Irregular menstrual cycle: causes and treatment. Irregular menstrual cycle: what causes it

The cycle length in healthy women should be 28 days, but small deviations per week in either direction are allowed. Therefore, the cycle should range from 21 days to 35 days. Within one year from the moment of menstruation in girls, the cycle should normalize, and its length should be the same, and the difference between the previous and current cycle should not exceed 1-2 days. However, not every girl and woman has a regular cycle.

28 days is ideal menstrual cycle women

Absolutely every woman sometimes faces the problem of an irregular cycle. A delay in menstruation of up to 7 days a couple of times a year in some cases is considered within normal limits, as this can be caused by all kinds of stress, climate change, or even season change.

Irregular menstrual cycle -

– this is how various gynecological diseases can manifest themselves. In addition to the irregular cycle, the nature of menstruation is also disrupted: suddenly they become more painful and come profusely, for example. Any deviation from the usual state should excite the woman; this should not be delayed; she should consult a gynecologist.

Main causes of irregular periods

The causes of irregular periods are varied and there can be a great variety of them. But if we generalize them, we can divide them into the following groups:

  1. External factors, that is, the impact on the cycle of a variety of physiological reasons, such as regular stress, the body is constantly in an excited state, climate change, nutritional changes, etc.
  2. Pathological condition of the whole organism.
  3. Medicines that affect the whole body (for example, hormones, anti-seizure drugs, and medications used for depression).

Factors related to the pathological condition:

  • Ovarian pathology. The connection between the ovaries and the pituitary gland may be disrupted, ovarian cancer, drug stimulation of ovulation, weak second phase of the cycle, ovarian surgery, various injuries female organs.
  • Endometriosis. With such a disease, it does not matter whether it is extragenital endometriosis or genital, since the disease still affects the hormonal sphere, resulting in a hormone imbalance.
  • Blood clotting is impaired.
  • Liver and gallbladder diseases are present.
  • The uterine cavity was curetted.
  • Cancer of the uterus, female reproductive glands, and also the thyroid.
  • Polyps on the lining of the uterus.
  • Sudden weight change.
  • Infantilism of the uterus, double uterus, septum in the uterus.
  • Bad habits, such as excessive alcohol consumption, and, less commonly, smoking.

Disruptions in the cycle may also indicate infertility.

Every woman needs to keep a menstruation calendar! This is a sample calendar.

Irregular periods in teenagers

The reasons for a girl’s irregular periods are quite natural and can be explained by physiological factors. Hormonal background has not yet begun to function normally, therefore, both the duration and the menstruation themselves can be completely different, starting at different time and proceed the same way - each time differently.

According to doctors, the cycle will be restored within one to two years.

But there are also pathological factors that can be the causes of irregular periods in adolescence:

  1. Obesity;
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  3. Constant colds;
  4. Traumatic brain injuries;
  5. Obesity;
  6. Sexual infections;
  7. Sclerocystic ovaries;
  8. Deviations in the development of the reproductive system.

Girls' addiction to diets also plays a big role in irregular periods, since they can lead to excessive weight loss, as well as to hypovitaminosis, as a result of which the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Psychology also influences the regularity of the cycle (for example, a girl is too susceptible to emotions, which means the cycle will “jump”). In addition to this, on regular cycle have influence bad habits and chaotic sexual relations.

It is very important to determine why the cycle is disrupted in adolescence, because it can be like physiological factors, and pathological, which can cause juvenile bleeding. With this complication, periods last more than a week and much more abundant in character. As a result, anemia may occur as a complication. Very often juvenile uterine bleeding can be caused by constant stress or infectious processes.

If menstrual irregularities are caused by juvenile bleeding, then therapy is usually structured in two stages:

  1. The first stage - treatment is carried out using hormonal drugs and hemostatic agents (Vikasol, Dicynon, Aminocaproic acid).
  2. If a girl prolonged bleeding and profusely expressed, with symptoms such as low hemoglobin, weakness, constant dizziness, then in in this case Curettage is usually indicated. In order to prevent the effective hymen from breaking, the patient is injected with novocaine 0.25%. In this case, the scraping must be sent for histological examination. If hemoglobin is within normal limits, the doctor prescribes hormonal pills with low hormone content.
  3. In addition to hormonal and surgical treatment, V in some cases blood transfusion takes place.
  4. For anemia, it is necessary to take iron-containing drugs, such as Ferrum Lek, Tardiferon, Sorbifer-Durules and others.
  5. Treatment hormonal contraceptives usually lasts at least three months. During this time, the body recovers.

If a teenage girl has - easy case menstrual irregularities, complex vitamin therapy with special vitamins, for example, Cyclovita, is prescribed.

Disorders of the menstrual cycle during menopause

Women at the age of 45-55 (and some even at 40) experience menopause. But in addition to the fact that there is a disruption in the menstrual cycle, vegetative-vascular disruptions in metabolism and in mental state(a rush of heat, cold, osteoporosis, psycho-emotional instability may be observed).

During the premenopausal period, decline occurs reproductive function, the follicles in the gonads do not mature, and the production of gonadotrapins is disrupted. As a result, the endometrium undergoes pathological restructuring.

Some women may experience irregular periods after 40 years, the reasons for which lie in early menopause, ovaries are exhausted ahead of schedule, and in this case hormonal treatment is necessary.

How to restore the cycle?

Treatment of cycle disorders in women of childbearing age

Every girl sooner or later faces a problem such as irregular periods, but women can have a wide variety of reasons.

To diagnose the causes, come to the gynecologist with a monthly calendar.

The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound, blood test for hormones, hysteroscopy and in rare cases- MRI. Naturally, treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes, in each case it is different.

If no serious reasons there is no cycle failure, then they are limited vitamin preparations and lifestyle correction. A woman should have a normalized daily routine, she should eat well and eliminate all stress. If the cause of irregular periods is obesity, then it will be quite enough to bring your weight back to normal. You can also try traditional methods(more about them below).

If bleeding occurs, then, despite its severity, curettage is necessary for both treatment and diagnosis.

Typically, doctors prescribe for treatment:

  • Oral contraceptives, that is, drugs containing hormones, general scheme treatment.
  • If the luteal phase is defective, then in this case Duphaston or Utrozhestan are prescribed (this is an analogue important hormone– progesterone).
  • Of course, it is necessary to treat the disease that led to the disruption of menstruation.

Treatment of bleeding in women during menopause

If unusual bleeding occurs in menopause, then curettage of the uterine cavity is required, due to the fact that such bleeding may indicate atypical hyperplasia or endometrial adenocarcinoma. In this case, even the question of removing the uterus may arise.

As a rule, with irregularities in the menstrual cycle in menopausal age it is necessary to prescribe gestagens: Duphaston, 17-OPK. Antiestrogenic drugs (Gestrinone, Danazol) can also be prescribed.

Folk remedies to combat irregular periods

  1. 10 days before the expected menstruation, you need to add bread from sprouted grains or even the grains themselves - for example, sprouted wheat, buckwheat - to your diet. Why are they so useful? It is in seedlings that there is a lot of biological active vitamins and substances that have a positive effect on the performance of the ovaries.
  2. Fresh carrot juice, it turns out, is not only tasty, but also healthy - it puts you in order. female hormones. Take 150g carrot juice and combine it with cream (50g). You need to take this juice before meals for ten days every month.
  3. An infusion of swamp mint normalizes the cycle. To prepare it you will need: 2 tablespoons of dry herbs, a glass of hot boiling water. Pour water over the herb and leave for 5 minutes.

The regularity of the menstrual cycle worries any woman, whether you are a girl adolescence, woman childbearing age, or you are over 40 years old. Perhaps it is precisely the coming of menstruation that indicates some kind of disease. That is why it is necessary to determine as quickly as possible what the cause is, since when the cause is eliminated, the cycle also normalizes. Be healthy!

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

One of the most frequent occasions The most common reason for women to consult a gynecologist is problems with the menstrual cycle. Any woman may encounter a similar problem in different years of her life, and it can be as irregular menstruation, as well as changes in their quantity and duration of bleeding.

To understand where such irregular menstruation comes from and what it should be like healing process at similar problems ah, you need to understand in detail the normal menstrual cycle, as well as the causes of possible failures and irregularities.

Normal menstrual cycle

In progress hormonal changes During the menstrual cycle, certain fluctuations occur in the female body. The greatest tension of all systems and organs occurs at the end menstrual period, before the next bleeding. It is worth remembering that the first day of bleeding is the first day of the cycle (and not the end of menstruation), before it is the end of the previous cycle. At the end of the cycle, there may be a slight increase in temperature up to 37.0 degrees, an increase and increase in chest sensitivity, fluctuations in pressure and depth of breathing. This is quite normal phenomenon and it doesn't require any therapeutic measures. If the sensations do not bring the woman severe discomfort. In the normal menstrual cycle itself, three phases can be distinguished due to the special hormonal changes that occur - this is the phase of egg maturation, ovulation and the progesterone phase. Together they make up a woman's normal menstrual cycle. Such cycles are repeated from the onset of puberty and the first menstruation with constant regularity - a normal cycle can range from 21 to 35 days, in rare cases longer. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 28-30 days. the duration of menstrual bleeding in women it ranges from two to seven days. In this case, no more than 50-150 ml of blood is lost in one cycle. At the same time, in normal cycle There should be no pain and ailments, much less impairment of performance and usual activities.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is usually established in the first year of a girl's menstruation. And then after pregnancy, childbirth may change somewhat. If deviations from normal duration cycles are rare and do not exceed one week - this is not considered a pathology, but is usually attributed to the influence of external and internal factors. This condition does not require any therapeutic measures. If menstruation occurs later than 35-40 days from the previous one, or occurs earlier than usual, almost twice a month, we can talk about cycle irregularity. Usually the cycle tends to be delayed due to certain reasons, but in order to determine whether you have problems with the duration and regularity of the cycle, you need to determine your natural cycle fine. This is usually done by marking on the calendar several cycles in a row the first day of menstruation - from these records it will be clear what average duration menstrual cycle. Keeping a menstruation calendar is useful for any woman; it will help in planning pregnancy and in determining the regularity of the cycle and even in contraception. And using the same calendar, it will immediately become clear whether there is an irregularity in the cycle, and it will even be possible to guess its reasons.

What is an irregular (non-permanent) cycle?

Irregularities in the menstrual cycle of women are observed in one way or another in approximately 70% of all women of different ages, but it is worth remembering that a delay of one or two days in menstruation is not yet an irregular cycle. The menstrual cycle can be considered inconsistent or irregular when the time of onset of menstruation is abruptly and continuously disrupted or their duration changes significantly. The frequency or duration of menstruation can be short-term (as a result of any sharply changing living conditions or health problems) or long-term. Long-term changes include constant fluctuations in the duration of menstruation - that is, each month the cycle has its own duration without any patterns. This also includes the absence of menstruation at all for several months in a row without pregnancy, as well as after a long delay, heavy intense bleeding with pain and malaise, painful sensations during ovulation.

Short-term changes in the menstrual cycle can be caused by factors such as constant fatigue and excessive physical exercise, stress, taking certain medicines and alcohol consumption, complete absence sex or its resumption after a long break, climate change, abortion or miscarriage.

Such violations can occur in any age period. Starting from the period of the first menstruation and until the period of menopause, but according to statistics, with age, such violations are observed more often. If after the start of menstruation a girl’s cycle does not become stable within a year, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist to study the cause of this phenomenon and prescribe adequate therapy. IN reproductive age A woman's cycle must be stable.

According to the nature of the disorders, all problems in the menstrual cycle can be divided into several types:

Violations in the frequency and duration of the cycle;

Disturbances in the nature of menstruation.

Disturbances in the frequency and duration of the cycle include problems such as an increase in menstruation - polymenorrhea, a decrease in menstruation - oligomenorrhea, or their complete disappearance - amenorrhea. By the nature of the changes themselves in menstruation disorders, one can distinguish excessive abundance of menstruation - menorrhagia or hypermenorrhea (very abundant menstruation in terms of the amount of discharge with large blood loss), hypomenorrhea with very scanty discharge, algodismenorrhea with painful menstruation, metrorrhagia - intermenstrual bleeding in the middle of the cycle and postmenopausal bleeding that occurs after a year of absence of menstruation during menopause.

Almost any of the disturbances in a woman’s menstrual cycle are in one way or another associated with problems in the functioning of the ovaries or the system of regulation of their work - the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The concept of ovarian dysfunction refers to a special set of disorders associated with hormonal regulation, which results in disruptions in the menstrual cycle. The formation of ovarian dysfunction may be indicated by irregular menstruation with a violation of the abundance of discharge. Bloody issues in the middle of the cycle nagging pain in the lower abdomen during or outside of menstruation, problems with pregnancy and miscarriage, spontaneous miscarriages. Also most gynecological diseases also characterizes a violation of the regularity of the menstrual cycle, which often leads to complications such as dysfunctional uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle. Such bleeding greatly weakens and anemizes the woman and requires immediate treatment.

Why is the menstrual cycle disrupted?

There are several main reasons for disruptions in the menstrual cycle, and not all of them require severe concern. There are three main groups of disruptions in menstruation - external physiological reasons, drug interventions and pathological disorders. Co. external factors It is possible to attribute the influence on the body of certain factors that in themselves do not interfere with the rejection of the endometrium. However, they affect the entire body as a whole and can have quite a pronounced effect. Such factors include severe stress or neuroses, sudden change climate or time zone, a sharp change in the rhythm of life and poor nutrition with sudden weight gain or loss, abuse of alcohol and psychostimulants, smoking.

The group of pathologies includes a very large group of diseases and conditions that are accompanied by disturbances in the menstrual cycle. It can be very serious illnesses life-threatening, and quite, in the woman’s opinion, insignificant, and this also includes cycle disorders as a result of medical abortion or spontaneous miscarriage. Usually then bleeding occurs, and then the cycle becomes very disrupted.

Medications can also cause menstrual irregularities. Especially those containing hormonal substances. Almost any medicine has an effect on the body systemic action, including on reproductive organs. Installation can also have an equally pronounced effect on menstruation. intrauterine device, even with its complete and correct installation.

A separate variant of menstrual cycle disorders can be considered the process of postpartum disruption, especially during breastfeeding.

Is delayed menstruation always a pathology?

No. A delay in menstruation is not always pathological - most often a delay in menstruation indicates the onset of pregnancy and is one of its early signs. And even if pregnancy is excluded, a delay in menstruation does not always indicate the presence of health problems. Even absolutely healthy woman Menstruation may not occur exactly on the same day. Therefore, rare delays in menstruation for a couple of days are not considered a pathology - this is a variant of normal physiological fluctuations. If, against the background of constant stable cycle a sudden delay occurs - this can be considered a problem and you should consult a doctor. In women with an initially unstable cycle, it is generally extremely difficult to detect a delay in menstruation, which requires the woman herself a lot of attention to your health. Women planning pregnancy and childbirth need to monitor the duration of menstruation especially carefully. Unstable cycle they may indicate possible problems with the work of the ovaries, and therefore with conception. Then it is necessary to consult a doctor and regulate menstruation.

Irregular menstruation may indicate problems with a woman's reproductive system. For many representatives of the fair sex, deviation is early symptom infertility.

A cycle is considered irregular when the number of days between periods is more or less than normal. It usually lasts 21-35 days.

Also, menstruation can be considered irregular when it varies by a certain number of days. For example, if a woman's cycle usually lasts 32 days, but sometimes changes by a day or two, then this is considered normal. And when it “”, for example, lasts either 25 days or 32 – this is a pathology.

Some women believe that any deviation from the generally accepted norm of 28 days is an irregular menstrual cycle. This is nothing more than a delusion. This number is an average. A girl's cycle can be longer or shorter, but high fertility is possible.

Causes of irregular menstrual cycle?

In young people who have not yet turned 16 years old, an irregular cycle is not considered a pathology, because it is in the process of formation. However, you need to monitor your menstruation, and if such “jumps” continue for more than a year, then you need to consult a gynecologist.

If a woman suddenly loses weight, then an irregular cycle is also possible. If there is a shortage nutrients the body is rebuilt and “understands” that pregnancy during this period is undesirable.

Gaining pounds can also cause your menstrual cycle to fluctuate. To restore it, you need to get rid of excess weight.

Hormonal imbalances, especially damage to the pituitary gland, have a great impact on the menstrual cycle. if you have this problem, then you need to seek help from an endocrinologist.

Diseases of the female genital organs, such as polyps and cysts, also cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Quite often, surgical intervention is required to get rid of such problems.

After childbirth and during lactation, an irregular cycle and even a complete absence of menstruation is considered normal. In order for everything to return to normal, the body will need some time to recover.

If a woman, while on vacation in some hot country, notices that her period has not arrived, or has shifted by a certain number of days, then you should not be surprised. Climate change is having strong influence per woman's cycle. Upon arrival home everything will return to normal.

Irregular cycle menstruation, what does it mean and what does it threaten a woman with? Women often talk about delayed menstruation among themselves. They frighten with their uncertainty. What's happened? Why didn't my monthly bleeding start on time? Maybe there was a pregnancy? Modern doctors they reassure that treatment of menstrual irregularities is not always necessary, and small errors of 5-7 days can not be taken into account at all. After all, the cycle is influenced by many factors, external environment, psychological condition, some bacterial and viral diseases, diets and much, much more. Women are not robots, so that they start bleeding every hour every hour.

About ovulation and the likelihood of pregnancy

And yet let's return to the question possible pregnancy. How to get pregnant if your cycle is irregular, how to calculate ovulation? Doctors do not recommend that couples under the age of 35 and who do not have reproductive problems calculate ovulation at all. Regular sexual activity is enough, sex 2-3 times a week. Pregnancy should occur within a maximum of 2 years. For those who really want to speed up the process, there is a folliculometry procedure - this is the same ultrasound, but in which attention is paid to searching dominant follicle in the ovaries and forecasts based on the timing of its rupture, that is, ovulation. Well, timely sexual intercourse is a large percentage of the chance of getting pregnant.

You can also try to determine ovulation using tests similar to those for pregnancy, only they contain reagents for a different hormone. But there is a lot of evidence that these tests are often deceiving and do not give a clear picture.

You can measure your basal temperature and keep a chart. For so many years, Soviet doctors not only predicted the days of ovulation, but even determined hormonal disorders in female patients. But you need to keep in mind that not everyone is a woman basal temperature will be an informative indicator. Its information content will depend on the presence of progesterone receptors in the rectum, as well as compliance with all measurement rules.

Finally, many women determine ovulation by subjective sensations. These are tingling, nagging pains from the side of the ovary where the follicle has ruptured. Some of them develop scanty bloody or pink discharge from the vagina, which stop within a couple of days. Appear from the vagina copious discharge, not related to sexual intercourse. And after ovulation, the breasts swell and become painful. It remains in this state almost until the start of the next menstruation, unless pregnancy occurs.

How to determine a delay in menstruation with an irregular cycle, when can you do a pregnancy test? Doctors recommend that all women, without exception, mark critical days. If you did this, then you can calculate average duration cycle for the last 6 months and based on this calculate approximate time the start of the delay. If you haven’t kept a calendar and your cycles are long, you can try to do a test on about day 35 of your cycle. This is if the pregnancy is desired in any case. If on the contrary, then you need to start doing periodic tests already from the 30-32nd day of the cycle.

If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant if your menstrual cycle is irregular, then you can rest assured that this is very real. It is unrealistic to get pregnant only if there are delays of several months; this already indicates a serious pathology in the body and requires examination. And small delays usually occur when anovulatory cycles when ovulation does not occur, it is not formed corpus luteum in the ovary, producing progesterone and, accordingly, there is a lack of it, which leads to late menstruation.

Probable diseases and conditions

1. Hypothyroidism. In this condition, a lack of hormones is diagnosed thyroid gland. Externally the disease is initial stages may not show up at all. Subsequently, the woman feels tired, often swells, her face becomes puffy, and excess weight, nails break and hair falls out. In case of hypothyroidism, infertility and amenorrhea are often diagnosed. Treatment consists of taking hormonal medications on an ongoing basis.

2. Hyperprolactinemia. In this condition, which can be physiological or pathological, the level of prolactin in the blood increases. An irregular menstrual cycle may have the following causes. To exclude this pathology, the doctor directs the woman to donate blood for prolactin, preferably with the determination of big prolatin. Thus, in case higher level hormone, it will be possible to distinguish its physiological increase, which occurs after, for example, sexual intercourse, stimulation of the nipples, from the pathological one, often caused by a pituitary tumor. If big-prolactin is elevated, the woman is sent for an MRI. If a pituitary microadenoma is found ( benign tumor brain), drugs that reduce prolactin levels will prevent it from growing and will reduce it in size. At the same time, the menstrual cycle will be restored, and it will be possible to become pregnant.

3. Polycystic ovary syndrome. With this pathology, a woman very rarely ovulates, so the likelihood of spontaneous pregnancy is low. At all, this pathology doesn't happen that often. And if a woman complains about a disruption in her menstrual cycle after childbirth, and the doctor shows signs of polycystic ovaries on her ultrasound, this does not mean that she has PCOS. This diagnosis usually given to women who have long time It’s not possible to get pregnant, and there are constant delays menses. There are no more than 6 menstruation per year. Irregular menstrual cycles in adolescents are not taken into account, since ovulation may be absent or occur rarely within 2 years after menarche.

Typically, for polycystic ovary syndrome, doctors prescribe oral contraceptives. When taken, the menstrual cycle artificially becomes regular. But that's not the main thing. When the drug is discontinued within 2-3 months, women become pregnant more often, and ovulation occurs in almost all cases.

4. Luteal insufficiency. This is progesterone deficiency. Determined by analyzing progesterone in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Moreover, this test must be taken for at least three months in a row so that the doctor can diagnose accurate diagnosis. Needs treatment if a woman is planning a pregnancy. The doctor prescribes her to start taking progesterone immediately after ovulation and continue until the very end of the cycle. Moreover, if pregnancy is confirmed, the drug should be continued until approximately 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, so that it does not fail. If pregnancy does not occur, the drug is stopped, and menstruation usually begins after 1-3 days.

5. Ovarian depletion. Premature or as a result imminent arrival menopause. For this reason, irregular periods are observed after the age of 40, and sometimes even earlier. Surgeries on the ovaries, genetic and chromosomal features, some serious illnesses, chemotherapy, etc. The first signs of the imminent onset of menopause are irregular menstruation, hot flashes, irritability, depression, and insomnia. At gynecological examination the doctor determines atrophic changes vaginal mucosa. And when testing blood for FSH, its level is significantly elevated. To improve the well-being of women, in the absence of contraindications, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed.

Menstruation is an undeniable fact of every girl’s growing up. A girl says goodbye to childhood and moves into adult life. Her body is preparing for further procreation. The first period arrived - the turning point has arrived. We start digging into what menstruation is and how to cope with it.

Irregular periods cause significant anxiety for girls

For the first time in a girl's life, her periods are irregular. This is due to the fact that the young body goes through a stabilization phase of the menstrual cycle. During this period, many girls experience migraines, cutting pain in the lower abdomen, hormonal imbalance and a profuse rash on the face and body. With the arrival of the first menstruation, disruptions are possible. Menarche refers to a woman's ability to procreate.

But even if a girl has problems during the formation of her cycle, they are not regulated with medication without the manifestation of other indirect causes of the disorder.

Unstable cycle: what is the reason

Irregular periods occur when they deviate from normal female cycle. On average, it lasts from 21 to 31 days, of which 5-7 are menstrual periods. Other cases indicate irregularities in the menstrual cycle. In rare cases, this may be a genetic predisposition, which you can only learn about from your relatives. If you have such a predisposition by nature, then you don’t have to worry about the consequences of such changes. The cycle should align in the direction characteristic of your individual characteristics.

A woman should always look her best, no matter what internal reasons and circumstances. We should internally radiate confidence and energy, not fatigue and a sickly appearance. It is very important to listen to the subtle hints and signals that our body gives us. If you begin to notice that there is an imbalance and irregularity in the body, it is worth thinking about all the possible consequences. So the reasons why you are unstable monthly cycle, may be varied, but they all only indicate that you are experiencing changes in your body. It is necessary to understand what signals may be signs of changes in women's health.

  1. Delayed menstrual cycle.
  2. Decrease or increase cycle duration.
  3. Change in the amount of blood loss.
  4. The appearance of uncharacteristic pain: migraines, stabbing and cutting pains lower abdomen.
  5. Bleeding.

Irregularity of the menstrual cycle is one of the symptoms of most gynecological and extra-general diseases. Scientists have proven that irregular periods can lead to... serious problems with health. Irregular monthly cycle affects gradual disruption reproductive function and the likelihood of getting pregnant. The consequences of such a disorder can be physical and psychological changes.

Irregular periods combined with migraines may indicate health problems

Causes of irregular periods

There are the following physiological reasons why women have irregular menstrual cycles.

  • Change environment. The cycle is affected by changes in time zones, climate and weather conditions.
  • Stress and other emotional disturbances. Consequence of changes in emotional background women may experience disruptions in their menstrual cycle. The causes of stress are varied, but only a surge in emotions will really change the regularity of the cycle and cause it to further fail.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals, decreased immunity. IN for preventive purposes It is recommended to take a course of vitamin and mineral complexes. Make sure you are not pregnant. Even if you are sure that you used protection, the probability remains small. Immunostimulants effective in maintaining women's health, but they can also cause a miscarriage. It is known that during pregnancy, a woman’s immunity decreases slightly. Especially in the first trimester. Taking immunostimulants during this period is prohibited, since female body pregnancy is foreign body. Stimulation of the immune system at this moment can provoke a miscarriage as a result of the immune system fighting the tumor.
  • Consequences of pregnancy and labor activity. This type of change in a woman’s body will definitely affect menstruation. Moreover, it does not matter whether the woman gave birth or not, whether it was a full nine-month pregnancy or whether it lasted only a couple of weeks. The result is still the same. If there was a fact of pregnancy and labor in a woman, then the menstrual cycle will definitely change and it is unlikely to become regular from the first month. This type of change is normal. The most important thing is how a woman’s body will manifest itself during the second menstruation. If a failure occurs, it must be adjusted.
  • Let's consider pathological changes in a woman’s body, which could provoke a disorder. If you talk to medical point view, then the following reasons for cycle disruption are distinguished:
  • Not correct technique hormonal drugs. The problem of incorrect use of contraceptive drugs often arises. Many people think that if they miss one of the tablets, they can take it later or just take and drink any of the packs. Even through inattention, you should not violate the procedure for taking contraceptive medications. This can cause a failure. This may also include unsuitable tablets. If the problem occurs after 2 months of taking the pills, contact your doctor.
  • Tumors and cystic formations. The most likely reason for the absence of a normal monthly cycle may be hormonal disbalance. It may be caused by malfunctions reproductive system, as well as the thyroid gland and hypothalamus. Be careful, neoplasms need to be diagnosed. If any other violations occur during existing problem It is recommended to undergo a course of examination of the relevant organs and systems.
  • Inflammatory processes. Do not forget about the threat of infection. Inflammatory processes genitourinary system women can be diagnosed with cycle disorders. If you feel pain in the lower abdomen and you begin to various kinds discharge - the cause may be inflammation.

Vitamins and minerals will help restore cycle regularity

Treatment of irregular menstrual cycles

If your fears are confirmed and you suspect a pathology, immediately seek help from a gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist, depending on the disorder detected.

To determine the reasons menstrual deviation, options for diagnosing the problem will be offered.

  • Ultrasound ( ultrasonography). Most likely you will pass this study abdominal cavity, thyroid gland and pelvic organs. This type of diagnosis will help determine the most probable reasons internal changes.
  • Clinical tests. Various indicators Blood and urine clinics can help make a diagnosis.
  • Hormonal tests are no less important. The level of certain hormones in the blood can determine possible sources of the problem.
  • Hysteroscopy. In rare cases, it is prescribed this type deep diagnosis of the uterus.

The problem cannot be ignored. Irregular menstrual cycles can lead to miscarriage or anovulation.

The first is caused by a lack of hormones in the second phase of the menstrual cycle and treatment in this case is necessary. Similarly with the second consequence - the failure of the egg to leave the follicle, which in itself is the cause of infertility.