When blood clots come out during menstruation. Why do blood clots occur during menstruation? Clots in menstrual blood as a sign of disease

U healthy women The monthly cycle becomes regular on average 2 years after the start of menstruation and lasts from 21 to 30 days. The amount of blood released in the first days of a new cycle varies individually, but on average it is 50-70 ml. It is believed that if you have to change sanitary napkin every 2-3 hours, then a woman loses a lot of blood during menstruation. The blood may be normal, but pathology cannot be ruled out.

Normal discharge does not have a distinct odor and is dark in color. IN menstrual blood may be present Not a large number of thick fragments. Appearance scarlet discharge should be alarming.

Externally. But, in fact, this is accumulated blood or pieces of the exfoliated inner lining of the uterus - the endometrium. When they are small and the bleeding is not too painful, this is normal.

If a woman does not move for a long time, sits or lies, then the blood stagnates and begins to coagulate in the uterine cavity or vagina. After the woman stands up, a blood clot will come out. In this case, there is no reason to worry.

Pathological causes

The situation is completely different when, after the clots are released, the bleeding intensifies, the woman feels weakness and pain in the lower abdomen. This serious reason See your doctor to find out why this is happening. After all, the appearance of such symptoms is characteristic of a number of diseases.

Poor clotting

One of them - poor clotting blood. With this pathology are observed. This condition can last up to 10 days every month and leads to anemia.

The main causes of poor blood clotting are:

  • genetic diseases - hemophilia, von Willebrand disease;
  • insufficient vitamin K content;
  • oncological and infectious diseases liver;
  • long-term use antimicrobials and anticoagulants;
  • low platelet count.

Endometrial hyperplasia

With this disease, the membrane lining the inside of the uterus, the endometrium, grows deep into the walls of the uterus or grows too much. Sometimes so much so that the process goes beyond the genital organ and spreads to neighboring ones.

The reasons that cause the appearance of endometrial hyperplasia are not fully understood. But it is believed that hormonal and immune system. Frequent abortions and prolonged use can lead to hyperplasia. intrauterine devices contraception, severe course childbirth, excess weight and “bad” heredity.


Violations monthly cycle, which is observed in women suffering from endometrial hyperplasia, may be the first symptom by which a doctor suspects this pathology. Depending on the causes of the disease, menstruation either occurs after long break, or too often.

In the first case, grown over a long period the endometrium comes out in the form of large clots. At the same time, the woman feels sharp pain in the lower abdomen, often similar to labor pains. The discharge (except for large thick fragments) is liquid and much more abundant than in the normal state of the endometrium.

When the growth of the endometrium is uneven, it wears focal character, then menstruation is quite scanty. This is explained by the fact that only areas of normal, unchanged endometrium are exfoliated and come out. In this case, spotting or heavy bleeding may appear in the middle of the cycle.

There are various reasons for the appearance of blood - strong physical exercise, careless sex. But because increased fragility vessels with focal hyperplasia Bleeding can also start randomly.

Condition after childbirth

Postpartum discharge in women is somewhat different from the usual menstrual discharge and is called lochia. Do not be alarmed if a large amount of blood comes out while breastfeeding your baby, when walking or after palpating the abdomen - the uterus contracts especially actively. on average up to 8 weeks and consist of:

  • blood cells;
  • plasma that is released from the injured surface of the uterus;
  • epithelium;
  • mucus.

The composition and intensity of lochia changes depending on how long ago the birth took place. In the first week they are heavy, similar to menstruation, and contain a lot of clots. The amount of blood released directly depends on how well the uterus contracts. In the first 7 days of the postpartum period, a woman can lose up to half a liter of blood.

Then the lochia acquire a red-brown tint, become denser and less abundant. At 4-5 weeks they are already dark brown and scanty. And finally, by week 8, the uterine mucosa is completely restored, and the discharge takes on the character of light mucus.

They have the same character as when physiological childbirth. But in this case, the woman should especially carefully monitor their intensity and color. If the amount of blood suddenly increases significantly, you should immediately consult a doctor. Postoperative suture may interfere with normal contractions of the uterus, causing heavy bleeding.

It happens that after childbirth the placenta is not completely separated, the endometrium does not come out well, and the blood stagnates. In this case, the woman may feel severe weakness, dizziness, which is accompanied high temperature. This condition is a reason to immediately visit a gynecologist.

Hormonal imbalances

Among the reasons that cause the release of large amounts of blood during menstruation, hormonal imbalances in the body occupy a special place. They occur in women of different ages- and completely young girls, and among mature ladies.

Disorders can be caused not only by reasons related to insufficient or excessive production of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Malfunctions thyroid gland, adrenal glands also do not have the best effect on the female reproductive system.

The menstrual cycle often gets disrupted. Your period comes earlier than expected, or, conversely, with a significant delay. After a long break in menstrual blood, women notice quite large clots. The discharge is abundant.

Hormonal imbalances cannot be ignored, hoping that “they will go away on their own.” They often become an impetus for the development of infertility, problems with pregnancy, severe anemia and cancer.

Anatomical abnormalities

is a phenomenon that is characterized by a non-standard location of the organ in abdominal cavity. The body of the uterus is displaced posteriorly, to the left or right side. Often the bend is congenital, but can also occur as a result of previous diseases.

Congenital deformity is not a cause for concern. While the purchased one is accompanied by a whole set unpleasant symptoms. Among them are cycle disturbances, pain in the lower abdomen during menstrual periods, weak or too abundant discharge. Menstruation does not pass without a large number of clots. These problems are associated with obstructed outflow from the uterine cavity.

The same discomfort experienced by women with a septum in reproductive organ. It appears as a result of a disturbance in the intrauterine period of development. In addition to problems associated with the menstrual cycle, this anomaly threatens the onset and normal pregnancy of a woman. This is why doctors advise getting rid of the septum surgically.


Insufficient hemoglobin content in the blood – anemia. It may appear as a consequence harmful influence on the body of various external factors or develop after major blood loss.

The production of female sex hormones depends on the sufficient content in the body of all necessary nutrients. As soon as their concentration decreases, a process begins that negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Affects the nature of the monthly cycle. It becomes shorter. When menstruation arrives, a woman feels especially bad - appears severe weakness, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, shortness of breath even at rest.

The discharge these days is abundant (due to increased fragility of blood vessels), bright red in color (low number of red blood cells in the blood). In this case, a large number of clots come out. Menstruation with anemia lasts up to 7 days, and its intensity remains the same for almost the entire period.

Most women experience monthly cramping abdominal pain that radiates to the lower back. In addition, they are accompanied by swelling and mood changes. Such signs indicate the onset of menstruation. For some this is joy, for others it is another disappointment, but the body is far from emotional reactions. It works in the usual physiological mode: the uterus is cleansed and brings its mechanism into readiness. Not always some periods are similar to the previous ones, and when there is a delay of several days or clots occur in the blood, women become confused and begin to think about terrible diseases.

Normal menstrual flow

During menstruation, prostaglandins play a major role. This substance is actively produced by the mucous membrane and causes contractions of the uterus, which are felt as slight spasmodic movements. Such disharmony is considered normal and does not require medical intervention. Doctors recommend seeking advice in the following cases:

  • cycle shorter than 21 and longer than 35 days;
  • profuse bleeding which lasts more than a week;
  • severe pain and dizziness during menstruation;
  • Painkillers do not provide relief state.

The release of small, coin-sized clots of menstrual blood should not be alarming. This is a sign of good functioning of the coagulation system. Only in some cases does piece-shaped discharge become a reason to consult a doctor.

Physiological causes of clots

Blood clots accompany all normal periods. It happens, if a woman for a long time is in a static position: sleeping, sitting, etc. C physiological point vision, there is a simple explanation: the released blood stagnates in the uterine cavity. Most women will confirm that after waking up, when going to the toilet for the first time, they notice thick discharge, which come out in the form of lumps and are regarded as the norm.

The appearance of blood clots is considered natural V postpartum period . Typically, restoration of ovarian function occurs within two months. First menstruation after a long time physiological absence will be different from usual critical days before pregnancy. But you should consult a doctor only if you have unexpected periods that are accompanied by painful cramps.

Monthly discharge with heavy blood clots is always observed, when is the intrauterine device installed?.

Besides, at congenital anomalies structurally, such a symptom is not a cause for concern. Deformation of the intrauterine septum, bending of the uterus, the existence of only one paramesonephric duct leads to unusual discharge, which is normal.

Blood clots during menstruation appear in almost every lady. When they appear, periods may become more painful and longer. Their appearance may not be seen by the lady.

Blood clots during menstruation may indicate disturbances in the body, however, this phenomenon is normal for many women. The frequent appearance of clots during menstruation, accompanied by severe pain, requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor.

For a woman, over time, menstruation becomes familiar and commonplace. It goes virtually unnoticed if it is painless, not abundant and not long. If transformations occur in a woman’s body, then her periods also change.

Circumstances of menstruation with blood clots

Circumstance of menstruation with blood clots skin covering There are many diseases, one of which is adenomyosis. Adenomyosis - growth in muscle tissue uterine tissue similar to mucous membrane. Quite often, uterine adenomyosis is diagnosed after the age of 40 or 50. This disease quite often appears against the background of trauma to the uterus. Injuries to the uterus can result from abortion, uterine curettage, pathological birth, other interventions. As a result of the disease, there is an increase in endometroid foci, which leads to muscle hyperplasia and an increase in the size of the uterus. Adenomyosis is characterized by heavy menstruation with blood clots. Premenstrual bleeding also occurs quite often, and the menstrual cycle itself gets disrupted. Menstruation is painful. There is pain in the lower abdomen between menstruation. Such pain leads to the formation of adhesions and an increase in endometroid lesions. The disease can develop into chronic. Hormones are prescribed to treat adenomyosis.

Uterine fibroids are hormone-dependent benign tumors. The formation of myomatous nodes leads to enlargement of the uterus and endometrium. Uterine fibroids are accompanied by painful periods with blood clots and menstrual irregularities. The surface of the uterus becomes lumpy and dense. Abundant blood clots during menstruation accompany the origin of submucosal uterine fibroids. With this type of this disease the formation of nodes occurs in the uterine cavity. In addition, uterine fibroids are accompanied by the appearance of abundant blood clots during menstruation. When uterine fibroids are detected, the doctor prescribes treatment depending on the course of the disease. Treatment is possible either conservatively, with medication, or timely, with the removal of emerging nodes.

Endometrial polyposis is the proliferation of endometrial cells in the form of foci, polyps. During the course of the disease, the doctor diagnoses the formation of polyps. They not only interfere with the attachment of the fertilized egg, but can also grow to enormous sizes, sometimes extending beyond the external os and entering the vagina. With endometrial polyposis, menstruation is accompanied by copious discharge of blood clots; white discharge may be observed during menstruation. The intensity and profusion of menstrual bleeding increases, accompanied by pain.

Any polyps that appear are removed surgical method. In addition, they prescribe hormonal drugs, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal. In women during menopause, endometrial polyposis quite often leads to the formation and degeneration of polyps into cancerous tumors. Under such conditions, complete removal of the uterus is recommended.

Endometrial hyperplasia is excessive growth of endometrial tissue. The body of the uterus thickens with endometrial hyperplasia. The disease appears due to a violation hormonal levels, obesity, diabetes mellitus. hypertension. When suffering from endometrial hyperplasia, heavy discharge is observed during menstruation, and blood clots appear during menstruation. The disease is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, loss of appetite, but can also be asymptomatic and detected only after a thorough diagnosis of infertility. Endometrial hyperplasia is dangerous for the development of infertility and the formation of endometrial cancer. Endometrial hyperplasia is treated both with medication and surgical methods. For drug treatment The patient is prescribed hormones and will be able to give advice on an intrauterine device. At surgical intervention remove the overgrown layer of the endometrium down to the muscle tissue. The removed layer is subjected to study for formation cancer cells. Super severe forms of the disease require complete removal uterus. After removal of the endometrial layer is completed, hormone therapy. To prevent endometrial hyperplasia, you need to undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs every 6 months and a medical examination by a gynecologist. The lady herself should be alarmed by the appearance uterine bleeding, bleeding between periods.

Various pathologies of uterine development also lead to the appearance of blood clots during menstruation. Pathologies such as a unicornuate uterus, double uterus, or intrauterine septum disrupt the normal flow of menstrual blood. Blood begins to clot already in the uterus, since quite often there is a difficult flow of menstrual blood and painful periods. With pathology of the uterus, its various manifestations, the menstrual cycle may not be stable, periods are heavy, painful, with blood clots. The appearance of such defects is facilitated by maternal smoking during pregnancy, consumption of excessive doses of alcohol, infections, pregnancy complications, and heredity.

A blood clotting disorder is also a reason why blood clots may appear during menstruation. With this disorder, the enzymes that are produced to prevent menstrual blood from clotting cannot cope with the amount of bleeding, which leads to the formation of clots. If such a phenomenon as heavy periods with the appearance of clots becomes a frequent occurrence for you, you need to consult a doctor. Since such a phenomenon can lead to severe blood loss and this blood loss needs to be controlled.

Early miscarriage also leads to the appearance of clots in the monthly blood. If you were planning a pregnancy, then the appearance of blood clots indicates a miscarriage. Especially if these clots are yellowish-gray. The appearance of such clots indicates that fertilization has occurred, but for some reason the body rejected ovum. It is unrealistic to influence the rejection process from time to time.

Blood clots during menstruation are also accompanied by a natural process monthly bleeding. So, during the day you lead a more active lifestyle, so during the day blood freely leaves your body. At night, while you sleep, blood can accumulate in the pelvic organs, natural blood clots form, which leave the body and do not pose any threat. Under such conditions, there is a natural appearance of blood clots with inactivity during menstruation. Such periods are not painful, menstrual blood does not have unpleasant odor, the cycle is stable.

The intrauterine device also leads to the appearance of blood clots during menstruation. Under such conditions, clots are parts of a fertilized egg that are released along with period blood. This phenomenon is natural when intrauterine device and does not lead to

So, blood clots during menstruation can indicate both important disorders and are a natural process during a woman’s menstruation. The cause for alarm should be copious clots with an unpleasant odor, painful periods, menstrual irregularities, bleeding between menstrual cycles, long bleeding. Such symptoms may indicate some disease and require consultation with a doctor.

If the menstrual cycle is stable, not painful, blood clots are not abundant and do not cause anxiety to the lady, then all this indicates a natural course in the lady’s body. During 4-5 days of menstruation, the discharge itself undergoes transformations. From heavy bleeding in the first two days with a scarlet color, days come with a small number of discharges. The color of the blood also changes, it becomes black, perhaps in addition Brown. The appearance of small clots should not bother you with such a course of menstruation. This is a natural process for every woman and indicates your ability to conceive and bear a child. But in order to save women Health, remember about regular preventive examinations gynecologist.

Many women experience whole blood clots along with menstrual blood in the first days of menstruation, and this is considered normal. The body usually produces anticoagulants, which prevent blood from clotting. However, when menstruation is heavy, the body does not have time to produce enough anticoagulants, which is why large blood clots form. Large blood clots are usually the result of heavy bleeding, so to prevent large blood clots from forming during your period, you need to prevent heavy bleeding in the first place.


Part 1

Detection of heavy menstruation and clots

    Pay attention to blood clots. One of the main signs of heavy menstruation (also called menorrhagia) is the presence of blood clots in the discharge. Blood clots larger than 2.4 cm in diameter should be considered large. Check the pad or tampon for large blood clots.

    • Blood clots look like regular menstrual blood, but they are a little more solid and jelly-like.
    • Small blood clots are considered completely normal occurrence, and you don't need to worry about them.
  1. Pay attention to how often you change your pad or tampon. If you change your pad or tampon every 2 hours, then you have a heavy period. Heavy menstruation usually interferes with your normal lifestyle and makes you constantly worry about a pad or tampon leaking.

    Pay attention to the duration of menstruation. Typically, menstruation lasts 3-5 days, although menstruation from 2 to 7 days is also considered normal. If your period lasts longer than 10 days, it means you are bleeding heavily.

    Pay attention to spasms. Cramping and pain can also be a sign of heavy menstruation. As noted, large blood clots are a sign heavy bleeding. These clots are often difficult to clear, causing cramping. Therefore, if you severe cramps, then heavy menstruation is quite likely.

    Pay attention to symptoms of anemia. Anemia is a lack of iron in the blood. Very often, anemia occurs with severe blood loss. The main symptoms of anemia are fatigue, lethargy, and weakness.

    Part 2

    Consultation with a doctor
    1. Write down all your symptoms. Before seeing a doctor, you should be well prepared: write down all your symptoms. Try to be more precise. Don’t be shy about the details, the doctor has seen and heard about everything.

      Get a blood test for anemia. If you are concerned that you are anemic, ask your doctor for a blood test. A blood test can determine the level of iron in the blood. If you have low level iron, your doctor will recommend taking certain nutritional supplements or vitamins containing iron.

      Get a physical exam. Doctors usually do a physical exam, including a Pap smear, to make the diagnosis. With a Pap smear, your doctor takes a small sample of cells from your cervix and examines them.

    Part 3

    Treatment heavy menstruation and preventing clots

      Check with your doctor about taking NSAIDs. NSAIDs are a class of pain medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen. These medications help relieve pain associated with menstruation. In doing so, they also reduce the amount of blood lost during menstruation, which in turn can reduce the number of clots.


Blood clots during menstruation may be normal or a sign dangerous disease. Only a complete gynecological examination can accurately determine the cause of the phenomenon.

What are the dangers of heavy discharge with clots?

A one-time appearance of clots should not cause concern. Such blood formations are the result of peeling of the epidermis from the walls of the uterus - common physiological process.

Menstruation with blood clots may occur when a pathological septum appears. The bend of the cervix can become a kind of “barrier”, in which bleeding can't go out naturally. Therefore, the blood inside coagulates and turns into clots: in this case, the main thing is that the clots do not accumulate inside. Pathology can be detected by gynecological examination.

A woman must carefully monitor how much blood is released during her period. You need to start from the figure of 80 g per day. First you need to weigh the clean gasket, and then find out the weight hygiene product after use and calculate the difference. This will be real blood loss.

Heavy periods with clots can be caused by a lack of iron. Then the disease takes on the character of iron deficiency anemia. As soon as iron deficiency is eliminated, discharge of this type will no longer bother you.

When determining why clots come out during menstruation, do not forget that when active work blood from the vagina is released faster and more abundantly. But in calm state(lying or sitting) the discharge comes out more slowly. Due to this, they are formed blood clots, which frighten women when they rise sharply from horizontal position. In this case, such a process is the norm.

There is no need to worry about clots if their release is not accompanied by pain.

Dangerous causes of menstrual clots

Blood clots during menstruation may go beyond normal condition. Similar cases can be much more dangerous than Iron-deficiency anemia.

Danger signs:

  • severe abdominal pain;
  • color change menstrual flow;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • bleeding.

With heavy and prolonged periods, pronounced pain The gynecologist diagnoses adenomyosis, which can be detected using ultrasound.

If women are bothered by brown discharge with clots (except on the day of the beginning and end of menstruation), the cause may be an infection or ectopic pregnancy. You need to take hormone tests to rule out hormonal imbalances in the body.

Brown periods with clots can also appear during pregnancy. One of the reasons for their appearance is a hematoma formed in the area internal pharynx. If you don't worry and don't lift heavy things, a successful pregnancy is possible. If such discharge increases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

IN postpartum period Blood clots may be observed. However, in 3 weeks to a month they should end. IN otherwise measures will have to be taken to remove the remaining placenta after childbirth.

Similar symptom may occur when using contraceptives - after installing an intrauterine device. If the method of preventing pregnancy is categorically not suitable for a woman, it is necessary to take measures to remove it from the uterus.

When menstruation comes in clots after intercourse, a woman is usually diagnosed with cervical erosion, but for accurate diagnosis you need to contact a gynecologist to rule out other diseases of the genitourinary system.

The reasons for the formation of clots during menstruation can be natural, requiring no treatment, or pathological, requiring treatment. full examination. The most common ones are listed in the table:

Natural causes clot formation Diseases leading to the formation of clots
Increased blood clotting associated with hyperthermia Ectopic pregnancy
Changes in coagulability due to infection (sore throat, flu) Climax
Age hormonal changes Cervical erosion
Congenital anomalies of the uterus (bending) Wrong choice of oral contraceptives
Presence of an intrauterine device Polyps and cysts of the uterus
Iron-deficiency anemia Uterine fibroids
Condition after childbirth or abortion Endometriosis and adenomyosis
Varicose veins of the uterus

Why is endometriosis dangerous?

Endometriosis is a gynecological disease in which areas with endometrial cells form outside the inner layer of the uterus due to immune and hormonal disorders.

The presence of blood clots can be a warning sign. Endometriosis in its advanced state can lead to infertility. Diagnosing endometriosis is very difficult: this will require a thorough examination and high-quality equipment. In addition to blood clots and heavy discharge, pain may occur during or after menstruation.

Treatment for endometriosis depends on the affected area. Will need to be restored hormonal balance. But conservative treatment may turn out to be ineffective. Then you have to contact operational methods- remove foci of endometriosis.

Herbal medicines are actively used in treatment. They can also be used if clots become more abundant during menstruation, causing anemia. Before the start of menstruation (2-3 days), you need to drink decoctions of yarrow, nettle, cinquefoil, red viburnum, and water pepper. It is enough to consume 50 g of one of the decoctions 3 times a day.