Teeth can start cutting at 4-5 months. How to determine teething in a baby, signs and symptoms. How does a child’s condition change during early teething?

A baby at the age of four months is not yet able to communicate what is bothering him, where it hurts, what factors cause discomfort. Typically, the first baby teeth begin to emerge at six months, but it is not uncommon for the middle incisors to appear in four-month-old babies. It is very important to recognize the signs of teething in order to help your baby get through this period as easily as possible.

Signs of teething in a 4 month old baby

On a note! Early teething is not considered a pathology. The age of 4-7 months is considered the norm for the appearance of the first primary incisors.

Teething Chart

Baby teething

Anxiety, crying

The first sign that is hard to ignore is child anxiety. The baby is capricious and often cries, and may refuse food, water, or bottles. Behavior is often observed when the child takes the breast, begins to suck, but immediately releases it and begins to cry. This is explained by the fact that the gums are very sensitive and painful during the teething period; the baby is bothered by unpleasant sensations, but he does not know how to cope with them.

The baby is crying

It is not uncommon for a child to bite the breast with his gums during feeding. The baby just wants to get rid of the itching, which is why he clenches his jaw when any objects get on his gums.

It is worth sounding the alarm if the child does not eat for two days and no longer. And one or two missed feedings a day are not a cause for concern.


The second sign is increased salivation. Pay attention to the child, if he puts everything into his mouth, the saliva is thin and abundant, perhaps the first tooth will appear soon. However, this sign does not always accompany teething. It happens that the baby drools like a river, but there are no teeth. Therefore, it is better to focus on other signs or their combination.

Baby's drooling

Increased salivation can cause irritation on the chin and around the lips.


The third sign is bowel disorder. Pediatricians recommend introducing the first complementary foods at 4 months. And if the period of introducing complementary foods coincides with teething, the first thought of parents is food poisoning of the child. Excessive diarrhea in children during teething is also very similar to intestinal upset caused by harmful infections. You should panic only if diarrhea occurs more than three times a day and for longer than 3-7 days in a row.

Diarrhea in infants

On a note! Pay attention to your baby's stool. If there are traces of blood in it, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

The cause of diarrhea in infants associated with teething is a decrease in the level of functioning of the immune system. The gums begin to itch, and to relieve the itching, the baby puts his own fingers, clothes, mother’s hair, and toys into his mouth. On the surface of all these objects there are invariably microbes that penetrate the child’s body, develop, and as a result, dysfunction of the entire gastrointestinal tract is observed. Diarrhea is an indicator that the baby’s immune system simply cannot cope with the infection in the intestines. But the body quickly adapts, and the diarrhea goes away without a trace.

You can distinguish teething from an intestinal infection as follows:

  • calm the child down, create a cozy atmosphere for him;
  • Place the baby on a changing table or other hard surface;
  • Feel the baby's belly and observe the reaction. If the baby is calm during palpation, there is no reason for concern. If the stomach is hard, and the slightest touch causes the child to become hysterical, you should immediately seek medical help. institution.

A child's stomach is felt

On a note! Diarrhea may be accompanied by excessive regurgitation or vomiting. This is normal during teething.

Sensitivity and itching of gums

The fourth sign is gum swelling, redness, sensitivity, itching. If you notice that your four-month-old baby is teething, try to calm yourself down initially. You will in no way be able to influence the progress of teething, their sequence and speed, but you can provide the baby with moral support that is so important these days. There is no need to climb into the child’s mouth every minute, try to tap the gums with steel objects, you will only introduce more germs, scare the child, and his tense state will worsen.

The baby is cutting his first teeth

Very important! If the first tooth has already come out, and then the second one is emerging, do not try to relieve the itching of the gums by offering your child pieces of cookies, crackers, crusts of bread, any confectionery, apples or carrots. An accidentally bitten off piece of food can get into the baby's respiratory tract, which will have disastrous consequences.

You may notice small bumps on the gums or bruises. They will go away on their own; outside intervention is unnecessary.

Fever, cough

Table. How do you know if your baby has caught ARVI or is just teething?

Increased body temperature An increase to 37-38°C is considered normal, lasting no more than four days Elevated body temperature of 37-40°C and above lasts more than four days
Heat Absent Usually present
Weakness Absent Occurs frequently
Cough Rare, appears due to the fact that the baby chokes on a large amount of saliva without having time to swallow it The cough is systematic, frequent, and may cause hoarseness.
Runny nose It may be small if the child's saliva gets into the nasopharynx. Runny nose for no more than three days Present abundantly, for a long time

The child has a high temperature

Note! If your child constantly rubs their face and chin against the surface they are lying on, this may be a sign of ear inflammation. You need to see an otolaryngologist.

How can I help my baby?

Temperature increase

For high fever, use one of the following medications:

Error, group does not exist! Check your syntax! (ID: 12)

  • "Nurofen";


  • "Cefekon D";

    "Cefekon D"

  • "Paracetamol for children";

    "Paracetamol for children"

  • "Panadol".

Preparations based on paracetamol are prescribed depending on the child’s weight. The maximum daily dose is 60 mg per 1 kg of body weight. It is recommended to give the antipyretic 1 hour after meals. A single dose of the drug should not exceed 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Antipyretic drugs can be given no more than four times a day, with a break between doses of at least four hours.

If a child is allergic to dyes contained in suspensions and syrups, you can give a paracetamol tablet crushed into powder and dissolved in water. The dosage is calculated according to the child's weight. One tablet contains 200 mg of active substance.


Rectal suppositories are placed only after the baby has had a bowel movement. Antipyretics are not used for more than three days. Consultation with a pediatrician is required.

"Ibuprofen" the suspension can be given to the child with a break of 6 to 8 hours, no more than three times a day. The maximum single dose of the drug is 10 mg per 1 kg of child weight. The maximum daily dose is 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight, respectively.

If a child exhibits side effects from taking the medication, it is necessary to discontinue the drug and inform the pediatrician about the body’s reaction.

The child is sick

Important! It is advisable to use antipyretic drugs after consulting a pediatrician. Carefully study the instructions for prescribed medications.

Runny nose

For runny nose, children are prescribed the following medications:

  • "Derinat";


  • "Nazivin Baby";

    "Nazivin Baby"

  • "Aquamaris".


Nasal drops should not be used for more than five days in a row. The drug is administered one drop into each nostril three times a day.

Pain in gums

Table. Popular gels with an anesthetic effect.

To make teething easier, give your baby special toys with liquid inside. Such teethers must be washed, doused with boiling water, and then kept in the freezer for a while. The effect of cold on the baby's gums will reduce pain and irritation, and the pimples on the toy will gently massage the gums.


Teethers for babies who are starting to get their first teeth

If your four-month-old baby is teething, do not wean him from the breast. Give the breast when the baby requires it. The process of breastfeeding will help the baby much more easily survive the eruption of his first teeth.

Video - A child's first teeth. Three main rules

Many parents remember with horror the period when their child was cutting teeth. This process can happen at any time, but most often the baby’s teeth erupt by 6 months. Can signs of teething appear in a 4-month-old baby, or is it simply impossible? In fact, it is very rare, but this happens when teeth at this age move towards the exit and do not always cut through the gums.

When should a child's teeth appear?

In fact, there is no exact time frame for when a child should have teeth. In some cases, signs of such a process are observed at 2 months, and for some, the first teeth appear at 4 months. For some children, the process of tooth emergence takes quite a long time, while for others it is easy and quick. Experts say that babies should have their first incisors before they are one year old.

Medical practice shows that the sequence and age of eruption is determined by hereditary factors, environmental conditions, and the nutrition of the nursing mother or baby. There are the following reasons that can cause late teething in a child:

  • decrease in the protective functions of the child’s body;
  • various endocrine diseases;
  • unbalanced and inadequate nutrition;
  • late introduction of complementary foods;
  • rickets;
  • premature birth;
  • absence of baby tooth buds.

The appearance of teeth in a child closer to one year or, conversely, teething too early is not considered any pathology. It is for this reason that the identification of the first teeth in a 4-month-old child is considered quite normal. The scenario for the development of teeth is laid down in a child during his intrauterine development. This means that even at the moment of jaw formation in the embryo, it is determined at what age teeth will begin to erupt and in what sequence they will grow.

Many experts explain the early appearance of teeth in infants under 3 months of age by the mother’s intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. If the baby’s first incisors appear before 3 months, it is recommended to show him to a specialist. The fact is that such early teething can be one of the signs of various endocrine diseases.

Teething symptoms

Teeth in infants can appear at completely different times. The most optimal period for this process is considered to be from 3 months to a year. However, experts say that most babies begin to have their first teeth closer to 6 months. In rare cases, babies begin to erupt teeth 1–2 months after birth, and some are born with them right away.

The main sign indicating tooth growth is redness of the gums and their swelling. Slowly growing through bone tissue and mucous membranes, teeth cause severe swelling of the integument. After some time, the contours of the future incisor can be seen on such swollen gums.

Another characteristic sign that your baby will soon develop teeth is increased salivation. In fact, such a symptom in the form of constant salivation occurs long before the baby’s first upper incisors begin to appear.

During the period of active teething, the baby tries to put everything into his mouth for the reason that he is bothered by severe itching of the gums. Thus, the child tries to scratch his gums and get rid of the unpleasant itching.

A sign of tooth growth entering the active phase may be a decrease in appetite, that is, the child begins to eat with reluctance or refuses food altogether.

The fact is that due to itching, eating certain foods causes discomfort to the baby and he begins to be capricious. All this leads to the fact that the baby’s body noticeably weakens and this can result in the development of various diseases.

Parents should remember that if a child refuses to eat, it is necessary to examine his oral cavity. Characteristic symptoms of candidiasis and stomatitis are white or pink spots formed on the mucous membrane. Such ulcers cause severe pain to the baby, which is the reason for his refusal to eat.

Another characteristic sign of teething in a 4-month-old baby is his constant whims. In fact, a small child experiences unbearable pain that accompanies the process of teething and growth. It is not surprising that the baby is constantly capricious, cries and refuses to sleep.

Dangerous signs of the disease

At the moment when a child teethes, his immunity is significantly reduced. This means that the child’s body is greatly weakened and is exposed to the penetration of various viruses and bacteria. Taking into account this factor, parents need to know the first signs of the disease in order to promptly show the child to a specialist.

In order to determine whether your baby is teething or has a cold, you need to know the characteristic signs for both situations:

  1. The process of the appearance of incisors in a baby may be accompanied by a cough. The fact is that an increased amount of saliva is released in the oral cavity, which flows down the throat and provokes a cough reflex. The child begins to be bothered by a wet, infrequent cough, which is especially worse when lying down. If the cough becomes too intrusive and often bothers the baby, then one can suspect that some kind of infection has entered the child’s body.
  2. With a cold, a cough persists in a small child for more than 2 days and can cause breathing problems and even shortness of breath. Parents should be aware that such symptoms may signal the development of an inflammatory process in the children's respiratory tract.
  3. Often teething is accompanied by the appearance of mucous discharge from the nasal passages. In a healthy child they are usually transparent, liquid and disappear after three days. If any infections enter the baby’s body, too much mucus begins to be released, which turns yellow-green. Parents should suspect an infectious disease in a child when a runny nose persists for more than 4 days.
  4. A normal reaction of the body when teething in a child is considered to be an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees. Usually it lasts no more than two days and can be reduced with the help of antipyretics. In the event that the temperature rises during teething in a child, then there is no profuse runny nose, coughing or sneezing. The characteristic symptoms of a cold are maintaining a temperature of more than 38 degrees for more than 2 days, and in this case the child should be shown to a doctor.
  5. When an increased amount of mucus is secreted, a certain part of it enters the child’s body. The result of this is increased intestinal motility and the appearance of diarrhea. Usually, bowel movements in infants occur infrequently, up to 2-3 times a day, and after a few days the diarrhea disappears. The appearance of too frequent diarrhea may indicate that some kind of infection has entered the child's body. This condition is considered quite dangerous for the baby’s body, as it can cause dehydration. Parents should closely monitor the appearance of mucus and blood in the stool, as this may signal an intestinal infection or pathologies of the digestive tract.

In some cases, the baby experiences the opposite disorder - constipation. It is important to ensure that it does not last more than 3-4 days. It is recommended to consult with a specialist and decide how you can help your child in such a situation.

How to help your baby

In order to alleviate the condition of the child during teething, it is recommended to purchase special teethers. They usually come in the form of rubber toys with a rough surface that allows your baby to scratch his itchy gums. Many of these teethers contain water inside, so you can put it in the freezer for a while and then offer it to your baby. The fact is that cold helps soothe the baby’s gums and thereby relieve him of pain.

To reduce the body temperature of a newborn during teething, it is allowed to use various antipyretic drugs. You can try various gels to relieve pain, which also entails a decrease in temperature. Parents should know that a rise in body temperature can signal not only teething in the baby, but also more serious problems.

During the period when the baby's first incisors appear, it is necessary to provide him with sufficient fluids, that is, breastfeed him more often or offer him water. The fact is that the increased secretion of saliva in the baby’s mouth leads to the fact that too much fluid is removed from the child’s body. Taking this factor into account, the main task of parents is to monitor the maintenance of the baby’s water balance.

During teething, excessive salivation in babies can cause skin irritation. Adults need to constantly wipe their mouth and chin of saliva, and this procedure should be done gently and gently. If various rashes appear on the skin, it is recommended to use an anti-inflammatory agent.

When a baby is teething, he experiences severe discomfort and pain. Parents should hold their baby in their arms as often as possible, stroke him and feel sorry for him, which will help calm him down.

Medicines for children

Today, you can buy various medicines at the pharmacy that can help ease your baby’s teething condition. Among all their diversity, the following are considered the most effective:

  1. Dantinorm baby is a homeopathic medicine that is available in the form of a solution. With its help, it is possible not only to relieve the child of pain, but also to eliminate various intestinal disorders.
  2. Dentokind is a homeopathic remedy that is intended for use specifically in childhood. Thanks to this drug, it is possible to relieve all the unpleasant symptoms of the appearance of incisors in infants, including problems with stool, fever and nasal congestion. It is necessary to dissolve the pill in a teaspoon of water and offer it to the baby.
  3. Cholisal gel - has an analgesic effect, helps get rid of the inflammatory process and destroy germs. Parents should remember that such a drug can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a slight burning sensation.
  4. Dentinox gel or solution relieves pain and inflammation of the gums, and is considered completely safe even if the baby swallows a little of the product.
  5. Kamistad gel has an anesthetic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. The basis of this product is chamomile extract and lidocaine, but it is not allowed to be used by children under 3 years of age.

Unfortunately, gels and homeopathic remedies do not always help alleviate the condition of teething children. In case of increased pain, it is recommended to give the child an anesthetic based on his age:

  • Paracetamol for children in the form of a suspension helps reduce fever and eliminate pain;
  • Panadol is available in the form of a suspension and suppositories, which are especially convenient for use in very young children;
  • Nurofen contains ibuprofen, and a single dose helps relieve the baby from pain for a long time.

At home, you can prepare decoctions from medicinal herbs such as mint, sage, chamomile and lemon balm. They have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, and it is recommended to lubricate the baby’s gums with such decoctions.

It is possible to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process on the gums during teething with the help of a soda solution. To prepare it, add 5 grams of baking soda to 200 ml of boiled water. After this, gauze is wrapped around the finger, moistened in a soda solution and the gums are treated. This procedure must be carried out several times a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

If signs of teething appear in a 4-month-old baby, parents should closely monitor their baby. This process causes severe discomfort and pain to the child, so it is important to help him cope with this condition and avoid the development of various complications. If a newborn’s incisors appear before 3 months, it is recommended to show him to a specialist. The fact is that this can serve as a sign of endocrine disorders in the body.

What are baby teeth used for?

How does a child cut teeth?

All parents remember the period when teeth are cut. Changes in behavior and disturbances in the functioning of organs occur. Knowing the signs of teething, you can help your child cope with pain in time and avoid complications.

What to expect

The first teeth appear at about 6 months of age. It may take 2 months from the moment the first signs appear until the tooth appears.

The following symptoms will help you understand that your baby is teething:

  • before the teeth emerge, the gums look inflamed and swollen;
  • salivation increases;
  • the child begins to put all objects and toys into his mouth;
  • eats poorly;
  • sleep becomes interrupted, often wakes up crying.

The baby's behavior during teething also undergoes changes. The baby becomes capricious, excitable, and often asks to be held.

Does not tolerate harsh sounds or bright light. There are sudden changes in mood: from apathy to an increased desire to be paid attention to.

Signs of teething that resemble the onset of a cold and bowel dysfunction:

  1. frequent regurgitation;
  2. the temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  3. bowel disorder (constipation or diarrhea);
  4. runny nose;
  5. cough;
  6. rash on cheeks.

It is not necessary that all these symptoms will be detected immediately. Some babies may only experience diarrhea, while others may simply drool. When the upper teeth come in, the temperature often rises.

During teething, especially the upper ones, the gums are injured. Therefore, you can see blood on it. It can change the smell of your mouth.

Dangerous signs of the disease

At the moment when the first teeth are cut, the child’s immunity decreases. The body weakens and becomes susceptible to germs and bacteria. Parents should identify the symptoms of the disease in time.

In order to understand whether a child is starting to have a cold or is just teething, it is important to know the symptoms that are characteristic of both cases.

  1. Teething may be accompanied by a cough. Excess saliva flowing down the throat causes a cough reflex. The cough is wet, infrequent, and most often worsens when the child lies down. When the cough intensifies, becomes intrusive, interferes with sleeping and eating, you can suspect an infection in the body. In this case, the cough lasts more than two days. Difficulty breathing and even shortness of breath may occur. Such symptoms may indicate inflammation of the lower respiratory tract.
  2. Increased mucous discharge from the nose. Normally, they should be transparent, liquid, and the child should not look painful. It goes away within 3 days. To improve the condition, just rinsing the nose with saline solutions is enough. When an infection occurs, the mucus becomes larger and turns yellow or green in color. A runny nose lasts more than 4 days.
  3. A normal reaction of the body is considered to be an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees. At the same time, it lasts no more than 2 days, and is easily knocked down by antipyretics. The baby does not have a cough, sneezing or runny nose. Symptoms of a cold: body temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, lasts more than 2 days. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
  4. Increased salivation leads to the fact that some of it gets inside. Intestinal motility accelerates, and diarrhea occurs up to 2-3 times a day. Frequent, profuse diarrhea indicates the development of infection. This condition is dangerous for the baby, as it can lead to dehydration. Blood and mucus may be observed. Blood in the stool indicates an intestinal infection or diseases of the digestive organs.

If a child’s immunity is weak, then oral diseases may occur during the appearance of teeth.

  • Thrush. This is a fungal disease. Symptoms of the disease: the gums and tongue become covered with a white coating, itching appears, and loss of appetite occurs. The pain intensifies. You need to contact a specialist.
  • Stomatitis. Symptoms: ulcers and wounds can be found in the oral cavity.
  • Caries. Appears on teeth that have weak enamel. Mandatory dental intervention is required.

Timing of eruption

All children get their first teeth at different times. But already from the 1st month growth begins inside the gums. Teeth can come out early - at 3 months, or they can appear late - at 10-11 months. Most often, the first tooth can be seen at 6 months.

The early appearance of teeth in infants (3 months) is associated with the intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. If teeth appear before 3 months, the child needs to be examined. This may be the cause of endocrine diseases.

Normally, by the age of one year there should be at least 1 tooth. In cases where the teeth do not come out for a long time, the child should be shown to a doctor to rule out developmental pathologies.

Reasons why babies teeth erupt late:

  • rickets;
  • weakened immune system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • unbalanced diet, late complementary feeding;
  • premature birth;
  • edentia – absence of the rudiments of baby teeth.

The pattern by which the upper teeth erupt in most children is as follows:

The pattern of teething of the lower row of teeth in many children is as follows:

In some children, the pattern of teeth appearing changes, for example, the canines rather than the incisors emerge first. This is an individual feature that does not bring anything bad.

Consultation with a dentist is necessary when the pairing of eruption is disrupted: one tooth of the pair has appeared, but the other has not, while other teeth are being cut. This may indicate a congenital malformation.

Unpleasant symptoms and pain accompany the period when fangs come out. This is due to the fact that these teeth have sharp, wide and jagged edges.

The upper teeth are often accompanied by a runny nose. This occurs due to the spread of swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. By the age of 3, babies should have 20 baby teeth.

Preventative dental checkups should not be ignored. First visit – at 1 year. Only a specialist can identify oral problems in a timely manner.

Giving help

You can alleviate the symptoms of teething with increased attention and affection. You need to pick up the child more often, play with him, talk to him, read books. This is how the baby feels cared for and is distracted.

Adults need to know what activities will help alleviate the condition:

  1. Proper diet. Avoid sweet foods. It is worth including products such as cottage cheese, cheese, cauliflower.
  2. As soon as the first teeth appear, they need to be properly cared for. You need to buy a special brush with soft rubber bristles. Your baby should brush his teeth without toothpaste.
  3. The child should be offered rubber toys, teethers (corrugated or with water).
  4. Massage the gums with an adult's finger. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before the massage!
  5. For local anesthesia, gels and ointments are used (Kalgel, Cholisal, Kamistad).
  6. Antipyretic drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol (Nurofen, Panadol).
  7. You can use decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, lemon balm, mint, sage). They have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The decoction is taken orally or applied to the gums.
  8. A solution of soda helps relieve inflammation. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of boiled water. Gauze is wrapped around the finger and moistened with the solution. You can treat your gums several times a day.
  9. During the period of teething in infants, preventive vaccinations should be excluded.

Problems that arise with the first teeth

The color of the first teeth can tell about the child's health.

  • If the base has a blackish tint, this indicates that you are taking iron supplements. This color can be observed in chronic inflammatory diseases.
  • A yellowish-brown tint indicates that the mother took antibiotics during pregnancy, or the child himself during the appearance of teeth.
  • A yellowish-green tint indicates blood disorders.
  • The red tint appears during a congenital disorder of porphyrin pigment metabolism.

When teeth are being cut, parents can help their child. The main thing is to understand the signs in time and consult a doctor. Care and attention are the best medicines for a baby at this time!

Many parents remember with horror the period when their child was cutting teeth. This process can happen at any time, but most often the baby’s teeth erupt by 6 months. Can signs of teething appear in a 4-month-old baby, or is it simply impossible? In fact, it is very rare, but this happens when teeth at this age move towards the exit and do not always cut through the gums.

Contents [Show]

When should a child's teeth appear?

In fact, there is no exact time frame for when a child should have teeth. In some cases, signs of such a process are observed at 2 months, and for some, the first teeth appear at 4 months. For some children, the process of tooth emergence takes quite a long time, while for others it is easy and quick. Experts say that babies should have their first incisors before they are one year old.

Medical practice shows that the sequence and age of eruption is determined by hereditary factors, environmental conditions, and the nutrition of the nursing mother or baby. There are the following reasons that can cause late teething in a child:

  • decrease in the protective functions of the child’s body;
  • various endocrine diseases;
  • unbalanced and inadequate nutrition;
  • late introduction of complementary foods;
  • rickets;
  • premature birth;
  • absence of baby tooth buds.

The appearance of teeth in a child closer to one year or, conversely, teething too early is not considered any pathology. It is for this reason that the identification of the first teeth in a 4-month-old child is considered quite normal. The scenario for the development of teeth is laid down in a child during his intrauterine development. This means that even at the moment of jaw formation in the embryo, it is determined at what age teeth will begin to erupt and in what sequence they will grow.

Many experts explain the early appearance of teeth in infants under 3 months of age by the mother’s intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. If the baby’s first incisors appear before 3 months, it is recommended to show him to a specialist. The fact is that such early teething can be one of the signs of various endocrine diseases.

Teething symptoms

Teeth in infants can appear at completely different times. The most optimal period for this process is considered to be from 3 months to a year. However, experts say that most babies begin to have their first teeth closer to 6 months. In rare cases, babies begin to erupt teeth 1–2 months after birth, and some are born with them right away.

The main sign indicating tooth growth is redness of the gums and their swelling. Slowly growing through bone tissue and mucous membranes, teeth cause severe swelling of the integument. After some time, the contours of the future incisor can be seen on such swollen gums.

Another characteristic sign that your baby will soon develop teeth is increased salivation. In fact, such a symptom in the form of constant salivation occurs long before the baby’s first upper incisors begin to appear.

During the period of active teething, the baby tries to put everything into his mouth for the reason that he is bothered by severe itching of the gums. Thus, the child tries to scratch his gums and get rid of the unpleasant itching.

A sign of tooth growth entering the active phase may be a decrease in appetite, that is, the child begins to eat with reluctance or refuses food altogether.

The fact is that due to itching, eating certain foods causes discomfort to the baby and he begins to be capricious. All this leads to the fact that the baby’s body noticeably weakens and this can result in the development of various diseases.

Parents should remember that if a child refuses to eat, it is necessary to examine his oral cavity. Characteristic symptoms of candidiasis and stomatitis are white or pink spots formed on the mucous membrane. Such ulcers cause severe pain to the baby, which is the reason for his refusal to eat.

Another characteristic sign of teething in a 4-month-old baby is his constant whims. In fact, a small child experiences unbearable pain that accompanies the process of teething and growth. It is not surprising that the baby is constantly capricious, cries and refuses to sleep.

Dangerous signs of the disease

At the moment when a child teethes, his immunity is significantly reduced. This means that the child’s body is greatly weakened and is exposed to the penetration of various viruses and bacteria. Taking into account this factor, parents need to know the first signs of the disease in order to promptly show the child to a specialist.

In order to determine whether your baby is teething or has a cold, you need to know the characteristic signs for both situations:

  1. The process of the appearance of incisors in a baby may be accompanied by a cough. The fact is that an increased amount of saliva is released in the oral cavity, which flows down the throat and provokes a cough reflex. The child begins to be bothered by a wet, infrequent cough, which is especially worse when lying down. If the cough becomes too intrusive and often bothers the baby, then one can suspect that some kind of infection has entered the child’s body.
  2. With a cold, a cough persists in a small child for more than 2 days and can cause breathing problems and even shortness of breath. Parents should be aware that such symptoms may signal the development of an inflammatory process in the children's respiratory tract.
  3. Often teething is accompanied by the appearance of mucous discharge from the nasal passages. In a healthy child they are usually transparent, liquid and disappear after three days. If any infections enter the baby’s body, too much mucus begins to be released, which turns yellow-green. Parents should suspect an infectious disease in a child when a runny nose persists for more than 4 days.
  4. A normal reaction of the body when teething in a child is considered to be an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees. Usually it lasts no more than two days and can be reduced with the help of antipyretics. In the event that the temperature rises during teething in a child, then there is no profuse runny nose, coughing or sneezing. The characteristic symptoms of a cold are maintaining a temperature of more than 38 degrees for more than 2 days, and in this case the child should be shown to a doctor.
  5. When an increased amount of mucus is secreted, a certain part of it enters the child’s body. The result of this is increased intestinal motility and the appearance of diarrhea. Usually, bowel movements in infants occur infrequently, up to 2-3 times a day, and after a few days the diarrhea disappears. The appearance of too frequent diarrhea may indicate that some kind of infection has entered the child's body. This condition is considered quite dangerous for the baby’s body, as it can cause dehydration. Parents should closely monitor the appearance of mucus and blood in the stool, as this may signal an intestinal infection or pathologies of the digestive tract.

In some cases, the baby experiences the opposite disorder - constipation. It is important to ensure that it does not last more than 3-4 days. It is recommended to consult with a specialist and decide how you can help your child in such a situation.

How to help your baby

In order to alleviate the condition of the child during teething, it is recommended to purchase special teethers. They usually come in the form of rubber toys with a rough surface that allows your baby to scratch his itchy gums. Many of these teethers contain water inside, so you can put it in the freezer for a while and then offer it to your baby. The fact is that cold helps soothe the baby’s gums and thereby relieve him of pain.

To reduce the body temperature of a newborn during teething, it is allowed to use various antipyretic drugs. You can try various gels to relieve pain, which also entails a decrease in temperature. Parents should know that a rise in body temperature can signal not only teething in the baby, but also more serious problems.

During the period when the baby's first incisors appear, it is necessary to provide him with sufficient fluids, that is, breastfeed him more often or offer him water. The fact is that the increased secretion of saliva in the baby’s mouth leads to the fact that too much fluid is removed from the child’s body. Taking this factor into account, the main task of parents is to monitor the maintenance of the baby’s water balance.

During teething, excessive salivation in babies can cause skin irritation. Adults need to constantly wipe their mouth and chin of saliva, and this procedure should be done gently and gently. If various rashes appear on the skin, it is recommended to use an anti-inflammatory agent.

When a baby is teething, he experiences severe discomfort and pain. Parents should hold their baby in their arms as often as possible, stroke him and feel sorry for him, which will help calm him down.

Medicines for children

Today, you can buy various medicines at the pharmacy that can help ease your baby’s teething condition. Among all their diversity, the following are considered the most effective:

  1. Dantinorm baby is a homeopathic medicine that is available in the form of a solution. With its help, it is possible not only to relieve the child of pain, but also to eliminate various intestinal disorders.
  2. Dentokind is a homeopathic remedy that is intended for use specifically in childhood. Thanks to this drug, it is possible to relieve all the unpleasant symptoms of the appearance of incisors in infants, including problems with stool, fever and nasal congestion. It is necessary to dissolve the pill in a teaspoon of water and offer it to the baby.
  3. Cholisal gel - has an analgesic effect, helps get rid of the inflammatory process and destroy germs. Parents should remember that such a drug can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a slight burning sensation.
  4. Dentinox gel or solution relieves pain and inflammation of the gums, and is considered completely safe even if the baby swallows a little of the product.
  5. Kamistad gel has an anesthetic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. The basis of this product is chamomile extract and lidocaine, but it is not allowed to be used by children under 3 years of age.

Unfortunately, gels and homeopathic remedies do not always help alleviate the condition of teething children. In case of increased pain, it is recommended to give the child an anesthetic based on his age:

  • Paracetamol for children in the form of a suspension helps reduce fever and eliminate pain;
  • Panadol is available in the form of a suspension and suppositories, which are especially convenient for use in very young children;
  • Nurofen contains ibuprofen, and a single dose helps relieve the baby from pain for a long time.

At home, you can prepare decoctions from medicinal herbs such as mint, sage, chamomile and lemon balm. They have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, and it is recommended to lubricate the baby’s gums with such decoctions.

It is possible to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process on the gums during teething with the help of a soda solution. To prepare it, add 5 grams of baking soda to 200 ml of boiled water. After this, gauze is wrapped around the finger, moistened in a soda solution and the gums are treated. This procedure must be carried out several times a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

If signs of teething appear in a 4-month-old baby, parents should closely monitor their baby. This process causes severe discomfort and pain to the child, so it is important to help him cope with this condition and avoid the development of various complications. If a newborn’s incisors appear before 3 months, it is recommended to show him to a specialist. The fact is that this can serve as a sign of endocrine disorders in the body.

What are baby teeth used for?

How does a child cut teeth?

Teeth eruption and replacement

Why you need to treat and protect baby teeth

A baby at the age of four months is not yet able to communicate what is bothering him, where it hurts, what factors cause discomfort. Typically, the first baby teeth begin to emerge at six months, but it is not uncommon for the middle incisors to appear in four-month-old babies. It is very important to recognize the signs of teething in order to help your baby get through this period as easily as possible.

Signs of teething in a 4 month old baby

On a note! Early teething is not considered a pathology. The age of 4-7 months is considered the norm for the appearance of the first primary incisors.

Teething Chart

Signs of teething

There are several of them, let’s get acquainted with the features of each of them.

Baby teething

Anxiety, crying

The first sign that is hard to ignore is child anxiety. The baby is capricious and often cries, and may refuse food, water, or bottles. Behavior is often observed when the child takes the breast, begins to suck, but immediately releases it and begins to cry. This is explained by the fact that the gums are very sensitive and painful during the teething period; the baby is bothered by unpleasant sensations, but he does not know how to cope with them.

The baby is crying

It is not uncommon for a child to bite the breast with his gums during feeding. The baby just wants to get rid of the itching, which is why he clenches his jaw when any objects get on his gums.

It is worth sounding the alarm if the child does not eat for two days and no longer. And one or two missed feedings a day are not a cause for concern.


The second sign is increased salivation. Pay attention to the child, if he puts everything into his mouth, the saliva is thin and abundant, perhaps the first tooth will appear soon. However, this sign does not always accompany teething. It happens that the baby drools like a river, but there are no teeth. Therefore, it is better to focus on other signs or their combination.

Baby's drooling

Increased salivation can cause irritation on the chin and around the lips.


The third sign is bowel disorder. Pediatricians recommend introducing the first complementary foods at 4 months. And if the period of introducing complementary foods coincides with teething, the first thought of parents is food poisoning of the child. Excessive diarrhea in children during teething is also very similar to intestinal upset caused by harmful infections. You should panic only if diarrhea occurs more than three times a day and for longer than 3-7 days in a row.

Diarrhea in infants

On a note! Pay attention to your baby's stool. If there are traces of blood in it, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

The cause of diarrhea in infants associated with teething is a decrease in the level of functioning of the immune system. The gums begin to itch, and to relieve the itching, the baby puts his own fingers, clothes, mother’s hair, and toys into his mouth. On the surface of all these objects there are invariably microbes that penetrate the child’s body, develop, and as a result, dysfunction of the entire gastrointestinal tract is observed. Diarrhea is an indicator that the baby’s immune system simply cannot cope with the infection in the intestines. But the body quickly adapts, and the diarrhea goes away without a trace.

You can distinguish teething from an intestinal infection as follows:

  • calm the child down, create a cozy atmosphere for him;
  • Place the baby on a changing table or other hard surface;
  • Feel the baby's belly and observe the reaction. If the baby is calm during palpation, there is no reason for concern. If the stomach is hard, and the slightest touch causes the child to become hysterical, you should immediately seek medical help. institution.

A child's stomach is felt

On a note! Diarrhea may be accompanied by excessive regurgitation or vomiting. This is normal during teething.

Sensitivity and itching of gums

The fourth sign is gum swelling, redness, sensitivity, itching. If you notice that your four-month-old baby is teething, try to calm yourself down initially. You will in no way be able to influence the progress of teething, their sequence and speed, but you can provide the baby with moral support that is so important these days. There is no need to climb into the child’s mouth every minute, try to tap the gums with steel objects, you will only introduce more germs, scare the child, and his tense state will worsen.

The baby is cutting his first teeth

Very important! If the first tooth has already come out, and then the second one is emerging, do not try to relieve the itching of the gums by offering your child pieces of cookies, crackers, crusts of bread, any confectionery, apples or carrots. An accidentally bitten off piece of food can get into the baby's respiratory tract, which will have disastrous consequences.

You may notice small bumps on the gums or bruises. They will go away on their own; outside intervention is unnecessary.

Fever, cough

Table. How do you know if your baby has caught ARVI or is just teething?

Increased body temperature An increase to 37-38°C is considered normal, lasting no more than four days Elevated body temperature of 37-40°C and above lasts more than four days
Heat Absent Usually present
Weakness Absent Occurs frequently
Cough Rare, appears due to the fact that the baby chokes on a large amount of saliva without having time to swallow it The cough is systematic, frequent, and may cause hoarseness.
Runny nose It may be small if the child's saliva gets into the nasopharynx. Runny nose for no more than three days Present abundantly, for a long time

The child has a high temperature

Note! If your child constantly rubs their face and chin against the surface they are lying on, this may be a sign of ear inflammation. You need to see an otolaryngologist.

How can I help my baby?

Temperature increase

For high fever, use one of the following medications:

  • "Nurofen";


  • "Cefekon D";

    "Cefekon D"

  • "Paracetamol for children";

    "Paracetamol for children"

  • "Panadol".

Preparations based on paracetamol are prescribed depending on the child’s weight. The maximum daily dose is 60 mg per 1 kg of body weight. It is recommended to give the antipyretic 1 hour after meals. A single dose of the drug should not exceed 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Antipyretic drugs can be given no more than four times a day, with a break between doses of at least four hours.

If a child is allergic to dyes contained in suspensions and syrups, you can give a paracetamol tablet crushed into powder and dissolved in water. The dosage is calculated according to the child's weight. One tablet contains 200 mg of active substance.


Rectal suppositories are placed only after the baby has had a bowel movement. Antipyretics are not used for more than three days. Consultation with a pediatrician is required.

"Ibuprofen" the suspension can be given to the child with a break of 6 to 8 hours, no more than three times a day. The maximum single dose of the drug is 10 mg per 1 kg of child weight. The maximum daily dose is 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight, respectively.

If a child exhibits side effects from taking the medication, it is necessary to discontinue the drug and inform the pediatrician about the body’s reaction.

The child is sick

Important! It is advisable to use antipyretic drugs after consulting a pediatrician. Carefully study the instructions for prescribed medications.

Runny nose

For runny nose, children are prescribed the following medications:

  • "Derinat";


  • "Nazivin Baby";

    "Nazivin Baby"

  • "Aquamaris".


Nasal drops should not be used for more than five days in a row. The drug is administered one drop into each nostril three times a day.

Pain in gums

Table. Popular gels with an anesthetic effect.

To make teething easier, give your baby special toys with liquid inside. Such teethers must be washed, doused with boiling water, and then kept in the freezer for a while. The effect of cold on the baby's gums will reduce pain and irritation, and the pimples on the toy will gently massage the gums.


Teethers for babies who are starting to get their first teeth

If your four-month-old baby is teething, do not wean him from the breast. Give the breast when the baby requires it. The process of breastfeeding will help the baby much more easily survive the eruption of his first teeth.

Video - A child's first teeth. Three main rules

Teething in children is most often accompanied by anxiety, moodiness, and crying. Sometimes increased temperature, upset stool, increased salivation. Parents consider these symptoms normal when the child is about six months old. But can teeth be cut at 4 months? Very rarely, but they can. They do not always cut through the gums at this age; sometimes they simply “move towards the exit.”

The gums may swell or turn red, and parents can also feel the edges of the teeth by tapping them with a spoon or fingers. How can parents help their child in this case? You can give him something hard to chew on (a cracker, a bagel), this will ease his suffering, but you need to make sure that the child does not choke on pieces of food. If at the time of teething the baby continues to have an elevated body temperature for a long time, has a runny nose, cough, or has upset stool, you should consult a pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe treatment and give recommendations on the proper care of a child with teething syndrome.

The most famous facts about teething in children

For most children under one year old, the teething process begins at six months; by one year, the child should have eight full milk teeth, and a full set of twenty milk teeth by the age of 2.5-3 years. The sequence and age of eruption depend on hereditary factors, ecology, and the nutrition of the child or nursing mother. Below are approximate dates.

Eruption closer to a year or earlier eruption is not considered a pathology. Therefore, teething at 4 months is normal! Modern research has proven that such early teething also occurs in absolutely healthy children.

A variant of irregular (asymmetrical) arrangement of baby teeth is often encountered. This is not considered a pathology until the first sixteen milk teeth erupt; if asymmetry persists, you should later consult an orthodontist.

What to do if teeth start to erupt at 4 months?

Parents should also contact a pediatrician or pediatric dentist when the eruption of the first teeth is delayed or ahead of the norm by 2 months or more, when erupting in the wrong place, or when erupting before the birth of the child.

How does a child’s condition change during early teething?

When a child is teething at 4 months, parents notice a sharp increase in salivation. This is due not only to teething, but also to the opening of the salivary canal into the child’s oral cavity. At this moment, children have a decrease in local immunity, an infection can easily develop and the child becomes ill. Many mothers believe that the child got sick “from teeth”; in fact, this is not the cause, but a factor accompanying the disease. And you need to treat the symptoms, together with the manifestations of teething.

Teeth at 4 months. Symptoms of teething at 4 months and later are increased body temperature, moodiness and poor sleep. In this case, a strong inflammatory process occurs in the mucous membrane of the gums and oral cavity, the body needs strength to push the teeth out, and it is as a result of this that the body temperature rises. Also common signs of teething in a baby 4 months or later are loose stools, bloating or foamy stools. This is also a functional disorder and occurs from changes in the baby’s hormonal levels. All these changes can occur not only at the moment of immediate eruption.

If teeth began to erupt at 4 months, how can I help my child?

Before the gums erupt, the tooth goes through several stages of progress towards the exit. Each of these stages is accompanied by severe itching of the gums, children become restless, capricious, whiny, sleep and appetite are disturbed. At the moment the tooth stops, all unpleasant sensations disappear and the baby calms down.

What to do if teeth are cut at 4 months? Many pediatricians will answer that nothing. Parents cannot stop or prevent this process in any way; they can only facilitate it. You can offer your child a hard object to chew on. But you should make sure that it is a safe and strong material that cannot be chewed into small pieces and choking. All kinds of pacifiers are in wide demand for these purposes. If a child chews toys, they should not be covered with paint or varnish, and should not have sharp parts. Any damage to the baby’s tender gums can be complicated by infection and the development of stomatitis.

A gentle massage of the gums will also help. By wrapping a sterile bandage or gauze around your finger, you can gently massage the baby’s gums, this will improve blood circulation in the gums, speed up teething and calm the baby.

The use of any sedative should be agreed with your doctor!

It's okay if the first tooth is at 4 months. Teething at 4 months is an individual feature of the child. You also need to understand that a tooth at 4 or 9 months is all normal. No one will ever say how and at what age a particular child’s teeth will erupt. All this is individual and depends on heredity, a sufficient amount of vitamins in the mother’s body during pregnancy, feeding the child after birth, the environmental situation, as well as on concomitant pathologies.

4 months old baby - teething

Early teethers, as a rule, are ahead of their peers not only in physical but also in speech development.

The formation of dental tissue in a child occurs in the prenatal period, at 4 months of pregnancy. After birth, the strengthening of baby teeth continues, even if they have not yet appeared on the surface of the gums. Sometimes it happens that eruption occurred in the fetus in the womb. This is quite rare and requires the supervision of a pediatric dentist. If teeth interfere with breastfeeding, they are removed.

There are points that should alert parents and force them to immediately contact a pediatrician:

  1. Eruption occurs later than normal by more than 2 months. This may be the result of an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the child’s body or in case of infectious diseases, or as a result of digestive disorders and absorption of nutrients and vitamins.
  2. Teething before four months should prompt an examination of the endocrine system. Late dentition can occur with hypothyroidism.
  3. An incorrect sequence of eruption may indicate abnormal formation of dental tissue during pregnancy.
  4. As a result of improper placement, eruption may also occur in the wrong place or eruption of not one, but two teeth in one place.

How to help a child at 4 months when teething begins

During the teething period, some features may be noted:

  • location at a wide distance from each other. This is a variant of the norm during the period when dairy products are changed to permanent ones. The jaws are preparing for permanent teeth;
  • dark (black) plaque on baby teeth may occur during treatment with iron supplements;
  • yellowish-brown plaque on the enamel may appear when the mother is treated with antibiotics in the second trimester of pregnancy or the child in the first months of life;
  • yellowish-greenish plaque on the teeth is formed when there is an excess content of bilirubin in the blood due to the destruction of blood cells;
  • red staining of teeth indicates congenital porphyria;
  • Malocclusion develops as a result of prolonged nipple sucking. An open bite is formed, articulation is subsequently impaired, the child has problems chewing solid food, and begins to choke on it. Inadequate chewing is one of the causes of jaw and tooth deformities;
  • - non-standard arrangement of teeth can occur due to congenital anomalies in the development of the jaws, injuries, tumors of the jaws;
  • the absence of teeth before the age of one year may be a consequence of unformed rudiments. This can be determined using an x-ray.

What you need to strengthen teeth in children

It should be understood that formation begins even before the birth of the child. An important point will be the nutrition that the mother receives during pregnancy. Every day you need to eat cottage cheese, hard cheese and milk, which contains large amounts of calcium and phosphorus. Daily walks in the fresh air and sun will replenish vitamin D deficiencies and increase hemoglobin in a pregnant woman. Vitamin A, contained in carrots and other vegetables, as well as B vitamins, contained in cereals, will help the normal formation of dental tissue in the fetus.

teeth started cutting at 4 months - what to do?

As soon as the child is born, the formation of permanent teeth begins, although they erupt after 6 years. That is why a newborn child must receive enough calcium, phosphorus, fluorine and vitamin D. The importance of fluoride for the normal formation of teeth can hardly be overestimated. It is fluoride that helps replenish the loss of calcium and phosphorus in the enamel, thereby preventing the development of caries. It is known that in countries where fluoride is contained in drinking water, enamel destruction is observed less frequently. You can compensate for the lack of fluoride with food or by applying a special solution containing fluoride ions to the enamel.

To prevent the development of caries, doctors advise:

  • Do not eat large amounts of starch and easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar). There is an opinion that caries develops from the formation of lactic acid. Sugar residues between teeth are a good environment for bacteria, which produce lactic acid;
  • do not lick the baby’s pacifier, this will also reduce the transfer of bacteria from the parent’s mouth to the baby’s teeth;
  • develop the habit of rinsing your mouth after every meal;
  • visit the dentist with your child annually, starting from the first year of life;
  • teach your child to brush their teeth properly twice a day.

Proper care of your baby’s teeth is the key to healthy enamel.

For babies under one year of age, care is provided by the mother, wrapping a bandage around her finger and cleaning the oral cavity of food debris after each feeding and before bedtime.

After a year, you can begin to develop the habit of brushing your teeth in your child. At first it will be a simple imitation of movements; parents should help their child in every possible way when learning. You can involve a doll in this, which you can use to brush your teeth or your dad. The child must understand that there is nothing scary or painful in the procedure.

For proper development and care, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. In the morning 30 minutes after breakfast and at night just before bed. Cleaning can be combined with a light massage of the gums with your finger or a special soft children's brush, otherwise you can damage the child's delicate gums.

baby teething at 4 months

First, the baby brushes his teeth with a soft special brush without toothpaste, then, after two years, the use of fluoride-containing toothpastes is allowed. After using toothpaste, be sure to rinse your mouth.

Even if all recommendations are followed, the child is not immune from caries on the teeth, even milk teeth. It needs to be treated, since the condition of the permanent teeth will depend on the condition of the baby teeth. It will be necessary to contact a dentist, who will determine treatment tactics.

For prevention, you should visit the pediatric dentist and pediatrician annually or even twice a year.

What to expect

The first teeth appear at about 6 months of age. It may take 2 months from the moment the first signs appear until the tooth appears.

The following symptoms will help you understand that your baby is teething:

  • before the teeth emerge, the gums look inflamed and swollen;
  • salivation increases;
  • the child begins to put all objects and toys into his mouth;
  • eats poorly;
  • sleep becomes interrupted, often wakes up crying.

The baby's behavior during teething also undergoes changes. The baby becomes capricious, excitable, and often asks to be held.

Does not tolerate harsh sounds or bright light. There are sudden changes in mood: from apathy to an increased desire to be paid attention to.

Signs of teething that resemble the onset of a cold and bowel dysfunction:

  1. frequent regurgitation;
  2. the temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  3. bowel disorder (constipation or diarrhea);
  4. runny nose;
  5. cough;
  6. rash on cheeks.

It is not necessary that all these symptoms will be detected immediately. Some babies may only experience diarrhea, while others may simply drool. When the upper teeth come in, the temperature often rises.

During teething, especially the upper ones, the gums are injured. Therefore, you can see blood on it. It can change the smell of your mouth.

Dangerous signs of the disease

At the moment when the first teeth are cut, the child’s immunity decreases. The body weakens and becomes susceptible to germs and bacteria. Parents should identify the symptoms of the disease in time.

In order to understand whether a child is starting to have a cold or is just teething, it is important to know the symptoms that are characteristic of both cases.

  1. Teething may be accompanied by a cough. Excess saliva flowing down the throat causes a cough reflex. The cough is wet, infrequent, and most often worsens when the child lies down. When the cough intensifies, becomes intrusive, interferes with sleeping and eating, you can suspect an infection in the body. In this case, the cough lasts more than two days. Difficulty breathing and even shortness of breath may occur. Such symptoms may indicate inflammation of the lower respiratory tract.
  2. Increased mucous discharge from the nose. Normally, they should be transparent, liquid, and the child should not look painful. It goes away within 3 days. To improve the condition, just rinsing the nose with saline solutions is enough. When an infection occurs, the mucus becomes larger and turns yellow or green in color. A runny nose lasts more than 4 days.
  3. A normal reaction of the body is considered to be an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees. At the same time, it lasts no more than 2 days, and is easily knocked down by antipyretics. The baby does not have a cough, sneezing or runny nose. Symptoms of a cold: body temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, lasts more than 2 days. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
  4. Increased salivation leads to the fact that some of it gets inside. Intestinal motility accelerates, and diarrhea occurs up to 2-3 times a day. Frequent, profuse diarrhea indicates the development of infection. This condition is dangerous for the baby, as it can lead to dehydration. Blood and mucus may be observed. Blood in the stool indicates an intestinal infection or diseases of the digestive organs.

If a child’s immunity is weak, then oral diseases may occur during the appearance of teeth.

  • Thrush. This is a fungal disease. Symptoms of the disease: the gums and tongue become covered with a white coating, itching appears, and loss of appetite occurs. The pain intensifies. You need to contact a specialist.
  • Stomatitis. Symptoms: ulcers and wounds can be found in the oral cavity.
  • Caries. Appears on teeth that have weak enamel. Mandatory dental intervention is required.

Timing of eruption

All children get their first teeth at different times. But already from the 1st month growth begins inside the gums. Teeth can come out early - at 3 months, or they can appear late - at 10-11 months. Most often, the first tooth can be seen at 6 months.

The early appearance of teeth in infants (3 months) is associated with the intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. If teeth appear before 3 months, the child needs to be examined. This may be the cause of endocrine diseases.

Normally, by the age of one year there should be at least 1 tooth. In cases where the teeth do not come out for a long time, the child should be shown to a doctor to rule out developmental pathologies.

Reasons why babies teeth erupt late:

  • rickets;
  • weakened immune system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • unbalanced diet, late complementary feeding;
  • premature birth;
  • edentia – absence of the rudiments of baby teeth.

The pattern by which the upper teeth erupt in most children is as follows:

The pattern of teething of the lower row of teeth in many children is as follows:

In some children, the pattern of teeth appearing changes, for example, the canines rather than the incisors emerge first. This is an individual feature that does not bring anything bad.

Consultation with a dentist is necessary when the pairing of eruption is disrupted: one tooth of the pair has appeared, but the other has not, while other teeth are being cut. This may indicate a congenital malformation.

Unpleasant symptoms and pain accompany the period when fangs come out. This is due to the fact that these teeth have sharp, wide and jagged edges.

The upper teeth are often accompanied by a runny nose. This occurs due to the spread of swelling and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. By the age of 3, babies should have 20 baby teeth.

Preventative dental checkups should not be ignored. First visit – at 1 year. Only a specialist can identify oral problems in a timely manner.

Giving help

You can alleviate the symptoms of teething with increased attention and affection. You need to pick up the child more often, play with him, talk to him, read books. This is how the baby feels cared for and is distracted.

Adults need to know what activities will help alleviate the condition:

  1. Proper diet. Avoid sweet foods. It is worth including products such as cottage cheese, cheese, cauliflower.
  2. As soon as the first teeth appear, they need to be properly cared for. You need to buy a special brush with soft rubber bristles. Your baby should brush his teeth without toothpaste.
  3. The child should be offered rubber toys, teethers (corrugated or with water).
  4. Massage the gums with an adult's finger. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before the massage!
  5. For local anesthesia, gels and ointments are used (Kalgel, Cholisal, Kamistad).
  6. Antipyretic drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol (Nurofen, Panadol).
  7. You can use decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, lemon balm, mint, sage). They have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The decoction is taken orally or applied to the gums.
  8. A solution of soda helps relieve inflammation. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of boiled water. Gauze is wrapped around the finger and moistened with the solution. You can treat your gums several times a day.
  9. During the period of teething in infants, preventive vaccinations should be excluded.

Problems that arise with the first teeth

The color of the first teeth can tell about the child's health.

  • If the base has a blackish tint, this indicates that you are taking iron supplements. This color can be observed in chronic inflammatory diseases.
  • A yellowish-brown tint indicates that the mother took antibiotics during pregnancy, or the child himself during the appearance of teeth.
  • A yellowish-green tint indicates blood disorders.
  • The red tint appears during a congenital disorder of porphyrin pigment metabolism.

When teeth are being cut, parents can help their child. The main thing is to understand the signs in time and consult a doctor. Care and attention are the best medicines for a baby at this time!

What may be the symptoms of teething in a baby?

The eruption of the first baby teeth in all children may occur at different times. The average and optimal age for this process is from 3 months to 1 year, but most often the baby’s teeth begin to erupt at about 6 months. It also very rarely happens that babies develop teeth 1-2 months after birth; there are even known cases of “toothy” children being born.

The first signs of the imminent appearance of teeth in a child

Many young parents believe that the very first signs of teething in babies is excessive salivation. But this is only partly true, because this process, especially if it began at 3-4 months, only indicates that all the salivary glands in the baby’s mouth have begun to work at full strength, and nothing else. But if this symptom recurs closer to 7-8 months, then it will indicate the rapid eruption of milk teeth in infants. Therefore, drooling is not always a clear first sign that the baby will soon “get” teeth.

Obvious symptoms of rapid teething

Obvious symptoms of teething in babies in the first year of life are:

  • When examining the oral cavity, swelling and redness of the gums are observed. When teeth appear very soon, the gums become white or slightly bluish. In addition, the child experiences pain in these areas;
  • Newborns have a need to “scratch” their gums with their fists, they put toys and everything they can get their hands into their mouths;
  • Due to the constant contact of saliva and the skin around the mouth, a child may experience contact dermatitis in this area in the form of redness, small blisters, and irritation;
  • Teething can cause anxiety in the baby; he becomes capricious, refuses to latch on to the breast, and in some cases he loses his appetite altogether. The child can “chew” the nipple with his gums, thereby also trying to get rid of unpleasant sensations in the mouth;
  • Baby teeth move towards the surface of the gums, which is why the child sometimes experiences very severe pain. Therefore, he can sleep restlessly, cry for no reason, be capricious;
  • Due to the fact that the tooth is trying to “hatch” into the gum, local inflammation may occur, and, as a result, the body temperature may rise to 37.5-38°C.

The result of the eruption of the first teeth

During the period of the appearance of milk teeth, as already mentioned, the child may constantly put his hands and toys into his mouth. Because of this, it is possible for an infection (viral, bacterial, fungal) to enter the baby’s body, and the environment for its development is the most suitable (with profuse drooling). Therefore, it is not uncommon to have additional symptoms during teething that can be confused with manifestations of any diseases:

  • Symptoms similar to those of ARVI - runny nose, cough, elevated body temperature. The runny nose is watery, the cough is wet, and the body temperature does not last more than 1-2 days. If a bacterial infection occurs, the mucus in the nose becomes greenish and thick, and the elevated temperature lasts longer. In this case, you should contact your pediatrician for additional advice;
  • Diarrhea and vomiting (easily confused with poisoning). These symptoms are explained by swallowing saliva in a large volume, as a result of which intestinal motility increases, which is why diarrhea occurs. Vomiting can occur if the child has a very “close” gag reflex, again, due to the accumulation of saliva;
  • A child patting himself on the ears or a painful reaction when pressing on the body of the ear (symptoms of otitis media). When a baby teethes, an infection can attach to the tissues of the middle ear through the Eustachian tubes.

How soon can you expect teeth to appear if all the signs are present?

It should be noted that the obvious symptoms listed above appear no earlier than 2-3 days before teething. If the period of presence of teething symptoms lasts longer than three days, this may indicate some other diseases: diarrhea - an intestinal infection; runny nose, cough and fever - about a viral or bacterial infection, etc. In this case, it is necessary to seek medical advice in order to take the necessary therapeutic measures in a timely manner.

Cough during teething: what to do?

A baby's teething is an exciting event for his mom and dad, as it means that the baby is growing and will soon be eating “adult” food. But very often, parents’ joy at the appearance of the first teeth is overshadowed by a runny nose and cough in the baby. In this article we will look at what the symptoms of teething in a child are, how long this process lasts, and why the baby develops a cough when teething.

Symptoms of teething in a child per year

Symptoms of teething in a child per year are quite varied. They can appear in two or three days, or a week or even two before the tooth itself. Let’s list them all so that the mother knows what the warning signs are for her baby’s new tooth:

  • thickening and redness of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • increased tearfulness and irritability;
  • deterioration of appetite, and possibly refusal to eat;
  • the desire to gnaw and chew something;
  • restless sleep;
  • constipation or diarrhea, it happens that both alternately;
  • increased secretion of mucus from the nose (runny nose);
  • increased body temperature;
  • cough;
  • irritation on the face.

As you can see, the symptoms of teething in a child may coincide with the symptoms of such diseases as: acute respiratory viral infection, acute intestinal infection, allergies. Therefore, if the baby has one or more of the above symptoms, it is best to show the child to the pediatrician so that he can rule out the possibility of an infectious disease. Since, for example, a cough during teething, to the ear, is not much different from a cough during bronchitis. But in the first case, there is no need to prescribe any special treatment to the baby, since the cough will go away on its own as soon as the tooth erupts, and in the second case, it is necessary to take medications that thin the sputum and promote its removal. And only a qualified doctor, having examined the child and listened to him with a stethoscope, can say whether the child is teething or has bronchitis.

How long does it take for children to teethe?

Many mothers are concerned about the question: “How long does it take for children to teethe?” Their concern about this is quite understandable, since the process of the appearance of a new tooth is accompanied by a deterioration in the child’s health and an increase in his moodiness.

When exactly the baby’s teeth begin to emerge and how long it will take for each tooth to “come out” depends on the child’s genetic predisposition, that is, it is inherited. But in general we can say that a baby’s first teeth appear at six months. The sequence in which children cut teeth is always the same:

  1. Central lower incisors.
  2. Central upper incisors.
  3. Lower and upper lateral incisors.
  4. Lower and upper canines.
  5. Lower and upper molars, two pairs on each side.

Usually by the age of one year a baby has 8 teeth (four on top and bottom), but by the age of two he already has a full set: 20 milk teeth, ten on each jaw. A child will have milk teeth until he is 6-7 years old.

But it happens that the baby’s first tooth erupts at 4 months or at 9-10 months. And, accordingly, the entire “schedule” of teeth appearance shifts. In this case, parents should not worry, this is also considered the norm. Apparently mom or dad’s first teeth also appeared not like most children, but earlier or later.

Based on what was written above, we can say that there is no clear answer to the question: “How long does it take for children to teethe?” Since this happens individually for each child, in accordance with his internal schedule.

Teething cough

Many mothers are surprised that a cough occurs when teething. Since it is not clear what the connection is between a new tooth and a child’s cough. Next, we will look at how these seemingly completely different processes are related to each other.

It should be clarified that a cough during teething does not appear on its own, but in the company of a runny nose. The fact is that the blood supply to the nasal cavity and gums are anatomically closely connected. Before a child gets a new tooth, blood circulation in the gums becomes more intense and, accordingly, blood supply to the nasal mucosa increases. Because of this, the glands in the nose produce increased amounts of mucus. Moreover, nasal discharge is profuse, but transparent and can flow for several weeks. Cough during teething occurs due to the fact that copious mucous secretions from the nasopharynx flow down the throat and, entering the upper respiratory tract, irritate them.

In any case, if the baby has a cough during teething, it is necessary to show him to the pediatrician, since during this period the child’s immunity decreases, and there is a high probability of a viral or bacterial infection. You shouldn’t risk your baby’s health, but it’s better to play it safe once again.

How to reduce teething cough?

To alleviate the baby’s condition, it is necessary to fight not the cough itself, but the cause that causes it, that is, a runny nose. How to reduce its intensity? It’s very simple: you need to regularly remove excess mucus from the nose and moisturize the nasal cavities.

Since an infant cannot blow his nose on his own, the mother herself must remove excess mucus from his nose. To do this, you need to buy a nasal aspirator or a syringe bulb at the pharmacy. The procedure for cleansing the nose with an aspirator goes like this: the mother squeezes the air out of the aspirator bulb, closes one of the baby’s nostrils with her finger, and carefully inserts the aspirator nose into the other and unclenches her hand on the bulb, all the mucus from the nasal passage is sucked into the bulb. Then you need to repeat the same procedure, but with the child’s other nostril.

To moisturize the baby's nasal mucosa, it is recommended to use a saline solution or nasal drops based on sea water: for example, Aquamaris. Moreover, the use of “sea water” is more preferable, since in addition to moisturizing the nasal passages, it helps reduce swelling and irritation in them. It is recommended to use drops to moisturize the nose 3-4 times a day.

The listed procedures will help make teething cough less intense.

Teething in children

One of the most important stages in a child’s development is the period of teething. Almost all young parents await the appearance of the first tooth with great impatience and apprehension. The fear of mom and dad is due to the fact that most children endure this period quite painfully. A real revolution occurs in the baby’s body when teething, which affects the child’s behavior. The baby becomes capricious, the temperature rises, and diarrhea may appear. However, if you prepare in advance for this period and meet it “fully armed,” you can significantly facilitate the process of teething in children. You will find all the details regarding the timing and order of teeth appearance, as well as methods for alleviating the painful condition in a child, in our article. Shall we talk?

Timing and order of teething in children

First of all, I would like to note that each child’s teeth begin to erupt differently, depending on the individual characteristics of his body. Some children develop teeth as early as 4-5 months, others after 6 months. Therefore, pediatricians do not establish the exact timing of teething, but only say that they begin to appear in children on average at the age of six months. But the order in which baby teeth erupt is the same for all babies (as a rule). Let's consider it in detail.

First of all, the incisors appear on the lower gum, then the same teeth on the upper jaw. Then - the lateral incisors, canines and at the end - two pairs of molars. Thus, a one-year-old child should have eight pairs of teeth in his mouth. The eruption process takes about a month for 1-2 baby teeth.

Until two years of age, a child experiences the same sequential order of teething, and already at this age children have 20 of them: 10 teeth on top and bottom. After a few years, baby teeth fall out and permanent teeth begin to appear. As a rule, a child’s first permanent tooth appears at 6-7 years of age. By the way, baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth in the same order as they erupted - starting with the incisors and ending with the molars. At 12 years old, a child has a full set of teeth, and from 17 to 25 years old, wisdom teeth appear.

Please note that the absence of a couple of teeth in young children is not a disaster. It happens that by the age of 2, a child has only 16 teeth in his mouth, not 20. This is not a pathology, but an individual feature of the body! They will appear soon.

Signs of teething in children

At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that during the period of the appearance of baby teeth, children become capricious, sleep poorly, show apathy, and eat poorly. Complications such as fever, cough, diarrhea and even vomiting are also observed. Therefore, every parent should be prepared for such a development of events and in no case panic.

If your child is expecting baby teeth to appear soon, you need to take a closer look at them. Most often, such an event is indicated by red cheeks, swollen gums, runny nose, and increased salivation. Also, one of the symptoms of teething in babies is their constant desire to gnaw or bite something. This is due to the fact that the child's gums are itchy and sore, which causes him significant discomfort.

An increase in body temperature is caused by inflammation of the gums during teething. Typically, the thermometer readings do not exceed 38 degrees. Diarrhea may occur with stool frequency up to 5-6 times. The baby becomes capricious and restless. Moreover, these symptoms can be observed several weeks before the tooth appears. Therefore, the mother should regularly examine the baby’s oral cavity: if the gums become swollen and inflamed. If your cheeks are swollen, this means that a tooth will erupt soon.

How to make teething easier for children?

The process of teething causes itching and pain in children, so the baby becomes restless and often cries. During this period, the baby needs special care and attention from the parents, so mom and dad should not react too harshly to the child’s hysterics and whims. It is strictly forbidden to scratch or pierce the gums, as this will not only speed up the process of teeth appearing, but will also cause infection.

If your child has a fever during teething, you should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe an effective and safe antipyretic medicine. Also, to relieve pain and itching during teething in children, pain-relieving gels and ointments are used, which are applied to the gums. The most popular remedy is Kamistad.

Special rubber toys that massage the gums are designed to relieve pain during teething. To relieve inflammation, you can use chamomile tincture, rubbing it into the inflamed areas of eruption. Honey, a cold pacifier, and solid food (carrots, crackers) are also good for soothing pain and itching on the gums. In addition, during the period of teething, children should drink more water, because the body loses it due to excessive salivation.

If teething is accompanied by other complications, then in such a situation self-medication is unacceptable. In case of diarrhea, vomiting, or high fever, you should immediately show your child to a doctor.

Take care of your kids and don't get sick!

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Are there standards for teething?

The human body is a perfect mechanism created by nature, in which everything is thought out, down to the smallest detail. Once born, the baby begins to adapt to life in a completely different environment, outside the mother’s body. For the first six months, until the functioning of the stomach and intestines is adjusted, the child can only eat breast milk or formula milk (if he is bottle-fed) - he does not need teeth at all during this period. As soon as the stomach is ready to accept and process solid food, the baby begins to teethe.

Thematic material:

  • How to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation in a baby
  • How to get rid of hiccups in a newborn

Long observations of newborns made it possible to create a kind of normative table for teething. According to this table, a baby’s first teeth should erupt around 5–6 months. And by the age of three, there should already be 10 of them on the upper and lower jaws. There is even a special formula that allows you to calculate the number of teeth in accordance with the child’s age: N = n - 4, where N is the number of teeth that have erupted, and n is the baby’s age at months.

But this does not mean that as soon as the child turns 5 months old, his first tooth will appear at that very moment. The data provided by doctors are averaged, and some deviations in one direction or another are quite acceptable.

If the tooth erupts at 2 months

Many parents panic when they see a white stripe appearing in the baby’s mouth at the age of two months. How to react to such a phenomenon: run to the doctor or calmly wait until the next tooth erupts? Should we consider this normal or pathological?

When compared with average normative indicators, teeth at 2 months are considered too early. Therefore, it would be useful to show the child to the doctor - after all, sometimes the cause may be an endocrine disease or a violation of mineral metabolism in the child’s body. The fact that several teeth came out at once at this age should be especially alarming. The reasons for this phenomenon can be quite serious.

  • Hyperthyroidism is an increased level of thyroid hormones.
  • Albright syndrome is a genetic pathology that is characterized by hormonal changes in the body and early puberty.
  • Eosinophilic granuloma is a rare disease characterized by tissue proliferation that affects the bones, skin, muscles, tissues of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs.

Fortunately, such cases are recorded quite rarely. And early teething is becoming more and more common. Therefore, doctors name among the reasons:

  • acceleration - after all, modern children grow and develop much faster than their peers just 20 years ago;
  • genetic factor - if mom and dad cut teeth early, then their child will definitely repeat this “phenomenon”;
  • the course of the mother’s pregnancy – after all, it was her body that supplied the fetus with the microelements necessary for the formation of dental follicles;
  • climate - in children born in areas with a warm climate, this process always occurs earlier, since under the influence of sunlight their bodies produce vitamin D, which promotes better absorption of calcium;
  • gender of the child - girls start teething much earlier than boys.

Interestingly, even such individual characteristics as hair color, eye color, height and time of birth of the child influence the timing of teething. And one more thing - firstborns acquire teeth earlier than second and third children.

First tooth at three months

A growing three-month-old baby can already do a lot: he reacts to a familiar voice, holds his head and back well, rises on his forearms, lies on his tummy, and even tries to roll over on his own. He still feeds only on breast milk. Can teeth be cut at 3 months?

Oddly enough, they can. Of course, this is significantly ahead of the generally accepted schedule, but you can’t argue with nature. What can cause teeth to appear at 3 months?

  1. The formation of dental buds occurs even before the birth of a child, at 5-7 weeks of intrauterine development. If the expectant mother takes vitamin complexes or foods high in calcium and vitamin D at this moment, then the baby does not lack these microelements. In this case, he is born with already formed and sufficiently mineralized tooth follicles, almost ready for teething.
  2. The mechanism of tooth eruption is very complex. By the time it appears, complex processes occur above the gum; the area of ​​bone covering the crown of the tooth and the part of the gum blocking its path should resolve. The speed of these processes depends on the individual characteristics of the body: for some the process drags on for many months, for others it passes very quickly.
  3. At the age of three months, there is active prevention of rickets, a disease that inhibits the overall development of the baby. Therefore, pediatricians often prescribe vitamins in addition to breast milk, which also helps ensure that teething begins relatively early.

Early teeth require especially careful care. In order not to develop the same early caries, you should show your baby to the dentist, who will give recommendations for care.

The appearance of teeth at 4 months

If a four-month-old baby is teething, don’t look for an anomaly in this. This is a completely normal process, because doctors consider a deviation from the generally accepted average norm of 1-2 months to be quite acceptable. This fact rather indicates the accelerated development of your baby than a serious pathology.

It is almost impossible to miss teething in a child. The symptoms are so obvious and painful that you are guaranteed several anxious days and sleepless nights.

  1. The baby becomes capricious and irritable, crying endlessly.
  2. His gums become red, swollen, sore and itchy, so the baby puts everything in his mouth, be it a toy, a blanket, or his own fist.
  3. The drooling increases so much that blouses and bibs have to be changed almost every half hour.
  4. Bad breath indicates that the mucous membrane at the site of the future tooth is beginning to dissolve.
  5. Very often, children develop a fever and runny nose, and in this case it is important not to confuse teething with the onset of an infectious or viral disease.
  6. The baby's appetite noticeably decreases, and stool changes.
  7. Rashes often appear on the cheeks and in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Sooner or later, every little person goes through such tests. And it is very important that at this moment there are calm, patient and strong parents nearby who can alleviate the baby’s condition and enjoy his growing up.

When does a child start teething?

Usually the first teeth appear at 6–8 months. This does not mean that they cannot erupt earlier or later than the average period established by doctors. Each child’s body is individual, so milk units can suddenly appear at any age - this is neither good nor bad. The first incisors can be observed at 2–3 months, or they will begin to emerge only at 10.

The protrusion of incisors depends on a number of factors. First of all - food. How you feed your baby (breastfeeding or formula) plays an important role. The second important factor is climatic conditions. According to experts, in children living in hotter areas, the incisors begin to grow faster.

In addition, the time of appearance of incisors is influenced by hereditary factors and genetic predisposition. If a mother, father or grandparents already showed signs of the first milk units at a couple of months, then there is a chance that the baby will begin to produce them at the same age.

The health of the mother during pregnancy is of great importance. Here you need to pay attention to how the expectant mother ate, what her well-being and lifestyle were like. Did her body receive enough vitamins to keep her baby big and healthy?

Is it normal for a baby to have teeth at 3 months?

If teeth started cutting 1.5–2 months earlier, then there is no need to worry. Most often, the first incisors appear at three months if the mother took multivitamins or additional mineral complexes containing vitamin D and C during pregnancy. Also, the eruption of incisors is affected by the consumption of large amounts of fermented milk products. If a baby's teeth come out at 3 months, and he is being bottle-fed, then it is better to visit a dentist - at such a young age, bottle caries is often observed in children.

First teeth at 4–5 months

Eruption of milk units is an important life stage that every baby goes through. For an infant, this period may occur at different ages. What should young parents do if incisors began to appear at 4 months? Each baby grows and develops individually. If a child's first teeth appear at 4 months, this is quite normal.

Standard order and cutting pattern

Let us examine in a little more detail the optimal time and order of eruption of the first teeth in children. Don’t be upset if your baby’s teeth start to grow on a slightly different schedule, as this varies from person to person. If at 3 months the baby’s incisors begin to appear, then there is no need to sound the alarm. There is a standard scheme for the appearance of the first milk teeth in babies over 4 months:

  • 5–7 months - one or two lower incisors;
  • 8–10 months - first upper incisors;
  • 10–12 months - a pair of upper lateral incisors;
  • 11–14 months - lower lateral incisors;
  • 12–15 months - first upper molars, then lower ones;
  • 16–23 months - upper canines, then lower canines;
  • 24–30 months - all other teeth.

What affects the rate at which teeth appear?

The rate of eruption of radical units is influenced by several important circumstances:

  • baby's gender;
  • genotype of the child;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • influence of negative factors during pregnancy;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • type of feeding (natural or artificial), duration of food intake;
  • concomitant somatic diseases.

It is important to monitor the timing of the appearance of permanent teeth. They should be cut only after all milk units have been lost. Early loss can lead to undesirable results: neighboring teeth will move, filling the resulting void, and the permanent molar will have nowhere to grow, and it will begin to come out crookedly or sideways.

Atypical timing of appearance

Timely, gradual growth of teeth indicates the normal development of the child. Let us look at several examples of non-standard situations in which certain factors indicate abnormal development. It is worth saying that this is only a possibility, not a diagnosis. A pediatrician will help you find out exactly what is happening to your child:

  1. Delayed tooth growth by 1.5–2 months from normal. It can be observed due to rickets, viral diseases, gastrointestinal pathology and improper metabolism.
  2. Cutting 2-3 months ahead of schedule most often indicates anomalies associated with the functioning of the endocrine system.
  3. The growth of teeth outside the row is observed due to the incorrect axis of the tooth or is a consequence of the eruption of permanent units in place of the milk teeth that have not yet fallen out (see photo).
  4. There are dental pathologies (incorrect size, color, appearance, location, etc.). The cause of such an anomaly can only be identified by a specialist.
  5. The birth of a child already has primary incisors or molars - neonatal units. A very rare occurrence, they are usually removed.

Newborn with teeth

Sometimes a baby is born with teeth already. This is usually observed in girls. This anomaly is caused by a genetic predisposition and is passed on from generation to generation.

If this greatly bothers the mother and baby, then it is worth showing it to the dentist and getting an x-ray. He will assess what is happening to the teeth and whether medical attention is needed. Additional ones are not left behind; they are removed after birth so that they do not get into the lungs. Milk teeth that are firmly held in the gum can be left if they are in the correct position and do not have sharp points.

A tooth came out at 1-2 months - is it good or bad?

Often inexperienced parents succumb to panic when they notice signs of the first units appearing in the baby at 2 months. How to react? Should I rush to the doctor or is this normal?

Parents should be wary if their babies are cutting several teeth together. The reasons for this pathology can be serious:

  • hyperthyroidism - increased levels of thyroid hormones, causing systemic changes in the human body;
  • Albright's syndrome - a pathology of a genetic nature (hormonal disorders and early puberty);
  • eosinophilic granuloma - tissue proliferation, internal damage to bones and muscles (very rare).

Causes of late teething

Typically, the first teeth should appear before the age of one, but in rare cases, teeth grow much later. Late cutting is associated with an unbalanced diet or malnutrition of the child. Sometimes the absence of teeth indicates the presence of the following serious diseases:

  • rickets;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • digestive problems;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • edentulous

It is necessary to reconsider the child's nutrition. Food should be rich in healthy minerals and vitamins for healthy growth of the baby.

Teething: symptoms in infants

Teething is an individual process. It can be accompanied by various symptoms: pain and swelling of the gums, redness of the surface, the child eats poorly, is capricious and does not sleep. Most often, the main sign of the appearance of the first tooth in infants is an elevated temperature due to ongoing transformations in the body.

Obvious signs that your child will soon develop teeth

The main symptom of the eruption of milk units is a change in the color and shape of the gums. There may be redness and swelling or, conversely, pale and thin gums. Small white spots appear (these are the beginnings of teeth).

The gums acquire their normal appearance only after the tooth has completely erupted through the bone tissue and mucous membrane. The process of teeth appearing takes 3–6 days. Sometimes it drags on for a week. Because of this, you can see:

  • irritability;
  • increased salivation;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • excessive tearfulness.

Due to sore gums, children experience a decrease in appetite during this period. When teething, the gums become inflamed and can cause itching. Trying to remove it, the child may pull everything into his mouth and scratch the mucous membrane. It is recommended to give the baby special toys or food for scratching the gums. It is worth remembering that snot, cough and high fever are not signs of teething. These are symptoms of both an infectious disease and other serious pathologies.

What can teething be confused with?

Teething is often confused with a cold. The disease and the appearance of teeth have common symptoms. In the acute form of the disease, irritation of the nasal mucosa, sneezing, drowsiness and fatigue may occur. With chronic rhinitis, parents notice nasal congestion and swelling.

None of the signs correspond to the typical symptoms of the appearance of milk units (except for increased body temperature). This is not enough to confirm that the baby has some kind of disease. You need to carefully monitor the course of the disease and, if necessary, consult a pediatrician.

When do the first teeth cut?

Previously, according to the observations of doctors, it was considered normal for the first teeth to erupt at the age of 6–7 months; now cases when a baby cuts its first teeth at 4 months are becoming more common and is not a deviation from the norm. The timing of teeth appearance can be influenced by genetic factors, environment, nutrition, and the consequences of diseases that the mother suffered during pregnancy or the infant at an early age.

Dentists divide baby teeth into early, normal and late. Cases when newborns already have one or two teeth are extremely rare, and even rarer when a one-year-old baby has no teeth at all.


The appearance of teeth is an indicator of the development of the body. Like any other process, it requires some effort to achieve results. Symptoms of the appearance of the first teeth at the age of four months may include:

  • changes in the baby’s behavior: he becomes more capricious, restful sleep is disturbed;
  • excessive salivation;
  • a slight increase in temperature to 37 - 37.3 degrees;
  • Rarely, but loose stools still occur;
  • the baby is constantly trying to put something into his mouth: hands, toys, any hard objects that he can reach.

With such manifestations, most likely, your four-month-old baby is teething.

Caring for your first teeth

Teething at 4 months is not considered very early, but you should be aware that the longer a tooth is in the mouth, the more susceptible it is to caries, which can only be prevented by proper care. The first baby teeth are cleaned with gauze or a special silicone finger, which can be bought at the pharmacy. Brushing is carried out after each meal, toothpaste is not used. Once a year you can brush with a dry toothbrush, and only from 2 years old it is recommended to use baby toothpaste. Teeth at 4 months are still very fragile and vulnerable, be extremely careful not to damage them.

The period when the first teeth are cut is exciting for every parent. Physical changes and changes in your child’s behavior should not frighten you; give him as much attention as possible; affection and love will help him cope with his illness. Don't forget that diarrhea or fever can be signs of illness, so if teething symptoms appear, it's still worth going to see a doctor.

Teething is one of the main stages of a baby's life. At this moment, mom and dad are often interested in the question: when do the child’s first teeth begin to emerge and how will this manifest itself? What signs of the appearance of incisors can be classified as normal and pathological? Teeth may erupt quickly or come out in an irregular manner, appear easily, or prevent the baby from sleeping for about two weeks. The information in the article will help you determine whether everything is going well.

When does a child start teething?

Usually the first teeth appear at 6–8 months. This does not mean that they cannot erupt earlier or later than the average period established by doctors. Each child’s body is individual, so milk units can suddenly appear at any age - this is neither good nor bad. The first incisors can be observed at 2–3 months, or they will begin to emerge only at 10.

The protrusion of incisors depends on a number of factors. First of all - food. How you feed your baby (breastfeeding or formula) plays an important role. The second important factor is climatic conditions. According to experts, in children living in hotter areas, the incisors begin to grow faster.

In addition, the time of appearance of incisors is influenced by hereditary factors and genetic predisposition. If a mother, father or grandparents already showed signs of the first milk units at a couple of months, then there is a chance that the baby will begin to produce them at the same age.

The health of the mother during pregnancy is of great importance. Here you need to pay attention to how the expectant mother ate, what her well-being and lifestyle were like. Did her body receive enough vitamins to keep her baby big and healthy?

Is it normal for a baby to have teeth at 3 months?

If teeth started cutting 1.5–2 months earlier, then there is no need to worry. Most often, the first incisors appear at three months if the mother took multivitamins or additional mineral complexes containing vitamin D and C during pregnancy. Also, the eruption of incisors is affected by the consumption of large amounts of fermented milk products. If a baby's teeth come out at 3 months, and he is being bottle-fed, then it is better to visit a dentist - at such a young age, bottle caries is often observed in children.

First teeth at 4–5 months

Eruption of milk units is an important life stage that every baby goes through. For an infant, this period may occur at different ages. What should young parents do if incisors began to appear at 4 months? Each baby grows and develops individually. If a child's first teeth appear at 4 months, this is quite normal.

Standard order and cutting pattern

Let's look in a little more detail at the optimal time and order of teething in children (for more details, see the article: schedule and timing of teething in children). Don’t be upset if your baby’s teeth start to grow on a slightly different schedule, as this varies from person to person. If at 3 months the baby’s incisors begin to appear, then there is no need to sound the alarm. There is a standard scheme for the appearance of the first milk teeth in babies over 4 months:

  • 5–7 months - one or two lower incisors;
  • 8–10 months - first upper incisors;
  • 10–12 months - a pair of upper lateral incisors;
  • 11–14 months - lower lateral incisors;
  • 12–15 months - first upper molars, then lower ones;
  • 16–23 months - upper fangs, then lower fangs (more details in the article: when do children change their primary fangs to permanent ones?);
  • 24–30 months - all other teeth.

What affects the rate at which teeth appear?

The rate of eruption of radical units is influenced by several important circumstances:

It is important to monitor the timing of the appearance of permanent teeth. They should be cut only after all milk units have been lost. Early loss can lead to undesirable results: neighboring teeth will move, filling the resulting void, and the permanent molar will have nowhere to grow, and it will begin to come out crookedly or sideways.

Atypical timing of appearance

Timely, gradual growth of teeth indicates the normal development of the child. Let us look at several examples of non-standard situations in which certain factors indicate abnormal development. It is worth saying that this is only a possibility, not a diagnosis. A pediatrician will help you find out exactly what is happening to your child:

Newborn with teeth

Sometimes a baby is born with teeth already. This is usually observed in girls. This anomaly is caused by a genetic predisposition and is passed on from generation to generation.

If this greatly bothers the mother and baby, then it is worth showing it to the dentist and getting an x-ray. He will assess what is happening to the teeth and whether medical attention is needed. Additional ones are not left behind; they are removed after birth so that they do not get into the lungs. Milk teeth that are firmly held in the gum can be left if they are in the correct position and do not have sharp points.

A tooth came out at 1-2 months - is it good or bad?

Often inexperienced parents succumb to panic when they notice signs of the first units appearing in the baby at 2 months. How to react? Should I rush to the doctor or is this normal?

If compared with statistics, the first teeth at the age of 2 months are considered early, it is advisable to show the child to the doctor.

Parents should be wary if their babies are cutting several teeth together. The reasons for this pathology can be serious:

  • hyperthyroidism - increased levels of thyroid hormones, causing systemic changes in the human body;
  • Albright's syndrome - a pathology of a genetic nature (hormonal disorders and early puberty);
  • eosinophilic granuloma - tissue proliferation, internal damage to bones and muscles (very rare).

Causes of late teething

Typically, the first teeth should appear before the age of one, but in rare cases, teeth grow much later. Late cutting is associated with an unbalanced diet or malnutrition of the child. Sometimes the absence of teeth indicates the presence of the following serious diseases:

  • rickets;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • digestive problems;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • edentulous

The teeth must be cut according to the pattern, but deviations are acceptable. If the process does not begin for a long time, perhaps the baby does not have enough microelements for teething.

It is necessary to reconsider the child's nutrition. Food should be rich in healthy minerals and vitamins for healthy growth of the baby.

Teething: symptoms in infants

Teething is an individual process. It can be accompanied by various symptoms: pain and swelling of the gums, redness of the surface, the child eats poorly, is capricious and does not sleep. Most often, the main sign of the appearance of the first tooth in infants is an elevated temperature due to ongoing transformations in the body.

Obvious signs that your child will soon develop teeth

The main symptom of the eruption of milk units is a change in the color and shape of the gums. There may be redness and swelling or, conversely, pale and thin gums. Small white spots appear (these are the beginnings of teeth).

The gums acquire their normal appearance only after the tooth has completely erupted through the bone tissue and mucous membrane. The process of teeth appearing takes 3–6 days. Sometimes it drags on for a week. Because of this, you can see:

Due to sore gums, children experience a decrease in appetite during this period. When teething, the gums become inflamed and can cause itching (see also: what gums look like when teething in a baby: photo). Trying to remove it, the child may pull everything into his mouth and scratch the mucous membrane. It is recommended to give the baby special toys or food for scratching the gums. It is worth remembering that snot, cough and high fever are not signs of teething (we recommend reading: what temperature should a child have when teething?). These are symptoms of both an infectious disease and other serious pathologies.

What can teething be confused with?

Teething is often confused with a cold. The disease and the appearance of teeth have common symptoms. In the acute form of the disease, irritation of the nasal mucosa, sneezing, drowsiness and fatigue may occur. With chronic rhinitis, parents notice nasal congestion and swelling.

None of the signs correspond to the typical symptoms of the appearance of milk units (except for increased body temperature). This is not enough to confirm that the baby has some kind of disease. You need to carefully monitor the course of the disease and, if necessary, consult a pediatrician.

Many parents remember with horror the period when their child was cutting teeth. This process can happen at any time, but most often the baby’s teeth erupt by 6 months. Can signs of teething appear in a 4-month-old baby, or is it simply impossible? In fact, it is very rare, but this happens when teeth at this age move towards the exit and do not always cut through the gums.

When should a child's teeth appear?

In fact, there is no exact time frame for when a child should have teeth. In some cases, signs of such a process are observed at 2 months, while in others they appear as early as 4 months. For some children, the process of tooth emergence takes quite a long time, while for others it is easy and quick. Experts say that babies should have their first incisors before they are one year old.

Medical practice shows that the sequence and age of eruption is determined by hereditary factors, environmental conditions, and the nutrition of the nursing mother or baby. There are the following reasons that can cause late teething in a child:

  • decrease in the protective functions of the child’s body;
  • various endocrine diseases;
  • unbalanced and inadequate nutrition;
  • late introduction of complementary foods;
  • rickets;
  • premature birth;
  • absence of baby tooth buds.

The appearance of teeth in a child closer to one year or, conversely, teething too early is not considered any pathology. It is for this reason that the identification of the first teeth in a 4-month-old child is considered quite normal. The scenario for the development of teeth is laid down in a child during his intrauterine development. This means that even at the moment of jaw formation in the embryo, it is determined at what age teeth will begin to erupt and in what sequence they will grow.

Many experts explain the early appearance of teeth in infants under 3 months of age by the mother’s intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. If the baby’s first incisors appear before 3 months, it is recommended to show him to a specialist. The fact is that such early teething can be one of the signs of various endocrine diseases.

Teeth in infants can appear at completely different times. The most optimal period for this process is considered to be from 3 months to a year. However, experts say that most babies begin to have their first teeth closer to 6 months. In rare cases, babies begin to erupt teeth 1–2 months after birth, and some are born with them right away.

The main sign indicating tooth growth is redness of the gums and their swelling. Slowly growing through bone tissue and mucous membranes, teeth cause severe swelling of the integument. After some time, the contours of the future incisor can be seen on such swollen gums.

Another characteristic sign that your baby will soon develop teeth is increased salivation. In fact, such a symptom in the form of constant salivation occurs long before the baby’s first upper incisors begin to appear.

During the period of active teething, the baby tries to put everything into his mouth for the reason that he is bothered by severe itching of the gums. Thus, the child tries to scratch his gums and get rid of the unpleasant itching.

A sign of tooth growth entering the active phase may be a decrease in appetite, that is, the child begins to eat with reluctance or refuses food altogether.

The fact is that due to itching, eating certain foods causes discomfort to the baby and he begins to be capricious. All this leads to the fact that the baby’s body noticeably weakens and this can result in the development of various diseases.

Parents should remember that if a child refuses to eat, it is necessary to examine his oral cavity. Characteristic symptoms of candidiasis and stomatitis are white or pink spots formed on the mucous membrane. Such ulcers cause severe pain to the baby, which is the reason for his refusal to eat.

Another characteristic sign of teething in a 4-month-old baby is his constant whims. In fact, a small child experiences unbearable pain that accompanies the process of teething and growth. It is not surprising that the baby is constantly capricious, cries and refuses to sleep.

Dangerous signs of the disease

At the moment when a child teethes, his immunity is significantly reduced. This means that the child’s body is greatly weakened and is exposed to the penetration of various viruses and bacteria. Taking into account this factor, parents need to know the first signs of the disease in order to promptly show the child to a specialist.

In order to determine whether your baby is teething or has a cold, you need to know the characteristic signs for both situations:

  1. The process of the appearance of incisors in a baby may be accompanied by a cough. The fact is that an increased amount of saliva is released in the oral cavity, which flows down the throat and provokes a cough reflex. The child begins to be bothered by a wet, infrequent cough, which is especially worse when lying down. If the cough becomes too intrusive and often bothers the baby, then one can suspect that some kind of infection has entered the child’s body.
  2. With a cold, a cough persists in a small child for more than 2 days and can cause breathing problems and even shortness of breath. Parents should be aware that such symptoms may signal the development of an inflammatory process in the children's respiratory tract.
  3. Often teething is accompanied by the appearance of mucous discharge from the nasal passages. In a healthy child they are usually transparent, liquid and disappear after three days. If any infections enter the baby’s body, too much mucus begins to be released, which turns yellow-green. Parents should suspect an infectious disease in a child when a runny nose persists for more than 4 days.
  4. A normal reaction of the body when teething in a child is considered to be an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees. Usually it lasts no more than two days and can be reduced with the help of antipyretics. In the event that the temperature rises during teething in a child, then there is no profuse runny nose, coughing or sneezing. The characteristic symptoms of a cold are maintaining a temperature of more than 38 degrees for more than 2 days, and in this case the child should be shown to a doctor.
  5. When an increased amount of mucus is secreted, a certain part of it enters the child’s body. The result of this is increased intestinal motility and the appearance of diarrhea. Usually, bowel movements in infants occur infrequently, up to 2-3 times a day, and after a few days the diarrhea disappears. The appearance of too frequent diarrhea may indicate that some kind of infection has entered the child's body. This condition is considered quite dangerous for the baby’s body, as it can cause dehydration. Parents should closely monitor the appearance of mucus and blood in the stool, as this may signal an intestinal infection or pathologies of the digestive tract.

In some cases, the baby experiences the opposite disorder - constipation. It is important to ensure that it does not last more than 3-4 days. It is recommended to consult with a specialist and decide how you can help your child in such a situation.

How to help your baby

In order to alleviate the condition of the child during teething, it is recommended to purchase special teethers. They usually come in the form of rubber toys with a rough surface that allows your baby to scratch his itchy gums. Many of these teethers contain water inside, so you can put it in the freezer for a while and then offer it to your baby. The fact is that cold helps soothe the baby’s gums and thereby relieve him of pain.

To reduce the body temperature of a newborn during teething, it is allowed to use various antipyretic drugs. You can try various gels to relieve pain, which also entails a decrease in temperature. Parents should know that a rise in body temperature can signal not only teething in the baby, but also more serious problems.

During the period when the baby's first incisors appear, it is necessary to provide him with sufficient fluids, that is, breastfeed him more often or offer him water. The fact is that the increased secretion of saliva in the baby’s mouth leads to the fact that too much fluid is removed from the child’s body. Taking this factor into account, the main task of parents is to monitor the maintenance of the baby’s water balance.

During teething, excessive salivation in babies can cause skin irritation. Adults need to constantly wipe their mouth and chin of saliva, and this procedure should be done gently and gently. If various rashes appear on the skin, it is recommended to use an anti-inflammatory agent.

When a baby is teething, he experiences severe discomfort and pain. Parents should hold their baby in their arms as often as possible, stroke him and feel sorry for him, which will help calm him down.

Today, you can buy various medicines at the pharmacy that can help ease your baby’s teething condition. Among all their diversity, the following are considered the most effective:

  1. Dantinorm baby is a homeopathic medicine that is available in the form of a solution. With its help, it is possible not only to relieve the child of pain, but also to eliminate various intestinal disorders.
  2. Dentokind is a homeopathic remedy that is intended for use specifically in childhood. Thanks to this drug, it is possible to relieve all the unpleasant symptoms of the appearance of incisors in infants, including problems with stool, fever and nasal congestion. It is necessary to dissolve the pill in a teaspoon of water and offer it to the baby.
  3. Cholisal gel - has an analgesic effect, helps get rid of the inflammatory process and destroy germs. Parents should remember that such a drug can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a slight burning sensation.
  4. Dentinox gel or solution relieves pain and inflammation of the gums, and is considered completely safe even if the baby swallows a little of the product.
  5. Kamistad gel has an anesthetic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect. The basis of this product is chamomile extract and lidocaine, but it is not allowed to be used by children under 3 years of age.

Unfortunately, gels and homeopathic remedies do not always help alleviate the condition of teething children. In case of increased pain, it is recommended to give the child an anesthetic based on his age:

  • Paracetamol for children in the form of a suspension helps reduce fever and eliminate pain;
  • Panadol is available in the form of a suspension and suppositories, which are especially convenient for use in very young children;
  • Nurofen contains ibuprofen, and a single dose helps relieve the baby from pain for a long time.

At home, you can prepare decoctions from medicinal herbs such as mint, sage, chamomile and lemon balm. They have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, and it is recommended to lubricate the baby’s gums with such decoctions.

It is possible to reduce the severity of the inflammatory process on the gums during teething with the help of a soda solution. To prepare it, add 5 grams of baking soda to 200 ml of boiled water. After this, gauze is wrapped around the finger, moistened in a soda solution and the gums are treated. This procedure must be carried out several times a day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

If signs of teething appear in a 4-month-old baby, parents should closely monitor their baby. This process causes severe discomfort and pain to the child, so it is important to help him cope with this condition and avoid the development of various complications. If a newborn’s incisors appear before 3 months, it is recommended to show him to a specialist. The fact is that this can serve as a sign of endocrine disorders in the body.

The reasons for early teething are due to physiological characteristics. Most often, the child’s parents also had early teething in infancy. Perhaps these are genotypic features characteristic of these people.

This is not considered a pathology, but parents should know that this feature occurs, so they need to be prepared. You need to know the signs of teething in a child and the ability to provide all possible assistance in case of discomfort.

How can signs of teething appear in a baby at 4 months?

  • the child is restless for no reason;
  • swelling of the gums and increased salivation occur;
  • cries when sucking - the gums hurt during physical activity;
  • eats intermittently, does not fall asleep for a long time;
  • constantly puts his hands in his mouth.

Sometimes the body temperature rises to febrile levels, but this sign must be differentiated from the disease. During this period, children are more likely to get viral infections, so you can’t blame everything on teething. There is no such diagnosis in the list of diseases. Therefore, parents should be very wary of such a serious sign as a rise in temperature.

What should parents do?

It is imperative to call a doctor so that he can thoroughly examine the child for possible diseases. Treatment is carried out according to the recommendation of a pediatrician. A large dose of antipyretic drugs can cause irreversible changes in the baby's body. Medicines should be given only after the child has been examined by a doctor and strictly on his recommendation.

Nowadays there are a huge number of different forums on the Internet. But taking the advice of “experienced mothers” is a huge risk. Even a pediatrician has no right to prescribe treatment over the phone or Skype without personally examining the child. This is a criminal offense.

Often during teething, digestion of food is disrupted and diarrhea may occur. This is also a very serious symptom that requires calling a doctor at home. Especially if diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting and fever. These are signs of an intestinal infection rather than a symptom of teething.

Dehydration occurs very quickly in young children, so if you have diarrhea, you should call a doctor right away rather than wait until teeth erupt. You may miss precious time and lose your child. As the severity of the condition increases and ordinary measures do not help, the baby should be hospitalized and examined. Infusion therapy in young children is carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of experienced staff.

All these signs appear for the reason that immunity during this period decreases and the child becomes more sensitive to various infectious agents. Breastfed children get sick much less often than bottle-fed children. Mother's milk supplies the baby with antibodies, hormones, and nutrients.

Another aspect is that when teeth are being cut, the child’s gums seem to itch, and the parents begin to give dry foods and crackers. Small children do not have a chewing reflex; large pieces of food can get stuck in the esophagus or enter the respiratory tract. Therefore, giving solid food to young children is strictly prohibited. There are special silicone toys for this that will not harm your baby. These can be semi-solid teethers, which are quite cheap. Solid pieces of food can cause asphyxia and death of the baby. Parents must ensure that no one from the environment gives the baby food. Feeding should be done by parents.

Some babies cannot sleep, are capricious, cry, and ask to be held. In order to alleviate the child’s condition, it is time to use an anesthetic gel. It is better to have it prescribed by a doctor.

Rules to follow

For pain relief and sanitation of the oral cavity, you can use special ointments and gels, of which there are quite a few on the pharmaceutical market. How to choose?

There are rules that must be followed:

  1. Lidocaine-based drugs should not be used; they interfere with the sucking process.
  2. Before using the drug, you should read the instructions. This must be done even if the drug is prescribed by a doctor.

It is imperative to pay attention to the age at which this medicine can be used, contraindications and side effects.

The use of medications is a last resort. It should only be used when other measures to distract the child do not help.

  • can be used no more than 3-5 times a day;
  • do not use large amounts of gel,
  • Lubricate the child’s gums with a well-washed finger, massaging in a circular motion.

The following drugs are used: Cholisal, Baby Doctor.

At the moment when teeth begin to erupt, parents must monitor oral hygiene and wash the child’s hands more often, as stomatitis may occur - an inflammatory process of the oral mucosa with a pronounced pain syndrome. Stomatitis also sometimes occurs under the guise of teething, so a doctor’s examination is simply necessary if the child is worried.

Dr. Komarovsky conducts a school for parents and gives recommendations on observations and activities during teething. These are issues of hygiene and parental behavior.

Teething is a normal physiological process that should not cause panic in parents. At 4 months this process occurs, and this is not a pathology.