Soft toys Hansa. Options for Large Dogs

Hello again! Very soon everyone’s favorite and most anticipated holiday of the year is New Year. And in anticipation of something magical and wonderful, we begin to prepare for: we choose for a celebration, give gifts to our loved ones and friends, try to decorate the house in an original and elegant way.

If you are a master of needlework, then you should not have any difficulties when making toys according to patterns. But if you are a beginner, or are not very good with a needle and thread, then read the article to the end, a detailed master class awaits you!!

Well, to begin with, I offer various options for patterns of soft toys, just save and print them, transfer them to fabric, cut them out, stuff them with filling and sew them.

  • Four-legged friend made of felt

  • Beautiful Dolmotinets

  • Doggy couch potato

  • Yorkshire Terrier

  • White puppy

  • Dachshund

And you can easily and simply make an adorable puppy out of a sock, don’t you believe it?! Then watch and learn!!

How to make the symbol of the year 2018 with your own hands

In addition to the usual softly printed products, I would like to suggest that you also make toys in the style of a keychain, for example, or a pincushion, or a backpack bag.

  • Pincushion “Cute puppies with spots”

We will need: several sheets of felt in beige, chocolate, white, pink, blue; pins for fastening; threads; padding polyester for filling; needle; scissors; paper; gel pen or chalk; thin ribbons; small black beads; glue gun

Manufacturing process:

1. Print out the pattern and transfer all the details onto paper. Cut them out.

2. Transfer the design to felt sheets in the colors of your choice.

3. Sew a spot on the muzzle, and use dark threads to embroider the nose, eyes and mouth. Or you can make eyes from beads.

4. Sew both parts of the dog, not forgetting that you need to sew in the ears. We leave room for filling the puppy.

5. Cut pieces of thin tape equal in length to the circumference of the puppy’s neck, and glue a collar on him.

  • New Year's keychain "Pug"

We will need: several sheets of beige, chocolate and blue felt; pins for fastening; black and beige threads; padding polyester for filling; needle; scissors; paper; chalk; two small black beads; key ring; glue gun

Manufacturing process:

1. Transfer the patterns for the toy onto paper and cut them out.

3. Sew spots on the face and embroider the mouth and nose with dark threads. We glue or sew beads in place of the eyes.

4. We sew both parts together and stuff them with filling, put on the clothes and fasten them with threads. We sew and stuff the tail and head with padding polyester. Don't forget that you need to attach the key ring while sewing.

For more experienced craftsmen, I advise you to make a soft pencil case like this:

For those who love to knit, there are many ideas for amigurumi animals, here is an example:

If you are interested in the topic of crocheting cute puppies, write in the comments, then I will make a separate selection on this topic. 😉

Husky dog: master class on making a soft toy

And now I propose to master the felting technique and, thanks to this technique, make a purebred husky puppy, which is very popular today. Such a soft and fluffy friend will be a great gift for your child.

We will need: wool for felting: dark gray, black and white; sponge or special brush for felting; needles: triangular medium needle (No. 38) for forming parts, “star” No. 40, twisted triangular No. 40, medium “crown” needle and reverse needle for adding fluffiness to the toy; self-hardening white clay for eyes; paints for coloring eyes; varnish; a small comb and scissors in order to bring the product into proper shape after processing with a reverse needle.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a bunch of white wool and shape it into a ball on a sponge. First we work with a triangular middle needle, then with a “crown”. The resulting ball is the future head.

2. Now let’s make the muzzle. We fold the end of the muzzle, on which the nose is located, and leave tufts of wool at the opposite end. Connect the muzzle to the head using a thin needle No. 40 for this purpose. Next, outline the contours of the nose and smile.

3. Take a larger tuft of white wool and shape it into the shape of a dog's body. We do not felt the upper edge of the part; we will use it to roll the body to the head.

4. We roll the body to the head.

5. Let's make the hind legs. To do this, take two identical tufts of wool. Using a sponge, give the tuft of wool the desired shape.

6. Let's make the lower part of the paws, where the fingers will be. Take an oblong tuft of wool and use a sponge to shape it into a paw.

7. Wrap the unfelted end around the back of the leg. Then connect the legs and torso of the puppy.

8. Let's start felting the front legs of the husky. To do this, take two identical bundles of wool, use a middle needle or a “crown” to fold one of the ends of each bundle. We work with the paws in parallel. Now form the paw. Bend the piece slightly and poke the needle repeatedly at the bend. We connect them to the body.

9. Make a nose out of black wool.

10. Now we roll the dog with gray wool where necessary. We roll the wool with a thin needle.

11. Make a cone-shaped ponytail from white wool and roll it in gray wool. We roll the tail to the body.

12. Use a needle to make toes on the front paws and felt the ears. We make eyes from clay, paint them with paints or buy ready-made ones. Make the eyebrows from two tufts of white wool. Using black wool we make stripes on the muzzle.

13. To make the toy fluffy, use a reverse needle. Treat the entire surface of the puppy. Hang the chain around your neck.

If this is a difficult technique for you, then crochet the dog, like this:

Making New Year's toys with your own hands with diagrams for beginners

Now I’ll step back a little from the topic and offer you different options for products; we’ll make not only dogs, but also other animals and heroes.

  • The main beauty of the Christmas tree holiday

  • Chickens and Sheep

  • Cow

  • Krosh and Kitty

  • Funny owls

  • Fawn

  • Father Frost

  • Snowman, Cookie and Santa Claus

All these lovely soft toys are made according to the same algorithm described above, and having the patterns, I think you will not have any difficulties in making them. And to help you, there is also a video plot, everything is shown and explained step by step, watch it quickly:

New Year gifts in the form of a dog

My dear friends, I think you will completely agree with me that we have so many close people that you can’t make soft toys for everyone)) Therefore, in conclusion, I want to offer you other gift ideas in the form of the symbol of the year. I hope you will enjoy.

  • Sweet cupcakes for friends

  • Chocolate cake for the whole family

  • Postcard for colleagues

  • Bookmark for a book

  • Magnets for those closest to you

Now it's time for me to finish, I hope that you liked the toy ideas and you will complete them with ease!! Share the selection on social networks, give gifts with or without a reason, making each other happy!! Happy New Year!!

P.S.: patterns and diagrams of puppies were not invented by me, but taken from the Internet))

Hello, dear readers. Somehow winter is in no hurry to come to us, although November is coming to an end, we have not seen snow yet, it is raining and it is + 10 C outside. Let's hope that the New Year itself will be with snow and frost. Christmas trees will be on sale very soon, although they already exist, only artificial ones. My children ask for a real one, they want to decorate it themselves, but what to decorate a Christmas tree in 2018 if not with dog toys that you can make with your own hands. Today I have two master classes on creating Christmas tree toys in the shape of dogs. Both are simple and can be done by a child together with his parents. Sit back and let's get started!

We will make the first dog for the Christmas tree from an ordinary light bulb. A faithful and devoted friend will become a symbol that brings good luck in the New Year. That is why this master class will be devoted to making a Christmas ball in the shape of a dog.

DIY dog Christmas tree toy

As source material we will use:

A burnt out or new light bulb from a lamp;
several colors of felt;
acrylic paints;
glue gun;
art brushes;
To make Christmas tree decorations, you can use both burnt out light bulbs and completely new ones if you don’t have any waste material on hand.
Initially, you need to decide on the color of the future dog. Since this will be the year of the yellow earthen dog, we will use yellow paint to paint the light bulb. It is best to use acrylic paints for painting, as they apply well to the glass surface, dry quickly, and the product turns out bright and rich.

It is necessary to apply paint in several layers, with a wide brush. Each new layer should dry well. We need to apply such a number of layers so that our light bulb acquires a uniform color, without gaps or gaps. You can also trust a child to paint a light bulb, but under the supervision of an adult.

After the painting work is completely completed, the paint has dried well, you can begin to apply the design. We will draw the animal's face on the light bulb. In order to create a high-quality image, you first need to draw a sketch of the drawing with a simple pencil, and then use thin brushes to draw an outline with acrylic paint.
The next step in making the ball will be preparing a New Year's cap and dog ears from felt. For this we need three sheets of felt (red, brown, white). In order to sew a cap we will need red and white felt.

From red felt we cut out a rectangular blank measuring 60 by 110 mm and a white strip 110 mm long and 10 mm thick. The white stripe needs to be sewn on top of the red felt, or glued with a glue gun.

In the center of the red fabric you need to sew a seam forward with a needle, in order to then tighten the top of the cap. Having connected the two edges of the red felt, we sew them together. The result should be a cylinder with a white edging. Then we tighten the seam we made earlier in the center of the hat and make a knot to maintain the shape. Thus, our hat is ready. Attach it to the base of the light bulb using hot glue.
The final stage will be making the ears. Draw a pattern on cardboard with the shape of the ears that you would like to make. We attach the felt ears using a glue gun. If you want to hang the toy on the Christmas tree, tie a thread or ribbon to the resulting dog.

As a result, we got a cute dog that will decorate your New Year's tree and bring good luck in the new year.

Dog made of napkins (microfiber)

The second dog toy for the Christmas tree will be made from a napkin (microfiber). My daughter brought this idea from classes where she goes to draw and make things. There, together with the teacher, they made a funny dog, at home I asked her to tell me step by step what they did and how they did it, and we even tried to make a video with her, see what came out of it, see for yourself.

You can not only hang such a dog on the Christmas tree, but also simply put it on the table at home as a symbol of the year, a great idea to give such a dog to your family and friends with your own hands for the New Year.

For a microfiber dog we will need:

  • Microfiber cloth size 30cm by 30cm
  • Stationery erasers - 2 pcs.
  • Plastic eyes
  • Felt brown, black and pink
  • Satin ribbon 1 cm wide in any bright color - 20 cm
  • Glue gun
  • Scissors

If you urgently need a dog, then this is the very case when you will learn how to make a dog in five minutes with your own hands, I won’t even exaggerate, it is done very quickly, and in just one evening you can make a bunch of such dogs, and then give them away to all your relatives and For the joy of your friends, the main thing is to stock up on microfiber napkins; by the way, they cost about 50 rubles per piece.

So, first we take a microfiber napkin, by the way, they are also different, you need a double-sided one so that it is fluffy on both sides, we came across a napkin that is fluffy only on one side, this is also okay, accepted.

Unfold the napkin and place it with the fluffy side down, roll the edges of the napkin into a tube to the middle.

We bend the rolled napkin with the same side into two parts, so that one is shorter than the other. Using a rubber band, we separate the head by wrapping the rubber band around a napkin several times. We bend the second long part to the head - this will be the muzzle and also secure it with an elastic band.

All the foundation for our dog is ready. All that remains is to cut out the ears from felt; they will be hanging in the shape of a drop. Felt ears can be made in any color that you think will suit your dog best. Our yellow dog has ears made of brown felt, and the white dog that we filmed has black ears, just like . We cut out the nose from black felt, and the tongue from pink.

All that remains is to glue on the eyes, ears, nose and tongue using hot glue. For beauty, we tied a blue satin ribbon around the dog’s neck from a napkin. It turns out to be such a cute little dog. In the video we made a white dog so that the yellow one wouldn’t be bored. Now let's buy more napkins and make a lot of these dogs so that there is enough for everyone. I really liked this idea with napkins, it’s quick, simple, the result is very cute in my opinion, what do you think, dear readers, did you like the ideas of toys in the form of dogs for the Christmas tree and just like that?

For those who find it difficult to understand how we made a dog from a photo, watch the video tutorial, everything will become clear there. We filmed the video together with my daughter, sometimes she made a dog, and I filmed it, sometimes on the contrary, with our joint efforts we created a cute pet.

Dog made from a napkin (microfiber) video

It should be noted that we already have 4 types of dogs in different techniques and from different materials, if you are interested, come see these MKs:

Above I gave a link to White Bim with black ears, this is also a dog made from a sock, but not at all like the dog Bonya and the technique of execution is different. Maybe we will be able to implement something else in terms of dogs, then we will share with you, have you already made a dog out of something? There is no way in the house without the symbol of the year), you can buy it, of course, but it will be a dog without a soul, we need one with a soul, with love, with a part of ourselves.

The amazing resemblance of Hansa toys to real animals is achieved by a unique production technology with a large share of manual labor in creating patterns, sewing and coloring. Hans' soft toys are made from high-quality artificial fur, the material is selected so that it resembles animal fur as much as possible, and often several types and types of fur are used for one animal. Many toys have a wire frame inside them, thanks to which you can change the animal's pose.
Toys from the Hansa Creations brand (Philippines) masterfully reveal the beauty and diversity of the animal world. Among Hans's animals you can find inhabitants of all continents, rare and prehistoric creatures.
With the help of Hansa toys, a child will get acquainted with the diversity of life on earth, learn to care and become kinder. These magnificent high-quality soft animal toys will delight a child of any age and will be a wonderful gift for adults - their girlfriend, parents and friends.

A dog is a fairly energetic and active animal that needs not only regular walks, but also interaction with its owner. To do this, you don’t have to go to a pet store and buy expensive goods, because making toys for dogs with your own hands is very simple.

One of the most popular games is tug of war. You can weave a rope for a small dog from old T-shirts, a terry robe or any other fabric. To make the toy more attractive, you should use materials of different shades.

For weaving you will need:

  • fabric of your choice;
  • scissors.

First, you should cut the clothes into 4 identical strips about 10 cm wide and 1 m long. After this, the strips need to be stretched in different directions so that they become narrower, longer and slightly curled into tubes. It is important not to overdo it so as not to tear them. In addition, material that tears easily should not be used to create a toy. It's better to choose something more elastic.

Then the strips are tied into a knot, moving 7-10 cm from the end so that the rope is comfortable to hold in your hand. Based on photo 4, you need to lay out the fabric in the shape of a cross. You can do the work either at home at your desk or in the fresh air, holding the bundle between your knees.

At the next stage, you need to wrap the right strip to the left and the left to the right, over the yellow fabric. Thus, the English letter “S” is obtained. Then the bottom rope is threaded into the loop on the top left, and the top rope, on the contrary, through the bottom right loop. You should get the same letter, only sideways.

After this, carefully tighten the loops, adjusting them to form a neat square in the center. Next, you need to repeat the steps from photos 5, 6 and 7 until the desired length of the toy is reached.

In total, this work takes 10-15 minutes. This weaving technique allows you to get a beautiful diagonal stripe. It is worth noting that there are a lot of varieties of ornaments and each has its own weaving method. To create a toy for a large dog, it is recommended to use a rope rope, since it will tear a fabric rope very quickly. That's all. It's time to invite your pet to play.

The next master class will help you make a toy for a dog so that it can play independently when the owner does not have the time and opportunity to pay due attention to the pet.

To create such a cute candy you will need:

  • any fabric (in this case a shirt is used);
  • plastic bottle;
  • several large beads;
  • any rope or elastic bands;
  • scissors.

First, you should pour the beads into the bottle and screw on the lid. They can be replaced with small pebbles or dry food. The latter will give the toy a smell that will not leave the dog indifferent. You should not put a lot of beads into the bottle, as it will rattle a lot and distract the residents of the house from work.

Then you need to measure how much fabric is needed to wrap the bottle in it and cut off any excess. You can make 2-3 candies from one shirt and give them to each pet if there are several of them in the house.

After this, the bottle is wrapped in a piece of fabric and the tails are tied into a bow at both ends, firmly fixing it inside.

It is not recommended to make large bows, as the dog can chew them and the toy will become unusable. Long ends can be easily trimmed with scissors. This candy will appeal to small and medium-sized dogs. When holes appear in the bottle, it will quickly lose its shape and it is better to replace it. This concludes the master class.

It is worth considering another option of creating a toy from a plastic bottle in a case in the shape of a delicious bone.

To create you will need:

  • any fabric (in this case fleece);
  • empty plastic bottle;
  • sewing supplies.

First you need to sew the cover. It can be sewn by machine or by hand. Before you begin, you need to prepare templates. You can draw them on cardboard by hand, or print any from the Internet. Photo 17 shows what parts the case consists of.

When the pattern for the dog toy is ready, it is recommended to secure the elements together using pins. The product will be more accurate if the fabric does not move to the side. The template marks the fold line of one of the blanks. It should be folded up to this line and secured with pins, as shown in photo 18.

Then the parts are sewn on a machine and carefully turned inside out. When sewing, it is important to maintain the rounded shape of the bone and under no circumstances sew the product in the center, because the bottle will be placed there in the future.

First, they put it in a deep pocket, and then hide the base of the bottle under a small one. If desired, the corners of the bone are filled with scraps of fleece or padding polyester, and food is poured inside for scent. The toy is ready.


An alternative to the rope can be a homemade octopus toy. The dog will be able to play with it both independently and with the owner. In addition, several animals will be able to compete in tugging the toy at once.

To create you will need:

  • old T-shirt;
  • scissors;
  • any ball.

First, you should cut the T-shirt into strips of equal width, based on photo 23.

Then the pieces of fabric are placed crosswise, placing the ball in the center. It is wrapped in the resulting strips and tied in a knot at the very base.

The toy is suitable for small dogs and medium-sized pets.

Options for Large Dogs

For a large pet, you can make dog toys as in photos 29 and 30. They are very similar, but they are made differently. In the first case, you will need to weave a rope from a strong rope. To do this, you should use the tips from the first master class in this article. Then take a tennis ball, use a knife to carefully make a hole in it on both sides and put it on the rope, after tying a knot on it.

In the second case, a wide rope rope is used. You need to weave a small ball out of it. Excess rope can be trimmed off if desired, or the ball can be left on a small piece of rope. The next master class will tell you how to make a ball from a rope rope.

To create you will need:

  • thick rope about a meter;
  • hot or superglue to secure ends;
  • treat if desired.

First, the rope must be wound around your hand as shown in photo 31. It is important that the loops formed are the same.

Then you should carefully remove the loops from your hand, holding the rope to maintain its shape. Next, the long end of the rope is wrapped around the workpiece 3-4 times, forming the future ball.

After this, the end of the rope is threaded through the upper loops, thereby fixing them, and then pulled again through the lower ones.

At the end, the loops are carefully tightened, forming a ball. The tip of the rope is hidden inside, fixing it with glue. This completes the doggie toy.

Not only adult dogs, but also puppies love to play. You can make a cute fleece bone for your baby, decorating it with various stripes or your pet’s initials.

For sewing you will need:

  • fleece in two or three shades as desired;
  • synthetic winterizer as a filler;
  • sewing supplies.

At the first stage, you should make a pattern of a soft toy for the dog. A bone-shaped template can be found and downloaded from the Internet or drawn by hand on a sheet of cardboard, and then attached to the base material and carefully cut out. A total of two parts are required.

Then, using a sewing machine, various elements are sewn to the blanks. These can be geometric shapes, initials or any other patterns. If you don’t have a machine, you can sew them on by hand or put them on hot glue, apply it to the very edges of the elements. You can also use fabric with a ready-made ornament.

It is not recommended to deviate too much from the edge of the figures. Raised edges will give the toy an untidy look. To prevent the seams from being noticeable, it is worth choosing threads to match the fleece. When working by hand, it is important to make small stitches without going back too far.

After this, the blanks are placed next to each other with the decorated sides facing inward and stitched on a machine. It is necessary to leave a hole of about 3-4 cm in the center of the bone, so that later it can be turned out and filled with padding polyester.

It is not recommended to fill the pit with cotton wool, as it quickly falls into lumps, but a product filled with padding polyester can be washed without any problems. However, do not stuff the toy too tightly. It should retain its airy texture.

Upon completion of all work, you can give a gift to the puppy. He will be very happy and will be able not only to play, but also to sleep on such a comfortable bone. It is important not to leave it unattended for a long time, as the dog may tear the toy, and it is highly not recommended for him to eat its filling.

If you wish, you can buy many wonderful toys at a pet store, but a pet will be pleased to have at least one made by the hands of its owner, because he put his whole soul into this thing and took into account all the dog’s preferences.