Why do cats rub against people and various objects? Reasons why a cat rubs against its legs If a cat rubs its muzzle against a person

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Why does a cat love to rub against people and surrounding objects so much?
In this way, the cat marks objects located in its territory. This allows her to recognize them later and feel confident in familiar surroundings.

To apply marks, the cat uses special temporal glands located on both sides of the forehead between the ears and eyes. Similar organs are also present around the lips, more precisely, near their corners (perioral glands). They secrete secretions that a cat leaves on doors, stair railings and furniture legs when it rubs its head against them, such glands are also present on the tail: they also secrete a similar secretion that a cat applies by raising its tail with a pipe and moving it over a selected object . Glands can also be found around the anus and probably on the pads of the feet.

Showing its favor towards a person, a cat leaves its marks on it, rubbing its muzzle and tail against it, often purring loudly. This behavior is one of the signs of affection that kittens show to their mother. At the same time, the person the cat rubs against is identified as part of its territory.

Are cats cunning?

Anyone who has lived under the same roof with a cat for a long time knows its habits. And a person who does not have a cat, coming to a house where there is one, often does not understand its behavior: what it intends to do, what it prefers, and what it does not like.

For example, a cat is unlikely to allow a stranger to pet him, and if he is too persistent, he may even use his claws. But she will never do this without warning: before releasing her claws, she will hiss, pressing her ears to her head. An experienced cat lover will never be the first to approach an unfamiliar cat; he will let her walk around, look at him, and only then carefully extend his hand so that the animal can smell it. If the cat likes the person, it will come closer and arch its back, allowing itself to be stroked.

A cat greets a familiar person in a special way. Raising her tail high, she hurries towards him, as soon as she sees him on the threshold, purrs loudly, rubs her muzzle and sides against her legs, and sometimes even stands on her hind legs to be stroked. And then he sits down in a corner somewhere and starts licking himself.

This greeting ritual is necessary for the exchange of smells. On the temples and in the corners of the cat’s mouth there are glands that produce an odorous substance, which it distributes throughout the fur. When a cat rubs against its leg, it leaves its scent on it and at the same time perceives the scent of its owner. And when he then licks himself, he feels this smell more clearly. Our coarse noses can hardly catch anything like that. Familiar cats rub their fur and lick each other, also exchanging smells. For a cat that lives in a world of smells, smell plays a very important role.

It often happens that a cat slightly bites the hand caressing it. This is a sign of friendship, and many people take it incorrectly. A person may even get angry with a cat because it is so unexpected and sometimes painful. But the cat does not at all want to offend - when she bites, she leaves her saliva on our “fur” (the cat is sure that we also have it) and thus once again marks “her”.

It is believed that she also mistakes “her” person for a cat and expresses this through behavior similar to how a kitten treats its mother. Here's a typical example: a cat sits comfortably on its owner's lap and moves its left and right paws, as if lightly massaging or kneading something. Many people don't like it because it produces claws that pierce the dress or pant leg and scratch the skin. The answer is simple: the kitten used to make similar movements when it fed milk from its mother's nipple. Ethologists, specialists in animal behavior, called this action the “milk step.” Adult cats have very pleasant memories of their mother's milk. Therefore, the cat will become worried if you remove it from your lap at this moment, because the stroking hand caused the same sensation as the tongue of the mother cat, who once licked the kitten.

Why do cats purr?

A cat has many ways to show what it wants. A true connoisseur will always understand what his pet needs only by seeing how she sits, how she walks, and in what position her ears, mustache or tail are.

If a cat is unhappy, she usually swings her tail in different directions; if she fluffs up her fur and arches her back, it means she wants to inspire respect for her person. And if you were gently touched by a cat’s paw, then it’s time to remember about your friend and think if he needs anything. When a cat rubs against your legs, it means that it is greeting you or reminding you that it needs to be fed.

Even more diverse is the variety of sounds for which in our language there is only one word - “meow”. From a gentle purr to a piercing cry, a cat can express many different emotions using its voice. And she loves to talk. She meows for any reason: greeting or demanding something, calming you down or being tender, complaining or upset, happy or sad, begging or angry and even threatening.

If you gradually begin to listen carefully to meowing, then over time you can learn to understand the character, mood and desires of your friend. Probably the most pleasant thing is to listen to a cat purr, to feel that she is happy. When the kitten is only a week old, he is already purring, telling his mother cat that everything is fine. Adult animals usually purr when they are simply in a good mood.

Even if a cat goes hunting alone, it does not forget that it is a member of the cat society. And in rural areas, dozens of semi-wild animals often live together. Cats in such “families” lick each other’s fur, sleep together, curled up into a cozy ball, and take turns feeding the kittens.

Professor Paul Leyhausen first described one of the most mysterious cat habits, the so-called “informal meeting with friends.” All animals living in the same area, which meet on the same paths during the day, often argue and even fight over hunting territory, and by the beginning of twilight they gather in some corner. There they sit quietly and peacefully at a distance of several meters from each other and only at midnight they disperse again. Nobody knows why cats do this. No wonder the cat is called the most mysterious animal.

People who always have cats in their house understand their habits, but those who have never lived near cats are constantly surprised by their behavior, for example, the fact that they rub against people and various objects that surround them.
The cat does this in order to mark those objects that are on its territory. By leaving a mark, the cat can easily recognize various objects. They become familiar to her, which gives the cat confidence in her surroundings.
The cat makes marks with the temporal glands, which are located on both sides of the forehead, between the eyes and ears. Cats have organs similar to these (perioral glands) near the corners of their lips. Through these glands, the cat secretes secretions to leave marks on doors, furniture legs, stair railings, etc. The cat's tail is also equipped with glands that secrete a similar secretion. The cat raises its tail with a pipe, moves it over the object and thus leaves a mark. There are glands around the cat's anus, as well as on the pads of the paws.
When a cat treats a person favorably, she marks him too. The cat rubs its muzzle against the person, moves its tail along it, often accompanying its actions with purring. She behaves the way kittens behave towards their mother. Cats transfer this pattern of behavior to people, thus showing their affection. At the same time, they define the person they are rubbing against as part of their own territory.
Are cats capable of deceit? People who don't understand cat behavior don't always understand a cat's intentions. For example, cats are unhappy when a stranger tries to pet them. Too persistent strangers may even be scratched. But a cat will never put its claws into action without warning about it. She will first hiss and press her ears to her head.
People who have experience with cats always avoid approaching a cat that is unfamiliar to them first. They will allow the cat to take a closer look and walk around. Only then will they extend their hand to the cat so that she can smell it. A cat, showing sympathy for a new acquaintance, will come closer and arch its back, letting you know that it can be stroked.
If a cat knows a person, she greets him in a special way. As soon as she sees her friend, she raises her tail high, hurries towards him with a loud purr, begins to rub her muzzle and sides against the legs, sometimes stands on her hind legs, making it clear that she needs to be petted. Having greeted the person in this way, the cat sits aside and licks itself. As a result of this greeting, an exchange of smells occurs. A special odor-bearing substance is distributed throughout the cat's fur, which is secreted by glands located in the corners of the cat's lips and temples. By rubbing against a person's leg, the cat at the same time receives his scent. When licking, she smells this smell with greater clarity. Man is not capable of grasping such things.
Cats that are familiar with each other also exchange scents by licking each other or rubbing their fur against each other. The sense of smell for cats, whose life takes place in the world of smells, is of great importance.
Sometimes cats bite the hand of the person stroking it. This is how they show their friendly attitude, but not all people understand this. Due to unexpected and sometimes painful biting, a person sometimes begins to get angry with the cat, although the cat did not want to offend him. After all, when biting, a cat leaves a mark of its saliva on its hand, marking “one of its own” in this way.
It is generally accepted that a cat mistakes “its” people for relatives. This is expressed in her behavior when she treats a person the same way a kitten treats its mother. For example, a cat lies on the owner’s lap, moving its front paws one at a time, as if giving a massage. Sometimes she releases her claws, resulting in snags on clothing and scratches on the skin. Not everyone likes this cat behavior. But it is very simply explained. As a kitten, the cat moved its paws this way when it received milk from its mother's nipple. Ethologists who study cat behavior gave such movements a name - “milk step”. When a cat is already an adult, it is pleasant for her to remember how she fed on her mother’s milk. If at the moment of such memories the cat is disturbed and driven away from its lap, it will experience anxiety, because stroking a person’s hand reminds it of its mother’s licking.
Showing dissatisfaction, a cat, as a rule, begins to wave its tail. If she wants to force herself to be respected, she arches her back and fluffs up her fur. If a cat needs something from its owner, it begins to affectionately touch it with its paw. A cat rubs its legs when it greets a friend or lets it know that it is time to feed it.
The sounds made by a cat, which we call meowing, are very diverse. A cat can purr gently and squawk depending on what emotions it is expressing. Cats “talk” with great pleasure. They start meowing for a variety of reasons. With their voice they express greeting, demand, affection, frustration, joy, melancholy, request, threat and many other different feelings.

Why do cats rub against their owners' legs or various objects? If you have a cat living in your house, then you have probably asked yourself this question at least once in your life. It's time to get a detailed answer to it.

It is unlikely that cats rub against their legs or objects just because their head, ears or neck itches all the time. Sometimes it seems that the cat is trying to attract your attention in this way, but doesn’t she have a thousand other ways to get what she needs from you? Let's find out the truth.

Why do cats rub against various objects?

Cats rub against objects to indicate their presence. This behavior allows the cat to place certain marks so that members of the species know that this is foreign territory. Relatively new markings indicate that the territory is already occupied, and therefore other cats must leave its boundaries to avoid conflicts.

Territory demarcation is why cats rub against objects

Territory demarcation is another answer to the question of why cats rub against various objects. Dogs mark their territories by urinating in certain places or digging in the ground, cats rub against objects or things, preferring to leave their unique scents on them. If you have more than one cat at home, you may notice that the cat first sniffs a specific object, then arches its body, and then begins to rub against that object. And multiple cats may rub against the same area. The purpose of this behavior is to increase the feeling of togetherness and show that they are a member of a close-knit group. By the way, if a cat rubs against your legs when you enter the house, you can be happy - this indicates that you have been accepted into the cat group.

Why do cats rub against your legs?

Being part of a cat group isn't the only reason why cats rub against your legs. A cat can send specific signals: it is hungry, wants to go outside, wants to be petted, and so on. The animal will try to explain all this to you by starting to vigorously rub against your legs or other parts of your body.

Why does a cat rub when she wants affection?

If you have several cats in your home, have you ever wondered why a cat rubs against another animal, and sometimes they even start butting heads like young goats, accompanying this process with loud purring. This behavior of animals indicates that they have excellent relationships with each other, as well as with you. This is the third common behavioral model, which answers the question why cats rub against things and objects.

Why do cats rub against objects and how are pheromones related to this?

Special scent glands can be found throughout a cat's body. They are located on the head, including the chin, lips, cheeks, tail and sides. These glands secrete chemicals we know as pheromones. When a cat cuddles and rubs against other cats or its owners, it releases pheromones. Humans cannot smell this smell, but other cats smell pheromones very well.

In order to enhance the smell of pheromones, a cat chooses relatively high objects and actively rubs its head against them, where the glands secreting this substance are located in large numbers. The smell of a pheromone can convey the reproductive status of its owner and other information about him, which is easily read by felines.

Other reasons why cats rub against objects

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Cats rub against objects to signal to animals of the opposite sex that they are ready to mate. During this period, cats are actively looking for females. Another reason why cats rub against objects is to gain more information about other cats or cats or about a person they are not familiar with. Head rubbing can also be a way of greeting a cat, and in the wild it is a way for felines to demonstrate their loyalty to the group.

Sometimes a cat rubs against objects when it tries to adapt to a new environment, where it found itself for the first time and with which it is not yet familiar. Pheromones at this moment have odors that make it possible to determine that the cat is tense and trying to relax. After the cat calms down, it will again rub itself against objects to convey new information.

What else you need to know about your cat's behavior

Now that you know why cats rub against your legs or other objects, we'll give you more information about other aspects of your cat's behavior.


Purring is usually a sign that your cat is in a good mood. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Purring can also indicate that the cat is not feeling very well and even signal an injury to the animal.

The cat energetically waves its tail

If you notice that the cat is wagging its tail quite quickly, this indicates that the animal feels threatened and is ready to show aggression. In these circumstances, assess how safe your cat's environment is and then offer food to calm your pet.

Cat hissing

If a cat meows very loudly or hisses aggressively, this indicates that she is unhappy with what is happening around her, and also that the animal does not feel safe.


Cats are usually meow almost exclusively for people to communicate with. And each cat adapts its own meowing “language” for its owners. So, if you spend a lot of time with your cats, then learn to understand what this or that meow means and what exactly your pets require from you.

Author of the article : Ilya Samokhvalov, "Moscow Medicine"©
Denial of responsibility : The information presented in this article about why cats rub against their feet and objects is for informational purposes only.

Most cat owners are aware that their pets rub their legs to express positive emotions. Some people perceive such actions of an animal as a manifestation of affection, while others think that the animal demands to be pitied and held in their arms. However, not everyone knows that this cute action has not psychological, but physiological reasons.

Why are they doing that

The main reason that a pet rubs is the desire to mark its owner as property. After all, cats have several sources through which they emit their personal scent. These are secretions that are secreted by glands located on the animal’s face. Two more sources are located between the fingers, as well as in the anus. Very often, these animals use their urine to mark territory. But it has a special smell only when it contains a secretion secreted by the glands.

After watching cats, you can notice that when a pet wants to mark territory, it jerks its tail raised to the top. In this way, it stimulates the production of secretions.

Sometimes substances that have such special odors are called pheromones. This is not entirely correct, but sometimes it is appropriate. Some cats can not only rub against their owner, but also begin to lick him. With special care, the cat tries to neutralize the smell of feet and armpits. Cats also take such actions in order to mark a person.

Many are sure that if a pet leaves its “wet things” in its shoes, it is trying to take revenge on the owner for some kind of offense. But that's not true. This is also a way to mark. Males can also mark their owner’s clothing and even their owner’s hat in this way.

Why is this necessary?

In fact, the only reason a cat rubs against people is because it doesn't dare pee on them. The pet performs this procedure every time the owner comes home from work or has been away from home for a long time. When a person comes home and the cat immediately starts rubbing, this is regarded as a greeting.

The cat calmly approaches, touching the legs first with its head, then with its sides, and finally with its tail. After the first such revolution, the animal rises a little on its paws, and then repeats this ritual again. If there is a place nearby where she usually sharpens her claws, then after wiping she will begin to sharpen her claws.

The cat does these touching actions because during your absence you have lost the scent of the pack. Touching the legs and other parts of the body, it leaves secretions secreted by the sebaceous glands on them. The strongest odors are emitted by those glands that are located on the paws, muzzle, and also under the tail of the animal. Scientists call this phenomenon olfactory marking. When a cat marks its owner, in this way it tells other animals that this person belongs to its pack and cannot be attacked.

Cats perform this ritual not only with people. They also use this method to mark all the objects in the apartment. After observing your pet, you will notice that she marks some things more often, and some less often. This is due to the fact that the smell lasts longer on certain things, while on others it wears off because people use them. When a person picks up a laptop or uses the bed, these objects acquire his smell, and the smell of the cat goes away. So she has to re-label everything. But at the same time, the smell of the owner is not hostile to the cat, although they replace it with their own on all objects. Every day the pet rubs against objects that it constantly uses. This is a bowl, a tray, and a scratching post.

Sometimes it happens that a cat does not rub against a person at all. This happens because the furry pet simply does not trust the owner. She uses her scent to identify only those people who, in her understanding, do not pose a threat. For a cat to mark a person, he must be part of her world. Sometimes cats stay aloof, but regularly rub against their owner in the mornings and evenings. Nothing else shows their devotion. They don't lie next to each other or sit in your arms. This suggests that the pet trusts this person, but she is so self-sufficient that she does not need him at all.

How, then, can you explain the fact that stray cats rub against people they don’t know? Their motives are the same, but the reasons for such actions are somewhat different. As a rule, a stray cat that has been living in such conditions for several years becomes the leader. But there is an exception to this rule. After all, each individual has a certain character. The animal can be cowardly or very aggressive. Outdoor cats, which usually show determination and independence, can rub against people, as if telling them that they have come to them and become their property. Young cats can ask for affection in this way, hoping that they will be given attention or taken with them.

If you pick up a kitten on the street that has not yet adapted to harsh conditions, it will immediately begin to cuddle up to you. Very small kittens will rub their faces and begin to stomp on their palms. This is a way to express trust, to ask for protection.

Unexplained behavior

The cat curls up into a ball, covering its face with its paws. The owners immediately regard such actions as a signal of an imminent cold snap, and take warm clothes out of the closet. This sign is known to all cat owners.

Over the long period of time that cats have been living with people, many more signs and superstitions have accumulated related to these amazing animals. In ancient times in Rus', a cat was placed in a baby's crib so that it could rub itself there. After this, the child was placed in this cradle, and he slept much better and more calmly.

Another sign said that when a cat immediately begins to rub after the arrival of a guest, it means that he came to the house with good things. Many believe that these animals are able to sense energy. It’s not in vain that they will rub against some people, but may even react to others with aggression.

It is believed that if a ginger cat rubs against your legs, it will take away all the negativity. There is no evidence as to why this belief is associated specifically with ginger cats. Most likely, this is an echo of another sign, which says that cats the color of the sun will bring prosperity to the house. It is believed that the red cat helps restore peace in the family. Quarreling family members calm down faster.

When the owner lies down to rest on the sofa, and the cat then rubs against his legs, fatigue goes away. Many cat lovers claim that this belief works in practice.

There is another sign, more modern: if an animal rubs against the wheels of a car, then soon a long road awaits the owners.

Unpleasant consequences

It happens that pets rub so intensely that they salivate. Sometimes, when showing emotions, it can drip onto the floor when the cat sees the owner or is happy about something. Not everyone will like such damp spots on their clothes or carpet. Sometimes pets can even slobber on the owner’s underwear or those things that a person always carries with him. Of course, this causes discomfort.

Some owners take this calmly. But here you should also think about the health of the animal. This may be associated with any psychological disorders. It is necessary to observe the animal after such rubbing with subsequent salivation occurs. Perhaps the cat will soon begin to develop apathy, weakness, and arrhythmia. You can purchase fermions at a pet supply store. They are sprayed onto objects. These products contain substances that are similar to the smell of cats, as well as soothing components. After using this remedy, carefully observe how the animal’s behavior and well-being changes, especially after the pet rubs against you or things that are familiar to it.

If the condition does not improve, you should show it to a specialist, explaining the situation. He will prescribe the necessary remedies that will help the cat feel calmer and support her body. It could be stress caused by some illness. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo general tests in order to identify deviations in a timely manner.

Video: why do cats rub against people?

Even many years of living with a pet cannot guarantee a complete understanding of its behavior. So many owners wonder why cats rub against their legs? This phenomenon often manifests itself in relationships between humans and animals. In addition, the pet may rub against other objects in the house and even outside it. Therefore, some owners need an explanation for this behavior of their pets.

The animal world differs significantly from the human world in terms of transmitting information. For these purposes, individuals often use odors. In particular, an excellent sense of smell gives cats the ability to quickly determine the position of the prey. This skill is one of the means of survival in the wild. Pets use their sense of smell to find a home or their own young.

In an apartment, the pet still considers it necessary to limit the limits of its territory. This is the root cause of a cat rubbing against people or furniture, for example. There are special zones on the animal’s body that secrete a special secretion. Most of them are concentrated:

  • on the muzzle;
  • on the paws;
  • around the anus.

It is especially noteworthy when a cat rubs its muzzle against its owner's face. After all, a huge amount of secretion is located in the forehead area. During such a ritual, the animal may purr and look extremely happy. This indicates that the process gives him satisfaction and brings peace. This reaction is associated with the original cause of this phenomenon: the cat feels safe in its territory.

By the way, this instinct is not only associated with creating boundaries. The fact is that cats live in families, and by smell they can determine whether they belong to a pride. Owners of two or more pets may notice that they are rubbing against the same object or corner. This is due to the fact that they belong to the same clan.

Main reasons

Of course, most owners want to find out what else is associated with such features of cat behavior and whether the pet is trying to tell them something. After all, pets not only rub, they often demonstrate various gestures that can be interpreted in a human way.

For example, you should pay attention if the cat:

  • actively wags its tail;
  • flattens ears;
  • arches, holding the fur on end.

All this indicates a state of tension, fear, interest or combat readiness. But when a cat rubs against its owner, the circumstances under which such behavior occurs should be assessed. For example, if this happens when the owner returns home or enters the room, the ritual may indicate the joy that the pet experiences from the meeting. Moreover, the intensity and duration of friction may directly depend on the duration of separation.

It is also worth paying attention to how exactly the cat does this. If it rubs against the ankles and then gradually rises, the owner has probably been away from home for too long. The cat felt that the smell was lost. In this case, you just need to pet the animal. It will happily restore the smell on your hands too.

However, careful observations may show that the cat is not only rubbing against its owner. From time to time, this phenomenon affects various objects in the house. Among the things that cats most often rub against are: table legs, corners of sofas, favorite toys and much more. The animal tries to leave its scent on those things that it recognizes as personal. This gives the pet a feeling of security. After all, confidence in the integrity of the territory is a very important aspect of a cat’s life..

It is also interesting how the four-legged inhabitants of the streets run up to someone unfamiliar, starting to rub against him. However, not everyone receives such an honor. Essentially, this is how outdoor cats try to impart their scent to an object. This means that they show leniency towards a person, demonstrating that he is part of their property.

Opinion of zoopsychologists

Animal psychologists often express their assessment of this phenomenon. Most associate this ritual with the peculiarities of the relationship between a mother cat and her cub. Already at a more conscious age, the pet partly sees its parent in its owner. That's why he rubs against it, showing gratitude and care.. But the young inhabitants of the streets are in this way trying to get a little affection and human attention.

Also, according to animal psychologists, the reason for this habit may lie in the behavioral characteristics of the animal. It is tactile contact that is most preferable for a cat in the process of expressing its own emotions and sensations. This means that when a pet rubs against a person’s legs, he wants to show his feelings. This theory is confirmed by the fact that many self-sufficient cats do not demonstrate such rituals at all.

By the way, the absence of this habit can also be indicative. It often indicates such things:

  • lack of trust;
  • temporary resentment;
  • dissatisfaction with the conditions.

But performing the ritual 1-2 times a day clearly indicates that the cat is happy and does not need anything. Of course, there are also much more active individuals who rub often, clearly showing warm feelings towards the owner. Such pets show their love in other ways.

Animal psychologists also suggest that a cat rubs its legs when it wants to get more data about the world around it. This is especially noticeable when the animal finds itself in an unfamiliar environment. At this moment, you can clearly see how wariness develops into curiosity, and the cat gradually begins to rub against various objects and people present. In fact, the pet is trying to adapt to the new and calm itself. Various odors are especially disturbing to cats.

Other manifestations of habit

Despite the fact that the described reasons are most often expressed by the animal rubbing against the owner’s legs, many other habits can be associated with them. All of them, one way or another, have common premises. For example, cats often rub against their owner’s face, showing their tenderness and affection. This can be seen by the way they purr and close their eyes.

It is also difficult not to notice when a cat gets under a person’s feet, literally preventing him from walking. In this situation, she does not just rub against the owner’s legs, but clearly wants to tell him something. There are several possible reasons here:

  • the animal demonstrates that it is the leader in the house;
  • the cat wants to attract attention because she is lonely;
  • she reminds you that they forgot to feed her;
  • she's just curious.

By the way, attempts to rub against parts of the owner’s body are often associated with nutrition. This behavior can usually be observed in the kitchen, when the cat is clearly trying to beg for something tasty. Of course, over time such moments become obvious to the owner. He stops feeling puzzled when the cat rubs, purrs, or demonstrates other ways of communicating.

Are there any negative consequences

There is no need to worry if your domestic cat rubs against your legs. If no one is allergic to the animal, this ritual is absolutely harmless. There is no need to warn or scold your pet if it tries to rub against your legs or furniture in the house. After all, this process causes peace of mind in the pet, which is very important for its comfortable living on the owner’s territory. Therefore, it is better to give the animal a little freedom to express such emotions.

Knowing for sure why a cat loves to rub against its owner, you can find out many details about the character and emotional state of your pet. After all, a clear understanding of the animal’s instincts gives a huge advantage to those who want to be aware of the motives of their pet’s actions. It is also very important for establishing trusting and warm relationships. But the main thing is to treat the cat with love and respect its personal space.