Bee dead tincture with vodka, for what diseases should it be used. About the treatment of cancer with bee death

The use of honey and bee products brings enormous benefits to human health. But there is another product that is also used for treatment various diseases, including oncological ones. These are dead bees, what is called dead bees. It is collected in spring and autumn, when the hives are cleaned. The collected bees are well dried and stored in the freezer. Using modern production technologies, dead bees are used to produce various drugs in the form of ointments, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, powders and others medicines. All of them are used when wide range diseases. Many experts talk about the benefits of this component in oncology. Is it really possible to cure cancer by using podmor? How and for what forms of cancer is dead bee used?

Dead bees: beneficial properties in the treatment of oncology

Oncology or cancer has been affecting everyone lately, regardless of age. A person who wants to overcome this disease grasps at any straw. And indeed - a medicine from bee composition is last hope defeat this terrible disease. If the presented drug helps to simply stop the growth of the tumor and reproduction cancer cells- this is also a result.

Dead bees are powerful antioxidant. This “dead” composition perfectly cleanses the blood and internal organs from all harmful accumulations and poisons. Such cleansing has a positive effect on the body and prevents the growth of tumors. Also among positive qualities secrete activation of the human immune system, which leads to the accumulation of strength in the body to fight the disease. Even when traditional medicine does not help in treating tumors, there is no need to despair. Try to continue the fight against the disease with the help of bee death.

Composition of dead bees:

  1. The most important medicinal component in dead bees is bee venom. This compound component It is not digested in the stomach, but is absorbed directly into the blood and destroys the cancerous tumor from the inside.
  2. Dead bees contain a substance called chitosan, a component that can regulate the pH of the body and prevent further tumor growth, as well as the formation of metastases. In addition, chitosan cleanses the blood efficiently and quickly, which leads to its further rejuvenation. Therefore, tincture of dead bees is recommended to be taken as a prophylactic for people over 40 years of age.

Since chitosan in bee waste is the main component, everything beneficial effect the given means is due precisely to its content. Chitosan getting into gastrointestinal tract, begins to absorb moisture and expand, as a result of which it acts as an adsorbent. It does not dissolve, which improves intestinal motility, promotes rapid and complete bowel emptying, which leads to a significant reduction in absorption harmful components food and the prevention of colon cancer.

Chitosan, entering the blood, suppresses cancer intoxication, the patient gains appetite, and the process of weight loss stops, which has a beneficial effect on recovery. Chitosan microparticles also prevent the formation of metastases, blocking the movement of molecules that carry cancer cells throughout the body.

Video: Cancer treatment, bee products

Features of preparing a composition for the treatment of oncology

It must be said that dead bees collected in winter should not be ingested, since the body of insects contains a lot of poison and undigested harmful products, accumulated during life. But the spring harvest can even be used for food.

The preparation of dead bees is as follows:

  1. The collected composition must be sifted through a sieve with large cells. Separate the debris, fragments of poorly preserved bees, and wax. The smell should be fresh; moldy dead meat should not be consumed.
  2. Place the resulting mixture in the oven and dry it for 30 minutes at a temperature of 40 - 50 degrees.
  3. Grind the resulting mixture in a coffee grinder.

From the resulting powder you can make a tincture, ointment, decoction, oil infusion and other products. Recipes for preparing formulations for the treatment of cancer should be considered carefully and in more detail.

Video: Recipe for dead bees or elixir of youth and a cure for cancer

Recipes from dead bees

Exists a large number of recipes based on the presented “product” of bees. To treat cancer, you can use any of them that the patient likes more.

Preparing the tincture

One of alcohol compositions prepared using 3 tablespoons of pre-prepared powder and 200 ml medical alcohol. The resulting mixture is poured into any sealed container and left for 2 weeks in a dark place. After time, strain the tincture and can be used. The use of the composition should not exceed more than 3 teaspoons per day.

The use of the tincture should be approached with caution, since in case of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of alcohol is prohibited.


In oncology, a decoction of dead bees has also found use, however, the patient has to be treated with it a lot and for a long time. The disadvantage of this product is its short shelf life - only 3 days. The advantages of the decoction are: safe treatment, in contrast to the alcohol composition.

Prepare a decoction of 1 teaspoon of dead bees per glass of water. The mixture must be simmered for 10 minutes over low heat, then cover and cool. The strained and slightly cooled decoction can be taken for the treatment of cancer, 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Alcohol tincture instead of decoction

In the absence of opportunities to cook fresh decoction, you can use an alcohol tincture prepared according to the recipe presented above and diluted water in a ratio of 1:2. At the beginning of treatment, you need to take the number of drops corresponding to the patient’s age and divide it into 3 doses. Then the dose must be gradually increased.

Video: Curing cancer by killing bees

General adjuncts to cancer treatment for cancer

Cancer treatment by death is not the only one the right remedy. As additional conditions you should change your “behavior” in nutrition and in your entire lifestyle. It is necessary to control the intake meat dishes, fatty and salty foods, and also reduce the consumption of spicy and sweet foods. You cannot drink alcohol and you need to stop smoking.

Eat more vegetables, fruits, drink freshly squeezed juices. Increase your intake of greens and porridge (except rice and semolina). Meals should be fractional - this way the food is absorbed more fully and there is no aversion to food.

To increase the effect of treating cancer with bee death, experts advise using the given alcohol infusion with 20% alcohol solution propolis mixed in equal quantities. A person who cares about his health can use dead bees as prophylactic against development oncological diseases, as well as for blood purification.

The described product, as follows from all of the above, has excellent positive properties in the treatment of oncology. But one should not fully rely only on the use of death. This composition makes it possible to stop and prevent the development of cancer cells and neoplasms to a greater extent. But, directly, treatment can take place by using additional funds traditional medicine.

Based on healing experiments with bee venom, a whole branch of traditional medicine was born - apitherapy, where treatment is carried out with the help of apitoxin and bee death. Let's take a closer look at the medical branches in which this poison has found its use.

Commonly used to treat prostate adenoma water decoction bees, the preparation of which is as follows: Pour (1-2) tbsp into half a liter of water. spoons of well-chopped dead meat, bring to a boil and simmer for about 2 hours (low heat). Then cool the broth slowly for 2 hours. after which the liquid Brown must be passed through cheesecloth. You can add 1 tbsp for taste. a spoonful of honey.

It is necessary to talk about the direct impact of bee products on the development of cancer indirectly. The main mission of this product: to cleanse human blood of toxins, harmful metabolites, and other unwanted components found in human body.

Podmor will definitely help to cleanse the body globally. This is an excellent preventive remedy, an indispensable element for increasing tone and performance. We can say that the use of this biological substance will give a person the strength to fight the disease, which is important in the treatment of cancer patients.

However, you should not rely solely on healing power death. Prostate cancer is extremely insidious disease and requires application best practices official medicine, as well as the correct approach and systematic therapeutic effects.

Bee dead: benefits and harms

The benefit of the product lies in its composition, and it is indicated by the following developments:

  • royal jelly;
  • propolis;
  • honey;
  • bee venom;
  • wax and fat.

Dead bees(talus) represents the bodies of dead bees. As remedy You can use a thoroughly dried, fresh product that is free from mold and other signs of spoilage.

The collection of waste is carried out both in the spring-summer period (in the morning before sunrise) and in the winter. Thanks to your healing properties, dead bees in folk medicine used to solve cosmetic problems skin and treatment of many ailments.

Dead bees: benefits and harms, how to take the product correctly

The main components of this beekeeping product are bee venom (apitoxin), heparin, acetic acid, glucosamine and melanin.

Do you know what the beneficial properties are? bee pollen? How to take this beekeeping product correctly?

Read here about the benefits of royal jelly.

These components form a chitosan complex, which determines the benefits and harms of dead bees (how to take the product correctly is described below). Benefit

Due to the presence of chitosan, weight loss products are created based on dead meat, since the compound prevents the body from absorbing animal fats and plant origin.

Dead bee use in folk medicine

The medicinal properties of beekeeping raw materials are effective for diseases of blood vessels, skin, respiratory tract and joints. The decoction is recommended to be taken for the treatment of colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis. This remedy can be used for weight loss and eye treatment. Our product will help women get rid of even fibroids.

Treatment with bee death for diabetes mellitus

This disease is treated with tincture of vodka or alcohol. Reviews indicate that it works equally well.

Shake daily, then strain and pour into a regular jar. How much tincture to drink depends on the person’s weight.

Standard instructions:1. up to 50 kg – 20 drops 2 times a day after meals2. 50-60 kg – 25 drops 2 times a day after meals3. from 60 kg – 30 drops. 2 times a day after meals.

The treatment time is 1 month, 2 weeks off and again a month course.

Alcohol tincture for joints - how to take

Vodka tincture is also used to treat joints. Dissolve 30 drops in half a glass of water or milk. You need to take 3 rubles. a day 2 hours before meals. IN in this case You can use both fresh bee dead and dried.

Prescription for oncology

The recipe for dead bees for oncology is based on its powder. For this, 3 tbsp. l. raw materials are filled with 200 ml of medical alcohol and infused in the dark for 2 weeks.

Then filter and take 3 teaspoons per day. For enhanced action, doctors recommend a different method. Add 20% alcohol infusion of propolis in the same quantity to the same tincture.

A decoction has also been used in oncological diseases. Their treatment takes a long time. It should be prepared as follows: 1 tsp. pour a cup of water over the product and cook for 10 minutes. Then cover and cool. Take 2 tbsp. l. 3 r. by the day. This decoction is much faster to make, but its shelf life is 3 days.

Decoction and extract for weight loss with dead bees

The medicinal properties of raw materials remove fat from the body well. The extract should be prepared using powder. For this, 2 tbsp. l. steam the powder with 0.5 liters of boiling water, place in a thermos and leave for 12 hours. Drink 3 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. three times a day. Eat food after 30 minutes. Reviews about such weight loss are different. Some managed to lose 3-5 kg, and some more.

Treatment of prostate adenoma in men

Podmor bee application for men in the treatment of prostate adenoma it has been used relatively recently. The medicinal properties of the product have proven themselves well in therapy male diseases. If you prepare the tincture correctly and use the tincture, you can completely get rid of the disease in 2 months.

1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of vodka, close tightly and leave for 21 days. Then strain and drink 10 drops per day for up to 2 months. Reviews talk about the duration of treatment, and the result is excellent.

How to prepare medicine for the thyroid gland

Dead bees for thyroid diseases - the recipe is similar to other areas of application.

Medicinal properties of the dead bees are directly indicated for the treatment of the thyroid gland.

You need to prepare a tincture with either alcohol, vodka, or moonshine. 1 glass of bees is filled with 2 glasses of alcohol and infused for exactly a month in a dark container and in a dark place. Don't forget to stir the mixture. Then strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 r. by the day.

In folk medicine, dead fruit is usually used in the form of a decoction, ointment or tincture.

You can prepare it according to this recipe: pour dried bee bodies with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:3, that is, per 100 grams. you will need 300 grams of raw materials. vodka. Place in black glass and in a dark, cool place for 21 days.

Shake daily, then strain and pour into a regular jar. How much tincture to drink depends on the person’s weight.

Standard instructions: 1. up to 50 kg – 20 drops 2 times a day after meals 2. 50-60 kg – 25 drops 2 times a day after meals 3. from 60 kg – 30 drops. 2 times a day after meals.


There are few contraindications to apitherapy, but they still exist. The first and most important taboo for treatment with poison is individual intolerance to bee products or allergies.

If you have been bitten by little workers before, you can evaluate your body’s reaction yourself: did the temperature rise, was there severe redness, itching, etc. If not, the allergy has probably passed you by.

But it is better to consult a doctor and undergo special tests.

Other contraindications are: diabetes, tuberculosis, as well as pathologies of the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

The contraindications listed below are for the most part based not on clinical results, but on theoretical arguments from specialists.

General contraindications are temperature more than 38 0 C, vascular, cardiac, renal, respiratory failure those at the stage of decompensation, that is, all cases when the body, having exhausted all reserves, experiences the limit of its capabilities.

Since dead bees have stimulating properties, it is not recommended to use it in case of tumor processes, some blood diseases, heart failure (stage 2 or more), the presence of a pacemaker, or active tuberculosis.

Treatment with death has its own contraindications that you should know.

This technique is not suitable for people with the following pathologies:

  • allergy to honey or any bee products;
  • heat;
  • swelling of the body;
  • spicy infectious processes, occurring in the body;
  • renal failure;
  • heart failure;
  • bleeding;
  • post-infarction state;
  • blood diseases.

Before taking a product based on dead bees, you should undergo a sensitivity test. The elbow bend is treated with infusion or a fragment of the dead man is rubbed on the skin. If the area begins to itch after 15 minutes or earlier, the dermis becomes red or swollen, the medicine is not suitable for this patient.

Bee death for weight loss

Due to its ability to remove fat from the body, as well as cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and improve metabolism, it is permissible to use dead bees for weight loss. You can use a decoction, tincture or infusion.

The weight loss infusion is prepared as follows:

  1. 2 tbsp. Grind the dead meat to a powder. Place the powder and 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos and leave for 12 hours.
  2. Drink the infusion every morning. You are allowed to have breakfast 1.5 half an hour after consumption.

To lose weight, you can take a tincture of dead bees. It is prepared as described above. It is recommended to take it 3 times a day on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp. A decoction for weight loss is taken according to the same scheme.

Bee dead: benefits and harms

The product cannot be called harmless. The harm of dead bees is that it is a strong allergen. Call allergic reactions it is effective not only in those who cannot tolerate bee products, but also in people suffering from allergies to dust and chitin.

It should be avoided if you have blood diseases, acute form thrombosis, serious disorder heart rate, cardiac aneurysms and acute diseases psyche.

Heparin, contained in the body of bees, slows down blood clotting. In this regard, contraindications for bee death also apply to people suffering from leukemia, any types of bleeding and increased vascular permeability.

Caution should be taken when using deadstock products during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Dead bees are a remedy that has relatively recently become known to the general public. If previously the benefits and harms of dead bees were known only to some enthusiastic beekeepers, now more and more more people discover knowledge about it by-product beekeeping. So far, doctors’ reviews of bee deadstock cannot be called too encouraging, however, as statistics accumulate, a picture of the beneficial properties of bee deadstock and possible negative consequences its application becomes clearer.

What is bee death

Life cycle honey bee is about 35-40 days in summer and about nine months in winter. Since bees, unlike ants, do not reduce dead family members, bodies of the dead bees accumulate at the bottom of the hive. This, in fact, is bee death.

There are several types of death depending on when the bees die - winter, spring-summer, autumn. High performance The natural decline of bees occurs in the first month after the end of wintering and at the approximate time of death of the first generation of bees of this season. Subsequently, the population levels out, and there is practically no mass death of bees.

Mass of winter dead in in rare cases sometimes less than 500 g, spring-summer usually up to 1 kg. In just one year, the bee colony is completely renewed several times, and the total mass of dead bees can reach several kilograms.

The most useful is considered to be the last death - the autumn one. The benefits of dead bees born in the second half of summer are much higher - they did not lack nutrition and were maximally filled with vitamins. Spring and winter dead bodies consist mainly of “hungry” bees; they also have a lot feces after a long winter. It is not advisable to take such dead fruit internally; it is preferable to make various means for external use from it - tinctures, ointments, etc.

Beekeepers several times a year free the hive from waste, which is used in many ways. various means traditional medicine. Along with honey, wax and propolis, Podmor is one of the important products beekeeping.

Chemical composition of dead bees

Speaking about the chemical composition of the dead, one can only give approximate quantitative estimates of the concentration of certain substances. Sometimes it is difficult to determine not only quantitative, but also high-quality composition death. A lot in it depends on factors that are quite difficult to take into account: here are the growing plants in the apiary area, and the state of health of the bee colony, its size and other circumstances.

In any case, a certain set of substances will be present in the subsea, the content of which will be more or less constant:

  • protein compounds – from 50% to 60%;
  • melanins – from 20% to 25%;
  • chitin – from 10% to 12%;
  • various microelements and other substances – from 3% to 10%;
  • water – up to 10%.

Proteins contain the following components:

  • various amino acids and enzymes;
  • undigested vegetable proteins;
  • apitoxin;
  • heparin.

In addition to these substances, the composition of the dead includes antioxidants, hepatoprotectors, natural antibiotics(included in bee venom). It contains about 27 microelements in forms that are easily digestible by humans: from phosphorus and potassium to iron, magnesium and zinc.

What are the benefits of dead bees?

Because the chemical composition bee death is extremely diverse; the benefits of bee death for the body have many manifestations.

The main active ingredients of the product are melanin and chitosan. The latter has the property of cleansing the intestines and liver, has an anti-radiation effect and has a beneficial effect on thyroid gland. In addition, chitosan is used as maintenance therapy in the fight against giardiasis.

The chemical tandem of melanin and chitosan is capable of breaking down fats of almost any origin. This beneficial property is used to combat obesity and atherosclerosis, as well as to prevent many associated diseases.

Apitoxin, which is the main component of bee venom, has been used by humanity since ancient times. This remedy helps against a number of ailments that have the most different origins. In particular, it is an anti-allergenic agent, local anesthetic, an anti-inflammatory agent. Since apitoxin can be stored for a long time and withstand high temperatures, its safety in the bee closet can be said to be guaranteed.

Attention! Bee venom, which is part of the poison, although it is used to treat allergies, is itself a strong allergen. IN pure form its contact with the surface of any mucous membranes is not allowed: from the iris of the eyes to the cavities of the nose and mouth.

Bee fat, found in dead bees, has properties similar to Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids ( fish fat). All the properties of bee fat have not yet been fully studied, but the information already available allows us to assert that its complex effect almost completely replicates the effect on the body of Omega-3. This makes it possible to use dead bees for the treatment of many diseases that develop against the background of diabetes mellitus. In particular, thanks to this component, blood sugar levels are normalized.

Beneficial features dead bees are used in the treatment of diseases:

  • cardiovascular system (impaired pressure, vascular conductivity, prevention of blood clots);
  • Gastrointestinal tract (diseases of the stomach, pancreas and liver);
  • excretory system (kidney and bladder diseases);
  • reproductive system;
  • covers ( skin diseases and inflammation of the mucous membranes);
  • organs of vision;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory system.

Also, due to its composition, podmor is natural antibiotic and an antiviral agent.

The antioxidants and immune stimulants included in the product can not only restore the functioning of the body’s defense systems and prevent its aging, but are also recommended for use as adjuvant therapy for oncological diseases.

For women

Dead bees are popular in solving many women's problems, because it prevents gynecological diseases. Its effectiveness in the treatment of the following diseases has been clinically proven:

  • chlamydia;
  • thrush;
  • vaginosis.

Using the product during menstruation can significantly reduce pain. menstrual pain. In addition, it allows you to normalize the vaginal microflora, which will have a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of conception and reduce the risk of tumors.

Attention! Podmore is often used to prevent uterine fibroids.

For men

Most widely used solution men's problems I received useful death in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • prostatitis;
  • BPH;
  • impotence.

Despite different character, the origin and course of these diseases, all of them have a common feature, which is a violation of the blood supply to the pelvis. Prostatitis has infectious origin, adenoma and impotence are caused by a whole range of problems, but all these diseases always develop against the background of circulatory disorders in the male reproductive system. As a rule, men leading active image life, risk similar diseases significantly lower.

That is why in the treatment of such diseases one of the main beneficial properties of dead bees is used - cleansing and strengthening blood vessels. Treatment of prostate adenoma with bee death can be carried out using an alcohol tincture or decoction.

What does bee death cure?

Dead bees are used in folk medicine to treat many diseases. Almost all body systems respond positively to treatment with beneficial bee suppression. Although the effectiveness of such treatment is still not fully understood traditional medicine, we can say with confidence that the drug has proven itself in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Cardiovascular system: hypertension, hypotension, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
  2. Digestive system: gastritis, stomach ulcer, cholecystitis.
  3. Excretory system: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.
  4. Reproductive system: prostatitis, adenoma, uterine fibroids, sexually transmitted diseases.
  5. Skin and mucous membranes: healing of wounds and scars, ulcers, psoriasis, neurodermatitis.
  6. Visual organs: conjunctivitis, myopia, cataracts, glaucoma.
  7. Musculoskeletal system: arthritis, spinal diseases, hernias.
  8. Respiratory system: tonsillitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma.

Treatment listed diseases, as a rule, is carried out not by any one component that is part of the useful death, but by a whole complex of effects of its different components.

Important! Dead bees are often given to children for treatment. colds and strengthening their immunity. However, this should be done with caution, since the substances included in its composition are child's body are strong allergens and can cause harm.

For joints

For joints this remedy is a real salvation. His useful action is not only about pain relief problem areas. The use of a dead weight improves their mobility and promotes partial restoration cartilage tissue.

Main active ingredients in the treatment of joints are apitoxin and chitosan. Their anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties can help even in cases of long-standing joint problems.

Most often, in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism and others), the drug is used locally in the form of lotions or ointments.

For diabetes

A useful remedy helps in diabetes mellitus to put in order the functioning of most organs and significantly improve the patient’s condition. The active substances in this case are chitosan, melanin and bee fat.

Due to their complex impact There is a decrease in blood glucose levels and a decrease in cholesterol levels. This also reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In addition, during therapy using a beneficial supplement, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

For diabetics, winter death will be more beneficial. If the dead bees were collected at the end of summer, they should first be kept in the freezer for 2 months. Ointments and lotions are made from winter deadstock; summer deadstock is universal - it is used for the preparation of both external and internal treatments.

In addition to the listed effects, the following properties of the medicine will be useful for diabetics:

  • powerful antiviral effect;
  • general strengthening of the immune system;
  • the effect of antioxidants, slowing down the aging process and binding free radicals in the body.

Attention! In any case, in case of diabetes, the use of such a remedy should always be preceded by a consultation with the attending physician and his regular monitoring of the patient’s condition.

For oncology

In oncology, the following beneficial properties of deadwood are used: antioxidant and immunostimulating. Antioxidants cleanse the body of free radicals and carcinogens, but healthy the immune system better resists cancer cells.

Actually, any therapy for cancer primarily comes down not to the destruction of the tumors themselves, but to the activation of the immune system. After all, only she can cope with cells that have incorrect DNA.

Main useful components, fighting cancer are bee venom and chitosan. Exposure to bee venom destroys the tumor from the inside, and chitosan creates conditions under which its growth significantly slows down. In addition, the beneficial property of chitosan to purify the blood helps in reducing the spread of free radicals throughout the body.

Also, for the prevention of cancer, it is recommended that after 40 years of age, regularly use tincture of dead bees.

Methods for preparing dead bees at home

There are several ways to prepare healthy bee dead food. Below we discuss the features of preparing products based on it, the area and methods of their use.

Decoction of dead bees

A decoction or dead bee in water is made as follows: 2 tablespoons of raw materials are ground in a coffee grinder (or pounded in a mortar) and poured with half a liter of water. The resulting composition is brought to a boil and kept for two hours over low heat. Then it is filtered and cooled. The healthy decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 15 days, but it is best to use it in the first 2-3 days.

A similar decoction is used for prostatitis, adenoma or sexual disorders. In this case, the decoction is taken warm, 10 ml half an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day. General course treatment is 30 days. The number of courses is from 2 to 3. The break between them is 15 days.

For joint pain, lumbar or spinal pain, such a concentration of the decoction is not needed. In this case, a different recipe is used. One tablespoon of raw material is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. Cotton wool or soft fabric, after which it is applied to the source of pain and remains there for 5 to 15 minutes.

Tincture of dead bees in alcohol

The benefits of infusion of dead bees in alcohol are best demonstrated in cleansing various systems body. The alcohol tincture is made as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed dead fruit is placed in an opaque glass container and 100 ml of alcohol is poured. The container with the composition is tightly closed and kept for 3 weeks in a dark place. Moreover, during the first week it must be shaken daily, and for the remaining 2 weeks, shaking is done once every 2 days.

The useful tincture is used as follows:

  1. Complex cleansing of the body. The tincture is diluted in a glass of water next rule: the number of drops is equal to the total number of years of the patient. Half a glass is drunk immediately after breakfast, the second half - immediately after dinner. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month, frequency – six months.
  2. Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, fighting giardiasis. No more than 30 drops are diluted in a glass of water useful tincture. Take 1/3 cup three times a day after meals. Course – 1 month, one-time. Reuse not earlier than in a year.
  3. Blood purification. Similar to the previous method, but at the preparation stage you should add a third of a teaspoon of eucalyptus to the tincture. In addition, this product is used externally to speed up the healing of wounds and cuts.
  4. Normalization blood pressure, prevention of blood vessels, cleansing the liver, combating enlargement thyroid gland. Dissolve 20 drops of tincture in a glass and drink it once a day after meals. Duration 30-60 days. Repeated use – after a year.

Tincture of dead bees with vodka

The benefits of killing bees with vodka are similar to tincture with alcohol, with the only difference that in its preparation, not pure alcohol, but vodka is used, that is, the amount of reagent containing ethanol should be 2.5 times greater (1 tablespoon of crushed dead bees per 250 ml vodka).

In addition, when preparing a vodka tincture, it is advisable to use bees that died in the summer, while an “alcoholic” recipe can use bees that died at any time of the year as raw materials. The use of useful vodka tincture is similar to the use of alcoholic tincture.

Fried dead bees

An effective remedy against diseases of the organs of vision. Most often used for myopia and glaucoma. Prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of chopped bees mixed with 50 ml vegetable oil and fry for 5 minutes over medium heat.

After frying useful composition dried and applied 1 pinch twice a day. Duration of treatment is about 2 weeks. You can repeat the course after 3 months.

Oil solution from dead bees and propolis

To prepare this product you will need the following components:

  • butter – 100 g;
  • propolis – 20 g;
  • bees – 10g.

Pre-useful dead meat should be finely crushed or ground. Preparation is carried out as follows: add dead fruit to the melted butter, and then propolis. Everything is thoroughly mixed and infused for 2-3 days.

A similar composition is used to treat prostatitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract. Use 1 teaspoon three times a day after meals.

Dead bee products for external use

For external use, dead bees are used in the form of compresses and ointments. As a rule, such recipes use bees that died in winter and early spring, or material that for some reason ( poor nutrition bees, their unsatisfactory appearance, leaving dead bees in hives for too long, etc.) cannot be used for internal use.

Bee dead compress

It is used externally to treat joint pain or for wound healing. Sometimes it is used to eliminate inflammation due to bruises.

Preparation useful liquid for a compress it is similar to preparing a decoction, but you can use bees in their “natural” form, that is, without grinding. The proportion in preparation should be no less than discussed earlier (2 tablespoons of raw materials per half liter of water). However, large concentrations are often used, for example, 3-10 spoons for the same volume. In this case, you can not boil the resulting mixture for several hours, but simply pour boiling water over it and leave until it cools completely. Then healthy mixture strain and put it in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for about two weeks.

The application is similar to that discussed earlier. Cotton wool or fabric is soaked in the mixture and applied to the treated area for 15-20 minutes.

Dead bee ointment

It is also used in cases of joint treatment or wound healing, but has an important advantage over compresses. The beneficial properties of the ointment allow it to be more long time be at the point of overlap.

The ointment is made as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed bees is mixed with 100 g of butter or olive oil.

The ointment is applied to problem area, after which the surface is covered with cling film and additional insulation, for example, in the form of cotton wool or woolen fabric. The entire structure is secured to the body with a bandage. Such a compress can remain on the body for up to three days.

Dead bee extract with vodka or alcohol

The preparation method is similar to the previously discussed alcohol product for internal use (with eucalyptus). It is used externally to treat joint pain and wound healing, but a number of rules must be followed:

  • the alcohol tincture should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 to avoid skin burns;
  • vodka tincture can be used without dissolving in water;
  • the compress is kept on the body for no more than 15 minutes;
  • Additional insulation of the compress is not used.

How to take dead bees for weight loss

Mainly used for weight loss water infusion Podmore, which is prepared as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of crushed bees with 500-1000 ml of boiling water into a thermos and leave for 12 hours.

The beneficial remedy is taken as follows: 100 ml once a day 30 minutes before breakfast. Duration of treatment – ​​1 month.

The use of dead bees in cosmetology

Products from dead bees are not used directly for application to the skin of the face or hair. Bee products used for these purposes include honey and propolis. The cleansing effect of dead bees occurs exclusively when taken orally.

This does not mean that dead bee products are not used in cosmetology at all. Many substances from it are included in various creams and masks, but to obtain an effective cosmetic product, technologies are needed that cannot be replicated at home.

Harm from bees

The main negative property and harm of deadhead is its increased allergenicity. It contains a large number of components, so the range of allergies that it can potentially cause is quite wide.

It's not just allergies to honey and pollen. Allergens can also be bee venom, chitin and dust contained in the bodies of bees.

Contraindications to the use of dead bees

The product should not be used in the following cases:

  • for blood diseases;
  • in case of acute thrombosis;
  • with severe tachycardia and bradycardia;
  • with leukemia;
  • with low blood clotting;
  • if you are allergic to any component contained in the product.

You should also limit the use of the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Active substances in the dead can not only cause allergies in mother and child, but the reaction of an anemic body to this remedy is also poorly studied. And anemia in pregnant and lactating women is very common.

Collection and storage of dead bees

The collection of useful material is carried out during the mass death of bees. This usually occurs during the following time periods:

  • the first month after wintering;
  • within 1-1.5 months after the first collection;
  • at the end of summer.

The collected material should be dried before storage. It is best to do this in an oven preheated to a temperature of about +50 °C. Drying is carried out within half an hour with the door open.

The material can be stored in a fabric bag in a well-ventilated area with low level humidity. Can be stored in plastic bags in the freezer. Shelf life depends on storage conditions.


The benefits and harms of dead bees still cause controversy among doctors. However, centuries-old experience of its use in folk medicine suggests that this remedy has proven itself in the treatment of many ailments. In any case, given the high activity of the drug, it should be used with caution, avoiding allergies and observing contraindications.

Podmor (dead bees) is one of the most valuable products beekeeping. Due to the content of the melanin complex (chitosan or chitin), the product has a powerful therapeutic effect, capable of overcoming any disease. The use of bee kill is effective even with such serious illnesses, like cancer and mastitis.

Healing transformations of the dead

In folk and official medicine, the bodies of deceased bees are used as decoctions, alcohol tinctures, ointments and mixtures. Depending on the recipe, the dead meat is fried, crushed, infused with alcohol, boiled and brewed.

Attention! According to apitherapists (specialists in the field of treatment with beekeeping products), the fight against a specific disease will be effective only if the dead bees are taken in the recommended form.

  • Decoctions treat diseases genitourinary system and thyroid gland.
  • Alcohol tinctures are used against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, uterine fibroids, kidney and liver diseases. The use of dead bees is advisable for frigidity and impotence, in order to strengthen the immune system and prevent dementia. An alcohol solution is also used externally for joint pain and varicose veins veins
  • Liquid ointments and compresses are effective for thrombophlebitis and joint diseases.
  • A mixture of insects fried in oil fights myopia and eye diseases.

Initial stage of treatment

Before you start drinking dead bees, you should cleanse your intestines with special tea. It is brewed from 3 parts chicory roots, 6 parts yarrow herb, 8 parts sage herb and 9 parts mint and buckthorn bark. Dilute 2 large spoons of the mixture in 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After filtering the finished broth through cheesecloth, drink 1/3 glass before each meal.

By cleansing your body in this simple way, you will only strengthen drug effect bee death.

The use of podomor for oncological diseases

The bodies of dead insects will come to the rescue at the moment when doctors helplessly throw up their hands, voicing disappointing diagnosis- cancer.

For your information! The use of dead bees in oncology has saved more than a dozen people from tumors and metastases.

The secret of so amazing therapeutic effect The fact is that dried dead meat is a powerful antioxidant. It cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, prevents the growth and development of tumors and “inspires” the immune system to fight cancer. The improvement occurs due to the content of bee venom in the dead fish, which is not digested by the gastrointestinal tract, but is absorbed directly into the blood, destroying the tumor from the inside.

Chitosan, a biologically active element contained in the outer covering of bees, also performs an equally important mission. It controls the pH level in the blood ( acid-base balance), slows down and stops tumor growth, prevents the formation of metastases, and cleanses the blood.

How to cure dead cancer: recipes

Decoction. Dilute two large spoons of the product in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Place the container on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer thoroughly over low heat for 2 hours. After removing the broth from the heat, cool it and put it in the refrigerator. The problem of how to take dead bees can be solved simply: the dose is determined by the patient’s weight and averages from 10 to 30 drops. The decoction is suitable for use only for 3 days. After the expiration date, prepare it again.

Alcohol tincture. Pour one tablespoon of podmore with vodka or alcohol (about 200 g). You need to leave for 21 days, shaking the container regularly. Be sure to filter the liquid through cheesecloth or a sieve. If the base of the infusion is vodka, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1, if alcohol - 1:2. On initial stages treatment, the number of drops should match the age of the patient. Gradually the dose needs to be increased. The measured dose can be drunk at once or divided into 3 servings. More details about valuable qualities we described the tincture, method of preparation and administration in the article:

Attention! When treating cancer, give up fatty, spicy and salty foods, sweets, tobacco and alcohol. Your diet should consist of natural juices, vegetables, herbs, porridge (with the exception of rice and semolina).

The use of podmore for weight loss

The use of dead bees is also effective in the fight against overweight. A tincture based on it cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolism, which cannot but affect the figure and immunity. Excess weight quickly goes away, and the immune system becomes resilient.

To prepare the tincture, place the dried bodies of dead bees in a glass jar and fill them with vodka. The level of the latter should exceed the product by 2 cm. Cover the jar with a lid and place it in a dark, cool place. Shake the dishes daily, and on the 16th day, filter and pour into a clean jar.

To lose weight, you should drink 1 tablespoon of dead bees (tincture) half an hour before each meal. At the same time, you can drink a decoction of dead meat (the recipe is described above) in the same doses. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, after which a break of 30-60 days is required. You decide the number of courses yourself.

Attention! Alcohol tincture Of the dead bees, cosmetology also adopted them. It treats baldness, scalp diseases, and stimulates hair growth.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Share with your friends.

Took a course of treatment chronic prostatitis. I did as recommended at the “Veselyi Shershen” apiary - 2 courses with a break. In the first month of taking it, I felt some changes in the prostate, but the inflammation did not completely go away. After taking the second course, I began to feel much better. It's been 8 months now that I haven't had any problems with my prostate. I am very grateful to you for your products and for the advice provided.

Ignatenko Vladislav


Thank you Dmitry and Olga for your products, and especially for eye drops. I have been suffering from glaucoma for many years. The disease is progressing, but thanks to your drops I feel that the progress has decreased and I can see a little better. It's a pity they don't cure this disease, but thank you very much for this.

Larisa Ivanovna

I have been looking for suppositories for hemorrhoids for a long time. natural basis, since in the pharmacy very often the composition of the suppositories includes some kind of chemical drug. I saw that at the family apiary Vesely Hornet the composition included only cocoa butter and propolis. I was very happy and ordered it immediately. I was pleased with the candles - the problem was not completely solved, but the progress was significant.

Raisa Pavlovna

I have been switching to natural cosmetics for many years now. I do some of it myself, getting information on the Internet, and I buy some of it. But I am simply delighted with your nourishing cream. I use it constantly on both my face and hands. And now our family has the same honey soap all the time. We wouldn't exchange it for a supermarket.

Hook Valentina


Thank you very much, Olga, for recommending a delicious product – wax moth infusion. My child (a girl of 7 years) was constantly ill with inflammation of the bronchi and we often spent many hours in medicine, in which they did not give anything other than antibiotics. I started looking for folk ways to treat bronchitis and found you. My child began to feel less sick and to cope with illness more easily. Also apply this kind of bee bread for immunity.

Kanonenko Olga

He suffered a serious crisis and suffered a stroke. My daughter found information that wax moth helps with this problem for recovery. Having called, we received advice that it is better to take a course of wax moth with tincture of deadwood. And so they did. I've been taking it for 4 months now. Changes on the face. But for complete recovery I want to take it for another 2-3 months. Thank you and your bees for the good products.

Ivan Fedotovich


As a nursing mother, while feeding her child, a problem with lactation appeared at 6 months. I read that Apilak based on royal jelly helps very well, but pure royal jelly has an even stronger effect. We ordered from a family apiary this product. And after 4 days of taking it, milk resumed in the required volume, and after 2 weeks of taking it I had to express the excess. I really liked your product. Now I’m thinking about a course to boost immunity. Thanks for the help.



Many thanks to the bees and the Happy Hornet. I've been sick for many years diabetes mellitus. Apart from medications and special nutrition, nothing helps in life. But I'm an optimist and I'm still trying to study in a healthy way life. When buying acacia honey from Dmitry, he advised me to purchase a tincture of dead bees to lower sugar. I bought it with little confidence. And she didn’t do it in vain. After 1 month, sugar began to rise less frequently (more often it was her own fault, since she did not follow the diet). I've been drinking for 3 months now. I feel much better. Some kind of efficiency even appeared. Dmitry, thank you so much.

Lakuta Valentina

Dmitro, thank you very much for the delicious dormouse honey and for the weeding honey. We lived from afar and throughout the winter our entire great homeland was not ill. Only a little onuk. For the coming season, I will definitely start again from afar.

Dashko Ivan

I have been suffering from sinusitis for many years. As soon as he got through, he became a regular “client” of the hospital. While ordering honey at the “Veselyi Shershen” apiary, I saw Stop Sinusitis ointment and decided to try it, since the price was quite affordable. And after 2 weeks of use I saw improvements. I began to feel better with my chronic advanced sinusitis. I recommend.

Pakhomov Sergey

He underwent treatment at the family apiary “Vesely Hornet” for the treatment of prostate adenoma. There was severe inflammation from hypothermia and the prostate became very inflamed. And the doctors diagnosed an enlarged adenoma. After 2 weeks of taking the course, I felt that the inflammation had partially gone away. And after 2 months of taking it, the inflammation disappeared. The adenoma did not decrease after an ultrasound scan at the end of the course, but no increase was observed either. Thank you for the advice and help provided. I plan to take another course in the near future.

Igor Marchuk

After a year of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis and drug resistance in the hospital, the doctor himself recommended trying wax moth tincture. I searched the Internet for a long time and settled on the family apiary “Vesely Hornet”, where I received a full consultation and, after receiving the products, were given instructions for use. I was also interested in the treatment regimen for wax moth tuberculosis with propolis tincture, since I had never heard of this anywhere else. After only 3 months of treatment, the disease progressed to closed form and by the 7th month the holes also disappeared. Now, being already healthy, I drink it prophylactically 3-4 times a year. Thanks for the second life.


My son has been suffering from psoriasis for many years and we have probably already tried half a pharmacy of medications for of this disease. Almost all of them either have no effect or cause allergies. I read that propolis ointment helps a lot. Having received advice from Olga that 40% propolis ointment copes well with this disease, we ordered it and were very pleased. Now we are only saved by her. And the most important thing is whether there is an effect or not. side effects of this product.

Kramarenko Irina


I constantly work outside and in the garden. Hands often become chapped. I tried using Kremlin ointment as a cream. And I really like it. Now I periodically order this ointment from Olga.

Zhanna Ignatievna