How to treat cramps in your calves. What to do if your calves cramp, what are the causes of the condition? Severe cramps in the calves

Cramps are a common problem that almost every person faces, regardless of gender and age. They usually occur at night or during vigorous physical activity, causing severe discomfort and in some cases leaving behind mild pain for several hours.

Most often, cramps affect the calf muscle. If your calves are cramping, there are methods that can quickly alleviate the pain and prevent reappearance seizures

Why do my calves cramp? Let's look at the various reasons

There are many negative factors that affect the appearance of cramps in the calves, and the most common are the following:

  • Increased exercise stress without preliminary warm-up. Sudden load on the unprepared muscular system leads to acute pain. Prolonged stay in a sitting or standing position without the opportunity to warm up leads to blood stagnation, and the muscles receive an insufficient amount of valuable elements.
  • The influence of severe stressful situations. When stressed, cortisol is released into the blood, a hormone that helps cope with stressful situations. But frequent exposure interferes with calcium absorption, which leads to seizures. Excessive consumption of caffeine-containing products (energy drinks, coffee, desserts with it, medications) also increases the production of cortisol.
  • Inadequate diet. Fasting and uneven nutrition are stressful for the body, which leads to the release of cortisol. There is also a shortage of a number useful elements negatively affects the condition of blood vessels and muscles. Particularly harmful, in addition to a lack of calcium, is a lack of potassium, magnesium, vitamins from group B, calciferols (vitamins from group D), sugar, and iron.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time. The foot in incorrectly selected shoes is compressed and is in constant voltage, and blood circulation is impaired. There is also a connection with cramps and heel height: wearing high-heeled shoes overstrains the calf muscle.
  • Disruptions in metabolic processes. They develop due to endocrine disruptions, poor diet, excess nicotine and alcohol, and congenital abnormalities (enzyme disorders).
  • Exposure to cold. When swimming in cold water, blood vessels constrict and cramps may occur. A physical activity in a cold room it more often leads to cramps, since the muscles are more difficult to warm up with training, they are more vulnerable.
  • Flat feet. With this pathology, the load is distributed unevenly, and the calf muscle is overstrained.
  • Excess protein in the diet. Protein interferes with calcium absorption. Athletes who actively consume protein to gain muscle should take additional calcium tablets.
  • Refusal alcoholic drinks in the process of treatment for alcoholism. Quitting alcohol after a long period of time regular intake V large quantities leads to constriction of blood vessels, which require time to restore function. With alcoholism, muscle spasms are also possible due to disruptions in blood circulation and impaired absorption of nutrients.
  • Atherosclerotic vascular lesions in the calves. Fatty plaques accumulate in the vessels, blocking their lumen and disrupting blood flow.
  • Varicose veins. With this pathology, blood circulation is impaired, which leads to seizures and other symptoms.
  • Slowdown of metabolic processes in old age.
  • Serious pathologies. Frequent seizures may indicate the development of dangerous diseases, including Parkinson's disease, brain tumors, epilepsy, various neurological disorders, diabetes, latent infections.

Pregnancy is a period during which changes occur in the body that affect blood circulation, the absorption of useful elements, and the functioning of many organs and systems.

Calf cramps in pregnant women most often occur due to:

  • Iron deficiency anemia. A growing fetus urgently needs iron, and its deficiency leads to a number of disorders in the body of both the pregnant woman and the unborn child.
  • Excessive intake of diuretic drugs. Edema during pregnancy is a common pathology for which diuretics are prescribed: drugs that remove excess fluid from the body along with some of the nutrients.
  • Compression of the inferior vena cava. A heavy uterus puts pressure on a vein when a pregnant woman lies on her back. Blood circulation in the legs is disrupted and cramps occur.
  • Lack of nutrients. During pregnancy, the need for vitamins and minerals grows, and the standard diet is no longer suitable. During pregnancy, the need for vitamins included in group B is especially high.

Predisposes to seizures and sedentary lifestyle life, and excessive regular physical activity. In these cases, the calves of the legs cramp, usually at night.

More about treatment of cerebral palsy you will find out in this.


A cramp affecting the calf muscle manifests itself very acute pain, which is difficult to tolerate. It lasts on average from a few seconds to one or two minutes.

Other symptoms are also observed:

  • the muscle becomes very tense and hardens;
  • it is difficult to stand on your full foot due to pain;
  • Moderate temperatures may continue for a few more hours. painful sensations in the muscle.

When is the peak the pain will go away, noticeable discomfort will persist for several minutes. Also, seizures may in rare cases be accompanied by severe symptoms, especially with a low pain threshold.


  • dizziness;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • tachycardia;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • loss of consciousness.

Most often, a cramp occurs during:

  • sleeping or resting lying down;
  • stretching legs in the morning;
  • physical activity;
  • kneading stiff legs;
  • swimming in bodies of water.

If cramps occur frequently and are accompanied by severe symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


If the calves of the legs are cramping, what should the patient do? As a rule, treatment begins with identifying the causes that caused the disorder.

Diagnosis of the disorder, depending on the symptoms and results of the initial examination, may include:

  • MRI of the spinal column;
  • a series of blood tests;
  • tests that determine hormone levels;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • electroencephalogram;
  • cardiac tests;
  • MRI and CT of the brain;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • tests to determine the content of vitamins and microelements.

Always before starting therapy diagnostic measures, anamnesis is being collected.

Treatment for seizures that are not caused by serious illness includes:

  • Nutrition correction. It is useful to eat fractionally: five to seven times a day in small portions. It is also useful to include in your diet foods that contain a large number of useful elements: fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, fish.
  • Lifestyle changes. You should reduce your stress level, smoke less or stop altogether, move more (walking, training, exercise), drink coffee and energy drinks in moderation.
  • Foot massage. The feet and calves are massaged before bed using oils and warming ointments.
  • Foot baths. Good for feet sea ​​salt: three tablespoons of salt per five liters of water at a comfortable temperature.
  • Taking vitamins and microelements. Selected by a specialist. The intake of iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E, D, B and others is indicated (for example, in case of vascular disorders, vitamin C and rutin may be prescribed).
  • Wearing comfortable shoes with the correct heel height. The heel should be stable and not exceed 5 centimeters in height, and shoes should be selected according to size: if the shoes squeeze the foot, this impairs blood circulation.
  • Use of compression tights and stockings. More often with varicose veins and venous insufficiency.
  • Correction of flat feet: exercises, special shoes, insoles.
  • Use of muscle relaxants (Mydocalm). They do not eliminate the cause of the pathology, but they reduce the frequency of seizures. They are not used in all cases and should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

In most cases, there is no serious problem behind calf cramps.

Exercises for cramps

To reduce the frequency of seizures and quick fix The following exercises are useful for pain:

  • walking on heels;
  • rolling from heel to toe;
  • walking on toes;
  • flexion of toes in a sitting position;
  • smooth stretching of the legs (yoga, gentle stretching complexes).

Examples of leg stretching exercises:

  • Sit on the floor, stretch out your legs, take a towel and hook your foot with it, and then smoothly pull both edges towards you.
  • Stand next to the wall (at a distance of a meter), stretch your arms forward and rest them against the wall at the level chest, and then bend in the torso so as to feel the stretch in the calf area.

If a cramp occurs while swimming, you need to turn over on your back and swim to the shore.

You can quickly get rid of a cramp if you pull on yourself thumb legs.


The following preventive methods are useful:
  • adjust the diet and introduce foods with high content magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron (nuts, dairy products, bananas);
  • give up bad habits;
  • sleep on a comfortable bed;
  • enough to move;
  • if the job requires long stay in one position, periodically do warm-ups;
  • use comfortable shoes.

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Often people in their sleep experience a condition where their calves cramp. When sleeping, the body is relaxed, muscle tissue reduces activity, and lactic acid accumulates in the calves of the muscles, which contributes to the appearance of cramps.

Unpleasant phenomenon, which occurs more often than other convulsions, is called crampy. They are usually accompanied by pain and numbness in the calf muscle, which prevents good sleep. For proper treatment night cramps, it is necessary to analyze the provoking factors and establish their cause. If attacks recur frequently, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of night cramps

The reasons are very different.

  • Lack of mobility. Due to lack motor activity the muscles gradually atrophy, resulting in pain in the legs. Particularly susceptible to this problem are office workers, drivers.
  • Failure to comply with training techniques. A serious mistake is placing all the weight on one part of the foot. People who are involved athletics and strength sports, it is worth analyzing your activities.
  • Lack of nutrients.
  • Diseases liver, diabetes mellitus, dysfunction thyroid gland, anemia, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, heart failure, flat feet.

Cramps during pregnancy

Possible during pregnancy various kinds disruptions in the functioning of the body. Some of them provoke the occurrence of cramping in the calf muscles. They come suddenly and often at night. Let's look at the reasons for the violations.

  • Deficiency of vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, calcium. On early stage During pregnancy, toxicosis occurs, which removes microelements from the body.
  • Reduced percentage of glucose in the blood. To maintain glucose levels, pregnant women are recommended to split their meals into small portions.
  • Varicose veins veins In the last period of pregnancy, the increased load does not allow the veins to cope with their work. Blood stagnates, circulatory problems occur, which makes it difficult to get the right amount necessary substances into the muscles. Metabolic products are not excreted, creating a favorable background for the appearance of seizures.
  • Inferior vena cava syndrome. IN horizontal position The pregnant woman's uterus presses on the lower vein, which reduces the outflow of blood and leads to calf cramps.
  • Use of diuretics in excess quantities may cause leaching of minerals.

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Among women

New-fangled diets advise limiting the consumption of certain foods, which threatens a deficiency of important substances. Lack of magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium promotes the formation of ionic compounds in intercellular spaces, which have a stimulating effect on nerve endings, thereby causing pain muscle contraction at night. Mono-diets are considered especially dangerous in this regard.

Use of diuretic foods and drinks, choleretic action contributes to violations in exchange process muscle tissue water balance. Important microelements are excreted along with the liquid.

If your calves cramp at night, your shoes may be to blame. Women often wear shoes with high heels, so during the day the legs get tired from long-term incorrect positioning of the foot, and at night fatigue and relaxed muscles manifest themselves in the form of reflex contractions.

A woman’s body experiences serious stress in menstrual period, due to impaired peripheral circulation.

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Women are prone to cramps due to stress. A little unrest often end with nighttime calf cramps.

Cramps in men

The peculiarity of spasms in men is that they are more painful, since the muscles are denser than women’s. The reasons causing convulsions, are considered:

  • Forced inactivity, increased loads. Men who are busy suffer from this professional activity: truck drivers, tractor drivers, bulldozer drivers, athletes.
  • Muscle hypothermia. Many men allow themselves to be in the cold water of reservoirs and neglect warm underwear, which leads to hypothermia of the muscles.
  • Overweight. Body parameters and huge belly leads to hollow inferior vein is pinched, as in pregnant women.
  • Smoking and alcohol. They negatively affect peripheral blood supply: they spasm blood vessels, stimulate nerve endings, which provokes convulsions.
  • Dehydration. Heavy sweating removes a significant portion of microelements from the body.

Treatment is acceptable as folk remedies at home and with medications.

Treatment of seizures with folk remedies

In case of rare attacks, you can do without medical care using home remedies. Traditional medicine There are many recipes available to help with calf cramps.

  • Fast method. Hold a pinch of salt in your mouth for up to 2 minutes and the cramp will go away.
  • Lemon juice. Take a spoonful of salted lemon juice under your tongue. The disease can be eliminated by lubricating the area of ​​spasm with juice.
  • Kvass mixture. Add a teaspoon of yeast to a glass of bread kvass, leave for 6 hours, divide into equal parts according to the number of meals. Take before meals for a month. Improves the taste of the honey mixture.
  • Wormwood tincture. Pour vodka into a container filled with wormwood herb and leave for 2-3 weeks. Rub your feet every evening until the cramps disappear completely.
  • Chamomile mixture. Brew two tablespoons of chamomile like tea with a liter of boiling water. Drink after meals, last time before bed.
  • Celandine ointment. Mix freshly squeezed celandine juice with medical Vaseline 1:2. rub problem areas 2 weeks.

To ease pain and spasms, it is recommended to pull your toes towards you. Then restore blood circulation by doing a massage. You can pinch or prick the muscle. After relief, you need to lie down with your legs elevated. This method will speed up blood circulation and relax spasms.

If effectiveness cannot be achieved with folk remedies, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe additional tests.

Store-bought anti-seizure medications

In accordance with the identified cause and correct diagnosis, medications are prescribed different actions. In this case, therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause itself. The treatment complex includes vitamins and microelements.



For local treatment heparin ointment, troxevasin gel, ointments based on horse chestnut, finalgon. With anti-inflammatory and warming properties, they relieve seizures and symptoms of pathologies. Ointments are used before bedtime, applied to the problem area.


There are no pills that will completely eliminate cramps without identifying the underlying cause. But these anticonvulsants are recommended more often than others:

"Difenin"Relieves spasms, relaxes muscles.As prescribed by a doctor.
"Mydocalm"Local anesthetic and muscle relaxant effects.As prescribed by a doctor.
"Panangin", "Asparkam"Replenishes magnesium and potassium deficiency.1-2 tablets per day.
"Magnerot"Contains magnesium.2 tablets 3 times a day are used for a long time.
"Analgin" acetylsalicylic acid, "Paracetamol"Analgesic, anti-inflammatory.1 tablet up to 4 times a day.

For convulsions caused by varicose veins veins, popular drugs that relieve inflammation, improve the walls of blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, are: “Venoturon 300”, “Antistax”, “Venarus”, “Anavenol”.

IMPORTANT! Most drugs used in the treatment of seizures have many contraindications, so self-medication is unsafe for health.

Preventing seizures

To prevent a condition where your calves cramp at night, following the following will help: preventive rules.

  • The diet must fully meet the body's needs for vitamins and microelements.
  • Minimize heavy and prolonged stress on the legs.
  • Wear comfortable shoes if possible.
  • Before going to bed, massage your feet to normalize blood circulation and relieve tension.
  • Reduce consumption to a minimum junk food and drinks.
  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Protect yourself from unnecessary worries.

ADVICE! In order not to remove water from muscle tissue, after a cup of strong coffee or tea, it is good to replenish the body with 200 milligrams of liquid.

Many people are interested in the question of why their calves cramp at night. The symptom affects both men and women equally and develops during rest or during evening time when the leg is relaxed. Cramps during sleep cause severe discomfort, disrupting the rest and function of muscles. If spasms bother you constantly, there is a risk of developing serious complications from local circulatory disorders to systemic disorders.


Calf cramps at night or in the morning are not independent disease, and refers to individual symptom. These are ordinary muscle spasms, arising independently, without control nervous system. Muscle contractions are of an autonomous nature and appear spontaneously.

Expert opinion!

Doctors are often asked the question: why at night cramps the calf muscles. Start looking for reasons by taking blood tests for potassium, calcium and magnesium. In most cases calf cramps occur when there is a lack of these minerals that regulate muscle tone and relaxation. At normal indicators Diagnostics should be expanded to look for systemic pathologies that lead to disruption of innervation and blood flow to the legs.

Most common reasons night cramps in calf muscles ah are:

  • Vitamin deficiencies;
  • Lack of potassium and magnesium;
  • Period of active growth;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Dehydration;
  • Physical overload;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Side effects of certain medications;
  • Smoking and alcohol.

The listed conditions contribute to the appearance of seizures due to the development of deficiency conditions and the appearance of trophic disorders. As a result muscle fibers are underpaid required quantity nutrients, convulsions gradually appear.

Some systemic pathologies can also lead to the development of the disease:

  • Varicose veins;
  • Heart and venous insufficiency;
  • Atherosclerosis of leg vessels;
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction;
  • Kidney damage;
  • Obesity.

In these conditions, blood circulation in the legs is disrupted, and spasms of the calf muscles gradually appear.

Associated symptoms

When the leg cramps in the calf at night, the patient only feels severe pain without paying attention to other manifestations of the disease. They can be identified during an external examination; some “experienced” patients note the appearance of signs on their own. The most common symptoms include:

  • The period of precursors - discomfort, fatigue, and a feeling of heaviness appear in the legs or calf muscles. Often this stage borders on the attack itself. Many patients note: when you stretch, the muscle immediately cramps;
  • Pain is the most pronounced sign, which is very difficult not to notice. It is noted in the center of the calf, growing synchronously with the intensification of the cramp - the more spasmed the muscle, the more painful the pain. It feels bursting, pressing or burning;
  • Reduced pulsation – noted on popliteal arteries during an attack, when the calf compresses the tibial arteries. Below the affected area, swelling of the veins can be observed, and slight swelling may appear;
  • Impaired coordination of movements - when the calves cramp in the morning when stretching and the symptom is observed daily, lesions form nerve endings. The result is gait disturbances, decreased control of the calf muscles;
  • Color change skin– at the beginning of a spasm, the skin is pale, with a bluish tint. At the end of the attack, redness is noted due to dilation of the capillaries and an increase in blood flow to the legs.

On a note!

This - characteristic features cramps in the calves in the presence of deficiency conditions. If the disease appears due to pathology, clinical picture complicated by symptoms of the underlying disease.

First aid for calf cramps

If your calf muscle cramps in your sleep, you need to urgent help which the patient can provide to himself independently. To do this, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm of actions that allows you to relieve calf spasm and eliminate discomfort in the legs.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • At the first sensation of contraction, pull the toe up (toward your head). If necessary, help yourself with your hands. Remember - if you allow the muscle to contract, the pain and spasm will only intensify and last longer than when the muscle is stretched;
  • If the calf spasm does not subside, perform self-massage. Warm-up should be done carefully; too much pressure may renew the cramp;
  • Raise the limb above the head - this is necessary to reduce blood flow and reduce muscle activity;
  • For prolonged cramps in the calves, keep a pin near the bed. Give 1-2 injections to restore sensitivity and relax the muscle;
  • If the above steps do not help, get out of bed and try to walk around. You can take a warm bath to relax the muscle.


When first aid does not work and the spasm continues for more than 15 minutes, call an ambulance. A paramedic or doctor will relieve the attack and advise you on further actions.

Treating seizures with medications

The first thing to treat calf muscle cramps is medical supplies. These drugs affect the pathology in different ways - some replenish the deficiency of microelements, others relieve spasms and improve the patient’s well-being.

In the first case, the very cause of the disease is affected, in the second, symptomatic therapy is carried out. Both treatment options complement each other and should be used together.

List of the most popular medications used to treat calf cramps:

  • Tablets containing microelements - Asparkam, Panangin, Magnerot, Magnelis B 6. Replenish the deficiency of potassium and magnesium. The first two drugs contain both elements, the latter - only magnesium. Prescribed strictly according to prescription depending on the specific type of deficiency condition;
  • Vitamins - the most popular are Complivit, Dolgit, Calcium D 3. Indicated for vitamin deficiencies leading to cramps in the calves;
  • Ointments – Venuron, Venarum, Heparin ointment, Diclofenac. They affect the veins, improve blood circulation in the legs and relieve pain. Apply in the evening, thoroughly rub into the skin.

To enhance the effect of drugs, various physiotherapeutic methods are used, one of which is electrophoresis. You can also carry out magnetic therapy, ion therapy, laser therapy, UVT (ultrawave therapy).

Traditional medicine against cramps in the calves

Folk tricks will help in eliminating the symptom - they provide reflex relief from muscle spasms. To the most effective ways relate:

  • Ointment – ​​take celandine and mix with double the volume of Vaseline. The resulting substance is applied to the skin of the feet and rubbed in thoroughly;
  • Chamomile tea - buy leaves at the pharmacy and brew according to the instructions. Used three times a day, after meals;
  • Grinding from wormwood - take a dry plant, pour vodka and let it brew for 15-20 days. Rub your calves twice a day;
  • The following recipe will also help - add a couple of teaspoons of yeast to a glass of natural bread kvass, let it brew for half a day. Take half a glass before meals, with honey.

Folk remedies refer to strengthening methods that eliminate the temporary manifestation of leg cramps. For complete treatment For the disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor and use special medications.


To prevent night and morning leg cramps, it is important to follow preventive actions, preventing the development of the disease. By doing the listed rules, the frequency of spasms in the calves will decrease significantly, and after a few months it will disappear completely.

The based program is as follows:

  • Follow a daily routine - it is necessary to restore the body good rest. It is advisable to sleep 8 hours a day, at strictly defined hours;
  • Take time to eat - you need to eat foods containing vitamins, potassium, calcium and magnesium. You can get the table from your doctor;
  • Twice a week - massage your calf muscles. This warm-up will improve blood circulation in the legs and relax the muscles;
  • Choose comfortable shoes - they should be low-heeled and not compress your feet. Compliance of this rule will ensure an even load on the leg, good blood circulation calf area.

On a note!

An excellent way to prevent calf muscle cramps is therapeutic exercises. Moderate sports training improve blood flow to the legs, eliminate congestion, relax the muscles.

An approximate set of exercises to prevent cramps in the calves:

  • Warm up your muscles - for this you can walk in place for 2-3 minutes;
  • This is followed by stretching the calf muscles - rest your hands against the wall so that your body is positioned at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the floor, and your feet are tightly against the floor. Do some kind of “push-ups” 10-15 times;
  • Standing on one leg, lift the opposite shin and slightly bend the knee - lower and raise the toe 10-12 times. Switch legs and repeat for the other foot;
  • The next exercise is tiptoe walking for 1.5 minutes;
  • Complete the gymnastics with the following complex - lying on your back, stretch your legs and make rotational movements with your feet in one direction and the other. For each limb, perform the movements 10 times.

It is advisable to carry out the program twice a week; if pain or discomfort occurs in the calves, the exercises should be stopped. Physiotherapy allows for prevention various types diseases - when cramps occur in the calves during pregnancy or to prevent leg cramps in the elderly.

Cramps in the calves occur due to a lack of microelements and systemic pathologies that impair blood circulation in the legs. To eliminate the disease, it is recommended to take medications that strengthen the procedures. It is important for predisposed persons to observe prevention and to carry out timely gymnastic exercises.

A certain muscle contracts sharply, but for some reason it cannot relax, and therefore cramps. The sensations can be very different, but, in any case, they are very unpleasant. In such situations, is it worth rushing to seek help from a specialist or can you cope with the problem yourself. And why does the calves cramp?

Often people complain that it is at night. Most likely, the reasons should be sought in a busy work schedule, constant workload and, as a result, heavy load on the legs. If you spend all day on your feet, be sure to make sure your shoes are as comfortable as possible. Wrong shoes, uncomfortable, narrow, and even with heels - this is the first factor that causes cramping of the calves. What to do if this phenomenon interferes with sleep? Apply foot baths with a relaxing effect, contrast dousing and massage.

Why do your calves cramp when you are in cold water? When exposed to cold, the muscles begin to tremble. When we enter the water, we set them in motion and thereby give additional load. Add here also fear when the first unpleasant sensations appear, and it will immediately become clear why your calves cramp during a dive cold water. Typically, in such situations, pain can be relieved by changing position and applying vigorous massage to the cramped muscle area. To prevent such phenomena, yoga or stretching are recommended. This will help relax muscles, improve blood flow and tone the walls of blood vessels.

Very often cramps the calves of women's legs. latest dates pregnancy. The reason should be sought in some lack of microelements and vitamins. In addition, at the end of pregnancy it becomes especially difficult to walk. Give your feet more rest and be sure to consume dairy products, cheese and cottage cheese every day. Your doctor may recommend an additional appointment vitamin complexes and other means, but without his recommendations you should not use them yourself.

If you don’t know why your calves are cramping, be sure to pay attention to your menu; perhaps the problem arose due to its imbalance. The diet should always contain a sufficient amount of dairy products, fruits and greens. Sometimes the reason must be sought in increased blood pressure. After it normalizes, the symptoms will disappear. If this phenomenon occurs too often, be sure to contact a specialist and get tested. necessary tests. The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the veins, scanning and Doppler. Not always, but it is still possible that this is a symptom of diseases such as pathologies of the brain or thyroid gland, diabetes or atherosclerosis.

But most often precisely because of overwork, the presence overweight, a deficiency of potassium or magnesium in our body, dehydration, stress or overexertion cramps the calves. What to do in such a situation? There are a lot of medical products that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Treatment should always be comprehensive, so along with consuming calcium and vitamin D, without which it will not be absorbed, be sure to use physical exercise and massage.

In such situations, as always, comes to the rescue traditional therapy. Brew natural tea from birch buds and fresh tea helps lemon juice. Rub it on your calves every day, in the morning and always before bed. Healers especially recommend using mustard oil. It helps to relax tense areas and quickly relieve pain. Give yourself a little attention, rest more often, watch your diet, and discomfort you will be abandoned.