Eczema on the hands: how to treat, types and symptoms, correct remedies. How to treat diseases on your hands with baths. Each type of eczema has its own symptoms

Good day, dear readers!

In this article we will look at such an unpleasant disease, which often spoils the quality of life of the person suffering from it, as - eczema. Including, we will consider with you - what is eczema, its causes, symptoms, and how to treat eczema with traditional and folk remedies! So...

Eczema ( lat. Eczema)– a skin disease, the main symptoms of which are inflamed skin surface, burning and itching.

Eczema is a fairly common disease, accounting for about 40% of all cases, although eczema is not transmitted by contact with another person.

One of the features of eczema, like similar diseases skin (), is a frequent relapse.

Eczema ICD

ICD-10: L20-L30
ICD-9: 692

Classification of eczema

Forms of eczema:

— Acute eczema (wetting eczema);
— Subacute eczema;
— Chronic eczema (dry eczema).

Types of eczema:

- true eczema;
- mycotic eczema;
- microbial eczema;
— — Monetoid (nummular) or plaque eczema;
— — Paratraumatic (near-wound) eczema;
— — Varicose eczema;
- seborrheic eczema;

— Tilotic (horny, callous) eczema;
— Occupational eczema;
- Sycozyform eczema;
— Eczema of the nipples and pigment circle in women;

Symptoms of eczema

Depending on the accompanying symptoms, causes of the disease and other factors, experts identify the following types of eczema:

In its mildest form, eczema manifests itself as redness of the skin (erythema), sometimes with swelling and itching. You may have noticed something like this, for example, after changing soap, contact with second-hand clothes, or in other cases. If contact with the causative agent of itching is not stopped, and you begin to comb the skin, you can open the upper (protective) layer of the skin, thereby allowing free access of the disease to the body.

Next, a rash appears on the body, and the scratched skin becomes covered with small bubbles with liquid (microvesicles), which, when opened, form weeping serous “wells”, covering with liquid upper layer affected area of ​​skin.

This is the first stage of development of eczema, which is also called acute eczema, or weeping eczema, which is present in all types of eczema.

Over time, the serous fluid dries out, and combed skin becomes covered with dry crusts of a grayish-yellow color, gradually flowing into chronic form diseases. In the chronic form, dry skin crusts alternate with the appearance of new weeping sulfur growths, affecting more and more areas of the skin, but because... at this stage, the body in most cases is covered with dry crusts, chronic stage eczema is called dry eczema.

The upper stratum corneum of the skin often cracks and is very itchy, often causing pain in the patient.

In addition to dry crusts, the affected skin may peel off and become covered with various pigment spots.

Eczema most often begins in the upper body - head, arms, torso, gradually infecting the legs.

Chronic eczema can last for years.

The source of mycotic eczema is an allergic reaction to fungal infections, for example -, ringworm and other mycoses. The course of the disease is similar to that of true eczema - rashes, blisters, weeping serous wells, dry crusts. The only thing is that the foci of inflammation are clearly defined, in turn, the diversity of fungi leads to a more thorough study of the disease and the selection of its treatment. Also, when treating mycotic (fungal) eczema, it is extremely undesirable to use hormonal ointments, since this can be an excellent basis for more intensive proliferation of fungi, as well as their mutation. Therefore, treatment is carried out separately and is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician after a thorough diagnosis.

Source microbial eczema are various infections, more often and . That is why microbial eczema appears in places damaged skin– wounds, trophic ulcers, fistulas, etc. Of course, additional factor is also a weakened immune system, which stands guard against various infections.

The course of the disease is complicated by the rapid proliferation of infection. Wet sulfur crusts become very dense, and at the top they can even begin to fester. Clean skin around the keratinized, weeping skin becomes covered with new foci of rashes. The course of the disease is accompanied by severe itching.

Experts identify the following types of microbial eczema:

Coin-shaped (nummular) or plaque eczema. Signs are small lesions (1-3 cm), with characteristic but more weakened symptoms of microbial eczema at short distances from the main source of the disease. Most often appears in the upper half of the body. If these plaques are not treated correctly or are injured, an increase in symptoms, allergic reactions occurs, and small plaques can develop into large lesions, turning into true eczema.

Paratraumatic (peri-wound) eczema. Occurs when the upper layer is damaged skin, with further infection. Everyone plays the same role pathogenic bacteria, such as staphylococci. Symptoms are the same as those of microbial eczema. Therefore, in case of damage to the skin, it is very important to treat the wound with disinfectants.

Varicose eczema appears and develops especially on the lower extremities, in areas of dilated veins, varicose ulcers and areas of skin sclerosis. Reasons varicose eczema is - injuries, hypersensitivity to anti-drug medications, maceration of the skin with dressings. Symptoms – moderate itching, clear foci of rash and other signs characteristic of microbial eczema.

Seborrheic eczema occurs against the background of a disease such as. Places where seborrheic eczema spreads - areas of the skin rich in sebaceous glands - hairy part heads, cheeks, nasolabial folds, ears, chest area, between the shoulder blades. Seborrheic eczema is characterized by oily and flaky yellowish-brown patches with small papules.

Dyshidrotic eczema is localized mainly in places where there is a thickened layer of the epidermis - palms, soles of feet. In this regard, the symptoms are mild. When small blisters burst, they quickly turn into layered serous-purulent crusts. If left untreated, the rash may spread to the backs of the hands, feet, and other areas of the extremities. Moreover, the dyshidrotic form of the disease can develop into true form. Sometimes, dyshidrotic eczema is accompanied by trophic changes in the nails.

Tylotic (horny, callous) eczema

Tilotic eczema is characterized by callus of minor symptoms of eczema, which in this form, just like in dyshidrotic eczema, appear on the palms and soles. At the same time, some rashes characteristic of this disease may appear on other areas of the skin.

Sycozyform eczema

Sycozyform eczema is characterized by follicular pustules, permeated with hair in the center. Most often it manifests itself in people suffering from sycosis. Sycozyform eczema mainly affects the mustache, beard, armpits, and pubis, but can also spread beyond the hairline. Symptoms – severe itching, eczematous wells, wetting, continuous appearance of follicles, the appearance of layered crusts with small scales.

Eczema of the nipples and pigment circle in women

Eczema of the nipples and pigment circle in women is characterized by crimson-colored lesions, which are expressed in the form of layered crusts and scales, which often become wet and crack. The cause most often is feeding the child or complications.

Occupational eczema

Occupational eczema manifests itself mainly on open areas of the body, which primarily have direct or indirect contact with the pathogen allergic reaction– chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industries where people come into contact with chemically active substances. Treatment is most often a change of job, because... internal predispositions to eczema may not be observed - no wounds, healthy immunity, excellent physical health etc.

Children's eczema most often begins from the upper part of the child's body - the facial skin, scalp, after which, if the disease is not treated, it moves down, affecting more and more new areas of the body.

The causes of childhood eczema are an unstrengthened immune system, a difficult pregnancy, as well as a hereditary predisposition from one of the parents, especially the mother. In particular, the incidence rate increases if parents had diseases such as eczema, allergies, neurodermatitis. The causes of childhood eczema can also be: artificial feeding, non-compliance, hypersensitivity to various products nutrition, frequent illnesses child, and.

The symptoms of childhood eczema are similar to the symptoms of eczema in adults, while children are most often affected by true, microbial and seborrheic eczema.

In some cases, if eczema in children is not treated correctly, especially in early age, the disease can combine with other diseases, which can result in death! Be careful!

Stage 1 (Erythematous)– skin redness, itching;
Stage 2 (Papulovesicular)- rashes, the appearance of bubbles with liquid;
Stage 3 (Weeping eczema)- the bubbles burst, serous wells are formed, which secrete serous fluid;
Stage 4 (Crust or dry eczema)- serous wells and periwell areas of the skin are covered with a dry crust of a grayish-yellow hue. At the same time, new foci of the disease may appear in other places, starting from the first stage. Thus, over time, more and more areas of the body are affected.

Complications of eczema

Complications of eczema can include other infections and diseases that can cause pustules and purulent crusts on the body.

If childhood eczema is not treated, or treated but incorrectly, other diseases may be added to it, which together can lead to fatal outcome child.

The development of eczema occurs due to various factors, affecting the body in a complex manner. and etc.
— , stressful situations, nervous exhaustion;
hormonal disorders;
- work in food, chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises, where eczema can develop as an allergic reaction to certain substances;

- allergies to synthetic clothing, household chemicals, medications, plant pollen, house dust, low-quality building materials used in the construction of residential premises (linoleum, furniture);
- hypersensitivity to food products, especially those rich in dyes, preservatives, aromatics and other food additives;
helminthic infestations;
- long-term non-healing skin damage: wounds, burns;
- in children, against the background of other diseases, for example: atopic dermatitis, diathesis.

Diagnosis of eczema

Diagnosis of eczema is carried out on the basis of a personal examination of the patient by a doctor.

The dermatologist prescribes an allergy examination, as well as a study of the immune system. Additionally, you may need consultation and examination by an immunologist or nutritionist.

If necessary, a microscopic examination is prescribed for the presence of various fungi.

A dermatologist can conduct a differential diagnosis to exclude diseases such as trichophytosis, etc.

Treatment of eczema is carried out in the following order:

1. Conducted full diagnostics eczema;

2. Based on clinical and laboratory studies, prescribe complex treatment eczema, which may include local and general treatment aimed at stopping the disease and eliminating its causes.

General treatment of eczema

3. Everyone is eliminated negative factors effects on the skin (dirt, synthetic clothing, chemistry, dampness, parasites, solar radiation, etc.).

Eczema can affect people of all ages and can be quite a frustrating problem for them. Doctors often prescribe hormonal creams for eczema. But for many people the use hormonal drugs turns out not to be very effective and may carry with it side effects. Fortunately, there are other ways to combat itchy and dry skin that can improve the condition. Series application natural remedies can make a significant difference in the way your skin looks and feels. If your skin doesn't respond to natural remedies for eczema, or if it starts to get worse, consider seeing a doctor.


Part 1

Fight eczema with lifestyle changes

    Identify the irritants that trigger your eczema. Irritants can be different. One person may be sensitive to wool, while others may be sensitive to chemicals in perfumes. Since the article cannot guess what exactly causes eczema outbreaks in each individual person, you will have to independently determine the irritants affecting you. You can try making various changes to your diet by writing down all the foods you eat to see what happens when you eliminate any of them.

    • It can take some effort to pinpoint the irritants, which is why many people simply go all-natural and organic. Then they gradually begin to reintroduce the foods they are used to and see if they have any effect on the manifestation of eczema.
  1. Wear non-irritating clothing. If possible, wear loose clothing and avoid clothing made from rough, scratchy fabrics such as wool. Smooth textured clothing made from cotton, silk and bamboo will be least irritating to your skin. You should also be careful about the cleaning products you use. They can leave small residual marks on your clothes and cause eczema flare-ups. Try using natural laundry detergent or simply switch to a different brand of biological laundry detergent.

    Choose non-irritating soaps and shampoos. Irritants in the form of soap and detergents, shampoos, dishwashing detergents, disinfectants and any other products with added aromatic fragrances may affect the condition of your skin. Try using natural soaps and vegetable-based cleansers instead.

    Use a humidifier. Dry air in the bedroom and home in general can aggravate skin problems such as eczema, leaving the skin dehydrated and flaky. You can fix it this situation purchasing a humidifier that will supply moisture not only to the air, but also to your skin. In stores you can easily find both portable and stationary air humidifiers in different styles and in different price categories.

    Keep your home clean and allergen-free. Allergens such as dust mites, animal dander, pollen and mold can cause eczema flare-ups. Regularly use a good vacuum cleaner with high-quality dust filters.

    • Try to avoid bacteria, fungi and viruses. You should also not approach obviously sick people, since all this can affect eczema in a negative way.
  2. Reduce stress. Eczema and others skin problems are very strongly associated with stress, both physiologically and physically, so it will be extremely beneficial to take time to relieve stress. Try to do something that relaxes you: meditation, yoga, listening to music, drawing, hypnotherapy, contemplation.

    Bath less often and use warm water (not too cold and not too hot). Excessively frequent bathing can dry out the skin and worsen eczema. Try to limit your bathing or showering to once a day or every other day if possible. Avoid hot or cold showers and limit your time to 15-20 minutes maximum. Use a clean, dry towel to gently blot away any moisture.

    • Don't forget to moisturize your skin after a shower, which is preferable to do when the skin itself is still damp so that you can lock in this moisture. Use chemical-free moisturizers based on coconut, olive, castor, shea or avocado oils. Be aware that while these types of oils may be better tolerated by people with eczema, you may need to experiment to find the best option for you.
    • Try not to stay in the bath for too long. Sometimes water can have a drying effect on the skin. Irritated skin carries a greater risk of stimulating eczema itching, and you don't want to trigger eczema.
  3. Try using lemon. Simply cut a lemon in half and apply the cut side to the eczema area. You should feel the result. Be prepared to sting. The burning sensation appears as soon as you apply lemon. It occurs because the lemon begins to fight the inflammation going on under your skin. In most cases, burning occurs on skin damaged by eczema.

Part 3

Fighting eczema with diet changes

    Improve your diet. Try to avoid highly processed foods as much as possible. If possible, stick to organic foods as much as possible. natural products nutrition. In other words, choose fresh fruits and vegetables, cook your own legumes, load up on nuts, berries, grains and minimize red meat in your diet.

    • Provide yourself with plenty of sources of omega-3 fats (fish, green leafy vegetables) to keep your skin looking hydrated and soft.
  1. Avoid consuming milk and dairy products. Cow's milk is one of the most common irritants that trigger eczema, so it is wise to remove it from your diet (by at least, temporarily) to see if there will be any improvement. Try to eliminate milk completely for at least two weeks to notice any changes.

    Eliminate gluten from your diet. Wheat is also often an irritant, causing eczema. If possible, eliminate gluten from your diet as it can affect your skin. Avoid bread, pasta, cereals and other processed carbohydrate-rich foods.

    Try an elimination diet. Try keeping a food diary. Write down everything you eat every day and try to identify the relationship between changes in your condition and food. Sometimes you can immediately notice something within just a few hours. With the help of a diary, you can identify the connection between your condition and certain foods. You will then need to eliminate these foods from your diet for at least two weeks (4-6 weeks is best) and see if your skin improves.

    Take natural nutritional supplements. There are many food additives which may reduce the symptoms of eczema. The most effective ones are listed below.

Part 4

Recognizing Eczema Symptoms

    Understand the common symptoms of eczema. The concept of eczema actually includes a whole group of possible inflamed and irritated skin conditions. All types of eczema are accompanied by a symptom such as itching. Scratching irritated skin leads to the formation of weeping wounds on it, on which crusts or peeling subsequently appear (which often happens with atopic dermatitis, which is a type of eczema).

    Examine your body for symptoms. The most common symptoms of eczema are itchy, dry and flaky skin, as well as a rash on the face, knees, elbows, palms and feet. In adults, although it occurs in only 10% of eczema sufferers, the rash is more common in the bends of the knees, elbows, and the back of the neck.

  1. Determine what type of eczema you suffer from. Despite general symptom in the form of inflammation and itching, you can distinguish specific types of eczema by its location or type of inflammation.

    • If you have allergic or contact eczema, it is the result of contact with some substance. You should notice the appearance of inflammation on the skin in places where clothing, jewelry touches it, or where the skin comes into contact with something.
    • If you have eczema on your hands and feet and blisters form on your skin clear liquid You probably have dyshidrotic eczema.
    • If you have one or more coin-sized patches of inflammation on your skin, located mainly on your arms, lower legs and buttocks, you have coin-shaped eczema.
    • If your scalp and face become yellowish, oily, or flaky, you most likely have seborrheic eczema.
  • While eliminating dairy and milk from your diet can reduce eczema symptoms, it is important to get calcium and vitamin D from other sources. These sources include dark leafy vegetables such as kale, or almond or soy milk. Another good alternative is to take calcium supplements. You just need to weigh the pros and cons of each alternative.
  • Try not to scratch eczema patches. The result can be catastrophic inflammation.




Treatment of eczema with folk remedies

Hello, dear guests and readers medical blog « Traditional medicine recipes" The topic of today's article is skin disease: how to treat eczema with folk remedies.

Symptoms of eczema and causes of its occurrence

● The word “eczema” itself has Greek origin. Its literal translation into Russian is “boil”, “boil”. And in fact, with eczema, numerous blisters appear on the skin, which over time burst, as if water is boiling, then merge into one huge wet spot.

● When these ulcers begin to heal, the affected area becomes covered with crusts, most often purulent, they peel and itch unbearably. Eczema is a non-contagious skin disease that cannot be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person.

● The causes of eczema lie in the presence of certain allergens that are encountered frequently, or in the person himself: dysfunction endocrine system, various diseases internal organs, decreased immunity, experienced stress at home or at work.

Diet of an eczema patient

● Attention: put accurate diagnosis and only a doctor can prescribe treatment for you. You should discuss the recommendations below with your doctor.

● During the treatment of eczema, you should give up many of your usual habits; switch only to a dairy-vegetable diet. Limit your salt intake and eliminate smoked and spicy foods from your diet. Forget about all types of alcohol, chocolate, coffee, various kinds chips, soda and crackers.

● Dieting will be difficult, but you have no choice. Constant itching and burning of the skin will always remind you: “Under no circumstances should you do this!” Patients with overweight() it will be necessary to carry out fasting days with.

● During the period of exacerbation of eczema, you should not be in the sun or in bright light (and when remission occurs, sunbathing is even useful!). Contact less with water, washing powders, soap and all other household chemicals. When washing clothes and dishes, first put on cotton gloves, then rubber gloves.

● Avoid wearing cosmetics and stop dyeing your hair for a while. Keep your nails short to avoid pustular diseases. Wear clothes made from natural fabrics and avoid contact with fur, wool and synthetics. Free your home from carpets, dust on bookshelves, soft toys.

Blood cleansing for eczema

● Before prescribing drug treatment, the doctor must carefully examine the patient for the presence of pathologies: allergens of infectious and non-infectious origin, diseases of the abdominal organs (, etc.), neuroses. If not installed main reason disease, the effectiveness of treatment will be low.

● Among anti-inflammatory drugs, patients with eczema are usually prescribed kestin, tavegil, diazolin, suprastin. These drugs also have sleeping pills and sedative properties, but to avoid addiction, they are not prescribed for long and are changed every 7-10 days.

● To reduce the body’s sensitivity to allergens, there is no way to do without magnesium sulfate, sodium thiosulfate and calcium preparations ( calcium chloride and calcium gluconate). After removing allergens from the body, the patient should be given laxatives and diuretics, drinking plenty of fluids (pure water or mineral without gas).

●B severe cases eczema, the patient is given intravenous blood substitutes ( polydesis, hemodez, polyglucin), perform procedures for hardware blood purification.

● When prescribing local treatment, it’s time to remember the Russian proverb “They knock out a wedge with a wedge.” Good effect give lotions with 1-2% solution of resorcinol, 2% solution boric acid and lead water. Wet dressings with a solution of silver nitrate, rivanol and furacillin have a soothing effect on the skin.

Open areas Skin affected by eczema can be treated with oil suspensions. When they stop getting wet, you need to use creams, ointments and pastes containing bismuth nitrate, dermaton, naphthalan, sulfur And tar.

Ointment with celandine for eczema

● In combination with drug treatment, various recipes traditional medicine, tested many times in practice. It should be borne in mind that the same prescription may be useful for one patient and less so for others. This is understandable: the causes of eczema are different for everyone.

● For eczema of all types, it has a good effect. Apply lotions during the day and compresses at night. To enhance the effect of treatment, add one teaspoon to half a glass of raw potato pulp. This remedy significantly accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers.

● To relieve itchy skin, apply to the sore spot. cabbage leaf, previously mashed and soaked for 2-3 minutes in apple cider vinegar.

● Starch baths have an excellent healing effect on sore skin: 0.5-1 kg. dissolve starch in cold water and pour into a bath with a water temperature of 37-39˚C. Take these baths every day for 15-20 minutes for a month.

● Patients with eczema get a good treatment effect using strawberries. Grind the berries until pasty and apply a thick layer to the affected areas of the skin under a bandage. Strawberries collected from the garden are suitable for treatment (berries bought in the supermarket, healing properties do not have).

● The following recipe is truly miraculous. Mix the powder obtained from dry herbs with unsalted butter in a ratio of 1:5. Lubricate the areas of skin affected by eczema once a day and after 5-6 days a miracle will come!

● For patients who do not have kidney problems, an infusion of red viburnum is recommended. Pour a tablespoon of berries into a thermos with half a liter of boiling water overnight. In the morning, drink ¼ cup of infusion twice a day. Throw away the bones. After two weeks there is improvement.

Propolis for the treatment of eczema

● In the spring of 2006, red spots appeared on my shins. At the clinic they diagnosed me with “eczema” and prescribed a bunch of ointments that long time there was no improvement. For some time, the redness decreased, and after one or two weeks it appeared again; I noticed that most often this happened in wet weather. In May-June 2007, all the red spots disappeared. My joy did not last long - in the spring of 2008, the redness returned in an even greater volume.

● The dermatologist prescribed me stronger ointments: beloderm, hyoxysone etc., but they didn’t give desired effect treatment of eczema. Summer has come, I wanted to go into the forest to pick mushrooms and blueberries. I had to put on boots, which made my feet sweaty. The next morning, unbearable itching and extensive redness appeared. I tried to apply prescribed ointments - to no avail. My patience ran out - I decided to look natural medicines. In the forest not far from our dacha, I found thickets of celandine.

● I tore off the entire aerial part and roots of the plant, kneaded it until a creamy paste was obtained and lubricated everything with this mass problem areas. I walked around with celandine until its pulp dried out and fell off on its own. There was gradual improvement.

● I didn’t stop at just one celandine, but also used one that I prepared as follows. For 3-4 days, I infused 12-15 pieces of crushed pieces of propolis in 40-50 ml of 70% hawthorn tincture (you can use alcohol, but at that time there was none in our pharmacy). Added mashed celandine to the resulting tincture in the ratio: 1:1. I lubricated the reddened areas with this mixture twice a day. Slowly my skin began to clear up from the eczema.

● In the fall of 2008, celandine came out from under the snow. To enhance the antiseptic properties of the mixture, I used purified (aviation) kerosene - TS-1 fuel. Having soaked a cotton swab in kerosene, he treated the sore spots and quickly (so as not to evaporate the funds) wrapped his legs in plastic wrap and held them until the appearance of a lung burning sensation (about 3-4 hours). After that, I removed the film and rubbed it with the propolis-celandine mixture described above overnight. I used kerosene only three times, then switched to whitening creams.

● Finally, my skin became absolutely clear, I celebrated the New Year 2009 completely healthy, and eczema still doesn’t bother me. Be healthy and you too.

● In conclusion of the article I would like to wish the sick get well soon and remember that eczema is “afraid” of the persistent and persistent, but takes precedence over lazy pessimists.

Take care of yourself, be healthy, and may the Lord God help you in this!!!

Eczema at the initial stage has a special term - erymatous. About her and we'll talk in this article. Eczema is a chronic inflammatory disease neuro-allergic in nature, affecting the superficial layers of the epidermis. It is characterized by the appearance of itchy rashes on the skin, prone to weeping.

It is characterized by a persistent course and a tendency to relapse. This disease is considered one of the most common dermatological pathologies; almost half of all patients who consult a dermatologist suffer from its manifestations. Anyone can get sick, regardless of gender and age. Symptoms of eczema are diagnosed even in children.

Eczema, contrary to what many people think, is not contagious and cannot be transmitted from person to person. But its manifestations sometimes look very repulsive, so it can be unpleasant for strangers to come into contact with a person with eczema.

This is especially pronounced in cases where the lesion affects the hands, since the appearance of the skin can be significantly affected. With this disease, it is the hands that are most often affected; much less often, the disease affects other parts of the body (face, legs, torso).

Unfortunately, the mechanism of the pathology is not fully understood, which creates certain difficulties with diagnosis and selection of treatment methods. However, researchers have identified the main provoking factors that can become a trigger for the disease. In this article we will talk about how eczema manifests itself at the initial stage, what types of pathology exist and how to deal with its symptoms.

The main reasons that provoke the development of eczema are of a psychosomatic and immune nature associated with internal pathologies body. TO internal factors leading to the occurrence of the disease include:

Besides internal reasons, there are various external factors that contribute to the appearance of eczema symptoms:

  • Frequent and prolonged contact with aggressive chemicals (household chemicals, occupational hazards). Skin may react characteristic symptoms for cleaning agents and detergents, acids, gasoline vapors, varnishes, paints, solvents, etc.
  • Impact external environment(cold, heat, solar radiation).
  • Usage cosmetics(creams, nail polish, hair styling products).
  • Mechanical damage to the epidermis.
  • Consumption of foods with high content preservatives, flavors, artificial colors.
  • Overly sensitive, dry skin or increased sweating skin.

Types of eczema: characteristic symptoms

Eczema can occur in acute or chronic form. In the acute course of the disease, the symptoms are most pronounced, the inflammatory process takes about 2 months. The chronic form lasts for many years and is accompanied by constant relapses. Doctors identify several main types of eczema, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • True. It is characterized by the formation of multiple blisters filled with liquid against the background of inflamed, reddened skin. The main location of the rashes is the hands (back of the hand), face, and forearms. The appearance of the rash is accompanied by severe itching and irritation. After opening the bubbles, weeping erosions remain, which are subsequently covered with a dry crust. One of the complications may be the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection.
  • Seborrheic. This type of eczema often develops against the background oily seborrhea. The formation of yellow-pink nodules covered with greasy scales is noted on the skin. The location of the rash is the scalp, chest, and area between the shoulder blades. As they develop further, the nodules transform into plaques and can merge into fairly large lesions. Eczema is often complicated by the addition secondary infection.
  • Microbial. The main location of the rash is the back of the hands, shins, and scalp. Foci of eczema have a round, clearly limited shape and are covered with a rough lamellar crust, with characteristic detachments of the stratum corneum along the edges. After removing the crusts, weeping erosions remain on the skin. may form on skin covered purulent inflammation, for extensive wounds or burns. This species is particularly prone to spreading and can cover large areas.
  • Professional. Multiple itchy rashes appear on the reddened skin, localized on the hands, forearms, face, and neck. After opening the vesicles, point erosions remain, from which serous fluid is released. It differs from true eczema in that the symptoms quickly disappear after eliminating contact with aggressive chemicals and do not recur in the future.
  • Skin rashes appear due to the complicated course of atopic dermatitis. The location can be any part of the body. The characteristic eruptive elements in the form of bubbles burst after some time and form weeping erosions. The process is accompanied by intense itching. A complication may be the addition of a fungal or bacterial infection.
  • Allergic. It can appear anywhere on the body as multiple, itchy papules that form on inflamed, red skin. After opening, deep erosions remain, filled serous fluid. This type of eczema is seasonal and most often worsens in autumn or winter, due to decreased immunity. One of the complications may be severe swelling of the skin accompanied by a purulent infection.
  • The course of this type is chronic, sluggish, with seasonal exacerbations in winter time. The severity of symptoms largely depends on the level of humidity. There are practically no rashes on the affected areas of the skin, but the course of the disease is accompanied by hyperemia, swelling of the skin and intense itching. Peeling appears on dry, irritated skin, and over time deep, painful cracks form.

Stages of the disease - photo

The clinical picture of the disease manifests itself in an alternation of characteristic stages:

The duration of the full cycle depends on the type of eczema and can last several days or last for 2-3 months. At the same time, the main feature of the disease, which makes it possible to distinguish it from ordinary dermatitis, is the polymorphism of the rashes, that is, all stages of the process can be present on the skin at the same time: blisters, erosions, crusty areas and areas of peeling.

At first it doesn't cause much concern. Most often, patients do not give special attention symptoms such as burning, itching and redness of the skin back side hands, considering these to be symptoms of a common allergy. Hoping that everything will go away in a few days, many do not rush to see a doctor and are soon surprised to notice the formation of itchy, blistering rashes that burst and leave behind weeping erosions.

External manifestations of eczema on the hands are very noticeable; they can cause psychological discomfort and an obstacle to professional activity. Dry, cracked skin of the hands, in places similar to a snake's, peeling areas of the epidermis, weeping erosions, dry crusts - this unattractive picture will repel anyone.

If the disease is started or self-medicated, the course of eczema will become chronic and then the hands can turn into solid wound surface. Therefore, at the first manifestations you need to rush to see a doctor. It is much easier to defeat the disease at the initial stage, before it becomes running form and was not complicated by the addition of a secondary infection.

manifested by dryness, redness and peeling of the skin, swelling, and the appearance of small cracks. If these signs are not paid attention to, then soon the formation of itchy blisters filled with liquid begins in the affected area. When they open, they leave behind weeping wounds.

Severe itching forces you to scratch the affected areas, which can lead to a fungal or bacterial infection. Over time, the wet areas dry out and become covered with a dry crust.

Eczema on the face at the initial stage
has the same symptoms as in other parts of the body. But external manifestations(redness, swelling, rashes, sores) are especially noticeable and are often perceived by others as a sign of a contagious disease. Severe, continuous itching, burning and other discomfort may cause nervous disorder, cause irritability, aggressiveness, sleep disturbances.

Eczema on the face often appears in young children. Unpleasant symptoms illnesses and painful itching provoke constant anxiety, tearfulness, refusal to eat and other whims. Often, eczema spoils the skin of the face, complicated by fungal or purulent infection, and can leave behind unsightly scars.

Treatment of eczema at the initial stage

Treatment of eczema is a long and complex process, since in each case the course of the disease is determined by an individual complex of provoking factors, without the complete elimination of which one cannot count on persistent therapeutic effect. Therefore, therapeutic measures largely depend on the form of the disease, the stage of the process and the severity of symptoms.

The greatest effect can be achieved by using complex therapy based on usage medications, physical therapy and special diets. The standard treatment regimen involves prescribing the following drugs:

  • Antihistamines for oral administration (Tavegil, Claritin, Zyrtec). They help eliminate painful pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Sedatives(tincture of valerian, bromine), tranquilizers. Calm the nervous system, relieve tension, irritation, and normalize sleep.
  • Vitamin – mineral complexes . Supports the body and increases resistance to infections.
  • Diuretics (furosemide, veroshpiron), With severe swelling, these drugs remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Glucocorticoids for oral administration. Prescribed when generalized course process and severe skin lesions. The course of treatment with these drugs is short-term (7-10 days), as they have many contraindications and side effects.

For local treatment of weeping eczematous rashes, cold lotions made from disinfectant solutions (furacillin, Burov's fluid, boric acid) are used. After the areas of weeping have dried, the skin is lubricated with ichthyol, boron-tar ointment and covered with dry bandages. After reducing severe swelling and redness, naphthalan or tar ointment is used.

When treating microbial eczema, external manifestations are treated with disinfectant solutions, and antibiotics are prescribed for oral administration. For seborrheic eczema, vitamin preparations must be included in the treatment complex; external rashes are treated with ointments containing sulfur.

At any stage of eczema for external processing can be used hormonal ointments or sprays: Prednisolone ointment, Fluorocort, Lorinden, Oxycort.

In addition to drug treatment Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to help alleviate the condition and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. Patients are recommended sessions of electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, and UV irradiation.

A special role in the complex therapeutic measures are assigned to follow a special diet, which involves the consumption large quantity liquids and exclusion from the diet of foods with high index allergic activity (citrus fruits, seafood, eggs, honey, chocolate, spices).

Folk remedies

At home, you can additionally do procedures to alleviate the condition and relieve painful itching and irritation. Traditional recipes are especially effective for early stages diseases. Since the disease is most often localized on the back of the hands, many patients are interested in how to treat eczema on hands at the initial stage?

When treating eczema, try to take precautions by carefully protecting your skin from exposure. external stimuli. Avoid dishwashing, laundry, housekeeping and any contact with cleaning agents and detergents. If necessary, the skin is cleaned cotton swabs, moistened with vegetable oil.

To prevent joining pustular infection, cut your nails short and treat the periungual fold with any disinfectant.

It is recommended to change underwear and bed linen as often as possible. As the process subsides, it is allowed to take a warm bath, but rubbing with a washcloth or using soap is prohibited. After water procedures, the skin is carefully blotted with a soft towel.

One of the unpleasant skin diseases is eczema. Its appearance is accompanied by itching, a feeling of dryness in the affected areas and inflammatory process. Eczema occurs most often in the area of ​​the forearms, lower legs, hands, face, and feet. In the absence of appropriate therapy, the disease easily becomes chronic with periodic relapses. This explains the need for every person faced with this problem to contact specialists in a timely manner. They will be able to tell you how to treat eczema at home and eliminate the main cause of its occurrence.

Eczema: why does it occur?

Disease in in rare cases caused by the influence of a specific factor. For eczema to occur, the influence of several circumstances at once is necessary, as a result of which immunity is sharply reduced.

Main reasons:

  1. Prolonged contact with sufficiently hard water.
  2. Using excessively strong detergents or other household chemicals.
  3. Constantly wearing clothes made of rough fabric.
  4. Allergy to fur or feathers of pets, plants, ticks.
  5. Reaction to certain food stimuli.
  6. Infectious diseases.
  7. Excessive sweating of hands.
  8. Stress.
  9. Poor nutrition (lack of vitamins and nutrients).
  10. Kidney disease.
  11. Presence of helminths in the body. This can lead to intoxication, and subsequently to eczema.
  12. Varicose veins (on the lower extremities).

Types of eczema

There are several types of eczema:

  1. Atopic. It is caused by a tendency for the skin to react to the appearance of an allergen. This type of eczema is often encountered by people who have an inherited predisposition to many atopic diseases ( bronchial asthma and the characteristic bronchitis, dermatitis and others characteristic of this condition).
  2. Microbial and seborrheic. These types of eczema are the result of prolonged exposure to pathogenic bacteria on the skin, as well as microorganisms of fungal origin. The first manifestations of a rash on the body may not be noticed by a person, as a result of which eczema develops. Seborrheic eczema is very difficult to treat, and therefore is accompanied by frequent relapses on the skin.
  3. Production. This type of eczema occurs in workers in specific areas of production associated with exposure to chemical substances(gasoline, nickel, paints and varnishes). The disease first affects those areas of the skin that have been in contact with harmful substances, and in the absence of treatment spreads throughout the body.
  4. Children's room. This type of eczema develops as a result of the baby eating large amounts of chocolate, dairy products, honey or other foods. Problematic skin covers areas of the forehead, cheeks, and chin.

Only a dermatologist can determine the exact type of eczema. The treatment regimen will depend on the results of the examination.


The signs of eczema directly depend on the type of disease, so they differ.

The main features are:

  1. Severe itching is often felt at the site of the lesion. Combing such areas is prohibited. Otherwise, the disease can spread to the healthy surface of the skin.
  2. The skin begins to turn red.
  3. Peeling appears on the surface of the skin.
  4. The skin becomes dry.

In advanced cases, eczema is accompanied purulent formations which cause fever and severe pain.

Eczema: treatment at home

Treatment for eczema is A complex approach, including:

  1. Use of medications.
  2. Application folk recipes(ointments, herbal preparations, medicinal baths, essential oils).
  3. Compliance certain rules, preventing the formation of swelling and characteristic rashes.
  4. Physiotherapy methods.

Methods of drug therapy:

  • Ridding the body of allergens using appropriate medications;
  • Taking antihistamines;
  • The use of medications to restore bowel function;
  • Immunotherapy;
  • Sedative therapy;
  • Taking corticosteroids to relieve inflammation;
  • Taking vitamin A to protect the skin surface from external influences;
  • Taking vitamin E to reduce inflammation and prevent it from spreading to healthy layers of skin.

General rules for reducing the likelihood of developing eczema:

  • Distribute the load moderately throughout the day, observing a rest regime;
  • Stick to a balanced diet;
  • Treat any illnesses, including infections, in a timely manner;
  • Take a warm shower daily;
  • Use soap without additives when bathing;
  • Avoid clothes made from coarse fabrics, wear loose, loose clothes;
  • Apply a bandage to the damaged areas to prevent involuntary scratching of the skin;
  • Avoid excessive sports and physical exercise to reduce sweating;
  • Eliminate the allergen.

Folk recipes

You can independently prepare various mixtures and compresses for the treatment of eczema.

Popular recipes:

  1. rub raw potatoes and wrap in gauze. A bandage made from this vegetable should be applied to the areas of inflammation, additionally secured with a bandage. The dressing is changed after 2 hours.
  2. Extract the juice from raw potatoes and take it in an amount equal to 2 tablespoons, twice a day. The juice must be drunk immediately after preparation, otherwise the main beneficial properties will be lost.
  3. Apply cabbage leaves to eczema-affected areas. It is recommended to use the vegetable in the form of a compress. To do this, chopped cabbage (3 tablespoons) must be mixed with egg white. The resulting pulp, wrapped in gauze, should be applied to the area of ​​inflammation, changing the compresses daily.
  4. Drink carrot juice or treat with a bandage soaked in it. problem areas skin.
  5. Grate 3 cloves of garlic and mix with a spoon (teaspoon) of honey or butter. The resulting product should be applied to the areas of the rash.
  6. Pour 400 ml of boiling water over the chopped willow bark. After an hour, it is recommended to wash the affected areas of the body with this liquid.
  7. Apply an aloe leaf (Kalanchoe) cut lengthwise to areas with eczema. You can also squeeze the juice from the plant and apply it to your skin. If a burning sensation occurs, it is recommended to add a spoon (teaspoon) of honey to the liquid. Two wipes a day are enough for the areas with erosion to begin to heal.
  8. Blot the affected skin with a bandage soaked in celandine juice. If the resulting burning sensation cannot be tolerated, you can pour boiling water over the washed plant along with its root and wait half an hour. After this, you need to strain the collection and use it when cooled to treat problem skin.

Recipes for eczema remedies

The following preparations help get rid of unpleasant skin rashes characteristic of many types of eczema:

  1. Mix ingredients such as burdock root, dandelion and yarrow in the amount of two tablespoons. Pour boiling water over the plants for half an hour, then strain. The decoction should be taken in the amount of two tablespoons per day.
  2. You will need 400 ml of boiling water to pour a mixture of chicory root, creeping thyme and chamomile. Let it brew for at least 30 minutes. You will need to take 2 tablespoons of each ingredient. The decoction is used as a lotion for areas with eczema.
  3. Prepare a tincture from two glasses of boiling water and a mixture of plants such as calendula flowers, oak bark and horsetail. You need to take 2 tablespoons of each ingredient. The tincture will be ready in half an hour. Wet a piece of gauze in the pre-strained mixture and apply to the inflamed area on the skin.

Recipes for therapeutic baths

For the treatment of eczema it is very effective method baths made from medicinal plants are considered.

Examples of bath recipes:

  1. Flower bath with herbs. To prepare, you need to pour boiling water over a mixture of ingredients such as elderberries, calendula flowers, nettles, geraniums, and pine branches. After half an hour, strain the tincture and, when cooled, pour it into a bath filled with water. It is enough to take a bath for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Prepare a decoction of such relaxing herbs as cultivated rose petals, horsetail herb, nettle, and oak bark. The strained infusion should be poured into warm bath water. It is enough to take a medicinal bath with this decoction for 15 minutes.
  3. Salt bath. In 3 liters hot water you should add 4 tablespoons of salt. You can use stone or sea ​​salt. Areas of skin affected by eczema should be placed in this water and kept until it cools completely. The skin should be lubricated with moisturizer after the procedure.

Homemade ointment recipes

Ointments prepared at home help eliminate the manifestations of eczema.

Popular recipes:

  1. Prepare 3 glasses. Add a raw chicken egg to the first one, remembering the approximate number of ml it will fill. You need to pour the same amount of water into the second glass as in the container with the egg. In the third glass you need to pour the same amount of ml of vinegar. Mix all ingredients from three glasses in a jar and close with a lid. It is recommended to shake the contents in the container until a creamy mass is formed, which should then be applied to the affected areas. The ointment should be washed off without using soap and only the next morning.
  2. In 200 ml of vegetable oil, add 2 tablespoons (tablespoon) of rosin, pre-crushed laundry soap, and beeswax and aloe juice. The resulting mass should be heated in a water bath so that all the components are completely dissolved.
  3. Grind the leaves of celandine and prepare a mixture with the addition of petroleum jelly and lanolin in a ratio of 2:1:1 (respectively). The ointment should ultimately be uniform in consistency.

Phytocomplexes for eczema

Addendum to external therapy eczema is treating the body from the inside using phytocomplexes. Herbal decoctions are taken before meals for one month.

  1. Pour 20 ml of boiling water over a mixture of a tablespoon of burdock root and the same amount of dandelion. Drink 2 tablespoons of cooled broth daily.
  2. Infuse a spoonful of motherwort leaves in a glass of boiling water. Take the strained decoction daily (1 tablespoon).
  3. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon (tablespoon) of elecampane root. Strain the broth through cheesecloth after it has cooled. Take the tincture three times a day (before meals) a tablespoon.

If there are no visible changes after treating eczema with home remedies, you should not continue self-medication. It is recommended to immediately consult a dermatologist.