When can a girl start? How menstruation begins. How long does it take to have a regular menstrual cycle?

A girl's puberty begins with the development of the mammary glands. After breast augmentation, about 2.5 years should pass before the first menstruation. During this period, the mother should explain to her daughter the nuances of the cycle.

About all the signs of the first menstruation and how a girl’s cycle goes

Menstruation is the monthly shedding of the endometrium located inside the uterus, which is excreted from the body with blood through the vagina through the cervix and the opening in the hymen. You can learn everything about (synonym - menarche) from your mother or read in educational literature about menstruation. The process begins after ovulation, when the mature egg has not been fertilized. The cycle repeats every 21-35 days.

During puberty, girls begin to leak milky fluid from their vagina (often visible on underwear). The discharge is slightly noticeable or profuse. These are the organs of the reproductive system that begin to develop, and you should expect your first period to start within a year. The entire period girls can use daily sanitary napkin no flavorings. But if the discharge has an unpleasant odor, a different color (greenish, yellowish), or irritates the skin, you should go to the doctor.

On physiological development the child, although indirectly, is also influenced climatic conditions. In southern and eastern countries, the norm for girls to start their menstrual cycle is 9 years of age. In northern countries it comes later. But it is important that menstruation begins before the age of 14.5-16 years.

Sequence of puberty in girls:

  • development of mammary glands;
  • hair growth under the arms and pubic area;
  • first menstruation.

The entire period of growing up takes about 2.5 years. However, after menarche, menstruation often occurs a second time several months later. The cycle stabilizes over a period of 3 years. The regularity of menstruation in girls can be affected by diet, moving, stressful situation, health problems. The duration depends on the girl’s physiology and ranges from 21 to 35 days. The periods themselves should not last longer than 7 days, be too scanty (spotting) or heavy (resemble bleeding). The volume of isolated blood does not exceed 150 ml.

Symptoms before the first menstruation:

  • the breast becomes sensitive and swells slightly;
  • discomfort or It's a dull pain lower abdomen;
  • sometimes there are mood swings.

The girl’s body prepares for menstruation: the amount of sex hormones increases in the mammary glands and reproductive organs, the ovaries become larger, and the canal expands. Due to estrogen deficiency, you need sweets, you need to eat foods rich in carbohydrates during your period.

How does menstruation proceed?

When the body produces sex hormones in the required volume, 1 egg matures in the girl’s ovary every month and ovulation occurs. After this, the follicle membrane bursts ( pulling sensation lower abdomen on the right or left), and white clear liquid. Mature egg fallopian tube moves towards the uterus, where it should implant (attach) to the wall.

The entire ovulation period is considered best time to conceive a child. If the egg is not fertilized by a sperm ( male cage), after about 10-14 days, the upper layers of the endometrium begin to slough off (flak off) and are excreted along with menstrual blood.

The girl really needs psychological support during this period, she should be reassured. At first menstrual cycle There will always be a different number of days between the first days of menstruation. With a stable duration, it will begin after the same period.

A girl's critical days should be painless, the first menstruation is first smeared, then red blood flows, ending with a smear. But it also happens differently that menstruation is immediately intense, and then gradually decreases. If your health is impaired, deviations from accepted standards, so girls need to visit a pediatric gynecologist at least twice a year.

How to survive menstruation correctly

When your first period begins, your mother will tell you what to do. Recently, patients with allergies in the labia area are increasingly turning to pediatric gynecologists. For the first menstruation, girls are recommended to use hypoallergenic sanitary pads. These are all fragrance-free products and must be made from soft materials. In addition, using them, it is easier for mom to control the nature of menstruation, color, volume, and so on.

Tampons are recommended for use after the start of sexual activity. While the girl is not having sex, she can damage the hymen during vaginal insertion. In addition, it is saturated with blood inside the body, increases in size and is difficult to remove.

You should remind your daughter that tampons are changed every 1.5 hours, at least. This is necessary to prevent infection from developing inside the genital tract. If a girl plays sports and has to use tampons, the mother should select the minimum sizes.

In the last century, girls were only recommended to use pads. The reason is the retention of blood near the cervix and the complication of the exit of exfoliated endometrium, which causes additional painful sensations. Will this be the case in a particular case with a girl? Let’s check for personal experience, but the mother is recommended to ask her daughter again to help her choose the right hygiene products during menstruation.

What to do during menstruation:

  • take a shower daily;
  • You should wash yourself every time you change a pad or tampon (if possible, once every 1.5-2.5 hours).

The endometrium is separated in large fragments and in order for them to pass through the cervix, the uterus contracts intensely, pushing the pieces through. Because of this, the girl experiences a feeling of pain. She is advised to drink hot tea, lie with her back up, or lean on her knees and elbows to reduce discomfort.

What not to do during menstruation:

  • take hot baths;
  • lift weights;
  • be on a diet;
  • commit physical exercise, in which the abdominal muscles are involved;
  • use only tampons.

After reaching adulthood, a girl can drink strong alcohol, have sex, and undergo beauty treatments at a salon.

To reduce pain, you should not put your legs in hot water, put a heating pad on your stomach - bleeding will occur. If you apply ice, the girl can get inflammation of her internal organs. Medicines help non-steroidal drugs Ketonal, Nise. They are taken when severe pain lasts more than 12 hours. The next day, if it resumes again after the pill wears off, it is advisable to show your daughter to a doctor.

The girl may continue to have emotional outbursts, pain in the lower abdomen may persist or cramps may occur, and her breasts will still remain sensitive. These signs disappear within a week.

Deviations from the norms of the menstrual cycle

If a girl's first period began before the age of 8, or when it did not begin until the age of 15, it is considered a pathology. In this case, the mother should immediately bring her daughter for examination to a specialist. The cause of the deviation may be endocrine or nervous system or related to gynecology, ischemia.

If menarche occurs before breast development, the girl may have cancer. TO pediatric gynecologist You should contact us if your menstruation does not end at all or is too heavy. Bleeding may occur due to a blood clotting disorder.

At hormonal imbalance In girls, stretch marks appear on the skin in the form of red stripes. They are usually located in the chest, hips, and buttocks. Accompanying the failure Bad mood, dizziness, insomnia, memory impairment. Treatment with hormonal drugs is prescribed for short terms. They help the body regulate hormone levels if the glands belonging to endocrine system, they are produced in insufficient quantities.

Girls with neuralgia feel the pain much more intensely. Additionally, there may be nausea or fainting. It is recommended to register with a neurologist and consult with him every six months.


The direct responsibilities of the mother include teaching the girl the rules of hygiene during and after menstruation. The child also needs to be told what a girl’s period is, how to keep a calendar, what the risks of early sex are, etc., in a confidential tone, without making the child disgusted with everything related to his growing up. After all, all this affects the future family life and is associated with the birth of children.

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The onset of menstruation is an important event in a girl’s life. By the beginning of the first critical days, the child must be mentally prepared. Many modern girls who know how to use the Internet, long before the onset of menstruation, know what this physiological process is. However, this does not free mothers from the need to tell their daughters about what menstruation is, when girls' periods begin, how they proceed and what to watch out for.

Let's discuss all the important questions: what signs can you use to guess that menstruation is about to begin, how to maintain hygiene these days, and whether you need to visit a gynecologist.

When do the first critical days occur?

A few decades ago, girls began menstruating at almost 18 years of age. Now puberty comes earlier. The occurrence of the first menstruation at 11–16 years of age is considered normal. Some girls critical days come earlier, and for some - later.

This depends on several factors:

  • diseases that were suffered in childhood;
  • heredity;
  • nutrition;
  • living conditions;
  • physical development.

In addition, if the grandmother and mother started their periods early, then the child will most likely do the same. If a girl is ahead of her peers in physical development, then her period will come earlier. Conversely, if the baby grows up weak and often gets sick, then she will probably lag behind in puberty. Menstruation will come later when poor nutrition, deficiency of vitamins and nutrients necessary for the growth and development of a young body.

There are cases where girls' first periods begin at 8–9 years old. Early sexual development may be caused by a violation hormonal levels, great physical activity. If menstruation has not begun by the age of 17, then this is a reason to visit a gynecologist. The reason for the delay in sexual development may be insufficient functioning of the ovaries, emotional stress, nervous overload, problems with hormonal metabolism, disorders arising from the pituitary gland, debilitating sports training, unfavorable environmental conditions, dieting.

Signs preceding the first menstruation

Any mother who monitors the condition and health of her daughter can notice the signs that precede the onset of the first menstruation. It is from this moment that we need to begin preparing the child for a new period of life. About a couple of years before the onset of menstruation, a girl’s figure changes (breasts enlarge, hips become wider). Hair begins to grow under the arms and on the pubic area. In addition, girls' periods are preceded by acne on the face, back.

A few months before the first critical days girls notice traces of unusual discharge on their underwear. They may be transparent, yellowish or whitish without an unpleasant odor. All this is normal and does not indicate any disease. If you experience symptoms such as itching in intimate place, strange smell inherent in discharge, it is worth visiting a specialist.

A few days before the start of menstruation the girl may show signs premenstrual syndrome(PMS), which occurs in adult women:

  • frequent mood swings, tearfulness;
  • apathetic or aggressive state;
  • headaches that occur for no reason;
  • nagging pain localized in the lower abdomen.

How is the first menstruation, and how to prepare the child?

The first signs of menstruation in girls - bloody issues . They can be moderate or very scanty. During the first menstruation, about 50–150 ml of blood leaves the body (depending on individual characteristics girls, hereditary factors). On the very first day, a small amount is lost menstrual blood. Most copious discharge observed on the second day. Then their volume gradually decreases. The duration of menstruation can range from 3 to 7 days.

The first time a girl's period may be accompanied by weakness, discomfort in the lower abdomen . They can also be observed during the next menstruation. These symptoms occur in most adult women, so there is no need to worry about them.

Menstruation has a characteristic smell. It is explained by the fact that during menstruation the mucous glands of the vulva actively function, producing secretions.

The first spotting, not severe pain tugging nature can frighten a child. The mother’s task is to explain to her girl that menstruation is a normal physiological process that occurs in the body of every girl and adult woman. The conversation should be friendly, not didactic.

The mother should tell her daughter:

  1. About the menstrual cycle. Critical days occur every month. It is imperative to say how long girls' periods last. It should also be noted that average duration The menstrual cycle is 28 days, but during the first two years it may fluctuate.
  2. The need to follow hygiene rules. Blood is very favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. They can lead to the development of serious inflammatory diseases organs of the genitourinary system.
  3. About the risks of sexual relations. With the onset of menstruation, every girl enters childbearing age, And intimate relationships with the opposite sex can lead to pregnancy, which at this age is extremely undesirable. Childbirth can be harmful to both the new mother and her baby. That is why a girl should know about what promiscuity and unprotected sex can lead to.

Features of the menstrual cycle

In teenage girls, the menstrual cycle (the period from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation) is 21–35 days. However During the first two years, not everyone experiences it regularly.. For some it fluctuates constantly. For example, one menstrual cycle may be 25 days and the next 32 days. This normal phenomenon. It does not indicate that the girl has any pathology. If you have any suspicions, you can visit a doctor. The specialist will tell you exactly whether this is normal or an illness.

It is worth noting that The intervals between menstruation can range from one and a half months to six months. Don't worry if your period doesn't come on time required deadline. At a young age menstrual function has not yet been fully formed. This is why some girls experience long breaks. If your period does not come after several months, then you need to seek help from a doctor. A long pause between the first and second periods in girls may indicate a serious malfunction in the young body.

With the onset of her first menstruation, your daughter should be taught to keep a calendar in which she can mark when her periods began and ended. This information may not be useful in the first 1–2 years from the start of your period, because at this time the menstrual cycle has not yet fully established itself. But then the calendar will come in handy when consulting with a specialist if the cycle remains irregular. Too short or long periods, a small or large gap between menstruation may be a sign of some disease.

Hygiene and diet during menstruation

Maintaining hygiene – important question, which mothers should cover when teaching their daughters about menstruation. During menstruation, all girls and adult women use pads and tampons. For girls, pads are the most preferred. Tampons interfere with the natural flow of blood. Gaskets are much more convenient to use. It is best for girls to buy these products for intimate hygiene with a cotton layer. Pads with a mesh coating (“plastic” layer) are less hygienic and cause sweating and irritation of delicate skin.

During menstruation, pads should be changed every 2-3 hours. The longer the pad is attached to your underwear, the less useful it will be (the number of bacteria will rapidly grow exponentially). If you do not replace the gasket for 6 or more hours, serious harm will be caused to your body. Infectious-toxic shock may develop - a condition that occurs as a result of the action of microorganisms and their toxins (body temperature rises, decreases arterial pressure, confusion is observed, coma is possible).

What you need to know about using pads during menstruation in girls:

  • Be sure to wash your hands before replacing the gasket (with dirty hands pathogenic microorganisms may enter a clean gasket);
  • do not use pads that have expired (the less time has passed since the manufacture of the intimate hygiene product, the higher the degree of protection it has);
  • Do not use sanitary pads with aromatic fragrances ( chemical components often provoke allergies and skin irritation);
  • do not save on buying sanitary pads (intimate hygiene products, sold at low prices, are often made from low-quality raw materials, which poses a danger to the girl’s health);
  • It is not recommended to store pads in the bathroom ( a large number of moisture is an ideal environment for the active proliferation of microbes that can penetrate intimate hygiene products).

Special attention should be paid to underwear. Girls should wear regular panties made from natural fabrics. Thongs are beautiful and sexy underwear that many teenage girls dream of, but wearing them is completely unhygienic. A narrow strip of thong can be called a kind of bridge for moving microorganisms between anus and vagina. Intestinal microflora shouldn't get into genitourinary system, as it can provoke the development of inflammatory diseases.

The onset of menstruation in girls is not a reason to take a bath often. The most suitable option is daily shower . You also need to wash yourself at least 2-3 times during the day. It is not advisable to use soap. Gynecologists recommend using special means for intimate hygiene (gels, mousses, etc.), which contain lactic acid. This component does not negatively affect microflora, unlike regular soap.

Preferably during the first and subsequent menstruation avoid physical activity . Sports activities will have to be postponed. It is allowed to perform light physical exercises and do recreational gymnastics. In addition, girls need psychological peace.

Another important point, which is worth paying attention to during menstruation - dieting . The word “diet” does not mean reducing the amount of food consumed, but rather revising the diet and removing spicy foods from it. Because of similar food there is a rush of blood to internal organs abdominal cavity. This may lead to increased uterine bleeding. Alcoholic drinks are also contraindicated.

Do I need to visit a gynecologist?

With the onset of your first period, it is not necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist, unless there is a clear reason for this: strange discharge With unpleasant smell, itching, menstrual irregularities. As a rule, the first examination by a gynecologist occurs at 15–16 years of age.

The doctor must make sure that the girl is developing correctly and that she has no health problems. If the girl started sex life, then visits to the doctor should be regular - once a year.

It is worth contacting a gynecologist in cases where girls’ periods are disrupted:

  • critical days last 1–2 days or more than 7 days (menstruation that is too short indicates insufficient production of sex hormones, impaired ovarian function, and too long indicates poor contractility of the uterus, significantly expressed estrogenic function of the ovaries);
  • excessive bleeding is observed, requiring frequent replacement of pads or tampons;
  • after the first menstruation, menstruation stopped for long term(pause more than 6 months);
  • after normalization of the menstrual cycle, irregularities began (cycle less than 21 days or more than 35 days);
  • very large ones are visible in the bloody discharge blood clots(the size of a grape).

Immediately consult a doctor or call ambulance necessary when bloody discharge is accompanied by very strong painful sensations in the abdominal area, dizziness, severe weakness, pallor, fever, nausea, vomiting and intestinal disorders.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the first menstruation can cause fear and panic in a girl. To prevent this from happening, mothers should devote some time to their daughters and talk about physiological process, which will soon begin to occur regularly in a young body, explain why girls get their periods at this age.

You also need to be sure to ask whether your periods come regularly, whether there are any delays, or whether severe pain occurs. Sometimes girls are embarrassed to tell their parents. If any abnormalities are detected, you should definitely visit a doctor.

Educational video about first menstruation


As a rule, the first menstruation always causes mixed feelings for most girls. On the one hand, they are happy that they are growing up, but on the other hand, they feel fear. Many people think about when the first menstruation will begin, how to recognize the symptoms of their approach, etc. On our website you can find answers to your questions and learn everything about menstruation in girls.


Girls' first period is an important and very significant event. It is difficult to describe the feelings that you will experience. During the first period, a teenager will have to deal with strange and new sensations. There may be thousands of thoughts running through your head at once, but you have nothing to fear. On the contrary, it would be reasonable to think: “When I get my period, I will really become an adult.” You must prepare for this exciting event. Try to relax and unwind. Whenever your first menstruation begins, remember: this is a natural process in the female body, thanks to which a girl can perform a real miracle - give life to a baby.


Do you want to know when girls' periods begin? There is no “right age” to start your period. For everyone it comes in its own time. As a rule, most teenage girls get their period at the age of 12–13 years. But this is very conditional. They can first appear at 10 or 15 years of age. This is absolutely natural and normal! If you are worried and often think: “Am I okay?”, remember that your day will certainly come too! Menstruation in girls appears when the genital organs are sufficiently formed and the body accumulates required amount. After this, an egg will begin to mature regularly (about once every four weeks) in your ovaries, and then leave your body along with menstrual blood.


Finding out that menstruation is starting is quite simple. There are certain early signs that indicate the maturation of your body. They arise gradually. You will find new changes in your body that are difficult to miss. Thus, by carefully observing yourself, you can guess when your period will start for the first time. At the same time, you should not forget that the early signs of menstruation indicated below are individual and cannot be an accurate signal of the beginning of the cycle.

Signs of the first menstruation:

When will my menstrual cycle start?

Surely you are wondering what your first period should be like - regular or not. The menstrual cycle of a teenage girl is not always exactly one month. Especially if your discharge is just starting. It will take about two years before your cycle becomes regular. A menstrual calendar will help you track the pattern of discharge. The most important thing is that you should not focus on “those” days and limit yourself in any way. Enjoy life and make new discoveries that always accompany growing up. And our site will help you find out everything about your first period!


As a rule, the duration of critical days for girls is from 3 to 7 days. At the beginning of menstruation, girls experience the most heavy discharge. Gradually they weaken. During the last 24 hours, the discharge is almost unnoticeable. Go through to learn more about the menstrual cycle.

The duration of the first menstrual cycle (the time from the beginning of one to the beginning of another bleeding) is individual for each girl. On average, it lasts 28 days, but the duration of the cycle can range from 21 to 35 days. The duration of the cycle often changes due to stress (for example, during exams), climate change, spring months. Read more about the norms for the duration of menstruation in adolescents.


If a girl’s first period begins unexpectedly and at the most inopportune time, it’s so easy to get confused. Don't worry! You can feel more confident if you regularly use panty liners. For example, they will protect your clothes from secretions that may appear unexpectedly and make you feel calm. In addition, you can always carry tampons with you or regular gaskets. This will allow you to always be ready for the onset of menstruation and, if necessary, promptly use hygiene products.

For the first time, girls' periods cause real excitement. Here are a few simple tips for teenagers so that menstruation does not take them by surprise:

  • Keep a menstrual calendar so you know approximately when to expect your period.
  • Use panty liners (for example, ) on days when discharge may begin.
  • If you get your period for the first time and you don’t have tampons or pads with you, don’t hesitate to ask a friend, teacher or school nurse.
  • On the day that might go menstrual bleeding, visit the toilet every 3-4 hours so as not to miss the onset of bleeding.
  • In the first critical days, just in case, you can put not only a pair of underwear in your purse, but also a spare pair of underwear.

In ancient times, menstruation was surrounded by an incredible amount of myths and superstitions. Somewhere girls were forbidden to leave the house, hidden from people's eyes, in other nations this day was celebrated as an important and joyful event.

Now doctors have a good idea of ​​the mechanisms of this process. But if you go through forums and communities, you can come across no less superstitions and speculations. There is only one reason – the lack of truthful and reliable information.

The girl must be ready for changes in her body

Primitive societies, for all their shortcomings, prepared girls for this event. Mothers and sisters told their younger relatives what awaited them. Today, many women rely on the media and the Internet, which is why the girl may not be mentally prepared for this event.

Therefore, the important role of the mother is to calmly tell her teenage daughter everything that might interest her and answer all the questions that arise. This is very important for future frank and trusting relationships.

When should your first period start?

According to statistics, girls of the current generation begin their periods somewhat earlier than their distant great-grandmothers 100-200 years ago. Now the norm is considered to be between 11 and 14 years of age. In most cases, they begin at 12-13, although deviations are possible.

  1. Menstruation began before age 11.
  2. The girl has already turned 14, but they are not there yet.
  3. Puberty (appearance of hair, breast enlargement) began before 9 years of age or there are no signs of it after 12-13.

As a rule, such situations are associated with poor nutrition and lifestyle, pathologies or, most often, work disorders hormonal system. In this case, you should undergo an examination and, if possible, correct the deviations.

What influences?

It's no secret that girls' first periods begin in... at different ages. There are many reasons for this:

  1. Hormonal status.
  2. Features of physical development.
  3. Food quality.
  4. Body type.
  5. Place of residence (city-rural, hot-cool countries).
  6. Psycho-emotional state.
  7. Past illnesses.
  8. Heredity.

It is noted that large girls who are physical development ahead of their peers, menstruation begins earlier than those of the fragile and delicate. In the same time, poor nutrition, past illnesses and stress can delay puberty.

It is interesting that in our country, girls begin menstruation more often in the cold season than in the summer. It's hard to say why this is said. Apparently, the light regime and nutrition have a certain influence.

Heredity plays a significant role. With great confidence, you can predict the time of onset of menstruation by analyzing the age of its appearance in your mother and older sisters.

But all these calculations will only be approximate estimates. You can more accurately determine the period based on the harbingers of menstruation.

Harbingers of the first menstruation

The first menstruation (in medicine it is called menachre) is an important sign that indicates that the body is going through the natural processes of puberty.

Their first signs could be seen 2-3 years before the start of menstruation. In girls, the mammary glands begin to enlarge, hair growth in the pubic area and armpits increases, the pelvis expands, and the amount of adipose tissue increases.

First menstruation marks the onset of puberty

About six months before the first menstruation, leucorrhoea begins - normal physiological secretions from the vagina. They can be transparent, white or slightly yellowish color, have a slight sour smell.

At the same time, other signs of approaching menstruation may appear:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Mood swings.
  3. Apathy, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness.
  4. Pain in the back and lower back.
  5. Changes in appetite, nausea.

All this should not cause much concern, since it is a variation of the norm. But there are a number of factors that should cause concern.

Physiology of menstruation

Many girls get very scared when they start having bloody menstrual flow. After all, before this, for them, blood was an indicator of injury, a violation of the integrity of the skin. Therefore, she needs to explain in advance that in this case the mechanisms of its appearance are completely different.

Under the influence of hormones, starting from the age of 10-11, a girl’s reproductive system begins to change greatly. First of all, the size of the uterus and ovaries increases. Then the layer lining it from the inside grows - the endometrium.

It is necessary to ensure the attachment, nutrition and development of a fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur in a certain cycle, then the unclaimed endometrium is rejected from the walls of the uterus and washed out of the body with blood. This is what menstruation is. Immediately after completion, the endometrium grows again, and a new cycle begins.

Menstrual cycle

All reproductive processes in a woman’s body are strictly subject to a certain schedule - the ovular-menstrual cycle. In an ideal situation, it is 28 days, but certain deviations in any direction are possible: from 21 to 35 days. Its duration and intensity are determined by the combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

But in teenage girls, such a cycle is established after 1-2 years. Before this, cycle irregularities are the norm. The main thing is that the duration of the delay should not be longer than three months, and the duration of one menstruation should not be more than 10 days.

To track the cyclical nature of menstruation, you should keep a calendar from the very beginning, noting in it not only the beginning and end of menstruation, but also the intensity and pain characteristic of each day. Such a calendar will allow you to track changes and determine the very beginning of problems.

Deviations from the norm

Sometimes menstruation may be irregular

We have already said that starting your period too early or too late should be a serious concern. But there are a number of other situations when urgent medical consultation is required:

  1. Irregular menstruation. In the first two years, the cycle can be very inconsistent, but if more than three months have passed since your last period, you should consult a doctor.
  2. Long menstruation. During the stabilization of the cycle, the duration of menstruation can be very varied, but if more than 9-10 days have passed from the beginning and they do not end, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.
  3. Heavy menstruation. Normally, 50-150 milliliters of blood are released in one cycle. More abundant menstruation may indicate abnormalities. This can be determined by the number of gaskets. If a medium or large pad fills up faster than 3-4 hours, this is already a deviation.
  4. Painful menstruation. A few days before menstruation and in the first days, a girl may feel cramping pain in the lower abdomen, nagging pain in the lower back, dizziness, lack of appetite or nausea. But all these symptoms should not interfere with leading a normal lifestyle. If the pain is difficult to bear, then you should consult a doctor.

IN similar cases You shouldn’t put off visiting a doctor, hoping that everything will work out on its own. The sooner the examination is carried out and the cause of these deviations is discovered, the higher the likelihood of complications developing. So, for example, prolonged heavy menstruation can lead to severe loss blood and even require cleaning of the uterus to stop it. And such an operation can leave behind not only painful memories, but also health problems.

Painful menstruation

Often teenage girls complain that their menstruation is very painful. Severe cramps in the lower abdomen, lower back pain, mood swings - all this can significantly worsen your well-being and force you to change your lifestyle in the first days of menstruation, giving up walking, playing sports, and sometimes even going to school.

Your first period can be very painful

But doctors believe that this is an abnormal condition that may require examination and correction. Possible reasons there may be structural features of organs reproductive system, for example, a curved cervix.

In mild cases, you can limit yourself to taking antispasmodics or mild painkillers, but if they cannot relieve discomfort or you have to take them for more than one day, you should consult a doctor and get examined.

Diagnostic methods

In some cases, examination may be required:

  1. Ultrasound. Using ultrasound, the doctor can study the structure of the organs of the reproductive system, their size and location. For virgins, the examination is carried out transabdominally, through the abdominal wall.
  2. Flora research. A smear examination for flora is also mandatory, but for this purpose a sample of vaginal discharge is taken from the vestibule of the vagina.
  3. Determination of hormonal profile. Violation hormonal cycle, painful, heavy or prolonged periods can be caused by an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone.

Having received the necessary data, the gynecologist can help get rid of existing problems or prescribe an additional, more thorough examination. So often, simultaneously with an examination by a gynecologist, a consultation with an endocrinologist may be necessary.

Hygiene rules during menstruation

The most important thing that a mother must explain to her daughter is how she now needs to take care of herself. Menstruation indicates that the composition of her vaginal flora changes dramatically. Neglecting hygiene measures can cause various complications, for example, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Therefore, the following rules are mandatory:

  1. During menstruation, you should not bathe in the bathroom; it is better to take a shower or limit yourself to washing.
  2. You need to change sanitary pads at least 4-5 times a day, as they are full, but no less than every 4-5 hours.
  3. You need to wash yourself at least 2-3 times a day, or better yet, every time you change the pad.
  4. You should wash yourself warm water. You can add a little herbal decoction (chamomile, calendula) or a little potassium permanganate to it (until it turns light pink). It is very important to wash yourself correctly: in the direction from the pubis to anus, but not in the opposite direction, since in this case there is a risk of introducing foreign flora into the vagina or urethra.
  5. For sleep, it is better to use special night pads. They are longer and wider and provide better protection against leakage.
  6. Girls can use vaginal tampons, but it is better to do this as rarely as possible, for example, if you have to play sports or dance, if you have a trip or a trip to the beach. But it is still better to use sanitary pads.
  7. If you still had to use tampons, you should change it every 3-4 hours.
  8. Tampons should not be used at night.
  9. During menstruation, you can swim in open water and a swimming pool (with a tampon), play sports, dance, active species recreation.
  10. It is undesirable to visit a sauna, steam bath, or get hypothermic during menstruation.
  11. The diet these days should be predominantly plant-based, without heavy foods, fatty, fried, or smoked dishes. Alcohol is prohibited even in small doses.

It is worth remembering that menstrual flow provides an excellent environment for development pathogenic bacteria, and failure to comply with hygiene rules can lead to the development of inflammatory diseases.

Hygiene items

Now even children know about the existence of pads and tampons, but many girls are embarrassed to buy them themselves. Therefore, at first the mother will have to take over the function of supplying them.

In the first stages, it is better to purchase hygiene items for the mother

It is very important not to skimp on this hygiene item; pads should be comfortable, thin and unnoticeable so that the girl does not feel embarrassed wearing them and does not feel discomfort. They must be reliable, since displacement can result in the appearance of a noticeable stain on clothing and cause serious anxiety and stress.

It is worth purchasing several types of hygiene products in advance:

  1. Large pads with 4-5 drops for the first days, when menstruation is heaviest.
  2. Small pads, 2-3 drops for the second part, when the amount of discharge is already decreasing.
  3. Night pads, maximum volume for reliable protection during sleep.
  4. Tampons, for travel or other occasions important event when a gasket cannot be used.
  5. Panty liners. Before the expected start of menstruation, you can use panty liners so that their appearance does not become an unpleasant surprise.

It makes sense to show girls how to use these hygiene products and explain how they work. It is very important to discuss what to do with the used ones. They should never be thrown down the toilet, as this may cause a blockage in the drain. Used hygiene products should be wrapped in paper and thrown into a bin.

Since girls have an irregular cycle, you should always be prepared for the start of your period. To do this, the bag should contain a couple of pads, clean underwear, and in case painful menstruation– pain reliever. This will help avoid unpleasant surprises associated with their beginning.

First menstruation and contraception

This conversation is often difficult for both mother and daughter, but it should be had. And it’s better not to put it off for the future, hoping that the girl will figure it out on her own.

Since the onset of the first menstruation female body ready to conceive. Therefore, if she has unprotected intercourse during ovulation, this may cause pregnancy. Just carry her out and give birth healthy child at this time it is physically impossible. And this is not to mention the fact that at this age, neither the teenage girl nor her parents will be ready for the birth of a baby.

Therefore, it is better to immediately explain that now she, like adult women, can become pregnant. But since this is unacceptable, it is worth knowing and remembering the rules of safe sexual behavior: use a condom, and for regular sexual intercourse, one selected by a gynecologist hormonal contraceptives. If it turns out that sexual intercourse is unprotected, you need to go to the gynecologist as soon as possible and take post-coital contraception.

This conversation does not mean permission for the girl to begin sexual activity, and this must be especially emphasized. But it is better if it takes place in advance, and by the time she begins sexual activity she will have the information she needs.

If the mother believes that she cannot cope with this conversation or provide the information the teenage girl needs, then it is worth coming for a consultation with a teenage gynecologist.

But the most important thing is that thanks to the first visit to the gynecologist, initiated by her mother, the girl should remember for the rest of her life how important it is to undergo regular examinations.

Many mothers are afraid that a girl’s hymen will be damaged during a visit to the gynecologist, but this is not the case. In this case, the examination is different from that of adult women. For example, vaginal examination and bimanual examination are not performed; smears are taken from the vestibule of the vagina. If necessary, examination of the vagina is carried out using a special optical device.

Mothers should remember that for them menstruation is a regular and banal phenomenon. For their girl, menachre can be a real shock, for which they need to prepare in advance and properly. And the responsibility for this lies only with them.

  • When a daughter needs her mother's help
    • Can girls use tampons?
    • How to choose sanitary pads
    • The importance of keeping a menstrual calendar
  • “I must be dying!” - this is what the heroine of the novel “The Thorn Birds” thought when she got her first period. However, even today, in the age of Internet technology and universal literacy, such incidents happen not only to girls, but even to their mothers, who do not always know what is normal and what is pathology during the formation of the menstrual cycle.

    Today we invited a pediatric gynecologist to talk about girls’ first periods highest category Elena Nikolaevna NEKHOROSHKOVA from the Blesk clinic.

    “9-10 years today is no longer considered a pathology...”

    - Elena Nikolaevna, what are the age limits for the beginning of the first menstruation? And how significant is the deviation from them?

    In the Siberian region, the onset of menstruation usually occurs no later than 14.5 years. There are girls whose periods begin at 9-10 years old - today this is no longer considered a pathology. But if this happens before eight or after 14.5 years, then health problems can already be suspected, and mothers should immediately sound the alarm and have their daughters examined.

    - What problems are we talking about?

    Very wide range: endocrine diseases, genetic pathologies, and in general among girls with chronic diseases menstruation starts later. Very often, children who are diagnosed with disorders in the central nervous system at the time of birth are also susceptible to delays. But in girls with ischemic lesions at birth, menstruation often begins earlier due date. But still, I repeat: now the first menstruation (menarche) has increasingly begun to occur at the age of 9-10, and we do not find any violations.

    - Why has menstruation become so “younger”?

    To be honest, no one knows this, although research is being done. It is not known why the ovaries “start up” earlier, and why the central nervous system reacts earlier. It is known that puberty occurs faster in girls of southern nationalities - that’s probably all.

    - How important is it that the onset of menstruation correlates with other secondary sexual characteristics?

    If a girl's period begins without the development of secondary sexual characteristics, this indicates a very serious problems. Most likely, it is oncology: tumors of the ovaries, adrenal glands, the genital area in general, or serious damage to the central nervous system. You definitely need to see a pediatric gynecologist. Because it's always enough serious pathology, parents need not just to worry, but to sound the alarm!

    ” - Still, sexual development should begin with the growth of the mammary glands, then axillary-pubic hair growth, and only then the beginning of menstruation. It is believed that 2-2.5 years should pass from the beginning of mammary gland growth to the first menstruation.

    - When should a regular menstrual cycle be established?

    After menarche regular cycle can be installed within a year. Let me remind you that a cycle is considered to be the period from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next. They must arrive in no less than 21 days and no more than 35 days. Duration - maximum 7 days (with all spotting). If menstruation occurs more often, or after a year the cycle has not established itself, be sure to contact a pediatric gynecologist.

    ” - There is a situation when a girl has her first period and... does not end. Parents need to monitor the situation very carefully because it may be due to a bleeding disorder. Abundant and prolonged first menstruation - also serious reason consult a doctor.

    “No hot foot baths, no heating pads, no ice on the stomach!..”

    - Are your first periods painful?

    The first period should not be painful. If this happens, in Once again I advise you to definitely go to the doctor! There can be many reasons, including underdevelopment of the reproductive system.

    - Are there any physiological reasons the occurrence of severe painful sensations?

    In an adult woman, the endometrium in the uterine cavity seems to fragment and come out in “pieces”. And in girls, the bend between the cervix and the body of the uterus is quite sharp, and inner layer, separated by a “cast” rather than fragments, gets stuck at the exit from the uterus. The uterus must contract vigorously to push all this out. These increased contractions of the uterus are perceived by girls as pain. What can you do? Try to find a position during which this pain goes away. Either lie on your stomach or take a knee-elbow position.

    - Can it be used to relieve pain? medications?

    ” - Grandmothers used to say that “we need to warm our feet.” In fact, this should never be done if you have pain during menstruation! No hot foot baths, no heating pads, no ice on your belly!

    It was once believed that antispasmodic drugs, such as no-shpa, were very helpful; we used them quite widely. They helped some, not so much for others. Today the best drugs for painful periods, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on indomethacin, mefinamic acid are considered: nise, ketonal (namely ketonal, not ketans!) That is, drugs that act on pain mediators and relieve inflammation.

    ” - If the pain lasts an hour or two, then this is normal. The girl drank tea, lay down, got distracted, and the pain went away. But if pain syndrome pronounced, and it lasts more than a day, then you need to take pain relief. The pain cannot be tolerated.

    Very often, girls who have problems with neurology perceive this pain more acutely. Some complain (in addition to pain in the lower abdomen) of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, even fainting. In this situation, you definitely need the help of a neurologist. You need to contact a specialist twice a year to carry out treatment that improves cerebral circulation may require courses sedatives, physical therapy. All this is indirectly aimed at pain relief.


    - What is considered heavy and scanty discharge in girls?

    ” - During menstruation, no more than 80 grams of blood should be released. For the whole menstrual period It should take one pack of gaskets.

    Typically during adolescence complaints about scanty discharge extremely rare - this is the prerogative of older people. Most often, the root of the problem lies in an increase in male sex hormones. Menstruation that lasts less than 2-3 days is also a violation, as is menstruation, during which there is little discharge.

    If the gaskets are changed within an hour and a half, this already indicates bleeding. Bleeding is dangerous due to anemia, a drop in hemoglobin levels, and many other problems can arise against this background. Heavy menstruation should suggest that there are problems with blood clotting, possibly related to heredity. We have laboratories in our city that study hemostasis, including at the genetic level. It is necessary to identify the causes and then choose treatment tactics. Such an analysis is performed once in a lifetime, and a girl who will become pregnant and give birth in the future should be aware of the existence of these problems.

    If girls spotting appears in the middle of the cycle, this may be a reaction to ovulation, although most likely it indicates hormonal disorders. Ovarian cysts, endometrial hyperplasia... Accurate diagnosis can be determined by your attending physician.

    Finally, sometimes girls in adolescence develop uterine bleeding, which are called juvenile. At irregular cycle At first they can be confused with menstrual ones, but they differ in their acyclic nature and duration - if they appear, you should definitely consult a doctor!

    - And what is the treatment for such bleeding?

    First of all, you need to find out their cause - treatment tactics depend on this. But, I must note, many parents are scared when they are prescribed to stop bleeding (if this cannot be done in any other way). hormonal drugs. I want to say that hormone therapy used both to stop bleeding “here and now” and to prevent such situations in the future.

    ” - There is no need to be afraid of hormonal drugs! Very often, people who do not know about the mechanism of their action paint terrible pictures in their imagination. In fact, the situation is no different from the problem, for example, with poor vision. If a person sees poorly, he puts on glasses. If a girl doesn’t have enough hormones, we add them. Hormonal drugs are a blessing!

    Dose active substances V modern drugs so low side effects so little that there is nothing to fear. In addition, when hormonal drugs are prescribed to girls, they are prescribed for a very short period of time. Trust your doctor: if he prescribes them, then it’s necessary! Find common ground and help your child.

    - What else should parents pay attention to?

    Very often, mothers with girls come to the appointment complaining of menstrual irregularities, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, memory problems...

    ” - When you start looking, you see red stretch marks on the skin of the thighs, buttocks, and mammary glands, like those of pregnant women - stretch marks. Parents think that this is caused by the fact that their daughter has gained weight sharply, and this hormonal disorders. If you see stretch marks on your girls (sometimes they happen on boys too), you need to be alarmed.

    This is a fairly serious pathology associated with dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the brain. And this disorder, in turn, is often a consequence of ischemic damage to the central nervous system, which was diagnosed in the child at birth! Parents treat this disease for up to a year, look after the child, and then consider that everything is over. In fact, ischemic lesion The central nervous system does not go anywhere; it remains with a person for life. And at a later age, if the child is not treated or observed, it may manifest itself hypothalamic syndrome, including weight gain, menstrual irregularities, and even infertility in adults. Deterioration may be caused by viral infections and stress: exams, parental divorce, death of loved ones.

    Everything is interconnected, so don’t be surprised if at your reception teenage gynecologist They will start asking you how the birth proceeded and whether the girl had an acute respiratory infection!

    “A daughter with all her problems should turn to her mother for help and advice...”

    - There are now a lot of personal hygiene products available that can be used during menstruation. How not to drown in this sea of ​​gaskets? How to choose them correctly? Can a girl use tampons?

    For girls who are not sexually active, using tampons is strictly not recommended. A tampon that has been in the genital tract for some time swells. The infection “clings” to it, and besides, removing it can damage the hymen. Some young athletes, however, try to use tampons, sometimes successfully, but here everything is very individual.

    ” - Teenage girls, as a rule, do not yet have the same self-control as an adult woman; they can simply forget about the tampon. And he should stay in the genital tract for no more than one and a half hours, maximum 2.5 hours.

    IN Lately girls who are developing inflammatory processes in the external genitalia. And they are often caused by allergies! Therefore, I recommend choosing hypoallergenic pads for the first menstruation. According to my personal observations, Discreet, Milana, and Naturella pads performed best in this regard. If not allergic reaction, then, of course, you can use whatever you want, including pads with fragrances.

    - What other advice do you have for mothers of teenage girls?

    A girl’s mother should be a friend, so that her daughter turns to her for help and advice with all her problems. Of course, you need to talk about menstruation long before it appears. (explains how to do this family psychologist Ksenia Salakhutdinova in ) . During the first period, you need to help with hygiene, and also teach the girl how to keep a menstrual calendar! A girl must come to an appointment with a gynecologist with menstrual calendar, where you need to mark the days of menstruation - then you can immediately see how regular the cycle is. I convince all my patients, especially young ones, to keep such a calendar, and as a doctor I ask mothers to pay special attention to this!

    Good luck and health to you!

    Interviewed by Olga Strykun