods, therefore his work often turns out to be more effective than the efforts of several “ordinary” specialists at once.

Therefore the same pediatrician a vertebrologist is a fairly qualified neurologist and neurosurgeon rolled into one. He is not afraid to trust his treatment simply because he will try to get by in treatment " little blood”, in other words, he will do everything to avoid surgery.

In a sense, this is a weakness of such a specialist, because when the treatment is carried out by a doctor, the price is quite high, but the reviews are not always clear. But in this case, you need to understand that conservative and innovative methods of non-surgical treatment, which are used by such a doctor, cannot (like any other type of treatment, by the way) relieve you of the disease instantly.

When do we go to the doctor?

I think now everyone understands what this doctor treats. Of course, we always want a miracle and instant healing, but the realities are very far from our desires, therefore, if you want to avoid surgery, the treatment will be quite long. By the way, operations also do not give instant results. Even the most "innovative" methods surgical intervention, about which advertising says that after surgery you can immediately get up and go home, are not at all so “instant” and require certain postoperative “fixing” treatment, which will make it possible to record a positive result.

So, when you go for an appointment, a consultation with a vertebrologist is quite valuable, since it essentially includes consultations with several different specialists at once. At the same time, most people do not know about the existence of this specialist, and “in the old fashioned way” they go between a good dozen different offices, although there is a vertebrologist, including a pediatric one, in Moscow, and in St. Petersburg, and in Omsk, and in Voronezh, and in Donetsk, and in Lugansk, and in cities such as Kharkov, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Dnepropetrovsk, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Tolyatti, Tyumen, Ekaterinburg, etc.

In other words, such a doctor can be found in almost any big city, which means that almost everyone has a chance to get rid of back problems without surgery; it is only important to know which doctor to contact.

It's worth remembering that surgical intervention- it's always last resort, kind - last chance, and not a mandatory stage of treatment.

To understand what kind of doctor a vertebrologist is, you need to know that the name of this specialty comes from the Latin term “vertebra”, translated as “spine”. The need for spine specialists arose due to constant growth number of diseases, the main cause of which is disorders of the spine.

Vertebrology – what is it?

Modern reality requires doctors to take an integrated approach to diseases in order to avoid treating symptoms rather than the disease itself. Vertebrology is new area medicine, studying spinal diseases and their consequences. In hospitals where there are no specialists in this field, what a vertebrologist treats is forced to be treated various specialists– neurologists, surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopedists, chiropractors, kinesiotherapists, physiotherapists and others.

Vertebrologist – who is he and what does he treat?

Spine - most important organ human, it protects the spinal cord, through which the brain communicates with other organs and parts of the body. A very common situation is when a person does not suspect that the main cause of his problems is a spinal disease. For example, such a disease can be a factor causing heart pain and headaches, numbness of the limbs, high blood pressure and other health problems. In addition, the doctor pays attention to the nervous system, joints and tissues surrounding the spinal column.

A vertebrologist is a doctor who uses A complex approach. Problems with one part of the spine disrupt the biomechanics of the entire spinal column; uneven load can cause damage to the lower vertebrae, ligaments and discs. For example, kyphosis and scoliosis cause curvature of the lumbar spine over time. For this reason, the vertebrologist not only strives to eliminate all the causes of the patient’s complaints, but also to find out how much the disorder at one level affected the rest of the spine.

Vertebrologist – what does he treat:

  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • vertebral displacement;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • protrusion;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • vertebral artery syndromes;
  • oncological diseases affecting the spine;
  • radicular syndromes;
  • fractures and dislocations of the vertebrae;
  • infectious lesions of the tissues of the spinal column;
  • pinched nerves and blood vessels;
  • vertebral abnormalities;
  • consequences birth injuries, reflected on the spine;
  • diseases that caused damage to the spine - neuralgia, arthrosis;
  • cardiovascular diseases, problems with the stomach, pancreas and other organs resulting from disorders in the spine.

Vertebrologist-orthopedist – who is he?

An orthopedic vertebrologist is a certified specialist who treats acquired or birth defects bone structure spine. What kind of orthopedic-vertebrologist is a doctor - specialization in the following areas:

  • outpatient – ​​receiving patients at the clinic and prescribing treatment;
  • surgical – implementation of radical surgical impact on the spine and surrounding tissues;
  • traumatological – treatment of injuries (conservative, surgical), correction of old or birth injuries;
  • children and adolescents – treatment and prevention of spinal problems in children from one year to puberty;
  • endoprosthetics - installation of a prosthesis.


To understand who a vertebrologist-neurosurgeon is, you need to know that the area of ​​competence of this doctor covers both diseases of the spine and diseases of the nervous system. These could be spinal injuries affecting the central nervous system, or diseases of the nervous system that negatively affect the health of the spine (paralysis, pinched nerves, paresis). Neurosurgeon-vertebrologist prescribes therapeutic treatment, rehabilitation measures, surgical interventions.

What does a vertebrologist-kinesiologist treat?

A vertebrologist-kinesiologist is a specialist who identifies pathological processes in the body and promotes its recovery. The causes of disturbances may be problems in the circulatory system, nervous system and other organs that affect the functioning of the body. To more accurately answer the question “who is this kinesiologist-vertebrologist?”, you should know that he is also a specialist in the fields of genetics, cybernetics, computer science, and the foundation of his knowledge is the basic approach characteristic of oriental medicine.

Appointment with a vertebrologist

Having understood what kind of doctor a vertebrologist is, a person realizes that many people need the help of this specialist. Symptoms for which a visit to a vertebrologist is recommended:

  • pain in occipital region heads that are not affected by changes in blood pressure;
  • dizziness with awkward turns of the head, after an uncomfortable sleep;
  • pressure surges in the direction of both increased and decreased;
  • pain syndrome of a chronic or acute nature in any part of the spine;
  • pain, weakness and numbness in the arms and legs, radiating pain;
  • chest pain (along the intercostal spaces);
  • numbness in the perineal area;
  • disturbances in the processes of urination and defecation;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • poor mobility of the spine, pain and crunching when bending and turning;
  • pain in the heart area that is not relieved by cardiac medications and does not appear on the ECG.

What does a vertebrologist check?

A vertebrologist sees patients and has already established diagnosis, and only suggesting problems with the spine. During the first appointment, the specialist conducts an examination, including:

  • visual inspection and palpation of the back;
  • assessment of gait, posture, body symmetry, position of the shoulder blades, shoulder girdles, pelvic lines;
  • assessment of the spinous process line;
  • palpating the back to identify painful areas;
  • testing reflexes and muscle strength;
  • functional tests - turns and tilts of the torso and head, demonstrating deviations in the behavior of the spine.

Examinations by a vertebrologist

If you suspect serious illnesses spine and joints, the doctor prescribes more detailed and precise research. In the arsenal this specialist a large number of modern equipment, and the most popular are:

  • X-ray of the spine showing the condition bone tissue;
  • ultrasound examination, which allows you to see the spine and surrounding tissues layer by layer;
  • computed tomography to help identify tumors;
  • magnetic resonance imaging showing bone structures, spinal cord, blood vessels;
  • , helping to identify pathological formations.

Spinal diseases - prevention

Preventive measures help to avoid spinal diseases.

  1. Maintain optimal body weight – excess weight destroys vertebrae, joints, intervertebral discs.
  2. Distribute physical activity evenly - overloading the body is fraught with injuries and other problems.
  3. Stick to balanced nutrition– with a lack of vitamins and mineral elements, all organs and structures of the body suffer.
  4. Warm up after being in one position for a long time and be sure to do it.
  5. If pain or discomfort occurs, consult a doctor rather than self-medicate.

A vertebrologist is a doctor who treats the spine. Patients are accustomed to the fact that back diseases are the specialty of a neurologist. However, it is the vertebrologist who is fluent in the skills of diagnosing and treating vertebral pathologies.

What diseases does a vertebrologist treat?

Unlike a neurologist and other specialists who can help with back problems, vertebrologistspecializes exclusively in the spine. The main pathologies it treats:

Most often, a vertebrologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis, which is part of the group of degenerative pathologies. The disease is characterized by destruction cartilage tissue, which causes displacement of the vertebrae. Later, bone tissue is also involved in the degeneration process.

When should you go for an appointment?

Consultation with a vertebrologist is required for people who bother periodic pain in back, most often in the cervical or lumbar spine. The provoking factor for the occurrence of pain syndrome can be:

  • long periods of standing or sitting in one position;
  • sleep (pain bothers you after waking up);
  • sudden turn of the head or the whole body.
  • In this case, pain can radiate to neighboring areas of the body and internal organs.

    It is also worth going to a vertebrologist if, along with pain, you notice:

    • decreased sensitivity in the limbs;
    • tingling in the legs or arms;
    • dysfunction of the pelvic organs (urinary incontinence, etc.);
    • feeling of weakness in the limbs.

    Ignoring symptoms leads to complications that are difficult or impossible to cure. In addition, the earlier therapy can be started, the greater the patient’s chances of avoiding surgery.

    At various injuries spine, visiting a vertebrologist on your own is prohibited and dangerous. You should call an ambulance medical care, and before her arrival, provide the patient with maximum peace, without making attempts to change the position of his body. You should contact qualified medical professionals immediately, as some spinal injuries pose a direct threat to life.

    If there is a vertebrologist in the hospital, knowing what he is treating is necessary to reduce the workload on the neurologist. Distributing patients among doctors will increase the attentiveness and efficiency of doctors, thereby reducing the risk of medical error.

    Diagnostic features

    At an appointment with a vertebrologist, the patient first talks about what worries him, after which the doctor clarifies his life history and illness for diagnosis. preliminary diagnosis. Examination of the affected area is not always advisable in diseases of the spine, since even a tumor can grow inward and be invisible. The most popular methods:

    • radiography of various areas;
    • ultrasound diagnostics;
    • CT scan;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging.

    The most informative is considered CT scan, which accurately shows the location of the lesion. The vertebrologist also has the skills of a neurologist and checks reflexes in the limbs. To clarify the condition of the pelvic organs, additional specific studies may be carried out.

    In some cases, consultations with related specialists may be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis. For example, oncologist, surgeon, traumatologist, neurologist and other doctors. They help determine the presence of a disease and the causes of its occurrence. Surgeons are often involved in developing a patient's treatment plan.

    Treatment methods

    People who have back problems should know who a vertebrologist is. In addition, it is advisable for such patients to know at least general information about the treatment methods that this doctor uses.

    The most common spinal therapy options are:

    If the patient requires surgical treatment, then endoscopic microsurgeries are considered first. However, in some cases it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention through open access. Treatment is carried out not by a vertebrologist, but by a surgeon. After the operation, a course of rehabilitation may be required, which is developed and carried out by a vertebrologist with the help of a chiropractor and a specialist in physiotherapeutic techniques.

    The help of a spine specialist may be needed not only for spinal injuries, but also when undergoing a rehabilitation course. A vertebrologist is a doctor who treats the back and eliminates any consequences that prevent the spine from functioning fully. He also carries out dynamic monitoring of his patients after the end of treatment and conducts preventive examinations, allowing for early stages determine complications of therapy or relapses of the disease.

    A vertebrologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis, radiculitis, etc.

    The vertebrologist has an understanding of the disease with different sides: this is both manual therapy and neuropathology, he has knowledge of neurophysiology, understands how a disorder in the spine can affect vascular changes, what is the connection between different segments of the spine and certain organs.

    What is the competence of a vertebrologist?

    A vertebrologist primarily deals with the treatment of common diseases of the spine: intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases.

    A special art in vertebrology is the search for non-surgical methods of treating diseases even at critical stages. In this regard, vertebrologists work closely with osteopaths and massage therapists, however, the capabilities of vertebrology go somewhat wider than the methods of massage and osteopathy.

    What diseases does a Vertebrologist deal with?

    - Scoliosis;
    - Backache;
    - Pain in cervical spine;
    - Herniated intervertebral discs;
    - Degenerative disease (osteochondrosis);
    - Ishalgia;
    - Kyphosis;
    - Osteoporosis;
    - Spondylosis;
    - Spondylolisthesis;
    - Spinal canal stenosis;
    - Whiplash;
    - Other diseases of the spine;
    - Hemangioma;
    - Aneurysmal bone cyst;
    - Back pain during pregnancy;
    - Disc protrusion;
    - Lumbago;
    - Radiculitis.

    What organs does a Vertebrologist deal with?

    Spine, back.

    When should you contact a Vertebrologist?

    Scoliosis (Greek skoliosis - curvature, from skolios - curve) is a lateral curvature of the spine. Scoliosis refers to such anatomical disorders as stoop, spondylosis and chest deformity.
    Scoliosis causes harm because, by curving the spine, it clamps down on the communication of the nervous system, and when any segment grows, displacement, tension or compression of the internal organs occurs.

    With the development of scoliosis - intervertebral discs are exposed on one side high blood pressure, and on the other hand, low, shift to the side low pressure, thereby increasing the existing asymmetry of the body. Shifted intervertebral discs, even minimally, irritate the surrounding ones nerve roots, including vegetative ones, which regulate metabolic processes V blood vessels, muscles and internal organs, which leads to the development of many diseases: cardialgia, gallbladder and prostate dysfunction, bronchospasms, vasospasms with subsequent development of heart attack, cholecystitis, prostatitis, bronchial asthma, coxarthrosis.

    Sciatica is called pain in the hip and gluteal region, which radiates (gives) to the lower leg and foot. Sciatica is often combined with pain in the lumbar region, in this case the syndrome is called lumbar ischialgia.

    Most common symptom sciatica is pain along the back of the thigh, radiating to the lower leg and foot, which can be much more severe than the accompanying lower back pain. Typically, patients experience moderate to severe pain that begins in the buttocks and travels down the leg to the foot.

    It is important to know that with true sciatica, the pain goes below the knee. Patients often experience pain in the lumbar region, which occurs several days or weeks before an attack of sciatica. In this case, the pain in the leg that arises is much more pronounced than the pain in the lower back that precedes it. In some patients, there is no previous low back pain at all.

    However, in case long-term illness, the pain may become more localized and not reach the lower leg and foot. Symptoms of sciatica may first appear after any movement. After the onset of the disease, numerous movements and activities (standing, squatting, lifting weights, sneezing, bending, urinating) will increase the pain. The patient usually experiences relief by lying on his side in the fetal position. Often the pain is accompanied by sensory disturbances and weakness in the leg. Disturbances in urination and defecation also occur quite rarely.

    Bone tissue and osteoporosis

    Bone is living tissue composed primarily of calcium. When we are young, bone tissue, like other tissues, is constantly renewed - old cells wear out and die, and new and healthy ones take their place. However, as we age, cells wear out faster than the body can replace them, so bones begin to lose density (bone mass). The bone structure becomes fragile, so bones are more susceptible to damage (cracks or fractures) and take longer to heal.

    Symptoms of osteoporosis

    Unfortunately, because the bones are hidden under a layer of muscle, fat and skin, and the thinning of bone tissue is asymptomatic, most people with osteoporosis are not even aware of their condition until they break a hip or wrist bone after a minor fall. The loss of total bone mass itself does not affect our health in any way - until a crack forms in the bone or a fracture occurs. If your bone structure is very thin (low bone mass), even a simple cough or sneeze can cause a rib to crack. According to statistics, about 60,000 cracks develop annually in people over 65 years of age.


    In some cases, spondylosis is asymptomatic and is detected as an incidental finding during X-ray studies on another occasion. More often this corresponds initial stages its development and is manifested by minor bone growths. At this stage, spondylosis may manifest itself as moderate pain at the beginning of movements, which goes away after warming up, and some limitation of spinal mobility. The pain may disappear and reappear.

    The occurrence of pain is associated with both bone growths, and with spasm of the back muscles.

    Stronger and constant pain occur in stage II of the disease, they are accompanied by limited mobility of the spine and increased fatigue.

    IN Stage III diseases, bone growths moving towards each other come into contact and merge, forming a single conglomerate that blocks movements in the corresponding part of the spine. At this stage, the pain disappears, but the immobility of the corresponding part of the spine increases.

    Often spondylosis is combined with other metabolic diseases of the spine, for example, osteochondrosis.

    Disc protrusion

    Disc protrusion causes narrowing of the spinal canal, compression of the nerve roots and membrane spinal cord, inflammation and swelling of surrounding tissues. The person feels severe pain in the area of ​​the bulging disc and along the nerves extending from the spinal cord. In addition, the pain will be in the area that the pinched nerve innervates; coordination of movements and muscle strength may also be impaired here.

    Symptoms of the disease depend on the size of the protrusion and its location. So, with protrusion of the lumbar spine, numbness in the groin and pain in the lumbar region first appear. Then numbness of the toes may appear, the pain spreads from top to bottom along the back of the leg. Protrusion of the lumbar and thoracic spine are quite treatable.

    The presence of protrusion in the cervical spine can lead to rapid disability of the patient. Such protrusion rarely causes neck pain, dizziness more often appears, headache, blood pressure surges, shoulder pain, arm pain, numbness in the fingers.

    Lumbago is more often observed in men 30-40 years of age and older. During physical overexertion, after overheating and then cooling down, after an awkward movement of the torso, a sharp, intense pain in the lower back suddenly appears. Patients call it tearing, pulsating, piercing, shooting. During such an attack, a person becomes helpless, freezes in a forced position, any attempt to move increases the pain, and a spasm of the muscles of the lumbar region appears.

    The painful attack lasts a few minutes, but can last for several hours or even days. Relieves pain with physical rest and horizontal position. Sometimes strong pain disappears as suddenly as it appeared, “as if something had fallen into place.” Over the next days, sometimes weeks, mild pain lingers in the lower back, aggravated by coughing, sneezing, and straining. The patient feels the pain itself as deep.

    With lumbago, there is necessarily a restriction of mobility of the lumbar spine and tension long muscles backs. Movements are difficult due to pain and muscle tension, there is no paresis or paralysis. At rest, the pain weakens and even disappears completely, resuming with movement. Over time, the pain becomes chronic and recurrent, and individual exacerbations can occur as acute lumbago.


    With a vertebral hernia, severe pain appears in the area of ​​the hernia and along the nerves extending from the spinal cord. In the area that the pinched nerve innervates, coordination of movements and muscle strength may be impaired. The most common location of a vertebral hernia is the lumbar spine. Signs of a hernia of the lumbar spine: numbness in the groin (sometimes numbness may appear in the toes), pain in the lumbar region, which can spread from top to bottom along the back of the leg.

    The cervical spine is not affected as often as the lumbar spine, but the disease is more severe: intense pain in the upper back and neck radiates to the arm, fingers go numb, bothers severe dizziness, reduced arterial pressure(up to loss of consciousness).


    Lumbosacral radiculitis

    Lumbosacral radiculitis is the most common disease of the peripheral nervous system. Most often, it occurs at the age of 30-50 in people who experience heavy physical exertion every day or, on the contrary, are sharply limited in such exercise and in people who work in the cold under unfavorable meteorological conditions.

    Lumbosacral radiculitis is usually unilateral and recurrent (often recurring).

    In most patients, the disease begins with lumbar pain (lumbago or lumbodynia), and pain in the back of the leg (ischalgia - a sign of inflammation of the sciatic nerve).

    Lumbago and lumbodynia

    Lumbago is sharp lumbar pain or lumbago, usually occurs during heavy lifting or injury, lasts from several minutes to several days, and is often of a recurring nature. At the same time, there is a sharp restriction of movements in lumbar region spine due to pain and muscle tension in this area.

    Lumbodynia - not too acute or chronic pain, it occurs after physical activity, long stay in an awkward position, with a bumpy ride, hypothermia. The pain is dull and aching in nature, intensifies when bending and sitting, as well as when walking.

    Cervicothoracic radiculitis

    Cervicothoracic radiculitis is observed less frequently than lumbosacral radiculitis, over the age of 40 years. One side is most often affected and the disease usually becomes protracted.

    First, pain appears in the neck, radiating to the affected nerve roots. The pain intensifies when moving the head and neck, sometimes spreading to the occipital and chest area. Head mobility is limited backwards and to the painful side.

    When and what tests should be done

    - Lumbar puncture followed by analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
    - Rheumatoid factor;
    - Lupus anticoagulant;
    - Antinuclear antibodies;
    - General analysis blood;
    - General urine analysis.

    What are the main types of diagnostics usually performed by a Vertebrologist?

    - Ultrasonography(ultrasound);
    - X-ray;
    - Tomography;
    - CT scan;
    - Myelography;
    - Magnetic resonance imaging;
    - Contrasting discography;
    - Electrospondylography (ESG);
    - Lumbar puncture. Gymnastics for back pain

    Starting position lying on your back.

    Alternating or simultaneous bending of legs in knee joints with pulling your knees to your chest (repeat 4-6 times);
    - lifting and holding one (two legs) legs in a raised position for 5-7 seconds. (repeat 4-6 times);
    - leg movement simulating cycling. The movement is performed until fatigue appears in the leg muscles or abdominals(repeat 2-3 times);
    - legs bent at the knee joints, arms to the sides: raise the body and hold the position for 3-5 seconds, return to the standing position, relax (repeat 4-6 times);
    - legs bent at the knees. Raise one leg as high as possible and hold for 5-7 seconds. Repeat the same movement with the other leg. Repeat five times with each leg.
    - bend your knees, arms to the sides: tilt your knees to the right (left), hold the position for 5-7 seconds (repeat 3-4 times in each direction).

    Starting position lying on your side.

    Raise your straight leg up, hold the position for 5-7 seconds (repeat 5-6 times); lift your leg up, move it forward, backward (repeat 5-6 times);

    Starting position lying on your stomach.

    (It is better to place a small pillow or cushion under your stomach).

    Alternately lifting the straight leg up and holding for 3-5 seconds, repeat 5-6 times with each leg.
    - arms to the sides: lifting and holding the body for 5-7 seconds. (repeat 5-6 times). When performing this exercise, the position of the hands can change: on the back of the head, extended forward, to the sides with small dumbbells, etc.

    Starting position: standing on all fours.

    Lower your pelvis onto your heels, stretch your arms forward as much as possible (repeat 4-6 times).
    - bring your knee to the opposite hand (repeat 3-4 times with each leg).

    Starting position standing.

    Lean your entire back against the wall, feet shoulder-width apart. Slide down, bending your knees to approximately 90 degrees. When squatting, count to five; when standing up, also count to five. Repeat slowly five times, sliding along the wall and pushing against it.

    Stand behind a chair, holding the back of it with your hands. Take your straight leg back. Slowly return your leg to the chair. Do the same with the other leg. Repeat 5 times with each leg.

    Stand behind a chair with your hands on the back of the chair. Leaning your hands on the back of the chair, tilt your pelvis back (stretch). Hold this position for 5-7 seconds.

    When performing exercises, they should be alternated with well-known dynamic exercises for the upper and lower limbs and breathing exercises. All movements are performed at a slow pace, with pauses for relaxation and range of motion to the point of pain. If pain occurs during an exercise, it should either be temporarily excluded from the procedure or performed with less effort and amplitude.

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