Prevention of bronchial asthma in children. Scientists have once again proven that late dinners are harmful to health. use hypoallergenic household items

Prevention plays a huge role in this disease.

About the disease

At the very beginning, you need to say a few words about what this disease is. As mentioned above, this is a disease respiratory tract, according to the type of allergy. As a rule, asthma is chronic. There are two types of this disease:

  1. Atopic (the main factor in the occurrence of the disease is allergens).
  2. Infectious-allergic (the main factor in the occurrence of the disease is infectious agents of the respiratory tract).


How to avoid a disease such as bronchial asthma? Prevention is what can become the main factor in counteracting the occurrence of the disease. In this case, the following basic preventive methods will be relevant:

  1. Prevention of development allergic conditions in humans.
  2. Prevention of occurrence various kinds chronic infections that relate specifically to the respiratory tract.

And, of course, you need to know that there are three main levels of prevention of bronchial asthma: primary, secondary and tertiary.


Very important has prevention And all because there is only one thing poor nutrition in the first years of life can cause the occurrence of this disease. What do you need to know when choosing preventative measures for the little ones?

  1. Breastfeeding the baby is of utmost importance. Scientists have proven that mother’s milk is a huge preventive measure not only for this disease, but also for other diseases.
  2. You also need to know that it is necessary to strictly observe the time of introduction of the first complementary foods. It is ideal if the baby eats nothing but mother’s milk for up to six months. In the future, you need to remember that babies should not be given highly allergenic foods such as eggs, honey, chocolate, citrus fruits and nuts.
  3. There should be as few irritants as possible in the baby’s life - tobacco smoke, poisons, chemicals (including household chemicals).
  4. The most important measure for preventing asthma in children is timely treatment of a wide variety of respiratory diseases.

Primary prevention

What measures does primary prevention of bronchial asthma include? So, it is worth saying that if atopic asthma most often occurs in children, then in adults the cause of the disease is mainly the most various problems with the respiratory system. That is why the first preventive measure is timely correct treatment diseases associated with the respiratory system. Other precautions:

  1. A person should be in the cleanest possible ecological environment.
  2. The place of residence must be kept clean. Various carpets and multiple Stuffed Toys are an excellent dust collector.
  3. If you have pets at home, you need to carefully monitor their hygiene.
  4. Whenever possible, you should use hypoallergenic cosmetics and household chemicals.
  5. We must give up such a bad habit as smoking. You should also not be a passive smoker.
  6. Proper nutrition is of the utmost importance. It is also necessary to eliminate allergens from food as much as possible.
  7. It is necessary to play sports. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body.

Risk group

For which people is the prevention of bronchial asthma very important?

  1. Who has relatives suffering from allergic reactions.
  2. People who had signs of atopic dermatitis in childhood.
  3. Smokers (including passive smokers).
  4. People who work in special working conditions: in chemical plants, perfume shops, etc.
  5. Those who have signs of broncho-obstructive syndrome during ARVI.

Secondary prevention

What exactly should secondary prevention of bronchial asthma be aimed at? In this case, it will perform the following tasks:

  1. Preventing the development of various types of complications of this disease.
  2. Prevention

What preventive measures will be relevant in this case?

  1. Treatment with antihistamines (i.e. antiallergic drugs).
  2. People suffering from asthma should completely exclude allergenic foods from their diet.
  3. You also need to stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
  4. A person’s pillows and blankets should not be feather (for example, they can be filled with padding polyester or silicone).
  5. You cannot keep any animals in the house, including fish (their food is a strong allergen).
  6. You need to learn how to do it. After all, this is an excellent prevention of bronchial asthma attacks.
  7. Herbal medicine and acupuncture will be useful.
  8. You also need to remember that you need to support your body. It is necessary to take vitamins, go for a walk fresh air, exercise.

Main group

We further consider a disease such as bronchial asthma (prevention of the disease - main topic articles). Who are secondary precautions indicated for? So, these are people who have chronic bronchial asthma, as well as those who previously suffered from this disease.

Tertiary prevention

  1. Reducing the severity of the disease.
  2. Prevention of exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Improved disease control.
  4. Exclusion of death during periods of complications of the disease.

What will be important in this case?

  1. Need to lead healthy image life: eat right, load the body with feasible physical exercise.
  2. The room where the patient is located must be cleaned regularly (the floor must be washed at least twice a week).
  3. All dust collectors must be removed from the room: soft toys, carpets, upholstered furniture.
  4. Bed linen should be changed once a week. It is erased laundry soap at a temperature of 60°C (not powder).
  5. Animals should not be allowed into the room where the patient lives.
  6. You need to take certain medications with great caution (especially penicillin antibiotics).
  7. Regular anti-inflammatory treatment is important.

Elimination regime

So, if a diagnosis of bronchial asthma is made, disease prevention also involves the so-called elimination regimen. It is necessary in order to achieve maximum control of the disease, as well as reduce the incidence of complications. It is worth saying that preventive measures during the elimination regimen are individual for each patient (it all depends on the cause of the disease). However, they may suggest:

  1. Frequent cleaning to remove fungi.
  2. Preventing housing for the presence of insects, in particular cockroaches.
  3. Avoid contact with animals.
  4. Proper nutrition.

Those. with this regimen, everything must be done to prevent a sick person from coming into contact with the allergen that causes the disease.

Prevention of coughing attacks

What measures will be relevant in the prevention of suffocating cough (it often occurs with this disease)?

  1. Contrasting water treatments. They should end with a rinse cool water and wiping with a dry warm towel.
  2. Breathing exercises (yoga exercises can help).
  3. Facial massage until nasal breathing normalizes (about 3-4 times a day).
  4. Relax in bed with a high, firm headboard.

A simple outdoor game can be used to prevent choking cough for children aged three years and older. However, in this case, you need to remember that it is important to take short breaks during the game so that the baby can catch his breath.

How to detect the disease?

What diagnostic methods are relevant in this case:

  1. Tests with a bronchodilator.
  2. Spirometry (measurements of external respiration parameters).
  3. Peak flowmetry (measurement of peak expiratory flow). It is also recommended to keep a self-monitoring diary.
  4. You also need to conduct an allergy examination. In this case, it will become known which allergen is the source of the disease.

Simple conclusions

What can be said as a conclusion when considering the topic “bronchial asthma: prevention”? Pictures and posters telling about this disease are often hung in medical institutions. All this is necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of the disease as effectively as possible. After all, this disease is much easier to prevent than to treat. So the measures described above should be relevant for all people, even those who have not yet encountered this disease.

Prevention of bronchial asthma is one of the most important areas in the treatment of asthma. Quite often, only prevention contributes to the emergence of stable remission and the prevention of complications.

As with any other disease, bronchial asthma requires long-term and sufficient serious treatment both adults and children, so prevention must be performed in any case, from the risk of development to removal acute attack asthma.

Main directions of prevention for bronchial asthma

  • primary
  • secondary
  • tertiary

For each preventive form, special medications, hardening procedures, strengthening the immune system, massage, etc. are prescribed.

Who is at risk?

The following categories of patients are most susceptible to the disease:

  • patients with a genetic predisposition to allergies;
  • Smoking plays an important role;

  • patients whose work is associated with hazardous industries.

In addition, bronchial asthma often develops in young children due to an underdeveloped immune system.

Primary form of prevention

This stage of preventive measures is aimed primarily at preventing the cause of the disease, despite the absence external signs. Primary prevention of bronchial asthma is aimed at preventing infectious diseases that develop in the respiratory system, as well as eliminating the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Primary prevention is as follows:

  • The patient’s living conditions play a special role in this stage of prevention. If such a need arises, the patient may be advised to change location to environmentally friendly natural areas. In addition, a patient with asthma needs to engage in activities not related to hazardous activities and take anti-asthmatic drugs in a timely manner;
  • it is recommended to do it in a timely manner general cleaning in the patient's place of residence, wipe dust and humidify the air. This will avoid an allergic attack, especially in children;

  • It is recommended to avoid keeping pets, including aquarium fish. Use household chemicals Only possible with protection (rubber gloves, masks, etc.). An important role is played by giving up bad habits and dosed exercise stress in combination with hardening.

Along with hardening procedures, medications may be prescribed to strengthen immune forces. In addition, medications are prescribed for chronic manifestations respiratory failure to avoid aggravation.

Primary prevention in childhood

Prevention of bronchial asthma in children involves preventing the development of an allergic reaction (dermatitis, diathesis, etc.). For children, it is recommended to continue breastfeeding for as long as possible, since it is mother's milk plays an important role in the development of the baby, providing the necessary nutrients and microelements that contribute to natural recovery immune strength and maintaining the desired balance of intestinal microflora.

From children's menu Highly allergenic foods (citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, etc.) should be excluded. It is important to note that multi-component products are not used in first complementary foods. This allows you to track allergic reaction and prevent possible complications due to this.

It is necessary to ensure normal living conditions for the child’s stay, excluding all possible irritants (tobacco smoke, household reagents, contact with animals, cosmetics for treating and washing the child).

Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention of asthma is necessary for patients with severe pre-asthmatic stage, for adult patients with a hereditary predisposition to bronchopulmonary diseases, as well as at the initial stage of the disease. Purpose secondary prevention is to prevent an acute attack of suffocation in order to prevent associated complications.

Main events

  • Secondary prevention involves regular medical examinations and subsequent implementation of his recommendations. In addition, it includes physiotherapeutic procedures and medicines, according to instructions;
  • secondary prevention of bronchial asthma is aimed at compliance hypoallergenic diet excluding the use of products that contain dyes, preservatives and various flavoring additives;
  • requires regular wet cleaning of the premises, getting rid of dusty books, carpets, furniture, indoor plants and scented cosmetics. This will prevent exacerbations of bronchial asthma;
  • Particular attention should be paid during flowering plants and when stinging insects bite. For allergy sufferers, this is quite dangerous, since their body reacts most acutely to the attack of allergens. Therefore, when primary symptoms develop, it is necessary to take antihistamines to prevent complications.

Mandatory Compliance Required breathing exercises, since its effect has a positive effect on the patient’s body. In addition, you can use massage treatments, physiotherapeutic activities, combining them with walks in the open air and dosed physical activity.

Tertiary prevention

Tertiary prevention includes co-administration of medications and prophylaxis. This technique is used to minimize the severity of symptoms, reducing exacerbations of an asthmatic attack among children and adult patients.

The main role of this technique is the interaction of the patient with allergens. In other words, special conditions are created for the patient under which various exacerbations cannot occur. In this case, it is important to determine the type of allergen (food, pollen, dust mites, medications, etc.).

Main directions

  • tertiary prevention involves the use drug therapy to prevent exacerbation and complications of asthmatics. With tertiary prevention, it is necessary to follow all medical recommendations to prevent the triggering factors of asthma, observing the elimination regime;
  • In order to carry out such measures, it is necessary to identify the causes that caused the allergic reaction, and subsequently an asthmatic attack, and prevent contact with them as much as possible. Most often, these causes may be animal waste products, pollen flowering plants, dust, fungal spores;

  • for warning negative influence external and internal irritating factors, a reminder has been developed that should be followed: carry out timely wet cleaning, remove house plants and soft toys from the premises, At the same time Homework should be carried out in the absence of the patient, which will avoid exacerbation of an asthmatic attack.

In addition, sometimes the causes of the disease can be provoked by insects (cockroaches), so it is important to get rid of their presence as soon as possible in order to prevent exacerbation of asthma.

The role of the nurse in the prevention of asthmatic diseases

Not only medical intervention and the patient’s desire to reduce the activity of symptoms are important on the path to recovery. It is the role of the nurse in preventive measures can help maintain patients’ activity and quality of life throughout long period time.

The work of a nurse includes the causes of tachycardia, as well as the identification of work disorders of cardio-vascular system. In addition, its function includes regular measurement blood pressure(with asthma it is significantly reduced) and determining the severity of complications in a patient who is accompanied by fear of death from suffocation. As a rule, the causes of suffocation are spastic contractions of small bronchial vessels.

If the causes of suffocation have been eliminated and there are no complications, the nurse conducts an introductory conversation with the patient on how to perform correct breathing, which helps prevent asthma attacks by recommending breathing only through the nose.

The nurse can evaluate the results medical intervention and the patient's immediate response to treatment and care measures. In the event that, in her opinion, these measures are not enough and the work was carried out incorrectly, or, conversely, some appointments can be avoided, nurse must coordinate further actions with the attending physician.

The main role of preventive work belongs to the struggle for a healthy lifestyle, this is especially important for children, since the future of the younger generation lies entirely with adults, and preventing possible negative consequences diseases.

Bronchial asthma is one of the most common diseases in childhood. The reasons may vary. Asthma is classified as a disease with potential. This means that the patient may experience sudden onset during the next attack.

Knowledge of the mechanisms and reasons for its development is key point in the prevention and organization of treatment measures for bronchial asthma in adults and children.

Causes of bronchial asthma

Very often, asthma develops against the background of hypersensitivity to irritants. The disease may be associated with both factors environment(infections, allergies), and with hereditary predisposition.

Causes of asthma attacks:

Intense physical activity;
- fear, anxiety, stress;
- medications;
- environmental irritants (tobacco smoke, perfume, exhaust fumes, etc.);
- bacterial and viral infections(sinusitis, colds, bronchitis);
- allergens (pollen, mites, food, dust, animal hair).

Main symptoms of asthma

Although this disease is common, different people may vary. More patients experience their first attacks of bronchial asthma as they age. Children under 10 years of age are the main population susceptible to this disease. It is at this age that you need to carefully monitor your health.

Bronchial asthma has varying frequency of exacerbation and severity. Symptoms also vary: from wheezing to attacks of suffocation, chest tightness and shortness of breath. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor immediately.

If symptoms do not go away within 2-3 days and increase, hospitalization and emergency medical care may be required.

Prevention of bronchial asthma

To prevent attacks of bronchial asthma, you must always remember the triggering factors. They should be avoided whenever possible. Keep your home clean every day. Eliminate any allergens present in the room: animal hair, dust, etc. Try to avoid the exhaust fumes of tobacco smoke. If you smoke, you will have to say goodbye to this bad habit. Take all medications prescribed by your doctor regularly. This way you will be able to reduce the frequency of attacks. To improve your lung and heart health, exercise.

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Bronchial asthma is a disease that occurs in chronic form. It affects organs respiratory system, manifests itself in attacks of suffocation, wheezing breathing and chronic cough. Timely diagnosis asthma is necessary to initiate treatment and prevention severe complications. Often, a diagnosis can be made by examining the patient's condition during a consultation with a specialist. The most characteristic, pronounced signs are observed during attacks.


The signs of this disease change to different phases course of asthma. The pre-asthma phase is manifested by chronic allergic rhinitis, cough that does not go away with the use of antitussive drugs. This cough often appears after recovery from acute ARVI, pneumonia or bronchitis. Attacks of suffocation do not yet appear during the first phase. Cough and heaviness in breathing appears mainly due to... The main sign of asthma moving to the next phase is an attack.

An attack can occur differently in each patient. Moreover, the factors accompanying the development of an attack are also different. In the atopic form of the disease, an attack is caused by some allergen. In the infectious-allergic form of the disease, an attack can be triggered by emotional overstrain against the background of respiratory diseases or even without visible reasons.

It happens that before an attack, the patient feels itching all over the body, mucus flowing from the nose, or heaviness behind the sternum. Then the symptoms of asthma begin to rapidly increase. The patient begins to experience anxiety, the pressure behind the sternum increases, and he becomes ill. As suffocation intensifies, breathing is accompanied by wheezing, heard from a distance of several meters. The patient's breathing is intercepted, and it is easier to inhale. Also during an attack rib cage increases in size, just like the veins running.

The attack can last from five minutes to several hours. Over time, breathing becomes calmer and more natural. The attack ends with a cough, accompanied by the release of thick clear mucus.

The form of asthma provokes different development attacks of the disease. In the infectious-allergic form, the signs of an attack begin to develop smoothly, and in the atopic form, they develop rapidly, immediately after interaction with the allergen.

In the periods between attacks, symptoms of asthma may be almost invisible. The main symptom is a dry cough, a burning sensation in the throat, and sometimes rhinitis. If the patient already suffers from asthma long time, then clogging of branches bronchial tree becomes irreversible, which is why shortness of breath is observed even in the period between attacks.

Common signs asthma, such as chronic cough, attacks of breathing problems can also indicate other diseases. It is also possible that a person suffers from several ailments at once, the combination of symptoms of which creates similar symptoms. Bronchial asthma must be distinguished from inflammation of the lungs or bronchi, tuberculosis, neurological diseases, heart failure or throat foreign objects.

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Bronchial asthma - serious illness, seizure-inducing difficulty breathing and suffocation. The reasons are often systemic diseases and allergic reactions of the body to external stimuli. Treatment of this disease should be methodical and comprehensive, aimed at strengthening natural immunity.

Causes of development of bronchial asthma

Plays an important role in the etiology of this disease hereditary factor And genetic predisposition: if one of the parents has had attacks of bronchial asthma, the child has a 20-30% chance of developing it. In other cases, the cause of this disease is external influences: biological dust of different nature, evaporation of harmful vapors and gases. The likelihood of developing asthmatic attacks increases under unfavorable epidemiological conditions: increased gas pollution, living next to hazardous industries.

Often the cause of asthma is an allergic reaction of the body to certain foods, pollen, dust, animal dander, detergents, mushrooms, some medications. The likelihood of complications in the form of bronchial asthma in these cases increases if the patient abuses alcohol and smoking.

Symptoms of the disease

Before the onset of an attack, its warning signs appear and last for two to three days. During this period, the patient is worried about weakness, drowsiness, and apathy. Often there is a rapid heartbeat, facial flushing, dilated pupils, nausea and vomiting. The attack usually begins suddenly, often at night. The patient is overtaken by an attack of suffocation when a short inhalation occurs and a painful exhalation continues without a pause, which is accompanied by wheezing, coughing with sputum production. Due to lack of oxygen, the lips turn blue, the patient develops panic fear, aggravating his situation. In particularly severe situations, this condition can last for several days and can even lead to the death of the patient in the absence of medical care.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

Treatment of this disease is usually long-term; it must be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating asthma. During attacks, you need to use drugs to relieve painful spasms and clear the airways of mucus. It is also necessary to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi. The drugs “Salbutamol”, “Fenoterol”, “Terbutaline” in the form of aerosols have these properties. Treatment is usually sequential; as the disease progresses, another group of drugs is added to treatment.

Plays a big role Spa treatment, using physiotherapeutic procedures, aerosol therapy with salt steam, bronchodilators, inhalation medicinal components. Massage, aromatherapy, dietary food. Most effective method in the treatment of bronchial asthma is speleotherapy - courses therapeutic breathing in salt grottoes and karst caves. It is impossible to completely get rid of bronchial asthma, but you can minimize the risk of developing attacks. To do this you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, try to avoid contact with allergens, and also undergo preventive treatment twice a year.

What are the causes of bronchial asthma? Many factors influence the onset of the disease. The onset of the disease always occurs after inflammation of the bronchi and depends on their sensitivity. When the sensitive bronchi become inflamed, bronchospasm may occur, resulting in swelling and changes in the bronchial walls.

You also need to know that bronchial asthma is a hereditary disease. If the child's parents are prone to allergic reactions, unfortunately, the child may be born with sensitive bronchi. Considering the fact that there are quite a lot of allergens around, inflammation of the bronchi can develop into asthma. Smoking, both active and passive, can also be a risk factor for developing asthma.

Unfortunately, you can get asthma even after a seemingly absolutely trivial respiratory infection. Especially if you suffer from the disease on your feet, do not maintain a proper diet and often succumb to stress.

It is worth noting that thanks to modern medicine, you can determine your predisposition to the occurrence of this disease. This will help you monitor more zealously own health and avoid risk factors.

At the same time, you need to know that bronchial asthma is not a death sentence if you take its occurrence seriously. Of course, it is necessary to complete all courses of treatment in a timely manner, as well as strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions and recommendations. But, nevertheless, there will not be too acute changes from the life of a healthy person.

In cases where timely treatment is neglected and you are irresponsible about what the doctor recommends, it will be incredibly difficult to normalize your health.

Prevention of bronchial asthma has great value in preventing the development of the disease, as well as in stopping the complications of the disease.

To know what preventive measures should be taken for bronchial asthma, it is necessary to understand what causes the disease and what causes it.

Bronchial asthma is chronic inflammation organs of the respiratory system. This disease accompanied by attacks of suffocation, during which it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe.

Sometimes attacks can be so severe that death(although this happens extremely rarely).

An attack of suffocation occurs due to the fact that the lumen in the branches of the bronchial tree sharply narrows. When an irritant enters the bronchi, their smooth muscles contract sharply, narrowing the lumen of the airways.

In addition, the inner mucous layer of the bronchi also reacts to the irritant and begins to intensively produce secretions. At the same time, the lumen of the bronchi is filled big amount mucus.

As a result, the light bronchial tract may disappear altogether, and, accordingly, air does not have the opportunity to penetrate the lungs. Suffocation sets in.

In a person suffering from bronchial asthma, an attack of suffocation can be caused by the so-called external factors presented below.

This is the largest group of factors influencing the development of attacks. The most common allergen is house dust and dust mites living in it.

Dust accumulates in carpets, books, pillows, blankets, upholstery, etc. Pet hair also triggers asthma attacks.

Down and feathers of birds. Asthmatics should not have feather pillows or duvets in their home.

Plant pollen. Asthmatic exacerbations occur most often during the flowering period of plants and, especially, in windy weather.

Strong odors. The smell of paint, thick heavy perfumes, etc. also cause suffocation.

Asthmatics should avoid certain foods. These include eggs, fish, citrus fruits, peaches, nuts, etc.


The bronchi of a patient with an asthmatic predisposition may react too violently to viruses, bacteria, and fungi and cause bronchospasm, leading to an attack.

Poor nutrition

Eating too much fatty, high-calorie food leads to excess weight.

Excess weight, in turn, leads to a malfunction of the cardiovascular system and leads to shortness of breath and decreased mobility.

This is one of the steps towards bronchial asthma. In addition, consuming salty foods leads to fluid accumulation in the body.

As a result, blood pressure rises, which can provoke an attack of suffocation.

Climatic conditions

The risk of developing bronchial asthma is much higher in regions with hot and dry climates, or, on the contrary, too cold and wet climatic conditions promote frequent colds which can become chronic and develop into bronchial asthma.

Ecological situation

In large cities and industrial cities, the air is usually too polluted with exhaust gases and industrial emissions into the atmosphere. Even the body of a healthy person reacts to such air, not to mention asthmatics.

Psychological reasons

Anxiety and stress lead to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. This makes breathing quicker and can lead to an attack of bronchial asthma.


When you inhale tobacco smoke, the toxins present in it corrode the protective inner layer bronchi, and resins settle on the walls.

Physical overload

They also lead to increased work of the cardiovascular system and increased breathing, which contributes to the occurrence of an attack.

Internal reasons

With all of the above external factors every inhabitant of the planet meets. However, not everyone develops bronchial asthma.

For this there must be internal reasons, which include:

  • Heredity
    If there are close relatives in the family who suffer from atopic dermatitis, allergic reactions, then the occurrence of bronchial asthma is quite possible. But we should not forget that it is not the disease itself that is inherited, but only the predisposition to it. Whether or not bronchial asthma develops against the background of this predisposition depends on what kind of life the person will lead, in what conditions they will live, etc.
  • Hypersensitivity and increased reactivity of the bronchi
    Sometimes the patient has from birth excessive sensitivity bronchi to the irritant, which contributes to the development of bronchial asthma.
  • Violations in immune system
    With a weakened immune system, the body develops chronic diseases respiratory system, which often leads to bronchial asthma. On the other hand, high activity immune cells causes an allergic reaction and the development of an illness against this background.
  • Endocrine system defects
    Failure in work endocrine glands often associated with allergic manifestations.

Forms of bronchial asthma

Depending on the reasons for the development of the disease, there are the following forms of bronchial asthma.

Exogenous form

The exogenous form of bronchial asthma is characterized by the appearance of attacks of suffocation when non-infectious allergens come into contact with the bronchial mucosa.

These are house dust, plant pollen, pet hair, odors, etc.

This also includes tobacco smoke, when it settles, the small bronchioles are completely clogged with mucus, which first leads to the appearance of chronic cough, and then it can reach bronchial asthma.

Endogenous species

The endogenous form of asthma develops under the influence of infections, excessive cooling, physical overload, and psychological reasons.

Taking aspirin also causes asthma attacks in some patients. This is due to the content of salicylates in the medicine. The same substances are found in lard, onions, and smoked meats.

Mixed genesis

When exogenous and endogenous forms of bronchial asthma are combined, the result is mixed asthma, the treatment and prevention of which becomes more complicated due to the large number of causes that cause it.

Disease prevention

Prevention of bronchial asthma is conventionally divided into primary and secondary.

Primary prevention of the disease involves eliminating, first of all, all the causes that provoke the development of bronchial asthma.

  • To prevent bronchial asthma, it is necessary to switch to a proper and healthy diet.
  • To care for the body and face, cosmetics should also be as gentle as possible.
  • To clean the house and wash clothes, you must use only hypoallergenic products.
  • Eliminate contact with pets.
    No matter how much a person loves cats, hamsters, dogs and our other smaller brothers, he should not have them in his home.
  • Keeping your home completely clean.
    Must be daily wet cleaning. It is necessary to eliminate all possible dust accumulators: carpets, soft toys, old sofas, armchairs, etc.
  • You should avoid perfumes, colognes, and air fresheners.
  • Under no circumstances should you take medications without a doctor’s prescription, since aspirin is not the only thing that can cause suffocation.
  • Smokers should give up their bad habit.
  • To prevent bronchial asthma, you need to exercise.
  • Excellent preventive measures favors holidays in resorts with a favorable climate. In such places, as a rule, sanatoriums are provided for patients with bronchial asthma.

Secondary prevention of asthma is necessary to prevent the development of complications in people suffering from this disease, as well as to reduce the number of attacks, their intensity and duration.

In secondary prevention, absolutely all recommendations listed in primary prevention should be followed.

But some more points are added to them:

  • First of all, patients with bronchial asthma in for preventive purposes antiallergic drugs are prescribed.
  • It is necessary to replace all feather pillows and duvets with modern hypoallergenic ones made from padding polyester, holofiber, etc. These materials do not harbor mites, the waste products of which cause allergic reactions.
  • It is necessary to give up not only smoking, but also alcohol.
  • During the flowering period of plants, it is recommended to change their location. You can go to regions where one or another plant that causes allergies does not bloom.
  • All infectious seasonal diseases (sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, etc.) must be cured to prevent them from developing into a chronic form.
  • To prevent complications of bronchial asthma, breathing exercises should be performed daily.
  • Daily walks in the fresh air are also necessary.
  • To strengthen the body, you should definitely take vitamins.
  • It is also recommended to harden the body, for example, daily rubbing with a cool towel.

So, prevention of such a serious disease as bronchial asthma includes a simple series of measures that will significantly improve the patient’s quality of life.

Lead an active lifestyle, leave bad habits, eliminate the “wrong” foods, and then you and your loved ones will have excellent health!

Primary prevention is aimed at people at risk and involves preventing allergic sensitization (IgE formation) in them. It is known that sensitization can occur already in utero, in the second trimester of pregnancy. Violation barrier functions placenta leads to the entry of allergens into the amniotic fluid, even small concentrations of which are sufficient for the development of a reagin immune response in the fetus. That is why the prevention of allergies in the fetus during this period is the prevention of the pathological course of pregnancy.

In fact, the only measure aimed at developing tolerance in the postnatal period is maintaining natural feeding of the child until 4-6 months of life. However, it should be noted that the effect of breastfeeding is transient and short-term. Among the events primary prevention it is justified to exclude the influence of tobacco smoke, the impact of which both in the prenatal and postnatal periods has an adverse effect on the development and course of diseases accompanied by bronchial obstruction.

Secondary prevention of bronchial asthma

Secondary prevention activities are aimed at children who, while sensitization exists, do not have symptoms of bronchial asthma. These children are characterized by:

For the purpose of secondary prevention of bronchial asthma in this risk group, it is suggested preventive treatment cetirizine. Thus, in the ETAC study (Early Treatment of the Atopic Child, The UCB Institute of Allergy, 2001) shows that the purpose this drug at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg per day for 18 months for children from the group high risk with household or pollen sensitization leads to a decrease in the incidence of bronchial obstruction from 40 to 20%. However, it was later shown that a reduction in the risk of developing bronchial asthma was detected in very small groups of patients with atopic dermatitis (34 and 56 patients with pollen and household sensitization, respectively). Due to low evidence, the ETAC study was removed from the new edition of GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma, 2006).

Tertiary prevention of bronchial asthma

The goal of tertiary prevention is to improve asthma control and reduce the need for drug treatment by eliminating risk factors for unfavorable course of the disease.

Great care is required when vaccinating children with bronchial asthma. The following points are taken into account:

  • immunization is carried out for children with bronchial asthma only after achieving control for 7-8 weeks and always against the background of basic treatment;
  • vaccination is excluded during the period of exacerbation of bronchial asthma, regardless of its severity;
  • individually decide on vaccination against pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae (Pneumo23, Prevnar, Hiberix, AktHib, etc.) in case of recurrent respiratory infection of the upper and/or lower respiratory tract, contributing to the uncontrolled course of bronchial asthma (when disease control is achieved);
  • children receiving allergen-specific immunotherapy are vaccinated only 2-4 weeks after the next dose of the allergen is administered;
  • For patients with moderate to severe asthma, influenza vaccination is recommended annually or when general vaccination population (prevents complications of influenza, which are more common with asthma; modern influenza vaccines rarely called side effects and are usually safe in children over 6 months and adults). When intranasal vaccines are used in children under 3 years of age, the incidence of asthma exacerbations may increase.

A healthy lifestyle, prevention of respiratory infections, sanitation of ENT organs, rational organization everyday life with the exception of active and passive tobacco smoking, contact with dust, animals, birds, elimination of mold, dampness, cockroaches in the living room. Some caution is required when using medications, especially antibiotics. penicillin group, acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs in children with atopy. Treatment can have a significant impact on asthma control concomitant diseases: allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, gastroesophageal reflux, obesity (limited number of studies), rhinitis/sinusitis. An important section of tertiary prevention is regular basic anti-inflammatory treatment.

Elimination regime

Elimination of household, epidermal and other causative allergens is a necessary component in achieving control of bronchial asthma and reducing the frequency of exacerbations. According to modern concepts, elimination measures are individual for each patient and contain recommendations for reducing the impact of ticks house dust, animal allergens, cockroaches, fungi and others nonspecific factors. A number of studies have shown that non-compliance with the elimination regimen, even against the background of adequate basic treatment, contributed to an increase in bronchial hyperresponsiveness and intensified symptoms of bronchial asthma and did not allow achieving complete control over the disease. Important to use A complex approach, as most elimination interventions used individually are generally not cost-effective or effective.

Screening for bronchial asthma

All children over 5 years of age with recurrent wheezing are treated with:

  • spirometry;
  • bronchodilator tests;
  • peak flowmetry with keeping a self-monitoring diary;
  • allergy examination.