What colitis on the right side. Stitching in the lower abdomen on the right: causes and treatment. Causes of chest pain

Colic in the abdomen, if they are located in the lower sections abdominal space, may be a sign of intestinal disorders or inflammatory processes in various organs located in the lower right quadrant. These are certain areas of the large and small intestines, as well as the mesentery, which connects the small intestine to the back of the peritoneum. In women, a similar symptom may indicate sluggish inflammatory processes in the right appendage, which includes the ovary and fallopian tube, located with right side from the body of the uterus. Sometimes stabbing sensations can be a sign of urinary tract obstruction and disease. Bladder, kidneys and ureters (cystitis, glomerulonephritis).

To determine what exactly caused painful sensations, you need to contact your local physician. The doctor will collect a complete medical history, find out the nature of the pain, its location, intensity, conduct an initial examination, based on the results of which the patient will be prescribed further examination. If the pain is of high intensity and is accompanied by other pathological symptoms(fever, vomiting, bloody discharge), you need to call " ambulance", since similar symptoms can occur with inflammation of the appendix, rupture and torsion cystic formation ovary and other diseases in which the patient requires emergency surgical care.

Stitching pain, localized on the right side, in women may be associated with inflammation of the right appendage. With this pathology, the woman complains of severe pain on the right side, which appears in the lower back, sacrococcygeal region and lower abdomen. In acute infectious inflammation, the pain syndrome can be so intense that it completely limits the patient’s mobility.

Others clinical manifestations salpingoophoritis (as well as its isolated forms - salpingitis and oophoritis), which together make it possible to diagnose disorders in the functioning of the appendages, are:

  • painful sensations of a sharp or stabbing nature on the lateral side of the abdominal area;
  • increased temperature (usually within the subfebrile range);
  • nausea (very rarely - vomiting);
  • weakness;
  • severe headaches, similar in intensity to a migraine attack;
  • signs general intoxication (headache, chills).

Treatment of salpingoophoritis is carried out in a hospital setting. The woman is prescribed antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs to injection form, physiotherapeutic procedures, painkillers. The duration of treatment is usually 7-10 days, but in severe cases Hospitalization may last up to three weeks.

Hydronephrosis and kidney problems

Painful sensations of a stabbing nature can be a symptom of hydronephrosis - a pathological expansion of the renal pelvis and calyces of the renal system, developing against the background of urinary tract obstruction and poor blood supply to the organ. With this pathology, patients may complain of unpleasant stabbing sensations in the lower part of the abdominal space, lumbar region, and less often in the thighs and buttocks.

The pain syndrome in hydronephrosis always has a pronounced intensity, and clinical picture complemented by others characteristic symptoms, among which:

  • abdominal muscle tension;
  • sharp sharp pain at the beginning of urination;
  • frequent urge to empty the bladder, accompanied by pressure and distension;
  • painful and infrequent bowel movements (constipation).

The temperature during hydronephrosis remains within normal limits; in rare cases, a woman may experience a single, mild vomiting.

Stitching pain on the right side may also indicate inflammation of the renal glomeruli (glomerulonephritis), pyelonephritis, or ureteral obstruction.

Treatment for these diseases includes taking antibacterial agents, diuretics to remove excess fluid and eliminate swelling, diuretics to improve the flow of urine and herbal supplements, anti-inflammatory drugs.

PathologyImageHow does it manifest?How and with what to treat?
Painful colic in the lower part of the abdominal area on the lateral side, increased temperature (in acute period), symptoms of intoxication, pain when emptying the bladderPenicillin antibiotics and macrolides (Flemoxin, Sumamed, Ampicillin), diuretic drugs (Furosemide), immunotropics (Viferon, Interferon), anti-relapse drugs (Biseptol)
Renal colic due to inflammation, nausea, pain during urination, false urge to empty the bladderAntibacterial agents (“Nitroxoline”, “Amoxicillin”, “Metronidazole”), herbal preparations(“Canephron”), anti-inflammatory drugs (“Ibuklin”, “Diclofenac”)
Ureteral obstruction (hydronephrosis) Pain in the lower abdomen after consumption large quantity fluids, blood in urine, renal colic radiating to the backSurgical treatment (pyeloplasty)

Inflammation of the cecal appendage

To recognize an attack of appendicitis, it is important to know it typical symptoms. These include:

  • profuse vomiting (usually once) without any admixture of bile acids or putrefactive odor;
  • temperature rise to the upper limits of subfebrile condition (38°);
  • pain relief when lying on the right side;
  • increased pain with any movements associated with tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • fever;
  • loose stool.

Important! Appendicitis is not always accompanied by fever, so you should consult a doctor if you have any pain in the lower abdomen, especially if it is on the right side.

Treatment for appendicitis

The only treatment for inflammation of the appendix is ​​its removal. The operation is carried out immediately after the patient is taken to the surgical hospital. Before the doctors arrive, you should not eat or drink water, as this can cause complications during surgery if it is performed under general anesthesia. It is also forbidden to take analgesic drugs - they can dull the pain for a short time. painful sensations, and the doctor will not be able to diagnose correct diagnosis, which will lead to a deterioration in health.

After the operation, the patient will be prescribed a gentle diet and prophylactic appointment antibacterial drugs, for example, Metronidazole.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Disorders of the intestines and inflammatory processes in the intestinal walls are the most common causes of intestinal colic on the right side. In order for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis, the patient must accurately describe the nature of the pain and its location. Acute colic on the right side, recurring regularly, may be a sign serious illnesses requiring urgent hospitalization: Crohn's disease and diverticulitis. No less dangerous causes of such pain syndrome are intestinal infections, colitis and duodenitis.

Foodborne illnesses and poisonings

Intestinal infections food poisoning usually accompanied by cramping or nagging pain in the lower abdomen, but with moderate damage, the pain syndrome may resemble intestinal colic. Call infectious lesions intestines can be bacteria (salmonella, staphylococcus, hemophilus influenzae) and viruses. The most common viral infection is stomach flu caused by rotaviruses.

Infections of any type are always accompanied by pronounced symptoms, manifested by the following signs:

  • severe intoxication;
  • refusal to eat;
  • heat;
  • chills;
  • frequent, profuse loose stools;
  • change in the consistency of stool (they become liquid and foamy);
  • vomit.

Only an experienced doctor can suspect an intestinal infection if the pain is stabbing, so you should not delay going to the hospital - this can lead to severe dehydration and deterioration of health.

To treat most infectious intestinal diseases, a standard treatment regimen is used, presented in the table below.

Group of drugsWhat medications are included?Image
Antibiotics and antibacterial agents (for bacterial infections)"Clarithromycin", "Enterofuril", "Amoxicillin", "Flemoxin", "Zinnat", "Hemomycin"
Antiviral medications (for viral infections)"Anaferon", "Interferon", "Arbidol", "Tiloron", "Ergoferon", "Amiksin"
Rehydration products
Digestive enzymes"Pancreatin", "Creon"
Histamine blockers"Suprastin", "Diazolin", "Zodak"
Preparations with probiotics and prebiotics"Linex", "Bifiform", "Acipol", "Normobakt", "Yogulakt"
Sorbents"Neosmectin", " Activated carbon", "Enterosgel"

Important! In some cases, food poisoning and intestinal infections must be treated in a hospital, so you should not refuse hospitalization if the attending physician insists on it.

Granulomatous colitis

This is a severe systemic pathology ileum, which usually develops over a long period of time (up to several years). An attack of exacerbation in this disease is very similar in symptoms to inflammation of the appendix, but there are signs that make it possible to differentiate it from acute appendicitis, That's why great importance For diagnosis, anamnesis is taken.

What is the difference between granulomatous colitis (enteritis) and appendicitis?

Clinical symptomWith inflammation of the appendage of the cecumFor regional enteritis
Diarrheal syndromeAppears after pain, usually of a moderate natureAbnormal bowel movements (diarrhea) occur long before the attack and can recur periodically over several months or years
Localization of painOccurs around the navel with subsequent displacement to the right lower abdomen and possible irradiationHas a clear localization in the right iliac region
VomitA single discharge of vomit is typical.Vomiting is not usually observed

Important! If the attack is not stopped in time, perforation of the ileum may occur - fatal dangerous pathology requiring emergency surgical care. Treatment for Crohn's disease is also surgical in most cases.

Video - Why does the right side in the lower abdomen hurt?


In approximately 8-9% of cases, acute stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the right is a sign of mesadenitis. Pathology is inflammation lymphoid tissue located in the fold of the peritoneum connecting the small intestine and back wall abdominal space (mesentery). The disease is a chronic pathology and can occur without severe symptoms.

A patient with mesadenitis feels constant weakness and loses weight. He periodically experiences mood swings and anxious thoughts. A general blood test for this pathology always reveals an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The temperature can periodically rise to 37.3°-37.6°.

Important! About 80% of mesadenitis develop against the background of tuberculosis of the intestine, so it is important to identify the disease on initial stage. Similar symptoms may also indicate the growth of tumors in the colon or small intestine Therefore, if there are symptoms of mesadenitis, the patient must consult an oncologist.

Video - Why does the right lower abdomen hurt?

Pathologies of the bile ducts

With hepatic colic, painful sensations first arise in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, gradually descending into lower sections belly. The pathology is characteristic of cholelithiasis and appears when stones pass through the bile ducts. In some cases this symptom indicates biliary atresia - a severe pathology in which the outflow of bile is disrupted due to obstruction of the ducts, and concentrated bile accumulates in the liver. Signs of biliary atresia are:

  • constantly high temperature;
  • increase in abdominal volume;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • yellowing of the eye sclera;
  • hardening and tenderness of the liver;
  • lack of appetite.

Important! Obstruction bile ducts And cholelithiasis– diseases for which the patient requires surgery followed by supportive therapy and observation in a hospital setting. 1 0

The tissues and cells of the human body are extremely sensitive. Therefore, any disruption to activities internal organs located in this area can cause discomfort. Pain in the right side of the body under the rib can occur for various reasons. Pain syndrome can be either therapeutic, that is, not requiring urgent medical intervention, or emergency. In any case, if such a signal from the body appears, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. Only a qualified healthcare professional will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. From the article you will learn why there is a stabbing sensation in the right side under the rib and what to do before consulting a doctor.

Pain on the right side that occurs during physical activity that is unusual for a given person does not always indicate the presence of pathology. Even completely healthy people can experience discomfort in this area.

The pain is caused by an enlargement of the vena cava, which runs on the right side of the body. This occurs due to a sharp increase in blood flow and the release of the hormone epinephrine.

Unpleasant sensations may also occur when bending or turning. Discomfort is caused by the contact of internal organs with the ribs in the human body.

On a note! This pain goes away quite quickly without outside intervention. But, if it lasts more than thirty minutes, you should immediately consult a specialist. This may indicate a pinched internal organ.

Severe, acute pain syndrome

In case of severe acute pain, it is important to immediately use the services of an ambulance, as the patient’s condition may worsen.


The cause of severe, sharp pain may be acute cholecystitis. The disease occurs due to the presence of stones in the organ located below the liver - the gallbladder. These hard formations interfere with the normal movement of bile.

The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • chills;
  • weakness;
  • temperature increase;
  • The most acute pain syndrome is localized in the right side of the abdomen, radiating to the shoulder blade, shoulder and neck.

Cholecystitis in most cases manifests itself due to nervous strain, anxiety, and stress. Sharp pain occurs unexpectedly, mainly at night. The cause of the attack is increased activity of the gallbladder. It contracts more often and faster.

On a note! Acute cholecystitis can cause organ rupture, inflammation of the peritoneum, and in some cases, death.

A strong, pronounced, pulsating, persistent pain in the right side can be a signal of pancreatitis. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance. The pain can be so intense that it leads to painful shock in the patient. Other symptoms of the disease are also possible:

  1. Blood pressure changes.
  2. Body temperature rises.
  3. Facial features become sharp.
  4. The skin becomes pale, which soon acquires an earthy tint.
  5. Vomiting appears, which does not make it any better. The vomit contains pieces undigested food, and subsequently bile.
  6. Hiccups, belching, nausea. Sometimes the mouth feels dry.
  7. In sclerosing pancreatitis, the eye's sclera (the white lining) and dermis become yellow.
  8. Blueish spots appear in the lumbar region and near the navel. Sometimes the skin in the groin area acquires a blue-green tint due to the fact that blood from the diseased organ has passed under the skin.
  9. Shortness of breath as a result of vomiting. Appears sticky sweat, a lot is formed yellow plaque in the patient's language.
  10. Bloating of the abdomen, which becomes hard.
  11. Constipation or, conversely, diarrhea.

On a note! Bloating, hardening of the abdomen, foamy stool, as well as constipation or diarrhea are the main symptoms of acute pancreatitis.

The well-being of a patient affected by this disease will deteriorate sharply. The pathology may subside for a while, and then make itself felt again. Therefore, it is important for the patient to as soon as possible deliver to medical institution. Only a specialist will make an accurate diagnosis based on diagnostic data. Self-medication is unacceptable, since these symptoms may indicate both pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal pathologies. intestinal tract.

You can alleviate the patient’s condition as follows:

  1. Do not eat for three days. You are only allowed to drink plain still water. Eating any food can worsen the patient's condition.
  2. To reduce the flow of blood to the diseased internal organ, the patient should lie in a horizontal position and move as little as possible.
  3. To eliminate swelling and reduce pain, cold is applied to the affected area. It's better if it's a heating pad with cold water, not ice.
  4. Before the ambulance arrives, you can take medications: “No-shpu”, “Spazmalgon”, “Drotaverine” (Drotaverine Hydrochloride) or “Maxigan”.

Renal colic

At renal colic There is a cramping, sharp, stabbing pain in the side. The symptom is not eliminated by changing body position. Discomfort is caused by stones in the urinary system, which scratch the mucous membrane with their sharp edges.

Other symptoms of pathology:

  • excessive gas formation;
  • bloating.

Also possible:

  • false urge to defecate;
  • nausea and vomiting.


Duodenitis of the duodenum is indicated by stabbing, comparable to the blows of a dagger, sharp pain. As a rule, the attack occurs at night. When swallowing food, the discomfort decreases. The cause of the pathology is bacteria that destroy the small intestinal lining.

In addition to pain, nausea, weakness and vomiting are possible.

Aching weak pain

The liver is located on the right under the lower rib of a person. It is this important organ that is most often associated with pain in this area.

Liver diseases

An unhealthy liver may be indicated by aching pain in the right hypochondrium. Inflammation of the tissues of this organ is called hepatitis. It can be chronic (lasts more than 3 months) or acute (appears suddenly, brightly, develops quickly), toxic or viral. Most patients suffering from liver disease seek medical help only when sharp deterioration well-being, but before this a person often experiences aching, not pronounced painful sensations. A diagnosis cannot be made solely by the presence of discomfort, but the presence of other symptoms (dark urine, yellowness of the skin, etc.) is a serious reason to be wary.

All types of hepatitis are accompanied aching pain. The disease can also manifest itself as decreased performance and chronic fatigue.

Another cause of mild pain may be oncology. If observed constant fatigue, low-grade fever, weight loss, you should visit an oncologist.

Pain on the right often indicates hepatic cirrhosis. In addition to pain, the patient experiences loss of appetite, weakness, and weight loss. Nausea and vomiting, belching, bitterness in the oral cavity, intolerance to alcoholic beverages and certain types of food (for example, fatty foods). On palpation, an enlarged liver is observed.

At the very beginning, cirrhosis develops almost imperceptibly. Discomfort appears only in the second stage of the disease, when acute inflammatory processes are already taking place in the liver and it is no longer able to function properly.

Dull unexpressed pain

Dull pain is pressing pain. It begins gradually and slowly intensifies. Soreness that appears on the right side under the rib may indicate the presence of a chronic disease.

Chronic cholecystitis

It is called inflammatory gallbladder disease. The patient feels heaviness and dull pain in the right side of the body. Discomfort appears after drinking alcoholic or carbonated drinks, eating hot spicy or heavy food. May be accompanied by dryness and bitterness in the mouth, as well as nausea and vomiting. The pain may not go away for several days or even weeks. At times the pain radiates to right shoulder, right shoulder blade, right side of the lower back. Exacerbation occurs due to stress, hypothermia or unhealthy diet.

On a note! Chronic cholecystitis is more common in economically developed countries. This is due to the dietary habits and lifestyle in these countries. It occurs most often in women aged 40-60 years. It affects about 0.6% of the world's population.

Chronic pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. It affects mainly adults due to an unhealthy diet: eating heavy foods, processed foods, fasting, dieting, consuming alcohol-containing products.

The patient feels intense girdling pain, which is localized in the right or left side of the body. Depending on where the inflamed area is located, discomfort may be felt in the chest or shoulder blade area. The pain lasts from 120 seconds to a couple of days. Unpleasant sensations cannot be eliminated with the help of medications. You can reduce pain by squatting or bending down.

Chronic pancreatitis is accompanied not only by combat syndrome, but also by other symptoms:

  1. Abnormal stool, constant diarrhea, prolonged constipation, which occurs due to the fact that food is not digested enough. Increased gas formation.
  2. Belching, swollen belly.
  3. General deterioration in health, weight loss. Due to metabolic disorders and poisoning of internal organs with poorly digested food, a person suffers from increased fatigue, and signs of vitamin deficiency appear (vitaminosis). The skin becomes dry and nails become brittle.
  4. The patient feels nauseous and may vomit.
  5. During exacerbations, the patient feels intense attacks of pain. It can be so strong that a person experiences a painful shock. If necrosis of pancreatic tissue begins to develop, which is accompanied by very severe pain, the patient will require immediate hospitalization.

Chronic pyelonephritis

Chronic pyelonephritis is one of the most common kidney diseases. In this case, infectious inflammation affects renal pelvis, calyx or parenchyma.

IN latent form the disease occurs without pronounced symptoms. The patient feels general malaise, gets tired quickly, and may experience a slight increase in body temperature and headache. For a long time, a person may not notice the presence of the disease. Only in an acute form are the symptoms most pronounced.

In the relapsing form, the disease progresses in waves: it is activated, then it subsides. Symptoms and course of the disease depend on where exactly the affected area is located. During an exacerbation of the disease, the following symptoms appear:

  • lack of appetite;
  • headache;
  • general health worsens;
  • body temperature rises;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

The person's face changes. It becomes pale, swelling of the eyelids is observed. Bags under the eyes are often present, especially in the morning. Changes can be noticed by both the patient himself and the specialist conducting the examination.

On a note! Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort are rare in adults suffering from pyelonephritis. Such symptoms are more typical for children.

Chronic hepatitis

Insufficiently treated hepatitis often develops into chronic form. This disease is inflammatory nature. Affects liver tissue and cells.

Symptoms of the disease greatly depend on the form of the pathology. Low-active hepatitis is practically invisible to humans. Deterioration of the condition is possible only after drinking alcohol, intoxication or as a result of vitamin deficiency. Present slight pain in the right side under the rib. When examined by a doctor, an increase in the size of the liver is detected.

The progressive form of the disease, on the contrary, is clearly expressed. The following symptoms are possible:

  • change in stool;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • bloating;
  • appetite is impaired;
  • decreased performance;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • headache;
  • sleep problems;
  • fever;
  • jaundice.
  • periodically hurts right part abdomen, the discomfort does not go away for a long time.
  • the liver is dense and painful.

Chronic duodenitis

A disease in which the mucous membrane of the duodenum becomes inflamed is called duodenitis. Dull soreness is localized in the right side of the torso or in the epigastric area. The patient's stomach is constantly bloated, he feels nauseous, is bothered by belching, and may vomit.

Acute appendicitis

In appendicitis, the appendix of the cecum is affected. This disease is very common. Clinical form The disease begins unexpectedly, without any warning signs. Only a couple of hours before the start, your health may worsen, weakness may appear, and you may lose your appetite.

First, the patient feels a slight pain in the navel area and above. It may get worse when coughing or sudden changes in body position. After a few hours, the pain moves to the right and becomes much stronger.

Digestive disorders are possible. The patient may experience nausea, constipation or diarrhea, and flatulence. There is a slight increase in body temperature.

After some time (from twelve hours to two days), the patient’s well-being deteriorates sharply. The pulse increases, body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. The disappearance of pain indicates gangrene of the inflamed organ, which is very dangerous.

On a note! With appendicitis, pain decreases if you lie on your right side. When walking or lying down on the left side, the discomfort becomes more pronounced.

Video - Symptoms of appendicitis in children

Heart diseases

The heart is the main organ in the human body, so any problems associated with it cannot be ignored. One of the serious and common heart problems is heart attack. Due to insufficient blood circulation, a small part of the heart muscle dies. The reason is that the coronary (another name is coronary) vessels do not have the ability to deliver necessary elements and oxygen to the organ. If the heart muscle does not receive oxygen for fifteen minutes, cell necrosis and a heart attack occur.

This disease never strikes a person unexpectedly. It is usually preceded by quite obvious signs: regular headaches, frequent hikes going to the toilet at night, swelling of the extremities, periodic pain in the shoulder, bleeding gums, snoring, etc.

The pain syndrome during a heart attack is very strong, acute, and long-lasting. Sometimes it lasts from thirty minutes to several hours. It can disappear and return with renewed vigor. The pain syndrome is localized in the sternum area.

On a note! If there are signs of a heart attack, the patient should lie horizontally and immediately call an ambulance at home.

Table 1. Periods of disease development

Gynecological problems

The cause of discomfort on the right side is sometimes a serious and dangerous pathology - an ectopic pregnancy. This can happen to anyone, even a completely healthy woman.

In approximately two percent of cases, the pregnancy turns out to be abnormal, ectopic. At normal pregnancy The egg fertilized by the sperm reaches the uterus and continues to grow there. But in a tubal pregnancy, the egg remains to develop in the fallopian tube. During a tubal pregnancy, a woman needs surgical intervention. IN otherwise the egg may detach and attach to the peritoneum, or remain growing in the tube, leading to its rupture. This can be fatal.

The main signs of an ectopic pregnancy are the absence of menstruation and bloody discharge. A woman may also feel dizzy, have a stomach ache, and feel weak.

Also, pain in the area we are considering may appear if a woman has a twisted pedicle of the ovarian cyst.

Which specialist should I contact when I have a stabbing pain in the right side under the rib?

Pain in the right hypochondrium - serious symptom. You should be especially wary if the discomfort is long-lasting.

Self-treatment and taking medications is not recommended. Pharmaceuticals can only complicate the diagnosis of diseases.

On a note! Do not apply a heating pad to the sore spot. Pending medical examination Only cold (not ice) can be applied.

Examination by a doctor

The initial examination is carried out by a therapist. Based on the diagnosis, the doctor refers the patient to a specialist.

At the appointment, the therapist finds out how, where and under what circumstances the pain syndrome appears. He asks if the discomfort in the right side is related to eating. Pays attention to the tone of muscles and fatty tissue. An anamnesis of the disease is revealed.

The doctor examines the sore spot by palpation and prescribes tests. If necessary, instrumental diagnostics are performed - aortography, biopsy, fluoroscopy, urography, etc.

After establishing accurate diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. This includes taking medications and vitamins, following a diet and, if necessary, surgery.


Pain in the right side of the body indicates problems in the gastrointestinal tract, so most likely the doctor will correct the patient’s diet. Healthy eating will give rest to the damaged internal organ, long-term remission with chronic diseases. A number of foods are excluded from the patient’s menu: fried, fatty, canned food, sweets, smoked foods. The use of seasonings should be kept to a minimum. The use of cigarettes and alcohol-containing products is unacceptable.

Not only the quality and composition of products, but also the rhythm of food intake is of great importance. The patient must eat in small portions, but often. This will speed up the metabolism, normalize the flow of bile, and the internal organs will receive an even load.

Right-sided sharp pain is considered to be a sign of appendicitis. In fact, this is true, but not in all cases such sensations are signals of inflammation of the appendix. In this article we will look at why colitis occurs in the right side of the lower abdomen in women and men.

Patients complain of different sensations. It can be aching, pulling, shooting, sharp, dull and other pains. All this is a sign that there is a problem in the body.

The pain itself occurs due to a lack of oxygen, excessive accumulation of toxic substances, swelling, and inflammatory processes.

Right-sided sharp pain is a sign of appendicitis

Often the right side hurts from below as a result stagnation internal organs. Therefore, in order to get rid of suffering, in some cases it will be enough to stimulate the blood supply, detoxify the body, and saturate the cells with oxygen.

The nature of pain and its causes

Feeling of heaviness- this is the first sign of slagging in the body. Often this phenomenon is caused by disruption of the liver and is a clear signal of a chronic failure of its functionality. In the presence of an inflammatory process and stagnation of the gallbladder, the severity increases significantly, especially as a result of eating fried and fatty foods.

This can happen due to the prolonged presence of feces in the body, which is observed with.

As the symptom increases, severe viscous pain occurs, which is caused by the following phenomena:

  1. Liver inflammation.
  2. Viral pathologies.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Contractile function of smooth muscles during pregnancy.

Aching pain usually bothers the patient for a long time. These are chronic pathological disorders, which are also observed due to damage to cells by waste products.

What is characteristic of aching pain:

  1. The disease cholecystitis is accompanied by aching pain.
  2. It also hurts in the right side with colitis.
  3. At chronic pathologies female genital organs.
  4. Soreness on the right is concentrated in kidney diseases.

Pain always occurs during any pathological process. This may be due to poor blood supply and the formation of blood clots.

The occurrence of colic in right area under the ribs indicates the presence of hepatic colic

The condition when there is colitis in the side is medically called colic:

  1. When sensations occur in the right area under the ribs, this indicates the presence of hepatic colic. Similar symptom can spread to the shoulder, leg, and is accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.
  2. When colic occurs in the lower abdomen, they speak of intestinal colic. In this case, severe distension and swelling also occurs. This condition is typical for newborns in the first months of life.
  3. In addition, there are also rectal stabbing pains,
  4. If the kidneys are to blame, then the nature of the pain will be extensive, spreading to the lumbar region, intimate organs, groin, etc.
  5. With appendicitis, the pain is sharp and sharp.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of why pain occurs on the right side. This process occurs due to a number of reasons, starting with pathologies of the gallbladder and ending with the genitals. To give an adequate and correct answer, you need to undergo a series of diagnostic studies.

Male reasons

Why does it hurt in the right side of the lower abdomen in men, let's figure it out. Reproductive function in case of defeat various pathologies gives severe pain, especially if the disease affects the lymph node on the right. Characteristic manifestations A similar process causes pain in the scrotum and groin area.

Among the most frequent illnesses inflammation of the testicles, familial vesicles, penis, etc. occurs. All of these conditions can be diagnosed if there is colitis in the lower right abdomen in men.

Women's reasons

When colic occurs in the fair sex, ectopic pregnancy is often diagnosed

When a similar phenomenon is observed in the fair sex, an ectopic pregnancy is often diagnosed. This process occurs quite often. If there is pain in patients reproductive age, doctors definitely take this into account. At sharp spasms failure is often observed menstrual cycle. It happens that the pain is so severe that the patient loses consciousness. Can also speak cold sweat, nausea, fever, and decreased blood pressure may appear.

Inflammatory processes are often confused with sharp pain during appendicitis, since both pathologies are very similar in their clinical signs. Distinctive feature serves as bilateral soreness, which is observed at the beginning. It is worth noting that in the case of true appendicitis, the pain is initially localized in the central part. Then goes to bottom part, closer to the hearth.

Ovarian cyst may also be accompanied by severe pain. With endometriosis, patients complain of right-sided pain. Endometritis is accompanied by an increase in temperature and the appearance of discharge.

However, such sensations are not always caused by illness. This can also happen during menstruation. Young nulliparous girls usually complain of such symptoms.

Right-sided pain and pregnancy

Very often women in position complain of severe pain during pregnancy. A similar phenomenon may occur due to stretching of the ligaments that secure the uterus. Painful sensations make themselves felt from time to time when a woman suddenly changes her body position. This condition is not considered pathological, and therefore does not require any specific therapy.

If you have a miscarriage, then this condition is accompanied by right-sided pain. At the beginning, these manifestations have a pulling character, then they develop into contractions and gain strength. Exactly the same picture is observed with premature birth.

Other diseases

When the cameos leave the kidneys, severe cutting pain is observed.

If kidney stones begin to pass out, severe cutting pain is observed. The hard edges of the stone cause excruciating pain to the genitourinary organs.

Renal colic- this is one of the most intolerable manifestations. This condition usually manifests itself spontaneously and is accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region, but the pain can spread to the right side of the abdomen.

For hepatitis in advanced cases, the patient may experience pain in the right hypochondrium, spreading to groin area. Severe pain on the right side can be caused by decomposition of the organ.

With a sharp bladder expansion bother severe pain on right. In case of development of urethritis, damage occurs lymph node, and there is pain on the right side. Patients complain of a strong burning sensation when emptying the bladder.

It could also be to blame varicose veins veins in the pelvic organs. This pathological process gains momentum slowly and initially does not manifest itself with any symptoms. Over time, severe pain develops in the lower abdomen, mainly on the right. Women usually suffer from this disease.

Methods for solving the problem

Every patient faced with a similar phenomenon wants to know what to do if there is colitis in the right side of the lower abdomen. Sometimes it is a matter of life and death, because in some cases, in the absence of proper ambulance medical care everything can end fatally. On the right side of the patient there are important organs, on which reproductive function depends.

If any pathological processes, By at least, in one of them, then the entire body will suffer.

Due to anatomical features location of organs, the disease is often accompanied by a fulminant course. Sometimes the slightest failure can cost the patient his life and loss of ability to work.

There is only one way out- call an ambulance as soon as possible. It happens that patients avoid such actions, not wanting to disturb doctors once again, and coping with the problem alone.

Taking medications can only mask severe symptoms, however, it will not in any way affect the treatment of the disease. When a patient takes a painkiller, he thereby buries his head in the sand and dulls his vigilance. Naturally, this spoils the picture of the disease and does not allow the specialist to establish the correct diagnosis.


There are a huge number of causes for acute pain on the right side. It is very important to identify the source of the problem in a timely manner. Under no circumstances should you treat yourself. Pain is the body’s protective reaction to an irritant and a real assistant in solving problems. Therefore, if you are concerned about this symptom, you need to call an ambulance as quickly as possible.

Before the doctors arrive, you do not need to take any medications. It is contraindicated to heat the sore area and take hot baths. Similar actions may end sadly.

While you wait for the doctor, stay in bed. If you experience vomiting, you need to drink more fluid.

Many people at a doctor's appointment complain that their right side hurts below the ribs. What does this condition mean? What can cause the pain? When does a patient need emergency care? These questions interest many.

On the right side abdominal cavity many organs are located, including the liver, pancreas and intestines. And if the right side hurts below the ribs, then this may indicate a malfunction of almost any part of the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Soreness in the right side of the abdomen and liver disease

The liver is an organ located in the upper right side. Its importance is difficult to overestimate, because the liver is responsible for removing toxins and neutralizing them, and also provides extremely important metabolic processes. And if the right side hurts below the ribs, then this may indicate a dangerous disease.

Most often, pain is associated with hepatitis - viral disease, affecting hepatocytes. Cirrhosis and fatty degeneration are also accompanied by pain. In addition, with liver damage, there are some other symptoms that you need to pay attention to - nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders, fatigue, drowsiness, decreased performance. As the disease progresses, a characteristic yellowing of the skin and sclera of the eyes appears. In such cases, the help of a doctor is simply necessary.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen due to problems with the gallbladder

The gallbladder is a hollow organ that stores bile. It is here that it becomes more concentrated, after which it enters the intestines through special ducts.

Stitching pain in the right side often occurs in people during physical activity, for example, fast running. Similar discomfort can be explained by the rapid release of bile into the intestinal lumen. This phenomenon is not considered a serious disease, but may indicate stagnation of bile. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor just in case.

In addition, inflammation of the gallbladder is also accompanied by discomfort. Sharp pain occurs when stones form, move, and blockage of the bile ducts. As a rule, such phenomena are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, digestive problems, and increased discomfort after consumption. fatty foods.

Pain and pancreas

On the right side there is also part of the pancreas. This organ not only participates in digestion processes, but is also part endocrine system. Sharp pain in the right side, radiating to the back, may indicate pancreatitis, a disease that is accompanied by nausea, frequent vomiting that does not bring relief, and increased sweating and temperature rise.

Appendicitis is a common cause on the right side

Appendicitis - acute or chronic inflammation vermiform appendix intestines. With such a disease, pain usually occurs suddenly, it is sharp and severe. Inflammation of the appendix is ​​also accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and lack of appetite.

After some time, the main symptoms may disappear, but this is not at all evidence of recovery. A short-term improvement in the condition is observed when the appendix perforates (ruptures) and its contents escape into the abdominal cavity. With absence timely assistance complications may occur, in particular peritonitis.

Intestinal diseases as a cause of pain in the right side

Of course, the right side of the abdomen is filled with loops of the small and large intestines. And any damage to the intestinal tract will naturally be accompanied by pain. A similar symptom occurs with inflammation of the mucous membrane, perforation, Crohn's disease and many other disorders.

What diseases of the genitourinary system are indicated by pain in the right side of the abdomen?

Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen often accompanies certain diseases genitourinary system. For example, when urolithiasis(especially if affected right kidney and ureters), acute pain is often observed on the right side. Acute attacks Pain also appears with the so-called wandering kidney syndrome.

On the other hand, pain caused by dysfunction of the pelvic organs may radiate to the right side of the abdomen. For example, in women this may be a symptom of apoplexy of the right ovary, rupture of the right fallopian tube. This is often observed when ectopic pregnancy(when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall fallopian tube), intensive growth of a cyst or tumor.

Is pain on the right side during pregnancy dangerous?

Many women at an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist complain that their right side hurts below the ribs. On recent months such phenomena can be completely normal. A rapidly growing baby increases in size, which leads to compression of internal organs. As a rule, the pain disappears if you change your position, for example, lying down, rolling over, or walking.

But if the pain is sharp, severe and does not go away, then this is a cause for concern. During pregnancy, pain in the right side may indicate all of the above diseases - hepatitis, pancreatitis, kidney problems and gallbladder. By the way, while carrying a child, a woman’s body is much more susceptible to infections, because the immune system weakens. Therefore, intense or frequent pain is a reason to consult a doctor.

My right side hurts - what should I do?

Many people are interested in the question: “What to do if pain occurs with As you can see, this symptom can signal significant and dangerous violations in the functioning of the body. Therefore, the only reasonable option is to consult a doctor. You should not take painkillers or self-medicate until examined by a doctor and diagnosed final diagnosis. This can only make the situation worse.

Some conditions require emergency care. A paramedic team should be called if:

  • sharp, acute pain appeared suddenly and does not go away within half an hour;
  • the pain is so severe that it interferes with movement;
  • appeared severe nausea and vomiting;
  • pain causes fainting or short-term loss consciousness;
  • the patient experiences clouding of consciousness and hallucinations;
  • if the pain radiates to the lumbar region, and there are blood impurities in the urine;
  • There is copious bleeding from the vagina.

Pain in the right side - dangerous symptom, which under no circumstances should be ignored!

Stitching pain in the left side under the ribs is a symptom that may indicate a malfunction of some internal organs. This area contains the pancreas, spleen, heart, stomach, flexure of the large intestine, and kidney. If there are problems with these organs, colic will occur on the left side. Used for examination different methods- ultrasound, endoscopic, x-ray. Some pathologies are deadly and require immediate hospitalization.

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    Causes of pain in the left side

    Tingling in the left side is often associated with eating hot, spicy or fatty foods, physical activity, stressful situations, hypothermia. Sometimes damage to internal organs after injury provokes similar sensations.

    The main causes of colic in the left side:

    1. 1. Spasm of the large intestine.
    2. 2. Inflammation or peptic ulcer of the stomach, penetrating duodenal ulcer.
    3. 3. Pancreatitis.
    4. 4. Splenic infarction, rupture, hypersplenism.
    5. 5. Pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis.
    6. 6. Intercostal neuralgia.
    7. 7. Left-sided pneumonia, abscess, tuberculosis process, pneumothorax.
    8. 8. Pathologies of the esophagus and diaphragm.
    9. 9. Cardiomyopathy.

    To find out the reasons, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is necessary, endoscopic examination stomach. You should visit a doctor.


    On the left in the hypochondrium is the splenic flexure of the colon. Spasms in this area are provoked strong gas formation, infections (dysentery, salmonellosis, cholera), digestive disorders.

    Intestinal bloating is observed with problems with the pancreas, abuse of food with big amount fiber. Pain in the left side may be a symptom of chronic inflammatory diseasesulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease.

    To examine the colon, fibrocolonoscopy, coprogram, analysis of microflora and intestinal infections are used - yersiniosis, salmonellosis, dysentery, coli infection.

    Gastritis, peptic ulcer

    Inflammation of the stomach and the appearance of defects in the mucous membrane in it can cause pain on the left side. The symptom usually occurs when eating food, especially spicy, hot, and sour. Alcoholic drinks– provocateurs of gastritis attacks.

    Used to examine an organ endoscopic method– FGDS (gastroscopy) with pH-metry, respiratory (urease) test for Helicobacter.


    Inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by both spasms in the left side and exocrine insufficiency. If the organ does not secrete enzymes into the duodenum, then fatty, sticky and loose stool at the patient. Its abundant discharge - polyfecalia - is one of the symptoms of pancreatitis.

    Since swelling of the pancreas occurs due to spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, through which bile is secreted, pain can radiate to the right side, back, or right shoulder. Pancreatitis is often combined with cholecystitis.

    A penetrating duodenal ulcer into the gland is also possible.

    Necessary examinations are feces for elastase, urine for diastase, coprogram, checking the level of lipase in the blood, ultrasound of the pancreas.

    Spleen problems

    The spleen is a hematopoietic and immune organ reticuloendothelial system. It destroys the inferior shaped elements blood and aged red blood cells.

    For some infectious diseases– cytomegalovirus mononucleosis, rubella - the spleen increases in size, which causes pain in the upper left side. Organ rupture and heart attacks lead to stabbing sensations.

    Liver diseases that cause portal hypertension, cause plethora of the spleen. This affects its function - it destroys larger number formed elements of blood. With hypersplenism, the indicators of the general blood test change - the number of red blood cells, platelets, and leukocytes decreases.


    Inflammatory diseases of the pyelocaliceal and glomerular systems, stone blockage, tumors, hydronephrosis can manifest as colic in the upper abdomen and back.

    Urolithiasis is accompanied by very severe pain and is dangerous due to peritonitis and hydronephrosis. This condition requires urgent treatment.

    During pregnancy, kidney disorders and pain in the front and back in the area corresponding to this organ are not uncommon. In the laboratory, this is reflected in the appearance of protein in the urine.

    An ultrasound is required for the examination. general analysis urine, culture, biochemistry for creatinine.

    Intercostal neuralgia

    The stabbing nature of the pain is possible with hypothermia, leading to intercostal neuralgia.