Dental care. Why does a child need a pediatric dentist? Cloves for toothache

Dental implants, after their installation, require constant and careful care. The duration of their service will depend on this, general state gums and natural teeth. An important point is proper cleaning teeth at home. If you have removable dentures, you need additional procedures. Visits to the dentist and periodontist should not be ignored: these specialists will be able to promptly identify and eliminate pathologies, saving the patient time and money.

Oral care after dental implantation

After installation of the dental structures in question Patients need some time to get used to it. Adaptation to single crowns is easiest. Things are more complicated with removable dentures, which are fixed on several implants.

To minimize the risk of complications and quickly eliminate discomfort, you must adhere to the following recommendations for the first 2 weeks after installation of the products:

Dental professional care for dental implants and diagnostics. What can a dentist find out when diagnosing the condition of implants, how can he help care for implants?

After installation of implants, each patient needs supportive professional treatment, regular diagnostics of tissues that are located around the artificial product. Devices for cleaning the oral cavity at home may differ from those used for natural teeth. Plaque that is not removed in time (including on dentures) can provoke inflammatory phenomena in the mucosa, an increase in defective pockets.

Maintenance therapy in the presence of implants includes the following measures:

1. Probing. There is no consensus among periodontists regarding this type of diagnosis. Some experts believe that the introduction of the probe negatively affects the quality of fastening connective tissue to the bone, causes bleeding, promotes the proliferation of harmful organisms. Other doctors see probing as an opportunity to monitor the course of the disease. The appearance of blood during manipulation may be a sign of damage to neighboring natural teeth.

In general, the procedure in question should be carried out qualified specialist, who will be able to calculate the force of pressure on the device during its implementation, and select the correct diameter and type of probe. If errors are detected during probing, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, rinses, and applications. Surgical intervention is less common.

2. Radiography. The most popular method for examining an embedded foreign body.

An x-ray is required in several situations:

  • On the day of installation of permanent implants. The doctor must make sure that the product is fixed correctly.
    1 year after manipulation to control the condition bone tissue.
  • In the future, x-rays should be performed annually. or more often (according to the periodontist). X-ray helps to identify cracks and chips in structures. On average, the warranty period for products is 15 years: if errors are detected during this period, repair/replacement of the implant must be carried out free of charge. The design under consideration consists of several parts: if the screw breaks, repairs are limited. If the implant body is damaged, a small surgical intervention, during which the broken structure is removed. It is difficult to answer how quickly a new implant can be introduced. Here everything will depend on the time that has passed since implantation. With strong fusion of a foreign body with bone, after removal of the structure, a bone tissue transplant may be required. To minimize the risk of chips and cracks in the future, before dental restoration, patients should choose durable products from reputable manufacturers.

3. Examination of the gums. Here the color, density, and outline of the tissues around the implants are taken into account. If there are complaints of discomfort during brushing, in order to eliminate the occurrence of mucosal defects, the doctor may prescribe a gum augmentation procedure. Installed dentures do not always fit tightly to the gum, which causes redness and chafing. Today there are many medical ointments, gels, powders for fixing artificial crowns.

4. Analysis of gingival sulcus fluid. An increase in the amount of this fluid indicates inflammatory reactions. This examination will help identify the stage, type, and rate of development of the pathology.

5. Checking the dental implant for mobility. Often this structure becomes mobile when it is rejected. This phenomenon may occur after several months/years. The culprit may be the patient ( allergic reaction), a doctor or a low-quality product. Before introducing an implant, the doctor must check the condition of the jaw for the presence of atrophy. In case of severe destruction of bone tissue, a sinus lift is indicated. Before checking the structure for mobility, the crown must be removed.

Rules for caring for dental implants - how to clean implants and do you need to visit a dentist?

Dental restoration is not limited to installing implants alone. After foreign bodies took root, comes line of prosthetics. Artificial crowns are made from various materials and can be attached to implants in various ways.

In any case, caring for dental implants is first and foremost regular and proper cleaning dentures, which includes several aspects:

The first year after installation of implants, the patient should visit the periodontist frequently. The first visit is 1 month after installation of the structure, the second is 3 months, the third is six months later. In the future, you should come for examination once a year, taking with you an x-ray.

Teeth are the first thing people pay attention to when communicating.

The lion's share of all cases of occurrence dental diseases oral cavity depends on non-compliance hygiene requirements from an early age.

What should adults do as preventive measures for children?

Why is it important to maintain oral hygiene from early childhood?

The enamel mineralizes during the first few months after. Weak mineralization makes it vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria. Children can suffer not only from, but also from foci of infection in the periodontal area.

The destruction of mature enamel occurs due to the leaching of calcium. Due to endocrine and hormonal changes V children's body in the process of growth, it is actively formed, turning into.

What does a baby’s oral health depend on?

A baby’s dental health is established long before he is born. The genetic heritage of an individual is paramount, but errors in use nutrients by the expectant mother may cause the manifestation of pathologies.

Even during the mother's pregnancy, the fetus should receive calcium in sufficient quantities. Chemical element takes part in the formation of teeth. Their formation begins at 5 weeks intrauterine development. Until the 12th, a critical phase occurs. During this period and throughout pregnancy, maternal nutrition is important.

The diet of a pregnant woman and growing child should include foods rich in:

  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • protein.

How to choose the right hygiene products?

The use of personal oral hygiene products (POH) for children should be correct, targeted and regular. - a simple event that helps:

  • cope with pathogenic microflora;
  • eliminate the existing one;
  • create the necessary concentration of fluoride in saliva.

Every kid knows that they need to brush their teeth. Oral hygiene in children differs from that in adults. Devices for high-quality cleaning oral cavity:

  • dental threads (), take, flossettes;

The baby's first brush, which adults will help him use, should be with a long handle, type 2 hardness. At its rounded and well-polished end, the bristles should be arranged in 2 rows. When the child takes the brush himself, its handle should be voluminous, comfortable to grasp and hold, without sharp corners.

Adults wipe baby's mouth weak solution baking soda, wearing a special finger guard or armed sterile wipe. Using these devices from the refrigerator ( cool temperature) eases the condition of the gums during.

The procedure is performed every day for one minute. If necessary, examination and consultation with a pediatrician.

The program for preserving children's teeth includes the following main points:

  • Using only fluoride toothpastes:
  • education ;
  • regular professional examination (twice a year).

In some countries, oral health is at the core of national policy. There is experience in creating a whole generation of children who do not have caries.

To prevent unpleasant diseases, you need to know how to properly care for your teeth and oral cavity. In this article we will provide you with a large number of information about this, we will share useful recommendations and hygiene rules.

After reading the tips in this publication, you will take better care of your teeth, which will help you avoid problems with them in the future.

Five basic rules

For correct and effective cleaning teeth must strictly adhere to the following:

  1. Comprehensive care – Toothbrush, no matter how carefully you apply it, it will not be able to reach all corners of the mouth, especially the space between the teeth, where plaque will constantly accumulate and harmful bacteria, which over time will lead to the appearance of caries and other diseases. Therefore, also mouth rinses.
  2. We update the arsenal - if dental floss and rinses do not require updating (the latter only deteriorate when their expiration date expires), then the brush must be changed every 3 months.
  3. Expensive, not always of high quality - don’t rely on the best expensive means, the dentist's recommendations and your personal experience. Of course, sometimes good result you have to pay a high price, but not always (this is not the most important factor).
  4. Regularity and thoroughness - the procedures should be repeated twice a day (the cleaning process should last from 3 minutes): after the morning meal and before going to bed.
  5. Visit the dentist – we visit a specialist preferably 2 times a year.

Only comprehensive implementation of three basic rules will effective means prevention. IN otherwise this will not give the desired results, and the resources spent will not protect against tooth loss.

Oral hygiene products

For effective care There are a number of products you should use to care for your teeth and mouth:

  • brush;
  • paste;
  • a thread;
  • rinse aid;
  • Sometimes you can resort to chewing gum.


A toothbrush, although not perfect, is the main element of care; it accounts for about 90% of all teeth cleaning work. Therefore, its choice is one of the most important stages.


  • toothbrush hardness - there are three types: medium, soft and hard. The latter are suitable for cleaning dentures, the medium ones are suitable for people with normal tooth sensitivity, and the soft ones are suitable for children and those with sensitive teeth or problem gums;
  • electric or conventional – cost electric brush higher, but the cleaning effect is more noticeable. Do not forget that the attachments for them need to be changed once every 3 months. The power source for them can be either batteries or an accumulator.

Dental floss

Floss is an integral part of comprehensive care oral cavity, since this is the only product that can effectively clean interdental space(there are also, but they are noticeably more expensive).

Now there are a lot of dental floss on the market and you should choose them according to certain criteria:

  • We recommend choosing flat threads with lubricant to avoid injury to the gums - lubricant not only reduces friction, but also has antibacterial effect, which is very effective for the prevention of dental diseases;
  • waxed or unwaxed – the former are better for beginners, they are more durable and easier to use;
  • the threads can be fluoridated - this should provide the teeth with additional protection from diseases. But they must be used carefully and after consulting a dentist, since excessive amounts of fluoride can seriously harm your teeth;
  • synthetic or silk - in most cases, flosses are made from synthetic materials, more expensive ones are made from silk. If you choose the first option, be sure to make sure that the composition does not contain allergens (information is available on the packaging).


  • watch for the presence of fluoride - it is served as very useful element toothpaste and this is true, but only in certain cases, for example, for the prevention of caries. If you already suffer from this disease or have (an excess of fluoride in the body, as a result of which the teeth become covered with characteristic stains), then you this remedy contraindicated;
  • the most expensive pastes do not guarantee the most positive effect– it depends on a combination of factors, including the body’s predisposition to a particular drug or its components;
  • Whitening pastes do not always bring the desired effect, and when choosing one, it is better to consult a dentist.

It is best to opt for a complex paste or a therapeutic and prophylactic one.

Rinse aids

Rinse aids are the most complex means of all of the above, since their effect extends not only to the teeth, but also to the entire oral cavity. Nuances of choice:

  • preventive or therapeutic - the former provide comprehensive care for your mouth, while the latter act on a specific problem (for example, bleeding gums) and can only be used after a dental consultation;
  • the composition of the rinse aid - make sure that it does not contain allergens. All necessary information can be found on the package or ask a specialist about it;
  • select a rinse in accordance with the toothpastes you already use - in this case, the effect of their use will be much higher.

How to properly care for your teeth? Step-by-step instruction

To effectively care for your oral cavity, you should do it consistently and constantly. It is recommended to have a clear algorithm of actions:

  1. We brush our teeth equally thoroughly both from the outside and from the inside, the brush should move from bottom to top (from the gums to the end of the tooth). After this, you can clean the chewing surface of your teeth.
  2. You need to press on the brush, but do not apply too much force - this can cause harm (especially in the case of sensitive teeth or gums).
  3. The next step is to clean your tongue, since this is where a large number of harmful bacteria accumulate. You can care for your tongue with a regular toothbrush, usually with reverse side There is a special ribbed surface. Use not too firm movements to move from the root to the tip of the tongue. Important! If possible, it is recommended to use by special means(eg tongue scraper). In the same way you can clean inner side cheeks
  1. After these procedures, you need to rinse your mouth thoroughly. clean water and proceed to the next stage - cleaning the interdental space from plaque using dental floss:
    – take floss (a 20-25 cm piece), wrap it around index fingers both hands;
    – begin to pull the floss between the teeth, gradually lowering it;
    – repeat the procedure for each tooth gap: first the front teeth, then slowly move towards the back teeth. Use a new section of floss for each new tooth joint, otherwise you may spread infection from the diseased area of ​​your mouth to the healthy area.
  2. The last step is to use a rinse aid, a small amount of which (1 tablespoon) should be taken into the mouth. Then thoroughly rinse each area of ​​your mouth with it (about 2 minutes).

These steps should be performed twice a day: in the morning (after breakfast) and in the evening (before bed).

At first glance, such a thorough cleaning of the oral cavity will require too much time, but after some time you will adapt and the procedure will take no more than 7-8 minutes.

Video: choosing pasta in the “Live Healthy” program with Elena Malysheva

Features of care for children

The first step is to debunk the myth that there is no need to care for a child’s baby teeth. Lack of preventive measures will lead to serious problems With permanent teeth, and visits to the dentist are like this early age They do not promise anything pleasant either for the child or for the parents.

Therefore, it is worth starting care from the moment the first teeth appear; this must be done carefully and gradually, but regularly.

  • the first brush should be soft and have a small cleaning surface;
  • it is very important to monitor its composition: look for a note on the packaging regarding the possibility of its use by children indicating the age;
  • baby toothpaste must be as organic as possible, but it is necessary to monitor the presence of allergens in its composition;
  • pastes with increased content fluoride - can lead to disruption of the development of both milk and permanent teeth;
  • You should definitely consult a pediatrician and dentist - this will not only give you the opportunity to get recommendations on the choice of children's hygiene products, but will also accustom your child to regular medical examinations.

At the time of changing milk teeth, in addition to the oral care described above, it is necessary to monitor the quality of its drinking water and food, if it contains too much fluoride, its dosage should be reduced, and vice versa.

After the final change of teeth, you can use the same products and in the same order to clean your mouth as for adults.

More than half of older people are forced to wear removable dentures. Previously, such structures often looked terrifying and caused discomfort to patients. However, modern ones can be quite aesthetic and comfortable. But no matter how ideal and modern such structures look, it is important to be able to properly care for them. Otherwise, poor hygiene will lead not only to rapid failure of the prostheses, but also to serious health problems. Let's figure out how to properly care for dentures.

For a solution, one tablet dissolves in half a glass boiled water. After 15 minutes in this solution, the prosthesis is washed with settled water. Exactly like this special compounds not only disinfect the plate, but also mechanically dissolve excess fixing agents.

Modern fixatives contain silicone polymers, which act as a barrier to bacterial growth.

  • Home methods are not a substitute professional cleaning prosthesis. To do this, it must be periodically shown to the orthodontist for examination and necessary adjustments.
  • With the help of special abrasive compounds, the denture is perfectly cleaned and looks like it was just made. In this case, all mineral deposits are removed from the structures. It is enough to apply this process once every six months.

wonderful modern method cleaning and disinfection of removable structures is ultrasonic sanitation. It is performed in dental offices once every 6 months. An ultrasonic bath destroys bacterial contamination, plaque and neutralizes staining caused by food products.

Oral care

The oral cavity is considered the most infected area of ​​the entire body. A huge army of diverse bacteria is just waiting to begin to actively multiply and fill the body with its colonies.

One of the factors promoting growth and reproduction pathogenic microbes in the mouth is a person’s negligent attitude towards personal hygiene. Therefore, you cannot take oral care lightly.

Key points of oral hygiene

Before putting on your dentures in the morning, it is important to make sure your mouth is clean. To do this, it is best to do this:

  • Rinse your mouth and remove food. If even a few of your teeth remain, pre-cleaning teeth, tongue and palate with a soft brush and toothpaste is required. It is convenient to use brushes with silicone papillae to clean the tongue and palate.
  • If the patient does not have any natural teeth left, he can simply wipe his mouth with a gauze swab.

Storage of dentures

Previously, dentures had to be stored in a glass of water, about which a lot of funny and curious stories were often told. This method of storing removable structures was necessary, since the rubber mass material quickly dried out and cracked.

Modern dental plate materials (nylon, metal, silicone or acrylic) do not crack and do not require overnight storage in liquids.

Most patients retain their artificial teeth in convenient cases or plastic containers. The prosthesis can also be stored wrapped in clean cotton cloth. The main thing here is convenience for the patient and safety of the structures.

Children or animals that could damage it should not be allowed near the prosthesis. It is also important to store it in a safe place, preventing it from being dropped or exposed to heavy objects. Although modern structures can withstand severe chewing forces, impacting them with heavy objects or falling from a height onto a hard surface can easily destroy them.

Before installation, it is important to inspect the prosthesis each time to identify any breaks or irregularities (notches, abrasions, bends). A seemingly minor defect in it can seriously complicate normal life to the patient, leading to constant discomfort and pain during use. In this case, the plates not only begin to rub the gums and become a constant source of injury to the oral mucosa, but also quickly become loose and fail.

Nuances of nutrition with artificial teeth

It is extremely important to correctly select the food load after prosthetics so that the service life of the removable plates is long.

For the first six months, food is used as crushed and soft as possible. At this point, many patients complain of a violation taste sensations, drooling, biting the tongue or cheeks, frequent food getting under the denture.

After six months, the diet becomes more saturated. It becomes possible to use a variety of fish, meat and vegetable dishes.

Nuts, seeds, crackers, candies, toffees and chewing gum are prohibited after prosthetics. Large pieces of solid food (apples, carrots, etc.) can also destroy the prosthesis or cause pain when eating.

It is also undesirable to consume products that have a coloring effect ( strong tea or coffee, red wine, soda with dyes). Same unpleasant effect also has nicotine.

Proper care of dentures is essential. But don’t be upset by the many restrictions when using them. Usually for a short time Most people get used to both the prosthesis and the nuances of caring for it. Modern dental structures are becoming comfortable and allow a person not to deny himself any of life’s pleasures.

What could be better beautiful smile? This is the most charming decoration for any girl. After all, a person with a wide, dazzling smile always attracts the attention of others and evokes a sincere smile in return. To have a great smile, you need to take care of your teeth. We present to your attention advice from dentists that will help you ensure proper care for teeth.

1.Choose your toothbrush correctly and carefully. Don't skimp on the brush. It should be of high quality, not too hard and not too soft bristles. It is wiser to use a brush with fairly soft bristles. Change the brush every 3 months.

2. Buy silk dental floss. Dentists believe that proper dental care also includes the use of dental floss. With its help, you can clean your teeth better. After all, as a rule, a toothbrush is not able to penetrate all the spaces between the teeth.

3.Choose toothpaste, which is right for you. The question regarding the choice of pasta is very individual. It all depends on the health of your gums and the presence of tartar. When purchasing toothpaste, look for product approval. American Association dentists.

4.Rinse your mouth after every meal. If after eating you do not have the opportunity to brush your teeth, simply rinse your mouth with water. This procedure will reduce the acid content in the mouth and get rid of pieces of food stuck in the teeth.

5.Try to avoid excessive consumption of sticky foods. Experts are sure that products that stick to teeth destroy them. Cheese, on the contrary, prevents the destruction process, ridding the oral cavity of excess microbes.

6.Drink as much as possible more water. Dry mouth most often leads to gum problems. Therefore, when unpleasant feeling dryness, rinse your mouth with water or herbal decoction. Dentists also advise using special rinses along with antibacterial toothpastes. Remember that dental care at home should be comprehensive.

7. Take care of the beauty of your smile. You've probably noticed that coffee and black tea contribute to darkening of the enamel. To avoid this process, you can brush your teeth after every meal, or take regular courses of gentle whitening. You can also add a drop to toothpaste essential oil lemon.

8. Take care of your teeth. Use your teeth only for chewing food. You should not use them to crack the nut shell. You risk losing your teeth. Today services dental clinics very expensive. Be mindful of when you want to use your teeth as a tool.

9. Take care of your lips. Those with chapped and dry lips will never be able to boast a charming smile.

10.Make regular appointments with a highly qualified dentist. Preventing caries will save you from many problems associated with loss and damage to your teeth.