What is the effect after Viagra. Medicinal and traditional analogues of female Viagra. How quickly does the action begin?

When elderly people who participated in trials of a new drug for angina felt a surge of strength and felt young again, the project leaders immediately released this drug, but with new instructions. And now many people know that Viagra tablets are a drug for men.

The appearance of Viagra primarily aroused interest among older men, sex life which qualitatively changed with age. Man is designed in such a way that he can be distinguished different periods sexual activity. So, in at a young age it is increased, on average it stabilizes and then decreases.

On sexual activity In addition to age, the constitution and various somatic and mental illness. It also changes against the background of social factors, such as the moral principles of society and its religious traditions. Working and living conditions, psychological environment, nutrition and bad habits are also important.

Thus, if in youth potency is associated with biological and purely personal factors, then with age they are joined by social ones, such as norms of behavior and morality. Married people have the opportunity to have a regular sex life, but even they become less active. Factors influencing it: banal fatigue caused by the need to earn a living, everyday troubles, smoking, alcoholism, somatic diseases.

Against this background, disruptions may occur during preparation for sexual intercourse, and if they appear more often than 3 times in six months, this may indicate erectile dysfunction. It is necessary to distinguish these conditions from those when a man has no desire (libido), or has serious pathologies genitals. In such cases, Viagra tablets will not help.

Why is Viagra used?

Why take Viagra tablets? Men who have reduced or absent erections take Viagra to restore this bodily function. They need Viagra so that the erection develops on time, is long-lasting and makes it possible to have high-quality sexual intercourse. This often helps, but you need to understand that Viagra is not a pill for all occasions, it has a certain effect and taking it can be dangerous. Before taking Viagra, you need to find out what causes erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by:

  • psychogenic disorders. It may be chronic neurotic conditions, depression. Then you can perform sexual intercourse only in a certain, calm or simply comfortable environment, with a certain woman, even the time of day can matter;
  • diseases, causing disturbance metabolic processes in organism. It could be toxic effect alcohol, drugs or diabetes;
  • vascular diseases. Thus, atherosclerosis, which develops with age, reduces the possibility of an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse;
  • diseases and injuries of the spinal cord and brain. The appearance of erectile dysfunction can become a symptom of diseases such as epilepsy, parkinsonism;
  • erectile dysfunction as a side effect medicines. Occurs when taking (antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, drugs whose action is aimed at reducing blood pressure);
  • endocrine disorders. Arise against the background of an imbalance of female and male hormones in the body, in such cases Viagra will not help;
  • inflammatory diseases. For inflammation genitourinary organs Viagra can cause pain and intensify the process as it increases blood flow to them.

As you can see, Viagra may not always be useful for restoring an erection; this is due to the effect of the active substance sildenafil.

How does sildenafil work?

Sildenafil, which is contained in Viagra, has a number of effects on the male body: it binds and blocks the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5, which is involved in relaxing the smooth muscles of the pelvic organs, and enhances the effectiveness of nitrous oxide.

  • dilation of blood vessels in the pelvic area;
  • increased blood flow and blood supply to the genital organs;
  • relaxation of smooth muscles in the walls of the cavernous bodies;
  • increased blood supply to the cavernous bodies.

If this occurs against the background of sexual desire, then an erection appears, and while taking Viagra it is more stable and pronounced, and longer lasting. A shortening of time until the next sexual intercourse and special sexual sensations are noted.

Erection is a complex physiological phenomenon that depends not only on the filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood, but also on libido. This is the desire that arises in a man at the sight or even at the memory of his beloved, attractive woman. It is then that the mechanism is launched, as a result of which an erection occurs under the influence of brain impulses.

If libido is present, the effect of Viagra occurs within 30–60 minutes. Sometimes there are cases when the effect occurs later or earlier, the reasons are:

  • drinking alcohol in large doses. There may not even be an erection;
  • hearty dinner. Large amounts of fatty, hard-to-digest foods;
  • combined use with inhibitors of cytochrome P450 and its isoforms (cimetidine, erythromycin, ketonazole).

Viagra acts for 4 hours, sometimes its effect is longer. This happens in people with impaired kidney or liver function and slow elimination of the drug from the body. Although most of it is excreted in the feces.

Who is Viagra indicated for?

Viagra is prescribed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with vascular, psychological disorders, side effects of other medications, if this causes psychological problems, affecting a man’s self-confidence and disrupts the occurrence of an erection. Such changes are more often detected in middle age, when for one reason or another they develop chronic diseases, have to accept various drugs. No wonder studies show that erectile dysfunction occurs in 20% of people aged 30–50 years, and then it reaches 50%.

How to take Viagra

The dose of Viagra is determined by the doctor, usually it is 50 mg. Patients with impaired liver and kidney function are prescribed 25 mg, since Viagra is eliminated from the body more slowly, which increases the risk of side effects.

Sometimes the dose of the drug is increased to 100 mg, this is associated with a decrease in its effectiveness, so people often ask whether it is addictive? Viagra is not addictive, but in some men it can be noted psychological dependence, and increasing the dose is caused by worsening concomitant diseases, their further development. After all, diseases such as atherosclerosis and diabetes cannot be cured, you can only stop them, limit their effect on the body and maintain the patient’s condition at the proper level.

Viagra is taken within 30–60 minutes. Do not repeat the dose on the same day or exceed the dose recommended by your doctor. Before using Viagra, read the instructions.

Healthy young men should not use Viagra tablets, since there are no special sensations at healthy people it does not cause, here we can talk about the psychological effect of a placebo, when a special mood appears, the expectation of unusual sensations. On the contrary, if Viagra helps you, you need to think about why this is happening? Isn't this initial stage erectile dysfunction?

Important! It is not safe for women to take Viagra. No wonder these tablets are called “ male Viagra" Despite the fact that it improves blood flow in the female genital organs and increases the production of secretions in the vagina, it is unknown what effect Viagra has on the ovaries and uterus, and especially the placenta and fetus.

Contraindications to the use of Viagra

Although Viagra tablets were developed as heart drug They should be used with caution for heart disease, and it is better to undergo an examination by a cardiologist before taking it. Erectile dysfunction occurs due to cardiac disorders vascular system, when the patient does not even suspect that he has them, this may be the first sign of heart disease, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. The body takes care of itself, and when unnoticed heart problems occur, when physical and mental stress is contraindicated for the patient and problems with potency occur.

Conditions in which Viagra should be taken with caution:

  • unstable angina;
  • arrhythmias;
  • heart failure;
  • hypotension;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • retinitis pigmentosa;
  • diabetes mellitus with retinopathy;
  • deformation of the penis.

In men with priapism, when painful erections are observed without sexual stimulation, the use of Viagra tablets is undesirable. This condition occurs with blood diseases, oncological diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction and others.

A contraindication to taking Viagra is an allergy to sildenafil or additional substances included in the tablet, as well as taking medications containing nitrates.

Nitrates, or substances that are metabolized to form nitric oxide, include cardiovascular drugs used to treat heart disease, arterial hypertension. At joint use taking them with Viagra can sharply lower blood pressure, as they improve blood supply to the heart area, and Viagra, by dilating the vessels of the pelvic organs, draws a large volume of blood there. The pressure drops, the blood supply to the heart and brain is disrupted, and death is possible.

What side effects does Viagra have?

Among the side effects that patients most often complain about are: redness of the face, headaches, dizziness. Patients may experience impaired nasal breathing or congestion due to swelling of the mucous membrane. Also noted dyspeptic symptoms, since Viagra also acts on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.

Important! If you experience a painful erection after taking Viagra or the effect lasts more than 4 hours, consult your doctor.

This condition can lead to fatal outcome within 6 hours or later, and the causes of death are cardiac arrest or myocardial infarction. They are related to associated disorders functions of the cardiovascular system, which the patient might not even be aware of.

An allergy to the components of Viagra tablets or sildenafil itself manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath, itching and rashes on the skin, swelling of the face. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor and take a desensitizing agent. Taking the drug in the future is contraindicated.

Blindness or other vision problems often occur in patients diabetes mellitus, cordially vascular insufficiency, retinitis pigmentosa, may be associated with structural features of the optic nerve.

Changes in the perception of contrast and color. Usually confused with blue and green color, more often the disorder occurs while taking large dose, so it needs to be adjusted. Associated with the similarity of phosphodiesterases of the fifth and sixth types, the latter is responsible for photoperception.

Although manufacturers deny a decrease in the likelihood of conception when taking Viagra, there are studies confirming this fact. The fact is that normally, each ejaculation increases the refractory period until the next sexual intercourse. The body is recovering at this time. If you often use Viagra tablets, the amount of ejaculate decreases, and therefore the number of sperm capable of fertilizing an egg.

Although only one sperm is involved in fertilization, a certain number of them are necessary to dissolve the egg shell and implant it. Therefore, people who often use Viagra tablets, or rather, with frequent ejaculations, have difficulties. They can be easily overcome if you establish a regular, calm sex life.

ActionViagra on the human body causes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the penis and pelvic organs. This drug should only be taken after consulting a doctor, as there are contraindications for its use and it can be dangerous.

Drawing conclusions

Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side.

And of course, you know firsthand that impaired potency is:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Developing depression, which negatively affects your health

Now answer the question: ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THIS? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can’t do anything? Enough is enough - it's time to get rid of potency problems, once and for all! Do you agree?

We have studied great amount materials and, most importantly, tested most potency products in practice. So, it turned out that the drug is 100% working without any side effects- this is Predstanol. This drug consists of natural ingredients that completely eliminate chemicals.

ATTENTION! PROMOTION! You can try the drug for free, place your order using the link or filling out the form below.

Have you ever wondered what could happen if a girl takes Viagra? Surprisingly, this question is far from uncommon, and it is young boys and men who are most puzzled by this. The answer to this question was obtained after completing the experiment and based on medical research. However, first of all, we will look at what this drug is.

What is Viagra and what is it for?

Viagra is a drug developed by medical professionals. It can be purchased online or at a regular private pharmacy. Its main effect is aimed at increasing blood flow to the male genital organ. As a result, a representative of the stronger sex experiences sexual attraction. This drug helps achieve erection in those people who have problems with it. Many men take Viagra so that sexual desire is present for a long time, for example, in order to better light look in front of your partner.

As practice has shown, not only men experience sexual dissatisfaction. Many women, especially in adulthood, face similar problem. One thing is worth clarifying, will they feel more aroused if they take Viagra?, and how does this miracle drug generally affect the female body?

How does Viagra work on girls?

Before answering this question, you need to delve into the history of the creation of this medicine. Viagra was originally developed by medical professionals to improve heart function. However, after a series of experiments, it was found that improving blood flow has a greater effect on reproductive organs. The main effect occurred on the cavernous bodies, which are responsible for arousal. It is worth noting that they are present in both men and women. In the weaker half of humanity they are located in the clitoral area. It remains to be seen, if all people have this function, then why is the drug intended only for men?

According to medical workers, Viagra is more aimed at restoring erection, but not at sexual desire. If a girl drinks it, she will experience a rush of blood to the cavernous bodies, but this will not increase her desire. The only thing a girl can feel is that she has blood pressure increased.

However, there is a group of ladies on whom Viagra still has a slight effect, namely:

  • Women who are in menopause;
  • Those who have diabetes;
  • Women who have had their uterus removed.

As a rule, such ladies have dryness in the vaginal area. After taking Viagra from them, naturally, lubricant will be released, which will increase pleasure during sexual intercourse with a partner.

Drugs intended for girls

If men are faced with impotence, then the main problem of girls is frigidity. It is no secret that many female representatives do not receive pleasure or even sexual arousal during sexual intercourse with a partner. Special Viagra was invented for them too. This drug is designed taking into account the characteristics female build. After taking it, a female person will have increased blood circulation to the pelvic area. Because of this process erogenous zones become more sensitive. Accordingly, it becomes several times easier to get pleasure during sexual intercourse.

The only difference from male medicine is that it does not create excitement artificially.

A girl can get sexual attraction from exposure aphrodisiacs. Similar drugs increase blood circulation in the pelvic area, increases the amount of lubrication and improves the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

The effect of Viagra on healthy men

Viagra is intended for those men who have problems with potency. But what will happen if an absolutely healthy man takes this drug? Viagra should not have any effect on a healthy member of the stronger sex. If it does give any effect, then this means that there is a reason to consult a doctor. It is worth noting that some men confuse the effect of the medication with self-hypnosis. If after taking Viagra they think about sexual attraction, it will come accordingly. In this case, it is worth remembering the duration of the drug.

If a man has problems with potency and takes Viagra, then after 15 minutes he may have an erection and sexual desire. Sometimes this time increases to 2 hours. It also works differently. For some, the effect disappears after 4 hours, while others are content with this state for the whole day.

Contraindications for use for girls

Of course, before taking Viagra, it is worth considering contraindications. They are equal for both boys and girls.

  1. If a person has a rapid heartbeat, then he should not take a stimulant drug under any circumstances, as this can lead to difficulty breathing;
  2. Also, those who have dizziness or fainting from taking medications should not be content with Viagra;
  3. This group also includes colorblind people, even those whose color perception is temporarily impaired;
  4. Nausea and abnormal stool;
  5. Nosebleeds;
  6. Regardless of gender, Viagra should not be taken by those under 18 years of age;
  7. People who have had a heart attack or stroke;
  8. Lactation and pregnancy;
  9. Allergic reactions;
  10. Oncological diseases.

You also need to remember that after taking the pill you cannot drive.

To summarize, it is worth saying that men who are tormented by the question of what will happen if a girl takes Viagra , disappointment awaits. After the lady takes the pill, she will not have any sexual desire. The same effect awaits a full-fledged man if he uses the drug. Viagra is primarily a drug aimed at restoring potency for a certain period of time. Therefore, it is recommended to use it exclusively for its intended purpose.

Video about the effect of Viagra on girls

Viagra is pharmaceutical drug, which is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor designed to treat erectile dysfunction.

What is the composition and release form of Viagra?

The active ingredient is sildenafil citrate, its content is 25, 50 and 100 milligrams per tablet. Excipients: croscarmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, calcium hydrogen phosphate.

Shell dosage form comprises the following substances: opadry blue, triacetin, lactose, titanium dioxide and aluminum varnish. In some cases, vanillin or some other components are added to improve organoleptic properties.

Viagra is available in tablets blue color, diamond-shaped with cut edges, on one side there is the abbreviation “VGR 25”, “VGR 50”, “VGR 100”. Supplied in packages containing 1, 2 or 4 pieces. Medicine goes on sale freely.

How does Viagra work on a person (action)?

This pharmaceutical is a strong inhibitor of a special enzyme - cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5. The drug was originally developed as a cardiological drug designed to improve blood circulation in the heart muscle in the presence of ischemic phenomena. As it turned out later, the effect of sildenafil on the myocardium was minimal, but at the same time, the drug caused a significant increase in the speed of blood flow in the pelvic organs.

The mechanism of action of sildenafil is as follows. Under the influence of sexual stimulation, a significant release of nitric oxide occurs in the corpus cavernosum. This circumstance leads to an increase in the level of cGMP and relaxation of smooth muscle fibers corpus cavernosum, as well as increased blood flow in most pelvic organs.

It should be noted that clinical effect only possible if available vascular diseases pelvis, leading to erectile dysfunction. If impotence is caused by other etiological factors, the clinical effect is not guaranteed. Sexual stimulation is necessary for an erection to occur.

When administered enterally, the content of sildenafil reaches therapeutic concentrations within 30 to 120 minutes after taking the drug. The clinical effect in most cases develops after an hour from the moment of taking the tablet.

When taking Viagra in combination with food containing large quantities fat, the clinical effect may be significantly reduced. The bioavailability rate is between 40 and 50 percent. Sildenafil is metabolized in the liver, and to a lesser extent in the kidneys. Elimination occurs through excretory system, the rest is excreted in the stool.

What are Viagra's indications for use?

The instructions for use of Viagra allow only one purpose - the treatment of erectile dysfunction, if it is impossible to achieve normal level erection of the penis. A clinically significant effect is achievable only in the presence of sexual stimulation.

Despite the free sale of the drug, it is strongly recommended to undergo full examination in a clinical setting to diagnose the causes that led to the development of erectile dysfunction.

What are Viagra's contraindications for use?

The use of the medicine is strictly unacceptable in the presence of the following conditions:

Simultaneous use of organic nitrates (nitric oxide donors);
Individual intolerance.

Relative contraindications: deformation of the penis, peptic ulcer stomach, priapism regardless of etiological factor, myeloma, leukemia, bleeding, myocardial infarction in the recent past (six months or less), unstable angina.

What are the uses and doses of Viagra?

Viagra is intended for oral use only. Combining the medication with food is not recommended. Usually prescribed 50 milligrams one hour before intended sexual intercourse. If ineffective, the dose can be increased to 100 mg. If poorly tolerated, reduce to 25 mg.

What are Viagra's side effects?

Usually, undesirable consequences result from an unauthorized increase in the dose of the drug taken. Yes, from the outside nervous system and sensory organs, the following possible side effects are possible: mild dizziness, weakness, blurred vision, color perception disorders, convulsions and tremors.

From the outside of cardio-vascular system: slight tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, possible fainting states, orthostatic phenomena, nosebleeds.

Others undesirable consequences: dyspeptic symptoms in the form of nausea, vomiting, stool upset, priapism and long lasting erection, which can last up to several hours, redness of the sclera.

How to replace Viagra (analogues)?

Erexesil, Tornetis, Taxier, Sildenafil citrate, Sildenafil, Silafil, Revatio, Maxigra, Dynamico, Vizarsin, Vigrande, Viasan-LF.


To prevent the use of Viagra from causing tragic consequences, you should visit a doctor to rule out contraindications and select a safe and effective dosage.

Sildenafil citrate lies. Its action is a chemical substance that causes the blood to flow out of. As a result, blood circulation in this organ increases, and confidence appears. After excitement nerve impulses brain enter the penis, where certain chemical substances, relaxing the contracted muscles of the penis, allowing them to fill with blood. The end of sexual intercourse or the effect of the drug leads to the destruction of these substances, after which the muscles contract again and do not allow a sufficient amount of blood to pass into the organ.

Viagra was originally created as a drug to treat heart disease, but as a result clinical trials its famous “side effect” was revealed.

Some men who use this drug, are sure that no stimulation is required for its effect - they take a pill and a miracle happens. This is not entirely true. Without sexual arousal, an erection via Viagra will be very difficult, since it is this that releases chemicals that revitalize manhood. By itself, it does not provoke the production of these substances, but only contributes to the blockade of the enzyme that destroys them and prevents them from reaching their intended destination.

The speed and duration of action of Viagra

As for the time after which the drug begins to act, the effect can be quite different. It depends on the characteristics of the male body. In the majority clinical trials began after fourteen minutes (minimum), however, in general, men begin to feel an erection after half an hour. The drug lasts about four hours, but the effect begins to decline after two hours.

For Viagra to work as quickly as possible, the drug should be taken on an empty stomach.

To accelerate the effect, independent of food or alcohol intake, sex therapists recommend taking Viagra Soft, which must be dissolved in the mouth. When taken on an empty stomach, the drug will begin to act quickly, that is, within fifteen to thirty minutes in the presence of sexual arousal. Taking it after a meal will slow down the effect for an hour, but the quality of the erection in any case will compare favorably with an erection without the drug.

Some men note the duration even the next morning after taking the pill. You can replace it with the drug "Cialis", the effect of which lasts for thirty-six hours.

Viagra was discovered by accident, when testing the drug on cardiovascular system patients. During the tests, side effects were recorded in men, in the form of body reactions similar to sexual arousal. Subsequently, the substance was studied and developed specifically for this purpose.

Composition, shape, color

Viagra is produced in the form of tablets, in a blue coating. The tablets are diamond-shaped, biconvex, rounded at the edges. On one side there is the inscription “Pfizer”, the name of the pharmaceutical company that produces the drug. On the other side is the inscription “VGR 25”, where the number indicates the dosage. Tablets are produced in dosages of 25, 50 and 100 mg, packaged in aluminum foil blister packs of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 pieces. Sold in cardboard packaging, which can contain from one to three blisters.

The main active substance in the tablet is sildenafil. It is he who has a stimulating effect on genitourinary system men, enhancing erection. During sexual stimulation, sildenafil increases blood flow to the penis, which helps restore full erectile function.

In addition to it, Viagra contains additional substances such as cellulose, calcium, sodium, magnesium.


Medicines are prescribed for mental, organic and mixed disorders of the erectile functioning of the sexual organ, to achieve and maintain an erection for successful sexual intercourse.

Viagra does not cure itself, but only temporarily eliminates symptoms during sexual intercourse.

Principle and duration of action

When sexually stimulating the penis, sildenafil increases nitrogen activity in the corpora cavernosa, causing their muscles to relax, and increases blood flow to the penis. The main condition for the drug to work is the need to sexually stimulate and excite a man.

After taking Viagra, active substance quickly enters the bloodstream through the small intestine.

Half an hour after administration, you can expect the effect of the drug. Maximum effectiveness is observed an hour after administration. Action time is about 4 hours.

Sildenophal is excreted from the body along with feces (up to 90%) and the rest in urine.

Viagra only works when the penis is sexually aroused. An erection will not occur on its own.

Instructions for use

The tablets are taken orally, regardless of food, an hour before planned sexual intercourse. When taking tablets after meals, especially when eating fatty foods, the time until the onset of action will increase. Minimum daily dose taking 25 mg, maximum 100 mg. In most cases, the starting dose is 50 mg; depending on the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug, the dose can be adjusted either up or down.

Take no more than one tablet per day.

The exact dose is prescribed by the doctor after examination and identification of contraindications.


Tablets are contraindicated for men:

  • with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with a predisposition to bleeding;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • with renal failure;
  • under 18 years of age;
  • at simultaneous use with nitrates in any form;
  • when using other sexual stimulants;
  • at serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system;
  • with visual impairment.

Side effects, overdose

Viagra is generally well tolerated, but sometimes the following side effects occur.

The most common:

  • Redness of the face due to a rush of blood.
  • Headache.

Side effects that were also often observed were:

  • Dizziness.
  • Blurred vision, disturbances in color perception and light perception brightness, redness of the eyes, pain and fast fatiguability eye.
  • Cardiac dysfunction, arrhythmia.
  • Nausea, upset stomach.

In case of overdose, the following deviations occurred:

  • The appearance of a rash on different areas skin.
  • Back pain.
  • Prolonged, painful erection.
  • Cramps.
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • Loss of consciousness

If side effects occur, you should stop taking the drug and seek medical help.


In addition to side effects, the disadvantages of Viagra include the high cost of the drug. Pharmacists offer drugs with similar properties and composition - generic Viagra. Manufacturers of generic drugs claim strict adherence to production technology and composition. The price of such drugs is significantly lower than the originals, since such medications do not require spending money on development and testing, and only a patent for the current formula of the drug is purchased. In most cases, generics are not inferior in quality to Viagra, but they are not better than the original. The original Viagra is produced by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer (USA).

Viagra analogues active substance are

Vecta, Penimex, Jenagra, Potentiale.

In addition, the popular drugs Cialis and Levitra are used to treat erectile dysfunction.

To overcome mental discomfort due to potency disorders, during treatment of the causes of erectile dysfunction, and for a full sexual life, men can use Viagra. But it is imperative to eliminate the root cause of the disease, without further resorting to medications.