Cancer man and Libra woman: compatibility in love and family life of an uneasy union. Cancer and Libra - compatibility, chances for the future, the pros and cons of the union

Cancer and Libra

The relationship between a Cancer man and a Libra woman is a complex but interesting picture. These partners will never get tired of each other, but in order to get along, they will need to work hard on themselves.

It is often difficult for Cancer men and Libra women precisely at the moments of acquaintance and addiction. Their relationship is saturated with mutual respect, but the necessary spark does not flash in them, which significantly delays the process.

Many conflicts await such a couple in the formative period. A different perception of the world will make it much more difficult for them life together. For example, Cancers are more friendly. For the sake of their loved ones, they are ready for anything. Libra is more pragmatic, and will think three times, even when it comes to a friend. At the same time, it will be easier for a woman in such an alliance to get along with people than for a man, which can also lead to conflicts based on jealousy and differences of interest.

If the representatives of these signs managed to wait out this moment, starting their relationship not with a passionate impulse, but with this wise, verified sympathy, then their union can last for many years, distinguished by enviable stability.

A calm and sensible Cancer man will be susceptible to the charm of Libra. A woman in this union, on the contrary, will be fascinated by the inner strength and self-confidence of her partner. The man will receive the charge of emotions he needs, and his companion will receive the reliable rear that she was looking for. Since both signs are ruled female planets, then mutual understanding in a long-term relationship will hold them together and help achieve harmony.

Pros of the union: Cancer Man and Libra Woman

The main strength of the Cancer-Libra relationship is its long-term nature. After both the woman and the man in a couple made significant concessions, the gap will seem to them something stupid and insignificant. In moments of crisis, it is the unwillingness to lose what so much effort has been invested in that will help maintain relationships.

The union of these partners is especially strong in those couples where each partner is quite self-sufficient. Both halves have their own hobbies and their friends, they do not interfere in the personal life of the other half without a real need, but at the same time they are always ready to support and help each other.

Cancers are very responsible and attentive to details. This character trait will benefit Libra, who often forgets what seems insignificant to them. In such an alliance, the seriousness of a man will balance the frivolity of his half, which will benefit both.

Also one of strengths the pairs of these partners are their differing views on life. Libra women are most often careerists and do not like to do household chores. Cancers, on the other hand, enjoy creating a cozy home and raising children.

  • constancy;
  • long term;
  • bright intimate life;
  • self-sufficiency of partners;
  • the responsibility of a man is in harmony with the infantilism of a woman;
  • different views in everyday life mutually complement each other;
  • the opportunity to look at life from a different perspective thanks to a partner;
  • an integrated approach to raising children;
  • will not compete in business;
  • affairs abandoned by a woman will be brought to an end by a man.

Cons of the union: Cancer Man and Libra Woman

Difficulties surround this alliance on both sides. Both partners will need to make significant concessions in order for the relationship to develop harmoniously and not tire the partner. Because of this, the union of such partners most often develops only after the partners reach 25-30 years.

Cancers can seem overly emotional and touchy to Libra. What the scales consider a trifle that does not deserve attention can hurt their partner painfully, and for a long time spoil his impression of communicating with his soulmate. Because of this, women may consider cancers touchy.

At the same time, the charm and sociability of a woman may seem unnecessarily frivolous to a man. The man in this pair chooses friends for a long time and carefully checks them. Women don't bother with it. They have many social connections, some of which become "especially close" on their own, and not at the initiative of a woman. In addition, sometimes she can afford light flirting on the side, which will invariably anger Cancer.

  • difference of worldviews;
  • slow relationship building
  • emotionality of cancers;
  • external frivolity of scales;
  • it will be difficult for Libra to trust their experiences to Cancers;
  • cannot work together;
  • difficult stages in life, cancer and scales will experience separately;
  • quarrels over important household decisions are inevitable;
  • mismatched hobbies;
  • different biorhythms.

How to find a common language in a couple: Cancer Man and Libra Woman

In a couple there is stability and energy harmony, but there is no psychological harmony. Because of this, women will seek support and sympathy from family and friends. After some time, it may seem to them that a relationship with a Cancer man under such conditions does not make sense.

In order for the couple to continue to develop and live in harmony, Libra needs to be clearly aware of what advantages attract them in a partner, and what disadvantages they are willing to endure because of the strengths of their half. After analysis, women will understand what they have done right choice in favor of Cancer.

In order for the relationship to remain strong, the men in this pair need to restrain their negative emotions. Pouring out all her experiences, even because of trifles, into half, Cancer will create for her the image of a boring and annoying partner.

Cancers are extremely jealous, so Libra after they enter into official relations, it is better to give up light flirting and limit your social circle, at least in the eyes of a partner. You should not have noisy parties at home, drive crowds of friends and tell all your friends the details of life. Cancer will be able to accept two or three close friends of his chosen one, but all other comrades and acquaintances will annoy him.

Compatibility of a couple in bed: Cancer Man and Libra Woman

If in everyday life the emotionality of Cancers usually tires a woman, then in bed this quality will become the main advantage of a man. He will be able to perfectly feel his partner, her desires and preferences, and she will undoubtedly appreciate his sensitivity and understanding.

All that passion, which will not be enough in everyday life, will find its place in intimate life representatives of these characters. Proximity can be a good way to resolve conflicts. If Cancer translates scandals into horizontal position, or Libra to distract a partner for intimacy during his bouts of decadent mood, then the relationship will become noticeably more harmonious and stronger.

Problems in the sexual life of a partner with these signs can begin in the event of a long separation. After the reunion of the couple, the man will desire his partner, and she may not feel the former attraction to him without prolonged courtship. This is worth considering for couples in which spouses often go on business trips. You can maintain passion by correspondence on the Internet or by periodic calls.

Although sexual compatibility Cancers and Libras is quite high, their chances of having children are no higher than those of other couples. Contraception should not be neglected, but it is also not necessary to hope for the imminent appearance of procreation.

Compatibility of a couple in marriage: Cancer Man and Libra Woman

The marriage of Libra and Cancer is good for its stability. Having got used to each other, having accepted all the advantages and disadvantages of the partner, both parties will receive a faithful, self-sufficient life partner who will not hang around the neck of his half, but will not leave her without affection and care.

Children in such a marriage grow up self-sufficient and mature quickly. Seeing the example of their parents, they learn to build relationships on mutual trust and in the future carefully approach the choice of a partner. At the same time, babies often lack demonstrations of tenderness both between mom and dad, and in relation to themselves. The union of these signs should spend more time with their children and try not to deprive them of their love.

Domestic issues in such a marriage are resolved for a long time and painfully. Scales light up repair, moving, vacation or buying a car quickly, and just as quickly burn out. Cancers, on the other hand, need deep analysis, long reflections and a thorough approach to making such important decisions.

In order not to swear because of everyday life, men should show a little patience and wisdom, and not pay attention to the changeable moods and desires of their spouse. By bringing the matter to the end, they will receive her sincere gratitude.

Compatibility of a couple in friendship: Cancer Man and Libra Woman

Friendship between Cancer and Libra is possible, but it rarely becomes truly strong and long-term. Most often, representatives of these signs stop their communication at the level of “good friends”.

Cancers are extremely selective in the choice of social circle. They love it when their friends know each other, and practically do not communicate with anyone "on the side". Libra, on the other hand, cannot live without a lot of social connections. Cancer will be jealous of his girlfriend and will quickly get tired of such communication.

At the same time, Libras who love socially active life, and time is most often spent in large companies, they will try to pull Cancers into them. Having stumbled upon misunderstanding and aggression, attempts of rapprochement will be stopped.

If Libra still accepts Cancer's desire to communicate face-to-face, then their friendship will also not last long. A woman in such a relationship will not be able to constantly make concessions and sacrifice communication with her wide circle of friends and acquaintances in order to spend a lot of time with cancer, and without this their friendship will not work out. Most likely, these signs will become good friends who are ready to help each other in Hard time, meet two or three times a year, but no more.

Business couple compatibility: Cancer Man and Libra Woman

It is rare to meet a Cancer man and a Libra woman as colleagues or business partners. Their styles of work, abilities and inclinations differ markedly, so it is difficult to put them in one business solely because of technical characteristics.

If, for some reason, such a couple ended up in the same area of ​​work, most likely, they labor activity will be like an illustration of the fairy tale "swan, cancer and pike." Libra needs scope and creative space, but crayfish love plans and clear structure, so problems will begin to arise even at the preparation stage. Further, there will be more and more of them, and as a result, this snowball will destroy all the works.

Cancerians can quickly fall into a decadent mood, but nevertheless, they will not quit their job, and even its quality will not suffer. But such a mood of the partner will have a detrimental effect on the scales, and they will become noticeably worse.

The behavior of these signs during deadlines is radically different. It is difficult for Cancers to get together if time is pressing on them. Stress will affect the quality of their work. Libra, on the contrary, works much better when time or circumstances press on them. In such conditions, they make the right decisions faster.

What Libra Woman Needs to Know About Cancer Man

It may seem to Libra in this union that Cancer is pulling and procrastinating, and because of it, the relationship does not develop at all. This statement has its share of truth, but in no case should you put pressure on your partner. In order for such a couple to live in harmony, all periods of “anabiosis” in a relationship must be waited out stoically by the scales. Men of this sign will come to their senses and begin to show increased attention to halves. If you push them, then scandals will begin, which will smoothly flow into a gap.

Cancers value their experiences, and trust them only to those closest to them. At the same time, the scales can quickly get tired due to the partner's periodic melancholy. The tenderness and charm of a woman at such moments will help strengthen the union, and the ability to listen and understand, but not regret, will elevate the partner in the eyes of cancer to heaven.

A good gift for Cancer is a gift for the home. It should not be some trifle that will be lying on the shelf. Cancer will appreciate beautiful and useful things; a good kitchen knife, wire holders, unusual hanging shelves in the bathroom. At the same time, you should not turn the crayfish house into your “lair” and try to change the style of the chosen one’s home before the marriage is concluded, and he recognizes the scales as the mistress of this territory.

What a Cancer Man Needs to Know About a Libra Woman

Despite the fact that the emotionality of Cancers will be difficult for Libra, they, due to their sociability, will cope with it easier than any other sign. After a certain time of getting used to, women will understand that their men react extremely sharply not only to them, but also to other people close to him, and will stop paying attention to it. Cancers should note this diligence of the partner and show her more tenderness and affection in order to strengthen relations.

Men, in order to achieve harmony in relationships, need to overpower themselves and understand the many hobbies of their chosen one. Many of them may seem stupid, pointless or tedious to Cancers, but a few are still worth highlighting from total number. By sharing her hobby with a partner, a man can smooth out the corners formed due to the fact that he cannot lead an active social life like her.

Libra, in order to feel comfortable next to Cancer, you need to constantly feel his support and support. If the partner found the strength in herself and entrusted her feelings to her soulmate, and not to her close friend, then the man should take the anxieties of his couple with the utmost seriousness. In no case should you reproach or scold the lady of the heart, even if she is not completely right in this situation. Such moments of revelation should be appreciated and Libra should be encouraged in every possible way to trust partners more often.

Compatibility of Libra Woman with other signs

Compatibility of Cancer Man with other signs

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The compatibility of the Cancer man and the Libra woman is such that this couple can add up exceptionally well, but for this both have to go through a lot and put in a lot of work, but it can also quarrel to the nines, and their union can end in complete disappointment .

The Cancer man is not in a hurry with his decisions, and tends to do something only with great care. He has in his blood caution and attentiveness. At the same time, the Libra woman has a very contradictory character, and sometimes she simply does not realize what she needs in this moment. This combination of characters big chance that this couple just won't get along. But still they have a lot in common, and they may well find great amount points of contact for building great relationships.

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The Cancer man and the Libra woman will most likely spend most of their romance at the same time both struggling with their indecision and enjoying it, since an element of mystery and mystery will always remain in their relationship. In any case, it is important that both the Cancer man and the Libra woman go to meet each other at the same time, because if only one takes the initiative, then most likely such a relationship will not even have time to start, let alone create something lasting .

Both are so indecisive that they can delay the adoption of important decisions almost indefinitely. Cancer and Libra, instead of giving each other confidence, on the contrary, tend to still more confuse together, and this gives them a large number of problems in public life, and at work, and with family troubles.

Of course, at the same time, Cancer and Libra will most likely look at their partner as the main culprit of what is happening, and will not see "the beam in their own eye." This can seriously affect their joint personal life. At the same time, both are supporters Serious relationships, and will not want to trade for short-term meaningless novels. Therefore, there is a chance to create a family for both the Cancer man and the Libra woman, and it is quite large.

Positive compatibility - Cancer man and Libra woman

For a Cancer man and a Libra woman to live “in perfect harmony” - this practically does not happen, due to the rather large differences in the temperaments of these two. In order to achieve harmony and peace in their relationship, Cancer and Libra go through very difficult periods, and any achievement is given to them with great difficulty. They can achieve mutual understanding only by going through all possible tests in family life.

But still, despite the difficulty of establishing good relationships in this love couple, the results are worth it, because even from the side of Cancer and Libra, who have been together for many years, they make friends feel like they are made for each other. But this "created" was obtained by hard everyday work. Only in this way Cancer and Libra learn to respect each other, appreciate every moment, and be tolerant.

Compatibility Cancer-Libra shows that these two will rarely intersect in the background of hobbies and or leisure, as their interests and temperaments are different. But at the same time, if a difficult situation or trouble arises, they will definitely unite in order to overcome all difficulties together. Each of them will stand up for his beloved person, and will protect him to the last.

Sexual compatibility suggests that Libra women will be fine, and harmony will not hold. The main thing in their sexual life is tenderness, affection and attentiveness to the feelings of a partner, and they do not take it. Both are also very fond of children, and they are happy to give birth and raise them.

Negative Compatibility - Cancer Man and Libra Woman

Also, the Libra woman has great energy, and easily changes both location and topics of conversation. This will be embarrassing for the Cancer man, and he can grumble and be tedious, which of course will annoy the Libra woman. But you also have to come to terms with this, although you can periodically pull up Cancer and set it up in a more active way so that it doesn’t rust at all in its thoughts.

Horoscope Cancer-Libra - well-being of the union

For perfect match horoscopes of the zodiac signs of Cancer and Libra, it is very desirable that the Libra woman has sufficient wisdom to avoid such situations in which the Cancer man will harbor a grudge and sharpen a tooth on you. Libra by nature has excellent diplomatic skills, so she does not take tact and courtesy, and she can very successfully cope with this task.

Usually he is not prone to conflicts, smart, practical, wayward. A Cancer man is always on his mind, he can often be sad or look like he is unhappy with something. It is difficult to call such a man talkative, but he is by no means famous for being silent. Just a man of this sign carefully weighs his actions, and follows his every word. He will expect the same from his beloved. How do Cancer men behave? A Cancer man is attracted to thoughtful persons endowed with aristocratic manners and grace. He assigns a large role to the level of intelligence of the interlocutor. With a smart, far-sighted person, he will be happy to discuss any topic, while with others he will prefer to confine himself to the rules of good taste, and bow out on this. To win the heart of such a man, first of all, you need to be imbued with his interests and find common ones.

The representative of the Libra sign has irrepressible strength and courageous character. Flexible logic and good judgment make a Libra woman an excellent conversationalist. How do Libra women behave? For her, business relations are in the first place, she often achieves heights in her career and business. A woman of this sign is often looking for a life partner among colleagues and employees. This is due to the fact that she always has little free time to look for a partner elsewhere, and the fact that she wants to see as a husband no less successful and smart person than herself. The Libra woman treats actions and decision-making in accordance with her sign - in a balanced way. In her world, everything is harmonious and calculated to the smallest detail three steps forward. Despite the sometimes sophisticated appearance, these women are distinguished by unshakable strength and assertiveness. She will always get her way, no matter what the cost.

Compatibility Libra Woman and Cancer Man

Such unions are quite rare, due to the opposition of natures and interests. Woman - Libra, although prone to romance, loves sex and thrill. Cancer man is sometimes not able to be passionate and forget about everything in the presence of his beloved. His world is filled with his own fantasies and illusions about what is happening. It is for this reason that he is often cold, and indifferent to others, completely immersed in his imagination. If these two still decide to marry, he is almost completely guaranteed to collapse. Scandals and all sorts of conflicts will become regular guests and fellow travelers of these opposite natures. In a woman - Libra and a man - Cancer, in addition to characteristic features, completely different views on the surrounding reality, they set themselves different goals and it is difficult to find something in common that could keep both. The only option would be a love relationship on a physiological level.

A Cancer man and a Libra woman are an example of a couple that you can simply envy: from the outside, the compatibility of partners seems ideal, and in general, novels can be written about such a couple. But there is no spiritual unity among our heroes.

The zodiac signs of these people belong to different elements: water crayfish and air scales initially have certain difficulties in understanding, as their compatibility horoscope shows. Although, the more differences between people, the more interesting they are together. Cancer, for example, is the most sensual and gentle man. It looks pretty closed person, because he prefers not to interfere in anything and lives, rather, according to the principle "my hut is on the edge."

But anyone who communicates more or less closely with him will agree that crayfish exude home comfort, a sense of security and reliability. Yes, this person proceeds from the division of the world into friends and foes. And if you fall into the first category, you can say that this is real luck. typical cancer will go to many sacrifices, just to give pleasure, because his formula for happiness is when everyone close is well.

And the scales are a lady of a different warehouse. She is open to the whole world, because her brain constantly requires new intellectual food. Even the most inactive scale cannot just sit back. Surely they often go on adventures - just otherwise it will be very boring to live. And boredom is something Libras can't stand. This lady needs a constant supply fresh air in the form of new acquaintances, visits, visits to performances, social events, and everything in that spirit. Of course, this is a rather big stumbling block, which will reflect badly on the compatibility of our heroes in love relationships. For elevated, refined scales, Cancer may seem too wary, withdrawn. And she will attribute this to conservatism - unwillingness to change something in her life. And most Libras do not sympathize with such people.

But not everything is as gloomy as it might seem at first glance. A Cancer man and a Libra woman have one trait that, when right approach can add to the chances of compatibility in love. In short, both of our heroes are sophisticated diplomats, for whom a delicate, cautious, almost sublime style of communication is the norm. In practice, this will manifest itself in the fact that even to each other they can turn to “you” for a long time. And then, for fun, they will continue this style.

Just cancer and scales - people of an aristocratic warehouse. Even if they have not received a good home education, in their souls they still strive for everything lofty. Surely they are fond of poetry, theater or other classic look art. Even if the main activity of our heroes is not related to creativity, they will still find their source of inspiration in the form of an appropriate hobby. Most likely, that is why at first the cancer guy and the Libra girl can feel a kindred soul in each other. Common interests are generally wonderful, because in many ways we strive to choose among people who are similar.

Another thing is that even common interests are not enough for real compatibility in love, and even more so. family relationships. Of course, for some time our heroes will be very interested in playing this game. But then you want something more serious. Libra, for example, prefer to communicate heart to heart and be extremely sincere with a partner. They always strive to reveal their feelings and enter into a trusting contact. Moreover, it is important for this lady that the other half be absolutely frank with her.

But waiting for the emotions of cancer to manifest is like waiting for a downpour in the desert. Yes, in appearance he is very gentle, sentimental, even loving. But the quick-witted scales will still quickly realize that cancer is playing a double game: it seems like it keeps something out of the way all the time. In general, one gets the impression that he simply has a certain template prepared, according to which he behaves with everyone, each time choosing a specific option.

And the scales will frankly not understand this. Why be afraid, why you need to close, why be careful (in the old days they would say: almondy) - these are the questions that will constantly spin in her inquisitive head. Moreover, a certain aura of mystery in a sense will work against cancer: at a certain stage, the scales may begin to suspect him of something that is actually not there.

In a word, the stars say that the development of the relationship of our heroes simply will not work without a full-fledged psychological contact. And oddly enough, the situation largely depends on the scales. After all, these people know how to dispose of themselves, literally inspire confidence. If the scales use all their talents to shake the cancer, pull it out of the shell, there will be a real victory.

Compatibility in marriage: the conflict of two housewives

mutual respect and trusting relationship, if, of course, they develop, they can lead this largely contradictory couple even to the registry office. To tell the truth, the probability of this is small, but in rare cases hit will be especially successful. It's just that if the scales finally manage to place the cancer, this is really an achievement. In this case, strong trust will be established between the partners - cancer is generally not inclined to change, it simply values ​​​​the people that it has.

Interestingly, it is in partnership with Libra that a Cancer man can show miracles of perseverance. In fact, he prefers to communicate with the opposite sex not so often and not so actively. But the scales can affect her so much that the cancer will really get bolder and will do everything possible to win her heart. And it will not be difficult for him to do this - cancer is not greedy, and if you really attracted his attention, he will spare nothing to literally bombard you with gifts. Of course, any girl is pleased with the attention, but the scales are especially greedy for gifts. Yes, this lady loves comfort and pleasure. Even if her resources are small, she will still provide her life with maximum conveniences, buy a lot of expensive accessories in order to be, as they say, in trend.

I must say that the Libra's passion for luxury will have a rather tangible effect on the compatibility of partners in marriage. The fact is that when these two do get married and move from words to deeds, the scales are unlikely to change their usual way of life. Rather, on the contrary, the spouse will begin to transform her house as she sees fit. And give her free rein, a simple apartment will turn into a real exhibition of expensive exhibits - beautiful, elegant, but of little use, with which she will literally force all the shelves.

On this basis, a lot of conflicts can occur. After all, cancer is one of the few men who cares about how life is organized and even the interior of his house. Therefore, the stars predict a rather unique situation, which can be described as a conflict between two mistresses. It will start with the fact that the color scheme of the apron does not match the wallpaper in the kitchen, but will end with the very fashionable vases, figurines, figurines, for which for some reason the sophisticated Libra girl has a passion.

And you can only advise one thing: you will have to negotiate. It is only important to immediately keep in mind that cancer is a vulnerable creature. He looks so restrained, sometimes even cool. But in fact, one uneven word - and that's it, the faithful will have an emotional decline. Of course, Libras have a talent for diplomacy, so over time they will certainly understand where the red lines are, which should not be crossed.

But on the other hand, verbal contact does not resolve the conflict between two housewives. Therefore, there is only one way out - the scales will have to spend some effort to convince the cancer that these accessories are real works of art that create comfort in the house. Perhaps he will share your point of view. And everything that concerns comfort inspires him - that's why you need to play this particular card.

And one more important point which simply cannot be ignored. If Libras think that they will be able to organize their leisure time with cancer, this is also a delusion. Your faithful one is a real homebody who is not easy to inspire for constant visits, theaters, concerts and the list goes on. Of course, you can try, but you need to understand right away: this person will rarely go beyond his native land.

Sexual Compatibility: Forbidden Fruit

In bed, a cancer guy and a Libra girl will have to adapt to each other for quite a long time. Yes, on the one hand, the sensuality, even the passion that cancer hides under its shell, is incredibly intriguing to curious scales. But on the other hand, these impulses still need to be awakened.

Sometimes it will seem that the forbidden fruit is both close and looks good, but only hangs high. Therefore, the main mission will fall on the fragile shoulders of a charming wife. Of course, she will find her approaches, but the stars warn: you should not expect everything at once. And most importantly - there is no need to rush to conclusions, cancer really needs a lot of time to warm up.

Compatibility at work: a lot of emotions

As for the business union of a Cancer man and a Libra woman, it can hardly be called successful. It's just that the partners are too different in their approaches to business. If the scales are active, can change the plan on the go and get great pleasure from improvisation, then the slow cancer prefers clear objectives, specific deadlines and is wary of change.

In addition, a negative emotional wave can develop between our heroes - and all because they misunderstand each other a little. Well, as you know, emotions get in the way.

A cancer man and a Libra woman have certain chances of compatibility, but one cannot count on a deep understanding. A warm emotional contact can develop between partners, and if they learn to put up with each other's shortcomings, their tandem will turn out to be quite strong.

Astrologers composing general horoscopes signs for compatibility, they say that the Cancer man and the Libra woman are only 50% suitable for each other. Character traits are absolutely opposite, but this has its advantages - everyone can learn from their partner the best.

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac according to the horoscope

Cancers have an amazing ability to be constantly in a state of anxiety. Absolutely everything excites them, starting with their own inner world and ending with the behavior of a completely strangers. Moreover, they tend to drag strangers into their affairs, bringing confusion and anxiety. In fact, everything they do in relation to others has no selfish motive. Many people like such care, they thank, praise such men, and they need nothing more than praise. It would seem that everyone is happy.

Libra women have a natural talent to converge with absolutely any person. As soon as they get to know each other, they seem to see a person from the inside, trying to find positive traits. Most often they succeed, and they do not hesitate to discard the praise of a new acquaintance. Of course, others like such unusual behavior, cheers up, saturates with positive, gives self-confidence.

When these zodiac signs meet, they show clear respect for each other, but they are in no hurry to make close contact. The whole problem is that in fact, each of them perceives and feels life differently. Libras are more positive and energetic. They quickly forgive insults, they tend to think about their actions, to continue to try not to make such mistakes. Cancers rarely change their minds, forgive insults with difficulty, usually hiding them in the depths of the subconscious for a long time. If Libra acts openly, then it is sometimes difficult to understand the intentions of the Cancer man.

Overall Compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The attraction of partners occurs not only at the level of mutual sympathy. Of course, the Cancer man initially pays attention to the external attractiveness of a woman, positive attitude sincerity of actions and emotions. Those who note for themselves the care of a strong sex, they like that Cancers always defend the interests of the person of interest to her.

Of course, the compatibility of signs is weak, but by creating relationships, taking care of their well-being, it is possible to create a strong, friendly family, where everyone will be happy in their own way.

The only thing that can overshadow family life is the behavior of partners. Cancer husbands treat family life issues subjectively, their wives look at any situation objectively. They do not tend to hover in the clouds and make impossible plans. Such women know perfectly well how a partner will behave in a particular situation, but they try not to give a look in advance. They are less friendly than Cancers and prefer not to bypass the "pitfalls".

Compatibility in love relationships: 3 out of 5.

Sexual Compatibility

Attractive appearance, a bright surge of emotions, of course, from the very beginning prophesy an incredible sex life for a couple, full of fantasies and mutual pleasure. However, very soon, sexual attraction begins to subside, due to personal disagreements between partners. One is too emotional, the other is as rational as possible, everyone does not accept the partner's opinion, hence all the problems.

Special views on life, despite the craving for a partner, lead to the fact that everyone has their own “measurements” in bed, as well as in work, or something else. Astrologers assure that sex life spouses will be ideal only when everyone understands what the partner wants from him, tries to meet his bar.

Sexual compatibility: 5 out of 5.

friendship compatibility

Melancholy, lonely Cancers find it difficult to get along with people, they are constantly looking for a new friend. Such guys immediately pay attention to the cheerful, sociable, restless girls of Libra. At first, they honestly admire the newly-made girlfriend, but soon misunderstandings and quarrels begin to arise. The reason for which is hidden in the same original attractiveness.

Such ladies need to constantly start new relationships, change the circle of acquaintances, exchange knowledge and information. Cautious in life, Cancer simply does not understand her, often misinterprets such behavior that is unusual for him, thereby greatly offending her.

Nevertheless, such a couple has a high chance of friendship. In friendship, everyone can learn a lot, understand, accept what is alien to him, strange. She easily draws him into fun life, will open the world from another cheerful side. He will be able to convey to her that not everyone and not always can be trusted, he will teach her not to waste what is wasted.

Friendly compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

Speaking of a business union, experts note that the couple watches each other too closely in business and other matters. Much causes frank irritation, especially when someone plays the role of a boss, and the other is a subordinate. Coldness is always noticed between the Cancer man and the Libra woman at work, they often argue, not even hiding their dislike from colleagues.

At the same time, astrologers assure that if each of them begins to control their negative emotions in relation to the other. Will be more reasonable, calm and restrained. Will be able to determine main goal and will not be distracted by trifles associated with personal hostility - they will easily achieve their goals, they will become a wonderful duet.

Business compatibility: 3 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

Cancer men start some kind of relationship with Libra women without even realizing that an unusual attitude towards others is just a way of self-affirmation on the part of Libra. It is important for them that loved ones feel that they are needed, they are loved, while Libra expects the same for themselves. Abrupt change mood does not yet mean that a woman somehow reacts negatively to a partner, the reason can be any. These signs tend to tell the truth, if something does not suit them, they will tell you straight in the face, no matter how close they are with the person, without thinking about how he will react to it.

Scales are irritated when they begin to study, monitor, control. The response becomes abrupt change behavior, increased caution to everything. In addition, they categorically dislike the need for Cancers to solve other people's problems and do things that do not concern them.

Men born under the sign of Cancer often adapt to the behavior of others, are not able to objectively assess what is happening. The disapproval of others, and Libra obviously will not be silent, leads to the fact that a person closes, withdraws into himself. However, compatibility in love relationships, the patience of partners lead to the fact that Cancers gradually begin to agree with the opinion of their partner, sincerely accepting her position.

Relationship Benefits

When a marriage is concluded by a couple that does not suit each other well, there may be different kind Problems. However, if everyone is interested in not losing a partner, they can achieve a lot. Relations will develop on mutual respect, friendship and moral support.

Each of them is trying to give people something special - she is love, generosity, he is care, affection and kindness. Giving, they want to receive the same from their loved ones, you need to know and understand this. Everyone's actions are motivated by personal interests, only the couple is trying to deny it to the end. Each believes that his position is correct, the other accepts with great difficulty.

Eliminating their arrogance, Libra women will get along quite well with the Cancer man, especially when he pushes the concerns of others into the background and stops caring only about himself. It will be difficult for such different partners, but there is a chance for success, everything depends only on them. In general, such a couple from the side looks beautiful. She is incredibly attractive in appearance and interesting in communication. He is timid, often insecure, modest, but always ready to help.

Relationship Disadvantages

It will be extremely difficult for a Cancer man to settle down with a Libra woman, as, indeed, for her to him. You will have to constantly overcome a lot of internal contradictions, life obstacles in order to endure a partner. Not all survive! Too different temperament, character, disposition make such people very different, and their actions contradictory. It is difficult to catch the harmony of relationships and save it.

However, when you manage to learn to remember a partner, respect his actions, appreciate, cherish - the connection will be bright, rich and interesting for both. Family life to the joy of loved ones and the envy of others will be quiet, calm, happy.