Sequence of cutting. Factors influencing teething in a child. General reaction of the child's body to teething

Parents take teething in infants very seriously. Some people have to wait for them and look into the baby’s mouth in search of the first or new tooth, while for others they erupt earlier and quite unexpectedly. However, for all children this is a special period when the body is less resistant to various viruses and bacteria, when it needs additional care and support.

At this time, the child may become more capricious, sleep disturbances, fever may occur. Fortunately, not everyone has such manifestations. Some people are lucky and teething is completely painless.


information The average age for the first teeth to erupt is 6 months. However, some children are already born with teeth, and many do not develop them until they are one year old.

  • By the year A child most often has 8 teeth (4 on top and 4 on bottom).
  • By the end of the second year In life, the baby can already boast of 16-20 teeth, and if not, then by the age of 2.5-3 years they should definitely appear.

If your child's primary teething pattern is very different from the general pattern, it is worth showing him pediatric dentist.

Symptoms of teething in a child

Symptoms of teething can appear either 2 months or a couple of weeks before their actual appearance. Most often, the earliest sign is. The baby's T-shirts and blouses on his chest quickly get wet, and sometimes he may even experience irritation on his chin. During this period it is necessary:

  • use special bibs;
  • change clothes promptly;
  • take care of your chin skin.

Another main symptom is gum swelling. They increase in size and may turn red. It delivers discomfort baby, which can cause more capricious behavior, poor sleep, and tearfulness. During this period, the child puts everything into his mouth, tries to bite in order to reduce discomfort and speed up the process of teeth appearing.

important Often during this crucial period there is a decrease in the body’s defense reactions, which contributes to the development of viral or bacterial diseases.

Teething order

Most often, the order in which baby teeth erupt is as follows:

  • lower central incisors;
  • upper central incisors;
  • upper lateral incisors;
  • lower lateral incisors;
  • first lower and upper molars;
  • lower and upper canines;
  • second upper and lower molars.

If the first teeth to appear are the upper central incisors, there is no need to worry. This refers to the normal variant. However, this order does not always occur. For example, the canine may erupt simultaneously with the first molar or a little earlier than it, the lower lateral incisor may appear along with the first molar or even a little later.

How to help your child

advice First of all, the child during this period needs additional affection and love, because he suffers and needs even more warmth from loved ones. Try to mentally prepare yourself that your child will behave more capriciously and sleep worse at night, but don’t be angry with him for this.

Exist special gels, relieving pain, relieving inflammation, and having a cooling effect:

  • Dentinox;
  • Kamistad.

It’s also a good idea to take advantage of all kinds teethers. It’s good if they can be cooled and given to the baby.

However, often special devices are not to the child’s liking, then you can use the usual means at hand: crackers, dryers, a crust of bread. Often the child himself chooses his favorite subject. This could be some kind of toy or household item. In this case, it is important to keep it clean.

Painful conditions

Teething is often accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • temperature increase;

Temperature increase during teething is explained by the release of large amounts of biogenic amines (biologically active substances). However, such an increase should not be more than 38-38.5 degrees and last no more than 1-3 days.

information It is worth bringing down the temperature only if it exceeds 38.5 degrees (more than 38 if the baby had convulsions due to a high temperature).

Among the drugs it is worth choosing those that have active substance is paracetamol.

Appearance runny nose caused by teething increased work glands of the nasal mucosa. Snot usually transparent color. The duration of a runny nose is no more than 3-4 days. If it is difficult for a child to fall asleep, you can instill baby drops based on oxymetazoline and xylometazoline. The main treatment for such a runny nose is rinsing the nose. saline solutions(saline solution, Quix, Salin, Humer).

Diarrhea when teething is explained. Excess saliva enters the intestines, which leads to the formation of more loose stool. No need to worry if diarrhea is not accompanied menacing symptoms, such as:

  • the appearance of blood in the stool;
  • temperature rise of more than 38 degrees;
  • lethargy and drowsiness of the child;
  • addition of vomiting;
  • frequent watery diarrhea.

Sometimes, when teething, a child may experience cough(especially during sleep) and vomiting. It is also caused by increased salivation: saliva flows into the throat and causes a protective reaction in the form of coughing or vomiting.

important If you doubt that these symptoms are caused by teething or they are prolonged, you should take your child to the doctor.

Dental care

It is simply necessary to care for baby teeth, because they ensure the health of permanent teeth. Previously, it was believed that the removal of a baby tooth did not have any consequences for the permanent ones, but it has now been proven that this can lead to the formation Not correct bite, damage to teeth that have not yet emerged.

It is necessary to begin oral care from the moment the tooth has erupted 2/3.

  • Up to a year You can use silicone brushes or wipe them with clean gauze moistened with boiled water.
  • After a year You can purchase a special children's brush and toothpaste. It's better to buy them at the pharmacy. You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day, and rinse your mouth with water after each meal.

additionally Teaching your child how to take care of the oral cavity should begin as early as early age, namely: the baby should see that mom and dad are brushing their teeth. In the future, when the time comes, the process itself will be familiar to him. After all, all children love and strive to repeat what adults do.

Prevention of caries

Recent research in dentistry has proven that has caries infectious nature . Also plays an important role hereditary factor: yes, if the parents bad teeth, the baby is also at risk for the formation of caries. Therefore, it is very important to carry out preventive measures:

  • depending on the age, rinse the baby’s teeth with water (up to a year) or brush with a brush and paste (after a year);
  • limit the consumption of sweets (no more than 20 g of sugar per day);
  • do not give your baby sweet juices, compotes, fruit drinks between meals, especially at night;
  • if the child is in pregnancy, limit, or better yet eliminate, night feedings after a year;
  • do not kiss the baby on the lips, do not lick his pacifier, etc., as this leads to transmission pathogenic bacteria through saliva, which can cause tooth decay in the future (especially if the parents have bad teeth);
  • introduce solid foods to the child in a timely manner;
  • replenish daily ration sufficient amounts of foods containing calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus ( dairy products, fish).

The appearance of baby teeth is one of the most popular topics discussed by young mothers. Although this process is completely natural, it often accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms and malaise crumbs.

The eruption of baby teeth in children occurs in a certain order and has its own patterns.

Eruption of baby teeth

What is the time frame for the eruption of baby teeth in children?

Typically, children's baby teeth begin to emerge at the age of six months. However, this process can begin either earlier or later. A child can be without them for up to a year, and this may be a variant of the norm. There are also cases where a newborn already had one or more teeth, but this happens extremely rarely.

The end of eruption of baby teeth in children occurs at approximately two years of age.. By this age, the child has twenty of them. In general, the timing of eruption is purely individual and depends on many factors influencing the pregnant woman during gestation, as well as the child itself after birth. Such factors may be:

  • peculiarities intrauterine development;
  • the climate in which mother and child live;
  • genetic characteristics (if the baby’s parents had teething characteristics, then with a high degree of probability they will also appear in the child);
  • features of the child’s constitution;
  • age of fontanel closure;
  • the state of health of the baby and the characteristics of its development.

IMPORTANT! Often, delayed eruption is associated with rickets and other diseases.

Teething schedule (deciduous teeth eruption chart)

A child’s teeth are formed during the prenatal period (approximately in the second month of pregnancy). And around the fifth month, a permanent set of eggs is formed.

Timing of eruption of milk and permanent teeth are given in the Table.

Calendar for the eruption of baby and permanent teeth,
as well as the age of resorption of the roots of primary teeth and their loss
No. in order Name and place of localization Approximate age of appearance
Dairy Resorption of MH roots Loss of MH Permanent
For dairy For permanent
1 1 Incisors – bottom center 6 – 7 months 5 years 6 – 8 years 6 – 7 years
2 4 Incisors – top center 8 – 9 months 5 years 6 - 8 years 7 – 8 years
3 6 Incisors – lateral on top 9 – 11 months 5 – 6 years 7 – 8 years 7 – 8 years
4 5 Incisors – lateral from below 11 – 13 months 5 – 6 years 7 – 8 years 8 – 9 years
5 3 Molars (first) – small on top (molars) 12 – 15 months 6 – 7 years 8 – 11 years 6 – 7 years
6 2 Molars (first) – small from below (molars) 12 – 15 months 6 - 7 years 8 – 11 years 6 – 7 years
7 10 Fangs - from above 16 – 18 months 7 – 8 years 9 – 12 years 11 - 12 years
8 7 Fangs - from below 18 - 20 months 7 – 8 years 9 – 12 years 9 - 10 years
9 13 Molars (second) – large below (molars) 24 – 30 months 7 – 8 years 10 – 13 years 11 – 13 years old
10 14 Molars (second) – large on top (molars) 24 - 30 months 7 – 8 years 10 – 13 years 12 – 13 years old
- 8 First premolars from above - 10 – 11 years
- 9 First premolars from below - 10 – 12 years
- 11 Second premolars from above - 10 – 12 years
- 12 Second premolars from below - 11 – 12 years old
- 15 Third molars – above and below - 17 – 21 years old

The order of eruption of baby teeth in children

Children's teeth erupt in almost the same sequence. The order in which baby teeth erupt is shown in the Table above. The teething sequence in children begins with the central incisors, with the lower incisors appearing first and then the upper. Then the lateral incisors come out (first the upper ones, and then the lower ones). After them, the first molars, that is, the molars, become visible, then the upper and lower canines, and then the second molars (second molars). It is characteristic that all teeth, as a rule, appear in pairs.

BY THE WAY! The sequence in which permanent teeth appear is somewhat different. At the same time, their number becomes larger - instead of 20 there are already 32. Before being replaced by permanent ones, milk teeth fall out, after which the permanent ones begin to erupt.

Approximate dates and the order of eruption of baby teeth

How can you tell if your baby is teething?

When a tooth appears on the surface of the gum, the baby usually begins to worry and be capricious, since the eruption of the tooth is accompanied by pain and discomfort. Parents can understand that the baby is about to have new tooth IC according to the following characteristics:

  • The child is constantly salivating (this is generally a common occurrence in infancy, but when teething, drooling increases significantly).
  • Due to constant salivation around the baby's mouth, irritation or rash may form.
  • The baby puts his hands, as well as all sorts of foreign objects, into his mouth, trying to chew everything, as his gums are very itchy. You can help your child relieve itching and pain by offering him a chilled teether filled with water, as well as a piece of apple or cucumber. In this case, gum massage will also have a good calming effect. Nowadays, many special gels with an anesthetic effect are sold to relieve teething pain, but their use is a purely individual matter.

    ATTENTION! You can use gels and creams with an anesthetic to relieve pain from teething no more than six times a day, taking into account the mandatory break between applications of at least 3 hours.

  • Upon examination, it is clear that the gums are swollen and red.
  • When the tooth is ready to emerge from the gum, a noticeable hole forms in the gum.
  • There may be a slight runny nose or slight nasal congestion due to swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • Body temperature may rise.

    IMPORTANT! It should be remembered that you need to reduce the temperature if it reaches 38 degrees. Young children can be given paracetamol or ibuprofen-based fever medication. For these purposes, liquid temperature-reducing products specially produced for children are usually used. Aspirin is contraindicated for children.

  • The child may refuse to eat due to discomfort in the gums. You should not force your baby to eat if he doesn’t want to. As a rule, appetite returns as soon as the tooth comes out.
  • There may be diarrhea and regurgitation. If your baby has stool more than four times a day and has acquired a watery consistency, you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate an infection.
  • The baby can make a row because feeling unwell and pain in the gums. In these cases, the child can be distracted by a new toy or teether. Teethers filled with water, cooled in the refrigerator (but not to the point of freezing), are very suitable for this purpose.

There is an opinion that when teething you should refuse vaccination, but this is incorrect. Teething is not a reason to avoid vaccinations.

Child brushes teeth for the first time

How to care for your baby's teeth and gums during teething?

Children, like adults, need oral, teeth and gum care to prevent caries and other diseases in the future. It is necessary to clean your baby’s mouth even before teeth appear. For this purpose, take gauze and wipe it with it (you can moisten it soda solution) gums after each feeding.

When the first teeth appear, you can move on to the first one. toothbrush , - it is a silicone cap on the finger with bristles for cleaning. By about a year old, you can buy your child a regular toothbrush, but with soft bristles.


Children can use toothpaste when brushing from the age of three, when they learn to rinse their mouth. It is important for parents to show skill proper cleaning teeth as an example for the formation useful habit The child has.

ATTENTION! Children's toothpaste must be without fluorine, since its compounds for child's body toxic.

Children's teeth erupt in a certain sequence. The cutting starts from the center of the jaw and continues to the sides. The age at which this occurs varies from person to person, but there are general patterns. It is important to monitor the condition and well-being of the baby during this period, since he needs help and care. You should not introduce any new foods into your baby's diet while he or she is teething..

During teething, you should spend as much time as possible on the baby, carry him in your arms, hug him and soothe him, since the baby experiences pain and discomfort that he has not experienced before.

The appearance of the first tooth is a touching moment that young parents look forward to. As a rule, teething begins at six months of age (the period of introducing complementary foods). By age 3, a child should have 20 baby teeth.

No matter how long-awaited the teeth are, parents have many questions. The teething process is not painless. How can you help your baby? Is it necessary to care for the oral cavity of a newborn? How to do it? In what order do a child's teeth come in? When should I expect my teeth to fall out? How painful will it be?

The order and timing of the appearance of baby teeth in children

Teething in children occurs in different terms. This time depends on the mother’s nutrition, the characteristics of pregnancy and intrauterine development, heredity, timing of the introduction of complementary foods, and the quality of drinking water.

When determining the stages of teething, pediatricians rely on information provided by World Organization healthcare. The timing of the release of units at 1 year of life is approximate, and some deviations cannot be considered a pathology. For example, if the first tooth appeared at 10 months, and not at six months, then the eruption of the remaining teeth will shift by 4 months.

Often teeth are cut in pairs, sometimes parents find 2 pairs of upper and lower units at the same time. The timing of the eruption of primary teeth and the schedule provided by WHO for children in the first 2 years of life are shown in the table:

The teething chart shows that by the first birthday a child usually has 8 teeth. When the pattern is violated, you should surrender general tests to eliminate metabolic imbalances, endocrine disorders, insufficient intake of vitamin D3 and calcium into the body. The cutting sequence is shown in the photo.

In the second year of life, teeth also erupt in pairs, starting from lower jaw. Fangs appear and fall out last. The paired appearance of dental units is provided by nature for the further formation of a correct bite. If the timing and rate of eruption of primary teeth is violated, the jaw becomes deformed. The baby will not be able to chew food and will have problems with digestion. Neither parents nor doctors will be able to change the calendar and timing of teething in babies. However, you should know what exactly is not a failure of the baby teeth eruption schedule.

When and in what order do primary teeth begin to fall out?

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Baby teeth are pushed out constant units. This process usually begins at age 6. A year before the change of dental units, baby teeth begin to wobble due to the weakening and resorption of their roots.

The first to fall out are the central incisors of the lower jaw. The whole process lasts up to 9–12 years. The order of appearance of radical units usually coincides with the appearance of milk units. After the lower incisors, the upper ones fall out, then the premolars. The last ones to change are the fangs.

The calendar for the appearance of teeth depends on individual characteristics body. It usually doesn't bother children painful sensations and is much easier for infants to erupt. Surgeon intervention may be required if the roots of a baby tooth are too strong. Until the age of 4, baby teeth should be firmly attached to their roots. If they are unsteady, the child does not have enough vitamins.

Constant units: sequence of eruption, timing

When a baby is born, it has at least 8 follicles (buds) of permanent teeth. Typically, the eruption of molars occurs general scheme. The stages of eruption of molars are approximate; small deviations are not considered pathology.

Before the first units fall out, the eruption of molars begins. This happens six months before the first loose incisors fall out. The jaw also grows with age. A free space is formed into which the first molars (“sixes”) fit. The top and bottom appear simultaneously.

The order in which molars erupt in children can be seen in the table:

Wisdom teeth (numbered “8”) appear in children under 15 years of age. However, their growth can be observed much later, even after 30 years. How many teeth does a child have? The number of permanent teeth is 32, milk teeth – 20.

What symptoms accompany the eruption of primary and molar teeth?

Sometimes kids tolerate the process calmly. Parents accidentally discover a tiny tooth. You can understand that teeth are about to erupt soon by the following signs:

  • excessive salivation;
  • redness, small rashes around the mouth;
  • moodiness, anxiety;
  • sudden crying;
  • fever up to 38.5 degrees, lasting no more than three days;
  • swollen red gums;
  • poor appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • runny nose, cough.

The first symptom is swelling of the gums. The place is felt with a finger. A variant of the norm is accumulation of blood. A hematoma under the mucous membrane may have bluish tint and disappears after eruption. An infection sometimes causes an abscess.

Itchy gums provoke the baby's desire to scratch them, he will put everything in his mouth. The task of parents is to create a safe space so that high-quality and harmless objects reach the baby.

A runny nose when teeth appear is serous or mucous in nature. Mucus getting into the throat causes a cough. A significant part of the abundant saliva is swallowed by the baby, causing liquefaction feces. Too much thick mucus, getting on the root of the tongue, can cause vomiting. Constant salivation makes the mouth and chin area moist, which causes a rash. Contact with irritated skin by an infectious agent causes streptoderma.

Many of the symptoms are similar to those of infectious, inflammatory diseases. The baby cannot show where and what hurts. If the baby’s condition worsens, you should show it to a pediatrician to identify the real reason ailments.

Molars grow less painfully, not counting the fangs. Also possible increased salivation, fever, loose stool, runny nose. The increase in body temperature is caused by the synthesis of biologically active substances in the body, which should reduce swelling and blood flow to the gums.

How to get rid of unpleasant manifestations?

The appearance and growth of teeth is a rather painful process. Infants and older children tolerate this process differently. Babies become capricious, whine, and eat poorly. During this difficult period for children, parents should pay them as much attention as possible, hug and stroke them more often. Mother's love will not relieve the child from pain, but it will make him calmer. It is advisable to hold the child in your arms more often, talk to him, walk, and divert attention to toys and animals. This will help distract his attention from the pain and itching.

Effective and popular methods of relieving discomfort:

  • gum massage;
  • use of teethers;
  • application of anesthetic.

About 50 years ago, teeth were helped to erupt by pressing with a spoon or rubbing with a piece of hard refined sugar. It is wrong to carry out such manipulations, because... they cause even more irritation, including damage to the gums. It might start inflammatory process with an increase in body temperature. Allowed light massage finger with several layers of gauze wrapped around it, soaked in cool water. You can purchase a special brush for your finger.

Rubber or plastic teethers help reduce itching. Some models contain water inside. Such accessories are stored in the cold. A cooled object makes it easier to tolerate itching and relieves swelling. A cold, clean cloth will also do the job. Orthodontic latex pacifiers are available. They relieve itching well without disturbing the bite.

Symptoms such as runny nose and cough can be eliminated without much difficulty. Constant instillations saline solution will prevent the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx. Vasoconstrictor medications can be instilled into baby nose only with the doctor's permission. Reducing the amount of mucus going down the throat will reduce the severity of a wet cough.

WITH wet cough caused by swallowing a large volume of saliva, eating porridge will help to cope, rice soup. For diarrhea, it is permissible to give the baby sorbents. If the child does not tolerate high temperature body, it can be brought down with ibuprofen or paracetamol in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories.

Application is not excluded medications to reduce pain. These are gels for local application with an anesthetic effect. You can use anesthetics only on medical advice and do not abuse them.

Popular pain relievers and itching relievers, their descriptions are discussed in the table:

Name of the drugComposition, action
DentinoxLidocaine with chamomile extract in the form of gel and drops. Relieves pain and gum inflammation.
MundizalGel with anise aroma. Cools, relieves pain, disinfects.
KalgelAntimicrobial agent with lidocaine. Nice sweet taste. Can be used up to 6 times a day.
Baby DoctorOn plant based(calendula, marshmallow, echinacea). Helps with inflammation and pain. Hypoallergenic, odorless and tasteless. Can be used repeatedly.
SolcoserylAbrasive paste, remains on the gums for up to 5 hours. Relieves pain, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues.
Dantinorm BabyHomeopathic medicine for internal use. In addition to relieving pain, it eliminates digestive disorders.

Painkillers should only be given to children if symptoms are present. If it is possible not to use an anesthetic, it is better to refuse it. Before applying the gel to your gums, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Most anesthetics are not recommended for use more than 3 times a day or for more than 3 days.

Eruption pathologies and features of their treatment

Deviations in the formation of the dentition are possible with the appearance of milk units and their replacement. Early eruption at 3–4 months is not considered a pathology. This is associated with physiological characteristics body and past diseases. It is recommended to go general examination to identify possible pathologies, including endocrine disorders.

There are rare cases of a baby being born with erupted incisors. If the mother agrees, they are removed so as not to damage the nipple during feeding. Violation of the order is associated with a difficult pregnancy and does not require special treatment.

The following signs indicate a violation of the pattern of teeth eruption and loss:

  • Edentia is the absence of a tooth, which is detected on an x-ray.
  • Retention - the tooth comes out partially, incorrectly, or does not come out at all, remaining entirely in the gum. The reason may be a lack of space caused by deformation of adjacent teeth, extraction, inflammation of the root, or improper placement of the germ.
  • Impaired growth of molars requires surgery. IN otherwise adjacent units may collapse or become inflamed.

A crooked row is often associated with problems with intrauterine development, if the mother suffered from severe toxicosis, suffered infection. Lack of calcium and fluoride in the mother's body during pregnancy provokes micronutrient deficiency in the child.

  • Nurofen
  • Gels
  • Any mother eagerly awaits her baby's first tooth, so knowing the order in which baby teeth will erupt is of interest to almost all parents. In addition, knowledge of how teeth grow is also important for assessing the correct development of the baby, because if you notice any irregularities, you can prevent dental problems in time.

    Erupted teeth on time is one of the indicators proper development child

    Teething Rules

    1. A baby's teeth usually appear in pairs. When a mother notices one new tooth in her baby, she needs to expect that its “brother” of the same name will appear in the near future. It happens that a baby cuts 2 or 4 teeth at the same time.
    2. For most children, teeth erupt first on the lower jaw. For example, the lower central incisors appear first, and then the same teeth at the top. The same situation occurs with molars and canines, and only the lateral incisors climb differently (they first erupt at the top).
    3. The approximate number of teeth at a certain age is calculated based on the following formula: “the baby’s age in months minus four.” She suggests that On average, at 6 months, children develop two teeth, and by 24 months of life, all twenty teeth.

    Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion about the first teeth and all the problems that arise due to their appearance, watch the video:


    Although teething is a physiological and natural process, it still puts a strain on the child’s body, causing discomfort and the following manifestations:

    • Increased saliva production.
    • Decreased appetite up to complete refusal from food.
    • The urge to pull various items into the mouth and chew them due to itching in the gums.
    • The appearance of swelling, redness and swelling at the site of eruption.
    • Moodiness and irritability due to pain and itching.
    • Disturbed sleep.

    Restless sleep- a sure sign that the baby’s first tooth will soon come out

    In some babies, these symptoms are accompanied by others:

    • Increased body temperature (in most cases within +37+37.5°C).
    • Runny nose and cough due to excess saliva.
    • Slight dilution of stool.
    • Skin irritations on the chin and chest.

    During teething, it may last for several days. low-grade fever

    Which teeth appear first?

    The very first tooth that a baby “pecks” is called an incisor. In most toddlers it appears on the lower jaw, after which another incisor appears quite quickly nearby. These teeth have narrow crowns and are designed for biting food. Most often, they erupt at the age of 6-8 months, although in some toddlers the first incisor begins to knock on the spoon at 3-4 months, and some mothers have to wait until the first tooth appears. one year old babies.

    In most cases, the first teeth look like this

    Teething sequence

    Although the order in which baby teeth appear is only approximate and may differ for each individual child, parents should focus on the following sequence:

    • The first teeth in most children, as we noted above, are central incisors, called “units” for their position in the dentition.
    • They are further supplemented lateral incisors, which are called "twos".
    • After the incisors comes the time of appearance first molars, which in the dentition come in “fours”.
    • The next step is eruption of canines between the lateral incisors and first molars, that's why they are called "triples".
    • The last of the baby teeth to appear are the “fives,” which dentists call second molars.

    Average timing of appearance of baby teeth in the table

    The process of eruption of each new baby tooth occurs individually in different children, however, if you look at the order and time of appearance of the first teeth in most children, you can see the average time frame that parents and pediatricians focus on. Here is a table that shows the average period for the appearance of teeth, taking into account the sequence of their eruption:

    In most children, the last baby teeth “peck” by the age of 2-2.5 years.

    When do baby teeth fall out?

    The average time frame for baby teeth to fall out will be:

    • Central incisors begin to become loose and fall out at 6-8 years of age.
    • Loss of lateral incisors is observed in children 7-8 years old.
    • The period of loss of the first molars is 9-11 years.
    • Fangs most often fall out between the ages of 9 and 12 years.
    • Second molars become loose and fall out at 10-12 years of age.

    An orthodontist, Ph.D., expressed her opinion regarding the replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones. Svetlana Nikolaevna Vakhney:

    The order of eruption of permanent teeth

    The first to appear among the child’s permanent teeth are “sixes,” that is, teeth that are located in the dentition immediately after the second primary molars. These are called first molars, and the primary molars are replaced by teeth called premolars. The first permanent molars erupt in children aged 6-7 years, and this usually happens before the first milk teeth fall out.

    • At the age of 6 or 7 years, the central incisors appear on the lower jaw.
    • At 7-8 years of age, the central incisors erupt in the child and upper jaw.
    • The lower “twos” also appear at the age of 7-8 years.
    • The lateral incisors at the top are cut at 8-9 years of age.
    • On the lower jaw, fangs grow at 9-10 years of age.
    • The upper canines appear in children aged 11-12 years.
    • The appearance of the first premolars on the upper jaw is observed on average at 10-11 years.
    • The eruption period for the first lower premolars is 10-12 years.
    • The second premolars erupt at the top in children aged 10 to 12 years, and on the lower jaw - at 11-12 years of age.
    • The second molars emerge at the bottom at 11-13 years of age.
    • The eruption of the second molars on the upper jaw is noted at 12-13 years of age.
    • The third molars in both the upper and lower jaw are cut after the age of 17 years.

    Possible problems with teething

    The main problems that occur during teething are the violation of the timing of their appearance, as well as the wrong sequence. In addition, since the appearance of new teeth lowers the child’s immunity, the baby may develop:

    • Pneumonia
    • Caries
    • Stomatitis
    • Abscess (retropharyngeal)

    Why might teething be delayed?

    If the baby has not yet developed a single baby tooth by the age of one year, it is worth taking the child to the doctor. and find out the reasons for this situation. They may include:

    • The influence of hereditary factors. If mom, dad or other close relatives erupted teeth later than average, then the situation will be the same for the baby.
    • Calcium deficiency, which also provokes rickets.
    • Lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland.
    • Problems with digestion and absorption of nutrients.
    • Absence of tooth buds.
    • Prematurity of the child.
    • Development of an infectious disease.

    The Union of Pediatricians of Russia gives advice to parents on what to do and how to behave during teething:

    Gaps between teeth

    Baby teeth that appear in a child under 3 years of age may be located asymmetrically or with spaces between them. This is a normal option if the entire dentition has not yet erupted. As soon as it is fully formed, due to active chewing, all teeth will fall into place. Further, by the age of 6-7 years, when the replacement of baby teeth begins, gaps will again appear between the teeth, since the size of permanent teeth is much larger. The appearance of such gaps should not worry parents.

    A child’s first tooth appears at the age of 4-7 months, and then the process of teething will continue until 5-6 years. It is often accompanied by excessive salivation, crying and sleep disturbances. After the first pair of teeth erupt, parents already know many ways to improve their baby’s well-being. To eliminate pain and swelling, you can use special dental gels and lightly massage the gums. A colored toy made of soft plastic will not only distract the child, but also speed up teething.

    When teeth start to erupt

    Pediatric dentists evaluate the process of teething in children based on timing, order of appearance, and quantity. Usually, paired teeth are cut on the right and left sides at once, several days apart. This order may be violated, which is quite physiological and should not cause concern for parents.

    At birth, the baby oral cavity no teeth. Deep in the jaws are only their rudiments - 20 temporary and 16 permanent.

    They begin to form in the first trimester of pregnancy, and by the end of the second, enamel is formed. The degree of its mineralization is individual and depends on the nutrition of the expectant mother and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. The formation of the remaining rudiments of permanent teeth will occur as the baby grows after birth.

    Baby teeth

    Baby teeth have porous and rough enamel with a small amount of microelements. The first one can appear in a child even at 4 months. But more often it erupts after six months, when the formation of the dental crown is completed and the root is fully developed. Parents can control the order and frequency of this process on their own so that, if necessary, they can contact the dentist without waiting for the next examination. At what months does baby teeth begin to erupt?

    • lower central incisors - 6-7 months, upper - 8-9 months;
    • upper lateral incisors - 9-11 months, lower - 11-13 months;
    • upper molars - 12-18 months, lower - 13-19 months;
    • canines of the upper jaw - 16-20 months, lower - 17-22 months.

    Usually cut first upper teeth, and after three to four weeks - the lower ones. Eruption is completed by the second lower upper molars, which appear around 24-30 months.

    The primary bite is formed from 20 teeth. His characteristic feature- absence of premolars.

    The timing of eruption may shift in one direction or another by about a couple of months. Baby tooth it will appear sooner or later, but if there is a serious delay, you should consult a doctor. If necessary, he will make adjustments to the baby’s diet or prescribe the intake of balanced complexes of vitamins and microelements.

    Permanent teeth

    The permanent tooth begins to cut immediately after the baby tooth falls out. If you look closely, in the vacated space, a bump or sharp edge of a new tooth is already clearly visible inside the hole. The first teeth cut in children are molars, which appear at the age of 5-6 years. It is from them that the formation begins permanent bite in this order:

    • a year later it is the turn of the lower and upper permanent central incisors;
    • only at 10-12 years old canines, first and second premolars are cut;
    • at 14 years of age the second molars appear;
    • Wisdom teeth are cut by the age of 17-25, and sometimes they are not formed at all.

    Parents should take note that permanent teeth the child has its own anatomical features.

    Their cavity volume is larger and their strength is significantly less than that of adults. Therefore, under the influence of any exogenous factor(microbes, a lot of sweets in the diet) caries develops quickly or becomes inflamed inner fabrics tooth

    First symptoms

    Even the parents of their first-born child can easily determine when their child’s teeth begin to cut. The first signs are moodiness, bad dream, refusal to eat. This means that something is bothering the baby, but due to his age, he cannot explain to mom and dad the reason for the anxiety. Experienced parents simply examine the baby’s oral cavity. A small whitish bump is clearly visible on the gum. When lightly and carefully tapped on it, a ringing sound is clearly heard. Also, the eruption of any of the teeth is characterized by certain symptoms.

    • Swelling, swelling, redness of the gum area. Slight hyperemia and increase local temperature occur due to the acceleration of blood circulation at the site of eruption.
    • Blueness in the eruption area. This specific sign should not bother parents. blue tint gum disease occurs as a result of the formation of a small hematoma - an accumulation of blood released from damaged capillaries.
    • Excessive salivation. The body's response to the appearance of something new in the oral cavity, while foreign object. In addition, the baby, in an attempt to relieve the unbearable itching, begins to scratch his gums with any objects within sight. At the same time, a lot of saliva is released, which he does not yet know how to swallow in a timely manner.
    • Running nose. Usually occurs due to the proximity of the nasal passages, increased local temperature and swelling of the gum mucosa. If the discharge is clear and liquid, then there is no reason for alarm.
    • Refusal to eat. The baby becomes picky about food, eats only his favorite foods and not large quantities. Loss of appetite due to deterioration general well-being or irritation of the mucous membrane when breast milk, formula, fruit, vegetable or meat puree comes into contact with it.

    When cutting lower teeth, especially abundant salivation is observed. The child does not have time to swallow it, so it begins to flow down the chin. This causes irritation and redness of the skin. Small ones form on it pink rashes. To eliminate them, you need to wash your baby more often, and not wipe his chin with a napkin. Excessive salivation provokes a slight cough. In this way, the child tries to get rid of a large amount of liquid in the mouth.

    Uncharacteristic signs

    Many parents believe that the process of teething is always accompanied by an increase in temperature. This opinion is wrong. Only affected by inflammation small area gums. It is slightly hot to the touch due to the strong blood flow. In young children general temperature body temperature may rise to subfebrile levels - within 37.1-38.0°C. The reason is the imperfection of the immune response to the inflammatory process occurring in the body. Normally, children over two years of age do not have a fever. If this does happen, then parents need to show the child to the pediatrician. Perhaps teething symptoms are being disguised as clinical manifestations respiratory infections. The doctor will conduct an examination to determine the true cause of hyperthermia.

    The main symptoms of eruption are not specific and accompany many pathologies. Therefore, it is important to determine their cause. How to understand that teething occurs with complications:

    • Diarrhea. In most cases it signals intestinal infection. Pathology develops as a result of the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the child’s body from objects with which he scratches his gums.
    • Nasal discharge is thick, green, and streaked with blood. This symptom is characteristic of prolonged rhinitis (runny nose) accompanying a respiratory infection.
    • Attacks of nausea and (or) vomiting. Typical sign intestinal infection, often accompanied by high fever.

    If a child becomes weak, lethargic, apathetic, then you need to carefully monitor him drinking regime. A lot of fluid is released with saliva. And with vomiting or diarrhea, water leaves the body in large quantities. Urgent need to apply for medical care, since a loss of just 10% of fluid is fatal for a child.

    What not to do

    A child's teeth erupt only when the time comes - the tooth root has developed and the dental crowns have formed. Accelerating this process is not only impractical, but also very dangerous.

    You should not open (pierce or cut) the resulting swelling in an effort to help the baby. The consequences can be unpredictable. With a high degree of probability, microorganisms that constantly live in the oral cavity and belong to opportunistic microflora will penetrate into the wound. An increase in their activity will provoke severe inflammation of the entire jaw.

    Even some doctors recommend using it for pain relief herbal rinses. Infusions of coltsfoot, chamomile, and marigold contain many substances with an analgesic effect. But Small child until he knows how to rinse his mouth and simply swallows the bitter solution. And most herbs are strictly prohibited for use in children under 12 years of age.

    How to improve your child's well-being

    The easiest way to alleviate the child’s condition is to rub special dental gels into the inflamed area of ​​the gum. They contain ingredients plant origin and useful synthetic additives. The drugs have a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, distracting the child from discomfort for a few hours. But not all gels are used in pediatrics, so a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. Often, due to the not yet fully formed immunity, the baby may develop local allergic reaction. Therefore it is better to use more safe methods eliminating pain.

    • Teether. Before giving the toy to your baby, you can cool it in water or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. For infants up to one year old, you need to purchase small flat rings or figurines. Suitable for older children large toys With small tubercles on a surface.
    • Breast-feeding. Babies should be put to the breast more often, albeit at the expense of complementary feeding. IN mother's milk contains many bioactive compounds with analgesic effects.
    • Massage. You can improve your child’s well-being by lightly stroking the gums with a finger wrapped in a sterile napkin.

    Proper care affects not only the health of permanent and baby teeth. The condition of the entire oral cavity, including the gum mucosa, improves. Doctors advise starting care at 6 months. Pharmacies sell special children's toothbrushes and toothpastes without dyes or preservatives. You can purchase a device that mom or dad puts on the finger. It is equipped with a soft rubber brush that carefully removes all dirt. With healthy gums, the eruption of the next tooth will become less painful.