Affirmations for good sleep. Sleep setting. Affirmations for insomnia. Statuses, quotes, aphorisms - wishes for sweet dreams

  1. 1 Create a good sleeping environment.
    In the bedroom, the level of noise and light should be minimal. In addition, the room should be cool. The environment around you while you sleep should provide quality rest. You can also use additional sleep devices, such as blackout curtains, eye shields, earplugs, white noise, humidifiers, fans, etc.
  2. 2 Sleep on a quality mattress and pillows.
    You need good mattress, which will provide the right support for your body throughout the night and will be spacious enough for you to lie down and roll over comfortably. If you often wake up with back or neck pain, you need a new mattress and pillows that will alleviate this problem.
  3. 3 Stick to a sleep schedule.
    Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Thus, your " internal clock» will tune in to regular sleep.
  4. 4 Create calming rituals before bed.
    Calming activities will help set you up for a good night's sleep. About an hour before bed, take a bath, read a book, listen to calm music, or do relaxation exercises. Avoid stressful or stimulating activities.
  5. 5 Regulate your sleep-wake cycles naturally .
    Melatonin is a hormone that controls your daily rhythms, and its production depends on sunlight. To keep you alert during the day and sleepy at night, your home or workplace during the day they should be well lit. This stimulates the production of melatonin and in the evening you will want to sleep
  6. 6 Go to bed when you're really tired.
    If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get out of bed and do something calm, like reading or listening to music, until you feel tired. Avoid glowing screens (computers, TVs, phones) as their light stimulates brain activity.
  7. 7 Sleep during the day.
    If you need to nap, take a short nap during the day. You should not take a nap in the evening, as this may cause problems falling asleep at night.
  8. 8 Be physically active.
    Exercise can help you fall asleep faster and sleep better. However, exercising before bed makes it difficult to fall asleep as it stimulates the body and makes you more alert. You should not exercise at least three hours before bedtime. It's best to train during the day, as this will help you sleep better at night.
  9. 9 Eat in moderation.
    Don't eat a lot at night. Eat dinner a few hours before bed and avoid foods that can make your stomach feel heavy.
  10. 10 Avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine before bed.

    Many people think that alcohol helps them fall asleep. Alcohol will indeed help you fall asleep faster, but it will significantly reduce the quality of your sleep and increase the likelihood of waking up at night.

Is it possible to repeat strong affirmations at night? This question arises very often among adherents positive thinking. Many people don't find enough time to repeat affirmations throughout the day. Work, study, caring for children, household chores - contemporaries are completely immersed in these worries, forgetting that they need to regularly practice. Often, people remember effective affirmations only at night, when they are getting ready for bed. In such cases, they are faced with a dilemma about whether to start training while half asleep or whether it is better to postpone it to the next day.

How effective are affirmations for sleep?

Many people consider a half-asleep state to be ineffective for any kind of training. If we are talking about remembering a lesson, song or poem, we can agree with this assumption. However, in the case of positive affirmations, spoken before bedtime, things are completely different. The thing is that at the end of the day the control of human consciousness weakens significantly. In this regard, any information spoken before sleep is consolidated not in the usual conscious memory, but in the subconscious. In case of memorization educational material, this is highly undesirable, since it will be extremely difficult to extract information about what you read from the subconscious without special training. With affirmations everything is much simpler. They do not need to be extracted from the subconscious. Having gained a foothold there, they will turn into installations and will fulfill their main purpose.

The only thing you need to remember when saying effective sleep affirmations is that in such cases, beliefs must be developed with utmost precision. There cannot be a single error in their text. By relaxing yourself before bed, positive affirmations at night are very powerful. All information formulated in them penetrates directly into the subconscious, and if it is formulated incorrectly, the effect may be exactly the opposite of the desired one.

Listen to positive affirmations before bed for a good night's rest

What affirmations to say at night is up to the person himself. These can be attitudes towards health, success, luck, beauty, weight loss - in a word, any beliefs that are necessary to achieve the desired goal. It is worth noting that there are affirmations that can only be repeated at night. If you work with them throughout the day, the effect will not be so noticeable. It's about about affirmations for the coming sleep. They are designed to help overcome insomnia and get rid of nightmares. Positive affirmations for restful sleep you can create it yourself, or use ready-made examples. Here are a few of them:

  • My dreams are joyful and pleasant
  • I fall asleep quickly, easily and calmly
  • My sleep is deep and sound
  • I thank myself and the world for this joyful day. Tomorrow becomes even more beautiful. &1

Listen to the video of beautiful affirmations for the night

Life modern man is like an eternal race: we are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, drink a lot of coffee, get nervous and, of course, suffer from lack of sleep. Most of us are well aware that lack of sleep negatively affects the body, weakening it and putting it at risk of acquiring infection due to reduced immunity, but insomnia and lack of sleep do not stop from this.

If your sleep is not ideal, you have trouble falling asleep and sleep little, then eat a portion of these miracle foods for dinner and you will sleep like a baby.

1. Oatmeal

Many people perceive this porridge exclusively as breakfast, but in fact, in addition to many useful nutrients it contains the sleep hormone melatonin and therefore will be an excellent helper for those who often need to get up early and get proper rest.

This source of minerals will help you relax in the evening thanks to the amino acid tryptophan, which is essential for relaxation. But eating bananas later than an hour before bed is still not worth it.

3. Almonds

Cherries contain a huge number melatonin, which is why just a handful of berries will be enough for strong and healthy sleep. If you drink cherry juice instead of fresh cherries, choose unsweetened brands.

Those who want to improve their sleep naturally will benefit from milk, which contains not only calcium, but also protein and tryptophan. If you don’t really like milk, you can replace it with yogurt or cottage cheese.

Just one hard-boiled egg eaten can affect the speed of falling asleep. The protein contained in the egg will help you sleep well.

Thanks to the presence of vegetable protein, hummus is perfect for a late-night snack and will help you sleep.

Tuna, halibut and shrimp are not only high in vitamin B6, but also contain tryptophan, which is involved in the production of serotonin and melatonin, which are necessary for quality sleep.

9. Herbal teas

For a good night's sleep, you can drink a cup of green tea. It is best if it includes chamomile, lemon and passionflower.

Honey contains glucose, which helps you sleep. In addition, honey can be consumed both as a separate product and as a component of herbal tea.

Are you suffering from insomnia, nightmares and poor sleep? Solve the problem cheaply and cheerfully - repeat sleep affirmations at night and in a few weeks you will see positive changes, and in another month you will completely forget about this problem. Repeating affirmations work time very difficult process, since there is always a lack of free time and it is almost impossible to concentrate. Evening is the ideal time to work on yourself and your destiny. After all, when getting ready for bed, no one bothers you, and when you go to bed, you belong to yourself. Perfect time to work for your own good.

What is affirmation? This is a small phrase that is stated in verbal form. It must be repeated many times in order to achieve a positive result and implement your plans. Such attitudes work on a subconscious level.

By the way, many people have the misleading opinion that a half-asleep state of the body is ineffective for practicing affirmations. We assure you right away that this opinion is wrong, and saying favorable arbitrary sentences before going to bed is surprisingly beneficial.

Everything is explained very simply, just before bedtime human body involuntarily is in the greatest relaxation, everyday problems fade into the background. Your consciousness is most predisposed to uttering uncomplicated and simple phrases, which are much easier and faster to assimilate on a subconscious level. Also a huge plus is the ability to repeat phrases right up to sleep. That's all!

You fall asleep, and the mechanism you started is already working, and slowly begins to bring positive results. Thus, every day it becomes much easier for you to fall asleep, and your sleep becomes stable and light. When you wake up in the morning, you feel great, which naturally sets a positive rhythm for the entire coming day.

The main thing to remember is that the phrases spoken must be carefully thought out and include deep meaning. Avoid mistakes in pronunciation and incorrect expressions.

It is advisable to develop affirmations yourself, and individually for yourself. In general, these are attitudes towards health, success, luck, beauty, weight loss, in a word, all your individual desires and beliefs.

Successful phrases

The following phrases and sentences will help you overcome insomnia and get rid of nightmares:

  • I sleep soundly and have a wonderful night's sleep;
  • I am absolutely not bothered by any nightmares;
  • I have the most sound and alert sleep;
  • I dream exclusively favorable and joyful dreams;
  • I love to sleep and do it with pleasure;
  • I thank God for giving me day and night.

The correctness of the affirmation

By speaking and thinking about positive information, we, to some extent, connect with the Universe and believe that it will definitely help. But there are certain rules that must be followed so that the information is understood correctly:

Important! A thought that has been uttered once has no power. But if you repeat it constantly, the power increases, while creating a powerful energy funnel that can turn your desires into reality. Therefore, the statement you have chosen must be repeated for at least 10 minutes. more is possible, less is not possible.

Necessary sequence

Everyone can tune in to the positive; only in this state can you create the right affirmation. Your thoughts and actions must be consistent. How to act correctly:

The main thing is to believe in what you are doing, feel it on a subconscious level, and within a few days you will see the first results, your plans will gradually come true.

On a note

The ideal affirmation will be when you come up with it yourself, relying only on internal sensations. Initially, there may be difficulties with the formulation, but with experience everything will work out better.

Please note, here are a few examples:

  1. “I am grateful to the Universe for today, because it gave me a lot of happiness and joy. I believe that tomorrow will be even happier.” Using this affirmation, which radiates gratitude, you pay for the positive emotion received, joy. At the same time, you set up the Universe to give you more and more benefits.
  2. “I fall asleep easily and quickly, immediately immerse myself in deep dream" With the help of such instructions you will be able to get rid of sleepless nights. The instruction will help those who cannot sleep for a long time.
  3. “I see joyful, colorful and pleasant dreams.” This formulation will relieve night terrors and nightmares. They will be replaced by good and happy dreams.
  4. “During sleep, I am filled with energy flow, I allow my body to completely rest and my mind to relax.” This affirmation will help those people who do not get enough sleep and get up in the morning depressed and overwhelmed. By reading it regularly, you will be cheerful and full of energy in the morning. The rash will go away.
  5. “In the morning I look great and feel great and energetic.” This instruction is for those who cannot collect their thoughts in the morning and take a long time to get out of bed. During practice, your mood will improve, the morning will evoke pleasant associations, and getting ready for work will be significantly reduced.

These are just examples of effective affirmations. It will be great if you come up with your own instructions for yourself, which will come from the secret corners of your soul, feeding on your emotions. A soullessly written text that resembles a bunch of words will not bring results.

A positive result can be achieved if, guided by your emotions, you use your imagination and correctly compose a sentence. You will repeat it regularly.

With the help of correctly placed affirmations, you can not only improve your sleep, but achieve much more. For example, improve your attractiveness, improve your health, cope with troubles, gain confidence and family well-being, find harmony in life, etc.

When using affirmation, do not forget that it is very important to maintain balance. When the Universe sends you some benefit, and you have not thanked it for it, it will certainly take it away in another area that is important to you. Therefore, gratitude is the key to success. You need to be grateful for what you already have, have received and will receive in the future. Then your life will come into balance, as balance will be maintained.

To get a good night's sleep, you just need to pay yourself a little attention. And healthy and good sleep will help make your whole day successful and joyful.

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    It’s great that articles are now published every Sunday! And as always, everything is clear and correct, I’ll add that in addition to all of the above, I also turn off my phone and router at night, so as not to be exposed to harmful radiation, at least at night. I think few people know how harmful this is, but it’s true, I even wanted to write an announcement on the site so that neighbors would turn off their routers at night (or when they weren’t using it, but this is already in the realm of fantasy), but then I decided that they would take me for insane. Talk about the fact that almost every fifth person has cancer does not convince anyone. Ideally, of course, live in your own home, so as not to pester anyone with strange requests. Anyway. Of the points listed in the article, as it turns out, I comply with almost all of them (although, of course, anything can happen on weekends), I just can’t sleep with open window. When I open the window, it always blows through, probably in my northern city this can’t be fixed, but in the warm season it’s a thrill to sleep with the window open. Thank you, Tanya.

    1. Thank you, Julia!
      You are absolutely right about the mobile phone and router. I try to do the same and recommend it to my son (he lives separately). And, by the way, just like you think about the fact that ideally it is advisable to turn off your neighbors’ routers too. 🙂
      I don’t turn off my phone, but put it away from the bed. The strength of the electromagnetic field, as far as I remember, is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Therefore, moving the phone away from us, we get a significant drop in field strength. That is, if we compare the voltage at several points (A – at a distance of 1 meter from the phone; B – at a distance of 2 meters from the phone; C – at a distance of 3 meters from the phone), then at point B the field will be 4 times smaller, than at point A, and at point B - 9 times less than at point A.
      I hope I'm not wrong. 🙂

    But what to do if there are conditions for sleep, and enough time is allocated for it, but hour after hour passes in painful anticipation of Morpheus’s embrace?

    1. I think we need to understand the reasons for this condition. And try to eliminate the cause.
      Perhaps the schedule has gone wrong. For example: a person took a deep nap after lunch and by nightfall he simply does not want to sleep. This means you need to prevent yourself from falling asleep during the day.
      Or there are a lot of unresolved problems that a person tries not to see during the day, but at night these problems creep into his head. Here, it seems to me, you need to analyze throughout the day what is wrong in life and change for the better. Then at night you can sleep peacefully with the knowledge that decisions have already been made and the right path has already begun.
      Or a person’s activities before bed are too hectic. Perhaps you need to change your schedule, moving hectic activities to the middle of the day, and do only positive and relaxing things before bed.
      Maybe I should get a cat. Jokes aside: when a cat falls asleep sweetly in bed next to its owner, the owner also begins to nod off.

    Let me add my observations:
    1. The bed should be wide enough 🙂 On a narrow bed, where there is nowhere to “crawl away,” it is quite likely that one sleeper will experience regular convulsive shudders/twitches, which “infect” the other))
    2. You should sleep in the dark. It has been scientifically proven that there is a hormone that is released only in the dark (I don’t remember exactly why it is needed, but the fact is a fact).
    3. There is an opinion that “if you want to sleep, you will fall asleep in any environment” (meaning the presence of interfering factors). In my opinion, this is an indicator of physical or nervous overload. In addition, it often turns out that you sleep anywhere and in any way - for example, without undressing. Such a dream does not bring good rest body.
    4. Woman's ear hears higher vibrations than the male. It happened more than once when I had to get up in the middle of the night and look for my cell phone, which, after being fully charged, began to beep disgustingly until you turned off the recharge. My husband basically didn’t hear this squeak, but it really bothered me.
    5. Pregnant women do not seem to be sick, but the need for sleep increases greatly. I remember my state - already on maternity leave, I was literally ashamed that “I’m sitting at home doing nothing” and at the same time I was ready to sleep for half a day))
    6. When putting a child to sleep, you fall asleep ahead of him))
    7. Interesting fact about what women have in their dreams brain activity decreases much less than in men. Perhaps this is related to the ability or ability of some (modestly speaking about themselves) to “put together puzzles” in their pre-dawn sleep. Something completely new: I dreamed that my boss at work was demonstrating dance movements with her feet (sort of Russian footsteps, as well as ballet steps), and I was repeating after her. I woke up - and here it was, inspiration! – I understood why my ankles hurt so badly during and after running, to the point of limping. When I arrive at the stadium, I start running without warming up. And sure enough, having warmed up that day, I didn’t feel any pain afterwards.
    And in general, dreams are a wide area for discussion... I like to finish watching the dream. They can be exciting, or educational, or relaxing. A dream is a great opportunity to simulate a situation and look into “there”, projected by the subconscious. Sleep is the only place where I can communicate with relatives who are no longer alive (moreover, even in a dream I realize that they are no longer alive).
    At the same time, if you start having completely crazy or scary movie-dreams, it means it’s time to get up and “get some sleep.”
    Towards the middle of the cycle I have erotic dreams))
    Overall, worth watching good night you need to calm down and leave unresolved problems for “the morning is wiser than the evening”)))

    1. Thank you, Nina, for the significant additions!
      Everything is to the point: about dreams, and about interfering factors, and about clothes, and about the fact that women sleep several times more lightly (especially those who raise or have raised children), and about the need to give yourself the attitude “This is what I’m talking about.” I’ll think about it tomorrow,” and about everything else. 🙂
      I support!

    This is all great. Yes, you need to go to bed earlier, yes, you need to get enough sleep, fully preparing yourself for sleep. But it doesn't work! During everyday fuss, time flies breathtakingly quickly. I don’t even go anywhere after work and I don’t have children, but I always have something to do. I can’t go to bed before midnight, although it might just be a habit. I’ll also tell you about one friend. It's not scary, she doesn't read the blog)) So. Every morning, when she comes to work, she “gets some sleep” right at her workplace. Doesn't seem to get enough sleep. When asked why he doesn’t go to bed earlier, he answers, “When will we live then?” He came home from work, went to the sports club, came home, ate, and what, go straight to bed? And she has no children and special concerns, but there is life beyond home and work. I understand her, we need to live fully, but when? In big cities, the road and shopping after work take too much time... and to myself, if I get up early, but sometimes I want to sleep so much in the evening that when I come and have dinner, I immediately fall asleep for an hour and a half))) then I get up and realize how much longer undone, I start rustling around the house. At night))) a terrible practice, I realize something needs to be changed, but sometimes the desire to sleep is stronger than anything else.

    1. Yes, life in big cities is exhausting. You have to spend a lot of time on the road, traffic jams and some kind of tossing. When we lived in Kyiv, I drove two hours in the morning to work and then drove two hours home after work. Total, minus 4 hours out of every day. And in general there was some kind of frantic pace, the pursuit of values ​​​​imposed by someone unknown, chronic fatigue, the desire to control everything.
      Even the doctors diagnosed me with “manager syndrome”.
      To be honest, I’m very glad that now I’ve managed to arrange my life in a new, more natural way. Although even with my current lifestyle I don’t always sleep well. 🙂