Getting used to removable dentures: the process of adaptation of the upper and lower jaw

In modern dentistry, dental prosthetics are used to restore the aesthetics and functionality of the dentition. This article describes in detail the negative aspects of prosthetics, the duration of use of prostheses and recommendations that will help you get used to the design as easily and quickly as possible.

Negative aspects that you may encounter after installing a denture

After dental prosthetics, regardless of the type of dental structure chosen, the following inconveniences may occur:

  • Speech defects. After installation of prostheses, speech defects are noted. They arise as a result of an incorrectly selected or defective design.
  • Hypersalivation. After dentures, a lot of saliva is sometimes released. This is the body's response to a foreign body in oral cavity. After some time, salivation disappears.
  • Discomfort when eating. Unpleasant sensations after the installation of prostheses, the patient feels while eating. This is pain, discomfort when chewing food. Over time, a person gets used to dentures and eating becomes more habitual.
  • Gag reflexes. Appear in people with hypersensitivity of the salivary glands.
  • Distortion of taste may occur in the first stages after prosthetics. The patient does not feel taste qualities food products, because a large area of ​​​​the gum is hidden under the prosthesis plate. This condition goes away on its own within a month.
  • Pain, painful to chew. It occurs as a result of unusual stress on periodontal tissue. Also pain syndrome is often the result of improper fixation of structures, inadequate preparation of teeth for prosthetics, errors in the choice of design, the development of allergies to materials and simple non-compliance with the rules for operating the structure.

Advice! It is possible to prevent the manifestation of negative aspects after dental prosthetics or significantly reduce their intensity with right choice doctor and thorough preparation for the procedure.

How long will it take to get used to

Getting used to removable dentures is the most difficult and takes a longer period of time.

After dentures, every person needs different period addiction, which is determined by:

  • Individual characteristics of the body(interactions of tissues and organs, age category, state of the central nervous system, general health, presence of pain).
  • The specificity and quality of the structure of the prosthesis(size, type of fastening, degree of fixation, etc.).
  • Type of prosthesis: removable (bridge-like), lamellar, non-removable (clasp).
  • Patience of patients. Sometimes they don't go all the way adaptation period because they lack patience.

If there are bridge structures, you can get used to it quite quickly - in a couple of days. A longer period of adaptation is necessary for people who do not have their own teeth and use removable dentures. This period may be six months. It will take one month for patients to adapt to plate dentures if they are missing a partial number of teeth and about a week to clasp dentures.

Subtleties of the adaptation period

Patients who have removable upper or lower dentures will need some time to get used to them. Adaptation is a gradual process that helps restore changes in speech, chewing and swallowing.

There are three stages of habituation:

The first is the location stage. It is noted on the day of the delivery of the prosthesis. Its signs are:

  • Hypersalivation.
  • Sharply changed speech breathing.
  • Logopathy.
  • Loss or reduction of chewing ability.
  • Increased tone of lips and cheeks.
  • Vomiting.

The second is the stage of partial inhibition. Observed within the first five days after its acquisition. Features of this period:

  • Salivation is normal.
  • Pronunciation and phonation are unremarkable.
  • There is no tension in the facial muscles.
  • There is no vomiting.
  • Chewing function is restored.

The third is complete braking. Lasts from a week to a month. Characterized by the following features:

  • The design does not feel like a foreign object.
  • The muscular-ligamentous apparatus is adapted to the design.
  • Chewing power has been restored.

Features of adaptation to different types of prostheses

Adaptation to a fixed prosthesis is the fastest.

The period of adaptation to fixed structures is much faster than with removable dentures with a palate. This is primarily due to the material of manufacture and the method of fixation of the dental structure.

The use of nylon in the palate structure provides a more flexible form of the prosthesis. This may affect the degree of adherence of the structure to the gums, as well as the level of pressure on periodontal tissue and teeth.

To speed up the addiction process, experts recommend Special attention pay attention to the following factors:

  • The correct choice of the shape and type of prosthesis.
  • Psychological comfort.
  • Fight gag reflexes.
  • Proper distribution of chewing load, especially in the first days after prosthetics.
  • Diction development.
  • I massage the gums.
  • Systematic rinsing of the mouth with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions.
  • Removable dentures must be left in the mouth at night and during sleep.

Attention! With proper and the right approach to prosthetics with strict adherence to all medical recommendations, getting used to any type of orthodontic structures will not take long and be painless.

To facilitate the process of getting used to dentures, experts recommend a number of simple but effective techniques.

  • To restore speech you should:
    • Contact the orthodontist who performed the prosthetics.
    • They help especially well special exercises: stretch and compress your lips, puff out and tense your cheeks several times a day.
    • During the day, up to five times a day for a quarter of an hour, you need to train correct pronunciation words They should be spoken immediately slowly and not loudly, and then the tempo should be increased. Speak louder and clearer.
    • Read literature out loud quietly and slowly, gradually increasing speed and timbre.
    • Repeat hissing and whistling letters several times, as well as the letter “r” or words containing them. By pronouncing them, one gets involved in the work a large number of muscles of the face and tongue, which leads to faster addiction to a prosthesis and improvement of diction. By performing these procedures, it is possible to restore speech function in full.
  • To stabilize the functioning of the salivary glands:
    • To alleviate the condition of decreased salivation, doctors recommend drinking plenty of liquid in small sips throughout the day.
    • In case of increased salivation, oral irrigation is performed if necessary. saline solution.
  • Recovery chewing function In the first days after prosthetics it is recommended:
    • Do not eat hard or dry food.
    • You need to eat liquid foods.
    • While eating, use a knife to chop food into small pieces. Chew slowly and thoroughly.
    • When chewing, use the right and left sides of the jaw. This will prevent the prosthesis from sliding forward or moving.
    • Do not remove dentures for thirty days in a row in order to quickly adapt to dentures.
    • Carry out hygienic oral care carefully.
  • To combat vomiting Dentures should not be removed. When the desire to vomit increases, you need to take deep breaths and exhales with your mouth closed. Sucking on a lollipop, especially one with a mint or menthol flavor, and rinsing the mouth with a saturated solution made from table salt will also help.
  • Recovery taste sensations You should not skip meals. When eating food, try to feel its taste on a subconscious level, while holding it in your mouth for as long as possible.
  • To overcome pain syndrome. It is important to establish the etiology of its occurrence. If it is associated with the impact of an incorrect prosthesis on the gums, then it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor to correct the structure. If the reason lies in hypersensitivity mucous membrane, then massage, rinsing the mouth with special anesthetic dental solutions and using fixative creams or anesthetic gels with removable dentures will be effective. Get rid of severe pain will help self withdrawal prosthesis and visiting a doctor.

In what cases is the help of a prosthetist needed?

If you rub your gums with your prosthesis, you should definitely contact a prosthetist!

During the first weeks after dental prosthetics, it is important to pay special attention to the sensations, condition of the oral cavity and especially the periodontal tissue in the places where the dentures are fixed. If you experience any negative sensations, you should immediately go to the clinic to see a prosthetist.

  • Wearing dentures causes compression and rubbing of the gum tissue.
  • Inflammation and painful sensations gums and oral cavity.
  • Displacement of structures.
  • Long-term defects associated with eating and diction.
  • Development of stomatitis and cheilitis.

Important! Timely appeal visiting a prosthetist will help prevent the development of serious inflammatory processes in the oral cavity after prosthetics.

What help is needed when rubbing with a denture?

If there are uncomfortable or broken dentures in the oral cavity, chafing of the gum mucosa may occur. To remove such inconveniences, you should contact your dentist to determine the cause of the rubbing and eliminate the inflammatory process.

When the problem is:

  • Allergic reaction – the structure is removed and a new one is selected.
  • Presence of irregularities on dentures– doctors correct the design.
  • Poor oral hygiene– cleansing of food residues immediately after eating, rinsing with a decoction of herbs, and using lotions made from natural herbal ingredients.
  • Hyperemia– removed with sea buckthorn or rosehip oil.

When rubbing the structure use:

  • Special plates and gaskets made of collagen, which are placed between the gum and the structure. They have protective function, disinfectant properties and therapeutic effect.
  • Medicines in the form of gels and creams, which are used to heal the gums and get used to the dentures.
  • Apitherapy. Honey, which has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, is especially often used. Apply it to the gums at night.

Actions for long-term adaptation

Adentia is one of the factors that increases the duration of adaptation.

There are many factors that can delay the adaptation process. It can be:

  • Development of atrophy bone tissue.
  • Individual intolerance to the materials used.
  • Physiological features jaw, which is prosthetic.
  • Edentia.
  • Incorrectly selected fastening systems or their weak fixation.

If the rules for using dentures are not followed and there is no restorative massage and procedures, as well as their frequent removal, the adaptation process is significantly complicated and delayed.

A timely contact with the treating prosthetist will allow you to correctly identify problems and correct the prosthetic process. This approach will avoid negative consequences and will significantly improve your health.

Important! Natural long period adaptation is considered cases in the presence of complete adentia or atrophy of periodontal tissues. This is due to the specifics of fixing the dentures directly to the gums.

Intolerance to orthodontic structures

IN dental practice There are cases when patients experience intolerance to prostheses. This condition should be discussed when, after the phase of complete adaptation, a person continues to feel discomfort in the oral cavity when using orthodontic structures.

A distinctive symptom of denture intolerance is the presence of:

  • Severe redness of the mucous membrane.
  • Burning sensations.
  • Painful sensations.
  • Dull pain deep in the periodontal tissues.
  • Dysfunction of taste buds, which manifests itself in the form of a metallic or plastic taste.

The main factors that provoke intolerance to dentures are allergies to the materials used and mechanical trauma to the gums from the denture. Also the cause may be infection with microbes or fungi, dysfunction immune system and psycho emotional condition person.

Dentures can restore not only the aesthetics of a smile, but also restore the patient’s ability to chew food normally. How long does the period of adaptation to removable and non-removable structures last? How to get used to dentures quickly and with minimal discomfort? In the article you will find useful recommendations and tips to help you cope with this problem.

What happens immediately after installation?

After installing the prosthesis, you will probably feel relief, because the hardest part is already over, unpleasant moments are experienced and you can enjoy your new perfect smile. But do not forget that the prosthesis is a foreign body to your body, so you will have to go through a period of getting used to your new ones. artificial teeth.

What problems might you encounter after getting dentures? Most often, during the period of addiction, patients complain of the following: inconvenience:

Often, after installing the product for the first time, the body perceives it as food, as a result the brain sends a signal to activate the corresponding functions - gastric juice and saliva are released.

This is a normal reaction of the body to a foreign body in the oral cavity. The urge to vomit should go away on its own over time. But there is a category of people for whom this feature does not allow the installation of prostheses that come into contact with the sky. This must be taken into account when choosing a prosthetic method.

  • Discomfort while chewing food

This applies primarily removable dentures, since the distribution of the load in this case is much different from the natural process of chewing food with your natural teeth.

  • Speech distortion

Often elements of the prosthesis interfere with the tongue at first, making it difficult for a person to pronounce words normally. It will take time for the diction to return to normal.

  • Loss of taste

Not only the tongue, but also other parts of the oral mucosa take part in the perception of taste. Therefore, you may partially lose the sense of taste of food if the denture covers some areas of the mucous membrane.

Read also:

How long does the adjustment period last?

Expert opinion. Implantologist Medvedev. O.E.: “It’s much easier to get used to fixed structures than to removable ones. Patients often ask the question: How long does it take to get used to dentures? This is individual, on average it will take a few days to get used to. Most quickly, patients get used to single crowns and dentures on pins. The adaptation process takes a little longer with bridge structures. It will take the longest to get used to removable products.”

Experts recommend not removing it at night in the first month after installation of the prosthesis in order to speed up the adaptation process. What determines the duration of adaptation to a foreign body in the oral cavity? The period of adaptation depends on the following factors:

  1. Product dimensions.
  2. Method of distribution of chewing load.
  3. Method of fixing the prosthesis.
  4. Individual characteristics of the body.

How to quickly get used to dentures? The following tips will help you speed up the adaptation process:

  1. At the very beginning of wearing a prosthesis, many patients complain of pain, abrasions And scratches. In this case, you need to make sure that you are wearing the product correctly. If the problem persists, contact your dentist: the denture may need to be adjusted to suit you or some adjustments made.

Pain occurs most often while eating when you chew, so it's best to limit the amount of solid food you eat in the first few weeks. Eliminate from your menu nuts, apples, and tough meats that may cause you discomfort. If soft food It hurts to chew, you can cut it into pieces at first.

But gradually move on to your usual diet. You should not sharply reduce the number of meals. Many patients, out of fear of pain, switch to yoghurts, liquid soups and purees. This is not entirely correct, since the chewing load is important point in the process of getting used to the prosthesis.

  1. If you are concerned about increased salivation or dry mouth, drink enough water in small sips throughout the day.
  2. You can massage your gums to improve their blood supply.
  3. If you often have vomiting reflex, we recommend that you use these advice:
  1. At violation of pronunciation and diction The following exercises help:
  • read aloud slowly and quietly,
  • when you master quiet speech, you can move on to louder reading,
  • pay special attention to consonant sounds,
  • say tongue twisters
  • Speech can usually be restored within 2-3 weeks.
  1. Pay special attention to cleaning the structure.
  2. If the prosthesis is not securely fixed in the oral cavity, you can use special fixing agents - ointments, gels, which not only help securely fix the product, but also prevent the appearance of wounds and abrasions.
  3. Eliminate viscous and sticky foods from your menu (taffy, chocolate bars, for example), which can damage the structure.

What to do if the addiction lasts?

If you can't get used to a foreign body in your mouth, it may take a few explanations:

  • the structure is poorly fixed in the oral cavity,
  • jaw atrophy,
  • prosthetics were carried out for edentulous patients (read about what methods of prosthetics are used for edentulous patients),
  • individual characteristics the structure of the patient's jaw.

The most difficult ones to get used to are those that have metal fasteners. You cannot adjust such a product yourself, as it can be damaged. If you feel that the clasp structure is not securely fixed in your mouth, go to a specialist. Mobility of the prosthesis often occurs due to jaw atrophy. In this case, various fixing ointments help well.

Removable dentures are a last resort measure for restoring teeth when other methods are impossible.

Adapting to them is not the best period of life, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

How can I get used to my new “teeth” faster and is there a way to alleviate and eliminate side effects?

What are the most common problems faced by users of removable structures?

  • profuse salivation;
  • dry mouth;
  • pain in the gums;
  • gagging;
  • problems with diction;
  • difficulty chewing;
  • change in taste sensations;

How to solve the above problems? Doctors' recommendations will help you quickly return the condition of your oral cavity to normal and begin to enjoy the process of chewing without pain.

Excessive salivation

The most common symptom at the initial stage of wearing dentures is excessive saliva production. Since there is a foreign object in the mouth, the body does not yet perceive it as part of the oral cavity.

The salivary glands increase secretion and the person has no choice but to endure for a while. This process can take from 2 weeks to 1 month.

To reduce the manifestations of the side effect, it is necessary to eat small pieces and drink in small sips. During the onset of this symptom, you should increase your fluid intake.

Rinsing with a mild saline solution (a quarter teaspoon in half a glass of water) may also help.

Dry mouth

The second common symptom when wearing removable appliances is a feeling of stickiness and dryness in the mouth.

The reason is the same reaction of the salivary glands to a foreign body in the oral cavity. How to get rid of it?

May I help:

  • Water in large quantities in small sips;
  • Chewing gum or hard candies;
  • Juicy vegetables or fruits;
  • Herbal decoction or rinse.

Adequate fluid intake may help relieve symptoms. You should drink it as soon as you feel viscosity in your mouth.

The act of chewing or sucking will help stimulate salivation in the mouth and relieve the symptoms of dry mouth.

Juicy vegetables or fruits have the same effect as water. Eat them in small pieces, chewing slowly and thoroughly.

Rinsing with decoctions of sage, chamomile, other herbs or plain water will also help reduce the symptoms of dry mouth. Rinse aids are also effective in combating xerostomia. plant based no alcohol.

Pain in gums

At the beginning of wearing removable dentures, the gums are subjected to a load that they have been deprived of since the loss of real teeth.

The grinding-in stage can take from one week to six months. Such a big difference depends on how and where the artificial teeth are attached.

In the absence of the entire dentition, they can be fixed directly to the gum, so pain and inflammation of the periodontal tissue cannot be ruled out.

In other cases, the cause of pain in the gums is improper fixation of artificial teeth, their inappropriate sizes, individual characteristics of the structure of the oral cavity, or atrophic changes in the jaws.

Doctors advise:

  • At the initial stage (the first two to three weeks) as much as possible to walk in a denture, ideally, for the whole day, removing only at night.
  • Brush your removable teeth more often(better after every meal). Thorough rinsing and brushing of artificial teeth will help prevent food crumbs from getting under the structure, which can also cause a painful reaction in the oral mucosa.
  • Gum massage It can also help solve this problem by gently massaging the painful areas with the pads of your fingers (thumb and index finger).

Rubbing gums

The situation with abrasions (marks) on the gums is quite normal phenomenon at the initial stage of getting used to the prosthesis.

Adaptation can last up to 3 months, during which the prosthetic bed is formed.

During habituation, it is necessary to regularly adjust artificial teeth, filing them where necessary.

In order to prevent the appearance of chafing, you must:

  • carry out regular cleaning of the prosthesis;
  • rinse your mouth after every meal;
  • adjust the position of the prosthesis at the dentist (in no case yourself!).

To prevent chafing, you can use reliable fixative creams, for example, Corega.

To remove stains on the gums, you need to provide rest to the oral cavity by applying tampons to the affected areas with sea buckthorn or rosehip oil for 15–20 minutes. 3 times a day. The dentures are removed while applying oil compresses.

Before visiting a doctor, it is better not to remove the prosthesis for 4 hours. This way, the dentist will be able to accurately determine the place where the gum is rubbing and correct the structure.


The mucous membrane of some patients is very sensitive, resulting in the urge to vomit when starting to wear dentures.

The following will help relieve these symptoms:

  • salt water rinses;
  • deep nasal breathing;
  • sucking mint candies.

To prevent gagging while wearing removable dentures, it is necessary to warn the dentist about special sensitivity before starting the procedures. individual areas mucous membranes of the mouth, for example, the palate.

Problems with diction

Artificial teeth can interfere with the pronunciation of sounds, resulting in speech defects. This symptom will not last long, maximum 3 weeks.

To correct a speech impediment, you need to do several exercises:

  • read aloud slowly for half an hour every day;
  • tongue twisters for 5 minutes;
  • training in the pronunciation of consonant sounds by pronouncing long complex words “ciphering”, “abracadabra”, etc.

Difficulty chewing

Difficulties in chewing food are due to the fact that the distribution of load on the jaw during chewing in artificial structures differs from natural ones.

All that remains is to endure this period and follow a few simple rules:

  • For two weeks, too hard and sticky types of foods should be excluded from the diet. These include apples, crackers, nuts, toffees and lozenges, etc. Food medium hardness Consume in small pieces, chewing thoroughly.
  • During adaptation to the prosthesis, you need to eat the same amount of food as before its installation. Chewing load is important because it helps you get used to artificial teeth faster.

Change in taste sensations

Most dentures cover some portion of the palate when worn.(like the tongue, it is involved in the perception of taste), which can lead to the loss of some taste sensations or a decrease in their sharpness.

To eliminate the problem, you will need to relearn how to perceive the taste of each piece of food. To do this, doctors recommend chewing food slowly and thoroughly. Gradually, taste buds will become sharper.

Also, the reason for the change in taste sensations is the body’s reaction to the taste of cheap metal from which the dentures are made. The problem can only be solved by replacing artificial teeth.

What determines the adaptation period?

When wearing removable dentures, the adaptation period is longer than for fixed structures. This is due, first of all, to the features of prosthetics:

  • Removable dentures are attached to real teeth using clasps or attachments (clasps). Each type of fastening has its own effect on the reliability and mobility of the structure (cast or wire clasp, locking mechanisms).
  • The material from which artificial teeth are made is plastic or nylon. The latest designs are more flexible.

What determines the time it takes to get used to a removable denture? From these factors:

  • size and size of the artificial jaw;
  • pressure exerted by dentures on the gums and teeth;
  • individual reaction of the oral mucosa to a foreign body;
  • method of fixation and degree of adherence of the structure to the gums.

If adaptation takes too long

The reason for the protracted period of getting used to removable structures may be:

  • individual structural features or atrophic changes in the jaws;
  • edentia, in which the prosthesis is attached directly to the gums;
  • unreliable fastening systems for artificial teeth and, as a result, their weak fixation.

In fact, there are many nuances of long-term adaptation to artificial teeth. They may depend on the type of clasps, construction material and other features.

To strengthen the hold, dentists advise using adhesive creams. For example, Corega or Protefix have excellent adhesive abilities, allowing you to chew and talk calmly without fear of dentures falling out or moving.

For atrophy in the jaw apparatus, flexible nylon structures are most often used to help quickly adapt to changes in it.

Long-term adaptation may be the result of the fact that the prosthesis was incorrectly selected and adjusted in size; in this case, only replacement of the structure or correction can help.

Correcting deficiencies on your own can lead to breakage of the prosthesis or chafing of certain areas of the gums.

With complete absence of teeth, addiction can take 6 months or more.

Frequent removal of the structure from the mouth, especially at the very beginning (the first three weeks, when you need to continuously wear the denture, removing it only during cleaning) can lead to painful sensations afterwards.

And another important reason that the adaptation process is delayed is the psychological mood of the patient himself. Sometimes optimism, patience and self-discipline play a significant role in mastering chewing and pronunciation skills while wearing a denture.

By following all the rules for using artificial teeth, every denture wearer will be able to enjoy any dish without limiting themselves to liquid and soft foods. And a timely response to a problem with getting used to the design will help make the adaptation process quick and painless.

What patients say

Have you had prostheses installed and how quickly did the period of adaptation to them pass? What problems arose while wearing the structures? What did your doctor recommend to do in these cases?

Here is a video review from a person who recently became the owner of removable dentures:

The period of adaptation to a denture is not the most pleasant time, however, your comfort with the further use of “second teeth” depends on whether you follow the doctor’s recommendations during the process of adaptation.

From this article you will learn what you will have to face after installing a denture. We will consider in detail the ways in which you can reduce discomfort, restore diction and chewing function, study the problem of changes in salivation and identify ways to speed up the period of adaptation to dentures.

Reducing pain

The very first negative sensation that occurs after installing a removable denture is a feeling of pain. The gums, which have become accustomed to external stress, ache, and they hurt quite badly - often you even have to take painkillers.

Speaking of pills, if in the first days after dentures you feel severe discomfort not only when eating, but also when there is no pressure on the false teeth, Doctors recommend not torturing yourself and taking any painkiller as needed., available for purchase without a prescription - Nurofen, Panadol or Baralgin.

Be prepared for pronounced unpleasant sensations while chewing - the denture, in contact with the gums, will rub them strongly. You will need to rebuild your usual diet, eliminating all solid foods from it - crackers, nuts, sweets.

Soft food should be cut into small pieces and chewed carefully. Such precautions must be observed during the first month while the denture is rubbing into the gums.

In the future, you need to return to the original diet, adding solid food to the foods you eat in small quantities.

Important: decreased appetite is a common occurrence after installation of a removable denture. Never be led by the desire to skip meals - you need to eat in the same amount as before prosthetics.

The more chewing pressure you put on your new teeth, the faster they will rub against your gums, and you will get used to them.

Dentists, as an effective way to reduce pain, recommend doing self-massage of the gums. It is performed in the following sequence:

  1. We wash our hands with antibacterial soap;
  2. We stroke the gums in a circular motion, gradually moving to the inflamed areas;
  3. Having gotten used to stroking, we slightly increase the pressure;
  4. Covering the gum with your thumb and forefinger, we make vertical movements from bottom to top.

The entire massage should last 3-4 minutes, after which the pain will decrease for some time. Massage is done as needed - there are no restrictions.

What if the structure rubs, “gets in the way”?

According to reviews, at first the prosthesis will definitely get in the way and rub, there is nothing surprising in this - you have started carrying a fairly large foreign object in your mouth, which you still need to get used to.

However, if severe pain does not decrease after the first 2-3 days, you should go to the doctor. There may be two reasons for this problem:

  1. Incorrectly adjusted dimensions of the prosthesis;
  2. Excessively sensitive gum tissue.

First of all, the doctor will check the size of the prosthesis; if errors were made during its manufacture and it is too small, the prosthesis will be adjusted for you or replaced with a new one.

For highly sensitive gums, even removable teeth correct size will irritate tissues in contact with them. Diet helps solve this problem:

  • you need to exclude all spicy foods;
  • food with a viscous, sticky consistency - confectionery creams, condensed milk;
  • fatty fried foods.

After each meal, the mouth should be rinsed with boiled water or chamomile infusion.

If this does not give the desired results, it makes sense to use special retaining spacers that are placed between the gums and removable teeth. They reduce pressure and prevent friction between two surfaces.

Important: abrasions and bruises should not be allowed to appear on the gums - when food debris gets into the damaged tissue, lesions will form infectious inflammation, which threaten serious trouble.

Restoring chewing function

Be prepared for the challenges you will encounter with your new teeth. relearn how to bite and chew food, and the meal itself will last much longer at first.

Immediately forget about hard and sticky foods. Bite a little at a time - do not forget that even an ordinary bun, with which your mouth is stuffed to the eyeballs, will turn into a sticky mass that sticks to your teeth during the chewing process.

  • Remember that your new incisors are denture teeth, do not try to bite off hard foods with them until the discomfort goes away and they stop rubbing soft tissues;
  • Chew food evenly on each side of your mouth, this will help distribute the load on your gums and reduce pain.

The ideal food for developing chewing function is finely chopped apples.. They have sufficient rigidity and moderate hardness, which allows you to practice chewing without fear of damaging your gums or the denture itself.

Solving problems with increased or decreased salivation

Adaptation to artificial teeth is a purely individual process, the features of which differ for each individual person. This is especially true for the problem of salivation.

Some patients complain that their mouth is constantly dry, others, on the contrary, that saliva is secreted in excessive quantities.

It’s worth noting right away that this problem is natural and you shouldn’t be afraid of it. Increased salivation is a standard reaction of the body to an irritant, which is a prosthesis placed in the oral cavity.

Within two to three weeks after the installation of new teeth, salivation will return to normal on its own.

To reduce discomfort during the adaptation process, doctors recommend drinking water more often - this can effectively eliminate dry mouth: you need to take a small sip of water every time you feel unpleasant symptom.

To reduce salivation, you need to rinse your mouth with a light salt solution, for the preparation of which half a teaspoon of salt is diluted in a small glass of water. The problem of salivation will be solved for 40-50 minutes, after which the rinsing will need to be repeated again

Solving problems with diction

After installing a prosthesis, all people have a lisp - this is a fact that cannot be avoided. However, a lisp can be tolerated during the first weeks of getting used to artificial teeth, but in the future its presence is considered an abnormal phenomenon.

If you do not want a lisp to become your constant companion, you need to do exercises to restore diction every day:

  • Read aloud- this must be done measuredly, slowly. You should devote at least 20-30 minutes to this procedure per day. You can read anything - from newspapers to books, the main thing is to pronounce the words clearly and focus on problematic sounds;
  • Repeat tongue twisters- absolutely any tongue twisters you know will do, you don’t have to pronounce them quickly, the main thing, again, is to repeatedly practice the pronunciation of words and sounds that are difficult for you.

Helps restore diction very well repeating aloud long words with alternating vowels and consonants- “plane crash”, “defense capability”, etc.

To train the pronunciation of voiceless sounds - “r”, “s”, “sh”, focus on words where they are repeated: “crazy”, “protecting”, “ruberoid”. Write down 20-30 of these words on paper and work with them after completing 20 minutes of reading the book.

Bringing back the taste of food

The problem of loss of taste in food is typical for 30-35% of people who have removable dentures installed. Deterioration in taste sensations is especially common when using budget products, individual elements of which are made of metal.

Important: this problem can only be solved by appropriate psychological mood- do not try to swallow food and finish the meal as quickly as possible; on the contrary, slowly savor every bite of food and try to feel its taste.

At first, this activity will seem pointless and strange to you - savoring tasteless food is still a pleasure, but in the process of such training, in 2-3 weeks your taste buds will become so sensitive that you will begin to notice new shades of taste even in already familiar food.

It is worth noting that the installation of a denture in most cases has a positive effect on a person’s nutritional culture - getting used to it in the process of adaptation to healthy food, the majority retain this useful habit for the rest of their lives.

What to do if addiction continues?

The normal period of adaptation to a denture, if it is rigidly fixed to one’s own teeth, is 2-3 weeks. If the prosthesis rests on the gums, the adaptation period increases significantly - up to six months.

At the same time, getting used to the prostheses lower jaw occurs an order of magnitude longer than with artificial teeth on the upper one, since the structure is constantly exposed to food pressure and shifts during jaw movements during chewing and during conversation.

The adaptation time depends on two main factors:

  • jaw structure- which affects the tendency of the prosthesis to shift and fall out;
  • gum sensitivity- it depends on her how much severe irritation fabrics will occur when the structure shifts.

If you notice that the discomfort and discomfort from wearing a prosthesis several weeks after its installation has not changed, it makes sense to use special adhesive creams to fix the prosthesis on the jaw.

As you can see, the features of the period of getting used to removable dentures are quite specific - you will need to adhere to many rules, limit yourself in food, pay attention to training diction and chewing.

Carefully following all the recommendations given in the article contributes to the fastest and most painless adaptation, as a result of which you will become so accustomed to the prosthesis that you will not be able to distinguish it from your real teeth.

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It is the only orthodontic design that is capable of restoring the dentition in case of loss of all dental units. Thanks to this, dental patients can again enjoy normal chewing of food, restoring chewing functions. It affects good work gastrointestinal tract, and also avoids injury to the gums and mucous membranes. But there is one question - how to get used to dentures? Getting used to removable dentures is a very long and difficult process. Prosthetics cannot be called a completed procedure while the mucous membrane is irritated, and the patient constantly feels the discomfort that arises from the contact of artificial teeth with the oral mucosa.

Installation of the structure and the adaptation period are separate independent stages in prosthetics, but closely interconnected. We can talk about successful prosthetics after the patient has fully adapted to the removable denture. But how to make the process of getting used to a removable denture less painful, and what ways there are to reduce the adaptation time, you can learn from this article.

The period of adaptation to the removable structure begins as soon as the installation procedure is completed in the doctor’s office. Almost every patient will experience the difficulties that accompany the adaptation period. Possible difficulties and the reasons for their manifestation:

  1. Vomiting is the body’s reaction to a foreign body that has begun to irritate the nerve endings located on the roof of the mouth. The problem often goes away on its own. However, patients with increased sensitivity may need to avoid such a removable structure.
  2. Copious secretion of saliva. The secretion of gastric juice and saliva after putting on the prosthesis is due to the fact that the body begins to perceive the structure instead of food and intuitively prepares to digest it.
  3. Every patient will face the problem of speech impairment. The structure fills some space in the oral cavity, and the tongue has to change its usual movements, which is why diction is impaired. As a rule, it will take about a week to recover.
  4. The patient will begin to feel significant discomfort and difficulties with the first meal. The new design will create a load on the palate and gums that is unusual for the oral cavity. More precisely, the load differs significantly in its distribution.
  5. Another disappointment is that the taste sensation may change or decrease. As a rule, the design of removable dentures has a large base area, which covers large area mucous membrane. Thus, many taste buds become blocked. The patient may not feel hot, spicy, salty, etc. food.

When the adaptation process is normal, all these symptoms pass autonomously.

Time to get used to removable dentures

Removable dentures are installed, and the patient will begin to feel discomfort in any case. For some, these sensations end quickly, while for others the adaptation process occurs with physical suffering. In this case, the question of how long it takes to get used to dentures arises by itself.

It is difficult to talk about the exact timing of addiction. Many factors are taken into account. For example, how firmly the structure is fixed. A poorly fixed denture will begin to move out and irritate the soft tissues of the gums and mucous membranes. The condition of the gums is taken into account. If they were initially damaged by rubbing against hard food or inflammatory processes, then the adaptation process will drag on for several months. The time frame is increasing significantly. These systems have metal construction parts that do not spare the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Another factor that plays a big role in the timing of addiction is the psychological state of the patient. A person who is constantly nervous and tries to remove the system at the first opportunity automatically increases the adaptation time.

In general, the average addiction period is about thirty days. The above reasons may increase them to three months. Also, addiction may take longer due to the following reasons:

  • insufficient fixation of the structure;
  • the patient has experienced jaw atrophy (a common cause of this phenomenon is a period that is too long when the patient refuses to install removable dentures for edentulous patients);
  • The patient has individual characteristics in the structure of the dental system.

The reason for the increase in adaptation time may be an incorrectly selected design. For example, artificial teeth do not fit the right size, which causes the entire bite to be disrupted and the gums to chafe.

The tips below will not completely eliminate difficulties during the adaptation period, but will significantly reduce negative impact prostheses and reduce the period of adaptation.

Slow recovery of chewing functions

For many patients, the fear of painful sensations when eating is so great that they reduce their diet as much as possible, switching to liquid soups, yoghurts and purees. This decision will not be entirely correct. Chewing loads are an important aspect during the period of adaptation to removable dentures. Foods such as apples and pears can be cut into small pieces and chewed slowly without much effort. This will help not damage the oral mucosa and at the same time get essential vitamins. It is better to refrain from nuts, seeds and astringent products in the form of caramels and dried fruits.

Gum massage

To quickly get used to removable dentures, high-quality blood circulation in the gums is very important. Massage will help improve blood circulation and strengthen gums. Massage treatments also relieve pain well. You can do the massage yourself. Positioning the thumb with inside gums, and the index finger from the outer edge, we begin to gently rub and press the gums. With increased blood circulation, the gums will again acquire a healthy appearance and elasticity. It is advisable to repeat the procedure regularly, for 15 minutes and several times a day.

Diction exercises

Impaired diction after installation of dentures causes confusion for many patients. Not knowing how to behave correctly, they simply become silent and try to talk less. This should not be done, otherwise you will have to deal with this problem for a very long time. long time. Language exercises help quickly restore normal pronunciation of sounds. There is nothing complicated about them; it will be enough to set aside 4 times 15 minutes a day to pronounce certain words and tongue twisters, as well as read books. Good words for this exercise include “good”, “arch”, “wasp”, “rainbow”, “rose”. Reading words begins at a slow pace, in a whisper and with sustained articulation. Gradually the tempo increases and the voice becomes stronger. Instead of pronouncing words, you can read your favorite book. The rules remain the same - starting slowly and quietly, increasing speed and voice. Another great way is to speak tongue twisters. If everything is done correctly, speech should be restored within a week. If your speech remains impaired, you should visit an orthopedic dentist.

Dry mouth

Combat dryness or excessive salivation. There is no special advice in this case. Dryness can only be overcome by drinking water frequently (preferably in small portions). Excessive salivation should go away on its own as soon as the body no longer perceives the foreign body.

Oral injuries

At the initial stage of wearing removable dentures, many patients experience gum injury. Various abrasions, wounds, and sometimes... The reasons may lie in an incorrectly installed structure, or the dentures were not well fixed in the oral cavity. This can be avoided. At first, the installation of the structure should take place in front of a mirror. Then it will be possible to consider acceptable errors when putting it on and make the necessary adjustments. If irritation of the mucous membrane occurs due to poor fixation of the prosthesis, you can use additional fixing agents. These products are available in the form of powder, glue or ointment. They are not visible to others, but are harmless to the patient’s body. The only condition is that every time the denture is removed, the remnants of these products must be carefully removed from the structure itself and the gums. Your attending physician can tell you more about how to use fixatives.

Gargling with decoctions

Herbal decoctions from sage, chamomile, etc. will help strengthen the gums, avoid irritation and disinfect the resulting wounds. Rinsing the mouth with decoctions should take no more than three times for a day. It is advisable to use the decoction at room temperature.

Fighting gag reflexes

This condition is especially troubling for impatient and nervous patients. Some, a few days after installation removable denture despair and refuse further use of the design. Should not be doing that. Frequently removing the prosthesis increases the adaptation time. You can help yourself by breathing deeply through your nose, sucking on lollipops, and rinsing your mouth with saline solution. You need to try to distract yourself from the existing problem, switch to reading a book, watching an interesting program, or doing your favorite hobby. Within a few days, the unpleasant sensations will become less noticeable, and after a week they will disappear completely. Do not forget - the effectiveness of the entire prosthetic process will depend not only on the doctor or the type of design. How all recommendations are implemented and difficulties are overcome plays a big role.

We do not shoot at night

As a rule, they are placed in water or a disinfectant solution. But in order to shorten the adaptation time, dentists advise leaving the structure in the oral cavity for the first time. This is the time when the gums are in calm state. There will be no physical pressure on them and the adaptation process will accelerate.

The time it takes to get used to a removable structure is greatly influenced by its hygiene. Residues of food trapped under the denture can irritate the mucous membrane, rubbing and contributing to the formation of wounds. Therefore, the care of dentures must be appropriate.

Caring for dentures as a key to quickly getting used to the system

For a person who is accustomed to following all the rules of oral hygiene, there will be nothing difficult in caring for removable dentures. In addition to the usual procedures, you will need to learn several new rules:

  1. Rinsing the mouth after eating is a common procedure. Patients with removable dentures will need to rinse the structure itself. To do this, it will be sufficient to remove it from the mouth and clean it from food debris under running water.
  2. In the mornings and evenings, the denture is cleaned with paste and brush. Hygiene accessories are selected according to the material that was used to manufacture the system. Most often these are brushes with soft bristles And antibacterial pastes. During the procedure itself, one should not forget about the internal part of the system. It is this area that is more exposed to the accumulation of microorganisms that can cause inflammation of the gums.
  3. For additional disinfection of the structure, you will need to purchase additional funds. More often they are produced in the form. Such a tablet dissolves in 150 mg of water, where the system is lowered. Fifteen minutes will be enough to destroy all microorganisms on the prosthesis.

If following all the above rules, the time for getting used to the prostheses is not reduced, you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps the problem is hidden in the individual structure of the jaw. Also, do not endure severe pain. This may be an indication that the structure was not manufactured correctly. Patients who cannot overcome pain will have to endure the construction for at least 3 hours before seeing the dentist. Otherwise, the doctor will not be able to determine the problem and correct it.
(votes: 1, average: 5.00 out of 5)

We will tell you in detail how to quickly get used to removable dentures with the least unpleasant consequences. After all, the end of the period of completion of work on their installation can only come when the patient fully adapts to new sensations.

Initially, a person gradually got used to using the dentition with lost units. He had to talk and eat with a partial or full. After installing an artificial structure, you have to re-accustom yourself to talking, chewing, sleeping, etc. Not everyone has such a transition with ease.

How long does it take to get used to dentures?

Adaptation takes varying amounts of time. It all depends on the sensitivity of the patient, whether he adheres to the recommendations of the doctor and the design features. For example, fixed permanent prostheses, such as implants and crowns, make it possible to get used to them in a short time - up to a week, or even a few days.

If we talk about acrylic or nylon, then the addiction process will be much more difficult and longer. To go through this stage easier, you need to follow the rules and recommendations that the doctor will tell you about during installation.

In the case when the patient lived for some time completely without teeth and the fixation of the prosthesis is based only on the gums, addiction can take up to six months. And one more nuance - the lower jaw adapts to a foreign object longer than the upper one.

Useful exercises and gymnastics

How long the addiction will take depends on whether the person performs the exercises and whether he properly cares for the prosthesis.

  1. Reading aloud, measured and expressive.
  2. Constant wearing of the structure, without removal.
  3. Sufficient chewing load. An apple is best. Cut it into small pieces and chew gradually.
  4. Regular cleaning of dentures. It needs to be cleaned with a brush twice a day. And after each meal, rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  5. If you experience vomiting due to the presence of a prosthesis, you need to breathe deeply, drink plenty of fluids and suck on mints.

Most of the exercises are related to the restoration of articulation and chewing, so we will talk about them in more detail in the relevant sections.

What is denture intolerance?

For some people, getting used to the design never occurs. When doing exercises, maintaining hygiene, and constantly wearing a prosthesis, the condition does not improve. It further rubs and interferes, preventing you from pronouncing sounds normally, enjoying food, etc. Constant struggle with a foreign body exhausts a person.

Doctors consider this a psychological problem, and only a psychologist can eliminate it during a consultation. Some dentists try to customize the prosthesis to suit the patient's needs, but this rarely works if there is intolerance.

The psychological side of the issue

It is necessary to properly and gradually prepare a person for the process of adaptation. It is important to explain that it is impossible to get used to the new design and all the difficulties associated with wearing it too quickly. The patient must prepare for a long process of adaptation. If he is in a hurry and expects the effect to happen soon, he will inevitably be disappointed.

With the right attitude, the patient will be able to perform necessary exercises, do gymnastics and endure all the troubles of the first period of adaptation. Only with such an attitude is it possible to overcome temporary difficulties and make the process of addiction real and accessible.

Emotional readiness is the key to successful adaptation. If it is difficult to cope with this on your own, then you can contact a psychologist who, in parallel with the dentist, will help you go through the entire difficult path and cope with the problem.

Reducing pain symptoms

The first thing a patient encounters when wearing removable dentures is pain while chewing. Due to the unusual and increased load, the structure puts pressure on the gums, which are already unaccustomed to this. In the first days, doctors even allow the use of painkillers, as the sensations may be too unbearable.

After a few days, the pain should decrease, although it will not disappear completely. For a long time, contact between the mucous membrane and a foreign body will cause discomfort. To alleviate the condition, you should give up too much solid foods such as nuts, crackers, sweets. The food should be fairly soft. And only as you get used to it, you can add more solid foods a little at a time.

It is very important to monitor the condition of the mucous membrane to avoid serious damage. After all, their presence will lead to rapid infection, which will have a bad effect on the health of the oral cavity as a whole. If the discomfort does not go away, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Pain during adaptation may occur due to the following reasons:

  • Too sensitive mucous membrane.
  • An incorrectly made prosthesis that does not fit the patient in size.
You can also reduce pain with massage:
  1. You should wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic.
  2. Stroke the gums in a circular motion, gradually moving from healthy areas to inflamed ones.
  3. When stroking stops causing discomfort, you can apply stronger pressure.
  4. We cover the gum on both sides with the thumb and forefinger and perform vertical movements from bottom to top.

This massage can be performed every time discomfort begins and should be done for about four to five minutes. There are no restrictions on the number of procedures. You can apply it at least every hour when the calming effect ends.

Restoring comfortable chewing

When a prosthesis appears in the mouth, a person has to learn to chew and grind food again. This process requires adherence to rules that can simplify habituation. Be prepared for meals to take longer than usual, at least at first.

From the products you should choose soft, but in no case too hard, and non-viscous. The viscous consistency will shift the prosthesis and prevent it from being used normally. Take a little food, it is better if it is finely chopped.

It should be remembered that artificial teeth are not native and a high load on them can damage the material. Even cermets will crack if you get carried away with nuts or other hard foods. Doctors also advise distributing the load evenly on both sides of the jaw.

The ideal solution can become apples that are finely chopped. They are quite hard, but not capable of damaging the structure or contributing to chafing. Thanks to constant load chewing becomes more habitual.

We get rid of increased and decreased salivation

Each person reacts differently to a foreign structure in the mouth. For some, it starts because the body thinks that there is food in the mouth that needs to be digested. In others, on the contrary, dryness occurs, which causes severe discomfort.

Over time, both the first and second unpleasant symptoms will pass. The body needs two weeks for such an adaptation. To help yourself, you can use increased amount liquids in case of dryness. And if you are worried about excessive salivation, then it is enough to make a solution - add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. This rinse will last for 40-60 minutes. You can repeat it anytime.

How to restore taste sensations?

Another problem associated with the presence of a prosthesis and the process of nutrition is the absence or distortion of taste sensations. About a third of patients experience similar troubles. In particular, the loss of taste worries those who have used cheaper, but still voluminous designs. They occupy most of the mouth and cover the mucous membrane where the taste buds are located.

To solve this problem you need:

  • Don't skip meals, eat as usual.
  • Try to feel the taste by holding the food in your mouth a little longer.
  • Although it is difficult, try to enjoy the foods you eat.

By giving yourself and your body the right amount of time, you can get used to eating with the help of an artificial prosthesis and even begin to experience all the sensations of taste again.

Normalization of diction

The absence of teeth does not allow a person to speak normally; he misses many sounds and feels obvious discomfort in communication. After installing the prosthesis, this problem should resolve itself. But in practice this does not happen. What to do?

Having established the desired design, the patient should first, as it were, learn to speak again. It takes time for your diction to become normal and for you to feel comfortable talking. Follow these guidelines:

  • Read aloud as much and as long as possible. At the same time, try to pronounce each sound clearly, distinctly, and expressively. It could be poetry, classical literature, or even a newspaper article. The main thing is training.
  • Tongue Twisters. It is not necessary to try to pronounce them very quickly. IN in this case it is important to repeatedly repeat the same and complex sounds one after another. It will be difficult at first, but the more you practice, the better it will get.
  • Complex definitions. Write down the longest words you know on a piece of paper and try to read them out loud, pronouncing each one clearly and slowly. For example, by constantly repeating “air crash”, “defense capability”, “parallelepiped” and other words of this kind, you will learn to master your language.
  • Another list is with encountered hissers. Words such as “protective”, “crazy” and others in which “w”, “w”, “sh”, “s” are often used contribute to excellent articulation training.

Spend at least half an hour on such exercises and within a couple of weeks you will be speaking as if you had no difficulties at all. And remember, the more you practice, the faster the adaptation period passes.

What to do if getting used to prostheses is delayed?

If the rules are not followed, there is no exercise and the structure is removed too often, adaptation will become much more difficult. This process is considered protracted if it occurs longer than 2-3 weeks.

Long-term addiction can only be normal if a person lives for a long time completely without teeth or without most of them, as well as with atrophy of soft tissues. In addition, such patients are fitted with a prosthesis fixed to the gums, and this makes it difficult to get used to.

If the structure is attached with hooks to your own teeth, such as clasp dentures, then getting used to it will take no longer than a week. Quadrotti's soft nylon prostheses have also proven themselves well in terms of adaptation.

The duration of this period depends on the following factors:

  1. Features of the structure of the jaw. Sometimes it happens that the patient has a non-standard shape and then displacement of the prosthesis occurs much more often. And this interferes with addiction and its normal operation.
  2. Increased sensitivity of soft tissues. With constant use, inflammation of the gums, rubbing and irritation of the mucous membrane will occur, which will also affect psychological and physiological discomfort. Doctors recommend using additional gels or installing special pads.

If the pain does not go away within a few days, the prosthesis rubs too much, or you cannot psychologically get used to the artificial structure, then it is better to seek help from a doctor. He will adjust the prosthesis to suit your characteristics or help you cope with it psychological level.

And only in rare cases is complete addiction impossible, when a person is determined to be intolerant of any materials or the structure as a whole. Then you should choose another method of restoring the dentition.

Video: how to live fully with removable dentures?

We will tell you in detail how to quickly get used to removable dentures with the least unpleasant consequences. After all, the end of the period of completion of work on their installation can only come when the patient fully adapts to the new sensations.

Initially, a person gradually got used to using the dentition with lost units. He had to talk and eat with partial or full. After installing an artificial structure, you have to relearn how to talk, chew, sleep, etc. This transition is not easy for everyone.

How long does it take to get used to dentures?

Adaptation takes varying amounts of time. It all depends on the sensitivity of the patient, whether he adheres to the recommendations of the doctor and the design features. For example, fixed permanent prostheses, such as implants and crowns, make it possible to get used to them in a short time - up to a week, or even a few days.

If we talk about acrylic or nylon, then the process of addiction will be much more difficult and longer. To go through this stage easier, you need to follow the rules and recommendations that the doctor will tell you about during installation.

In the case when the patient lived for some time completely without teeth and the fixation of the prosthesis is based only on the gums, addiction can take up to six months. And one more nuance - the lower jaw adapts to a foreign object longer than the upper one.

Useful exercises and gymnastics

How long the addiction will take depends on whether the person performs the exercises and whether he properly cares for the prosthesis.

  1. Reading aloud, measured and expressive.
  2. Constant wearing of the structure, without removal.
  3. Sufficient chewing load. An apple is best. Cut it into small pieces and chew gradually.
  4. Regular cleaning of dentures. It needs to be cleaned with a brush twice a day. And after each meal, rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  5. If you experience vomiting due to the presence of a prosthesis, you need to breathe deeply, drink plenty of fluids and suck on mints.

Most of the exercises are related to the restoration of articulation and chewing, so we will talk about them in more detail in the relevant sections.

What is denture intolerance?

Some people never get used to the design. When doing exercises, maintaining hygiene, and constantly wearing a prosthesis, the condition does not improve. It further rubs and interferes, preventing one from pronouncing sounds normally, enjoying food, etc. The constant struggle with a foreign body exhausts a person.

Doctors consider this a psychological problem, and only a psychologist can eliminate it during a consultation. Some dentists try to customize the prosthesis to suit the patient's needs, but this rarely works if there is intolerance.

The psychological side of the issue

It is necessary to properly and gradually prepare a person for the process of adaptation. It is important to explain that it is impossible to get used to the new design and all the difficulties associated with wearing it too quickly. The patient must prepare for a long process of adaptation. If he is in a hurry and expects the effect to happen soon, he will inevitably be disappointed.

With the right attitude, the patient will be able to perform the necessary exercises, do gymnastics and endure all the troubles of the first period of adaptation. Only with such an attitude is it possible to overcome temporary difficulties and make the process of addiction real and accessible.

Emotional readiness is the key to successful adaptation. If it is difficult to cope with this on your own, then you can contact a psychologist who, in parallel with the dentist, will help you go through the entire difficult path and cope with the problem.

Reducing pain symptoms

The first thing a patient encounters when wearing removable dentures is pain while chewing. From unusual and increased load the design puts pressure on the gums, which are already unaccustomed to this. In the first days, doctors even allow the use of painkillers, as the sensations may be too unbearable.

After a few days, the pain should decrease, although it will not disappear completely. For a long time, contact between the mucous membrane and a foreign body will cause discomfort. To alleviate the condition, you should avoid too hard foods such as nuts, crackers, and sweets. The food should be fairly soft. And only as you get used to it, you can add more solid foods a little at a time.

It is very important to monitor the condition of the mucous membrane to avoid serious damage. After all, their presence will lead to rapid infection, which will have a bad effect on the health of the oral cavity as a whole. If the discomfort does not go away, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Pain during adaptation may occur due to the following reasons:

  • Too sensitive mucous membrane.
  • An incorrectly made prosthesis that does not fit the patient in size.

You can also reduce pain with massage:
  1. You should wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic.
  2. Stroke the gums in a circular motion, gradually moving from healthy areas to inflamed ones.
  3. When stroking stops causing discomfort, you can apply stronger pressure.
  4. We cover the gum on both sides with the thumb and forefinger and perform vertical movements from bottom to top.

This massage can be performed every time discomfort begins and should be done for about four to five minutes. There are no restrictions on the number of procedures. You can apply it at least every hour when the calming effect ends.

Restoring comfortable chewing

When a prosthesis appears in the mouth, a person has to learn to chew and grind food again. This process requires adherence to rules that can simplify habituation. Be prepared for meals to take longer than usual, at least at first.

From the products you should choose soft, but in no case too hard, and non-viscous. The viscous consistency will shift the prosthesis and prevent it from being used normally. Take a little food, it is better if it is finely chopped.

It should be remembered that artificial teeth are not native and a high load on them can damage the material. Even cermets will crack if you get carried away with nuts or other hard foods. Doctors also advise distributing the load evenly on both sides of the jaw.

The ideal solution would be finely chopped apples. They are quite hard, but are not capable of damaging the structure or causing chafing. Thanks to constant load, the chewing process becomes more familiar.

We get rid of increased and decreased salivation

Each person reacts differently to a foreign structure in the mouth. For some, it starts because the body thinks that there is food in the mouth that needs to be digested. For others, on the contrary, dryness occurs, which causes severe discomfort.

Over time, both the first and second unpleasant symptoms will pass. The body needs two weeks for such an adaptation. To help yourself, you can drink more fluids if you feel dry. And if you are worried about excessive salivation, then it is enough to make a solution - add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. This rinse will last for 40-60 minutes. You can repeat it anytime.

How to restore taste sensations?

Another problem associated with the presence of a prosthesis and the process of nutrition is the absence or distortion of taste sensations. About a third of patients experience similar troubles. In particular, the loss of taste worries those who have used cheaper, but still voluminous designs. They occupy most of the mouth and cover the mucous membrane where the taste buds are located.

To solve this problem you need:

  • Don't skip meals, eat as usual.
  • Try to feel the taste by holding the food in your mouth a little longer.
  • Although it is difficult, try to enjoy the foods you eat.

By giving yourself and your body the right amount of time, you can get used to eating with the help of an artificial prosthesis and even begin to experience all the sensations of taste again.

Normalization of diction

The absence of teeth does not allow a person to speak normally; he misses many sounds and feels obvious discomfort in communication. After installing the prosthesis, this problem should resolve itself. But in practice this does not happen. What to do?

Having established the desired design, the patient should first, as it were, learn to speak again. It takes time for your diction to become normal and for you to feel comfortable talking. Follow these guidelines:

  • Read aloud as much and as long as possible. At the same time, try to pronounce each sound clearly, distinctly, and expressively. It could be poetry, classical literature, or even a newspaper article. The main thing is training.
  • Tongue Twisters. It is not necessary to try to pronounce them very quickly. In this case, it is important to repeat identical and complex sounds one after another many times. It will be difficult at first, but the more you practice, the better it will become.
  • Complex definitions. Write down the longest words you know on a piece of paper and try to read them out loud, pronouncing each one clearly and slowly. For example, by constantly repeating “air crash”, “defense capability”, “parallelepiped” and other words of this kind, you will learn to master your language.
  • Another list is with encountered hissers. Words such as “protective”, “crazy” and others in which “w”, “w”, “sh”, “s” are often used contribute to excellent articulation training.

Spend at least half an hour on such exercises and within a couple of weeks you will be speaking as if you had no difficulties at all. And remember, the more you practice, the faster the adaptation period passes.

What to do if getting used to prostheses is delayed?

If the rules are not followed, there is no exercise and the structure is removed too often, adaptation will become much more difficult. This process is considered protracted if it occurs longer than 2-3 weeks.

Long-term addiction can only be normal if a person lives for a long time completely without teeth or without most of them, as well as with atrophy of soft tissues. In addition, such patients are fitted with a prosthesis fixed to the gums, and this makes it difficult to get used to.

If the structure is attached with hooks to your own teeth, such as clasp dentures, then getting used to it will take no longer than a week. Quadrotti's soft nylon prostheses have also proven themselves well in terms of adaptation.

The duration of this period depends on the following factors:

  1. Features of the structure of the jaw. Sometimes it happens that the patient has a non-standard shape and then displacement of the prosthesis occurs much more often. And this interferes with addiction and its normal operation.
  2. Increased sensitivity of soft tissues. With constant use, inflammation of the gums, rubbing and irritation of the mucous membrane will occur, which will also affect psychological and physiological discomfort. Doctors recommend using additional gels or installing special pads.

If the pain does not go away within a few days, the prosthesis rubs too much, or you cannot psychologically get used to the artificial structure, then it is better to seek help from a doctor. He will adjust the prosthesis to suit your characteristics or help you cope with this on a psychological level.

And only in rare cases is complete addiction impossible, when a person is determined to be intolerant of any materials or the structure as a whole. Then you should choose another method of restoring the dentition.

Video: how to live fully with removable dentures?

Every patient who has had to use dentures remembers how difficult it is to get used to new teeth. How to get used to dentures? How long will you have to wait? How to make this process faster and less traumatic?

How to get used to dentures?

During the period after the installation of a denture, something constantly interferes, the patient experiences periodic pain, while the doctor again asks to get used to it and wait at least a month. So should you wait or go to the dentist if your dentures bother you?

Indeed, the average time to get used to dentures is exactly a month, and sometimes more than this time. It would be nice to be patient, but there are conditions when there is no point in enduring discomfort and you need to see a doctor immediately. These are situations when the teeth do not close at all. This can only mean that the prosthesis is not installed properly and requires urgent intervention specialist and rework.

There is no need to suffer to get used to and endure in situations where dentures are too long and prevent the mouth from closing, or artificial teeth constantly touch the cheeks and gums.

How long does it take to get used to dentures?

During the adaptation period after the installation of various structures in the oral cavity, such as braces or dentures, a person and his teeth, tongue, and mucous membrane must get used to the new object. It's time for different people varies from 2 to 4 weeks.

Firstly, while you are getting used to your dentures, it is time to stop eating hard foods such as hard and tough meats, hard fresh fruits or vegetables, nuts and other foods.

Secondly, the process of chewing food should occur more slowly than before, so that accidental injury to the tongue or cheeks does not occur.

How to get used to dentures - adaptation rules

To get used to the dentures more gently, you should adhere to following rules:

It is necessary to try in every possible way not to injure your cheeks, tongue and oral cavity with new dentures. To do this, chew food especially slowly. Give temporary preference to steamed dishes and various purees. Do not eat food while the dentures are being worn in. raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, caramels, etc. Or use it all in pureed form.

During the first time after the installation of dentures, communication difficulties usually arise. Read more out loud and try to correct yourself and practice your diction.

To help you get used to your dentures faster, be sure to massage your gums several times a day to relieve as much pain as possible from your new dentures. To do this you need to put a large and index fingers on the surface of the gums so that the index finger lies on their outer side. Rub with your fingers, press lightly, massage every part of the painful gums. This is necessary to improve blood circulation and give your gums healthy firmness.

All patients who begin to wear dentures experience unpleasant dry mouth or, conversely, excess saliva in the oral cavity. Drinking frequently will solve this problem. Excessive salivation is explained by the fact that at first the mouth does not distinguish between dentures and food.

Do not overdo it with various adhesives, creams and powders. If you cannot do without them, then you need to thoroughly clean your dentures and gums of these products.

Secrets of quickly getting used to dentures

If you have difficulty communicating or speaking, then training in the form of reciting poetry or reading aloud can come to your aid while you get used to dentures. Attention should be paid to the correct pronunciation of each word. Stop and correct, train yourself.

If, after this time, the denture still does not stop causing irritation, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is quite possible that this prosthesis simply does not suit you for some objective reasons.

But in those situations when the teeth do not close at all, or only close on one side, you should not wait a whole month, but urgently contact a specialist. There are also situations when the prosthesis is too big size, and interferes with complete, normal closing of the mouth. The issue of getting used to the prosthesis must be addressed urgently.

Dentures can restore not only the aesthetics of a smile, but also restore the patient’s ability to chew food normally. How long does the period of adaptation to removable and non-removable structures last? How to get used to dentures quickly and with minimal discomfort? In the article you will find useful recommendations and tips that can help you cope with this problem.

What happens immediately after installation?

After installing the prosthesis, you will probably feel relief, because the hardest part is over, the unpleasant moments are over, and you can enjoy your new perfect smile. But do not forget that the denture is a foreign body to your body, so you will have to go through a period of getting used to your new artificial teeth.

What problems might you encounter after getting dentures? Most often, during the period of addiction, patients complain of the following: inconvenience:

Often, after installing the product for the first time, the body perceives it as food, as a result the brain sends a signal to activate the corresponding functions - gastric juice and saliva are released.


It takes the longest to get used to removable dentures.

This is a normal reaction of the body to a foreign body in the oral cavity. The urge to vomit should go away on its own over time. But there is a category of people for whom this feature does not allow the installation of prostheses that come into contact with the sky. This must be taken into account when choosing a prosthetic method.

  • Discomfort while chewing food

This applies primarily to removable dentures, since the distribution of load in this case is much different from the natural process of chewing food with your natural teeth.

  • Speech distortion

Often elements of the prosthesis interfere with the tongue at first, making it difficult for a person to pronounce words normally. It will take time for the diction to return to normal.

Not only the tongue, but also other parts of the oral mucosa take part in the perception of taste. Therefore, you may partially lose the sense of taste of food if the denture covers some areas of the mucous membrane.

How long does the adjustment period last?

Expert opinion. Implantologist Medvedev. O.E.: “It’s much easier to get used to fixed structures than to removable ones. Patients often ask the question: How long does it take to get used to dentures? This is individual; on average, it will take several days to get used to a non-removable product. Most quickly, patients get used to single crowns and dentures on pins. The adaptation process takes a little longer with bridge structures. It will take the longest to get used to removable products.”

Experts recommend not removing it at night in the first month after installation of the prosthesis in order to speed up the adaptation process. What determines the duration of adaptation to a foreign body in the oral cavity? The period of adaptation depends on the following factors:

  1. Product dimensions.
  2. Method of distribution of chewing load.
  3. Method of fixing the prosthesis.
  4. Individual characteristics of the body.

How to quickly get used to dentures? The following tips will help you speed up the adaptation process:

  1. At the very beginning of wearing a prosthesis, many patients complain of pain, abrasions And scratches. In this case, you need to make sure that you are wearing the product correctly. If the problem persists, contact your dentist: the denture may need to be adjusted to suit you or some adjustments made.

Pain occurs most often while eating when you chew, so it's best to limit the amount of solid food you eat in the first few weeks. Eliminate from your menu nuts, apples, and tough meats that may cause you discomfort. If chewing soft food is painful, you can cut it into pieces at first.

But gradually move on to your usual diet. You should not sharply reduce the number of meals. Many patients, out of fear of pain, switch to yoghurts, liquid soups and purees. This is not entirely correct, since the chewing load is an important point in the process of getting used to the prosthesis.

  1. If you are concerned about increased salivation or dry mouth, drink enough water in small sips throughout the day.
  2. You can massage your gums to improve their blood supply.
  3. If you often have vomiting reflex, we recommend that you use these advice:
  • breathe deeply through your nose,

    Be responsible when cleaning your dentures and maintaining oral hygiene.

    What to do if the addiction lasts?

    If you can't get used to a foreign body in your mouth, it may take a few explanations:

    • the structure is poorly fixed in the oral cavity,
    • jaw atrophy,
    • prosthetics were carried out for edentulous patients (read about what methods of prosthetics are used for edentulous patients here),
    • individual characteristics of the patient’s jaw structure.

    The most difficult thing to get used to is clasp structures that have metal fastenings. You cannot adjust such a product yourself, as it can be damaged. If you feel that the clasp structure is not securely fixed in your mouth, go to a specialist. Mobility of the prosthesis often occurs due to jaw atrophy. In this case, various fixing ointments help well.

    How to get used to and quickly adapt to dentures

    With time permanent teeth will collapse and in their place will appear dentures, which are difficult to get used to; it is much easier to adapt to implants, but not everyone can afford them.

    Therefore, the most common option for complete or partial tooth loss is removable dentures. Let's figure out what difficulties may arise during the period of adaptation to removable dentures and how to get used to them faster.

    Problems during adaptation

    The prosthetic procedure has certain differences, it all depends on the number of lost teeth, but the period of getting used to a foreign body in the mouth is almost the same and can cause a number of inconveniences:

    What does it depend on and how long does the adaptation period last?

    On average, getting used to removable dentures takes place within a month, but under certain circumstances, the process can take up to six months. It depends on the:

    1. Individual characteristics of the body.
    2. Psychological readiness, in some patients, problems arise precisely because of the unwillingness to wear false teeth. Therefore, before visiting the clinic, you should prepare yourself mentally.
    3. Design and size. Sometimes the implant does not match the size of the teeth, as a result of which the bite is disturbed and inconvenience occurs.
    4. Method of fixing the prosthesis. If it is not installed firmly enough, then under load it is displaced, which injures the gums and mucous membranes. This is most clearly felt by the owners of clasp structures, as they contain metal elements.
    5. The period during which a person was without teeth. At long absence dentition, the jaw atrophies.

    How to speed up the addiction process

    To quickly get used to dentures, it is necessary to solve the main problems of the adaptation period.

    Reducing salivation

    Each patient undergoes the adaptation process differently. Therefore, some have dry mouth, while others, on the contrary, increase salivation. If the mucous membranes dry out, the amount of fluid consumed should be increased. You need to drink a little, every time discomfort appears.

    Usually this condition goes away on its own within two weeks. Salt rinses will help with increased humidity in the mouth. To do this, mix 0.5 tsp of salt and 100 ml of water, the effect lasts for 45 minutes, after which the procedure is repeated if necessary.

    Taking a break from gagging

    It is very important to learn to ignore these sensations; you can do what you love or suck on a lollipop. And mint tea will not only help cope with the urge to vomit, but will also have a calming effect. Just use it in reasonable quantities.

    Reducing pain

    In the first days after installation of a prosthesis, many people complain that they experience pain when eating. To reduce the unpleasant feeling, you should temporarily give up hard foods.

    But after a few weeks it must be reintroduced into the diet, gradually increasing the consistency and degree of grinding. In the first days it can be broths, yoghurts and liquid purees. Then light vegetable soup or porridge, lightly grated or crushed in a blender.

    In the future, it is important to remember that the pieces of food should be small and you need to chew them with all your teeth in order to properly distribute the load over the entire working surface.

    To speed up the process of gum adaptation, you can do a light relaxing massage. It is necessary to massage the gums in a circular motion for several minutes, paying the greatest attention to painful areas.

    When cracks and inflammatory processes appear, the oral cavity is irrigated with a decoction of chamomile and oak bark. The problem of discomfort may also be hidden in the sensitivity of the gums, in which case fixing creams, ointments, powders or gels are used.

    We influence taste buds

    In a third of patients, when a removable denture is installed, sensitivity to food consumed decreases. It becomes tasteless, which leads to loss of appetite.

    Most often, complaints arise from owners of metal structures. But don’t despair, this is a temporary effect; if you train your receptors correctly, then after 2 weeks you won’t feel the difference at all. The secret is to refuse quick food and long chewing of each piece.

    Learning to speak correctly

    Out of habit, when wearing false teeth, speech is impaired, and the person has a distinct lisp. To get rid of this side effect You need to do a number of exercises from the first day:

    1. Reading your favorite books. You should start the lesson in a low voice, gradually increasing the volume and speed. The procedure must be repeated for 15-30 minutes at least 3 times a day.
    2. Pronunciation of words. Particular attention should be paid to problematic sounds; to do this, you should write down the words in which they are present and read them as often as possible.
    3. Reading tongue twisters. Any tongue twisters will do, the main thing is to pronounce them clearly, gradually accelerating the pace, but the quality should not suffer.

    With daily training, diction and speech will return within three weeks.

    In order for the prosthesis to serve for a long time and not cause inconvenience, it is necessary to follow certain rules for caring for it:

    • after each meal, you need to rinse the removable structure and the oral cavity with regular drinking water;
    • the denture, like permanent teeth, should be cleaned twice a day, the only difference is that the toothbrush should have soft bristles, and it is better to choose a gentle toothpaste with an antibacterial effect;
    • the removable structure must be disinfected with special means so as not to infect the gums and oral cavity;
    • It is better to avoid food that can stick to your teeth; such food not only affects the integrity of the product, but can also cause pain and discomfort.

    How does one get used to removable dentures in practice:

    When can we talk about complete adaptation to the prosthesis?

    Since the false jaw performs very important functions for the body, you will have to not only come to terms with the idea of ​​its necessity, but also learn how to use it correctly. The adaptation process ends when a person no longer feels discomfort when wearing a prosthesis, and the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth look healthy, without signs of damage or inflammation.

    Restoring chewing functions is not a whim, but a necessary measure in order to avoid gastrointestinal diseases, be able to eat normally and not experience discomfort in society.

    To quickly get used to dentures, you should prepare yourself in advance and understand the importance and necessity of wearing a removable denture.

    How to quickly adapt to removable dentures?

    We will tell you in detail how to quickly get used to removable dentures with the least unpleasant consequences. After all, the end of the period of completion of work on their installation can only come when the patient fully adapts to the new sensations.

    Initially, a person gradually got used to using the dentition with lost units. He had to talk and eat while partially or completely edentulous. After installing an artificial structure, you have to relearn how to talk, chew, sleep, etc. This transition is not easy for everyone.

    How long does it take to get used to dentures?

    Adaptation takes varying amounts of time. It all depends on the sensitivity of the patient, whether he adheres to the recommendations of the doctor and the design features. For example, fixed permanent prostheses, such as implants and crowns, make it possible to get used to them in a short time - up to a week, or even a few days.

    If we talk about clasp dentures, acrylic or nylon, then the process of getting used to it will be much more difficult and longer. To go through this stage easier, you need to follow the rules and recommendations that the doctor will tell you about during installation.

    In the case when the patient lived for some time completely without teeth and the fixation of the prosthesis is based only on the gums, addiction can take up to six months. And one more nuance - the lower jaw adapts to a foreign object longer than the upper one.

    Useful exercises and gymnastics

    How long the addiction will take depends on whether the person performs the exercises and whether he properly cares for the prosthesis.

    1. Reading aloud, measured and expressive.
    2. Constant wearing of the structure, without removal.
    3. Sufficient chewing load. An apple is best. Cut it into small pieces and chew gradually.
    4. Regular cleaning of dentures. It needs to be cleaned with a brush twice a day. And after each meal, rinse your mouth thoroughly.
    5. If you experience vomiting due to the presence of a prosthesis, you need to breathe deeply, drink plenty of fluids and suck on mints.

    Most of the exercises are related to the restoration of articulation and chewing, so we will talk about them in more detail in the relevant sections.

    What is denture intolerance?

    Some people never get used to the design. When doing exercises, maintaining hygiene, and constantly wearing a prosthesis, the condition does not improve. It further rubs and interferes, preventing one from pronouncing sounds normally, enjoying food, etc. The constant struggle with a foreign body exhausts a person.

    Doctors consider this a psychological problem, and only a psychologist can eliminate it during a consultation. Some dentists try to customize the prosthesis to suit the patient's needs, but this rarely works if there is intolerance.

    The psychological side of the issue

    It is necessary to properly and gradually prepare a person for the process of adaptation. It is important to explain that it is impossible to get used to the new design and all the difficulties associated with wearing it too quickly. The patient must prepare for a long process of adaptation. If he is in a hurry and expects the effect to happen soon, he will inevitably be disappointed.

    With the right attitude, the patient will be able to perform the necessary exercises, do gymnastics and endure all the troubles of the first period of adaptation. Only with such an attitude is it possible to overcome temporary difficulties and make the process of addiction real and accessible.

    Reducing pain symptoms

    The first thing a patient encounters when wearing removable dentures is pain while chewing. Due to the unusual and increased load, the structure puts pressure on the gums, which are already unaccustomed to this. In the first days, doctors even allow the use of painkillers, as the sensations may be too unbearable.

    After a few days, the pain should decrease, although it will not disappear completely. For a long time, contact between the mucous membrane and a foreign body will cause discomfort. To alleviate the condition, you should avoid too hard foods such as nuts, crackers, and sweets. The food should be fairly soft. And only as you get used to it, you can add more solid foods a little at a time.

    It is very important to monitor the condition of the mucous membrane to avoid serious damage. After all, their presence will lead to rapid infection, which will have a bad effect on the health of the oral cavity as a whole. If the discomfort does not go away, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

    Pain during adaptation may occur due to the following reasons:

    • Too sensitive mucous membrane.
    • An incorrectly made prosthesis that does not fit the patient in size.
    1. You should wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic.
    2. Stroke the gums in a circular motion, gradually moving from healthy areas to inflamed ones.
    3. When stroking stops causing discomfort, you can apply stronger pressure.
    4. We cover the gum on both sides with the thumb and forefinger and perform vertical movements from bottom to top.

    This massage can be performed every time discomfort begins and should be done for about four to five minutes. There are no restrictions on the number of procedures. You can apply it at least every hour when the calming effect ends.

    When a prosthesis appears in the mouth, a person has to learn to chew and grind food again. This process requires adherence to rules that can simplify habituation. Be prepared for meals to take longer than usual, at least at first.

    From the products you should choose soft, but in no case too hard, and non-viscous. The viscous consistency will shift the prosthesis and prevent it from being used normally. Take a little food, it is better if it is finely chopped.

    The ideal solution would be finely chopped apples. They are quite hard, but are not capable of damaging the structure or causing chafing. Thanks to constant load, the chewing process becomes more familiar.

    We get rid of increased and decreased salivation

    Each person reacts differently to a foreign structure in the mouth. For some, it causes increased salivation, as the body thinks that there is food in the mouth that needs to be digested. For others, on the contrary, dryness occurs, which causes severe discomfort.

    Over time, both the first and second unpleasant symptoms will pass. The body needs two weeks for such an adaptation. To help yourself, you can drink more fluids if you feel dry. And if you are worried about excessive salivation, then it is enough to make a solution - add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. This rinse will last for 40-60 minutes. You can repeat it anytime.

    How to restore taste sensations?

    Another problem associated with the presence of a prosthesis and the process of nutrition is the absence or distortion of taste sensations. About a third of patients experience similar troubles. In particular, the loss of taste worries those who have used cheaper, but still voluminous designs. They occupy most of the mouth and cover the mucous membrane where the taste buds are located.

    To solve this problem you need:

    • Don't skip meals, eat as usual.
    • Try to feel the taste by holding the food in your mouth a little longer.
    • Although it is difficult, try to enjoy the foods you eat.

    By giving yourself and your body the right amount of time, you can get used to eating with the help of an artificial prosthesis and even begin to experience all the sensations of taste again.

    Normalization of diction

    The absence of teeth does not allow a person to speak normally; he misses many sounds and feels obvious discomfort in communication. After installing the prosthesis, this problem should resolve itself. But in practice this does not happen. What to do?

    Having established the desired design, the patient should first, as it were, learn to speak again. It takes time for your diction to become normal and for you to feel comfortable talking. Follow these guidelines:

    • Read aloud as much and as long as possible. At the same time, try to pronounce each sound clearly, distinctly, and expressively. It could be poetry, classical literature, or even a newspaper article. The main thing is training.
    • Tongue Twisters. It is not necessary to try to pronounce them very quickly. In this case, it is important to repeat identical and complex sounds one after another many times. It will be difficult at first, but the more you practice, the better it will become.
    • Complex definitions. Write down the longest words you know on a piece of paper and try to read them out loud, pronouncing each one clearly and slowly. For example, by constantly repeating “air crash”, “defense capability”, “parallelepiped” and other words of this kind, you will learn to master your language.
    • Another list is with encountered hissers. Words such as “protective”, “crazy” and others in which “w”, “w”, “sh”, “s” are often used contribute to excellent articulation training.

    Spend at least half an hour on such exercises and within a couple of weeks you will be speaking as if you had no difficulties at all. And remember, the more you practice, the faster the adaptation period passes.

    What to do if getting used to prostheses is delayed?

    If the rules are not followed, there is no exercise and the structure is removed too often, adaptation will become much more difficult. This process is considered protracted if it occurs longer than 2-3 weeks.

    Long-term addiction can only be normal if a person lives for a long time completely without teeth or without most of them, as well as with atrophy of soft tissues. In addition, such patients are fitted with a prosthesis fixed to the gums, and this makes it difficult to get used to.

    If the structure is attached with hooks to your own teeth, such as clasp dentures, then getting used to it will take no longer than a week. Quadrotti's soft nylon prostheses have also proven themselves well in terms of adaptation.

    The duration of this period depends on the following factors:

    1. Features of the structure of the jaw. Sometimes it happens that the patient has a non-standard shape and then displacement of the prosthesis occurs much more often. And this interferes with addiction and its normal operation.
    2. Increased sensitivity of soft tissues. With constant use, inflammation of the gums, rubbing and irritation of the mucous membrane will occur, which will also affect psychological and physiological discomfort. Doctors recommend using additional gels or installing special pads.

    If the pain does not go away within a few days, the prosthesis rubs too much, or you cannot psychologically get used to the artificial structure, then it is better to seek help from a doctor. He will adjust the prosthesis to suit your characteristics or help you cope with this on a psychological level.

    And only in rare cases is complete addiction impossible, when a person is determined to be intolerant of any materials or the structure as a whole. Then you should choose another method of restoring the dentition.

    Video: how to live fully with removable dentures?

    I have read and heard enough information that it will take a long time to get used to prostheses. I set myself up for this. But my doctor did them so well that I didn’t even experience any pain in the first days. The adaptation process went as quickly as possible and almost unnoticeably.

    My mother had an acrylic prosthesis installed. She had a very difficult time getting used to it. I even had to take her to a psychologist, because her emotional state became too unstable.

    I had a nylon prosthesis installed six months ago. They promised to get used to it quickly, but I still can’t adapt. I often take it off because I experience severe discomfort. I found a way out - I wear it only to communicate with people and eat, on the street, to the store.

    Additional questions

    I can’t get used to removable dentures, tell me what to do?

    For faster adaptation, it is worth regularly observing oral hygiene so that food particles do not get stuck under the structure. It is also important to adhere to a diet - eat foods that are not only liquid, but also quite solid, so that the gums get used to moderate load. Diction exercises are great help.

    How to quickly and easily get used to dentures?

    In modern dentistry, dental prosthetics are used to restore the aesthetics and functionality of the dentition. This article describes in detail the negative aspects of prosthetics, the duration of use of prostheses and recommendations that will help you get used to the design as easily and quickly as possible.

    Negative aspects that you may encounter after installing a denture

    After dental prosthetics, regardless of the type of dental structure chosen, the following inconveniences may occur:

    • Speech defects. After installation of prostheses, speech defects are noted. They arise as a result of an incorrectly selected or defective design.
    • Hypersalivation. After dentures, a lot of saliva is sometimes released. This is the body's response to a foreign body in the oral cavity. After some time, salivation disappears.
    • Discomfort when eating. The patient feels discomfort after the placement of dentures while eating. This is pain, discomfort when chewing food. Over time, a person gets used to dentures and eating becomes more habitual.
    • Gag reflexes. Appear in people with hypersensitivity of the salivary glands.
    • Distortion of taste may occur in the first stages after prosthetics. The patient does not feel the taste of food because a large area of ​​the gum is hidden under the prosthesis plate. This condition goes away on its own within a month.
    • Pain, painful to chew. It occurs as a result of unusual stress on periodontal tissue. Also, pain syndrome is often the result of improper fixation of structures, inadequate preparation of teeth for prosthetics, errors in the choice of design, the development of allergies to materials and banal non-compliance with the rules of operation of the structure.

    Advice! It is possible to prevent the manifestation of negative aspects after dental prosthetics or significantly reduce their intensity with the right choice of doctor and careful preparation for the procedure.

    How long will it take to get used to

    After dental prosthetics, each person needs a different period of adaptation, which is determined by:

    • Individual characteristics of the body(interactions of tissues and organs, age category, state of the central nervous system, general health, presence of pain).
    • The specificity and quality of the structure of the prosthesis(size, type of fastening, degree of fixation, etc.).
    • Type of prosthesis: removable (bridge-like), lamellar, non-removable (clasp).
    • Patience of patients. Sometimes they do not fully go through the adaptation period because they lack patience.

    If there are bridge structures, you can get used to it quite quickly - in a couple of days. A longer period of adaptation is necessary for people who do not have their own teeth and use removable dentures. This period may be six months. It will take one month for patients to adapt to plate dentures if they are missing a partial number of teeth and about a week to clasp dentures.

    Subtleties of the adaptation period

    Patients who have removable upper or lower dentures will need some time to get used to them. Adaptation is a gradual process that helps restore changes in speech, chewing and swallowing.

    There are three stages of habituation:

    The first is the location stage. It is noted on the day of the delivery of the prosthesis. Its signs are:

    • Hypersalivation.
    • Sharply changed speech breathing.
    • Logopathy.
    • Loss or reduction of chewing ability.
    • Increased tone of lips and cheeks.
    • Vomiting.

    The second is the stage of partial inhibition. Observed within the first five days after its acquisition. Features of this period:

    • Salivation is normal.
    • Pronunciation and phonation are unremarkable.
    • There is no tension in the facial muscles.
    • There is no vomiting.
    • Chewing function is restored.

    The third is complete braking. Lasts from a week to a month. Characterized by the following features:

    • The design does not feel like a foreign object.
    • The muscular-ligamentous apparatus is adapted to the design.
    • Chewing power has been restored.

    Features of adaptation to different types of prostheses

    The period of adaptation to fixed structures is much faster than with removable dentures with a palate. This is primarily due to the material of manufacture and the method of fixation of the dental structure.

    The use of nylon in the palate structure provides a more flexible form of the prosthesis. This may affect the degree of adherence of the structure to the gums, as well as the level of pressure on periodontal tissue and teeth.

    To speed up the addiction process, experts recommend paying special attention to the following factors:

    • The correct choice of the shape and type of prosthesis.
    • Psychological comfort.
    • Fight gag reflexes.
    • Proper distribution of chewing load, especially in the first days after prosthetics.
    • Diction development.
    • I massage the gums.
    • Systematic rinsing of the mouth with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions.
    • Removable dentures must be left in the mouth at night and during sleep.

    Attention! With a competent and correct approach to prosthetics with strict adherence to all medical recommendations, getting used to any type of orthodontic structures will not take long and be painless.

    To facilitate the process of getting used to dentures, experts recommend a number of simple but effective techniques.

    • To restore speech you should:
      • Contact the orthodontist who performed the prosthetics.
      • Special exercises help especially well: stretching and pursing your lips, puffing out and tightening your cheeks several times a day.
      • During the day, up to five times a day for a quarter of an hour, you need to train the correct pronunciation of words. They should be spoken immediately slowly and not loudly, and then the tempo should be increased. Speak louder and clearer.
      • Read literature out loud quietly and slowly, gradually increasing speed and timbre.
      • Repeat hissing and whistling letters several times, as well as the letter “r” or words containing them. When pronouncing them, a large number of muscles of the face and tongue are involved in the work, which leads to rapid adaptation to the prosthesis and improvement of diction. By performing these procedures, it is possible to restore speech function in full.
    • To stabilize the functioning of the salivary glands:
      • To alleviate the condition of decreased salivation, doctors recommend drinking plenty of liquid in small sips throughout the day.
      • In case of increased salivation, if necessary, the oral cavity is irrigated with a saline solution.
    • To restore chewing function in the first days after prosthetics, it is recommended:
      • Do not eat hard or dry food.
      • You need to eat liquid foods.
      • While eating, use a knife to chop food into small pieces. Chew slowly and thoroughly.
      • When chewing, use the right and left sides of the jaw. This will prevent the prosthesis from sliding forward or moving.
      • Do not remove dentures for thirty days in a row in order to quickly adapt to dentures.
      • Carry out hygienic oral care carefully.
    • To combat vomiting Dentures should not be removed. When the desire to vomit increases, you need to take deep breaths and exhales with your mouth closed. Sucking on a lollipop, especially one with a mint or menthol flavor, and rinsing the mouth with a saturated solution made from table salt will also help.
    • To restore taste sensations You should not skip meals. When eating food, try to feel its taste on a subconscious level, while holding it in your mouth for as long as possible.
    • To overcome pain syndrome. It is important to establish the etiology of its occurrence. If it is associated with the impact of an incorrect prosthesis on the gums, then it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor to correct the structure. If the reason lies in the increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane, then massage, rinsing the mouth with special anesthetic dental solutions and using fixative creams or anesthetic gels with removable dentures will be effective. Removing the prosthesis yourself and visiting a doctor will help you get rid of severe pain.

    In what cases is the help of a prosthetist needed?

    During the first weeks after dental prosthetics, it is important to pay special attention to the sensations, condition of the oral cavity and especially the periodontal tissue in the places where the dentures are fixed. If you experience any negative sensations, you should immediately go to the clinic to see a prosthetist.

    • Wearing dentures causes compression and rubbing of the gum tissue.
    • Inflammation and pain in the gums and mouth.
    • Displacement of structures.
    • Long-term defects associated with eating and diction.
    • Development of stomatitis and cheilitis.

    Important! A timely visit to a prosthetist will prevent the development of serious inflammatory processes in the oral cavity after prosthetics.

    What help is needed when rubbing with a denture?

    If there are uncomfortable or broken dentures in the oral cavity, chafing of the gum mucosa may occur. To remove such inconveniences, you should contact your dentist to determine the cause of the rubbing and eliminate the inflammatory process.

    When the problem is:

    • Allergic reaction– the structure is removed and a new one is selected.
    • Presence of irregularities on dentures– doctors correct the design.
    • Poor oral hygiene– cleansing of food residues immediately after eating, rinsing with a decoction of herbs, and using lotions made from natural herbal ingredients.
    • Hyperemia– removed with sea buckthorn or rosehip oil.

    When rubbing the structure use:

    • Special plates and gaskets made of collagen, which are placed between the gum and the structure. They have a protective function, a disinfectant property and a healing effect.
    • Medicines in the form of gels and creams, which are used to heal the gums and get used to the dentures.
    • Apitherapy. Honey, which has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, is especially often used. Apply it to the gums at night.

    Actions for long-term adaptation

    There are many factors that can delay the adaptation process. It can be:

    • Development of bone tissue atrophy.
    • Individual intolerance to the materials used.
    • Physiological characteristics of the jaw that is being replaced.
    • Edentia.
    • Incorrectly selected fastening systems or their weak fixation.

    If the rules for the operation of dentures are not observed and there is no restorative massage and procedures, as well as with their frequent removal, the adaptation process is much more complicated and delayed.

    A timely contact with the treating prosthetist will allow you to correctly identify problems and correct the prosthetic process. This approach will avoid negative consequences and significantly improve your health.

    Important! A natural long period of adaptation is considered to be cases in the presence of complete edentia or atrophy of periodontal tissues. This is due to the specifics of fixing the dentures directly to the gums.

    Intolerance to orthodontic structures

    In dental practice, there are cases when patients experience intolerance to dentures. This condition should be discussed when, after the phase of complete adaptation, a person continues to feel discomfort in the oral cavity when using orthodontic structures.

    A distinctive symptom of denture intolerance is the presence of:

    • Severe redness of the mucous membrane.
    • Burning sensations.
    • Painful sensations.
    • Dull pain deep in the periodontal tissues.
    • Dysfunction of taste buds, which manifests itself in the form of a metallic or plastic taste.

    The main factors that provoke intolerance to dentures are allergies to the materials used and mechanical trauma to the gums from the denture. Also, the cause may be infection with microbes or fungi, dysfunction of the immune system and the psycho-emotional state of a person.

    Our reviews of this dental procedure left by doctors and patients will help you decide on dental prosthetics.

    How to get used to removable dentures - useful tips

    The protocol for the prosthetic procedure is considered complete when the subject has fully adapted physiologically and psychologically to the artificial dental units. The dentist who installs the dentures talks about how to get used to removable dentures.

    At the end of the period of adaptation, it is convenient for a person to use the prosthesis while eating and talking, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity retains its physiological characteristics, there is no damage or inflammation.

    How long does it take to get used to removable dentures?

    There is no uniform adaptation period for everyone: it is approximately 5-6 weeks, but it can be shortened or lengthened: up to 3 months, and sometimes up to six months.

    The difference in time frames is due to:

    • strength of fixation of the structure - a poorly fixed prosthesis moves on the jaw, damaging the soft tissue of the gums, forming chafing, complicating the process of adaptation;
    • initially high sensitivity of gum tissue - the use of special pads and gels will be required;
    • anatomical features of bone tissue, its atrophy. They lead to displacement of the prosthesis relative to the jaw ridge;
    • type of design:
      • clasp structures with metal hook fastenings in the case of partial absence of teeth do not require long-term adaptation;
      • full plastic prostheses on suction cups have a large volume, which is much more difficult to get used to;
    • an error in the selection of a design - its inconsistency with the size of the jaw, therefore, deformation of the bite, damage to the soft tissues of the gums;
    • negative psychological mood of the subject - lack of motivation, inability to overcome difficulties.

    How to quickly get used to removable dentures?

    Being independent stages of prosthetics, the installation of the structure and the phase of adaptation to its use are closely interconnected: an adequately selected prosthesis causes fewer negative consequences when used.

    A faster and less painful adaptation to artificial dental units is achieved by following the instructions of the attending prosthodontist.

    Restoring comfortable chewing

    The primary task of prosthetics is to restore the function of grinding food in order to avoid the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Therefore, the main thing a person should learn is to chew with the help of artificial teeth, which is fraught with difficulties: closing the jaws puts pressure on the gum tissue, injuring them.

    To make the process of gum adaptation to stress less painful and in less time, dentists recommend adhering to the following rules.

    • Eat food slowly, without putting strong pressure on the gums.
    • At first, preference is given to soft, non-viscous food: the viscous consistency can displace the denture, disrupting the correct closure of the jaws; Semi-liquid food is also chewed.
    • Products are put into the mouth in small portions, distributing them over the entire surface of the chewing units.
    • Peeled pears and apples cut into thin slices are suitable as solid products for developing chewing skills with dentures.

    Reducing pain

    In the first days after installation of the structure, varying degrees severity of pain, to eliminate which various methods are used.

    • In some cases, at first you may need to take painkillers, which are recommended by your doctor.
    • To reduce pain after installing dentures, temporarily refuse solid foods: whole nuts, seeds, raw apples, carrots, etc.

    The basis of the diet consists of meat and fish strong broths, pureed soups, pureed porridges, sour cream, and yogurt. The products are crushed in a blender or through a meat grinder.

    • To restore gums, a relaxing massage is used, which improves tissue nutrition by increasing local blood circulation:
      • hands are washed and treated with antiseptic;
      • place the thumb and forefinger respectively on the inner and outer side alveolar ridge;
      • make soft rubbing movements: first up and down, then in a circular motion, moving in the direction from healthy tissues to inflamed ones.

      The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes, repetitions during the day are not limited.

      • Pain due to inflammation and microcracks is eliminated by rinsing with decoctions of herbs that have an astringent and aseptic effect: chamomile, oak, sage, celandine.

      They are prepared in concentration: a tablespoon of dry raw material is brewed with a glass of water. Leave for 40 minutes, filter. Add boiled water to one glass. Rinse several times a day.

      • In case of high sensitivity of gum tissue, experts recommend using fixing gels and creams: R.O.C.S., Lacalut, Protefix, Fittident, President, Corega.

      Getting rid of increased and decreased salivation

      As a rule, the body regards a foreign object located in the oral cavity as a food product, increasing excretion salivary fluid to start digesting it.

      Therefore, during the first days there may be excessive salivation.

      Some patients, on the contrary, experience severe dryness in the mouth after installation of the structure. Some people experience gagging, provoked by irritation of receptors on the mucous membrane of the palate.

      It takes about two weeks to normalize the function of the salivary glands and their adaptation to the prosthesis in the oral cavity.

      • You can reduce drooling salt rinses in concentration: one level teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water. The effect after the procedure lasts for an hour, then it can be repeated.
      • Helps with dry oral mucosa frequent use simple clean water: it is collected, held in the mouth for a while, then swallowed.
      • The urge to vomit can be softened by deep breathing through the nose, rinsing with salted water, and sucking on mint candies.

      For most, these troubles go away on their own, otherwise we have to give up removable dentures and look for alternative ways to solve edentulism.

      Normalization of diction

      The problem of impaired articulation when installing a removable denture will affect everyone: to the sensation foreign object In the mouth, the tongue needs to get used to, learn to speak again. It takes about a week to restore diction, subject to the dentist’s recommendations.

      • Read aloud - start in a whisper, at a slow pace, carefully pronouncing all the letters. Gradually - when clear diction is achieved, the voice is strengthened, the tempo is increased. Exercises last 10-15 minutes, three to five times a day.
      • They learn to pronounce complex words - phonendoscope, defensive capability, parallelepiped, chess and checkers, protecting, crazy.
      • They repeat tongue twisters - the main thing here is not the pace of pronunciation, but the repeated careful repetition of identical and complex sounds.

      Psychological side of the problem

      Along with the professionalism of the doctor and the quality of the prosthesis, the speed of adaptation depends on whether the doctor’s recommendations are followed and how difficulties arise are overcome.

      The goal of the prosthetist is to set the patient up for a long, unhurried process of adaptation, which will certainly require patience and considerable effort. It is important to convey to him that success is guaranteed only if he persistently follows medical recommendations and is emotionally prepared for difficulties.

      In cases where independently by willful efforts a person cannot cope with the difficulties of using removable dentures, they resort to the help of a psychologist.

      What to do if the adjustment period is prolonged?

      A protracted phase of adaptation to artificial teeth is usually considered if positive changes are not observed within two to three weeks.

      • The structure is worn for 3-5 days, removed only for cleaning, and they also sleep with artificial teeth inserted.
      • Follow all doctor’s instructions: to reduce pain, restore chewing function and diction.
      • Rinse your mouth after every meal.
      • Clean the dentures regularly: morning and evening, using a brush and a special product.
      • Psychological counseling is included.

      Long-term adaptation to dentures is considered normal in cases of prolonged adentia, atrophy of soft gingival tissues, when a structure with fixation on the gums is installed.