Kiwi has more vitamin C than lemon. Where is the most vitamin C - the ten most important foods

For normal functioning of the body, a person needs vitamins, minerals and other useful components. Vitamins A, B, C, D affect all human systems and organs. Their deficiency causes the development of diseases, as well as an excess. Each vitamin has its own daily requirement. The source of vitamins can be drugs that are sold in pharmacies, but it is still better to get them from nature, that is, from food.

Vitamin C

One of the most necessary and important vitamins for human health is which is also known as ascorbic acid, “ascorbic acid”. A drug with the same name can be found in any pharmacy, but you can also replenish its reserves with fruits, vegetables and other foods.

Vitamin C is an organic substance and an important component healthy eating person. It has the ability to influence almost all vital functions of the body. During the first two months of life, the human body synthesizes vitamin C on its own. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, fights viruses and bacteria, helps prevent various kinds diseases, prolongs the youth of the body, and this is not the whole list of its effects.

Effect of vitamin C on the body

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has wide range effects on the body. It improves immunity, takes part in the formation of antibodies and in normalizing the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and increasing the supply of glycogen in the liver. Ascorbic acid helps increase blood flow and heart rate, reducing blood pressure, expansion of capillaries and arterioles.

Vitamin C is involved in a large number of biological processes. Thus, it affects the synthesis of collagen - a protein that forms connective tissue, which cements intercellular space. The main functions of collagen include protection blood vessels, organs, muscles, joints, bones, formation of skin, bones, ligaments, teeth. It acts as a protective barrier against infections, diseases, and promotes the healing of bruises, fractures, and wounds.

For immune system Vitamin C is very important as it supports the functioning of white blood cells and the production of antibodies. It also promotes the formation of interferon (a substance with anticancer and antiviral effects). Vitamin C, due to its antioxidant properties, protects against negative impact antioxidants, helps prevent symptoms of aging, heart disease and cancer. In addition, ascorbic acid has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine and other systems.

Vitamin C and hair

The lack of ascorbic acid in the body affects not only the condition, but also the appearance of a person. Vitamin C has been found to be very beneficial for hair. Since it is responsible for blood circulation in the scalp, it ensures proper nutrition to the hair follicles. Vitamin C is recommended for those who suffer from dandruff, split ends, dry hair, thinness and brittleness.

If you find a problem with your hair, do not rush to immediately run to the pharmacy or cosmetic store for a super mask or balm, but include it in your daily ration more fresh vegetables, citrus fruits, berries, which contain sufficient vitamin C. They will bring much more benefit for the body and hair than chemicals.

Vitamin C for children

The taste of sweet “ascorbic acid” has been familiar to us since childhood. After all, it is children who need vitamins the most. Their body is forming, growing, developing, so you need to provide your child with everything necessary for him to grow up healthy. Proper nutrition V childhood- the key to the health of the body in the future. Every parent should ensure that their child gives preference to vegetables and fruits over chips, crackers and buns.

One of the most important components children's diet must have C-vitamin. It helps increase protective functions body and improves immunity, which is so necessary for children. A lack of this vitamin in the body can lead to bleeding gums, general weakness body and poor wound healing.

Daily value of vitamin C

Daily requirement human body in vitamin C is not the same for everyone and depends on several factors: the presence bad habits, breastfeeding or pregnancy status, work performed, gender, age. Experts provide average figures for the statistical average healthy person: 500-1500 mg per day - therapeutic norm and 60-100 mg daily - physiological need body.

The need for vitamin C increases due to toxic effects, fever, stress, illness, hot climate. The daily need for vitamin C increases contraception. The norm depends on age - than older man, the larger it is. For example, the requirement for an infant is 30 mg, and for an elderly person - 60 mg. The daily intake increases during pregnancy (70 mg) and lactation (95 mg).

Signs of vitamin C deficiency in the body

Statistics show that it is children of preschool and school age suffer from a lack of vitamins that are necessary for their normal growth and development. A lack of vitamin C was found in 90% of children (the study was conducted). In the bodies of those children who were in the hospital, a deficiency of ascorbic acid was found in 60-70%.

Vitamin C deficiency increases in the winter-spring period, which entails a decrease in immunity and an increased possibility of developing gastrointestinal or respiratory diseases. Deficiency can be exogenous or endogenous. In the first case, there is little vitamin in food, in the second, the vitamin is poorly absorbed. Long-term vitamin deficiency can lead to the development of hypovitaminosis. Vitamin C deficiency in the body can manifest itself as the following symptoms: depression, joint pain, irritability, dry skin, hair loss, lethargy, tooth loss and bleeding gums, poor wound healing.

For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs to eat properly, balanced. Daily ration a person should include vitamin C. What foods contain it and how much should you eat to replenish the norm? First, foods contain significant amounts of vitamin C. plant origin. These are berries (strawberries, sea buckthorn, rowan, rose hips), fruits (citrus fruits, persimmons, peaches, apples, apricots), vegetables (Brussels sprouts, bell pepper, broccoli, jacket potatoes). Animal products in small quantities contain vitamin C. These are mainly the kidneys, adrenal glands, and liver of animals.

There are a number of herbs that contain vitamin C in sufficient doses. Foods should be eaten every day and preferably in unprocessed form. After all, biochemical processing, storage and heat treatment contribute to the destruction of most of the vitamin. Every person who cares about their health needs to know what benefits vitamin C brings, what foods contain it and how to prevent its deficiency.

Ascorbic acid. A drug

Vitamin C is found in many medications. These are tablets "Vitamin C", "Citravit", "Tselascon", "Vitamin C" in ampoules. One of the most common is “Ascorbic acid” in tablets. In addition to being healthy, it is also very tasty, so children happily take the pills. The drug promotes the formation of intracellular collagen, strengthening the structure of the walls of capillaries, bones and teeth. The drug "Ascorbic acid" is vitamin C itself. Products cannot always fully provide the body with it.

The tool takes part in the processes cellular respiration, iron metabolism, protein and lipid synthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, tyrosine metabolism, redox reactions. The use of "Ascorbic acid" reduces the body's need for pantothenic vitamins A, E, B. The vitamin C content in the preparation is close to 100%.


People who long time suffer from a lack of vitamin C in the body, they may be prescribed certain drugs. As a rule, tablets are available containing 250 mg of ascorbic acid or 1000 mg (indicated only for the treatment of hypovitaminosis).

Tablets 250 mg are indicated for increased mental and physical activity, during pregnancy (especially multiple pregnancy, against the background of medicinal or nicotine addiction), after suffering from illness, to strengthen the immune system, for colds. A large number of people take vitamin C to prevent or treat vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis.

Side effects

Vitamin C is essential for the normal functioning of the body, but some patients may experience problems when taking it. side effects, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the organism, joint reception with others medicines, the presence of certain diseases.

Vitamin C, reviews of which are mostly positive, can cause negative reactions. Long-term use the drug in large doses can cause insomnia, increased excitability CNS, headache. Digestive system may react with vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa, hyperacid gastritis, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The patient may develop glycosuria, hyperglycemia, moderate pollakiuria, nephrolithiasis, decreased capillary permeability, skin hyperemia, skin rash, leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, impaired copper and zinc metabolism.


The human body can suffer not only from vitamin C deficiency, but also from its excess. This condition is usually called hypervitaminosis; it occurs when the patient has a great desire to improve his health through excessive consumption. of this vitamin. There are often situations when a person, unaware of the danger, combines products containing a sufficient amount of the vitamin with the drug “Ascorbic acid”.

The maximum daily intake should not exceed 90 mg for an adult. In order to circumvent the consequences, you need to become familiar with the symptoms of hypervitaminosis. The first thing that comes up is constant dizziness and nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps. Further, problems with the heart, kidneys, gallbladder. Use large quantity Vitamin C is accompanied by heartburn, digestive disorders, fatigue, and allergic reactions.

Everything is good in moderation. Vitamin C, the price of which starts from 100 rubles, is beneficial for the body only if taken correctly. Before starting the appointment, it is recommended to visit the clinic, the doctor will prescribe the right drug and dosage for each specific case.

Standard known variant People who grew up in the post-Soviet space still associate small sourish-pleasant tablets of ascorbic acid with the taste of childhood.

It is about this vitamin that we can safely say: both pleasant and useful.

The role and significance of ascorbic acid

Around the end of the 1920s, active experiments began aimed at researching vitamin C. Almost immediately, the result of what a deficiency of ascorbic acid in the body leads to. Initially, huge expectations were placed on the effectiveness of this powder.

Did you know? The understanding of the benefits of ascorbic acid began in the 18th century, in Edinburgh, by a medical student. General observations showed that citrus fruits were especially effective in treating scurvy. Only 200 years later did scientists understand exactly what substance in citrus plants is healing. This substance turned out to be vitamin C.

Then in the 1970s there was a period of not overestimating the importance, but exaggerating the recommended intake of vitamins. Considered optimal doses were too high, which naturally led to problems.

To date, a large number of studies have been conducted to help have an objective view of acid and, of course, open different faces its impact on human health.
Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble drug, so it does not stay inside the body, which means its amount must be regularly replenished. She is also susceptible destructive impact high temperatures

, therefore this processing method is undesirable. Ascorbic acid has the ability to restore oxidative processes, since it is quite powerful antioxidant . It protects the body from exposure to bacteria and various viral infections ; strengthens the immune system, normalizes the blood coagulation system, as well as the human endocrine and nervous systems; helps speed up the process of exiting various colds ; promotes the absorption of iron, protein and some other important elements for humans; synthesizes hormones; restores function thyroid gland

and pancreas. Transforms bad cholesterol into bile acids, so necessary for humans; removes toxic substances (mercury, lead) from the body, i.e. reduces intoxication; extremely important for growth, tissue formation and bone cells , teeth, nails. Is a prevention cancer diseases

and atherosclerosis. Increases stress resistance.

Daily norm

Measure is good in any matter, even good things. The same is true regarding the amount of consumption of any vitamins, including ascorbic acid. Depending on who decided to use the drug and for what, how much of this preventive medicine a person should take will also depend. Increased need for the drug – in the elderly and smoking people

, since the above factors significantly reduce the level of acid in the body.

For adults

For men and women, the daily dosage of the drug is the same: 70-90 mg/day. The calculation is standard regardless of age or weight.

For children

Children's daily need for vitamins will depend, first of all, on the age of the child. Recommended dose of the drug for children: up to 6 months – 30 mg; up to 12 months – 35 mg; 1-3 years – 40 mg; 4-10 years – 45 mg; 11-14 years – 50 mg.

For pregnant

The dose of the drug during pregnancy and lactation will be different. For pregnant women, the recommended dose is 95 mg; during breastfeeding – 120 mg.

For athletes Under certain factors, the need for acid reserves increases. Such factors can be stress, climate changes, as well as sports training

During scheduled classes, the daily dose of the drug is 150-200 mg. 2-3 days before and after the competition period, the dose should be increased to 200-300 mg.

Important! The daily dose should be divided into several parts, since the vitamin is consumed quite quickly. It is more rational to practice gradual replenishment of the vitamin supply than one-time consumption of a large dose.

Which foods contain the most

Ascorbic acid is widespread in food products available to humans today. Although its main sources are greens, fruits and vegetables, it is still found in other plants.

Below is a list of where and in what quantities this vitamin can be found in nature. The amount of substance in products is shown per 100 g.

Rosehip is the record holder for the amount of vitamin C, thereby getting ahead of the lemon that is firmly entrenched in our perception.

Depending on the type of this medicinal plant The amount of ascorbic acid will also vary. The maximum percentage of the vitamin was found in the form of Begger's rosehip - from 7 to 20% (the reason for such a significant difference is the difference in the size of the bushes).

Did you know? Already in the 17th century in Russia, rose hips were used to treat soldiers wounded in the war with the Turks. To heal wounds, they were covered with bandages soaked in a decoction of the petals, and fruit decoction washed the edges of wounds to avoid gangrene.

Per 100 g of product, dry and fresh rose hips contain 1100 mg and 650 mg of vitamin, respectively.

Red and green peppers

Serves not only as a seasoning for main dishes, but also as a carrier of ascorbic acid - 245 mg/100 g.

Black currant

The period of ripening of the berry accounts for the largest amount of vitamin - 200 mg\100 g. In overripe berries, the period of vitamin decay quickly begins, so their effectiveness drops to 70%. Therefore, it is not advisable to miss the season of these medicinal berries.

Sea buckthorn and red rowan

The vitamin is contained precisely in the berries of these trees during the ripening period in the off-season - 200 mg/100 g.

Orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit

Citrus fruits are rightfully the most popular carriers of vitamin C. But, oddly enough, there is only 40 mg in lemon, 45 mg in grapefruit, and 60 mg in orange.

The advantage of these fruits is that they are widespread and available in winter, when other fruits are in short supply. It is in citrus fruits that there is the element citrine, which promotes the absorption of vitamin C, and not just the vitamin itself.

Pineapple and kiwi

Pineapples and kiwis have a long shelf life, and the same applies to the vitamins inside them. Due to acids and fruit peels, ascorbic acid does not break down during storage. In addition, these fruits do not lose their usefulness even after preservation.

Did you know? In China, pineapple is required festive table when celebrating the New Year in oriental style. It is believed to bring success and prosperity in the coming year.

Papaya and mango

Although the fruits of the trees differ in their appearance, they are low in calories and highly fortified. B contains up to 60 mg of vitamin C, B – 30 mg.

Despite the fact that their growing environment is not related to ours, it is still possible to find them in modern bazaars and in some supermarkets.

Strawberries and strawberries

These summer berries contain 60 mg of vitamin per 100 g. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

The amount of vitamin is comparable to citrus fruits (including their peel). Therefore, some people prefer this particular product, relying primarily on the pleasant taste sensations

An extremely useful product that is available throughout the year. Unique with its dietary properties, the presence of a large amount of fiber and the preservation of minerals and vitamins for a long time.

Apples are characterized by a wide variety of varieties, but internal composition approximately the same for everyone. As for the vitamin under discussion, there are 10 mg of it per 100 grams of apples. It turns out to make up for daily norm, depending on the size of the fruit, you need to eat three to five apples a day.

Parsley and dill

Green twigs and leaves, which were and are used to decorate dishes, serve as a storehouse of usefulness. Parsley contains slightly more ascorbic acid (150 mg) than dill (100 mg).

Parsley is known for its rejuvenating effect, as well as normalization digestive tract. Dill stimulates work of cardio-vascular system, reduces inflammatory processes in the body and reduces blood pressure.

Spinach and sorrel

Not everyone will like spinach and sorrel greens because of their specific taste. But the set useful substances it more than compensates for this feature.

Did you know? People often called sorrel meadow apple or wild beet.


A product such as cabbage is also unique in its properties, medicinal possibilities which were studied a long time ago. Are common beneficial features combine each variety of this plant. But there is a slight difference in the composition of each species. Also, the method of preparation greatly influences the reduction medicinal properties product. Cabbage has the peculiarity of long storage, is resistant to slight frosts, and therefore is available throughout the year.

Below are the most common types of cabbage in our area and the ratio of vitamin C in them.

45 mg/100 g is the standard ratio of ascorbic acid. Just 150 grams of freshly prepared cabbage replenishes daily norm vitamin A. Even after fermentation, it does not lose its properties, which makes the salad from this product both tasty and healthy.

Counts medicinal vegetable. It is included in dietary ration heart disease and diseases nervous system. 90 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 grams of this vegetable. It is important to remember that heat treatment slightly reduces this percentage.

Did you know? George Bush Sr. really disliked broccoli, so he banned it from the White House.



This cabbage differs from others in that its leaves are not consumed as food, as usual, but bottom part fruit - stem fruit.

Gardeners' unofficial names for kohlrabi - "lemon from the garden" or "northern lemon" - speak for themselves. 100 grams of fresh cabbage contains 50 mg of ascorbic acid.

Red cabbage
Its properties are very similar to white cabbage. By taste qualities slightly different, especially in its density. 50-70 mg of ascorbic acid is found in 100 grams of cabbage of this variety.

70 mg per 100 g of fresh product is set cauliflower on par with the leaders in the amount of ascorbic acid.

As you can see, ascorbic acid is found not only in the citrus fruits we are used to, but also in products that are associated with completely different properties.

Shortage and surplus

The complex symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency are quite varied:

  • weakened immunity and, as a result, frequent infectious diseases;
  • painful spasms in the joints;
  • chronicle of respiratory viruses;
  • insomnia, depression and emotional exhaustion, irritability, nervous breakdowns;
  • problems with excess weight;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • deterioration of skin elasticity, dryness and appearance of wrinkles;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • rapid damage to the nail plate;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • rheumatoid pain;
  • scurvy.

Important! It should be remembered that more severe and destructive consequences for the body await a person with a lack of vitamin C than with its excess. This should encourage regular preventive consumption pharmaceutical drug or acids in their natural form.

Symptoms of excess vitamin in the body:
  • reduced absorption of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), which is contained in fermented milk products, meat and fish products, liver and egg yolk. With its deficiency, anemia (anemia) develops;
  • skin irritation and malfunction of the urinary system;
  • diarrhea;
  • the appearance of kidney stones.

Important! It is forbidden to exceed the norm in the use of ascorbic acid for pregnant women, people with diabetes mellitus And poor clotting blood.

Interaction with other substances

  • inactivation occurs under the influence of high temperatures;
  • if products are stored and prepared incorrectly, ascorbic acid is oxidized by oxygen, which minimizes its beneficial properties;
  • oxidation occurs when combined with iron or copper utensils (except aluminum);
  • long-term storage kills the vitamin;
  • reduces therapeutic effect neuroleptics and antidepressants.
So, when thinking about how to strengthen your body, do not forget that ascorbic acid can be your main assistant.

True, we usually don’t bother studying which fruit has the most vitamin C. Let’s try to understand this issue.

Who is the vitamin leader?

We are accustomed to thinking that the most is found in citrus fruits, in particular lemons. Indeed, they are rich in ascorbic acid, but they are far from the first in the list of owners of the largest amount. Studies have shown that fruits contain significantly less vitamin C than berries. And we will find the most ascorbic acid not in exotic fruits, but in the most common rose hips, where the vitamin content, compared to lemon, is forty times higher! True, rosehip is not a fruit, but this does not detract from its victory.

As for fruits themselves, lemon and other citrus fruits really lead among them. There are other fruits on our table that contain vitamin C in significant quantities, but all of them, as a rule, are grown in countries with hot climates, and come to us after completing long trips. Among them: papaya, guava, mango, kiwi and others.

And what fruits that grow in our area contain vitamin C is a natural question. Significantly less ascorbic acid can be found in our apples, but they are quite affordable and have absorbed the sun of their native places, so, without a doubt, they will be no less useful than Exotic fruits. There is a lot of vitamin C in berries: sea buckthorn, rowan, strawberries.

Why do we need vitamin C?

To form healthy diet you need to know as much as possible about the composition of foods so as not to accidentally make a mistake and eat something useless or even harmful. That is why I decided to write a series of articles about vitamins - what foods contain them, in what quantities, how to combine them correctly so that the foods are better absorbed.

Let's start with vitamin C. The second name of this substance is ascorbic acid. The good news may be that you cannot overdose on vitamin C. Its excess is easily eliminated by the body without any consequences. However, about harmlessness pharmacy forms there is no need to talk about ascorbic acid, because in in this case we are dealing with concentrate. As for products containing vitamin C, its concentration in food is so low that an excess of such products cannot cause harm. Recommended daily dose of ascorbic acid: from 70 to 95 mg.

Which foods contain the most vitamin C?

There is a lot of vitamin C in dry and fresh fruits rose hips (dry 1200 mg per 100 grams, fresh 470). Great, right? Dried fruits can be bought at any pharmacy, brewed with hot but not boiling water, infused, slightly sweetened and drunk.

The generally recognized leader in ascorbic acid content is bell pepper (250 mg per 100 grams of product). Of course, not canned or thermally processed - in soup, stew or stuffed. A huge amount of vitamin is contained in fresh pepper pulp, which can be added to salads.

Recipe for vitamin salad with sweet peppers

take cabbage forks weighing up to a kilogram, large Bell pepper red, a bunch of dill, a bunch of green onions, a tablespoon of oil and half a lemon. Wash and dry the vegetables in advance. Shred the cabbage, add salt, and use your hands to release the juice. Cut the seeded sweet pepper into thin strips. Mix it with cabbage. Dill and green onions wash, chop finely, add to salad. Salt it to taste, season with oil and lemon juice. A serving of this salad contains daily dose vitamin C.

By the way, there is also a lot of ascorbic acid in fresh greens, although less than in sweet peppers. The most “vitamin-rich” green is parsley (150 mg per 100 grams of product). It is slightly inferior to dill and wild garlic, spinach, sorrel, and green onions. You can significantly increase the vitamin value of any salads by simply adding fresh herbs in various combinations. Just be careful: like any acid, vitamin C destroys tooth enamel. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse after eating oral cavity clean water, and also refrain from brushing your teeth with a toothpaste containing whitening ingredients for several hours.

A few more sources of ascorbic acid: berries, citrus fruits and different kinds cabbage The most vitamin-rich, oddly enough, is Brussels sprouts (120 mg per 100 grams of product). A little less vitamin C in cauliflower - 70 mg per 100 grams. However, it is worth considering that few people consume cauliflower raw. And when heat treatment Vitamin C is destroyed.

Other types of cabbage (white, red, kohlrabi) do not contain much ascorbic acid. In red cabbage - 60, in white cabbage - 45, in kohlrabi about 50. The content of vitamin C can be slightly increased by combining different types cabbage in salads and adding greens.

Berries as a source of ascorbic acid

You've probably already guessed which berry contains the most ascorbic acid. Of course, black currant! And also - vitamin C in these berries is approximately equal, 200 mg per 100 grams of product. It’s just that it’s found in fresh currants and sea buckthorn. Compotes, jams and other berry processing products are tasty, but completely useless in terms of saturating the body with ascorbic acid.

Other “berry” sources of vitamin C: red rowan (70 mg per 100 grams), garden and wild strawberry, strawberries (60 mg per 100 grams). Moreover, there is almost as much vitamin C as in fresh fruit. But cranberries, lingonberries, chokeberry, cherries and grapes contain very little ascorbic acid. Cranberries, for example, contain only 15 mg per 100 grams of berries, and grapes contain only 6. So these berries are not suitable for saturating the body with ascorbic acid.

And what else?

In addition to vegetables and currants with sea buckthorn, kiwi contains a record amount of the desired vitamin. This sweet exotic fruit has almost caught up with Brussels sprouts - it contains 90 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 grams of fresh pulp. Kiwi can be eaten plain or used to make smoothies.

Papaya and oranges are another tasty source of vitamin C. Papaya contains 62 mg, oranges 60. But lemons contain only 40, but if you put a circle of lemon in hot tea, vitamin C is destroyed. To preserve this unstable vitamin, use lemon juice(add to other juices or salads). As for grapefruits and tangerines, they contain almost as much ascorbic acid as lemons.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, must be present in foods included in the daily diet. From its lack, health deteriorates, but its excess is quickly eliminated from the body with urine. What foods contain vitamin C? the greatest number, and how much do you need to eat to meet your daily requirement?

All about ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is mainly found in plant products nutrition: vegetables, berries and fruits, greens.

Daily requirement for vitamin C

A healthy adult requires about 150 milligrams of ascorbic acid per day, and with a cold, the need for it increases to 500 or even 2000 milligrams per day. When breastfeeding a woman, the amount of vitamin C should be increased to 200 milligrams. The need for ascorbic acid increases in poor environmental conditions.

The benefits of vitamin C for humans

Vitamin C has a very diverse and versatile effect on the body. Therefore, it is very important to include foods containing vitamin C in your diet every day. It is involved in the formation of collagen and connective tissue. Thanks to ascorbic acid, blood vessels are held together, bone, teeth, tendons and skin. Vitamin C is also involved in various metabolic processes.

Most important function ascorbic acid for humans is an antioxidant. It extinguishes the effects of toxic substances for humans free radicals. This is the name for aggressive elements that are formed in the body during increased physical activity, diseases and under the influence of negative factors environment.

Vitamin C successfully copes with the removal of poisons and toxins from the body. They combine with vitamin molecules, which are excreted through the urinary system. Products containing vitamin C help fight adverse effects per person. You can make a whole list of them:

  • Overheating;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Infections;
  • Oxygen starvation;
  • Stress;
  • Allergy.

Ascorbic acid prevents oxidation fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are necessary for the healing of burns and wounds. It increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, improves liver function, and activates the functions of endocrine glands, protects the heart by removing deposits in blood vessels, and reduces the production of bad cholesterol.

Vitamin C actively interacts with B vitamins. Together they promote the absorption of iron, which is necessary for hematopoietic processes.

Vitamin C deficiency

This is a list of symptoms that indicate insufficient intake of ascorbic acid into the body:

  • Formation of small bruises on the skin;
  • Slow healing of abrasions;
  • Bleeding gums;
  • Irritability;
  • Joint pain;
  • Weakness;
  • Low body resistance to disease;
  • Facial swelling;
  • Lack of sensation of teeth;
  • Nose bleed;
  • Hair loss.

Among the peoples of the north, a disease such as scurvy is often encountered. It is directly related to vitamin C deficiency in the body. What symptoms does this disease have? It can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Bleeding from the gums;
  • Fatigue;
  • Hysteria;
  • Depression;
  • Bleeding from the skin;
  • Anemia;
  • Tooth loss.

If you observe some symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency, then include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. A table showing the content of vitamin C in foods will help determine how much and what product you need to eat to meet your daily requirement. But synthetic vitamins It is best to drink after meals. This promotes their better absorption.

Excess ascorbic acid

Excess vitamin C in the body is very rare, since its excess is actively removed in the urine. But such cases are also known in medicine. Signs of excess ascorbic acid are:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Colic in the lower abdomen;
  • Redness on the face;
  • Nausea and vomiting.

If you experience all these symptoms, then exclude foods rich in vitamin C from your diet. A special table can help with this.

Vitamin C is the most unstable to environmental influences and heat treatment. Ascorbic acid in food products is destroyed by long-term storage. Over six months of storing potatoes, up to 50% of ascorbic acid is lost.

To preserve vitamin C in food products, you need to keep them in a cool, dark place. It is best to eat vegetables and fruits raw. During heat treatment, up to 60% of ascorbic acid is lost. The table with a list of foods containing vitamin C takes this factor into account.

Table of ascorbic acid content in products

Below is a table where vitamin C content in foods exceeds all other foods:

Dry rosehip 1000 15 400 38
Fresh rosehip 650 23 260 58
Juniper 266 56 106 142
Sweet red pepper 250 60 100 150
Prince 200 75 80 188
Sea ​​buckthorn 200 75 80 188
Sweet green pepper 200 75 80 188
Kiwi 180 83 72 209
Black currant 200 75 80 188
Honeysuckle 150 100 60 250
Parsley 150 100 60 250

In this table, the daily requirement is calculated for a healthy adult (150 mg per day).

Vitamin C in the foods presented in the table below is contained in moderate quantities:

Products Vitamin C content in foods (mg) To replenish daily requirement need(d) Vitamin C content after heat treatment (mg) To meet the daily requirement of a cooked product you need (g)
Brussels sprouts 100 150 40 378
Dill 100 150 40 378
Hawthorn 90 166 36 417
Broccoli 90 36 417
Kalina 88 175 35 430
Cauliflower 70 215 28 535
Strawberry (strawberry) 60 250 24 625
Red cabbage 60 250 24 625
Orange 60 250 24 625
Spinach 55 280 22 680
Grapefruit 45 333 18 833
White cabbage 45 333 18 833
Sorrel 43 333 17 880
Lemon 40 378 16 940
Mandarin 38 395 15 1000

This table includes data on the content of ascorbic acid in the products that are most often found on our table. Whenever possible, use foods that contain vitamin C raw. This applies to a greater extent to food products, especially those rich in vitamin C.

Using ascorbic acid in sufficient quantities, most colds will bypass you. You will get over the flu easier if you drink rosehip infusion every day. Take care of your health and eat more fresh berries, fruits, herbs and vegetables.