Foreign body in the stomach of a cat. Intestinal obstruction in cats is a serious reason to consult a veterinarian. Treatment of intestinal obstruction in cats.

Symptoms and treatment of intestinal obstruction in cats should be presented to the owners of such pets, since such a disorder is not uncommon and in some cases poses a serious danger to the animal. A cat suffers from this disorder more often than a dog.

Intestinal obstruction in cats is a phenomenon in which a partial or complete cessation of the movement of food masses in the intestine occurs due to blockage of one of its sections and, much less often, several. The problem is not an independent disease, but a symptom of a number of diseases or the presence of a foreign body in the cat’s digestive tract. If there is no treatment, the cat dies. Elimination of obstruction is carried out mainly surgically. It is important to urgently diagnose and provide timely assistance before general intoxication of the body occurs.


Intestinal obstruction in cats occurs for the following reasons::

Whatever the cause, it is imperative to treat obstruction in a cat, since the condition of this pathology is serious, and the animal requires urgent veterinary care.


Symptoms of gastrointestinal obstruction often vary depending on the behavior and character of the animal:

  • Apathy and drowsiness, in which the cat tries to hide in a quiet, dark place; or, conversely, active meowing and running after the owner in order to attract his attention. What both cases have in common is a serious change in the cat’s behavior, which a loving owner will notice immediately.
  • There is no appetite up to complete refusal of food. Sometimes a cat can swallow the food offered, but immediately after this the obstruction causes vomiting of everything consumed.
  • Vomiting 30-40 minutes after feeding appears if the obstruction is partial, when, due to the small lumen, all the food cannot move forward and a vomiting spasm occurs.
  • Acute abdominal pain, due to which, when the owner tries to examine the pet, the cat reacts aggressively, actively biting and scratching. If it is possible to palpate, a sharp tension in the muscles of the peritoneum is noted, and the location of the blockage is often determined along with the foreign body that caused the obstruction.
  • Bloating. Occurs due to retention of gases in the intestines or their complete failure to pass. To relieve discomfort, the cat tries to stimulate bowel movements by actively licking the stomach or rolling on the floor.
  • Lack of bowel movements is a clinical sign of obstruction. However, the owner should remember that if the tray is clean, this may not always indicate an obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, and there is a possibility that the cat simply chose a different place for its business, which, naturally, is not at all suitable for replacing the tray.

It is important that the owner treats his pet carefully and, if there is the slightest suspicion of intestinal obstruction, take the cat to the veterinarian.


To determine the disease in a cat, an external examination is carried out by palpating the abdomen. Also used for diagnostics:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • contrast x-ray.

Based on the results, the treatment of obstruction is determined. At the discretion of the veterinarian, conservative or surgical treatment can be carried out. Without surgery, it is usually possible to cope with the problem that arose due to constipation and drying out of stool in the intestines.


The use of an enema is only possible for constipation and only if the stool plug is not very large. In other cases, surgery is performed. After it, a high-quality recovery period is necessary, since intestinal obstruction and subsequent surgery are the most difficult test for the animal’s body.

Postoperative period

Feeding your pet for 2 days after the operation is strictly prohibited, as the intestines will be affected. The cat is given water only every other day.

Droppers for infusion of physiological solutions are placed immediately after surgery and in the following days, as they allow the animal to restore the water-salt balance of the body, and also relieve intoxication, which poses a mortal danger.

A course of antibiotics is required after surgery to prevent inflammation, which can be a complication of any operation. It is important that the owner strictly follows the rules for administering antibiotics and does not miss the deadlines for giving injections.

The animal should be fed with dietary food. It is optimal if they are natural. Food should be given in small portions at short intervals. It is best if it is boiled lean meat, low-fat broth and fermented milk products.


Treating intestinal obstruction in a cat is a complex process that requires surgery in most cases. However, knowing about preventive measures, you can effectively protect your cat from the problem. To prevent pathology it is recommended:

  • proper natural nutrition, dry food and constant availability of water for the cat;
  • do not use small objects that can be easily swallowed for playing with the cat;
  • feeding cats with preparations to remove hair from the body not only during the molting period, but also for prevention once a week.

It is important to monitor the condition of your pet and, if necessary, promptly show it to a veterinarian for high-quality and complete treatment. In the case of intestinal obstruction, time is of the essence.

Every owner should know the symptoms and treatment of intestinal atony in cats. Intestinal atony in cats is not a rare disease in which insufficient tone of the smooth or transverse muscles of the intestine is detected, which disrupts the digestion process and the animal begins to have health problems.

This phenomenon is caused not by overeating or undereating, as many owners believe, but by a deficiency of fiber in the animal’s diet. Because of this, the intestinal receptors do not receive the necessary irritation and begin to work incorrectly. As a result, initially there is a serious weakening of intestinal motility, which subsequently leads to its complete stop and the appearance of obstruction. As a result of this violation, a plug begins to form in the intestines, which poses a direct threat to the life of the pet.

The main reasons why atony appears

The main causes of the disease are:

  • lack of fiber in food - in this case, the intestinal walls do not receive sufficient irritation. This can cause atony in a cat at any age. Chronic constipation begins to cause a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract. The dog does not suffer from such problems;
  • damage by worms - due to helminths, chronic irritation of the intestines occurs, which in turn causes gradual atrophy of nerve receptors, due to which the intestinal muscles stop receiving signals and stop working. The problem appears if the animal is not properly cared for. Such obstruction is mechanical in nature;
  • age-related changes - in old age, muscle tone decreases, and the cat begins to experience atony of not only the intestines, but also the bladder, which can cause serious problems with going to the toilet.

It is very important for the owner to promptly identify a health problem in his pet and provide quality treatment. If intestinal atony is not advanced, the cat will recover completely or almost completely, which will allow you to stop therapy. It is worth not forgetting that the bladder is working and the cat goes to the tray. If there is no urination and the organ is full, then perhaps there is an acute attack of urolithiasis, and not atony.

Symptoms if the cat has atony

The disease manifests itself with a number of symptoms. The following symptoms indicate that the cat is sick and atony::

  1. decreased appetite up to its complete absence - a short-term increase in appetite occurs much less frequently;
  2. a sharp decrease in the daily volume of feces - atonic constipation in a cat;
  3. discharge of a small volume of very foul-smelling cloudy mucus from the anus when going to the litter tray;
  4. sagging abdomen;
  5. abdominal muscle tension;
  6. special aggression when touching the stomach, associated with acute pain in the cat.

When the first symptoms of a problem appear, you should immediately visit a veterinarian. Self-medication in such a situation is unacceptable, since it is necessary to accurately establish the cause of the disease and carry out full-fledged therapy.

Treatment when a cat has atony

To cleanse the intestines, the cat is given an enema with an antiseptic composition. If the upper intestines or stomach are affected, the cat receives special drugs that provoke their contraction and cleansing.

After the acute condition is relieved, treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating the main cause of atony. The veterinarian instructs the owner about what care the animal needs, and this is where the therapy, if it is not required for life, ends.

Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or intestinal obstruction in cats and other small pets is quite common. All types of domestic animals are susceptible to pathology, regardless of breed and age. It has been noticed that cases of obstruction become more frequent during the New Year holidays and are associated with eating Christmas tree “rain” and tinsel. Young animals are more prone to eating inedible objects.

In this article, we will consider the main symptoms that the owner should pay attention to, the general strategy for diagnosing and treating intestinal obstruction in cats, and preventive measures.

Definition and classification of intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction (ileus), is a group of non-infectious (non-contagious) diseases characterized by impaired passage of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibition of intestinal motility (atony) and general intoxication of the body.

Based on the causes of ileus, as well as its pathogenesis, a classification of gastrointestinal obstruction has been developed:

1. Mechanical obstruction. Occurs when foreign objects, large particles of food (especially often in kittens), bones, helminths (worms) enter the digestive tract, as well as the formation of intestinal bezoars (“stones”). Most often in veterinary practice, cats are faced with trichobezoars, which are dense, mixed with feces. Trichobezoar disease is most relevant for women, especially those whose mechanism of regurgitation of fur after licking is impaired.
The group of mechanical intestinal obstruction in cats includes the entry into the gastrointestinal tract of objects that do not block the intestinal lumen, but can seriously affect its motility and cause atony. For example, New Year's "rain", tinsel, thread, fishing line. This also includes piercing and cutting objects that do not clog the intestinal lumen, but are capable of injuring the wall of the digestive tract up to its perforation. These are knives (or parts thereof), blades, needles, glass fragments, metal braid, etc.

2. Dynamic obstruction associated with impaired intestinal motility and is divided into two groups.

A) Intestinal obstruction caused by increased motility. The reason is a violation of the rhythm of intestinal contractions, which predisposes to the development of intussusception - “gut to gut”, which, in turn, leads to intestinal obstruction. Long-term diarrhea predisposes to the development of intussusception; disruption of intestinal innervation due, for example, to injury or congenital defects of the central nervous system, especially in purebred animals; infectious diseases, for example, feline viral peritonitis, viral gastroenteritis; poisoning with certain poisons, etc.

B) Intestinal obstruction caused by slow motility or atony. There are many causes of intestinal atony. It is important that in this case there is a slowdown in the passage of chyme and feces in the intestines, their compaction and the development of coprostasis. At the same time, toxic products of decay are actively absorbed into the blood, aggravating atony and intoxication of the cat’s body.

The above classification illustrates the polyetiology of gastrointestinal obstruction. In other words, the disease is caused by many reasons. But despite this, the clinical signs are generally the same. Let's look at the first and most typical symptoms of intestinal obstruction in cats. Let's look in more detail at those that a cat owner can observe and suspect the disease in time.

Clinical signs of intestinal obstruction in cats

Vomit always appears and is one of the first symptoms of dysfunction of the digestive system, including those associated with intestinal obstruction in cats.
As a rule, the symptom is noticed immediately after eating food or water, and also after some time - from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Vomiting not associated with food intake is possible. Its frequency may vary depending on the type of obstruction, the nature of the foreign body and other factors.
is a protective mechanism and is aimed at removing a foreign body from the body. At the beginning of the disease, it is a reflex (response to irritation of the gastric mucosa), later, with prolonged atony of the gastrointestinal tract, it is a consequence of developing intoxication.
In any case, vomiting is an important symptom of digestive dysfunction, and the more information about it the cat owner provides when collecting anamnesis (information about the disease), the faster and more accurate the diagnosis will be.
What should you pay attention to?
Firstly when the symptom occurs: immediately after eating food or after some time, or regardless of food intake.
Secondly, - what is its frequency: several times a day, every hour, etc. What is the content, is there any blood in it?
Here are just a few sample points that the owner needs to pay attention to.
However, it is important to remember that vomiting is only a symptom that can be a manifestation of many diseases, including infectious ones, and therefore is not a specific sign of intestinal obstruction in cats.

Chair. Information about defecation is of great importance in diagnosing obstruction. At the beginning of the disease, the cat may have loose stools. This, like vomiting, is a compensatory mechanism aimed at removing a foreign body from the body. Later, due to the development of intestinal atony, bowel movements stop. It is also worth paying attention to the stool: its consistency, color, smell, presence of blood.

Photo 1. Plain X-ray of a mongrel cat, 1 year old, with suspected gastrointestinal obstruction. Anterior (a) and lateral (b) projections. X-ray examination excluded the presence of radiopaque objects (metal, dense plastic, dense rubber, bones). There are indirect signs of atony of the digestive tract: accumulation of gases in the stomach (1), small intestine (2) and large intestine (3). With such a picture, radiography with a contrast agent is indicated.

Appetite for intestinal obstruction in cats depends on its origin. In case of blockage of the intestinal lumen by a foreign body or dynamic obstruction, it usually decreases until the animal completely refuses to eat, including treats. If patency is partially preserved or a foreign body is found in the stomach, appetite may persist and only slightly decrease, however, vomiting occurs some time after eating food.

General state also depends on the nature of the ileus. With complete intestinal obstruction, the cat is in a depressed state, lethargy, and apathy. And the longer the disease lasts, the more severe the condition becomes. With partial patency of the gastrointestinal tract, changes from minor to moderate are possible. In any case, a change in general condition should be a reason to visit a doctor.

Separately, it should be noted signs of esophageal blockage: anxiety, attempts to swallow, drooling, obstruction of food and water, gagging.

Blockage of the esophagus requires emergency medical attention!

The above are only the earliest and most characteristic symptoms that a cat owner can pay attention to. Let us dwell on some of the main points of clinical diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in cats in more detail.

Strategy for diagnosing intestinal obstruction in cats

Since the clinical signs of the disease are nonspecific, additional research methods play a decisive role in diagnosis: radiography, ultrasound (ultrasound) and diagnostic laparotomy. The preferred diagnostic method is chosen by the attending physician!

Radiography allows you to immediately identify so-called radiopaque objects. These include the following materials: metal, dense plastic, dense rubber. Materials whose density is comparable to the density of soft tissue are not visible in the image (see Photo 1).
To identify such objects, a contrast radiographic examination is performed (see Photo 2). To do this, a radiopaque substance is injected into the animal's mouth, which allows visualization of the gastrointestinal tract, and also makes it possible to assess the dynamics of the digestive tract through a series of x-rays. Thus, the doctor receives information about the configuration of the esophagus, stomach, intestines and the time of passage of contents through these sections. In case of deviation from the norm, a diagnosis is made (see Photo 3).

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) It is also possible to assess the dynamics of the gastrointestinal tract, identify the area of ​​intussusception, and in some cases the foreign bodies themselves.
Quite often we have to deal with situations in which neither clinical examination (examination, palpation, auscultation) nor additional methods provide a clear picture sufficient to make a diagnosis. In this case, atypical symptoms persist or the cat, despite symptomatic treatment, does not show positive dynamics. This picture is typical for partial blockage of the gastrointestinal tract or the presence of an object in the cat’s digestive tract that does not affect the patency, as well as the presence of a foreign body in the stomach.

In such cases, the only way to establish the truth is diagnostic laparotomy, which consists of opening the abdominal cavity (under general anesthesia) and visual examination of the abdominal wall and abdominal organs, mainly the digestive tract. If a foreign body or area of ​​intussusception is detected, appropriate surgical treatment is carried out.

Photo 2. X-ray of the cat from Photo 1, lateral view, 5 minutes after giving the contrast agent. In the picture, the contrast is in the pyloric part (at the bottom) of the stomach (1). Thus, it was established that the patency of the esophagus is not impaired. However, the presence of traces of a contrast agent in the esophagus (2) suggests the presence of a foreign object that does not interfere with patency. Normally, there should be no traces of contrast agent left in the esophagus.

Photo 3. Lateral radiograph of the cat (Photo 1 and Photo 2), 4 hours after administration of the contrast agent. Normally, during this time, the cat’s entire mass of the substance should pass into the large intestine. In the image, contrast is still present in the stomach (1), and a small amount is in the small intestine (2). These are clear signs of atony of the digestive tract, in this case caused by the presence of a foreign body: thread. Upon closer examination of the image, you can see a thread in the esophagus, “painted” with contrast (3).

Briefly about treatment

The choice of treatment method for a cat depends entirely on the specific clinical situation. In some cases, it is possible to do without surgery using Vaseline oil. It should be clarified that this method, often used by owners before contacting a doctor, is applicable only in the case of swallowing objects that do not have sharp edges and do not have a serious effect on the motility of the digestive tract, since petroleum jelly does not stimulate intestinal motility, but only “lubricates” its walls and facilitates the passage of a foreign object. In case of development of gastrointestinal atony and, consequently, the appearance of clinical symptoms, taking petroleum jelly without a doctor’s prescription may complicate the diagnosis of the disease.
Surgical treatment consists of surgically removing foreign bodies (see Photo 4). Invaginations are corrected; if there are signs of necrosis (death) of the intestine, the affected area of ​​the intestine is removed (intestinal resection) and an anastomosis is formed. Resection is also necessary for intestinal necrosis due to prolonged presence of a foreign object in it. Therefore, the sooner medical care is provided to the animal, the higher the chances of a favorable outcome of the disease!

Photo 4. Thread extracted from the cat’s gastrointestinal tract (Photo 1-3). Its length was about 40-50 cm

Prevention measures

First of all, it is necessary to exclude from reach objects that the animal can swallow, especially if your pet has already been observed trying to eat inedible objects.

Avoid toys that have separate parts that your pet can chew. Do not allow shoes and clothing to be played with - there is a risk of swallowing buttons, laces and other parts.

During the New Year holidays, refrain from decorating the holiday tree and home with “rain” and tinsel.

To prevent dynamic obstruction, follow the diet and feeding regimen of your pet. Avoid overeating; remember that cats are predators for whom hunger is a normal physiological state. You can always get more detailed advice on feeding your pet by consulting a doctor.

Cats, especially purebred ones, are recommended to undergo an annual medical examination using additional research methods (blood biochemistry, general clinical blood test, plain radiography, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, analysis for chronic infections, etc.). For animals with diagnosed congenital or chronic diseases, medical examination is indicated once every 6 months. In this case, it is carried out by the attending physician.

Be careful, observe your pet’s behavior, if the condition deviates from the norm, immediately consult a doctor, do not wait until it “goes away on its own.” Timely seeking veterinary help significantly increases the chances of recovery and reduces the risk of complications to a minimum.

The story is based on true facts I’m writing “hot on the heels” because this is happening to my cat right now.

The insidiousness of intestinal obstruction is that it can happen not anywhere, not to anyone and not ever, but to any cat, to any cat and at any moment. And your pet is no exception. God grant that this never happens, but it is better to be prepared and in case of trouble to know what to do.

Intestinal obstruction

- this is a complete or partial cessation of the movement of contents through the intestines. The most common cause is foreign body blockage. This is followed by blockage as a result of a tumor, volvulus, hernia or intussusception (penetration of one part of the intestine into another), etc.

Mechanical blockage with a foreign body reveals itself suddenly, out of the blue. How this happened a few days ago with my cat Avatar. Who is the cat Avatar and what is special about him - see, it will be interesting.

Avatar In the afternoon, vomiting suddenly began. At first I didn’t attach any importance to this. Well, I vomited once, who doesn’t? Again. Already alarmed. And I got really worried when the cat flatly refused to eat, without even looking towards the bowl. To test, she offered an impossible delicacy - a piece of chicken. Decisive refusal. Everything is bad!

Vomiting continued at night. And the next morning we were already at the clinic. They immediately took blood for analysis and put me on a drip without talking. Why?

Why is obstruction dangerous?

  • A cat's intestines are constantly working, pushing contents from the stomach to the anus. At the same time, the circulation of an important nutrient fluid continuously occurs: digestive juices produced by the stomach and intestines, during the work of the intestines, along with dissolved nutrients, penetrate through the walls back into the intestine.

When a blockage occurs, juices continue to be released, but now, unable to move and be absorbed, they accumulate in the stomach and small intestine, causing vomiting. With vomiting, a large amount of fluid and nutrients (especially potassium) is lost, rapid dehydration and weakening of the body occurs.

Drinking water does not help, but only makes vomiting worse. Without treatment within 2-7 days the animal will die.

Therefore, in case of serious disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (especially in case of obstruction!), abundant intravenous infusions are needed to replenish fluid.

  • In addition, at the site of blockage, due to poor circulation in the affected area, necrosis may occur - tissue death of the intestinal wall, which will develop rapidly, which will also worsen the condition of the animal.
  • And further. It happens that the presence of a foreign body in the intestines leads to its decomposition, oxidation, etc. and the release of toxic substances from it, which contributes to additional intoxication of the body.
  • Obstruction (as well as chronic constipation) provokes the proliferation of putrefactive and other harmful bacteria, which leads to serious disruption of the intestinal microflora.

The closer the blockage is to the stomach, that is, the larger part of the intestine is closed, the more severe the disease.

Symptoms of obstruction

  1. increasing vomiting
  2. loss of appetite to the point of complete refusal to eat
  3. no or little stool
  4. deterioration of general condition
  5. painful enlarged belly

What to do? At the slightest suspicion of an obstruction (especially if you know that your pet had the opportunity to eat something “wrong”) - run to the clinic!

What not to do? Do not try to feed or water the cat - this will only provoke vomiting. Do not give an enema, as this may cause intestinal rupture. Do not give a laxative that increases contraction of the intestinal muscles. Do not use antiemetic drugs, which will only mask the symptoms without providing a therapeutic effect.

About Vaseline oil

Vaseline oil is a purified fraction of petroleum without harmful organic substances and their compounds, mixes with fats and oils and has the properties of petroleum jelly. Without being absorbed into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, it envelops the obstacle in the form of feces, softens them and facilitates the process of pushing. Indication: constipation. Contraindication: intestinal obstruction.

So we come to a difficult dilemma: or obstruction? With constipation, accumulation and hardening of stool usually occurs in the middle and lower intestines. And Vaseline oil is your first friend here. It can also help with partial obstruction.

In case of complete obstruction, the oil will aggravate the situation, becoming an additional burden in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it can “drag through” a foreign object a little, damaging the intestinal walls and causing their necrosis.

Thus, giving a cat Vaseline oil when there is a blockage is a risk: it may solve the problem, or it may worsen the situation.

Partial obstruction

With incomplete obstruction, part of the intestinal contents can pass through the obstruction, but with complete obstruction, not. With partial blockage, the animal can survive, while complete blockage poses a mortal danger.

Avatar Two years ago, with the same Avatar (oh, poor cat!) we experienced partial obstruction. Avatar opened the cabinet under the kitchen sink and gutted the trash can. For more than two weeks (!) the cat was lethargic, ate a little and only soft food, there was stool, but very scanty. An X-ray with contrast did not give an accurate result (50x50 - it seems like there is an obstacle, but the contrast agent seems to pass through it). I was given intravenous drips every day. The doctors were inclined to operate.

Deciding that there was nothing to lose anyway, I literally pumped the cat up with Vaseline oil (I had done this before, but not so decisively - there was no result). And Avatar finally produced such a bunch of sausage skins that it was impossible to imagine how it all fit in a small intestine, lay there for two weeks, and the cat lived with it! But imagine my amazement when the next day another similar pile came out. Just unbelieveble! Since then, we have kept the trash can under safe lock and key.

Diagnosis of obstruction

With symptoms of acute obstruction, this dangerous disease is always ruled out first.

The diagnosis is made based on clinical symptoms and examination by a doctor. Careful palpation will determine the “acute abdomen” and painful area. Blood tests are needed to assess the cat's condition and identify concomitant diseases. If obstruction is suspected, an x-ray of the abdominal cavity, for better information, with a contrast agent.

If all these studies do not make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis, what remains is diagnostic laparotomy (as they say, “an autopsy will show”) - an incision in the abdominal cavity - a surgical operation under general anesthesia, which will reveal the pathology.

Avatar So, while we were dripping (2 hours, no less), the test results became ready. Everything is normal, with minor deviations that can be attributed to vomiting and hunger strike. A thorough examination by the doctor and palpation revealed a painful area in the abdomen. In general, the dire diagnosis of obstruction is becoming more and more clear. We go for an x-ray, having previously pumped ourselves up (20 ml) with a contrast agent.

Why do you need a contrast agent? In the animal’s body, along with bone tissue, which gives a clear shadow picture when x-rayed, there is also soft tissue that creates a less dense shadow. Therefore, if tissues and organs are approximately the same in density, then their boundaries are difficult to distinguish on an x-ray. This also applies to the abdominal organs - liver, stomach, intestines, etc. How can we discern changes in them? For this purpose, substances with high atomic weight are used, creating a difference in density between the desired organ and the rest of the environment.

Barium sulfate is often used as a contrast agent for examining the gastrointestinal tract. It is a chemically pure, harmless, insoluble white powder, odorless and tasteless.

Avatar In the process of feeding the cat with a cocktail of water and barium, everything was smeared - the table, chair, floor, carrier, me, the doctor and, finally, the cat itself. It’s good that dried barium is easily cleaned like chalk.

Let's take a photo. And two things immediately become clear. Firstly, the cat was given barium in vain, because, secondly, even without contrast it is clearly visible that in the Avatar’s stomach lies... a metal clamp holding the skin on the end of the sausage. A week before Avatar, the Sphynx Ramses was in the clinic with symptoms of obstruction, from whom, as a result of an operation, the same end of the sausage was removed, and the doctors confidently identified its analogue in the picture of my cat. Here's a photo. The barium-filled stomach is clearly visible, followed by a wire curl:

Of course, no one deliberately gave him a dangerous “yummy.” It was just unwise to leave it on the table. The avatar himself cannot get anything from the table, but he has four-legged friends who helped him.

What to do? After consulting, we decide with the doctors to give Vaseline oil a chance, considering that it may work for my cat. Once again we drip for a long time, drink the oil and go home.

At home, the Avatar's condition worsens. He literally howls and starts vomiting again. My stomach is so bloated that I understand that Vaseline oil is not an option. After a disturbing night, we are at the clinic early in the morning. We dig in again and go to the operation.

Treatment of obstruction

Treatment begins immediately, even before diagnosis. This includes infusion therapy (droppers) to replenish the loss of water and nutrients, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics.

In severe cases, when intestinal blockage threatens the life of the animal, emergency surgery is indicated. Sometimes this involves removing the affected part of the intestine.

The postoperative period includes a fasting diet for 12-24 (sometimes more) hours, again intravenous drips, and antibiotics. Next - careful feeding with semi-liquid food. For 14 days it is necessary to monitor the condition of the sutures, which are then removed.

Avatar Avatar has a “colleague” in the operation - a calico cat Monya, whose x-ray shows... the same foreign body as his. Ha-Ha! They go under the knife one after another.

I photographed the trophies after they were removed. Here they are. Avatarkin is on the left, Moni is on the right. Apparently, the sausage brace is a hit among foreign bodies in cats

The operation was successful, the sausage element was removed, there was no necrosis of the intestinal tissue - only two reddish dots from the metal pressure (that's what it means to react in time!). The avatar is resting. He was kept in hospital overnight. After recovering from anesthesia, he was prescribed an enema (a lot of feces had accumulated) and, of course, an IV.

Avatar, unlike other cats who have undergone surgery, does not need a post-op blanket because he cannot lick his belly. And a sick antibiotic can be given to him in the back muscle - there is no deep sensitivity. At least there are some advantages to paralysis.

The next day after the operation, the cat feels well, is active, moves his head, is interested in everything - cannot be compared with his recent state, when he was lethargic and apathetic. Morning and evening - endless droppers. Finally, after grabbing an infusion solution and an antibiotic, we go home. Hooray!

At home, the cat behaves as if there was no serious surgery. Let's dig on our own. How easy it is for doctors, and how difficult it is for a layman! We cope with sin in half.

I carefully begin to feed her with Royal Canin Recovery pate (1-2 teaspoons every 2-3 hours). The appetite is excellent. The whole family breathed a sigh of relief. We rejoice. But in vain!

By the evening of the next day - complete refusal of food. In the morning we go to the clinic again. We donate blood and sit down to take a bath. The tests are normal, the treatment is drips, drips and more drips. The antibiotic continues in a continuous course. By evening the cat begins to eat.

At home now. We continue IVs, antibiotics, soft nutrition. The avatar feels great and is already chasing cats. True, he’s still weak, he rests a lot, but that’s normal. The seam is fine, although slightly dented. It looks like the obstruction story is coming to an end. Pah-pah-pah...

Do you think she will teach the Avatar something and he will learn some lesson? No matter how it is! If someone drew conclusions, it was not the victim, but his owners, that is, us.

Prevention of obstruction

Dear cat owners! If you don’t want terrible torment for your pet, and for yourself - a big headache in the form of moral suffering, as well as a huge investment of time and money (I’m afraid to even think how much the treatment would have cost me if I hadn’t worked in the clinic! ), then simply do not allow this dangerous situation to arise. Make small, inedible objects that your pet might swallow inaccessible.

Of particular interest to cats are sausage casings, feathers, pieces of paper and foil, rubber bands, strings and threads.

Threads with a needle are especially dangerous - they can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract and even “stitching” of the intestines.

And a completely separate conversation - Christmas tree rain. However, the New Year is generally a source of many dangers for our pets - about this.

Conclusion: Please be vigilant and do not leave anything “criminal” even by accident. Don't give this terrible intestinal obstruction a chance!

P.S. Avatar The stool is formed, nutrition is restored, the sutures are removed. All! Deep exhale...

Intestinal obstruction is one of the most common diseases in cats, and its symptoms are pronounced. The disease is often confused with constipation, so they do not show the animal to a veterinarian, but try to cure it on their own, causing even greater damage to the pet’s health.

The cause of the disease in cats can be volvulus, swallowed foreign objects, gastrointestinal diseases, but in any case the symptoms will be pronounced. Depending on the factors that triggered the onset of the disease, treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

The essence of the problem

Intestinal obstruction is a disease in which, for various reasons, normal bowel movement from feces does not occur. As a result, intoxication increases, as poisons and decay products are absorbed by the mucous membrane, enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. The pet stops eating and practically does not drink, as this leads to vomiting. The gases produced during the digestion of food cannot escape due to blockage of the intestinal lumen, so the animal’s abdomen becomes enlarged and severe pain appears.

In a cat, intestinal obstruction can occur not only due to atony. Often problems begin after swallowing small objects, accumulation of hair or helminthic infestations. It is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of the pathology so as not to delay treatment, since in most cases surgical intervention is required.

Causes of the phenomenon

Intestinal obstruction can occur in both adult cats and kittens. The following unfavorable factors can provoke the appearance of the disease:

Sometimes pet owners think that a laxative will help solve the problem. This is wrong. In most cases, it will cause even more harm and can hasten the death of your pet. Only a veterinarian knows what to do if a cat has an intestinal obstruction, so your pet needs to be shown to him as soon as possible.

Symptomatic manifestations

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction are pronounced and in cats can be as follows:

  1. The animal's mood changes dramatically. Some owners note apathy, a desire to hide from people and other pets. In another case, the cat will try in every possible way to attract attention to itself: meow loudly, follow behind, show its belly. Any changes in the cat’s usual behavior are an alarming symptom.
  2. The pet refuses to eat. At first, the amount of food consumed becomes less, then a complete refusal of food occurs.
  3. With partial intestinal obstruction, cats begin vomiting after eating. This symptom indicates that only a small amount of food was able to move through the intestines. The remaining food causes unbearable stomach pain in the animal, so the pet reflexively burps.
  4. No bowel movement. This symptom of intestinal obstruction in cats cannot always be considered reliable in individuals who often walk outside. In this case, it is almost impossible for the owners to track where exactly the cat emptied its bowels. Pets are another matter. A prolonged absence of feces in the tray can be a sign of either ordinary constipation or intussusception in a cat or kitten.
  5. Aggression when attempting to inspect. If the owner tries to feel the pet's belly, the cat is likely to bite or scratch. This is due to the fact that the animal experiences severe pain, and touching only aggravates the situation. If the cat allows itself to be examined, the owner will notice tension in the walls of the abdominal cavity, and sometimes he will be able to feel a foreign object or a hard area in the intestine. It is better not to carry out an examination unless absolutely necessary, since a careless movement can harm your pet.
  6. Abdominal enlargement. Since the gases accumulating in the intestines have no outlet, the pet’s abdominal cavity begins to increase in size. You may notice that the cat is rolling on the floor and actively licking its belly.

If an animal exhibits at least one of the symptoms described above, this may indicate intestinal obstruction in cats. The best decision that the owner of a sick pet will make is to immediately show it to the veterinarian, since trying to give a laxative, warming up or massage will only bring harm.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Before figuring out how to treat a cat for an intestinal blockage, your veterinarian will do some research. The animal will have urine and blood taken for analysis, and an X-ray or ultrasound procedure will be performed to find out exactly where the blockage is and what it is.

Based on the results of the examination, conservative or surgical treatment may be prescribed. Regardless of the chosen therapeutic tactics, the animals are given IVs to relieve intoxication, and are also administered painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

You can do without surgery if the obstruction is caused by constipation. The doctor will give the animal an enema; in addition, it may be recommended to give the cat Vaseline oil, which will help soften the feces for easier elimination.

If irreversible changes begin in the intestines, or the cause of the blockage is a foreign object, then emergency surgery is indicated. During it, the damaged area of ​​the organ is removed, and the object that caused the obstruction is removed.

During the first 24 hours after surgery, the cat is not given food or water. The pet begins to drink little by little 24 hours after surgery. Food is introduced gradually, under the supervision of a veterinarian. It should be liquid and easily digestible. The cat is shown IVs with saline and vitamins to obtain nutrients, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory injections to prevent postoperative complications.

It is important to treat the cat responsibly at this stage, since the lack of proper care and non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations will lead to the death of the pet.

To protect your animal from illness, you should follow some preventive measures:

  1. High-quality and balanced diet. It is best to feed your animal premium and super-premium food. This can be either canned food or dry food. It is imperative to provide round-the-clock access to fresh water so as not to provoke intestinal blockage with solid food. If you decide to feed your pet natural food, then under no circumstances should you give your pet bones, pieces of skin or tendons, sausage, or frankfurters in a natural casing, as these products can cause intestinal blockage. It is allowed to feed the cat raw or boiled meat, fish without bones and fins. The diet is varied with porridges and boiled vegetables, fermented milk products.
  2. Safe home. All small objects should be kept out of the animal's reach. You need to carefully hide the trash can so that cats are not tempted to rummage through it in search of “goodies.”
  3. Health control. If any pathologies occur, especially injuries, be sure to consult a veterinarian and treat the animal until complete recovery. Intestinal obstruction is often a consequence of atony, which is caused by old injuries of the spine and abdominal cavity. It is also important to regularly vaccinate and deworm your pet, especially if he walks outside for a long time. This will help avoid the accumulation of large numbers of worms in the intestines.
  4. Regular brushing. This is especially true for owners of long-haired breeds. While licking, a cat swallows a large amount of hair. When the mass becomes critical, it cannot be removed from the body naturally. Therefore, the cat needs to be combed every day; it is best to use a furminator for this. This is a metal comb that perfectly removes not only guard hairs, but also undercoat. Particular attention is paid to the pet during molting. To supplement and prevent the formation of hairballs, you can offer your cat a special herb or veterinary paste aimed at gently removing hair from the animal’s body.

The measures described above will most likely help avoid intestinal blockage.

Intestinal obstruction in cats is a common disease that is often fatal. At the first suspicion of the presence of a pathology, you should immediately show the animal to a veterinarian so as not to waste precious time.